From the Sector

477 results

Chomarat invests in a new laid scrim manufacturing technology to develop its next generation reinforcements

Chomarat has specialized in scrim reinforcements for construction materials for more than 50 years. Now, it has invested in a new pilot production line to develop its next generation of reinforcements. Unique in the market and designed entirely by CHOMARAT’s teams, this technological innovation was born by the Group’s body of technological know-how. Conceived for the development of next generation cement board and roof-waterproofing reinforcements, the machine is versatile for developing materials for new markets. The new line will become operational in early 2019 at CHOMARAT’s construction plant in Anderson, South Carolina, USA.

Chomarat has specialized in scrim reinforcements for construction materials for more than 50 years. Now, it has invested in a new pilot production line to develop its next generation of reinforcements. Unique in the market and designed entirely by CHOMARAT’s teams, this technological innovation was born by the Group’s body of technological know-how. Conceived for the development of next generation cement board and roof-waterproofing reinforcements, the machine is versatile for developing materials for new markets. The new line will become operational in early 2019 at CHOMARAT’s construction plant in Anderson, South Carolina, USA.

A technological innovation for higher performance
The new pilot line will enable CHOMARAT to accelerate its development projects focusing on cost, performance and sustainability. The Group’s goal is to launch a new generation of laid scrim reinforcements for construction materials, with incomparable performance. “We are working on all the parameters (technological, chemical formulations, textile fibers) to optimize the performance of CHOMARAT scrims, such as protecting glass against alkali in cement or increasing impact resistance and water repellency. We plan to stay in front of economic and environmental challenges facing the construction market,” explains Raphaël PLEYNET, Director of Composites & Construction Europe at CHOMARAT.

“This pilot scrim line is a key element in the Group’s global innovation and development strategy. The technological developments achieved on this equipment will enable us to lead through innovation, meet the challenges to come for construction materials, and enhance our value to the market” adds John LEATHAM, Director of Sales and Marketing at CHOMARAT North America.

Combining expertise from textile and chemical-formulation technologies
The scrims designed and developed by CHOMARAT are reputed for their advantages: dimensional stability, laminating quality with other materials (film or veils), excellent mechanical performance, and very good protection against the alkalinity of cement. “CHOMARAT’s knowhow in laid-scrim manufacturing is based on the combined expertise in textile and chemical-formulation technologies. With this new pilot technology, CHOMARAT will be able to build on these two advantages and propose even better-performing materials!” concludes Philippe SANIAL, Director of Research & Technologies at CHOMARAT.

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(c) GB Network Marketing & Communication

The Bemberg™ global brand, taking the next steps on a journey that redefines a new future of contemporary luxury this unique fiber represents.

The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.
Made since 1931 by Asahi Kasei, which is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too. It is not just another brand name, but about enhancing core values through a now even better, more refined product and process that supports our partner’s mission to materially benefit the whole supply chain.

The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.
Made since 1931 by Asahi Kasei, which is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too. It is not just another brand name, but about enhancing core values through a now even better, more refined product and process that supports our partner’s mission to materially benefit the whole supply chain.

(c) TRSA

TRSA Elects Buik Chair and Richardson Vice Chair

TRSA recently held its Annual Membership Meeting for the nomination, election and swearing-in of new Officers and Directors.
Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co. in Chicago is TRSA’s new chairman. Buik served as vice chairman of TRSA in 2017-2018. The Roscoe Company is Chicago’s leading independent uniform service company.

Jim has been active in linen, uniform and facility services associations. He’s a graduate of TRSA’s Executive Management Institute (EMI). He served on various committees, task forces and boards and was chairman of UTSA, which blended with TRSA, from 2003 to 2005. He has been a pioneer of industry technologies and best practices. Through association programs he has shared Roscoe’s experience in developing these innovations, including marketing automation, wastewater treatment and employee skill certification.

TRSA recently held its Annual Membership Meeting for the nomination, election and swearing-in of new Officers and Directors.
Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co. in Chicago is TRSA’s new chairman. Buik served as vice chairman of TRSA in 2017-2018. The Roscoe Company is Chicago’s leading independent uniform service company.

Jim has been active in linen, uniform and facility services associations. He’s a graduate of TRSA’s Executive Management Institute (EMI). He served on various committees, task forces and boards and was chairman of UTSA, which blended with TRSA, from 2003 to 2005. He has been a pioneer of industry technologies and best practices. Through association programs he has shared Roscoe’s experience in developing these innovations, including marketing automation, wastewater treatment and employee skill certification.

Additional officers and directors sworn in at the meeting:
•    Noel Richardson, Officer-Vice Chair, Shasta Linen Supply, Sacramento, CA
•    Jim Kearns, Officer-Treasurer, Alsco Inc., Salt Lake City
•    Bob Dudley, Director, APPEARA, Norfolk, NE
•    Scott Finkelstein, Director, Ace Uniform Services Inc., Baltimore
•    Dan Sanchez, Director, Medline Industries Inc., Mundelein, IL

In addition, Directors Randy Bartsch, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service and P.J. Dempsey, Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply were re-elected for second terms and will be officers serving on the TRSA Executive Committee.

More information:



SABIC: neues PP mit besonders hoher Fließfähigkeit für leichte, atmungsaktive Vliesstoffe in Körperpflegeanwendungen

Auf dem RISI Asia Pacific Hygiene Products Symposium präsentiert SABIC ein innovatives neues Polypropylen (PP), das gezielt für erhöhte Eigenschaften in Schmelzblasfasern zur Fertigung von Vliesstoffen entwickelt wurde. Das unter der Bezeichnung SABIC® PP 514M12 vermarktete Produkt eignet sich für eine Vielzahl möglicher Endanwendungen in Körperpflegeartikeln und weiteren Marktsegmenten. Es ist der erste Typ einer neuen Familie besonders leichtfließender Compounds von SABIC und wird nach nur zweijähriger Entwicklungszeit voraussichtlich ab Ende 2018 kommerziell verfügbar sein.

Auf dem RISI Asia Pacific Hygiene Products Symposium präsentiert SABIC ein innovatives neues Polypropylen (PP), das gezielt für erhöhte Eigenschaften in Schmelzblasfasern zur Fertigung von Vliesstoffen entwickelt wurde. Das unter der Bezeichnung SABIC® PP 514M12 vermarktete Produkt eignet sich für eine Vielzahl möglicher Endanwendungen in Körperpflegeartikeln und weiteren Marktsegmenten. Es ist der erste Typ einer neuen Familie besonders leichtfließender Compounds von SABIC und wird nach nur zweijähriger Entwicklungszeit voraussichtlich ab Ende 2018 kommerziell verfügbar sein.

Die aktuellen Herausforderungen und hohen Verbraucheransprüche im Körperpflegemarkt haben alle Akteure entlang der Wertschöpfungskette in dieser Branche veranlasst, ihre Entwicklungsprogramme zu beschleunigen und richtungsweisende Lösungen umzusetzen. SABIC betrachtet Herausforderungen seit jeher als Chancen und ist bestrebt, Markttrends und Marktdynamiken zu antizipieren, um neue Materialien für innovative Anwendungen anzubieten. Das Unternehmen stellt auf dem RISI Asia Pacific Hygiene Products Symposium auch einen der Hauptreferenten. Die Veranstaltung findet von 24. bis 26. Oktober 2018 in Xiamen (China) statt und erwartet Repräsentanten von mehr als 160 führenden Unternehmen der Körperpflegeindustrie aus aller Welt.

SABIC® PP 514M12 basiert auf einer phthalatfreien und geruchlosen Technologie, die sehr gute Verarbeitungseigenschaften zur Produktion von Schmelzblasfasern mit hoher Ziehfähigkeit, Spinnbarkeit und Gleichförmigkeit bietet. Die daraus gefertigten Vliesstoffe vereinen hohe Barriere- und Absorptionseigenschaften mit Atmungsaktivität in dünnen und leichten Hochleistungsgeweben, die sich durch erhöhte Anpassungsfähigkeit und reduzierten Materialverbrauch auszeichnen.

Mit einer Fließfähigkeit von >1,000 g/10 min erschließen Schmelzblasfasern aus SABIC®514M12 vielseitige Möglichkeiten zur Fertigung äußerst leichter und dünner Vliesstoffe mit dem Ziel, die Tragbarkeit und Luftdurchlässigkeit der Endprodukte zu optimieren und gleichzeitig sehr gute Barriereeigenschaften sicherzustellen.

