From the Sector

134 results
Wes Fisher INDA Director of Government Affairs (c) INDA
Wes Fisher INDA Director of Government Affairs

INDA: Wes Fisher new Director of Government Affairs

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named government relations and external affairs strategist and advocate Wes Fisher as its new Director of Government Affairs to raise the association’s profile in Washington, D.C. He brings strong liaising skills advancing industries’ interest to regulatory agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, and state-level departments.

Most recently, he was senior director of government affairs at the Pet Advocacy Network where he led government relations and legislative strategy for the pet care industry’s national trade association.  Fisher’s background includes providing testimony on hundreds of bills and regulations for associations and creating policy positions, notably on single-use plastics and sustainability.
He has held positions working at the American Legislative Exchange Council and then the National Automatic Merchandising Association where he led state government relations and external affairs for the 1,000-members representing the vending and retail industry.   

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named government relations and external affairs strategist and advocate Wes Fisher as its new Director of Government Affairs to raise the association’s profile in Washington, D.C. He brings strong liaising skills advancing industries’ interest to regulatory agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, and state-level departments.

Most recently, he was senior director of government affairs at the Pet Advocacy Network where he led government relations and legislative strategy for the pet care industry’s national trade association.  Fisher’s background includes providing testimony on hundreds of bills and regulations for associations and creating policy positions, notably on single-use plastics and sustainability.
He has held positions working at the American Legislative Exchange Council and then the National Automatic Merchandising Association where he led state government relations and external affairs for the 1,000-members representing the vending and retail industry.   

At INDA, he will serve as the liaison between the industry and government legislative and regulatory bodies by preparing formal submissions to the federal government articulating industry positions, and representing INDA on the Industry Trade Advisory Committee for Textiles and Apparel (ITAC 12) among other responsibilities in this key position.

Fisher holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. He also sits on the board of directors of the Washington Area State Relations Group, and was appointed by the Governor of Virginia to serve on the State Rare Disease Council.

More information:
INDA Wes Fisher Government Affairs


Gregoire Poux-Guillaume Photo: AkzoNobel
Gregoire Poux-Guillaume

AkzoNobel: Gregoire Poux-Guillaume new member of the Board of Management

At the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)- September. 6 2022, the shareholders of Akzo Nobel N.V. (AkzoNobel) appointed new CEO Gregoire Poux-Guillaume as a member of the Board of Management, effective November 1, 2022.
Mr. Poux-Guillaume will succeed Thierry Vanlancker, who has been CEO and member of the Board of Management since 2017, and whose term of office is coming to an end. Mr. Poux-Guillaume will join AkzoNobel on October 1, to ensure a smooth transition as per November 1.
Nils Smedegaard Andersen, Chair of AkzoNobel’s Supervisory Board, commented: “I would like to welcome Gregoire Poux-Guillaume, who is an experienced business leader with an impressive track record of delivering results, growth and building strong teams. His experience will play a key role in helping the company to further improve its operational excellence and performance. I’d also like to thank Thierry for his time at AkzoNobel, during which AkzoNobel was transformed to become a focused and competitive paints and coatings company, with significant returns to shareholders.”

At the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)- September. 6 2022, the shareholders of Akzo Nobel N.V. (AkzoNobel) appointed new CEO Gregoire Poux-Guillaume as a member of the Board of Management, effective November 1, 2022.
Mr. Poux-Guillaume will succeed Thierry Vanlancker, who has been CEO and member of the Board of Management since 2017, and whose term of office is coming to an end. Mr. Poux-Guillaume will join AkzoNobel on October 1, to ensure a smooth transition as per November 1.
Nils Smedegaard Andersen, Chair of AkzoNobel’s Supervisory Board, commented: “I would like to welcome Gregoire Poux-Guillaume, who is an experienced business leader with an impressive track record of delivering results, growth and building strong teams. His experience will play a key role in helping the company to further improve its operational excellence and performance. I’d also like to thank Thierry for his time at AkzoNobel, during which AkzoNobel was transformed to become a focused and competitive paints and coatings company, with significant returns to shareholders.”
Mr. Poux-Guillaume’s previous roles include CEO of Sulzer, CEO of GE Grid Solutions (previously Alstom Grid) and Senior Managing Director of CVC Capital Partners.

More information:
Poux-Guillaume AkzoNobel


Lookbook Destination Heritage, HSLU

Textildesign fürs Mittelalter-Ferienhaus

Ferien in historischen, denkmalgeschützten Häusern liegen im Trend. Studierende an der Hochschule Luzern zum Bachelor Textildesign ließen sich von den altehrwürdigen Bauten der Stiftung «Ferien im Baudenkmal» inspirieren und gestalteten dafür Teppiche, Wohndecken und Küchentextilien.

Das Haus Tannen in Morschach, Baujahr 1341, ist eines der ältesten Häuser der Schweiz. Schon immer beherbergte es Reisende. Waren es einst vorab Handelsleute, die zwischen dem Urnerland und dem Gotthard unterwegs waren, sind es heute Feriengäste. Textildesign-Studentin Stephanie Meier von der Hochschule Luzern besuchte das Haus ebenfalls, allerdings zu Studienzwecken.

Der mittelalterliche Blockbau inspirierte die Luzernerin zur Realisierung einer Textilkollektion, die Prototypen für Geschirrtücher, Teppiche und Decken umfasst. Die Kollektion entstand im Rahmen des Studierendenprojekts «Destination Heritage» in Kooperation mit der Stiftung «Ferien im Baudenkmal». Die Stiftung verwaltet das Haus Tannen sowie rund 50 weitere historische Schweizer Bauten in allen Landesteilen und bietet sie als Ferienunterkünfte an.

Ferien in historischen, denkmalgeschützten Häusern liegen im Trend. Studierende an der Hochschule Luzern zum Bachelor Textildesign ließen sich von den altehrwürdigen Bauten der Stiftung «Ferien im Baudenkmal» inspirieren und gestalteten dafür Teppiche, Wohndecken und Küchentextilien.

Das Haus Tannen in Morschach, Baujahr 1341, ist eines der ältesten Häuser der Schweiz. Schon immer beherbergte es Reisende. Waren es einst vorab Handelsleute, die zwischen dem Urnerland und dem Gotthard unterwegs waren, sind es heute Feriengäste. Textildesign-Studentin Stephanie Meier von der Hochschule Luzern besuchte das Haus ebenfalls, allerdings zu Studienzwecken.

Der mittelalterliche Blockbau inspirierte die Luzernerin zur Realisierung einer Textilkollektion, die Prototypen für Geschirrtücher, Teppiche und Decken umfasst. Die Kollektion entstand im Rahmen des Studierendenprojekts «Destination Heritage» in Kooperation mit der Stiftung «Ferien im Baudenkmal». Die Stiftung verwaltet das Haus Tannen sowie rund 50 weitere historische Schweizer Bauten in allen Landesteilen und bietet sie als Ferienunterkünfte an.

«Die roten Fellläden des Hauses, die roh gehauenen Steine im Eingangsbereich, die von einem Brand gezeichneten Holzbalken, das tiefe Blau des Vierwaldstättersees – ich habe versucht, alle Facetten dieses Ortes mit meinen Entwürfen aufzugreifen», sagt Stephanie Meier. Sie verwendete für ihre Prototypen natürliche Materialien wie Leinen, Wolle und sogar Textilreste aus der Weberei. «Im Mittelalter hatten die meisten Menschen keine edlen Stoffe zur Verfügung, sondern mussten auf das zurückgreifen, was grad da war», erläutert sie. «Meine Materialwahl spiegelt diesen Umstand wider.»

Neben der Luzernerin kreierten drei weitere Bachelorstudentinnen Kollektionen für «Destination Heritage»; jede setzte sich dafür anhand eines historischen Ferienhauses mit der Baukultur ihrer jeweiligen Heimatregion auseinander: Die Thurgauerin Jana-Sophie Rehman entwarf und webte für das Fischerhaus in Romanshorn (TG), Estelle Ruedin aus der Walliser Gemeinde Venthône für das Château de Réchy in Réchy (VS) und die Flimserin Lara Grünenfelder für das Türalihus in Valendas (GR).

Als Industriepartner für die Realisierung der Küchentextilien konnte die Rigotex AG gewonnen werden. «Projekte mit Partnern aus Wirtschaft und Kultur sind ein fester Bestandteil unseres Studiums», erläutert Textildesign-Dozentin Marion Becella Neff, die das Projekt initiiert hat. Für den späteren Einstieg ins Berufsleben seien solche Kooperationen von unschätzbarem Wert, weil Studentinnen und Studenten ihre Ideen und Fähigkeiten «an der Realität spiegeln können», sagt sie. «Im Projekt treffen handwerkliche Raffinesse und industrielle Produktionsbedingungen aufeinander.»

Seitens der Stiftung begleitete Claudia Thommen, Verantwortliche Architektur und Baukultur, die vier Studentinnen und begutachtete ihre Vorschläge: «Es ist unglaublich spannend zu sehen, wie die Studentinnen die unterschiedlichen Materialitäten und baukulturellen Eigenschaften unserer Baudenkmäler in eine Textilsprache übersetzt haben.» Thommen hofft, dass sie den Studentinnen die Vielfalt der Schweizer Baukultur vermitteln konnte, wie sie sagt. «Obwohl die Schweiz klein ist, verfügt sie über ein enorm breites architektonisches Erbe. Das wissen viele Menschen nicht.»

Ihren ersten öffentlichen Auftritt hatten die Textilien Mitte August auf der Retail-Messe Ornaris in Bern – das Projekt stiess laut HSLU-Dozentin Marion Becella Neff beim Publikum auf reges Interesse. Die Stiftung «Ferien im Baudenkmal» prüft in den kommenden Monaten zudem, ob sie Geschirrtücher aus «Destination Heritage» im nächsten Jahr als limitierte Serie für die Ausstattung der Ferienhäuser auflegen kann.

Ryan Ragan, new Director of Membership and Industry Relations at INDA Photo: INDA. Ryan Ragan, new Director of Membership and Industry Relations

INDA: Ryan Ragan New Director of Membership and Industry Relations

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced operations and development officer Ryan Ragan as its new Director of Membership and Industry Relations to retain and grow memberships and enhance member values. He brings 20 years of experience from various bio-medical and healthcare organizations.

For the past four years he worked in domestic and international business development at the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, (ACHC).
He began his career the U. S. Marines before transitioning to business after being discharged. Ragan also helped the Central Jersey Blood Center achieve record-setting growth in his first two years as its Chief Operating Officer. In another role, he trained management candidates at Grifols to take over and run both existing and start up biomedical facilities.

As Business Development Manager for ACHC, he helped develop and launch pharmaceutical and home health programs in Italy and Saudi Arabia.  Ragan’s team also oversaw relationships with state and national associations.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced operations and development officer Ryan Ragan as its new Director of Membership and Industry Relations to retain and grow memberships and enhance member values. He brings 20 years of experience from various bio-medical and healthcare organizations.

For the past four years he worked in domestic and international business development at the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, (ACHC).
He began his career the U. S. Marines before transitioning to business after being discharged. Ragan also helped the Central Jersey Blood Center achieve record-setting growth in his first two years as its Chief Operating Officer. In another role, he trained management candidates at Grifols to take over and run both existing and start up biomedical facilities.

As Business Development Manager for ACHC, he helped develop and launch pharmaceutical and home health programs in Italy and Saudi Arabia.  Ragan’s team also oversaw relationships with state and national associations.

At INDA, he will work with members to help identify opportunities and work internally to determine how INDA can be a resource for solutions.  He will strive to add additional value to INDA members through education and new service lines.

Ragan holds a bachelor’s degree in Business, from the University of Phoenix.


More information:


(c) Fraunhofer UMSICHT/Mike Henning
Prof. Christian Doetsch (l.) and Prof. Manfred Renner (r.)

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: New institute directors

Prof. Manfred Renner and Prof. Christian Doetsch will take joint leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT from August 2022. As renowned scientists, they have most recently shaped the direction of the institute as heads of the Products division and Energy division respectively, and will now follow in the footsteps of Prof. Eckhard Weidner, who has entered retirement.

This is the first time in its history that Fraunhofer UMSICHT is led by two directors. Both institute directors began their professional careers at the institute and from August they will have a joint hand in its future.

Prof. Manfred Renner and Prof. Christian Doetsch will take joint leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT from August 2022. As renowned scientists, they have most recently shaped the direction of the institute as heads of the Products division and Energy division respectively, and will now follow in the footsteps of Prof. Eckhard Weidner, who has entered retirement.

This is the first time in its history that Fraunhofer UMSICHT is led by two directors. Both institute directors began their professional careers at the institute and from August they will have a joint hand in its future.

Prof. Manfred Renner holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering, specializing in process engineering and business development. Since 2006, he has held various roles at Fraunhofer UMSICHT, most recently heading up the Products division and overseeing its 126 employees and its budget of 14.8 million euros. He has set international standards through his award-winning research into a free of water tanning leather tanning process that uses compressed carbon dioxide. With the development of innovative aerogel-based insulation materials for building facades, he has made a significant contribution to environmentally friendly, circular applications in the construction industry and initiated a number of industrial projects. One of the notable technological breakthroughs made by his team was the development of a new type of fire-resistant glass, which can withstand even the most extreme heat. This won his development team the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize in October 2020.

Alongside becoming institute director, Prof. Renner will also take over the leadership of the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE in August 2022. In this role, he will represent the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft on a national and international level with regard to the transformation of industry and society to a circular economy. In addition, he will start his professorship in Responsible Process Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Over the course of his professorship, he will shape the systemic development of the circular economy at a corporate, regional and European level.

Prof. Christian Doetsch has worked in energy research for more than 25 years, spending most of this time at Fraunhofer UMSICHT. As head of the Energy division, he managed a team of around 145 employees and was responsible for a budget of approximately 10.4 million euros. His technological focal points are energy storage, Power-to-X technologies including hydrogen electrolysis and chemical conversion, catalysts, and energy system modeling and optimization. His overarching aim is the integration of renewable energies into a cross-sectoral, resilient energy system.

In 2015, Doetsch co-founded the award-winning start-up Volterion GmbH & Co. KG, which develops redox flow batteries. He attained high visibility on a global scale by redesigning stacks, one of the main components of redox flow batteries, an achievement for which he, his team and Volterion representatives were awarded the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize in May 2021. The energy expert also acts as deputy spokesperson for the Fraunhofer Energy Alliance and task manager for the energy storage group at the International Energy Agency (IEA). He also co-founded the “Open District Hub e. V.,” an association that promotes the energy transition in the sector by means of energy systems integration.

Since January 2020, he has been Professor of Cross Energy Systems at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In this role, he conducts research into ecological evaluation and resilience of cross-sectoral energy systems.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Trützschler Group SE expands Board of Directors (c) Trützschler Group SE
Dr. Ulrich Schwenken, CEO

Trützschler Group SE expands Board of Directors

The Trützschler Group SE has appointed Dr. Ulrich Schwenken and Heinrich Krull to its Board of Directors with effect from July 1, 2022. Dr. Schwenken will serve as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Heinrich Krull will serve as Chief Operations Officer (COO).

Dr. Schwenken will assume responsibility for Development, Digitalization, IT and Corporate Communications. As a doctoral graduate specialized in engineering, he has many years of experience in automotive and mechanical applications. Since 2008, he has held various management positions in the areas of Service, Sales and Development at companies including Porsche AG and Volkswagen AG, where his responsibility covered a range of key topics such as digital transformation. Most recently, Dr. Schwenken served as CSO, CTO and CDO at Leistritz AG, and was responsible for the strategic focus on innovative growth areas.

The Trützschler Group SE has appointed Dr. Ulrich Schwenken and Heinrich Krull to its Board of Directors with effect from July 1, 2022. Dr. Schwenken will serve as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Heinrich Krull will serve as Chief Operations Officer (COO).

Dr. Schwenken will assume responsibility for Development, Digitalization, IT and Corporate Communications. As a doctoral graduate specialized in engineering, he has many years of experience in automotive and mechanical applications. Since 2008, he has held various management positions in the areas of Service, Sales and Development at companies including Porsche AG and Volkswagen AG, where his responsibility covered a range of key topics such as digital transformation. Most recently, Dr. Schwenken served as CSO, CTO and CDO at Leistritz AG, and was responsible for the strategic focus on innovative growth areas.

Mr. Krull joined Trützschler Group SE in September 2020. As a graduate engineer for production engineering and management with international experience in mechanical and production site engineering, he has comprehensive expertise related to operations. He also has extensive experience of production technologies, including in-depth knowledge of Lean Management methods and expertise in post-merger integration. As COO, he will be responsible for the areas of Production, Purchasing and Logistics, Quality Assurance as well as Supply Chain.

Until his scheduled retirement at the end of 2022, Dr. Dirk Burger will act as Co-CEO to Dr. Schwenken.

The responsibilities of the Board of Directors of Trützschler Group SE as of July 1, 2022 are as follows: Dr. Ulrich Schwenken (CEO) is responsible for Development, Digitalization, IT and Corporate Communications; Dr. Dirk Burger will take over the role of Co-CEO to Dr. Schwenken until the end of 2022; Dr. Ralf Napiwotzki (CFO) is responsible for Finance and Controlling, Human Resources, Legal and Compliance; Alexander Stampfer (CSO) is responsible for Sales, Marketing and Service; Heinrich Krull (COO) is responsible for Production, Purchasing and Logistics, Quality Assurance as well as Supply Chain.

More information:
Trützschler Board of Directors

Trützschler Group SE


Award for best master's thesis of the German Textile Mechanical Engineering 2022 goes to young engineer of ITA Aachen

The 2002 prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association for the best Master's thesis in German textile mechanical engineering was awarded to a young engineer from the ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The prize ceremony took place at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners Foundation, presented the award at the VDMA Textile Machinery Association’s booth.

Felix Xaver Zerbes, M.Sc., was awarded the "Promotional Prize for the Best Master's Thesis of the German Textile Machinery Industry 2022", endowed with 3,500 EUR, for his master's thesis "Development and Construction of a Separation Unit for Weft Yarns in Air Jet Weaving".

The 2002 prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association for the best Master's thesis in German textile mechanical engineering was awarded to a young engineer from the ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The prize ceremony took place at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners Foundation, presented the award at the VDMA Textile Machinery Association’s booth.

Felix Xaver Zerbes, M.Sc., was awarded the "Promotional Prize for the Best Master's Thesis of the German Textile Machinery Industry 2022", endowed with 3,500 EUR, for his master's thesis "Development and Construction of a Separation Unit for Weft Yarns in Air Jet Weaving".

The subject of the master's thesis was the development of a mechanism with which faulty sections in the weft yarn can be sorted out before they are woven into the textile. This way, both yarn-related weft defects and material defects can be drastically reduced. The prototype developed by Mr Zerbes shows how this can be done even during the ongoing weaving process without having to stop production. Due to its modular design, the yarn rejection unit can be retrofitted to many different types of air-jet weaving machines, which represents an enormous savings potential not only in Germany but in weaving mills all over the world.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Gregoire Poux-Guillaume Gregoire Poux-Guillaume. Photo: AkzoNobel

Gregoire Poux-Guillaume new CEO of AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel has announced that Gregoire Poux-Guillaume will become the company’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as of November 1, 2022.

He will succeed Thierry Vanlancker, who has been CEO and member of the Board of Management since 2017, and whose term of office is coming to an end.

Gregoire (52), a French national, is an international business leader with 25 years of experience. He has a distinguished track record of building successful, profitable businesses in challenging environments, accelerating business growth and improving margins.

Previous roles include CEO of Sulzer, CEO of GE Grid Solutions (previously Alstom Grid) and Senior Managing Director of CVC Capital Partners.

AkzoNobel has announced that Gregoire Poux-Guillaume will become the company’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as of November 1, 2022.

He will succeed Thierry Vanlancker, who has been CEO and member of the Board of Management since 2017, and whose term of office is coming to an end.

Gregoire (52), a French national, is an international business leader with 25 years of experience. He has a distinguished track record of building successful, profitable businesses in challenging environments, accelerating business growth and improving margins.

Previous roles include CEO of Sulzer, CEO of GE Grid Solutions (previously Alstom Grid) and Senior Managing Director of CVC Capital Partners.

More information:



Ranga Yogeshwar presents third Top 100 award to Mayer & Cie.

Albstadt-based Mayer & Cie. has been named a Top 100 award-winner for the third time as one of Germany’s most innovative small and mid-range businesses. The jury made special mention of the circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer’s innovative processes. At the centre of the family firm’s further digital development is on the aim to boost its customers’ productivity. Last Friday, 25 June, members of the Mayer & Cie. management received the award from the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar at the SMB summit in Frankfurt am Main.

For some time now, the focus of development work at Mayer & Cie. has been on lean management in assembly processes, on optimisation of aftersales service, including setting up an online shop for spare parts, and on product lifecycle management, or PLM, which stands for a concept of seamless integration of all the information that arises during a product’s lifecycle. A clean data structure is the basis for these measures, it’s called the “digital backbone”. It means that all product data is processed in the same database and all information is available only once and can be downloaded immediately.

Albstadt-based Mayer & Cie. has been named a Top 100 award-winner for the third time as one of Germany’s most innovative small and mid-range businesses. The jury made special mention of the circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer’s innovative processes. At the centre of the family firm’s further digital development is on the aim to boost its customers’ productivity. Last Friday, 25 June, members of the Mayer & Cie. management received the award from the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar at the SMB summit in Frankfurt am Main.

For some time now, the focus of development work at Mayer & Cie. has been on lean management in assembly processes, on optimisation of aftersales service, including setting up an online shop for spare parts, and on product lifecycle management, or PLM, which stands for a concept of seamless integration of all the information that arises during a product’s lifecycle. A clean data structure is the basis for these measures, it’s called the “digital backbone”. It means that all product data is processed in the same database and all information is available only once and can be downloaded immediately.

In all, 436 companies, including about ten per cent from machinery and plant engineering, competed for the Top 100 seal of innovation this year. Nearly 300 were successful and were congratulated in person by Ranga Yogeshwar at the SMB summit. He noted that the award winners set a role model example. “Innovators are thought leaders; they are always pioneers too,” said Yogeshwar, who mentors the competition. “They put their products to the test and ask themselves what an ecological society and a climate-oriented world will require of them. And they check the opportunities and challenges that increasing digitisation will bring for forms of cooperation, social relationships and, with them, for employee retention.”

More information:
Mayer & Cie Top 100 digitisation

Mayer & Cie.

Alberto Paccanelli Photo: Euratex
Alberto Paccanelli

Alberto Paccanelli re-elected as President of EURATEX

Italian textile entrepreneur, Alberto Paccanelli, has been re-elected as President of EURATEX during its General Assembly on 17 June; he will thus extend his mandate with 2 more years, until June 2024. Paccanelli is CEO of the Martinelli Ginetto Group, active in the high-end home textiles. He is also a Board member of Sistema Moda Italia and Confindustria Bergamo.

Italian textile entrepreneur, Alberto Paccanelli, has been re-elected as President of EURATEX during its General Assembly on 17 June; he will thus extend his mandate with 2 more years, until June 2024. Paccanelli is CEO of the Martinelli Ginetto Group, active in the high-end home textiles. He is also a Board member of Sistema Moda Italia and Confindustria Bergamo.

On the occasion of his re-election, Paccanelli presented his vision on the future of the European textiles industry: “With the adoption of the EU Textile Strategy on 30 March, the European Commission  has launched a very ambitious journey that will change the nature of our industry: more focus on sustainability and durability, more transparency within the supply chain, more communication with the consumer, but also a better level playing field for our European companies, and more investment in innovation, digitalisation and skills development. That is a very ambitious agenda, which needs to result in a more resilient European textile industry. The coming 2 years will be critical to translate that vision into specific legislation and concrete programmes. This requires a strong EURATEX, to actively contribute to that process. I am honoured to continue leading the organisation and fulfil this challenging task.”

EURATEX GA also elected 4 other members of the Presidency Team: Bodo Bölzle (Amann, Germany), Jean François Gribomont (Utexbel, Belgium), Grégory Marchant (UTT, France) and Ismail Kolunsag (Cross Tekstil, Turkey). During the Assembly, EURATEX also welcomed new memberships from Ukrlegprom (Ukraine) and Astrico (Romania), and a partnership with Inditex (Spain).



Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29 appointed two new Directors, Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier, for a four-year term. (c) Lectra
Hélène Viot Poirier

Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier join Lectra’s Board of Directors

  • Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29 appointed two new Directors, Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier, for a four-year term.
  • They both become members of Lectra’s Audit Committee, Nominations Committee and Strategic Committee. Hélène Viot Poirier also becomes a member of the new CSR Committee.

 A major global player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra designs industrial intelligence solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that enable the digital transformation of its customers.
In 2017, Lectra launched its Lectra 4.0 strategy with the aim of making the company a key Industry 4.0 player in its markets by 2030. As part of its 2017-2019 roadmap, Lectra successfully integrated key technologies for Industry 4.0 and software solutions in SaaS mode into its offers. The company’s 2020-2022 roadmap should enable it to leverage the full potential of its new offers while ensuring the sustainable and profitable growth of its business.

  • Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29 appointed two new Directors, Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier, for a four-year term.
  • They both become members of Lectra’s Audit Committee, Nominations Committee and Strategic Committee. Hélène Viot Poirier also becomes a member of the new CSR Committee.

 A major global player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra designs industrial intelligence solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that enable the digital transformation of its customers.
In 2017, Lectra launched its Lectra 4.0 strategy with the aim of making the company a key Industry 4.0 player in its markets by 2030. As part of its 2017-2019 roadmap, Lectra successfully integrated key technologies for Industry 4.0 and software solutions in SaaS mode into its offers. The company’s 2020-2022 roadmap should enable it to leverage the full potential of its new offers while ensuring the sustainable and profitable growth of its business.
Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra, says: “We are delighted to welcome Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier to Lectra’s Board of Directors. Through Ross McInnes’ appointment, we will benefit from his extensive experience as a director of listed companies and his knowledge of Lectra’s challenges, as well as his expertise in strategy, management, finance, and governance. Hélène Viot Poirier has extensive knowledge of the digital world and the fashion market. Her appointment will enable the Board of Directors to benefit from her expertise in acquisition strategy, management and the development of environmentally responsible products”.
In the last five years, Ross McInnes has been a member of Lectra’s Board of Directors, and a member of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategic Committee. This first mandate came to an end in April 2020. Ross McInnes is a graduate of the University of Oxford.
Since 2020, as an Independent Senior Advisor, she has supported strategic internal and external growth projects in the fashion, digital and consumer goods sectors. Hélène Viot Poirier is a graduate of HEC Paris.

adidas announces the appointment of Alasdhair Willis to Chief Creative Officer. (a) adidas
Alasdhair Willis

Alasdhair Willis to Shape Future of adidas as Chief Creative Officer

The Chief Creative Officer is the lead within the adidas design community and is responsible for shaping, defining, and shepherding the creative direction for the global brand and its three major labels – Performance , Originals, and Sportswear – to deliver a unified adidas brand experience. Willis will begin his contract beginning of April, reporting to Executive Board Member of Global Brands, Brian Grevy.

Willis is a creative visionary with a long-standing connection to adidas that dates back to 2005, most notably through his role in the concept and development of adidas by Stella McCartney in partnership with Stella McCartney He has remained integral to the growth and development of the partnership since its launch.

Beyond adidas by Stella McCartney, Willis has built a strong understanding of the company’s consumers, brand, labels, and categories through his work on a number of breakthrough projects, including a lead role in developing some of adidas’ most iconic material innovations.

The Chief Creative Officer is the lead within the adidas design community and is responsible for shaping, defining, and shepherding the creative direction for the global brand and its three major labels – Performance , Originals, and Sportswear – to deliver a unified adidas brand experience. Willis will begin his contract beginning of April, reporting to Executive Board Member of Global Brands, Brian Grevy.

Willis is a creative visionary with a long-standing connection to adidas that dates back to 2005, most notably through his role in the concept and development of adidas by Stella McCartney in partnership with Stella McCartney He has remained integral to the growth and development of the partnership since its launch.

Beyond adidas by Stella McCartney, Willis has built a strong understanding of the company’s consumers, brand, labels, and categories through his work on a number of breakthrough projects, including a lead role in developing some of adidas’ most iconic material innovations.

Outside of his work with adidas he is revered for his tenure as Creative Director of British fashion heritage brand, Hunter, transforming what was a small single product business into a multi-category global fashion brand, and as co-founder of the trailblazing Wallpaper* Magazine. It is through this diverse experience that Willis brings not just creative expertise, but the ability to deliver across commercial, strategic, and leadership functions.

As Chief Creative Officer at adidas, Willis will provide global creative leadership, develop and nurture the brand’s creative culture, and empower teams across all design functions.

“Stepping into a permanent role at adidas and evolving our partnership is a great privilege and feels like an incredibly exciting and natural next step,” said Willis. “The power and influence of the brand on sport , sports culture, and beyond is immeasurable. I welcome the opportunity to help establish a new era of design and brand leadership at adidas and, together with the team, take adidas to even higher levels.”

“Alasdhair is a true icon of the industry and together we have produced some of adidas’ most innovative work, so to now have him lead our design community and set the future of our brand expression is a wonderful thing,” said Executive Board Member of Global Brands, Brian Grevy. “We are looking forward to seeing the influence of his unique creative vision, experience and expertise from developing and establishing some of the world’s most recognised brands.”


More information:
adidas Alasdhair Willis


(c) Paper Converting Machine Company

PCMC, BW Converting Solutions augment leadership team

  • Senior leaders appointed to grow Green Bay operations, expand in global markets

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), as part of Barry-Wehmiller’s Converting Solutions platform, has filled several key roles on the leadership team in Green Bay in alignment with the platform’s strategic plan to grow local operations and expand its global footprint.

Scott Bean has joined as Executive Vice President of Operations. He will drive manufacturing capacity and excellence across the platform’s five facilities in Green Bay, as well as its European locations in Lucca, Italy; Neuwied, Germany; and Čačak, Serbia. Bean brings 20-plus years of experience leading operations at several large global manufacturers, including Milwaukee-based Rexnord and most recently, Filtration Group, where he served as a President.

Jason Hilsberg, who joined PCMC in 2003 as a Field Service Leader and has held numerous other roles, including Sales Director, has been named Vice President of Lifecycle Support. In his new role, he leads the global field service, customer technical support and equipment modification sales teams.

  • Senior leaders appointed to grow Green Bay operations, expand in global markets

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), as part of Barry-Wehmiller’s Converting Solutions platform, has filled several key roles on the leadership team in Green Bay in alignment with the platform’s strategic plan to grow local operations and expand its global footprint.

Scott Bean has joined as Executive Vice President of Operations. He will drive manufacturing capacity and excellence across the platform’s five facilities in Green Bay, as well as its European locations in Lucca, Italy; Neuwied, Germany; and Čačak, Serbia. Bean brings 20-plus years of experience leading operations at several large global manufacturers, including Milwaukee-based Rexnord and most recently, Filtration Group, where he served as a President.

Jason Hilsberg, who joined PCMC in 2003 as a Field Service Leader and has held numerous other roles, including Sales Director, has been named Vice President of Lifecycle Support. In his new role, he leads the global field service, customer technical support and equipment modification sales teams.

Kelly Morgano has joined as the Global Vice President of People. In her new role, Morgano will lead the human resources, culture, communications and people development functions, while supporting the platform’s commitment to caring for team members. She has worked in human resources for more than 20 years, most recently with Zurn Water Solutions.

PCMC and its divisions, Hudson-Sharp and Northern Engraving, have expanded their footprint in the tissue and nonwovensconverting, bag-converting and flexographic-printing equipment markets in recent years, reporting significant revenue growth in 2021. The company has been a fixture in Green Bay since 1919.


Paper Converting Machine Company

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital & Fashion Enter Innovation Centre

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

According to Kornit Digital’s Impact and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, 30 percent of textile production is overproduction, while 95 percent of water waste is created as companies globally look towards more sustainable futures with customized, creative, and real-time offerings. Using proprietary streamlined, eco-friendly digital production technologies, Kornit Digital is transforming the fashion industry with more efficient and sustainable processes. According to the same report, by 2026, the Company’s systems will use up to 95 percent less water, 94 percent less energy and produce 83 percent less greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to highlighting production capabilities that minimize carbon footprint, the Fashtech Innovation Centre serves as a prototype for brands and fulfillers seeking to mitigate logistical complexities, time-to-market, and supply chain risks by bringing production nearer to the end consumer. Eliminating overproduction and producing on demand, this nearshoring model drives profitability even in highly regulated and high-cost markets while contributing to local economies and removing transport-related waste.

Serving as a fulfilment site and academy for training production, the Centre includes both Kornit Presto direct-to-fabric and Kornit Atlas MAX direct-to-garment systems, as well as numerous graphic design and workflow tools and systems to enable cut-and-sew operations for a comprehensive “pixel to parcel to doorstep” cycle. Consolidating the process into a single location helps maintain full visibility and control of operations and products. Taking this one step further for creators and brands, visitors can experience the KornitX Global Fulfilment Network, enabling customers to create both new sales channels and accessibility to enable production on demand. Attendees can see how Kornit’s single-step digital production technology empowers unlimited graphic expression using less floor space, resources, waste, and time—all at higher margins.

“This Innovation Centre makes it possible to capture the full, end-to-end production process in one, single location,” said Jenny Holloway, Chief Executive Officer, Fashion-Enter. “The beauty of having print on demand means there are no minimums, so we can make one garment, or we can make up to 30,000 garments a week from all locations at the same fixed cost. Here, we can also train future generations on the right way of producing garments for today, responsive to demand, with minimal waste—ethical and sustainable. This is the future of fashion and textiles.”

SwapKnit – KARL MAYER's first Smart Machine function (c) KARL MAYER
Kay Hilbert, Product Owner Global Tricot Machines at KARL MAYER

SwapKnit – KARL MAYER's first Smart Machine function

  • Patterning from the cloud
  • SwapKnit – KARL MAYER's first Smart Machine function revolutionizes the way of guide bar control

A view of machine data from anywhere and at any time, service support as if on site but from far away, patterning from the cloud: digitalization offers completely new possibilities in warp knitting, which KARL MAYER is using to offer its customers a wide range of advantages for their business. In doing so, the world market leader is pursuing a well thought-out strategy: coordinated innovation activities are being used above all to rethink aftersales support and machine maintenance, and to develop coordinated offers in three areas. These are Care Solutions, Digital Solutions and Smart Machine.

Smart Machine comprises special functions that are backed by KARL MAYER's expertise and enable customers to maximize their productivity. In addition, a previously unattainable reproducibility of quality is possible.

  • Patterning from the cloud
  • SwapKnit – KARL MAYER's first Smart Machine function revolutionizes the way of guide bar control

A view of machine data from anywhere and at any time, service support as if on site but from far away, patterning from the cloud: digitalization offers completely new possibilities in warp knitting, which KARL MAYER is using to offer its customers a wide range of advantages for their business. In doing so, the world market leader is pursuing a well thought-out strategy: coordinated innovation activities are being used above all to rethink aftersales support and machine maintenance, and to develop coordinated offers in three areas. These are Care Solutions, Digital Solutions and Smart Machine.

Smart Machine comprises special functions that are backed by KARL MAYER's expertise and enable customers to maximize their productivity. In addition, a previously unattainable reproducibility of quality is possible.

A first solution for this is SwapKnit. The new patterning concept manages completely without pattern discs, but still enables the high operating speeds typical of mechanical guide bar drives. The basis for this is the networking of the machine via the k.ey device with the KM.ON cloud.

  • Speed of operation and pattern change
  • Lapping procurement per individual purchase or flat rate
  • Best article reproducibility

Further steps to follow
As the first Smart Machine offering, SwapKnit marks the start of digital innovations with which KARL MAYER offers its customers more benefits from its machines. Further innovations will follow.
"In our development activities, in addition to the important topics such as more speed and flexibility, we also have simplified handling and the possibilities of automation in mind. We want maximum efficiency with minimum operating effort," says Kay Hilbert.



KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

(c) INDA
Jen Greenamoyer

INDA Appoints Jen Greenamoyer as New Director of Government Affairs

  • Experienced government affairs professional with EPA background to advocate for the nonwovens association in public policy forums

INDA, The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced policy advocate Jennifer “Jen” Greenamoyer as its new Director of Government Affairs to raise the association’s profile in Washington, D.C. She brings 25 years of experience at associations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and on Capitol Hill.  

Most recently, she was senior government relations liaison and the principal lobbyist at the American Institute of Physics (AIP) for 15 years, where she represented the association to Congress and lobbied for appropriations. Greenamoyer has strong expertise in science policy and education that will enhance her role as an information resource for INDA members, staff, and others on government affairs’ matters affecting the industry.

  • Experienced government affairs professional with EPA background to advocate for the nonwovens association in public policy forums

INDA, The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced policy advocate Jennifer “Jen” Greenamoyer as its new Director of Government Affairs to raise the association’s profile in Washington, D.C. She brings 25 years of experience at associations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and on Capitol Hill.  

Most recently, she was senior government relations liaison and the principal lobbyist at the American Institute of Physics (AIP) for 15 years, where she represented the association to Congress and lobbied for appropriations. Greenamoyer has strong expertise in science policy and education that will enhance her role as an information resource for INDA members, staff, and others on government affairs’ matters affecting the industry.

She began her career working at the EPA in the Office of Water and then the Office of Policy. Greenamoyer also trained EPA staff on regulation development and worked on small business regulatory relief. On Capitol Hill, Greenamoyer worked as professional staff for the House Committee on Small Business where she specialized in regulations about environmental and labor issues.

As Director of External Affairs for the Sea Grant Association, she secured annual appropriations, monitored legislative developments, and represented the association to federal agencies and the Administration on issues of interest, funding opportunities and joint programs.

At INDA, she will serve as the liaison between the industry and government legislative and regulatory bodies by preparing formal submissions to the federal government articulating industry positions, and representing INDA on the Industry Trade Advisory Committee for Textiles and Apparel (ITAC 13) among other responsibilities in this key position.

More information:


(c) ITA

International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society Award for Professor Thomas Gries

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

Examples of this include the development of 3D braided ceramic matrix composite components for aircraft engines, which were researched together with partners in a Horizon 2020 project (EU project AllOxITD). The ongoing Chrysomallos research project as another example, funded under the national aeronautics research programme in Germany, aims to develop a completely new and sustainable high-performance insulator for aircraft cabins based on aerogels. These have a significantly lower weight than the glass fibre mats used up to now, while providing the same insulation performance, and solve the problem of the previously high manufacturing costs of aerogels. The aim of the project is to develop an insulation material with reduced density (reduction of more than 20 percent). To this end, a new type of insulation material based on aerogel is to be developed. The basis is an aerogel fleece (0.06 W/mK at 28 kg/m³), which has already been developed as part of a dissertation at the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (Mroszczok, J.: 2019).

The aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Due to this fact and its importance for society and the global economy, it needs to make special efforts towards sustainability. The ISSA, an international multi-disciplinary symposium, aims to address current issues in aviation such as improving aircraft fuel efficiency, promoting the use of biofuels, minimising environmental impact, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and reducing engine and aircraft noise. ^

Through the award, SARES honours scientists and researchers whose work on sustainable aviation issues has made an important contribution at the international level. The selection is based on the scientific publications of the applicant or nominee, the h-index, i.e. the key figure for the worldwide perception of a scientist in professional circles, the project topics and the project results.

(c) Kai-Chieh Kuo

ITA PhD student Kai-Chieh Kuo was awarded Best Master’s Thesis Award of Walter Reiners-Stiftung

Kai-Chieh Kuo, PhD student at the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, was awarded the German Textile Mechanical Engineering 2021 Best Master's Thesis Award for his master's thesis entitled "Modification of the tube weaving process of fine yarns for the production of woven ultra-low profile stent grafts". The prize is endowed with 3,500€. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung (Foundation), virtually presented the award on the occasion of the ADD International Textile Conference on 9 November 2021.

Kai-Chieh Kuo, PhD student at the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, was awarded the German Textile Mechanical Engineering 2021 Best Master's Thesis Award for his master's thesis entitled "Modification of the tube weaving process of fine yarns for the production of woven ultra-low profile stent grafts". The prize is endowed with 3,500€. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Board of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung (Foundation), virtually presented the award on the occasion of the ADD International Textile Conference on 9 November 2021.

Minimally invasive endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) with textile stent-graft systems is nowadays a clinically established therapy procedure for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) – pathological bulges of the aorta. Due to the thick profile of the folded stent graft systems, there is currently a high risk of injuring narrowed or highly angulated access vessels from the inside during implantation. Stent graft systems with smaller profiles could provide an improvement, which could overcome complicated access routes through a lower bending stiffness. One possible approach for reducing the system profiles is the use of thin-walled tubular woven fabrics made of ultrafine multifilament yarns (≤20 dtex) as graft material.

Up to now, it has not been possible to process the fine yarns with the required high thread density (>200 threads/cm) and the available weaving technology in order to guarantee sufficient tightness against blood.

In his master's thesis, Kai-Chieh Kuo made high-density tubular weaving of ultra-fine filament yarns possible for the first time by means of suitable modifications to a shuttle loom as well as adaptations in the weaving preparation. In particular, he developed a new innovative reed technology that reduces warp thread friction during the shedding process and thus improves the process stability of the dense tube weaving process of fine yarns.

With the help of the process modification, it was then possible to produce high-density, thin-walled tubular woven fabrics, which were positively evaluated with regard to their suitability for a stent graft. Above all the potential of these tubular fabrics lies in their extremely thin-walled fabric profile, which seals well against blood. By using these new types of tubular fabrics as graft material for stent grafts, the system profile of the folded stent graft system can be reduced without having to compromise the blood tightness of the implant. The technology developed by Mr Kuo is not only applicable to stent graft systems, but also offers great possibilities for use in all other endovascular implants such as trans catheter heart valves, covered stents and small-lumen vascular prostheses.

Mahlo: Two heads of subsidiaries celebrate anniversaries (c) Mahlo
Michel Bruni, CEO of Mahlo Italia

Mahlo: Two heads of subsidiaries celebrate anniversaries

At the subsidiaries of the German Mahlo GmbH + Co KG, two branch managers are celebrating anniversaries this year. Alan Lavore, CEO of Mahlo America Inc., has been with the machine builder for 25 years. Michel Bruni, CEO of Mahlo Italia, has been part of the Mahlo family for 40 years.

Bruni began his career at Mahlo in 1981 as a service technician in the French branch Mahlo Ouest. Just one year later, he moved to Mahlo Italia, where he was appointed branch manager in 1996. He still holds this position today. Bruni is also sales manager for the Benelux countries, the Maghreb countries and Madagascar. The Mahlo Italia CEO's recipe for success includes expertise paired with experience and passion. To remain loyal to a company for so many years also testifies to a special relationship. "Then as now, I work with a dynamic and committed team. We also have a very good relationship with the employees of the parent company in Germany," says Bruni.

At the subsidiaries of the German Mahlo GmbH + Co KG, two branch managers are celebrating anniversaries this year. Alan Lavore, CEO of Mahlo America Inc., has been with the machine builder for 25 years. Michel Bruni, CEO of Mahlo Italia, has been part of the Mahlo family for 40 years.

Bruni began his career at Mahlo in 1981 as a service technician in the French branch Mahlo Ouest. Just one year later, he moved to Mahlo Italia, where he was appointed branch manager in 1996. He still holds this position today. Bruni is also sales manager for the Benelux countries, the Maghreb countries and Madagascar. The Mahlo Italia CEO's recipe for success includes expertise paired with experience and passion. To remain loyal to a company for so many years also testifies to a special relationship. "Then as now, I work with a dynamic and committed team. We also have a very good relationship with the employees of the parent company in Germany," says Bruni.

The culture and integrity with which business is conducted in the family-owned company were among the reasons why Mahlo America Inc. CEO Alan Lavore has also been with Mahlo for 25 years. "I just love working with all the great people at Mahlo." Lavore joined Mahlo in 1996 as a territory sales manager and took over as CEO in 2005. During this time, he drove the company's expansion from a textile specialist to a supplier for various production sectors such as film, paper, coating and converting or nonwovens.

More information:
Mahlo nonwovens Automation

Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

© ITM / TU Dresden

Kreativitätspreis des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues 2021 geht an Irina Kuznik

Die Verleihung der Förder- und Kreativitätspreise 2021 der Walter Reiners-Stiftung des VDMA, Fachverband Textilmaschinen an Studierende und Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen deutscher Universitäten für Spitzenleistungen in Studium und Promotion fand am 09. November 2021 im Rahmen der Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2021 statt. Die bundesweit ausgeschriebenen Förder- und Kreativitätspreise wurden erneut online durch Herrn Peter D. Dornier, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Walter Reiners-Stiftung, verliehen.

Frau Dipl.-Ing. Irina Kuznik vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wurde mit dem 3.000 EUR dotierten Kreativitätspreis des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues 2021 für ihre exzellente Diplomarbeit „Entwicklung zur umweltfreundlichen Herstellung neuartiger Chitosanfasergarne unter Einsatz von ionischen Flüssigkeiten" ausgezeichnet.

Die Verleihung der Förder- und Kreativitätspreise 2021 der Walter Reiners-Stiftung des VDMA, Fachverband Textilmaschinen an Studierende und Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen deutscher Universitäten für Spitzenleistungen in Studium und Promotion fand am 09. November 2021 im Rahmen der Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2021 statt. Die bundesweit ausgeschriebenen Förder- und Kreativitätspreise wurden erneut online durch Herrn Peter D. Dornier, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Walter Reiners-Stiftung, verliehen.

Frau Dipl.-Ing. Irina Kuznik vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wurde mit dem 3.000 EUR dotierten Kreativitätspreis des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues 2021 für ihre exzellente Diplomarbeit „Entwicklung zur umweltfreundlichen Herstellung neuartiger Chitosanfasergarne unter Einsatz von ionischen Flüssigkeiten" ausgezeichnet.

In ihrer Diplomarbeit entwickelte Frau Kuznik einen völlig neuen Ansatz zur ökologischen und ökonomischen Herstellung von Chitosangarnen. Unter Nutzung ionischer Flüssigkeiten als gut geeignetes, neuartiges Lösungsmittel für Chitosan lässt sich Chitosan mit geringen Deacetylierungsgraden sowie reines Chitin erfolgreich auflösen. In einem Nassspinnverfahren können damit erzeugte Spinnlösungen zu neuartigen Chitosan- bzw. Chitinmonofilamenten mit sehr guten morphologischen Eigenschaften hergestellt werden. Des Weiteren lässt sich die ionische Flüssigkeit mittels eines Verdampfungsverfahrens aus dem Abwasser zurückgewinnen und wiederaufbereitet werden.

More information:
VDMA Textilmaschinen chitosan

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM)