From the Sector

1592 results

Alttextilmarkt: Preiskampf um Sammelmengen und wirtschaftliche Sortierung zunehmend schwierig

Auch im Jahr 2022 stand die Alttextilbranche vor neuen Marktsituationen und Herausforderungen. In Zukunft werden insbesondere neue EU-Vorgaben auf die Dynamik des Alttextilmarktes Einfluss nehmen, so der Vorstand des bvse-Fachverbands Textilrecycling.

Im Jahr 2022 zeigte sich die Alttextilbranche sowohl von den Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie als auch von den Auswirkungen des andauernden Ukraine-Russland Krieges betroffen. Die Sammelmengen von Alttextilien fielen erneut leicht ein. Gleichzeitig setzte sich der Rückgang an qualitativ hochwertigen Alttextilien in der Sammlung fort.

Ein weiterer neuer Trend zeichnete sich ab: Infolge anderer Materialzusammensetzungen wurden die einzelnen Teile in der Sammelware im Durchschnitt leichter. „Damit stehen den Sortierern zwar mehr Stücke im Original zur Verfügung, dies führt aber aufgrund von mangelnden Qualitäten nicht zwangsweise zu einer besseren Wiederverwendungsquote“, stellt der Vorsitzende des bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling, Stefan Voigt, klar.

Auch im Jahr 2022 stand die Alttextilbranche vor neuen Marktsituationen und Herausforderungen. In Zukunft werden insbesondere neue EU-Vorgaben auf die Dynamik des Alttextilmarktes Einfluss nehmen, so der Vorstand des bvse-Fachverbands Textilrecycling.

Im Jahr 2022 zeigte sich die Alttextilbranche sowohl von den Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie als auch von den Auswirkungen des andauernden Ukraine-Russland Krieges betroffen. Die Sammelmengen von Alttextilien fielen erneut leicht ein. Gleichzeitig setzte sich der Rückgang an qualitativ hochwertigen Alttextilien in der Sammlung fort.

Ein weiterer neuer Trend zeichnete sich ab: Infolge anderer Materialzusammensetzungen wurden die einzelnen Teile in der Sammelware im Durchschnitt leichter. „Damit stehen den Sortierern zwar mehr Stücke im Original zur Verfügung, dies führt aber aufgrund von mangelnden Qualitäten nicht zwangsweise zu einer besseren Wiederverwendungsquote“, stellt der Vorsitzende des bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling, Stefan Voigt, klar.

Preiskampf um verfügbare Sammelmengen und Kostensteigerungen
„Aufgrund der in 2022 wieder freien Kapazitäten in den Sortierwerken führt die geringer verfügbare Menge an Sammelware zu einem Preiskampf. In der Folge konnten Sammelunternehmen Umsatzeinbußen aus 2020 teilweise wieder ausgleichen“, beschreibt der stellvertretende Fachverbandsvorsitzende Stephan Kowoll die Situation der Alttextilsammler.

Unternehmen, die Sortieranlagen betrieben, sahen sich hingegen trotz der an sich guten Verkaufserlöse durch drastisch erhöhte Kosten im Bereich des Wareneinkaufs und der Sortierkosten belastet. „Die massiv gestiegenen Löhne sorgen zusammen mit großen Steigerungen im Bereich der Energie- und Treibstoffkosten für eine Situation, die eine wirtschaftliche Sortierung in Deutschland immer mehr erschwert“, verdeutlicht der Fachverbandsvorsitzende Voigt die Lage der Sortierbetriebe.

Exportmärkte: Stop and Go mit hohen Frachtraten
In Afrika stieg die Nachfrage nach tragbaren Textilien in 2022 weiter an. Zeitgleich wurden infolge des Kriegs in der Ukraine EU-weit Exportverbote nach Russland – auch für Alttextilien – verhängt. „Der für die Branche existenziell wichtige Export der sortierten Alttextilprodukte in die Auslandsmärkte wurde durch die mittlerweile fast verdoppelten Frachtraten in die Destinationen Afrika und Südamerika stark belastet“, macht Vorsitzender Voigt auf weitere Kostensteigerungen für die Branche aufmerksam.

Erarbeitung und Einführung eines nationalen EPR-Systems im Fokus
Der Alttextilmarkt ist im Umbruch, darin ist sich die Fachverbandsspitze einigt. Politische und legislative Neuerungen auf EU- und Bundesebene werden die Dynamik des Alttextilmarkts sowohl in der EU als auch in Deutschland verändern. Im besonderen Fokus steht für den Fachverband dabei die mögliche Ausgestaltung eines nationalen Systems der Erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung (EPR), die auf den zukünftigen Alttextilmarkt entscheidenden Einfluss nehmen wird.  

„Durch die verpflichtende Getrenntsammlung ab 2025 wird es erwartungsgemäß zu einem weiteren Abfall der Rohwarenqualitäten bei steigenden Mengen kommen. Im Hinblick darauf ist die Einbeziehung der deutschen Sammler und Sortierer bezüglich einer Querfinanzierung der zu erbringenden abfalltechnischen Leistungen unabdingbar. Das in Deutschland bewährte und funktionierende Sammelsystem im Zusammenspiel mit den kommunalen, gewerblichen und gemeinnützigen Sammlern muss weiterhin aufrechterhalten und gestärkt werden“, betonten die Fachverbandschefs Stefan Voigt und Stephan Kowoll übereinstimmend.

More information:

bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling

© Aid by Trade Foundation

The GoodTextiles Foundation and Cotton made in Africa join forces again

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

Difficult water procurement
The areas where CmiA's drought-resistant cotton is grown include the north and interior of Togo, where cotton farmers are particularly affected by the effects of climate change due to prolonged periods of drought. Many village communities lack access to clean drinking water, and people draw contaminated water from more distant rivers or waterholes and carry the heavy load back with difficulty.

Guide to clean water
As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, Aid by Trade Foundation (holder of the CmiA standard) and NSCT, three drought-affected villages - Namare/Puob-n-kpaad, Tchokoroko and Aloba - will now receive their own water supply.

The funds - 11,756 euros will be provided by the GoodTextiles Foundation, and 4,419 euros will come from the Cotton Society - will be used to construct a well operated by hand pumps in each village. The construction work is to be completed by March 2023 and the 2,300 inhabitants will be taught the basics of water handling, disease prevention and hygiene measures in so-called WASH training courses.

Driving force: UN SDGs
For years, we have aligned our company with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals for Sustainable Development). Through the sponsorship project, we are not only contributing to SDG 6 "Clean water and sanitation", but also to gender equality (SDG 5). In the African countries from which we source CmiA cotton, the physically strenuous task of procuring water is still the responsibility of women. The construction of the wells now leads to a significant improvement of their living situation," reports Ralf Hellmann, managing director of Dibella and chairman of the foundation.

Continued under their own responsibility
Once the wells have been handed over to the village communities, "water committees" will take over their management and maintenance, as well as responsibility for further hygiene training for the residents. The operation of the wells will be financed on the basis of a fund made up of small contributions from the beneficiary communities.


