From the Sector

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The FU/COTTON T-SHIRT (c) Emiliano Granado and Jessup Deane
The FU/COTTON T-SHIRT by Outlier


OUTLIER presents the "FU/COTTON T-SHIRT" made of 100% smart cotton options by TINTEX

“TEAMING UP IS THE RESPONSIBLE WAY FORWARD”: that’s the motto of TINTEX to build a sustainable wardrobe. From new developments and implementations in production and processes to collaborative partnerships that brought to environment-driven collections, TINTEX had a very rich in news trimester.

OUTLIER produces performance-driven clothing. The brand selected 100% smart cotton options by TINTEX to develop an experimental, box cut, heavyweight (8oz/280gsm) t- shirt, that they called FU/COTTON T-SHIRT.
The t-shirt is enriched by a GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified 100% Organic cotton RIB for the neck.

OUTLIER presents the "FU/COTTON T-SHIRT" made of 100% smart cotton options by TINTEX

“TEAMING UP IS THE RESPONSIBLE WAY FORWARD”: that’s the motto of TINTEX to build a sustainable wardrobe. From new developments and implementations in production and processes to collaborative partnerships that brought to environment-driven collections, TINTEX had a very rich in news trimester.

OUTLIER produces performance-driven clothing. The brand selected 100% smart cotton options by TINTEX to develop an experimental, box cut, heavyweight (8oz/280gsm) t- shirt, that they called FU/COTTON T-SHIRT.
The t-shirt is enriched by a GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified 100% Organic cotton RIB for the neck.


GB Network


CHT teams up with HeiQ in fight against COVID-19

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 that has been developed by HeiQ is a new technology that is also effective against Coronaviruses (229E) thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Comprehensive studies have demonstrated the kit‘s effectiveness. A combination of silver salts with a vesicle technology deactivates bacteria and viruses on textile surfaces within a few minutes and renders the bacteria and viruses harmless. Textiles equipped in this way reduce the rate of infection by 99.99%, which stops the transmission and the spread of bacteria and viruses through textiles.

Viroblock can be used on all types of fibers – not only for protective kit and masks, but also for work clothing, bed linen, towels and home textiles. The kit is wash-resistant and still highly effective after 30 standard wash processes.

More information:
HeiQ CHT Group corona virus

CHT Gruppe

Strategic partneship between HUNTSMAN and PPJ

HUNTSMAN TEXTILE EFFECTS and PPJ to tap growth potential

Huntsman Textile Effects and Phong Phu International (PPJ) today announced a strategic partnership agreement that aims to promote PPJ’s growth in Vietnam as a manufacturer of  textiles and garments for brands and retailers all over the world.
Vietnam-based PPJ will leverage technical support from Huntsman Textile Effects to enhance its manufacturing processes across its denim/twill and knit mills, and develop new products that deliver sustainability along with advanced performance, protection and comfort.

Huntsman Textile Effects and Phong Phu International (PPJ) today announced a strategic partnership agreement that aims to promote PPJ’s growth in Vietnam as a manufacturer of  textiles and garments for brands and retailers all over the world.
Vietnam-based PPJ will leverage technical support from Huntsman Textile Effects to enhance its manufacturing processes across its denim/twill and knit mills, and develop new products that deliver sustainability along with advanced performance, protection and comfort.

The development of workwear and textile for the American, European and Japan markets  will be a key project for the two partners. They will use advanced Huntsman Textile Effects barrier solutions such as PHOBOL®, PHOBOTEX® and ZELAN™, along with other finishing effects.Huntsman Textile Effects will additionally support PPJ to promote its Sinnika Fabric collection, leveraging Huntsman’s advanced dyeing technology and finishing effects to deliver high-value market-focused solutions to brands and retailers.

The new agreement strengthens a  relationship that has already seen PPJ develop denim, knitwear and woven fabrics and garments using Huntsman Textile Effects technologies including AVITERA® SE dyes, NOVACRON® Atlantic dyes and High IQ® intelligent effects.


Huntsman Textile Effects

 CAALO SS2020 collection with Bemberg™ lining (c) CAALO Bemberg™
CAALO SS2020 collection with Bemberg™ lining

Bemberg™ key-statement for sustainability

  • Bemberg™ presents a great deal of novelties with a true key-statement for sustainability: Let’s Make it Circular!
  • The lifespan of Bemberg™’s regenerated cellulose fiber Cupro derived from cotton is fully circular: from the source to manufacturing.

“Sustainability is the founding pillar of our company,” says SHUNSUKE SATO, sales manager of Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei. “Indeed, the smart fiber is made from a cotton linter which is pre-consumer material, a natural derived source, that doesn’t deplete forestry resources”.

In Bemberg™’s production the whole sustainable closed-loop process is supported by the LCA study, signed by ICEA (Istituto per la Certificazione Etica e Ambientale) and validated by President of Ecoinnovazione Paolo Masoni ex Research Director of ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente).

  • Bemberg™ presents a great deal of novelties with a true key-statement for sustainability: Let’s Make it Circular!
  • The lifespan of Bemberg™’s regenerated cellulose fiber Cupro derived from cotton is fully circular: from the source to manufacturing.

“Sustainability is the founding pillar of our company,” says SHUNSUKE SATO, sales manager of Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei. “Indeed, the smart fiber is made from a cotton linter which is pre-consumer material, a natural derived source, that doesn’t deplete forestry resources”.

In Bemberg™’s production the whole sustainable closed-loop process is supported by the LCA study, signed by ICEA (Istituto per la Certificazione Etica e Ambientale) and validated by President of Ecoinnovazione Paolo Masoni ex Research Director of ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente).

While recyclability is granted by the Global Recycle Standard - GRS certification by the renown Textile Exchange (an influential guarantee that involves the whole production process and supply chain behind the company’s smart yarns), Bemberg™ yarns are also entirely biodegradable and ecotoxicity-free - meaning that at the end of their life circle they break down into the environment leaving no trace in terms of toxic substances as attested by the Innovhub-SSI report.

A special focus deserves Velutine™ Evo, the new fibrillation finishing technology for Bemberg™ fabrics only that guarantees another level of sustainable benefits without sacrificing the Bemberg™ amazing and unique touch. As part of the company’s continuous innovation, Velutine™ Evo brings better environmental, energy and water profiles for the benefit of Bemberg™ partners in the manufacture of their ranges.
The sustainable achievements of the new finishing technology have been measured by LCA - Life Cycle Assessment study by ICEA and proved to guarantee environmental benefits such as -16.5% of greenhouses gas emissions and -21% of overall consumption of energy resources. On top of that Velutine™ Evo means also -20.5% of electricity savings, -15.9% of steam production and -19.5% of water consumption.

The first Bemberg™ partner to present a commercial collection enriched by Velutine™ Evo is the Portuguese Matias & Araújo. With an innovative spirit, dynamism and a determined entrepreneurial spirit, the company is a leading knitwear producer for the textile industry.

Bemberg™ collaborated also with the premium brand CAALO that is making its mark in the outerwear market with its Sustainably produced Functional-Luxury proposal. For SS20, CAALO uses Bemberg™ lining because of the sustainability properties and it’s unique colour.

CAALO uses as much eco-friendly and sustainable materials as possible without compromising on design or quality. This Bemberg™ lining was a perfect fit. This versatile blazer features a removable hood, hidden welt pockets, button closure, and removable cargo pockets.


TU Dresden präsentiert textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken © Mirko Krziwon_ITM/TU Dresden
TU Dresden präsentiert textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken

TU Dresden präsentiert textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken

  • Anforderungs- und passformgerechte textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken – Weitere Initiativen am ITM der TU Dresden

Seit dem 20. April 2020 gilt für das Bundesland Sachsen eine Maskenpflicht beim Einkaufen und im öffentlichen Personen- und Nahverkehr. Eine entsprechende Verordnung wurde hierfür am 17. April 2020 vom Freistaat Sachsen bekannt gegeben.

Aufgrund der neuerlassenen Allgemeinverfügung und der damit einhergehenden, notwendi-gen Schutzmaßnahmen zur Verringerung der Ausbreitung von COVID-19 wird das Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden nach der am 20. April 2020 erfolgten Wiederaufnahme des laborbasierten Forschungsbetriebes die bereits in der ITM-Pressemitteilung vom 31. März 2020 vorgestellte textile, 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Maske intensiv weiterentwickeln. Das ITM möchte damit einen wichtigen aktiven Beitrag zum Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung leisten.

  • Anforderungs- und passformgerechte textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken – Weitere Initiativen am ITM der TU Dresden

Seit dem 20. April 2020 gilt für das Bundesland Sachsen eine Maskenpflicht beim Einkaufen und im öffentlichen Personen- und Nahverkehr. Eine entsprechende Verordnung wurde hierfür am 17. April 2020 vom Freistaat Sachsen bekannt gegeben.

Aufgrund der neuerlassenen Allgemeinverfügung und der damit einhergehenden, notwendi-gen Schutzmaßnahmen zur Verringerung der Ausbreitung von COVID-19 wird das Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden nach der am 20. April 2020 erfolgten Wiederaufnahme des laborbasierten Forschungsbetriebes die bereits in der ITM-Pressemitteilung vom 31. März 2020 vorgestellte textile, 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Maske intensiv weiterentwickeln. Das ITM möchte damit einen wichtigen aktiven Beitrag zum Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung leisten.

Hierfür sind in den letzten Tagen die Kooperationen mit langjährigen Netzwerkpartnern des ITM wei-ter intensiviert worden. Gemeinsam mit der renommierten Textilmaschinenfirma H. Stoll AG & Co. KG aus Reutlingen ist es gelungen, mit dem am ITM erarbeiteten technologischen Know-how auf einer am ITM der TU Dresden installierten Flachstrickmaschine Stoll ADF 530-32 BW weitere Vari-anten neuartiger, textiler 3D-gestrickter Mund-Nasen-Masken erfolgreich umzusetzen.

Am ITM können somit Mund-Nasen-Masken-Varianten mit unterschiedlichsten Materialkombinatio-nen auf Flachstrickmaschinen von zwei Maschinenherstellern, die sich alle als waschbarer und damit wiederverwendbarer Mund-Nasen-Schutz eignen, anforderungs- und passformgerecht gefertigt wer-den. Je nach Materialzusammensetzung sind die Mehrwegmasken für Kochwäsche mit handelsübli-chen Waschmitteln bzw. bei 60° mit Desinfektionswaschmittel geeignet. Bei den Masken kann wahl-weise eine Tasche direkt im Fertigungsprozess integriert werden, in die temporär noch zusätzlich Fil-terstrukturen eingelegt werden können. Die gestrickten Mund-Nasen-Masken sind – intuitiv, schnell, unkompliziert in der Handhabung – auch für Brillenträger geeignet und erfordern beim Anlegen keine Hilfe einer weiteren Person. Mittels weiterer anforderungsgerechter Materialkombinationen können auch spezifische Eigenschaften, wie z. B. Atmungsaktivität, Tragekomfort und Hautverträglichkeit, ge-zielt eingestellt und diesbezüglich im Rahmen erster freiwilliger Versuchsreihen mit Mitarbeitern des ITM intensiv getestet werden.

Als eines der weltweit führenden Textilforschungsinstitute wird das ITM mit der lösungssystemati-schen Entwicklung anforderungsgerechter Mund-Nasen-Masken einen wichtigen gesellschaftlichen und nachhaltigen Beitrag für das Gemeinwohl der Bevölkerung leisten. Das Team des ITM, welches maßgeblich bei der Maskenentwicklung involviert ist, freut sich daher auf weitere Anfragen von Her-stellern und Produzenten, um mit dem erarbeiteten Fachwissen bzw. Erfahrungen und technologi-schem Know-how insbesondere die KMU der deutschen Textilindustrie beratend zu unterstützen und ggf. gemeinsame Allianzen/Kooperationen zu schmieden.

Bereits jetzt schon steht das ITM mit mehreren Industriepartnern in Kontakt, um die Technologie zur Fertigung von textilen 3D-gestrickten Masken schnell in die Serienproduktion zu überführen und dar-über hinaus diese anforderungsgerechten textilen Produkte auch zeitnah als nach den geltenden Standards bzw. Richtlinien zugelassene Schutzmasken anzubieten.

Für die zielführenden Untersuchungen mit variablen Materialkombinationen zur weiteren Op-timierung der unterschiedlichen Maskenvarianten wurden dem ITM bereits verschiedenste Versuchsmaterialien kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. Das ITM bedankt sich hierfür bei folgenden Firmen: EMS-CHEMIE AG, Gebrüder Otto GmbH & Co. KG, TWD Fibres GmbH und W. Zimmermann GmbH & Co. KG.


Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM)

TERASIL® BLUE W DYE (C) Huntsman Corporation


  • Technology for dyeing polyester and its blends

TERASIL® BLUE W high wash fastness dye raises operational excellence of mills, providing right-first-time results leading to savings of water, energy and costs.

Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to the TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high performance sportswear and athleisure wear.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.

  • Technology for dyeing polyester and its blends

TERASIL® BLUE W high wash fastness dye raises operational excellence of mills, providing right-first-time results leading to savings of water, energy and costs.

Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to the TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high performance sportswear and athleisure wear.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.

TERASIL® BLUE W is developed by Huntsman Textile Effects to provide the leading solution for meeting industry’s wash fastness requirements. TERASIL® BLUE W offers an attractive shade and high build-up for deep blues which stays vibrant. TERASIL® BLUE W also provides quality assurance as products are bluesign® approved and suitable for STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified textile products.


Huntsman Corporation




Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to our TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high-performance sportswear and athleisure wear. TERASIL® BLUE W stands out as the leading disperse wash fast blue dye in the market which is not sensitive to reduction, leading to higher reproducibility, right-first-time results and operational excellence.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.


Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to our TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high-performance sportswear and athleisure wear. TERASIL® BLUE W stands out as the leading disperse wash fast blue dye in the market which is not sensitive to reduction, leading to higher reproducibility, right-first-time results and operational excellence.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.

With cutting-edge disperse dye technology at its heart, TERASIL® BLUE W is developed by Huntsman Textile Effects to provide the leading solution for meeting industry’s wash fastness requirements. TERASIL® BLUE W offers an attractive shade and high build-up for deep blues which stays vibrant. TERASIL® BLUE W also provides quality assurance as products are bluesign® approved and suitable for STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified textile products(1).

More information:
Huntsman Textile Effects


 Gilberto Calzolari look with Eco Fisset1 (c) GB Network
Gilberto Calzolari look with Eco Fisset1

Italian Converter presents new materials

And finishings of the E.C.O. KOSMOS cross-collection, continuing its ethical and sustainable path and having also exclusives collaborations with international brands
Italian Converter, a leading manufacturer of innovative fabrics for fashion, footwear and accessories, expands E.C.O. Kosmos, the fully traceable, transparent and 100% Made in Italy cross-collection. The acronym E.C.O. - Ecologic, Conversion, Optimization perfectly reflects the founding values of the Italian Converter philosophy and represents a further step in the company's responsible path. E.C.O. Kosmos has also been selected to be part of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) and also welcomed with enthusiasm the proposal to support C.L.A.S.S. Smart Materials Bank, the educational platform and e-shop of C.L.A.S.S. designed for young designers who want to discover and experiment with innovative and sustainable textile solutions from the best manufacturers in ways suitable for their reality.

Here are some highlights of the collection:

And finishings of the E.C.O. KOSMOS cross-collection, continuing its ethical and sustainable path and having also exclusives collaborations with international brands
Italian Converter, a leading manufacturer of innovative fabrics for fashion, footwear and accessories, expands E.C.O. Kosmos, the fully traceable, transparent and 100% Made in Italy cross-collection. The acronym E.C.O. - Ecologic, Conversion, Optimization perfectly reflects the founding values of the Italian Converter philosophy and represents a further step in the company's responsible path. E.C.O. Kosmos has also been selected to be part of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) and also welcomed with enthusiasm the proposal to support C.L.A.S.S. Smart Materials Bank, the educational platform and e-shop of C.L.A.S.S. designed for young designers who want to discover and experiment with innovative and sustainable textile solutions from the best manufacturers in ways suitable for their reality.

Here are some highlights of the collection:

  • E.C.O. Alba – E.C.O. Aurora, fabrics made of 50% casual cotton combined with AMNI SOUL ECO ® technology.
  • E.C.O. Sonica is a semi-shiny satin with an elegant and refined appearance. the textile sector at an international level.
  • E.C.O. Aly is a vintage effect raffia, a very trendy theme right now.


More information:
Italian Converter

GB Network

Hero Banner (c) EFI GmbH
Hero Banner

Fashion Enter Closes UK's Skills Gap with EFI Optitex 3D

Leading fashion and textile industry training centre offers UK professionals hands-on experience with 3D digital design tools
EFI™ Optitex®, Electronics For Imaging's global provider of integrated end-to-end 2D & 3D CAD/CAM software solutions for the fashion and apparel industry, today announced its partnership with Fashion Enter Ltd. (FEL), a UK training and technical skills development centre for the fashion and textile industry. FEL has implemented EFI Optitex 3D solutions into its course curriculum.
Established in 2006, London-based FEL is a veritable "all-in-one" technology hub for the fashion and textile industry, offering multiple training and technical skills development services encompassing the entire design to production cycle. A not for profit, social enterprise, FEL also provides apprenticeships and adult learning through an Educational Skills and Finding Agency- and Social Enterprise London-approved technical centre supported by Haringey Council, Mayor's Good Growth Fund and online fashion retailer ASOS®.

Leading fashion and textile industry training centre offers UK professionals hands-on experience with 3D digital design tools
EFI™ Optitex®, Electronics For Imaging's global provider of integrated end-to-end 2D & 3D CAD/CAM software solutions for the fashion and apparel industry, today announced its partnership with Fashion Enter Ltd. (FEL), a UK training and technical skills development centre for the fashion and textile industry. FEL has implemented EFI Optitex 3D solutions into its course curriculum.
Established in 2006, London-based FEL is a veritable "all-in-one" technology hub for the fashion and textile industry, offering multiple training and technical skills development services encompassing the entire design to production cycle. A not for profit, social enterprise, FEL also provides apprenticeships and adult learning through an Educational Skills and Finding Agency- and Social Enterprise London-approved technical centre supported by Haringey Council, Mayor's Good Growth Fund and online fashion retailer ASOS®.
To help lay the foundation for the UK's fashion and textile industry on its imminent journey towards digital transformation, FEL was determined to close the mounting skills gap in both industry and academia and offer UK professionals hands-on experience and exposure to 3D digital design tools. With a keen understanding of the market's growing need for speed, flexibility and shifting demands, in September 2019, FEL selected EFI Optitex as its 3D technology partner. FEL sought advanced 3D solutions that would enable innovative digital design courses, apprenticeships and bespoke training, including collaboration with leading fashion retailers such as Marks & Spencer®, ASOS, Next®, and many others.
After a short but highly intensive training period FEL implemented EFI Optitex 3D into its design and production processes, including pattern design and 3D tools for design and fitting. Since the recent implementation, FEL has already reaped the benefits of EFI Optitex 3D fully digital design, from sampling and grading, through to production. During a preliminary implementation phase, EFI Optitex 3D will enable FEL to deliver a wide range of accredited 3D design courses and forge collaborations with new customers, a result of EFI Optitex 3D's intuitive design tools, ease of use, and time and resource savings.

More information:
EFI Optitex



ISKO: Reloved hits Milan Fashion Week

Featuring the innovative ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, the collection has a new take on sustainability: it relies on fabrics made of reused and recycled materials as well as an advanced design research for the development of a new, conscious style.

Sustainability through the use of highly responsible materials and the experimentation of fits: this is Reloved, the new collection developed by haikure in partnership with leading denim ingredient brand ISKO. Presented with an exclusive preview during Milan Fashion Week, it is an act of love for the planet, the environment and the people.

The project perfectly embodies all the values that made the longstanding partnership between the two brands possible – a responsible approach to innovation and the development of cutting-edge concepts.

Taking into account both materials and design, Reloved features the pioneering ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, which relies on a blend of reused cotton and recycled polyester.

Featuring the innovative ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, the collection has a new take on sustainability: it relies on fabrics made of reused and recycled materials as well as an advanced design research for the development of a new, conscious style.

Sustainability through the use of highly responsible materials and the experimentation of fits: this is Reloved, the new collection developed by haikure in partnership with leading denim ingredient brand ISKO. Presented with an exclusive preview during Milan Fashion Week, it is an act of love for the planet, the environment and the people.

The project perfectly embodies all the values that made the longstanding partnership between the two brands possible – a responsible approach to innovation and the development of cutting-edge concepts.

Taking into account both materials and design, Reloved features the pioneering ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, which relies on a blend of reused cotton and recycled polyester.

During the processing of raw cotton into yarn, for every 100 kilos of cotton approximately 10% is lost. ISKO collects it and prevents it from becoming waste, adding it back into the spinning process obtaining cotton that is fully traced, documented and audited. This verification process has been invented by ISKO in partnership with its yarn supplier Sanko, offering full clarity into the traceability of reused cotton from field to fabric. It is also certified with the Content Claim Standard – or CCS – of the Textile Exchange.

Recycled polyester comes from clear plastic bottles or, alternatively, it can come from other certified waste: in either case the source material is collected, sorted, stripped of labels and caps, and cleaned to be ground into plastic pellets. These can then be re-spun into new fiber filaments.

Depending on the content percentages, for the recycled polyester ISKO can provide either the Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) or Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certifications, both of which track the recycled raw material through the supply chain from input to final product to verify its integrity.

Designed to tackle over-sourcing, the platform improves the environmental performance impact of yarn-to-fabric production. As ISKO’s latest responsible evolution, ISKO’s latest responsible evolution has resulted also in the perfect solution to enhance the responsible character of the Reloved collection.

The collection’s fresh and innovative take on style combines unisex concepts and oversized fits, is available in one shade of color featuring a variety of prints and is crafted with the planet and its inhabitants in mind. To provide full clarity and traceability from field to shelf, materials and processes are kept under the control of Made By, an independent agency that controls the social and environmental conditions of all elements of the production process.

“haikure and ISKO have always shared the same values and approach to innovation,” explained Elena Faleschini, ISKO Global Field Marketing Manager. “When we have the opportunity to work together, we know that the result is going to be astounding. Reloved is a testament to how fashion can be both innovative and responsible, without compromising on style.” A preview of Reloved was presented on Febuary 22nd, during a special happening that took place at Clan Upstairs (Vicolo Fiori 2, Milan), gathering friends, partners and denim lovers.

More information:
Isko haikure Milan Fashion Week



New haikure x ISKO responsible project

Clean, minimal and responsible, the collection perfectly embodies the combination of high-end looks with a sustainable vision, delivering effortless and stylish garments available in store from January 2020.

It claims to be love at first touch, and rightly so, as it celebrates women’s natural shape enhancing it with haikure’s delicate designs and ISKO™ premium denim. amae – the Italian brand’s latest collection and the latest chapter in the longstanding partnership between haikure and ISKO – is inspired by the idea of “taking care”.

Aiming at promoting the value of Responsible Innovation™, the collection delivers high-end contemporary looks resulting from the shared commitment to provide remarkable innovation while fostering a mindful approach in the fashion and denim industries.

Clean, minimal and responsible, the collection perfectly embodies the combination of high-end looks with a sustainable vision, delivering effortless and stylish garments available in store from January 2020.

It claims to be love at first touch, and rightly so, as it celebrates women’s natural shape enhancing it with haikure’s delicate designs and ISKO™ premium denim. amae – the Italian brand’s latest collection and the latest chapter in the longstanding partnership between haikure and ISKO – is inspired by the idea of “taking care”.

Aiming at promoting the value of Responsible Innovation™, the collection delivers high-end contemporary looks resulting from the shared commitment to provide remarkable innovation while fostering a mindful approach in the fashion and denim industries.

ISKO, pioneer of responsibility and the first denim mill in the world awarded both the prestigious EU Ecolabel and Nordic Swan Ecolabel, supported the project providing amae with responsible ingredients to shape its neat looks. Clean and minimal, the garments feature ISKO Pj Soft™ which, like a gentle embrace, grants the skin a silky touch and a soft feel. Responsibly produced according to ISKO’s holistic vision based on creativity, competence and citizenship, this light and soft fabric molds and moves with the wearer, providing an all-round flattering silhouette and comfortable fit that never feel restrictive.

As part of ISKO’s 25,000+ products, this textile concept also has a certified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD®s) for its Life Cycle Assessment (LCAs), ensuring a full transparency about its environmental impact by providing the water usage and carbon footprint of 1 square meter of fabric. As signatory member of ZDHC Foundation, ISKO also avoids harmful substances and hazardous chemicals in its entire production chain, resulting in safer denim that are good for both people and the planet.

Presenting three different washes – regular and stone wash, as well as dyed –, this fashionable and responsible collection will be available in Italy, Spain and Germany starting from January 2020.

More information:
haikure Isko


Ballet Rosa –Inter Jersey Milano – ROICA Resistance™ (c) GB Network
Ballet Rosa – Inter Jersey Milano – ROICA Resistance™

ISPO 2020: ROICA™ invited to a ‘reversed’ journey into sustainable sportwear and introduces the next level of smart innovation

From smart collections born from the collaboration with style-setting brands to the company’s ultimate yarns, the cutting-edge ingredients empowering sportwear with a responsible attitude.

For the 2020 edition of ISPO Munich, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, ROICA™ has created an interactive booth inviting visitors to explore a backward path from the final sportwear to the yarn. The sustainable premium stretch fiber by leading materials manufacturer Asahi Kasei, has conceived the exhibition as a sort of ‘reversed’ journey in three acts.

THE NEXT LEVEL – For ROICA™, being a world’s leader in smart stretch is not enough. The company shows that responsible innovation is not only about how the premium yarn is made but its functionalities as well. “It’s time to go to the next level of innovation: empowering sustainability with additional performances”. At ISPO, ROICA™ presents the new Global Recycled Standard -GRS- certified ROICA™ EF which innovates with excellent dyability and the Cradle to Cradle Material Health Gold level-certified ROICA™ V550 yarn which allows excellent and durable printability.

From smart collections born from the collaboration with style-setting brands to the company’s ultimate yarns, the cutting-edge ingredients empowering sportwear with a responsible attitude.

For the 2020 edition of ISPO Munich, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, ROICA™ has created an interactive booth inviting visitors to explore a backward path from the final sportwear to the yarn. The sustainable premium stretch fiber by leading materials manufacturer Asahi Kasei, has conceived the exhibition as a sort of ‘reversed’ journey in three acts.

THE NEXT LEVEL – For ROICA™, being a world’s leader in smart stretch is not enough. The company shows that responsible innovation is not only about how the premium yarn is made but its functionalities as well. “It’s time to go to the next level of innovation: empowering sustainability with additional performances”. At ISPO, ROICA™ presents the new Global Recycled Standard -GRS- certified ROICA™ EF which innovates with excellent dyability and the Cradle to Cradle Material Health Gold level-certified ROICA™ V550 yarn which allows excellent and durable printability.

THE ‘REVERSED’ JOURNEY: the first section of the backwards path showcases ROICA™’s ultimate collaborations for the contemporary wardrobe with leading brands. Guests are then guided to explore the cutting-edge innovation interwoven into high- performing textiles and finally led to discover the company’s sustainable yarns and ultimate products.

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GB Network

3XDRY®-Technologie von schoeller®: Die Aussenseite eines Textils ist wasserabweisend (c) Schoeller Textil AG
3XDRY®-Technologie von schoeller®: Die Aussenseite eines Textils ist wasserabweisend

Popular all-in-one garments feature 3XDRY® textile technology from schoeller®

Today’s consumers demand versatility in their apparel, whether they’re shopping for work, sports or leisure wear. Work wear is no longer just about style, and sports and leisure wear is no longer just about stretch, while the demands for high-performance textiles in every category continue to increase. More and more consumer brands are looking to Schoeller’s established technologies to deliver not only beautiful fabrics that offer comfort and style but also breathability and the best in water and dirt repellence to their customers.

3XDRY® finishing technology from schoeller® allows the exterior of a textile to be water repellent, while the inside absorbs moisture and quickly distributes it over the surface. As a result, textiles with 3XDRY® dry much faster in comparison to conventional textiles. Since the launch of 3XDRY® in 2001, the technology has proven performance focused mostly on sportswear. Now that demands within the fashion industry are also trending toward performance textiles, more of its apparel brands are also turning to the patented 3XDRY® technology’s reliability and versatility for functional jackets, pants and shirts.

Today’s consumers demand versatility in their apparel, whether they’re shopping for work, sports or leisure wear. Work wear is no longer just about style, and sports and leisure wear is no longer just about stretch, while the demands for high-performance textiles in every category continue to increase. More and more consumer brands are looking to Schoeller’s established technologies to deliver not only beautiful fabrics that offer comfort and style but also breathability and the best in water and dirt repellence to their customers.

3XDRY® finishing technology from schoeller® allows the exterior of a textile to be water repellent, while the inside absorbs moisture and quickly distributes it over the surface. As a result, textiles with 3XDRY® dry much faster in comparison to conventional textiles. Since the launch of 3XDRY® in 2001, the technology has proven performance focused mostly on sportswear. Now that demands within the fashion industry are also trending toward performance textiles, more of its apparel brands are also turning to the patented 3XDRY® technology’s reliability and versatility for functional jackets, pants and shirts.

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Kornit Digital (c) Kornit Digital Europe GmbH
Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Brings On-Demand Eco-Fashion Technology to Pure Origin

Exhibit to showcase solutions answering sustainability demands in fashion supply chain
Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT),  announced that the company is exhibiting at the Pure Origin event, taking place February 9-11 at the Olympia London. Hosted in conjunction with Pure London, Pure Origin is billed as “the UK’s only fashion sourcing show to bring every element of the fashion supply chain together in one location.”

The Kornit exhibit (Stand PO-A4) will call on brands and manufacturers to produce fashion in the most sustainable manner possible, approaching the fashion market with a statement that clothing can be produced on demand, in a profitable manner, without compromising on environmental concerns.

With its unique single-step printing solution and proprietary water-based NeoPigment™ inks, Kornit Digital enables on-demand textile manufacturing in a sustainable way. Furthermore, these solutions provide retail-quality impressions that enable retailers to become e-tailers.


Exhibit to showcase solutions answering sustainability demands in fashion supply chain
Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT),  announced that the company is exhibiting at the Pure Origin event, taking place February 9-11 at the Olympia London. Hosted in conjunction with Pure London, Pure Origin is billed as “the UK’s only fashion sourcing show to bring every element of the fashion supply chain together in one location.”

The Kornit exhibit (Stand PO-A4) will call on brands and manufacturers to produce fashion in the most sustainable manner possible, approaching the fashion market with a statement that clothing can be produced on demand, in a profitable manner, without compromising on environmental concerns.

With its unique single-step printing solution and proprietary water-based NeoPigment™ inks, Kornit Digital enables on-demand textile manufacturing in a sustainable way. Furthermore, these solutions provide retail-quality impressions that enable retailers to become e-tailers.


More information:
Kornit Digital Pure Origin

Kornit Digital Europe GmbH

HANRO 201 Balanceshirt (c) Jersey manufacturer TINTEX
HANRO 201 Balanceshirt


At Première Vision in Paris, February 11th – 13th Jersey manufacturer TINTEX presents its S/S 2021 collection and a new strategic approach to make the world a better place, a garment at a time in  Hall 5 Booth R50/S43, and Hall 3 Smart Creation Booth S7. “That’s why we decided to update our statement-motto in Naturally Advanced Evolution: a promise and an invitation to work together to develop further collections combining an environment-driven approach with cutting-edge technology.” Says Ricardo Silva, Head of Operations of TINTEX.

At Première Vision in Paris, February 11th – 13th Jersey manufacturer TINTEX presents its S/S 2021 collection and a new strategic approach to make the world a better place, a garment at a time in  Hall 5 Booth R50/S43, and Hall 3 Smart Creation Booth S7. “That’s why we decided to update our statement-motto in Naturally Advanced Evolution: a promise and an invitation to work together to develop further collections combining an environment-driven approach with cutting-edge technology.” Says Ricardo Silva, Head of Operations of TINTEX.

“Textile producers and fashion brands should develop their partnership in a much more collaborative way.” Say Says Ricardo Silva, Head of Operations of TINTEX. In a move towards his partners, the company has re-organised its products collection into 4 distinct categories and further evolved its production process in order to guarantee the highest quality and performance of its fabrics and, at the same time, to become more competitive and to allow its clients to orientate better and easily find the most suitable and practical solution. COLLECTION focuses on seasonal proposals while EXPRESSIONS includes a range for all-year-round collections.

THE SS 2021 COLLECTION is imbued with sustainability, innovation and a collaborative attitude. The new range comprises 24 new references built focusing on responsible materials – including recycled or recyclable (100% same raw material), tactile finishes and active performances with smart and cutting-edge technical background. “The main area we developed for the S/S 2021 collection was carefully selected starting from the inputs we had from our partners during some of the most successful collaborations in the past 2 years,” adds Ana Eusebio, designer.

And just to keep the conversation about sharing innovation at best, TINTEX is officially shading the light on its Coating Unit that, thanks to continuous investments, will be able to deliver Naturally Advance Solutions in terms of finishings, not just for TINTEX but also for woven producers that are aligned with the corporate commitment. Come to discover TINTEX portfolio of smartly developed coatings at its booth at Smart Creation, hall 3.


More information:
TINTEX Première Vision Paris

GB Network

CAALOSS2020collection with Bemberg™lining CAALOSS2020 collection withBemberg™lining
CAALOSS2020 collection with Bemberg™lining

Bemberg™ doubles its presence at Première Vision

Bemberg™ gears up for Première Vision - February 11th-13th, Paris, France; with a great deal of novelties and a key statement on sustainability: Let’s Make it Circular! That’s why the Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers joins the fair with two booths, one in the yarn-focused sector – Hall 6 C52 6D53 – the other one in the Smart Creation area, the curated district showcasing cutting-edge sustainable innovation for the textile and fashion business. Hall3 S14.

“We simply could not miss out on the Smart Creation Area as sustainability is the founding pillar of our company,” says SHUNSUKE SATO, sales manager of Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei. “Indeed, the smart fiber is made from a cotton linter which is pre-consumer material, a natural derived source, that doesn’t deplete forestry resources. The strategy beyond our double presence is to highlight our deep commitment to responsible innovation to a larger target of professionals.”

Bemberg™ gears up for Première Vision - February 11th-13th, Paris, France; with a great deal of novelties and a key statement on sustainability: Let’s Make it Circular! That’s why the Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers joins the fair with two booths, one in the yarn-focused sector – Hall 6 C52 6D53 – the other one in the Smart Creation area, the curated district showcasing cutting-edge sustainable innovation for the textile and fashion business. Hall3 S14.

“We simply could not miss out on the Smart Creation Area as sustainability is the founding pillar of our company,” says SHUNSUKE SATO, sales manager of Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei. “Indeed, the smart fiber is made from a cotton linter which is pre-consumer material, a natural derived source, that doesn’t deplete forestry resources. The strategy beyond our double presence is to highlight our deep commitment to responsible innovation to a larger target of professionals.”

Let’s take it circular! is the motto at the Smart Creation booth. The lifespan of Bemberg™’s regenerated cellulose fiber derived from cotton is fully circular: from the source to manufacturing. The whole sustainable closed-loop process is supported by the LCA study, signed by ICEA and validated by Paolo Masoni. Recyclability is granted by the Global Recycle Standard - GRS certification by the renown Textile Exchange. An influential guarantee that involves the whole production process and supply chain behind the company’s smart yarns. Bemberg™ yarns are entirely biodegradable and ecotoxicity-free – meaning that at the end of their life circle they break down into the environment leaving no trace in terms of toxic substances as attested by the Innovhub-SSI report.

On show at Première Vision some of the most recent collaborations with GRS-certified partners such as FIVEOL, SMI TESSUTI, TESSITURA UBOLDI, INFINITY, SIDONIOS, MATIAS & ARAUJO, TINTEX, IPEKER, EKOTEN, for fashion fabrics as well as PEZZETTI and BRUNELLO & G.CRESPI from lining partners.

The first Bemberg™ partner to present a commercial collection enriched by Velutine™ Evo is the Portuguese Matias & Araújo. With an innovative spirit, dynamism and a determined entrepreneurial spirit, the company is a leading knitwear producer for the textile industry.

In the Hall 6 Bemberg™ displays key commercial items developed by premium brands such as CAALO that is making its mark in the outerwear market with its Sustainably produced Functional-Luxury proposal. For SS20, CAALO utilized Bemberg™ lining because of the sustainability properties and it's unique colour.

CAALO looks to utilize as much eco-friendly and sustainable materials as possible without compromising on design or quality. This Bemberg™ lining was a perfect fit.


(c) GB Network


Manteco presents The Manteco System

The integrated sustainable network making fashion circular, Made in Italy and 100% traceable

World leading textile manufacturer Manteco presents its sustainable path for a better future: The Manteco System. A strategy and a vision shaping the company’s sustainable imprint since 1943. The system consists in the development and engineering of a production network involving 100 partner-companies from the whole supply chain “We all team up responsibly to create premium collection based on transparent , traceable  circular economy practices,” comments Matteo Mantellassi, co-CEO of Manteco.
To achieve meeting the demand for fair and sustainable fashion that consumers believe in, and is expected  from our clients, the company and its partners have created and accomplished to a Protocol of Sustainable Values and Commitments in line with the highest standards of the global market.

The integrated sustainable network making fashion circular, Made in Italy and 100% traceable

World leading textile manufacturer Manteco presents its sustainable path for a better future: The Manteco System. A strategy and a vision shaping the company’s sustainable imprint since 1943. The system consists in the development and engineering of a production network involving 100 partner-companies from the whole supply chain “We all team up responsibly to create premium collection based on transparent , traceable  circular economy practices,” comments Matteo Mantellassi, co-CEO of Manteco.
To achieve meeting the demand for fair and sustainable fashion that consumers believe in, and is expected  from our clients, the company and its partners have created and accomplished to a Protocol of Sustainable Values and Commitments in line with the highest standards of the global market.

“On a hand, the protocol preserves the unique ‘genius loci’ of our territory – it respects the heritage of all our partners, from the smaller businesses to the more structured ones - on the other hand, it works like a shared compass of sustainable values, allowing the whole supply chain behind Manteco products to stand out and be competitive on the global stage” adds Mantellassi.
The protocol and its monitored and traceable system cover virtuous management of resources – e.g. Water, energy and chemical products - waste management and low production impact on the environment but also responsible standards in terms of employment, quality of the working environment, equal rights and anti-discrimination policies.

One of the key  results of such commitment and sustainable development is the creation of an upgraded version of the recycled wool  MWool™: a top ingredient made from premium recycled wool process guaranteed by the Manteco System.The System works like a symphony where management, measurement and controls  are not there just to test  the quality of each single phase of processes or  products , but to make sure and offer the complete traceability of Manteco production.  From raw material, to yarn, spinning, finishing, testing and final fabric.

Some productions tips about Manteco:

  •  5.3 million kg of raw materials processed annually.
  •  6.860 tests on raw material per year.
  •  34.400 tests on finished products.
  •  100% made in Italy system completely based in the Prato district since 1943.
  •  Total transparency and traceability thanks to a highly skilled management system.

With a turnover of over 91m Euro in 2019 and an annual growth of 17,80% since 2012, Manteco SpA is the 4th textile company in Italy, listed in the TOP30 companies of the Italian fashion system. “The unique Manteco system adds value to our products while highlighting the sustainable path we share with all our partners both upstream and downstream”.

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(c) GB Network


ISKO wows ISPO with market leading sportswear innovation.

The must-have fabrics platform for activewear and sportswear apparel, developed by ISKO, will be featuring in the Munich arena showcasing its Responsible Innovation™ approach resulting once more in groundbreaking performance properties.

ISKO returns once again to ISPO, Hall C1 – Booth 401, to present its pioneering innovation in the world of sportswear and activewear. The leading denim ingredient brand will be presenting the latest edition of ARQUAS™, the much-loved fabrics platform set to bring about an even more responsible era.

Featuring 35 fabrics, most of which are made with certified recycled materials, ARQUAS™ 6.0 combines high-performance properties with the mill’s Responsible Innovation™ approach – a holistic vision based on creativity, competence and citizenship that constantly defines new standards.

The must-have fabrics platform for activewear and sportswear apparel, developed by ISKO, will be featuring in the Munich arena showcasing its Responsible Innovation™ approach resulting once more in groundbreaking performance properties.

ISKO returns once again to ISPO, Hall C1 – Booth 401, to present its pioneering innovation in the world of sportswear and activewear. The leading denim ingredient brand will be presenting the latest edition of ARQUAS™, the much-loved fabrics platform set to bring about an even more responsible era.

Featuring 35 fabrics, most of which are made with certified recycled materials, ARQUAS™ 6.0 combines high-performance properties with the mill’s Responsible Innovation™ approach – a holistic vision based on creativity, competence and citizenship that constantly defines new standards.

Although many of the textile concepts included in the collection may have the look and hand feel of knitted fabrics, they are all woven, thus ensuring superior durability and greater recovery. Among the many qualities that come with ARQUAS™ 6.0, moisture management, UV and wind protection, heat retention, water and stain repellency stand out. Nylon, which is used for the first time in this edition, allows for super light woven and cozy outdoor fabrics, reversible and packable styles, as well as patented fabrics, such as 4 waystretch ISKO Blue Skin™ for a 360° elasticity. Finally, the collection offers super compact fabrics that are made suitable also for fully bonded garments with body shaping and high recovery properties.

To provide trailblazing inspiration to its customers, ISKO’s world-class design team have created both a men’s and women’s garment collection based on three lifestyles – active, outdoor and club sports.

ACTIVE: Ideal for a wide range of sports from yoga to fitness to running. Whether participating in highor low-impact activities, these fabrics perfectly fulfill the technical requirements of athleisure and performance-wear apparel.

Fabrics that stand for superior comfort, durability, water repellency and breathability, protecting the wearer from the elements of nature in any kind of setting.

From the perfect golf swing to a wild horse ride, essential features such as maximum flexibility, fit and performance make these the ultimate textile concepts for the sportswear market.

More information:
Isko ISPO Munich


HeiQ (c) HeiQ

HeiQ announces next generation of HeiQ Fresh and HeiQ XReflex

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ improves both its HeiQ Fresh and HeiQ XReflex product lines. The updated products offer improvement in multiple technical aspects for HeiQ Fresh and more product options with HeiQ XReflex.

HeiQ’s first product, HeiQ Fresh, was developed to solve the problem of stinky outdoor apparel. Since then there have been continuous updates to the odor control range with three sustainable products – HeiQ Pure TAG, HeiQ Pure SPQR and HeiQ Fresh FFL. HeiQ Pure TAG has been upgraded. It is a recycled silver-based odor control with a nonionic reformulation, highly compatible with most textile finishing. HeiQ Pure SPQR is a hybrid silver- and bio-based, dual-action odor control technology and meets USDA Biopreferred® requirements. HeiQ Fresh FFL is a fully bio-based odor control technology.

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ improves both its HeiQ Fresh and HeiQ XReflex product lines. The updated products offer improvement in multiple technical aspects for HeiQ Fresh and more product options with HeiQ XReflex.

HeiQ’s first product, HeiQ Fresh, was developed to solve the problem of stinky outdoor apparel. Since then there have been continuous updates to the odor control range with three sustainable products – HeiQ Pure TAG, HeiQ Pure SPQR and HeiQ Fresh FFL. HeiQ Pure TAG has been upgraded. It is a recycled silver-based odor control with a nonionic reformulation, highly compatible with most textile finishing. HeiQ Pure SPQR is a hybrid silver- and bio-based, dual-action odor control technology and meets USDA Biopreferred® requirements. HeiQ Fresh FFL is a fully bio-based odor control technology.

HeiQ is also launching additional fabrics and insulation packages for HeiQ XReflex, a solution that offers the same level of warmth with up to half the reduction of insulation, reducing bulk and saving materials for apparel, sleeping bags, gloves, blankets, etc. This patented radiant barrier technology is now offered with one or two layers of heat reflective surface, offering up to 50% less bulk at the same warmth, without effecting fabric breathability. HeiQ XReflex is also available as a scrim layer, providing an ultra-thin radiant barrier for design flexibility and logistics and cost optimization.

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Messe Frankfurt (HK): Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd: Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles August
Messe Frankfurt (HK): Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd: Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles August 2020

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will return from 24 – 26 August 2020 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). Stepping into its 26th edition, the trade fair will provide exhibitors the perfect opportunity to introduce new products and expand their distribution networks, as well as serving as a source of information and inspiration for professionals in every aspect of the industry.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary last August, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile attracted 1,147 exhibitors from 27 countries & regions, as well as 35,390 trade buyers from 117 countries & regions (2018: 104), reflecting the increasing internationalism of Messe Frankfurt’s textile fairs in China, and the growing opportunities for international suppliers to meet a wide range of buyers in Shanghai. The trade fair’s capacity to attract large and diverse crowds has reinforced its status as the leading business platform for the home textile industry in the Asia Pacific region.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will return from 24 – 26 August 2020 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). Stepping into its 26th edition, the trade fair will provide exhibitors the perfect opportunity to introduce new products and expand their distribution networks, as well as serving as a source of information and inspiration for professionals in every aspect of the industry.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary last August, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile attracted 1,147 exhibitors from 27 countries & regions, as well as 35,390 trade buyers from 117 countries & regions (2018: 104), reflecting the increasing internationalism of Messe Frankfurt’s textile fairs in China, and the growing opportunities for international suppliers to meet a wide range of buyers in Shanghai. The trade fair’s capacity to attract large and diverse crowds has reinforced its status as the leading business platform for the home textile industry in the Asia Pacific region.
In the next edition, a large collection of quality Chinese companies, as well as premier overseas brands will once again present the entire spectrum of home and contract textile products including:

  • Textile editors
  • Whole Home Products
  • Windows & Upholstery
  • Bedding, Bath, Kitchen & Table
  • Carpets & Rugs
  • Sun-Protection
  • Wallcovering
  • Digital Print & Technics
  • Fibers, Yarns & Chemicals
  • Textile Designs

Opportunities abound in China’s home textiles market
“The upcoming Autumn Edition of Intertextile is set to offer suppliers and buyers the best platform to capture new business opportunities, especially as we continue to focus on bringing together more key players from the textiles, interiors, architecture and hospitality sectors in China and internationally,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said.
“Over the years, Intertextile has been evolving from a traditional trade fair to an immersive and interactive experience that inspires and engages attendees. Today, the fair is more than a business platform; it also delivers state-of-the-art home trends, valuable networking opportunities, as well as innovative and strategic solutions for brand development through a series of fringe programme events,” Ms Wen further explained.
As one of the selected exhibitors featured in the Talks & Tours series at the 2019 fair, Mr Thomas Luys, Sales Manager of LIBECO-LAGAE: “We had quite a diverse range of visitors, including an increase in e-commerce buyers, but also more traditional upholstery fabrics buyers. Our booth was also part of the Talks & Tours, so it was important to tell our story to a diverse range of visitors on this tour.”
To find out more about this fair, please visit:
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(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd