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ITM 2022: Bringing Textile Technology Leaders together

ITM 2022 hosted textile technology leaders in Istanbul for 5 days, presenting the latest innovations in every field of textile from weaving, knitting, yarn, digital printing, finishing to denim. The ITM 2022 Exhibition, where a business volume of over 1.5 billion Euros was created in 5 days, accelerated the Turkish and world economy.

Organized by the partnership of Teknik Fairs Inc. and Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık Yapım Inc., ITM 2022- International Textile Machinery Exhibition was held at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center between 14-18 June.  ITM 2022 Exhibition, attended by 1280 companies and company representatives from 65 countries, was visited by 64,500 people from 102 countries, consisting of 44% international and 56% domestic visitors.

ITM 2022 hosted textile technology leaders in Istanbul for 5 days, presenting the latest innovations in every field of textile from weaving, knitting, yarn, digital printing, finishing to denim. The ITM 2022 Exhibition, where a business volume of over 1.5 billion Euros was created in 5 days, accelerated the Turkish and world economy.

Organized by the partnership of Teknik Fairs Inc. and Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık Yapım Inc., ITM 2022- International Textile Machinery Exhibition was held at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center between 14-18 June.  ITM 2022 Exhibition, attended by 1280 companies and company representatives from 65 countries, was visited by 64,500 people from 102 countries, consisting of 44% international and 56% domestic visitors.

Turkey became a Supply Center at the ITM 2022 Exhibition
The successful sales graph achieved at the ITM 2022 Exhibition proved that the difficulties experienced due to the pandemic for the last 3 years have been left behind. Turkey has become a supply center for European, Middle Eastern and African countries, especially with the disruption of the supply chain in Far East countries, including China. The profile of the professional visitors visiting the ITM 2022 Exhibition revealed that in the new world order that has shifted after the pandemic, the trade network has also changed hands and new players have appeared on the scene. The fact that manufacturers from all over the world such as Andorra, Angola, Honduras, Peru, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Egypt, Iran, and Oman purchased a large number of machinery and signed collaborations at the ITM 2022 Exhibition has proven this.

Exhibitors of ITM 2022 enlarge their stands for ITM 2024
Many company officials, who stated that they have achieved a sales graphic far above their expectations starting from the very first day of the ITM 2022 Exhibition and that they have hosted visitors from all over the world, decided to enlarge their stands at the ITM 2024 Exhibition. During the exhibition, companies visited the registration application points and applied for ITM 2024 participation.

The next meeting of the ITM and HIGHTEX Exhibitions will be held in Istanbul between 4-8 June 2024.


ITM / Teknik Fairs INC.

Foto: Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer GmbH

Textildruckerei Mayer auf der Techtextil 2022 - Nachlese

Auf rund 25 Quadratmetern präsentierte die Textildruckerei Mayer auf der Techtextil 2022 Interieur-Lösungen für Automobile und beleuchtetes Leder. Für den Lösungsschwerpunkt PSA, die persönliche Schutzausrüstung, stand ein Handschuh mit Stich- und Schnittschutz und gleichzeitig hoher Taktilität im Mittelpunkt. Den Klassiker, beschichtete Sitzmöbel für verschiedene Industriebereiche, stellte das Familienunternehmen, dessen Wurzeln im Textildruck liegen, in attraktiven Farben vor. Erst in den vergangenen zehn Jahren hat sich der Familienbetrieb zum Lösungsanbieter für technische Textilien gewandelt.

„Nach der Corona-bedingten Pause war es enorm wichtig, wieder eine direkte Rückmeldung des Marktes zu bekommen“, sagt Michael Steidle über seine Messepräsenz. „Ob man mit einer Entwicklung richtig liegt, wie die eigene Arbeit im Kontext der anderen Marktteilnehmer zu sehen ist, ob die Entwicklung marktfähig ist – die Antworten auf diese Fragen kann nur ein solches Branchenevent geben.“

Auf rund 25 Quadratmetern präsentierte die Textildruckerei Mayer auf der Techtextil 2022 Interieur-Lösungen für Automobile und beleuchtetes Leder. Für den Lösungsschwerpunkt PSA, die persönliche Schutzausrüstung, stand ein Handschuh mit Stich- und Schnittschutz und gleichzeitig hoher Taktilität im Mittelpunkt. Den Klassiker, beschichtete Sitzmöbel für verschiedene Industriebereiche, stellte das Familienunternehmen, dessen Wurzeln im Textildruck liegen, in attraktiven Farben vor. Erst in den vergangenen zehn Jahren hat sich der Familienbetrieb zum Lösungsanbieter für technische Textilien gewandelt.

„Nach der Corona-bedingten Pause war es enorm wichtig, wieder eine direkte Rückmeldung des Marktes zu bekommen“, sagt Michael Steidle über seine Messepräsenz. „Ob man mit einer Entwicklung richtig liegt, wie die eigene Arbeit im Kontext der anderen Marktteilnehmer zu sehen ist, ob die Entwicklung marktfähig ist – die Antworten auf diese Fragen kann nur ein solches Branchenevent geben.“

„Oft baten unserer Techtextil-Besucher um eine Einschätzung, ob dies oder jenes machbar sei. Der nächste Schritt ist dann kundenseitig die Anwendung. Die Entwicklung wird meist bei uns als Lösungspartner gesehen. Das zeigt, dass die Nachfrage nach regionaler Entwicklungsexpertise definitiv gestiegen ist.“

Einen Grund hierfür sieht das Unternehmen im Wunsch nach kürzeren Wegen. Wer nur eine oder zwei Autostunden entfernt sei, könne eine andere Termin- und Liefertreue bieten als ein Lieferant in Übersee. „Die Entwicklung wird wieder regionaler“, so die Einschätzung von Michael Steidle. „Das ist eine Chance für uns Textilunternehmer in Deutschland.“


Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer GmbH

(c) Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Materialien auf Pilzbasis

Weg von fossilen Rohstoffen und deren Knappheit – hin zu bisher ungenutzten Rohstoffen aus Pflanzen und Pilzen. Um diesen Wandel zu nachwachsenden Roststoffen zu unterstützen, hat das Fraunhofer UMSICHT im Projekt »FungiFacturing« Pilzwerkstoffe untersucht, die aus Reststoffen wie Stroh oder Holzspäne bestehen. Zum Abschluss des Vorhabens zeigen die Forschenden, dass sie neben einem Schallabsorber auf Pilzbasis auch weitere biobasierte Lösungen für die Bauindustrie entwickelt haben.

Ein Werkstoff aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen und Pilzmyzel als Double-Porosity-Schallabsorber - so lautete das Ziel des Projektes FungiFacturing von August 2019 bis Juli 2021. »Pilzwerkstoffe stellen eine biobasierte Alternative zu konventionellen Materialien wie Polyesterschäumen oder Verbundstoffen auf Mineralbasis dar«, erklärt Julia Krayer, Biodesignerin am Fraunhofer UMSICHT. »Der Schallabsorber besteht aus Pilzen und pflanzlichen Reststoffen. Sägespäne, Treber aus der Bierproduktion oder Stroh nutzen wir als Nährboden, um die Pilze zu züchten und nutzen zu können.«

Weg von fossilen Rohstoffen und deren Knappheit – hin zu bisher ungenutzten Rohstoffen aus Pflanzen und Pilzen. Um diesen Wandel zu nachwachsenden Roststoffen zu unterstützen, hat das Fraunhofer UMSICHT im Projekt »FungiFacturing« Pilzwerkstoffe untersucht, die aus Reststoffen wie Stroh oder Holzspäne bestehen. Zum Abschluss des Vorhabens zeigen die Forschenden, dass sie neben einem Schallabsorber auf Pilzbasis auch weitere biobasierte Lösungen für die Bauindustrie entwickelt haben.

Ein Werkstoff aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen und Pilzmyzel als Double-Porosity-Schallabsorber - so lautete das Ziel des Projektes FungiFacturing von August 2019 bis Juli 2021. »Pilzwerkstoffe stellen eine biobasierte Alternative zu konventionellen Materialien wie Polyesterschäumen oder Verbundstoffen auf Mineralbasis dar«, erklärt Julia Krayer, Biodesignerin am Fraunhofer UMSICHT. »Der Schallabsorber besteht aus Pilzen und pflanzlichen Reststoffen. Sägespäne, Treber aus der Bierproduktion oder Stroh nutzen wir als Nährboden, um die Pilze zu züchten und nutzen zu können.«

Die richtige Rezeptur für Paste und 3D-Druck
Gestartet haben die Forschenden des Fraunhofer UMSICHT das Projekt mit der Entwicklung einer pilzbasierten Paste, die mittels eines 3D-Druckverfahrens in die gewünschte Form gebracht werden konnten. Parallel dazu haben sie die Bewachsbarkeit der Paste untersucht. »Wir haben dabei festgestellt, dass der Pilz erfolgreich auf dem Treber wächst«, erläutert Lina Vieres, Biologin am Fraunhofer UMSICHT. »Allerdings behindert der Treber den Druckvorgang durch die enthaltenen Spelzen. Daher verzichten wir auf ihn als Substratzugabe und haben weitere Rezepturen mit Stroh und Holzspänen getestet.«

Rezeptur und Grundsubstrat haben gleichzeitig auch Auswirkungen auf die akustische Leistung des Materials. Hier stellte sich beispielsweise heraus, dass sich die sehr feinen Fasern für den Druck sehr vorteilhaft zeigen. Für die Akustik sind die Fasern aber eher hinderlich. Ebenso behinderten sie das Pilzwachstum, da dieser auf einen Gasaustausch in dem Material angewiesen ist. Mithilfe einer genauen Abstimmung zwischen Paste, Pilzwachstum, Eigenschaften und 3D-Druck haben die Forschenden eine Lösung gefunden: eine durchwachsbare, druckbare Paste.

Mehr als ein Schallabsorber
Die im Projekt FungiFacturing getesteten Werkstoffe besitzen weiterhin vielversprechende Eigenschaften in Bezug auf Druckfestigkeit, Wärmedämmung und Brandverhalten. »Mit diesen Eigenschaften eigenen sich Pilzwerkstoffe für weit mehr als nur Schallabsorber«, betont Krayer. Die Werkstoffe seien beispielsweise druckstabil und besitzen gute wärmedämmende Eigenschaften, die mit Holzfaserdämmplatten vergleichbar sind. In Brandversuchen sind keine offenen Flammen aufgetreten, und der Pilzwerkstoff lässt sich leicht am Anwendungsort anbringen. Pilzwerkstoffe können also auch in der Praxis leicht angewendet werden z.B. auch als Wärmedämmstoffe.

Weiterentwicklung des FungiFacturing-Ansatzes
Die Projektergebnisse zeigen, dass sich der entwickelte Prozess auf viele verschiedene Anwendungen und Werkstoffe übertragen lässt. Neben 3D-Druck sind weitere Herstellungsprozesse sowohl für pilzbasierte, als auch rein pflanzliche Pastenwerkstoffe denkbar. Das Fraunhofer UMSICHT prüft dazu nun verschiedene Produktionsverfahren und deren Ergebnisse.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

(c) Weissengruber Fotografie für Röfix

Erstmals in Österreich: Einsatz von Textilbeton für statische Betoninstandsetzung

  • Röfix nutzt Produktinnovation für Brückensanierung im Bregenzerwald

In einem Pilotprojekt zur Verstärkung der Betonkonstruktion einer Brücke im Bregenzerwald wird erstmals in Österreich Textilbeton eingesetzt. Durch die Forschungs-und Entwicklungsarbeit der Universität Innsbruck mit dem Vorarlberger Baustoffhersteller Röfix und der Firma Texible aus Dornbirn wurde das Produkt „Textilbeton“ zur Marktreife gebracht. Textilbeton trägt wesentlich zur Materialreduktion bei und ist dadurch nachhaltiger als herkömmliche Lösungen.

Im Mai 2022 startete die umfangreiche Instandsetzung der Krumbachbrücke im Bregenzerwald. Röfix liefert für das Sanierungsprojekt rund 100 Tonnen Nassspritzreparaturmörtel und die Firma Texible ca. 6.600 m2 gesticktes Textilgewebe. Erstmals in Österreich kommt dabei Textilbeton als Betoninstandsetzung zum Einsatz. Mitte Mai wurden auf der Baustelle zwei Versuchsfelder mit dem neuen Verfahren durchgeführt, die nach ca. 28 Tagen von der Universität Innsbruck umfangreich geprüft wurden.

  • Röfix nutzt Produktinnovation für Brückensanierung im Bregenzerwald

In einem Pilotprojekt zur Verstärkung der Betonkonstruktion einer Brücke im Bregenzerwald wird erstmals in Österreich Textilbeton eingesetzt. Durch die Forschungs-und Entwicklungsarbeit der Universität Innsbruck mit dem Vorarlberger Baustoffhersteller Röfix und der Firma Texible aus Dornbirn wurde das Produkt „Textilbeton“ zur Marktreife gebracht. Textilbeton trägt wesentlich zur Materialreduktion bei und ist dadurch nachhaltiger als herkömmliche Lösungen.

Im Mai 2022 startete die umfangreiche Instandsetzung der Krumbachbrücke im Bregenzerwald. Röfix liefert für das Sanierungsprojekt rund 100 Tonnen Nassspritzreparaturmörtel und die Firma Texible ca. 6.600 m2 gesticktes Textilgewebe. Erstmals in Österreich kommt dabei Textilbeton als Betoninstandsetzung zum Einsatz. Mitte Mai wurden auf der Baustelle zwei Versuchsfelder mit dem neuen Verfahren durchgeführt, die nach ca. 28 Tagen von der Universität Innsbruck umfangreich geprüft wurden.

