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Rajiv Banavali (c) Huntsman Textile Effects
Rajiv Banavali

Huntsman Textile Effects names new Global Vice President of Research & Technology

Huntsman Textile Effects is pleased to announce the appointment of  Rajiv Banavali as its new Global Vice President of Research and Technology, effective August 10. Rajiv will join the Textile Effects senior management as part of its global leadership team and will report directly to Rohit Aggarwal, President Textile Effects.

Rajiv joins from Honeywell International where he held several research and development leadership roles including his most recent, as Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, with its Advanced Materials division. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the development and execution of R&D strategies and the advancement of innovation platforms for both product and process technology roadmaps. Rajiv has proven success in leading large, global research organizations in the development and commercialization of technologies in the area of specialty chemicals, both at Honeywell and at his previous employer, Rohm & Haas.   

Huntsman Textile Effects is pleased to announce the appointment of  Rajiv Banavali as its new Global Vice President of Research and Technology, effective August 10. Rajiv will join the Textile Effects senior management as part of its global leadership team and will report directly to Rohit Aggarwal, President Textile Effects.

Rajiv joins from Honeywell International where he held several research and development leadership roles including his most recent, as Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, with its Advanced Materials division. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the development and execution of R&D strategies and the advancement of innovation platforms for both product and process technology roadmaps. Rajiv has proven success in leading large, global research organizations in the development and commercialization of technologies in the area of specialty chemicals, both at Honeywell and at his previous employer, Rohm & Haas.   

“As the global textiles industry transitions to new business models in an increasingly competitive and tightly regulated environment, it is now more important than ever that Huntsman Textile Effects remains innovative, flexible and close to our customers. We are extremely pleased to have in Rajiv, a highly experienced candidate with a global outlook and an acute commercial acumen, to lead a critical area of our business, focusing on advancing our sustainability agenda while progressing the research and innovation of our product portfolio,” said Rohit Aggarwal.

Rajiv holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Missouri, USA. Rajiv will be based in Singapore and will relocate from New Jersey, USA.
Rajiv succeeds Sarada Namhata who is retiring after five years in the role.

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"Huntsman Textile Effects"

Huntsman Textile Effects


Bally Completes its Executive Team

Bally, the historic Swiss luxury brand is pleased to announce the appointment of two key figures to its executive team, completing the process of strategic redevelopment begun last year with the transfer of the Creative, Merchandising and Marketing offices from London to its new showroom in Milan.

Effective immediately, Eva Quirrenbach joins Bally as Chief Marketing Officer following a term in New York as Vice President of Global Brand Marketing at Tory Burch, having previously occupied strategic roles within the Tod’s Group in both Italy and the United States. Eva is a recognised expert in all aspects of international branding and marketing within the luxury sector, and with her proven understanding of consumer behaviour, she played an integral role in the development and acceleration of the digital footprint and in supporting global brand development at Tory Burch.

Bally, the historic Swiss luxury brand is pleased to announce the appointment of two key figures to its executive team, completing the process of strategic redevelopment begun last year with the transfer of the Creative, Merchandising and Marketing offices from London to its new showroom in Milan.

Effective immediately, Eva Quirrenbach joins Bally as Chief Marketing Officer following a term in New York as Vice President of Global Brand Marketing at Tory Burch, having previously occupied strategic roles within the Tod’s Group in both Italy and the United States. Eva is a recognised expert in all aspects of international branding and marketing within the luxury sector, and with her proven understanding of consumer behaviour, she played an integral role in the development and acceleration of the digital footprint and in supporting global brand development at Tory Burch.

“Eva is an excellent addition to the Bally team. The combination of a consolidated experience and understanding of luxury brands along with her background driving the strategic development of successful global projects make her the ideal leader to drive Bally's commitment to unified commerce on a global level".
Frédéric De Narp, Bally Group CEO

Bally has moved to a three-pronged regional strategy and as such is also pleased to announce the promotion of Silvia Onofri to a new role as CEO for the EMEA region, in addition to her current role as Vice President of Global Wholesale. During her time in Bally, Silvia has obtained outstanding results entering top tier multi-brand doors around the world and increasing Bally's footprint in Travel Retail to make the brand a global leader in the field.

Silvia has extensive experience in the global fashion and luxury industry, having first joined the Bally team 10 years ago, following key marketing roles in Bulgari.

“Silvia has the unique benefit of intimately understanding the Bally brand and it’s DNA, and having proven experience in forging new relationships with the world’s leading retailers and their customers. With this invaluable expertise in hand, I am confident that she will infuse the EMEA Retail division with enthusiasm, professionalism and unique market insights to take Bally to the next level in these crucial markets” -
Frédéric De Narp.

The arrival of Eva Quirrenbach and the promotion of Silvia Onofri are part of Bally Group CEO Frédéric de Narp’s ongoing strategic vision to infuse Bally’s prestigious brand identity with heightened dynamism, appeal and allure.
Both roles report directly to Bally’s Group CEO, Frederic de Narp.

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(c) Bremer Baumwollbörse; Präsident Jens D. Lukaczik
Präsident Jens D. Lukaczik

Bremer Baumwollbörse: Neuer Präsident

Jens D. Lukaczik ist neuer Präsident
Der Vorstand der Bremer Baumwollbörse wählte am 28. Juni anlässlich der 144. ordentlichen Generalversammlung  den 52-jährigen Jens D. Lukaczik zum neuen Präsidenten. Lukaczik ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der in Bremen ansässigen Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG. Zum Vizepräsidenten wurden Ernst Grimmelt (51), geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Velener Textil GmbH in Velen, Westfalen, und Fritz A. Grobien (60), geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen, sowie der bisherige Präsident Henning Hammer (42), Geschäftsführer der Otto Stadtlander GmbH, Bremen, gewählt.

Jens D. Lukaczik ist neuer Präsident
Der Vorstand der Bremer Baumwollbörse wählte am 28. Juni anlässlich der 144. ordentlichen Generalversammlung  den 52-jährigen Jens D. Lukaczik zum neuen Präsidenten. Lukaczik ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der in Bremen ansässigen Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG. Zum Vizepräsidenten wurden Ernst Grimmelt (51), geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Velener Textil GmbH in Velen, Westfalen, und Fritz A. Grobien (60), geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen, sowie der bisherige Präsident Henning Hammer (42), Geschäftsführer der Otto Stadtlander GmbH, Bremen, gewählt.

Anlässlich seiner Wahl betonte Präsident Lukaczik: „Die Baumwollbörse bleibt ein verlässlicher Dienstleister für ihre Mitglieder. Für die Zukunft gilt es, unsere Kommunikation nach innen und außen weiterhin zu intensivieren. In Zeiten von Fake-News und einer zunehmend emotionaleren öffentlichen Auseinandersetzung sind Kompetenz und Sachlichkeit unsere Stärken im öffentlichen Diskurs.  Das Ziel der Bremer Baumwollbörse ist es, die klaren Vorteile des natürlichen und nachhaltigen Rohstoffs Baumwolle sowohl im Bewusstsein des Konsumenten als auch in der ökologischen, sozialen und politischen Diskussion noch stärker zu positionieren.“

Während der Generalversammlung fanden auch Neuwahlen des Vorstandes statt. Neu im Vorstand vertreten sind Stephanie Silber, Geschäftsführerin Otto Stadtlander GmbH, Bremen, Jean-Paul Haessig, RCMA Asia PTE LTD, Singapur, sowie als Vertreter der Schweizer Textilindustrie Peter Spoerry, Spoerry 1866 AG, Flums. Im Vorstand  verbleiben Jan Kettelhack, Hch. Kettelhack GmbH + Co. KG, Rheine, Konrad Schröer, Setex-Textil-GmbH, Hamminkeln-Dingden, Axel Trede, Cotton Service International GmbH, Bremen, und Hannes Drolle, Getzner Textil AG, Bludenz/Österreich, sowie Manfred Kern, Linz Textil Holding AG, Linz, Österreich, als Repräsentant der österreichischen Textilindustrie.

Der seit 1996 im Vorstand tätige Rainer Hammer, Otto Stadtlander GmbH, Bremen, schied aus dem Vorstand aus, ebenso wie Martin Kaegi, Hermann Bühler AG, Winterthur, Schweiz.

Die Mitglieder des Vorstandes und des Präsidiums vertreten verschiedene Bereiche der textilen Lieferkette, z. B. Handel, Verarbeitung und Logistik. Durch diese vielfältigen Kompetenzen hat die Bremer Baumwollbörse Zugang zu einem umfassenden Netzwerk sowie weltweiten Informationsressourcen in der gesamten Baumwollindustrie.

Auf seiner 144. ordentlichen Generalversammlung im 146. Geschäftsjahr erstattete der Vorstand den Mitgliedern Bericht über das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr und legte satzungsgemäß seine Rechnungsablage vor. Zum Abschluss der Generalversammlung referierte Dr. Ludger Weß zum Thema „Gentechnisch modifizierte Baumwolle: Mythen und Realität.“ Dr. Weß berät innovative Unternehmen zur strategischen Kommunikation. Außerdem arbeitet er seit den 80er Jahren als Autor und Kommentator vor allem im Bereich Gentechnik und moderne Landwirtschaft. 

(c) Wolfgang Schmidt

Textilbranche Ost wächst moderat – mit Problemen

  • Branchenverband vti zog in Aue Bilanz
  • Hohe Innovationskraft betont
  • Thomas Lindner neuer vti-Vorstandsvorsitzender

Der Umsatz der 16.000 Beschäftigte und 350 Unternehmen zählenden ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie ist in den ersten Monaten dieses Jahres moderat gewachsen. „Nach vorläufigen Berechnungen gehen wir per Ende Mai von einem Plus von knapp 1,5 Prozent aus“, berichtete Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des in Chemnitz ansässigen Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti), anlässlich der vti-Jahresmitgliederversammlung am 12. Juni 2018 in Aue: „Gegenwärtig scheint sich die Konjunktur – ähnlich wie in anderen Branchen – abzuschwächen. So konnten wir im Jahr 2017 mit einem Umsatz-Plus von über drei Prozent im dritten Jahr in Folge einen deutlichen Anstieg verbuchen. Treibende Kraft waren wiederum die Technischen Textilien mit über der Hälfte des Gesamtumsatzes, gefolgt von den Heimtextilien mit rund 30 Prozent und dem Bekleidungssektor mit deutlich weniger als 20 Prozent.

