From the Sector

111 results
PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability. (c) Premium Group
Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF.

PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

ECOALF creates high-quality garments using recycled materials collected from the bottom of our oceans. Commitment, sustainability and innovation are at the core of everything the company does, resulting in both conscious and stylish urban, adventure, knitwear and activewear pieces.   
“I love collaborating with people that also believe we have the opportunity to change the world for the better. It’s no longer about what you do, but how you do it. It is important to stand up for what you believe in, because fashion cannot just be about looking good.” – Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF. 

On Wednesday, January 16th, at 10am and 2pm, Goyeneche will present his brand’s values, philosophy and way of working on the experience floor of SHOW&ORDER X PREMIUM at Kühlhaus, right next to the STATION area. Show visitors, media and other exhibitors are invited to listen, learn and discuss.   
The art piece in partnership with Garaizabal unveiled at PREMIUM on January 15th is filled with waste to portray our everyday reality, and purposefully interactive so that visitors can throw their own trash inside the installation. The aim is to educate about correct waste disposal and show that every individual’s decision matters: Stop, Think, Act.

Die Preisträger des DKB-VIU-Nachwuchsforscherpreises 2018: Tobias Petzold, Gregor Böhm, Dr. Sebastian Spange (v.l.). (c) Verband Innovativer Unternehmen e.V.
Die Preisträger des DKB-VIU-Nachwuchsforscherpreises 2018: Tobias Petzold, Gregor Böhm, Dr. Sebastian Spange (v.l.).

Nachwuchsforscherpreis von DKB und VIU für drei hervorragende Wissenschaftler

Die Gewinner des DKB-VIU-Nachwuchsforscherpreises 2018 stehen fest. Für herausragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten wurden heute in Berlin Dr. Sebastian Spange von Innovent e.V. aus Jena, Gregor Böhm vom Forschungszentrum für Medizintechnik und Biotechnologie (fzmb GmbH) in Bad Langensalza und Tobias Petzold vom Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) in Chemnitz geehrt. Die Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB AG) und der Verband Innovativer Unternehmen (VIU) vergaben den mit insgesamt 5.000 Euro dotierten Preis bereits zum vierten Mal. Sie fördern mit der Auszeichnung eine enge Verzahnung von Fachhochschulen, Hochschulen und Universitäten mit der mittelständischen Industrieforschung unter dem Aspekt praxisnaher Forschung und Nachwuchssicherung.

Die Gewinner des DKB-VIU-Nachwuchsforscherpreises 2018 stehen fest. Für herausragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten wurden heute in Berlin Dr. Sebastian Spange von Innovent e.V. aus Jena, Gregor Böhm vom Forschungszentrum für Medizintechnik und Biotechnologie (fzmb GmbH) in Bad Langensalza und Tobias Petzold vom Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) in Chemnitz geehrt. Die Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB AG) und der Verband Innovativer Unternehmen (VIU) vergaben den mit insgesamt 5.000 Euro dotierten Preis bereits zum vierten Mal. Sie fördern mit der Auszeichnung eine enge Verzahnung von Fachhochschulen, Hochschulen und Universitäten mit der mittelständischen Industrieforschung unter dem Aspekt praxisnaher Forschung und Nachwuchssicherung.

Die Preisverleihung im Rahmen des gemeinsam von VIU und dem Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie ausgerichteten Kongresses „Innovation im Mittelstand – wie Transfer gelingt“ übernahm der VIU-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Ralf-Uwe Bauer gemeinsam mit der DKB AG. Die fünfköpfige Jury verlieh die im Zwei-Jahres-Rhythmus vergebene Auszeichnung erstmals an drei Männer. Dr. Sebastian Spange und Gregor Böhm teilen sich den ersten Preis, Tobias Petzold erhielt den dritten Preis. Dr. Spange wurde für die Entwicklung einer antibakteriellen Beschichtung von Wundauflagen ausgezeichnet. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse seiner an der Universität Greifswald abgelegten Promotion zeigten, dass bereits deutliche geringere Konzentrationen der wirkstoffhaltigen, mit Silber ausgestatteten Beschichtung notwendig waren, um die Leistung von am Markt befindlichen Produkten zu erreichen bzw. zu übertreffen, so bei der antibakteriellen Wirkung. Möglich wird dies durch eine Plasmabeschichtung unter Normaldruck.

Praxistest bestanden
Für die Entwicklung eines Schnelltests zur Bestimmung der Lebendkeimzahl in Nahrungsmitteln wurde Gregor Böhm von der fzmb GmbH mit einem ersten Preis ausgezeichnet. Innerhalb weniger Sekunden erhält die Ernährungswirtschaft durch die von ihm entwickelte Methode Daten zur Keimzahl einer Probe, die eine Einschätzung der Produktsicherheit ermöglichen. Das gelingt durch die Analyse mit Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie, bei der kurzwelliges Infrarotlicht genutzt wird. Böhms in seiner Bachelorarbeit an der Staatlichen Studienakademie Plauen entwickeltes Prognosemodell will die fzmb GmbH als Praxispartner in ihr System mylab integrieren.

Textilien mit Extra-Eigenschaften
Mit Textilien arbeitete auch Tobias Petzold vom STFI für seine mit dem dritten Preis ausgezeichnete Arbeit zu funktionalisierten Fasern für den 3D-Druck. Mit dem genutzten Verfahren können ausgewählte Teile von Textilien so beschichtet werden, dass die Produkte zusätzliche Eigenschaften wie Reflexion, elektrische Leitfähigkeit, verbesserte Abriebfestigkeit und antimikrobielle Wirkung erhalten. Der 24-jährige Tobias Petzold konnte durch die im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit an der HTW Dresden durchgeführten Untersuchungen die Materialpalette an weichen und flexiblen Fasern, so genannten Filamenten, für das gewählte 3D-Druckverfahren aufgrund des Einsatzes spezieller Additive erweitern.

„Innovative Entwicklungen verdienen den Erfolg“
„Die Preisträger haben Großartiges geleistet. Mit ihren Forschungsarbeiten entwickelten sie innovative Lösungen für den Markt. Die Nachwuchsforscher schaffen damit gesellschaftlichen Mehrwert und leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zum technischen Fortschritt. Herzlichen Glück-wunsch und weiter so!“, sagt Thomas Jebsen, Vorstandsmitglied der DKB. Die Geschäftsführerin des VIU, Dr. Annette Treffkorn, ergänzt: „Der Transfer der konkreten Forschungsergebnisse von der Wissenschaft in die Wirtschaft bahnt sich erfreulicherweise bereits an. Die innovativen Entwicklungen verdienen den Erfolg.“


Verband Innovativer Unternehmen e.V.

(c) TRSA

TRSA Elects Buik Chair and Richardson Vice Chair

TRSA recently held its Annual Membership Meeting for the nomination, election and swearing-in of new Officers and Directors.
Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co. in Chicago is TRSA’s new chairman. Buik served as vice chairman of TRSA in 2017-2018. The Roscoe Company is Chicago’s leading independent uniform service company.

Jim has been active in linen, uniform and facility services associations. He’s a graduate of TRSA’s Executive Management Institute (EMI). He served on various committees, task forces and boards and was chairman of UTSA, which blended with TRSA, from 2003 to 2005. He has been a pioneer of industry technologies and best practices. Through association programs he has shared Roscoe’s experience in developing these innovations, including marketing automation, wastewater treatment and employee skill certification.

TRSA recently held its Annual Membership Meeting for the nomination, election and swearing-in of new Officers and Directors.
Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co. in Chicago is TRSA’s new chairman. Buik served as vice chairman of TRSA in 2017-2018. The Roscoe Company is Chicago’s leading independent uniform service company.

Jim has been active in linen, uniform and facility services associations. He’s a graduate of TRSA’s Executive Management Institute (EMI). He served on various committees, task forces and boards and was chairman of UTSA, which blended with TRSA, from 2003 to 2005. He has been a pioneer of industry technologies and best practices. Through association programs he has shared Roscoe’s experience in developing these innovations, including marketing automation, wastewater treatment and employee skill certification.

Additional officers and directors sworn in at the meeting:
•    Noel Richardson, Officer-Vice Chair, Shasta Linen Supply, Sacramento, CA
•    Jim Kearns, Officer-Treasurer, Alsco Inc., Salt Lake City
•    Bob Dudley, Director, APPEARA, Norfolk, NE
•    Scott Finkelstein, Director, Ace Uniform Services Inc., Baltimore
•    Dan Sanchez, Director, Medline Industries Inc., Mundelein, IL

In addition, Directors Randy Bartsch, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service and P.J. Dempsey, Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply were re-elected for second terms and will be officers serving on the TRSA Executive Committee.

More information:


Finalists Hessen, (3.f.l.) Florian Kisling, CEO Perlon Gruppe (c) Perlon GmbH
Finalists Hessen, (3.f.l.) Florian Kisling, CEO Perlon Gruppe

2018 Award ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ - Pedex GmbH named as finalist

Pedex GmbH, the Wald Michelbach based Perlon Group company was named as a finalist of the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ (award for small and medium sized companies) at the gala dinner on 15th September 2018. Together with 21 other finalists from the four competing regions Baden Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia came out on top against 2436 nominated businesses.

Pedex GmbH, the Wald Michelbach based Perlon Group company was named as a finalist of the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ (award for small and medium sized companies) at the gala dinner on 15th September 2018. Together with 21 other finalists from the four competing regions Baden Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia came out on top against 2436 nominated businesses.

The motto for this year’s competition -‘Building for the future’ – is the foundation of the unity within our society.
On 24th May, the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung, the founder of this award for small and medium sized companies asked for nominations of excellent medium sized companies for the competition, (nominations cannot come from the company itself.) Only 1 in every 1000 German companies make it onto the list of nominations – this year Pedex GmbH made it! The prize winners meet 12 regional juries and a final jury. The focus of the jury (made up of representatives from business and education) is on the company as a whole and its multifaceted role within society. To aid evaluation, the jury asked about the establishment and safeguarding of jobs and apprenticeships, innovation and modernisation, involvement in the local area as well as service and proximity to customers.

Germany’s most sought after business accolade.
In 2018, more than 7400 institutions from the 16 counties (12 competing regions) throughout Germany nominated a total of 4,917 small and medium sized companies as well as banks and local authorities for the competition, from which a short list of 742 was selected. No other business award in Germany carries such weight (and has now for more than two decades) as the one that the Leipzig based Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung has been awarding since 1994. The prize doesn’t offer any monetary reward. For the businesses involved, it’s simply about honour, public recognition and approval of their performance, without financial incentive.

More information:
Award Perlon Group

Perlon GmbH

Rajiv Banavali (c) Huntsman Textile Effects
Rajiv Banavali

Huntsman Textile Effects names new Global Vice President of Research & Technology

Huntsman Textile Effects is pleased to announce the appointment of  Rajiv Banavali as its new Global Vice President of Research and Technology, effective August 10. Rajiv will join the Textile Effects senior management as part of its global leadership team and will report directly to Rohit Aggarwal, President Textile Effects.

Rajiv joins from Honeywell International where he held several research and development leadership roles including his most recent, as Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, with its Advanced Materials division. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the development and execution of R&D strategies and the advancement of innovation platforms for both product and process technology roadmaps. Rajiv has proven success in leading large, global research organizations in the development and commercialization of technologies in the area of specialty chemicals, both at Honeywell and at his previous employer, Rohm & Haas.   

Huntsman Textile Effects is pleased to announce the appointment of  Rajiv Banavali as its new Global Vice President of Research and Technology, effective August 10. Rajiv will join the Textile Effects senior management as part of its global leadership team and will report directly to Rohit Aggarwal, President Textile Effects.

Rajiv joins from Honeywell International where he held several research and development leadership roles including his most recent, as Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, with its Advanced Materials division. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the development and execution of R&D strategies and the advancement of innovation platforms for both product and process technology roadmaps. Rajiv has proven success in leading large, global research organizations in the development and commercialization of technologies in the area of specialty chemicals, both at Honeywell and at his previous employer, Rohm & Haas.   

“As the global textiles industry transitions to new business models in an increasingly competitive and tightly regulated environment, it is now more important than ever that Huntsman Textile Effects remains innovative, flexible and close to our customers. We are extremely pleased to have in Rajiv, a highly experienced candidate with a global outlook and an acute commercial acumen, to lead a critical area of our business, focusing on advancing our sustainability agenda while progressing the research and innovation of our product portfolio,” said Rohit Aggarwal.

Rajiv holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Missouri, USA. Rajiv will be based in Singapore and will relocate from New Jersey, USA.
Rajiv succeeds Sarada Namhata who is retiring after five years in the role.

More information:
"Huntsman Textile Effects"

Huntsman Textile Effects

Mostafiz Uddin spoke at the 6th Copenhagen Fashion Summit about Transparency in the Supply Chain

Mostafiz Uddin spoke at the 6th Copenhagen Fashion Summit about Transparency in the Supply Chain

Mostafiz Uddin, Managing director, Denim Expert Ltd., founder and CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange spoke at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2018 during a panel on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 about the Transparency in the supply chain.

This makes him the first Bangladeshi garment manufacturer to participate as a panel speaker at a CFS ever. His speech revolved around the apparel industry in his home country of Bangladesh and how his vision influences the way his company manufactures.
The panel was visited by over 1300 top profile participants, including her Highness the Crown Princes of Denmark. It was opened by CEO Leslie Johnson of the C&A Foundation.

Mostafiz Uddin, Managing director, Denim Expert Ltd., founder and CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange spoke at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2018 during a panel on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 about the Transparency in the supply chain.

This makes him the first Bangladeshi garment manufacturer to participate as a panel speaker at a CFS ever. His speech revolved around the apparel industry in his home country of Bangladesh and how his vision influences the way his company manufactures.
The panel was visited by over 1300 top profile participants, including her Highness the Crown Princes of Denmark. It was opened by CEO Leslie Johnson of the C&A Foundation.

Mostafiz Uddin said after the panel: “I am thankful to the CFS organisers for giving me such a great opportunity and honour, to my country to share the true story of Bangladesh and our apparel industry.”
About Mostafiz Uddin: Mostafiz Uddin is managing director of Denim Expert Ltd., an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible compliant garment manufacturing plant in Chittagong, Bangladesh. A visionary entrepreneur in the development of sustainable apparel systems, Uddin is personally driven by social and environmental ethics and is recognised as a game changer through his introduction of sustainable practices, innovation and fashion disruption, which he sees as key to the future of the Bangladesh apparel industry.
Uddin founded the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) to promote sustainable practices within the Bangladesh apparel industry and to improve the country’s image via various initiatives under the banner of BAE, including the Sustainable Apparel Forum, the Bangladesh Fashionology Summit and Bangladesh Denim Expo. Through these endeavours he strives to promote the advancement of sustainable practices, including environmentally sound production methods, full transparency, innovation, circularity and technology.

About the Copenhagen Fashion Summit: The sixth edition of the Summit also boasted 75 high-level speakers, including sustainability thought leader David Roberts of Singularity University; EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager; COO Eric Sprunk of NIKE; CEO Spencer Fung of Li & Fung; Vogue US fashion director Tonne Goodman; sustainability pioneer Dame Ellen MacArthur; models and entrepreneurs Lily Cole and Edie Campbell, the founders of Highsnobiety, Vestiaire Collective, Fashion Revolution, and many more. The hosts were Amber Valletta, actress, model and entrepreneur, and Tim Blanks, editor-at-large of The Business of Fashion.

Wrapping up two days of intense leadership roundtables, conversations and business meetings was a panel discussion featuring the Strategic Partners of Global Fashion Agenda: Kering, H&M, Target, Li & Fung and Sustainable Apparel Coalition, who took the stage to address why sustainability should be a leadership priority and to discuss some of the recommendations from the Pulse of the Fashion Industry 2018 report, released the week prior to the Summit.


An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.

Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation. (c) Archroma
Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation.

Archroma: New leader for Brand & Performance Textile Specialties business

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

A Chemical Engineer from the Ingenieurschule Beider Basel, Mr Furrer started his career with Clariant in Switzerland as Product Manager Sulphur Dyes, Textile Business, in 1997. He then grew in the organization as Head of Continuous Dyeing Cellulosic (1999 to 2001); Head of Business Unit (BU) Textile Dyes and Textile Chemicals in México (2001 to 2005); Global Head for the Product Group Cellulosic Dyes (2005 to 2007), Head of BU Textile Chemicals Latin America (2007 to 2009); Head of BU Textile Chemicals Americas (2009 to 2012); Head of Emulsions (January 2012 to June 2012); and Head of Marketing and Sales Plastic and Special Applications, BU Pigments (January 2013 to 2015).

His latest role as Head of Regional Business Line Europe, BU Pigments, Strategic Plastics, brought him back to Switzerland in January 2015, with the mission to implement the new BU Pigments regional structure in Europe.

Mr Furrer speaks 5 languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

More information:


Students from all Europe invited to compete in the 4th European Universities & Grad. Schools Innovation Championship ©Morpheus Cup
Morpheus Cup

Students from all Europe invited to compete in the 4th European Universities & Grad. Schools Innovation Championship

Paris - On April 12th 2018, top European talents from 120 campuses will compete in the fourth edition of the Morpheus Cup to showcase their skills and highlight their most innovative projects. After Luxembourg in 2017, the event will take place in 2018 at the Palais Brongniart (Stock Exchange) in Paris and will focus on burning topics such as Digital Transformation, Creativity, Deeptech, Circular Economy, Ecommerce and much more.

Since its launch in 2015, the Morpheus Cup has been placed under the high patronage of the European Commission with the support of Commissioners Marianne Thyssen and Carlos Moedas in 2017. "The championship is a great opportunity for young people to showcase their skills and to help to bridge the gap between universities, schools and the European employment market. In the Commission, we believe that the right skills not only improve young people's life chances, but also act as a driver for our future competitiveness and growth" underlines Mrs. Thyssen.

Paris - On April 12th 2018, top European talents from 120 campuses will compete in the fourth edition of the Morpheus Cup to showcase their skills and highlight their most innovative projects. After Luxembourg in 2017, the event will take place in 2018 at the Palais Brongniart (Stock Exchange) in Paris and will focus on burning topics such as Digital Transformation, Creativity, Deeptech, Circular Economy, Ecommerce and much more.

Since its launch in 2015, the Morpheus Cup has been placed under the high patronage of the European Commission with the support of Commissioners Marianne Thyssen and Carlos Moedas in 2017. "The championship is a great opportunity for young people to showcase their skills and to help to bridge the gap between universities, schools and the European employment market. In the Commission, we believe that the right skills not only improve young people's life chances, but also act as a driver for our future competitiveness and growth" underlines Mrs. Thyssen.

In the last three years, the event already attracted hundreds of campus from more than 20 countries and rewarded many of them including Warshaw School of Economics, Mannheim Business School, HEC Paris, Polytechnique Nantes, universities from Oxford, Berlin, Luxembourg, Athens, and Barcelona.

New challenges for new talents

The next edition will take the competition to another level by featuring tech, business, science, marketing, creative challenges in five different rooms, suggesting meetings with employers, innovative brands and investors through 50 stands and presenting not less than 20 categories for students to submit their projects/startups ideas (Morpheus Prize). Apart from the live experiences and challenges designed by entrepreneurs or partners of the event, almost 500 research projects and startups will be showcased to win awards, the championship and up to €50,000 worth of prizes.

Art, circular economy, human capital, smart cities, mobility, FinTech, design, industry, sport, artificial intelligence, topics, regardless of the students’ profiles and education level, invite them to be creative in many different fields.

Finalists will have to pitch in front of an international jury. Past editions welcomed jury members from Google Lunar XPrize, WarnerBros, Accenture, European Investment Fund, FC Barcelona, ESA, Canal+, Novak Djokovic Foundation etc. Daimler, Forbes, Expon Capital, Davidson, Leroy-Merlin, PwC have already joined the next edition.

Registrations are already open. First partners, jury members and employers will be unveiled before Christmas season.

The Morpheus Cup’s website unveils the main characteristics of the championship and also the past editions prize-winners.

More information:
Morpheus Cup

ILUNA Group: Shaping Smart Intimate Wear Futures @ Interfiliere with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei and STeP certification by Oekotex.

ILUNA Group and ROICA™ continue their close partnership to present the most “advanced” and responsible innovations to the market today. ILUNA GREEN LABEL lace collections made with premium stretch thanks to the use of the unique ROICA ™ Eco Smart GRS certified family- now offer the next evolution: a new stretch Galloon lace to be combined with mesh and lace fabrics collections, now fully made with GRS certified materials. This new evolution offers the right choice to contemporary consumers in products that are beautiful, high quality and sustainable.
This is in addition to a decision last year when the ILUNA GROUP converted all their stretch yarn exclusively to the unique ROICA™ Eco Smart family for all of its top of the range jacquardtronic and Textronic articles.
To reinforce this commitment, ILUNA can also celebrate its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification that clarifies and communicates the company’s sustainable production commitment regarding manufacturing and processing to all its partners and customers in a transparent, clear manner.

ILUNA Group and ROICA™ continue their close partnership to present the most “advanced” and responsible innovations to the market today. ILUNA GREEN LABEL lace collections made with premium stretch thanks to the use of the unique ROICA ™ Eco Smart GRS certified family- now offer the next evolution: a new stretch Galloon lace to be combined with mesh and lace fabrics collections, now fully made with GRS certified materials. This new evolution offers the right choice to contemporary consumers in products that are beautiful, high quality and sustainable.
This is in addition to a decision last year when the ILUNA GROUP converted all their stretch yarn exclusively to the unique ROICA™ Eco Smart family for all of its top of the range jacquardtronic and Textronic articles.
To reinforce this commitment, ILUNA can also celebrate its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification that clarifies and communicates the company’s sustainable production commitment regarding manufacturing and processing to all its partners and customers in a transparent, clear manner.
Fashion & ILUNA feature on the catwalk in Paris with the ‘Momenti Di Passione’ fashion show at the Interfiliere salon on 8th to 10th July. Here you will be able to enjoy a dazzling and exciting new range of bold ECO flocking beachwear & cover up.
And at the show, breakthrough fabric designs from ILUNA show a revolutionary quality in the new Burano collection: a range of decorative, macramé precious pattern effects that are diaphanous and semi-sheer styles that use at their heart the ROICA™ Eco Smart premium stretch family exclusively.


GB Network

German Global Health Award German Healthcare Partnership
German Global Health Award

First German Global Health Award presented by Federal Minister Zypries

German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Brigitte Zypries presented the first-ever German Global Health Award at “Global Health – the International and the German Agenda”, an event with more than 200 participants from around 30 countries taking place in the context of the B20 Health Conference. The prize honours German companies, associations or individuals for innovative projects and partnerships in global health that contribute to health system strengthening in developing and emerging countries.

The German Global Health Award, under the patronage of Federal Minister Brigitte Zypries, is granted in two categories by the German Healthcare Partnership (GHP), the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and BIO Deutschland. Federal Minister Zypries lauded the work of the recipients, saying “Both projects demonstrate how the German healthcare sector drives innovation to attain the worthwhile goal of supporting global health at home and abroad,” adding, “The recognition of such work is especially important in the context of the meeting of the Health Ministers of the G20 countries taking place in Berlin later this week.”

German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Brigitte Zypries presented the first-ever German Global Health Award at “Global Health – the International and the German Agenda”, an event with more than 200 participants from around 30 countries taking place in the context of the B20 Health Conference. The prize honours German companies, associations or individuals for innovative projects and partnerships in global health that contribute to health system strengthening in developing and emerging countries.

The German Global Health Award, under the patronage of Federal Minister Brigitte Zypries, is granted in two categories by the German Healthcare Partnership (GHP), the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and BIO Deutschland. Federal Minister Zypries lauded the work of the recipients, saying “Both projects demonstrate how the German healthcare sector drives innovation to attain the worthwhile goal of supporting global health at home and abroad,” adding, “The recognition of such work is especially important in the context of the meeting of the Health Ministers of the G20 countries taking place in Berlin later this week.”


German Healthcare Partnership