Textilbeton ist ein künstlicher Verbundwerkstoff, der aus zwei Komponenten, Beton bzw. Mörtel und einer textilen Bewehrung, besteht. Das Textilgewebe aus Kohlestofffasern (Carbon) wird anschließend zu gitterartigen Matten verarbeitet. Bei der Anwendung wird zunächst der schadhafte Beton mittels Hochdruckwasserstrahlen von den zu sanierenden Betonflächen entfernt. Danach wird die Textilbewehrung mit einem Nassspritzmörtel maschinell eingespritzt und die Betonoberfläche glatt abgezogen. Ein Vorteil beim Einsatz von Textilbeton ist, dass nur eine relativ dünne Betonschicht notwendig ist und die Brücke weniger zusätzliches Gewicht tragen muss als bei einer üblichen Ausführung. Mit nur etwa 3 cm Textilbeton können fast die gleichen Festigkeitswerte erreicht werden wie bei 10 bis 12 cm herkömmlich bewehrtem Beton. Da deutlich weniger Material erforderlich ist, lassen sich Transportkosten und CO2-Emissionen vermeiden. Beim Einsatz von Textilgewebe findet zudem im Gegensatz zu Stahl keine Bewehrungskorrosion statt. Für die Instandsetzung der Brücke werden bis Ende 2023 ca. 100 Tonnen Mörtel und 6.600 m2 Textilgewebe eingesetzt werden.

More information:
Textilbeton Röfix Texible

Röfix AG


Avgol® wins Innovation Award at the RIGHT Hygiene conference

  • Biotransformation technology for nonwovens

Avgol® has received the prestigious Innovation Award at the RIGHT Hygiene conference in recognition of its collaboration with Polymateria in development of pioneering biotransformation technology for nonwovens.
Biotransformation is a unique functionality wherein a conventional nonwoven fabric can be modified to react to certain triggers to then begin a cascade, and importantly a fundamental chemical transformation of the polymer resin into a wax that is readily degraded by natural bacteria, microbes and fungi normally found in the environment.
“The transformation is triggered through the combined effects of the natural elements of decay - air, moisture, heat and sunlight,” said Mr. Sanjay Bhayani, Director of India Operations with Avgol. “Once triggered, the material will transform into a low molecular weight wax structure leaving no microplastics or toxic residue behind. Moreover, if the product comprising the biotransformation technology is disposed of in the normal way and facilities are available, then it can be recycled by readily available means.”

  • Biotransformation technology for nonwovens

Avgol® has received the prestigious Innovation Award at the RIGHT Hygiene conference in recognition of its collaboration with Polymateria in development of pioneering biotransformation technology for nonwovens.
Biotransformation is a unique functionality wherein a conventional nonwoven fabric can be modified to react to certain triggers to then begin a cascade, and importantly a fundamental chemical transformation of the polymer resin into a wax that is readily degraded by natural bacteria, microbes and fungi normally found in the environment.
“The transformation is triggered through the combined effects of the natural elements of decay - air, moisture, heat and sunlight,” said Mr. Sanjay Bhayani, Director of India Operations with Avgol. “Once triggered, the material will transform into a low molecular weight wax structure leaving no microplastics or toxic residue behind. Moreover, if the product comprising the biotransformation technology is disposed of in the normal way and facilities are available, then it can be recycled by readily available means.”

“By bringing the Biotransformation technology to the various potential markets in India, we hope to offer a real-world solution to waste management,” he said. “We particularly hope to address aspects of the creation of fugitive waste and remove this from the environment without causing additional, and potentially more dangerous, problems.”



(c) ITM

ITM: Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 für neuartige textile Herzklappenprothesen

Wissenschaftler:innen vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden sind am 21. Juni 2022 für ihre gewebten Herzklappenimplantate mit dem Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in der Kategorie „New Product“ ausgezeichnet worden.

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) entwickelten Wissenschaftler:innen des ITM neuartige textile Herzklappenprothesen. Die Implantate können exakt an die anatomische Form angepasst und minimalinvasiv im Herz platziert werden. Die textile Herzklappe ist integral gefertigt. Hierbei erfolgt die Integration des Ventils in situ während des Webprozesses. Somit besteht die strömungstechnisch optimierte Herzklappe aus einer einzigen textilen Struktur. Weitere Fügeprozesse, z. B. durch Nähen, sind nicht mehr erforderlich. Das reduziert den Fertigungsaufwand im Gegensatz zur heutigen Herstellung biologischer Herzklappenprothesen in Handarbeit enorm.

Wissenschaftler:innen vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden sind am 21. Juni 2022 für ihre gewebten Herzklappenimplantate mit dem Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in der Kategorie „New Product“ ausgezeichnet worden.

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) entwickelten Wissenschaftler:innen des ITM neuartige textile Herzklappenprothesen. Die Implantate können exakt an die anatomische Form angepasst und minimalinvasiv im Herz platziert werden. Die textile Herzklappe ist integral gefertigt. Hierbei erfolgt die Integration des Ventils in situ während des Webprozesses. Somit besteht die strömungstechnisch optimierte Herzklappe aus einer einzigen textilen Struktur. Weitere Fügeprozesse, z. B. durch Nähen, sind nicht mehr erforderlich. Das reduziert den Fertigungsaufwand im Gegensatz zur heutigen Herstellung biologischer Herzklappenprothesen in Handarbeit enorm.

Prof. Chokri Cherif, Institutsdirektor des ITM, freut sich mit seinem Team sehr über die kontinuierli-chen interdisziplinären Forschungserfolge, die am ITM in enger Kooperation mit technischen Webereien, Medizinern und Anwendern stetig erzielt werden. „Bereits vor zwei Jahren wurden wir mit dieser neuartigen Entwicklung als eines der drei Finalistenteams des Otto von Guericke-Preises 2020 geehrt. Die Auswahl für den Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 ist eine erneute Bestätigung für den Bedarf an unserer praxisorientierten Forschung und eine besondere Würdigung, aber gleichzeitig auch weiterer Ansporn für die zeitnahe Umsetzung unserer Forschungsergebnisse in die Industrie.“

Bislang stehen für die Behandlung defekter Herzklappen mechanische und biologische Klappen zur Verfügung. Die neuartigen gewebten Herzklappenprothesen sollen die Vorteile der beiden Typen vereinen: unbegrenzte Lebensdauer, keine lebenslange Einnahme von blutverdünnenden Medikamenten und minimal invasive Operation. Ferner können die textilen Herzklappen zeit- und kostensparend mit hoher Reproduzierbarkeit und Qualität gefertigt werden.


Beaulieu Technical Textiles: going green with sustainable geotextiles

  • BTT’s woven geotextiles can reduce CO2-emissions in infrastructure projects by a factor of 10 compared to more conventional methods
  • Product specific Environmental Product Declarations for woven geotextiles transparently communicate their sustainability
  • EPDs an essential tool to communicate sustainability performance
  • Helps carbon-conscious customers in their purchasing and decision making

Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) has unveiled the next step in its mission to deliver sustainable solutions to customers - product specific Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), an essential tool for communicating sustainability performance - to fully support green certified construction projects by providing accurate information in readily available formats.

The carbon footprint of BTT’s woven geotextiles is amongst the lowest in the industry, making them one of the most sustainable solutions for civil engineering projects. An EPD shows a manufacturer's commitment to measure and reduce the environmental impact of its products and report these impacts in a very transparent way.

  • BTT’s woven geotextiles can reduce CO2-emissions in infrastructure projects by a factor of 10 compared to more conventional methods
  • Product specific Environmental Product Declarations for woven geotextiles transparently communicate their sustainability
  • EPDs an essential tool to communicate sustainability performance
  • Helps carbon-conscious customers in their purchasing and decision making

Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) has unveiled the next step in its mission to deliver sustainable solutions to customers - product specific Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), an essential tool for communicating sustainability performance - to fully support green certified construction projects by providing accurate information in readily available formats.

The carbon footprint of BTT’s woven geotextiles is amongst the lowest in the industry, making them one of the most sustainable solutions for civil engineering projects. An EPD shows a manufacturer's commitment to measure and reduce the environmental impact of its products and report these impacts in a very transparent way.

Construction products, like geotextiles, follow the very comprehensive European standard, EN 15804+A2. The third-party verification and approval by the international EPD® System officially demonstrates the low environmental impact of BTT’s geotextile products.


More information:
geotextiles Beaulieu



SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

On display will be SHIMA SEIKI’s latest innovation in flat knitting technology as applied to the field of technical textiles—a prototype weft knitting machine capable of multi-axial yarn insertion. Fabrics produced on this machine use inlay technique for the production of hybrid textiles that combine the stretch characteristics of knitted fabrics with the stability of woven textiles, suited to various technical applications. To this, warp yarn is inserted to further expand its capability to produce 3D-shaped carbon fiber and composite preforms directly on the machine. This is made possible by taking advantage of the fact that flat knitting as a textile production method is capable of producing end products that are shaped-to-form and with added thickness. Compared to current methods of preform production, savings in post-processing time, material, labor and associated costs are immense, realizing efficient and sustainable production. SHIMA SEIKI’s own yarn unwinding technology is also used for optimum yarn feed and tension for use with technical yarns that are otherwise difficult to knit. Industrial textile samples knit on the multi-axial machine will also be available for examination on-site.

SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system will be available for demonstrations as well. Of particular interest should be its ultra-realistic simulation capability that realizes Virtual Sampling. When countless variations must be evaluated before arriving at a final design, virtual product samples can be used to streamline the decision-making process by minimizing the enormous amount of time, cost and material normally associated with producing actual samples for each variation. When approved, the same data can be converted to machine data for immediate knitting, significantly reducing lead times.


ITM 2022: Bringing Textile Technology Leaders Together

ITM 2022, the first major international textile machinery exhibition to be held in the world after a 3-year hiatus during the pandemic process, is getting ready to open its doors. Bringing the leading brands of textile technologies together in Istanbul, ITM 2022 will host world launches and numerous collaborations for 5 days.

ITM 2022- International Textile Machinery Exhibition, organized in partnership with Teknik Fairs Inc. and Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık Yapım Inc, will open its doors at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center between 14-18 June. For ITM 2022, which will be held in 12 halls on an area of 120,000 m2; hums of 1280 participating companies from more than 40 countries continues. Tüyap Fairground, where thousands of people sweat for stand setups, is getting ready for the big meeting. ITM 2022, where all halls have reached 100% occupancy rate and 1280 exhibitor companies are located, will also attract attention with the stand areas and machine parks that the manufacturers have enlarged compared to the previous exhibitions.

ITM 2022, the first major international textile machinery exhibition to be held in the world after a 3-year hiatus during the pandemic process, is getting ready to open its doors. Bringing the leading brands of textile technologies together in Istanbul, ITM 2022 will host world launches and numerous collaborations for 5 days.

ITM 2022- International Textile Machinery Exhibition, organized in partnership with Teknik Fairs Inc. and Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık Yapım Inc, will open its doors at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center between 14-18 June. For ITM 2022, which will be held in 12 halls on an area of 120,000 m2; hums of 1280 participating companies from more than 40 countries continues. Tüyap Fairground, where thousands of people sweat for stand setups, is getting ready for the big meeting. ITM 2022, where all halls have reached 100% occupancy rate and 1280 exhibitor companies are located, will also attract attention with the stand areas and machine parks that the manufacturers have enlarged compared to the previous exhibitions.

Companies will showcase their state-of-the-art technologies for the first time at ITM 2022
Many companies that focus on product development and new productions under pandemic conditions will have the opportunity to introduce their products to their customers for the first time in 3 years at the ITM 2022 Exhibition. Company owners, managers, employees and sector representatives visiting the exhibition will have the opportunity to see the latest technological innovations for the first time and witness their world launches.

Sector representatives, who will open up new horizons in their minds about textile technologies, will sign new products by transforming the extraordinary and original ideas that they have obtained at the ITM 2022 Exhibition into design. Participating companies will also update their machines in line with the demands and needs from the sector representatives and lead the development of new technologies.

Significant Contribution to Exports Aimed with Machine Sales and New Investment Decisions
The textile industry, which is among the locomotive sectors in Turkey's exports, has made a significant contribution to the Turkish economy, especially with the performance increase it has achieved during the pandemic period. Having achieved an increase of up to 40 percent in its exports of textiles and raw materials, Turkey also managed to increase its exports of medical textiles, technical textiles and home textiles. The industry will further increase this success with the collaborations to be realized at ITM 2022. The textile machinery industry will gain great momentum with the machinery sales and new investment decisions to be made at the exhibition.

ITM 2022, which will be attended by many domestic and foreign companies and visited by thousands of people, will be an organization where both domestic and foreign companies will make sales amounting to millions of Euros and many business connections will be realized.

Intense Interest from Trade Delegations
Trade delegations from dozens of countries are requesting to attend the ITM 2022 Exhibition, which is included in the ‘Domestic Organizations Covered by State Incentives’ list by the Ministry of Commerce. Bangladesh, India, Iran, Serbia, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Mexico, Egypt and Vietnam are among the countries that requested procurement delegations. The intense application of visitors to consulates and commercial attachés from all over the world clearly reveals that ITM 2020 will host a large number of visitors.

ITM 2022 Exhibition Prepares to Break Both Exhibitor and Visitor Records
Company owners, company representatives and visitors left the 2018 edition of the ITM Exhibition very satisfied. ITM 2018 Exhibition, attended by 1150 companies and company representatives from 64 countries and visited by approximately 60 thousand people from 94 countries made a significant contribution to the export records of the textile industry that year. At the ITM 2022; It is getting ready to break new records with the number of participants and visitors coming from Turkey and abroad.

Technical Textiles and Nonwovens Industry Will Meet at HIGHTEX 2022 Exhibition
On the other hand, HIGHTEX 2022 Exhibition, which will be held simultaneously with the ITM 2022 Exhibition, will be an exhibition where Nonwoven products, raw materials used in their production and the state-of-the-art technologies will be exhibited. HIGHTEX 2022 Exhibition, which is the first and only in its field in Turkey, will host a record number of participants and visitors in parallel with the increase in demand for technical textiles. At the HIGHTEX 2022 Exhibition, companies operating in many sectors, from medical textiles to hygienic textiles, from agricultural textiles to geotextiles, will exhibit their latest products and production technologies. Nonwoven manufacturers will come together with the global players of the sector and have the opportunity to both invest in technology and introduce their newest products.

More information:


Photo: Archroma

Archroma at Techtextil 2022 with latest innovations and system solutions

Archroma will be at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June 2022, to launch its latest innovations and system solutions aimed to help textile manufacturers with optimized sustainability, productivity and value creation in their markets.

Archroma will present 9 new solution systems and 3 innovations, and will hold 2 booth events.

3 innovation highlights

  • PFC-free* Smartrepel® Hydro SR, a new solution developed for the repellence of water-based soil;
  • Biocide-free OX20, a new odor-neutralizing technology newly launched by our partner SANITIZED AG;
  • Perapret® AIR, a new mineral finishing technology for air purification is activated by natural and artificial light sources and can be applied on all fabrics

9 new solution systems
Archroma introduced its first ever solution systems at the Techtextil 2019 edition, and since then has developed more than 30 systems for technical textile and nonwoven applications.

Archroma will be at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June 2022, to launch its latest innovations and system solutions aimed to help textile manufacturers with optimized sustainability, productivity and value creation in their markets.

Archroma will present 9 new solution systems and 3 innovations, and will hold 2 booth events.

3 innovation highlights

  • PFC-free* Smartrepel® Hydro SR, a new solution developed for the repellence of water-based soil;
  • Biocide-free OX20, a new odor-neutralizing technology newly launched by our partner SANITIZED AG;
  • Perapret® AIR, a new mineral finishing technology for air purification is activated by natural and artificial light sources and can be applied on all fabrics

9 new solution systems
Archroma introduced its first ever solution systems at the Techtextil 2019 edition, and since then has developed more than 30 systems for technical textile and nonwoven applications.

  • CLEAN AIR, a mineral air purification system that stays put on all kinds of fabrics and is activated by artificial and natural light, for as long as there is light; ➔ based on the new Perapret® AIR;
  • CONSCIOUSLY DEEP, a metal-free one-step scouring and dyeing system for medium to very dark colored nylons that stay deep and bright day after day, and are good for you and the planet;
  • EARTH SOFT, a biomass-based and vegan softening system that is suitable for all kind of fibers and makes you comfortable in your own skin;
  • NATURE BOUND, a compostable binder system for food filtration materials that protect you and the planet;
  • ODOR CONTROL 2.0, a system for odor-free sportswear where permastink cannot build up on your favorite clothes, that’s applicable on polyester, cotton and nylon; ➔ based on the new OX20;
  • RAG N’ROLL, a compostable binder system for nonwoven cleaning rags, that protect you and the planet;
  • SAFE SEATS NextGen, a PFC-free* and halogen-free* modular surface treatment system for safer and cleaner seating materials, ➔ based on the new Smartrepel® Hydro SR;
  • SWEET DREAMS, a metal and particle free* system that redefines protection for mattress ticking fabrics, with long-lasting hygiene and outstanding softness, that protects you and the environment;
  • TAKE A BREATH, an enhanced filtration system that keeps your air clean and fresh for longer putting health first and your competition behind;

2 booth events
Innovation highlight: Biocide-free OX20 odor management solution by SANITIZED AG


  • Nuria Estape, Panel Moderator, Head of Marketing & Promotion, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, Archroma
  • Georg Lang, Head of CC Finishing, Archroma
  • Stefan Müller, Head of BU Textiles Additives Sanitized
  • Yann Ribourdouille , Global registration expert Product Stewardship, Archroma

Innovation highlight: PFC-free* Smartrepel® Hydro SR


  • Nuria Estape, Panel Moderator, Head of Marketing & Promotion, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, Archroma
  • Roland Borufka, Head of Competence Center Repellents, Archroma
  • Wolfgang Knaup, Head of R&D repellents, Archroma
  • Yann Ribourdouille, Global registration expert Product Stewardship, Archroma

Archroma / EMG



International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production solutions for wipe applications at the international World of Wipes (WOW) 2022 conference in Chicago, USA, from June 27 to 29, 2022.

ANDRITZ’s “We Care” sustainability program combines all ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) initiatives, goals, and achievements under one roof. For many years now, ANDRITZ has been offering various nonwoven processes to produce best and cost-effective wipes, for example spunlace, Wetlace and Wetlace CP. ANDRITZ also accompanies nonwovens producers in the move towards sustainability with the aim of reducing or eliminating plastic components while maintaining the high quality of the desired product properties. This applies to all types of sustainable wipes, such as flushable, biodegradable, bio-sourced, carded-pulp or standard carded wipes. Indeed, hydroentanglement has the advantage of being able to bond any kind of fibers without the use of chemical binders or thermal fusion.

International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production solutions for wipe applications at the international World of Wipes (WOW) 2022 conference in Chicago, USA, from June 27 to 29, 2022.

ANDRITZ’s “We Care” sustainability program combines all ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) initiatives, goals, and achievements under one roof. For many years now, ANDRITZ has been offering various nonwoven processes to produce best and cost-effective wipes, for example spunlace, Wetlace and Wetlace CP. ANDRITZ also accompanies nonwovens producers in the move towards sustainability with the aim of reducing or eliminating plastic components while maintaining the high quality of the desired product properties. This applies to all types of sustainable wipes, such as flushable, biodegradable, bio-sourced, carded-pulp or standard carded wipes. Indeed, hydroentanglement has the advantage of being able to bond any kind of fibers without the use of chemical binders or thermal fusion.

The latest development in this field is the ANDRITZ neXline wetlace CP line, which integrates the card-pulp (CP) process. This is a fully engineered production line combining the benefits of drylaid and wetlaid technologies to produce a new generation of biodegradable wipes.

ANDRITZ has become a member of the board of the Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) in the USA. The RFA is an independent, non-profit trade association committed to educating consumers in responsible and smart flushing habits to help reduce damage to the nation's sewage systems. ANDRITZ is deeply involved in this topic with its technologies for 100% dispersible and biodegradable wet wipes and is highly committed to being part of the RFA.

More information:
Andritz AG Andritz Nonwoven WOW

Andritz AG


ITMC presents date and speakers for its 8th edition

The ITMC 2022 conference, which will take place at the BAnQ from September 19 to 21, 2022, is aimed at attendees from various sectors of the textile industry. Its interdisciplinary approach is the key to maximizing the potential and development of textile materials and tools for various applications. The objective of the conference is to explore new ideas, effective solutions and collaborative partnerships for business growth by creating synergy between designers, manufacturers, suppliers, students and end users from all sectors and fully exploiting this potential.

The main topics are: Composites and textile reinforcement - Sustainable Production & Ecotextiles - Smart and functional textiles - Nanotechnology & Advanced Technical Textiles - Comfort & Protective Textiles - Medical Textiles - Digital Tools & Mass Customization

Keynote speakers :

The ITMC 2022 conference, which will take place at the BAnQ from September 19 to 21, 2022, is aimed at attendees from various sectors of the textile industry. Its interdisciplinary approach is the key to maximizing the potential and development of textile materials and tools for various applications. The objective of the conference is to explore new ideas, effective solutions and collaborative partnerships for business growth by creating synergy between designers, manufacturers, suppliers, students and end users from all sectors and fully exploiting this potential.

The main topics are: Composites and textile reinforcement - Sustainable Production & Ecotextiles - Smart and functional textiles - Nanotechnology & Advanced Technical Textiles - Comfort & Protective Textiles - Medical Textiles - Digital Tools & Mass Customization

Keynote speakers :

  • Omar Cherkaoui, ESITH : how ESITH was able to support the operators of the Moroccan textile sector during the covid-19 crisis
  • Tracy Toulouse, TT : the impact and legacy of our clothing is to identify us as a nation
  • Prof. Raul Fangueiro, University of Minho: fiber-based materials: from nano to macro scale
  • Pierre-Alexandre Fournier, Exoskin: the role of smart textiles in the future of health
  • KyoungOk Kim, Shinshu University: Patternmaking for attractive clothing for mass customization
  • Marie O’Mahony, Consultant, Royal College of Art (RCA): smart materials & systems: has embracing uncertainty become vital to commercialization?
  • Xianyi Zeng, Ensait: intelligent garments for online monitoring of human health and well-being
  • Corinne Farace, Techtera: The collaborative approach: a major stake in meeting the challenges of tomorrow
Photo Andritz

Zhoukou Xuwang, China, starts up two ANDRITZ crosslapped spunlace lines

Zhoukou Xuwang Co., Ltd. has successfully started up two new ANDRITZ neXline spunlace lines at its facilities based in Henan province, China. Combining equipment from the aXcess and eXcelle ranges, both lines are dedicated to the production of spunlace fabrics of 30 to 120 gsm made out of viscose and polyester fibers. The ANDRITZ design will allow Zhoukou Xuwang to serve the premium product market, especially for premium hygiene and technical wipes, in China.

The ANDRITZ scope of supply for the two lines included:

  • aXcess opening and blending systems
  • high-performance eXcelle card and crosslapper
  • robust aXcess CA25 carding machine
  • efficient Jetlace Avantage hydroentanglement unit

This configuration will enable Zhoukou Xuwang to manufacture high-quality products while reducing raw materials consumption. These goals are further enabled by the installation of an ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau crosslapper PRO35-140, generating a uniform profile over the entire web width.

Zhoukou Xuwang Co., Ltd. has successfully started up two new ANDRITZ neXline spunlace lines at its facilities based in Henan province, China. Combining equipment from the aXcess and eXcelle ranges, both lines are dedicated to the production of spunlace fabrics of 30 to 120 gsm made out of viscose and polyester fibers. The ANDRITZ design will allow Zhoukou Xuwang to serve the premium product market, especially for premium hygiene and technical wipes, in China.

The ANDRITZ scope of supply for the two lines included:

  • aXcess opening and blending systems
  • high-performance eXcelle card and crosslapper
  • robust aXcess CA25 carding machine
  • efficient Jetlace Avantage hydroentanglement unit

This configuration will enable Zhoukou Xuwang to manufacture high-quality products while reducing raw materials consumption. These goals are further enabled by the installation of an ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau crosslapper PRO35-140, generating a uniform profile over the entire web width.

In spite of the difficult circumstances and supply chain disruptions related to the Covid crisis, both spunlace lines were installed smoothly and on time. They quickly went into commercial production, with a line speed of up to 100 m/min and high-performance MD/CD ratio.

More information:
Andritz Andritz Nonwoven


ECO-COAT minimum application unit (c) Brückner
Minimalauftragsaggregat ECO-COAT

BRÜCKNER: Answering current challenges of the textile industry

The German machinery producer BRÜCKNER used exactly these chances and repositioned itself during the pandemic period. For more than 70 years, the family-run company has been specialized in individual finishing concepts for textiles, technical textiles, nonwovens and floor coverings. The current challenges in the textile industry are serious. The clear increase of the energy costs and the general uncertainty of the energy supply as well as political requirements make a profitable textile production more and more demanding for many companies.

The German machinery producer BRÜCKNER used exactly these chances and repositioned itself during the pandemic period. For more than 70 years, the family-run company has been specialized in individual finishing concepts for textiles, technical textiles, nonwovens and floor coverings. The current challenges in the textile industry are serious. The clear increase of the energy costs and the general uncertainty of the energy supply as well as political requirements make a profitable textile production more and more demanding for many companies.

The company responds to this with a newly developed stenter concept with double heating system. Depending on availability, the lines can be operated with gas or oil, but also other combinations with steam or renewable energies are possible. This means that production delays and machine downtimes can be avoided as far as possible. In addition, developed intelligent assistance systems for its machines have been developed that support the machine operator in using the best possible process to operate the line as energy-efficiently as possible. Further energy savings are possible with new energy-efficient motors or heat-recovery and exhaust air cleaning systems. This also helps to avoid harmful emissions.

But many textile producers are also focusing on reducing chemicals. For this purpose, BRÜCKNER's further developed ECO-COAT minimum application unit can make a decisive contribution. Knitted and woven fabrics, but also nonwovens can be finished on one or both sides via different fabric paths. With the minimum application via an engraved roller, a single-sided application of up to 100 g/m² can be achieved. A double-sided and higher application quantity is achieved, for example, by impregnation in the nip. Irrespective of the selected fabric path, a very small liquor reservoir means that only minimal quantities of waste water are produced when changing batches or liquors, and the use of chemicals can also be significantly reduced. In addition, less water has to be evaporated in the subsequent drying process than, for example, in the case of impregnation in a water bath, so the energy requirement is significantly reduced.

On the two upcoming trade fairs ITM in Istanbul and TECHTEXTIL in Frankfurt in June, interested customers can personally get an idea of BRÜCKNER's new developments.


Brückner Trockentechnik GmbH & Co. KG

(c) Oerlikon
The Oerlikon Barmag eccentric screw pump

Oerlikon Barmag presents innovations at the ACHEMA 2022

Focus on eccentric screw pumps and pumps for shear-sensitive materials

Improved productivity and increased lifespan and tailored solutions also for the most demanding applications within the chemicals and plastics industries and in PUR applications – these are the convincing arguments with which Oerlikon Barmag is showcasing its precision metering pumps at this year’s ACHEMA between August 22 and 26, 2022 in Frankfurt. The focus is on the new pump for shear-sensitive conveying media and the new eccentric screw pump.

Focus on eccentric screw pumps and pumps for shear-sensitive materials

Improved productivity and increased lifespan and tailored solutions also for the most demanding applications within the chemicals and plastics industries and in PUR applications – these are the convincing arguments with which Oerlikon Barmag is showcasing its precision metering pumps at this year’s ACHEMA between August 22 and 26, 2022 in Frankfurt. The focus is on the new pump for shear-sensitive conveying media and the new eccentric screw pump.

Eccentric screw pumps – robust all-rounders convey any medium
The requirements for pumps are considerable, as the demand for customized solutions for increasingly complex processes is rising. This is particularly true for Oerlikon Barmag’s new eccentric screw pump range. High wear-resistance, increased durability and robust operation – the new pump is tailor-made for conveying highly-filled, high-viscosity and abrasive media, such as filled adhesives, filled silicones and filled casting compounds, for example. The is the multi-stage seal system, which considerably increases the pump’s lifespan. The upstream shaft sealing ring protects the slide ring seal against excessively-fast wear caused by challenging media. In turn, the optimum alignment of the drive shaft – ball bearing-supported and centrally-guided through the shaft sealing ring – prevents any metal debris caused by friction and hence ensures considerably greater durability. Producers benefit from considerably greater productivity, as the pumps’ maintenance intervals and hence machine downtimes are significantly reduced.

New pump for shear-sensitive materials
For increasingly complex customer-specific process solutions, Oerlikon Barmag is now expanding its GA series, developed especially for the challenging conveying of high-viscosity media, to include the GAB51F for shear-sensitive conveying media. The newly-developed pump with its viscosity range of max. 300 Pas is tailored to conveying high-viscosity, shear-sensitive materials such as adhesives and silicones, for example. “The shear forces impacting the medium within the pump are reduced to a minimum as a result of a specially geometry”, explains Thorsten Wagener, Senior Sales Manager within the Pump Construction business unit. The material is conveyed through the pump in an as gentle and low-pulsation manner as possible and metered precisely at the outlet – ensuring it retains its characteristic properties.

High-speed metering pump with sealed product space
The high-speed metering pump has been especially developed for metering poorly-lubricating media. Here, the main benefit is the sealed product space, which extends the pump’s lifespan considerably. The space that comes into contact with the media is limited to the area around the gears. “As a result, the high-speed pump is particularly suited for applications in the chemicals industry, which frequently involve aggressive acids”, comments Thorsten Wagener.

GM series for low-viscosity media
The pumps in the GM and GA series provide precision metering with low-pulsation feeding of the conveying medium. The multi-stage GM pump conveys low-viscosity media (i.e. 250 bar, 100 mPas) even under high pressure and in the most challenging conditions. The square design from the proven GM series is the standard pump for many metering tasks. The development of the multi-stage pump expands the applications range for the GM series considerably. The round 2-stage GM pump has been developed especially for use in high-pressure technology. It masters the particular challenge of conveying small throughputs with low viscosities. The pump is perfect for 0.05 through 20 cm³/rev feed sizes and is excellently suited for use in high-pressure machines for PUR molded parts, foam slab stock, refrigeration unit insulations and sandwich panels, for example.

GA series pumps for high-viscosity media
The Oerlikon Barmag GA range has been especially developed for the challenging conveying of media with higher viscosities. The GA series pumps are available for conveying volumes of between 1.25 and -30 cm³/rev (0.6-144 l/h). They have been designed for pressures of up to 200 bar, for viscosities of up to 1.500 Pas as well as for temperatures of up to max. 225 °C. With this range of pumps, Oerlikon Barmag offers its customers tailor-made solutions for many technical processes in which high-precision and even metering is of paramount importance.

The drum pump – conveying and metering using a single unit
With the drum pump, the Oerlikon Barmag pump specialists have created a pump designed specifically for conveying and metering high-viscosity materials such as adhesives, silicones and other high-viscosity materials from drums and other large containers and for pressures of up to 250 bar. Its special features not only include the fact that it removes high-viscosity materials from the drum, but that it also meters the medium directly without any additional interim stops.



(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 finishing system minimizes chemical and water waste

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has announced the installation of its TexCoat G4 finishing system at Graniteville Specialty Fabrics, a recognized leader in the production of specialty coatings and coated fabrics. With Baldwin’s cost-efficient and highly sustainable spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.

Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets, and others. The company excels in developing and sourcing custom coatings, and creating specialized technical solutions to meet specific, and often unique, end-user requirements. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 is part of a major facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has announced the installation of its TexCoat G4 finishing system at Graniteville Specialty Fabrics, a recognized leader in the production of specialty coatings and coated fabrics. With Baldwin’s cost-efficient and highly sustainable spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.

Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets, and others. The company excels in developing and sourcing custom coatings, and creating specialized technical solutions to meet specific, and often unique, end-user requirements. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 is part of a major facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

With extensive sustainability benefits, unprecedented tracking and process control, and Industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat G4 provides consistently high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, as well as minimal water and energy consumption. This system utilizes non-contact precision-spray technology, ensuring precise finishing coverage with the exact amount of chemistry for reaching the optimal performance of the fabric. Changeovers (pad bath emptying, cleaning and refilling) are significantly reduced, resulting in substantial chemical conservation and increased productivity.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

Mixed reality glasses: A pilot project at Adient supports the induction of new employees". Mixed reality glasses: A pilot project at Adient supports the induction of new employees". Bild: Adient

Adient wins "German Innovation Award 2022"

Adient, a leading global supplier of automotive seating systems, has won the "German Innovation Award 2022" in the category "Information Technologies and Functional Software". Adient's concept of "Mixed Reality as a key to efficient induction training", developed as a pilot project by employees at Adient’s Saarlouis production site, was able to convince the interdisciplinary jury of experts from science and technology.

Adient's concept aims to efficiently train new employees in production areas with the aid of mixed reality glasses. These glasses can be used to scan QR codes that are attached to each workstation. The QR codes call up corresponding videos in the field of view of the glasses which visually help the user to learn about the processes at the respective workstation, thus replacing the previous paper-based work instructions.

Adient, a leading global supplier of automotive seating systems, has won the "German Innovation Award 2022" in the category "Information Technologies and Functional Software". Adient's concept of "Mixed Reality as a key to efficient induction training", developed as a pilot project by employees at Adient’s Saarlouis production site, was able to convince the interdisciplinary jury of experts from science and technology.

Adient's concept aims to efficiently train new employees in production areas with the aid of mixed reality glasses. These glasses can be used to scan QR codes that are attached to each workstation. The QR codes call up corresponding videos in the field of view of the glasses which visually help the user to learn about the processes at the respective workstation, thus replacing the previous paper-based work instructions.

With this concept, Adient is using the technology to design and develop world-class seating solution for its global customers. New employees can thus be given a comprehensive understanding of the complex structures of a car seat much better, faster, and in a more realistic way. In addition to optimized communication, changes in the process such as product modifications can be implemented more easily than with printed work instructions.




INDA Releases 2022 Nonwovens Supply Report

Report Offers INDA Members Key Metrics to Assist in Strategic Planning and Investments

INDA, the Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry, announces publication of the ninth edition of the annual North American Nonwovens Supply Report for its members.

Based on extensive research, producer surveys and interviews with industry leaders, the report provides an overall view of North American supply, including the key metrics of capacity, production and operating rates, in addition to regional trade, through the year 2021. The 75-page report contains 36 figures and 11 tables.

Findings from this year’s Supply Report include:

Report Offers INDA Members Key Metrics to Assist in Strategic Planning and Investments

INDA, the Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry, announces publication of the ninth edition of the annual North American Nonwovens Supply Report for its members.

Based on extensive research, producer surveys and interviews with industry leaders, the report provides an overall view of North American supply, including the key metrics of capacity, production and operating rates, in addition to regional trade, through the year 2021. The 75-page report contains 36 figures and 11 tables.

Findings from this year’s Supply Report include:

  • North American capacity continues to increase with investments being made across all the processes and for a variety of end-uses. Production output exceeded that of new capacity, resulting in the industry’s nameplate capacity utilization increasing year-over-year, for the fourth consecutive year.
  • In 2021, capacity of nonwovens in North America reached 5.540 million tonnes, an increase from the previous year of 1.8% (net growth of 98,300 tonnes) and an improvement over the previous year’s pandemic-impacted growth rate of 0.5%.
  • The industry was able to quickly react to the demand for electrostatically charged fine-fiber meltblown used in the manufacture of respirators and pleated face masks. Twenty-two meltblown lines were added in 2020, resulting in 7.2% year-over-year growth rate for meltblown. In 2021, another 12 lines were added, resulting in 8.5% annual growth over 2020.
  • North American imports, in tonnage, increased 1.6% in 2021 as exports decreased 6.0%. Imports were led by China accounting for 39% of the imports into North America followed by India (14%) and Germany (9%). Even with the significant shifts in North American trade dynamics, nonwovens tend to stay where they are produced, with the net trade balance (imports less exports, 422,100 tonnes) accounting for less than ten percent of the region’s capacity

The report—and the quarterly INDA Market Pulse and monthly Price Trends Summary—are provided to the nearly 400 INDA member companies and associates as part of their membership. The data gathered for this annual report serves as the foundation for the both the biannual Global Nonwoven Market Report published in September of 2021 and the biannual North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook, which will be updated and published this fall.

More information:
nonwovens INDA


Tearing Line Foto: Andritz


International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil in Frankfurt from June 21 to 24. The ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies, such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing. For Techtextil, special focus lies on technologies for textile recycling, needlepunch, airlay, wetlaid glass fibers and textile calendering.

International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil in Frankfurt from June 21 to 24. The ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies, such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing. For Techtextil, special focus lies on technologies for textile recycling, needlepunch, airlay, wetlaid glass fibers and textile calendering.

With the acquisition of ANDRITZ Laroche SAS, ANDRITZ has expanded its product portfolio to include airlay and recycling technology as well as bast fiber processing technologies. Complete recycling lines for post-consumer and industrial textile waste to produce fibers for re-spinning and/or nonwoven end-uses are one focus of this product range. Customer awareness and regulations are forcing clothing brands to recycle their textile waste in their own products. Recycled fibers can also be used in the nonwovens industry for various applications, for example in the automotive industry, for insulation, mattresses, and furniture felts.

ANDRITZ Laroche offers a complete process range of tearing lines from 50 up to 3,000 kg/h, which can be used for almost all types of pre/post-consumer textile waste. The aim is to preserve the character of the original fibers, for example cotton, by maximizing fiber length, strength and feel.


Andritz AG


DOMO Chemicals stellt seine neue Marke NYLEO® vor

  • DOMOs neue NYLEO®-Marke vereint DOMOs Erfahrung mit Nylon 66-basierten Fasern und legt mit drei neuen Produkten den Schwerpunkt auf Innovation
  • NYLEO® PROTECT steht für verbesserten Flammschutz, NYLEO® 4EARTH® ist der Name für verbesserte biologische Abbaubarkeit und NYLEO® SAFE zeichnet sich durch bakteriostatische Eigenschaften aus
  • NYLEO® repräsentiert einen neuen Meilenstein in DOMOs wachsendem Angebot an nachhaltigen Lösungen

NYLEO® ist DOMOs neue Produktlinie und kombiniert bewährte Hochleistungsfasern mit bahnbrechenden neuen Lösungen. NYLEO® auf Nylon 66-Basis wird in zahlreichen Anwendungen eingesetzt, darunter Textilien, Bodenbeläge sowie Flock- und Schleifmittel. Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften bietet NYLEO® ein breites Spektrum an Möglichkeiten für die Verbesserung der Produktleistung.

  • DOMOs neue NYLEO®-Marke vereint DOMOs Erfahrung mit Nylon 66-basierten Fasern und legt mit drei neuen Produkten den Schwerpunkt auf Innovation
  • NYLEO® PROTECT steht für verbesserten Flammschutz, NYLEO® 4EARTH® ist der Name für verbesserte biologische Abbaubarkeit und NYLEO® SAFE zeichnet sich durch bakteriostatische Eigenschaften aus
  • NYLEO® repräsentiert einen neuen Meilenstein in DOMOs wachsendem Angebot an nachhaltigen Lösungen

NYLEO® ist DOMOs neue Produktlinie und kombiniert bewährte Hochleistungsfasern mit bahnbrechenden neuen Lösungen. NYLEO® auf Nylon 66-Basis wird in zahlreichen Anwendungen eingesetzt, darunter Textilien, Bodenbeläge sowie Flock- und Schleifmittel. Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften bietet NYLEO® ein breites Spektrum an Möglichkeiten für die Verbesserung der Produktleistung.

DOMOs NYLEO® setzt auf unsere Erfahrungen mit Nylon 66-basierten Fasern und legt mit drei Produkten den Schwerpunkt auf Innovation: NYLEO® PROTECT mit verbessertem Flammschutz, NYLEO® 4EARTH® mit verbesserter biologischer Abbaubarkeit und NYLEO® SAFE mit bakteriostatischen Eigenschaften.

DOMOs Erbe an innovativen Nylon 66-Fasern
DOMOs Team für Hochleistungsfasern hat seinen Sitz im französischen Valence. DOMO produziert seit 1955 PA66-Fasern für Anwendungsbereiche wie Schleifmittelvliese, Luftfahrt, Teppichböden, Hochleistungstextilien, Flock für Polstermöbel, Innenausstattung und -böden von Autos sowie viele weitere Verbraucherprodukte. Die NYLEO® Marke wird nun auf das gesamte Portfolio an Polyamid 66 (PA 66)-Faserprodukten, einschließlich gekräuseltem TOW oder TOW für die Flockherstellung, angewendet. Fasern auf Basis von PA66 sind für hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit, hervorragende Verschleiß- und Abriebfestigkeit, hohe Zähigkeit, ausgezeichnete Färbbarkeit und Farbechtheit sowie einheitliche Qualität und weiche Haptik bekannt. Dazu gehören:

  • NYLEO® PROTECT – um das Sicherheitsniveau in den Bereichen persönliche Schutzausrüstung, Bekleidung, Möbel und Transport zu erhöhen, hat DOMO eine neue flammhemmende PA 66-Faser entwickelt. NYLEO® PROTECT vereint alle Vorteile von PA 66, wie z. B. mechanische Eigenschaften, Komfort, geringes spezifisches Gewicht und hervorragende Abriebfestigkeit, mit verbessertem Flammschutz. Der Sauerstoffindex (LOI) von NYLEO® PROTECT wurde auf 28 % verbessert, was dem Niveau typischer flammhemmender Fasern entspricht.
  • NYLEO® 4EARTH® – immer mehr Hersteller befassen sich mit den Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft und versuchen ihren Einfluss auf die Umwelt weitmöglichst zu verringern, z. B. durch ein besseres Abfallmanagement. Die textile Wertschöpfungskette hat starken Anteil an den Mülldeponien, auf denen die meisten Kleidungsstücke enden. Aus diesem Grund entwickelte DOMO mit NYLEO® 4EARTH® eine Faser, die auf Deponien besser biologisch abgebaut wird. Während traditionelle Nylon 66-Fasern 50 – 100 Jahre für den Zerfall benötigten, braucht NYLEO® 4EARTH aufgrund seiner verbesserten biologischen Abbaubarkeit nur fünf Jahre, um abgebaut zu werde.
  • NYLEO® SAFE – die Verbreitung von Bakterien hat sich zu einem immer dringlicheren Gesundheitsproblem entwickelt. Bei NYLEO® SAFE wird ein bakteriostatisches Mittel in die Polymermatrix eingebracht, wo es die Fasern langfristig schützt und das Wachstum von Bakterien verhindert.

DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV