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Kreislaufwirtschaft auf der Heimtextil: Textiles Matter

Die Heimtextil Trend Preview 23/24 präsentierte zu Herbstbeginn Designkonzepte und Inspirationen für die textile Einrichtungsbranche. Mit „Textiles Matter“ will die Heimtextil 2023 Maßstäbe für die zukunftsorientierte und nachhaltige textile Einrichtung von morgen setzen.
Mit konzentrierter Analyse und Fachexpertise untersucht der Trend Council der Heimtextil, bestehend aus dem Studio FranklinTill (London), dem Stijlinstituut Amsterdam und der dänischen Agentur SPOTT Trends & Business, die Zukunft für den nationalen und internationalen Markt. Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft stehen dabei so stark wie nie zuvor im Fokus und setzen den Trend für die Saison 23/24.

Die Heimtextil Trend Preview 23/24 präsentierte zu Herbstbeginn Designkonzepte und Inspirationen für die textile Einrichtungsbranche. Mit „Textiles Matter“ will die Heimtextil 2023 Maßstäbe für die zukunftsorientierte und nachhaltige textile Einrichtung von morgen setzen.
Mit konzentrierter Analyse und Fachexpertise untersucht der Trend Council der Heimtextil, bestehend aus dem Studio FranklinTill (London), dem Stijlinstituut Amsterdam und der dänischen Agentur SPOTT Trends & Business, die Zukunft für den nationalen und internationalen Markt. Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft stehen dabei so stark wie nie zuvor im Fokus und setzen den Trend für die Saison 23/24.
Textilien sind aus dem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. So vielfältig die Ansprüche der Nutzer*innen sind, so vielfältige sind auch die Einsatzzwecke der Materialien und ihre Herstellung. Dies stellt die internationale Industrie vor eine große Herausforderung. Die Textilindustrie bezieht ihre Rohstoffe aus vielen Quellen und nutzt zahlreiche Verfahren zur Herstellung einer unbegrenzten Vielfalt von Produkten. Dies bietet großes Potenzial für eine nachhaltige Weiterentwicklung. Die Heimtextil Trends zeigen Möglichkeiten auf, dieses Potenzial zu nutzen und nachhaltige Entwicklung zu fördern. Unter dem Motto „Textiles Matter“ werden Ansätze der Kreislaufwirtschaft vorgestellt, die dem Markt Impulse für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung liefern.
"In Anbetracht des ökologischen Notstands, in dem wir uns derzeit befinden, steht die Textilindustrie in der Verantwortung, ihre Prozesse zu überprüfen und zum Besseren zu verändern. Aus diesem Grund verfolgen wir bei dieser Ausgabe der Heimtextil Trends einen materialorientierten Ansatz und konzentrieren uns auf die Beschaffung, das Design und die Nachhaltigkeit von Materialien. Textiles Matter zeigt das Potenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft auf und würdigt Designinitiativen, die schön, relevant und vor allem nachhaltig sind", erklärt Marta Giralt Dunjó von FranklinTill.
Anorganische Materialien wie Nylon, Polyester, Kunststoffe oder Metalle können im technischen Kreislauf ohne Qualitätsverlust recycelt und wiederverwendet werden. Organische Materialien wie Leinen oder Bast werden im biologischen Kreislauf wieder in die Natur zurückgeführt. Die vier Trend-Themen „Make and Remake“, „Continuous“, „From Earth“ und „Nature Engineered“ leiten sich daraus ab.
Make and Remake
Gebrauchte Materialien, Altbestände oder Stoffreste erhalten ein neues Leben. Dabei rückt die Ästhetik des Reparierens in den Fokus und wird als gezieltes Designelement des recycelten Produkts eingesetzt. Mit hellen und fröhlichen Farben und Techniken wie Überdrucken, Überfärben, Bricolage, Collage oder Patchwork entstehen neue und kreative Produkte. Überlagerte Farbmuster und Grafiken führen zu gewagten und maximalistischen, zugleich bewussten Designs.
Das Trend-Thema Continuous beschreibt geschlossene Kreisläufe, in denen Materialien immer wieder zu neuen, abfallfreien Produkten recycelt werden. Vermeintliche Abfallstoffe werden getrennt und zu neuen Fasern, Verbundwerkstoffen und Textilien wiederaufbereitet. Synthetische sowie zellulosehaltige Garne werden somit abfallfrei produziert. Dank technisch fortgeschrittener Rückgewinnungsverfahren behalten die Materialien ihre ursprüngliche Qualität und Ästhetik. Zweckmäßigkeit, Minimalismus und Langlebigkeit bestimmen das Design der Continuous Produkte.

From Earth
Hier stehen die Natürlichkeit und der Einklang mit der Natur der organischen Materialien im Mittelpunkt. Natürliche Färbungen vermitteln Wärme und Weichheit. Unvollkommene Texturen, Abnutzungen und Unregelmäßigkeiten präsentieren eine ökologische und erdverbundene Ästhetik. Erdige und botanische Farbtöne, natürliche Variationen und haptischer Reichtum dominieren den Bereich From Earth. Unbearbeitete und rohe Oberflächen sowie ungebleichte Textilien, natürliche Farbstoffe betonen die Materialien in ihrem ursprünglichen Zustand.
Nature Engineered
Natürlichkeit wird neu interpretiert. Nature Engineered wertet organische Materialien wie Bast, Hanf, Leinen und Nesseln mit mechanischen Mitteln auf und perfektioniert diese. Modernste Techniken bereiten natürliche Textilien zu anspruchsvollen und intelligenten Produkten auf. Klare Linien und Formen, kombiniert mit weichen Beige- und Brauntönen kennzeichnen dieses Thema.
Die nachhaltigen und zukunftsweisenden Trends werden im Trend Space der Heimtextil, vom 10. bis 13. Januar 2023 in Frankfurt, inszeniert.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten, München; Menges Scheffler Architekten, Frankfurt; Jan Knippers Ingenieure, Stuttgart

Neues Ausbildungsjahr für Textil- und Bekleidungsberufe startet

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

„Wir möchten noch mehr junge Menschen für eine Ausbildung in unserer spannenden und innovativen Branche begeistern. Deshalb investiert Südwesttextil mit dem Bau des Texoversums auf dem Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen in die Zukunft der Ausbildung. Das Texoversum ist einer der Orte, an dem die textile Aus- und Weiterbildung ihre Innovation und Attraktivität aufzeigt und vorantreibt“, so Edina Brenner, Hauptgeschäftsführerin des Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberver-bands Südwesttextil.

In den Nachwuchs zu investieren hat beim Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. Südwesttextil Tradition: Seit 1980 sind in der Gatex, der überbetrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildungsstätte der Branche, mehr als 1.000 Menschen erfolgreich qualifiziert worden. Auszubildenden ermöglicht die Gatex das Lernen entlang der textilen Kette, sodass sie im Anschluss im Betrieb auch vor- oder nachgelagerte Stufen der Produktion mitdenken können.
Mit dem Umzug der Gatex von Bad Säckingen nach Reutlingen setzt Südwesttextil auf einen zentralen Ort und die Verknüpfung mit dem Studienangebot der Hochschule. Schon jetzt schnuppern die Auszubildenden Campusluft, denn das überbetriebliche Ausbildungsjahr beginnt direkt in Reutlingen. Das Texoversum wird im Frühsommer des nächsten Jahres eröffnet und bietet dem textilen Nachwuchs Raum fürs Lernen, Ausprobieren und Vernetzen. Denn in den 3.000 Quadratmetern des innovativ gebauten Gebäudes befinden sich neben Schulungsräumen auch Werkstätten, Labore und Think-Tank-Flächen.

(c) AVANTI/Hologenix

AVANTI introduces dog beds powered by CELLIANT®

Hologenix’s CELLIANT® infrared technology, an ingredient in textiles across many categories including bedding, is now offered in a new line of sustainable dog beds. The first performance fabric product from AVANTI, RESPOND is a wellness collection that promotes good health not only for pets but also for the planet. It is made from 100% recycled PET and uses patented CELLIANT technology for unmatched performance.

CELLIANT transforms the body’s heat into full-spectrum infrared energy. This energy is reflected back to the body, making it possible for the tissue and muscle to absorb it, promoting local circulation and tissue oxygenation. This technology helps keep the body dry and at the appropriate temperature. CELLIANT has been demonstrated to enhance energy, endurance, strength, stamina and comfort as well as promote faster recovery and more restful sleep. The RESPOND beds’ orthopedic memory foam filler adds an extra layer of comfort and wellness.

Hologenix’s CELLIANT® infrared technology, an ingredient in textiles across many categories including bedding, is now offered in a new line of sustainable dog beds. The first performance fabric product from AVANTI, RESPOND is a wellness collection that promotes good health not only for pets but also for the planet. It is made from 100% recycled PET and uses patented CELLIANT technology for unmatched performance.

CELLIANT transforms the body’s heat into full-spectrum infrared energy. This energy is reflected back to the body, making it possible for the tissue and muscle to absorb it, promoting local circulation and tissue oxygenation. This technology helps keep the body dry and at the appropriate temperature. CELLIANT has been demonstrated to enhance energy, endurance, strength, stamina and comfort as well as promote faster recovery and more restful sleep. The RESPOND beds’ orthopedic memory foam filler adds an extra layer of comfort and wellness.

Introduced at Interzoo in Germany in May, RESPOND dog bedding was the result of determination by AVANTI leaders Raghav and Devika Modi to become champions of pet wellness and performance products while also aligning with the New Delhi, India-based company’s focus on sustainability.  

Ideal for ailing and senior pets, RESPOND beds are made from GRS-certified 100% recycled polyester CELLIANT yarns and orthopedic memory foam and have natural latex-coated bases for extra skid-resistance. AVANTI pet bed covers are removable and washable.

RESPOND dog beds are offered in nine SKUs, three different shapes and three colorways of each shape: grey, blue/grey and green/grey in shades that are associated with wellness.

More information:
Hologenix Celliant AVANTI Bedding

Hologenix, LLC


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Autumn rescheduled to 2023

In light of the current pandemic circumstances in China, the 2022 edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Autumn will be deferred. The Autumn fair, which was originally scheduled to be held from 15 – 17 August at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, will now take place in 2023 at the same venue. The fair’s organisers will announce the new date in due course.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the decision: “After holding discussions with our stakeholders, we have made what we believe to be the responsible decision to delay the fair. While the call was made with the safety of the fair’s participants in mind, deferring the fair to the early part of next year will also allow more time for fairgoers to plan for their participation.”

“We understand that there is a lot of anticipation surrounding this fair, with exhibitors and buyers eager to connect in person. We would like to thank all participants for their patience and understanding, and also to express our continued dedication to provide a quality international trading platform for the home textile industry.”

In light of the current pandemic circumstances in China, the 2022 edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Autumn will be deferred. The Autumn fair, which was originally scheduled to be held from 15 – 17 August at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, will now take place in 2023 at the same venue. The fair’s organisers will announce the new date in due course.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the decision: “After holding discussions with our stakeholders, we have made what we believe to be the responsible decision to delay the fair. While the call was made with the safety of the fair’s participants in mind, deferring the fair to the early part of next year will also allow more time for fairgoers to plan for their participation.”

“We understand that there is a lot of anticipation surrounding this fair, with exhibitors and buyers eager to connect in person. We would like to thank all participants for their patience and understanding, and also to express our continued dedication to provide a quality international trading platform for the home textile industry.”

Exhibitors or visitors with any further enquiries related to the fair can email, or visit the fair’s official website.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

(c) Indorama Ventures PCL

Indorama Ventures works with Auping and TWE Group to deliver a fully circular mattress

The sustainable collaboration and innovation between Indorama Ventures (IVL), Auping and TWE Group presented a certified cradle to cradle process for mattress components across nonwoven applications, at Techtextil, Frankfurt, 21st to 24th June 2022.

Using circular research and design, the industry partnership between IVL Mullagh (Ireland), Auping and TWE Group has resulted in a perpetual, sustainable economic business model, for manufacturers globally. The inclusion of safe raw materials within mattress manufacturing allows the materials to be easily disassembled at the product’s end of use in order to be further reused as same components or recycled into new raw material at the same quality level, to enable versatile textile applications.

The sustainable collaboration and innovation between Indorama Ventures (IVL), Auping and TWE Group presented a certified cradle to cradle process for mattress components across nonwoven applications, at Techtextil, Frankfurt, 21st to 24th June 2022.

Using circular research and design, the industry partnership between IVL Mullagh (Ireland), Auping and TWE Group has resulted in a perpetual, sustainable economic business model, for manufacturers globally. The inclusion of safe raw materials within mattress manufacturing allows the materials to be easily disassembled at the product’s end of use in order to be further reused as same components or recycled into new raw material at the same quality level, to enable versatile textile applications.

Designed for disassembly to optimize the use of existing resources, reduce carbon footprint and support customer objectives all along their customers’ supply chain. This circular industry collaboration begins with design, where the mattress is constructed using only two different base materials, 100% PET polyester textiles and steel wire pocket springs connected with Niaga®️, a non toxic reversible adhesive, making the mattress easy to disassemble and recover.

IVL, Auping and TWE’s shared vision for a better world is demonstrated through their connected and innovative circularity that helps to close the loop. Auping collects, sorts and separates the collected fabrics, which then go to IVL Mullagh for processing, melting and extrusion to form polyester staple fiber. These staple fibers are then converted by TWE Group into nonwovens for use in Auping’s Evolve mattress, a fully circular mattress. Following the end of mattress use, the material recovery process simply starts again.

Auping estimates that annually more than 40 million mattresses are disposed of in Europe alone, the majority of which are incinerated. Their take back system in the Netherlands ensures that when their new mattress is delivered, the old mattress is retrieved and recycled, irrespective of the brand, ensuring existing materials are continually optimized, diverted from landfill and kept in use to achieve a circular economy.


Indorama Ventures PCL


Lectra joins Euronext Tech Leaders

Lectra, whose connected industrial equipment and software facilitate the digital transformation and Industry 4.0 transition of fashion, automotive and furniture companies, announces its selection for the new Euronext Tech Leaders stock market index. This brings Lectra into the community of European technology leaders identified by Euronext as innovative and high-growth companies.

The new Euronext Tech Leaders market index, launched on June 7, comprises 100 European technology companies listed on the Euronext markets, which meet various performance and growth criteria. With the launch of this initiative, Euronext aims to offer better visibility and new services to selected European technology leaders.

Lectra, whose connected industrial equipment and software facilitate the digital transformation and Industry 4.0 transition of fashion, automotive and furniture companies, announces its selection for the new Euronext Tech Leaders stock market index. This brings Lectra into the community of European technology leaders identified by Euronext as innovative and high-growth companies.

The new Euronext Tech Leaders market index, launched on June 7, comprises 100 European technology companies listed on the Euronext markets, which meet various performance and growth criteria. With the launch of this initiative, Euronext aims to offer better visibility and new services to selected European technology leaders.

Lectra is one of the 41 French companies that are now members of Euronext Tech Leaders. The company, founded in 1973 on a close relationship with fashion industry players, has also for the last three decades worked globally with automotive equipment and furniture manufacturers. In its three strategic markets, Lectra sells connected equipment that optimizes the cutting processes of fabric, leather and other soft materials used by manufacturers, and markets software and services that streamline their production processes while enabling them to be more agile and make considerable material savings.

In fashion, through the use of market data – made accessible and exploitable by the Internet of Things, the cloud, artificial intelligence and big data – Lectra’s software solutions also enable a better understanding of consumers’ behavior. They therefore facilitate strategic decision-making for brands, manufacturers and distributors at the key steps in the value chain of design, production and distribution. In this industry, the impact of Lectra’s solutions on reducing material consumption is even greater because it takes effect as early as the garment design stage.

Technology and innovation are therefore at the heart of Lectra’s strategy, with the company aiming to become a key player in Industry 4.0 in its strategic markets by 2030.




Indorama Venures: Faserinnovationen auf der Techtextil

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), einer der weltweit führenden Petrochemieproduzenten mit globaler Präsenz in Europa, Afrika, Nord- und Südamerika sowie im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, wird auf der Techtextil die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen seiner drei Faser-Sparten MOBILITY, HYGIENE und LIFESTYLE vorstellen. Diese drei Geschäftsbereiche vereinen Schlüsselkompetenzen in den Bereichen Fasern, Vliesstoffe und Gewebe für die Märkte Automobil, Hygiene, Funktionsmaterialien und Verbundwerkstoffe.

Unter dem Motto "Reimaging Chemistry together for a better World" wird ein breites Portfolio an nachhaltigen Produkten, fortschrittlichen Technologien und verbraucherorientierten Lösungen vorgestellt.

Ein Schwerpunkt wird die Marke Deja® sein — die Plattform für nachhaltige Produkte von Indorama Ventures. Sie umfasst u.a. Materialien wie Fasern aus recyceltem PET (rPET). Ziel ist es, Produkte im Umlauf zu halten und die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren.  Außerdem werden Materialien mit einem neutralen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, darunter Breathair® und bio-basierte Produkte, präsentiert.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), einer der weltweit führenden Petrochemieproduzenten mit globaler Präsenz in Europa, Afrika, Nord- und Südamerika sowie im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, wird auf der Techtextil die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen seiner drei Faser-Sparten MOBILITY, HYGIENE und LIFESTYLE vorstellen. Diese drei Geschäftsbereiche vereinen Schlüsselkompetenzen in den Bereichen Fasern, Vliesstoffe und Gewebe für die Märkte Automobil, Hygiene, Funktionsmaterialien und Verbundwerkstoffe.

Unter dem Motto "Reimaging Chemistry together for a better World" wird ein breites Portfolio an nachhaltigen Produkten, fortschrittlichen Technologien und verbraucherorientierten Lösungen vorgestellt.

Ein Schwerpunkt wird die Marke Deja® sein — die Plattform für nachhaltige Produkte von Indorama Ventures. Sie umfasst u.a. Materialien wie Fasern aus recyceltem PET (rPET). Ziel ist es, Produkte im Umlauf zu halten und die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren.  Außerdem werden Materialien mit einem neutralen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, darunter Breathair® und bio-basierte Produkte, präsentiert.

Auch andere neue Technologien werden vor Ort zu sehen sein. Um die Verschmutzung der Umwelt durch Kunststoffe zu verringern, führt Indorama Ventures Polyolefinfasern und Vliesstoffe ein, die durch die kürzlich eingeführte Biotransformationstechnologie biologisch abbaubar sind. Biotransformation ist ein Prozess, bei dem sich der physikalische Zustand einer Faser von einem kristallinen Feststoff in ein bioverfügbares Wachs ändert.

Photo: Devan Chemicals NV

Devan expands cooling technology range

At Heimtextil Frankfurt 2022, Devan, will launch novel technologies to the Home Textiles market. The first innovation is a range of bio-based and biodegradable microcapsules. With increased sustainability and circularity requirements in Europe and beyond, Devan is pushing the limits further of its encapsulation methods, also in terms of wash durability. The capsules are biodegradable and hence no harm for risk of microplastics. The new R-Vital NTL range includes evergreen Aloe Vera, waste-material based avocado seed oil with very high hydration abilities! and Vitamine E.

Devan, as part of the Pulcra Chemicals Group, co-launches the new Pulcra TEC-SU, a new biobased C0 DWR. This hydrophobic agent has a bio-content above 60% and contains no APEO or formaldehyde. It keeps performing very good after multiple washings.

At Heimtextil Frankfurt 2022, Devan, will launch novel technologies to the Home Textiles market. The first innovation is a range of bio-based and biodegradable microcapsules. With increased sustainability and circularity requirements in Europe and beyond, Devan is pushing the limits further of its encapsulation methods, also in terms of wash durability. The capsules are biodegradable and hence no harm for risk of microplastics. The new R-Vital NTL range includes evergreen Aloe Vera, waste-material based avocado seed oil with very high hydration abilities! and Vitamine E.

Devan, as part of the Pulcra Chemicals Group, co-launches the new Pulcra TEC-SU, a new biobased C0 DWR. This hydrophobic agent has a bio-content above 60% and contains no APEO or formaldehyde. It keeps performing very good after multiple washings.

The Devan bio-based thermoregulation range, like Tones of Cool Bio which is already several years on the market, is having a positive effect on carbon footprint. Devan is now expanding its cooling range with a specific foam-solution. In the Home Textile industry new (bio)foam types are introduced the last 1,5 years to comply with the EU GreenDeal and circularity / recycling requirements. A good enough reason for Devan to develop a foam-specific cooling system. After all, research shows that our bedroom interiors get warmer every year, partly due to better insulation but also due to global warming. On top of that Devan thermoregulation solutions can save Energy and Water during application: low curing solutions are available next to cooling products to that can be applied, using less water.



Devan Chemicals NV

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles unveils three trend themes for 2023

This year, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles again joins forces with NellyRodi™, the renowned French agency for international forecasting, to present the design theme for 2023 – ‘ALIVE’ – together with three trends: HUMAN CAPITAL, ROUSING COMMITMENT and UNREAL REALITIES.

Nature is a keyword in HUMAN CAPITAL
This direction reflects how people want to reconnect with the environment by choosing a local approach, short supply chains, raw and natural materials, and traditional techniques. For instance, 100% plant-based materials, as well as metalised fringed jacquards and gold yarns are used to illustrate this concept.

Inspired by everyday basics and daily essentials, the trend uses a soft, luminous white palette mingled with muted and amber shades of vegetal dyes. Designs also incorporate figurative hand-drawings, archaic bestiary, stylised wildflowers and geometric patterns.

This year, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles again joins forces with NellyRodi™, the renowned French agency for international forecasting, to present the design theme for 2023 – ‘ALIVE’ – together with three trends: HUMAN CAPITAL, ROUSING COMMITMENT and UNREAL REALITIES.

Nature is a keyword in HUMAN CAPITAL
This direction reflects how people want to reconnect with the environment by choosing a local approach, short supply chains, raw and natural materials, and traditional techniques. For instance, 100% plant-based materials, as well as metalised fringed jacquards and gold yarns are used to illustrate this concept.

Inspired by everyday basics and daily essentials, the trend uses a soft, luminous white palette mingled with muted and amber shades of vegetal dyes. Designs also incorporate figurative hand-drawings, archaic bestiary, stylised wildflowers and geometric patterns.

ROUSING COMMITMENT celebrates creative self-expression
The trend combines a lively play of mix-matching patterns and colours. This embraces the integration of neutral shades through touches of metallic silver and fluorescent colours to represent the urban life.

Foamback and other fabrics influenced by sports materials, as well as extravagant jacquards, silicon embossing and bouclé fabrics draw out feel-good factor of the theme. Prints using modern twists on traditional patterns, lettering plays, exuberant florals and bold geometrics, also deliver the desire to live freely by sharing joy and happiness with others.

In order to push the limits of imagination, science and technology, consumers tap into digital realms to connect with other realities, augmented worlds and futurist utopias that draw out the potential of today’s technology. Metalised rainbow colours highlight the magic and wonder under this virtual reality theme, while surrealistic photoprint shapes, misty landscapes, blurry effects and fantastical nature adds a futuristic touch.

The theme adopts iridescent gleam of semi-transparent voiles, muslins, recycled synthetics and added pearly or glazed aspects. Soft, light meshes, honeycombed or blistered surfaces and cloudy seersuckers elevate the textures in the fabrics.

The trends are decided by a committee led by the NellyRodi™ Agency (France) and formed by top forecasters including Mr Vincent Grégoire (France), the agency’s Consumer Trends and Insights Director; Mr Shen Lei (China), Founder and Chief of Interior Architects Design; and Ms Tracy Jen (Taiwan, China), the Host of ‘Eremito’; as well as Ms Sakina M’sa, the beloved French fashion designer and entrepreneur.

In order to integrate exhibitor and industry resources more effectively, the organisers of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles have announced that the Spring and Autumn editions will be merged this year. The two fairs will now be held concurrently from 15 – 17 August 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Thermore launches EVOdown® made of recycled fibers (c) Thermore

Thermore launches EVOdown® made of recycled fibers

Thermore launches its new product EVOdown®, made of 100% recycled fibers from PET bottles. Thermore EVOdown® bridges the gap between free fibers and traditional padding, delivering the ultra-soft hand and drape of blow-in fibers in a rolled form.

EVOdown® consists of millions of free fibers encapsulated by two containing outer layers. It is light-weighted and has a silky touch.

EVOdown® is another step towards sustainability for the Milan-based company, which has now converted over 97% of its turnover into insulations made of either fully or partially recycled fibers (based on actual sales figures). This brings Thermore closer to an exclusively sustainable product offer. Sustainability has always been part of Thermore’s DNA, as the Group pioneered the use of recycled fibers in the early 80s and mastered it thereafter.

Thermore launches its new product EVOdown®, made of 100% recycled fibers from PET bottles. Thermore EVOdown® bridges the gap between free fibers and traditional padding, delivering the ultra-soft hand and drape of blow-in fibers in a rolled form.

EVOdown® consists of millions of free fibers encapsulated by two containing outer layers. It is light-weighted and has a silky touch.

EVOdown® is another step towards sustainability for the Milan-based company, which has now converted over 97% of its turnover into insulations made of either fully or partially recycled fibers (based on actual sales figures). This brings Thermore closer to an exclusively sustainable product offer. Sustainability has always been part of Thermore’s DNA, as the Group pioneered the use of recycled fibers in the early 80s and mastered it thereafter.

More information:
Thermore Down Fibers plastics Recycling


Tearing Line Foto: Andritz


International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil in Frankfurt from June 21 to 24. The ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies, such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing. For Techtextil, special focus lies on technologies for textile recycling, needlepunch, airlay, wetlaid glass fibers and textile calendering.

International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil in Frankfurt from June 21 to 24. The ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies, such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing. For Techtextil, special focus lies on technologies for textile recycling, needlepunch, airlay, wetlaid glass fibers and textile calendering.

With the acquisition of ANDRITZ Laroche SAS, ANDRITZ has expanded its product portfolio to include airlay and recycling technology as well as bast fiber processing technologies. Complete recycling lines for post-consumer and industrial textile waste to produce fibers for re-spinning and/or nonwoven end-uses are one focus of this product range. Customer awareness and regulations are forcing clothing brands to recycle their textile waste in their own products. Recycled fibers can also be used in the nonwovens industry for various applications, for example in the automotive industry, for insulation, mattresses, and furniture felts.

ANDRITZ Laroche offers a complete process range of tearing lines from 50 up to 3,000 kg/h, which can be used for almost all types of pre/post-consumer textile waste. The aim is to preserve the character of the original fibers, for example cotton, by maximizing fiber length, strength and feel.


Andritz AG

(c) Euratex

EURATEX 2022 Spring Report: Exports of textile and clothing articles +10.6%

EURATEX has just released its Spring report, offering a detailed insight into trade figures for the European textile and apparel industry in 2021. The numbers are encouraging: comparing with the dramatic corona-year 2020, EU exports of textile and clothing articles increased by +10.6%, while imports dipped by -7.5%. As a result, the EU trade deficit improved, even it remains significant (- €48 billion).

Furthermore, import prices went slightly down in clothing and dropped in textiles, following a strong decrease of Chinese import prices of face masks and protective medical supplies.

The boost in exports was mainly due to strong performance on the Swiss, Chinese and US markets. On the other side, EU sales of textile & clothing to the United Kingdom fell sharply (-23%), due to Brexit new requirements, customs’ delays and shortage of truck drivers.  Imports from the EU top supplier, China, plunged by -28%, corresponding to €13 billion. Similarly, textile and clothing imports from the United Kingdom recorded a sharp decrease over the period (-48%, equal to €-3 billion).

EURATEX has just released its Spring report, offering a detailed insight into trade figures for the European textile and apparel industry in 2021. The numbers are encouraging: comparing with the dramatic corona-year 2020, EU exports of textile and clothing articles increased by +10.6%, while imports dipped by -7.5%. As a result, the EU trade deficit improved, even it remains significant (- €48 billion).

Furthermore, import prices went slightly down in clothing and dropped in textiles, following a strong decrease of Chinese import prices of face masks and protective medical supplies.

The boost in exports was mainly due to strong performance on the Swiss, Chinese and US markets. On the other side, EU sales of textile & clothing to the United Kingdom fell sharply (-23%), due to Brexit new requirements, customs’ delays and shortage of truck drivers.  Imports from the EU top supplier, China, plunged by -28%, corresponding to €13 billion. Similarly, textile and clothing imports from the United Kingdom recorded a sharp decrease over the period (-48%, equal to €-3 billion).

Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: “the 2021 export figures, presented in this Spring report, confirm that EURATEX members have gained momentum; even if energy prices are causing some serious short-term disruptions, our long-term ambition remains to be a world leader on sustainable textiles.”

The international trade dimension is indeed critical for the competitiveness of the European textile ecosystem, and needs to be fully embedded in the EU’s Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. The Commission insists that “all textile products placed on the EU market, are durable, free of hazardous substances, produced respecting social standards…” This is an essential condition to create a level playing field between all textile and apparel companies, regardless of their production base. With €100 billion of imports, and over 20 billion of “foreign” textile items put on the Single Market, this requires a dramatic upscaling of market surveillance, without however disrupting fluid supply chains.

Looking at the impact of war in Ukraine, EURATEX has strongly condemned the Russian aggression, and offered support to the Ukrainian textile industry. Ukraine offers valuable sourcing opportunities for European textile and apparel brands, as part of a broader nearshoring trend, which seems to emerge from the trade figures.

More information:
Euratex export


(c) Huntsman Corporation

Huntsman introduces Blue Formazan Dye ensuring longer lasting textiles

Huntsman Textile Effects has introduced NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC, one of the the industry’s first blue elements that delivers chlorine- and nitrogen oxide (NOx)-fastness alongside lightfastness for textiles, ensuring garments to look as good as new for longer.

The NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC blue element completes Huntsman Textile Effects’ Non-Contrasting Concept and addresses the challenges faced by mills to deliver:

Huntsman Textile Effects has introduced NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC, one of the the industry’s first blue elements that delivers chlorine- and nitrogen oxide (NOx)-fastness alongside lightfastness for textiles, ensuring garments to look as good as new for longer.

The NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC blue element completes Huntsman Textile Effects’ Non-Contrasting Concept and addresses the challenges faced by mills to deliver:

  • Improved light-, perspiration- and chlorine-fastness
    Ideal for the production of light-medium shades of towels and bedding and T-shirts, shirts and trousers, the dye meets the most stringent home laundering program requirements of US and Japanese brands, and also performs well in other markets where chlorine is added to water supplies.
  • High NOx resistance
    NOx present in the air makes textile products more susceptible to fading during transportation, storage and retail display. The high NOx resistance of NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC enables mills and brands to achieve positive differentiation with textiles that are less likely to fade.
  • Operational excellence
    With unique application properties for both exhaust and pad processes, and outstanding compatibility with all other trichromatic dyes, NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC is a breakthrough in right first-time production.

The innovative IP-protected NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC dye is also a great addition to the successful NOVACRON® NC concept for earth tone colors. The earth tones – from sand to brown, olive, beige, khaki and grey – are popular in casual wear and sports apparel, as well as for home and hospitality textile products such as furnishing, towels and bedding.


Huntsman Corporation


Monforts at Techtextil showcasing its finishing and coating technologies

The Techtextil and Heimtextil Summer Special exhibitions, taking place together in Frankfurt from June 21-24, represent an opportunity for Monforts to showcase its finishing and coating technologies for two of its major markets – especially at a time when energy prices continue to soar for textile manufacturers in Europe.

Existing customers of Monforts include many manufacturers in the field of home textiles, as well as those making geotextiles, automotive fabrics and other functional materials – all of whom will be well represented in Frankfurt this June. Dedicated Montex lines have also been supplied to producers of airbags, flame retardant barrier fabrics and spacer fabrics, as well as high-temperature filter materials.

The Techtextil and Heimtextil Summer Special exhibitions, taking place together in Frankfurt from June 21-24, represent an opportunity for Monforts to showcase its finishing and coating technologies for two of its major markets – especially at a time when energy prices continue to soar for textile manufacturers in Europe.

Existing customers of Monforts include many manufacturers in the field of home textiles, as well as those making geotextiles, automotive fabrics and other functional materials – all of whom will be well represented in Frankfurt this June. Dedicated Montex lines have also been supplied to producers of airbags, flame retardant barrier fabrics and spacer fabrics, as well as high-temperature filter materials.

Energy prices are rising steeply everywhere and a particular emphasis for Monforts in Frankfurt will be on the energy and heat recovery that can be achieved with Montex stenters, through features such as better insulation of the treatment chambers or the MonforClean system, in which waste heat from the drying process is used to pre-heat the drying air resulting in a radical reduction in the conventional heat supply required compared to gas and thermal oil heating. The modular system for heat recovery can also be extended for exhaust air cleaning and odour elimination. Monforts can provide a range of further resource-saving and energy recovery options tailored to each individual line installation including modification of the heating source.

With the Qualitex 800 visualization software, all article-specific settings can be stored and the formulations for thousands of treatment processes called up again at any time. Individual operators can also personalise their dashboards with the most important machine functions and process parameters.

The Qualitex 800 system is available for the automatic and continuous operation of the company’s Montex stenters, as well as its Thermex continuous dyeing ranges, Monfortex shrinking systems and Montex®Coat coating units.

Monforts Montex®Coat coating units serve an equally diverse number of markets, including tents, tarpaulins and awnings, black-out roller blinds and sail cloth, automotive interior fabrics and medical disposables. Full PVC coatings, pigment dyeing or minimal application surface and low penetration treatments and solvent coatings (in explosion-proof conditions) with knife coating, roller coating or screen printing can all be accommodated with this system.

All of these very different materials require coating and finishing for maximum efficiency, using Monforts technologies which provide the ultimate in flexibility and the ability to switch quickly from one fabric run to the next, without compromising on the economical use of energy or raw materials.

The Monforts EcoApplicator offers further potential for sustainably achieving perfect finishes via a precise direct application system, as an alternative to conventional padding – where fabrics are immersed in a bath of the required finishing chemicals. It can significantly further reduce the energy and water required and finishes can be applied on just one side of the fabric, or both, and even separately on each side, to be sealed in place via different heating zones in the stenter.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG / AWOL Media

(c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns at Clerkenwell Design Week with carpet tile collections

B.I.G. Yarns has secured its debut spot at the return of Clerkenwell Design Week (24-26 May 2022) and will showcase its sustainable contract flooring to carpet makers, architects and designers.

B.I.G. Yarns’ polyamide-based collections are high-performing with a strong emphasis on elevating design through remarkable colour contrasts and patterns: from bulk continuous filament (BCF) to twisted and heat-set yarns, one-colour to multi-colour, between 650 and 15000 dTex.

Designers can tap into the Class 33 resilience and various comfort levels of its one-step 3Ply Resilya, Softitude, and new two-step ColorMind solutions to meet application requirements, as well as access monthly inspiration care of #CatchtheColor. ColorMind offers yarn diversity to support a new level of design sophistication in high-end carpet segments. The ColorMind colour bank features predefined colours, always in stock, meaning short lead times. Manufacturers can also benefit from customized lot sizes and bobbin length, creating even more flexibility and design freedom.

B.I.G. Yarns has secured its debut spot at the return of Clerkenwell Design Week (24-26 May 2022) and will showcase its sustainable contract flooring to carpet makers, architects and designers.

B.I.G. Yarns’ polyamide-based collections are high-performing with a strong emphasis on elevating design through remarkable colour contrasts and patterns: from bulk continuous filament (BCF) to twisted and heat-set yarns, one-colour to multi-colour, between 650 and 15000 dTex.

Designers can tap into the Class 33 resilience and various comfort levels of its one-step 3Ply Resilya, Softitude, and new two-step ColorMind solutions to meet application requirements, as well as access monthly inspiration care of #CatchtheColor. ColorMind offers yarn diversity to support a new level of design sophistication in high-end carpet segments. The ColorMind colour bank features predefined colours, always in stock, meaning short lead times. Manufacturers can also benefit from customized lot sizes and bobbin length, creating even more flexibility and design freedom.

B.I.G. Yarns continues to extend its ranges to reduce fossil-carbon in the industry and encourage greater product circularity. Its EqoCycle PA6 yarns incorporate recycled content originating from recycled and regenerated PA6 and are fully recyclable, improving resource efficiency and other environmental benefits throughout the value chain. Carpet tufters can also contribute to a sustainable future through less use of fossil resources and reduced greenhouse gas emissions with EqoBalance yarns. Both ranges offer the same high-quality performance as virgin-based yarns.


Beaulieu International Group / EMG

(c) Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

Altun Tekstil acquires weft straighteners from Mahlo

Turkish company Altun Tekstil, a manufacturer of home textiles and upholstery fabrics, has ordered a total of five of the latest Orthopac RVMC-15 weft straighteners from Mahlo.

The production of textured yarns, weaving and raschel knitting as well as dyeing and finishing is included in Altun’s operations. While the focus is on tulle curtains and upholstery, the company’s fabric range also encompasses a wide variety for apparel.

When investing in the future, Altun Tekstil has consistently trusted in Mahlo and has installed 10 Mahlo Orthopac RVMC-15 weft straighteners in its two plants since 2016.

Lowest residual distortion at highest speed
All the Mahlo weft straighteners Orthopac RVMC-15 are integrated into existing production lines. Mahlo’s latest weft straightener is fit to interact and communicate via the newly mSmart concept with all production lines and provide historical data, which help to improve the production processes.

Turkish company Altun Tekstil, a manufacturer of home textiles and upholstery fabrics, has ordered a total of five of the latest Orthopac RVMC-15 weft straighteners from Mahlo.

The production of textured yarns, weaving and raschel knitting as well as dyeing and finishing is included in Altun’s operations. While the focus is on tulle curtains and upholstery, the company’s fabric range also encompasses a wide variety for apparel.

When investing in the future, Altun Tekstil has consistently trusted in Mahlo and has installed 10 Mahlo Orthopac RVMC-15 weft straighteners in its two plants since 2016.

Lowest residual distortion at highest speed
All the Mahlo weft straighteners Orthopac RVMC-15 are integrated into existing production lines. Mahlo’s latest weft straightener is fit to interact and communicate via the newly mSmart concept with all production lines and provide historical data, which help to improve the production processes.

The fully integrated units benefit from universal control technology and the intuitive Mahlo mSmart G15 visualization concept. The HMI has been optimized for userfriendliness. The visualisation concept is constantly enhanced and ready for Industry 4.0. The path to a digital future within Altun is prepared.


Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

Graphik: Trevira GmbH

Trevira CS at the Heimtextil Summer Special

The Trevira CS brand will be presented at Heimtextil 2022. This year the trade fair will be held as a one-time Summer Special from 21 to 24 June in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The booth will feature more than 200 fascinating, versatile, flame retardant Trevira CS fabrics.

These will be displayed in the Long Stay Apartment installation. Changing lifestyles, living and working arrangements as well as the housing shortage in countless large cities mean the Long Stay Apartment segment of the hospitality sector has experienced exponential growth, becoming ever more important. For this reason, it is the focus of this year’s Trevira CS booth. The presentation of the “Long Stay Apartment by Trevira CS” is intended to familiarise visitors – particularly interior architects, designers and furnishers – with the trendsetting, innovative uses of Trevira CS fabrics in the contract sector.

The Trevira CS brand will be presented at Heimtextil 2022. This year the trade fair will be held as a one-time Summer Special from 21 to 24 June in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The booth will feature more than 200 fascinating, versatile, flame retardant Trevira CS fabrics.

These will be displayed in the Long Stay Apartment installation. Changing lifestyles, living and working arrangements as well as the housing shortage in countless large cities mean the Long Stay Apartment segment of the hospitality sector has experienced exponential growth, becoming ever more important. For this reason, it is the focus of this year’s Trevira CS booth. The presentation of the “Long Stay Apartment by Trevira CS” is intended to familiarise visitors – particularly interior architects, designers and furnishers – with the trendsetting, innovative uses of Trevira CS fabrics in the contract sector.

For the design of the apartment installation, the traditional Trevira CS Fabric Competition 2022 was announced at the end of 2021 and invited all customers to submit their latest Trevira CS products according to certain specifications. The winning fabrics will be announced at the trade fair and specially exhibited at the Trevira CS booth.

Director Marketing & Business Development Anke Vollenbröker: “Our exhibition gives exciting new insights into the modern concept of the Long Stay Apartment, presenting the live application of our customers’ Trevira CS innovations. An apartment designed for Long Stayers is a special challenge since it has to provide more than a hotel room or even an ordinary rental apartment: It needs to be an attractive temporary home while also offering the services and advantages of a hotel. We have made the Long Stay Apartment particularly “textile” and included submissions from all participants of our Trevira CS Fabric Competition 2022.”


Trevira GmbH

(c) Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Pietro Sutera

Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer als gebündelter Re-Start

Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special öffnen vom 21. bis 24. Juni ihre Tore in Frankfurt am Main. Nach der Corona-bedingten Pause freuen sich Aussteller und Besucher*innen auf den persönlichen Austausch. Zahlreiche Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen erwarten das globale Fachpublikum. Die parallel stattfindenden Messen bilden textile Wertschöpfungsketten von textilen Fasern über die Verarbeitung bis hin zum Endprodukt ab.

Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special öffnen vom 21. bis 24. Juni ihre Tore in Frankfurt am Main. Nach der Corona-bedingten Pause freuen sich Aussteller und Besucher*innen auf den persönlichen Austausch. Zahlreiche Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen erwarten das globale Fachpublikum. Die parallel stattfindenden Messen bilden textile Wertschöpfungsketten von textilen Fasern über die Verarbeitung bis hin zum Endprodukt ab.

Mit der Techtextil, Texprocess und dem Heimtextil Summer Special bringt die Messe Frankfurt textile Wertschöpfungsketten auf ihrem Messegelände zusammen und ermöglicht nach zwei Jahren der Pandemie wieder neue internationale Face-to-Face-Kontakte, Geschäftsbegegnungen und einen gebündelten Marktüberblick. Parallel sind in der Stadt Frankfurt das D2C Neonyt Lab (24. – 26.6.2022) der Messe Frankfurt und zahlreiche Publikumsveranstaltungen der Frankfurt Fashion Week, organisiert von der Stadt Frankfurt, geplant.
Das Angebot reicht von Garnen und Fasern über funktionale Textilien, textile Technologien und Finishing-Prozesse bis zu Endprodukten für textile Einrichtung, Performance-Textilien, Funktionsbekleidung und Fashion. Im Kontext des zunehmenden Bewusstseins für eine nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft werden zudem auch moderne Recyclingverfahren vorgestellt.

Texpertise Network: die globale Branche unter einem Dach
Als Klammer für das globale Gesamtangebot an Textilmessen der Messe Frankfurt bietet das Texpertise Network mit 58 weltweiten Messen wertvolle Informationen zu den textilen Messemarken und nimmt als Plattform für Vernetzung und Austausch stetig die aktuellsten ressourcen- und klimafreundlichen Entwicklungen der Branche in den Fokus.

Seit 2019 ist das Texpertise Network das Bindeglied für die Zusammenarbeit der Messe Frankfurt mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem United Nations Office for Partnerships. Das gemeinsame Ziel: die UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) auf allen Textilveranstaltungen des Texpertise Network weltweit sichtbar zu machen.

Heimtextil Summer Special: globales Commitment und persönliches Business
Die Heimtextil findet im Juni als einmaliges Summer Special mit 800 angekündigten Ausstellern und einer hohen internationalen Beteiligung aus 47 Ländern statt. Sowohl das internationale Großvolumengeschäft als auch der Einzelhandel bilden Fokusthemen der einmaligen Sommerausgabe.

Die Heimtextil-Trends stehen im Sommer unter dem Motto "Next Horizons" und legen im Zentrum des Messegeländes in Halle 4.0 einen Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcenschonung. Der Aufbau des Areals basiert auf dem Material Manifest: Für das Standdesign werden lokale Ressourcen, umweltfreundliche oder geliehene Materialen benutzt. Besucher*innen erwarten inspirierende Inszenierungen von Farben, Materialien, kuratierte Ausstellerexponate, Vorträge und DIY-Aktionen.

Die „Heimtextil Conference Sleep & More" in Halle 3.0 bietet Vertreter*innen des Bettfachhandels, umweltbewussten Einzelhändler*innen und Entscheider*innen aus der Hotellerie eine erstklassige Speaker-Zusammensetzung mit u. a. neuesten Erkenntnissen der Schlafforschung, der Tracking-Technologie und zur Nachhaltigkeit in der Hotellerie.

Ein weiteres Highlight sind die einstündigen Green Tours mit einem unabhängigen Berater zu ausgewählten Ausstellern mit Austausch zu den neuesten Entwicklungen im grünen Segment. Im Green Village in Halle 3.0. stellen Expert*innen für nachhaltige Textilzertifizierung aus, darunter der Blaue Engel oder der Grüne Knopf.

Techtextil und Texprocess warten mit Innovationen auf
Vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 präsentieren Aussteller ihre Neuheiten im Bereich der technischen Textilien und Vliesstoffe sowie der Verarbeitung von textilen und flexiblen Materialien auf den internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess. Mehr als 1.100 Aussteller aus 45 Ländern, zahlreiche Gemeinschaftsstandteilnehmende und 13 internationale Pavillons freuen sich, ihre Produkte einem internationalen Fachpublikum vorzustellen. Techtextil und Texprocess machen Innovationen, neue Verfahren und Entwicklungen sowie progressive Ansätze u. a. mit Blick auf Nachhaltigkeit sichtbar. Dazu gehören neue Produktionsprozesse, Materialien und Maschinen.

Erstmals wird eine Digital Extension der beiden Messen angeboten. Diese ermöglicht Besucher*innen, die nicht persönlich vor Ort sein können, die Techtextil und Texprocess digital zu erleben und sich im virtuellen Raum auszutauschen.

Die Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special finden vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 statt.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

TEXHIBITION Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair
Texhibition 2022

TEXHIBITION Istanbul Fabric and Textil Accessories Fair

  • March 16-18, 2022, Istanbul Expo Center
  • Successful start of Texhibition, Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair with over 10,000 visitors from 63 countries
  • More than 160 exhibitors presented fabrics, yarns and accessories on approx. 5,000 square meters in the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Intensive order activity in a professional trade fair atmosphere of over 1billion US$
  • The organizer's objective: to double the area and number of exhibitors for the second event in September

With over 10,000 visitors, the premiere event of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organized by the Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association (ITHIB) and the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) from March 16th to 18th, 2022 has successfully started.

  • March 16-18, 2022, Istanbul Expo Center
  • Successful start of Texhibition, Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair with over 10,000 visitors from 63 countries
  • More than 160 exhibitors presented fabrics, yarns and accessories on approx. 5,000 square meters in the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Intensive order activity in a professional trade fair atmosphere of over 1billion US$
  • The organizer's objective: to double the area and number of exhibitors for the second event in September

With over 10,000 visitors, the premiere event of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair, organized by the Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association (ITHIB) and the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) from March 16th to 18th, 2022 has successfully started.

İTHİB President Ahmet Öksüz: "Our exhibition platforms Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair and IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection, which was launched by our sister association IHKIB in February, play an important role in making Istanbul the fashion center of the Turkish textile and clothing industry. For the follow-up event to Texhibition in September this year, we expect the number of exhibitors and space to double."

The consistently positive feedback from the exhibitors underscores this expectation, as does the great interest shown by international visitors, including those from Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK.

The Turkish textile industry started with an export target of US$ 15 billion in 2022. The exhibition organizers assume that their platforms will contribute US$ 1 billion. Turkey is one of the most important procurement markets for the European textile industry and is becoming even more important in the course of the global supply chain problem and is now one of the top 3 most interesting procurement locations with its low prices, good quality products, reliable suppliers and short delivery times.

On offer were high-quality and innovative fabrics from the weaving sector, including Kipaş Textiles, BTD Textile, Özdoku, Bossa and Yünsa; knitters like Gülle, Saka, Örkumod or İskur showed their current collections; yarn market leaders such as Korteks, Tepa and Gama were present, as were Şimşek Ege, EMR Zippers, Çağ-Tek and Öz-El Lastik for the accessories sector. A total of 166 exhibiting companies presented themselves in clearly structured segments in a professional trade fair atmosphere.

Frame program
In the Texhibition Forum, experts discussed the topics Sustainability, New Trends, Supply Chain and GMO-Free Cotton giving an outlook on the upcoming trends and developments in the Turkish textile industry. All events were heavily frequented by visitors.

Next Texhibition September 21-23, 2022

(c) Messe Frankfurt

Neonyt Lab präsentiert New patterns

  • Erlebnisformate in Frankfurt am Main für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community

Neues Datum, neues Format, neues Umfeld: Die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, öffnet sich vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt mit dem neuen „Neonyt Lab“ ihren mehrdimensionalen Sustainability-Ansatz: nachhaltiges Sourcing und Processing entdecken, textile Vorstufen kennenlernen, fertige Modekollektionen hautnah erleben und direkt kaufen. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“, neue Muster, entstehen in der vorletzten Juniwoche innovative Erlebnisformate für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten.

  • Erlebnisformate in Frankfurt am Main für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community

Neues Datum, neues Format, neues Umfeld: Die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, öffnet sich vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt mit dem neuen „Neonyt Lab“ ihren mehrdimensionalen Sustainability-Ansatz: nachhaltiges Sourcing und Processing entdecken, textile Vorstufen kennenlernen, fertige Modekollektionen hautnah erleben und direkt kaufen. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“, neue Muster, entstehen in der vorletzten Juniwoche innovative Erlebnisformate für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten.

Als Trendplattform und Treffpunkt der nachhaltigen Textil- und Modebranche will die Neonyt im Sommer 2022 das Thema Sustainability in einer zentralen Location in Frankfurt am Main auch für Endverbraucher*innen erlebbar machen. Die Community erwartet Fashion Show, D2C-Trade Show, Konferenz und Showcases, Content Creator-Programm und Networking Space: Neonyt Lab lädt Brands, Konsument*innen, Einkäufer*innen, Designer*innen, Trendsetter*innen und Modeinteressierte ein, sich zu informieren und auszutauschen.
In derselben Woche, in der auch das Neonyt Lab stattfindet, treffen sich in Frankfurt am Main außerdem internationale Branchengrößen aus allen Bereichen entlang der globalen textilen Wertschöpfungskette: Das erstmalig parallel stattfindende Trio aus Heimtextil Summer Special, internationale Fachmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien, Techtextil, internationale Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, und Texprocess, internationale Leitmesse für die Verarbeitung von textilen und flexiblen Materialien, soll vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 Kreativität und Hightech, Anwendungsvielfalt und Know-how bündeln. Gemeinsam zeigen die Messen, etablierte Konferenzformate und die Community-Events der Neonyt die Bandbreite an textilen Möglichkeiten – von der Faser bis zum Recycling.

More information:
Neonyt Neonyt Lab

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH