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Rajko Hunger

FINDEISEN GmbH: Verstärkung des Führungsteams

Im Rahmen seiner Zukunftsstrategie verstärkt der Nadelvlieshersteller FINDEISEN in Ettlingen sein Führungsteam: Zum 1. März hat Rajko Hunger (54 Jahre) die Leitung des Vertriebs in Deutschland übernommen.

Rajko Hunger, seit 2015 bei FINDEISEN für den Vertrieb in der Region Ost zuständig, ist ein Kenner der Bodenbelagsbranche und verfügt über eine langjährige Erfahrung im Vertrieb und in der Betreuung von Key Accounts. Bereits vor seinem Einstieg bei FINDEISEN war er für renommierte internationale Unternehmen der Branche tätig. Der Dipl.-Betriebswirt (VWA) bringt neben Führungserfahrung auch Erfahrungen als Bau- und Betriebsleiter mit.

Im Rahmen seiner Zukunftsstrategie verstärkt der Nadelvlieshersteller FINDEISEN in Ettlingen sein Führungsteam: Zum 1. März hat Rajko Hunger (54 Jahre) die Leitung des Vertriebs in Deutschland übernommen.

Rajko Hunger, seit 2015 bei FINDEISEN für den Vertrieb in der Region Ost zuständig, ist ein Kenner der Bodenbelagsbranche und verfügt über eine langjährige Erfahrung im Vertrieb und in der Betreuung von Key Accounts. Bereits vor seinem Einstieg bei FINDEISEN war er für renommierte internationale Unternehmen der Branche tätig. Der Dipl.-Betriebswirt (VWA) bringt neben Führungserfahrung auch Erfahrungen als Bau- und Betriebsleiter mit.




Autoneum: All proposals approved at Annual General Meeting 2023

At the Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd on 24th March 2023, a clear majority of the shareholders approved the introduction of a capital band in the amount of approximately CHF 100 million net proceeds to finance the acquisition of Borgers Automotive. The proposal to waive the payment of a dividend for the 2022 financial year in view of the lower net result was also approved. In addition, Board member Rainer Schmückle as well as CEO Matthias Holzammer were given a farewell.

221 shareholders attended today’s Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd in Winterthur. 66.48 percent of the share capital was represented.

The shareholders approved the Annual Report, the Annual Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2022. The proposal of the Board of Directors to waive the payment of a dividend for the financial year 2022 due to the lower net result was also approved by the Annual General Meeting.

In addition, the shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd granted discharge to all members of the Group Executive Board and the Board of Directors by a large majority of votes.

At the Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd on 24th March 2023, a clear majority of the shareholders approved the introduction of a capital band in the amount of approximately CHF 100 million net proceeds to finance the acquisition of Borgers Automotive. The proposal to waive the payment of a dividend for the 2022 financial year in view of the lower net result was also approved. In addition, Board member Rainer Schmückle as well as CEO Matthias Holzammer were given a farewell.

221 shareholders attended today’s Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd in Winterthur. 66.48 percent of the share capital was represented.

The shareholders approved the Annual Report, the Annual Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2022. The proposal of the Board of Directors to waive the payment of a dividend for the financial year 2022 due to the lower net result was also approved by the Annual General Meeting.

In addition, the shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd granted discharge to all members of the Group Executive Board and the Board of Directors by a large majority of votes.

Chairman Hans-Peter Schwald and the other members of the Board of Directors Liane Hirner, Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper, Oliver Streuli and Ferdinand Stutz were confirmed in office for another year. Hans-Peter Schwald, Norbert Indlekofer, Ferdinand Stutz and Oliver Streuli were re-elected to the Compensation Committee.

The consultative vote on the 2022 remuneration report was approved by 85.55%. The proposals for the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for the 2023 financial year as well as the other proposals were also approved by a large majority.

With 99.03%, a clear majority of the shareholders approved a capital band authorizing a capital increase of approximately CHF 100 million net proceeds. The purpose of the capital increase is to partially finance the acquisition of the automotive business of the Borgers Group announced by Autoneum on January 9, 2023. The Annual General Meeting also approved the other proposals of the Board of Directors for partial amendments to the Articles of Association.

Rainer Schmückle did not stand for re-election. He had been Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Audit Committee and member of the Strategy and Sustainability Committee since Autoneum became independent in 2011. CEO Matthias Holzammer, who will leave Autoneum for family reasons, was also bid farewell.

At the same time, Hans-Peter Schwald welcomed the new CEO Eelco Spoelder, who will take over the management of the Group from Matthias Holzammer on March 27, 2023: "With Eelco Spoelder, Autoneum gains an accomplished leader with many years of experience in the automotive supply industry. At Faurecia and previously at Continental, Mr. Spoelder has successfully proven that he can ensure strategic continuity and operational excellence even in a difficult market environment. I and the other members of the Board of Directors warmly welcome Eelco Spoelder and look forward to our future cooperation."


Autoneum Holding AG

(c) Hypetex

Michael Dowse joins Hypetex Board

UK advanced materials and technology firm Hypetex, a manufacturer of coloured carbon fibre, has appointed Michael Dowse as a Non-Executive Director and Board Member.

Dowse brings experiences across sport and retail, following leadership roles at some of the biggest sports organisations and companies in the world. He was a Global Director for Nike before becoming President and General Manager Outdoor Americas for Amer Sports, managing brands such as Salomon, Arc’Teryx and Suunto.

As President of Wilson Sporting Goods (2013-2019), Dowse led 1,500+ colleagues in delivering the company’s global strategy, corporate operations, and manufacturing across more than 160 countries. He then took up the position of Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the United States Tennis Association (2020-2022).

Dowse will join a group of advisors at Hypetex, which includes Board Chairman Neil MacDougall and former Diageo Chief Financial Officer Nick Rose. They will support CEO Marc Cohen and Chief Technology Officer Nigel Dunlea as they continue to expand the company’s presence in sport and other sectors worldwide.