The GoodTextiles Foundation


AFRY project partner in TreeToTextile

  • TreeToTextile sustainable textile fibre demo plant in Sweden

TreeToTextile, owned by H&M Group, Inter IKEA Group, Stora Enso, and LSCS Invest, invested €35 million in constructing a textile fiber process technology demonstration plant in Sweden. AFRY supported TreeToTextile throughout the project in the development and implementation phases from 2016-2022. The demonstration plant is now in the start-up phase.

TreeToTextile is offering a new technology to produce bio-based textile fibers with a low environmental footprint and aims to make sustainable textile fibers available to all. The new fiber is a regenerated cellulosic fiber, produced from renewable and sustainably sourced raw materials from forests. TreeToTextile has invested €35 million in developing and constructing a new demonstration plant in Nymölla, Sweden. This investment is a crucial step prior to the scale-up and commercialization of this technology.

  • TreeToTextile sustainable textile fibre demo plant in Sweden

TreeToTextile, owned by H&M Group, Inter IKEA Group, Stora Enso, and LSCS Invest, invested €35 million in constructing a textile fiber process technology demonstration plant in Sweden. AFRY supported TreeToTextile throughout the project in the development and implementation phases from 2016-2022. The demonstration plant is now in the start-up phase.

TreeToTextile is offering a new technology to produce bio-based textile fibers with a low environmental footprint and aims to make sustainable textile fibers available to all. The new fiber is a regenerated cellulosic fiber, produced from renewable and sustainably sourced raw materials from forests. TreeToTextile has invested €35 million in developing and constructing a new demonstration plant in Nymölla, Sweden. This investment is a crucial step prior to the scale-up and commercialization of this technology.

AFRY has been the leading consultant and engineering partner of TreeToTextile from its early stages of project development in 2016, continuing onto demo plant implementation engineering from 2020-2022 In the project development phase, AFRY’s assignment included several pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, process design, up-scaling evaluations, and supplier pilot runs planning. In the demo plant implementation phase, AFRY was responsible for the engineering, project management and site services, also providing many additional services like permit and procurement support as well as machine and IT solutions.

“AFRY and TreeToTextile have a long-lasting, mutually developing relationship that we hope to continue. Together with AFRY, we have overcome the challenges through close collaboration, flexibility, broad competence and most important of all, mutual commitment”, says Olli Ylä-Jarkko, CTO at TreeToTextile.

The commissioning of the demonstration plant started in the summer of 2022, and the project was handed over to TreeToTextile for start-up and further optimization of the process.

“I’m proud of the deep and long-lasting cooperation with TreeToTextile. This project shows AFRY’s ability and wide competence to meet various demands of customer investment projects – from early phase development to implementation. AFRY’s long experience with bio-based materials, combined with our extensive process industry and project execution experience, makes us a unique partner for industrial clients in accelerating their bio-based fibers to scalable commercial production”, says Lisa Vedin, Head of Process Industries Sweden at AFRY.

More information:
TreeToTextile AFRY bio-based


(c) Digital Capability Center

ITA Supports SMEs in Digitisation and Sustainability

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

This means finding sustainable solutions and processes for the circular economy together with companies and developing new digital business models. The ITA's solutions cover the areas of awareness-raising, qualification, implementation and networking. These offers are free of charge for SMEs - follow-up projects often lead to the funding programme "Central Innovation Programme for SMEs - ZIM" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) or to research and development projects.

Questions concerning the funding conditions can be sent to the following e-mail address:


Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University


GOTS Version 7.0 released

The Global Organic Textile Standard is pleased to announce the release of GOTS Version 7.0, which features an expanded scope of environmental and social criteria while maintaining a standard that is practicable for industrial production and appropriate for a wide range of products. During the regular year-long revision process, international stakeholders with expertise in organic production, textile processing, textile chemistry, human rights and social criteria, as well as representatives from industry, NGOs and civil society organisations, contributed to the new Version 7.0 through multiple consultation rounds. Final decisions were made by the multistakeholder GOTS Standard Revision Committee.

The Global Organic Textile Standard is pleased to announce the release of GOTS Version 7.0, which features an expanded scope of environmental and social criteria while maintaining a standard that is practicable for industrial production and appropriate for a wide range of products. During the regular year-long revision process, international stakeholders with expertise in organic production, textile processing, textile chemistry, human rights and social criteria, as well as representatives from industry, NGOs and civil society organisations, contributed to the new Version 7.0 through multiple consultation rounds. Final decisions were made by the multistakeholder GOTS Standard Revision Committee.

GOTS Version 7.0 provides a comprehensive solution for companies who want to produce organic textiles ensuring compliance with environmental and human rights due diligence along the entire supply chain, from field to finished product. With full traceability from origin to destination, GOTS certification provides an efficient means of verifying genuine sustainability efforts. GOTS 7.0 introduces new requirements to conduct risk-based due diligence of Certified Entities’ own operations and their supply chains based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines. The Social Criteria section was substantially revised to include a broader human rights-focused approach. GOTS 7.0 now allows recycled organic fibres as additional materials. Key requirements, such as certified organic fibre content, a general ban on toxic and harmful chemicals such as PFAS, conventional cotton and virgin polyester restrictions, and social compliance management, are maintained in GOTS Version 7.0.

Some of the changes in Version 7.0 include:

  • GOTS and the Manual for the Implementation of GOTS were restructured, and sections were grouped to reflect the standard’s scope.
  • New due diligence criteria ensures that Certified Entities address their actual and potential negative impacts on human rights and the environment.
  • GOTS Environmental Criteria, Product Stewardship, and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) requirements will also apply to the subcontractors of chemical formulators.
  • Criteria for the incoming organic material have been made stricter.
  • Quinoline is included among the prohibited substances and some existing restrictions have been made tighter such as of “aniline, free”, residue limit is decreased to 20 mg/kg from 100 mk/kg.
  • GOTS 7.0 reduces the permissible quantity of recycled synthetic (polymer) fibres in its certified products, taking into account the disadvantages associated with recycled synthetics, such as microplastics and poor quality.
  • In the pursuit of circularity, GOTS will allow use of recycled GOTS Goods waste as an additional fibre in its certified products.
  • GOTS Human Rights and Social Criteria will now require Certified Entities to respect internationally recognised human rights protocols, including the International Bill of Human Rights and other international human rights treaties.
  • Criteria concerning Discrimination, Violence and Harassment were revised to make them more comprehensive and include the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Violence and Harassment Convention (C190).
  • Certified Entities are now required to develop a plan to cover the living wage gap.
  • GOTS Occupational Health and Safety criteria were revised to consider best international practices and recommendations from the ILO.

For more information, see the following documents:




ITMF-Webinar series on “Digital Workflow" and the “Circular Textile Economy"

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University



ISKO’s Ctrl+Z material science now bluesign® APPROVED

Ctrl+Z is ISKO’s latest innovation employing no virgin cotton, only recycled, and regenerated fibers: more durable, stronger, and now bluesign® APPROVED.

The leading denim ingredient brand and the full-service solutions system with a focus on sustainable chemistry have teamed up in a concerted effort to strengthen their partnership while promoting more sustainable textile production. ISKO has achieved the bluesign® APPROVED label for Ctrl+Z recycled denim fabrics containing no virgin cotton and only recycled and regenerated fibers that are made to be fully recyclable with the newest recycling technologies, enabling a fully circular system.

It is a credential that Bluesign grants only to bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERs, including manufacturers, that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2 emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

Ctrl+Z is ISKO’s latest innovation employing no virgin cotton, only recycled, and regenerated fibers: more durable, stronger, and now bluesign® APPROVED.

The leading denim ingredient brand and the full-service solutions system with a focus on sustainable chemistry have teamed up in a concerted effort to strengthen their partnership while promoting more sustainable textile production. ISKO has achieved the bluesign® APPROVED label for Ctrl+Z recycled denim fabrics containing no virgin cotton and only recycled and regenerated fibers that are made to be fully recyclable with the newest recycling technologies, enabling a fully circular system.

It is a credential that Bluesign grants only to bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERs, including manufacturers, that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2 emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

Specifically, Ctrl+Z is material science that hits “undo” on post-industrial waste delivering fabrics made from recycled and regenerated content that look and feel identical to their former compositions with increased strength and durability.

More information:
Isko bluesign® Denim


Aus Wasser gesponnene Lignin-Präkursorfasern, stabilisierte und carbonisierte Endlosfasern. Foto: DITF
Aus Wasser gesponnene Lignin-Präkursorfasern, stabilisierte und carbonisierte Endlosfasern.

Neues Verfahren: Carbonfasern aus Lignin

Ein neuartiges, ebenso umweltfreundliches wie kostensparendes Verfahren zur Herstellung von Carbonfasern aus Lignin ist an den DITF entwickelt worden. Es zeichnet sich durch hohes Energiesparpotential aus. Die Vermeidung von Lösungsmitteln und die Nutzung natürlicher Rohstoffe machen das Verfahren umweltfreundlich.

Carbonfasern werden im industriellen Maßstab gewöhnlich aus Polyacrylnitril (PAN) hergestellt. Die Stabilisierung und die Carbonisierung der Fasern geschieht dabei mit langer Verweildauer in hochtemperierten Öfen. Das erfordert viel Energie und macht die Fasern teuer. Dabei entstehen giftige Nebenprodukte, die aufwendig und energieintensiv aus dem Herstellungsprozess abgetrennt werden müssen.

Ein neuartiges, ebenso umweltfreundliches wie kostensparendes Verfahren zur Herstellung von Carbonfasern aus Lignin ist an den DITF entwickelt worden. Es zeichnet sich durch hohes Energiesparpotential aus. Die Vermeidung von Lösungsmitteln und die Nutzung natürlicher Rohstoffe machen das Verfahren umweltfreundlich.

Carbonfasern werden im industriellen Maßstab gewöhnlich aus Polyacrylnitril (PAN) hergestellt. Die Stabilisierung und die Carbonisierung der Fasern geschieht dabei mit langer Verweildauer in hochtemperierten Öfen. Das erfordert viel Energie und macht die Fasern teuer. Dabei entstehen giftige Nebenprodukte, die aufwendig und energieintensiv aus dem Herstellungsprozess abgetrennt werden müssen.

Ein neuartiges, an den DITF entwickeltes Verfahren ermöglicht hohe Energieeinsparungen in all diesen Prozessschritten. Lignin ersetzt dabei das Polyacrylnitril für die Herstellung der Präkursorfasern, die in einem zweiten Prozessschritt zu Carbonfasern umgewandelt werden. Lignin als Ausgangsmaterial für die Herstellung von Carbonfasern hat bisher kaum Beachtung in der industriellen Fertigung gefunden. Lignin ist ein günstiger und in großen Mengen verfügbarer Rohstoff, der als Abfallprodukt in der Papierproduktion anfällt.

Im neuen Verfahren zur Herstellung von Ligninfasern wird zuerst Holz in seine Bestandteile Lignin und Cellulose getrennt. Ein Sulfit-Aufschluss ermöglicht die Erzeugung von Lignosulfonat, das in Wasser gelöst wird. Die wässrige Lösung von Lignin ist das Ausgangsmaterial für das Spinnen der Fasern.
Der Spinnprozess selbst erfolgt im sogenannten Trockenspinnverfahren. Dabei presst ein Extruder die Spinnmasse durch eine Düse in einen beheizten Spinnschacht. Die entstehenden Endlosfasern trocknen im Spinnschacht schnell und gleichmäßig. Das Verfahren benötigt weder Lösungsmittel noch giftige Additiven.

Die anschließenden Schritte zur Herstellung von Carbonfasern - die Stabilisierung in Heißluft und die anschließende Carbonisierung im Hochtemperaturofen - ähneln denen des üblichen Prozesses bei Verwendung von PAN als Präkursorfaser. Allerdings lassen sich die Ligninfasern im Ofen besonders schnell mit Heißluft stabilisieren und benötigen nur relativ niedrige Temperaturen in der Carbonisierung. Die Energieersparnis in diesen Prozessschritten gegenüber PAN liegt bei rund 50% und bedeutet einen echten Wettbewerbsvorteil.

Aus Wasser gesponnene Ligninfasern bieten Vorteile
Neben der umweltfreundlichen, da lösemittelfreien Herstellung, und der Energieeffizienz bietet das neue Verfahren weitere Vorteile gegenüber PAN: Lignin ist ein überaus günstiger und leicht verfügbarer Rohstoff, der aus Holz gewonnen wird. Die Verwendung eines natürlichen Rohstoffes für die Erzeugung von hochfesten Carbonfasern folgt dem Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken in der Produktion.

Der Trockenspinnprozess erlaubt hohe Spinngeschwindigkeiten. Hierdurch wird in kürzerer Zeit deutlich mehr Material produziert, als es mit PAN-Fasern möglich ist. Das ist ein weiterer Wettbewerbsvorteil, der dennoch keine Kompromisse an die Qualität der Lignin-Präkursorfasern zulässt: Diese sind äußerst homogen, haben glatte Oberflächen und keine Verklebungen. Solche strukturellen Merkmale erleichtern die Weiterverarbeitung zu Carbonfasern und letztlich auch zu Faserverbundwerkstoffen.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die in dem neuen Spinnverfahren gewonnenen Präkursorfasern aus Lignin gegenüber PAN deutliche Vorteile in der Kosteneffizienz und in ihrer Umweltverträglichkeit zeigen. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften der aus ihnen hergestellten Carbonfasern sind hingegen nahezu vergleichbar – sie sind ebenso zugfest, widerstandsfähig und leicht, wie es von marktgängigen Produkten bekannt ist.

Besonders interessant dürften Carbonfasern aus Wasser gesponnenen Ligninfasern für Anwendungen in der Bau- und Automobilbranche sein, die von Kostensenkungen im Produktionsprozess in hohem Maße profitieren.



(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Textil with new recycled textile collection at PERFORMANCE DAYS in Munich

Textile performance inspired by nature - Swiss textile manufacturer Schoeller Textil AG launches the sustainable textile collection RE-SOURCE as part of its brand sustainability strategy. All textile innovations in the collection are made from bio-based, post- as well as pre-consumer materials such as recycled polyester and spandex. These are further enhanced with Schoeller textile technologies to provide the wearer with breathability, thermal regulation and wind and water repellency.

Two textile innovations in the collection have been lined on the inside with natural NATIVA Merino wool, produced under the highest sustainability standards. The manufacturing process of NATIVA Merino wool is 100% transparent and traceable for consumers through blockchain technology. NATIVA farms worldwide meet strict social and environmental requirements for animal welfare (ban on mulesing), land management and ethical labour guidelines.

Textile performance inspired by nature - Swiss textile manufacturer Schoeller Textil AG launches the sustainable textile collection RE-SOURCE as part of its brand sustainability strategy. All textile innovations in the collection are made from bio-based, post- as well as pre-consumer materials such as recycled polyester and spandex. These are further enhanced with Schoeller textile technologies to provide the wearer with breathability, thermal regulation and wind and water repellency.

Two textile innovations in the collection have been lined on the inside with natural NATIVA Merino wool, produced under the highest sustainability standards. The manufacturing process of NATIVA Merino wool is 100% transparent and traceable for consumers through blockchain technology. NATIVA farms worldwide meet strict social and environmental requirements for animal welfare (ban on mulesing), land management and ethical labour guidelines.

Schoeller is committed to the CODE OF CONDUCT, which guarantees transparent production chains, environmental protection and fair working conditions. All RE-SOURCE textile innovations are bluesign approved - the international standard for responsible and sustainable textile manufacturing.

"The special Q-cycle process was used for RE-SOURCE. The resistant and durable Q-cycle polyamide is obtained by pyrolysis of used tyres and thus saves Co2 emissions compared to the combustion process. In this way, we are helping to protect the climate with Q-cycle," says Hans Kohn, COO, Schoeller Technologies AG.

The new recycled textile collection will be presented at the PERFORMANCE DAYS textile trade fair in Munich from 15-16 March 2023.


Schoeller Textil AG

(c) Mountain Equipment / Silvan Metz

Globetrotter startet DOWN CYCLE-Projekt mit Mountain Equipment

Ab sofort nimmt der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter in seinen bundesweit 22 Filialen alle ausgedienten, mit Daune gefütterten Produkte an - gleichgültig ob Schlafsack oder Winterjacke, Bettdecke oder Kopfkissen. Gesammelt werden diese bis Januar 2024. In Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Outdoor-Marke Mountain Equipment entsteht anschließend eine Jacke aus 100 Prozent recycelter Daune, die voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2024 exklusiv bei Globetrotter erhältlich sein wird.

Für die Aktion stehen in allen Globetrotter-Filialen Sammelbehälter bereit. Alternativ können die Kund:innen ihre gebrauchten Daunenprodukte auch per Post versenden. „Mit dem DOWN CYCLE-Projekt gehen wir gemeinsam mit Mountain Equipment neue Wege in Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft und Ressourcenschonung,“ so Projektmanager Andreas Krüger. „Gerade die Weiternutzung alter Daunen macht Sinn, denn durch das Recycling dieses langlebigen Naturproduktes können große Mengen an Wasser eingespart werden.“

Ab sofort nimmt der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter in seinen bundesweit 22 Filialen alle ausgedienten, mit Daune gefütterten Produkte an - gleichgültig ob Schlafsack oder Winterjacke, Bettdecke oder Kopfkissen. Gesammelt werden diese bis Januar 2024. In Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Outdoor-Marke Mountain Equipment entsteht anschließend eine Jacke aus 100 Prozent recycelter Daune, die voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2024 exklusiv bei Globetrotter erhältlich sein wird.

Für die Aktion stehen in allen Globetrotter-Filialen Sammelbehälter bereit. Alternativ können die Kund:innen ihre gebrauchten Daunenprodukte auch per Post versenden. „Mit dem DOWN CYCLE-Projekt gehen wir gemeinsam mit Mountain Equipment neue Wege in Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft und Ressourcenschonung,“ so Projektmanager Andreas Krüger. „Gerade die Weiternutzung alter Daunen macht Sinn, denn durch das Recycling dieses langlebigen Naturproduktes können große Mengen an Wasser eingespart werden.“

Konkret spart die Aufbereitung alter Daunen im Vergleich zur Nutzung neuer Daunen rund 70 Prozent Wasser ein, denn die Aufzucht von Gänsen und Enten sowie die Verarbeitung der Daunen verbraucht viel Trinkwasser. Auch mit Blick auf das Tierwohl macht eine Weiteraufbereitung Sinn. Bis zu 95 % eines Daunenprodukts können wiederverwendet werden. „Daune ist eine wertvolle Ressource, für die wir eine Infrastruktur zur Wiederverwendung etablieren wollen. Das gemeinsame Projekt mit Mountain Equipment stellt einen ersten Schritt in diese Richtung dar,“ so Krüger.

Nach Abschluss der Sammelaktion wird Mountain Equipment das Recycling der Daunen übernehmen. Zunächst werden die Daunen dafür von anderen Stoffen und Materialien getrennt. Anschließend werden sie gewaschen, sterilisiert und getrocknet. Erst nach diesem Schritt entscheidet sich, wie die Jacke aussehen wird. Denn Farbe, Funktion und Schnitt sind davon abhängig, wie viele und welche Art Daunen bei der Sammelaktion zusammengekommen sind. Rund 800 Jacken sollen den gesammelten Daunen entstehen.

Das gemeinsame DOWN CYCLE Projekt zwischen Globetrotter und Mountain Equipment ist nicht das erste seiner Art: Bereits für das Globetrotter-Jubiläum im Jahr 2019 erstellte die Marke eine exklusive Sonderedition aus recycelter Daune. Dafür wurde der Klassiker „Lightline Jacket“ neu aufgelegt.




CWS Workwear startet Upcycling Fashion Wettbewerb

  • Mode aus alter Arbeitskleidung

CWS Workwear lädt junge Designer ein, bis zum 15. April Entwürfe für Mode aus alter CWS Arbeitskleidung einzureichen. Die Gewinner werden ihre Kreationen im Sommer 2023 bei der Frankfurt Fashion Lounge präsentieren und können zudem eine Masterclass mit dem Upcycling-Pionier Daniel Kroh, inklusive Reise nach Berlin gewinnen.

CWS Workwear hat den Upcycling Fashion Contest ins Leben gerufen, um junge Designer für das Thema Upcycling zu begeistern und das Bewusstsein für die Möglichkeiten des Upcyclings in der Textilbranche zu stärken. Interessierte Kreative und Modedesigner haben die Möglichkeit, aus CWS Arbeitskleidung Mode zu entwerfen und ihre Designskizzen einzureichen: von Streetwear bis Businesskleidung – die Wahl liegt bei den Talenten. Welche Arbeitskleidung zur Verfügung gestellt wird, kann auf eingesehen werden.

  • Mode aus alter Arbeitskleidung

CWS Workwear lädt junge Designer ein, bis zum 15. April Entwürfe für Mode aus alter CWS Arbeitskleidung einzureichen. Die Gewinner werden ihre Kreationen im Sommer 2023 bei der Frankfurt Fashion Lounge präsentieren und können zudem eine Masterclass mit dem Upcycling-Pionier Daniel Kroh, inklusive Reise nach Berlin gewinnen.

CWS Workwear hat den Upcycling Fashion Contest ins Leben gerufen, um junge Designer für das Thema Upcycling zu begeistern und das Bewusstsein für die Möglichkeiten des Upcyclings in der Textilbranche zu stärken. Interessierte Kreative und Modedesigner haben die Möglichkeit, aus CWS Arbeitskleidung Mode zu entwerfen und ihre Designskizzen einzureichen: von Streetwear bis Businesskleidung – die Wahl liegt bei den Talenten. Welche Arbeitskleidung zur Verfügung gestellt wird, kann auf eingesehen werden.

Als Serviceanbieter für Arbeitskleidung hält CWS Workwear seine nachhaltige Arbeitskleidung so lange wie möglich im textilen Servicekreislauf. Nachhaltige Arbeitskleidung wird für Unternehmen gewaschen, repariert und gepflegt. Wenn sie das Ende ihres Lebenszyklus erreicht hat, wird bereits jetzt 55 % der Textilien wiederverwertet. Durch Upcycling und Downcycling kann der Arbeitskleidung ein zweites Leben geschenkt werden. So kann auch im Bereich der Arbeitskleidung der Textilabfall reduziert werden. Aus diesem Grund arbeitet CWS Workwear bereits seit über 15 Jahren mit dem Berliner Designer Daniel Kroh zusammen, der seine Kleidung aus abgelegter CWS Arbeitskleidung entwirft und herstellt.

Ein zweites Leben für Arbeitskleidung
Eine Fachjury, bestehend aus dem Upcycling-Pionier Daniel Kroh, der Upcycling-Designerin Oxana Jemeljanow, Rosa Buchacher von Fairtrade Deutschland, Pia Schulz von Fashion United und der CWS Designerin Iris-Dorothee Rau, wird aus den eingesandten Skizzen die besten Entwürfe auswählen. Die Auserwählten erhalten dann ein Paket mit CWS Berufskleidung, anhand derer sie ihre Entwürfe in die Realität umsetzen und bei einer Modenschau der Frankfurt Fashion Lounge im Sommer präsentieren können. Das kreativste Upcycling-Talent gewinnt eine Reise nach Berlin inklusive einer persönlichen Masterclass mit dem Upcycling-Pionier Daniel Kroh.
Interessierte können ihre Kreationen bis zum 15. April einreichen. Das Projektteam steht für Fragen per E-Mail oder Telefon zur Verfügung.



(c) STFI HiPeR_Integral RTM rib

STFI mit textilem Leichtbau und Textilrecycling auf der JEC

Vom 25. bis zum 27. April 2023 findet die diesjährige JEC WORLD, die international führende Leichtbaumesse, in Paris statt. Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) wird seine jüngsten Innovationen aus dem textilen Leichtbau und dem Textilrecycling auf dem Stand der sächsischen Wirtschaftsförderung präsentieren. Das STFI fokussiert seinen Messeauftritt in Paris dieses Jahr vor allem auf erfolgreiche Beispiele aus Industriekooperationen, die zur Nachhaltigkeit des Herstellungsprozesses beitragen.

Im Forschungsvorhaben „optiformTEX“ innerhalb des BMBF-Förderprogramms „Zwanzig20 – futureTEX“ wurde eine neue Technologie für flächige Naturfaser (NF)-Halbzeuge mit belastungsgerechter topologischen Fasermasseverteilung entwickelt. Dies lässt eine signifikante Gewichtsreduzierung von bis zu 30 % bei Leichtbauteilen vor allem im automobilen Interieur zu.

Vom 25. bis zum 27. April 2023 findet die diesjährige JEC WORLD, die international führende Leichtbaumesse, in Paris statt. Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) wird seine jüngsten Innovationen aus dem textilen Leichtbau und dem Textilrecycling auf dem Stand der sächsischen Wirtschaftsförderung präsentieren. Das STFI fokussiert seinen Messeauftritt in Paris dieses Jahr vor allem auf erfolgreiche Beispiele aus Industriekooperationen, die zur Nachhaltigkeit des Herstellungsprozesses beitragen.

Im Forschungsvorhaben „optiformTEX“ innerhalb des BMBF-Förderprogramms „Zwanzig20 – futureTEX“ wurde eine neue Technologie für flächige Naturfaser (NF)-Halbzeuge mit belastungsgerechter topologischen Fasermasseverteilung entwickelt. Dies lässt eine signifikante Gewichtsreduzierung von bis zu 30 % bei Leichtbauteilen vor allem im automobilen Interieur zu.

Es entstand das Modul „3D-Lofter“ zur lokalen Verstärkung von Vliesstoffen mittels definierter Faseranhäufungen; entwickelt und gebaut durch den Projektpartner Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG, Eberbach. Ein Exemplar des Moduls wurde in eine Labornadelvliesstoffanlage im Technikum des STFI integriert und steht für Kundenversuche sowie nachfolgende Forschungsvorhaben zur Verfügung.

Im Ergebnis des internationalen BMBF-Vorhabens „HiPeR – Orientierte Carbonfaserstrukturen aus Luftfahrt-Produktionsabfällen zum Wiedereinsatz im Flugzeug“ entstand ein Strukturbauteil für die Luftfahrt aus Recycling-Carbon. Dafür wurden am STFI rCF-Tapes sowohl aus recoverten, mechanisch aufbereiteten Abfällen als auch aus pyrolysierten Fasern entwickelt. Die rCF-Tapes werden auf dem STFI-Stand, das Bauteil selbst am CU-Messestand/CTC präsentiert.


Carbios joins Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Carbios announces its membership of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network. Carbios shares the Foundation’s commitment to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, especially in the areas of plastics and fashion. By joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network, Carbios will connect with other leaders within the Foundation’s leading circular economy network of businesses, policymakers, academia, innovators, and thought leaders worldwide.

Carbios fully adheres to Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s vision for a circular economy for plastic. Its biorecycling and biodegradation technologies already match the actions defined by the Foundation:

Carbios announces its membership of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network. Carbios shares the Foundation’s commitment to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, especially in the areas of plastics and fashion. By joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network, Carbios will connect with other leaders within the Foundation’s leading circular economy network of businesses, policymakers, academia, innovators, and thought leaders worldwide.

Carbios fully adheres to Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s vision for a circular economy for plastic. Its biorecycling and biodegradation technologies already match the actions defined by the Foundation:

  • Eliminate all problematic and unnecessary plastic items
  • Innovate to ensure that the plastics we do need are reusable, recyclable, or compostable
  • Circulate all the plastic items we use to keep them in the economy and out of the environment

Through ambitious collaborative projects, plastics and fashion are two topic areas for the Foundation and are also at the heart of Carbios’ activities. Providing actionable solutions to support brands’ ambitious commitments for sustainable packaging and textile industries, Carbios has founded two consortiums: one in the packaging industry established with L’Oréal in 2019, which has since been joined by Nestlé Waters, PepsiCo and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe; another created in 2022 in the textile industry with apparel and fashion brands On, Patagonia, PUMA, PVH Corp. and Salomon. Together, the consortium members develop solutions promoting the recyclability and circularity of their products.

Joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network takes Carbios’ circular economy actions one step further. Carbios recently underscored its commitment to circularity and environmental responsibilities by publishing its first Sustainability Report at the end of 2022[1]. In 2019, Carbios’ biorecycling and biodegradable solutions were among the first innovations to be labelled “Efficient Solution” by the Solar Impulse Foundation[2].

[1] Cf. press release dated 15 December 2022
[2] The Solar Impulse Foundation has identified over a thousand clean and profitable solutions that are economically viable and can be implemented on a large scale.



(c) Hologenix, LLC

Hologenix: CELLIANT with REPREVE shortlisted for Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards

Hologenix announces that CELLIANT® with REPREVE®, a performance fiber made from recycled materials and enhanced with IR technology, has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2023 Awards. Introduced with global textile solutions provider UNIFI® makers of REPREVE®, CELLIANT with REPREVE is honored in the Sustainable Textile Innovation Category of the awards.

The Drapers Awards recognize the strides that are being made in reducing the industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain. According to Drapers the quality and quantity of entries were higher than ever this year. Judging was underpinned by the UN-backed Sustainable Development Goals. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on May 25, 2023 at The Brewery in London.

This recognition is the second award for CELLIANT with REPREVE since its launch in the fall of 2022 – it was previously named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2024/25. This is also the second year in a row that a Hologenix innovation has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards.

Hologenix announces that CELLIANT® with REPREVE®, a performance fiber made from recycled materials and enhanced with IR technology, has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2023 Awards. Introduced with global textile solutions provider UNIFI® makers of REPREVE®, CELLIANT with REPREVE is honored in the Sustainable Textile Innovation Category of the awards.

The Drapers Awards recognize the strides that are being made in reducing the industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain. According to Drapers the quality and quantity of entries were higher than ever this year. Judging was underpinned by the UN-backed Sustainable Development Goals. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on May 25, 2023 at The Brewery in London.

This recognition is the second award for CELLIANT with REPREVE since its launch in the fall of 2022 – it was previously named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2024/25. This is also the second year in a row that a Hologenix innovation has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards.

CELLIANT is a natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals, which, when embedded into textiles, allows them to convert body heat into infrared energy, returning it to the body and temporarily increasing local circulation and cellular oxygenation. This aids significantly in muscle recovery, increases endurance and improves overall performance in healthy individuals, among other benefits.

REPREVE recycled performance fiber consists of high-quality fibers made from 100% recycled materials, including post-consumer plastic bottles and pre-consumer waste. It is also certified and traceable with UNIFI’s U TRUST® verification and FiberPrint™ technology, which provide assurance that the product comes from recycled materials. Compared to virgin fiber, REPREVE helps to offset the use of petroleum, conserving water and energy and emitting fewer greenhouse gasses.


Trenddesign und akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies

  • FINDEISEN auf der BAU 2023

Auf der BAU erwartet die Besucher auf dem FINDEISEN-Stand in diesem Jahr ein „Tropical Paradise“. Unter diesem Motto präsentiert Das Unternehmen aus Ettlingen neben den aktuellen Nadelvlies-Kollektionen das neue Trenddesign FINETT VARIO sowie akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies.

FINETT VARIO -Trenddesign
Bei dem als Bahnenware und Module verfügbaren Nadelvlies-Bodenbelag bilden verschiedene Farbeinstreuungen einen starken Kontrast zum einheitlich schwarzen Grundton. Die sechs Farbvarianten sind untereinander und mit den Trendfarben der Kollektion FINETT DIMENSION kombinierbar.

In beiden Fällen werden für die Nutzschicht biobasierte Polyamid-Fasern verarbeitet, der textile Rücken besteht aus Recyclingmaterial. Mit einem Gewicht von 1.300 Gramm pro Quadratmeter ist FINETT VARIO knapp ein Drittel so schwer wie vergleichbare Textilfliesen, was eine Ressourceneinsparung von 70% bereits bei der Produktion und in der Folge auch beim Transport mit sich bringt sowie das Handling auf der Baustelle wesentlich vereinfacht.

  • FINDEISEN auf der BAU 2023

Auf der BAU erwartet die Besucher auf dem FINDEISEN-Stand in diesem Jahr ein „Tropical Paradise“. Unter diesem Motto präsentiert Das Unternehmen aus Ettlingen neben den aktuellen Nadelvlies-Kollektionen das neue Trenddesign FINETT VARIO sowie akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies.

FINETT VARIO -Trenddesign
Bei dem als Bahnenware und Module verfügbaren Nadelvlies-Bodenbelag bilden verschiedene Farbeinstreuungen einen starken Kontrast zum einheitlich schwarzen Grundton. Die sechs Farbvarianten sind untereinander und mit den Trendfarben der Kollektion FINETT DIMENSION kombinierbar.

In beiden Fällen werden für die Nutzschicht biobasierte Polyamid-Fasern verarbeitet, der textile Rücken besteht aus Recyclingmaterial. Mit einem Gewicht von 1.300 Gramm pro Quadratmeter ist FINETT VARIO knapp ein Drittel so schwer wie vergleichbare Textilfliesen, was eine Ressourceneinsparung von 70% bereits bei der Produktion und in der Folge auch beim Transport mit sich bringt sowie das Handling auf der Baustelle wesentlich vereinfacht.

Dank des patentierten Aufbaus ist FINETT VARIO ebenso wie FINETT DIMENSION extrem maßstabil. Die Fliesen und Planken kommen deshalb ohne bedenkliche Schwerbeschichtung aus und werden ebenso wie die Bahnenware wiederaufnehmbar verlegt. Einzelne Module oder ganze Flächen können so einfach und schnell ausgetauscht werden. Neben den funktionellen Vorteilen ist die Easy-Fix-Verlegung aber auch deutlich nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger als die feste Verklebung: Für die Haftfixierung wird nur rund ein Drittel der Klebermenge benötigt und da dieser beim Austausch auf dem Untergrund zurückbleibt und nicht wie sonst üblich beschädigt wird, ist das Recycling des Nadelvlies-Bodenbelags deutlich einfacher und die kosten- und materialintensive Wiederaufbereitung des Untergrundes entfällt.

FINETT VARIO ist u. a. mit dem Blauen Engel sowie dem Green Label Plus ausgezeichnet. Die eingesetzten Rohstoffe erfüllen die Kriterien von Cradle to Cradle® für Materialgesundheit.

FINETT ACOUSTICS - akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies
Nadelvlies wird zunehmend für die Verbesserung der Raumakustik eingesetzt. In Kooperation mit der SUAM Akustikmanufaktur bietet FINDEISEN akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies in Form von Wandelemente sowie Pin- und Trennwänden.

Sie sind leistungsfähige Breitbandabsorber bei denen die Schallabsorption des Nadelvlies durch das darunterliegende, spezielle Absorbervlies zusätzlich verstärkt wird. Dabei stehen diverse Leistungsklassen (Schallabsorptionsklasse A + B) und verschiedene Verarbeitungsvarianten zur Befestigung an der Wand oder freistehend als Trenn- und Pinnwand zur Verfügung. Neben den als Intarsien umgesetzten Standardmotiven aus den Serien „art“ und „nature“ sind individuelle Umsetzungen jeglicher Art und Größe möglich. Zur Auswahl stehen dabei über 100 Farbtöne aus den Top-Nadelvlies-Kollektionen von FINDEISEN.




Recycling Atelier Augsburg and Kelheim Fibres cooperate

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, has joined Recycling Atelier Augsburg. Recycling Atelier Augsburg is a unique centre for research and development in the field of textile recycling. It is located at the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg an affiliated institute of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. The two institutions founded the Recycling Atelier in June 2022 together with twelve partners from the German textile industry.

In the Recycling Atelier, the focus is on the triad of technical and ecological sense as well as economic benefit. In this way, the partners of the Recycling Atelier are standing up against fast fashion, outsourced corporate responsibility and a general decline in raw material quality, which often fuels downcycling - the low-quality reuse - of materials.

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, has joined Recycling Atelier Augsburg. Recycling Atelier Augsburg is a unique centre for research and development in the field of textile recycling. It is located at the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg an affiliated institute of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. The two institutions founded the Recycling Atelier in June 2022 together with twelve partners from the German textile industry.

In the Recycling Atelier, the focus is on the triad of technical and ecological sense as well as economic benefit. In this way, the partners of the Recycling Atelier are standing up against fast fashion, outsourced corporate responsibility and a general decline in raw material quality, which often fuels downcycling - the low-quality reuse - of materials.

As a model factory, the Recycling Atelier Augsburg combines the most important processes of textile recycling and offers holistic and comprehensive research along the value chain," explains Georg Stegschuster, head of the Recycling Atelier Augsburg. The scientists research on all process steps of textile recycling: from material analysis to sorting, preparation and textile processing to sustainable product design. Comprehensive data collection and the use of artificial intelligence as well as innovative materials play a central role.

Kelheim Fibres is a producer of high-quality viscose fibres, which consist of cellulose, the main component of the renewable raw material wood, and are used worldwide for products in areas such as hygiene, textiles, and technical applications.

"In New Business Development as well as Fibre and Application Development, we follow the Open Innovation concept - the cooperation with the Recycling Atelier offers us an ideal platform for this. Here we work with partners to advance sustainability and performance," explains Maik Thiel, project manager at Kelheim Fibres.

Recycled cotton fibres are often very short or of uneven length, which makes further processing of 100 % recycled material a challenge. Adding speciality fibres from Kelheim Fibres should enable the production of high-quality new products, such as nonwovens. In the future, the fibres provided by Kelheim Fibres will also be made from recycled pulp.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Graphic Carbios

Carbios doubles number of granted patents in two years

  • At end 2022, Carbios has 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families for its innovation in enzymatic recycling of PET plastics and fibers, and its PLA biodegradation technology
  • Carbios’ team of Intellectual Property experts is dedicated to protecting its innovations

Carbios has doubled its number of issued patents since the last review published at the end of 2020. Carbios (and its subsidiary Carbiolice) currently holds 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families.  In 2022, several titles protecting the proprietary PET-degrading enzymes were granted in countries of interest such as the United States and also in Asian countries including Indonesia, South Korea, China, Japan and India.  Carbios has also obtained grants within its patent families protecting the biodegradable plastics production process, notably the masterbatch containing the enzyme or its production process.
Carbios is expanding its intellectual property portfolio in regions and countries where there is strong demand for its disruptive technologies, notably :

  • At end 2022, Carbios has 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families for its innovation in enzymatic recycling of PET plastics and fibers, and its PLA biodegradation technology
  • Carbios’ team of Intellectual Property experts is dedicated to protecting its innovations

Carbios has doubled its number of issued patents since the last review published at the end of 2020. Carbios (and its subsidiary Carbiolice) currently holds 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families.  In 2022, several titles protecting the proprietary PET-degrading enzymes were granted in countries of interest such as the United States and also in Asian countries including Indonesia, South Korea, China, Japan and India.  Carbios has also obtained grants within its patent families protecting the biodegradable plastics production process, notably the masterbatch containing the enzyme or its production process.
Carbios is expanding its intellectual property portfolio in regions and countries where there is strong demand for its disruptive technologies, notably :

  • in Europe: 40 European titles, which could be granted in the 39 member states of the European Patent Organization
  • in North America: 41 titles in the United States and 23 in Canada
  • in Asia: 152 titles, including 37 in China, 27 in Japan and 24 in India

Carbios also has 14 patent applications that may be extended to other countries or regions of the world in the coming years.

“Over the past two years, we have mainly focused on strengthening the protection of our PET biorecycling process and its proprietary enzymes,” commented Lise LUCCHESI, Director of Intellectual Property at Carbios. “For the coming years, we will continue to consolidate the protection of this process, and that of our PLA biodegradation process, by filing new patent applications. We will also actively follow up on our filed patent applications in order to obtain granted patents.”
“Since the beginning of Carbios, the R&D and Intellectual Property departments have worked hand in hand to ensure maximum protection of our enzymes and processes,” commented Alain Marty, Chief Scientific Officer at Carbios.  “These continued efforts to obtain extensive international protection are crucial to safeguard our innovations and ensure the industrial deployment of our technologies.”



New project “Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock”

Textile waste is a problem in Europe. Out of 7-7.5 million tonnes of textiles discarded every year, 30-35 % are collected separately – and of that quantity, 15-20 % are sorted by medium and larger sorting facilities within the EU. After sorting, 60 % still qualify as wearable clothes, however after a second or third collection-loop, all of the textiles become non-wearable sooner or later. Therefore, fibre-to-fibre recycling is becoming increasingly important to preserve the valuable resources.
The textile recycling value chain is not yet mature, but we are on the verge of a turning point, as different fibre-recycling technologies are deployed on a large scale. If successful, the textile recycling industry could reach a recycling rate of 18 to 26 percent of gross textile waste in 2030. This would create economic, social and environmental value that could total 3.5 to 4.5 billion euros in 2030.

Textile waste is a problem in Europe. Out of 7-7.5 million tonnes of textiles discarded every year, 30-35 % are collected separately – and of that quantity, 15-20 % are sorted by medium and larger sorting facilities within the EU. After sorting, 60 % still qualify as wearable clothes, however after a second or third collection-loop, all of the textiles become non-wearable sooner or later. Therefore, fibre-to-fibre recycling is becoming increasingly important to preserve the valuable resources.
The textile recycling value chain is not yet mature, but we are on the verge of a turning point, as different fibre-recycling technologies are deployed on a large scale. If successful, the textile recycling industry could reach a recycling rate of 18 to 26 percent of gross textile waste in 2030. This would create economic, social and environmental value that could total 3.5 to 4.5 billion euros in 2030.

Today, there is a sorting gap to achieve a circular economy for textiles in Europe. To feed this new circular value chain, a significant sorting-capacity increase is needed with 150 to 250 sorting and recycling facilities nearby, as the McKinsey-study “turning waste into value” assessed.

There is also a technology and capacity gap in sorting for reuse and recycling to ensure that high quality raw materials from non-wearable textile waste can be made available on a large scale. This is why the “Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock” project was initiated by TEXAID, within the ReHubs initiative together with well-known stakeholders of the textile value chain.

The major outcome of this project will be a sorting-factory blueprint fulfilling the requirements to the future needs of fibre-to-fibre recycling, enabling the future of more sustainable textiles by using recycled fibres. TEXAID, who is leading the project, is committed to build and operate scalable sorting facilities across Europe, the first with a capacity of 50,000 tonnes by the end of 2024.

Companies like Concordia, CuRe Technology, Decathlon, Inditex, Indorama Ventures, L’Atelier des Matières, Lenzing, Marchi & Fildi, PurFi, Södra, Worn Again and others are taking part in the project to jointly evaluate technologies and the business case for scaled sorting for reuse and recycling. ITA Academy GmbH (in cooperation with RWTH Aachen) together with CETIA has been commissioned for the assessment of technologies. The outcome will be an innovative sorting system 4.0, building on cross-functional technologies with digitalization and automation are at the heart.

(c) Suedwolle Group

Südwolle: Fall/Winter 2024/25 Collection

  • Technical innovation and natural fibres, for a broader definition of sustainability

The weaving collection further develops the themes that have emerged in recent seasons, interpreting them with a view to long-term sustainability.

In harmony with the Südwolle Group’s identity and values, research and technical innovation are combined with a high level of quality. Wools, almost all certified, are enriched by a significant level of performance that continues to evolve. The production process attempts to limit carbon footprint, as sustainability is the key principle guiding all the company’s choices.

The ability to offer yarns made from selected natural raw materials is in harmony with today’s sustainable buying habits, with a preference for garments and accessories that can be worn at any time of year. In contrast with the logic of fast fashion, today’s buyers, led by younger generations with a focus on the values behind their fashion choices, tend to choose items that can be expected to last longer, decreasing the environmental impact of textile wastes and throwaway fashion.

  • Technical innovation and natural fibres, for a broader definition of sustainability

The weaving collection further develops the themes that have emerged in recent seasons, interpreting them with a view to long-term sustainability.

In harmony with the Südwolle Group’s identity and values, research and technical innovation are combined with a high level of quality. Wools, almost all certified, are enriched by a significant level of performance that continues to evolve. The production process attempts to limit carbon footprint, as sustainability is the key principle guiding all the company’s choices.

The ability to offer yarns made from selected natural raw materials is in harmony with today’s sustainable buying habits, with a preference for garments and accessories that can be worn at any time of year. In contrast with the logic of fast fashion, today’s buyers, led by younger generations with a focus on the values behind their fashion choices, tend to choose items that can be expected to last longer, decreasing the environmental impact of textile wastes and throwaway fashion.

In casual wear too, the importance of comfort and feeling at ease is reconciled with the desire to wear items of good taste and quality. The new formalwear includes carefully cut garments made of materials guaranteeing fit, comfort and durability. A widespread focus on these factors makes for more conscientious, reasoned purchases, less subject to impulse buying.

Südwolle interprets the new interest in heritage, leading to the emergence of the phenomenon of quality second-hand, with a return to its core business and essentials, in a new sustainable version using certified fibres, chlorine-free anti-shrinkage treatments and long-lasting products that can be washed at home at low temperatures.

One of the most recent results of the company’s technical innovation is the new OTW® line of yarns for weaving produced using Omega Twist® technology, developed and patented by the Südwolle Group, producing yarns offering outstanding performance in terms of reduced pilling and greater elasticity, tenacity and durability.

More information:
Südwolle Südwolle Group yarn wool

Suedwolle Group


Kelheim Fibres und SUMO: Absorbent pads for washable diapers

Kelheim Fibres and SUMO are presenting their high-performance absorbent pads for the reusable Sumo diaper at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference. The Sumo diaper is a sustainable and washable cloth diaper made entirely from biobased materials, offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo diaper offers a reusable alternative, consisting of a waterproof shell and absorbent pads. To enhance the performance of the pads, Sumo collaborated with Kelheim Fibres, a leading viscose specialty fibre manufacturer with decades of experience in the hygiene sector.

Together with the Saxon Textile Research Institute STFI, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have developed a high-performance absorbent pad that is free of fossil-based materials and has already been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award. The basis for the innovative construction are Kelheim's functionalized specialty viscose fibres with modified cross-sections, which ensure particularly high absorbency and extremely low rewet values.

Kelheim Fibres and SUMO are presenting their high-performance absorbent pads for the reusable Sumo diaper at this year's Cellulose Fibres Conference. The Sumo diaper is a sustainable and washable cloth diaper made entirely from biobased materials, offering high performance and innovative design.

The Sumo diaper offers a reusable alternative, consisting of a waterproof shell and absorbent pads. To enhance the performance of the pads, Sumo collaborated with Kelheim Fibres, a leading viscose specialty fibre manufacturer with decades of experience in the hygiene sector.

Together with the Saxon Textile Research Institute STFI, Sumo and Kelheim Fibres have developed a high-performance absorbent pad that is free of fossil-based materials and has already been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award. The basis for the innovative construction are Kelheim's functionalized specialty viscose fibres with modified cross-sections, which ensure particularly high absorbency and extremely low rewet values.

To ensure the washability of the product, needle-punched/thermally bonded nonwovens were chosen, consisting of a mixture of specialty viscose and PLA bicomponent fibres. By combining nonwovens, typically used in single-use applications, with reusable products, the partners have chosen a new approach.

Natalie Wunder, project manager at Kelheim Fibres, and Luisa Kahlfeldt, founder and designer of SUMO, explain in their joint presentation at the Cellulose Fibre Conference how open innovation has led to successful development collaboration, how this response to current consumer needs has emerged, and what steps are planned for the future.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH