From the Sector

1679 results
Models, Heike Seltmann, Chief Commercial Officer bei CWS Workwear, Jessica Reiske, Upcycling Talent 2023 Foto: Tobias Joest
Models, Heike Seltmann, Chief Commercial Officer bei CWS Workwear, Jessica Reiske, Upcycling Talent 2023

Von der Latzhose zum Streetwear Outfit: Upcycling Fashion aus Arbeitskleidung

  • Modenschau von CWS Workwear auf Frankfurt Fashion Lounge

Im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Lounge veranstaltete der Serviceanbieter für Arbeitskleidung CWS Workwear eine Modenschau, um Design-Kreationen aus Berufskleidung von Nachwuchsdesignern zu präsentieren. Im Februar hatte das Unternehmen mit dem Upcycling Fashion Wettbewerb dazu aufgerufen, kreative Designs für ausgesonderte CWS Arbeitskleidung zu entwerfen. 45 Designs wurden eingereicht, die besten sechs Designer:innen durften ihre Kreationen für die Modenschau umsetzen.

Vor 120 modebegeisterten Gästen präsentierten die 17 Models die weitestgehend von Streetstyle und urbaner Mode inspirierten Outfits. Die Ausgangsmaterialien, eine Latzhose jeweils in Grau, Rot und Blau, grüne Kasacks, eine weiße Hose, sowie ein schwarzer Blazer und ein schwarzes Poloshirt ließen sich kaum noch erahnen. Aus diesen Materialien wählten die Designer:innen ihre bevorzugten Teile, um daraus neue Kleidung zu entwerfen und schneidern.

  • Modenschau von CWS Workwear auf Frankfurt Fashion Lounge

Im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Lounge veranstaltete der Serviceanbieter für Arbeitskleidung CWS Workwear eine Modenschau, um Design-Kreationen aus Berufskleidung von Nachwuchsdesignern zu präsentieren. Im Februar hatte das Unternehmen mit dem Upcycling Fashion Wettbewerb dazu aufgerufen, kreative Designs für ausgesonderte CWS Arbeitskleidung zu entwerfen. 45 Designs wurden eingereicht, die besten sechs Designer:innen durften ihre Kreationen für die Modenschau umsetzen.

Vor 120 modebegeisterten Gästen präsentierten die 17 Models die weitestgehend von Streetstyle und urbaner Mode inspirierten Outfits. Die Ausgangsmaterialien, eine Latzhose jeweils in Grau, Rot und Blau, grüne Kasacks, eine weiße Hose, sowie ein schwarzer Blazer und ein schwarzes Poloshirt ließen sich kaum noch erahnen. Aus diesen Materialien wählten die Designer:innen ihre bevorzugten Teile, um daraus neue Kleidung zu entwerfen und schneidern.

Die Fach-Jury krönte die Designerin Jessica Reiske (24) zum Upcycling Talent 2023. Mit ihrem innovativen, urbanen Streetstyle und beliebig kombinierbaren Teilen, überzeugte die Wahl-Berlinerin. „Ich bin überrascht und sehr glücklich zugleich. Bei meiner Mode ist mir wichtig, dass mit wenig Kleidungsstücken eine Vielzahl an Outfits zusammengestellt werden können“, so Reiske über ihren Modestil. Aktuell arbeitet Jessica Reiske in einem Fashion Start-Up und plant in Kürze ihr eigenes Mode-Label zu gründen. Sie erhielt nicht nur eine Trophäe, sondern gewinnt zudem eine persönliche Masterclass bei Upcycling-Pionier Daniel Kroh.

CWS Workwear macht mit diesem Wettbewerb auf das wichtige Thema Wiederverwertung und Upcycling von Textilien als verantwortungsvolle Lösung aufmerksam. „Wenn unsere Kunden ihre Arbeitskleidung verschlissen haben, bedeutet dies noch nicht das Ende. Wir hauchen den Textilien auf verschiedenen Kanälen neues Leben ein. Und auf das Event heute bezogen, lässt sich sagen, dass Nachhaltigkeit noch nie so frech und stylisch war“, erklärt Heike Seltmann, Chief Commercial Officer bei CWS Workwear.


CWS Workwear

Schwedisches Fashionlabel „Acne Studios“ feiert Neueröffnung in Hamburg (c) Acne Studios

Schwedisches Fashionlabel „Acne Studios“ feiert Neueröffnung in Hamburg

„Keep it simple“ ist das Stil-Credo der schwedischen Modemarke Acne Studios. Die Kleidungsstücke sind nicht überfrachtet, sondern überraschen durch einen ungewöhnlichen Schnitt oder einzelne leuchtende Farben. Diese Brand-DNA wurde auch bei der Neueröffnung des Stores am Neuen Wall in Hamburg aufgegriffen. Innenarchitektin Vera Schmitz hat für das Ladendesign das Retailkonzept des Designstudios Halleroed lokal interpretiert und Elemente klassischer deutscher Architektur mit der schwedischen Markenphilosophie kombiniert. Verantwortlich für die Umsetzung des Innenausbaus inklusive aller technischen Gewerke und der Überarbeitung der Fassade war der Generalübernehmer Schwitzke Project aus Düsseldorf.

„Keep it simple“ ist das Stil-Credo der schwedischen Modemarke Acne Studios. Die Kleidungsstücke sind nicht überfrachtet, sondern überraschen durch einen ungewöhnlichen Schnitt oder einzelne leuchtende Farben. Diese Brand-DNA wurde auch bei der Neueröffnung des Stores am Neuen Wall in Hamburg aufgegriffen. Innenarchitektin Vera Schmitz hat für das Ladendesign das Retailkonzept des Designstudios Halleroed lokal interpretiert und Elemente klassischer deutscher Architektur mit der schwedischen Markenphilosophie kombiniert. Verantwortlich für die Umsetzung des Innenausbaus inklusive aller technischen Gewerke und der Überarbeitung der Fassade war der Generalübernehmer Schwitzke Project aus Düsseldorf.

Der 225 Quadratmeter große Hamburger Store, der zwischen zwei Kanälen und zwischen zwei Straßen gelegen ist, wird in zwei Flügel aufgeteilt. Über zwei getrennte Eingänge gelangen die Kund:innen in den Store, in dessen Mitte sich eine dreieckige Gondel befindet, die mit Spiegeln verdeckt ist und so ein Gefühl der optischen Illusion erzeugt. Im Store verteilt finden sich als Deko-Elemente eine Auswahl von Sitzmöbeln in Batik-Look, die die industrielle Umgebung aus harten Metallen und Glas aufbrechen.  

Der Hamburger Store ist die erste Kooperation zwischen Schwitzke Project und Acne Studios.

(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital and Amaze Software: On-Demand Production and Fulfillment to Social Media Creators

Kornit Digital LTD. announced Amaze Software, Inc. – parent company of the Amaze, Spring, and Outfts platforms – has selected KornitX Workflow Solutions and Kornit MAX digital on- demand fabric and textile decoration technologies as the platform to deliver their vision. Combined with the Amaze Creator Commerce Platform, the companies will jointly bring the power of on- demand production and fulfillment to new and existing social media creators, enabling them to better monetize branded products.

