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(c) Findeisen GmbH

Findeisen: Gesündere Gebäude mit Nadelvlies

Nadelvlies als Bodenbelag hat Vorteile. Mit der Listung der Produkte von FINDEISEN im Sentinel Portal, der Suchmaschine für gesundes Bauen und Wohnen, stehen auch bei der Gesundheit die Ampeln auf Grün.

Das größte Onlineportal für gesundes Bauen, Sanieren und Renovieren zeigt zum Beispiel auch besonders emissionsarme Verlegematerialien und alle anderen für das gesunde Bauen notwendigen Produkte, sowie Experten und Referenzobjekte.

„Bodenbeläge sind wegen ihrer großen Fläche im Raum überproportional wichtig für unsere Gesundheit. Gleichzeitig sind Bodenaufbauten häufig verantwortlich für anhaltende Gerüche und gesundheitliche Probleme“, sagt Peter Bachmann, Geschäftsführer des Sentinel Haus Instituts (SHI). Mit Nadelvlies von FINDEISEN und einem abgestimmten Verlegesystem passiere das nicht, so Bachmann.

Das Sentinel Haus Institut hat die Produkte des Weltmarktführers für Nadelvlies nach strengen Kriterien geprüft. Beläge der Dachmarke FINETT sind emissionsarm und unter anderem mit dem Blauen Engel, TÜV PROFI Cert und Green Label Plus (LEED) ausgezeichnet. Damit sind sie für Bau, Sanierung und Renovierung gesünderer Gebäude besonders geeignet.

Nadelvlies als Bodenbelag hat Vorteile. Mit der Listung der Produkte von FINDEISEN im Sentinel Portal, der Suchmaschine für gesundes Bauen und Wohnen, stehen auch bei der Gesundheit die Ampeln auf Grün.

Das größte Onlineportal für gesundes Bauen, Sanieren und Renovieren zeigt zum Beispiel auch besonders emissionsarme Verlegematerialien und alle anderen für das gesunde Bauen notwendigen Produkte, sowie Experten und Referenzobjekte.

„Bodenbeläge sind wegen ihrer großen Fläche im Raum überproportional wichtig für unsere Gesundheit. Gleichzeitig sind Bodenaufbauten häufig verantwortlich für anhaltende Gerüche und gesundheitliche Probleme“, sagt Peter Bachmann, Geschäftsführer des Sentinel Haus Instituts (SHI). Mit Nadelvlies von FINDEISEN und einem abgestimmten Verlegesystem passiere das nicht, so Bachmann.

Das Sentinel Haus Institut hat die Produkte des Weltmarktführers für Nadelvlies nach strengen Kriterien geprüft. Beläge der Dachmarke FINETT sind emissionsarm und unter anderem mit dem Blauen Engel, TÜV PROFI Cert und Green Label Plus (LEED) ausgezeichnet. Damit sind sie für Bau, Sanierung und Renovierung gesünderer Gebäude besonders geeignet.

 „Ungeprüfte Bauprodukte und Raumausstattungen bergen das Risiko gesundheitlicher Beeinträchtigungen wie Kopfschmerzen, Allergien, gereizten Schleimhäuten, chronischen Erkrankungen und anhaltender Geruchsbelastungen“, betont Bachmann. Öffentliche und gewerbliche Investoren legen immer größeren Wert auf eine gute und gesunde Raumluft im Gebäude, da ist der Bodenbelag als eines der letzten Gewerke mitentscheidend.

Nicht nur in stark frequentierten Gebäuden wie Büros, Schulen, Hotels und öffentlichen Gebäuden verbessert Nadelvlies zudem die Raumakustik. Der textile Bodenbelag verringert durch seine schallabsorbierende Wirkung die Nachhallzeiten und reduziert auch den Trittschall entscheidend. Gleichzeitig hält der Belag aus hochwertigem und strapazierfähigem Polyamid Staub fest bis zum nächsten Saugen. Bei regelmäßiger Reinigung mit einem geeigneten Staubsauger profitieren Hausstauballergiker von diesen Eigenschaften, bestätigt von Deutschen Asthma- und Allergiker Bund DAAB.

Bei allen Teppichböden von FINDEISEN besteht die Rückenschicht zu 100 Prozent aus Recyclingfasern. Ein weiteres Plus in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit bietet die Kollektion FINETT DIMENSION: Die Polyamidfasern der Nutzschicht bestehen überwiegend aus Rizinusöl. Der nachwachsende Rohstoff macht den Belag, den es als Fliesen, Planken und Bahnenware gibt, besonders dimensionsstabil: Er verändert bei Schwankungen der Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit kaum seine Maße. FINETT DIMENSION kommt deshalb ohne bedenkliche Schwerbeschichtung aus und kann wiederaufnehmbar verlegt werden. Das macht sowohl die Verlegung wie auch den Austausch einzelner Elemente oder ganzer Flächen besonders einfach. Die Ressourceneinsparung gegenüber herkömmlichen Teppichfliesen liegt bei rund 70 Prozent. Ebenfalls 70 Prozent geringer ist der notwendige Klebstoffeinsatz. Da die verwendete Haftfixierung beim Entfernen des Belages am Boden verbleibt, ist zudem das Recycling deutlich einfacher.


Sentinel Haus Institut GmbH

Truetzschler-Voith CP Line (c)Truetzschler
On display at INDEX: composite nonwovens from the first CP line world-wide

Truetzschler: Towards sustainable nonwovens

  • At this year’s INDEX from October 19th to October 22nd, Truetzschler Nonwovens, Truetzschler Card Clothing and Voith introduce new solutions for manufacturing a broad range of sustainable nonwovens for wipes, hygiene or medical textiles at booth 2327.

Plastic-free initiatives worldwide affect everyone: consumers, product developers, nonwoven producers and finally nonwoven machinery suppliers.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith address the quest for more sustainable and affordable nonwovens in the wipes segment by two proven technologies for manufacturing pulp-based nonwovens. Firstly, WLS (Wet-Laid/Spunlaced) lines. More than a handful are in service worldwide and mainly target the flushable wipes market. At INDEX we’ll introduce our latest nextLevel/WLS baby and body wipes, a joint development by Voith and Truetzschler.

  • At this year’s INDEX from October 19th to October 22nd, Truetzschler Nonwovens, Truetzschler Card Clothing and Voith introduce new solutions for manufacturing a broad range of sustainable nonwovens for wipes, hygiene or medical textiles at booth 2327.

Plastic-free initiatives worldwide affect everyone: consumers, product developers, nonwoven producers and finally nonwoven machinery suppliers.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith address the quest for more sustainable and affordable nonwovens in the wipes segment by two proven technologies for manufacturing pulp-based nonwovens. Firstly, WLS (Wet-Laid/Spunlaced) lines. More than a handful are in service worldwide and mainly target the flushable wipes market. At INDEX we’ll introduce our latest nextLevel/WLS baby and body wipes, a joint development by Voith and Truetzschler.

The second focus is on carded/pulp (CP) products. A CP line – including a TWF-NCT card placed between the HydroFormer and the AquaJet is already running to full capacity at customer site. Various CP materials, including innovative nextLevel/CP wipes, will be on display at the booth and invite visitors to discuss characteristics, benefits, line concepts and equipment.

When talking sustainable nonwovens, solutions for efficiently manufacturing biodegradable nonwovens from virgin cotton fibers, comber noils and viscose/lyocell fibers must not be missing. Visitors can look forward to directly comparing cotton nonwovens to a broad range of cellulose-based material.

Truetzschler Card Clothing, our in-house competence center with respect to card clothings and comprehensive service, presents its latest development, the Z wire for high-speed roller cards. A new geometry minimizes fiber fly and allows for better carding and more stable web forming.


Trützschler Nonwovens & Man Made Fibers GmbH

Asahi Kasei to reshape its ROICA™ premium stretch fiber business global production strategy (c)ROICA™
ROICA™ premium stretch fiber

Asahi Kasei to reshape its ROICA™ premium stretch fiber business global production strategy

  • Asahi Kasei Corporation markets premium stretch fiber under the brand of ROICA™, with superior performance features enabled by integrated production from raw material to yarn based on its advanced technology.
  • The specialized global holding operates its global ROICA™ business having production sites in Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, and Germany with strategic sales facilities around the world.

With deep regret, Asahi Kasei has taken the decision to restructure its production strategy in order to face the new, unexpected and critical market situation. As part of this process, the production and sales of ROICA™ at its German subsidiary, Asahi Kasei Spandex Europe GmbH in Dormagen, will be discontinued by March 31, 2022.

  • Asahi Kasei Corporation markets premium stretch fiber under the brand of ROICA™, with superior performance features enabled by integrated production from raw material to yarn based on its advanced technology.
  • The specialized global holding operates its global ROICA™ business having production sites in Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, and Germany with strategic sales facilities around the world.

With deep regret, Asahi Kasei has taken the decision to restructure its production strategy in order to face the new, unexpected and critical market situation. As part of this process, the production and sales of ROICA™ at its German subsidiary, Asahi Kasei Spandex Europe GmbH in Dormagen, will be discontinued by March 31, 2022.
Recognizing the paramount importance of the European market, especially when it comes to smart innovation where ROICA™ is a leader, and with the goal of continuing the excellent longtime work with valued partners, customers and supply chains, Asahi Kasei will continue to develop sales, technical and marketing services in Europe through Asahi Kasei Europe, the European regional headquarters of the Asahi Kasei Group. It will especially focus on ROICA™ added value products manufactured at its ROICA™ production sites in Asia.
Through this process, Asahi Kasei will reshape the efficiency and productivity of its global ROICA™ operation by keeping a strong focus on responsible innovation and sustainability in close communication, and safeguarding its business partners.
As a manufacturer of superior quality, highly functional and sustainable ROICA™ products, Asahi Kasei will continue its journey of responsible innovation aiming to provide solutions to the textile industry and to contemporary consumers, by enhancing production capabilities and expertise at the global sites supported by an expert, wise and efficient company.

More information:
ROICA™ Asahi Kasei Fibers

GB Network

Mit Federmäppchen Paul, Schreibmappe Pete und Rucksack Elliot steht dem perfekten Start in Ausbildung, Schuljahr, Semester und die Rückkehr ins Büro nichts mehr im Weg (c) Feuerwear
Feuerwear Rucksack Elliot

Feuerwear macht fit für Schule, Uni, Büro & Co. nach der Sommerpause

  • Mit Federmäppchen Paul, Schreibmappe Pete und Rucksack Elliot steht dem perfekten Start in Ausbildung, Schuljahr, Semester und die Rückkehr ins Büro nichts mehr im Weg

Das neue Schuljahr hat gerade begonnen, die Hochschulen starten bald ins neue Semester und auch die Büros füllen sich nach langer Zeit wieder etwas mehr mit Leben. Was trägt da mehr zur Motivation bei, als das Gefühl, bestens auf alles vorbereitet zu sein? Mit Accessoires und Rucksäcken von Kultlabel Feuerwear aus Köln ist man bestens für alle Eventualitäten gewappnet. Die Unikate aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch überzeugen allesamt durch einzigartige Gebrauchsspuren, recycelte Materialien und robuste Langlebigkeit. Im Federmäppchen Paul finden Stifte und Kleinigkeiten für den Schreibtisch Platz. Mit der Schreibmappe Pete hat man auch unterwegs immer Zettel und Stift parat. Und Rucksack Elliot bietet nicht nur Platz für Pete und Paul, sondern auch für Laptop, Snacks und alles, was man sonst noch braucht.

  • Mit Federmäppchen Paul, Schreibmappe Pete und Rucksack Elliot steht dem perfekten Start in Ausbildung, Schuljahr, Semester und die Rückkehr ins Büro nichts mehr im Weg

Das neue Schuljahr hat gerade begonnen, die Hochschulen starten bald ins neue Semester und auch die Büros füllen sich nach langer Zeit wieder etwas mehr mit Leben. Was trägt da mehr zur Motivation bei, als das Gefühl, bestens auf alles vorbereitet zu sein? Mit Accessoires und Rucksäcken von Kultlabel Feuerwear aus Köln ist man bestens für alle Eventualitäten gewappnet. Die Unikate aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch überzeugen allesamt durch einzigartige Gebrauchsspuren, recycelte Materialien und robuste Langlebigkeit. Im Federmäppchen Paul finden Stifte und Kleinigkeiten für den Schreibtisch Platz. Mit der Schreibmappe Pete hat man auch unterwegs immer Zettel und Stift parat. Und Rucksack Elliot bietet nicht nur Platz für Pete und Paul, sondern auch für Laptop, Snacks und alles, was man sonst noch braucht.

Wer sich zur Rückkehr an Schreibtisch und Schulbank eine kleine Motivationsspritze verpassen will, der ist bei Kultlabel Feuerwear an der richtigen Adresse. Denn bestens ausgestattet mit Rucksack, Schreibmappe und Co. aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch und recycelten PET-Materialien, lernt und arbeitet es sich gleich doppelt so schön.

Wer also bestens vorbereitet in den Jahresendspurt gehen will, der trifft mit den stylischen Unikaten von Feuerwear immer die richtige Wahl. Jedes Stück ist einzigartig und hat eine heldenhafte Geschichte zu erzählen. Handgefertigt überzeugen sie durch Widerstandsfähigkeit und Robustheit. Doch nicht nur ihre wiederverwerteteten Materialien – Feuerwehrschlauch und PET – machen sie besonders nachhaltig. Auch die Langlebigkeit der qualitätiven Unikate trägt ihren Teil zu mehr Nachhaltigeit bei.

More information:
Feuerwear Nachhaltigkeit

Profil Marketing oHG

Fraunhofer CCPE veröffentlicht Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen (c)CCPE
Positionspapier Recyclingtechnologien für Kunststoffe

Chemisches Recycling von Kunststoffen

  • Fraunhofer CCPE veröffentlicht Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Der Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE hat ein Positionspapier zum Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik von Recyclingtechnologien für Kunststoffe vorgelegt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf chemischen Recyclingverfahren. Eine Marktanalyse zeigt aktuelle Industrieaktivitäten, außerdem werden die Fraunhofer-Kompetenzen im Kunststoff-Recycling im Überblick dargestellt.

Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Rund 30 Fraunhofer Institute und Einrichtungen befassen sich mit dem Recycling und der Aufbereitung von Kunststoffen. Übersicht aktueller Initiativen zur Demonstration und Kommerzialisierung von chemischen Recyclingverfahren.

  • Fraunhofer CCPE veröffentlicht Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Der Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE hat ein Positionspapier zum Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik von Recyclingtechnologien für Kunststoffe vorgelegt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf chemischen Recyclingverfahren. Eine Marktanalyse zeigt aktuelle Industrieaktivitäten, außerdem werden die Fraunhofer-Kompetenzen im Kunststoff-Recycling im Überblick dargestellt.

Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Rund 30 Fraunhofer Institute und Einrichtungen befassen sich mit dem Recycling und der Aufbereitung von Kunststoffen. Übersicht aktueller Initiativen zur Demonstration und Kommerzialisierung von chemischen Recyclingverfahren.

Das Positionspapier gibt einen Überblick über werk- und rohstoffliche (chemische) Aufbereitungstechnologien für Kunststoffe, die sich derzeit in der Entwicklung befinden und noch nicht zum Stand der Technik zählen. Insbesondere werden sogenannte chemische Recyclingverfahren eingeordnet. Beleuchtet werden dabei der technische Entwicklungsstand der Verfahren, deren Vor- und Nachteile, die regulatorischen und gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die ökonomische Machbarkeit sowie Potenziale für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz. Eine Marktübersicht zeigt darüber hinaus, welche Projekte seitens der Industrie im Bereich chemischer Recyclingverfahren derzeit laufen, welche Abfallstoffe behandelt werden und welche Anlagenkapazität vorhanden bzw. geplant ist.

Prof. Matthias Franke, Leiter des Institutsteils Sulzbach-Rosenberg von Fraunhofer UMSICHT, entwickelt vor allem pyrolysebasierte Recycling­technologien. Er fasst die Ergebnisse zusammen: »Die Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Kunststoffrezyklaten nimmt derzeit zu. Hintergrund sind einerseits die Selbstverpflichtungen der Hersteller, andererseits die Vorgaben der Europäischen Union zum Rezyklateinsatz. Mit Rezyklateinsatzquoten und steigenden CO2-Preisen wird die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Rezyklaten gegenüber Primärware gestärkt, und die Abhängigkeit vom Rohölpreis aufgehoben. Dies schafft Investitionssicherheit für das Recycling. Neuartige Recyclingtechnologien sind nach unserer Einschätzung technisch in der Lage, die zusätzliche Nachfrage nach hochqualitativen Rezyklaten zu bedienen. Entwicklungs­bedarf gibt es vor allem noch bei komplexen Abfällen wie zum Beispiel Verbundmaterialien. Auch eine ökologische Gesamtbewertung der Verfahren steht noch aus.«

Ausgehend vom derzeitigen Entwicklungsstand schätzen die Fraunhofer Forschenden die Potenziale von alternativen Recyclingtechnologien insgesamt positiv ein, wenn Sie als Ergänzung zu etablierten werkstofflichen Verfahren eingesetzt werden. Sie seien technisch mach- und beherrschbar, sie könnten dazu beitragen, die Kreislaufführung von Kunststoffen zu verbessern und hochqualitative Sekundärrohstoffe für die Industrie bereit zu stellen. Vor allem die rohstofflichen / chemischen Verfahren könnten ein ergänzender Baustein für höherwertiges Kunststoff-Recycling sein besonders bei bisher schwer behandelbaren Abfallströmen.

Die Positionen des Fraunhofer CCPE im Einzelnen:

  • Werkstoffliche Verfahren sind für sortenreine Kunststofffraktionen (Thermoplaste) die beste Wahl.
  • Mit zunehmender Heterogenität, Verschmutzung oder Kontamination von Kunststoffabfällen kommt das werkstoffliche Recycling an seine Grenzen. Füll-, Stör- und Schadstoffe können in Sortier-, Wasch- und Extrusionsanlagen oft nicht vollständig ausgeschleust werden. Bestimmte Kunststoffsorten sind werkstofflich kaum verwertbar.
  • Um eine Steigerung der Kreislaufführung von Kunststoffen zu erreichen, ist eine Ergänzung der werkstofflichen Verfahren durch alternative Prozesse und Prozess-Kombinationen erforderlich.
  • Da chemische Recyclingverfahren ebenfalls in der Lage sind, Sekundärrohstoffe für die Kunststoffproduktion bereitzustellen, sollte die werkstoffliche Verwertungs­quote im Bereich der Verpackungskunststoffe durch eine technologieoffene Recyclingquote ersetzt werden. Dies würde technische Innovationen im mengenmäßig dominanten Recycling von Verpackungen fördern.
  • Eine gesamtökologische Betrachtung von Recyclingverfahren oder Verfahrens­kombinationen für spezifische Altkunststoffe muss noch erbracht werden.
  • Eine teilweise Substitution von erdölbasierten Basischemikalien durch chemische Rezyklate bspw. auf Basis von Kunststoffabfällen erscheint technologisch möglich.

Im Positionspapier stellt Fraunhofer CCPE eine Forschungsagenda vor:

1. Analyse von kunststoffhaltigen Abfällen verbessern
2. Transparenz über ökonomische und ökologische Auswirkungen durch Langzeitbetrieb herstellen
3. Dynamische Bewertungsmodelle für die Abfallbehandlung entwickeln
4. Recyclingtechnologien koppeln
5. Automatisierte, KI-basierte gestufte Recyclingverfahren erforschen
6. Rezyklate und Zwischenprodukte aus den Recyclingprozessen optimieren



Fraunhofer UMSICHT Institutsteil Sulzbach-Rosenberg

Dibella/REISINGER: „Green Workwear“ als nachhaltige Berufskleidung (c) Green Workwear GmbH

Dibella/REISINGER: „Green Workwear“ als nachhaltige Berufskleidung

Sowohl Dibella als auch REISINGER premium workwear engagieren sich seit Langem für sozial und ökologisch hergestellte Produkte, die im Gesundheitswesen und dem Textil-Service eingesetzt werden. Im Zuge einer langfristigen Kooperation haben die beiden Partner nun das eigenständige Unternehmen „Green Workwear“ geschaffen. Unter deren Dach wird eine Kleidung für die Pflegebranche vertrieben, die den Nachhaltigkeitsansprüchen gerecht wird.

Die langlebigen Mischgewebe werden ausschließlich aus nachhaltiger Baumwolle gemäß „Cotton made in Africa-Standard“, der botanischen Tencel-Faser und recyceltem Polyester hergestellt. Auch die Anforderungen an die Produktion der Kleidung sind ebenso anspruchsvoll. „Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für die Umwelt und alle handelnden Personen in der Lieferkette. Das schließt auch einen klimaneutralen Transport ein“, sagt Harald Reisinger, einer der beiden Geschäftsführer der Green Workwear.

Sowohl Dibella als auch REISINGER premium workwear engagieren sich seit Langem für sozial und ökologisch hergestellte Produkte, die im Gesundheitswesen und dem Textil-Service eingesetzt werden. Im Zuge einer langfristigen Kooperation haben die beiden Partner nun das eigenständige Unternehmen „Green Workwear“ geschaffen. Unter deren Dach wird eine Kleidung für die Pflegebranche vertrieben, die den Nachhaltigkeitsansprüchen gerecht wird.

Die langlebigen Mischgewebe werden ausschließlich aus nachhaltiger Baumwolle gemäß „Cotton made in Africa-Standard“, der botanischen Tencel-Faser und recyceltem Polyester hergestellt. Auch die Anforderungen an die Produktion der Kleidung sind ebenso anspruchsvoll. „Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für die Umwelt und alle handelnden Personen in der Lieferkette. Das schließt auch einen klimaneutralen Transport ein“, sagt Harald Reisinger, einer der beiden Geschäftsführer der Green Workwear.

„Die Herstellung erfolgt unter Einhaltung der bei Dibella in der Unternehmensphilosophie festgeschriebenen strengen sozialen und ökologischen Kriterien. Sie ist dank Respect Code bis an die Anfänge der Lieferketten nachvollziehbar und wird zusätzlich durch anerkannte Standards und renommierte Zertifikate – darunter der „Grüne Knopf“ und „Made in Green“ – untermauert“, ergänzt der zweite Geschäftsführer, Klaus Baur.

(c) ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei will showcase at Filo

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

Bemberg™ will be at Filo showing some selected fabric innovation, and three responsible-driven designers representing different and complementary part of contemporary consumer wardrobe: ZEROBARRACENTO, Maurizio Miri and WAXEWUL.
Bemberg™ will be also involved in two speeches – entitled “Il viaggio di Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei verso una moda contemporanea, premium e responsabile” - organized by the fair (Sept. 29th and 30th at 4pm), where it will share its story made of creation, production and process, as well as product performance, aspects related to sustainability and circular economy approach.


Asahi Kasei / GB Network / C.L.A.S.S.

LOVE HERO uses Kornit Digital for sustainable Fashion (c) Kornit Digital Europe GmbH / LOVE HERO

LOVE HERO uses Kornit Digital for sustainable Fashion

Kornit Digital announced that the London-based LOVE HERO fashion label uses Kornit’s sustainable, digitized, on-demand production capabilities to deliver its complete line of nature-themed apparel.

All fabrics are traceable and certified via their blockchain platform, Retraced, to minimize their eco footprint. Cut-and-sew operations take place in Portugal.

LOVE HERO is currently engaged with Kornit on the mechanics of imprinting silk, biodegradable nylon, and other diverse materials. One such application involves two-sided fabrics—nylon on top, with cotton on the reverse.

“Kornit is committed to becoming the operating system for sustainable fashion fulfillment, on demand,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “With visionary creators like Joshua and LOVE HERO ready to test the bounds of our design and color capabilities, and our growing network of digitized producers ready to make those visions tangible with speed, economy, and quality from all corners of the globe, we’re changing the public percetion of what digital can do—meeting the global sustainability imperative, without demanding compromise from any actor in that value chain.”

Kornit Digital announced that the London-based LOVE HERO fashion label uses Kornit’s sustainable, digitized, on-demand production capabilities to deliver its complete line of nature-themed apparel.

All fabrics are traceable and certified via their blockchain platform, Retraced, to minimize their eco footprint. Cut-and-sew operations take place in Portugal.

LOVE HERO is currently engaged with Kornit on the mechanics of imprinting silk, biodegradable nylon, and other diverse materials. One such application involves two-sided fabrics—nylon on top, with cotton on the reverse.

“Kornit is committed to becoming the operating system for sustainable fashion fulfillment, on demand,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “With visionary creators like Joshua and LOVE HERO ready to test the bounds of our design and color capabilities, and our growing network of digitized producers ready to make those visions tangible with speed, economy, and quality from all corners of the globe, we’re changing the public percetion of what digital can do—meeting the global sustainability imperative, without demanding compromise from any actor in that value chain.”


Kornit Digital Europe GmbH / pr4u


Tufropes is partnering with Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith for pentamerous technology

Indian Tufropes is partnering with Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith to install its unique pentamerous technology. The company’s first nonwovens production line will be capable to produce 5 different eco-friendly, hydroentangled products.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith are thrilled to be the technology partner for Tufropes’ (patent pending) unique nonwoven line based on pentamerous technology. The new installation relies heavily on Truetzschler/Voith core components for wet-laying, carding and hydroentangling. Proprietary refinements will allow Tufropes to produce any possible hydroentangled nonwoven material, including bio-degradable, natural fibre, eco-friendly high-performance nonwovens. Globally this would be a first industrial-scale pentamerous technology-based nonwoven project. Based in Gujarat, India, the line is expected to be commissioned next year.

Indian Tufropes is partnering with Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith to install its unique pentamerous technology. The company’s first nonwovens production line will be capable to produce 5 different eco-friendly, hydroentangled products.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith are thrilled to be the technology partner for Tufropes’ (patent pending) unique nonwoven line based on pentamerous technology. The new installation relies heavily on Truetzschler/Voith core components for wet-laying, carding and hydroentangling. Proprietary refinements will allow Tufropes to produce any possible hydroentangled nonwoven material, including bio-degradable, natural fibre, eco-friendly high-performance nonwovens. Globally this would be a first industrial-scale pentamerous technology-based nonwoven project. Based in Gujarat, India, the line is expected to be commissioned next year.


Truetzschler Nonwovens & Man Made Fibers GmbH

Duarte will release its SS22 collection at WHITE Milano (c) C.L.A.S.S.

Duarte will release its SS22 collection at WHITE Milano

After being rewarded with the 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award, Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to present its Spring/Summer 2022 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte has worked in close contact with the Milanese hub in order to create a 40 pieces collection where the approach to materials, suppliers, new business models and communication could include and support a holistic view of the sustainable values aligned with style, performances, look and touch and Duarte identity.

The inspiration behind this collection is the superhero Tadao – Ana Duarte’s dog – which is the World Keeper fighting against the environmental issues mankind has generated.

After being rewarded with the 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award, Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to present its Spring/Summer 2022 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte has worked in close contact with the Milanese hub in order to create a 40 pieces collection where the approach to materials, suppliers, new business models and communication could include and support a holistic view of the sustainable values aligned with style, performances, look and touch and Duarte identity.

The inspiration behind this collection is the superhero Tadao – Ana Duarte’s dog – which is the World Keeper fighting against the environmental issues mankind has generated.

With the support of WHITE and its WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano), Duarte’s creations will be featured online on the digital space of WSM-WHITE website, as well as being shown in a dedicated physical booth on September during Milan Fashion Week. The collection will also be presented on its new brand page on Renoon, an online platform devoted to Responsible Shopping. In addition, Duarte will be supported by IDEE Brand Platform in the development of commercial activities for the SS22 collection.


Kelheim Fibres Innovative Viscose Specialities at INDEX20

Not only since 2021 has sustainability been a topic high on society’s agenda. And yet the importance of sustainability for consumers and companies has once again increased sharply as a result of the Corona pandemic, as numerous studies confirm. Then why is it often so difficult to implement this conviction in everyday life? One of the biggest obstacles to sustainable consumer behaviour is the lack of availability of alternatives.

In addition to changing consumer demands, the EU Commission's recent decision on the single-use plastics directive is also prompting many nonwovens manufacturers to look at alternative solutions. Kelheim Fibres is exhibiting at this year's INDEX in Geneva and online with bio-based fibers that offer an alternative to synthetic materials in a wide range of applications. The Bavarians have decades of experience in the nonwovens and hygiene sectors and work on individual customer-specific innovations.

Not only since 2021 has sustainability been a topic high on society’s agenda. And yet the importance of sustainability for consumers and companies has once again increased sharply as a result of the Corona pandemic, as numerous studies confirm. Then why is it often so difficult to implement this conviction in everyday life? One of the biggest obstacles to sustainable consumer behaviour is the lack of availability of alternatives.

In addition to changing consumer demands, the EU Commission's recent decision on the single-use plastics directive is also prompting many nonwovens manufacturers to look at alternative solutions. Kelheim Fibres is exhibiting at this year's INDEX in Geneva and online with bio-based fibers that offer an alternative to synthetic materials in a wide range of applications. The Bavarians have decades of experience in the nonwovens and hygiene sectors and work on individual customer-specific innovations.

"We want to make it easy for consumers to choose an environmentally friendly option. That’s the case when bio-based solutions offer the same performance as synthetic products," said Matthew North, Commercial Director at Kelheim Fibres." Our fibre technology allows us to create just that: unlike natural fibres, which are available already in fibre form and can only be treated on the surface, we can engineer the properties of our fibres they need for specific applications by specifically intervening in the production process. That way we combine nature - our fibres are made of wood pulp - with performance."

Kelheim's special fibres are made of wood pulp from sustainably managed sources, are produced in Kelheim in an environmentally friendly way and are fully biodegradable at the end of their product life. Kelheim Fibres is the first viscose fibre manufacturer in the world with an EMAS validated Environmental Management System and was awarded a dark green/light green shirt in the most recent Canopy HotButton-Ranking.

More information:
Kelheim Fibres viscose fibers

Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Notus Composites. Notus NE7 low temperature curing prepreg

Notus Composites Launches New Low Temperature Curing NE7 Epoxy Prepreg

Notus Composites (UAE), the award-winning producer of epoxy prepreg materials, announces the latest addition to its high-performance epoxy range with the launch of its new NE7 low temperature curing prepreg system. The Notus NE7 formulation allows composite manufacturers to cure components at temperatures as low as 70˚C, reducing energy consumption and enabling more cost-effective tooling options.

Notus Composites has developed the new NE7 prepreg systems for applications across the Marine, Architecture, Industrial and Wind Energy sectors, with the novel low temperature curing chemistry delivery significant cost benefits. Existing prepreg manufacturers can now use more cost-effective composite tooling, with new prepreg users able to switch easily from existing infusion or wet laminating processes without creating expensive new high temperature tooling.

Notus Composites (UAE), the award-winning producer of epoxy prepreg materials, announces the latest addition to its high-performance epoxy range with the launch of its new NE7 low temperature curing prepreg system. The Notus NE7 formulation allows composite manufacturers to cure components at temperatures as low as 70˚C, reducing energy consumption and enabling more cost-effective tooling options.

Notus Composites has developed the new NE7 prepreg systems for applications across the Marine, Architecture, Industrial and Wind Energy sectors, with the novel low temperature curing chemistry delivery significant cost benefits. Existing prepreg manufacturers can now use more cost-effective composite tooling, with new prepreg users able to switch easily from existing infusion or wet laminating processes without creating expensive new high temperature tooling.

NE7 prepregs can be cured at temperatures as low as 70˚C, with the standard cure cycle being 12 hours at 70˚C, matching the typical cycle time for an infused part with a component Tg of 85˚C. NE7 materials have a good outlife of 30 days at 20˚C and are available in all prepreg and Notus single sided N1-Preg formats with unidirectional, multiaxial, and woven reinforcements. NE7 can also be supplied as a resin film.

Notus has recently supplied NE7 low temperature prepregs to Dubai based Aeolos Composites for the production of their new Aeolos P30 racing yacht. The P30 is a futuristic new craft created by top German sailor and designer, Hans Genthe, with a super light carbon fibre construction and large sail area that promises spectacular on the water performance for a thirty foot yacht. Notus delivered a range NE7 prepregs for the build, including woven, multiaxial, and unidirectional carbon fibre reinforcements as well as adhesive films for core bonding.

More information:
Notus prepreg material

Notus Composites.

Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+ (c) Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Recycled polyester filament yarn made in Turkey

Korteks, one of the world’s biggest yarn producers based in Bursa, Turkey, has started the production of recycled polyester filament yarn in its production facility using a Starlinger recycling line.

With the new recycling facility, which comprises a total closed area of 17,000 m² and has a monthly production capacity of 600 tons, Korteks was able to reduce the production waste at its virgin PES yarn site to zero.

The Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+, which is part of Korteks’ 10 million dollars investment in a new polymer recycling facility, took up operation in May 2021. It has a production capacity of 7,200 tons per year and currently processes clean in-house polyester fibers from production scrap together with washed post-consumer PET flakes at a ratio of 50/50. Korteks uses the polyester regranulate at a share of 100 % for its new polyester filament yarn line it is going to market under the name “TAÇ Reborn”. With this investment, the company has made an important step towards establishing a circular economy in the Turkish textile industry.

Korteks, one of the world’s biggest yarn producers based in Bursa, Turkey, has started the production of recycled polyester filament yarn in its production facility using a Starlinger recycling line.

With the new recycling facility, which comprises a total closed area of 17,000 m² and has a monthly production capacity of 600 tons, Korteks was able to reduce the production waste at its virgin PES yarn site to zero.

The Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+, which is part of Korteks’ 10 million dollars investment in a new polymer recycling facility, took up operation in May 2021. It has a production capacity of 7,200 tons per year and currently processes clean in-house polyester fibers from production scrap together with washed post-consumer PET flakes at a ratio of 50/50. Korteks uses the polyester regranulate at a share of 100 % for its new polyester filament yarn line it is going to market under the name “TAÇ Reborn”. With this investment, the company has made an important step towards establishing a circular economy in the Turkish textile industry.

The Starlinger recycling line is the first of its kind in Turkey and is equipped with special components for filament yarn recycling. A RSC (Rapid Sleeve Changer) candle filter developed by Starlinger ensures finest melt filtration down to 15 μm. It has been specially designed for polyester recycling and reaches an output of 1000 kg/h. For continuous operation the filter elements are changed “on the fly” without interrupting production, which significantly limits melt loss.

The viscoSTAR SSP unit at the end of the recycling process guarantees consistent IV increase according to the first-in-first-out principle. This makes sure that the produced regranulate has the ideal properties required for filament yarn production. The technical configuration of the line does not only allow the processing of a polyester fiber/PET flake mix as input materials, but also 100 % polyester filament scrap or 100 % PET bottle flakes.

Korteks expects the recycling market in general to grow as there is increased acceptance for recycled products in the society, and predicts the need for recycling solutions also for other synthetic and natural fibers.


Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.


EURATEX Vision on the EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles

EURATEX published their vision on the EU Strategy on Sustainable Textiles, reflecting the views of the European textiles and apparel industry. The goal is to promote a competitive and sustainable industry. to do so, wanting to be a global leader on sustainable textiles, the efficiency of the industry must be increase as well as the global market share.

The enclosed document presents 15 action points on how to achieve these targets.

EURATEX published their vision on the EU Strategy on Sustainable Textiles, reflecting the views of the European textiles and apparel industry. The goal is to promote a competitive and sustainable industry. to do so, wanting to be a global leader on sustainable textiles, the efficiency of the industry must be increase as well as the global market share.

The enclosed document presents 15 action points on how to achieve these targets.

More information:
Euratex Sustainability



DNFI Award Jury 2021 started its work

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) will announce the winner of the Innovation in Natural Fibre Research Award soon. The aim of the award is to raise awareness of the achievements of the natural fibers sector by recognizing innovative and progressive work by people and institutions at the level of production and use of natural fibers. The closing date for applications was September 10.

Interest in the award was high again in 2021, indicating that research in fields involving natural fibres is robust. The applications that were received reveal a fascinating array of projects, new topics, and both private and public sector funding for natural fibre research.

There are seven finalists, and final judging is underway. The winner of the 2021 Award will be announced in early October.

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) will announce the winner of the Innovation in Natural Fibre Research Award soon. The aim of the award is to raise awareness of the achievements of the natural fibers sector by recognizing innovative and progressive work by people and institutions at the level of production and use of natural fibers. The closing date for applications was September 10.

Interest in the award was high again in 2021, indicating that research in fields involving natural fibres is robust. The applications that were received reveal a fascinating array of projects, new topics, and both private and public sector funding for natural fibre research.

There are seven finalists, and final judging is underway. The winner of the 2021 Award will be announced in early October.

The seven finalists for the 2021 Award fall into several broad categories, including traceability and the measurement of environmental impacts of natural fibres, the use of natural fibres in manufacturing biodegradable composites, and new or expanded uses for natural fibre materials. Researchers and institutions located in Australia, India, Republic of Korea, and Switzerland are among the finalists for the 2021 award.

More information:


Foto: modus intarsia
Fertiges Garn. Mütze und Schal sind aus Chiengora®.

Garn aus Hundefell: nachhaltig und ethisch vertretbar

Die Textil- und Modebranche muss nachhaltiger werden. Das junge Brand modus intarsia zeigt seinen Weg: Aus der Unterwolle von Hunden, die normalerweise ausgekämmt wird und im Müll landet, haben die zwei Gründerinnen ein hochwertiges Garn entwickelt. Die Modedesignerin Ann Cathrin Schönrock hatte die Idee, und die Textilingenieurin Franziska Uhl von der Hochschule Reutlingen hat gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftler:innen an den Deutschen Instituten für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) das entwickelte Garn an Industriemaschinen erprobt und in größerem Maßstab hergestellt.

Chiengora® nennen sie das Kaschmir-ähnliche Garn – „Chien“, Französisch für „Hund“, und „gora“ in Anlehnung an das ursprünglich von Hasen stammende feine Angora. Das Garn hat den Vorteil, dass der Rohstoff nicht eingeflogen werden muss und die Tiere nicht für die Wollproduktion gezüchtet und gehalten werden. Der Rohstoff für das Garn entsteht nebenbei bei der täglichen Tierpflege, vor allem, wenn die Tiere im Frühjahr ihr Winterfell verlieren. Damit schont die Nutzung von Chiengora® Ressourcen und dient dem Tierwohl.

Die Textil- und Modebranche muss nachhaltiger werden. Das junge Brand modus intarsia zeigt seinen Weg: Aus der Unterwolle von Hunden, die normalerweise ausgekämmt wird und im Müll landet, haben die zwei Gründerinnen ein hochwertiges Garn entwickelt. Die Modedesignerin Ann Cathrin Schönrock hatte die Idee, und die Textilingenieurin Franziska Uhl von der Hochschule Reutlingen hat gemeinsam mit Wissenschaftler:innen an den Deutschen Instituten für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) das entwickelte Garn an Industriemaschinen erprobt und in größerem Maßstab hergestellt.

Chiengora® nennen sie das Kaschmir-ähnliche Garn – „Chien“, Französisch für „Hund“, und „gora“ in Anlehnung an das ursprünglich von Hasen stammende feine Angora. Das Garn hat den Vorteil, dass der Rohstoff nicht eingeflogen werden muss und die Tiere nicht für die Wollproduktion gezüchtet und gehalten werden. Der Rohstoff für das Garn entsteht nebenbei bei der täglichen Tierpflege, vor allem, wenn die Tiere im Frühjahr ihr Winterfell verlieren. Damit schont die Nutzung von Chiengora® Ressourcen und dient dem Tierwohl.

Das Gründerinnen-Team besteht aus Ann Cathrin Schönrock (31) aus Berlin und Franziska Uhl (25) aus Reutlingen. Als gelernte Mode- und Strickdesignerin mit hohen Ansprüchen an Qualität, Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit hat Ann Cathrin Schönrock schon 2017 mit dem Sammeln der Unterwolle vom eigenen Hund, von Hunden von Bekannten und Freunden, aber auch von Hundefriseuren und Züchtern begonnen. Nach ersten Machbarkeitsstudien stieß Franziska Uhl von der Fakultät für Textil & Design an der Hochschule Reutlingen dazu. Sie hat im Rahmen ihrer Bachelorarbeit erforscht, welche Hundehaare sich besonders gut für die Garnentwicklung eignen. An den DITF hat sie mit Volkan Ünal und Waltraud Abele ihre Thesen an Maschinen im Industriemaßstab überprüft und die Produktionsprozesse optimiert – von den Wollfaserflocken bis zum fertigen Wollgarn.

Das Potenzial ist groß. Allein in Deutschland leben über 10,4 Millionen Hunde. Obwohl nicht alle Hunderassen geeignete Unterwolle haben, landen europaweit bisher jedes Jahr über 1000 Tonnen davon im Müll. Schönrock und Uhl haben ein dezentrales Sammlernetzwerk ins Leben gerufen. Jeder kann daran teilnehmen, die Unterwolle seines Vierbeiners sammeln und nach Reutlingen schicken. Unterstützt wird das Projekt mit dem staatlichen EXIST-Gründungsstipendium und einem Investment aus der Textilindustrie. Die Unternehmerin Anna Yona von Wildling investiert in „Yarnsustain“.

More information:
Tierhaar Garn aus Hundefell



Kornit Digital: 2020 Impact and Environmental, Social, and Governance Report released

Kornit Digital Ltd., a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, released its 2020 Impact and Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) Report. This inaugural report affirms Kornit’s commitment to achieving specific ESG goals. This includes the way Kornit conducts business, creates meaningful impact in local communities, and achieves environmental sustainability, in addition to how Kornit will continue to build a diverse and inclusive company culture, foster employee growth and development, and empower fair and safe labor practices globally.

Kornit Digital Ltd., a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, released its 2020 Impact and Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) Report. This inaugural report affirms Kornit’s commitment to achieving specific ESG goals. This includes the way Kornit conducts business, creates meaningful impact in local communities, and achieves environmental sustainability, in addition to how Kornit will continue to build a diverse and inclusive company culture, foster employee growth and development, and empower fair and safe labor practices globally.
In addition to enabling eco-friendly production processes with technology and consumables that use less water, reduce waste, and minimize the carbon footprint, Kornit technology solutions enable sustainable production on demand, which eliminates overproduction of apparel and other textile goods. A 2021 Life Cycle Assessment conducted on two flagship products, the Kornit Atlas MAX and Kornit Presto S, demonstrated that relative to traditional analog processes, Kornit’s digital production systems used up to 95% less water and 94% less energy, and produced up to 83% less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the Presto S system and up to 93% less water and 66% less energy, and produced up to 82% less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the Atlas MAX system.

Based on this study, in addition to past sustainability performance results and strategic projections for business growth and market expansion, by 2026 Kornit Digital’s sustainable on-demand solutions are expected to enable the production of approximately 2.5 billion apparel items in a responsible manner to deliver:

  • Zero overproduction: By moving the industry to on-demand manufacturing, Kornit will help eliminate the estimated 1.1 billion apparel items overproduced using traditional production methods, based on an industry average of 30% overproduction. This is about 1 apparel item for each and every person living in Europe and North America – saved.
  • Zero water waste: In addition to eliminating overstocks, Kornit-enabled production on demand will support saving an estimated 4.3 trillion liters (1.1 trillion gallons) of water. This is the estimated amount of drinking water needed for the entire U.S. population for 11 years.
  • Reduced CO2 emissions: By enabling sustainable on-demand production, consuming less energy, and generating less waste, Kornit will prevent an estimated 17.2 billion kilograms (37.9 billion pounds) of greenhouse gas emissions, compared to traditional manufacturing methods. This is equivalent to the estimated amount of carbon dioxide emitted from circumnavigating the entire planet with a car nearly 2,400 times.

Furthermore, the report outlines Kornit’s commitment to achieving KPIs that address waste, chemicals, GHG emissions, energy, product development, employee training, diversity and inclusion, and the company’s supply chain.



(c) Trevira GmbH

Trevira CS – starting afresh

  • New brand Trevira CS eco

After a challenging 2020 for Trevira CS®, a year in which the coronavirus crisis put pressure on the contract market, in particular on the hotel and event sector, and also on the cruise shipping industry, the market is starting to show some signs of improvement. Numerous new developments are seizing upon the trends that have emerged since the crisis began.

  • New brand Trevira CS eco

After a challenging 2020 for Trevira CS®, a year in which the coronavirus crisis put pressure on the contract market, in particular on the hotel and event sector, and also on the cruise shipping industry, the market is starting to show some signs of improvement. Numerous new developments are seizing upon the trends that have emerged since the crisis began.

Although the coronavirus pandemic had a negative effect on individual business sectors, it also has the potential to open up new market opportunities for flame retardant Trevira CS fabrics in the long run. The increase in people working from home and the longer and more frequent stay within one’s own home have led to a change in perspective in terms of the relevance of interior design. The design of the living space has undergone a revaluation. Sustainability, durability, high quality, and the desire for safe products that contain little to no harmful substances are defining criteria for selecting a new textile interior. The colour range of the new Trevira CS developments is directed specifically towards this trend and often comes across as discreet and close to nature. After Trevira CS products have found their way more and more into private homes, the new Trevira CS collections include numerous attractive textiles not only for the contract sector but also for the residential sector.

In the contract sector, notably in the hotel industry, the trends towards sustainability and quality are likely to continue to grow. Moreover, there is an increase in awareness as far as hygiene requirements are concerned. Textiles that are easy to clean without losing their appearance or their functionality can excel here. Accordingly, products ordinarily used in the healthcare sector might start to be of interest to the hotel and catering industry, public spaces, the transport industry, and to offices. This will apply in particular to areas where there is a regular flow of visitors and where people come into direct contact with fabrics. Antimicrobial textiles provide additional protection in these situations. Besides their flame retardancy, many new Trevira CS products integrate additional functions such as noise or sun protection.

Trevira has launched the Trevira CS eco brand for flame retardant textiles that consist of recycled Trevira products.
The new Trevira CS eco brand unites sustainability and flame retardancy. Trevira offers products for this which have been manufactured through different recycling processes. The flame retardant filament yarns are based on the use of recycled PET bottles (post-consumer recycling). Textiles bearing the Trevira CS eco trademark consist of at least 50% recycled materials.

Trevira uses an agglomeration facility to recycle reusable waste materials from production to manufacture recycled fibres that, after further processing, retain the same quality and performance characteristics as the original products (pre-consumer recycling).


Trevira GmbH


International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022: Call for Abstracts

  • The success story of cellulose fibres continues - plastic bans drive innovation – 300 participants and 30 exhibitors are expected in-person and online
  • 2-3 February, Cologne (Germany), hybrid event

Cellulose fibres are among the winners of the European 'Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD)', which has been in effect since July 2021 and entails plastic bans for a variety of single-use products. Cellulose is the main component of plant cell walls and a natural polymer. As a result, disposable products made of cellulose and cellulose fibres are not labelled as plastic and are explicitly excluded from the regulation. The success story of cellulose fibres will thus continue at a rapid pace with new developments and applications.

  • The success story of cellulose fibres continues - plastic bans drive innovation – 300 participants and 30 exhibitors are expected in-person and online
  • 2-3 February, Cologne (Germany), hybrid event

Cellulose fibres are among the winners of the European 'Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD)', which has been in effect since July 2021 and entails plastic bans for a variety of single-use products. Cellulose is the main component of plant cell walls and a natural polymer. As a result, disposable products made of cellulose and cellulose fibres are not labelled as plastic and are explicitly excluded from the regulation. The success story of cellulose fibres will thus continue at a rapid pace with new developments and applications. Building on the success of this year's conference with 200 participants, the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022 will again cover the entire value chain, from lignocellulose, chemical pulp, cellulose fibres such as rayon, viscose, modal or lyocell and new developments to a wide range of applications: Textiles of all kinds, nonwovens such as wet wipes and new areas such as composites or nanocellulose in the food industry. All these sectors have gained considerable momentum in recent years.

Cellulose fibres have been a success story within the textile market with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 5 and 10 % over the last ten years and similar growth rates are expected in the coming decade. This makes cellulosic fibres the fastest growing fibre group in the textile industry and also the largest investment sector in the global bioeconomy.  The challenge now is to achieve a balance between the ongoing capacity expansion and the growing demand, to avoid overcapacity while still meeting rising demand from the major brands. These high growth rates are driven by the increased demand for natural fibres (and bottlenecks in cotton production), the microplastic issues, and bans on plastics in disposable applications. All three factors will continue to play an important role in the development of the sector in the future.

Focus of the conference

  • Impact of plastic-bans on single-use products
  • Transformation from fossil to renewable raw materials
  • Challenges in developing new value chains
  • Alternative raw materials for cellulose fibres
  • Latest technology and market trends
  • Market dynamics and stakeholders in the cellulose sector
  • New ecosystems and partnerships
  • Development of political environment
  • Improvement of sustainability in production

Companies are now invited to submit presentations as well as their latest developments for the Innovation Award.

Call for Abstracts and Posters
Abstract submission is open now. Latest products, technologies, developments or market trends are welcome.
Deadline for submission: 15 October 2021



nova Institute

(c) Isko

ISKO and MoRe Research: New possibilities for cellulose-based materials

As one of the driving forces helping to create a fully circular fashion industry, ISKO has partnered with Swedish research and development company MoRe Research, a part of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, to investigate and develop new, sustainable technologies made from cellulosic-based materials, derived from waste textiles, for the company’s 25,000+ range of products. It is hoped that this research will also help make the production of cellulose-based materials more sustainable.

The work with MoRe Research feeds into ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ strategy and will link with various sustainability projects the company is working on. For example, ISKO recently signed an agreement with HKRITA to license its Green Machine – a unique technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

As one of the driving forces helping to create a fully circular fashion industry, ISKO has partnered with Swedish research and development company MoRe Research, a part of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, to investigate and develop new, sustainable technologies made from cellulosic-based materials, derived from waste textiles, for the company’s 25,000+ range of products. It is hoped that this research will also help make the production of cellulose-based materials more sustainable.

The work with MoRe Research feeds into ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ strategy and will link with various sustainability projects the company is working on. For example, ISKO recently signed an agreement with HKRITA to license its Green Machine – a unique technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

ISKO will leverage MoRe Research!s expertise and resources to find ways of repurposing the clean and toxic-free cellulose powders that are created from the decomposed cotton, as well as the recycled polyester and reintegrate this back into fabric production. By using all of the outputs from the recycling of textiles back into textiles, the prospect of a closed-loop system becomes more feasible.

The investment in this new technology is the latest in ISKO’s ongoing drive for advancements in sustainability. As part of the company’s R-TWO™ program ISKO is also working to develop fabrics with a guaranteed minimum +50% GRS (Global Recycle Standard) recycled content blend. This will significantly reduce the carbon and water footprint of a fabric, as well as make it easy to trace a garment’s sustainable journey step-by-step from the beginning of the supply chain through to the end product.


menabo for Osko