Hydrostatische Wassersäulenversuche, eine häufige Anforderung an spezifische Spinnvlies/Schmelzblas/Spinnvlies-Strukturen für Hygieneartikel, haben das Potenzial von SABIC® PP 514M12 zur Verbesserung der Absorptions- und Barriereleistung von Geweben bestätigt.

Darüber hinaus ist die phthalatfreie Monomaterialtechnologie von SABIC darauf ausgerichtet, dem Verarbeiter im Vergleich zu etablierten Schmelzblaspolymeren und Benchmark-Blends ein Material mit hoher Reinheit und besseren Gebrauchseigenschaften zu bieten. So wird SABIC® PP 514M12 als normales Granulat geliefert, was seine Handhabung, Lagerung und Verarbeitung erleichtert.

Die Körperpflegeindustrie sucht laufend nach fortschrittlichen Materiallösungen, die es den Herstellern gestatten, bestehende Grenzen in Aspekten der Verbrauchersicherheit, Verbraucherfreundlichkeit, Funktionalität, Nachhaltigkeit und Kostenkontrolle zu überwinden. Das innovative neue Polypropylenprodukt von SABIC für Schmelzblasfasern greift diese Herausforderungen auf, während es strikte Hygiene- und Verbraucherschutzvorschriften erfüllt.

SABIC® PP 514M12 lässt sich problemlos an spezifische Kunden- und Anwendungsanforderungen anpassen. Verarbeitungstests mit Produktionsmengen des neuen Schmelzblas-PP auf neuesten, schnelllaufenden Anlagen eines spezialisierten Maschinenherstellers haben seine ausgezeichneten Verarbeitungs- und Leistungseigenschaften auf oder über dem Niveau marktgängiger Referenzprodukte unter Beweis gestellt. In anschließenden Versuchen bei ausgewählten Vliesstoffherstellern wurde die hohe Eignung des innovativen neuen Materials für eine Vielzahl möglicher Endprodukte untermauert – von Windeln bis hin zu Monatsbinden und anderen Hygieneartikeln. Neben Monomaterial- und Verbundvliesstoffen kann SABIC® PP 514M12 auch als Basispolymer für Farbmasterbatches eingesetzt werden.

Als strategischer Anbieter neuer Materiallösungen im Markt ist SABIC entschlossen, einen signifikanten Beitrag zum Erfolg seiner Kunden zu leisten, indem es die Messlatte für Qualität und Leistung immer ein Stück höher legt, langfristige Zuverlässigkeit sicherstellt und wertvolle Beziehungen aufbaut, um gemeinsame Wachstumschancen zu nutzen.

SABIC bietet ein umfassendes PP-Portfolio für Lösungen in diversifizierten Marktbereichen, zu denen neben dem Körperpflegesegment auch die Kraftfahrzeug-, Haushaltsgeräte- und Verpackungsindustrie sowie die Medizintechnik und das Bauwesen zählen. Die globalen Geschäftseinheiten und das Sortiment der Polymere von SABIC sind gezielt darauf ausgerichtet, die Kundenanforderungen in diesen Bereichen zu erfüllen. Das unterstreicht die marktorientierte Strategie des Unternehmens zur wirksamen Kundenunterstützung mit Innovation, Service und Anwendungsentwicklung rund um den Erdball.

Während des RISI Asia Pacific Hygiene Products Symposiums hält Mavis Liu, Market Development Engineer für das Personal Hygiene Segment von SABIC in Asien, am 25. Oktober um 14 Uhr im Conrad Xiamen Konferenzhotel einen Leitvortrag über „Innovative Solutions for the Personal Hygiene Industry: Achieve Functionality, Consumer Convenience and Safety“.

More information:

SABIC // Marketing Solution

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. (c) Devan Chemicals NV
Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt.

Devan präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu Moov&Cool

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. Die patentierte Polymertechnologie wurde erstmals auf der Performance Days im April 2018 vorgestellt.

Moov&Cool ist eine patentierte Polymertechnologie, deren dauerhafte Wärmeaufnahmekapazität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit in Kombination mit einem außergewöhnlichen, ausgewogenen Feuchtetransfersystem für ein angenehm kühles Empfinden sorgt. Neben schneller Schweißaufnahme unterstützt die Technologie auf ausgewogene Weise auch die kontrollierte Schweißverdunstung. Als hochaktuelle Lösung zur Behandlung von Textilien wurde sie gezielt entwickelt, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Profisportlern zu steigern und den Komfort von Breitensportartikeln zu verbessern.

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. Die patentierte Polymertechnologie wurde erstmals auf der Performance Days im April 2018 vorgestellt.

Moov&Cool ist eine patentierte Polymertechnologie, deren dauerhafte Wärmeaufnahmekapazität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit in Kombination mit einem außergewöhnlichen, ausgewogenen Feuchtetransfersystem für ein angenehm kühles Empfinden sorgt. Neben schneller Schweißaufnahme unterstützt die Technologie auf ausgewogene Weise auch die kontrollierte Schweißverdunstung. Als hochaktuelle Lösung zur Behandlung von Textilien wurde sie gezielt entwickelt, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Profisportlern zu steigern und den Komfort von Breitensportartikeln zu verbessern.

Wahrhaft einzigartig
Devan erhebt den Anspruch der absoluten Einzigartigkeit seiner Technologie. „Wo andere Lösungen beim Verdunsten von Schweiß auf den Wind vertrauen, um ein kühles Hautgefühl zu erreichen, nutzt Moov&Cool die bei sportlichen Aktivitäten erzeugte, überschüssige Wärme, um die Körperkerntemperatur zu senken“, betont Dr. Vanessa Daelman, Business Unit Manager Performance bei Devan. „Das Prinzip wirkt auch bei reduzierter Windgeschwindigkeit, wie beispielsweise in Sporthallen.“

Darüber hinaus ist die Technologie nicht nur von Nutzen in heißen Klimazonen, sondern isoliert auch gegen Kälte. „Wenn Moov&Cool kälteren Temperaturen ausgesetzt wird, verengen sich die Poren der polymeren Schicht, sodass die Wärme zwischen dem Körper und dem Gewebe zurückgehalten wird“, so Dr. Daelman weiter.
Devan hat ein spezielles System entwickelt, um Sportartikelhersteller zur bestgeeigneten Nutzung der Technologie zu führen. Ziel des Systems ist die spezifische Dimensionierung von Moov&Cool für den vorgesehenen Einsatzzweck.

Devan legt großen Wert auf wissenschaftliche Nachweise und unabhängige Test. Das Unternehmen hat seine patentierte Technologie daher in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bakala-Akademie und der Universität Leuven strengen Prüfungen unterzogen. „Nach umfassenderen Tests mit Leistungssportlern können die Trends, die wir anfänglich sahen, inzwischen bestätigt werden“, sagt Dr. Daelman. „Moov&Cool bewirkt eine signifikante Absenkung der Körperkerntemperatur und hat einen positiven Effekt auf Herzfrequenz und Wärmeempfinden. Die vollständigen Testergebnisse werden wir auf der Performance Days am 28. und 29. November präsentieren.“

Von der Natur inspiriert
Devan zufolge gab ein Mechanismus in Pflanzen den Anstoß zur Entwicklung von Moov&Cool. „Pflanzen haben kleine, porenähnliche Öffnungen (Stomata) auf der Unterseite ihrer Blätter, die sie abhängig von den Umgebungsbedingungen öffnen und schließen“, erklärt Dr. Daelman. „So können sie ihren Wasser- und Wärmehaushalt regulieren.“
Devan präsentiert Moov&Cool im Detail während der Performance Days in München vom 28. bis 29. November auf Stand P11 in Halle C1.


More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Devan

Devan Chemicals NV // Marketing Solutions NV

(c) 2018 GB Network Marketing & Communication

ReLAST: the Super-Smart GOTS and GRS certified Stretch Denim from Candiani with ROICA™

Candiani launches at Kingpins its new eco-smart denim range in partnership with ROICA™ from Asahi Kasei
Both companies can claim their separate leading roles in textile innovation. Candiani, ‘the Greenest Mill in The Blue World’, is always at the cutting edge of new developments, and ROICA™  with  its  various premium stretch functions. Now they join forces through a unique synergy and an exclusive, custom made premium stretch sustainable ROICA™ yarn developed by Asahi Kasei especially for Candiani.
ReLAST is a range of market fresh responsible denim products, designed by Candiani that tick every smart box: from new ways in colouration, to better, more sustainable raw materials, new finishing and fade-tech that minimises water waste, and now with a key responsible stretch ingredient in a specially produced GRS certified ROICA™ yarn that perfectly completes this range making better, more sustainable, sharp fashions for customers looking to live and wear better with better values.

Candiani launches at Kingpins its new eco-smart denim range in partnership with ROICA™ from Asahi Kasei
Both companies can claim their separate leading roles in textile innovation. Candiani, ‘the Greenest Mill in The Blue World’, is always at the cutting edge of new developments, and ROICA™  with  its  various premium stretch functions. Now they join forces through a unique synergy and an exclusive, custom made premium stretch sustainable ROICA™ yarn developed by Asahi Kasei especially for Candiani.
ReLAST is a range of market fresh responsible denim products, designed by Candiani that tick every smart box: from new ways in colouration, to better, more sustainable raw materials, new finishing and fade-tech that minimises water waste, and now with a key responsible stretch ingredient in a specially produced GRS certified ROICA™ yarn that perfectly completes this range making better, more sustainable, sharp fashions for customers looking to live and wear better with better values.

New Colouration values in the K-Seal range come from indigo applied with a water saving Indigo Juice® system. Or in the KN-Cotton range from cotton scraps recycled and dyed with Archroma earth colours. Both are sized with the Kitotex® Vegetal size derived from plants and natural renewables.


2018 GB Network Marketing & Communication

C.L.A.S.S. Proudly Supports Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference in Milan (c) GB Network Marketing & Communication

C.L.A.S.S. Proudly Supports Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference

  • Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference - Milan, October 22-24, 2018
  • The theme of the 2018 conference is United by Action: Accelerating Sustainability in Textiles and Fashion.

The conference offers an opportunity to connect with industry pioneers and learn about cutting edge solutions and innovations in textile and apparel sustainability. As a result, C.L.A.S.S., headquartered in Milan, the global resource for smart material innovation, education, marketing and communication, will be on hand to support this year’s theme.

Many of the materials the C.L.A.S.S. team will showcase speak to circular economy such as Re.VerSo™, Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Iluna Group and TINTEX Textiles and many others that use technological breakthroughs to offer fashion materials that provide significant reductions in water during the manufacturing process, an important step toward responsible future fashion systems.

  • Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference - Milan, October 22-24, 2018
  • The theme of the 2018 conference is United by Action: Accelerating Sustainability in Textiles and Fashion.

The conference offers an opportunity to connect with industry pioneers and learn about cutting edge solutions and innovations in textile and apparel sustainability. As a result, C.L.A.S.S., headquartered in Milan, the global resource for smart material innovation, education, marketing and communication, will be on hand to support this year’s theme.

Many of the materials the C.L.A.S.S. team will showcase speak to circular economy such as Re.VerSo™, Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Iluna Group and TINTEX Textiles and many others that use technological breakthroughs to offer fashion materials that provide significant reductions in water during the manufacturing process, an important step toward responsible future fashion systems.

During Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference, Giusy Bettoni, C.L.A.S.S. CEO and Founder and her team will have a dedicated space to engage attendees in an open discussion regarding the importance of fashion business strategies. The experience in the space, that will reflect an New York event created for C.L.A.S.S. by Ginger Design, will start with the vision of a film by Cristina Picchi that represents harmony between the various phases of the textile process and the cycles of natural elements. Visitors will walk through a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt to inspire creativity and explore the limitless possibilities using innovative smart materials.

“We are always proud to have a presence at international events including this year’s Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference. It is a great way for us to share our expertise regarding responsible innovation and new business model strategies. As C.L.A.S.S. is headquartered in Milan, we are proud that they selected our city for this year’s conference. Being held in Milan provides a chance for us to support Textile Exchange regarding smart material innovation, many of them produced in Italy.” said Bettoni.

Just off their return from Première Vision in Paris, Bettoni who is also the Sustainability Consultant for Smart Creation, recognizes the importance for her company to have a strong international presence to spread C.L.A.S.S.’ message to a global audience regarding responsible creation. 

As C.L.A.S.S. enters their second decade of business, they have expanded their business activities to include e-commerce that provides an opportunity for fashion start-up to purchase up to a maximum of 50, an initiative launched to support fashion start-ups. And a new division, C.L.A.S.S. Education, an initiative Bettoni co-founded with James Mendolia, also a Professor, Fashion Institute of Technology. Mendolia has been visiting universities to speak to fashion design, business, textiles and production students in Europe, Asia and North America to encourage attendees to infuse a new way of design thinking and move from a linear to a circular business model.   


GB Network Marketing & Communication

HUNTSMAN and the CHEMOURS Company Expand Longstanding Alliance CHEMOURS & HUNTSMANN

HUNTSMAN and the CHEMOURS Company Expand Longstanding Alliance

  • Huntsman Textile Effects and The Chemours Company FC, LLC (‘Chemours’) have agreed to expand their long-term alliance in the area of durable water repellence (DWR).

Singapore – By combining the strengths of both companies in innovation, technical support and marketing, the expanded co-operation unlocks the full potential of the alliance to develop and deliver new, sustainable DWR solutions and chemistry.  This historical alliance that was established in the early 1990s has been at the forefront of delivering state-of-the-art solutions to the textile industry for durable water repellent effects. In addition to
fluorinated solutions, the expanded alliance will now be able to offer non-fluorinated alternatives as well. The alliance will cover different aspects of the value chain including research, marketing, technical support and manufacturing.

  • Huntsman Textile Effects and The Chemours Company FC, LLC (‘Chemours’) have agreed to expand their long-term alliance in the area of durable water repellence (DWR).

Singapore – By combining the strengths of both companies in innovation, technical support and marketing, the expanded co-operation unlocks the full potential of the alliance to develop and deliver new, sustainable DWR solutions and chemistry.  This historical alliance that was established in the early 1990s has been at the forefront of delivering state-of-the-art solutions to the textile industry for durable water repellent effects. In addition to
fluorinated solutions, the expanded alliance will now be able to offer non-fluorinated alternatives as well. The alliance will cover different aspects of the value chain including research, marketing, technical support and manufacturing.

“Strengthening the partnership between Huntsman Textile Effects and Chemours unlocks the full potential of both companies to shape technology and product offerings in sustainable durable water repellency. Our cooperation, which has stood the test of time, has clearly demonstrated that strong environmental credentials and performance can co-exist in equal measure. We are excited to move forward with a broader alliance as we strengthen our position as the industry leader in DWR textile solutions,” said Jay Naidu, Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Planning, Huntsman Textile Effects.

“Chemours is excited to expand our partnership with Huntsman Textile Effects. This partnership reinforces our commitment to take a leadership role in the innovation and development of more sustainable and high performing products that address the rapidly evolving needs of the textile industry and the consumers that use these products,” said Jesal Chopra, Vice President, Chemours Fluoropolymers.

Together, Huntsman Textile Effects and Chemours have worked to lead the textile industry’s transition  from long-chain water repellent products to more environmentally friendly short-chain chemistry and, more recently, non-fluorinated chemistry. The collaboration has resulted in new, market-leading DWR solutions that deliver on performance and sustainability. Chemours introduced Teflon EcoElite™ with Zelan™ R3 technology in 2015, a renewably sourced, non-fluorinated water repellent finish. Containing 60% plant-based materials* and complying with all key industry standards, Zelan™ R3 repellent offers excellent water repellency and durability while preserving fabric breathability. It meets or exceeds performance levels possible with fluorinated technologies. Teflon™ Eco Dry with Zelan™ R2 PLUS technology, which compliments Teflon EcoElite™, was recently introduced. Zelan™ R2 PLUS contains 30% renewably sourced plant-based raw materials* and is focused on delivering a high level of durable water repellency for all substrates.

In 2017, Huntsman Textile Effects introduced PHOBOTEX® RSY non-fluorinated durable water repellent, which was developed to specifically meet extreme protection, comfort and durability requirements for both synthetic and cellulosic fibers, delivering an enhanced environmental profile for brands. PHOBOTEX® RSY durable water repellent raises the bar in performance on synthetics, allowing brands to offer high-performance weather protection with an assurance of eco-friendly sustainability. Providing effective protection in extreme environments together with breathable comfort, PHOBOTEX® RSY durable water repellent repulses rain, sleet, and snow, ideal for highperformance outerwear fabrics.

Both companies bring a rich and established heritage firmly centered on research and innovation. Through their expanded alliance, joint research and development efforts in DWR enable Huntsman and Chemours to stay at the forefront of industry trends and regulatory changes for a more sustainable textile industry.

More information:
Huntsman Chemours

Huntsman Textile Effects


JEC Group announces appointment of CEO and JEC World event Director


Mr. Eric PIERREJEAN, who joined the company in January, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding to Mrs. Frédérique MUTEL. He will be in charge of the further development of the company after two decades of growth under Mrs. MUTEL leadership, dedicated to the development and the promotion of the composite materials industry. Before joining JEC Group, Eric PIERREJEAN was Division General Manager at Comexposium from 2011 to 2017. Prior to this, he spent much of his career in sales and marketing positions, spending more than 15 years in the automotive sector (BMW Group, Land Rover) as well as in the sports goods industry (Nike).



Mr. Eric PIERREJEAN, who joined the company in January, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding to Mrs. Frédérique MUTEL. He will be in charge of the further development of the company after two decades of growth under Mrs. MUTEL leadership, dedicated to the development and the promotion of the composite materials industry. Before joining JEC Group, Eric PIERREJEAN was Division General Manager at Comexposium from 2011 to 2017. Prior to this, he spent much of his career in sales and marketing positions, spending more than 15 years in the automotive sector (BMW Group, Land Rover) as well as in the sports goods industry (Nike).


Mrs. Adeline LARROQUE joins JEC Group as Show Director JEC World and EMEA Events with more than 15 years of Global work experience as she has worked in several countries such as USA, UK, China, India, Qatar and UAE where she has developed a strong skill set in exhibitions and events management. After a successful experience at Reed Exhibitions France and China managing numerous exhibitions in the Aerospace, Material, Security, Maritime, Logistics, Construction and Medical industries, she then worked for Qatar Tourism Authority as Head of Exhibitions driving growth for the Doha Jewellery Show, Qatar Motor Show and Women Fashion exhibitions. Lately, she worked for the Events division of the Daily Mail Group supervising the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference as Event Director.

More information:
JEC Group



HAVEP setzt neue Maßstäbe im Bereich digitaler Vermessung

Mit HAVEP EASY SIZING erweitert der niederländische Berufs-/ und Schutzbekleidungsproduzent sein Portfolio innovativer Dienstleistungen. „Nach der gemeinsamen Vorstellung mit unserem Partner Quantacorp auf der A+A 2017 und einer umfangreichen Pilotphase im Frühjahr 2018 sind wir nun seit Sommer in der kommerziellen Phase und haben bereits mehrere große Industrieprojekte erfolgreich gestaltet,“ so Julian Schütz, Trade Marketing Specialist bei HAVEP. Mittels eines 3D-Scans können beim HAVEP EASY SIZING die spezifischen Körpermaße binnen 2 Minuten ermittelt werden. „Die deutlich schnellere und kontaktlose Vermessung ist dabei auch nur ein Vorteil unserer Lösung, das automatische Sichern der Größenpässe in die geschützte Cloud sowie das ergänzende Portal zur Verwaltung der Messergebnisse reduzieren Aufwand und Fehlerquellen im Vergleich zum händischen Vermessen“. HAVEP EASY SIZING wird ab sofort über ausgewählte HAVEP Partner im Fachhandel angeboten oder kann als Dienstleistung direkt bei HAVEP angefragt werden.

Mit HAVEP EASY SIZING erweitert der niederländische Berufs-/ und Schutzbekleidungsproduzent sein Portfolio innovativer Dienstleistungen. „Nach der gemeinsamen Vorstellung mit unserem Partner Quantacorp auf der A+A 2017 und einer umfangreichen Pilotphase im Frühjahr 2018 sind wir nun seit Sommer in der kommerziellen Phase und haben bereits mehrere große Industrieprojekte erfolgreich gestaltet,“ so Julian Schütz, Trade Marketing Specialist bei HAVEP. Mittels eines 3D-Scans können beim HAVEP EASY SIZING die spezifischen Körpermaße binnen 2 Minuten ermittelt werden. „Die deutlich schnellere und kontaktlose Vermessung ist dabei auch nur ein Vorteil unserer Lösung, das automatische Sichern der Größenpässe in die geschützte Cloud sowie das ergänzende Portal zur Verwaltung der Messergebnisse reduzieren Aufwand und Fehlerquellen im Vergleich zum händischen Vermessen“. HAVEP EASY SIZING wird ab sofort über ausgewählte HAVEP Partner im Fachhandel angeboten oder kann als Dienstleistung direkt bei HAVEP angefragt werden.

More information:
Havep Workwear

Trade Marketing Germany

(c) Asahi Kasei
The Bemberg™ new campaign

Asahi Kasei launches the Bemberg™ new brand Campaign

  • @ Premiere Vision, Paris, 19-21st September, Booth 6G62 - 6H63

The story of a Bemberg™ heritage that has shaped a new future for smart innovation through research, knowledge and expertise to deliver the new face of Bemberg™, the one true original material for modern living. The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations, and one that is built on a long heritage of innovations since 1931. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.

Made by Asahi Kasei, the company is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too.

  • @ Premiere Vision, Paris, 19-21st September, Booth 6G62 - 6H63

The story of a Bemberg™ heritage that has shaped a new future for smart innovation through research, knowledge and expertise to deliver the new face of Bemberg™, the one true original material for modern living. The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations, and one that is built on a long heritage of innovations since 1931. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.

Made by Asahi Kasei, the company is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too.

It is not just another brand name, but about enhancing core values through a now even better, more refined product and process that supports our partner’s mission to materially benefit the whole supply chain with beautiful products and open, honest communication. This is the key reason to launch the Bemberg™ global brand, taking the next steps on a journey that redefines a new future of contemporary luxury this unique fiber represents.

And for this, European manufacture is playing its key role in the global role out of the latest Bemberg™ innovations. Pioneering partner mills featured at the booth include: Euromaglia, Fiveol Textil, Infinity, Ipeker, Jackytex, Lanificio Europa, O’Jersey, SMI Tessuti, Tessitura Uboldi Luigi, TINTEX Textiles, Brunello, G.I. Tessil Foderami, Gianni Crespi Foderami, Manifattura Pezzetti, Marco Pastorelli and more. The new Bemberg™ booth at Premiere Vision is a contemporary and clean vision of the brand with a glowing, whitened atmosphere of modern architecture and luminous lighting that perfectly frames the new and dynamic identity image to reveal the ‘preciousness’ essence of the brand, its amazing textiles and leading fashion innovations.

Come and review the 3 fabric galleries, each showing the latest and unique fabric designs for Fashion Forward looks, refined Jersey Dressing and Luxury Athleisure Loungewear. Fashions by Maison Margiela confirm the new status of Bemberg™ as the ONE fiber that moves the luxury of Touch to a new contemporary fashion Feel: the ONE for a cool, liquid drape and movement: the ONE for fresh, exquisite comfort, and the ONE smart material born in the circular economy.

The Bemberg™ new campaign

We show a vision from the past in a true classic vintage sheath dress from the 1991 Martin Margiela winter collection using a peach skin finish on a refined, parachute-light fabric in a signature gunmetal grey colour courtesy of Zohra Alami. And also a contemporary representation of fashion from the MM6 MAISON MARGIELA SS2018 collection with a lingerie inspired dressy style in Bemberg™ popeline. This is a multifunctional style to be used as a top or as a dress

A new technical advance in finishing from Asahi Kasei is presented at the booth. Called Velutine Evo, the finish is comparable to premium peach skin finishes today, but now with a better environmental profile by using less water and energy to produce a durable and refined finish that sets a new benchmark for everyday luxury, demonstrating the company’s ongoing commitment to R&D in smarter, market relevant innovations. The results are supported by a preliminary study carried out by ICEA according to the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 3rd party testing from ICEA, on datas provided by TIFAS and focusing on environmental benefits that will accrue to partners efforts to offer value with values.

Moreover, you will be able to enjoy the circularity of the Bemberg™ story: its source, manufacture and end-of-life credentials, as well as checking the LCA study, also signed by ICEA and validated by Paolo Masoni, a step that confirms a new quality profile and standard for Bemberg™ with a more responsible and unique position today. Full GRS certification, Oeko-Tex 100, ISO 14001, & Eco-Mark.
Also Bemberg™ can add to its premium position on responsible issues, starting from its raw material choice that clearly demonstrates its circular economy approach. Bemberg™ is made from a cotton linter bio-utility waste, a natural derived and abundant source, and a truly unique one in the smart fiber arena that doesn’t deplete food or forestry resources.

Bemberg™ has new Compostability Certification. Innovhub-SSI report confirms Bemberg™ filaments disintegrate at 100% value within the limits specified by the UNI EN 13432, point A.3.1 for disintegration in the composting process. Also related is a new Ecotoxicity metric to EN 13432:2000 Annex E, the compost obtained from the Bemberg™ filaments according to ISO 16929:2013 revealed the absence of any ecotoxicity effect respect higher plants. The Bemberg™ filaments tested for the presence of heavy metals and other toxic hazardous substances comply with the requirements specified by the UNI EN 13432, for the substances listed in table A.1.

Asahi Kasei is proud to present the Bemberg™ heritage that delivers a true precious uniqueness through responsible smart innovation and transparency. To make contemporary luxury materials that provoke emotive responses through its rarity, sensuality, research and creativity. The ingrained knowledge and know-how behind the brand adds value to the supply chain, working only with the best, amplifying our partner’s knowledge and dynamic commitment too.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

Huntsman Textile Effects  (c)Huntsman Textile

Huntsman Textile Effects introduces UNIVADINE® E3-3D

  • Huntsman Textile effects redefines dyeing of polyester including microfiber and blends with UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant
  • Eco-friendly diffusion accelerant provides reproducible, high-speed polyester dyeing

Singapore – Huntsman Textile Effects introduces UNIVADINE® E3-3D next-generation diffusion accelerant to help mills achieve high-performance dyeing of polyester, microfibers and blends in an environment-friendly way that complies with current and anticipated industry sustainability standards.

The demand for polyester and man-made fibers is booming as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand rapidly around the world. At the same time, big-name brands that set trends in the sector continue to increase focus on sustainability and performance. As such, this is putting pressure on mills since the current industry standard involves chemically active diffusion accelerants that contain unwanted chemicals and require additional leveling agents and anti-foaming products that may be hazardous to people and the environment.

  • Huntsman Textile effects redefines dyeing of polyester including microfiber and blends with UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant
  • Eco-friendly diffusion accelerant provides reproducible, high-speed polyester dyeing

Singapore – Huntsman Textile Effects introduces UNIVADINE® E3-3D next-generation diffusion accelerant to help mills achieve high-performance dyeing of polyester, microfibers and blends in an environment-friendly way that complies with current and anticipated industry sustainability standards.

The demand for polyester and man-made fibers is booming as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand rapidly around the world. At the same time, big-name brands that set trends in the sector continue to increase focus on sustainability and performance. As such, this is putting pressure on mills since the current industry standard involves chemically active diffusion accelerants that contain unwanted chemicals and require additional leveling agents and anti-foaming products that may be hazardous to people and the environment.

Developed by Huntsman Textile Effects specifically to meet these challenges, UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant is low-odor, free of benzyl benzoate and other hazardous substances. Part of Huntsman’s range of innovative dyEvolution™ dyeing auxiliaries, it uses Huntsman’s Active Diffusion Technology to enable high-speed dyeing with best-in-class leveling, retarding and migration properties.

“UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant delivers across three key dimensions – diffusion, leveling and migration – for exceptional performance and environmental and economic sustainability. Its environmental credentials offer mills greater processing flexibility and an optimum price-performance ratio,” said Kerim Oner, Global Marketing Manager for Dyeing Auxiliaries at Huntsman Textile Effects. “We expect this latest offering to change the way that the industry dyes polyester and blends while meeting stringent environmental standards.”

UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant has a high affinity to polyester, causing the fiber to swell and increasing the diffusion of the disperse dye, even at lower temperatures. Multiple leveling mechanisms then slow down the exhaustion rate to ensure safe, defect-free dyeing. Finally, as the dye bath heats up, the product’s strong support for disperse dye migration ensures the dye molecules are evenly absorbed.

As a result of this cutting-edge diffusion technology, UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant can be used to successfully dye polyester fibers in tightly wound or high-density yarn/beam dyeing and is suitable for jet applications without the need for anti-foaming products. Reducing exposure to high heat, its Active Diffusion Technology minimizes the potential to damage the elastane in polyester-elastane blends and provides for on-tone dyeing of microfibers. The superior migration support of UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant also increases reproducibility, allowing mills to dispense with additional leveling agents. Polyester, microfibers and blends treated with UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant comply with the requirements of bluesign®, in addition to being suitable for Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX® and an approved input dyeing auxiliary chemical for GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified textile products*.


Huntsman Textile Effects

ROICA™ Joins Première Vision Paris’ Smart Square (c) ROICA™

ROICA™ Joins Première Vision Paris’ Smart Square

  • September 19, 20, and 21, 2018
  • This September visit Première Vision’s Smart Square for a great opportunity to meet and greet ROICA™ experts to discuss responsible innovation and well-being.

ROICA™ experts showcase the world-first ROICA™ Eco Smart family that offers 2 responsible made yarns: a GRS (Global Recycled Standard) version 3 certified yarn and the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification.

On display in the Smart Square, a 800-sq. m. area dedicated to shed light on a new generation of values combining creativity, innovation and sustainability, is a  unique  range of ROICA™ Eco-Smart family based fabrics, the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers creating ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with impressive certifications:

  • September 19, 20, and 21, 2018
  • This September visit Première Vision’s Smart Square for a great opportunity to meet and greet ROICA™ experts to discuss responsible innovation and well-being.

ROICA™ experts showcase the world-first ROICA™ Eco Smart family that offers 2 responsible made yarns: a GRS (Global Recycled Standard) version 3 certified yarn and the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification.

On display in the Smart Square, a 800-sq. m. area dedicated to shed light on a new generation of values combining creativity, innovation and sustainability, is a  unique  range of ROICA™ Eco-Smart family based fabrics, the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers creating ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with impressive certifications:

  • Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified by Textile Exchange - ROICA™ constructed with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content.
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health product and ingredients - ROICA™ yarn evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

ROICA™ experts empower attendees with knowledge, and inspire creativity as they demonstrate ROICA™ Eco-Smart family functionality. Engage the experts in the Smart Square, ask questions and learn about the company’s ongoing commitment to responsible innovation. At the corporate level, ROICA™ has achieved the following certifications: Oeko Tex 100, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2008. Moreover, ROICA™ mills in Germay achieved the certification of ISO 50001:2001.

ROICA™ partners exhibiting at Première Vision Paris presenting ROICA™ Eco-Smart family:

  • Fukui Warp Knitting CO.,LTD  (JP) Hall 6 booth H15
  • Iluna Group S.p.A (IT) Hall 5 booth N14 P13
  • Jackytex (IT) Hall 5 booth M24 N23
  • Lanificio Europa (IT) Hall 6 stand D12, F49
  • Maglificio Ripa S.p.A. (IT) Hall 5 booth 5P29
  • M.I.T.I. Spa (IT) Hall 6 booth G19
  • Penn Textile Solutions GmbH / Penn Italia (DE/IT) booth 6G17
  • Sofileta (FR) Hall 6 booth H18 6J13
  • TINTEX Textiles (PT) Hall 5 booth N56

Additional ROICA™ partners at Première Vision also exhibiting a wide-range of other ROICA™ specialties:

  • Eusebio (IT) Hall 5 booth 5P34 5R15
  • Kurabo Industries LTD (JP) Hall 6 booth C20 D21

Lastly, on Friday 21st September 2018, at 1.30 pm, you are invited to join Dr. Stephan Hütte at Première Vision Smart Square as he facilitates an open discussion with exhibitors and introduces the audience to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family. Dr. Hütte will discuss ROICA™ textile innovations for contemporary consumer within the fashion, lingerie and activewear markets.

Recognizing Asahi Kasei for spearheading the premium stretch market, the Dorbinbirn-GFC Global Fiber Congress has invited Dr. Stephan Hütte, Development Manager ROICA™ Fibers at Asahi Kasei to present ROICA™ Eco-Smart family at this year’s congress. The Europe-centered innovation platform for the fiber industry is a distinguished idea and network generator hosting top-ranking international experts in fiber innovations. The event includes 700 participants from 30 nations and will take place September 12th through the 14th in Austria.

Last but not least, at Première Vision ROICA™ is proud to welcome Shinichiro Haga, Senior Executive Manager - ROICA™ Division. The company also announces an internal appointment: Mr. Hiroaki Shinohe elected as Chief Marketing Officer for European market.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

drapilux Erklärvideos machen intelligente Stoffe erlebbar (c) drapilux

drapilux Erklärvideos machen intelligente Stoffe erlebbar

  • Textilhersteller drapilux erweitert erfolgreiche Markenkampagne

Emsdetten - Herkömmliche Dekostoffe können zu gefährlichen Brandbeschleunigern werden, weiß Johannes. Er ist Mitglied der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr und rät: Lieber flammhemmende Vorhänge ins Wohnzimmer hängen! Johannes ist einer der fiktiven Protagonisten, die in den neuen Erklärvideos des Emsdettener Textilherstellers drapilux auftauchen. Mithilfe der Filme schafft es die Marke anschaulich darzustellen, wie intelligente Funktionen der Textilien die Sicherheit, Hygiene, Raumqualität und Akustik verbessern.

  • Textilhersteller drapilux erweitert erfolgreiche Markenkampagne

Emsdetten - Herkömmliche Dekostoffe können zu gefährlichen Brandbeschleunigern werden, weiß Johannes. Er ist Mitglied der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr und rät: Lieber flammhemmende Vorhänge ins Wohnzimmer hängen! Johannes ist einer der fiktiven Protagonisten, die in den neuen Erklärvideos des Emsdettener Textilherstellers drapilux auftauchen. Mithilfe der Filme schafft es die Marke anschaulich darzustellen, wie intelligente Funktionen der Textilien die Sicherheit, Hygiene, Raumqualität und Akustik verbessern.

drapilux ist international für Textilien mit intelligenten Zusatzfunktionen in ansprechendem Design bekannt. Bislang allerdings vor allem im B2B-Bereich. „In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir die Marke und die innovativen Attribute unserer Dekorations- und Bezugsstoffe ausschließlich mit Blick auf unsere Geschäftskunden im Objektbereich kommuniziert“, so Markus Overbeck, Marketing Director von drapilux. So betonte die 2017 gestartete Imagekampagne mit dem Claim „Mehr als nur ein Stoff“ effektvoll die „inneren Werte“ der drapilux-Textilien, welche im Brandfall schützen, den Lärmpegel reduzieren, Gerüche neutralisieren und die Gefahr von Keimen und Bakterien auf dem Stoff reduzieren. Die im Rahmen des Auftritts symbolhaft dargestellten Stoffnachbildungen dieser besonderen Eigenschaften – ein roter Stoff-Feuerlöscher, grüne Ohrenschützer aus Textil, ein blauer, gewebter Ventilator und eine rosafarbene Textil-Desinfektionsmittelflasche – sorgten nicht nur für hohe Aufmerksamkeit in der Zielgruppe, sondern auch für renommierte Kreativ-Preise. Mittlerweile gibt es sogar auch Miniaturen dieser Exponate aus dem 3D-Drucker. Sie stehen vor allem dem Außendienst als Giveaways zur Verfügung.

Mit vier neu produzierten Erklärvideos zu den beschriebenen intelligenten Funktionen wechselt das Unternehmen nun die Perspektive und erweitert damit seine Markenkampagne auf das B2C-Segment: Die Vorteile und Nutzen der Produktlinien „air“ (Verbesserung des Raumklimas), „bioaktiv“ (Schutz vor Keimen und Bakterien), „flammstop“ (flammhemmend) und „akustik“ (lärmmindernd) werden erstmals aus Sicht des Endverbrauchers erzählt.

Comic-Figuren lösen Probleme des Alltags

Die Videos, die seit September bei YouTube abrufbar sind, greifen Alltagssituationen in der häuslichen Umgebung auf. Die Hauptrollen spielen dabei Comic-Figuren wie die Familie Peters mit Sohn Johannes, Mama Laura oder Hobbyköchin Susi. Sie machen sich Sorgen über schnell entflammbare Vorhänge im Wohnzimmer, ärgern sich über Essensgerüche, die hartnäckig in der ganzen Wohnung hängen oder fühlen sich durch Lärm und laute Geräusche in den eigenen vier Wänden belästigt. Im Clip erfahren die Zuschauer dann, wie sich diese Probleme durch intelligente Textilien beheben oder zumindest deutlich abschwächen lassen.

Zum Beispiel verarbeitet drapilux bei der Herstellung der „flammstop“-Produkte spezielle Polyesterfasern in den Stoffen. Dadurch sind sie selbst bei direktem Kontakt mit Feuer schwer entzündlich und hemmen die Ausbreitung eines Brandes und die Entwicklung von Rauchgas. Diese Wirkung hält auch nach vielen Waschgängen an.

Endverwender sensibilisieren

„Wir versprechen uns von den Erklärvideos, dass wir einerseits unsere Partner im Markt neu für die Potenziale der intelligenten Funktionen begeistern können. Die bei YouTube abrufbaren eineinhalb bis zwei Minuten langen Videos können dabei in deren Webseiten eingebettet und im Kundenkontakt eingesetzt werden“, so Overbeck. „Andererseits sind wir aber auch gespannt, ob der ein oder andere Endverwender sich mit den Mehrwerten der drapilux-Textilien auseinandersetzt und den Themen nachgeht.“ drapilux-Produkte sind unter anderem über Inneneinrichter und Fachbetriebe zu beziehen.

Award-Triple für die Marke drapilux

Nicht zuletzt die vielen Auszeichnungen für die B2B-Kampagne haben drapilux dazu motiviert, den Schritt zu gehen und den Auftritt zu erweitern. Nach dem „German Innovation Award“ und dem „German Design Award“ erhielt die Marke des Textilunternehmens Schmitz Textiles Ende Juni 2018 den „German Brand Award“ von der Design- und Markeninstanz Deutschlands. „Die Preise haben uns darin bestärkt, dass wir in unserer Kommunikation offensiver, emotionaler und verbrauchernäher sein dürfen“, so Overbeck.

Die vier Videos finden Sie auf dem drapilux-YouTube-Kanal!


schönknecht : kommunikation gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh

Huntsman and ICI Pakistan join forces to grow Pakistan's textile sector Huntsman Textile Effects and ICI Pakistan entered into a strategic collaboration today. Pictured from left: Asif Jooma, CEO, ICI Pakistan Ltd, Chuck Hirsch, Vice President for Commercial and Technical Resources Huntsman Textile Effects, Arshaduddin Ahmed, Vice President Chemicals & Agri Sciences Business, ICI Pakistan Ltd and Rohit Aggarwal, President for Textile Effects.

Huntsman and ICI Pakistan join forces to grow Pakistan's textile sector

Huntsman Textile Effects and ICI Pakistan today entered into a strategic collaboration under which ICI Pakistan will market and distribute Huntsman's wide range of high-quality textile dyes, chemicals, digital inks and services in Pakistan. The collaboration will combine Huntsman Textile Effects’ global experience in downstream marketing, product innovation and product stewardship with ICI Pakistan’s extensive and well established local network of customers and suppliers.

The textile sector accounts for *57% of Pakistan’s exports and 40% of the industrial workforce, but rising costs and tougher global competition are becoming increasing challenges for the industry as a whole. Huntsman Textile Effects and ICI Pakistan through this alliance are fully committed to support the efforts of Pakistan’s Ministry of Textile to boost productivity and sustainability of the sector.

Huntsman Textile Effects and ICI Pakistan today entered into a strategic collaboration under which ICI Pakistan will market and distribute Huntsman's wide range of high-quality textile dyes, chemicals, digital inks and services in Pakistan. The collaboration will combine Huntsman Textile Effects’ global experience in downstream marketing, product innovation and product stewardship with ICI Pakistan’s extensive and well established local network of customers and suppliers.

The textile sector accounts for *57% of Pakistan’s exports and 40% of the industrial workforce, but rising costs and tougher global competition are becoming increasing challenges for the industry as a whole. Huntsman Textile Effects and ICI Pakistan through this alliance are fully committed to support the efforts of Pakistan’s Ministry of Textile to boost productivity and sustainability of the sector.

“Sharing a common vision of a stronger textile sector in Pakistan, Huntsman Textile Effects and ICI Pakistan are combining our resources to respond to this important market with greater speed, more flexibility and a higher standard of service. Together, we are in an even stronger position to support customers here and help them produce higher-value products from a cleaner and more modern supply chain,” said Chuck Hirsch, Vice President, Commercial and Technical Resources, Huntsman Textile Effects.

“ICI Pakistan’s commitment to health, safety and environmental sustainability is the cornerstone of our operations, and in Huntsman Textile Effects we have found a partner who matches our dedication. As two customer-centric organizations with a passion for innovation, we are set to deliver enduring value for the textile sector by supporting local companies to capture global emerging opportunities,” said Arshaduddin Ahmed, Vice President Chemicals & Agri Sciences Business, ICI Pakistan Ltd.


More information:
Huntsman Textile Effects

Huntsman Textile Effects

Nolla cabin (c) Neste

Minimal footprint cabin designed in Finland

Built on an island right off the Finnish capital Helsinki, the Nolla cabin represents an ecological alternative to cabin life.

This summer, living with minimal emissions will be put to the test. Neste is building a prototype of a cabin that has a minimal environmental impact in terms of both carbon dioxide emissions and concrete impact on nature. The Nolla (= zero) cabin, designed by Finnish designer Robin Falck, is located just outside Helsinki city center, on the Vallisaari island. The cabin has been built from sustainable materials and is designed for a simple lifestyle with minimal to no emissions, taking into account the surrounding nature in every respect.

Built on an island right off the Finnish capital Helsinki, the Nolla cabin represents an ecological alternative to cabin life.

This summer, living with minimal emissions will be put to the test. Neste is building a prototype of a cabin that has a minimal environmental impact in terms of both carbon dioxide emissions and concrete impact on nature. The Nolla (= zero) cabin, designed by Finnish designer Robin Falck, is located just outside Helsinki city center, on the Vallisaari island. The cabin has been built from sustainable materials and is designed for a simple lifestyle with minimal to no emissions, taking into account the surrounding nature in every respect.

Located on the idyllic island of Vallisaari in the Helsinki archipelago, the Nolla cabin encourages people to consider how modern solutions and innovations could enable sustainable cabin living. Vallisaari has been in a natural state for decades and is thus the perfect location for an urban cabin experience, located at a 20-minute boat ride away from the Helsinki market square. The ecological and mobile Nolla cabin will be in Vallisaari until the end of September, demonstrating a lifestyle that generates minimal to no emissions.

Placing the compact and mobile cabin on its private lot does not require a construction permit
and it has been designed to use building materials as effectively as possible. The cabin is the size of a small bedroom and can be assembled and transported without heavy machinery, leaving its environment nearly untouched. The Nolla cabin has been designed by Finnish designer Robin Falck, whose earlier design, Nido cabin, has been globally acknowledged.

The Nolla cabin introduces solutions, which enable minimizing cabin life emissions remarkably. The energy supply of the cabin is entirely renewable; electricity is generated by solar panels, whilst the Wallas stove, reserved for cooking and heating, runs entirely on Neste MY Renewable Diesel, made 100% from waste and residue. The Aava Lines raft operating between Helsinki city centre and Vallisaari will also run on Neste MY Renewable diesel that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%.

“With the Nolla cabin, we want to offer visitors the possibility to experience modern cabin life in the realm of nature, with minimal emissions. An ecological lifestyle does not only require giving up unsustainable commodities, but also discovering modern, sustainable solutions that can be used instead. This has been an essential part of the design process”, says Falck.

“Finns are known for spending time at their beloved summer houses. We wanted to explore sustainable solutions that could enable cabin life with minimal emissions. Shared and circular economy, as well as new technologies and innovations have made it possible to enjoy our cabins without harming or burdening the environment. Some of the solutions that have been used at the Nolla cabin are perfectly adaptable at any cabin”, says Sirpa Tuomi, Marketing Director at Neste.

The Nolla cabin is executed in collaboration with Fortum, Wallas and Stockmann and is part of the Journey to Zero project by Neste, which explores new ideas and aims to steer the world towards a cleaner future with fewer emissions.

More information:
Nolla cabin


Donald Mulazzani, Marketing and Business Development Director Garmon Chemicals copia (c) Garmon Chemicals
Donald Mulazzani, Marketing and Business Development Director Garmon Chemicals copia

Sustainability becomes an integrated path to growth in the new strategy chosen by Garmon Chemicals

  • Product innovations, thought-leadership and the new certifications.
  • A set of strategic green actions, aimed at increasing transparency and traceability in the company and throughout the industry.

Garmon Chemicals relaunches its commitment to an increasingly green and transparent use of chemicals. The new goal for the company, which in January 2018 has become part of the US Kemin Industries group, is to embark on an actual journey towards sustainability, integrating product innovation with increasingly distinctive strategic actions.

There are three main innovations spearheading Garmon’s commitment. The partnership with the ground-breaking project Alliance for Responsible Denim in the exclusive workshop “Doctor Visits”, held in London June 12. The new ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 process certifications.  The innovative “Stretch Care” collection which features a whole package of eco-compatible solutions, specific for finishing in the world of stretch fabrics.

  • Product innovations, thought-leadership and the new certifications.
  • A set of strategic green actions, aimed at increasing transparency and traceability in the company and throughout the industry.

Garmon Chemicals relaunches its commitment to an increasingly green and transparent use of chemicals. The new goal for the company, which in January 2018 has become part of the US Kemin Industries group, is to embark on an actual journey towards sustainability, integrating product innovation with increasingly distinctive strategic actions.

There are three main innovations spearheading Garmon’s commitment. The partnership with the ground-breaking project Alliance for Responsible Denim in the exclusive workshop “Doctor Visits”, held in London June 12. The new ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 process certifications.  The innovative “Stretch Care” collection which features a whole package of eco-compatible solutions, specific for finishing in the world of stretch fabrics.

In partnership with Alliance for Responsible Denim for the “Doctor Visits” workshop
On June 12, in London, the stage was set for “Doctor Visits” an event-workshop organized by Alliance for Responsible Denim focusing on the dissemination and promotion of best practices for sustainable manufacturing. The meeting was dedicated to six selected denim brands, which had a chance to meet the greatest experts in the finishing of indigo fabric.

Garmon Chemicals made available its inimitable experience as technical partner for finishing, as well as conducting team sessions with the Jeanologia staff, a leading company for eco-sustainable technological solutions. The six brands brought the finishing recipes of their Never out of Stock styles, to receive support and recommendations from the experts about the most innovative alternatives in terms of sustainability. The goal was to show the brands new possibilities to migrate towards more responsible finishing, improving their recipes as well. This was a way to reaffirm how ecodriven innovations can also increase finished product quality.
The new ISO certifications: increasingly high standards
Garmon Chemicals is also pleased to announce that it has been awarded two important certifications for compliance with ISO international standards as regards safety, reliability and quality. Reference is made here to ISO 9001:2015, a certification which sets international criteria for quality management systems, and most notably, to ISO 14001:2015, a standard acknowledged worldwide stipulating all requirements for an environmental management system. This certification, in particular, helps organizations improve their environmental management performance levels through a more efficient use of resources as well as by reducing production waste. Indeed ISO 14001:2015 mandates that an organization should take into account all aspects relevant to its core business. Amongst assessed parameters there are: air pollution, managing water resources and discharge, waste management, soil contamination, mitigation and adjustment to climate change, as well as an efficient use of resources.

These certifications, once again, provide evidence of the constant commitment on the part of Garmon for an increasingly sustainable use of chemicals, aimed at truly reducing its impact on humans and the environment.
A commitment which comes to life in the new “Stretch Care” collection
Introduced on the occasion of the Kingpins exhibition in April 2018, the new “Stretch Care” collection is a line of products completely dedicated to enhancing the qualities and performance of stretch fabrics. The special formulations developed for this line, with their cutting-edge raw materials, are especially suited for treatments with a high eco-compatibility rate; at the same time they optimize the production process. It is worth mentioning in particular the innovative Geopower NPS (= no pumice stone), a compound which helps eliminate pumice stone from denim washings, thus reducing environmental costs and impacts. Another ground-breaking product is Avol Oxy White, the innovative bleaching agent designed to achieve localized effects on denim. Thanks to its composition it is an ecologically advanced product whose environmental impact has been reduced to a minimum, a real challenge to the use of potassium permanganate which tends to be pervasively used as part of industrial processes.

“We firmly believe in developing sustainable chemistry” – concludes Donald Mulazzani, Marketing and Business Development Director at Garmon Chemicals – “not only in terms of product, but also as evidence of our responsible approach on several levels. In this way, we want to contribute to disseminating what will need to be the best practices in the future, for the whole industry”.

More information:

Menabò Press office for Garmon Chemicals


Bally Completes its Executive Team

Bally, the historic Swiss luxury brand is pleased to announce the appointment of two key figures to its executive team, completing the process of strategic redevelopment begun last year with the transfer of the Creative, Merchandising and Marketing offices from London to its new showroom in Milan.

Effective immediately, Eva Quirrenbach joins Bally as Chief Marketing Officer following a term in New York as Vice President of Global Brand Marketing at Tory Burch, having previously occupied strategic roles within the Tod’s Group in both Italy and the United States. Eva is a recognised expert in all aspects of international branding and marketing within the luxury sector, and with her proven understanding of consumer behaviour, she played an integral role in the development and acceleration of the digital footprint and in supporting global brand development at Tory Burch.

Bally, the historic Swiss luxury brand is pleased to announce the appointment of two key figures to its executive team, completing the process of strategic redevelopment begun last year with the transfer of the Creative, Merchandising and Marketing offices from London to its new showroom in Milan.

Effective immediately, Eva Quirrenbach joins Bally as Chief Marketing Officer following a term in New York as Vice President of Global Brand Marketing at Tory Burch, having previously occupied strategic roles within the Tod’s Group in both Italy and the United States. Eva is a recognised expert in all aspects of international branding and marketing within the luxury sector, and with her proven understanding of consumer behaviour, she played an integral role in the development and acceleration of the digital footprint and in supporting global brand development at Tory Burch.

“Eva is an excellent addition to the Bally team. The combination of a consolidated experience and understanding of luxury brands along with her background driving the strategic development of successful global projects make her the ideal leader to drive Bally's commitment to unified commerce on a global level".
Frédéric De Narp, Bally Group CEO

Bally has moved to a three-pronged regional strategy and as such is also pleased to announce the promotion of Silvia Onofri to a new role as CEO for the EMEA region, in addition to her current role as Vice President of Global Wholesale. During her time in Bally, Silvia has obtained outstanding results entering top tier multi-brand doors around the world and increasing Bally's footprint in Travel Retail to make the brand a global leader in the field.

Silvia has extensive experience in the global fashion and luxury industry, having first joined the Bally team 10 years ago, following key marketing roles in Bulgari.

“Silvia has the unique benefit of intimately understanding the Bally brand and it’s DNA, and having proven experience in forging new relationships with the world’s leading retailers and their customers. With this invaluable expertise in hand, I am confident that she will infuse the EMEA Retail division with enthusiasm, professionalism and unique market insights to take Bally to the next level in these crucial markets” -
Frédéric De Narp.

The arrival of Eva Quirrenbach and the promotion of Silvia Onofri are part of Bally Group CEO Frédéric de Narp’s ongoing strategic vision to infuse Bally’s prestigious brand identity with heightened dynamism, appeal and allure.
Both roles report directly to Bally’s Group CEO, Frederic de Narp.

More information:



ROICA™ Infused Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, included ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers discovered ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ joined this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? was held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel led the way, as they shared their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, included ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers discovered ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ joined this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? was held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel led the way, as they shared their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

Uwe Schmidt, Asahi Kasei’s ROICA™, Managing Director introduces cycle enthusiasts, brands, retailers and manufacturers to the world’s first premium sustainable stretch yarn: ROICA™ Eco-Smart and the ROICA™ Feel Good family dedicated to well-being.
Laura Gambarini, marketing and communication manager at M.I.T.I. S.p.A.: M.I.T.I. Since 1931, M.I.T.I. develops and creates premium and innovative stretch warp knitted fabrics for all the high performance sports. Cycling brands recognize M.I.T.I. as the market leader for the outstanding features of their innovative fabrics. Green soul is their ultimate creation, the first fully sustainable stretch warp knitted range of fabrics in the world, created with ROICA™ Eco-Smart family for the new generation sustainable performance garments.
Sven Koehler, Head of production Maloja Clothing GmbH: Maloja, an outdoor specialty brand with its roots in nature and wellbeing have developed new amazing biking sets constructed of M.I.T.I. SpA fabrics using certified yarns belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.
Sergio Alibrandi, Executive Marketing Director Sitip S.p.A.: SITIP creates high-tech innovative sports fabrics that are made in Italy and optimize the latest technology. Committed to smart innovation, learn how they developed their ground-breaking multi-panel thermal bib tights able to generate heat for riders that want to conquer cold winter training. Made from BeHOT fabric constructed with ROICA™ StretchEnergy™, the next level of well-being providing a new dimension to active performance.  The audience will learn how leading international cycling brand Santini is using BeHOT with ROICA™ on select products to generate additional heat – up to 2 degrees C as the cyclist moves their body, thanks to ground-breaking heat generating technology as certified by CeRism, Outdoor Sport Research Centre at Verona University.
 Witness ROICA™ partners as leaders in high-tech performance fabrics for the world of sports for riders that want to stand out. The unbeatable collection of well-constructed fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market at the following EUROBIKE Exhibitors:

  • M.I.T.I. SpA (IT)
  • Maglificio Ripa (IT)
  • Piave Maitex (IT)
  • SITIP SpA (IT)
  • Sportwear Argentona S.A. (ES)
More information:

GB Network

Artikel 163 mit richtungslosem Grafik-Dessin (c) drapilux
Artikel 163 mit richtungslosem Grafik-Dessin

drapilux zeigt eine Jacquard-Familie in angesagten Trendfarben

  • Emsdettener Hersteller präsentiert Stoff-Neuheiten in luxuriöser Optik

Mit einer Serie moderner Jacquards baut drapilux sein umfangreiches Portfolio aus. Die spezielle Webtechnik der flammhemmenden Gewebe ermöglicht ausgesprochen komplexe, kontrastierende und zugleich aufeinander abgestimmte Musterungen für eine hochwertige Ausstattung. Zum Sommer präsentiert der Textilproduzent aus Emsdetten diese eindrucksvollen Stoffe, die Objekten einen zeitgemäßen Hauch von Luxus verleihen.

Damast, Brokat oder Matelassé – die Klassiker unter den Jacquards genossen bislang ein eher tradiertes, altmodisches Ansehen, denkt man an die prunkvollen Wandtextilien, schweren Vorhänge und dicken Möbelpolster, für die sie häufig Verwendung fanden. drapilux hat die exquisiten Gewebe für moderne Umgebungen stilvoll neu interpretiert, schließlich ermöglicht die spezielle Webtechnik von Jacquards einzigartige, sich endlos aneinanderreihende Musterungen. Zudem verfügen die drapilux-Textilien über eine hohe Langlebigkeit, sind gleichzeitig pflegeleicht und als flammhemmende Stoffe vielseitig einsetzbar.

  • Emsdettener Hersteller präsentiert Stoff-Neuheiten in luxuriöser Optik

Mit einer Serie moderner Jacquards baut drapilux sein umfangreiches Portfolio aus. Die spezielle Webtechnik der flammhemmenden Gewebe ermöglicht ausgesprochen komplexe, kontrastierende und zugleich aufeinander abgestimmte Musterungen für eine hochwertige Ausstattung. Zum Sommer präsentiert der Textilproduzent aus Emsdetten diese eindrucksvollen Stoffe, die Objekten einen zeitgemäßen Hauch von Luxus verleihen.

Damast, Brokat oder Matelassé – die Klassiker unter den Jacquards genossen bislang ein eher tradiertes, altmodisches Ansehen, denkt man an die prunkvollen Wandtextilien, schweren Vorhänge und dicken Möbelpolster, für die sie häufig Verwendung fanden. drapilux hat die exquisiten Gewebe für moderne Umgebungen stilvoll neu interpretiert, schließlich ermöglicht die spezielle Webtechnik von Jacquards einzigartige, sich endlos aneinanderreihende Musterungen. Zudem verfügen die drapilux-Textilien über eine hohe Langlebigkeit, sind gleichzeitig pflegeleicht und als flammhemmende Stoffe vielseitig einsetzbar.

Mit prägnanten Webmustern und ihrer charakteristischen Haptik besitzen sie ein besonders dekoratives Aussehen und bringen eleganten Charme in die Objekteinrichtung – gerade in den gehobenen Milieus der modernen Hotels und dem boomenden Kreuzfahrtschiff-Markt steigt die Nachfrage nach edlen Stoffkreationen. Mit der Erweiterung des Produkt-Portfolios reagiert drapilux auf die Kundenwünsche und stellt eine neue Jacquard-Reihe vor: anspruchsvolle Dessinierungen in jeweils sechs Trendfarben, die sensibel aufeinander abgestimmt sind und sich somit bestens kombinieren lassen.


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