UK advanced materials and technology firm Hypetex, a manufacturer of coloured carbon fibre, has appointed Michael Dowse as a Non-Executive Director and Board Member.

Dowse brings experiences across sport and retail, following leadership roles at some of the biggest sports organisations and companies in the world. He was a Global Director for Nike before becoming President and General Manager Outdoor Americas for Amer Sports, managing brands such as Salomon, Arc’Teryx and Suunto.

As President of Wilson Sporting Goods (2013-2019), Dowse led 1,500+ colleagues in delivering the company’s global strategy, corporate operations, and manufacturing across more than 160 countries. He then took up the position of Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the United States Tennis Association (2020-2022).

Dowse will join a group of advisors at Hypetex, which includes Board Chairman Neil MacDougall and former Diageo Chief Financial Officer Nick Rose. They will support CEO Marc Cohen and Chief Technology Officer Nigel Dunlea as they continue to expand the company’s presence in sport and other sectors worldwide.



(c) Distec
Ulrich Ermel und Matthias Keller (v. l.)

Wechsel in der Geschäftsführung bei Distec

Die Distec GmbH, ein Spezialist für industrielle TFT-Flachbildschirme, Embedded-Produkte und Systemlösungen, gibt einen Wechsel in der Geschäftsführung bekannt: Bernhard Staller geht in seinen wohlverdienten Ruhestand. Am 1. März 2023 hat Ulrich Ermel die Position des Geschäftsführers übernommen. Als studierter Elektrotechniker (FH) und Diplomingenieur verfügt er über umfangreiche Managementkompetenzen und Führungsqualitäten sowie Expertise in den Bereichen Stromversorgungen und Embedded-Systeme. Er bringt ein breites Kompetenzspektrum von der Distribution über die Produktion bis hin zur Entwicklung von Komplettlösungen ein.

Die Distec GmbH, ein Spezialist für industrielle TFT-Flachbildschirme, Embedded-Produkte und Systemlösungen, gibt einen Wechsel in der Geschäftsführung bekannt: Bernhard Staller geht in seinen wohlverdienten Ruhestand. Am 1. März 2023 hat Ulrich Ermel die Position des Geschäftsführers übernommen. Als studierter Elektrotechniker (FH) und Diplomingenieur verfügt er über umfangreiche Managementkompetenzen und Führungsqualitäten sowie Expertise in den Bereichen Stromversorgungen und Embedded-Systeme. Er bringt ein breites Kompetenzspektrum von der Distribution über die Produktion bis hin zur Entwicklung von Komplettlösungen ein.

Herr Matthias Keller ist weiterhin in der Geschäftsführung tätig, so dass allen Geschäftspartnern und Kunden nach wie vor eine Doppelspitze als Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung steht. „Ich freue mich sehr, Ulrich Ermel als meinen neuen Geschäftsführerkollegen begrüßen zu dürfen“, erläutert Matthias Keller. „Seine langjährige Erfahrung und sein breites Wissen in unserer Branche werden zweifellos einen wertvollen Beitrag zu unserem weiteren Erfolg leisten. Mit seiner Doppelfunktion sowohl als Geschäftsführer der Distec GmbH als auch als COO unseres Mutterkonzerns, der FORTEC Elektronik AG, wird er dazu beitragen, unsere gemeinsame Strategie und Vision umzusetzen, und das Wachstum unseres Unternehmens weiter vorantreiben. Herrn Staller wünschen wir alles Gute für seine Zukunft und bedanken uns recht herzlich für sein langjähriges Engagement.“


Distec GmbH


CEO of Renewcell sells shares in the company

On 22 February 2023, Renewcell's CEO Patrik Lundström sold 364,705 shares in Renewcell at a price of 85 SEK per share via his wholly owned company PEEL AB. The sale was made to enable PEEL AB to repay loans taken out mainly to purchase shares in Renewcell.

In compliance with applicable rules, the transaction has been reported to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s PDMR Transactions Register. Following the transaction, Patrik Lundström holds, privately and through a company, 449,504 shares and 730,055 options in Renewcell.

On 22 February 2023, Renewcell's CEO Patrik Lundström sold 364,705 shares in Renewcell at a price of 85 SEK per share via his wholly owned company PEEL AB. The sale was made to enable PEEL AB to repay loans taken out mainly to purchase shares in Renewcell.

In compliance with applicable rules, the transaction has been reported to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s PDMR Transactions Register. Following the transaction, Patrik Lundström holds, privately and through a company, 449,504 shares and 730,055 options in Renewcell.

More information:


Dr. Stefan König (c) Optima
Dr. Stefan König

Dr. Stefan König verantwortet künftig auch Optima nonwovens GmbH

Zum 1. März 2023 überträgt Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Optima Gruppe, die Verantwortung für den Geschäftsbereich Optima Nonwovens an Dr. Stefan König, Geschäftsführer der OPTIMA packaging group GmbH. Dr. König übernimmt die Verantwortung aller zugehörigen Nonwovens-Einheiten weltweit.

„Mit dieser Entscheidung fördern wir die intensive Zusammenarbeit aller Einheiten, die Maschinen und Services für den Konsumgüter-markt liefern. Dr. Stefan König verfügt über ein sehr großes Fach- und Führungswissen, das ihn als erfahrenen Manager auszeichnet. Die Positionen und Aufgaben der beiden Geschäftsführer von Optima Nonwovens, Dr. Georg Pfeifer und Oliver Rebstock, bleiben dabei unverändert“, erläutert Hans Bühler.

Seit März 2021 ist König in der Geschäftsführung von Optima unter anderem verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Consumer und Life Science sowie für das Thema zentrale Nachhaltigkeit. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Optima war König über 20 Jahre lang in leitenden Managementpositionen tätig, davon vier Jahre in Asien. Zuletzt war König CEO bei einem weltweit tätigen Konzern.

Zum 1. März 2023 überträgt Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Optima Gruppe, die Verantwortung für den Geschäftsbereich Optima Nonwovens an Dr. Stefan König, Geschäftsführer der OPTIMA packaging group GmbH. Dr. König übernimmt die Verantwortung aller zugehörigen Nonwovens-Einheiten weltweit.

„Mit dieser Entscheidung fördern wir die intensive Zusammenarbeit aller Einheiten, die Maschinen und Services für den Konsumgüter-markt liefern. Dr. Stefan König verfügt über ein sehr großes Fach- und Führungswissen, das ihn als erfahrenen Manager auszeichnet. Die Positionen und Aufgaben der beiden Geschäftsführer von Optima Nonwovens, Dr. Georg Pfeifer und Oliver Rebstock, bleiben dabei unverändert“, erläutert Hans Bühler.

Seit März 2021 ist König in der Geschäftsführung von Optima unter anderem verantwortlich für die Geschäftsbereiche Consumer und Life Science sowie für das Thema zentrale Nachhaltigkeit. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Optima war König über 20 Jahre lang in leitenden Managementpositionen tätig, davon vier Jahre in Asien. Zuletzt war König CEO bei einem weltweit tätigen Konzern.

More information:
Optima nonwovens packaging


(c) Carbios

Carbios: Four new Board members to strengthen international expertise

  • Carbios strengthens its Board of Directors with the appointments of Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, Sandrine CONSEILLER, Amandine DE SOUZA and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES
  • Carbios has reached its CSR objective of 60% independent directors ahead of 2024 target date, and has increased its female representation

Carbios‘four new members to its Board of Directors:  Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, professor of Chemistry at McGill University, Sandrine CONSEILLER, former CEO of Aigle, Amandine DE SOUZA, General Manager of LE BHV MARAIS, Eataly and Home, DIY and Leisure Purchasing at Galeries Lafayette Group, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES, Global Director for Energy Transition and Investments at Raizen, have all been appointed members of Carbios’ Board of Directors.  In the new structure, Prof. Karine AUCLAIR succeeds Jacqueline LECOURTIER, Sandrine CONSEILLER succeeds Jean FALGOUX, Amandine DE SOUZA succeeds Alain CHEVALLIER, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES succeeds Jean-Claude LUMARET.

  • Carbios strengthens its Board of Directors with the appointments of Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, Sandrine CONSEILLER, Amandine DE SOUZA and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES
  • Carbios has reached its CSR objective of 60% independent directors ahead of 2024 target date, and has increased its female representation

Carbios‘four new members to its Board of Directors:  Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, professor of Chemistry at McGill University, Sandrine CONSEILLER, former CEO of Aigle, Amandine DE SOUZA, General Manager of LE BHV MARAIS, Eataly and Home, DIY and Leisure Purchasing at Galeries Lafayette Group, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES, Global Director for Energy Transition and Investments at Raizen, have all been appointed members of Carbios’ Board of Directors.  In the new structure, Prof. Karine AUCLAIR succeeds Jacqueline LECOURTIER, Sandrine CONSEILLER succeeds Jean FALGOUX, Amandine DE SOUZA succeeds Alain CHEVALLIER, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES succeeds Jean-Claude LUMARET.

Three of the new members have strong, proven expertise in various industries covering fashion, retail and energy, as well as business development and senior executive management in high-growth markets and sectors around the world.  The new scientific expertise will also help enhance and advance Carbios’ research into biological solutions for the life cycle of plastics and textiles.  In addition, a sensitivity to CSR issues and proven results in this field was also a key selection factor to join the Board.  The new members’ combined strategic vision, solid industry experience and CSR commitments will support Carbios in its industrial and commercial plans.
Prof. Karine AUCLAIR is Professor of Chemistry at McGill University and holds the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Antimicrobials and Green Enzymes.  She has received numerous awards over the years, including the Clara Benson Award of the Canadian Society of Chemistry, the McGill Tomlinson Professorship, the Leo Yaffe Teaching Award, and the McGill Fessenden Professorship, to name a few. She is an internationally recognized bioorganic chemist with significant scientific contributions to the fields of antimicrobial resistance, biocatalysis and enzymology. Her research led to several patents notably in the clean enzymatic depolymerization of untreated, high crystallinity PET plastics for closed-loop recycling.  Her work has been published in nearly 100 peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals, and often highlighted by the media.  As a recognized leader in her field, she is often invited to speak at industrial and academic conferences around the world, and to review theses and grant applications for worldwide institutions.
Sandrine CONSEILLER is former Chief Executive Officer of Aigle (the emblematic French brand committed to sustainable fashion).  Prior to joining Aigle, Sandrine was Group Marketing & Branding Executive Vice-President at Lacoste (another historic French fashion brand) from 2011 to 2015.  She contributed to the Lacoste maison turnaround with strong growth and numerous professional awards including several Cannes Lions Awards.  She was also Member of the Executive Board.  Sandrine began her career at Unilever and spent 20 years leading global businesses within various divisions, mainly in Personal Care, in Latin America, Europe, and Asia.  Sandrine is also Member of the Board of Phildar (the iconic French knitwear brand), Member of the Board of Raise Sherpa (the first philantropic endowment fund dedicated to start-ups) and is a funding partner of NEO FOUNDERS (a venture fund mentoring impact start-ups).
Amandine DE SOUZA is General Manager of LE BHV MARAIS (French retail, decoration and fashion department stores), Eataly (an Italian gastronomy concept franchise) and Home, DIY and Leisure Purchasing at Galeries Lafayette Group since 2018.  She has been a Member of its Executive Committee since 2020.  Amandine has 17 years’ experience in different types of companies of various sizes: from family business, to start-up,  and multinational.  She was General Manager for France at Westwing (an e-commerce start-up) from 2015 to 2018.  From 2009 to 2015, she was International Merchandise Director at Casino Group (food and non-food retail distribution).  Prior to this, she worked as a strategic consultant at Bain & Company within their Distribution and Consumer Goods Division in France and internationally.
Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES is Global Director for Energy Transition and Investments at Raizen (global leader in bioenergy from Brazil), leading technology, new business development and intellectual property at the company.  He was previously Global Manager for Innovation and Business Development in Renewable Chemicals at Braskem (the largest producer of thermoplastic resins in the Americas and the world’s largest producer of biopolymers).  Before his transition to the corporate world, Mateus held several researcher and lecturer positions on Synthetic Biology and metabolic Engineering at Universities in Mexico, Germany, United States and Brazil.  He is also a Board Member of Iogen Energy Corporation, Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Brazilian Association of Bio Innovation, and Advisory Committee Member from the MIT Energy Initiative.

More information:


(c) INDA

INDA: Mark Snider as Chief Market and Industry Analyst

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named Mark Snider to the position of Chief Market and Industry Analyst. Snider brings more than 30 years of nonwovens & engineered materials expertise with a strong background in market and industry analysis at both the macroeconomic, industry and segment level.

Before starting his consulting firm sixteen years ago, he supported three divisions as Technical Marketing Manager for Nordson Corporation, and as European and Latin American Regional Manager for J&M Laboratories.

Snider’s industry knowledge, and extensive network combined with his research and analytical skills will provide decision-making data, reports, and presentation to INDA members and the industry.

Snider will expand upon INDA’s membership outreach and research initiated by MaryJo Lilly, INDA’s Market Intelligence Leader, to realize INDA’s new vision for industry intelligence. Lilly will continue to assess strategic market research initiatives and special projects.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named Mark Snider to the position of Chief Market and Industry Analyst. Snider brings more than 30 years of nonwovens & engineered materials expertise with a strong background in market and industry analysis at both the macroeconomic, industry and segment level.

Before starting his consulting firm sixteen years ago, he supported three divisions as Technical Marketing Manager for Nordson Corporation, and as European and Latin American Regional Manager for J&M Laboratories.

Snider’s industry knowledge, and extensive network combined with his research and analytical skills will provide decision-making data, reports, and presentation to INDA members and the industry.

Snider will expand upon INDA’s membership outreach and research initiated by MaryJo Lilly, INDA’s Market Intelligence Leader, to realize INDA’s new vision for industry intelligence. Lilly will continue to assess strategic market research initiatives and special projects.

(c) Andreas Endermann
Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller und Annette Görtz

Designerin Annette Görtz mit Modebusiness Award ausgezeichnet

  • Im „The Paradise Now“ wurde Designerin Annette Görtz mit dem Modebusiness Award ausgezeichnet
  • Die Landeshauptstadt ehrte gemeinsam mit dem Fashion Net Düsseldorf zum achten Mal nationale Einflussgrößen aus der Mode
  • Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller begrüßte Gäste aus der Modebranche

In Düsseldorf wurde Annette Görtz, eine der international bekanntesten, deutschen Designerinnen und Modeunternehmer:innen, am 29. Januar für ihren Einfluss auf die Modewirtschaft Deutschlands mit dem Mode Business Award ausgezeichnet. Unter dem Motto „Next Generation“ empfingen Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller und Angelika Firnrohr, Geschäftsführerin des Fashion Net rund 160 nationale und internationale Gäste zur festlichen Verleihung in Düsseldorfs In-Location „The Paradise Now“. Die vom Verein Fashion Net Düsseldorf im Jahr 2015 entwickelte Auszeichnung ehrt Impulsgeber:innen des Fashion Business, die sich durch ihr Engagement in der nordrhein-westfälischen Hauptstadt hervorgehoben haben.

  • Im „The Paradise Now“ wurde Designerin Annette Görtz mit dem Modebusiness Award ausgezeichnet
  • Die Landeshauptstadt ehrte gemeinsam mit dem Fashion Net Düsseldorf zum achten Mal nationale Einflussgrößen aus der Mode
  • Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller begrüßte Gäste aus der Modebranche

In Düsseldorf wurde Annette Görtz, eine der international bekanntesten, deutschen Designerinnen und Modeunternehmer:innen, am 29. Januar für ihren Einfluss auf die Modewirtschaft Deutschlands mit dem Mode Business Award ausgezeichnet. Unter dem Motto „Next Generation“ empfingen Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller und Angelika Firnrohr, Geschäftsführerin des Fashion Net rund 160 nationale und internationale Gäste zur festlichen Verleihung in Düsseldorfs In-Location „The Paradise Now“. Die vom Verein Fashion Net Düsseldorf im Jahr 2015 entwickelte Auszeichnung ehrt Impulsgeber:innen des Fashion Business, die sich durch ihr Engagement in der nordrhein-westfälischen Hauptstadt hervorgehoben haben. Christiane Arp, ehemalige VOGUE-Chefredakteurin, Vorstandsvorsitzende des Fashion Council Germany und langjährige Wegbegleiterin von Annette Görtz, hielt die Laudatio – nicht nur auf die Designerin selbst, sondern auf ihre gesamte Familie.

Rückenwind für Mode in Düsseldorf
„Der Modebusiness Award geht in diesem Jahr an Annette Görtz, die nicht nur den Orderstandort maßgeblich geprägt hat, sondern auch eine internationale Einflussgröße in der Mode ist. So wie Düsseldorf und Mode Hand in Hand gehen, so untrennbar ist auch die Modeunternehmerin mit der Landeshauptstadt verbunden: Ob im Showroom oder auf der Königsallee – ihr Bekenntnis und ihre Begeisterung für den Standort Düsseldorf sind ausschlaggebend für die Ehrung mit dem Modebusiness Award Düsseldorf 2023“, verkündet Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller zur Auszeichnung der Designerin, die ihre Mode bereits in einer spektakulären Schau mit einem Laufsteg über Wasser in der Neusser Langen Foundation inszenierte.

Zwei Generationen – eine Modemarke
Für Annette Görtz ist der Mode Business Award mehr als nur eine Auszeichnung ihres gleichnamigen Labels. Der Preis ehrt den Familienzusammenhalt und ihre gemeinsame Mission, die das Unternehmen seit drei Jahrzehnten zu den renommiertesten Modemarken – Made in Germany – macht. Nach ihrem Diplom an der Fachhochschule Bielefeld machte sich die studierte Designerin 1984 selbstständig, später baute sie die Marke mit ihrem Mann Hans-Jörg Welsch zu einem international bekannten Luxuslabel auf, das seither eine avantgardistische und unverwechselbare Handschrift trägt. Ihr gemeinsamer Sohn, der 31-Jährige Maximilian Welsch, ist Absolvent der Königlichen Akademie für Mode in Antwerpen und führt seit 2021 den Betrieb mit Unterstützung seines Teams und der Familie weitestgehend selbstständig.

Heute, mit Vertretungen in Amsterdam, London, Zürich, Barcelona, New York und Sydney, sei Düsseldorf immer noch ihre Basis, sagt Annette Görtz – getreu ihrem Schaffensmotto „sich treu bleiben.“ Repräsentative Showrooms, zuerst die alte Schokoladenfabrik an der Kaiserswerther Str. und aktuelle die Gründerzeitvilla direkt an der Cecilienallee unterstreichen den Anspruch des Labels. Im eigenen Retail-Store MILIAN auf der Königsallee, verkauft die Unternehmerfamilie in bestem Markenumfeld ihre eigene Brand, aber auch internationale Labels wie Dries van Noten, Issey Miyake, Jil Sander oder Maison Margiela.


Fashion Net Düsseldorf e. V. / PR + Presseagentur textschwester


Carbios appoints new Executive Committee Members

Carbios has strengthened its leadership team with the appointment of Martine Brisset as Senior Vice President from 1 January 2023. Martine will manage the Biodegradation Division and supervise the Human Resources, Legal, Regulatory, Project Management, Quality Health and Safety departments. Martine Brisset joins the Group’s Executive Committee, as does Delphine Denoizé, who remains Innovation Programs Funding, Regulation and LCA Director with an expanding team.

Carbios has strengthened its leadership team with the appointment of Martine Brisset as Senior Vice President from 1 January 2023. Martine will manage the Biodegradation Division and supervise the Human Resources, Legal, Regulatory, Project Management, Quality Health and Safety departments. Martine Brisset joins the Group’s Executive Committee, as does Delphine Denoizé, who remains Innovation Programs Funding, Regulation and LCA Director with an expanding team.

Martine Brisset has over 30 years of General Management experience in international groups within the plastic and paper packaging industry, most notably at Amcor, Huhtamaki, Linpac and Klockner Pentaplast.  Since 2021, she has held the position of General Manager of Carbiolice in order to integrate this high-potential subsidiary dedicated to biodegradation within the Carbios Group. In her new position as Senior Vice President of Carbios, her main mission will be to successfully deploy the biodegradation technology, facilitate the international expansion of Carbios’ activities, organise the recruitment and training of the Group’s employees. With numerous recruitments planned throughout the company in 2023, building Carbios’ attractivity will be a strategic topic.

After several years working in innovation within the agricultural industry, Delphine Denoizé joined the Carbios in 2016 and was one of its first twenty employees. Initially in charge of Innovation Funding and Regulation, then Project Management for PET biorecycling, she now oversees all the Group’s projects. Her responsibilities include French and European public funding for innovation, regulatory compliance of processes and products around the world, and assessment of their environmental impact through specific tools such as Life Cycle Assessment.

More information:
Carbios Recycling plastics


(c) Andreas Endermann
Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller und Sarah Vieten

Sarah Vieten wird Geschäftsführerin bei Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V.

Ab dem 01. Februar wird Sarah Vieten offiziell die Geschäftsleitung des Düsseldorfer Modevereins Fashion Net übernehmen und löst somit das langjährige Amt von Angelika Firnrohr ab.

Als gebürtige Mönchengladbacherin zog es Sarah Vieten bereits zu Studienzeiten nach Düsseldorf, wo sie an der HHU ihr Studium der Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften absolvierte. Von 2009 bis 2016 arbeitete Vieten bei dem Düsseldorfer Fashion-Unternehmen JADES und verhalf als Content-, Social Media- und PR-Managerin dem Onlineshop JADES24 zu digitalem und zu stationärem Erfolg. Es folgten Stationen im Global Marketing- und Content Team des Messer- und Kochgeschirrexperten ZWILLING als auch bei der SNIPES-Tochter ONYGO. Als Dozentin gab sie an der AMD Düsseldorf Seminare zu Mode- und Online-Journalismus. Seit 2019 unterstützte Vieten die Düsseldorferin Modedesignerin und Unternehmerin Stephanie Hahn in der Projekt-Entwicklung des ersten deutschen „Green Luxury“-Concept Stores LIVE LAB STUDIOS. Seit der Eröffnung plante und veranstaltete sie als Store-Managerin regelmäßig branchen- sowie themenübergreifende Happenings.

Ab dem 01. Februar wird Sarah Vieten offiziell die Geschäftsleitung des Düsseldorfer Modevereins Fashion Net übernehmen und löst somit das langjährige Amt von Angelika Firnrohr ab.

Als gebürtige Mönchengladbacherin zog es Sarah Vieten bereits zu Studienzeiten nach Düsseldorf, wo sie an der HHU ihr Studium der Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften absolvierte. Von 2009 bis 2016 arbeitete Vieten bei dem Düsseldorfer Fashion-Unternehmen JADES und verhalf als Content-, Social Media- und PR-Managerin dem Onlineshop JADES24 zu digitalem und zu stationärem Erfolg. Es folgten Stationen im Global Marketing- und Content Team des Messer- und Kochgeschirrexperten ZWILLING als auch bei der SNIPES-Tochter ONYGO. Als Dozentin gab sie an der AMD Düsseldorf Seminare zu Mode- und Online-Journalismus. Seit 2019 unterstützte Vieten die Düsseldorferin Modedesignerin und Unternehmerin Stephanie Hahn in der Projekt-Entwicklung des ersten deutschen „Green Luxury“-Concept Stores LIVE LAB STUDIOS. Seit der Eröffnung plante und veranstaltete sie als Store-Managerin regelmäßig branchen- sowie themenübergreifende Happenings.

Durch ihre jahrelange Expertise konnte sie ein Netzwerk von Meinungsmacher:innen aus Fashion, Beauty und Interieur aufbauen. „Mit der Übernahme der Fashion Net Geschäftsführung möchte ich meine vielfältige Berufs- und Branchenerfahrung einbringen und zur positiven Standortentwicklung meiner geliebten Wahlheimat beitragen. Düsseldorf steckt voller kreativer Köpfe und modischem Potential. Ich freue mich auf viele neue Herausforderungen, Aufgaben und einen produktiven Dialog aller Akteur:innen“, sagt Vieten zu ihrer neuen Position.


Fashion Net Düsseldorf e. V. / PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Photo: Rieter
Thomas Oetterli

Rieter: Thomas Oetterli new CEO

Norbert Klapper, who has led Rieter as CEO for nine years, has informed the Board of Directors that he wishes to take on new professional challenges. Thomas Oetterli has been appointed as his successor as CEO of Rieter.

Thomas Oetterli (53) has made a significant contribution to the successful development of the world-leading Schindler Group, starting in 2006 as CEO Switzerland, later as a member of the Group Executive Committee responsible for Europe and China, and from 2016 until 2022 as CEO of the Group. With his comprehensive leadership skills and many years of industrial and international experience, Thomas Oetterli brings ideal prerequisites to lead Rieter as a global market leader through the current challenges and successfully develop it further in the long term. He will take over the function of CEO from Norbert Klapper on March 13, 2023.

Norbert Klapper, who has led Rieter as CEO for nine years, has informed the Board of Directors that he wishes to take on new professional challenges. Thomas Oetterli has been appointed as his successor as CEO of Rieter.

Thomas Oetterli (53) has made a significant contribution to the successful development of the world-leading Schindler Group, starting in 2006 as CEO Switzerland, later as a member of the Group Executive Committee responsible for Europe and China, and from 2016 until 2022 as CEO of the Group. With his comprehensive leadership skills and many years of industrial and international experience, Thomas Oetterli brings ideal prerequisites to lead Rieter as a global market leader through the current challenges and successfully develop it further in the long term. He will take over the function of CEO from Norbert Klapper on March 13, 2023.

The Board of Directors would like to thank Norbert Klapper for his many years of hard work for Rieter and his lasting contribution to the company, particularly in terms of further strengthening its technology leadership, developing the components and service business, completing the systems offering. Following his departure as CEO, he will be available to the Chairman of the Board of Directors as Senior Advisor until the end of September 2023.

In view of the current challenges Rieter is facing in the current economic and market situation, which require close cooperation between the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee, the Board of Directors considers a dual function of Thomas Oetterli as CEO and member of the Board of Directors to be advantageous and in the interest of all stakeholders. It will therefore propose Thomas Oetterli for election as a member of the Board of Directors at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on April 20, 2023.


Rieter Holding AG

Photo: Perstorp
Ib Jensen (right) takes over from Jan Secher (left) as new CEO of Perstorp Group.

Ib Jensen takes over from Jan Secher as new CEO of Perstorp Group

Effective March 1st, Ib Jensen takes over from Jan Secher as Chief Executive Officer of Perstorp Group, a specialty chemicals company headquartered in Malmö, Sweden and since 2022 part of PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG).

Ib Jensen is a highly respected senior industry executive with a long career as CFO and extensive experience from M&A and integration of acquired companies, something that will be required in the next phase for Perstorp.

After more than 9 successful years as the CEO of Perstorp Group, Jan Secher has decided to step down. This decision is based on a personal direction set more than a year ago, prior to the acquisition by PCG, allowing for a full search process to be conducted for his replacement. Ib Jensen has been CFO of Perstorp for the past year and was considered the most qualified candidate based on his knowledge of the company, long term experience of the specialty chemicals industry and high level of appreciation in both Perstorp as well as in PCG. Previous experience include CFO and executive roles within Finance and IT at companies such as Arxada, Lonza, Syngenta, Danisco and LEGO.

Effective March 1st, Ib Jensen takes over from Jan Secher as Chief Executive Officer of Perstorp Group, a specialty chemicals company headquartered in Malmö, Sweden and since 2022 part of PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG).

Ib Jensen is a highly respected senior industry executive with a long career as CFO and extensive experience from M&A and integration of acquired companies, something that will be required in the next phase for Perstorp.

After more than 9 successful years as the CEO of Perstorp Group, Jan Secher has decided to step down. This decision is based on a personal direction set more than a year ago, prior to the acquisition by PCG, allowing for a full search process to be conducted for his replacement. Ib Jensen has been CFO of Perstorp for the past year and was considered the most qualified candidate based on his knowledge of the company, long term experience of the specialty chemicals industry and high level of appreciation in both Perstorp as well as in PCG. Previous experience include CFO and executive roles within Finance and IT at companies such as Arxada, Lonza, Syngenta, Danisco and LEGO.

Jan Secher remains in the CEO role until March 1st and will thereafter serve as an advisor to the new CEO and the Chairman, focusing on strategy and transferring external relationships. Monica Jönsson, currently deputy CFO, will take on the role as CFO when Ib Jensen assumes the position as CEO. PCG is fully committed to the Executive Leadership Team of Perstorp and expects the team to continue the successful integration work as well as dealing with the volatile global macro situation.

More information:



MS Printing Solutions and JK Group announce Christopher Bernat as General Manager

MS Printing Solutions and JK Group announce the appointment of Christopher Bernat as General Manager of North America and the Caribbean markets. He will be the main point of contact for overall business in the region. Chris joins MS Printing Solutions and JK Group with over 20 years of industry experience.

He was Director of Sales at Sawgrass Technologies prior to starting Vapor Apparel in 2004. He currently serves on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of Printing United and resides in Charleston, South Carolina.

MS Printing Solutions and JK Group announce the appointment of Christopher Bernat as General Manager of North America and the Caribbean markets. He will be the main point of contact for overall business in the region. Chris joins MS Printing Solutions and JK Group with over 20 years of industry experience.

He was Director of Sales at Sawgrass Technologies prior to starting Vapor Apparel in 2004. He currently serves on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of Printing United and resides in Charleston, South Carolina.


JK Group SpA


DyStar: Global market changes cause leadership adaptions

Yalin Xu has been appointed Managing Director and President of DyStar Group by the Board of Directors. He will be directly responsible for the management and operations of DyStar Group. Mr Xu first joined DyStar in 2010 and has since been the Executive Board Director.
Eric Hopmann has been redesignated as CCO (Chief Commercial Officer), with a focus on Sales and Marketing of DyStar Group. He will continue to report to Yalin Xu. Mr Hopmann was with DyStar when the company started in 1995 and has been leading various leadership positions at DyStar Group, including the most recent CEO role, to which he was appointed in 2014.
DyStar’s leadership change is in response to the rapid global market changes, and to enable the group to accelerate growth and drive productivity. The group wants to streamline their operations and better utilise resources efficiently across the network.

Yalin Xu has been appointed Managing Director and President of DyStar Group by the Board of Directors. He will be directly responsible for the management and operations of DyStar Group. Mr Xu first joined DyStar in 2010 and has since been the Executive Board Director.
Eric Hopmann has been redesignated as CCO (Chief Commercial Officer), with a focus on Sales and Marketing of DyStar Group. He will continue to report to Yalin Xu. Mr Hopmann was with DyStar when the company started in 1995 and has been leading various leadership positions at DyStar Group, including the most recent CEO role, to which he was appointed in 2014.
DyStar’s leadership change is in response to the rapid global market changes, and to enable the group to accelerate growth and drive productivity. The group wants to streamline their operations and better utilise resources efficiently across the network.

More information:

DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd

Photo A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Gunnar Meyer

Gunnar Meyer new Managing Director for Monforts

Gunnar Meyer has been assigned the new Managing Director of A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG in Mönchengladbach, Germany, as of January 1st 2023.

He started his career with Monforts and has spent his whole working life in the textile machinery industry. Between 1985 and 2010 he was a key part of the Monforts team in various roles related to sales and commercial issues, including as General Sales Director. He returned to the company in 2019 after working for other well-known German textile machine manufacturers in the field of nonwovens.

“Working in other parts of the textile industry, I have gained a lot of experience in the management of complex technical textile projects and my special focus will certainly be on challenges like the current energy crisis, alternative heating systems and sustainable textile finishing,” stated Meyer.

Gunnar Meyer has been assigned the new Managing Director of A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG in Mönchengladbach, Germany, as of January 1st 2023.

He started his career with Monforts and has spent his whole working life in the textile machinery industry. Between 1985 and 2010 he was a key part of the Monforts team in various roles related to sales and commercial issues, including as General Sales Director. He returned to the company in 2019 after working for other well-known German textile machine manufacturers in the field of nonwovens.

“Working in other parts of the textile industry, I have gained a lot of experience in the management of complex technical textile projects and my special focus will certainly be on challenges like the current energy crisis, alternative heating systems and sustainable textile finishing,” stated Meyer.


AWOL for A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG (9912)

(c) BVMed | Christian Kruppa

BVMed trauert um Joachim M. Schmitt

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) trauert um seinen langjährigen Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Joachim M. Schmitt. Er verstarb am Neujahrstag 2023 im Alter von 71 Jahren.

Schmitt kam 1985 zum BVMed und war von 1990 bis 2019 Geschäftsführer des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes. Unter Führung von Schmitt wurde der Vertretungsbereich des Verbandes kontinuierlich ausgebaut, eine proaktive politische Arbeit etabliert und mit dem Umzug nach Berlin 2001 konsequent intensiviert. Weitere Meilensteine waren die Erarbeitung des Kodex Medizinprodukte in den 90er Jahren und der Aufbau der BVMed-Eventtochter MedInform (heute BVMed-Akademie) zu einem stetig wachsenden Informations- und Seminar-Service.

„Wir verlieren mit Joachim M. Schmitt eine prägende Gestalt des Verbandes und das jahrzehntelange Gesicht der deutschen MedTech-Branche. Wir verneigen uns vor einer großen Persönlichkeit und seiner unternehmerischen Leistung. Sein Wirken und sein menschliches Vorbild werden unvergessen bleiben“, so der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan sowie BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Schmitt-Nachfolger Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) trauert um seinen langjährigen Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Joachim M. Schmitt. Er verstarb am Neujahrstag 2023 im Alter von 71 Jahren.

Schmitt kam 1985 zum BVMed und war von 1990 bis 2019 Geschäftsführer des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes. Unter Führung von Schmitt wurde der Vertretungsbereich des Verbandes kontinuierlich ausgebaut, eine proaktive politische Arbeit etabliert und mit dem Umzug nach Berlin 2001 konsequent intensiviert. Weitere Meilensteine waren die Erarbeitung des Kodex Medizinprodukte in den 90er Jahren und der Aufbau der BVMed-Eventtochter MedInform (heute BVMed-Akademie) zu einem stetig wachsenden Informations- und Seminar-Service.

„Wir verlieren mit Joachim M. Schmitt eine prägende Gestalt des Verbandes und das jahrzehntelange Gesicht der deutschen MedTech-Branche. Wir verneigen uns vor einer großen Persönlichkeit und seiner unternehmerischen Leistung. Sein Wirken und sein menschliches Vorbild werden unvergessen bleiben“, so der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan sowie BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Schmitt-Nachfolger Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Dirk Ladenberg Bild Dibella

Dibella verstärkt Vertriebsteam mit Dirk Ladenberg

Mit Dirk Ladenberger hat sich die Dibella GmbH zum 1.1.2023 Verstärkung ins Vertriebsteam geholt. Der 54-jährige Textilkaufmann war zuvor als Geschäftsführer bei der Damino GmbH tätig und bringt langjährige Berufserfahrung im Objekttextiliengeschäft mit.

„Mit Dirk Ladenberger erweitern wir unser Team durch einen hochqualifizierten Mitarbeiter, der sowohl langjährige Branchenerfahrung besitzt als auch den Textilservice in allen Facetten gut kennt. Mit seinem profunden Fachwissen in Sortiments- und Vertriebsfragen ist er eine Bereicherung für unser Unternehmen“ so Klaus Baur, Vertriebsleiter.

Mit Dirk Ladenberger hat sich die Dibella GmbH zum 1.1.2023 Verstärkung ins Vertriebsteam geholt. Der 54-jährige Textilkaufmann war zuvor als Geschäftsführer bei der Damino GmbH tätig und bringt langjährige Berufserfahrung im Objekttextiliengeschäft mit.

„Mit Dirk Ladenberger erweitern wir unser Team durch einen hochqualifizierten Mitarbeiter, der sowohl langjährige Branchenerfahrung besitzt als auch den Textilservice in allen Facetten gut kennt. Mit seinem profunden Fachwissen in Sortiments- und Vertriebsfragen ist er eine Bereicherung für unser Unternehmen“ so Klaus Baur, Vertriebsleiter.


Dibella GmbH

© ITM/TU Dresden
Woven hemisphere for usage in radome antennaes

AVK Innovation Award 2022 to young engineers from ITM at TU Dresden

  • Award for near-net-shape 3D meshes for use in fibre-reinforced plastics

As part of the JEC FORUM DACH 2022, the AVK Innovation Awards were presented in Augsburg on November 29th. The innovation price in the category "Research/Science" (first place) was awarded to the team of scientists Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Nuss, Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Sennewald and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Chokri Cherif.

With the development of the pull-off-free Jacquard weaving technology including the technological know-how in the field of highly complex 2D and 3D fabric geometries, which has been established at the ITM of the TU Dresden for many years, Dominik Nuss has succeeded in including different yarn lengths locally into the fabric structure solely through targeted variation of the fabric weave. There-fore, it is now possible to produce completely new types of fabrics without additional draping, especially spherically curved fabrics, but also large-format spiral or even curved fabrics. The fact that the required near-net-shape geometry of the component to be reinforced can be reproduced with significantly reduced preforming steps is to be emphasized.

  • Award for near-net-shape 3D meshes for use in fibre-reinforced plastics

As part of the JEC FORUM DACH 2022, the AVK Innovation Awards were presented in Augsburg on November 29th. The innovation price in the category "Research/Science" (first place) was awarded to the team of scientists Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Nuss, Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Sennewald and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Chokri Cherif.

With the development of the pull-off-free Jacquard weaving technology including the technological know-how in the field of highly complex 2D and 3D fabric geometries, which has been established at the ITM of the TU Dresden for many years, Dominik Nuss has succeeded in including different yarn lengths locally into the fabric structure solely through targeted variation of the fabric weave. There-fore, it is now possible to produce completely new types of fabrics without additional draping, especially spherically curved fabrics, but also large-format spiral or even curved fabrics. The fact that the required near-net-shape geometry of the component to be reinforced can be reproduced with significantly reduced preforming steps is to be emphasized.

Continuous simulation aided engineering from CAD design to integrally woven 2D and 3D preforms by means of highly complex weave development for spatial constructions is a unique at the ITM, which was indispensable for the development of these promising woven high-tech structures. This technology is completely new and has never been carried out in this way before. The fabric structures are characterised by a high innovation level due to their geometric diversity and purposes. It can be used in numerous applications and further more contributes to the development of completely new fields of application. The technology can be implemented on all Jacquard weaving machines with only an additional device and the preform geometry is only determined by the control of the Jacquard machine. The preform geometry can be used in the full working width of the weaving machine.

Professor Chokri Cherif, Institute Director of the ITM, and his team are very pleased about these continuous research success in the constantly growing research field of 3D weaving technology, which are achieved at the ITM in close cooperation with industry and users. "This award is a special honour for our institute and confirms that the many years of our excellent research in the field of near-net-shape 3D weaving for the fibre-reinforced plastics sector plays a significant role and that we are making a significant contribution to the sustainable and resource-efficient production of lightweight structures with our development".


ITM/TU Dresden

Photo Autoneum Management AG
Eelco Spoelder

Eelco Spoelder new CEO of Autoneum

Matthias Holzammer is handing over the operational management of Autoneum for family reasons as of March 27, 2023. As his successor the Board of Directors has appointed Eelco Spoelder, who has over 25 years of experience in the automotive supply industry.

Eelco Spoelder has held global leadership positions in the automotive supply industry at Faurecia and previously Continental, where he ensured operational competence and strategic continuity even in a challenging market environment.
He has extensive experience in operations, manufacturing, purchasing, customer satisfaction, quality and IT and has proved successful in transforming businesses and delivering profitable growth. His core competencies include negotiating with an international network of customers and suppliers in the automotive supply industry. He is also deeply familiar with technology trends in the automotive industry.

Matthias Holzammer is handing over the operational management of Autoneum for family reasons as of March 27, 2023. As his successor the Board of Directors has appointed Eelco Spoelder, who has over 25 years of experience in the automotive supply industry.

Eelco Spoelder has held global leadership positions in the automotive supply industry at Faurecia and previously Continental, where he ensured operational competence and strategic continuity even in a challenging market environment.
He has extensive experience in operations, manufacturing, purchasing, customer satisfaction, quality and IT and has proved successful in transforming businesses and delivering profitable growth. His core competencies include negotiating with an international network of customers and suppliers in the automotive supply industry. He is also deeply familiar with technology trends in the automotive industry.

“In view of the many challenges and opportunities in the automotive industry, we are proud to have found in Mr. Spoelder a very accomplished and experienced leader who will further develop and implement our proven strategy,” said Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd.

Matthias Holzammer is leaving Autoneum at his own request for family reasons and will hand over operational management of the Group to Mr. Spoelder on March 27, 2023. He will then serve as Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the new CEO until June 30, 2023.


Autoneum Management AG