From the Sector

1532 results

Toray expands French Carbon Fiber Production Facilities

Toray Industries, Inc. will expand the French subsidiary Toray Carbon Fibers Europe S.A.’s production facilities for regular tow medium- and high-modulus carbon fibers (up to 24,000 filaments). This move will increase annual capacity at the Abidos plant (South-West France) from 5,000 metric tons annually, to 6,000 metric tons. Production is expected to start in 2025.

Demand for medium- and high-modulus carbon fibers is rising in Europe, driven by a push to move towards a net-zero society. This growth is mainly due to higher build rates for commercial aircrafts (secondary structures and engines), as well as centrifuge for energy production, satellites, and high-end automobiles. By boosting carbon fiber production capacity in Europe, Toray is responding to its customers’ demand for medium and high-modulus carbon fibers, as befits the market leader.

Toray Industries, Inc. will expand the French subsidiary Toray Carbon Fibers Europe S.A.’s production facilities for regular tow medium- and high-modulus carbon fibers (up to 24,000 filaments). This move will increase annual capacity at the Abidos plant (South-West France) from 5,000 metric tons annually, to 6,000 metric tons. Production is expected to start in 2025.

Demand for medium- and high-modulus carbon fibers is rising in Europe, driven by a push to move towards a net-zero society. This growth is mainly due to higher build rates for commercial aircrafts (secondary structures and engines), as well as centrifuge for energy production, satellites, and high-end automobiles. By boosting carbon fiber production capacity in Europe, Toray is responding to its customers’ demand for medium and high-modulus carbon fibers, as befits the market leader.


Toray Industries

CEO of Jet Technology Howard Ju with Alfred Deakin Professor and Deakin Chair in Biotechnology Colin Barrow. Photo: Deakin University
CEO of Jet Technology Howard Ju with Alfred Deakin Professor and Deakin Chair in Biotechnology Colin Barrow.

New Deakin REACH partnership: Textiles made from organic waste?

Australia is one of the highest waste generators in the world, with over 7.6 million tonnes of food ending up in landfill each year, costing over $36.6 billion and producing 17.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gas.

Deakin’s partnership with Jet Technology through REACH will explore ways to transform industry-generated organic waste into new products like organic textiles and stock feed using a rapid composting system.

Jet Technology’s Environmental Recycling System (ERS) will build a circular economy by creating valuable products for a range of industry sectors.

Australia is continuing to generate more landfill each year. A new partnership between Deakin’s Recycling and Clean Energy Commercialisation Hub (REACH) and Japanese-based company Jet Technology aims to turn this around by repurposing organic waste and transforming it into new products.

Australia contributes more than 7.6 million tonnes of food to landfill annually, costing over $36.6 billion and producing 17.5 million tonnes of CO2.

Australia is one of the highest waste generators in the world, with over 7.6 million tonnes of food ending up in landfill each year, costing over $36.6 billion and producing 17.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gas.

Deakin’s partnership with Jet Technology through REACH will explore ways to transform industry-generated organic waste into new products like organic textiles and stock feed using a rapid composting system.

Jet Technology’s Environmental Recycling System (ERS) will build a circular economy by creating valuable products for a range of industry sectors.

Australia is continuing to generate more landfill each year. A new partnership between Deakin’s Recycling and Clean Energy Commercialisation Hub (REACH) and Japanese-based company Jet Technology aims to turn this around by repurposing organic waste and transforming it into new products.

Australia contributes more than 7.6 million tonnes of food to landfill annually, costing over $36.6 billion and producing 17.5 million tonnes of CO2.

Deakin University scientist Alfred Deakin Professor and Chair in Biotechnology Colin Barrow and his team from the Centre for Sustainable Bioproducts will work with Jet Technology to explore the possible reuses of organic waste using Jet Technology’s Environmental Recycling System (ERS). The project will focus on converting organic waste from the agriculture, dairy and fishery sectors by drastically shortening composting time so it can be used to make new products.

The four-year research project will be undertaken at the BioFactory at Deakin’s Waurn Ponds campus. It will initially focus on processing agricultural waste, converting apple pomace into a bioproduct for the textile industry. Apple pomace consists of the apple skin, pulp, seeds and stems left over from apple juice manufacturing. Its disposal in landfill can lead to greenhouse gas emissions and potential contamination of soil and groundwater.

If successful, it could lead to the establishment of a local multi-million-dollar bioeconomy where organisations such as councils, supermarkets and food and beverage businesses could cut costs while generating new revenue streams and job opportunities.

Deakin’s REACH initiative collaborates with progressive industry, government, and education partners to establish a multi-billion-dollar bioeconomy in Victoria and push the limits of technological innovation to deliver energy and recycling solutions that reduce landfill, fossil fuel emissions, and the devastating costs of global warming.

Floringo Bademantel Foto Floringo GmbH

Floringo nach Grüner Knopf 2.0 zertifiziert

Floringo, seit mehr als zweieinhalb Jahren mit dem Textilsiegel Grüner Knopf zertifiziert, hat sich jetzt nach der weiterentwickelten Version Grüner Knopf 2.0 zertifizieren lassen. Mit dem vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) herausgegebenen Gütezeichen weist das Unternehmen weitgehende Nachhaltigkeitskriterien nach und erfüllt 54 Anforderungen an unternehmerische Sorgfaltsprozesse, die auch im Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) abgefragt werden.

Ab sofort sind verschiedene Standardsortimente und Sonderproduktionen mit der Nachfolgeversion des Textilsiegels erhältlich. Mit Erlangung des Grünen Knopf 2.0 werden weiterhin ausgewählte Frottiertücher und Bademäntel mit dem Label ausgelobt. Außerdem fertigt Floringo auf Wunsch auch kundenindividuelle Linien und Sonderproduktionen nach den strengen Richtlinien des Gütezeichens an.

Floringo, seit mehr als zweieinhalb Jahren mit dem Textilsiegel Grüner Knopf zertifiziert, hat sich jetzt nach der weiterentwickelten Version Grüner Knopf 2.0 zertifizieren lassen. Mit dem vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) herausgegebenen Gütezeichen weist das Unternehmen weitgehende Nachhaltigkeitskriterien nach und erfüllt 54 Anforderungen an unternehmerische Sorgfaltsprozesse, die auch im Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) abgefragt werden.

Ab sofort sind verschiedene Standardsortimente und Sonderproduktionen mit der Nachfolgeversion des Textilsiegels erhältlich. Mit Erlangung des Grünen Knopf 2.0 werden weiterhin ausgewählte Frottiertücher und Bademäntel mit dem Label ausgelobt. Außerdem fertigt Floringo auf Wunsch auch kundenindividuelle Linien und Sonderproduktionen nach den strengen Richtlinien des Gütezeichens an.

„Wir freuen uns sehr über die Verleihung des Textilsiegels Grüner Knopf 2.0. Die Zertifizierung untermauert unsere auf Nachhaltigkeitskriterien und Transparenz beruhende Unternehmens- und Produktphilosophie. Gleichzeitig gibt die Auszeichnung unseren Kunden im Textilservice und der Hotellerie die Sicherheit, dass unsere Frottierwaren zahlreiche soziale, ethische und ökologische Kriterien erfüllen, die auch im LkSG abgefordert werden“, sagt Johann Geisslinger, Geschäftsführer von Floringo und im Unternehmen für Corporate Social Responsibility zuständig. „Davon profitieren nicht nur Textildienstleister und Hotelketten mit einer vierstelligen Mitarbeiterzahl, sondern auch Wäschereien mit einem hohem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch.“

More information:
Grüner Knopf Floringo

Floringo GmbH

(c) PantherMedia/Peryn

VDI ZRE: Studie zu rezyklatbasierten Verpackungen veröffentlicht

Bis 2030 sollen in der EU 55 % der Kunststoffverpackungen werterhaltend recycelt werden. Inwieweit sich Rezyklate dabei für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte eignen und wann die Umstellung auf Recyclingkunststoffe für KMU wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist, darüber informiert das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz im Rahmen einer neuen Studie.

Die Verwendung von Kunststoffen geht mit hohen Aufwänden an Primärressourcen bei der Werkstoffherstellung einher. Kunststoffrecycling stellt daher einen Schwerpunkt der politischen und regulatorischen Bestrebungen dar, um eine weitgehende stoffliche Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen bis 2030 zu etablieren.
Um die Wiedereinsatzquote recycelter Kunststoffabfälle im Verpackungssektor zu erhöhen und Kunststoffkreisläufe nachhaltig zu schließen, braucht es Rezyklate, die u. a. mit Blick auf die gebotene Qualität eine möglichst geringe Schwankungsbreite aufweisen. Zugleich müssen die Preise für Rezyklate konkurrenzfähig gegenüber sogenannten virgin plastics (Kunststoffneuware) sein.

Bis 2030 sollen in der EU 55 % der Kunststoffverpackungen werterhaltend recycelt werden. Inwieweit sich Rezyklate dabei für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte eignen und wann die Umstellung auf Recyclingkunststoffe für KMU wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist, darüber informiert das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz im Rahmen einer neuen Studie.

Die Verwendung von Kunststoffen geht mit hohen Aufwänden an Primärressourcen bei der Werkstoffherstellung einher. Kunststoffrecycling stellt daher einen Schwerpunkt der politischen und regulatorischen Bestrebungen dar, um eine weitgehende stoffliche Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen bis 2030 zu etablieren.
Um die Wiedereinsatzquote recycelter Kunststoffabfälle im Verpackungssektor zu erhöhen und Kunststoffkreisläufe nachhaltig zu schließen, braucht es Rezyklate, die u. a. mit Blick auf die gebotene Qualität eine möglichst geringe Schwankungsbreite aufweisen. Zugleich müssen die Preise für Rezyklate konkurrenzfähig gegenüber sogenannten virgin plastics (Kunststoffneuware) sein.

Hier setzt die neue Studie „Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung des Ressourcenaufwands – Einsatz von rezyklierten Kunststoffen in Verpackungsmaterialien“ des VDI ZRE an. Sie bietet einen praxisrelevanten Überblick zu Aspekten der Nutzung von Kunststoffrezyklaten für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte – auch für Anwendungsbereiche mit hohen Anforderungen an Maßhaltigkeit und mechanische Eigenschaften.
Ein Beitrag zur Ressourcenschonung und zum Klimaschutz
Die ökologisch-ökonomische Bewertungsstudie, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschenden des Öko-Institut e. V. und der Institut cyclos-HTP GmbH ausgearbeitet wurde, richtet sich insbesondere an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie, die den Einstieg in die Verwendung von Rezyklaten erwägen. Die Studie beinhaltet zum einen eine ökobilanzielle Vergleichsrechnung nach den VDI-Richtlinien 4800 Blatt 1 und 2 sowie eine Sensitivitätsanalyse. Zum anderen liefert sie einen Kostenvergleich für die zwei gegenübergestellten kunststoffbasierten Verpackungsvarianten und gibt Empfehlungen zur Evaluierung.

Aus ökologischer Sicht zeigt sich, dass das Treibhausgaspotenzial des Produkts aus rezykliertem Polypropylen (PP) um 25 % geringer ausfällt als das der Produktvariante aus PP-Neuware. Aus ökonomischer Sicht hat der Einkaufspreis den größten Einfluss an den gesamten spezifischen Betriebskosten. Zum Zeitpunkt der Erhebung beliefen sie sich auf 54 % für die Produktvariante aus recyceltem PP und auf 62 % für das Produkt aus primärem PP.

Die Studie „Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung des Ressourcenaufwands – Einsatz von rezyklierten Kunststoffen in Verpackungsmaterialien“ des VDI ZRE wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) erarbeitet und kann kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden.



VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz


Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023 will focus on critical industry themes. The transformation of the textile and fashion industry relies on three key pillars: the creation of different circular business models matching growth with sustainability, a green and digital transition where information technology is necessary to deliver sustainability, and scaling the business, as how start-ups can make a leap and big companies can evolve their growth strategies. These three themes will be discussed in depth during the event.

The speaker lineup, drawn from Finland, Europe and beyond, demonstrates the expertise connecting on this platform. Noteworthy figures include Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, President & CEO of Marimekko; Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Climate and the Environment of Finland; Marcus Hartmann, Head of Public Affairs & Sustainability at H&M; Liljana K. Forssten, Range Strategist at IKEA; and Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner (on video).


Euratex & Finnish Textile & Fashion

Polartec PS Photo Polartec

Polartec: Plant-based nylon resulting in a 50% lower carbon footprint vs. virgin nylon

Polartec, will upgrade two of its product platforms now using Biolon™ *, plant-based nylon fiber and membrane setting a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics. Polartec®  Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics containing Biolon™ fibers and membranes will premiere this autumn.

Biolon™ is a renewable, non-GMO plant-based nylon with a 50% lower carbon footprint than virgin Nylon 6,6.  Biolon™ nylon properties  are closer to Nylon 6,6 than many recycled nylon alternatives currently on the market.  Biolon™ has re-worked a staple, making the best, better in terms of performance and sustainability. Its plant-based inputs account for approximately half (45-48%) of the nylon content in the fibers and membranes in new Polartec® Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics debuting this fall.

Polartec, will upgrade two of its product platforms now using Biolon™ *, plant-based nylon fiber and membrane setting a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics. Polartec®  Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics containing Biolon™ fibers and membranes will premiere this autumn.

Biolon™ is a renewable, non-GMO plant-based nylon with a 50% lower carbon footprint than virgin Nylon 6,6.  Biolon™ nylon properties  are closer to Nylon 6,6 than many recycled nylon alternatives currently on the market.  Biolon™ has re-worked a staple, making the best, better in terms of performance and sustainability. Its plant-based inputs account for approximately half (45-48%) of the nylon content in the fibers and membranes in new Polartec® Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics debuting this fall.

Ramesh Kesh, Senior Vice President – Government & Defense and Polartec at Milliken & Company said, “For a long time, many thought that sustainable options meant a loss in performance, like durability, Polartec has proved that this is not the case. Challenging a technology already considered to be at the pinnacle of performance was a big ask yet the team at Polartec rose to that challenge and we believe we have created a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics.” 

More information:
Polartec Biolon nylon

Abi Youcha (Akimbo Communication)

A Carbios employee loads textile onto the preparation line Photo Carbios

Carbios: New textile preparation line for polyester recycling

Carbios, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, inaugurated its textile preparation line at its demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand.

To streamline the textile preparation phase, which is currently carried out by hand or on several lines, Carbios has developed a fully integrated and automated line that transforms textile waste from used garments or cutting scraps into raw material suitable for depolymerization with its enzymatic biorecycling process.  

The patented line integrates all preparation stages (shredding and extraction of hard points such as buttons or fasteners), and provides Carbios with a high-performance, scalable development tool. The platform will help validate the biorecycling technology for textiles at demonstration plant scale (by 2024), and provides Carbios with expertise in working with collection and sorting operators to specify the quality of textiles and the preparation steps needed to make them suitable for enzymatic recycling.

Carbios, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, inaugurated its textile preparation line at its demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand.

To streamline the textile preparation phase, which is currently carried out by hand or on several lines, Carbios has developed a fully integrated and automated line that transforms textile waste from used garments or cutting scraps into raw material suitable for depolymerization with its enzymatic biorecycling process.  

The patented line integrates all preparation stages (shredding and extraction of hard points such as buttons or fasteners), and provides Carbios with a high-performance, scalable development tool. The platform will help validate the biorecycling technology for textiles at demonstration plant scale (by 2024), and provides Carbios with expertise in working with collection and sorting operators to specify the quality of textiles and the preparation steps needed to make them suitable for enzymatic recycling.

More information:
Carbios enzymatic textile recycling


begrünte Innenstädte Bild von Elvira Groot auf Pixabay

Mehr Grün, mehr Nachhaltigkeit, höhere Aufenthaltsqualität - Trends für die Städte der Zukunft

Die Auswertung der Rückmeldungen, die Besuchende im Februar auf der interaktiven Sonderfläche Future Urban Lab während der Retail-Fachmesse EuroShop 2023 geben konnten, zeigt die populärsten Attraktivitätsfaktoren und Besuchsanlässe für die Zukunft der Innenstädte.

Im Fokus des Future Urban Labs standen fünf Schlüsselbereiche: Aufenthaltsqualität, Einkaufserlebnis, Digitalisierung, Mobilität und Nachhaltigkeit. Besucher der EuroShop hatten während der Messe die Gelegenheit, 15 innovative Trends zu bewerten. Die Bewertung erfolgte durch die Vergabe von farbigen Legosteinen. So konnten die Ansichten der verschiedenen Altersgruppen zu verschiedenen Trends dargestellt werden.

Die Auswertung der Rückmeldungen, die Besuchende im Februar auf der interaktiven Sonderfläche Future Urban Lab während der Retail-Fachmesse EuroShop 2023 geben konnten, zeigt die populärsten Attraktivitätsfaktoren und Besuchsanlässe für die Zukunft der Innenstädte.

Im Fokus des Future Urban Labs standen fünf Schlüsselbereiche: Aufenthaltsqualität, Einkaufserlebnis, Digitalisierung, Mobilität und Nachhaltigkeit. Besucher der EuroShop hatten während der Messe die Gelegenheit, 15 innovative Trends zu bewerten. Die Bewertung erfolgte durch die Vergabe von farbigen Legosteinen. So konnten die Ansichten der verschiedenen Altersgruppen zu verschiedenen Trends dargestellt werden.

Die inzwischen ausgewerteten Ergebnisse der Umfrage zeigen klar, dass Nachhaltigkeit von zentraler Bedeutung. Besonders hervorzuheben ist der Trend „Renaturierung von Beton-Wüsten“, der mit 1.350 Stimmen den ersten Platz belegte. Weitere Top-Trends waren die Vision der „Innenstadt als erweitertes Wohnzimmer“ (1.140 Stimmen) und das „Schwammstadt-Prinzip“ (1.050 Stimmen) zur Förderung eines natürlichen städtischen Wasserkreislaufs. Auf die drei Top-Trends folgen „Kostenfreier ÖPNV“ auf Platz 4 (997 Stimmen) und „Kundennähe durch Produkterlebnis und Individualisierung“ auf Platz 5 (891 Stimmen).

An den fünf Messetagen wurden insgesamt 10.055 Legosteine von 2.011 Teilnehmenden im Future Urban Lab platziert. Die meisten Teilnehmenden waren zwischen 30 und 49 Jahre alt. Die Vorlieben bei Jung und Alt unterschieden sich nur unwesentlich. Die Trends rund um den Bereich des Einkaufserlebnisses spielten bei den jüngeren Teilnehmenden erwartungsgemäß eine größere Rolle. Die saisonalen Events hingegen werden von den höheren Altersgruppen bevorzugt.

„Ein gutes Handelsangebot reicht nicht mehr für ein vitales und gut besuchtes Stadtzentrum. Die Kundinnen und Kunden suchen Wohlfühloasen, die zum Verweilen und zum Treffen mit Gleichgesinnten einladen", so Elke Moebius, Director EuroShop der Messe Düsseldorf.

More information:
EuroShop Innenstädte

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Photo from Pixabay

Otrium and Bleckmann launch garment repair partnership

Digital fashion outlet Otrium announces the launch of a dedicated garment refurbishment and repair programme for damaged returns following a successful pilot scheme. The initiative is being run in partnership with Bleckmann, experts in supply chain management for fashion and lifestyle brands. Working with Bleckmann’s team of circular fashion experts from The Renewal Workshop, Otrium is taking the next step in its strategic journey to help reduce the number of that might ultimately end up in landfills or destroyed.
Most of the returns that Otrium currently receives can be easily restored and put back on sale. However, in rare cases, returned items are damaged. “Preventing waste is an important part of Otrium’s DNA, and thanks to our partnership with Bleckmann and their Renewal Workshop team, we can now repair the majority of damaged returns and put them back into circulation,” said Kevin Carolan, Director of Logistics at Otrium. “We are happy that we can use our position in the fashion supply chain to create lasting change and accelerate towards our mission of reducing the volume of garments that go to landfill.”

Digital fashion outlet Otrium announces the launch of a dedicated garment refurbishment and repair programme for damaged returns following a successful pilot scheme. The initiative is being run in partnership with Bleckmann, experts in supply chain management for fashion and lifestyle brands. Working with Bleckmann’s team of circular fashion experts from The Renewal Workshop, Otrium is taking the next step in its strategic journey to help reduce the number of that might ultimately end up in landfills or destroyed.
Most of the returns that Otrium currently receives can be easily restored and put back on sale. However, in rare cases, returned items are damaged. “Preventing waste is an important part of Otrium’s DNA, and thanks to our partnership with Bleckmann and their Renewal Workshop team, we can now repair the majority of damaged returns and put them back into circulation,” said Kevin Carolan, Director of Logistics at Otrium. “We are happy that we can use our position in the fashion supply chain to create lasting change and accelerate towards our mission of reducing the volume of garments that go to landfill.”

Since 2020, Otrium is exploring refurbishment and repairs with their third-party logistics provider Bleckmann. In April 2023, both partners started a three-month pilot at Bleckmann’s facility in Almelo, the Netherlands, to expand the programme with a broader range of repairs and optimised processes through data use. During the pilot, the Renewal Workshop team at Bleckmann refurbished more than 1,000 returned garments, shoes and accessories for Otrium each month.

“With hundreds of high-end labels on the platform, we needed an efficient solution tailored to the needs of a wide range of products – from shoes and coats to bags,” explained Marlot Kiveron, Head of Sustainability at Otrium. “The Renewal Workshop team worked closely with us to develop a streamlined and scalable process that could grow in line with our ambitions, delivering like-new repairs at the speed of e-commerce. Their combination of purpose, professionalism, agility and expertise makes them the ideal partner for this kind of project.”
Bleckmann’s integrated data capabilities were also crucial to the success of the partnership. “Data collection and analysis can be vital in demonstrating the commercial viability of sustainability initiatives,” said Tamara Zwart, Director of Renewal at Bleckmann. “Using our advanced stock tracking systems, we determined that 70% of the renewed Otrium stock had been sold within seven weeks. We’re all delighted with the results!”
Furthermore, carbon-tracking software Vaayu calculated that on average, a refurbished return sold on Otrium avoids 2.760kg of carbon emissions and 69g of waste proofing that this programme can have a positive impact on both: the planet and the business.

Having established the business case, the team decided to expand the initiative beyond the pilot phase. “This project is a milestone in our sustainability journey,” concluded Marlot. “It’s a key part of our ongoing commitment to finding more ways to reduce our environmental impact while helping to ensure that more clothes get worn. By the end of 2023, we aim to repair at least 25,000 damaged garments. Together with Bleckmann and their renewal experts, we’re well on our way to proving that this circular business model can be a valuable part of our future growth.”


Otrium, Bleckmann


Accelerating Circularity launches Alliance of Chemical Textile Recycling (ACTR) with key members

The mission of Accelerating Circularity is to create new supply chains and business models to turn textile waste into mainstream raw materials. Accelerating Circularity has created a working group, the Alliance of Textile Chemical Recyclers (ACTR), to meet and address the textile industry with a common voice to facilitate accurate information on textile chemical recycling.

“We formed this collective to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximize the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration” explained Karla Magruder, Founder and President of Accelerating Circularity. “Chemical recycling technology has many benefits, including quality more similar to virgin fiber and the ability to recycle multiple times.”

ACTR plans to provide the industry with information on how textile chemical recycling can:

The mission of Accelerating Circularity is to create new supply chains and business models to turn textile waste into mainstream raw materials. Accelerating Circularity has created a working group, the Alliance of Textile Chemical Recyclers (ACTR), to meet and address the textile industry with a common voice to facilitate accurate information on textile chemical recycling.

“We formed this collective to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximize the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration” explained Karla Magruder, Founder and President of Accelerating Circularity. “Chemical recycling technology has many benefits, including quality more similar to virgin fiber and the ability to recycle multiple times.”

ACTR plans to provide the industry with information on how textile chemical recycling can:

  • offer solutions for diverting textile waste to landfill
  • enable textile to textile recycling versus incineration/landfill
  • provide sustainably sourced/circular materials
  • support brand/retailers/producers in achieving their CO2 reduction targets
  • provide long term price stability and consistent supply of raw materials versus virgin

Members of the Alliance include founding members Eastman, Lenzing, and The LYCRA Company, as well as key innovators Circ®, Sappi, Renewcell, Infinited fiber, Worn Again Technologies, Gr3n, CuRe Technology, and OnceMore® from Sodra.

As a first step, the ACTR (Alliance of Chemical Textile Recycling) is introducing a dictionary of common terms developed to educate the industry on the chemical recycling of textiles.

TEXAID x Triumph: Expansion of international in-store collection program (c) TEXAID Textilverwertungs-AG

TEXAID x Triumph: Expansion of international in-store collection program

As a leading company in the collecting, sorting, reselling and recycling of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID has enabled the recycling of post-consumer textile waste into new textiles and clothing. Working together with brands and retailers, TEXAID and our partners are continuing to take action to shift from a linear to a circular system.

Since 2022, TEXAID has partnered with Triumph International, operating their in-store collection program, “Together We Grow”, for 160 stores across Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Given the success of the program, starting April 2023, in-store take back has been expanded to an additional 108 stores across Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and Spain. Customers bring in their worn garments and TEXAID manages the collected clothing in alignment with the EU waste hierarchy, sending each item to its next most sustainable lifecycle. TEXAID is pleased to be partnering with Triumph International to offer in-store take back, at scale, across Europe. For every 5 kg collected, Triumph plants a tree in partnership with Treedom.

As a leading company in the collecting, sorting, reselling and recycling of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID has enabled the recycling of post-consumer textile waste into new textiles and clothing. Working together with brands and retailers, TEXAID and our partners are continuing to take action to shift from a linear to a circular system.

Since 2022, TEXAID has partnered with Triumph International, operating their in-store collection program, “Together We Grow”, for 160 stores across Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Given the success of the program, starting April 2023, in-store take back has been expanded to an additional 108 stores across Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and Spain. Customers bring in their worn garments and TEXAID manages the collected clothing in alignment with the EU waste hierarchy, sending each item to its next most sustainable lifecycle. TEXAID is pleased to be partnering with Triumph International to offer in-store take back, at scale, across Europe. For every 5 kg collected, Triumph plants a tree in partnership with Treedom.

To move away from the linear system and enable products to be made out of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID continues to expand its offering for in-store collection programs throughout Europe and the USA.


TEXAID Textilverwertungs-AG


Release of GOTS Due Diligence Handbook

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), in cooperation with the Hague-based UpRights Foundation, launches the GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities. This landmark publication is a crucial step forward in the promotion of sustainability, human rights and ethical business conduct in the textile sector.

Clear Guidance for GOTS Certified Entities Based on Recognised International Standards
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities is based on the recognised international frameworks, including the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector (2018) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Handbook offers GOTS Certified Entities clear guidance on integrating due diligence processes into their operations, thereby helping them to comply with domestic due diligence laws such as the German Supply Chain Law, French Vigilance Law, and upcoming EU legislation.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), in cooperation with the Hague-based UpRights Foundation, launches the GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities. This landmark publication is a crucial step forward in the promotion of sustainability, human rights and ethical business conduct in the textile sector.

Clear Guidance for GOTS Certified Entities Based on Recognised International Standards
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities is based on the recognised international frameworks, including the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector (2018) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Handbook offers GOTS Certified Entities clear guidance on integrating due diligence processes into their operations, thereby helping them to comply with domestic due diligence laws such as the German Supply Chain Law, French Vigilance Law, and upcoming EU legislation.

A Comprehensive Blueprint
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities was developed as a structured roadmap, leading Certified Entities through the process of establishing and refining their management systems. The emphasis of the Handbook is on a holistic due diligence approach, ensuring that GOTS-certified companies not only identify but also proactively prevent and effectively mitigate potential adverse impacts on human rights and the environment. The Handbook ensures that GOTS Certified Entities are equipped with the knowledge and tools to respond to potential challenges, transforming them into leaders in responsible business conduct within the textile sector. The GOTS 7.0 criteria, bolstered by this Handbook, paves the way for a more sustainable and socially conscious business approach in the textile sector.

OECD Standards Assessment
GOTS is currently undergoing the OECD Alignment Assessment, a three-stage process that will result in a reputable, independent evaluation of the GOTS Criteria's alignment with the OECD's due diligence guidance documents. The process includes a Standards Assessment, an Implementation Assessment and a Credibility Assessment. As GOTS enters the Standard Assessment phase, it effectively showcases its dedication to sustainable practices, in line with the comprehensive international framework for responsible garment and footwear supply chain laid out in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. This process, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, began in July 2023 and is expected to be completed in January 2024.


GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard

Freudenberg´s Colback ECO-R and Lutradur ECO-R backings contain a recycled content of between 51 and 90 %. (c) Freudenberg
Freudenberg´s Colback ECO-R and Lutradur ECO-R backings contain a recycled content of between 51 and 90 %.

Freudenberg extends ECO range for sustainable carpet backings

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is extending its recently-introduced ECO range of sustainable nonwoven carpet backings: Lutradur ECO-R and Colback ECO-R backings contain high percentages of recycled raw materials. With its ECO portfolio Freudenberg supports carpet manufacturers in their transition towards an increasingly sustainable product offering.

The company launched its ECO range for sustainable primary backings earlier this year with the introduction of the ECO-RE resource-efficient backings that use less raw materials and support end product recyclability. To achieve this, Freudenberg R&D teams further developed the company’s proprietary yarn production technology allowing for extremely thin filaments.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is extending its recently-introduced ECO range of sustainable nonwoven carpet backings: Lutradur ECO-R and Colback ECO-R backings contain high percentages of recycled raw materials. With its ECO portfolio Freudenberg supports carpet manufacturers in their transition towards an increasingly sustainable product offering.

The company launched its ECO range for sustainable primary backings earlier this year with the introduction of the ECO-RE resource-efficient backings that use less raw materials and support end product recyclability. To achieve this, Freudenberg R&D teams further developed the company’s proprietary yarn production technology allowing for extremely thin filaments.

ECO-R products
Freudenberg’s spunbond nonwoven primary and secondary carpet backings contribute to manufacturers’ easy and efficient production processes as well as to high-performance end products. The company is now extending its ECO range in Europe with Colback ECO-R and Lutradur ECO-R backings that contain a recycled content of between 51 and 90%. Replacing virgin raw materials with recycled polyester saves on natural resources and improves the carbon footprint of end products. The ECO-R backings are specifically suitable for carpet tiles, broadloom, dust control mats and automotive option mats.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Carbios: Polyester recycling with new textile preparation line (c) Carbios

Carbios: Polyester recycling with new textile preparation line

Carbios inaugurated its textile preparation line at its demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand, in the presence of Mr. Lescure, French Minister for Industry. To streamline the textile preparation phase, which is currently carried out by hand or on several lines, Carbios has developed a fully integrated and automated line that transforms textile waste from used garments or cutting scraps into raw material suitable for depolymerization with its enzymatic biorecycling process. This patented line integrates all preparation stages (shredding and extraction of hard points such as buttons or fasteners), and provides Carbios with a high-performance, scalable development tool. The platform will help validate the biorecycling technology for textiles at demonstration plant scale (by 2024), and provides Carbios with expertise in working with collection and sorting operators to specify the quality of textiles and the preparation steps needed to make them suitable for enzymatic recycling. This expertise will also be invaluable to brands in the eco-design of their products.

Carbios inaugurated its textile preparation line at its demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand, in the presence of Mr. Lescure, French Minister for Industry. To streamline the textile preparation phase, which is currently carried out by hand or on several lines, Carbios has developed a fully integrated and automated line that transforms textile waste from used garments or cutting scraps into raw material suitable for depolymerization with its enzymatic biorecycling process. This patented line integrates all preparation stages (shredding and extraction of hard points such as buttons or fasteners), and provides Carbios with a high-performance, scalable development tool. The platform will help validate the biorecycling technology for textiles at demonstration plant scale (by 2024), and provides Carbios with expertise in working with collection and sorting operators to specify the quality of textiles and the preparation steps needed to make them suitable for enzymatic recycling. This expertise will also be invaluable to brands in the eco-design of their products.

Current collection, sorting and preparation infrastructures limit the amount of textile waste available for “fiber-to-fiber” recycling. Collection rates average around 15-25% worldwide[1], and much of the waste collected is exported to Africa, Asia or Latin America for sorting.

Moreover, textiles are highly complex materials, with yarns of different composition (or nature) that are difficult, if not impossible, to physically separate. However, the highly selective enzyme developed by Carbios can specifically depolymerize the PET (polyester) present in textile material.

At present, textiles are sorted and prepared mainly by hand, with low yields, particularly for disruptors to recycling processes such as “hard points” (zips, buttons, etc.). To optimize this crucial phase, Carbios is contributing a textile preparation solution to accelerate the development of biorecycling in the textile industry. Enzymatic recycling, or biorecycling, therefore contributes to the construction of a textile recycling chain and the acceleration of textile circularity, also enabling brands to do away with used bottles.

[1] Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017




Official launch of ReHubs Europe

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

At a kick off meeting hosted by Mango, EURATEX and 20 incoming members presented ReHubs Europe, a new international non-profit organisation poised to give a boost to the textile recycling. The launch follows three years of intense preparation, and the publication of a Techno-Economic Study, which analysed the business case, cost and environmental benefits for upscaling textile waste recycling in Europe.

ReHubs Europe will gather key players from the textile value chain - textile manufacturers, fashion brands, collectors and recyclers, chemical industry, technology providers - who welcome the ReHubs joint ambition to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030. This requires up to 250 industrial projects across Europe, covering different types of fibre-to-fibre recycling.

ReHubs Europe is the industry’s response to the upcoming EU legislation, which sets compulsory collection and sorting of textile waste, by 2025. To manage this, an upscale of recycling capacity is needed as well as a collaboration of different players from the value chain.

Chris Deloof will lead ReHubs Europe as Executive Director. Chris has a long-standing experience in the textile sector and is a passionate advocate for cross-industry collaboration. Moreover, Chris is deeply committed to driving the transition towards a circular economy, which aligns seamlessly with ReHubs Europe's mission.

ReHubs Europe will operate from Brussels, in close partnership with EURATEX. Membership is open to any companies who wish to invest in textile waste recycling in Europe.




EcoVadis Gold Rating für DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

More information:
DOMO Chemicals EcoVadis

DOMO Chemicals

fibrEX: Zentrifugalfilter nutzt den Dichteunterschiede von Kunstfasern und Wasser. © Fraunhofer UMSICHT
fibrEX: Zentrifugalfilter nutzt den Dichteunterschiede von Kunstfasern und Wasser.

Neuartiger Filter entfernt Kunstfaserabrieb aus Waschwasser

Um zu verhindern, dass Mikroplastik aus Waschmaschinen in die Umwelt gelangt, haben Forschende des Fraunhofer UMSICHT den Zentrifugalfilter fibrEX entwickelt. Der flexibel integrierbare und wartungsfreie Filter trennt aus Waschwasser mikroskopisch kleine Kunstfasern ab. Aktuell werden potenzielle Partner für die letzten Schritte bis zur Markteinführung gesucht.

Textilien aus Kunstfasern wie Polyester und Elasthan halten Regen ab, sind strapazierfähig und dabei trotzdem elastisch. Ihr Anteil in hiesigen Kleiderschränken liegt bei über 60 Prozent liegt. Auch diese Kleidung muss gewaschen werden –im Fall von Sportbekleidung sogar sehr oft. Während des Waschvorgangs werden Fragmente der Kunstfasern abgerieben, die höchstens ein Fünftel so dick sind wie ein menschliches Haar. Aufgrund von Größe und Material zählen sie zu Mikroplastik, jenen mikroskopisch kleinen Kunststoffpartikeln, die – einmal in die Umwelt gelangt – nur schwer abbaubar sind.

Um zu verhindern, dass Mikroplastik aus Waschmaschinen in die Umwelt gelangt, haben Forschende des Fraunhofer UMSICHT den Zentrifugalfilter fibrEX entwickelt. Der flexibel integrierbare und wartungsfreie Filter trennt aus Waschwasser mikroskopisch kleine Kunstfasern ab. Aktuell werden potenzielle Partner für die letzten Schritte bis zur Markteinführung gesucht.

Textilien aus Kunstfasern wie Polyester und Elasthan halten Regen ab, sind strapazierfähig und dabei trotzdem elastisch. Ihr Anteil in hiesigen Kleiderschränken liegt bei über 60 Prozent liegt. Auch diese Kleidung muss gewaschen werden –im Fall von Sportbekleidung sogar sehr oft. Während des Waschvorgangs werden Fragmente der Kunstfasern abgerieben, die höchstens ein Fünftel so dick sind wie ein menschliches Haar. Aufgrund von Größe und Material zählen sie zu Mikroplastik, jenen mikroskopisch kleinen Kunststoffpartikeln, die – einmal in die Umwelt gelangt – nur schwer abbaubar sind.

„Zwischen 20 und 35 Prozent des weltweit verbreiteten Mikroplastiks sind synthetische Mikrofasern aus Textilien. Synthetische Textilien sind demnach eine der größten Mikroplastik-Quellen und stehen im Fokus von Politik und Gesellschaft“, so Dr.-Ing. Ilka Gehrke, Leiterin der Abteilung Umwelt und Ressourcennutzung am Fraunhofer UMSICHT. Auf europäischer Ebene laufen bereits Prozesse zur Vorbereitung von Richtlinien gegen die Freisetzung von synthetischen Mikrofasern. „In Frankreich etwa dürfen ab 2025 keine Waschmaschinen ohne Mikrofaserfilter mehr in Verkehr gebracht werden.“

Bisher sind kaum Waschmaschinen mit entsprechenden Filtern auf dem kommerziellen Markt erhältlich. Und solche, die es zu kaufen gibt, halten zwar die Mikrofasern zurück, verlieren aber schnell an Leistung. Die Kleinstfasern werden am Filtermaterial zurückgehalten, bilden eine Deckschicht und führen so zur Verblockung des Filters. Im schlimmsten Fall kann kein Waschwasser mehr abfließen, sodass der Waschprozess zum Stillstand kommt.

Als Lösung dieses Problems haben Forschende des Fraunhofer UMSICHT den kürzlich patentierten Zentrifugalfilter fibrEX entwickelt. Anders als ein Siebsystem, nutzt er die Dichteunterschiede von Kunstfasern und Wasser und trennt beim Schleudern die beiden Komponenten voneinander. Der Zentrifugalfilter kann sowohl in die Waschmaschine eingebaut als auch als externes Gerät betrieben werden; zum Betrieb wird keine weitere nennenswerte Energie benötigt.

Nach einer einjährigen Testphase im Waschlabor und technischen Optimierungen hält fibrEX nun dauerhaft und wartungsfrei mindestens 80 Prozent der synthetischen Mikrofasern aus dem Waschwasser zurück. Es werden Waschmaschinenhersteller gesucht, fibrEX gemeinsam zur Marktreife zu bringen.

ITM 2024 presenting motto: 'Discover the Future' Photo: ITM Exhibitions

ITM 2024 presenting motto: 'Discover the Future'

ITM Exhibitions will open its doors to host "ITM 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition" from June 4-8, 2024. Preparations are in full swing for the organization, where textile technology leaders will bring the latest products together with their visitors for the first time.

The ITM team focused on advertising and promotional activities in order to host thousands of visitors and sector investors from all over the world at the ITM 2024 Exhibition, which halls were almost full due to intense participation demands. In this context; 'ITM 2024 Video', which tells the story of the increasing success of ITM exhibitions over the years and which is eagerly awaited by the whole sector, has recently been published. The video, which was published in Turkish and English on social media accounts such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, was viewed by more than 30 thousand people in total and received great appreciation from the viewers.

ITM Exhibitions will open its doors to host "ITM 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition" from June 4-8, 2024. Preparations are in full swing for the organization, where textile technology leaders will bring the latest products together with their visitors for the first time.

The ITM team focused on advertising and promotional activities in order to host thousands of visitors and sector investors from all over the world at the ITM 2024 Exhibition, which halls were almost full due to intense participation demands. In this context; 'ITM 2024 Video', which tells the story of the increasing success of ITM exhibitions over the years and which is eagerly awaited by the whole sector, has recently been published. The video, which was published in Turkish and English on social media accounts such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, was viewed by more than 30 thousand people in total and received great appreciation from the viewers.

“Discover the Future!” in the video prepared with the main theme “Discover innovations, technologies, the future...” and including clues about the ITM 2024 Exhibition, was revealed as follows:
The textile sector is among the souls of the economy with its production capacity, export volume, and contribution to employment. Many R&D centers around the world and in Turkey are breaking new ground by taking their work and innovations one step further every day. Textile technology leaders are developing technologies that consume less water and energy, are easy to use, are software and automation supported, keep up with trends and respect the environment while doing so. Industry stakeholders, especially textile manufacturers, are now curious about the answer to this question: 'What will be the future of the textile industry, which is digitalizing, complying with sustainability principles, and signing groundbreaking innovations? This question will be answered at ITM 2024, which will host the latest innovations, technologies, artificial intelligence-supported machines, software and design excellence devices in textile machinery.


ITM Exhibitions


Fashion CEO Agenda 2023: Fashion's tangible pathway to becoming net positive

On the occasion of Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition 2023, Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has released the 2023 edition of the Fashion CEO Agenda  — a concise report to support the establishment and implementation of leadership strategies to achieve a net positive fashion sector that puts back more into society, the environment, and the global economy than it takes out. In a first for the Fashion CEO Agenda, this edition has been developed to include subsequent action areas for brands, retailers, and producers.  

With less than seven years to deliver on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, fashion industry leaders, together with the broader sector, must take urgent steps to make sustainability an integral part of their business strategies. Developed for executives of fashion brands, retailers, and producers, the Fashion CEO Agenda is a succinct resource to support executives in accelerating tangible action across five socio-environmental sustainability priorities:  

On the occasion of Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition 2023, Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has released the 2023 edition of the Fashion CEO Agenda  — a concise report to support the establishment and implementation of leadership strategies to achieve a net positive fashion sector that puts back more into society, the environment, and the global economy than it takes out. In a first for the Fashion CEO Agenda, this edition has been developed to include subsequent action areas for brands, retailers, and producers.  

With less than seven years to deliver on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, fashion industry leaders, together with the broader sector, must take urgent steps to make sustainability an integral part of their business strategies. Developed for executives of fashion brands, retailers, and producers, the Fashion CEO Agenda is a succinct resource to support executives in accelerating tangible action across five socio-environmental sustainability priorities:  

  • Respectful and Secure Work Environment
  • Better Wage Systems
  • Resource Stewardship
  • Smart Material Choices
  • Circular Systems

The 2023 edition includes action areas that have been established through several years of stakeholder engagement and reinforced through the  global Fashion Industry Target Consultation, led by GFA in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The organisations consulted several hundred industry stakeholders through numerous regional workshops and surveys translated into several languages to help inform a holistic framework that captures global perspectives on social and environmental sustainability.  

Action areas outlined in the report include promoting worker access to effective grievance mechanisms, promoting fair compensation and living wages, establishing water stewardship, and addressing overproduction.

Moreover, the report reiterates the need to adopt existing industry-aligned targets, including UNFCCC’s time-bound targets on decarbonisation and the uptake of preferred and low climate impact materials. The material actions outlined are based on consensus across industry stakeholders and topical experts. Extensive stakeholder engagement demonstrated that substantial action is still urgently needed from all actors in the value chain, while such action must be informed by local contexts.

To complement the Fashion CEO Agenda, GFA has created a 2030 Fashion Sector Vision, which presents where the overall sector should be in relation to each of the five sustainability priority areas within only seven years - a critical milestone on the road to net positive by 2050. The objective is to unite the broader sector, consisting of industry actors such as brands, retailers, and producers and other key stakeholders including consumers, citizens, NGOs, innovators, policymakers, and investors. To realise this Vision, it is imperative that the sector moves from ambition to action – the theme underpinning Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition 2023. GFA now calls on fashion leaders to align their corporate strategies to the priorities and actions laid out in the Fashion CEO Agenda and for the wider sector to support in fostering a conducive environment for scaling this transformation.



Global Fashion Agenda


Indorama Ventures recycles 100 billion PET bottles

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical company, announced that it has recycled 100 billion post-consumer PET bottles since February 2011. This has diverted 2.1 million tons of waste from the environment and saved 2.9 million tons of carbon footprint from the product lifecycles. Demonstrating its commitment to support the establishment of a circular economy for PET, in the last ten years Indorama Ventures has spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection of used PET bottles.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical company, announced that it has recycled 100 billion post-consumer PET bottles since February 2011. This has diverted 2.1 million tons of waste from the environment and saved 2.9 million tons of carbon footprint from the product lifecycles. Demonstrating its commitment to support the establishment of a circular economy for PET, in the last ten years Indorama Ventures has spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection of used PET bottles.

The company has also committed a further $1.5 billion to expand its recycling business. To support increased recycling rates globally, Indorama Ventures has expanded its recycling facilities, infrastructure, and public education programs. The unique PET plastic used in soft drinks and water bottles is fully recyclable and is collected in practice and at scale. As a result, PET is the most recycled plastic in the world, and the company’s recycling achievements support that. Building on its position as the world’s largest producer of recycled resin used in plastic beverage bottles, Indorama Ventures is also seeking advanced technologies to deliver more recycling infrastructure globally and reduce lifecycle carbon emissions.

The company now has 20 recycling sites in Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Recent developments include doubling the capacity of a recycling site in Brazil; and the opening of PETValue, the largest bottle-to-bottle recycling facility in the Philippines, in partnership with Coca-Cola. Both part of a $300 million ‘Blue Loan’ Indorama Ventures received in 2020 from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank, and Asian Development Bank. The loan has the objective of increasing recycling capacity and diverting plastic waste from landfills and oceans in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, and Brazil - countries seeking support in managing environmental waste. Indorama Ventures has also partnered with the Yunus Foundation, a leading non-profit organization promoting sustainable development with a global network, with the goal of educating one million consumers globally about recycling by 2030 with 200,000 reached so far.

