From the Sector

2992 results

MoU: Lectra to acquire Gerber Technology

Lectra announces its plan to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of US-based Gerber Technology. A key Industry 4.0 player in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, Lectra designs smart industrial solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that help brands, manufacturers and retailers develop, produce and market their products.

The acquisition, if and when consummated, would allow Lectra to complement its market position and continue to enhance its offerings based on Industry 4.0 technology that will enable its customers to boost the productivity and profitability of their operations. After the French work council of Lectra is consulted and the binding documentation is signed, completion of the acquisition shall remain subject to merger control clearance and other customary conditions and shall be submitted to Lectra shareholders for approval.

Lectra announces its plan to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of US-based Gerber Technology. A key Industry 4.0 player in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, Lectra designs smart industrial solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that help brands, manufacturers and retailers develop, produce and market their products.

The acquisition, if and when consummated, would allow Lectra to complement its market position and continue to enhance its offerings based on Industry 4.0 technology that will enable its customers to boost the productivity and profitability of their operations. After the French work council of Lectra is consulted and the binding documentation is signed, completion of the acquisition shall remain subject to merger control clearance and other customary conditions and shall be submitted to Lectra shareholders for approval.

The proposed combination would occur at an opportune time for both companies and their customers. The current uncertain economic climate and unprecedented challenges that fashion, automotive and furniture companies are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic make it more important than ever for them to transform, digitalize and optimize their operations.

For over 50 years, Gerber Technology has used its proprietary technologies and deep domain expertise to provide integrated software and automated hardware solutions to companies around the world, including over 100 Fortune 500 companies in 134 countries.

The strategic combination of Gerber Technology and Lectra will create a premier advanced technology partner, able to quickly meet changing customer needs and deliver even more value through seamlessly integrated solutions. Together, the two companies will have a large installed base of product development software and automated cutting solutions in operation, with a worldwide presence and a long list of prestigious customers.

Consolidating the two companies’ research and development capabilities will enable the combined company to accelerate development of Industry 4.0 technologies and help its expanded customer base seize the full potential of these innovations.
Integrating the technology of the two companies will endow them with the resources to anticipate and address rapidly changing market conditions.

Key transaction terms

Under the proposed acquisition, Lectra would acquire all outstanding shares of Gerber Technology on a cash-free debt-free basis for an upfront payment of 175 million euros – through a combination of cash and debt – plus 5 million newly issued Lectra shares to AIPCF VI LG Funding, LP (“AIPCF VI LG”), an affiliate of American Industrial Partners that is Gerber Technology’s sole shareholder. This would represent a total amount of about 300 million euros based on Lectra’s closing share price on February 5, 2021. No contingent consideration is contemplated.

Gerber Technology’s revenues was 165 million euros in 2020.

Thanks to the strong value creation deriving from significant synergies, Lectra expects the transaction to be accretive for shareholders from 2022.

Upon closing, Daniel Harari would own c. 14.6% of the Lectra shares and AIPCF VI LG would own c. 13.3%.

Lectra’s Board of Directors would welcome a director representing AIPCF VI LG.

Daniel Harari would continue to be the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra. Gerber Technology Chief Executive Officer, Mohit Uberoi, would assume special advisor to Daniel Harari role until end-2021.

Lectra’s shareholders would be invited to vote on the issuance of the 5 million new Lectra shares reserved to AIPCF VI LG at a dedicated Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting which is currently expected to be held on April 30, 2021. A report containing additional information will be made available to the shareholders prior to the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

Lazard is acting as exclusive financial advisor to Lectra, and Latham & Watkins as legal counsel to Lectra.

Goldman Sachs is acting as exclusive financial advisor to AIPCF VI LG, and Ropes & Gray LLP, Baker Botts LLP and Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. as legal counsel to AIPCF VI LG.

2020 results, update on the 2020-2022 strategic roadmap and guidance for the coming years will be disclosed on February 10, 2021.

Lectra management will discuss the transaction, provide forward-looking guidance for the combined company upon closing of the transaction and answer questions from the financial community during the February 11, 2021 webcast Analyst Conference meeting in French starting at 8:30 am (CET - Paris).



Lectra - Headquarters

DSM/Sympatex Technologies: Launch of Bio-based Arnitel® specialty materials (c) Sympatex® Technologies

DSM/Sympatex Technologies: Launch of Bio-based Arnitel® specialty materials

Royal DSM announces that its DSM Engineering Materials business will launch mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, a thermoplastic elastomer, together with Sympatex Technologies. In this way, DSM Engineering Materials is taking the next step on its sustainability journey and enabling its customers to transition to a more circular and bio-based economy.

To address growing consumer and legislative demand for lower carbon footprint and more sustainable feedstock, the sports and apparel value chain is increasingly integrating bio-based materials into its designs. By offering a new range of mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, DSM Engineering Materials is enabling membrane manufacturer, Sympatex Technologies to meet these demands and make more sustainable choices.

DSM’s bio-based Arnitel® is manufactured with bio-based feedstock using a mass-balance approach1. The end product contains more than 25% bio-based content by weight.

Royal DSM announces that its DSM Engineering Materials business will launch mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, a thermoplastic elastomer, together with Sympatex Technologies. In this way, DSM Engineering Materials is taking the next step on its sustainability journey and enabling its customers to transition to a more circular and bio-based economy.

To address growing consumer and legislative demand for lower carbon footprint and more sustainable feedstock, the sports and apparel value chain is increasingly integrating bio-based materials into its designs. By offering a new range of mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, DSM Engineering Materials is enabling membrane manufacturer, Sympatex Technologies to meet these demands and make more sustainable choices.

DSM’s bio-based Arnitel® is manufactured with bio-based feedstock using a mass-balance approach1. The end product contains more than 25% bio-based content by weight.

Sympatex uses Arnitel® to manufacture its waterproof, windproof, and breathable membranes for sports applications. The transition to bio-based feedstock will maintain the unique functional properties of Arnitel® and will enable Sympatex to easily shift to a more sustainable solution with a lower carbon footprint without having to requalify materials.


1 Mass balance accounting is a well-known approach that has been designed to trace the flow of materials through a complex value chain. The mass balance approach provides a set of rules for how to allocate the bio-based and/or recycled content to different products to be able to claim and market the content as ‘bio’-based or ‘recycled’-based. Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation (Mass Balance White Paper).


Ausbau von Omnichannel-Strategien

  • Während der Pandemie: Erfolgreich dank RFID-Technologie

Die Corona-Pandemie hat die digitale Transformation der Einzelhandelsbranche 2020 stark vorangetrieben: Beinahe über Nacht wurden Omnichannel-Services ausgebaut, neue E-Commerce-Möglichkeiten eingeführt und digitale Lieferkapazitäten erhöht, um für Konsumenten ein möglichst sicheres Einkaufserlebnis zu schaffen. Voraussetzung für Bestelloptionen wie die Angabe einer bestimmten Abholzeit in der Filiale oder eine Lieferung am selben Tag zum Konsumenten nach Hause ist jedoch ein präziser Bestandsüberblick in Echtzeit. Das ermöglichen zum Beispiel RFID-Lösungen von Checkpoint Systems.

  • Während der Pandemie: Erfolgreich dank RFID-Technologie

Die Corona-Pandemie hat die digitale Transformation der Einzelhandelsbranche 2020 stark vorangetrieben: Beinahe über Nacht wurden Omnichannel-Services ausgebaut, neue E-Commerce-Möglichkeiten eingeführt und digitale Lieferkapazitäten erhöht, um für Konsumenten ein möglichst sicheres Einkaufserlebnis zu schaffen. Voraussetzung für Bestelloptionen wie die Angabe einer bestimmten Abholzeit in der Filiale oder eine Lieferung am selben Tag zum Konsumenten nach Hause ist jedoch ein präziser Bestandsüberblick in Echtzeit. Das ermöglichen zum Beispiel RFID-Lösungen von Checkpoint Systems.

Die Ereignisse des Jahres 2020 haben die Kaufgewohnheiten und die Art und Weise, wie Einzelhändler mit ihren Kunden in Kontakt treten, verändert. Die Kombination von stationärem und digitalem Einkaufen – Omnichannel – wurde deutlich ausgebaut, sodass Filialen zu Mini-Fulfillment-Zentren wurden. “Buy online and pick up in store” – kurz BOPIS – rückte in den Vordergrund. Der US-amerikanische Einzelhändler Dick’s gab zum Beispiel an, dass 75 Prozent seiner Online-Bestellungen im zweiten Quartal direkt von den Filialen abgewickelt wurden1 – entweder durch den Versand von der nächstgelegenen Filiale zum Kunden oder durch Abholung am Straßenrand. Selbst nach dem Ende des Lockdowns, als die Geschäfte wieder öffneten, nahm die Abholung an der Straße weiter zu. Man habe ursprünglich erwartet, dass die Abholung am Straßenrand deutlich zurückgehen würde, aber das sei nicht der Fall gewesen.2 Dazu kommt: Starke Omnichannel-Services wie BOPIS und Ship from Store ermöglichen Einzelhändlern nicht nur das Überleben während der Pandemie, sondern die Kunden, die auf diesen Wegen bestellten, gaben im Schnitt auch mehr aus.

Entscheidungen auf Basis von Echtzeit-Daten

Wenn Einzelhändler ihr E-Commerce-Angebot auf diese Weise ausbauen, liegt der Schlüssel zum Erfolg bei der Bestandsgenauigkeit. Bei mangelnder Genauigkeit drohen Auftragsstornierungen und negative Kundenerfahrungen. Aus Sorge, vom Kunden bestellte Ware nicht in ausreichender Menge vorrätig zu haben, entscheiden sich viele Einzelhändler vorsorglich für eine Nachbestellung. Überschüssige Bestände führen jedoch zu Umsatzeinbußen, wenn sie nicht direkt verkauft und daher im weiteren Verlauf reduziert werden müssen, und gleichzeitig erhöhen sich der Lagerbedarf sowie die -kosten.

Die Lösung für eine verbesserte Bestandsgenauigkeit bieten RFID-Solutions von Checkpoint Systems, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von RFID-Technologie. Mithilfe von RFID wissen Einzelhändler in Echtzeit, wie viel Ware sie unternehmensweit in einzelnen Geschäften und in Distributionszentren vorrätig haben. Daher können sie extrem schnell auf veränderte Verbrauchernachfragen reagieren, Entscheidungen zu Nachbestellungen informationsbasiert treffen und Ware auf Basis der Verkaufsdaten neu verteilen. Eine Bestandsgenauigkeit von bis 99 Prozent statt durchschnittlichen 65 bis 75 Prozent verhindert Out-of-Stock-Situationen und Unzufriedenheit bei den Kunden. Auch der kostspielige zusätzliche Erwerb von am Ende überschüssiger Bestände ist nicht mehr notwendig. Click&Collect und andere Online-Dienste können durch RFID-Lösungen von Checkpoint Systems effizient und kostengünstig angeboten werden, indem der Bestand in allen Filialen und nicht nur in den Distributionszentren beobachtet und genutzt werden kann.

Zeitnahe und präzise Daten helfen Einzelhändlern, die Kommissionierprozesse in den Filialen zu optimieren, ermöglichen eine schnelle Bestandstransparenz und die effektive Reorganisation der gesamten Lieferkette. In den Filialen selbst ermöglicht RFID die genaue und effiziente Identifikation von Bestellungen sowie deren Kommissionierung. Das senkt die Betriebskosten und gewährleistet den zugesagten Servicegrad.

Checkpoint Systems hat seine RFID-Lösungen rund um den Globus in Distributionszentren und Geschäften implementiert und vielen Einzelhändlern ermöglicht, eine hohe Bestandsgenauigkeit zu erreichen – für ein schnelles und effizientes Omnichannel-Fulfillment. Als einziges Unternehmen der Branche deckt Checkpoint Systems alle Schritte von der Fabrik bis zum Geschäft ab.

Miguel Garcia Manso, Business Unit Director Germany von Checkpoint Systems, kommentierte: „Durch die Nutzung von Daten, die von unseren RFID-Lösungen erfasst werden, können Einzelhändler ihren Kunden zuverlässig Bestelloptionen wie bestimmte Abholzeiten in der Filiale oder Lieferung am selben Tag anbieten. Kundenbestellungen können zuverlässig erfüllt werden, egal welchen Einkaufskanal der Kunde wählt.“


Carta GmbH


ANDRITZ to supply a Wetlace™ CP line to Lotus Teknik, Turkey

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Lotus Teknik A.Ş., Turkey, to supply a neXline wetlace CP (carded pulp) line for the production of biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. Lotus Teknik A.Ş. is a leading nonwoven roll good producer and a member of the Sapro group. Sapro is based in Istanbul, Turkey, and is one of the top three producers of wet wipes globally.  

The neXline wetlace CP line is equipped with state-of-the-art stock preparation equipment, including approach flow and fan pump, opening and blending, TT card, wetlaid forming unit for pulp application, a hydroentanglement system, filtration unit, dewatering, and through-air drying. All components are perfectly designed to produce a first-class biodegradable wipe. The line is scheduled for start-up by the end of 2021.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Lotus Teknik A.Ş., Turkey, to supply a neXline wetlace CP (carded pulp) line for the production of biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. Lotus Teknik A.Ş. is a leading nonwoven roll good producer and a member of the Sapro group. Sapro is based in Istanbul, Turkey, and is one of the top three producers of wet wipes globally.  

The neXline wetlace CP line is equipped with state-of-the-art stock preparation equipment, including approach flow and fan pump, opening and blending, TT card, wetlaid forming unit for pulp application, a hydroentanglement system, filtration unit, dewatering, and through-air drying. All components are perfectly designed to produce a first-class biodegradable wipe. The line is scheduled for start-up by the end of 2021.

ANDRITZ developed the new neXline wetlace CP line in order to serve the new market trend of sustainable wipes. Lotus Teknik supported the development from a roll goods producer and converter perspective. The partnership follows the successful installation of an ANDRITZ high-capacity spunlace line some years ago. The Wetlace CP new generation of production technology for biodegradable wipes has resulted from ANDRITZ’s extensive knowledge and considerable history of providing technologies for wood-based industries, spunlace and wetlaid roll goods, and the strong collaboration with Lotus Teknik.



Archroma and CleanKore join forces to promote sustainable, cost-effective indigo dyeing process (c) CleanKore
Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods

Archroma and Cleankore join forces to promote sustainable, cost-effective indigo dyeing process

Reinach, Switzerland, and Westlake, Ohio, 2 February 2021 - Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a strategic partnership with technology innovator CleanKore, aiming to advance sustainable dyeing processes throughout the denim supply chain.

The agreement will allow Archroma and CleanKore to promote the benefits of each other’s technologies. This includes Archroma’s robust catalog of dyes and specialty chemicals along with CleanKore’s patented process of dyeing yarns at the denim mill that completely eliminates the need for potassium permanganate (PP) spray and laser booster to achieve the bright white abrasion effect in the garment finishing process. The result is a large and circular bright white core with a small ring of indigo dye. The technology does not just eliminate the chemicals associated in the PP spray and laser process, which is much safer for denim workers, it also allows to save significant amounts of water and energy throughout the manufacturing process from fabric to garmenting.

Reinach, Switzerland, and Westlake, Ohio, 2 February 2021 - Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a strategic partnership with technology innovator CleanKore, aiming to advance sustainable dyeing processes throughout the denim supply chain.

The agreement will allow Archroma and CleanKore to promote the benefits of each other’s technologies. This includes Archroma’s robust catalog of dyes and specialty chemicals along with CleanKore’s patented process of dyeing yarns at the denim mill that completely eliminates the need for potassium permanganate (PP) spray and laser booster to achieve the bright white abrasion effect in the garment finishing process. The result is a large and circular bright white core with a small ring of indigo dye. The technology does not just eliminate the chemicals associated in the PP spray and laser process, which is much safer for denim workers, it also allows to save significant amounts of water and energy throughout the manufacturing process from fabric to garmenting.

CleanKore initially looked at eliminating potassium permanganate due to its being classified as hazardous if inhaled or ingested, or in case of contact with the skin or the eye. It is also considered very toxic to aquatic life. No new equipment or capital expenses are needed to implement the CleanKore technology, which works on all denim fabric, including dark indigo, sulfur top/bottom and sulfur black.

This is where Archroma comes into the picture. Its global technical team of denim coloration specialists will provide support to denim mills seeking to implement the CleanKore technology and develop the desired looks and effects - with the right colors and chemical systems for their production set-up.

CleanKore estimates that the technology allows to save up to 15 liters of water per garment, or the equivalent to the drinking needs of 5 people per day, and up to 0.51 kWh of energy per garment, or the equivalent of five 100-watt light bulbs on for 1 hour. The CleanKore technology also leads to a 10% to 20% increase in production throughput, as a result of a faster garment wash-down and the elimination of PP spray.

For CleanKore CEO Darryl Costin Jr., the announcement comes at an ideal time for CleanKore: "We have successfully proven the technology with mill partners such as Arvind and other denim mills in Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Thailand and the United States. The response from the industry has been overwhelmingly positive. Having a partner in Archroma, one that is highly respected for their innovation and emphasis on sustainability throughout the industry, will allow us to take CleanKore to the next level.”

Umberto Devita, Global Indigo Manager at the Archroma Global Competence Center for Denim & Casualwear, adds: "CleanKore is perfectly aligned with the 3 pillars of 'The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced'. 'Safe' through the elimination of a potentially harmful substance and the protection of the denim workers, 'Efficient' through the reduction of resource consumption, improved productivity and cost-effective profile. And 'Enhanced' through the gorgeous colors and effects allowed with Archroma's innovations and systems, in particular our aniline-free* Denisol® Pure Indigo and Diresul® sulfur dyes. We look forward to help promoting an innovation that will help with many of the challenges facing our denim customers throughout the world. Because it’s our nature."




VDMA continues technology webtalks

  • Webtalk on material efficiency and recycling for the manmade fiber industry

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th February 2021 (2-4 pm CET). The focus will be on "Material efficiency & recycling technologies for the manmade fiber industry".

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

  • Webtalk on material efficiency and recycling for the manmade fiber industry

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th February 2021 (2-4 pm CET). The focus will be on "Material efficiency & recycling technologies for the manmade fiber industry".

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

  • Manfred Dobersberger, PureLoop and Wolfgang Hermann, EREMA Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen will present an integrated shredder extrusion technology for fibrous, textiles scraps, multilayers, films, trays, straps, foam, trays but also polymer mix materials from textiles and even classical thermoplastic composite materials.
  • Axel Hannemann, company Gneuss, offers recycling solutions which enable the fibre manufacturer to use their otherwise worthless fibre waste to substitute virgin material in the manufacture of high-quality fibres.
  • Markus Reichwein, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers: “We at Oerlikon Manmade Fibers describe a cascaded approach into new technologies as well as different material sources outlining your need for versatile solutions.”

After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. Registration is possible.


VDMA e.V. Textilmaschinen

ITM of TU Dresden – your research partner in the field of virtual product development at ISPO Munich © ITM/TU Dresden
Draping properties - variety of materials

ITM presents itself for the first time at ISPO Munich Online 2021

  • ITM of TU Dresden – your research partner in the field of virtual product development at ISPO Munich
  • ISPO Munich Online 2021 – the world´s leading sports business platform from February 1st to 5th 2021

The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM presents itself for the first time at ISPO Munich Online 2021 – showcasing its expertise in the field of virtual product development. Its know-how in the determination of material parameters, digital data processing, and data transfer will be presented as well as its competencies in 3D/4D body shape recording via scanning, data animation for the 3D product development for functional clothing, and simulation for wear comfort/usage visualization. The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM has manifested its leading global position in the virtual product development sector by successfully completing a variety of national and international interdisciplinary research projects.

  • ITM of TU Dresden – your research partner in the field of virtual product development at ISPO Munich
  • ISPO Munich Online 2021 – the world´s leading sports business platform from February 1st to 5th 2021

The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM presents itself for the first time at ISPO Munich Online 2021 – showcasing its expertise in the field of virtual product development. Its know-how in the determination of material parameters, digital data processing, and data transfer will be presented as well as its competencies in 3D/4D body shape recording via scanning, data animation for the 3D product development for functional clothing, and simulation for wear comfort/usage visualization. The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM has manifested its leading global position in the virtual product development sector by successfully completing a variety of national and international interdisciplinary research projects.

Researchers of the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products have been actively involved in the preparation and digital representation of material samples for the ISPO Textrends Forum. Thus, the material parameters of the ISPO Textrends Award textiles were determined for 3D fit simulations in Vidya (Assyst/Vizoo), automatically analyzed, and digitally processed by the specially developed "Material Analyzer" software. This software in addition to other state-of-the-art CAE infrastructure, such as the recently installed 4D Scanner Move4D, are essential for the further establishment and promotion of its leading position in the field of digitalization and virtual product development for garments for high-tech applications.

The researchers involved eagerly await future collaborations in this promising field of research. This pilot project presented at ISPO 2021 was coordinated by the company FOURSOURCE Group GmbH, thus enabling the characterization and 3D visualization of the award-winning materials that are presented to all visitors at ISPO 2021.

Grafik: © Gesamtmasche

Maschenindustrie fordert Exit-Plan

  • Ausstieg aus dem Lockdown Bedingung für neues Wachstum

Nach Wochen des harten Lockdowns ohne Aussicht auf Verbesserung der Lage ist der Geschäftsklimaindex der deutschen Maschenbranche zum 1. Quartal auf einem neuen Tiefpunkt. Martina Bandte, Präsidentin von Gesamtmasche, fordert die Politik auf, klare Perspektiven aufzuzeigen und jegliche Maßnahmen zu unterlassen, die neues Wachstum beeinträchtigen würden. „Industrie und Handel müssen jetzt durch ein umsichtiges Konzept der Wiederöffnung ermutigt werden. Gedankenspiele zu Steuererhöhungen sind das völlig falsche Signal.“

  • Ausstieg aus dem Lockdown Bedingung für neues Wachstum

Nach Wochen des harten Lockdowns ohne Aussicht auf Verbesserung der Lage ist der Geschäftsklimaindex der deutschen Maschenbranche zum 1. Quartal auf einem neuen Tiefpunkt. Martina Bandte, Präsidentin von Gesamtmasche, fordert die Politik auf, klare Perspektiven aufzuzeigen und jegliche Maßnahmen zu unterlassen, die neues Wachstum beeinträchtigen würden. „Industrie und Handel müssen jetzt durch ein umsichtiges Konzept der Wiederöffnung ermutigt werden. Gedankenspiele zu Steuererhöhungen sind das völlig falsche Signal.“

Die Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie hätten 2020 zu beispiellosen Umsatzeinbrüchen in der Textil- und Modeindustrie geführt. Nach schwachen Erholungszeichen im Herbst habe der Winterlockdown die Branche in größte Bedrängnis gebracht. Der Geschäftsklimaindex der Maschenindustrie fiel auf ein neues Tief von -5,17 Punkten (Oktober 2020: 7,9 Punkte). Die Zukunft sehen die Hersteller der Branche noch um einiges düsterer: der Erwartungsindex für das nächste Quartal stürzte auf einen Negativwert von -14,29. Ein Drittel der Hersteller gab an, aktuell unrentabel zu arbeiten. Für das kommende Quartal befürchten dies 47 Prozent der Firmen. Nur 7 Prozent erwarten eine Verbesserung ihrer Lage. Fast ein Fünftel der Firmen will aufgrund weiter sinkender Kapazitätsauslastung die Personalstärke reduzieren.

„Zahlreiche Händler öffnen ihre Türen nie wieder. Jeder weitere Tag im Lockdown vernichtet weitere Existenzen und bedeutet für viele Menschen Arbeitslosigkeit. Es ist höchste Zeit für den Abschied vom Gießkannenprinzip des allgemeinen Herunterfahrens – und für den Abschied von der Staatswirtschaft, die inzwischen Einzug gehalten hat“, fordert Martina Bandte. „Wachstum erreicht man nur durch wirtschaftliche Aktivität. Der Bund rechnet für die Jahre 2020 und 2021 mit Zusatzausgaben von 1,5 Billionen Euro. Der Fiskus würde sich das verteilte Geld gerne durch Steuererhöhungen zurückzuholen. Nach zahlreichen Insolvenzen, die wir erwarten müssen, und einem sprunghaften Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit wäre das der komplett falsche Weg, wenn wir hinwollen zu neuem Wirtschaftswachstum, zurück in die Ertragszone."

Digital technologies the key to success for eye-catching fashion label DushaGreya by Natalia Dushagreya (c) DushaGreya
DushaGreya’s eye-catching pieces are a regular at both Russian and international fashion shows.

DushaGreya: Digital technologies the key to success

  • DushaGreya is a well-known brand from talented Moscow-based designer, Natalia Dushagreya, who puts her all into her unique creations.

Combining her outstanding creativity with cutting-edge digital printing technology, Natalia has been delighting women with eye-catching, comfortable clothes, which boast unparalleled individuality and vivacity for several years. “The quality of digital prints surpasses that of traditional fabrics, both in the variety of colour compositions and in the contrast and clarity when printing small details or complex geometric elements. Digital technology makes it possible to achieve exceptionally smooth colour transitions, which is almost unattainable when using analogue printing methods. As a designer, I make sure to fully leverage the advantages of digital printing when designing and producing my collection”, says Natalia.

  • DushaGreya is a well-known brand from talented Moscow-based designer, Natalia Dushagreya, who puts her all into her unique creations.

Combining her outstanding creativity with cutting-edge digital printing technology, Natalia has been delighting women with eye-catching, comfortable clothes, which boast unparalleled individuality and vivacity for several years. “The quality of digital prints surpasses that of traditional fabrics, both in the variety of colour compositions and in the contrast and clarity when printing small details or complex geometric elements. Digital technology makes it possible to achieve exceptionally smooth colour transitions, which is almost unattainable when using analogue printing methods. As a designer, I make sure to fully leverage the advantages of digital printing when designing and producing my collection”, says Natalia.

By the time the DushaGreya brand begun, Natalia and her like-minded associate and father, Alexander Kordovatov, already had experience in the field of sublimation printing and knew that printing on fabric for subsequent tailoring would be carried out using this technology. However, no third-party performers could be found that would meet the quality and deadline requirements of the brand, so they decided to purchase new equipment and start printing at their own site. 

Alexander says. “We also found out that Smart-T (Mimaki's distributor in Russia), the supplier of this equipment in Moscow, is highly rated by the industry community and customers due to its professional expertise, first-line service support, and highly qualified engineers.” At the end of 2019, Smart-T installed the highly anticipated Mimaki Tx300P-1800 direct textile printer at the DushaGreya facility. Today it prints fabrics for dresses, skirts, T-shirts, fleeces, jumpers, hoodies, trench coats, and other midwear.

"Mimaki Tx300P-1800 is the only printer in the Mimaki line that allows us to print on natural fabrics without pre-processing,” Alexander comments. “This gives us the ability to produce short, original print runs at no extra cost, which is vital in achieving our goals. The TP400 pigment inks used in this printer have an expanded colour gamut, so the prints are always bright and saturated.”

HeiQ/Nylstar: Launch of HeiQ Viroblock Permanent on Meryl® Skinlife Force (c) Nylstar

HeiQ/Nylstar: Launch of HeiQ Viroblock Permanent on Meryl® Skinlife Force

A decade long collaboration between Swiss textile innovator HeiQ and Spanish premium synthetic fiber manufacturer Nylstar, has resulted in the innovation of a revolutionary new premium antiviral and antimicrobial textile with zero pollution sustainable benefits, Meryl® Skinlife Force powered by HeiQ Viroblock Permanent, winner of ISPO Textrends Award for the Best Product.

A decade long collaboration between Swiss textile innovator HeiQ and Spanish premium synthetic fiber manufacturer Nylstar, has resulted in the innovation of a revolutionary new premium antiviral and antimicrobial textile with zero pollution sustainable benefits, Meryl® Skinlife Force powered by HeiQ Viroblock Permanent, winner of ISPO Textrends Award for the Best Product.

The new technology is used exclusively on Meryl® Skinlife Force, an hi-tech fabric that combines the silver-ion active principle antimicrobial properties developed by HeiQ and Nylstar’s hydrogen-based technology which allows the creation of yarns with a very strong molecular cohesion structure. The Hydrogen molecular structure makes Meryl® Skinlife Force a high-performance fabric in terms of moisture management and breathability, offering a natural stretch without elastane as well as excellent durability thanks to its continuous and high tenacity filaments. The robust durability of HeiQ Viroblock Permanent is achieved thanks to the silver particles being added directly into the raw polymer of the yarn thereby keeping these properties active for the lifetime of garments. Fabric samples successfully demonstrated a very strong antimicrobial efficacy with over 99.99% reduction of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria after 100 washes. Antiviral test is underway.

Both HeiQ and Nylstar will be “exhibiting” at ISPO Munich Online from February 1st to 5th. Nylstar won the Textrends 2021 Award for the Best Product in the Base Layer Category.


Rieter: First Information on the Financial Year 2020

Order Intake Continued to Recover in the Fourth Quarter of 2020:

  • Order intake increased to CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and reached a total of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year
  • As expected, sales of CHF 573.0 million in the 2020 financial year were significantly down on the previous year
  • EBIT margin of around -15% and net profit of around -16% of sales expected
  • First half of 2021 still heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change to the Group Executive Committee

Rieter posted a globally and broadly supported order intake of CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020. Thus, the recovery that began in the third quarter of 2020 after the slump in demand in the second quarter continued (order intake second quarter: CHF 45.7 million, third quarter: CHF 174.4 million). Overall, Rieter’s annual order intake for the 2020 financial year totaled CHF 640.2 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 31% compared to the previous year.

Order Intake Continued to Recover in the Fourth Quarter of 2020:

  • Order intake increased to CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and reached a total of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year
  • As expected, sales of CHF 573.0 million in the 2020 financial year were significantly down on the previous year
  • EBIT margin of around -15% and net profit of around -16% of sales expected
  • First half of 2021 still heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change to the Group Executive Committee

Rieter posted a globally and broadly supported order intake of CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020. Thus, the recovery that began in the third quarter of 2020 after the slump in demand in the second quarter continued (order intake second quarter: CHF 45.7 million, third quarter: CHF 174.4 million). Overall, Rieter’s annual order intake for the 2020 financial year totaled CHF 640.2 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 31% compared to the previous year.

At the end of 2020, the company had an order backlog of about CHF 560 million (December 31, 2019: about CHF 500 million).

As expected, as a consequence of the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rieter Group closed the 2020 financial year with considerably lower sales than in the previous year. According to the first, as yet unaudited figures, total sales of CHF 573.0 million were achieved, which corresponds to a decrease of 25% compared to the previous year (2019: CHF 760.0 million).

Order Intake by Business Group
All three business groups were affected by the slump in demand in the second quarter of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the recovery in order intake in the third and fourth quarters of 2020, the weak second quarter was only partially offset.

The Business Group Machines & Systems was particularly hard hit by the effects of the pandemic, with a year-on-year decline of 35%. The Business Groups Components and After Sales each recorded a 24% reduction in order intake.*

Sales by Business Group
The exceptional market situation in 2020 gave rise to a significant decline in sales in all three business groups. Accordingly, reluctance to invest and deferred deliveries by customers caused sales in the Business Group Machines & Systems to decline by 24% compared to the previous year.

Due to COVID-19, a large number of spinning mills stopped production worldwide. This led to low demand for spare parts and wear parts, especially in the second and third quarters of 2020. Accordingly, compared to the previous year, sales in the Business Groups Components and After Sales fell by 24% and 27% respectively in the 2020 financial year.*

Sales by Region
With the exception of Turkey, all regions were affected by the low demand as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.*

EBIT Margin and Net Profit
In the 2020 financial year, Rieter anticipates an EBIT margin of around -15% (2019: 11.2%) and net profit of around -16% of sales (2019: 6.9%). As of December 31, 2020, Rieter had liquid funds of exceeding CHF 280 million and unused credit lines in the mid three-digit million range.

First Half of 2021 Still Heavily Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thanks to the improved capacity utilization, Rieter is planning short-time working in only a few areas in the first half of 2021. Nevertheless, Rieter expects sales in the first half of 2021 to be below the break-even point.*

Change to the Group Executive Committee
With effect from March 1, 2021, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. has appointed Roger Albrecht as Head of the Business Group Machines & Systems and a member of the Group Executive Committee.*

Annual General Meeting April 15, 2021
The 2021 Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. will take place in Winterthur on April 15, 2021.*

*See attached document for more information.


Rieter Management AG


NCTO: Statement on "Made in America" executive order

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today on the White House announcement that President Biden will sign an executive order today, “ensuring the future of America is Made in America by all of America’s workers.”  Further, NCTO launched a new industry video campaign today that outlines steps the Biden administration and Congress must take to re-shore the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the entire supply chain for critical products. The video can be found here: MakeAmericanPPE.

National Council of Textile Organizations President and CEO Kim Glas said:
“We commend President Biden for taking action in his first days in office to strengthen our domestic supply chain and manufacturing base with a “Made in America” executive order directing the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on American-made goods produced by American workers using American-made components.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today on the White House announcement that President Biden will sign an executive order today, “ensuring the future of America is Made in America by all of America’s workers.”  Further, NCTO launched a new industry video campaign today that outlines steps the Biden administration and Congress must take to re-shore the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the entire supply chain for critical products. The video can be found here: MakeAmericanPPE.

National Council of Textile Organizations President and CEO Kim Glas said:
“We commend President Biden for taking action in his first days in office to strengthen our domestic supply chain and manufacturing base with a “Made in America” executive order directing the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on American-made goods produced by American workers using American-made components.

Increasing the domestic procurement threshold and the price preferences for domestic goods under the current Buy American law will bolster domestic production and stimulate more investment in U.S. manufacturing.

We believe it is critical that taxpayer dollars are used to invest in American manufacturing and our workforce. It is essential that we close loopholes in our Buy America laws, expand application and product coverage of domestic content rules, and close unnecessary contract waivers that undermine American manufacturing and its workforce.
We look forward to working with the Biden administration and Congress on immediately strengthening our domestic procurement laws. The COVID-19 crisis was exacerbated when foreign supply chains broke down leaving our frontline workers vulnerable, underscoring the vital need for America to manufacture essential medical products at home. We look forward to working with the Biden administration on implementing this Executive Order, and with members of Congress to push critical bipartisan legislation to help ensure this onshoring effort is fully realized.

We also sincerely thank Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC) for their leadership in sending a recent letter to President Biden, requesting the president prioritize “Made in America” personal protective equipment (PPE) purchases and outlining key steps the administration can take to produce and procure quality American-made PPE for frontline workers.”


National Council of Textile Organizations

Hexcel’s HexPly® M9 Prepreg receives Type Approval Certification (c) Bernard Biger

Hexcel’s HexPly® M9 Prepreg receives Type Approval Certification

Hexcel is pleased to announce Type Approval Certification of its HexPly® M9 prepreg materials by DNV GL. The addition of the HexPly M9 prepreg range to Hexcel’s already comprehensive DNV GL certified portfolio provides ship and boat builders with optimal prepreg processing options.

HexPly M9 prepregs enable short cure cycles at 100˚C and above and provide a balance between ease of processing and mechanical performance. Available in high tack and medium tack variants, HexPly M9 prepregs are available with a wide range of unidirectional, woven, and multiaxial reinforcements. Partnered with Hexcel’s own HexTow® IMC2 and HexTow® HM54 / HM63 fibers, designers and engineers can optimize highly loaded composite structures such as masts, wing sails, and foils with increased glass transition temperatures (Tg) and excellent long-term fatigue performance.
Hexcel has completed the DNV GL certification for HexPly M9 in response to the rapidly increasing demand for type-approved high-performance prepreg materials for large composite structures in the commercial marine craft.  

Hexcel is pleased to announce Type Approval Certification of its HexPly® M9 prepreg materials by DNV GL. The addition of the HexPly M9 prepreg range to Hexcel’s already comprehensive DNV GL certified portfolio provides ship and boat builders with optimal prepreg processing options.

HexPly M9 prepregs enable short cure cycles at 100˚C and above and provide a balance between ease of processing and mechanical performance. Available in high tack and medium tack variants, HexPly M9 prepregs are available with a wide range of unidirectional, woven, and multiaxial reinforcements. Partnered with Hexcel’s own HexTow® IMC2 and HexTow® HM54 / HM63 fibers, designers and engineers can optimize highly loaded composite structures such as masts, wing sails, and foils with increased glass transition temperatures (Tg) and excellent long-term fatigue performance.
Hexcel has completed the DNV GL certification for HexPly M9 in response to the rapidly increasing demand for type-approved high-performance prepreg materials for large composite structures in the commercial marine craft.  

Hexcel’s collaboration with Chantiers de l’Atlantique on its new Silenseas cruise ship concept – a concept that uses composite Solid Sail® propulsion as well as dual-fuel engines to reduce emissions and operating costs – is one such application. In this case, DNV GL type approval provides third-party assurance of the product’s quality, performance and consistency, and also helps to streamline the approval of composite parts that replace traditionally metallic structures.

Hexcel has supplied advanced composite materials to the marine industry for more than 40 years and manufactures a comprehensive range of DNV GL certified products including woven reinforcements, multiaxial fabrics, prepregs, and adhesive films. Hexcel is committed to developing new composite technologies for the marine sector, helping builders evolve their designs to produce lighter, more fuel-efficient, and a sustainable craft for the future.

“Our latest Type Approval Certification is an important part of our strategy to provide the most complete package of DNV GL certified composite materials for the marine sector,” said Andreas Sageder, Product Manager at Hexcel. “With the addition of our M9 prepreg resin systems, mast, ship, and boat builders have an expanded range of processing and cure options available for parts requiring higher Tg and improved fatigue performance.”



Blauer Engel stärkt nachhaltige Textilbeschaffung der Bundesregierung

Das staatliche Umweltzeichen Blauer Engel für Textilien (DE-UZ 154) trägt zum Ziel der Bundesregierung bei, den Anteil nachhaltig produzierter Textilien in der öffentlichen Beschaffung deutlich zu erhöhen. Der 2023 aktualisierte „Leitfaden der Bundesregierung für eine nachhaltige Textilbeschaffung der Bundesverwaltung“ definiert klare soziale und ökologische Kriterien entlang der gesamten Textil-Lieferkette. Als vergaberechtskonformes Gütezeichen erleichtert der Blaue Engel Beschaffungsstellen des Bundes, die Vorgaben zu erfüllen. Unternehmen bietet der Blaue Engel für Textilien damit klare Wettbewerbsvorteile bei öffentlichen Ausschreibungen.

Für Unternehmen und Brands ist die Zertifizierung ihrer Produkte mit dem Blauen Engel ein Wettbewerbsvorteil, wenn sie sich auf öffentliche Ausschreibungen im Textilbereich bewerben. Dies ergibt sich aus dem neuen Leitfaden der Bundesregierung für eine nachhaltige Textilbeschaffung.

Das staatliche Umweltzeichen Blauer Engel für Textilien (DE-UZ 154) trägt zum Ziel der Bundesregierung bei, den Anteil nachhaltig produzierter Textilien in der öffentlichen Beschaffung deutlich zu erhöhen. Der 2023 aktualisierte „Leitfaden der Bundesregierung für eine nachhaltige Textilbeschaffung der Bundesverwaltung“ definiert klare soziale und ökologische Kriterien entlang der gesamten Textil-Lieferkette. Als vergaberechtskonformes Gütezeichen erleichtert der Blaue Engel Beschaffungsstellen des Bundes, die Vorgaben zu erfüllen. Unternehmen bietet der Blaue Engel für Textilien damit klare Wettbewerbsvorteile bei öffentlichen Ausschreibungen.

Für Unternehmen und Brands ist die Zertifizierung ihrer Produkte mit dem Blauen Engel ein Wettbewerbsvorteil, wenn sie sich auf öffentliche Ausschreibungen im Textilbereich bewerben. Dies ergibt sich aus dem neuen Leitfaden der Bundesregierung für eine nachhaltige Textilbeschaffung.

Der Leitfaden ist ein Ergebnis des Maßnahmenprogramms Nachhaltigkeit der Bundesregierung. Er adressiert alle Ebenen des Vergabeverfahrens: Eignungskriterien, Ausschluss- und Zuschlagskriterien sowie Ausführungsbedingungen. Indem er neben ökologischen auch soziale Kriterien aufstellt, ist er ein Novum. Adressiert werden drei Produktgruppen: Bekleidungstextilien, Bettwaren und Bettwäsche sowie Matratzen. Für die Bundesverwaltung gelten somit klar definierte und verbindliche Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für die Textilbeschaffung.  

Die Blauer Engel-Kriterien bilden die Grundlage bei der Herleitung der Umweltverträglichkeit von Textilien, die die Bundesverwaltung bestellt. Öffentliche Beschafferinnen und Beschaffer können pauschal auf den Blauen Engel verweisen, da der Blaue Engel für Textilen ein vergaberechtskonformes Gütezeichen ist. Alternativ können die einzelnen Kriterien einschließlich Nachweise als Ausschluss- oder Zuschlagskriterien genutzt werden.

Der Blaue Engel ist zudem auch als Voraussetzung für die Zertifizierung mit dem Grünen Knopf, dem Textilsiegel des BMZ (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) anerkannt – seit 2021 sowohl im ökologischen als auch im sozialen Bereich.

Der Leitfaden wird den Beschaffungsstellen des Bundes Anfang 2021 im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Informationsveranstaltung vorgestellt.



Blauer Engel / Kohl PR & Partner

Kornit Digital: Reclameland succeeds with Kornit Production Capabilities (c) Kornit
Kornit Atlas

Kornit Digital: Reclameland succeeds with Kornit Production Capabilities

Kornit Digital, a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Westerbroek, Groningen-based Reclameland has invested nearly €20 million in a second production hall and state-of-the-art machines, including the Kornit Atlas system for industrial direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, in the past year to further accelerate growth. The fastest-growing online printer in the Netherlands, Reclameland achieved a turnover of almost €23 million in 2019 and a profit of more than €1 million.

Now the second-largest business of its type in the Netherlands, Reclameland’s workforce grew by 20% in the past year, enabling them to handle most production operations internally. They attributed increased demand for printed pieces to a strong growth in online buying, for both consumers and businesses.

Kornit Digital, a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Westerbroek, Groningen-based Reclameland has invested nearly €20 million in a second production hall and state-of-the-art machines, including the Kornit Atlas system for industrial direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, in the past year to further accelerate growth. The fastest-growing online printer in the Netherlands, Reclameland achieved a turnover of almost €23 million in 2019 and a profit of more than €1 million.

Now the second-largest business of its type in the Netherlands, Reclameland’s workforce grew by 20% in the past year, enabling them to handle most production operations internally. They attributed increased demand for printed pieces to a strong growth in online buying, for both consumers and businesses.

“2019 marked the definitive breakthrough of online printing, and we have established ourselves as a total print solutions provider for signage, banners, posters, flags, and other digitally printed textiles,” says Wouter Haan, CEO of Reclameland.  "By continuously innovating, we can serve every type of customer. Our investment in Kornit technology has empowered us to imprint more than a thousand garments per day with a single operator, meeting the retail quality, wash and light fastness, and sustainability standards of the world’s largest apparel brands.”

“Reclameland demonstrates the vast opportunities on-demand producers have when they diversify their product offerings and align their operations for a marketplace that increasingly relies on e-commerce,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “Kornit technology offers the perfect foundation for making that business model a success, eliminating slow and costly steps between buyers seeing a brilliantly-designed piece virtually and having it in their hands. We are proud to support Reclameland as they grow to fulfill the promise of digital commerce.”

ANDRITZ to supply spunlace line for Minet (c) ANDRITZ
ANDRITZ needlepunch line at Minet

ANDRITZ to supply spunlace line for Minet

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order to supply a neXline spunlace eXcelle line to Minet S.A, based in Ramnicu Valcéa, Romania, for processing various fibers from 25 to 70 gsm to produce a wide range of hygiene products. Start-up is expected during the second quarter of 2022.

ANDRITZ will deliver a complete line, from web forming to drying. The line will integrate one high-speed TT card, the robust Jetlace Essentiel hydroentanglement unit equipped with a neXecodry S1 system for energy saving, and a neXdry double-drum through-air dryer.

The close collaboration between ANDRITZ and Minet in needlepunch was an important consideration in the choice of supplier for the spunlace line as well as the fact that ANDRITZ is recognized as the benchmark for production of premium spunlace roll goods.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order to supply a neXline spunlace eXcelle line to Minet S.A, based in Ramnicu Valcéa, Romania, for processing various fibers from 25 to 70 gsm to produce a wide range of hygiene products. Start-up is expected during the second quarter of 2022.

ANDRITZ will deliver a complete line, from web forming to drying. The line will integrate one high-speed TT card, the robust Jetlace Essentiel hydroentanglement unit equipped with a neXecodry S1 system for energy saving, and a neXdry double-drum through-air dryer.

The close collaboration between ANDRITZ and Minet in needlepunch was an important consideration in the choice of supplier for the spunlace line as well as the fact that ANDRITZ is recognized as the benchmark for production of premium spunlace roll goods.

Just recently, ANDRITZ successfully completed the commissioning of a neXline needlepunch eXcelle line for Minet. This line is dedicated to the production of automotive products made from a large variety of fibers. For this contract, ANDRITZ delivered a complete line from fiber preparation to end-of-line, also integrating card, crosslapper, batt drafter, two needlelooms and a Zeta felt drafter with a working width of more than 6 m. The line is also equipped with the unique ProDyn web profiling system, operating as a closed-loop control system in order to ensure perfect evenness of the products.


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles to return in August 2021

From 25 – 27 August, 2021, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will join forces with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC to showcase the latest products and services within the entire textile sector. Collectively, the fairs are set to offer valuable synergistic effects for the home décor, apparel, yarn and fibre industries.

Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 was able to go ahead as scheduled to support the industry’s recovery. The three-day show welcomed a total of 26,673 trade buyers from 43 countries & regions, as well as 643 exhibitors from 11 countries & regions. What’s more, the show’s virtual events drew 558,179 attendees from across the world.

From 25 – 27 August, 2021, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will join forces with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC to showcase the latest products and services within the entire textile sector. Collectively, the fairs are set to offer valuable synergistic effects for the home décor, apparel, yarn and fibre industries.

Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 was able to go ahead as scheduled to support the industry’s recovery. The three-day show welcomed a total of 26,673 trade buyers from 43 countries & regions, as well as 643 exhibitors from 11 countries & regions. What’s more, the show’s virtual events drew 558,179 attendees from across the world.

“We are delighted that Intertextile 2020 was able to run as planned and received positive feedback from participants. It is a confirmation of our leading position in the Asian industry, and our unwavering commitment to providing the best trade platform for our exhibitors and visitors that reflects market demands,” said Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, we look forward to developing more creative and flexible solutions to adapt to the ever-changing business environment. The 2021 edition will continue with the hybrid format that combines both physical and virtual events, in order to facilitate contacts between suppliers and buyers worldwide, and open up new opportunities in the post-pandemic era.”
“Additionally, we decided to hold Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics and Yarn Expo next year. Holding these three events at the same time and place will generate exciting synergistic effects, as well as provide a comprehensive sourcing platform for participants. And, of course, the show will present a series of high-quality fringe events for fairgoers to gain the latest market trends and insights,” Ms Wen added.

Discover a new season of inspiration at Intertextile
At the upcoming fair, exhibitors will fill four halls at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), occupying an area of 100,000 sqm. To offer a more efficient and convenient sourcing experience for buyers, the fair will once again feature an array of product zones and country & region pavilions including:

  • Country & region pavilions: presented by Belgium, India, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey.
  • Carpet zone: featuring renowned domestic and international providers of carpets and floor coverings.
  • Editor zone: offering high-quality upholstery fabrics from prominent European manufacturers.
  • Finished product zone: international suppliers will showcase their latest finished goods for a variety of applications.
  • Textile design zone: leading design studios will exhibit their creative ideas and products for all areas of the interior markets.
  • Textile technology zone: presenting cutting-edge textile technologies which can achieve flexibility, efficiency and sustainability.
  • Contract business: leading suppliers will offer a vast portfolio of functional fabrics catering to different interior settings such as hotels, restaurants and public spaces.



Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


NCTO welcomes President Biden’s action plan and Covid-19 Response

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today welcoming President Biden’s action plan and COVID-19 response, accompanied by a series of executive orders, including an order signed today to strengthen U.S. supply chains by directing federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to address shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and related vaccine supplies.

“We are closely reviewing President Biden’s national strategic plan to confront the pandemic and welcome the executive order signed today to strengthen our supply chains by directing all federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act to address shortages of personal protective equipment, vaccine supplies and essential products. These are important steps that will help ramp up critical manufacturing of these essential PPE products and other critically needed supplies like tests and vaccines.”

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today welcoming President Biden’s action plan and COVID-19 response, accompanied by a series of executive orders, including an order signed today to strengthen U.S. supply chains by directing federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to address shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and related vaccine supplies.

“We are closely reviewing President Biden’s national strategic plan to confront the pandemic and welcome the executive order signed today to strengthen our supply chains by directing all federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act to address shortages of personal protective equipment, vaccine supplies and essential products. These are important steps that will help ramp up critical manufacturing of these essential PPE products and other critically needed supplies like tests and vaccines.”

American manufacturers have been at the forefront of the effort to build a domestic PPE supply chain since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. textile industry retooled production and operations virtually overnight, producing millions of face masks, isolation gowns, testing swabs and other critical medical textiles.

The industry is dedicated to making significant investments in automated equipment for PPE, but the industry needs long-term, multiyear contracts to help realize that investment.

The deployment of DPA is one of the critical tools that will help incentivize investment in equipment, propel the hiring of U.S. workers and expand these critical production chains.

Since its inception, the DPA has been utilized by the Department of Defense to make critical investments in domestic textile manufacturing infrastructure and capacity, creating private-public partnerships through the government’s capital investments under the DPA and guaranteeing purchases through long-term contracts.  

NCTO applaud President Biden’s action and anticipate further steps including a reported order that will seek to strengthen government procurement of U.S. products in the coming days. NCTO appreciate President Biden outlining the “National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness” a series of actions and steps the administration will undertake to deploy and manufacture the vaccine and other essential products.


National Council of Textile Organizations

Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel (c) Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR055

Ascend Performance Materials: Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workouts.

Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working on textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure


EMG / Ascend Performance Materials


Lenzing plans Upper Austria's largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant

With the industrial use of solar energy, Lenzing sets new standards regarding decarbonization in the fiber industry.

The Lenzing Group plans Upper Austria’s largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant on an area of around 55,000 m². The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place in summer 2021. After the expected commissioning in the second half of 2021, the plant's output will amount to 5.5 MWpeak. With approximately 16,000 modules, the plant will generate nearly 5,500 megawatt hours per year. This corresponds to the average annual electricity demand of more than 1,700 households and is unique in Upper Austria on this scale.

The photovoltaic plant is an important symbolic milestone for Lenzing on its way to becoming a CO2-neutral manufacturing site. This project is part of Lenzing’s global energy concept, which aims to provide electricity from 100 percent renewable sources in order to reduce CO2 intensity by 50 percent already in 2030 and to be globally climate neutral in 2050.

With the industrial use of solar energy, Lenzing sets new standards regarding decarbonization in the fiber industry.

The Lenzing Group plans Upper Austria’s largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant on an area of around 55,000 m². The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place in summer 2021. After the expected commissioning in the second half of 2021, the plant's output will amount to 5.5 MWpeak. With approximately 16,000 modules, the plant will generate nearly 5,500 megawatt hours per year. This corresponds to the average annual electricity demand of more than 1,700 households and is unique in Upper Austria on this scale.

The photovoltaic plant is an important symbolic milestone for Lenzing on its way to becoming a CO2-neutral manufacturing site. This project is part of Lenzing’s global energy concept, which aims to provide electricity from 100 percent renewable sources in order to reduce CO2 intensity by 50 percent already in 2030 and to be globally climate neutral in 2050.

"The great challenges of our time need answers. As a leading company in innovation and sustainability, we are proactively contributing to the achievement of climate targets and setting new standards for our industry," explains Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group. “In addition to ongoing major investments in CO2 neutral sites such as Thailand and Brazil, innovative projects at existing sites are bringing us one step closer to climate neutrality.”


Lenzing AG