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APR: Blockchain-Based ‘Follow Our Fibre’ Refreshed

  • Conservation and Biodiversity Information Now Available

Asia Pacific Rayon’s (APR) Follow Our Fibre is a blockchain-based tool that allows users access to information in real-time on the source of the raw materials in their garments and the origination of the fibre.

Launched in May 2019, the platform is now refreshed to include information of its suppliers’ conservation and biodiversity efforts, taking information transparency and richness to a new level. The refresh comes at a time when the fashion industry, through the Fashion Pact, is beginning to embrace biodiversity as a core focus on its agenda.

Follow Our Fibre now maps APR’s supply chain right down to locations of forest plantation concessions and conservation areas. The textile fibre producer’s suppliers are collectively responsible for the conservation of more than 3.12 million hectares of forests around the world, including boreal and peat swamp forests. These protected forests have rich biodiversity like the elusive Sumatran Tiger and Canadian Boreal Caribou, and provide ecosystem services, including 22 rivers and tributaries totalling over 900km.

  • Conservation and Biodiversity Information Now Available

Asia Pacific Rayon’s (APR) Follow Our Fibre is a blockchain-based tool that allows users access to information in real-time on the source of the raw materials in their garments and the origination of the fibre.

Launched in May 2019, the platform is now refreshed to include information of its suppliers’ conservation and biodiversity efforts, taking information transparency and richness to a new level. The refresh comes at a time when the fashion industry, through the Fashion Pact, is beginning to embrace biodiversity as a core focus on its agenda.

Follow Our Fibre now maps APR’s supply chain right down to locations of forest plantation concessions and conservation areas. The textile fibre producer’s suppliers are collectively responsible for the conservation of more than 3.12 million hectares of forests around the world, including boreal and peat swamp forests. These protected forests have rich biodiversity like the elusive Sumatran Tiger and Canadian Boreal Caribou, and provide ecosystem services, including 22 rivers and tributaries totalling over 900km.

“It is vital that we work with our supply partners to protect and strengthen forest landscape conservation areas rich in flora and fauna, and home to threatened and endangered species for today and future generations. These efforts are part of APR’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 13 on Climate Action, and 15 on Life on Land,” said Cherie Tan, Vice President of Sustainability and Communications.

By providing a snapshot of the forest landscapes and biodiversity, APR hopes to quantify its ecological footprint and, as a next step, seek opportunities to partner its stakeholders to further strengthen forest conservation and enhance biodiversity in areas it sources from. Follow Our Fibre reflects the company’s long-term objectives for sustainable pulp sourcing and responsible manufacturing, and is a tool for its customers and stakeholders to trace finished products back to forest plantation origins, as well as monitor the environmental performance of APR’s supply chain.


Asia Pacific Rayon

Anlagentechnik zum Carbonfaser-Recycling im Zentrum für Textilen Leichtbau am STFI, Foto: Dirk Hanus.

Innovationen beim Recycling von Carbonfasern

  • Kohlenstoff mit mehreren Leben

Geht es um die Zukunft der motorisierten Mobilität, reden alle vom Antrieb: Wie viel E-Auto, wie viel Verbrenner verträgt die Umwelt und braucht der Mensch? Zugleich stellen neue Antriebe erhöhte Anforderungen nicht nur an den Motor, sondern auch an dessen Gehäuse und die Karosse: Für solch anspruchsvolle Anwendungen kommen häufig Carbonfasern zum Einsatz. Wie der Antrieb der Zukunft, sollten auch die Werkstoffe am Fahrzeug umweltfreundlich sein. Deshalb ist Recycling von Carbonfasern gefragt. Lösungen dafür haben Institute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft entwickelt.

  • Kohlenstoff mit mehreren Leben

Geht es um die Zukunft der motorisierten Mobilität, reden alle vom Antrieb: Wie viel E-Auto, wie viel Verbrenner verträgt die Umwelt und braucht der Mensch? Zugleich stellen neue Antriebe erhöhte Anforderungen nicht nur an den Motor, sondern auch an dessen Gehäuse und die Karosse: Für solch anspruchsvolle Anwendungen kommen häufig Carbonfasern zum Einsatz. Wie der Antrieb der Zukunft, sollten auch die Werkstoffe am Fahrzeug umweltfreundlich sein. Deshalb ist Recycling von Carbonfasern gefragt. Lösungen dafür haben Institute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft entwickelt.

Carbonfasern, auch als Kohlenstofffasern oder verkürzt als Kohlefasern bekannt, bestehen fast vollständig aus reinem Kohlenstoff. Sehr energieaufwändig wird er bei 1.300 Grad Celsius aus dem Kunststoff Polyacrylnitril gewonnen. Die Vorteile der Carbonfasern: Sie haben kaum Eigengewicht, sind enorm bruchfest und stabil. Solche Eigenschaften benötigt man z.B. am Batteriekasten von E-Mobilen oder in Strukturbauteilen der Karosserie. So arbeitet das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) aktuell gemeinsam mit Industriepartnern daran, statisch-mechanische Stärken der Carbonfasern mit Eigenschaften zur Schwingungsdämpfung zu verknüpfen, um die Gehäuse von E-Motoren im Auto zu verbessern. Angedacht ist in dem vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium geförderten Projekt die Entwicklung sogenannter Hybridvliesstoffe, die neben der Carbonfaser als Verstärkung weitere Faserstoffe enthalten. „Wir wollen, die Vorteile unterschiedlicher Faserstoffe verbinden und so ein optimal auf die Anforderungen abgestimmtes Produkt entwickeln“, erläutert Marcel Hofmann, STFI-Abteilungsleiter Textiler Leichtbau.

Damit würden die Chemnitzer Forschenden bisherige Vliesstoff-Lösungen ergänzen. Sie blicken auf eine 15-jährige Geschichte in der Arbeit mit recycelten Carbonfasern zurück. Der globale Jahresbedarf der hochwertigen Fasern hat sich im vergangenen Jahrzehnt fast vervierfacht, laut Angaben der Industrievereinigung AVK auf zuletzt rd. 142.000 t. „Die steigende Nachfrage hat das Recycling immer stärker in den Fokus gerückt“, betont Hofmann. Carbonfaserabfälle sind ihm zufolge für etwa ein Zehntel bis ein Fünftel des Preises von Primärfasern erhältlich, müssen aber noch aufbereitet werden. Dreh- und Angelpunkt für den Forschungserfolg der recycelten Fasern sind konkurrenzfähige Anwendungen. Die hat das STFI nicht nur am Auto, sondern auch im Sport-Freizeitsektor sowie in der Medizintechnik gefunden, so in Komponenten für Computertomographen. "Während Metalle oder Glasfasern als potenzielle Konkurrenzprodukte Schatten werfen, stört Carbon die Bilddarstellung nicht und kann seine Vorteile voll ausspielen“, erläutert Hofmann.

