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German Brand Award geht an drapilux (c) Foto: Lutz Sternstein –

German Brand Award geht an drapilux

Nach dem German Innovation Award und dem German Design Award hat drapilux den German Brand Award in der Kategorie „Interior und Living“ für seine exzellente Markenstrategie erhalten.

Auf dem Markt ist drapilux nicht nur der Hersteller von Bezugs- und Dekorationsstoffen mit der größten Auswahl an intelligenten Funktionen, sondern hat diese überhaupt erst eingeführt. Sicherheit, Hygiene, Raumqualität und Akustik werden durch die Funktionen „flammstop“, „akustik“, „air“ und „bioaktiv“ der drapilux-Textilien erheblich verbessert.

Nach dem German Innovation Award und dem German Design Award hat drapilux den German Brand Award in der Kategorie „Interior und Living“ für seine exzellente Markenstrategie erhalten.

Auf dem Markt ist drapilux nicht nur der Hersteller von Bezugs- und Dekorationsstoffen mit der größten Auswahl an intelligenten Funktionen, sondern hat diese überhaupt erst eingeführt. Sicherheit, Hygiene, Raumqualität und Akustik werden durch die Funktionen „flammstop“, „akustik“, „air“ und „bioaktiv“ der drapilux-Textilien erheblich verbessert.

Das spiegelt sich deutlich in der Corporate Identity wider: „drapilux hat mit seiner ‚Mehr als nur Stoff‘-Imagekampagne den Markenkern besser denn je auf den Punkt gebracht“, sagt Marketingleiter Markus Overbeck, der den German Brand Award in Berlin entgegennahm. So bezeichnet der Claim „Intelligence woven in“, zu Deutsch „gewebte Intelligenz“, die hohe Qualität der Textilien mit eingebauter Sicherheit, für die die Marke international bekannt ist.
Dass die Textilien „innere Werte“ besitzen und damit Kunden im Alltag einen echten Mehrwert bieten, wird anhand symbolhaft dargestellten Stoffnachbildungen sichtbar: Ein roter Stoff-Feuerlöscher, grüne Ohrenschützer aus Textil, ein blauer, gewebter Ventilator und eine rosafarbene Textil-Desinfektionsmittelflasche zeigen auf der Webseite, auf Messen, auf allen Kommunikationskanälen, wofür drapilux steht. Die vier Imagemotive sind zu den Sinnbildern für die Alleinstellungsmerkmale von drapilux geworden. „Die Strategie, für die die Marke ausgezeichnet wurde, bauen wir auch weiter aus. Dazu wird es eine weiterführende Kampagne geben, die noch im Laufe des Jahres starten wird“, so Overbeck.

More information:
drapilux, Interieur, Textilien

schönknecht : kommunikation

Distec ermöglicht mit dem intelligenten TFT-Controller ArtistaGUI-II das einfache Erstellen von Bedienoberflächen

Intuitive Bedienoberflächen einfach erstellen mit ArtistaGUI-II

  • Distec ermöglicht die smarte Kommunikation mit der Maschinensteuerung über Netzwerke oder RS-232

Die Distec GmbH – führender deutscher Spezialist für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – präsentiert den intelligenten TFT-Controller ArtistaGUI-II zum einfachen Erstellen von individuellen, intuitiven Bedienoberflächen. Die Multifunktions-Bedieneinheit bietet eine objektbasierte Darstellung und kommuniziert beispielsweise über Netzwerke oder RS-232. Im Handumdrehen können Anwender unterschiedlichste Bildschirmlayouts und Bedienoberflächen für diverse Anwendungen erstellen. "Moderne TFT-Displays ziehen in Verkaufsautomaten und Infoterminals die Blicke auf sich und geben vielen Geräten eine hochwertige Optik", erläutert Matthias Keller, Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter Komponenten der Distec GmbH.

  • Distec ermöglicht die smarte Kommunikation mit der Maschinensteuerung über Netzwerke oder RS-232

Die Distec GmbH – führender deutscher Spezialist für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – präsentiert den intelligenten TFT-Controller ArtistaGUI-II zum einfachen Erstellen von individuellen, intuitiven Bedienoberflächen. Die Multifunktions-Bedieneinheit bietet eine objektbasierte Darstellung und kommuniziert beispielsweise über Netzwerke oder RS-232. Im Handumdrehen können Anwender unterschiedlichste Bildschirmlayouts und Bedienoberflächen für diverse Anwendungen erstellen. "Moderne TFT-Displays ziehen in Verkaufsautomaten und Infoterminals die Blicke auf sich und geben vielen Geräten eine hochwertige Optik", erläutert Matthias Keller, Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter Komponenten der Distec GmbH. "Auch in der Medizintechnik und in der Industrie vereinfachen TFT-Displays das Bedienen von Geräten. Dabei ist vor allem eine klare und übersichtliche Bedienoberfläche wichtig, damit Nutzer das Gerät darüber einfach und intuitiv handhaben können."


Voller Funktionsumfang für intuitives Bedienen

Die ArtistaGUI-II basiert auf dem Raspberry Pi (4 Core, 1,2 GHz) und enthält 4 GB eMMC unter anderem zum Speichern von Makros, Bildern, Texten, Schriftarten und Videos. Das Speichervolumen lässt sich über eine SD-Karte beliebig erweitern. Die Controllerkarte bietet volle Grafikfähigkeit für TFT-Displays bis zu einer Auflösung von 1920x1200 Bildpunkten und in Größen von aktuell 5 (12,7 cm) bis 65 Zoll (165,1 cm). Den PCAP-Touchscreen steuert die ArtistaGUI-II direkt über die I²C- oder USB-Schnittstelle an und sorgt für eine einfache, interaktive Bedienbarkeit über Gesten. Der weite Betriebstemperaturbereich von -20 bis +70°C ermöglicht auch einen Außeneinsatz des intelligenten TFT-Controllers.


Gestalten leichtgemacht
Die Embedded Wizard Software von TARA Systems ist ideal, um mit der ArtistaGUI-II individuelle Benutzeroberflächen und Bildschirmlayouts zu gestalten. Die kostengünstige und leicht zu bedienende Software stellt verschiedene graphisch hochwertige Objekte zur Auswahl, die Anwender im Editor nach eigenem Bedarf per Drag-and-Drop kombinieren, anpassen, verschieben, drehen oder zoomen können. Aktionen, beispielsweise für Touch-Tasten, lassen sich einfach erstellen. Die ArtistaGUI-II unterstützt ebenfalls die QT 5.x-Software mit umfangreichen Funktionen zur Internationalisierung sowie Datenbankfunktionen und XML-Unterstützung. Als Dienstleistung für Kunden erstellt Distec zudem komplett individuelle Bedienoberflächen.


Dresdner Wissenschaftlerin mit Manfred-Hirschvogel-Preis 2018 geehrt

Frau Dr.-Ing. Iris Kruppke, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden, wurde am 16. Juni 2018 zum Tag der Fakultät Maschinenwesen der TU Dresden mit dem Manfred-Hirschvogel-Preis geehrt. Der Preis ist mit 5.000 EUR dotiert und wird seit 2013 jährlich an allen TU9-Universitäten - den neun führenden technischen Universitäten in Deutschland - für die beste Promotion des zurückliegenden Jahres im Bereich Maschinenbau vergeben.

Frau Dr.-Ing. Iris Kruppke, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden, wurde am 16. Juni 2018 zum Tag der Fakultät Maschinenwesen der TU Dresden mit dem Manfred-Hirschvogel-Preis geehrt. Der Preis ist mit 5.000 EUR dotiert und wird seit 2013 jährlich an allen TU9-Universitäten - den neun führenden technischen Universitäten in Deutschland - für die beste Promotion des zurückliegenden Jahres im Bereich Maschinenbau vergeben.

Im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation zum Thema „Entwicklung von Methoden zur Realisierung von maßgeschneiderten Adhäsionseigenschaften von faserbasierten Hochleistungswerkstoffen für Composites“ setzte sich Frau Dr. Kruppke mit der Oxifluorierung als Oberflächenbehandlungs-methode auseinander. Dieses hocheffiziente Verfahren, das zur Oberflächenfunktionalisierung eingesetzt wird, soll zukünftig insbesondere bei der Entwicklung neuer maßgeschneideter Carbonfasern zum Einsatz kommen. Frau Dr. Kruppke gelang es, das Thema der Oxifluorierung zum maßgeschneiderten Grenzschichtdesign von Carbonfasern im Rahmen der großen Forschungsinitiative „C3 - Carbon Concrete Composites“ innerhalb des BMBF-Programms „Zwanzig20 - Partnerschaft für Innovation“ mit starker Industriebeteiligung sehr erfolgreich weiter voran zu treiben.

Die Ergebnisse ihrer Dissertation, die Frau Dr. Kruppke Ende März mit der Bestnote „summa cum laude“ verteidigte, sind von enormer Bedeutung für die Herstellung von Faserverbundwerkstoffen. Sie eröffnen die Möglichkeit, Hochleistungsfasern in Hochleistungsstrukturen umzuwandeln. Solche Entwicklungen erfordern eine Anpassung der vorliegenden Grenzflächen dieser Hochleistungsfasern an neue polymerbasierte, z. B. thermoplastische und anorganische Matrixsysteme. Die besonderen Publikationsleistungen lassen erwarten, dass die bisher erzielten Resultate weiterhin als fester Bestandteil in die zukünftige industrienahe Carbonfaserforschung eingehen und somit ein neues Forschungsgebiet erschließen.

Gerade im wissenschaftlichen Bereich des Maschinenbauwesens sind Frauen in leitender Position bedauerlicherweise immer noch selten zu finden. Mit der erneuten Auszeichnung beweisen die Wissenschaftlerinnen des ITM ihr enormes wissenschaftliches Know-how, welches sie am ITM dank der exzellenten Infrastruktur erlangen und deren Ergebnisse auf renommierten nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen regelmäßig offeriert werden. Bereits 2017 wurde eine weitere Wissenschaftlerin des ITM mit dem Bertha Benz-Preis für ihre herausragende Promotion zur Entwicklung eines neuartigen Verfahrens zur Herstellung metallischer 3D-Strukturen auf Webmaschinen ausgezeichnet.

Manfred Hirschvogel Preis
Die Frank Hirschvogel Stiftung hat 2013 zum ersten Mal den Manfred Hirschvogel Preis verliehen. Der Preis wird zu Ehren des Lebenswerks von Dr. Manfred Hirschvogel vergeben.
Der Preis ist mit 5.000 EUR dotiert und wird seit 2013 jährlich an allen TU9-Universitäten - den neun führenden technischen Universitäten in Deutschland - für die beste Promotion des zurückliegenden Jahres im Bereich Maschinenbau vergeben.

More information:
TU Dresden

Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM)


Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR Product Selected for one of the Largest MBR Projects in China

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

These wastewater treatment plants will be built and operated by China Everbright Water Limited Co. Ltd, a company principally engaged in construction and operation of integrated environmental water services. The project is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2018.

“We have had good experience with Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR technology in the 55,000 m3/day Beijing Daxing Tiantanghe Waste Water Treatment Project,” said Mr. Wang Huailin, president of Jiangsu Kaimi Membrane Technology Co. Ltd, who will design, build and supply the membrane system for these plants. “Since the 2016 Beijing plant startup, the PURON® membranes have been used in an underground construction model to provide a pollution-free installation. We have been impressed with the low fouling and low operating costs from the PURON® product, due to its unique single header and central aeration design features and the process expertise Koch brings to the table.”

“Koch has developed advanced membrane solutions for the municipal and industrial market segments,” said Mr. Manny Singh, president of Koch Membrane Systems. “Unique features of our PURON® product help the market treat wastewater to meet strict discharge and reuse targets with a low cost of ownership. We are excited that Everbright Water Group recognized the benefits of our PURON® product in their existing plant and selected us for their flagship new projects.”


Koch Membrane Systems, Inc.

 APIC Attendees Take Home Hygienically Clean Soiled Linen Training
APIC Attendees Take Home Hygienically Clean Soiled Linen Training

APIC Attendees Take Home Hygienically Clean Soiled Linen Training

Exhibiting at this week’s Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Annual Conference, Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified laundries provided nearly 200 copies of a training video guiding caregivers in improving soiled linen handling performance.

Provided on a flash drive: the 13-minute video (The Six Cs: Handling Soiled Linen in a Healthcare Environment), a quiz to immediately assess viewers’ grasp of the video’s lessons and posters to reinforce these year-round. Distributed since 2016, the video has been hailed for its value in aiding compliance with OSHA universal precautions regarding items saturated with blood, bodily fluids, harmful residue from treatments and other potentially infectious material.

The flash drive offer intrigued infection preventionists (IPs) from a single facility or those responsible for this function throughout health systems, whether acute or outpatient care environments or both. The drive also attracted the attention of other professionals who visited the Hygienically Clean exhibit, such as federal and state health officials and suppliers of products and services to the IP profession.

Exhibiting at this week’s Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Annual Conference, Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified laundries provided nearly 200 copies of a training video guiding caregivers in improving soiled linen handling performance.

Provided on a flash drive: the 13-minute video (The Six Cs: Handling Soiled Linen in a Healthcare Environment), a quiz to immediately assess viewers’ grasp of the video’s lessons and posters to reinforce these year-round. Distributed since 2016, the video has been hailed for its value in aiding compliance with OSHA universal precautions regarding items saturated with blood, bodily fluids, harmful residue from treatments and other potentially infectious material.

The flash drive offer intrigued infection preventionists (IPs) from a single facility or those responsible for this function throughout health systems, whether acute or outpatient care environments or both. The drive also attracted the attention of other professionals who visited the Hygienically Clean exhibit, such as federal and state health officials and suppliers of products and services to the IP profession.

Distributing the flash drive is a hallmark of the Hygienically Clean program’s philosophy of addressing healthcare providers’ operational needs outside the scope of outsourced laundries’ traditional functions. Certified operators’ certification fees provide funding for creating and distributing the video and other education tools for healthcare facilities.

Visitors to the Minneapolis display who previously received the video vouched for its effectiveness. Certified laundries have individually distributed the flash drive to customers and prospects in addition to  their collective effort to provide them at previous APIC and Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) expos.

The video’s easy-to-follow steps improve infection control and patient care and reduce costs by addressing OSHA-required universal precautions. Employees who handle soiled linen (usually nurses and environmental services staff) must assume all human blood and potentially infectious materials they touch are infected, because they can’t be sure which patients are infected or what infections are present.

Adhering to the six Cs (cover, collect, contain, consolidate, clean, cooperate) each day prevents injury and reduces the risk of spreading of infection to co-workers, patients and residents. These positive outcomes are only achieved when workers first protect themselves.

The flash drive is available to all healthcare providers at no cost. It also contains the Hygienically Clean standard and other guidance documents for infection preventionists related to linen and uniforms. Among these documents: Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, an 8-page guide to safeguarding through effective transportation, storage and distribution.


Help with Clean Linen from Hygienically Clean Laundries Welcomed at APIC

Attendees of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) expo confirmed Thursday the value of effective guidelines for properly handling clean linen, substantiating Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified operators’ efforts to help them ensure linen remains safe and clean when it reaches patients.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s Annual Conference were supported in this respect by receiving Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, a guide produced by these certified linen, uniform and facility services operators. APIC attendees shared anecdotes of mishandling clean linen in their workplaces including:

Attendees of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) expo confirmed Thursday the value of effective guidelines for properly handling clean linen, substantiating Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified operators’ efforts to help them ensure linen remains safe and clean when it reaches patients.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s Annual Conference were supported in this respect by receiving Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, a guide produced by these certified linen, uniform and facility services operators. APIC attendees shared anecdotes of mishandling clean linen in their workplaces including:

  • Employees holding and carrying stacks of bed linen and towels touching their chests
  • Commingling clean and soiled linen
  • Storing linen in closets in guest rooms instead of a secure linen room

Certified operators’ certification fees provided funding for creating and distributing the guide (and other resources for healthcare facilities), manifesting the Hygienically Clean program’s philosophy of addressing healthcare providers’ operational needs outside the scope of outsourced laundries’ traditional functions.

Angela Freeman, Hygienically Clean program manager, explained the importance of such laundries partnering with healthcare providers to create and implement plans to ensure clean textiles are delivered to patients. “When healthcare textiles (HCTs) reach a facility’s doors, an outsourced laundry’s role in maintaining their hygiene depends greatly on how the service agreement addresses linen distribution. Hygienically Clean’s resources for healthcare providers reflect the willingness of our certified operators to partner with their customers.”

A video version of the clean linen guide is in the works. TRSA, the global association for the linen and uniform services industry and Hygienically Clean administrator, continues to build the industry’s appreciation for partnering with healthcare customers.

In May, TRSA introduced Producing Hygienically Clean Textiles, an e-learning class to help laundry employees understand their roles in the processes, procedures and policies necessary to produce clean linens and uniforms. TRSA’s annual Healthcare Conference has guided industry managers in progressive linen distribution techniques to aid their training of their customers in these.


APIC Attendees Support Hygienically Clean Stance on Healthcare Uniforms in Public

Linen, uniform and facility services operators certified Hygienically Clean Healthcare presented evidence today to members of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) that medical care facilities should more carefully control public wearing of employee uniforms.

Engaging visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s 2018 expo, certification staff had a receptive audience for the data. Most attendees interviewed indicated they support preventing employees from wearing scrubs and other healthcare apparel outside medical facilities. Many said they have policies to this effect but find these difficult to enforce.

The 3-day APIC exhibit is building awareness of Hygienically Clean certified providers among infection preventionists: individuals who recommend what linen and uniform service their facilities should use. Discussing issues with them such as uniform hygiene positions certified operators as the foremost laundry science experts with an unprecedented commitment to educating healthcare professionals regarding linen and laundry.

Linen, uniform and facility services operators certified Hygienically Clean Healthcare presented evidence today to members of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) that medical care facilities should more carefully control public wearing of employee uniforms.

Engaging visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s 2018 expo, certification staff had a receptive audience for the data. Most attendees interviewed indicated they support preventing employees from wearing scrubs and other healthcare apparel outside medical facilities. Many said they have policies to this effect but find these difficult to enforce.

The 3-day APIC exhibit is building awareness of Hygienically Clean certified providers among infection preventionists: individuals who recommend what linen and uniform service their facilities should use. Discussing issues with them such as uniform hygiene positions certified operators as the foremost laundry science experts with an unprecedented commitment to educating healthcare professionals regarding linen and laundry.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit received Curbing the Infection Risks of Healthcare Garments, a brief compendium of studies and journal articles that point to the risk-reduction value of professionally laundering employees’ garments, worth the additional cost to a healthcare facility that currently makes employees responsible for washing them.

Hygienically Clean staff noted that TRSA, the global association for the linen and uniform industry that administers the certification program, has begun planning to raise the issue’s profile with healthcare industry stakeholders. TRSA’s Healthcare Committee has formed a task force on the matter. Staff has contacted TRSA associate members (suppliers to the industry) who manufacture scrubs, lab coats and other healthcare employee garments to explore promoting a new voluntary standard that would urge medical providers to prevent wearing these in public.

An Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN) standard currently performs this role regarding garments worn in surgical suites. TRSA will weigh the possibility of supporting creation of a much broader measure, covering all clinical functions with discernible risk of pathogen transmission from healthcare garments to patients and the public.

As TRSA investigates courses of action, hoping to involve such stakeholder groups, Hygienically Clean certified providers will continue to point to the mounting evidence of the risks of garments carrying pathogens out of healthcare facilities and inadequate domestic laundering bringing them in.

In contrast, contracting with a Hygienically Clean provider, whose processes (laundry practices) are verified and outcomes (product cleanliness) are quantified by third parties, provides maximum confidence that all garments used in a healthcare setting have diminished presence of harmful bacteria. It’s a cost-effective way to essentially eliminate this single risk of infection transmission, unlike so many others that require preventionists to constantly guard against.



This July at Interfilière, discover responsible innovation and well-being at the ROICA™ booth.

ROICA™ partners create innovative fabrics for the Modern Wardrobe. See, feel, imagine and learn why brands are choosing ROICA™, view the collection of superior functional fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market, thanks to advanced yarn solutions dedicated to specific needs of the contemporary consumer.

Spearheading the stretch market, ROICA™ elevates new standards for intelligent contemporary consumers. ROICA™ representatives will excite you as they demonstrate functionality, their advanced color technology system, and show you a fantastic range of stretch innovations from smart shapewear to soft compression that can enhance designs. Come visit the ROICA™ booth to learn about the ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity. As you enter, you will experience 3 Modern Wardrobe concept zones that showcase:

1. ROICA™ Lifestyle – a beautiful selection of commercial lingerie, swimwear and nightwear items from leading brands that include ROICA™, embracing the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of yarns.

This July at Interfilière, discover responsible innovation and well-being at the ROICA™ booth.

ROICA™ partners create innovative fabrics for the Modern Wardrobe. See, feel, imagine and learn why brands are choosing ROICA™, view the collection of superior functional fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market, thanks to advanced yarn solutions dedicated to specific needs of the contemporary consumer.

Spearheading the stretch market, ROICA™ elevates new standards for intelligent contemporary consumers. ROICA™ representatives will excite you as they demonstrate functionality, their advanced color technology system, and show you a fantastic range of stretch innovations from smart shapewear to soft compression that can enhance designs. Come visit the ROICA™ booth to learn about the ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity. As you enter, you will experience 3 Modern Wardrobe concept zones that showcase:

1. ROICA™ Lifestyle – a beautiful selection of commercial lingerie, swimwear and nightwear items from leading brands that include ROICA™, embracing the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of yarns.

2. ROICA™ Innovation – an exciting area that shares our textile partners’ innovations to inspire endless possibilities. This area will showcase lingerie concept garments for brands that will spark ideas for AW 19/20.

3. ROICA™ Lab – the zone that navigates you toward the latest hi-tech Modern Wardrobe solutions. This zone hosts unmatched premium stretch performance designed to exceed contemporary business and consumer desires belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family and ROICA™ Feel Good family .

ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, the world's first range of responsibly made premium stretch fibers creating ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with prestigious certifications:

  • Global Recycling Standard (GRS) Version 3.0 certified by Textile Exchange - ROICA™ Version 3.0 yarn constructed with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content.
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold for product and ingredients - ROICA™ yarn evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

ROICA™ partners featuring ROICA™ Eco-Smart family include:
Giemme, Iluna Group S.p.A, Maglificio Ripa S.p.A, M.I.T.I. Spa, Penn Textile Solutions, Sofileta, Tessitura Colombo Antonio Tintex Textiles

ROICA™ Feel Good family, a brilliant range of advanced stretch fibers that deliver personal performance and measurable wellness. Thus, providing freshness and comfort metrics perfect for travel, sport, leisure and more. The family now offers a premium innovation:

  • ROICA™ CF, an innovative yarn that neutralizes odors thanks to an active ingredient interlocked within the yarn. This durable stretch yarn offers a fantastic property to every wearer.

ROICA™ partners featuring ROICA™ CF include: Maglificio Ripa S.p.A., TINTEX Textiles.

ROICA™ also presents the following families through our textile partners’ innovations within the ROICA™ Innovation area:

  • ROICA™ Color Perfect family - advanced color technology system that delivers a perfect color match finish with an undetectable matte look for the stretch materials.
  • ROICA™ Contour family - high performance stretch yarn control that delivers a calibrated form optimizing power, softness and comfort.
  • ROICA™ Resistance family - innovations linked to durability and functions to match particular applications including heat and chemical resistance in make and wear.

GB Network

Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik (c) ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW
Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Hightech-Textilien zum Anfassen
Bereits der erste Blick in die Wartungshalle des Hangar 7 sorgte für großes Staunen: Die imposante Lufthansa Maschine des Typus A330, die fast täglich von Düsseldorf nach New York fliegt, steht dienstags zu Wartungsarbeiten im Hangar und bot die perfekte Kulisse, sich die Hightech-Textilien einmal aus der Nähe anzuschauen. Das war sowohl für die Veranstalter als auch die Pressevertreter eine ganz neue Erfahrung. „Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir mit dieser Veranstaltung die innovative Textilindustrie so informativ, praxisnah und erlebnisreich präsentieren konnten“, sagt Detlef Braun begeistert: „Veranstaltungen wie diese tragen dazu bei, den Hightech-Charakter der Branche nachhaltig zu verdeutlichen. Textil ist Zukunft! Dies wurde am Beispiel des Flugzeugs heute mehr als deutlich.“

Ruhig & Robust – Airline Teppichböden
Für das Unternehmen ANKER, traditionsreicher Webteppichboden-Spezialist mit Sitz im rheinischen Düren, referierte Alexander von Fuchs-Nordhoff, Sales Director, über den Einsatz der Teppichböden in Flugzeugen. Zum 50. Jubiläum in diesem Jahr der ANKER Teppiche in der Luftfahrt passte das Event ganz besonders, wurde der erste ANKER Airline Teppich 1968 in einer Lufthansa Maschine verlegt. Dabei gibt es die unterschiedlichsten Varianten der Material-Beschaffung und -Verarbeitung sowie Anbringung der Teppiche. Besonders innovativ: der leichteste Teppich in einem Flugzeug überhaupt, der mit 800 Gramm pro Quadratmeter um die Hälfte leichter ist als die herkömmlichen Varianten und damit deutliche Kerosin-Einsparungen ermöglicht. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit international renommierten Architekten und Innenarchitekten liegen ANKER Teppichböden weltweit sowohl in Flugzeugen als auch in unzähligen Bürogebäuden, Hotels und öffentlichen Gebäuden. Neben der Kreativität setzt ANKER branchenweit Maßstäbe für Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation.

Stabil & Energiesparend – Tragflächen & Strukturbauteile
Steven Bakker, Global Director Business Unit New Products & New Markets von SAERTEX, einem Familienunternehmen, das Weltmarktführer in der Herstellung von Carbongelegen ist, präsentierte deren unterschiedliche Einsatzbereiche im Flugzeug: in den Tragflächen, der Druckkalotte sowie Stringerelemente und Verkleidungsteile und erläuterte, welchen besonderen Gegebenheiten die Materialien standhalten müssen. Insbesondere die Luftfahrt setzt auf solche Composites, die durch Verstärkungsmaterialien aus Glas-, Carbon- und Aramid-Fasern an Leichtigkeit, Stabilität und Korrosionsbeständigkeit gewinnen. Als Weltneuheit konnte Saertex im März dieses Jahres auf der JEC WORLD 2018 in Paris, der Fachmesse für Verbundwerkstoffe, ein Verfahren vorstellen, das Carbon Gelege automatisch, kontinuierlich und ohne Zerstörung auf Schäden, Lücken und Krümmungen prüft. Airbus setzt dieses Verfahren zur Materialprüfung bereits in Serie ein.

Einblicke in die Praxis vermittelte die Lufthansa Technik
Im Hangar Nr. 7 der Lufthansa Technik erfuhren die Presseteilnehmer viele Details von Wartungsleiter, Sascha Bongartz. Die Lufthansa Technik Gruppe ist ein Geschäftsfeld der Deutschen Lufthansa AG rund um die Themen Wartung und Überholung von Flugzeugen, Geräteversorgung, Triebwerke, Fahrwerke und VIP-Services. Mit 50 Standorten auf der ganzen Welt und 26.700 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern – davon rund 11.000 in Deutschland – ist die Lufthansa Weltmarktführer im Bereich luftfahrttechnischer Dienstleistungen.


ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW

Die ehemaligen TIS-Studierenden mit Anhang beim Besuch des Campus Krefeld Süd
Die ehemaligen TIS-Studierenden mit Anhang beim Besuch des Campus Krefeld Süd

Studienstart vor 60 Jahren: Ehemalige TIS-Studenten besuchten Hochschule Niederrhein

Vor 60 Jahren starteten sie ihr Studium in Krefeld, jetzt statteten sie ihrer alten Hochschule einen Besuch ab: Neun ehemalige Studenten und eine Studentin der damaligen Textilingenieurschule in Krefeld (TIS) trafen sich heute an der Hochschule Niederrhein. Sie besuchten den Campus Süd an der Reinarzstraße und anschließend ihre alte Wirkungsstätte am Frankenring. Dort wo heute der Fachbereich Design untergebracht ist, im denkmalgeschützten Bernhard-Pfau-Bau, befand sich 1958 die neu dort eingerichtete Textilingenieurschule.
Die Ehemaligen schwelgten aber nicht nur in Erinnerungen, sie waren auch angetan von der Entwicklung ihrer Hochschule Niederrhein. Beispiel Aufenthaltsqualität am Campus: Während es heute zahlreiche Räume gibt, an denen Studierende in angenehmer Atmosphäre lernen und arbeiten können, gab es damals nicht mal eine Mensa. „Wir haben zuhause gelernt, in kaum eingerichteten Studentenbuden. Mehr konnten wir uns mit 200 Mark im Monat nicht leisten“, berichtet Karl-Dietrich Ferber, Studienanfänger von 1958.  

Vor 60 Jahren starteten sie ihr Studium in Krefeld, jetzt statteten sie ihrer alten Hochschule einen Besuch ab: Neun ehemalige Studenten und eine Studentin der damaligen Textilingenieurschule in Krefeld (TIS) trafen sich heute an der Hochschule Niederrhein. Sie besuchten den Campus Süd an der Reinarzstraße und anschließend ihre alte Wirkungsstätte am Frankenring. Dort wo heute der Fachbereich Design untergebracht ist, im denkmalgeschützten Bernhard-Pfau-Bau, befand sich 1958 die neu dort eingerichtete Textilingenieurschule.
Die Ehemaligen schwelgten aber nicht nur in Erinnerungen, sie waren auch angetan von der Entwicklung ihrer Hochschule Niederrhein. Beispiel Aufenthaltsqualität am Campus: Während es heute zahlreiche Räume gibt, an denen Studierende in angenehmer Atmosphäre lernen und arbeiten können, gab es damals nicht mal eine Mensa. „Wir haben zuhause gelernt, in kaum eingerichteten Studentenbuden. Mehr konnten wir uns mit 200 Mark im Monat nicht leisten“, berichtet Karl-Dietrich Ferber, Studienanfänger von 1958.  
Am Frankenring erfuhren die Ehemaligen in einem Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schram alles über die Geschichte der Hochschule Niederrhein: über die historische Farbstoffsammlung, die viel über den Aufstieg der Textil- und Chemieindustrie in Krefeld vor 150 Jahren erzählt; über die Königliche Webschule, die gegründet wurde, damit die Textilfabrikanten ihre Söhne nicht mehr nach Frankreich schicken mussten sondern vor Ort ausbilden konnten; wie die Vorgänger-Schulen 1971 zur Fachhochschule Niederrhein fusioniert wurden. Und über aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten, die die Hochschule Niederrhein zu dem zentralen Innovationsmotor der Region machen.
Anwendungsnahes Studium war übrigens schon vor 60 Jahren ein Thema: Viele der Ehemaligen hatten vor Beginn des Studiums bereits eine Berufsausbildung abgeschlossen. Das Studium eröffnete ihnen dann die Chance zu einem höheren Wiedereinstieg ins Berufsleben. Alle ehemaligen TIS-Schüler des Jahrgangs 1958 haben im Anschluss sichere Jobs in der Textil- und Chemieindustrie erworben.


Hochschule Niederrhein
University of Applied Sciences



Beaulieu Fibres International gets to the heart of Asia’s growth segment needs at ANEX 2018

  • Fibres for automotive composites, technical textiles, hygiene and medical nonwovens
  • UltraLink fibres offer sustainable system cost reduction solutions to the automotive industry
  • Meralux offers improved liquid management for a dry feeling
  • Stand 2034, ANEX 2018, 6-8 June, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre supplier, marks its Asia Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference (ANEX) debut with unique products and capabilities to support innovation at a local level within the automotive and hygiene segments.

At Stand 2034, Beaulieu Fibres International demonstrates its commitment to the global market growth for automotive composites and technical textiles, as interest increases in adopting lightweight materials to reduce vehicle weight and fuel efficiency.

  • Fibres for automotive composites, technical textiles, hygiene and medical nonwovens
  • UltraLink fibres offer sustainable system cost reduction solutions to the automotive industry
  • Meralux offers improved liquid management for a dry feeling
  • Stand 2034, ANEX 2018, 6-8 June, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre supplier, marks its Asia Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference (ANEX) debut with unique products and capabilities to support innovation at a local level within the automotive and hygiene segments.

At Stand 2034, Beaulieu Fibres International demonstrates its commitment to the global market growth for automotive composites and technical textiles, as interest increases in adopting lightweight materials to reduce vehicle weight and fuel efficiency.

The company will present UltraLink bonding fibres that improve the mechanical, thermal and functional properties of the final part, allowing customers to meet OEM specific standards in a more sustainable way. They are available in both MONO and BICO technology – a first for the composites industry.

Jefrem Jennard, Global Sales Director – Industrial Fibres, comments: “Beaulieu Fibres International developed UltraLink fibres over the past two years to provide an answer to the automotive industry’s continuous strive for lower weight, lower emission, lower cost and better properties. They are being introduced in new global automotive programmes with SOP 2019-2021. We are delighted to introduce them to the Asian market at ANEX.”

At ANEX 2018, Beaulieu Fibres International also presents its platform of unique Meralux fibres offering significant improvements to the dryness of nonwoven for hygiene and medical applications. The BICO fibre has a special cross section, which enables it to provide bulk, opacity and enhanced fluid management compared to standard round fibres to nonwoven constructions. As a result, a dry feeling is achieved for the final nonwoven.

Petra Bohle-Stricker, Global Sales Director – Hygiene Fibres, comments: “As Asia Pacific heads towards becoming the largest regional tissue and hygiene market by the end of 2025  , nonwovens producers can already take advantage of the benefits of Meralux to launch new and innovative products that will grab the attention of global and local manufacturers. Visitors to our ANEX booth can experience Meralux fibres first-hand in nonwoven samples.”

Since Meralux was first launched in April 2017, the portfolio has expanded to include Meralux T and Meralux Soft. Beaulieu Fibres International is currently expanding its production programme with polyester-core (PET) BICO. In addition a pilot line for new developments is under construction. Both are expected to come on stream in 2018.


Koch Membrane Systems Launches New Website

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, launched the newly revamped
The website offers quick and easy access to essential product information and features, and provides a comprehensive overview of the markets served and the solutions provided by KMS. As the market for membranes is growing into new industries, and more users rely on membrane technology in their everyday operations, the new website provides robust information for customers and partners to better understand KMS’s best-in-class technology.  
“The website features a clean design and greater focus on our mission to provide customer-specific membrane solutions and create value through continued technological innovation, consistent high-quality products and unsurpassed customer support,” said Manny Singh, KMS president.
The website will be updated regularly with news, product launches, business activity and new membrane solutions for different industries.

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, launched the newly revamped
The website offers quick and easy access to essential product information and features, and provides a comprehensive overview of the markets served and the solutions provided by KMS. As the market for membranes is growing into new industries, and more users rely on membrane technology in their everyday operations, the new website provides robust information for customers and partners to better understand KMS’s best-in-class technology.  
“The website features a clean design and greater focus on our mission to provide customer-specific membrane solutions and create value through continued technological innovation, consistent high-quality products and unsurpassed customer support,” said Manny Singh, KMS president.
The website will be updated regularly with news, product launches, business activity and new membrane solutions for different industries.


Rob Carlton
Koch Membrane Systems

Geschäftsbereich Surfaces wird SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT (c) SAUERESSIG

Rebranding bei SAUERESSIG

  • Geschäftsbereich Surfaces wird SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT

Die Firma SAUERESSIG GmbH & Co. KG, Teil der Matthews International Corporation, fasst ab sofort alle Surfaces Aktivitäten unter der Marke SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT zusammen. Somit werden die Surfaces Abteilungen der Gesellschaften SAUERESSIG GmbH & Co. KG, UNGRICHT GMBH + CO KG, Wetzel GmbH, DORNBUSCH ENGRAVING GMBH und Saueressig Design Studio GmbH zukünftig unter einer gemeinsamen Dachmarke am Markt auftreten. „Mit der Zusammenführung können wir unser kombiniertes Produkt- und Dienstleistungsangebot im globalen Surfaces Markt festigen und weiter ausdehnen“, erklärt Dr. Tomas Sterkenburgh, Gruppengeschäftsführer der Matthews International. „Die Aktivitäten an den einzelnen Standorten bleiben von diesem Schritt unberührt.“

  • Geschäftsbereich Surfaces wird SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT

Die Firma SAUERESSIG GmbH & Co. KG, Teil der Matthews International Corporation, fasst ab sofort alle Surfaces Aktivitäten unter der Marke SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT zusammen. Somit werden die Surfaces Abteilungen der Gesellschaften SAUERESSIG GmbH & Co. KG, UNGRICHT GMBH + CO KG, Wetzel GmbH, DORNBUSCH ENGRAVING GMBH und Saueressig Design Studio GmbH zukünftig unter einer gemeinsamen Dachmarke am Markt auftreten. „Mit der Zusammenführung können wir unser kombiniertes Produkt- und Dienstleistungsangebot im globalen Surfaces Markt festigen und weiter ausdehnen“, erklärt Dr. Tomas Sterkenburgh, Gruppengeschäftsführer der Matthews International. „Die Aktivitäten an den einzelnen Standorten bleiben von diesem Schritt unberührt.“

SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT vereint vielfältige Kompetenzen aus allen Bereichen der Surfaces Sparte. Diese lassen sich in die Kernbereiche Technik und Design differenzieren:
Als ein international führender Anbieter von Dienstleistungen entlang der Druckvorstufe sowie von Tiefdruck- und Prägezylindern, verfügt SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT über eine starke technische Expertise. Diese liegt insbesondere im Bereich von Tissue- und Hygieneprodukten, der Vliesstoffherstellung, der Glas- und Metallverarbeitung sowie der Holzwerkstoff-, Fußboden- und kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie.

Die Marke bündelt zudem umfangreiche Kompetenzen im Oberflächendesign. Diese werden vorwiegend in der Dekorentwicklung sowie der Automobil-, Leder- und Tapetenindustrie eingesetzt.

SAUERESSIG UNGRICHT unterstützt seine Kunden entlang der gesamten Produktionsphase durch Lösungen für komplexe Marktanforderungen, innovative Designs und kontinuierlich optimierte Produktionsprozesse. „Unter einer gemeinsamen Dachmarke können wir unsere Leistungsstärke und Vielseitigkeit am internationalen Markt noch besser repräsentieren“, so Sterkenburgh. Mit dem Zusammenschluss fünf traditioneller Familienunternehmen vereint Matthews jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in einer neuen Marke und setzt auf Zuverlässigkeit, Qualität und internationale Gruppenstärke.



World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution (c) Lectra

World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

In the manufacturing of vehicle interiors, cutting level precision is of the utmost importance because pieces must fit into door panel designs with a high degree of accuracy. Equipped with a special cutting blade, Vector iX6’s ultra-precise cutting improves material utilization by minimizing buffer between parts. The solution’s superior cutting control software and high-frequency vibration cutting also enable a considerable improvement in productivity.

“As vehicle interior designs become increasingly complex, process requirements change accordingly,” remarks Guan Qinghua, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, YFAI. “The ability to achieve greater productivity and precision for the smaller fabric and vinyl pieces becomes particularly critical. Lectra’s Vector iX6 satisfies this need while also improving fabric utilization and cutting efficiency.”

“Understanding evolving market trends lies at the heart of what we do,” states Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra. “Since its launch, Vector iX6 has been quickly adopted by interior component suppliers like YFAI. VectorAuto iX6 contributes to a drastic reduction in the manufacturing cost per set, especially for small parts produced using vinyl and other materials complex to cut.


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

JEC Group sets the stage for composites materials at upcoming international motor shows (c) JEC Group
BMW i3

JEC Group sets the stage for composites materials at upcoming international motor shows

  • In its aim to promote composites materials, JEC Group will highlight the latest technologies that enable the automotive industry to innovate in product design, emission reductions and production.

Paris - In its mission to address composites end-use industries specifically, JEC Group, the world leading organization for the promotion of composite materials, moves up a gear to target the automotive industry. Introduced many decades ago in car manufacturing, and not only for high-end performance models, composites are now offering many alternatives to steel and aluminum, thanks to their specific features, which go far beyond their lightweight properties.

  • In its aim to promote composites materials, JEC Group will highlight the latest technologies that enable the automotive industry to innovate in product design, emission reductions and production.

Paris - In its mission to address composites end-use industries specifically, JEC Group, the world leading organization for the promotion of composite materials, moves up a gear to target the automotive industry. Introduced many decades ago in car manufacturing, and not only for high-end performance models, composites are now offering many alternatives to steel and aluminum, thanks to their specific features, which go far beyond their lightweight properties.

“Today, nearly 2.9 cars are produced and sold worldwide every second. Yet growth potential is still enormous. In value, the automotive industry makes up 20% of the total composites market with promising opportunities for lighter, stronger and more efficient materials in the years to come. They offer new design opportunities, enable a reduction in tooling investment and allow several functions to be integrated in one, on top of their corrosion and impact resistance. Furthermore, composite materials contribute to the development of a new generation of cars, offering innovative battery integration solutions for electric vehicles, as well as a new generation of fuel storage tanks for hydrogen-powered vehicles. JEC Group is moving forward in its strategy to democratize and promote the use of composites materials among end-user segments that, in this case, are OEMs and car manufacturers,” said Ms Frédérique MUTEL, JEC Group President & CEO.

The BMW i3 the largest-volume production car ever to extensively use composites for emission-free mobility

With this in mind, JEC Group will invest in a significant number of composites pavilions at key automotive events in Europe, America and Asia. The first of these will be at Mondial.Tech Paris, part of Paris Motor Show, held on October 2-6, 2018 in Paris. The composites pavilion will include an innovation showcase, expert presentations and networking activities.

The second composites pavilion will be at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit on January 14-18, 2019 and will focus on the same goals of sharing knowledge and developing networking.

Additional events, particularly in Asia, are being planned to cover the global automotive market.

Although the composites pavilions are organized by JEC Group, they will be supported by major composites manufacturers. These combined efforts will enable stands to showcase several solutions provided by composites for the automotive industry, driving innovation in this sector.

More information:
JEC Group BMW Composites Automotive



Hochschule Niederrhein erhält 880.000 Euro für Center Textillogistik

Mönchengladbach, 8. Mai. Die Hochschule Niederrhein erhält bis zum Jahr 2021 880.000 Euro für ihr Center Textillogistik (CTL), das im vergangenen Jahr in Kooperation mit dem Fraunhofer Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (IML) gegründet wurde. Das anwendungsnahe Forschungszentrum kann mit dem jetzt zugesagten Geld zum 1. Juni die Arbeit aufnehmen. Das CTL soll Innovationstreiber für die Textilindustrie der Region sein. In Vollbesetzung werden elf Personen, von der studentischen Hilfskraft bis zum wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter, für das CTL forschen und Industrieprojekte bearbeiten.

Leiter des neu geschaffenen Centers ist Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Muschkiet, Professor für Textillogistik am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein. Er sieht seine Aufgabe darin, die Themenkomplexe Logistik und Textil zusammen zu bringen. Dafür nutzt das neugeschaffene Center Textillogistik die Kompetenz des Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund für das Thema Logistik und die Kompetenz des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein für das Thema Textilien.

Mönchengladbach, 8. Mai. Die Hochschule Niederrhein erhält bis zum Jahr 2021 880.000 Euro für ihr Center Textillogistik (CTL), das im vergangenen Jahr in Kooperation mit dem Fraunhofer Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (IML) gegründet wurde. Das anwendungsnahe Forschungszentrum kann mit dem jetzt zugesagten Geld zum 1. Juni die Arbeit aufnehmen. Das CTL soll Innovationstreiber für die Textilindustrie der Region sein. In Vollbesetzung werden elf Personen, von der studentischen Hilfskraft bis zum wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter, für das CTL forschen und Industrieprojekte bearbeiten.

Leiter des neu geschaffenen Centers ist Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Muschkiet, Professor für Textillogistik am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein. Er sieht seine Aufgabe darin, die Themenkomplexe Logistik und Textil zusammen zu bringen. Dafür nutzt das neugeschaffene Center Textillogistik die Kompetenz des Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund für das Thema Logistik und die Kompetenz des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein für das Thema Textilien.

„Logistik ist in der Textilbranche ein entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor“, weiß Muschkiet, der vor seiner Berufung an die Hochschule Niederrhein Logistikmanager bei Zalando war. „Das hat mit schnellen Saisonwechseln, der hohen Importquote, Retouren im Online-Handel sowie einer Vielzahl weiterer Aspekte zu tun. Für die Textilunternehmen ist Logistik eine wesentliche Kernkompetenz. Hier kann die Wissenschaft die Wirtschaft entscheidend unterstützen.“

Das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft hat nun die Anschubfinanzierung in Höhe von mindestens 880.000 Euro bis 2021 zugesagt. Es ist beabsichtigt, die Fördermittel in den Jahren 2019 und 2021 um insgesamt 300.000 Euro zu erhöhen. Dies soll jedoch erst „nach Vorliegen der haushaltrechtlichen Voraussetzungen“ geschehen, heißt es im Zuwendungsbescheid. Damit käme das Center für Textillogistik auf eine Gesamtförderung von 1,18 Millionen Euro. Nach 2021 soll sich das Center Textillogistik selbst durch das Einwerben von Industrie- und Forschungsmitteln finanzieren und so zu einem dauerhaften Bestandteil von Hochschule, Stadt und Region werden.

Für Hochschulpräsident Prof. Dr. Hans-Hennig von Grünberg ist der Förderbescheid ein Grund zur Freude: „Damit kommen wir unserem Ziel einer Textile City Mönchengladbach ein großes Stück näher. Wir verzahnen unsere Schwerpunkte Textil und Logistik auf innovative Weise und erreichen damit einen weiteren Innovationsschub für die Region.“


Hochschule Niederrhein
University of Applied Sciences


Clariant showcases support for North America’s plastics industry growth

  • Additives, pigments and masterbatches for transportation, packaging, textiles & fibers
  • Support to “future-proof” medical applications
  • Contributing towards more sustainable engineering plastics

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, turns the spotlight on its increasing on-the-ground support and innovation focus for North America’s four key plastics application segments at NPE 2018 Booth S18155.

Clariant is pushing forward with plans for growth in the region by advancing R&D competencies, and increasing its manufacturing footprint and technical capabilities across its 50+ sites, 3 R&D and 6 technical innovation centers. Clariant’s innovations for the plastics industry include advanced additives, masterbatches and pigments which support the packaging sector in engaging consumers via differentiated, convenient solutions. At NPE, it will also highlight solutions for enhancing and protecting healthcare products, as well as its contribution to stronger and colorful textiles and fibers for everything from e-mobility to industrial applications.

  • Additives, pigments and masterbatches for transportation, packaging, textiles & fibers
  • Support to “future-proof” medical applications
  • Contributing towards more sustainable engineering plastics

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, turns the spotlight on its increasing on-the-ground support and innovation focus for North America’s four key plastics application segments at NPE 2018 Booth S18155.

Clariant is pushing forward with plans for growth in the region by advancing R&D competencies, and increasing its manufacturing footprint and technical capabilities across its 50+ sites, 3 R&D and 6 technical innovation centers. Clariant’s innovations for the plastics industry include advanced additives, masterbatches and pigments which support the packaging sector in engaging consumers via differentiated, convenient solutions. At NPE, it will also highlight solutions for enhancing and protecting healthcare products, as well as its contribution to stronger and colorful textiles and fibers for everything from e-mobility to industrial applications.

Deepak Parikh, president of region North America, Clariant comments: “Clariant’s product innovation for the US and wider North American plastics industry embraces the region’s fastest growing end-use areas of automotive and construction. It also addresses the impact of trends driven by changing consumer lifestyle preferences and market regulations on other important segments such as packaging and healthcare.”

Clariant brings color and protection to support the increasing use of engineering plastics and high temperture resins in automotive interiors, exteriors and under-the-hood. Halogen-free Exolit® OP 1400 provides outstanding flame retardancy to polyamide parts, enhances safety with UL 94 V0 performance down to 0.4 mm and enables the molding of complex parts with no mold deposits and blooming. Exolit OP 1400 has been awarded the Clariant EcoTain®label for outstanding sustainability and performance. At the same time, Clariant offers low-halogen controlled high-performance PV Fast® pigmentswith excellent migration and weather fastness properties to meet the high requirements of today’s transportation and automotive industry. Easy processing Renol® compounds and masterbatches for engineering and high temperature resins provide heat and light stability, and flame retardancy, while maintaining critical flow properties in parts like SMT connectors. Importantly, they are available as small lots which enables customers to purchase only what they require and contribute to a reduction in their carbon footprint.

As US packaging manufacturers explore more consumer-friendly, lighterweight and appealing solutions, Clariant is on hand to support their functionality, sustainability-related and color desires. Clariant Pigments has an innovative cooperation with Konica Minolta and matchmycolor to enable fast, precise and efficient color matching of HDPE products, using select organic PV Fast and Graphtol® pigments that comply with FDA regulations. The ColorWorks®center in Chicago is dedicated to US brand managers and designers with teams of color design experts to create color formulations faster than ever before for bottles, caps, closures and films.

According to market reports, plastic pouches are gaining share from traditional pack types in packaged food and are mainstream in home care. To support smoother and more environmentally-compatible processing especially for film applications, Clariant offers an FDA-compliant, vegetable-based powder amide wax, Licolub® FA 1, which acts as a slip and anti-block agent. It is suitable for polyolefins and PVC.

Textiles & Fiber
At NPE 2018, Clariant puts the focus on strong and colorful textiles, carpets and industrial fibers. New AddWorks® TFB 117 offers a number of benefits to help stabilize and smoothen fiber production processes, protect color, and improve heat stability and mechanical properties of fibers. AddWorks TFB 117 ensures smooth spinnability with less filaments breakage, even at low processing temperatures and at high speed spinning up to 5,500 m/min. Clariant also offers a broad range of colorants for polypropylene, polyester, polyamide and acrylic fibers, featuring migration fastness, chemical stability, light- and weather-fastness.

Clariant supports risk control and regulatory compliance for medical polymer and pharmaceutical packaging solutions. Its Mevopur® color and performance masterbatches and compounds include a USP Class 6 line of compliant products and multiple global ISO, 87, 88, and 661.1 certifications ahead of the market deadline. Clariant also offers selected FDA-compliant organic pigments and polymer soluble dyes that meet purity migration fastness as well as toxicological properties for medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging.


Clariant debuted additive solutions and launched AddWorks® at Chinaplas 2018

•    New, sustainable, ready-to-use solutions for plastic auto parts to support China’s electric vehicle boom
•    Stronger, softer nylon polyamide fibers plus fast processing for clothes, carpets & industrial applications
•    AddWorks blends lower total cost of ownership & reduce production complexity while enhancing performance

Muttenz, May 3, 2018 – Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, introduced new additive solutions for plastics materials at Chinaplas 2018.

“Our innovations focus on higher performance at better convenience for a sustainable future,” says Stephan Lynen, Head of Clariant BU Additives. “At Chinaplas 2018 we demonstrated our technical and market capabilities around the theme of e-mobility. The immense changes in mobility call for lighter, safer and smarter vehicles. We offer new additive solutions, such as AddWorks, and technical capabilities to respond to this demand. We are accompanying this with a series of investments such as new production facilities in China.”

•    New, sustainable, ready-to-use solutions for plastic auto parts to support China’s electric vehicle boom
•    Stronger, softer nylon polyamide fibers plus fast processing for clothes, carpets & industrial applications
•    AddWorks blends lower total cost of ownership & reduce production complexity while enhancing performance

Muttenz, May 3, 2018 – Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, introduced new additive solutions for plastics materials at Chinaplas 2018.

“Our innovations focus on higher performance at better convenience for a sustainable future,” says Stephan Lynen, Head of Clariant BU Additives. “At Chinaplas 2018 we demonstrated our technical and market capabilities around the theme of e-mobility. The immense changes in mobility call for lighter, safer and smarter vehicles. We offer new additive solutions, such as AddWorks, and technical capabilities to respond to this demand. We are accompanying this with a series of investments such as new production facilities in China.”

Clariant’s new AddWorks solutions – AddWorksATR 146, AddWorks LXR 568 and AddWorks TFB 117 – are specifically aimed at improving performance and efficiency of plastics materials for compounders, polymer and fiber producers in China’s major plastics manufacturing segments. All three solutions are part of the globally available portfolio.

The full AddWorks portfolio consists of differentiated market-specific synergistic additive blends that streamline production processes and create value for customers while enhancing performance. Each solution is customized to specific market needs, underlined by broader considerations such as emission reduction, and less energy and resource usage.

Sustainability and performance for the world’s largest auto market
To support the significant investment in electric vehicles in China, Clariant launched two additive innovations that improve the lifetime of lightweight automotive parts and under-the-hood applications and reduce VOC emissions in an easy to use single solution.

AddWorks ATR 146 is a new low dosage, sulfur-free heat and light stabilizer for filled polypropylene (TPO) compounds used in interior applications. Its exceptional heat and light stability and long term color retention offers the automotive industry unmatched performance. It shows no surface cracking after 700 hours at 150°C, which enables dashboards, instrument panels, door panels and pillars to maintain their aesthetics longer than with traditional stabilizers. It also contributes to reducing blooming and VOC emissions, supporting the common effort to make automotive interiors healthier and odorless.

AddWorks LXR 568 is a high performance processing stabilizer that helps to prevent plastic resins, especially polyolefins, from degradation at high processing temperatures. For the automotive industry, this reduces the tendency of injection molded polypropylene interior car parts to turn brittle during heat exposure, enabling them to maintain a defect-free surface. It also has low migration and low fogging that support healthier in-cab environments.

AddWorks LXR 568 combines outstanding color and melt flow protection with good resistance to hydrolysis and high thermal stability. This makes it ideal for interior and under-the-hood powertrains and wider application areas such as packaging films. It is available in free-flowing pills and micro-pills which are easy and convenient to use.

Softer, stronger polyamide fibers for clothes, carpets and industrial applications
Within the next three years, China is expected to account for 40% of the world’s nylon production and more than 30% of the nylon resin consumed globally[1]. The new AddWorks TFB 117 offers a number of benefits to help stabilize and smoothen fiber production processes, protect color, and improve heat stability and mechanical properties of fibers. AddWorks TFB 117 ensures smooth spinnability with less filaments breakage, even at low processing temperatures and at high speed spinning up to 5,500 m/min.

Martin P. J. John, Head of BL Performance Additives at Clariant, comments: “AddWorks solutions are an ideal fit with China’s priority of achieving more sustainable production. They save time and reduce complexity along the production process, with easy to use formats that reduce health risk and chemical waste. Our new state-of-the-art production facility in Zhenjiang, China, which opens later this year, is dedicated to the manufacturing of AddWorks to deliver innovative solutions tailored to the needs of the market. Made for China in China.

In addition to AddWorks, Clariant presented Exolit® OP 1400, a highly stable non-halogenated flame retardant enhancing safety during the charging process. It also provides outstanding thermal stability for under the hood applications. Exolit OP 1400 has been awarded the Clariant EcoTain® label for outstanding sustainability and performance.  

Clariant also introduced two ranges of performance waxes that smoothen the production of automotive plastics for under the hood applications, Licowax® and Licocare® RBW. The recently launched Licocare RBW is a series of multi-purpose additives based on crude rice bran wax. They offer better shaping flexibility, better mechanical properties and enhanced surface finish, which results in a reduced rejection rate and a more effective dosage.




Demand for European technical textiles attracts leading companies to Cinte Techtextil China

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

“In the Chinese market, buyers want good quality products, so overseas companies, and products with recognised quality certifications, have a lot of potential,” Ms Ping Chen, General Manager of IBENA Shanghai Technical Textiles commented. “As a leading German company in the industry, our products are welcomed by many buyers at this fair. It is also important to be in the German Pavilion as this signals to buyers that we have quality products, and it attracts more attention.” Swiss firm Sanitized AG had the same experience. “As a Swiss company in the European Zone I believe it’s an advantage, as some local buyers have more confidence towards imported products,” Mr Steven Liu, Sales Manager said.

Other exhibitors commented on the long-term trends in the Chinese market. “There’s a definite shift to more high-quality machinery in China that isn’t affected by what’s happening in the overall economy. Moreover, there are opportunities for overseas suppliers as there is still a gap between us and what Chinese companies produce,” Dr Joachim Binnig, Vice President, Head of Development & Technology, Autefa Solutions Germany GmbH explained.

Mr Roger Zhang, Sales Manager for German firm J.H. Ziegler Nonwovens and New Materials commented: “Our products are mainly for high-end Chinese customers, such as BMW and Audi. The Chinese market has gradually matured, but the production capability for high-performance products which are energy efficient and eco-friendly is still developing, so there is a lot of space for overseas brands to develop here.”

European Zone highlights
This year’s European Zone will feature around 30 exhibitors from eight countries, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, while further exhibitors can be found in national pavilions from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy. Some of the exhibitor highlights in the European Zone include:

  • Arkema (France): with brands including PMMA Altuglas, Rilsan, Pebax, Kynar PVDF and Bostik, they will present polymer resin for fibres and yarns, which apply to a wide range of applications, at the fair.
  • Dakota Coating (Belgium): specialists in thermoplastic and thermosetting adhesives, their polymer products, based on polyethylene, polyolefin or mixtures, ethylene vinyl acetates, co-polyamides, polyurethanes and co-polyesters, are suitable for automotive, building, heat transfer and sound insulation uses.
  • Lenzing Plastics (Austria): a new exhibitor at the fair, they are a leading manufacturer of polyolefin and fluoropolymer products, such as Thermoplast and PTFE products. One of their core competencies lies in the monoaxial stretching of films and filaments, and they offer special solutions in the fields of construction & insulation, medicine & hygiene, packaging and cables, as well as automotive and technical textiles. They will highlight their PROFILEN® PTFE product at the fair, and with its extreme durability and very smooth surface, it is highly valued in many niche applications in the technical and medical sectors.
  • Protechnic (France): leading manufacturers of hot-melt adhesives and plastic printed films, they will showcase hot melt thermo-adhesive nets, webs and films at the fair.
  • Trelleborg Coated Systems (Italy): another new exhibitor this edition, they produce high-performance, engineered coated fabrics. They offer a wide variety of substrates – from Kevlar® to silk – with a choice of weaving methods.
CHOMARAT extends its C-TAPE™ line with a new carbon tape (c) Gilles Martin-Raget - Beneteau

CHOMARAT extends its C-TAPE™ line with a new carbon tape

CHOMARAT, the composite reinforcement specialist, has developed a new unidirectional woven tape for its C-TAPETM line of products. Designed to meet the standards of industrial production, the new C-TAPE™ is reinforcing the foils of the “Figaro Beneteau 3”. These appendages improve the monohull’s stability and performance.

“For the series production of the foils, the Beneteau Group chose MULTIPLAST, the well-known builder of racing boats, which engaged the CHOMARAT Group to provide project support and achieve the best cost/performance balance,” explains Vincent CHOLVY, CHOMARAT’s Manager for the boating market.

C-TAPE™, a high-performance carbon reinforcement with great design flexibility
C-TAPETM offers a lot of flexibility in terms of weight, width and construction. It has been optimized to facilitate series production, yet provide the foils with maximum performance.
The weft yarn developed by CHOMARAT makes the tape easy to handle and to work with. It is produced in 50-cm widths in order to adapt better to the mould, thus reducing both scrap and production cost.

CHOMARAT, the composite reinforcement specialist, has developed a new unidirectional woven tape for its C-TAPETM line of products. Designed to meet the standards of industrial production, the new C-TAPE™ is reinforcing the foils of the “Figaro Beneteau 3”. These appendages improve the monohull’s stability and performance.

“For the series production of the foils, the Beneteau Group chose MULTIPLAST, the well-known builder of racing boats, which engaged the CHOMARAT Group to provide project support and achieve the best cost/performance balance,” explains Vincent CHOLVY, CHOMARAT’s Manager for the boating market.

C-TAPE™, a high-performance carbon reinforcement with great design flexibility
C-TAPETM offers a lot of flexibility in terms of weight, width and construction. It has been optimized to facilitate series production, yet provide the foils with maximum performance.
The weft yarn developed by CHOMARAT makes the tape easy to handle and to work with. It is produced in 50-cm widths in order to adapt better to the mould, thus reducing both scrap and production cost.

“The project was an ambitious one,” says MULTIPLAST General Manager Yann PENFORNIS. “We had to reach a lower target cost, achieve a perfect foil shape, guarantee identical weight for all parts, and produce a set of foils per week over a period of one year.”

A reinforcement that facilitates flow in multi-ply carbon structures
Fifty plies of tape are used to make the foil so that it can resist high levels of stress and achieve optimal performance.
The specific structure of C-TAPETM facilitates resin flow throughout the thickness. The reinforcement provides the desired mechanical performance and also cuts down on production time.
The result is an ultra-innovative foil, both for its geometry and for the fabrication process (infu-jection) used.

“This new C-TAPE™ is the fruit of close co-operation between the MULTIPLAST and CHOMARAT development teams, and it rounds out our broad range of tapes. We are working on different fibres and adapting the widths to our customers’ processes in order to reduce costs,” concludes Vincent CHOLVY.

By the end of summer 2018, some one hundred foils will have been produced for assembly on the first 50 “Figaro Beneteau 3” monohulls.

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