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WEITBLICK eröffnet virtuellen Showroom (c)WEITBLICK®

WEITBLICK eröffnet virtuellen Showroom

  • Unabhängig von Zeit und Raum

Weitblick, Produzent designorientierter Workwear, bietet seinen Kunden ab sofort ein Serviceversprechen auf höchstem Level. Der Workwear-Hersteller, der für nachhaltige und faire Textilproduktion steht, lädt herzlich in den interaktiven Showroom ein. An verschiedenen Stationen können Besucher künftig auf virtuellem Wege die neuesten Kollektionsstücke entdecken, hinter die Kulissen blicken und aktuelle Trends erstöbern. So macht Weitblick seinem Namen in Punkto Kundenservice erneut alle Ehre: Mit dem brandneuen, in der Welt der Workwear bis dato einzigartigen virtuellen Showroom überrascht das Kleinostheimer Familienunternehmen mit einer visionären Idee, die weit über die Grenzen der herkömmlichen Kundenorientierung hinausgeht. Der virtuelle Rundgang durch den offenen Raum im angesagten Industrial-Stil bietet zweifelsohne eine intelligente Möglichkeit, um die noch immer brandaktuelle Corona-Thematik zu umgehen. Für Weitblick geht der Gedanke des virtuellen Showrooms allerdings deutlich weiter. „Wir haben in den vergangenen Wochen gelernt, Meetings und Termine effektiv und informativ online durchzuführen.

  • Unabhängig von Zeit und Raum

Weitblick, Produzent designorientierter Workwear, bietet seinen Kunden ab sofort ein Serviceversprechen auf höchstem Level. Der Workwear-Hersteller, der für nachhaltige und faire Textilproduktion steht, lädt herzlich in den interaktiven Showroom ein. An verschiedenen Stationen können Besucher künftig auf virtuellem Wege die neuesten Kollektionsstücke entdecken, hinter die Kulissen blicken und aktuelle Trends erstöbern. So macht Weitblick seinem Namen in Punkto Kundenservice erneut alle Ehre: Mit dem brandneuen, in der Welt der Workwear bis dato einzigartigen virtuellen Showroom überrascht das Kleinostheimer Familienunternehmen mit einer visionären Idee, die weit über die Grenzen der herkömmlichen Kundenorientierung hinausgeht. Der virtuelle Rundgang durch den offenen Raum im angesagten Industrial-Stil bietet zweifelsohne eine intelligente Möglichkeit, um die noch immer brandaktuelle Corona-Thematik zu umgehen. Für Weitblick geht der Gedanke des virtuellen Showrooms allerdings deutlich weiter. „Wir haben in den vergangenen Wochen gelernt, Meetings und Termine effektiv und informativ online durchzuführen. So sparen wir Reisezeiten und schonen die Umwelt. Dieses nachhaltige Prinzip wenden wir nun auch auf die Präsentation unserer Kollektionen an“, erklärt Philipp Hartmann, Sales Director bei Weitblick. Denn der virtuelle Showroom bietet bedeutend mehr als nur eine digitale Präsentation der dekorierten Kollektionsstücke.

Begeisterung pur!

Wenngleich die Kleidungsstücke im virtuellen Showroom nicht angefasst, nicht gespürt werden können: jedes einzelne Teil wird durch diese Möglichkeit viel nahbarer und gibt dem Besucher eine klare Idee davon, wie Weitblick seine Kollektionen versteht und wie diese kombinierbar sind. Übrigens ist der Showroom in der virtuellen Version jederzeit verfügbar, unabhängig von Uhrzeit oder Wochentag. „Perfekter Kundenservice ist uns eine Herzensangelegenheit. Dabei spielt Flexibilität derzeit eine große Rolle. Unseren Kunden relevante Informationen zum gewünschten Zeitpunkt im gewünschten Rahmen zur Verfügung stellen zu können, hat uns zu diesem virtuellen Showroom inspiriert“, ergänzt Hartmann. Bei der 360°-Variante des Showrooms muss der Kunde nicht auf die gewohnten Weitblick- Services verzichten. Aktuelle Magazine und Kataloge sind direkt per Klick in der digitalen Blätterversion zu öffnen und zu lesen. Auf dem Flatscreen laufen auf Wunsch die neuesten Outfit- und Produktvideos. Und zahlreiche Hotspots bieten nicht nur einen guten Überblick über das Unternehmen und seine Kollektionen, sondern machen den Besuch bei Weitblick einfach zum Erlebnis. Auch eine individuelle, persönliche Tour ist möglich: Mit den Vertriebsmitarbeitern kann einfach ein Termin für eine gemeinsame Runde durch den Raum vereinbart werden. Diese wird digital durchgeführt – sicher, schnell und mit viel Raum für detaillierte Fragen. Ganz persönlich, nur eben virtuell. „Ich bin stolz, dass wir mit dem virtuellen Showroom im Sinne einer perfekten Customer-Journey neue Impulse setzen können und so eine optimale Möglichkeit des kontaktlosen, aber gleichzeitig persönlichen Kundenservices geschaffen haben“, ist Felix Blumenauer, Geschäftsführer bei Weitblick, von der Investition überzeugt.

Der Showroom ist ab sofort live und über den folgenden Link für Besucher offen:


WEITBLICK® | Gottfried Schmidt OHG

DTV und EFIT Imagekampagne zum Outdoor-Trend (c) kalim / Adobe Stock
Die neue Imagewerbung für DTV- und EFIT-Betriebe

DTV und EFIT Imagekampagne zum Outdoor-Trend

COVID 19 bleibt die Herausforderung: für die Betriebe im Wirtschaftsfeld Textilservice genauso wie für ihre Kunden. Bewusst setzen EFIT und DTV mit ihrer Winter-Kampagne optimistische Akzente und legen den Fokus auf Wintermode, die definitiv professionelle Pflege braucht. Die neuen Plakate sind gedruckt, die Downloads für alle Werbemittel online. Die Outdoor-Saison hat begonnen.

Kein Winter ohne Outdoormode!

„Auf Winter- und Outdoormode können unsere Kunden nicht verzichten, unabhängig von der Pandemie“, sagt EFIT-Geschäftsführer Daniel Dalkowski. „Und solange die Geschäfte geöffnet sind, haben wir die Chance, am Point of Sale aktiv zu werben. Das sollten wir jetzt mit Produktgruppen tun, die definitiv gefragt sind.“ Das neue Motiv zeige daher nicht nur ein Paar, das zuversichtlich nach vorne schaut, sondern auch genau die Warengruppen, die in der Textilreinigung definitiv besser gepflegt werden als in der heimischen Waschmaschine. Die Botschaft im griffigen Dreiklang wird auf Werbeflyern kurz und prägnant aufgegriffen und auf ausführlich erläutert.

COVID 19 bleibt die Herausforderung: für die Betriebe im Wirtschaftsfeld Textilservice genauso wie für ihre Kunden. Bewusst setzen EFIT und DTV mit ihrer Winter-Kampagne optimistische Akzente und legen den Fokus auf Wintermode, die definitiv professionelle Pflege braucht. Die neuen Plakate sind gedruckt, die Downloads für alle Werbemittel online. Die Outdoor-Saison hat begonnen.

Kein Winter ohne Outdoormode!

„Auf Winter- und Outdoormode können unsere Kunden nicht verzichten, unabhängig von der Pandemie“, sagt EFIT-Geschäftsführer Daniel Dalkowski. „Und solange die Geschäfte geöffnet sind, haben wir die Chance, am Point of Sale aktiv zu werben. Das sollten wir jetzt mit Produktgruppen tun, die definitiv gefragt sind.“ Das neue Motiv zeige daher nicht nur ein Paar, das zuversichtlich nach vorne schaut, sondern auch genau die Warengruppen, die in der Textilreinigung definitiv besser gepflegt werden als in der heimischen Waschmaschine. Die Botschaft im griffigen Dreiklang wird auf Werbeflyern kurz und prägnant aufgegriffen und auf ausführlich erläutert.

More information:
Branchenkampagne DTV EFIT Outdoor


Moncler launches Grenoble collection with Dyneema® Composite Fabric (c) DSM Protective Materials
DSM Protective Materials DSMPMPR003b

Moncler launches Grenoble collection with Dyneema® Composite Fabric

  • Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, today announced that, for the first time, Dyneema® Composite Fabrics are used by Moncler in the Fall/Winter 2020 Grenoble collection, which fuses form and function into high performance skiwear.

Moncler Grenoble is born of a passion for research and implements cutting-edge technology to push the limits of its potential. The design team identified Dyneema® as an innovative fabric it could use to push the level of its performance to the next peak, incorporating the material into the new collection as a departure from the conventional use of cotton and polyester.

  • Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, today announced that, for the first time, Dyneema® Composite Fabrics are used by Moncler in the Fall/Winter 2020 Grenoble collection, which fuses form and function into high performance skiwear.

Moncler Grenoble is born of a passion for research and implements cutting-edge technology to push the limits of its potential. The design team identified Dyneema® as an innovative fabric it could use to push the level of its performance to the next peak, incorporating the material into the new collection as a departure from the conventional use of cotton and polyester.

Sandro Mandrino, the Head of Design for Moncler Grenoble, was the first designer of the luxury fashion brand to incorporate Dyneema® into one of his creations through the Moncler Genius project. The Moncler Genius project advocates radical co-creation where multiple designers create their own signature collections in collaboration with the house. Together, these collections translate into one vision of the future and, as one of the nine designers, Mandrino’s interpretation of the future of fashion features Dyneema® Composite Fabric.

Using variations of the fabric in both white and black allowed Mandrino to bring his vision to life by merging skiwear, space suits and technology all in one. “ 3 Moncler Grenoble is first and foremost about performance,” states Mandrino, who integrated constructive solutions with fabric technology to develop a line that was meant to perform both on and off the ski slopes.

Dyneema®, the world’s strongest and lightest fiber, is 15 times stronger than steel yet light enough to float on water. The unmatched performance and protection of products made with Dyneema® have made it the material of choice in critical applications where failure is not an option for more than 30 years. In fabric form, Dyneema® is available in composites, denim, knits, wovens and hybrids for composite reinforcements. And because Dyneema® fabrics are made using Dyneema® fiber, they intrinsically provide high strength, low weight, waterproof and breathable properties – allowing designers to fuse the technical performance of ultra-light products with aesthetic design that doesn’t sacrifice strength or durability.

The Moncler team used the Grenoble collection as an opportunity to experiment and further understand the nature and behavior of Dyneema® fabrics, while simultaneously incorporating material performance with practical design. “Future collections will focus on expanding to new designs and fabric options in collaboration with DSM,” adds Mandrino.

“We are very excited to be working with the Moncler team to launch a collection of wonderful garments that allow people to explore the outdoors more safely and for longer periods of time,” states Marcio Manique, Global Business Director, Consumer & Professional Protection, DSM Protective Materials. “We look forward to further supporting Moncler as they develop innovative, high-tech garments that are also sustainably sourced through the introduction of bio-based Dyneema® fabrics.”

In line with DSM’s commitment to protect people and the environment they live in, the world’s first-ever bio-based ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber was introduced in May 2020. Bio-based Dyneema® boasts the same exact performance as conventional Dyneema® with a carbon footprint that is 90 percent lower than generic HMPE. DSM and Moncler’s continued partnership will not only provide high performance, light weight garments for outdoor enthusiasts but also environmentally sustainable alternatives that contribute to a more circular economy.


Kornit Digital: Calvi implemented the Kornit Avalanche HD6 system

Kornit Digital announced Vizela, Portugal-based Calvi has implemented the Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for efficient, retail-quality digital decoration on demand.

Founded in 1977, Calvi is a textile manufacturing company that works with national and international partners to deliver sportswear and casual apparel for men, women, and children. Now occupying a 6,600-square-meter facility and employing a team of more than 120 qualified professionals, they are committed to the evolution of textiles with regard to three fundamental values: quality, availability, and efficiency. In addition to their own e-commerce operation, Calvi produces about 100,000 t-shirts per week for brands like Pull & Bear, Zara, and Bershka.

“When we first contacted Kornit, it was very easy to create the partnership we have now,” says Anselmo Pereira, Head of Design at Calvi. “Kornit Avalanche really helped us to move faster, to be more ecological—we basically don’t have minimum quantities to produce.

Kornit Digital announced Vizela, Portugal-based Calvi has implemented the Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for efficient, retail-quality digital decoration on demand.

Founded in 1977, Calvi is a textile manufacturing company that works with national and international partners to deliver sportswear and casual apparel for men, women, and children. Now occupying a 6,600-square-meter facility and employing a team of more than 120 qualified professionals, they are committed to the evolution of textiles with regard to three fundamental values: quality, availability, and efficiency. In addition to their own e-commerce operation, Calvi produces about 100,000 t-shirts per week for brands like Pull & Bear, Zara, and Bershka.

“When we first contacted Kornit, it was very easy to create the partnership we have now,” says Anselmo Pereira, Head of Design at Calvi. “Kornit Avalanche really helped us to move faster, to be more ecological—we basically don’t have minimum quantities to produce.

“This company started with my grandfather, and then my father started running the business by himself,” says Catarina Lopes, Founder and CEO of the brand’s eco-conscious NÜWA division. “I started NÜWA, which has two pillars: Everything is sustainable, and we are inspired by people. We are sustainable; we don’t have to create more water waste or use more resources. Our products are made from recycled cotton, recycled polyester, and organic cotton. We only use digital printing because it’s water inks; we don’t have to use chemicals in our products.”


pr4u / Kornit

Ayca Tuncel (Head of Sales DE/AT) (c) Woolrich
Ayca Tuncel (Head of Sales DE/AT)

Ayca Tuncel (Head of Sales DE/AT) verlässt Woolrich Germany GmbH

Im Zuge des Verkaufs der Woolrich Europe SPA an die Private Equity LGAM und der damit verbundenen strategischen Neuausrichtung der Marke, verlässt Head of Sales DE/AT Ayca Tuncel nach siebeneinhalb Jahren das Unternehmen auf eigenen Wunsch. Seit 2013 begleitete Tuncel als Key Account Manager DE/AT den stetigen Aufbau der Marke und war ab dem Jahr 2016 als Head of Sales maßgeblich am Erfolg der letzten Jahre beteiligt.

„Besonders schätze ich die Zusammenarbeit mit der Mutterfirma. Immer auf einer persönlichen und menschlichen Ebene. Man war sehr nah an dem Unternehmen selbst - die enge Beziehung war stets inspirierend. Man hatte das Gefühl ein wichtiger Baustein der Company zu sein!“

Nach Dolce and Gabbana, AG Jeans, Blauer USA und Polo Ralph Lauren sowie der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit mit der Woolrich Germany GmbH lässt sich sagen, dass Ayca Tuncel dem Luxury & Outdoor Segment erhalten bleiben wird. Dabei setzt sie den Fokus neuer Projekte in Zukunft verstärkt auf Transparenz und Integrität.

Im Zuge des Verkaufs der Woolrich Europe SPA an die Private Equity LGAM und der damit verbundenen strategischen Neuausrichtung der Marke, verlässt Head of Sales DE/AT Ayca Tuncel nach siebeneinhalb Jahren das Unternehmen auf eigenen Wunsch. Seit 2013 begleitete Tuncel als Key Account Manager DE/AT den stetigen Aufbau der Marke und war ab dem Jahr 2016 als Head of Sales maßgeblich am Erfolg der letzten Jahre beteiligt.

„Besonders schätze ich die Zusammenarbeit mit der Mutterfirma. Immer auf einer persönlichen und menschlichen Ebene. Man war sehr nah an dem Unternehmen selbst - die enge Beziehung war stets inspirierend. Man hatte das Gefühl ein wichtiger Baustein der Company zu sein!“

Nach Dolce and Gabbana, AG Jeans, Blauer USA und Polo Ralph Lauren sowie der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit mit der Woolrich Germany GmbH lässt sich sagen, dass Ayca Tuncel dem Luxury & Outdoor Segment erhalten bleiben wird. Dabei setzt sie den Fokus neuer Projekte in Zukunft verstärkt auf Transparenz und Integrität.

„Im Aufbau von Premium-Marken geht es vorrangig um ein gesundes Vertriebs-Distributionsnetz – die Zusammenarbeit mit den Einzelhändlern sollte dabei mehr denn je Priorität sein. Man muss gewisse Gegebenheiten nutzen, um sich auf einen Transformationsprozess einzulassen. Wege entstehen dadurch, dass man sie geht.“

More information:
Woolrich Europe SPA

Komet und Helden GmbH

Lockdown light: Massive Umsatzeinbrüche in erster November-Woche (c) BTE Handelsverband Textil
BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost

Lockdown light: Massive Umsatzeinbrüche in erster November-Woche

Der stationäre Fashionhandel ist handelsweit unverändert die Branche, die am stärksten unter der Corona-Pandemie leidet. Bereits Mitte Oktober waren mit dem Anstieg der Infizierten-Zahlen und den damit verbundenen Warnungen der Politik die Kundenfrequenzen und Umsätze in den Mode- und Schuhgeschäften massiv eingebrochen. Der Shutdown der Gastronomie und der Freizeitbranche hat die Kundenfrequenzen noch einmal nach unten gedrückt. „Nach ersten BTE-Berechnungen liegen die Umsätze in der ersten November-Woche branchenweit rund 40 Prozent unter Vorjahr, in etlichen Fällen kamen Modehändler nicht mal auf die Hälfte ihrer üblichen Umsätze“, berichtet BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Aktuell machen die meisten Geschäfte jeden Tag Verlust, weil die Umsätze nicht mal die anfallenden Kosten decken.“

Der stationäre Fashionhandel ist handelsweit unverändert die Branche, die am stärksten unter der Corona-Pandemie leidet. Bereits Mitte Oktober waren mit dem Anstieg der Infizierten-Zahlen und den damit verbundenen Warnungen der Politik die Kundenfrequenzen und Umsätze in den Mode- und Schuhgeschäften massiv eingebrochen. Der Shutdown der Gastronomie und der Freizeitbranche hat die Kundenfrequenzen noch einmal nach unten gedrückt. „Nach ersten BTE-Berechnungen liegen die Umsätze in der ersten November-Woche branchenweit rund 40 Prozent unter Vorjahr, in etlichen Fällen kamen Modehändler nicht mal auf die Hälfte ihrer üblichen Umsätze“, berichtet BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Aktuell machen die meisten Geschäfte jeden Tag Verlust, weil die Umsätze nicht mal die anfallenden Kosten decken.“

Betriebswirtschaftlich ist das Jahr ohnehin nicht mehr zu retten. Bis auf wenige glückliche Ausnahmen dürften 2020 so gut wie alle Textil- und Schuhgeschäfte tief in den roten Zahlen landen. Diese Geschäfte werden nur überleben, wenn sie auf Reserven und Gespartes zurückgreifen können. Bei vielen Unternehmern ist das gleichbedeutend mit dem Verzehr oder sogar vollständigen Verlust der Altersversorgung. „Im Gegensatz zu Großunternehmen können sich die meisten Mittelständler auch nicht über eine Insolvenz entschulden, da sie in der Regel persönlich haften“, weiß Jost.

Es ist daher zu erwarten, dass im nächsten Jahr viele Mode- und Schuhgeschäfte für immer schließen werden, weil sie die neue Ware und die Miete nicht mehr bezahlen können. Für die Innenstädte ist diese Entwicklung dramatisch. Das Ladensterben wird viele Standorte zu Geisterstädten machen und auch in den Lauflagen der Großstädte werden viele Lichter für immer ausgehen. „Wenn die Politik dies verhindern will, brauchen wir massive direkte Hilfen“, fordert BTE-Präsident Jost.

Digitalisierung und Online-Verkauf sind dabei keinesfalls ein Allheilmittel. Denn ein Verkauf über Online-Plattformen wie Amazon oder Zalando kostet den Händler rund 20 Prozent vom Umsatz. „Da die durchschnittliche Umsatzrendite im mittelständischen Modehandel bei rund drei Prozent vom Umsatz liegt, ist dies für stationäre Multilabel-Händler keine wirkliche Option“, rechnet Jost vor. „Wir können bei insgesamt sinkenden Umsätzen nicht gleichzeitig die Kosten für den Betrieb eines stationären Geschäftes und die eines Online-Händlers stemmen.“

Für Jost würde das nur funktionieren, wenn die Geschäfte sowohl bei den Mieten als auch bei den Plattform-Gebühren massiv entlastet werden. Nötig ist hier ein deutliches Entgegenkommen von Vermietern und Plattform-Betreibern. Jost: „Die aktuelle Ankündigung von Zalando, zumindest bis zum ersten Quartal im Händler-Programm auf die Partner-Provision zu verzichten, ist da ein richtiger Schritt.“


BTE Handelsverband Textil

Lakme Fashion Week: Indian fashion meets Japan with Bemberg (c) Bemberg™
Two look from Hemang Agrawal collection made using Bemberg™ fabrics

Lakme Fashion Week: Indian fashion meets Japan with Bemberg

  • Lakmé Fashion Week 2020
  • Bemberg™ fibers empower “Tattva”
  • Hemang Agrawal's new craft-tech collection

Smart tech fibers, contemporary style and heritage. Past, present and future are intertwined in the new ‘Tattva’ collection by famous Indian designer Hemang Agrawal who has teamed up with Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese yarn manufacturer leading in both high-performative innovation and sustainability. The collection comprises textiles entirely conceived and created by the designer. A new chapter for Bemberg™ glamorous uniqueness for high-end fashion, first Japanese reality that participated at Lakmé Fashion Week 2020, the biggest fashion event in India.

Made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, Bemberg™ fibers add responsible values to the collection, matching perfectly the vision and the ethic of Hemang Agrawal, a designer with more than one eye on sustainability, innovation and deep knowledge and respect for traditional Indian crafts and culture.

  • Lakmé Fashion Week 2020
  • Bemberg™ fibers empower “Tattva”
  • Hemang Agrawal's new craft-tech collection

Smart tech fibers, contemporary style and heritage. Past, present and future are intertwined in the new ‘Tattva’ collection by famous Indian designer Hemang Agrawal who has teamed up with Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, the Japanese yarn manufacturer leading in both high-performative innovation and sustainability. The collection comprises textiles entirely conceived and created by the designer. A new chapter for Bemberg™ glamorous uniqueness for high-end fashion, first Japanese reality that participated at Lakmé Fashion Week 2020, the biggest fashion event in India.

Made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, Bemberg™ fibers add responsible values to the collection, matching perfectly the vision and the ethic of Hemang Agrawal, a designer with more than one eye on sustainability, innovation and deep knowledge and respect for traditional Indian crafts and culture.

Tattva debuted at the Lakmé Fashion Week 2020 and comprises 40 exquisite pieces for men and women, all inspired by the 12 Tattva – the natural elements bringing harmony in the universe, according to the Indian scriptures and tradition. Motifs representing these elements, including quirky versions of moon-phases, tigers, human mind & DaVinci’s Vitruvian man were woven into the glittering fabrics. The collection was crafted harnessing the skills of Indian handlooms artisans in the designer’s hometown Benares (Varanasi).

Tattva featured Bemberg™ brocades as the predominant textile, along with plain Bemberg™ fabrics and a few blends. The result is a magnificent touch, fabrics are distinctively smooth like silk, second skin-like, shining, and bright. On top of that, Bemberg™ yarns add a new dimension in terms of sustainability and comfort by boosting antistatic and breathable performances, amazing precious touch while being also biodegradable and compostable.

“We are so happy that we participated in LFW and collaborated with Hemang Agrawal.” Says Mr. Hideto Tanimoto, General Manager, Bemberg™ Sales and Marketing Department. “The collection has come out really wonderful and has brought out the properties of Bemberg yarn such as noble sheen, smooth and soft touch, bright colour, supple drape amazingly. I strongly believe that the collection made significant impact on the sustainable fashion scene in India. We are expecting that the collection will be successful commercially and will help the local craftsman from Varanasi.”

The collection blends crafts and technology, Indian tradition and Japanese innovation, sustainability and high-end style. Designer Hemang Agrawal says, “The dexterity which the weavers in Benares have acquired, finds few parallels in the world. Although predominantly a silk-weaving centre, many master-weavers in the city are highly skilful in handling different yarn types. Japan, on the other hand, is well-known for its advanced technologies as well as its approach towards environment and sustainability as a country. Both these facts are well-reflected in the Bemberg™ Yarn”

“During our R&D, we found that the yarn, which is available in various counts and deniers is highly adaptable. The lustre, hand-feel, strength and colour depth are very well-suited for premium textiles, which come out of our looms. For the collection ‘Tattva,’ our endeavour has been to merge the skill-set of Benares weavers with qualities of the Bemberg™ yarn, to create textiles and apparel, which transcend the boundaries of what is termed as traditional Benarasi."

With the Tattva collection Hemang Agrawal and Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei show a new way of making fashion: merging craft & tech, cutting-edge materials and deeply rooted traditions. A stunning collection marking the rise of craft-tech, a trend going beyond the dichotomy of ancient and new, injecting the human-based into the high-tech and a futuristic imprint into heritage. Like the 12 Tattva, a new harmony takes shape, intertwined into exquisitely stylish garments.

vombaur: Composites for Aviation and Automotive (c) vombaur
Pioneering tech tex

vombaur: Composites for Aviation and Automotive

  • Composite textiles for modern mobility
  • Extremely lightweight, high tensile components by vombaur

In the snow, on a plane, in an electric vehicle or on a bicycle: no matter where and how we are on the road – composite textiles by vombaur ensure that we make good progress. With materials that are both extremely light and extremely reliable.

Lightweight components for modern mobility
Modern mobility relies on high-tech lightweight components Narrow textiles by vombaur are woven from high-performance fibres. On looms that are specially made for particularly demanding composite textiles: the textile company uses special machines to produce high-tech woven tapes with closed selvedges and elasticated UD tubulars that retain their 0° orientation over the entire length of the component – regardless of the diameter. Since they do not exhibit undesired break points caused by seams or welding, they not only have a particularly high bursting strength, they are also extremely reliable and durable.

  • Composite textiles for modern mobility
  • Extremely lightweight, high tensile components by vombaur

In the snow, on a plane, in an electric vehicle or on a bicycle: no matter where and how we are on the road – composite textiles by vombaur ensure that we make good progress. With materials that are both extremely light and extremely reliable.

Lightweight components for modern mobility
Modern mobility relies on high-tech lightweight components Narrow textiles by vombaur are woven from high-performance fibres. On looms that are specially made for particularly demanding composite textiles: the textile company uses special machines to produce high-tech woven tapes with closed selvedges and elasticated UD tubulars that retain their 0° orientation over the entire length of the component – regardless of the diameter. Since they do not exhibit undesired break points caused by seams or welding, they not only have a particularly high bursting strength, they are also extremely reliable and durable.

Challenging applications
"From snowboards to aerospace – the applications for our composite textiles are demanding; the mechanical, chemical and thermal requirements are extreme," explains COO Christoph Schliefer. "As a development partner, we at vombaur are therefore often involved in product development at an early stage. We specify our woven tapes and tubulars individually for each project to suit the specific task at hand."

High quality raw materials, wide variety of geometries
The variety of shapes is virtually unlimited. vombaur manufactures 3D fabrics for composites in individual special shapes from carbon, aramid, glass or hybrids. Curves, edges, tubulars, spiral fabrics – the shape of the 3D fabrics, like the material itself, depends entirely on the task at hand. Powder or non-woven coatings create additional important properties.

Pioneering tech tex
"Developments in the field of modern mobility are happening at a rapid pace," emphasizes Schliefer. "With our composite textiles for extremely lightweight and high tenacity components, we at vombaur are also pushing these developments forward."

Sateri Sustainability Vision for 2030 (c) Sateri

Sateri Launches Sustainability Vision for 2030

  • Sateri pledges to Be World’s Leading Net-Positive Fibre Producer

Sateri, one of the world’s largest viscose producer, has launched its sustainability vision for 2030 to guide the company’s strategic growth in the coming decade. The Vision is anchored around four key pillars in response to environmental and social challenges faced by the cellulosic fibre industry: Climate and Ecosystem Protection, Closed Loop Production, Innovation and Circularity, and Inclusive Growth.

The Vision comes with a time-bound roadmap and measurable targets. It encompasses notable targets including net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, achieving 98% Sulphur recovery rate at all its mills by 2025, utilising textile waste and produce viscose products with 50% recycled content by 2025 and 100% by 2030, and supporting more than 300,000 local families and smallholder farmers to develop sustainable livelihoods.

  • Sateri pledges to Be World’s Leading Net-Positive Fibre Producer

Sateri, one of the world’s largest viscose producer, has launched its sustainability vision for 2030 to guide the company’s strategic growth in the coming decade. The Vision is anchored around four key pillars in response to environmental and social challenges faced by the cellulosic fibre industry: Climate and Ecosystem Protection, Closed Loop Production, Innovation and Circularity, and Inclusive Growth.

The Vision comes with a time-bound roadmap and measurable targets. It encompasses notable targets including net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, achieving 98% Sulphur recovery rate at all its mills by 2025, utilising textile waste and produce viscose products with 50% recycled content by 2025 and 100% by 2030, and supporting more than 300,000 local families and smallholder farmers to develop sustainable livelihoods.

Highlighting the significance of the Vision to the company, Sateri’s President Allen Zhang said, “As a raw material supplier, Sateri will do our part and respond to the urgent need to decouple growth from further resource impact. This is something that will underpin our growth, in addition to QPC (Quality, Productivity, Cost) and continuous improvement which are well-embedded in the company.”*

Sateri’s 2030 Vision was conceived after months of discussions with management members and external stakeholders including customers, brands and NGOs. The process was facilitated by BSR, a sustainability consultancy, led by its Asia Pacific Vice President, Jeremy Prepscius.

“The challenges facing the garment industry require all value chain participants to invest, innovate and integrate sustainability into their business models. This requires leadership and alignment and will need determination to succeed, which is what Sateri is striving to do,” said Prepscius.*

In the coming months, Sateri will form workgroups to develop action plans to deliver on the identified targets. Progress towards realising Sateri 2030 Vision will be reported in the company’s annual sustainability report and online sustainability dashboard.

Read more about Sateri 2030 Vision:


*Please see attached document for more information


Omnicom Public Relations Group

New compression standard for sports and leisure garments © Hohenstein
The Hohenstein HOSYcan testing device can be used to determine the compression effect of textile materials.

New compression standard for sports and leisure garments

  • In cooperation with partners, testing service provider Hohenstein has created the new DIN SPEC 4868, which will define the market standard and testing protocols for compression behaviour of sportswear.

Until now, there has been no uniform standard in the booming sports and leisure segment. Claims of textile compression properties could not be checked transparently and understandably. The DIN SPEC 4868 test method combined with the HOSYcan compression tester will enable objective comparison of products and materials and provide analytical performance data with regard to the desired properties.

Florian Girmond, the Hohenstein expert in charge of developing the new standard, is convinced of the opportunities it offers to the entire industry: "The objective and precise data obtained with HOSYcan will serve as the basis for innovative product development as well as for quality assurance and competitive comparisons.”

  • In cooperation with partners, testing service provider Hohenstein has created the new DIN SPEC 4868, which will define the market standard and testing protocols for compression behaviour of sportswear.

Until now, there has been no uniform standard in the booming sports and leisure segment. Claims of textile compression properties could not be checked transparently and understandably. The DIN SPEC 4868 test method combined with the HOSYcan compression tester will enable objective comparison of products and materials and provide analytical performance data with regard to the desired properties.

Florian Girmond, the Hohenstein expert in charge of developing the new standard, is convinced of the opportunities it offers to the entire industry: "The objective and precise data obtained with HOSYcan will serve as the basis for innovative product development as well as for quality assurance and competitive comparisons.”

In addition to the test scenarios defined in DIN SPEC 4868, HOSYcan can also be customised for special requirements and covers the entire range of products, from compression cuffs and socks to shapewear, for example, shirts, underwear and trousers.



PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events (c) Premium Group
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

We have carried out market research and surveyed exhibitors, partners and buyers on the current circumstances. The objective was to obtain a data-based assessment of the current economic situation, a summary of the success of the exclusively digital events, and insights into the requirements of our network with regard to the physical trade shows. Following analysis of the data gathered we have established that there is a personal wish for an event to happen – inclusive of the appropriate hygiene measures – however, this is unfortunately not currently possible from a professional perspective. As long as there are delays to production and constantly changing travel and contact restrictions in place, we cannot put on any trade shows, conferences or events that would meet our demands or the demands of our exhibitors.

We have therefore decided not to hold PREMIUM, SEEK or FASHIONTECH next January. This was an incredibly difficult decision to make. Especially because we didn't want to say goodbye to Berlin without a fitting farewell.

Now, though, it’s about looking forward and concentrating on what is certain: Frankfurt Fashion Week, which we will be staging in July 2021 together with Messe Frankfurt, the City of Frankfurt and the region of Hessen. We have big plans and are working on a new, fresh start – not only for us, but also for all stakeholders in the fashion industry, nationally and internationally.

Another press conference is planned for the end of November, when we shall be introducing new concepts, partners and event formats. Preparations are already in full swing: we are having numerous discussions, sitting in workshops, activating partners, designers, publishers, politics and society so as to get a unique, fully formed event successfully up and running. Expectations are huge – and we intend to satisfy them. We are putting all our energy into this future-focussed project.

With the aim of being able to share our enthusiasm, we are planning a FFW Preview to present the new locations in Frankfurt am Main and the concepts to journalists, brands and retailers at the beginning of next year.

Until then, all we can say is this: stay curious. Stay optimistic. Because even though there won't be any events this coming January, the show does go on. True to form, that means there will be more business opportunities than ever before, along with innovative formats, events and conferences and a fully formed city concept that has never been imagined before.”


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Econnection (c) Penn Textile Solutions

Penn Textile Solutions: Collaborative business model gives life to ECONNECTION

Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia - international company producing and developing innovative fabrics through warp and weft knitting technologies, Tessitura Colombo Antonio, famous for the processing of lace and ribbons dedicated to the world of corsetry, Elastici Besana specialized in the production of narrow elastic for corsetry and underwear, have been working together to expand the frontiers of sustainable manufacture practices and to offer an innovative collection, a new set of eco high tech innovations delivering a responsibility concept including also the end of life: ECONNECTION.

The responsible ECONNECTION collection, in which the words ECO and CONNECTION mixed to underline the importance of connect and come together for a sustainable project, features:

  • 7 advanced knitted stretch fabrics by Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia,
  • 3 precious laces by Tessitura Colombo Antonio
  • 3 functional bands by Elastici Besana

The project opened up the door to new generation of ingredients such as:

Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia - international company producing and developing innovative fabrics through warp and weft knitting technologies, Tessitura Colombo Antonio, famous for the processing of lace and ribbons dedicated to the world of corsetry, Elastici Besana specialized in the production of narrow elastic for corsetry and underwear, have been working together to expand the frontiers of sustainable manufacture practices and to offer an innovative collection, a new set of eco high tech innovations delivering a responsibility concept including also the end of life: ECONNECTION.

The responsible ECONNECTION collection, in which the words ECO and CONNECTION mixed to underline the importance of connect and come together for a sustainable project, features:

  • 7 advanced knitted stretch fabrics by Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia,
  • 3 precious laces by Tessitura Colombo Antonio
  • 3 functional bands by Elastici Besana

The project opened up the door to new generation of ingredients such as:

  • ROICA™ V550 made by leading fiber manufacturer Asahi Kasei, a premium sustainable stretch yarn that at the end of his life smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification and also boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute** as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health.
  • Amni Soul Eco®, the world’s first biodegradable in anaerobic conditions polyamide 6.6 yarn that degrades in around 5 years* after disposing in landfill, developed by SOLVAY and produced and distributed in Italy by FULGAR.


Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection (c) Bemberg™
Women’s Sand kimono, matching sleep mask and pillowcase made of Bemberg™

Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

Bemberg™ is a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters bio-utility materials that are converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process; the Bemberg™ Ipeker Textile  fabric’s uniqueness comes from the exceptional quality characteristics achieved in design. The end result is a luxurious fabric so soft and smooth that it is almost like a second skin, breathes like cotton, drapes beautifully like silk, and reflects the cultural tradition of luxury textiles from founder Nilufer Bracco’s native country, Turkey. The first collection released by Miami based niLuu features premium quality kimono robes, sleep masks, face masks, and pillowcases that are available in a variety of deep and vibrant colors, and with a soft-brushed finish typical of premium sand-washed silk.

Designed to not only feel and look amazing but the entire niLuu collection is sustainable, biodegradable and 100% vegan.  Ipeker Textile, one of the major Bemberg™ fabric producers in Europe, proudly holds the title as the first vegan fabric producer in the world, receiving Vegan V-Label certificate on around 150 different products that adhere to the guidelines of the European Vegetarian Label, most of them developed with Bemberg™ yarn.

niLuu’s innovative Bemberg™ collection is hypoallergenic, antistatic, easy to care for, and it is also known to have several benefits for the skin. The breathability of the fabric helps to maintain body temperature; excellent moisture control means the fabric doesn’t dry out the skin or hair in the ways that cotton would and minimal friction against the skin means it is also known to have anti-aging benefits.  Speaking of niLuu’s high-quality Bemberg™ fabric, Founder, Nilufer Bracco adds, “Our innovative Bemberg™ vegan silk delivers the best of both worlds. Not only does our luxury fabric feel amazing when you use it, but you can also feel good knowing that it caused minimum harm to the planet when it was produced and that it will leave only the slightest trace when it reaches the end of its lifecycle.”

The luxury textiles brand has also shown its commitment to responsible practices, by partnering with 1% for the Planet pledging to donate 1% of their annual revenue to environmental organizations that work hard to protect our planet.

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry (c) RUDOLF Group

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

At RUDOLF GROUP modern, real science means pushing R&D so to constantly explore new technology and innovations that help transform the textile and fashion industries. We work to reduce the overall dependency on traditional and virgin resources.  Getting textile manufacturers as well as brand and retailers on board is key to achieve real change. By 2030 we aim for a significant fraction of our products to be either sourced through paths alternative to the traditional petrochemicals, or by upcycling waste and/or byproducts from other industries.

“This is the kind of genuine, tangible, environmental consciousness that truly defines us and that entails that RUDOLF GROUP has a responsibility for the needs of society as a whole.” Said Alberto De Conti, Head of Rudolf Fashion Division “We have a maniacal attention to the environmental impact of our operations and products. We have truly embedded in ourselves the notion that “sustainability” is a key issue and critical to the long-term survival of our company and of society at large. “

The combination of modern, real science and environmental consciousness leads to what RUDOLF GROUP call aspirational chemistry something unique and something that positions us as shining example and guiding light throughout the industry. That is, in fact, BETTER CHEMISTRY.

Two are the innovations rooted in aspirational chemistry that RUDOLF HUB1922 presents. The first one is our WASHLESS technology and the second one is a brand new launch: LASER SMOOTHER, which supports laser technology and helps creating much better denim looks.


HUB1922 WASHLESS, which can be applied to both denim and non-denim, is the simultaneous application of
-    proprietary fluorine-free DWR (Durable Water Resistance) based on biomimicry to repel dirt
-    anti-microbial, anti-bacteria and anti-viral, non-migrating chemistry to stop body odour.
The combination of the 2 translates into garments that don’t require to be washed as much.

Life cycle assessment studies on clothes, detergents and washing machines show that home laundering is always the most energy‐demanding period during these products' life cycle, even higher than production or transportation phases.

“WASHLESS aims at changing consumer habits in clothing maintenance to a more environmentally friendly direction and represents a change that is the most feasible and efficient. Making washing machines obsolete is impossible, but even though the technologies in clothes cleaning have improved greatly, the washing frequency has not been reduced. We own more and more clothing and wash it more frequently. This increased amount of washing counteracts the technological improvements in home laundry. “ said De Conti.

It is only by understanding the climate change impact associated with home laundering that product innovations and consumer education can be explored. Studies consistently show that a carbon dioxide reduction of 105 MT and electricity savings of 142 thousand GWh can be obtained by reducing home laundering, on average, by 1/3. This is roughly equivalent to removing 12% of the 140 M passenger cars in the US, or taking 23 coal power plants off the grid. In addition, more than 60% of water consumed while laundering (2,000 billion liters) can be reduced through these strategies.


Laser denim is the current dominant technology available to the denim industry to create locally abraded areas, vintage effects, whiskers, patterns, patches, and even intentional holes and tears in a garment. Laser technology uses less water, harmful chemicals (such as potassium permanganate) and energy to create a wide variety of denim looks.

However, laser is not always able to produce the desired look, on the desired fabric, in the desired time. Therefore, chemical companies have been developing laser boosters that can be pre-applied to the garments in order to intensify the effect of the laser to mimic heavier bleaching applications. Unfortunately, laser boosters can create blurred images where the definition is lower and the overall image less natural.

The brand new RUDOLF HUB1922 LASER SMOOTHER is an all-in-one formulation, very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning and that return a very natural image which is very similar to the highly desirable hand scraping. Laser smoother can be applied by traditional exhaust or through nebulization and it dries at normal temperature in normal tumble driers.  Advantages of LASER PRIMER are:

•    Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics (heightening of material)
•    Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping (craftsmanship dimension)
•    Reduced required laser power to achieve the wanted effect (conspicuous energy saving)
•    A faster laser burning process (significant time saving, depending on the final effect)
•    Any other chemical spray is not required (environmental friendliness)
•    Reduced cost compared to other solution (financial viability)

More information:
Rudolf Group HUB1922 Denim


Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk © Tonello
Sustainable denim collection by Piero Turk

Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The All-in-One System performs all washing operations by integrating 4 sustainable technologies into a single machine: ECOfree 2, which uses ozone in both the water and air; NoStone® for authentic and pumice-free stone-wash effects; UP, for washing processes with at least 50% less water; Core, a nebulizing system improving performance and reducing water consumption.

As a result of The Laundry (R )Evolution, Tonello developed two innovative and patent-pending processes: OBleach and Wake.

OBleach is the new Tonello process, which, by using only ozone, “returns to the future” with an authentic, sustainable and cool Bleach. Without chemicals.
This is possible thanks to a combination of the technologies part of our All-In-One System.
In short, the real Bleach without Bleach has finally arrived. And this in the year of the total ban of permanganate too.

Wake is the first totally natural dyeing system that uses only plants and biodegradable vegetable waste like flowers, berries and roots, without harmful chemicals additives.

The capsule collection will be displayed at KINGPINS24 on October 27th during the seminar held by Alice Tonello and Piero Turk.

Regional-Hero-Gründer Pascal Schreiber (c) Kopf & Kragen Fotografie
Regional-Hero-Gründer Pascal Schreiber

Aktion zur Rettung des Einzelhandels: PRENZL LATE NIGHT am 30. Oktober

Am 30. Oktober findet von 18 bis 23 Uhr zwischen Stargarder Straße und Helmholtzplatz im Prenzlauer Berg die PRENZL LATE NIGHT statt. In über 20 teilnehmenden Geschäften und Gastronomiebetrieben können Shopping- und Gastronomie-Fans nach Herzenslust shoppen und sich verköstigen lassen. Das Event findet unter voller Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Corona-Maßnahmen und in enger Abstimmung mit dem Gesundheitsamt Pankow statt.

Das Ziel der Aktion: Die teilnehmenden Geschäfte und Restaurants einem größeren Publikum bekannt zu machen, damit sie zumindest einen kleinen Teil der durch Corona entstandenen Verluste wieder wettmachen können.

Organisiert und beworben wird das Event von „Regional Hero“, dem Erfinder von „DAS B Card“ und den Fashion-Concept-Stores „Victoria met Albert” und “Albert”. Das B Card ist ein Gutschein, mit dem speziell der inhabergeführte Einzelhandel und lokale Gastronomie unterstützt wird.

Am 30. Oktober findet von 18 bis 23 Uhr zwischen Stargarder Straße und Helmholtzplatz im Prenzlauer Berg die PRENZL LATE NIGHT statt. In über 20 teilnehmenden Geschäften und Gastronomiebetrieben können Shopping- und Gastronomie-Fans nach Herzenslust shoppen und sich verköstigen lassen. Das Event findet unter voller Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Corona-Maßnahmen und in enger Abstimmung mit dem Gesundheitsamt Pankow statt.

Das Ziel der Aktion: Die teilnehmenden Geschäfte und Restaurants einem größeren Publikum bekannt zu machen, damit sie zumindest einen kleinen Teil der durch Corona entstandenen Verluste wieder wettmachen können.

Organisiert und beworben wird das Event von „Regional Hero“, dem Erfinder von „DAS B Card“ und den Fashion-Concept-Stores „Victoria met Albert” und “Albert”. Das B Card ist ein Gutschein, mit dem speziell der inhabergeführte Einzelhandel und lokale Gastronomie unterstützt wird.

„Uns geht es darum, Lieblingsorte im Prenzlauer Berg zu stärken“, sagt Regional-Hero-Gründer Pascal Schreiber. „Natürlich gibt es ein ausgefeiltes Hygiene-Konzept, das stets an die aktuellen Anforderungen angepasst wird. Uns ist es wichtig, regionale Geschäfte und Restaurants gerade in diesen schwierigen Zeiten zu helfen.“


Regional Hero

PremiumSeek (c) PREMIUM GROUP

PREMIUM+SEEK Passport: Results of digital trade show

Over 300 brands have spent three months showcasing their offerings at the world’s first digital trade show. PREMIUM+SEEK Passport, in collaboration with JOOR, provided the industry with a digital addition to the physical trade shows that were unable to take place at all this summer, due to the current situation. The virtual event concluded yesterday.

Over 300 brands have spent three months showcasing their offerings at the world’s first digital trade show. PREMIUM+SEEK Passport, in collaboration with JOOR, provided the industry with a digital addition to the physical trade shows that were unable to take place at all this summer, due to the current situation. The virtual event concluded yesterday.

“The event was a success: it reached a network of 200,000 buyers, logged over 20,000 visits, and over 80,000 products were sold. The brands that achieved especially good results were those that engaged their own buyer contacts and networks and introduced them to the platform. Things are actually the same as always, the principle remains the same. Success doesn't just happen by itself,” says Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP. “There was a strong focus on communicative value at this digital event. We feel that creating visibility for new potential brands and customers is the best thing we can do to add value for our customers in the current situation. We have worked intensively on how we position ourselves in this crisis, which services we can deliver, and how we can offer our customers and partners support of lasting relevance.”

It is not yet possible to announce a final, definitive decision on the PREMIUM GROUP’s January events. The market analysis carried out with exhibitors, partners and retailers is currently being evaluated. The current developments in the number of infections and forecasts by the Federal Government also have an influence on this. These provide reliable data that can serve as the basis for a well-informed and representative assessment of whether and how the trade shows and conferences will be able to take place. Further information on the PREMIUM GROUP events will follow at the end of October.
What is certain is that, for the first time, the PREMIUM GROUP and Messe Frankfurt will be putting on their SEEK, PREMIUM, FASHIONTECH, Neonyt and FashionSustain events – along with a host of other highlights – from 6-8 July 2021 as part of Frankfurt Fashion Week 2021. New business platforms, glamorous events, innovative formats and content hubs will be unveiled to the fashion industry – not just in a new setting, but in a totally new guise.

MHK (c) dfv Conference Group GmbH

Modehandels-Kongress 2020: Die Branche trifft sich digital

Der Modehandels-Kongress wird dieses Jahr live aus Frankfurt übertragen. Anders als ursprünglich geplant, trifft sich die Branche nicht Ende Oktober in Düsseldorf, sondern diskutiert am 25. und 26. November digital über die aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen der Branche.

Für die Modebranche war 2020 ein Jahr mit nie zuvor dagewesenen Herausforderungen. Nichts ist, wie es war. Monate voller Unwägbarkeiten. Leere Läden. Kaum verlässliche Abverkaufszahlen, volle Läger, rote Preise. Kunden, die nicht wiederzuerkennen sind. Andererseits ist auch so manches in Bewegung gekommen in diesem Jahr, gerade im Digitalen. E-Commerce und Social Selling boomen mehr denn je. Neue Vertriebswege wurden erschlossen. Und langsam kehrt bei den Kunden die Kauflust zurück. Ist das jetzt die „neue Normalität“? Und welche weiteren Herausforderungen bringt 2021?

Der Modehandels-Kongress wird dieses Jahr live aus Frankfurt übertragen. Anders als ursprünglich geplant, trifft sich die Branche nicht Ende Oktober in Düsseldorf, sondern diskutiert am 25. und 26. November digital über die aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen der Branche.

Für die Modebranche war 2020 ein Jahr mit nie zuvor dagewesenen Herausforderungen. Nichts ist, wie es war. Monate voller Unwägbarkeiten. Leere Läden. Kaum verlässliche Abverkaufszahlen, volle Läger, rote Preise. Kunden, die nicht wiederzuerkennen sind. Andererseits ist auch so manches in Bewegung gekommen in diesem Jahr, gerade im Digitalen. E-Commerce und Social Selling boomen mehr denn je. Neue Vertriebswege wurden erschlossen. Und langsam kehrt bei den Kunden die Kauflust zurück. Ist das jetzt die „neue Normalität“? Und welche weiteren Herausforderungen bringt 2021?

Der diesjährige Modehandels-Kongress – vom BTE und der TW erstmals als zweitägige Digital Conference veranstaltet – gibt Antworten. Und blickt weit über das nächste Jahr hinaus. „The New Retail“ lautet das Motto in diesem Jahr. Im Fokus: Strategien, die Modeanbietern langfristig eine Perspektive bieten und die Position am Markt festigen. Die Kunden der Zukunft. Die neuen Wege zu ihnen. Neue Handelskonzepte aus dem In- und Ausland. Ein genauer Blick auf alte und neue Standorte, Vertriebsformate und auf die Innenstädte.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung über diese Website.


BTE Handelsverband Textil

Meet the new FW 21-22 Riri Group collection (c) Riri Group
Over Shock

Meet the new FW 21-22 Riri Group collection

  • Technology, creativity and sustainability
  • Recycled materials, bright colours, eclectic shapes: excellence is in the details, and the new creations by the Italian-Swiss group have plenty to say.

Mendrisio – Looking at the new Fall-Winter 2021-2022 collection of the Riri Group, it almost seems as if the difficult months to which the pandemic has forced the whole world, have been another new – though unwanted – challenge for the Italian-Swiss company. A testbed that sparked the mind and lit the fire of creativity. Therefore, today, the brand ingredient which for over 80 years has embellished the
garments designed by major fashion system brands with top-quality zips and buttons, also introduces a wide range of heterogeneous creations, intended to cover different aesthetic and functional requirements on the market.

This collection has been divided into three macro-topics; it is a new chapter in the history of the Group.

  • Technology, creativity and sustainability
  • Recycled materials, bright colours, eclectic shapes: excellence is in the details, and the new creations by the Italian-Swiss group have plenty to say.

Mendrisio – Looking at the new Fall-Winter 2021-2022 collection of the Riri Group, it almost seems as if the difficult months to which the pandemic has forced the whole world, have been another new – though unwanted – challenge for the Italian-Swiss company. A testbed that sparked the mind and lit the fire of creativity. Therefore, today, the brand ingredient which for over 80 years has embellished the
garments designed by major fashion system brands with top-quality zips and buttons, also introduces a wide range of heterogeneous creations, intended to cover different aesthetic and functional requirements on the market.

This collection has been divided into three macro-topics; it is a new chapter in the history of the Group.

Keyword: sustainability. Or, more romantically, “Reuse with love”. From the use of materials produced using organic waste and recycled plastics to actual destocking – the re-introduction on the market of unsold items to give them new life through a restyled shape: the topic of “life serving”, for Riri, translates into the meticulous and constant search for materials with a low environmental impact and in the committed attempt to reduce the use of plastic to a minimum. This is why the Group has decided to use recycled polyester tapes, made with new organic cotton, pullers coated with cork, created using 100% recycled plastics or rubber taken from the sole of shoes. Stainless steel – an exceptionally resistant and sturdy material, as well being subject to no galvanic treatments and highly recyclable – characterizes chains and pullers, while the Nylon zip consists of fully recycled tape and chain, and Decor introduces a new 100% polyamide version. On the button side, “life serving” includes buttons with a cork coating, the Zero button with coating made of recycled Meryl polyamide and the F4 with a 100% recycled Nylon head and the heads made of APILON 52 (rubber made of 65% vegetable oils and energy from renewable sources) coated with microfiber from the company Alcantara.

This is definitely the most rigorous yet progressive section in the collection, drawing on technological innovation and on uncertainties related to the current situation, to play with shapes, colours and materials. Between zips and buttons there is a prevalence of squared and minimal shapes, also on the tapes of the zips through sublimation and digital printing techniques. The leading colour is grey in its variation of hues, where the insertion of coloured tones sometimes stands out. The leading material, on the other hand, is metal.

A creative topic where “exaggeration” is the keyword, a trend whose style and character somehow remind us of Gen-Z, apart from being especially suitable for outdoors. “Over state” uses the hip hop mood and settings of the Nineties, taking them to the extreme, enlarging shapes and focusing on bright and fluorescent colours such as purple, yellow, blue, orange or green. An example of this is Storm Evo, a zip which is popular in the outdoor sector for its high levels of water resistance and strength, which features a new electric blue chain and tape with reflecting side strips. Also outstanding in terms of originality is the new purple puller, with its anti-theft shape, fixed onto a fluorescent yellow chain. The perfect expression of this category are zippers such as Decor, Nylon and Aquazip, especially recommended for the outdoor sector in general.

All the macro-categories selected for the FW 21-22 seasons are included in some special product innovations, most notably the even more minimal and thin shapes of some buttons and the introduction of five different colours for the small synthetic ring, a real point of strength in Cobrax pressure buttons. Also the range of magnetic buttons is complemented by the addition of two extra snaps. As regards zips, the Riri Group team has been working on careful restyling of shapes, more specifically in the shapes of Decor zip bodies – ideal for the luggage industry – further improved from both an aesthetic and functional viewpoint.

More information:
Fashion Mode Riri Group

Menabò Group

Hohenstein: Dr. Jasmin Jung (c) Hohenstein
Hohenstein: Dr. Jasmin Jung

Hohenstein Forscherin mit Preis ausgezeichnet

Im Rahmen der Chemiefasertagung Dornbirn wurde der renommierte Paul Schlack/Wilhelm Albrecht Preis an die Hohenstein Forscherin Dr. Jasmin Jung für ihre Dissertation im Bereich Mikroplastikforschung verliehen. Betreut wurde die Arbeit von Prof. Dr. Jochen Gutmann vom Institut für Physikalische Chemie an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Die Verleihung des Preises fand, wie auch alle Vorträge und Diskussionen des Kongresses, in diesem Jahr online und in Form von Webinaren statt. Die frischgebackene Preisträgerin bedankte sich ebenfalls online für die Ehrung und die Unterstützung, die sie bei der Forschung im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation erhielt.

Im Rahmen der Chemiefasertagung Dornbirn wurde der renommierte Paul Schlack/Wilhelm Albrecht Preis an die Hohenstein Forscherin Dr. Jasmin Jung für ihre Dissertation im Bereich Mikroplastikforschung verliehen. Betreut wurde die Arbeit von Prof. Dr. Jochen Gutmann vom Institut für Physikalische Chemie an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Die Verleihung des Preises fand, wie auch alle Vorträge und Diskussionen des Kongresses, in diesem Jahr online und in Form von Webinaren statt. Die frischgebackene Preisträgerin bedankte sich ebenfalls online für die Ehrung und die Unterstützung, die sie bei der Forschung im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation erhielt.

Dr. Jung entwickelte im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation „Etablierung und Anwendung der dynamischen Bildanalyse zur Bestimmung von Fasern in Abwässern aus Textilwaschprozessen“ eine völlig neuartige Analysemethode zur Bestimmung von Fasern in Abwässern aus gewerblichen Wäschereien. Dabei sind synthetische Textilfasern eine häufig vorkommende Art von Mikroplastik, die über die Textilwäsche in aquatische Lebensräume eingetragen werden. Welche Faktoren die Faserfreisetzung während der (gewerblichen) Wäsche bedingen, ist nach aktuellem Stand noch unzureichend erforscht. Studien konzentrierten sich bislang hauptsächlich auf den Einfluss der Haushaltswäsche. Dr. Jung etablierte das neue Analyseverfahren für Synthesefasern wie z.B. Polyester und Baumwolle sowie deren Mischungen mithilfe von Waschverfahren und Bekleidungstextilien, so wie sie in der Praxis in gewerblichen Wäschereien aufbereitet werden. Mithilfe der entwickelten Methode können auch für Mischgewebe die Anteile an Polyester und Baumwolle bezogen auf den Gesamtabrieb differenziert werden. Wie sich bei Versuchen für zwei Mischgewebe aus 50/50 Prozent und 65/35 Prozent Polyester/Baumwolle zeigte, waren im Abwasser überwiegend Baumwollfasern nachweisbar (ca. 90 Prozent). Der Abrieb enthielt nur einen geringen Anteil an Polyesterfasern (ca. 10 Prozent).

Der Paul Schlack/Wilhelm Albrecht Preis wird im Rahmen der Dornbirn GFC Global Fiber Convention in Dornbirn (Österreich) zur Förderung der Chemiefaserforschung an Hochschulen und Forschungsinstituten für herausragende Arbeiten und Forschungsprojekte verliehen.