Kornit’s Global Fulfillment Network helps companies like Amaze Software connect creators with high-quality garment and textile production fulfillers across the globe. The platform is backed by the KornitX workflow engine, seamlessly integrating across industry-proven Kornit MAX technology- based fabric and textile decoration systems for end-to-end production, visibility, and control.

Kornit Digital LTD. announced Amaze Software, Inc. – parent company of the Amaze, Spring, and Outfts platforms – has selected KornitX Workflow Solutions and Kornit MAX digital on- demand fabric and textile decoration technologies as the platform to deliver their vision. Combined with the Amaze Creator Commerce Platform, the companies will jointly bring the power of on- demand production and fulfillment to new and existing social media creators, enabling them to better monetize branded products.

Kornit’s Global Fulfillment Network helps companies like Amaze Software connect creators with high-quality garment and textile production fulfillers across the globe. The platform is backed by the KornitX workflow engine, seamlessly integrating across industry-proven Kornit MAX technology- based fabric and textile decoration systems for end-to-end production, visibility, and control.

The  Spring platform offers an opportunity for fans to make purchases directly from where they consume the creator’s content (social platforms including Instagram, TikTok Shops, Twitch, and more). This allows creators to significantly enhance engagement and cultivate a more profound brand presence.


Kornit Digital

Sicherheitsschuhe Foto Pixabay

SOEX und Mercedes-Benz AG retten Sicherheitsschuhe vor der Verbrennung

Bisher gab es bei Mercedes-Benz AG nur eine Lösung für aussortierte Sicherheitsschuhe: die Verbrennungsanlage. Rund 25 Tonnen Schuhe wurden bisher jährlich in einem Werk des Automobilunternehmens vernichtet. Das will die SOEX-Gruppe nun ändern und die getragenen Schuhe für Mercedes-Benz recyceln. Im Mai startete ein Pilotprojekt. Die ausgemusterten Sicherheitsschuhe werden auf dem Mercedes-Benz Werksgelände in Sindelfingen in insgesamt sechs Containern gesammelt und anschließend im SOEX-Werk in Wolfen recycelt.

Als zertifiziertes Recyclingunternehmen betreibt SOEX die weltweit erste Schuhrecycling-Anlage. So können wertvolle Ressourcen wie Gummi, Leder und Metall gerettet und Schuhe für die Wiederverwendung aufbereitet werden. Die Mitarbeitenden in Sindelfingen fordert Mereceds-Benz AG seit Mai daher auf: „Gib Deinen ausgemusterten Sicherheitsschuhen nun die Chance der Verbrennung zu entgehen und stofflich für neue Produkte wiederverwertet zu werden – mach den richtigen Wurf!“

Bisher gab es bei Mercedes-Benz AG nur eine Lösung für aussortierte Sicherheitsschuhe: die Verbrennungsanlage. Rund 25 Tonnen Schuhe wurden bisher jährlich in einem Werk des Automobilunternehmens vernichtet. Das will die SOEX-Gruppe nun ändern und die getragenen Schuhe für Mercedes-Benz recyceln. Im Mai startete ein Pilotprojekt. Die ausgemusterten Sicherheitsschuhe werden auf dem Mercedes-Benz Werksgelände in Sindelfingen in insgesamt sechs Containern gesammelt und anschließend im SOEX-Werk in Wolfen recycelt.

Als zertifiziertes Recyclingunternehmen betreibt SOEX die weltweit erste Schuhrecycling-Anlage. So können wertvolle Ressourcen wie Gummi, Leder und Metall gerettet und Schuhe für die Wiederverwendung aufbereitet werden. Die Mitarbeitenden in Sindelfingen fordert Mereceds-Benz AG seit Mai daher auf: „Gib Deinen ausgemusterten Sicherheitsschuhen nun die Chance der Verbrennung zu entgehen und stofflich für neue Produkte wiederverwertet zu werden – mach den richtigen Wurf!“

22 Milliarden Paar Schuhe werden Jahr für Jahr weltweit produziert. Laut Hochrechnungen sorgt die globale Schuhindustrie jährlich für so viel CO2 wie ganz Deutschland. Das liegt auch daran, dass für die Produktion von Schuhen sehr viele Ressourcen eingesetzt werden, die nach der Nutzung nicht wieder in den Kreislauf zurückgeführt werden: Der Großteil wird nach dem Tragen im Restmüll entsorgt und landet in der Verbrennung, nicht mal fünf Prozent werden gesammelt und recycelt. Bevor SOEX die weltweit erste Schuhrecycling-Anlage in Betrieb nahm, galt das Recycling von Schuhen weltweit als unmöglich. Meist sind über 40 Materialien in Schuhen so fest miteinander verklebt, dass sie kaum voneinander zu trennen sind.

Die SOEX-Gruppe entwickelte gemeinsam mit dem englischen Partner In-Cycle und der französischen Firma Eco TLC die passende Anlage für das Vorhaben. In der Anlage werden Reißverschlussreste, Metallteile, Leder, Gummi und Stoffresten voneinander getrennt, um anschließend als Rohmaterial zur Herstellung anderer Produkte wiederverwendet zu werden.
Nun profitieret auch der Automobilhersteller Mercedes-Benz AG vom fortschrittlichen Schuhrecycling der SOEX-Gruppe. Der Vorteil beim Recycling von Sicherheitsschuhen liegt außerdem darin, dass ein Sicherheitsschuh aus lediglich vier Komponenten besteht und der Aufwand bei der Auftrennung dadurch sehr gering ist. Somit haben SOEX und Mercedes-Benz AG eine einfache, aber nachhaltige Lösung gefunden, um Arbeitsschuhe sinnvoll zu entsorgen und ihnen ein zweites Leben zu schenken. Das Resultat: Ein wertvoller Beitrag zur Reduktion von Leder- und Gummiabfällen und die Entlastung der Umwelt, in dem aus Altem neue Ressourcen gewonnen werden.
Mit ihrem gemeinsamen Pilotprojekt geben SOEX und Mercedes-Benz AG ein Beispiel, dem weitere Mercedes-Benz Werke folgen könnten und das über die Automobilbranche hinaus ein Zeichen für die nachhaltige Verwertung von Arbeitssicherheitsschuhen setzt.

More information:
Schuhe SOEX Mercedes Benz Recycling



Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen: Ambition to Action

Leaders assembled at the renowned forum for sustainability in fashion to mobilise action and usher in a transformative phase for the industry.

Hosted in the Copenhagen Concert Hall, on 27-28 June, Global Fashion Summit convened over 1000 revered representatives from brands, retailers, NGOs, policy, manufacturers, and innovators to transform ambition into action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark.

This year’s theme ‘Ambition to Action’, galvanised participants to transform ambitions into concrete actions that can drive the industry towards more sustainable practices, both socially and environmentally. Under this premise, the event presented content experiences focused on tangible and evidence-based impact, with over half of the programme dedicated to educational and action-oriented business case studies.

Leaders assembled at the renowned forum for sustainability in fashion to mobilise action and usher in a transformative phase for the industry.

Hosted in the Copenhagen Concert Hall, on 27-28 June, Global Fashion Summit convened over 1000 revered representatives from brands, retailers, NGOs, policy, manufacturers, and innovators to transform ambition into action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark.

This year’s theme ‘Ambition to Action’, galvanised participants to transform ambitions into concrete actions that can drive the industry towards more sustainable practices, both socially and environmentally. Under this premise, the event presented content experiences focused on tangible and evidence-based impact, with over half of the programme dedicated to educational and action-oriented business case studies.

This edition included more speakers and content than ever before, with the dynamic and action-orientated sessions spanning across four different stages. The Summit also facilitated more than 10 strategic roundtable meetings that brought together executives and policy makers for productive dialogues on how to address pressing sustainability issues and act accordingly. The content integrated the five priorities of the Fashion CEO Agenda, alongside critical challenges and tangible opportunities relating to some of the key forces that are shaping the fashion industry today: data, policy and storytelling.

Attendees heard from 137 speakers including HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark; Antoine Arnault, Image & Environment, LVMH Group; Jonathan Anderson, Creative Director & Founder, JW Anderson and Creative Director, Loewe; Virginijus Sinkevičius,  Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, European Commission; Henriette Hallberg Thygesen, Chief Delivery Officer, Maersk; Aude Vergne, Chief Sustainability Officer, Chloé; Nicolaj Reffstrup, Founder, GANNI; Fanny Moizant, Co-Founder & President, Vestiaire Collective; Noel Kinder, Chief Sustainability Officer, Nike; Óscar García Maceiras, CEO, Inditex; Dr. Lewis Akenji, Managing Director, Hot or Cool Institute; Rachel Arthur, Advocacy Lead, Sustainable Fashion, United Nations Environment Programme; and many more.

Innovation Forum connected fashion companies with sustainable solution providers
This year’s Summit also presented an Innovation Forum, enabling small and large companies to meet with 26 sustainable solution providers – equipping them with the concrete tools to quickly turn words into meaningful actions. More than 350 facilitated business meetings between fashion companies and sustainable solution providers took place during the Summit.

Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition will take place on 27 September 2023, which will mark the second time the Summit has been hosted outside of Copenhagen in its 14-year history.


Global Fashion Agenda

(c) Konstantin Lider

LFDY Store Re-Opening in Düsseldorf

Am 24. Juni 2023 öffnete das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young, kurz LFDY, nach wochenlangen Umbauarbeiten wieder die Türen zu seinem ersten Store im Düsseldorfer Stadtteil Flingern. Seit 2014 ist der Store auf der Ackerstraße 156 fester Bestandteil der Düsseldorfer Streetwear-Szene.

Alles, sowohl der weißgeflieste Eingangs- und Kassenbereich mit Edelstahlakzenten als auch der schwarz getünchte Hauptraum des Stores, der die volle Kollektion präsentiert, bleibt unverändert. Umso mehr fällt das Augenmerk jetzt auf die neuen Warenträger, die die Kollektion mit ihrem matt schwarzen Finish entlang der Laufwege in Szene setzen. In Kooperation mit dem Architekten-Team von Schwitzke & Partner stellte sich LFDY der Aufgabe, die Atmosphäre des ersten Stores beizubehalten und gleichzeitig durch die neuen Elemente die Linie und Sleekness der jüngst eröffneten Stores umzusetzen.

Am 24. Juni 2023 öffnete das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young, kurz LFDY, nach wochenlangen Umbauarbeiten wieder die Türen zu seinem ersten Store im Düsseldorfer Stadtteil Flingern. Seit 2014 ist der Store auf der Ackerstraße 156 fester Bestandteil der Düsseldorfer Streetwear-Szene.

Alles, sowohl der weißgeflieste Eingangs- und Kassenbereich mit Edelstahlakzenten als auch der schwarz getünchte Hauptraum des Stores, der die volle Kollektion präsentiert, bleibt unverändert. Umso mehr fällt das Augenmerk jetzt auf die neuen Warenträger, die die Kollektion mit ihrem matt schwarzen Finish entlang der Laufwege in Szene setzen. In Kooperation mit dem Architekten-Team von Schwitzke & Partner stellte sich LFDY der Aufgabe, die Atmosphäre des ersten Stores beizubehalten und gleichzeitig durch die neuen Elemente die Linie und Sleekness der jüngst eröffneten Stores umzusetzen.

LFDY hat sich als einer der stärksten und authentischsten deutschen DTC Streetwear Brands etabliert. Neben dem Startschuss für die Neueröffnung des nächsten Stores, der im August 2023 in London, Soho eröffnet wird, investiert Live Fast kontinuierlich in die eigenen E-Commerce Aktivitäten, in den Ausbau der in Eigenregie betriebenen Logistik sowie in POS-Experience und Personal. Mittlerweile beschäftigt die Brand von Lorenz Amend (CEO) rund 150 Mitarbeiter*innen. Die flächigen Streetart Prints sind geblieben, der Firmensitz befindet sich nach wie vor in Düsseldorf.

Die Brand ist in insgesamt fünf deutschen Metropolen vertreten: Düsseldorf, Berlin, München, Hamburg und Köln. Dazu kommt ein internationaler Standort in Amsterdam – im Sommer 2023 folgt der nächste Meilenstein: London.

(c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and KSENIASCHNAIDER present Collaborative Collection

This season, adidas Originals and the progressive Ukrainian label KSENIASCHNAIDER have come together to present a collaborative collection featuring a host of unconventional garments, footwear, and accessories.

Founded in 2011 by Ksenia and Anton Schnaider, KSENIASCHNAIDER is a Kyiv-based independent fashion house centered on creating boundary pushing ready-to-wear, denim, and upcycled apparel and accessories. Drawing on Ksenia’s design language and Anton’s engineering logic, the partners’ eponymous label continues to challenge established conventions to boldly project a new vision of the future.

The collection is anchored by a host of garments which blend the Ukrainian house’s signature aesthetic with adidas’ instantly recognizable brand codes. First, an array of denim pieces – including jeans, jackets, and shirt dresses – are elevated with frayed edges, voluminous cuts, and idiosyncratic details. Second, fresh takes on a timeless adidas classic stand out as adiColor tracksuits, corsets, and dresses are reworked in a patchwork finish.

The adidas Originals x KSENIASCHNAIDER collection launches on July 1st.

This season, adidas Originals and the progressive Ukrainian label KSENIASCHNAIDER have come together to present a collaborative collection featuring a host of unconventional garments, footwear, and accessories.

Founded in 2011 by Ksenia and Anton Schnaider, KSENIASCHNAIDER is a Kyiv-based independent fashion house centered on creating boundary pushing ready-to-wear, denim, and upcycled apparel and accessories. Drawing on Ksenia’s design language and Anton’s engineering logic, the partners’ eponymous label continues to challenge established conventions to boldly project a new vision of the future.

The collection is anchored by a host of garments which blend the Ukrainian house’s signature aesthetic with adidas’ instantly recognizable brand codes. First, an array of denim pieces – including jeans, jackets, and shirt dresses – are elevated with frayed edges, voluminous cuts, and idiosyncratic details. Second, fresh takes on a timeless adidas classic stand out as adiColor tracksuits, corsets, and dresses are reworked in a patchwork finish.

The adidas Originals x KSENIASCHNAIDER collection launches on July 1st.


adidas AG


7. BTE-Kongress “Fashion-Emotion 4.0” am 28. September

  • Frühbucherrabatt noch bis 15. Juli

Neben den aktuellen Kostensteigerungen muss der Fashionhandel sich vor allem mit folgenden Fragestellungen auseinandersetzen: Wie sichere ich die Attraktivität meines Standorts und damit auch meines Geschäfts? Wie gewinne und binde ich kompetente Mitarbeiter? Welche Schritte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit sind jetzt sinnvoll? Und welche digitalen Tools helfen mir, mein Unternehmen effizient und kostengünstig zu führen?
Alle diese Fragen werden beim 7. BTE-Kongress „Fashion-Emotion 4.0: Zukunftsorientierte Erfolgskonzepte des Modehandels – lokal und digital“ am 28. September in Köln behandelt – und zwar in Vorträgen, Talks und auch im Rahmen der begleitenden Ausstellung.

  • Frühbucherrabatt noch bis 15. Juli

Neben den aktuellen Kostensteigerungen muss der Fashionhandel sich vor allem mit folgenden Fragestellungen auseinandersetzen: Wie sichere ich die Attraktivität meines Standorts und damit auch meines Geschäfts? Wie gewinne und binde ich kompetente Mitarbeiter? Welche Schritte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit sind jetzt sinnvoll? Und welche digitalen Tools helfen mir, mein Unternehmen effizient und kostengünstig zu führen?
Alle diese Fragen werden beim 7. BTE-Kongress „Fashion-Emotion 4.0: Zukunftsorientierte Erfolgskonzepte des Modehandels – lokal und digital“ am 28. September in Köln behandelt – und zwar in Vorträgen, Talks und auch im Rahmen der begleitenden Ausstellung.

Auf der Bühne berichten innovative Unternehmer über ihre entsprechenden Erfahrungen, Strategien und Planungen, darunter Tanja Kolb (Modehaus Müller-Ditschler, Büdingen und Hanau), Jörg Kolossa (Modehaus Kolossa, Nienburg), Mark Rauschen (L&T, Osnabrück), Andreas Weitkamp (Modehaus Schnitzler, Münster) sowie Mathias Eckert (Fynch-Hatton, Mönchengladbach) und Marc Ramelow (Modehaus Ramelow, Elmshorn), die ihre digitale Zusammenarbeit vorstellen werden. Hinzu kommen Beiträge namhafter Experten wie Franziska von Becker (hachmeister + partner), Ariane Breuer (Die Stadtretter), Rolf Pangels (BTE) und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maike Rabe (Hochschule Niederrhein). Moderiert wird der Kongress von TW-Chefredakteur Michael Werner.
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter  Die Teilnehmergebühr beträgt für Mitglieder im Einzelhandelsverband 349 Euro, für sonstige Teilnehmer aus Fashionhandel und Fashionindustrie 449 Euro sowie für Dienstleister/Sonstige 749 Euro, jeweils zzgl. MwSt. Bis 15. Juli wird ein Frühbucherrabatt in Höhe von 70 Euro gewährt.


BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren

A+A 2023 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

A+A with new hall concept and routing

Under the motto “People Matter” numerous exhibitors will be presenting innovative solutions and concepts revolving around safe and healthy work at A+A 2023. This year, the overarching theme of the leading international trade fair will be the two megatrends digitalisation and sustainability.    

Furthermore, A+A organisers have changed the hall concept and optimised routing at the exhibition centre: the halls have been clearly segmented according to theme, thereby placing similar products and services in close proximity with each other. This makes it easier for visitors to locate the companies exhibiting ranges of particular interest to them and to find their bearings at the fairgrounds.  

Also new: Halls 16 and 17 will present Corporate Wear and Hall 15 the complete spectrum of components and accessories for manufacturing up-to-date protective wear.      

Under the motto “People Matter” numerous exhibitors will be presenting innovative solutions and concepts revolving around safe and healthy work at A+A 2023. This year, the overarching theme of the leading international trade fair will be the two megatrends digitalisation and sustainability.    

Furthermore, A+A organisers have changed the hall concept and optimised routing at the exhibition centre: the halls have been clearly segmented according to theme, thereby placing similar products and services in close proximity with each other. This makes it easier for visitors to locate the companies exhibiting ranges of particular interest to them and to find their bearings at the fairgrounds.  

Also new: Halls 16 and 17 will present Corporate Wear and Hall 15 the complete spectrum of components and accessories for manufacturing up-to-date protective wear.      

In addition to a Corporate Fashion Show visitors are in for further exciting forums as well as an extensive congress programme with international appeal: including the 38th International Congress for Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine as well as the WearRAcon Europe, to be held in Germany for the first time as part of A+A. Likewise, such topics as ergonomics and New Work will be given significantly more visibility owing to new cooperations and expert lectures.  

More information:
A+A Corporate Fashion

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Photo: pixabay

Bangladesh to stage climate event for fashion and textiles

Bangladesh will stage the world’s first climate conference for the fashion industry this autumn, on 12 October. The Bangladesh Climate Action Forum will convene policy makers, garment manufacturers, fashion retailers and other industry stakeholders to look at solutions for decarbonising global textile supply chains.

The event will focus on technological and financial challenges around reducing emissions. Most of the world’s leading fashion brands have now set ambitious targets for reducing supply chain emissions. These targets relate to 2030 by which time many brands aim to reduce emissions by 50 per cent, and 2050 where most fashion brands aim to be carbon neutral.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will examine causes of climate crisis, its urgency, impacts we have already seen, and what we can expect under both businesses as usual and rapid decarbonisation scenarios.

Bangladesh will stage the world’s first climate conference for the fashion industry this autumn, on 12 October. The Bangladesh Climate Action Forum will convene policy makers, garment manufacturers, fashion retailers and other industry stakeholders to look at solutions for decarbonising global textile supply chains.

The event will focus on technological and financial challenges around reducing emissions. Most of the world’s leading fashion brands have now set ambitious targets for reducing supply chain emissions. These targets relate to 2030 by which time many brands aim to reduce emissions by 50 per cent, and 2050 where most fashion brands aim to be carbon neutral.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will examine causes of climate crisis, its urgency, impacts we have already seen, and what we can expect under both businesses as usual and rapid decarbonisation scenarios.

Also presenting at the event will be the Government of Bangladesh, which will address Bangladesh’s actions to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to climate change and is ranked the seventh extreme disaster risk-prone country in the world according to a report from the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. Tropical cyclones, tornadoes, floods, coastal and riverbank erosion, droughts and landslides are the major climate-induced hazards in Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh Climate Forum Action will also look at approaches towards decarbonization, including NetZero goals and timelines. Speakers will discuss globally recognised pathways for electricity/transportation/industry decarbonisation.

Renewable energy will also be under discussion. If fashion brands are to hit climate targets, it is imperative that supply chains switch to renewable energy and away from gas and fossil fuels. The event will look at challenges around the de-carbonisation of the electricity grid in Bangladesh, as well as the rate of transition toward renewable resources by garment factories, including solar power.

A key element of the event will be evaluation of practical solutions for Bangladesh’s RMG industry. It will profile specific solutions such as energy efficiency, machine upgrades, the electrification of thermal loads, direct power purchase agreements and biomass fed thermal systems. It will also discuss the challenges faced in the industry including business climate (and cycles), pricing, financing challenges, target setting and execution, policy opportunities, knowledge gaps and availability/scaling of solutions.

Financial challenges around decarbonisation of supply chains are significant, and it is far from clear who will pay for the technological upgrades required. While some investment support systems exist – such as lower interest financing – these are not always available, accessible or affordable for the majority of the RMG companies.

The event will explore financial options, changes to business/pricing models, opportunities for de-risking/underwriting investments, direct investment and other tools that need to emerge to address financial challenges and plug the funding gap. The event will also explore opportunities to decouple climate action from business cycles so that the 2030 targets can be met.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange


IFCO to be held in Istanbul from 9-11 August 2023

From 9 to 11 August 2023, IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will be held for the fourth time at the Istanbul Expo Center at 6 Halls. The fashion fair is organised by ITKIB Fairs, a subsidiary of Istanbul Apparel Exporter's Association, the umbrella organisation of the Turkish fashion and apparel industry.

IFCO has developed into a hub for fashion enthusiasts, designers, buyers and trendsetters and has established itself as an important international platform for the global fashion industry. IFCO brings together around 400 exhibitors from all product groups of the apparel and fashion industry under one roof in six clearly structured halls: womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, denim, sportswear, evening and occasion wear, bridal wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and fur, shoes and accessories.

From high-end tailoring to streetwear and sustainable fashion, the fair will present a wide range of styles and trends. IFCO Brands present market leaders such as İpekyol, Climber, Damat, Kiğılı, B&G Store, Lufian, Jakamen, NaraMaxx, Giovane Gentile and Lee Cooper using IFCOto further expand their international network.

From 9 to 11 August 2023, IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will be held for the fourth time at the Istanbul Expo Center at 6 Halls. The fashion fair is organised by ITKIB Fairs, a subsidiary of Istanbul Apparel Exporter's Association, the umbrella organisation of the Turkish fashion and apparel industry.

IFCO has developed into a hub for fashion enthusiasts, designers, buyers and trendsetters and has established itself as an important international platform for the global fashion industry. IFCO brings together around 400 exhibitors from all product groups of the apparel and fashion industry under one roof in six clearly structured halls: womenswear, menswear, childrenswear, denim, sportswear, evening and occasion wear, bridal wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and fur, shoes and accessories.

From high-end tailoring to streetwear and sustainable fashion, the fair will present a wide range of styles and trends. IFCO Brands present market leaders such as İpekyol, Climber, Damat, Kiğılı, B&G Store, Lufian, Jakamen, NaraMaxx, Giovane Gentile and Lee Cooper using IFCOto further expand their international network.

THE CORE ISTANBUL, successfully launched at IFCO in February, once again features a fascinating mix of established and emerging important Turkish designerswith their creative and innovative creations.

One focus of the fair will be the topic of sustainability. Companies will show their innovations. Ekoteks, the association's sustainability laboratory, supports the development of sustainable production and will also have a stand at IFCO to present the latest developments in this area.

The extensive supporting program with fashion shows and trend zones inspires visitors with the latest fashion trends and styles, while the seminars and workshops address current topics in the fashion industry such as digital transformation, smart clothing, technical textiles and sustainability.

30,000 visitors from more than 100 countries are expected at the upcoming IFCO, mainly from the EU, UK, Eastern Europe, CIS, North Africa, Middle East and the USA. The show also offers networking events, such as B2B Speed Dating, which brings together fashion designers, brands, manufacturers, buyers and industry experts to exchange ideas and forge potential business relationships. This is an important aspect of the fair that has helped to position Istanbul Fashion Connection as a key meeting place for the fashion industry.




Fashion for Good welcomes new partners to its Sorting for Circularity USA Project

The Sorting for Circularity USA consortium project welcomes new partners and expands its North American geographical scope. Fashion for Good is pleased to announce the addition of lululemon as an external brand partner, joining the existing seven brand partners. They also welcome their new implementation partners Helpsy, United Southern Waste Material, Goodwill Industries International Inc., and its members Goodwill of Colorado, Goodwill Industries-Suncoast, Inc., Goodwill of the Finger Lakes, and Goodwill of San Francisco Bay. Additionally, Fashion for Good is pleased to recognise adidas as the project's lead sponsor, facilitating the complete realisation of the project scope.

The Sorting for Circularity USA consortium project welcomes new partners and expands its North American geographical scope. Fashion for Good is pleased to announce the addition of lululemon as an external brand partner, joining the existing seven brand partners. They also welcome their new implementation partners Helpsy, United Southern Waste Material, Goodwill Industries International Inc., and its members Goodwill of Colorado, Goodwill Industries-Suncoast, Inc., Goodwill of the Finger Lakes, and Goodwill of San Francisco Bay. Additionally, Fashion for Good is pleased to recognise adidas as the project's lead sponsor, facilitating the complete realisation of the project scope.

Fashion for Good, together with Resource Recycling Systems, launched the Sorting for Circularity USA consortium project in January 2023. The project will conduct an extensive consumer survey to map the journey of a garment from closet to end of use, and present a comprehensive snapshot of textile waste composition generated in the United States. The insights gained from this 18-month project will help to scale collection, sorting, and recycling innovations and inform decisions on necessary investments and actions.

Within the first 6 months, the project has expanded to cover 6 key states: California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Colorado. Additional implementation partners have also signed on to support the fibre composition data analysis: Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles (SMART) Association, Helpsy, United Southern Waste Material, and Goodwill Industries International Inc., with its members Goodwill of Colorado, Goodwill Industries-Suncoast, Inc., Goodwill of the Finger Lakes, and Goodwill of San Francisco Bay. Resource Recycling Systems will drive the dissemination and analysis of the consumer survey together with New York State Center for Sustainable Materials Management and Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, and execute the textile composition analysis using Matoha’s near infrared devices with advisory support from Circle Economy.

Demonstrating the importance of pre-competitive collaboration in tackling the industry’s biggest challenges, lululemon joins Eastman, H&M and Nordstrom as key project partners, together with Fashion for Good corporate partners adidas, Inditex, Levi Strauss & Co., and Target. Adidas' lead sponsorship ensures a deeper analysis of USA textile waste infrastructure and the identification of valuable opportunities for advancement.

In the USA, textile waste is the fastest-growing segment of the country's waste stream, with 85% of discarded textiles ending up in landfills*. Understanding the composition of material, volume and location of used textiles is crucial for capturing them and sorting them for the best and highest quality end use. Moreover, the range of national and regional geographies within the Sorting for Circularity project series enables for nuanced cross-country comparisons - revealing differences in the textile waste generated and infrastructure required.

Sorting for Circularity, a framework co-developed by Fashion for Good and Circle Economy, aims to (re)capture textile waste by unlocking the feedstock potential for recycling, expedite the implementation of game changing automated sorting technologies such as near-infrared spectroscopy and advanced textile-to-textile recycling, and drive circularity within the fashion value chain. The project builds on the success of Sorting for Circularity Europe and India, which revealed insights on material composition, volume, and location of used textiles and provided a solid foundation to accelerate textile recycling in those respective geographical locations.

*United States Environmental Protection Agency (2019). National Overview: Facts and Figures on Materials, Wastes and Recycling.


Fashion for Good 

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg: New cotton-like interlinings

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) announces the 37xx PES Series – a range of interlinings that offer the classic feel of cotton combined with the modern features of enhanced durability, increased yields, and low-temperature fusing. With a 100% PES base and special finish, these OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certified products open new possibilities for the business and smart casual segments.

Crafted from a 100% PES base with a special finish, these new interlinings boast enhanced durability and better resilience and recovery over traditional cotton interlinings. The 37xx PES Series interlinings offer the added advantages of no visible impurities or foreign fibers, along with low temperature fusing, reducing the risk of yellowing in the finished product. Compared with cotton interlinings, the 37xx PES Series also offers increased yields of up to 150 cm in width and are more cost effective than traditional cotton interlinings, allowing for easier and more efficient manufacturing.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) announces the 37xx PES Series – a range of interlinings that offer the classic feel of cotton combined with the modern features of enhanced durability, increased yields, and low-temperature fusing. With a 100% PES base and special finish, these OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certified products open new possibilities for the business and smart casual segments.

Crafted from a 100% PES base with a special finish, these new interlinings boast enhanced durability and better resilience and recovery over traditional cotton interlinings. The 37xx PES Series interlinings offer the added advantages of no visible impurities or foreign fibers, along with low temperature fusing, reducing the risk of yellowing in the finished product. Compared with cotton interlinings, the 37xx PES Series also offers increased yields of up to 150 cm in width and are more cost effective than traditional cotton interlinings, allowing for easier and more efficient manufacturing.

Apart from the material qualities, the 37xx PES Series offers unmatched consumer safety. Produced at its Nantong, China factory, Freudenberg ensures optimal quality control of the 37xx Series. Furthermore, the interlinings are OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certified, making them safe for even the most sensitive skin types, including for babies.

The 37xx PES Series currently includes the 3738 and 3755 products, offered in 115 g/m2 and 165 g/m2 weights, respectively. These can be fused with other fabrics and interlinings to create the precise hand feel for garments.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Ilona Stelzl

Supreme Kids geht in die nächste Runde

Die Supreme Kids ist bereit für die neue Ordersaison. Von Freitag, 14. Juli, bis Sonntag, 16. Juli, verwandelt sich das MTC world of fashion, Haus 1, Ingolstädter Straße 45, wieder in eine umfassende Kids-Welt, die alle wichtigen Trends und Strömungen in diesem Segment zeigt. Von Kids Fashion bis hin zu Kinderaccessoires zeigt die Supreme Kids konzentriert auf den knapp 10.000 m² Fläche des MTC world of fashion alles, was es für die Ordersaison Frühjahr/Sommer 2024 bedarf.

Unter dem Motto „Manege frei" hat das Supreme Kids Team gemeinsam mit Projektleiterin Sybille A. Mutschler eine spannende Erlebniswelt konzipiert. Mit Partnern wie der französischen CWF-Group (Children Worldwide Fashion) und ihren Labels wie Hugo, Boss und Billieblush und neu PVH Brand Germany mit den Marken Tommy Hilfiger und Calvin Klein an der Seite der Supreme Kids verwandelt sich die Halle 5 in einen Treffpunkt für Groß und Klein.

Die Supreme Kids ist bereit für die neue Ordersaison. Von Freitag, 14. Juli, bis Sonntag, 16. Juli, verwandelt sich das MTC world of fashion, Haus 1, Ingolstädter Straße 45, wieder in eine umfassende Kids-Welt, die alle wichtigen Trends und Strömungen in diesem Segment zeigt. Von Kids Fashion bis hin zu Kinderaccessoires zeigt die Supreme Kids konzentriert auf den knapp 10.000 m² Fläche des MTC world of fashion alles, was es für die Ordersaison Frühjahr/Sommer 2024 bedarf.

Unter dem Motto „Manege frei" hat das Supreme Kids Team gemeinsam mit Projektleiterin Sybille A. Mutschler eine spannende Erlebniswelt konzipiert. Mit Partnern wie der französischen CWF-Group (Children Worldwide Fashion) und ihren Labels wie Hugo, Boss und Billieblush und neu PVH Brand Germany mit den Marken Tommy Hilfiger und Calvin Klein an der Seite der Supreme Kids verwandelt sich die Halle 5 in einen Treffpunkt für Groß und Klein.

„Die Premiere der Eventfläche im Winter hat gezeigt, wie wichtig eine Erlebniswelt auf der Supreme Kids Orderplattformen ist. Mit der erneuten Kooperation und einem neuen starken Partner zeigen wir auch in dieser Saison, dass der gesunde Mix aus modernen Orderflächen und einer entspannten Aktionsfläche der richtige Weg für eine erfolgreiche Veranstaltung ist.“ so Aline Müller-Schade, Geschäftsführerin der The Supreme Group.


Hinzu kommen bereits etablierte und langjährige Labels wie JACK&JONES, BONDI, JOHA, LEEVJE und PLAYSHOES, die die außergewöhnliche Bandbreite der Orderplattform unterstreichen.


The Supreme Group


HeiQ launches new BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ Polo Shirt

HeiQ announces the next launch of the previously ISPO-awarded BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ polo shirt during the BOSS OPEN tennis tournament in Stuttgart.

The BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ polo shirt is crafted from 87% HeiQ AeoniQ™, a cellulosic yarn derived from certified wood pulp with performance attributes rivaling polyester fabrics’. This seamless garment, manufactured in Europe and born from a collaboration between HUGO BOSS and Swiss innovator HeiQ, is as disruptive as its cellulosic fibers. The polo shirt is available for purchase in the BOSS OPEN pop-up store, as well as online.

The first BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ polo shirt has just been acknowledged with the ISPO AWARD 2023, setting new standards in the field of more sustainable performance apparel.

HeiQ announces the next launch of the previously ISPO-awarded BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ polo shirt during the BOSS OPEN tennis tournament in Stuttgart.

The BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ polo shirt is crafted from 87% HeiQ AeoniQ™, a cellulosic yarn derived from certified wood pulp with performance attributes rivaling polyester fabrics’. This seamless garment, manufactured in Europe and born from a collaboration between HUGO BOSS and Swiss innovator HeiQ, is as disruptive as its cellulosic fibers. The polo shirt is available for purchase in the BOSS OPEN pop-up store, as well as online.

The first BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ polo shirt has just been acknowledged with the ISPO AWARD 2023, setting new standards in the field of more sustainable performance apparel.

More information:
HeiQ Hugo Boss Shirt Ispo Award


(c) Faustmann

GDH e.V.: Sonnenschutz zum Aufsetzen

Gesundheit ist ein wichtiges Umsatzthema für die Hutbranche, das aufgrund des Klimawandels rapide an Relevanz gewinnt. Der Hutverband GDH e.V. stellt den neuen UV-Schutz-Flyer vor, der sachlich über Risiken von schädlichen ultravioletten Strahlen für die Haut aufklärt – besonders betroffen sind Kinder und Erwachsene mit wenig oder keinen Haaren, mit einem hellen Hauttyp und wenn sie unter Hautproblemen und Hautkrankheiten leiden.

Sonnenstrahlen sind gut für Körper und Seele, zu viel davon ist gefährlich. Die im Sonnenlicht enthaltenen ultravioletten Strahlen sind für unsere Haut purer Stress. Leider unterschätzen viele Menschen die negative Wirkung der UV-Strahlung der Sonne. Fakt ist: Zu viel Sonne lässt die Haut schneller altern und kann zu Hautkrankheiten führen – im schlimmsten Fall zu Hautkrebs. Schutz bieten Hüte und Mützen plus Sonnencreme.

Gesundheit ist ein wichtiges Umsatzthema für die Hutbranche, das aufgrund des Klimawandels rapide an Relevanz gewinnt. Der Hutverband GDH e.V. stellt den neuen UV-Schutz-Flyer vor, der sachlich über Risiken von schädlichen ultravioletten Strahlen für die Haut aufklärt – besonders betroffen sind Kinder und Erwachsene mit wenig oder keinen Haaren, mit einem hellen Hauttyp und wenn sie unter Hautproblemen und Hautkrankheiten leiden.

Sonnenstrahlen sind gut für Körper und Seele, zu viel davon ist gefährlich. Die im Sonnenlicht enthaltenen ultravioletten Strahlen sind für unsere Haut purer Stress. Leider unterschätzen viele Menschen die negative Wirkung der UV-Strahlung der Sonne. Fakt ist: Zu viel Sonne lässt die Haut schneller altern und kann zu Hautkrankheiten führen – im schlimmsten Fall zu Hautkrebs. Schutz bieten Hüte und Mützen plus Sonnencreme.

Unter dem Motto Sonnenschutz zum Aufsetzen" werden die Leser*innen über die verschiedenen Hauttypen, verschieden Gütesiegel zum UV-Schutzfaktor UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) und die besten Sonnenschutzmaßnahmen informiert. Denn eine Kopfbedeckung plus Sonnencreme bieten den besten Schutz für die empfindlichen Bereiche Kopf, Stirn, Nase, Ohren, Nacken und Lippen.

Gütesiegel „UPF“: Qualität mit Nachhaltigkeit
Weil der Bedarf durch steigende Temperaturen und Hitzewellen immer höher wird, werden Kopfbedeckungen hergestellt, die mit einem zusätzlichen UV-Schutz ausgestattet sind, dem textilen UV-Schutzfaktor  (Ultraviolet Protection Factor). Damit wird ein bis zu 80-mal längerer Aufenthalt in der Sonne möglich. Der Vergleich: Der Schatten von Bäumen spendet nur einen Schutz von 5-20.

Die UV-Schutz-Information "Sonnenschutz zum Aufsetzen" des Hutverbandes GDH e.V. klärt über Risiken auf und gibt Tipps, worauf man beim Kauf von Caps, Strohhüten oder Panamas achten sollte.


Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V.

Photo: Pexels

VIATT 2024: New textile fair in Vietnam

With combined regional, global, and industry specific expertise, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in late March, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) announced the new international fair for the entire textile value chain. The three-day platform will be staged at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

Commenting on the new event, Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “With Intertextile Apparel in Shanghai a prime example, our Texpertise Network provides the ideal global framework from which to launch this diverse, comprehensive platform for the integrated textile supply chain. VIATT itself will capture the essence of Texpertise in one platform – a diverse, one-stop sourcing event for buyers across all categories, from garments, fabrics, yarns and fibres, to textile machinery, technical textiles and nonwovens, and everything in between.”

With combined regional, global, and industry specific expertise, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in late March, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) announced the new international fair for the entire textile value chain. The three-day platform will be staged at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

Commenting on the new event, Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “With Intertextile Apparel in Shanghai a prime example, our Texpertise Network provides the ideal global framework from which to launch this diverse, comprehensive platform for the integrated textile supply chain. VIATT itself will capture the essence of Texpertise in one platform – a diverse, one-stop sourcing event for buyers across all categories, from garments, fabrics, yarns and fibres, to textile machinery, technical textiles and nonwovens, and everything in between.”

Discussing the event’s potential, Mr Le Hoang Tai, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), said: “Vietnam is one of the world’s leading textile producers and exporters, and going from strength to strength as one of Southeast Asia’s manufacturing hubs. Our establishment has many years of experience organising trade fairs throughout Vietnam, and together with Messe Frankfurt we are excited to help international fairgoers unlock the potential of the country’s fast-growing textile market. In addition, Ho Chi Minh City’s accessibility, and Vietnam’s proximity to other leading textile-producing nations such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, China and India, make it the logical venue to host an event of this nature.”

Many international textile manufacturers have been expanding operations into Vietnam, augmenting an already strong domestic industry. According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), the country’s textile and garment industry achieved staggering annual growth of 20 – 26% from 2018 – 2022. Participation in international trade agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the EU–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)[2], bodes well for future growth.

As one of the world’s biggest importers of textile machinery, and a consistent importer of fabrics, yarns and fibres, garment production is the cornerstone of Vietnam’s industry. The country utilises cotton and functional materials to produce casualwear, childrenswear, swimwear, workwear, and much more, with sportswear an especially fast-growing category, and high-utility garments expected to achieve high exports.

By linking textile players from across Asia, Europe and beyond with this market, VIATT 2024 is willing to play an important part in shaping the future of Vietnam’s industry. Next year’s fair will host an extensive mix of international and domestic exhibitors covering multiple textile sub-sectors, including garments, apparel fabrics and accessories, yarns and fibres, digital printing, home textiles, technical textiles and nonwovens, textile processing, textile machinery, and more.

Exhibitors and buyers can utilise the fair’s global business matchmaking service, where connections are made based on the specific needs of each party. In addition to the fair’s main function as an international trading platform, its fringe programme will facilitate participants’ networking with industry leaders and offer diverse market insights via various seminars, forums, and panel discussions.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE). Covering the entire textile industry value chain, the inaugural edition will be held from 28 February – 1 March 2024 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

More information:

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd,


Archroma and COLOURizd™ collaborate to make fashion more sustainable

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, is teaming up with COLOURizd™, an innovator specializing in sustainable textile dyeing technologies, to set a new standard for the eco-friendlier production of sustainable textiles.

The new collaboration will enable fabric mills and brands to combine Archroma pigment coloration solutions with the COLOURizd™ QuantumCOLOUR™ yarn-coloring technology to produce high-quality, high-performance textiles with maximum consumer appeal and minimal environmental impact.

Conventional fiber-reactive methods of dyeing cellulosic and synthetic yarns are multi-step resource-intensive processes that use up to 95 liters of water per kilograms of colored yarn and discharge approximately 94 liters of effluent.

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, is teaming up with COLOURizd™, an innovator specializing in sustainable textile dyeing technologies, to set a new standard for the eco-friendlier production of sustainable textiles.

The new collaboration will enable fabric mills and brands to combine Archroma pigment coloration solutions with the COLOURizd™ QuantumCOLOUR™ yarn-coloring technology to produce high-quality, high-performance textiles with maximum consumer appeal and minimal environmental impact.

Conventional fiber-reactive methods of dyeing cellulosic and synthetic yarns are multi-step resource-intensive processes that use up to 95 liters of water per kilograms of colored yarn and discharge approximately 94 liters of effluent.

In contrast, the innovative QuantumCOLOUR™ process injects pigment and a binder directly into the yarn, using only 0.95 liters of water per kilograms of colored yarn while producing zero effluent. This represents an unprecedented reduction of 98% in water consumption alongside zero wastewater discharge, zero discharge of harmful chemicals, 73% decrease in carbon footprint and 50% reduction in energy use.*

With Archroma, textile manufacturers and apparel brands can add further value to the QuantumCOLOUR™ process with tailor-made system solutions, including JUST COLOR. This formaldehyde-free** pigment coloration system is based on Archroma’s revolutionary Printofix® pigment dispersions and Helizarin® binders to deliver exceptionally soft fabrics with high fastness and durability, while also enabling energy and chemical savings and higher productivity.

* As tested by Peterson Control Union
** Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods



(c) adidas AG

adidas x Bogey Boys Collection reimagines Classic Golf Style

adidas and Bogey Boys are introducing the adidas x Bogey Boys collection featuring crisp designs and high-quality performance materials that combine vintage styles from golf and tennis with a modern feel, all for easy on- and off-course wear. The limited-edition capsule featuring apparel and footwear for men and women will be available at select locations beginning Wednesday, June 14.

The adidas x Bogey Boys capsule introduces classic, clean, and sporty designs that give golfers the chance to express their style.  In refined white, altered blue and collegiate green colorways, pieces from the collection include:

adidas and Bogey Boys are introducing the adidas x Bogey Boys collection featuring crisp designs and high-quality performance materials that combine vintage styles from golf and tennis with a modern feel, all for easy on- and off-course wear. The limited-edition capsule featuring apparel and footwear for men and women will be available at select locations beginning Wednesday, June 14.

The adidas x Bogey Boys capsule introduces classic, clean, and sporty designs that give golfers the chance to express their style.  In refined white, altered blue and collegiate green colorways, pieces from the collection include:

  • Two four-button placket polos with a higher collar stand
  • A striped silhouette as well as a solid pique option with piping at cuffs and chest pocket
  • Terry cloth track suit (jacket and pants) with white 3-Stripes detailing and adidas x Bogey Boys branding
  • V-neck sweater vest in collegiate green with checkered white and green contrasting across the shoulders and small contrast lines running through rib hem and armholes
  • Straight-leg trouser made with adidas’ WARPKNIT material featuring pintuck detail down front and back legs along with piping around pockets for a crisp finish
  • Terry cloth romper with zip-front pockets, elastic waistband with pin buckle, back-right welt pocket and contrast white binding at armhole and leg opening
  • High-waisted skirt that features a side-zip opening, front and back seams with kick pleats, triangle pocket inserts with piping detail, and zipper pocket back-center and adidas’ WARPKNIT material
  • Playful graphic tee that includes a 'Welcome to the Clubhouse' message on the back featuring characters dressed in pieces of the collection sketched by Macklemore and the adidas team.

There will be a handful of accessories to complement the range including a five-panel rope hat, leather golf glove, and leather travel bag featuring croc texture with metal feet and hardware.

More information:
adidas Sportswear collection

adidas AG


ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®

ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce the implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®, a sustainable, innovative chemical agent, in YKK’s dyeing processes at their Vietnam production sites transforms common waste material, such as exhausted vegetable cooking oil, into an upcycled, certified high performance, safe textile chemical. ERCA has invested in circular practices to take waste material and use them as feedstocks to create new responsible chemical products.

Always searching for new sustainable innovations, REVECOL® caught the attention of Patagonia®. Driven by the goal to utilize non-extractive chemistry in their supply chain wherever possible, the brand teamed up with ERCA and trim supplier YKK to deploy REVECOL®.

REVECOL® LV-TS has a carbon footprint that is 72% lower* than the more conventional chemical auxiliaries produced by ERCA. Today ERCA produces a wide range of high-performance chemical auxiliaries made from used vegetable oil that are ZDHC, bluesign® approved and GRS certified.

ERCA is one of the first companies to have GRS certified chemical products, opening the door to circular chemical auxiliaries.

ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce the implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®, a sustainable, innovative chemical agent, in YKK’s dyeing processes at their Vietnam production sites transforms common waste material, such as exhausted vegetable cooking oil, into an upcycled, certified high performance, safe textile chemical. ERCA has invested in circular practices to take waste material and use them as feedstocks to create new responsible chemical products.

Always searching for new sustainable innovations, REVECOL® caught the attention of Patagonia®. Driven by the goal to utilize non-extractive chemistry in their supply chain wherever possible, the brand teamed up with ERCA and trim supplier YKK to deploy REVECOL®.

REVECOL® LV-TS has a carbon footprint that is 72% lower* than the more conventional chemical auxiliaries produced by ERCA. Today ERCA produces a wide range of high-performance chemical auxiliaries made from used vegetable oil that are ZDHC, bluesign® approved and GRS certified.

ERCA is one of the first companies to have GRS certified chemical products, opening the door to circular chemical auxiliaries.

As part of their Sustainability Vision 2050, YKK is constantly working to deploy more sustainable chemical processes in their production. The ability to replace a commonly used dye chemical with a lower impact version was a no-brainer for YKK’s Vietnam management. REVECOL® is not only more sustainable, it is also more efficient, reducing the use of the dyeing auxiliary by 20% to 30%, thus  helping to lower YKK’s overall chemical usage.

* bluesign® Product Carbon Footprint Report