Papier-Knowhow nutzen
Können recycelte Carbonfasern nochmals den Produktkreislauf durchlaufen, verbessert das ihre CO2-Bilanz deutlich. Zugleich gilt: Je kürzer die Carbonfasern, desto unattraktiver sind sie für die weitere Verwertung. Vor diesem Hintergrund entwickelten das Forschungsinstitut Cetex und die Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS), beide Mitglieder der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens ein neues Verfahren, das bislang wenig geeignet erscheinende Recycling-Carbonfasern ein zweites Produktleben gibt. „Während klassische Textilverfahren die ohnehin sehr spröden Recycling-Carbonfasern in Faserlängen von mind. 80 mm trocken verarbeiten, beschäftigten wir uns mit einem Verfahren aus der Papierindustrie, welches die Materialien nass verarbeitet. Am Ende des Prozesses erhielten wir, stark vereinfacht gesprochen, eine flächige Matte aus recycelten Carbonfasern und Kunststofffasern“, erläutert Cetex-Projektingenieur Johannes Tietze das Verfahren, mit dem auch 40 mm kurze Carbonfasern zu attraktiven Zwischenprodukten recycelt werden können. Das danach in einem Heißpressprozess entstandene Erzeugnis dient als Grundmaterial für hochbelastbare Strukturbauteile. Zusätzlich wurden die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Halbzeuge durch die Kombination mit endlosfaserverstärkten Tapes verbessert. Das Recyclingprodukt soll, so die Erwartung der Forschenden, glasfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen, Konkurrenz machen, z.B. bei Anwendungen im Schienen- und Fahrzeugbau. Die Ergebnisse fließen nun in weiterführende Forschung und Entwicklung im Kooperationsnetzwerk Ressourcetex ein, einem geförderten Verbund von 18 Partnern aus Industrie und Wissenschaft.

Erfolgreiche Umsetzung in der Autoindustrie
Industriereife Lösungen für die Verwertung von Carbonfaser-Produktionsabfällen werden im Thüringischen Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt (TITK) entwickelt. Mehrere dieser Entwicklungen wurden mit Partnern beim Unternehmen SGL Composites in Wackersdorf industriell umgesetzt. Die Aufbereitung der so genannten trockenen Abfälle, hauptsächlich aus Verschnittresten, erfolgt nach einem eigenen Verfahren. „Dabei führen wir die geöffneten Fasern verschiedenen Prozessen zur Vliesherstellung zu“, sagt die zuständige Abteilungsleiterin im TITK, Dr. Renate Lützkendorf. Neben den Entwicklungen für den Einsatz z.B. im BMW i3 in Dach oder Hintersitzschale wurden im TITK spezielle Vliesstoffe und Verfahren für die Herstellung von Sheet Molding Compounds (SMC) etabliert, das sind duroplastische Werkstoffe, die aus Reaktionsharzen und Verstärkungsfasern bestehen und zum Pressen von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden verwendet werden. Eingang fand dies z.B. in einem Bauteil für die C-Säule des 7er BMW. „In seinen Projekten setzt das TITK vor allem auf die Entwicklung leistungsfähigerer Prozesse und kombinierter Verfahren, um den Carbonfaser-Recyclingmaterialien auch von den Kosten her bessere Chancen in Leichtbauanwendungen einzuräumen“, betont Lützkendorf. So liege der Fokus gegenwärtig auf dem Einsatz von CF-Recyclingfasern in thermoplastischen Prozessen zur Platten- und Profilextrusion. „Ziel ist es, die Kombination von Kurz- und Endlosfaserverstärkung in einem einzigen, leistungsfähigen Prozess-Schritt zu realisieren.“


Deutsche Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft Konrad Zuse e.V.

Epson erhält EcoVadis Platin-Status (c) Epson
Gold-Status für Unternehmensverantwortung. Epson konnte sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr wiederum steigern und erhält nun den EcoVadis Platin-Status.

Epson erhält EcoVadis Platin-Status

  • Bestmögliche Standards für Nachhaltigkeit - Top 1 Prozent seiner Branche

Meerbusch - Epson erhält von der unabhängigen Organisation EcoVadis den Platin-Status für soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Das Platin-Rating, das im Jahr 2020 eingeführt wurde, zeigt, dass Epson zu den besten ein Prozent der Unternehmen in seiner Branche gehört und der Konzern sowohl im Bereich Umwelt als auch in den Bereichen nachhaltiger Beschaffung, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte sowie Ethik auf höchstem Niveau agiert. Drei Jahre in Folge hatte Epson einen Gold-Status erhalten. Gold wird an Unternehmen vergeben, die zu den besten fünf Prozent der bewerteten Unternehmen gehören.

  • Bestmögliche Standards für Nachhaltigkeit - Top 1 Prozent seiner Branche

Meerbusch - Epson erhält von der unabhängigen Organisation EcoVadis den Platin-Status für soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Das Platin-Rating, das im Jahr 2020 eingeführt wurde, zeigt, dass Epson zu den besten ein Prozent der Unternehmen in seiner Branche gehört und der Konzern sowohl im Bereich Umwelt als auch in den Bereichen nachhaltiger Beschaffung, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte sowie Ethik auf höchstem Niveau agiert. Drei Jahre in Folge hatte Epson einen Gold-Status erhalten. Gold wird an Unternehmen vergeben, die zu den besten fünf Prozent der bewerteten Unternehmen gehören.

Kazuyoshi Yamamoto, Präsident von Epson Europa: „Die Platin-Auszeichnung durch EcoVadis gibt unseren Kunden die Gewissheit, dass Epson alle verfügbaren Maßnahmen ergreift, um in allen Geschäftsbereichen Nachhaltigkeit zu beweisen. Nachhaltigkeit liegt in unserer DNA und steht im Mittelpunkt aller unserer Handlungen. Mit dem Platin-Status können unsere Kunden sicher sein, dass jede Facette unseres Geschäftsbetriebs unabhängig geprüft und zertifiziert wird und dass wir uns voll und ganz dazu verpflichten, die höchsten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards zu erfüllen.“

EcoVadis ist eine unabhängige Plattform, die mittels Standards die Unternehmenspolitik und CSR-Aktivitäten von Unternehmen bewertet. Dazu gehören unter anderem Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte, Ethik und nachhaltige Beschaffung. Die Bewertungsmethoden von EcoVadis decken knapp 200 Einkaufskategorien, 160 Länder und über 20 Nachhaltigkeits-Indikatoren ab. Über 55.000 Unternehmen nutzen EcoVadis für ihre Bewertungen.

Der Platinstatus wird in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal vergeben. Epson erhielt ein "Hervorragend" (die höchste Punktzahl) für den Bereich Umwelt sowie hohe Punktzahlen für die Kategorien nachhaltige Beschaffung, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte und Ethik, womit das Unternehmen zu den besten ein Prozent in der Computer- und Peripheriegeräte-Herstellungsindustrie gehört. Es ist der bestmögliche internationale Standard für Nachhaltigkeit.

More information:
Epson EcoVadis Nachhaltigkeit

Epson Deutschland GmbH

Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection (c) Bemberg™
Women’s Sand kimono, matching sleep mask and pillowcase made of Bemberg™

Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

Bemberg™ is a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters bio-utility materials that are converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process; the Bemberg™ Ipeker Textile  fabric’s uniqueness comes from the exceptional quality characteristics achieved in design. The end result is a luxurious fabric so soft and smooth that it is almost like a second skin, breathes like cotton, drapes beautifully like silk, and reflects the cultural tradition of luxury textiles from founder Nilufer Bracco’s native country, Turkey. The first collection released by Miami based niLuu features premium quality kimono robes, sleep masks, face masks, and pillowcases that are available in a variety of deep and vibrant colors, and with a soft-brushed finish typical of premium sand-washed silk.

Designed to not only feel and look amazing but the entire niLuu collection is sustainable, biodegradable and 100% vegan.  Ipeker Textile, one of the major Bemberg™ fabric producers in Europe, proudly holds the title as the first vegan fabric producer in the world, receiving Vegan V-Label certificate on around 150 different products that adhere to the guidelines of the European Vegetarian Label, most of them developed with Bemberg™ yarn.

niLuu’s innovative Bemberg™ collection is hypoallergenic, antistatic, easy to care for, and it is also known to have several benefits for the skin. The breathability of the fabric helps to maintain body temperature; excellent moisture control means the fabric doesn’t dry out the skin or hair in the ways that cotton would and minimal friction against the skin means it is also known to have anti-aging benefits.  Speaking of niLuu’s high-quality Bemberg™ fabric, Founder, Nilufer Bracco adds, “Our innovative Bemberg™ vegan silk delivers the best of both worlds. Not only does our luxury fabric feel amazing when you use it, but you can also feel good knowing that it caused minimum harm to the planet when it was produced and that it will leave only the slightest trace when it reaches the end of its lifecycle.”

The luxury textiles brand has also shown its commitment to responsible practices, by partnering with 1% for the Planet pledging to donate 1% of their annual revenue to environmental organizations that work hard to protect our planet.

Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk © Tonello
Sustainable denim collection by Piero Turk

Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The All-in-One System performs all washing operations by integrating 4 sustainable technologies into a single machine: ECOfree 2, which uses ozone in both the water and air; NoStone® for authentic and pumice-free stone-wash effects; UP, for washing processes with at least 50% less water; Core, a nebulizing system improving performance and reducing water consumption.

As a result of The Laundry (R )Evolution, Tonello developed two innovative and patent-pending processes: OBleach and Wake.

OBleach is the new Tonello process, which, by using only ozone, “returns to the future” with an authentic, sustainable and cool Bleach. Without chemicals.
This is possible thanks to a combination of the technologies part of our All-In-One System.
In short, the real Bleach without Bleach has finally arrived. And this in the year of the total ban of permanganate too.

Wake is the first totally natural dyeing system that uses only plants and biodegradable vegetable waste like flowers, berries and roots, without harmful chemicals additives.

The capsule collection will be displayed at KINGPINS24 on October 27th during the seminar held by Alice Tonello and Piero Turk.

Antiviral and antibacterial zwissCLEAN masks® of zwissTEX (c) zwissTex

Antiviral and antibacterial zwissCLEAN masks® of zwissTEX

With zwissCLEAN® masks, zwissTEX is a pioneer among manufacturers of antiviral and antibacterial oronasal masks. Unlike conventional models they actively and highly effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria thanks to the latest textile technologies. This is made possible by an environmentally friendly finishing that foregoes the use of silver and zinc. "The formula physically interrupts the cell membrane of the viruses and bacteria - so no development of resistance is possible. In this way 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria are eliminated within a very short time," says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX.

The zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Schönfließ. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

With zwissCLEAN® masks, zwissTEX is a pioneer among manufacturers of antiviral and antibacterial oronasal masks. Unlike conventional models they actively and highly effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria thanks to the latest textile technologies. This is made possible by an environmentally friendly finishing that foregoes the use of silver and zinc. "The formula physically interrupts the cell membrane of the viruses and bacteria - so no development of resistance is possible. In this way 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria are eliminated within a very short time," says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX.

The zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Schönfließ. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

The zwissCLEAN MASK COMFORT is recommended for daily protection at shopping, on public transport, at business appointments or similar events. It consists of a three-layer structure and combines efficient antiviral protection with long-term wearing comfort. The outer material and the integrated fleece promote protection against viruses and bacteria. The lower material made of organic cotton guarantees a lasting pleasant feeling on the skin. The mask can be washed up to 30 times, thus replacing up to 210 disposable masks and saving resources sustainably.



Lenzing wins State Prize for Innovation with sustainable nonwovens technology (c) Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft
Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

Lenzing: State Prize for Innovation with sustainable nonwovens technology

  • On October, 20th, 2020, the State Prize for Innovation was awarded to the Lenzing Group for their LENZING™ Web Technology.
  • Lenzing thus received the highest award for particularly innovative achievements in Austria.

Lenzing – On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, the Lenzing Group was awarded the coveted “State Prize for Innovation”. Lenzing emerged as the winner with its project LENZING™ Web Technology and thus received the highest recognition for particularly innovative achievements in Austria. The novel process combines fiber and nonwovens production in only one step, setting new standards in terms of efficiency, circularity and ecological sustainability. Margarete Schramböck, Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs, presented the award to Gert Kroner, Vice President Global Research & Development.

  • On October, 20th, 2020, the State Prize for Innovation was awarded to the Lenzing Group for their LENZING™ Web Technology.
  • Lenzing thus received the highest award for particularly innovative achievements in Austria.

Lenzing – On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, the Lenzing Group was awarded the coveted “State Prize for Innovation”. Lenzing emerged as the winner with its project LENZING™ Web Technology and thus received the highest recognition for particularly innovative achievements in Austria. The novel process combines fiber and nonwovens production in only one step, setting new standards in terms of efficiency, circularity and ecological sustainability. Margarete Schramböck, Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs, presented the award to Gert Kroner, Vice President Global Research & Development.

“This award is a great recognition of our work. Our goal is to grow continuously with sustainable innovations and to look beyond our fibers, to the needs of our customers and partners and to the needs of consumers worldwide. With the LENZING™ Web Technology we have created an exciting and promising solution for eco-friendly products in line with our corporate strategy sCore TEN and support consumers in their daily needs in a sustainable way”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group.

Biodegradable nonwovens for a clean environment

The pollution of the environment by plastics is one of the most urgent problems of our time. Every day, millions of hygiene products and wipes around the globe end up in garbage and sewage. Most of them consist of up to 80 percent polyester or other fossil, non-biodegradable materials and therefore pollute the environment. With the LENZING™ Web Technology, Lenzing has developed a patented technology to counter this problem: Sustainable and eco-friendly nonwovens are produced from the renewable raw material wood. These are not only plastic-free, they also score points for their particularly high environmental friendliness. “Thanks to a unique self-bonding mechanism, in which the filaments bond with each other during the spinning process, binders, which are found in many nonwovens, are no longer needed. As a result, the nonwovens produced with LENZING™ Web Technology are 100 percent biodegradable and do not pollute either humans or the environment”, says Gert Kroner, Vice President Global Research & Development of the Lenzing Group.

The Austrian State Prize for Innovation is awarded annually by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs to the most innovative Austrian company. In 2020, the competition took place for the 40th time.

Wärmebild eines Laserdruckers [rechts] im Vergleich zu einem Inkjetdrucker [links] (c) Epson
Wärmebild eines Laserdruckers [rechts] im Vergleich zu einem Inkjetdrucker [links]

Epson: Nachhaltig auf- und ausbauen

Epson befragte im Sommer 2020 in einer europaweiten Umfrage mehr als 4.000 Menschen zu ihren Ansichten und Erwartungen über nachhaltiges Verhalten von Unternehmen und wie dies zu einer schnelleren Erholung von der Covid-Pandemie führen kann. Ein auffallendes Resultat der Erhebung ist, dass sich die Wünsche der Verbraucher und Angestellten nach umweltfreundlichen Strategien der Marken nochmals deutlich erhöht haben. Dabei wurde ebenfalls klar, dass die große Mehrheit der Befragten (75 Prozent) nachhaltig wirtschaftende Firmen sowohl als Kunden als auch als Mitarbeiter bevorzugen.

Der Bericht stellt ebenso heraus, dass rund 71 Prozent der befragten Mitarbeiter die Verantwortung ihres Unternehmens gegenüber sozialen und Umweltthemen für wichtig oder sehr wichtig halten. Weitere 78 Prozent sind der Meinung, dass eine tragfähige Strategie die Wahrnehmung einer Marke positiv beeinflusst und die Markentreue spürbar verbessert. Knapp zwei Drittel meinen zudem, dass diese Themen nach Covid-19 nochmals an Bedeutung gewinnen werden.

Epson befragte im Sommer 2020 in einer europaweiten Umfrage mehr als 4.000 Menschen zu ihren Ansichten und Erwartungen über nachhaltiges Verhalten von Unternehmen und wie dies zu einer schnelleren Erholung von der Covid-Pandemie führen kann. Ein auffallendes Resultat der Erhebung ist, dass sich die Wünsche der Verbraucher und Angestellten nach umweltfreundlichen Strategien der Marken nochmals deutlich erhöht haben. Dabei wurde ebenfalls klar, dass die große Mehrheit der Befragten (75 Prozent) nachhaltig wirtschaftende Firmen sowohl als Kunden als auch als Mitarbeiter bevorzugen.

Der Bericht stellt ebenso heraus, dass rund 71 Prozent der befragten Mitarbeiter die Verantwortung ihres Unternehmens gegenüber sozialen und Umweltthemen für wichtig oder sehr wichtig halten. Weitere 78 Prozent sind der Meinung, dass eine tragfähige Strategie die Wahrnehmung einer Marke positiv beeinflusst und die Markentreue spürbar verbessert. Knapp zwei Drittel meinen zudem, dass diese Themen nach Covid-19 nochmals an Bedeutung gewinnen werden.

Jörn von Ahlen, Leiter Marketing der Epson Deutschland GmbH, sagt dazu: „Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und stromsparende Technologien gehören zur DNA von Epson. So blicken wir als Unternehmen bereits auf Jahrzehnte von hohem Engagement im Segment CSR zurück. Wir wissen bereits aus dem Feedback von Kunden und Handelspartnern, dass die Sensibilität gegenüber Umwelt- und Sozialthemen in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich gestiegen ist. Heute sind es nicht mehr vorwiegend die öffentlichen Auftraggeber oder große Firmen, die besonderes Gewicht auf Nachhaltigkeit legen. Gerade auch der Mittelstand erkennt verstärkt eine Chance, sich hier positiv und äußerst engagiert im Markt zu positionieren. Epson bietet allen diesen Firmen mit seinen umweltfreundlichen, stromsparenden IT-Lösungen einen Königsweg an, sowohl den Stromverbrauch und den CO2-Ausstoß zu senken als auch moderne, leistungsfähige Lösungen auch für die neue Arbeitswelt nach Covid-19 einzusetzen.“

Covid-19 hat dabei viele bislang latent vorhandene Trends beschleunigt. Einer davon ist der Übergang zu flexibleren Arbeitsumgebungen in Firmen aller Größenordnungen. Die Ergebnisse der Epson Umfrage zeigen auch, dass es entscheidend für den Erfolg sein wird, wie sich Unternehmen auf die Rückkehr zu einem normalen Betrieb vorbereiten werden.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

Meet the new FW 21-22 Riri Group collection (c) Riri Group
Over Shock

Meet the new FW 21-22 Riri Group collection

  • Technology, creativity and sustainability
  • Recycled materials, bright colours, eclectic shapes: excellence is in the details, and the new creations by the Italian-Swiss group have plenty to say.

Mendrisio – Looking at the new Fall-Winter 2021-2022 collection of the Riri Group, it almost seems as if the difficult months to which the pandemic has forced the whole world, have been another new – though unwanted – challenge for the Italian-Swiss company. A testbed that sparked the mind and lit the fire of creativity. Therefore, today, the brand ingredient which for over 80 years has embellished the
garments designed by major fashion system brands with top-quality zips and buttons, also introduces a wide range of heterogeneous creations, intended to cover different aesthetic and functional requirements on the market.

This collection has been divided into three macro-topics; it is a new chapter in the history of the Group.

  • Technology, creativity and sustainability
  • Recycled materials, bright colours, eclectic shapes: excellence is in the details, and the new creations by the Italian-Swiss group have plenty to say.

Mendrisio – Looking at the new Fall-Winter 2021-2022 collection of the Riri Group, it almost seems as if the difficult months to which the pandemic has forced the whole world, have been another new – though unwanted – challenge for the Italian-Swiss company. A testbed that sparked the mind and lit the fire of creativity. Therefore, today, the brand ingredient which for over 80 years has embellished the
garments designed by major fashion system brands with top-quality zips and buttons, also introduces a wide range of heterogeneous creations, intended to cover different aesthetic and functional requirements on the market.

This collection has been divided into three macro-topics; it is a new chapter in the history of the Group.

Keyword: sustainability. Or, more romantically, “Reuse with love”. From the use of materials produced using organic waste and recycled plastics to actual destocking – the re-introduction on the market of unsold items to give them new life through a restyled shape: the topic of “life serving”, for Riri, translates into the meticulous and constant search for materials with a low environmental impact and in the committed attempt to reduce the use of plastic to a minimum. This is why the Group has decided to use recycled polyester tapes, made with new organic cotton, pullers coated with cork, created using 100% recycled plastics or rubber taken from the sole of shoes. Stainless steel – an exceptionally resistant and sturdy material, as well being subject to no galvanic treatments and highly recyclable – characterizes chains and pullers, while the Nylon zip consists of fully recycled tape and chain, and Decor introduces a new 100% polyamide version. On the button side, “life serving” includes buttons with a cork coating, the Zero button with coating made of recycled Meryl polyamide and the F4 with a 100% recycled Nylon head and the heads made of APILON 52 (rubber made of 65% vegetable oils and energy from renewable sources) coated with microfiber from the company Alcantara.

This is definitely the most rigorous yet progressive section in the collection, drawing on technological innovation and on uncertainties related to the current situation, to play with shapes, colours and materials. Between zips and buttons there is a prevalence of squared and minimal shapes, also on the tapes of the zips through sublimation and digital printing techniques. The leading colour is grey in its variation of hues, where the insertion of coloured tones sometimes stands out. The leading material, on the other hand, is metal.

A creative topic where “exaggeration” is the keyword, a trend whose style and character somehow remind us of Gen-Z, apart from being especially suitable for outdoors. “Over state” uses the hip hop mood and settings of the Nineties, taking them to the extreme, enlarging shapes and focusing on bright and fluorescent colours such as purple, yellow, blue, orange or green. An example of this is Storm Evo, a zip which is popular in the outdoor sector for its high levels of water resistance and strength, which features a new electric blue chain and tape with reflecting side strips. Also outstanding in terms of originality is the new purple puller, with its anti-theft shape, fixed onto a fluorescent yellow chain. The perfect expression of this category are zippers such as Decor, Nylon and Aquazip, especially recommended for the outdoor sector in general.

All the macro-categories selected for the FW 21-22 seasons are included in some special product innovations, most notably the even more minimal and thin shapes of some buttons and the introduction of five different colours for the small synthetic ring, a real point of strength in Cobrax pressure buttons. Also the range of magnetic buttons is complemented by the addition of two extra snaps. As regards zips, the Riri Group team has been working on careful restyling of shapes, more specifically in the shapes of Decor zip bodies – ideal for the luggage industry – further improved from both an aesthetic and functional viewpoint.

More information:
Fashion Mode Riri Group

Menabò Group

Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm (c) Beirholms Væverier/Reused Remade/Dibella: Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm
Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm

Beirholms Væverier/Dibella/Reused Remade: Partnership to enable circular textile flows

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

By 2025, all EU member states will have introduced an extended producer responsibility for textiles (EPR for textiles). This will place demands on the industries concerned to jointly find smart solutions and contribute to the transition to a circular economy. Beirholm and Dibella both have a strong focus on sustainability and are constantly looking for new and smart solutions for their customers' discarded textiles. The purpose of this partnership is to enable more laundries in Europe to join Reused Remade's circular solution with climate - smart textile bags made of reused hotel bed linen.

With an impressive growth journey since its inception in 2016, Reused Remade’s climate-smart textile bags for everyday use can now be found at prominent Nordic and European retailers such as Edeka, Clas Ohlson, Ica, and Systembolaget.

"The goal for 2021 is to collect 300 tones of hotel bed linen in order to meet our customers demand. It feels fantastic to be able to collaborate with Beirholm and Dibella, whose values about sustainability we share. We see that together we can make a big difference to our environment, our climate and our common future", say Pia Walter and Josephine Alhanko, founders of Reused Remade.

Please read the attached document for more information

Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm (c) Beirholms Væverier/Reused Remade/Dibella: Business Development Manager Beirholm
Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm

Beirholms Væverier/Dibella/Reused Remade: Gemeinsame Kreislauflösung

Zwei der führenden Anbieter von Hoteltextilien in Europa, das dänische Unternehmen Beirholms Væverier und das Deutsch/Niederländische Unternehmen Dibella, starten eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem schwedischen Unternehmen Reused Remade. Reused Remade ist für seine klimaschonenden Textiltaschen aus wiederverwendeter Hotelbettwäsche bekannt. Gemeinsam werden sie den Lebenszyklus von Hoteltextilien verlängern und zur Kreislaufwirtschaft beitragen, indem sie ausrangierte Textilien aus Textilserviceunternehmen zu neuen Textiltaschen für den Einzelhandel aufbereiten.

In Europa werden jedes Jahr Millionen Tonnen ausrangierter Hotelbettwäsche entsorgt, die aus Verschleißgründen nicht mehr im Hotelbetrieb verwendet werden können. Dank der zum Patent angemeldeten Methode von Reused Remade, Hotelbettwäsche zu hochwertigen Textiltaschen zu recyceln, werden enorme Mengen an natürlichen Ressourcen eingespart. Eine klimafreundliche Alternative zur heutigen Entsorgung oder zum üblichen „downcycling“ zu Putzlappen oder Dämmmaterial.

Zwei der führenden Anbieter von Hoteltextilien in Europa, das dänische Unternehmen Beirholms Væverier und das Deutsch/Niederländische Unternehmen Dibella, starten eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem schwedischen Unternehmen Reused Remade. Reused Remade ist für seine klimaschonenden Textiltaschen aus wiederverwendeter Hotelbettwäsche bekannt. Gemeinsam werden sie den Lebenszyklus von Hoteltextilien verlängern und zur Kreislaufwirtschaft beitragen, indem sie ausrangierte Textilien aus Textilserviceunternehmen zu neuen Textiltaschen für den Einzelhandel aufbereiten.

In Europa werden jedes Jahr Millionen Tonnen ausrangierter Hotelbettwäsche entsorgt, die aus Verschleißgründen nicht mehr im Hotelbetrieb verwendet werden können. Dank der zum Patent angemeldeten Methode von Reused Remade, Hotelbettwäsche zu hochwertigen Textiltaschen zu recyceln, werden enorme Mengen an natürlichen Ressourcen eingespart. Eine klimafreundliche Alternative zur heutigen Entsorgung oder zum üblichen „downcycling“ zu Putzlappen oder Dämmmaterial.

Bis 2025 werden alle EU-Mitgliedsstaaten eine Produzentenverantwortung der Hersteller für Textilien eingeführt haben. Dies wird besondere Anforderungen an die betroffenen Industrien stellen, gemeinsam intelligente Lösungen zu finden und zum Übergang in eine Kreislaufwirtschaft beizutragen. Beirholm und Dibella haben beide seit jeher einen starken Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und forschen nach neuen und intelligenten Lösungen für die ausrangierten Textilien ihrer Kunden. Zweck dieser besonderen Partnerschaft ist es, es mehr Textilserviceunternehmen in Europa zu ermöglichen, sich der zirkulären Lösung von Reused Remade anzuschließen und aus der ausgemusterten Hotelbettwäsche klimafreundliche Textiltaschen zu produzieren.

Mit einem beeindruckenden Wachstum seit der Gründung im Jahr 2016 sind die Textiltaschen von Reused Remade für den täglichen Gebrauch jetzt bei bekannten nordischen und europäischen Einzelhändlern wie Edeka, Clas Ohlson, Ica und Systembolaget zu finden.

„Das Ziel für 2021 ist es, 300 Tonnen Hotelbettwäsche zu sammeln, um die Nachfrage unserer Kunden zu befriedigen. Es fühlt sich fantastisch an, mit Beirholm und Dibella zusammenarbeiten zu können, deren Werte wir in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit teilen. Wir sehen, dass wir gemeinsam einen großen Unterschied für unsere Umwelt, unser Klima und unsere gemeinsame Zukunft machen können“, sagen Pia Walter und Josephine Alhanko, die Gründer von Reused Remade.

Weitere Information finden Sie im Anhang

Here we belong (c) ITS

ITS 2020: illycaffè fördert nachhaltige Mode und junge Talente

illycaffè, einer der weltweit führenden Anbietern von hochwertigem, nachhaltigem Kaffee, unterstützt erneut ITS - International Talent Support 2020 - eine Plattform, die junge, talentierte Modedesigner weltweit fördert. Die Veranstaltung, die am 23. Oktober stattfindet, wird dazu beitragen, Triest zu einer Beobachtungsstelle für internationale Trends zu machen und als Sprungbrett neue Talente in der Modebranche zu bewerben.

Das Motto von ITS 2020 lautet "Here We Belong“ und besiegelt die tiefe Verbundenheit von Kreativität und Nachhaltigkeit, zu einem besonderen historischen Zeitpunkt, der viel Engagement, Motivation und Zugehörigkeitsgefühl erfordert.

illycaffè, einer der weltweit führenden Anbietern von hochwertigem, nachhaltigem Kaffee, unterstützt erneut ITS - International Talent Support 2020 - eine Plattform, die junge, talentierte Modedesigner weltweit fördert. Die Veranstaltung, die am 23. Oktober stattfindet, wird dazu beitragen, Triest zu einer Beobachtungsstelle für internationale Trends zu machen und als Sprungbrett neue Talente in der Modebranche zu bewerben.

Das Motto von ITS 2020 lautet "Here We Belong“ und besiegelt die tiefe Verbundenheit von Kreativität und Nachhaltigkeit, zu einem besonderen historischen Zeitpunkt, der viel Engagement, Motivation und Zugehörigkeitsgefühl erfordert.

Über 600 Projekte aus 60 Ländern wurden von einer Fachjury in Online-Sitzungen ausgewählt. Der Wettbewerb spornte die Teilnehmer dazu an, die Schürze der Barista auf kreative und nachhaltige Weise zu überdenken, um einen Alltagsgegenstand in ein Designobjekt zu verwandeln. Die Aufmerksamkeit für Nachhaltigkeit ist der rote Faden, der die Teilnehmer zu ihren Entscheidungen inspirierte. Diese Haltung ist entscheidend, wenn wir die Zukunft bewusst und respektvoll gegenüber unserem Planeten angehen wollen. Die zehn Finalisten des "ITS Fashion@Work Award by illy" wurden von Carlo Bach, Art-Director von illycaffè, sorgfältig ausgewählt.




CHT Germany GmbH: Sustainable heat for sustainable chemical solutions

  • Efficient heat supply of the future reduces environmentally harmful CO2

The heating sector offers a variety of options for the energy turnaround. One of them is district heating. This is an efficient energy source that makes an important contribution to sustainability and climate protection, especially when used within heat and energy-intensive companies. The CHT Group for speciality chemicals has opted to utilise the district heating supplied by the Tübingen public utilities (swt) at its headquarters in Tübingen - and thus reduce CO2 and the use of fossil fuels. This also resulted in the district heating network of the municipal utilities being extended by an additional half kilometre.

  • Efficient heat supply of the future reduces environmentally harmful CO2

The heating sector offers a variety of options for the energy turnaround. One of them is district heating. This is an efficient energy source that makes an important contribution to sustainability and climate protection, especially when used within heat and energy-intensive companies. The CHT Group for speciality chemicals has opted to utilise the district heating supplied by the Tübingen public utilities (swt) at its headquarters in Tübingen - and thus reduce CO2 and the use of fossil fuels. This also resulted in the district heating network of the municipal utilities being extended by an additional half kilometre.

Until recently, heating, hot water and various process steam applications within the CHT site in Bismarckstrasse, Tubingen were fed from a central steam generation plant fired by heating oil. Now three of four company buildings are connected to the swt district heating network and the process steam applications have been decentralised. The fourth building has already been equipped with a modern CHP system for many years. In the future, this building will be prepared for district heating. The conversion to district heating supply will be made as soon as the CHP plant has reached the end of its operating life. In order to connect the CHT headquarters to the district heating, the municipal utilities have extended their supply network by around 570 metres during a four-month construction period. The heat now flows through newly installed transfer stations where it is measured, regulated, transferred and finally fed into the buildings' heating circuits.

Dr. Bernhard Hettich, Chief Technical Officer of CHT Germany GmbH: "As a company CHT focuses on worldwide sustainability. This not only includes products but also the sustainable use of resources at the individual locations. At our headquarters in Tübingen, our efforts are directed towards reducing energy consumption and optimising it with regard to renewable energies. With this investment we will continue to reduce CO2 emissions and the consumption of fossil fuels for the energy we consume. As a Tübingen company, we are therefore pleased to be connected to the local district heating network and to be able to use its advantages for the benefit of our sustainability strategy".

High heat demand offers great savings potential
CHT's heat requirements are high as the three buildings already connected require around 1.3 million kilowatt hours of heat per year. With the fourth building included, the heat requirement is even 1.6 million kilowatt hours. With the conversion to district heating CHT saves about 152 tons of CO2 per year. An investment in the district heating connection is therefore an investment in the future, both from an ecological and economic point of view. CHT has invested 180,000 Euro in the district heating connection.


Please read the attached document for more information


CHT Germany GmbH

World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy (c) pixabay

October, 7th: World Cotton Day

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

According to the WTO, the aim of World Cotton Day is to highlight the global economic importance of cotton and to raise awareness of the raw material by recognising the work of everyone involved in its cultivation, processing and trade. At the same time, within the framework of international cooperation, it is hoped that supporters and investors can be found to aid with technological and economic progress within the cotton value chain.

This time, the entire world cotton community will be involved in World Cotton Day on Wednesday, 7 October 2020. A wide variety of campaigns and events are taking place everywhere to draw attention to the importance of cotton and its possible uses.

Cotton is one of the most relevant agricultural raw materials in the world. Around 26 million tonnes of it are harvested annually. Approximately 150 million people in almost 80 countries around the world live from the cultivation of the natural fibre. A large number of these live in developing countries, where cotton cultivation is of particular importance as a cash crop.

Cotton is known as an agricultural product that is turned into a textile. The raw material is indispensable in fashion and clothing – and has been for thousands of years. But the use of cotton now goes far beyond textiles. For example, cosmetic products such as hand creams and hair shampoo are made from the oil of cotton seeds. The raw material is also used in the manufacture of banknotes, furniture and technical textiles, as well as in medical technology.

Against the background of the current discussion on sustainability and sustainable consumption, the role of natural fibres is becoming even more important. Cotton is biodegradable and a renewable resource. It can be grown again and again in agriculture through cultivation in crop rotation. This secures incomes and enables efficient value creation within the global production and processing chain.

The Bremen Cotton Exchange will actively support World Cotton Day with cross-media coverage. In addition, in time for World Cotton Day, three thematically different, emotionally appealing short films about cotton will be launched. They are aimed at consumers as customers of the textile and clothing trade and provide information about the benefits and properties of cotton and answer questions about its sustainability. In keeping with the times, they will be published via virtual media.

The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles (c) CHT
Cradle to Cradle principles in the CHT Group

Cradle to Cradle principles in the CHT Group

  • The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

Progress in itself does not necessarily have to be sustainable but in the CHT Group it certainly does. For this reason the company has defined progress more precisely. The developers and chemists from Tübingen show true inventive talent with sustainable innovations.

According to the CHT Group's self-perception, sustainable innovation always includes a responsibility component for the future. With decades of experience along the textile value chain, the globally active CHT Group offers an incomparably wide range of services focusing on sustainable, resource-saving and forward-looking speciality chemicals and the efficient shaping of textile processes.

  • The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

Progress in itself does not necessarily have to be sustainable but in the CHT Group it certainly does. For this reason the company has defined progress more precisely. The developers and chemists from Tübingen show true inventive talent with sustainable innovations.

According to the CHT Group's self-perception, sustainable innovation always includes a responsibility component for the future. With decades of experience along the textile value chain, the globally active CHT Group offers an incomparably wide range of services focusing on sustainable, resource-saving and forward-looking speciality chemicals and the efficient shaping of textile processes.

The circular economy takes over a decisive role: In the CHT Group we are convinced that recyclable textile products are the right means to protect resources and reduce the environmental impact. Therefore, our team works closely with textile manufacturers and brands to achieve the common goal of avoiding waste and harmful substances along the textile production process and thus producing more ecological textiles.

The Cradle to Cradle approach provides a trend-setting concept in the textile world that perfectly fits the company's sustainable strategy: Right from the start products shall be created which are suited for the biological (compostable) or technical (recyclable) circulation.

The CHT Group focuses on the development of dyes, pigments and auxiliaries for textile finishing which can be decomposed without leaving any residues and easily returned to the natural circulation.

For textiles which are to be developed and produced strictly according to the Cradle to Cradle principle, CHT offers a comprehensive, constantly growing, compostable range for textile finishing. With 57 textile auxiliaries and 32 dyes/pigments CHT has succeeded in achieving the highest rating, the Platinum Material Health Certificate of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

These products help textile manufacturers to achieve the Platinum rating in Material Health, one of five categories of the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ product standard on finished textiles. This contributes to giving textiles a positive ecological footprint.

Textiles can be given the decisive distinguishing feature through the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ product standard. Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is the world's leading science-based standard for safe, recyclable and sustainable materials and products. CHT offers the possibility of designing tomorrow's sustainable textiles already today and is therefore part of the Circular Economy.

Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a registered trademark of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.


 CHT Germany GmbH

Lenzing Logo (c) Lenzing Group

Lenzing is founding partner of the Renewable Carbon Initiative

Eleven leading companies from six countries founded the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) in September 2020 under the leadership of nova-Institute (Germany). The aim of the initiative is to support and speed up the transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon for all organic chemicals and materials.

Besides Lenzing, these ten companies are founding members of the RCI, which also form the Core Advisory Board: Beiersdorf (Germany), Cosun Beet Company (The Netherlands), Covestro (Germany), Henkel (Germany), LanzaTech (USA), NESTE (Finland), SHV Energy (The Netherlands), Stahl (The Netherlands), Unilever (UK) and UPM (Finland).

Eleven leading companies from six countries founded the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) in September 2020 under the leadership of nova-Institute (Germany). The aim of the initiative is to support and speed up the transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon for all organic chemicals and materials.

Besides Lenzing, these ten companies are founding members of the RCI, which also form the Core Advisory Board: Beiersdorf (Germany), Cosun Beet Company (The Netherlands), Covestro (Germany), Henkel (Germany), LanzaTech (USA), NESTE (Finland), SHV Energy (The Netherlands), Stahl (The Netherlands), Unilever (UK) and UPM (Finland).

The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) addresses the core problem of climate change, which is extracting and using additional fossil carbon from the ground. The vision is stated clearly: By 2050, fossil carbon shall be completely substituted by renewable carbon, which is carbon from alternative sources: biomass, direct CO2 utilisation and recycling. The founders are convinced that this is the only way for chemicals, plastics and other organic materials to become sustainable, climate-friendly and part of the circular economy – part of the future.

Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer of the Lenzing Group: „We at Lenzing believe that we need to create strategic partnerships to implement systemic change. Therefore, we support the Renewable Carbon Initiative. First of all, because it is the right thing to do and, second, it is also fully aligned with our corporate strategy. Therefore, we are part of the RCI from the beginning and its commitment to start acting now.”

Michael Carus, CEO of nova-Institute and head of the Renewable Carbon Initiative: “This is about a fundamental change in the chemical industry. Just as the energy industry is being converted to renewable energies, so renewable carbon will become the new foundation of the future chemical and material industry. The initiative starts today and will be visibly present from now on. We want to accelerate the change.”

The main avenues on which the initiative wants to deliver change are threefold. One, the initiative strives to create cross-industry platforms that will demonstrate feasibility of renewable carbon in tangible activities. Two, one main target will be to advocate for legislation, taxation and regulation changes to give renewable carbon a level commercial playing field to play on. Finally, the third avenue will be to create a wider pull for sustainable options by raising awareness and understanding of renewable carbon level amongst the business community and the wider public.

The Renewable Carbon Initiative has made a powerful start with eleven international member companies and the personal support of more than 100 industry experts. The initiative hopes to gain many additional members and supporters in the upcoming months to keep the strong momentum of the initiative. Working together, RCI will support and accelerate the transition from fossil to renewable carbon for all organic chemicals and materials.

In the end, the aim is as complex as it is simple: renewable energy and renewable carbon for a sustainable future. Within the RCI Lenzing will especially focus on further greening up the textile and nonwoven businesses. Here we will promote this concept and encourage our partners to become a part of this vision.

More information about the Renewable Carbon Initiative can be found on

More information:
Lenzing Group nova Institute

Lenzing Group

Baldwin Technology (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

Customers invited to learn about Baldwin’s finishing systems at virtual textile events

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will be offering two virtual opportunities for customers to learn more about the company’s innovative non-contact spray finishing systems. These technologies will be showcased in October during an in-depth webinar event, as well as during the Innovate Textile and Apparel Virtual Trade Show.

The interactive and free webinar “How to Deliver Sustainability with Non-Contact Spray” will be held twice on October 13, with a recording provided for all who register for later viewing. During this event, industry veteran Rick Stanford, Baldwin’s Business Development Leader for textiles, will discuss the sustainable functionality of the Precision Spray and Ahlbrandt Rotor Spray technologies.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will be offering two virtual opportunities for customers to learn more about the company’s innovative non-contact spray finishing systems. These technologies will be showcased in October during an in-depth webinar event, as well as during the Innovate Textile and Apparel Virtual Trade Show.

The interactive and free webinar “How to Deliver Sustainability with Non-Contact Spray” will be held twice on October 13, with a recording provided for all who register for later viewing. During this event, industry veteran Rick Stanford, Baldwin’s Business Development Leader for textiles, will discuss the sustainable functionality of the Precision Spray and Ahlbrandt Rotor Spray technologies.

The Innovate Textile and Apparel Virtual Trade Show will take place online October 15 to 30. In Baldwin’s virtual booth, the company will showcase its non-contact spray systems for finishing and remoistening. Its TexCoat G4, TexMoister G2 and Ahlbrandt Rotor Spray technologies are designed to save chemistry, time and production costs, while enabling sustainable textile production.

“We are excited to present our revolutionary non-contact spray systems during the webinar and the virtual Innovate Textile and Apparel show,” said Stanford. “Participants will learn how non-contact spray has become a game-changing technology in sustainable textile finishing. It dramatically cuts chemical waste and energy consumption, while increasing productivity and quality. We will show attendees how our systems work and in what applications they are ideal for, as well as take questions. These are great opportunities to experience innovations that drastically improve both the process and product quality, while saving time and chemistry, and contributing to a more sustainable future.”

More information:
spray application

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

Lenzing (c) Lenzing Group

New Nonwoven Development Center at Hof University goes on line in cooperation with Lenzing

On Thursday, September 24, the Lenzing Group, a leading manufacturer of wood-based cellulose specialty fibers, and Hof University opened a new Nonwoven Development Center (VEZ). As a strategic partner, Lenzing has access to a state-of-the-art development line at the campus in Münchberg with immediate effect. This offers new opportunities for sustainable fiber and nonwoven innovations for a wide range of applications including hygiene, body care and medical.

In line with the sCore TEN corporate strategy, the Lenzing Group is focusing on sustainable innovations, which are agreed in an optimum manner to the needs of the value chain. „We offer our customers and partners a decisive competitive advantage: agility. The pilot plant in the VEZ allows the resource-efficient development of fiber and nonwoven innovations on a small scale”, Jürgen Eizinger, Vice President Business Unit Nonwovens at Lenzing, explains.

On Thursday, September 24, the Lenzing Group, a leading manufacturer of wood-based cellulose specialty fibers, and Hof University opened a new Nonwoven Development Center (VEZ). As a strategic partner, Lenzing has access to a state-of-the-art development line at the campus in Münchberg with immediate effect. This offers new opportunities for sustainable fiber and nonwoven innovations for a wide range of applications including hygiene, body care and medical.

In line with the sCore TEN corporate strategy, the Lenzing Group is focusing on sustainable innovations, which are agreed in an optimum manner to the needs of the value chain. „We offer our customers and partners a decisive competitive advantage: agility. The pilot plant in the VEZ allows the resource-efficient development of fiber and nonwoven innovations on a small scale”, Jürgen Eizinger, Vice President Business Unit Nonwovens at Lenzing, explains.

The VEZ was completed according to schedule in September 2020, after Lenzing and the University of Hof signed a cooperation agreement for its use in 2019. The timing is perfect. Developments at political level, such as the directive (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, increase demand for responsibly manufactured nonwovens. The so-called Single-Use Plastics Directive aims at building awareness and greater transparency with regard to wet wipes and feminine hygiene products.

With its VEOCEL™ branded wood-based cellulose fibers, Lenzing has been laying the foundation for many years for sustainable nonwoven applications and will test and develop innovative ideas using the new possibilities offered by the VEZ. „We are noticing increasing interest in sustainable concepts from biodegradable cellulose fibers“, Jürgen Eizinger sums up the market development of the last months and adds: „We are aware that the fibers used have an enormous influence on the final product. For this reason our commitment goes beyond fiber production.“

With the spunlace pilot plant at the VEZ, Lenzing will support customers and partners more intensively in the development of new nonwoven applications and at the same time promote cooperation in the field of marketing. In the previous year, the company already established new certification standards for the VEOCEL™ brand. Since then certified manufacturers can only use the VEOCEL™ logo with blends of biodegradable cellulose fibers. With this measure, the VEOCEL™ brand allows consumers to make a more conscious product selection.

With its #ItsInOurHands environmental initiative, the VEOCEL™ brand also actively contributes to creating awareness. More detailed information can be obtained on


Lenzing Group

VacuFil (c) Oerlikon

Recycling becomes a focus

Mountains of waste, plastic-infested oceans, negative CO2 footprints – the need for more sustainable ways of living has never been more urgent. Consequently, it is logical that recycling solutions are becoming increasingly important within the textile industry. This was also tapped into at the first virtual Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn with a session that focused specifically on the topic. In front of around 400 participants, Markus Reichwein, Head of Product Management at Oerlikon Barmag, also spoke about solutions currently on the market.

As one of only manufactureres, the Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers segment offers the entire mechanical recycling chain –from preparing the recycled materials, producing the melt all the way through to the textured package. Here, the company utilizes the VacuFil solution supplied by its subsidiary Barmag Brückner Engineering (BBE) –which, in addition to mastering bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-textile processes, is also able to process textile waste into chips. This permits the running of textile production operations very much in line with the zero-waste philosophy.

Mountains of waste, plastic-infested oceans, negative CO2 footprints – the need for more sustainable ways of living has never been more urgent. Consequently, it is logical that recycling solutions are becoming increasingly important within the textile industry. This was also tapped into at the first virtual Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn with a session that focused specifically on the topic. In front of around 400 participants, Markus Reichwein, Head of Product Management at Oerlikon Barmag, also spoke about solutions currently on the market.

As one of only manufactureres, the Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers segment offers the entire mechanical recycling chain –from preparing the recycled materials, producing the melt all the way through to the textured package. Here, the company utilizes the VacuFil solution supplied by its subsidiary Barmag Brückner Engineering (BBE) –which, in addition to mastering bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-textile processes, is also able to process textile waste into chips. This permits the running of textile production operations very much in line with the zero-waste philosophy.

VacuFil ensures a stable process in the case of recycled quality yarns
The reliable removal of contaminants is vital for a stable and efficient spinning process and outstanding yarn quality. At the same time, stable operating conditions with minimal fluctuations are essential. The greatest challenge here is the differing qualities of the bottle flakes fed into the system, as the extrusion process is barely able to balance these fluctuations. Here, the VacuFil concept counters with blending silos, which reduce the differences in the viscosity of the polymers considerably and guarantee high yarn and fabric quality.

The VacuFil concept is installed upstream to an Oerlikon Barmag POY system, which transforms the recycled melt into filament yarn of the accustomed high quality. As texturing solutions, Oerlikon Barmag offers its state-of-the-art automatic eAFK-series systems, including the latest generation of the eAFK Evo, which was unveiled at the ITMA Barcelona last year. Yarn manufacturers wishing to continue texturing manually can use the eFK series.

With the VarioFil R+, producers of smaller batches now also have a compact system with an integrated recycled materials preparation unit at their disposal. The system offers a special extrusion system for bottle flake materials, the very latest metering and mixing technology for spin-dying and expanded 2-stage melt filtration. The four spinning positions are each equipped with an Oerlikon Barmag 10-end WINGS POY winder.

While mechanical recycling has already been extensively developed, chemical recycling for mixed fabrics is still presenting the textile industry with huge challenges. The Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers segment is currently working on solutions and concepts for transforming these fabrics into new textiles.


More information:
Oerlikon Sustainability Yarns


Bio Composites Procedure (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

Starting market and technology study on the Potential for bio-based composite materials

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are important developments for the current design of productions and products. In order to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the potential of bio-based composites, the AZL, together with an industry consortium, is investigating the market potential, future applications and relevant technologies for bio-based composite materials. The 5-month market and technology study will start on October 22nd, 2020 and is open to interested companies. Companies such as REHAU, an Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems and several material manufacturers are participating in the study.

Bio-plastics are well established in industry, especially in packaging applications. The market for biopolymers is expected to grow from USD 10.5 billion in 2020 to USD 27.9 billion in 2025. At the same time, bio-based raw materials, such as natural fibers, are available on the market in a cost-effective manner. Composites with wood or natural fiber content are also increasingly used in products.

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are important developments for the current design of productions and products. In order to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the potential of bio-based composites, the AZL, together with an industry consortium, is investigating the market potential, future applications and relevant technologies for bio-based composite materials. The 5-month market and technology study will start on October 22nd, 2020 and is open to interested companies. Companies such as REHAU, an Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems and several material manufacturers are participating in the study.

Bio-plastics are well established in industry, especially in packaging applications. The market for biopolymers is expected to grow from USD 10.5 billion in 2020 to USD 27.9 billion in 2025. At the same time, bio-based raw materials, such as natural fibers, are available on the market in a cost-effective manner. Composites with wood or natural fiber content are also increasingly used in products.

Dr. Michael Emonts, Managing Partner of AZL: "Together with our partner companies we want to identify hidden business potential for composites with bio-based materials. To do so, we will reapply our established approach for market and technology studies: Based on a detailed market analysis, we will dive deep into the technological evaluation of technologies, applications and business cases.”

Based on a detailed market segmentation, AZL's technology experts analyze the various market segments in terms of their size, growth potential, relevant players and existing and future applications. For the identified applications, the participants in the study will receive detailed insight into the respective technical and legal requirements as well as an overview of value chains, processes and materials. In the following, the strengths and challenges of bio-composites compared to conventional materials are elaborated. The consortium will select the components with the highest potential, for which suitable production scenarios will be developed and analyzed in terms of costs in a business case analysis.

"We are participating in the AZL study to identify and evaluate new product areas with bio-materials. The technological analyses of the AZL studies have already helped us in the past to initiate new developments," says Dr. Steven Schmidt, Director Technology Platforms Materials at REHAU, explaining the motivation for working with the AZL and the industry consortium. "As one of the 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders, we at REHAU are incorporating environmentally friendly materials into more and more products. Wherever the company is active - from the furniture and construction industries to the automotive industry - REHAU is already developing and manufacturing high-quality products from recycled raw materials. By 2025, REHAU plans to increase its recycling rate across the Group to significantly more than 15 percent and at the same time reduce CO2 emissions by at least 30 percent," adds Dr. Steven Schmidt.

Bio-composites will also be the topic of the upcoming Lightweight TechTalk by AZL on September 29, 2020. Experts from industry and academia will give technology and market insights on sustainability and recycling of composites in 6 presentations. Registration is free of charge at:

The kick-off of the project will take place on October 22nd, 2020 in the form of a video conference. Further background information on the project can be found under the following link: