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Virgin PET verdrängt PET-Recyclate

Neuware ist, seitdem sich die Logistikketten nach Corona in der 2. Jahreshälfte 2022 wieder neu sortiert haben, sehr billig in Europa und verdrängt PET-Recyclate, so der bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling.

Neuware ist, seitdem sich die Logistikketten nach Corona in der 2. Jahreshälfte 2022 wieder neu sortiert haben, sehr billig in Europa und verdrängt PET-Recyclate, so der bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling.

"Die hohe Inflation führt außerdem zu Konsumverzicht bei den Verbrauchern und dadurch leidet die Nachfrage bei den Verpackungsherstellern. Im Ergebnis geraten die Recyclingunternehmen derzeit massiv unter Druck“, beschreibt Dr. Dirk Textor, Vorsitzender des bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling, die aktuelle Situation.
Jüngstes Beispiel für die angespannte Lage ist die Schließung des PET-Recycling-Standorts von Veolia in Rostock. Der Absatz von Flakes und Regranulaten stockt – der dauerhafte, wirtschaftliche Betrieb seiner PET-Recyclinganlage ist für Veolia nicht mehr möglich. Eine Absicherung des Absatzes von recyceltem PET ist in Zusammenarbeit mit der Getränkeindustrie und/oder dem Handel nicht gelungen, hieß es zur Begründung.
„Wir sehen das gesamte PET-Recycling in einer Schieflage, weil Abfüller und Inverkehrbringer von PET-Verpackungen ihrer Produktverantwortung nicht nachkommen. Eine mittelfristige Besserung der Situation ist nicht in Sicht. Die PET-Verarbeiter setzen auf Neuware und listen die Recyclate aus“, kritisiert Textor.
Dieses Verhalten der PET-Verarbeiter ist nach Auffassung des bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling „sehr überraschend“, weil Recycling-PET der einzige Kunststoff ist, der bei Verpackungen mit direktem Lebensmittelkontakt eingesetzt werden kann. Das jetzt zu beobachtende Marktverhalten der PET-Verarbeiter, die ausschließlich auf Neuware setzen, sei kurzsichtig und hoch problematisch, heißt es beim bvse. Man dürfe nicht annehmen, dass eine stillgelegte Anlage innerhalb kurzer Zeit wieder hochgefahren werden kann. Anlagen müssen kontinuierlich betrieben werden, um die benötigten Mengen in geeigneten Qualitäten darstellen zu können. Im schlimmsten Fall verschwindet die Anlage sogar ganz vom Markt.
„Und damit wird es eng werden, sehr eng, wenn in Kürze die hohen Anforderungen der europäischen Kunststoffstrategie umzusetzen sind. Nicht zuletzt werden bei der Novellierung der europäischen Verpackungsverordnung sehr ambitionierte Recyclateinsatzquoten definiert. Auch deshalb wird es in Europa zu einem Verteilungskampf um Recycling-PET kommen“, so bvse-Fachverbandsvorsitzender Dirk Textor.


bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling


CIRCONOMY® Hubs: Stoffkreisläufe bei Carbon Technologies schließen

Um nachhaltige Produktion, nachhaltigen Konsum und zirkuläres Wirtschaften in der Praxis umzusetzen, sind sowohl systemische als auch technische Lösungen gefragt. Diese Lösungen sollen nach einer Idee der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in sogenannten CIRCONOMY® Hubs entstehen. Dahinter verbergen sich deutschlandweite Netzwerke, die Partner aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Verbänden und Gesellschaft zu einem bestimmten Schwerpunkt zusammenbringen. Zwei dieser Netzwerke haben ihre Arbeit bereits aufgenommen: die Hubs »Stoffkreisläufe im Bausektor« sowie »Circular Carbon Technologies CCT«.

Um nachhaltige Produktion, nachhaltigen Konsum und zirkuläres Wirtschaften in der Praxis umzusetzen, sind sowohl systemische als auch technische Lösungen gefragt. Diese Lösungen sollen nach einer Idee der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in sogenannten CIRCONOMY® Hubs entstehen. Dahinter verbergen sich deutschlandweite Netzwerke, die Partner aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Verbänden und Gesellschaft zu einem bestimmten Schwerpunkt zusammenbringen. Zwei dieser Netzwerke haben ihre Arbeit bereits aufgenommen: die Hubs »Stoffkreisläufe im Bausektor« sowie »Circular Carbon Technologies CCT«.

»In Deutschland gibt es momentan keine übergeordnete Infrastruktur, Einrichtung oder Stelle, die Veränderungsprojekte hin zum zirkulären Wirtschaften koordiniert«, erläutert Projektleiter Dr. Hartmut Pflaum aus dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT den Hintergrund der CIRCONOMY®-Initiative. »Stattdessen existieren viele, zum Teil kleine Initiativen, die sich der Circular Economy verschrieben haben. Die sind für sich genommen alle gut, aber untereinander wenig bis gar nicht vernetzt. Das führt dazu, dass viele von ihnen bei null anfangen und nicht voneinander lernen können. Dieses Defizit wollen wir mit den CIRCONOMY®-Hubs ausgleichen«, betont der Fraunhofer-Wissenschaftler.

Idealerweise widmet sich jeder Hub einem Themenschwerpunkt und bringt zirkuläres Wirtschaften in diesem Bereich voran. Und zwar indem passende Partner aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Verbänden und Gesellschaft zielgerichtet und koordiniert zusammenarbeiten. Den Rahmen für diese transferorientierten Kooperationen bildet die Marke CIRCONOMY®. Darunter bündelt die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Lösungen, Kapazitäten und Kompetenzen für das zirkuläre Wirtschaften. »Die Marke steht für gemeinsame Werte, Strategien, Zielbilder und vor allem Innovationsprojekte, welche die große Mission Transformation zum zirkulären Wirtschaften in die Praxis führen«, so Hartmut Pflaum.

CIRCONOMY® Hub »Circular Carbon Technologies CCT«
Der CIRCONOMY® Hub unter dem Titel »Circular Carbon Technologies CCT« wurde von den Fraunhofer-Instituten UMSICHT in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, IGB in Straubing sowie IWKS in Alzenau ins Leben gerufen. Im Fokus steht hier die Kopplung von Energie- und Rohstoffprozessen – beispielsweise zur Erschließung nicht-fossiler Kohlenstoffquellen, zur Kreislaufführung und Bindung von Kohlenstoff in Produkten sowie zur Integration dieser Technologien in Energie-/ Wirtschaftskreisläufe.

Der Hub für »Circular Carbon Technologies« hat vom Bayerischen Wirtschaftsministerium eine Anschubfinanzierung in Höhe von 500.000 € für die Konzeptionsphase und zwei wissenschaftliche Vorprojekte erhalten. Bayerns Wirtschaftsstaatssekretär Roland Weigert sagte in Sulzbach-Rosenberg: »Um dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken, sind eine Dekarbonisierung der Energieerzeugung und eine Defossilierung des Rohstoffsektors erforderlich. Beides kann nur über die Transformation von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft hin zu zirkulären Wertschöpfungssystemen und mit Hilfe innovativer Technologien gelingen. Deshalb fördern wir die zukunftsweisende Forschungsinitiative der Institute Fraunhofer UMSICHT, IWKS und IGB. Unsere Unterstützung ist ein erster Schritt, um den Projektpartnern eine intensivere Zusammenarbeit zu ermöglichen.«

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Franke vom Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Institutsteil Sulzbach-Rosenberg, ergänzt: »Im CIRCONOMY® Hub wollen wir gemeinsam mit der Industrie Klima- und Kohlenstoff-Management-Technologien in die Anwendung bringen. Die bayerischen Unternehmen können diese selbst nutzen, um ihre Klimaziele zu erfüllen, aber auch um ihre Rohstoffversorgung abzusichern. Vor allem können sie damit zum weltweiten Technologieanbieter werden. Der Markt wird in den kommenden Jahren deutlich anwachsen.«


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

(c) Sadia Rafique

Renewcell partners with TextileGenesis™ for Circulose® Pulp-to-Retail Transparency

After participating in industry trials, Renewcell and TextileGenesis™ have the intention to establish an agreement for full pulp-to-retail traceability for Renewcell’s CIRCULOSE® recycled raw material across the entire textile supply chain, announcing it at Challenge the Fabric (Milan, Italy).

Renewcell uses a patented process to breakdown and recycle cotton and other cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out jeans and production scraps, to create CIRCULOSE®, a biodegradable raw material that can be used to create viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate and other man-made cellulosic fibers. These regenerated fibers are then spun into yarns, woven or knitted into fabrics before being cut and sewn into new high-quality textile products.
With TextileGenesis™, Renewcell will be able to share real-time digital traceability with its customers and supply chain partners.

After participating in industry trials, Renewcell and TextileGenesis™ have the intention to establish an agreement for full pulp-to-retail traceability for Renewcell’s CIRCULOSE® recycled raw material across the entire textile supply chain, announcing it at Challenge the Fabric (Milan, Italy).

Renewcell uses a patented process to breakdown and recycle cotton and other cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out jeans and production scraps, to create CIRCULOSE®, a biodegradable raw material that can be used to create viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate and other man-made cellulosic fibers. These regenerated fibers are then spun into yarns, woven or knitted into fabrics before being cut and sewn into new high-quality textile products.
With TextileGenesis™, Renewcell will be able to share real-time digital traceability with its customers and supply chain partners.

  • The platform uses digital tokens to ensure a secure chain of custody for all supply chain processes from raw materials to retail.
  • The company’s “fiber-forwards” traceability captures real-time shipments; its Fibercoins™ digital tokens verify point of origin and eliminate “double counting” of sustainable materials.
  • Its AI (augmented intelligence) engine verifies transactions between supply chain partners.  

Furthermore, TextileGenesis™ is already partnering with fiber producers including Lenzing AG, Eastman, and Birla Cellulose.


Re:NewCell AB

Recycled yarn (c) ITA Aachen

ITA at the ITMA: Smart Circular Economy

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

ITA Aachen - Digital ring spinning tester for recycled fibres enables spinning of fine yarns with high recycled fibres content
The Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) will be exhibiting a digital ring spinning tester, which spins recycled fibres directly and conventionally with a particularly high content of 60-70 percent. Up to now, recycled yarns have mainly been rotor-spun in this blend ratio. This results in rather coarse yarns and is not suitable for finer textiles such as outerwear. Ring spinning of recycled yarns now enables the spinning of finer yarns and thus a higher application level for recycled materials.

A unique selling point of the ITA ring spinning tester is the simultaneous spinning in the direct spinning process from the sliver and in the classic ring spinning process. For this purpose, the strength and elongation of the spun yarn are determined online and digitally for the first time. The real-time measurement allows process parameters and yarn properties to be adjusted iteratively and quickly. The ring spinning tester was upgraded from an existing tester to Industry 4.0 standard and is operated via a tablet. Operation via tablet enables the adjustment of process parameters including online quality monitoring remotely from anywhere in the world.
For this purpose, the ring spinning tester is also able to produce fine ring spun yarns. These yarns made from recycled material opens up a multitude of further fields of application for woven and knitted goods. Now, for example, clothing and technical textiles can be made from recycled material, the production of which was not possible before - such as outerwear made from recycled material. The development of new industries and fields of application opens up new market potential for recycled yarns - also and especially for processing in Europe. This creates the opportunity to preserve key technologies and jobs in cost-intensive locations.

ITA Augsburg - Recycling Atelier: Walk4Recycling
The Recycling Atelier of the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg gGmbH on stand H3-A207 presents the textile recycling from used textiles into new products via the various process steps and, together with the industrial partners, opens up solution paths for industrial implementation.

Under the headline "Walk4Recycling", a tour of the fair shows the cycle of used textiles from used knitwear into a new knitted pullover via a ring yarn made from a blend of 65 percent recycled cotton and 35 percent virgin polyester. The key innovation here is the high proportion of recycled fibres from post-consumer textiles for a ring yarn of this fineness. Today, mainly coarse rotor yarns for low-quality textiles are spun from these materials. The industrial partners participating in the Walk4Recycling are partners of the Recycling Atelier and contribute with their technologies to the fact that fibre material from old clothes can be processed in various process stages into a yarn of new value and high-quality ready-made garments.

The Walk4Recycling offers visitors the opportunity to experience a complete recycling cycle with the numerous process stages from tearing the old textiles, preparing and spinning the fibres and knitting a new jumper live during the fair. Get detailed information on the mechanical recycling of clothing via QR code, website and flyer about the participating exhibitors and their machines and technologies. A short movie will give you additional insights into the various processes involved in the production of the jumper.


Perstorp: Actionable plans in place for reaching 2030 sustainability targets

Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has turned its ambitious sustainability targets for 2030 into actionable roadmaps on the corporate level as well as for each of its production plants, outlining hands-on activities to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, save fresh water and enable sustainable transformation throughout the value chain.

Over the last year, Perstorp has presented ambitious sustainability targets for greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3), as well as for water and waste, to be reached by 2030. The company has now supplemented those targets with roadmaps outlining the steps and actions needed to fulfil them and support customers in reducing their carbon footprint as well as lead Perstorp toward its long-term ambition of becoming Finite Material Neutral.

Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has turned its ambitious sustainability targets for 2030 into actionable roadmaps on the corporate level as well as for each of its production plants, outlining hands-on activities to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, save fresh water and enable sustainable transformation throughout the value chain.

Over the last year, Perstorp has presented ambitious sustainability targets for greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3), as well as for water and waste, to be reached by 2030. The company has now supplemented those targets with roadmaps outlining the steps and actions needed to fulfil them and support customers in reducing their carbon footprint as well as lead Perstorp toward its long-term ambition of becoming Finite Material Neutral.

The largest greenhouse gas emissions are found in Scope 3, which includes raw materials and end-of-life treatment of Perstorp’s products. The Scope 3 roadmap includes the steps necessary to drive the transition of the product portfolio from fossil-based to more sustainable, lower carbon footprint alternatives. This, in turn, will help enable Perstorp’s customers to achieve their own sustainable transition. One key project in this roadmap is Project Air, an initiative aiming to replace all the fossil methanol that Perstorp uses in Europe with methanol produced from residue streams such as carbon capture and utilization (CCU) and renewable sources like biogas. This alone is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 500,000 tons per year.

The corporate Scope 1 & 2 targets (direct greenhouse gas emissions from Perstorp´s production plants and purchased energy), as well as the targets for water and waste, have been broken down into local targets and roadmaps, firmly anchored in the specific prerequisites for each production plant.

Initiatives on reducing energy consumption and shifting to energy from non-fossil or recovered sources can, for example, be found in the local roadmaps, while the steps to reach those targets are tailored specifically to each location. Among the planned local activities are also initiatives to replace fresh water used in the production with purified wastewater and to find different ways to reuse and recycle waste from production.




New ANDRITZ partnership for industrial-scale recycling technology

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles aims to become a reference in both industrial grade material production and industrial scale post-consumer textile sorting, thanks to innovative technologies with hard point removal providing pure fibers, selective colors, and differentiated fiber types.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles’ partners also work closely together in R&D at the ANDRITZ Laroche and Pellenc ST technical centers to keep pushing technical boundaries.


Stahl's emissions reduction targets approved by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Stahl announces that its near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Stahl is one of the few coatings companies to receive this validation. To date, 145 companies in the chemicals sector have submitted an emissions reduction target to the SBTi, of which 61 have had their targets validated.

Stahl’s science-based targets, which reflect the company’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement goals, are:  

  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions 42.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.*
  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 25.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.

The SBTi classifies emissions reduction targets according to two potential temperature pathways: 1) limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and 2) limiting temperature rises to well below 2°C. The SBTi has determined that Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 target is in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, while Stahl’s Scope 3 target has been validated in line with the well-below 2°C pathway.

Stahl announces that its near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Stahl is one of the few coatings companies to receive this validation. To date, 145 companies in the chemicals sector have submitted an emissions reduction target to the SBTi, of which 61 have had their targets validated.

Stahl’s science-based targets, which reflect the company’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement goals, are:  

  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions 42.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.*
  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 25.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.

The SBTi classifies emissions reduction targets according to two potential temperature pathways: 1) limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and 2) limiting temperature rises to well below 2°C. The SBTi has determined that Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 target is in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, while Stahl’s Scope 3 target has been validated in line with the well-below 2°C pathway.

Maarten Heijbroek, CEO of Stahl: “The validation of our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions reduction targets by the SBTi is an important milestone on our ESG journey as we strive to limit our contribution to global warming, in line with the Paris Agreement. Our targets are ambitious, and rightly so. Realizing our goal to help create a more responsible coatings value chain starts with being accountable for our own environmental impact, and taking concrete steps to reduce our emissions wherever possible.”

A clear strategy to reduce GHG emissions
Stahl’s approach to realizing its near-term emissions reduction targets is outlined in the company’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Roadmap to 2030. This strategy defines the specific metrics against which progress on the company’s ESG commitments will be measured.

Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction targets, as submitted to the SBTi, cover emissions from all manufacturing sites where Stahl products are produced, as well as the company’s largest non-manufacturing locations. Stahl aims to lower these emissions by reducing its overall energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy at its sites. To achieve this, the company plans to increase its self-generated electricity capacity (using solar power, for example) and continue investing in more energy-efficient equipment.

Stahl plans to reduce its Scope 3 upstream emissions primarily by replacing fossil-based raw materials in its products with renewable alternatives, such as bio-based and recycled-based feedstocks. In addition, the company plans to introduce more low-impact raw materials into its product design.

* The target boundary includes biogenic land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.


Stahl Holdings B.V.


Renewcell receives Fast Company 2023 World Changing Ideas Award

Renewcell is the recepient of the Fast Company 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards for the Sustainability/Energy category with the development of recycling unused textiles into pulp, branded as CIRCULOSE®, used for man-made cellulosic fiber production of viscose, modal, lyocell, acetate and other fibers. Additionally Renewcell is recognized as a finalist in the Europe, the Middle East, and Africa category, as well as a finalist in the climate category for the 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards.

World Changing Ideas Awards honor sustainable designs, innovative products, bold social initiatives, and other creative projects that are changing the way we work, live, and interact with the world.

Renewcell is the recepient of the Fast Company 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards for the Sustainability/Energy category with the development of recycling unused textiles into pulp, branded as CIRCULOSE®, used for man-made cellulosic fiber production of viscose, modal, lyocell, acetate and other fibers. Additionally Renewcell is recognized as a finalist in the Europe, the Middle East, and Africa category, as well as a finalist in the climate category for the 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards.

World Changing Ideas Awards honor sustainable designs, innovative products, bold social initiatives, and other creative projects that are changing the way we work, live, and interact with the world.

This year’s World Changing Ideas Awards showcase 45 winners, 216 finalists, and more than 300 honorable mentions—with health, climate, energy, and AI among the most popular categories. A panel of Fast Company editors and reporters selected winners and finalists from a pool of more than 2,200 entries across urban design, education, nature, politics, technology, corporate social responsibility, and more. Several new categories were added this year including rapid response, crypto and blockchain, agriculture, and workplace. The 2023 awards feature entries from across the globe, from Italy to Singapore to New Zealand. Fast Company’s Spring 2023 issue (on newsstands May 9, 2023) will showcase some of the world’s most inventive entrepreneurs and forward-thinking companies that are actively tackling global challenges.

(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Members and associates of the WasserSTOFF consortium from Monforts, Pleva, NTB Nova Textil, TU Freiberg, Hochschule Niederrhein and Honeywell Thermal Solutions, at the launch meeting of the new project at the Monforts ATC in Mönchengladbach.

Monforts presents green hydrogen project WasserSTOFF at ITMA 2023

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14 this year, Monforts is organising two free-to-attend seminars and discussions on the potential of green hydrogen as a new energy source for textile finishing, drying and related processes.

Monforts is currently leading a consortium of industrial partners and universities in the three-year WasserSTOFF project, launched in November 2022, that is exploring all aspects of this exciting and fast-rising new industrial energy option.
The target of the government-funded project is to establish to what extent hydrogen can be used in the future as an alternative heating source for textile finishing processes. This will first involve tests on laboratory equipment together with associated partners and the results will then be transferred to a stenter frame at the Monforts Advanced Technology Center (ATC).

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14 this year, Monforts is organising two free-to-attend seminars and discussions on the potential of green hydrogen as a new energy source for textile finishing, drying and related processes.

Monforts is currently leading a consortium of industrial partners and universities in the three-year WasserSTOFF project, launched in November 2022, that is exploring all aspects of this exciting and fast-rising new industrial energy option.
The target of the government-funded project is to establish to what extent hydrogen can be used in the future as an alternative heating source for textile finishing processes. This will first involve tests on laboratory equipment together with associated partners and the results will then be transferred to a stenter frame at the Monforts Advanced Technology Center (ATC).

To be considered “green”, hydrogen must be produced using a zero-carbon process that is powered by renewable energy sources such as wind or solar. Currently, the cleanest method of hydrogen production is electrolysis, using an electrically-powered electrolyzer to separate water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The purity of the hydrogen is also important, and impurities must be removed via a separation process.

“Despite all its advantages, there are obstacles to overcome on the way to widespread, economically-feasible green hydrogen use,” explains Monforts Textile Technologies Engineer Jonas Beisel. “Until there are widely available, reliable and economical sources of this clean power, the cost of producing it will remain prohibitive. The infrastructure is not yet there, and hydrogen also has a tendency to make steel brittle and subject to fracture, which is something that requires further investigation in both its transportation and use in industrial processing.
“Green energy’s potential as a clean fuel source is tremendous, but there is much we need to explore when considering its use in the textile finishing processes carried out globally on our industry-leading Montex stenter dryers and other machines.”

At its Advanced Technology Center (ATC) in Mönchengladbach, Monforts will be carrying out intensive tests and trials to assess the reliability of both processes and final products when different natural gas and hydrogen mixtures – up to 100% green hydrogen – are employed. The results will be closely analysed by the consortium partners because there are many parameters that at this stage remain unknown.

The aim, Beisel adds, is to both reduce CO2 emissions and – following the rising prices and industry turbulence experienced by manufacturers over the past year or so – to further reduce a dependency on natural gas.

The three-year WasserSTOFF project is sponsored by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and with Monforts at the helm brings together industrial partners Pleva and NTB Nova Textil, with academic input from the Hochschule Niederrhein and the Technical University of Freiberg.

(c) MKW
Gruppenfoto der Netzwerkpartner:innen und Ministerin Brandes

Hochschule Niederrhein: Kooperationsplattform für nachhaltige Textilwirtschaft startet

Kleidung, Schuhe, Möbel - der Konsum von Textilien steigt in der Europäischen Union kontinuierlich. Mit ihm gehen Auswirkungen auf das Klima, den Wasser- und Energieverbrauch sowie die Umwelt einher. Unter der Leitung der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) starten ab Mai 2023 die Projektpartner HSNR, DWI - Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT eine Kooperationsplattform: Mit dem Projekt „KlarTEXt“ wollen sie die Hindernisse für eine nachhaltige und umweltfreundliche Textilwirtschaft überwinden. Das Projekt wird über vier Jahre mit rund zwei Millionen Euro vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKW NRW) gefördert.

Kleidung, Schuhe, Möbel - der Konsum von Textilien steigt in der Europäischen Union kontinuierlich. Mit ihm gehen Auswirkungen auf das Klima, den Wasser- und Energieverbrauch sowie die Umwelt einher. Unter der Leitung der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) starten ab Mai 2023 die Projektpartner HSNR, DWI - Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT eine Kooperationsplattform: Mit dem Projekt „KlarTEXt“ wollen sie die Hindernisse für eine nachhaltige und umweltfreundliche Textilwirtschaft überwinden. Das Projekt wird über vier Jahre mit rund zwei Millionen Euro vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKW NRW) gefördert.

Zwei bis zehn Prozent der EU-Umweltbelastung beruhen auf Kleidungskonsum. Damit stellt der steigende Verbrauch von Textilien über den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Produkte durchschnittlich die viertgrößte Quelle negativer Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und den Klimawandel in der Europäischen Union dar. Mit ihrer Strategie für nachhaltige und kreislauffähige Textilien stößt die EU nun die Transformation der Textilwirtschaft an: Dabei sollen zum einen die Nutzung und Entsorgung textiler Produkte verbessert und zum anderen der Austrag faserigen Mikroplastiks minimiert werden.

Die 1400 deutschen, überwiegend mittelständischen Unternehmen der Branche stellt diese erforderliche Transformation vor große Herausforderungen. Allein für Ökodesignanforderungen (z. B. Ressourceneffizienz oder Recycling) existieren bislang weder Vorgaben noch überzeugende Lösungen. Viele der Unternehmen benötigen dazu starke Partnerschaften.

Austausch von Expertise
Genau hier setzt die Kooperationsplattform „KlarTEXt“ an: Material, Funktion, Zirkularität sowie Ressourceneffizienz sind omnipräsente Themen der Wissenschaft und Industrie mit großem Entwicklungspotenzial für die Gesellschaft. Das MKW finanziert die Entwicklung und Gründung der Plattform, die zugleich den Innovationsbedarf der Gesellschaft und Unternehmen bündeln sowie in wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten und Lehrformate überführen wird.

Mithilfe der Kooperationsplattform möchten die kooperierenden Forschenden Hindernisse für eine nachhaltige Textilindustrie ausmachen, Maßnahmen für ihre Überwindung definieren und an den Stellschrauben für eine sozial und ökologisch nachhaltige Textilwirtschaft arbeiten. „KlarTEXt“ hat zum Ziel, die gemeinsamen Forschungsfelder textile Materialien, Funktionen, Zirkularität sowie Ressourceneffizienz für erhöhte Innovationskraft in Unternehmen zu transferieren. Des Weiteren sollen die Forschungsthemen in verständlicher Sprache mit der Gesellschaft geteilt werden. Durch diese wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe werden so unter anderem Zukunftsinnovationen aus den Bereichen Biopolymere und Biotechnologie für die Textilwirtschaft mit Relevanz versehen.

Bereits Interessierte für die Vernetzung
Unterstützer der ersten Stunde und weitere Kooperationspartner sind das Wuppertal-Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie (WI), das Nova-Institut, die Gemeinschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), das Cluster industrieller Biotechnologie (CLIB) und Die C&A’s FIT GmbH sowie zahlreiche weitere Unternehmen aus dem Textilsektor.  Mithilfe der digitalen Vernetzungsplattform sowie den verschiedenen interaktiven Veranstaltungsangeboten und -formaten möchten die Projektpartner Voraussetzungen schaffen, die Zukunft einer nachhaltigen Textilwirtschaft zu gestalten.

Dies gilt sowohl für Vertreter und Vertreterinnen aus Industrie und Akademia als auch Menschen der allgemeinen Bevölkerung. „Mit ‚KlarTEXt‘ möchten wir die Lücke zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft mit Fokus auf die Textil- und Bekleidungswirtschaft schließen. In partizipativen Formaten wird der Austausch zwischen Bürger:innen und Unternehmen zu den Forschungsfeldern und gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen zu wichtigen Themen der Textilindustrie wie beispielsweise technische Innovationen, Reparierbarkeit, ökologische Materialien, Fast und Fair Fashion ermöglicht“, erläutert Professorin Maike Rabe. Bürgerinnen und Bürger dürfen sich unter anderem auf Angebote zur textilen Nachhaltigkeit im OecherLab (Aachen), der Junior-Uni (Mönchengladbach), im Supermarkt der Ideen (Oberhausen) und in dem Dezentrale BioLab (Dortmund) freuen.


Hochschule Niederrhein

(c) IVL

Indorama Ventures joins “Together for Sustainability” initiative

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has joined “Together for Sustainability” (TfS), a global initiative for sustainable supply chains. Indorama Ventures joins a network of 47 TfS member companies representing the global chemical industry, reinforcing its commitment to driving sustainable solutions in its supply chain management.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has joined “Together for Sustainability” (TfS), a global initiative for sustainable supply chains. Indorama Ventures joins a network of 47 TfS member companies representing the global chemical industry, reinforcing its commitment to driving sustainable solutions in its supply chain management.

By joining TfS, Indorama Ventures is encouraging suppliers to meet high sustainability standards, reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions, and improve overall climate maturity. The collaboration will help foster an expansion of the company’s sustainable supply chain program. The company will contribute to the TfS Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) workstream that developed and finetunes the Guideline for calculating Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs) in the chemical industry and beyond and, will develop an IT solution that will enable companies to share PCFs efficiently. This membership allows Indorama Ventures to further align with the UN Global Compact Principles.
Through this initiative, Indorama Ventures will also be partnering with EcoVadis to assess their suppliers to identify risks and opportunities along the value chain, improve sustainability practices, and encourage collaboration among members.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Tata Communications führt 3C-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie ein

Tata Communications, ein globaler Anbieter von digitalen Ökosystemen, verkündet heute seine Verpflichtung, bis zum Jahr 2035 in allen seinen globalen Betrieben das Netto-Null-Ziel zu erreichen. Anlässlich des "Earth Day 2023/Invest in our Planet" hat sich Tata Communications das Ziel gesetzt, noch mehr in die Nachhaltigkeit zu investieren.

Im Rahmen dieses Ziels skizziert Tata Communications seine 3Cs für den Umweltschutz und wie sie Unternehmen unterstützen können:

Tata Communications, ein globaler Anbieter von digitalen Ökosystemen, verkündet heute seine Verpflichtung, bis zum Jahr 2035 in allen seinen globalen Betrieben das Netto-Null-Ziel zu erreichen. Anlässlich des "Earth Day 2023/Invest in our Planet" hat sich Tata Communications das Ziel gesetzt, noch mehr in die Nachhaltigkeit zu investieren.

Im Rahmen dieses Ziels skizziert Tata Communications seine 3Cs für den Umweltschutz und wie sie Unternehmen unterstützen können:

  • Climate Action - Umweltengagement durch Steigerung der Energieeffizienz und den weltweiten Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien. Dadurch will das Unternehmen bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2030 kohlenstoffneutral* und bis 2035 Netto-Null** werden.
  • Customer GHG (Green House Gas Emission) Savings - Durch die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung grüner oder kohlenstoffarmer Lösungen in den Bereichen IoT-Lösungen, Media & Entertainment Services, Cloud, Business Collaboration-Plattformen, mit denen die Lieferketten der Kunden umweltfreundlicher werden und zugleich ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gesteigert wird. Dafür beträgt das Potenzial zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen der Kunden des Unternehmens um 20X bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2027 (X steht für die Scope 1- und Scope 2-Emissionen* von Tata Communications).
  • Circular Economies in India - Durch die Implementierung eigener IoT-Lösungen, einschließlich intelligenter Messgeräte zur Echtzeitverfolgung des Wasserverbrauchs sowie von Wasserlecks an den wichtigsten Standorten des Unternehmens in Indien, die Einführung von Regenwasserauffangsystemen und die Steigerung des Wasser- und Abfallrecyclings in den Hauptstandorten des Unternehmens in Indien. So will das Unternehmen den Frischwasserverbrauch bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2030 um 20 % senken (im Vergleich zum Geschäftsjahr 2020). Zudem hat sich das Unternehmen verpflichtet, bis 2027 in Indien keine Abfälle mehr zu deponieren, wobei die Abfälle entweder wiederverwendet, recycelt oder kompostiert werden.

Mit Vertrauen und digitaler Kompetenz hat sich Tata Communications das Ziel gesetzt, nachhaltige Lösungen, skalierbare Ergebnisse und sichere Ökosysteme zu schaffen. Die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von Tata Communications orientiert sich an den Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen und der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Tata Group, um einen gemeinsamen Wert für alle zu schaffen.

* Klimaneutral ist in Bezug auf Scope-1- und Scope-2-Emissionen. Scope 1-Emissionen beziehen sich auf direkte Emissionen aus eigenen oder kontrollierten Quellen. Ein Beispiel sind die Emissionen von Dieselaggregaten. Scope 2-Emissionen beziehen sich auf indirekte Emissionen aus der Erzeugung von gekauftem Strom, d.h. Netzstrom.
** Netto-Null ist in Bezug auf Scope 1, Scope 2 und Scope 3. Scope 1 und Scope 2 sind oben beschrieben. Scope 3 umfasst alle anderen indirekten Emissionen, die in der Wertschöpfungskette eines Unternehmens entstehen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise THG-Emissionen, die in der Lieferkette, durch Geschäftsreisen usw. entstehen.



(c) adidas AG

adidas: 96% of all Polyester used in Products is Recycled Polyester

adidas has announced a new milestone in its journey towards replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester . 96% of all polyester used in adidas products is now recycled polyester. The achievement of the ambition that adidas first set in 2017 – to replace all virgin polyester with recycled wherever possible by the end of 2024 – is on track to be achieved earlier than expected.

Since the first adidas high-performance shoe was made with recycled materials in 2015, the brand has been working towards reducing its dependency on virgin polyester. Last year it announced that in 2021, more than 90% of the polyester used in adidas products was recycled, which – if it had been virgin polyester - would have accounted for 390 thousand metric tons of CO2e – the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions generated to provide power to 50 thousand homes in the US[1].

According to Textile Exchange[2], global recycled polyester fiber production volume increased in 2021, but still accounts for just 14.8% of all global polyester production.

adidas has announced a new milestone in its journey towards replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester . 96% of all polyester used in adidas products is now recycled polyester. The achievement of the ambition that adidas first set in 2017 – to replace all virgin polyester with recycled wherever possible by the end of 2024 – is on track to be achieved earlier than expected.

Since the first adidas high-performance shoe was made with recycled materials in 2015, the brand has been working towards reducing its dependency on virgin polyester. Last year it announced that in 2021, more than 90% of the polyester used in adidas products was recycled, which – if it had been virgin polyester - would have accounted for 390 thousand metric tons of CO2e – the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions generated to provide power to 50 thousand homes in the US[1].

According to Textile Exchange[2], global recycled polyester fiber production volume increased in 2021, but still accounts for just 14.8% of all global polyester production.

Sport is about meeting challenges head-on and finding ways to overcome those – material innovation is no different. For the team at adidas, the road to 96% has been long and full of challenges. The confirmation of its polyester commitment in 2017 was a crucial step in helping to initiate a transformation across adidas and its entire supply chain. This transformation has been made possible through creating technical solutions and imagining new possibilities that previously didn’t exist.

To accompany the announcement, adidas has created a short film about its new ‘PB’, featuring star athlete Jazmin Sawyers. The film highlights the sports brand’s pride in making progress, and its determination to push further.

As the brand looks ahead to 2024 and beyond, it will continue to expand its focus beyond recycled polyester. It will be doing this through three main areas of focus: changing materials by testing and scaling new raw materials, rethinking entire processes to design products that have a circular end-of-life solution, and reducing its carbon footprint.

[1] adidas Footprint Analytics team
[2] Textile Exchange Preferred Fiber & Materials Market Report, October 2021,


adidas AG

(c) Remei AG

Remei feiert 40-jähriges Jubiläum mit Kampagne

Remei, ein Spezialist für eine integrierte Wertschöpfungskette von der Faser bis zum fertigen Textil, feiert sein 40-jähriges Bestehen mit einer umfassenden Kampagne. Im Fokus steht die innovative und systemverändernde Lösung von Remei für rückverfolgbare Textilien aus Bio-Baumwolle. Mit der Kampagne unterstreicht Remei sein Engagement für eine verantwortungsvolle Produktion von Textilien.

Remei wurde in den 1983 als konventionelles Garnhandelsunternehmen gegründet. Bereits im darauffolgenden Jahrzehnt wurden die Bio-Baumwollbetriebe in Indien und Tansania aufgebaut, was den Beginn der direkten und partizipativen Zusammenarbeit mit den lokalen Bio-Baumwollbäuer*innen nach den Grundsätzen des fairen Handels markiert. Seit 2008 handelt Remei ausschließlich mit Produkten aus Bio-Baumwolle und schon seit 2013 sind mit der Einführung eines digitalen Tracking Tools alle Textilien aus der Lieferkette von Remei bis zum Ursprung rückverfolgbar.

Remei, ein Spezialist für eine integrierte Wertschöpfungskette von der Faser bis zum fertigen Textil, feiert sein 40-jähriges Bestehen mit einer umfassenden Kampagne. Im Fokus steht die innovative und systemverändernde Lösung von Remei für rückverfolgbare Textilien aus Bio-Baumwolle. Mit der Kampagne unterstreicht Remei sein Engagement für eine verantwortungsvolle Produktion von Textilien.

Remei wurde in den 1983 als konventionelles Garnhandelsunternehmen gegründet. Bereits im darauffolgenden Jahrzehnt wurden die Bio-Baumwollbetriebe in Indien und Tansania aufgebaut, was den Beginn der direkten und partizipativen Zusammenarbeit mit den lokalen Bio-Baumwollbäuer*innen nach den Grundsätzen des fairen Handels markiert. Seit 2008 handelt Remei ausschließlich mit Produkten aus Bio-Baumwolle und schon seit 2013 sind mit der Einführung eines digitalen Tracking Tools alle Textilien aus der Lieferkette von Remei bis zum Ursprung rückverfolgbar.

Heute arbeiten Remei und ihre Tochterunternehmen mit 5.000 unabhängigen Kleinbäuer*innen zusammen, um den Rohstoff Baumwolle zu sichern. Das Textilshandelsunternehmen produziert rund 1 Million rückverfolgbare Bio-Baumwolltextilien in einer vollständig transparenten Lieferkette mit 29 verlässlichen Produktionspartnern vom Saatgut bis zum fertigen Textil für mehr als 20 internationale Retailer und Marken.

Dabei verfolgt Remei einen besonderen Ansatz. «Wir integrieren die Bäuerinnen und Bauern in die Lieferkette und setzen nicht auf Shareholder-, sondern auf All-Holder-Value – in dem wir alle Akteur*innen in die Wertschöpfung einbeziehen», sagt Co-CEO Simon Hohmann.

Mit dem Jubiläum feiert Remei nicht nur die 40-jährige Geschichte, die Partnerschaften mit dem Handel und der kompletten Lieferkette sowie die daraus resultierende Plattform für nachhaltige Innovationen, sondern vor allem eine Lösung für rückverfolgbare Bio-Baumwolltextilien, die das Unternehmen heute auf den Markt bringt. «Wir sind überzeugt, dass es immer entscheidender sein wird, die richtigen Allianzen zu finden, um relevante Lösungen für die Zukunft zu entwickeln», so Co-Geschäftsführerin Marion Röttges.


Remei AG


REVECOL® by ERCA: Textile chemical auxiliaries obtained from vegetable oils

REVECOL® (Recycled Vegetable Cooking Oil) represents a new generation of textile chemical auxiliaries, which are high-performing and obtained from vegetable exhausted cooking oil.

Chemical auxiliaries play a crucial role in several stages of the textile production cycle, from material preparation to dyeing and finishing, but represent a complex challenge from the point of view of reducing environmental impact. Herein lies the revolutionary aspect of REVECOL® by ERCA: for the first time, not just one product, but a complete range of auxiliary chemicals is available that meets the criteria of circularity.

The result of ERCA's continuous research, REVECOL® are in fact born from critical waste materials (exhausted vegetable oils), which, thanks to an environmentally and safety-friendly manufacturing process, are transformed into a line of innovative chemical auxiliaries destined for the entire textile industry and its various applications: from underwear to home textiles.

REVECOL® (Recycled Vegetable Cooking Oil) represents a new generation of textile chemical auxiliaries, which are high-performing and obtained from vegetable exhausted cooking oil.

Chemical auxiliaries play a crucial role in several stages of the textile production cycle, from material preparation to dyeing and finishing, but represent a complex challenge from the point of view of reducing environmental impact. Herein lies the revolutionary aspect of REVECOL® by ERCA: for the first time, not just one product, but a complete range of auxiliary chemicals is available that meets the criteria of circularity.

The result of ERCA's continuous research, REVECOL® are in fact born from critical waste materials (exhausted vegetable oils), which, thanks to an environmentally and safety-friendly manufacturing process, are transformed into a line of innovative chemical auxiliaries destined for the entire textile industry and its various applications: from underwear to home textiles.

EVECOL® by ERCA has obtained several certifications – GRS, RCS, listed into ZDHC Chemical Gateway, bluesign® and GOTS, and are also finalizing the third-party certified PCF (Product Carbon Footprint), - as well as various international recognitions – first prize RESPONSIBLE CARE®, in Italy, from Federchimica, inclusion in the BAT (Best Available Techniques) document from the European Community.

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg launches biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlining range

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches its biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlinings range 46xx. With this innovation, the world’s leading specialist in woven, knitted, weft and nonwoven interlinings reduces its impact on the environment and supports customers in achieving their own sustainability objectives. In Asia, the series is marketed under the name 42xx series.

Approved biodegradability and non-toxicity by Hohenstein Laboratories
The new Freudenberg fusible interlinings for shirts and blouses have been developed in such a way that they are harmless to people and the environment at the end of their life cycle. Germany’s independent Hohenstein Laboratories performed biodegradation tests on the 46xx series, based on the Hohenstein method which draws on DIN EN ISO 11721-2:2003 and EN ISO 846, and approved it as biodegradable and ecotoxicologically harmless. The tests by Hohenstein showed no negative effects on either the germination of garden cress nor on earthworms in the acute toxicity test.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches its biodegradable fusible cotton shirt interlinings range 46xx. With this innovation, the world’s leading specialist in woven, knitted, weft and nonwoven interlinings reduces its impact on the environment and supports customers in achieving their own sustainability objectives. In Asia, the series is marketed under the name 42xx series.

Approved biodegradability and non-toxicity by Hohenstein Laboratories
The new Freudenberg fusible interlinings for shirts and blouses have been developed in such a way that they are harmless to people and the environment at the end of their life cycle. Germany’s independent Hohenstein Laboratories performed biodegradation tests on the 46xx series, based on the Hohenstein method which draws on DIN EN ISO 11721-2:2003 and EN ISO 846, and approved it as biodegradable and ecotoxicologically harmless. The tests by Hohenstein showed no negative effects on either the germination of garden cress nor on earthworms in the acute toxicity test.

Energy-saving interlining
The new biodegradable shirt interlinings also show great potential for energy saving, as the fusing can be performed at a low temperature. Concretely, this means that the resulting temperature between the upper fabric and the shirt interlining during fusing is only 127°C which is significantly lower than the commonly used temperature of 143°C. Certified to OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class II for successfully testing for no harmful substances, the shirt interlinings are washable at up to 40°C and resistant to dry cleaning. In addition, it has also passed all ecological-toxicological tests and is a perfect end-of-life cycle solution.

Product details and availability
The products in range 46xx are available in Europe in the color white and the following weight classes: 4605 (90g/m2), 4616 (150g/m2) and 4618 (55g/m2). The adhesive of the interlinings consists of a 100% degradable bio-polymer. The shirt interlinings are ideal for reinforcing shirt and blouse collars, cuffs and plackets used in fashion, leisure and business clothing. The biodegradable, non-toxic interlinings are particularly important for labels with an ecologically sustainable claim.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg: Launch of sustainable carpet backings

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) announces the launch of sustainable carpet backing products for the flooring industry. Sustainable backings support customers in their transition towards producing more sustainable carpets. The range is introduced as Colback ECO and Lutradur ECO and is part of the Freudenberg portfolio of high-performance spunbond nonwoven technical textiles.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) announces the launch of sustainable carpet backing products for the flooring industry. Sustainable backings support customers in their transition towards producing more sustainable carpets. The range is introduced as Colback ECO and Lutradur ECO and is part of the Freudenberg portfolio of high-performance spunbond nonwoven technical textiles.

Reduced CO2 footprint
Freudenberg follows a ‘less is more’ principle: the best raw materials are the materials that are not needed at all. For the ECO product range, Freudenberg R&D teams developed a solution to save raw materials in their carpet backings. Freudenberg redefined its proprietary yarn production technology allowing for extremely thin filaments with a diameter up to 30% smaller than the standard portfolio for carpet backings.  
The new thin yarn technology is one of Freudenberg’s sustainable initiatives benefitting the carpet industry. Other developments supporting sustainability include backings with a high recycled content and backings using alternative approaches to facilitate carpet recyclability. They will extend the ECO portfolio in the future.

The currently launched thin yarn ECO-backings have been awarded the ECO-CHECK label. Freudenberg introduced this label in early 2021 to identify particularly sustainable products within its portfolio.


Freudenberg Performance Materials

(c) PrimaLoft

PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic aus gesammeltem Plastik

PrimaLoft, Inc., ein Unternehmen für Materialtechnologie, macht mit der Einführung von PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic einen weiteren wichtigen Schritt in seiner Relentlessly Responsible™ Mission. Die Innovation verwendet Plastik, das in Küstennähe gesammelt wird, um Hochleistungsisolationsfasern herzustellen. So wird verhindert, dass weiterer Plastikmüll ins Meer gelangt. Helly Hansen und Isbjörn of Sweden sind die ersten Marken, welche die neue Isolation in ihren Herbst/Winter 2023 Kollektionen verwenden.

PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic ist eine leistungsstarke Isolation, die zu 100 Prozent aus recyceltem Material besteht, wovon 60 Prozent aus Plastikflaschen stammen, die in einem Umkreis von 50 Kilometern um Küstengebiete gesammelt wurden. Da das Plastik noch vor dem Erreichen des Meers abgefangen wird, kann es zur Verarbeitung der hochwertigen PrimaLoft-Isolation genutzt werden. Gleichzeitig wird verhindert, dass die Weltmeere weiter verschmutzt werden.

PrimaLoft, Inc., ein Unternehmen für Materialtechnologie, macht mit der Einführung von PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic einen weiteren wichtigen Schritt in seiner Relentlessly Responsible™ Mission. Die Innovation verwendet Plastik, das in Küstennähe gesammelt wird, um Hochleistungsisolationsfasern herzustellen. So wird verhindert, dass weiterer Plastikmüll ins Meer gelangt. Helly Hansen und Isbjörn of Sweden sind die ersten Marken, welche die neue Isolation in ihren Herbst/Winter 2023 Kollektionen verwenden.

PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic ist eine leistungsstarke Isolation, die zu 100 Prozent aus recyceltem Material besteht, wovon 60 Prozent aus Plastikflaschen stammen, die in einem Umkreis von 50 Kilometern um Küstengebiete gesammelt wurden. Da das Plastik noch vor dem Erreichen des Meers abgefangen wird, kann es zur Verarbeitung der hochwertigen PrimaLoft-Isolation genutzt werden. Gleichzeitig wird verhindert, dass die Weltmeere weiter verschmutzt werden.

Das Verfahren ist von OceanCycle zertifiziert, einem sozialen Unternehmen, das sich darauf fokussiert, die Verschmutzung der Ozeane durch Plastik zu verhindern und die Lebensbedingungen in Küstengemeinden durch Zertifizierung und direkte soziale Maßnahmen zu verbessern. Die unabhängige OceanCycle-Zertifizierung stellt sicher, dass das Material auch wirklich aus Küstennähe stammt, die Beschaffung ethisch-korrekt und die Rückverfolgbarkeit lückenlose ist. Zudem gewährleistet sie eine lückenlose Dokumentation von der Sammlung bis zur Herstellung.

Umwandlung von Ocean Bound Plastik in PrimaLoft-Material
Die Relentlessly Responsible™ Mission von PrimaLoft hat zum Ziel, durch Innovation sowohl Leistung als auch Nachhaltigkeit seiner Produkte immer weiter zu steigern. „Unsere neueste Entwicklung ist eine wichtige Lösung sowohl für die Umwelt, als auch für die Recycling-Lieferkette“, sagt Tara Maurer-Mackay, Senior Vice President, Product Strategy. „Die Qualität von Kunststoffen verschlechtert sich schnell, sobald sie den Elementen im Meerwasser länger ausgesetzt sind, was sie für die meisten Recyclingmaßnahmen unbrauchbar macht. Indem wir Kunststoffabfälle auffangen, bevor sie ins Meer gelangen können, sind wir in der Lage, das Material zur Herstellung unserer hochwertigen Produkten zu verwenden, und damit unseren Markenpartnern und Verbrauchern eine perfekte Mischung aus Leistung und Vielseitigkeit bei geringerer Umweltbelastung zu bieten." PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic besitzt alle Leistungsvorteile, für die PrimaLoft bekannt ist, darunter leichtgewichtige Wärmeleistung sowohl bei trockenen als auch bei nassen Bedingungen, praktische Packbarkeit und lange Haltbarkeit.

(c) FET
FET’s show booth at the Hong Kong exhibition

FET supports Green Textile Exhibition in Hong Kong

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK participated in the “Green Textile and Innovation Technology Forum and Exhibition” in Hong Kong, taking a small booth to support the event and FET’s official agent in the region, Chemtax. This was the first in a series of international exhibitions that FET will be attending in 2023.

The interactive exhibition was organised by the Hong Kong General Chambers of Textiles, with over 20 industrial experts and 300 guests in discussion forums and meetings. The major themes explored were sustainable solutions, new technologies and future trends in green textiles. The region is committed to improved sustainability in textiles, with China in particular setting ambitious targets for high performance fibre self-sufficiency, developments in biodegradable material and increased production capacity in recycled fibre.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK participated in the “Green Textile and Innovation Technology Forum and Exhibition” in Hong Kong, taking a small booth to support the event and FET’s official agent in the region, Chemtax. This was the first in a series of international exhibitions that FET will be attending in 2023.

The interactive exhibition was organised by the Hong Kong General Chambers of Textiles, with over 20 industrial experts and 300 guests in discussion forums and meetings. The major themes explored were sustainable solutions, new technologies and future trends in green textiles. The region is committed to improved sustainability in textiles, with China in particular setting ambitious targets for high performance fibre self-sufficiency, developments in biodegradable material and increased production capacity in recycled fibre.

This fits perfectly with FET’s ethos, having long been a leading exponent of sustainability in fibre technology. The FET range of laboratory and pilot Melt Spinning extrusion lines is suited for both process and end product development of sustainable materials, enabling customers to undertake process development in-house. All FET systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

(c) Yanfeng International
The official handover of the solar panels took place at the East London plant together with the SolarAfrica management

Yanfeng: Change to renewable energy for production in South Africa

Yanfeng has reached another milestone in its sustainability journey by bringing the power of solar energy to its plants in South Africa. The global automotive supplier already uses renewable energy at all its locations in Europe – some of which are already operating with 100% green energy – and now will supplement its operations in South Africa with sustainable and emission-free solar energy generation.

Many sectors are facing major challenges with the transition to a low-carbon economy. The automotive sector in particular faces many operational and economic challenges when transforming production plants into net-zero emission operations. Thanks to its commitment to sustainability, 100% of the solar energy generated by the PV systems is used to power Yanfeng’s production plants in South Africa, helping them save around 2,559 tons of CO2 annually while reducing their monthly costs and increasing efficiencies.

Yanfeng has reached another milestone in its sustainability journey by bringing the power of solar energy to its plants in South Africa. The global automotive supplier already uses renewable energy at all its locations in Europe – some of which are already operating with 100% green energy – and now will supplement its operations in South Africa with sustainable and emission-free solar energy generation.

Many sectors are facing major challenges with the transition to a low-carbon economy. The automotive sector in particular faces many operational and economic challenges when transforming production plants into net-zero emission operations. Thanks to its commitment to sustainability, 100% of the solar energy generated by the PV systems is used to power Yanfeng’s production plants in South Africa, helping them save around 2,559 tons of CO2 annually while reducing their monthly costs and increasing efficiencies.

The solar energy systems were funded by SolarAfrica, which will also operate, maintain and monitor the systems going forward. “From the outset of these projects, Yanfeng’s focus was on reducing their CO2 emissions and SolarAfrica is proud to partner with them to make their journey towards sustainability a success,” said David McDonald, CEO of SolarAfrica. “It’s inspiring to see a global company like Yanfeng invest in world-class facilities in South Africa, contributing to our country’s green economy and supporting job creation in the automotive industry.”
All Yanfeng European plants were converted to renewable energy by the beginning of 2022. With this new PV system, Yanfeng has implemented a milestone in the conversion to net-zero emission production at its two plants in South Africa.


Yanfeng International