  • Branchenverband vti zog in Aue Bilanz
  • Hohe Innovationskraft betont
  • Thomas Lindner neuer vti-Vorstandsvorsitzender

Der Umsatz der 16.000 Beschäftigte und 350 Unternehmen zählenden ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie ist in den ersten Monaten dieses Jahres moderat gewachsen. „Nach vorläufigen Berechnungen gehen wir per Ende Mai von einem Plus von knapp 1,5 Prozent aus“, berichtete Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des in Chemnitz ansässigen Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti), anlässlich der vti-Jahresmitgliederversammlung am 12. Juni 2018 in Aue: „Gegenwärtig scheint sich die Konjunktur – ähnlich wie in anderen Branchen – abzuschwächen. So konnten wir im Jahr 2017 mit einem Umsatz-Plus von über drei Prozent im dritten Jahr in Folge einen deutlichen Anstieg verbuchen. Treibende Kraft waren wiederum die Technischen Textilien mit über der Hälfte des Gesamtumsatzes, gefolgt von den Heimtextilien mit rund 30 Prozent und dem Bekleidungssektor mit deutlich weniger als 20 Prozent. Allerdings ist es noch immer nicht gelungen, die starken Umsatzrückgänge der Jahre 2012 bis 2014 vollständig auszugleichen. 2017 haben wir insgesamt 1,87 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet und damit um rund 50 Millionen Euro gegenüber 2016 zugelegt. Zwei Drittel davon resultierten aus dem Export. Leider führten die Embargo-Maßnahmen der EU gegenüber Russland in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem Rückgang der Ausfuhren dorthin um über 50 Prozent; unsere Gesamtbilanz hätte also weit besser ausfallen können. Die nun von den USA veranlassten Handelsbarrieren wirken sich noch nicht direkt auf unsere Branche aus; doch wir betrachten diese gefährliche Entwicklung mit Sorge.“  
Dr.- Ing. Jenz Otto ging auf weitere wirtschaftspolitische Aspekte ein: „Umsatzwachstum ist etwas sehr Erfreuliches. Doch die Finanzierungsgrundlage für Innovationen und Investitionen ist bekanntlich der nach Abzug aller Kosten verbleibende Ertrag. Dieser wird in den Firmen geschmälert durch exorbitante Belastungen, die insbesondere aus der staatlichen Umlage für Erneuerbare Energien und aus erhöhten Netzentgelten in Ostdeutschland resultieren. Hinzu kommen ausufernde Bürokratie und ständig steigender Regulierungsaufwand für alle möglichen Dinge. Weitere gravierende Probleme sind der demografische Wandel und die Rente mit 63 sowie die dadurch negativ beeinflusste Fachkräftesituation. Darum ist es unbedingt erforderlich, alle politischen und wirtschaftlichen Anstrengungen auf weiteres und schnelles Wachstum der Unternehmen zu richten, und alle diesem Prozess entgegenwirkenden Einflussfaktoren möglichst zu vermeiden.
vti-Geschäftsführer Dr. Peter Werkstätter verwies auf die hohe Innovationsfähigkeit der ostdeutschen Textilindustrie, die auf der jüngsten Internationalen Messe für Technische Textilien mtex+ am 29./30. Mai 2018 in Chemnitz eindrucksvoll demonstriert worden sei: „Dank der engen Kooperation mit den im Textilforschungsverbund vereinten Instituten in Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Greiz und Rudolstadt bestimmen unsere mittelständischen Produzenten das Tempo bei der Entwicklung von Hightech-Textilien international mit. Ein signifikantes Beispiel sind neuartige Gesundheitstextilien. Im Rahmen des gegenwärtig vom vti betriebenen Cluster-Projekts ,health.textil 4.0‘ unterstützen wir deren Hersteller, Anwender und Geschäftspartner in Klinik, Pflege, Reha und Wellness zu finden.“
Kompetenzzentrum für textilen Berufsnachwuchs in Plauen geplant

In der ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie haben im Vorjahr 245 junge Menschen eine gewerbliche Berufsausbildung begonnen. „Damit verzeichnen wir ein leichtes Plus gegenüber 2016. Dies ist ein erfreuliches Ergebnis, wenngleich nicht alle Lehrstellen besetzt werden konnten“, konstatierte vti-Geschäftsführer Dr. Peter Werkstätter. Insgesamt befinden sich im Verbandsgebiet derzeit mehr als 1.000 Jugendliche in einer textilen Berufsausbildung, der überwiegende Teil in Sachsen. „In Zukunft werden Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Vernetzung auch in unserer Branche neue Dimensionen annehmen“, betonte der vti-Geschäftsführer:  „Dafür müssen wir den Berufsnachwuchs fit machen und zugleich beste Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten für unsere Fachkräfte schaffen. Das geht jedoch nur mit modernster technischer Ausstattung und einem modernen Lernumfeld, wozu auch zeitgemäß ausgestattete Wohnunterkünfte gehören. Es gilt also, alle verfügbaren Kräfte und Mittel zu bündeln.“  
Dr. Peter Werkstätter verwies auf die den zuständigen Ministerien und Behörden bekannte Empfehlung des vti, die textile Aus- und Weiterbildung der neuen Bundesländer in Plauen zu konzentrieren. Ähnliche Wege gehe man in den Textilregionen Bayern-Franken und Nordrhein-Westfalen, wo in diesem Sinne bereits Investitionen in zweistelliger Millionenhöhe auf den Weg gebracht worden seien:  „Mit dem Beruflichen Schulzentrum e. o. plauen, der Fördergesellschaft für Berufliche Bildung, der Staatlichen Berufsakademie und dem in Westsachsen stark vertretenen Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft verfügen wir in der Vogtlandmetropole über optimale Voraussetzungen. Begünstigend wirkt zudem die Nähe zum Institut für Textil- und Ledertechnik der Westsächsischen Hochschule in Zwickau.“  
Thomas Lindner neuer Vorstandsvorsitzender des vti
Die Mitglieder des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) wählten auf ihrer Jahresversammlung am 12. Juni 2018 in Aue für die kommenden drei Jahre einen 13 Mitglieder zählenden neuen Vorstand. Im Anschluss kürte das Gremium Thomas Lindner (47), Geschäftsführer der Strumpfwerk Lindner GmbH, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, zum neuen Vorstandsvorsitzenden. Er löst Friedmar Götz (67) ab, der auf eigenen Wunsch aus dieser Funktion ausschied. Die Mitgliederversammlung dankte ihm für die in der vergangenen dreijährigen Wahlperiode geleistete ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit an der Verbandsspitze, die er künftig als einer der beiden Vize-Vorsitzenden fortsetzen wird. Die Verbandsmitglieder wählten zudem den Tarif- und Sozialausschuss des vti sowie die Rechnungsprüfer neu.
Die Stellvertretenden vti-Vorstandsvorsitzenden sind Michael Bauer, Curt Bauer GmbH, Aue; Friedmar Götz, Vowalon Beschichtung GmbH, Treuen, und Ralf Lechner, Getzner Textil Weberei GmbH, Gera. Weiter wirken im Vorstand mit: Jörg Brändl, Brändl Textil GmbH, Geyer; Eckhard Bräuninger, Spengler & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG, Crimmitschau; Franziska Hennersdorf, F.J. Rammer GmbH, Ohorn; André Lang, Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH, Mildenau;  Andreas Ludwig, Thorey Gera Textilveredelung GmbH, Gera;
Jürgen Preusche, Ontex Hygieneartikel Deutschland GmbH, Großpostwitz; Tino Vordank, Peppermint Holding GmbH, Berlin; Axel Wicht, Wicht GmbH, Lutherstadt Eisleben, und Peter-Alfred Wippermann, Pulsnitzer Hygiene Berufsbekleidung GmbH, Ohorn/Berlin.  
Der vti-Vorstandsvorsitzende im Kurzporträt: Thomas Lindner (47) stammt aus einer Textilunternehmerfamilie. Sein Urgroßvater hatte 1890 in Hohenstein-Ernstthal/Sachsen eine Strumpffabrik gegründet. Er gehörte seinerzeit zu den Pionieren einer weithin berühmten Tradition: In den 1920er Jahren kamen nahezu drei Viertel der Weltstrumpfproduktion aus der westsächsischen Textilregion. Heute ist die Strumpfwerk Lindner GmbH, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, die älteste noch in Familienbesitz befindliche Strumpffabrik Deutschlands.
Anfang der 1990er Jahre studierte Thomas Lindner an der Universität Augsburg BWL; anschließend an der De Montfort University Leicester (England) Textiltechnik. 1996 trat er in das Unternehmen seiner Eltern Andreas und Regina Lindner ein und fungierte bis 1999 als Vertriebsleiter. Seit dem Jahr 2000 lenkt er die Geschicke der Firma als Geschäftsführer und seit 2008 als geschäftsführender Alleingesellschafter in vierter Generation. Zudem ist er Geschäftsführer der gleichfalls in Hohenstein-Ernstthal ansässigen Firmen LINDNER® Intertrade GmbH und der auf Medizintextilien spezialisierten VENOCARE® GmbH.  
Schon seit vielen Jahren engagiert er sich ehrenamtlich als Präsidiumsmitglied des Gesamtverbandes textil+mode e. V. (t+m), Berlin, sowie als Vorstandsmitglied des vti. Thomas Lindner lebt mit seiner Partnerin und seiner vierjährigen Tochter in Hohenstein-Ernstthal. Als „Steckenpferde“ in der Freizeit nennt er: Familie, Garten, Reisen, Lesen, Architektur und (Motor-)Sport.

More information:

Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti)


Mostafiz Uddin spoke at the 6th Copenhagen Fashion Summit about Transparency in the Supply Chain

Mostafiz Uddin spoke at the 6th Copenhagen Fashion Summit about Transparency in the Supply Chain

Mostafiz Uddin, Managing director, Denim Expert Ltd., founder and CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange spoke at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2018 during a panel on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 about the Transparency in the supply chain.

This makes him the first Bangladeshi garment manufacturer to participate as a panel speaker at a CFS ever. His speech revolved around the apparel industry in his home country of Bangladesh and how his vision influences the way his company manufactures.
The panel was visited by over 1300 top profile participants, including her Highness the Crown Princes of Denmark. It was opened by CEO Leslie Johnson of the C&A Foundation.

Mostafiz Uddin, Managing director, Denim Expert Ltd., founder and CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange spoke at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2018 during a panel on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 about the Transparency in the supply chain.

This makes him the first Bangladeshi garment manufacturer to participate as a panel speaker at a CFS ever. His speech revolved around the apparel industry in his home country of Bangladesh and how his vision influences the way his company manufactures.
The panel was visited by over 1300 top profile participants, including her Highness the Crown Princes of Denmark. It was opened by CEO Leslie Johnson of the C&A Foundation.

Mostafiz Uddin said after the panel: “I am thankful to the CFS organisers for giving me such a great opportunity and honour, to my country to share the true story of Bangladesh and our apparel industry.”
About Mostafiz Uddin: Mostafiz Uddin is managing director of Denim Expert Ltd., an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible compliant garment manufacturing plant in Chittagong, Bangladesh. A visionary entrepreneur in the development of sustainable apparel systems, Uddin is personally driven by social and environmental ethics and is recognised as a game changer through his introduction of sustainable practices, innovation and fashion disruption, which he sees as key to the future of the Bangladesh apparel industry.
Uddin founded the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) to promote sustainable practices within the Bangladesh apparel industry and to improve the country’s image via various initiatives under the banner of BAE, including the Sustainable Apparel Forum, the Bangladesh Fashionology Summit and Bangladesh Denim Expo. Through these endeavours he strives to promote the advancement of sustainable practices, including environmentally sound production methods, full transparency, innovation, circularity and technology.

About the Copenhagen Fashion Summit: The sixth edition of the Summit also boasted 75 high-level speakers, including sustainability thought leader David Roberts of Singularity University; EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager; COO Eric Sprunk of NIKE; CEO Spencer Fung of Li & Fung; Vogue US fashion director Tonne Goodman; sustainability pioneer Dame Ellen MacArthur; models and entrepreneurs Lily Cole and Edie Campbell, the founders of Highsnobiety, Vestiaire Collective, Fashion Revolution, and many more. The hosts were Amber Valletta, actress, model and entrepreneur, and Tim Blanks, editor-at-large of The Business of Fashion.

Wrapping up two days of intense leadership roundtables, conversations and business meetings was a panel discussion featuring the Strategic Partners of Global Fashion Agenda: Kering, H&M, Target, Li & Fung and Sustainable Apparel Coalition, who took the stage to address why sustainability should be a leadership priority and to discuss some of the recommendations from the Pulse of the Fashion Industry 2018 report, released the week prior to the Summit.


An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.

Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation. (c) Archroma
Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation.

Archroma: New leader for Brand & Performance Textile Specialties business

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

A Chemical Engineer from the Ingenieurschule Beider Basel, Mr Furrer started his career with Clariant in Switzerland as Product Manager Sulphur Dyes, Textile Business, in 1997. He then grew in the organization as Head of Continuous Dyeing Cellulosic (1999 to 2001); Head of Business Unit (BU) Textile Dyes and Textile Chemicals in México (2001 to 2005); Global Head for the Product Group Cellulosic Dyes (2005 to 2007), Head of BU Textile Chemicals Latin America (2007 to 2009); Head of BU Textile Chemicals Americas (2009 to 2012); Head of Emulsions (January 2012 to June 2012); and Head of Marketing and Sales Plastic and Special Applications, BU Pigments (January 2013 to 2015).

His latest role as Head of Regional Business Line Europe, BU Pigments, Strategic Plastics, brought him back to Switzerland in January 2015, with the mission to implement the new BU Pigments regional structure in Europe.

Mr Furrer speaks 5 languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

More information:


RWTH doctoral candidates Marcin Kopaczka (LfB) und Marco Saggiomo (ITA) with the award-winning image processing system RWTH doctoral candidates Marcin Kopaczka (LfB) und Marco Saggiomo (ITA) with the award-winning image processing system (c) ITA
RWTH doctoral candidates Marcin Kopaczka (LfB) und Marco Saggiomo (ITA) with the award-winning image processing system

Researcher of ITA and LfB win ICPRAM-Best Student Paper Award

Image processing system allows cost savings of more than 2,000 euros per year and weaving machine

MSc Marco Saggiomo from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) and graduate engineer Marcin Kopaczka from the Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision of RWTH Aachen University (LfB) developed an image processing system for weaving machines that provides comprehensive benefits for woven fabric producers. The image processing system enables the weaving machine to detect faulty pickings autonomously. The application of the image processing system leads to cost savings of at least 2,210 euros per year for each weaving machine in comparison to manual faulty picking repairs.

The researchers won the “Best Student Paper Award” within the framework of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) for their joint paper on “Fully Automatic Faulty Weft Thread Detection using a Camera System and Feature-based Pattern Recognition”. The award confirms the success of the co-operation of both institutes, ITA and LfB, which will be continued in future research projects.

Image processing system allows cost savings of more than 2,000 euros per year and weaving machine

MSc Marco Saggiomo from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) and graduate engineer Marcin Kopaczka from the Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision of RWTH Aachen University (LfB) developed an image processing system for weaving machines that provides comprehensive benefits for woven fabric producers. The image processing system enables the weaving machine to detect faulty pickings autonomously. The application of the image processing system leads to cost savings of at least 2,210 euros per year for each weaving machine in comparison to manual faulty picking repairs.

The researchers won the “Best Student Paper Award” within the framework of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) for their joint paper on “Fully Automatic Faulty Weft Thread Detection using a Camera System and Feature-based Pattern Recognition”. The award confirms the success of the co-operation of both institutes, ITA and LfB, which will be continued in future research projects.

The image processing system is part of the doctoral thesis of Marco Saggiomo. Marcin Kopaczka supported ITA with the development of the image processing algorithm.
The joint paper is based on the successfully concluded project WeftAlert within the framework of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations. Further results of the WeftAlert project include the extension of the state of the art of image-based process optimisation of air-jet weaving, excellent outcomes in image processing as well as the validation of image processing systems in laboratory and industrial environments.

More information:


Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. © Lectra Deutschland GmbH
Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland.

Lectra Germany appoints Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

“The transformation to Industry 4.0 is in full swing: the Industrial Internet of Things, Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud technology, data analyses and data exploitation have become key,” underlines Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “Working for Lectra for over 15 years, Holger has a deep experience and knowledge of Lectra’s DNA, and is in a very strong position to support our customers in the digitalization of their processes.”

“Industry 4.0. started in Germany. Therefore, many companies are keen to adopt its principles in our region. Lectra is very well-positioned to support our customers in their transformation,“ says Holger Max-Lang.In my role, I am looking forward to a growing dialogue with our customers and prospects, to bring them a full understanding of the expertise we have built - and are building. We will leverage this expertise to boost our customers’ competitiveness and generate higher added-value for their businesses.”

Following marketing and sales positions in the IT and automotive industry sectors, Holger joined Lectra Germany in September 2002 as a salesperson for automotive accounts. He then held diverse sales’ roles in the region, including the position of Sales Manager for all Lectra markets in Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Since September 2017 Holger has held the role of Business Development Director, Automotive, with the responsibility to develop the leather cutting activity worldwide.


Lectra Deutschland GmbH

(c) Hochschule Niederrhein, University of Applied Sciences. Das Gewinnerteam mit den Auftraggebern ihrer Arbeit: die Professoren Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer und Dr. Yordan Kyosev.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik-Studierende zeigen tolle Projekte

Es ist eine der beliebtesten Veranstaltungen am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein: die Präsentation der Ergebnisse der Projektarbeiten aus dem vergangenen Semester. 297 Studierende haben in 29 interdisziplinär zusammengewürfelten Zehnergruppen unter industrienahen Bedingungen praxisorientierte Projekte bearbeitet. Jetzt wurden die Ergebnisse im Laufe eines ganzen Tages in Zwölf-Minuten-Präsentationen im Audimax in Mönchengladbach vorgestellt.

Es ist eine der beliebtesten Veranstaltungen am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein: die Präsentation der Ergebnisse der Projektarbeiten aus dem vergangenen Semester. 297 Studierende haben in 29 interdisziplinär zusammengewürfelten Zehnergruppen unter industrienahen Bedingungen praxisorientierte Projekte bearbeitet. Jetzt wurden die Ergebnisse im Laufe eines ganzen Tages in Zwölf-Minuten-Präsentationen im Audimax in Mönchengladbach vorgestellt.

Wiederkehrende Themen bei den 29 Projekten waren Nachhaltigkeit und Recycling. Projektgruppe 15 entwarf für das fiktive Label Sailmade neue Produkte aus alten Segeln. Ein ausgedientes Segel wurde zum Sitzsack umgenäht, gefüllt wurde es mit alten Schwimmbrettern und Poolnudeln. Zudem entwarfen die Studierenden Accessiores wie Mützen und faltbare Trinkbeutel, die aus Abfallprodukten aus der Segelbranche entstanden. Gruppe zwei entwickelte gemeinsam mit Walther Faltsysteme eine nachhaltige Verpackungslösung für die Textillogistik. Die entworfene Transportbox kann im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Verpackungen immer wieder benutzt werden, ist für die Mitarbeitenden in den Modegeschäften einfacher zu handhaben und schont nicht nur Ressourcen, sondern auch den Geldbeutel der Händler.

Professorinnen und Professoren des Fachbereichs wählten am Ende des langen  Tages das Siegerteam aus: Es gewann das Team Project_20: Diese Studierenden erstellten für die Internationale Woche der Schmal- und Smarttextilien, die vom 19. bis 23. Februar an der Hochschule Niederrhein stattfindet,  tagungsbegleitende Materialien. Unter anderem realisierten sie gemeinsam mit der Düsseldorfer Produktionsfirma Neuland Films ein Werbevideo.
„Die Veranstaltung Projekte ist eine eigenständige Lehrveranstaltung, die im Curriculum aller Bachelorstudiengänge verpflichtend im 5. Semester verankert ist“, sagt Professor Dr. Klaus Hardt vom Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik. Die Studierenden sollen anhand einer konkreten Themenstellung für echte Auftraggeber Erfahrungen sammeln. „Für mich war es das erste Mal, dass ich mit einem realen Auftraggeber zusammengearbeitet habe. Es war eine sehr wertvolle Erfahrung“, sagt Verena Zirbs, die am Fachbereich Designingenieurwesen mit dem Schwerpunkt Mode studiert. Gemeinsam mit dem Mönchengladbacher Unternehmen Gina Lehnen entwarf ihr Projektteam eine dreiteilige Loungewearkollektion.


Hochschule Niederrhein, University of Applied Sciences


Montalvo Promotes New Director of Sales and Marketing

Gorham, ME, USA – Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, has promoted Bryon Williams to Director of Sales and Marketing. Mr. William’s will oversee Montalvo’s North America sales efforts, and global marketing strategy with an emphasis on building relationships within existing and new industries, managing Montalvo’s internal and external sales team, and continuing to further Montalvo’s marketing strategy. Previously Mr. Williams worked as Montalvo’s Global Marketing Manager.

Montalvo’s CEO Robin Goodwin says “Bryon has been with Montalvo since 2010, during which time he has shaped and elevated our global branding and marketing strategy while helping to manage our product portfolio. Bryon is highly committed to delivering excellence both internally and externally, directly benefitting our customers and his colleagues. He will bring this commitment and dedication to his new role, to grow Montalvo even further.”

Gorham, ME, USA – Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, has promoted Bryon Williams to Director of Sales and Marketing. Mr. William’s will oversee Montalvo’s North America sales efforts, and global marketing strategy with an emphasis on building relationships within existing and new industries, managing Montalvo’s internal and external sales team, and continuing to further Montalvo’s marketing strategy. Previously Mr. Williams worked as Montalvo’s Global Marketing Manager.

Montalvo’s CEO Robin Goodwin says “Bryon has been with Montalvo since 2010, during which time he has shaped and elevated our global branding and marketing strategy while helping to manage our product portfolio. Bryon is highly committed to delivering excellence both internally and externally, directly benefitting our customers and his colleagues. He will bring this commitment and dedication to his new role, to grow Montalvo even further.”

Before Montalvo, Mr. Williams specialized in customer communication and marketing coordination at and Sunday River Ski Resort. Mr. Williams attended Bryant University and earned a Bachelor’s in Business Administrant in Marking and Communication and is currently earning his Masters of Business Administration in Leadership from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine.


The Montalvo Corporation


Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG © Lenzing AG

Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

“In recent years, Stefan Doboczky and his colleagues on the Management Board have been able to make excellent use of the favourable market conditions on the basis of the previous restructuring in order to transform an Austrian company with foreign investments into a truly global player with strong Austrian roots. This has created the basis for consistently pursuing the growth strategy we have embarked on with the entire team, even under difficult conditions, and thus securing the long-term future of the Lenzing Group. We are very pleased that Stefan Doboczky will continue to dedicate himself to these tasks over the next five years”, said Hanno Bästlein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG on the occasion of Doboczky’s reappointment.
In addition to Stefan Doboczky, the Management Board of Lenzing AG consists of Chief Commercial Officer Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Financial Officer Thomas Obendrauf and Chief Technology Officer Heiko Arnold.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel ©Lectra
Nathalie Brunel

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

“The fashion and apparel industry, a historic market for Lectra, is the pillar of our international presence. Our customers expect a high level of expertise and advice to meet the challenges they face due to the digitalization of their professions. Nathalie Brunel’s experience in transforming organizations and developing business for complex solutions within large groups is a valuable asset for both Lectra and our customers,” states Edouard Macquin.

“The fashion and apparel ecosystem is clearly entering the digital era. I aim to bring Lectra’s value proposition to our customers, facilitating their adoption of Industry 4.0 principles. I am proud to contribute to the integration of new technologies in their processes, from design to the finished product. It is crucial to meet the needs of companies facing a complex and fragmented market that is generating both local, and global, pressures,” underlines Nathalie Brunel.

Nathalie Brunel has over 20 years of experience in managing large accounts and management responsibility. In 1996, she joined the Altran group where she successively held the roles of Development Director, Director of a business unit, Associate Director, and Executive Director of large accounts. In 2011, Orange Business Services recruited Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President, Business Operations and Support, then Vice-President Large Accounts, Manufacturing and IT. Prior to joining Lectra, Nathalie Brunel held the position of CEO and shareholder of Okavango Energy, a consulting and industrial energy performance company.

Nathalie has a diploma from the Institut supérieur de commerce de Paris.



Beaulieu Yarns received the Highly Protected Risk (HPR) Award at a ceremony on November 7, 2017 attended by all staff, and representatives of B.I.G. Management, Beaulieu Yarns Management and FM Global Management. © Beaulieu International Group
Beaulieu Yarns receives HPR Award

Beaulieu Yarns awarded prestigious FM Global “Highly Protected Risk” (HPR) status for French production site

  • HPR is the highest status a plant can achieve for fire risk prevention and protection
  • The site Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines is the second in the Beaulieu International Group to reach HPR status
  • Underlines Group’s commitment to risk prevention at B.I.G. sites & to reinforcing our strong business contingency plan

Wielsbeke, Belgium – Beaulieu Yarns, the global supplier of high-quality polyamide and polypropylene yarns, is pleased to announce the achievement of Highly Protected Risk (HPR) status for its French production site, Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines. Awarded by FM Global, HPR designation means a facility meets the highest industry standards for property protection.

  • HPR is the highest status a plant can achieve for fire risk prevention and protection
  • The site Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines is the second in the Beaulieu International Group to reach HPR status
  • Underlines Group’s commitment to risk prevention at B.I.G. sites & to reinforcing our strong business contingency plan

Wielsbeke, Belgium – Beaulieu Yarns, the global supplier of high-quality polyamide and polypropylene yarns, is pleased to announce the achievement of Highly Protected Risk (HPR) status for its French production site, Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines. Awarded by FM Global, HPR designation means a facility meets the highest industry standards for property protection.

FM Global, Beaulieu International Group’s (B.I.G.) industrial property and business interruption insurer for the past two years, offers a unique concept that supports the Group in reducing its exposure to loss and increases its business resilience. A dedicated worldwide team of engineers focuses on providing assistance and protection of its assets, helping the Group to achieve a higher level of risk protection.

The Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines site produces high quality yarns for a large variety of application and market segments including the automotive industry. It scored exceptionally well in its FM Global assessment which focused on aspects including fire protection, protection against natural hazard, mechanical breakdown of machinery and also cyber risks.

Its overall risk mark of 76 ranks it within the top 25% of its industry for fire risk prevention and protection.

Commenting on the Award, Emmanuel Colchen, Global Sales Director Yarns within BU Beaulieu Engineered Products, said: “This HPR yarn production site reinforces strongly our supply chain security and demonstrates our engagement towards our customers and partners. Our contingency planning and risk management are essential, well-considered elements within our long-term business strategy to demanding sectors such as Automotive and Commercial & Residential floor covering contracts.”

Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines is the second facility in the Group to attain HPR status, and the very first in Europe. Pinnacle Polymers LLC in the USA also achieved the HPR as a chemical plant, which is a rare achievement within the chemical business. Fire risk prevention is part of the Group’s broader risk management activities. B.I.G. is investing in increasing the level of protection at all B.I.G. plants in order to protect its business continuity.

The divisions of B.I.G. are also implementing a number of safety programmes to raise awareness of workplace safety and to maintain strong safety records.

Karena Cancilleri, Vice President BU Beaulieu Engineered Products, commented: “I am proud of Beaulieu Yarns for achieving the highly-regarded FM Global HPR Award and setting an example for the whole Beaulieu International Group. This positive step reflects the strong commitment of the Engineered Products division and the rest of the Group to improving safety and protecting our workplaces and our production facilities.”

Beaulieu Yarns received the HPR Award at a ceremony on November 7, 2017 attended by all staff, and representatives of B.I.G. Management, Beaulieu Yarns Management and FM Global Management.

VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association © VDMA
(v.l.n.r.): Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons of the Textile Machinery Association: Regina Brückner, Fritz P. Mayer, Verena Thies.

VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

The new executive board for the legislative period until 2021 is composed of:
Regina Brückner (Chairperson), Brückner Trockentechnik
Verena Thies (Vice Chairperson), Thies
Fritz P. Mayer (Vice Chairman), Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Johann Phillip Dilo, Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik
Peter D. Dornier, Lindauer Dornier
Arno Gärtner, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Roland Hampel, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen
Dr. Janpeter Horn, Herzog
Markus Kleindorp, Memminger-Iro
Martin Küppers, Saurer Schlafhorst
Georg Stausberg, Oerlikon Textile
Andreas Lukas, Andritz Küsters
Benjamin Mayer, Mayer & Cie.     
Eric Schöller, Groz-Beckert
Heinrich Trützschler, Trützschler



Students from all Europe invited to compete in the 4th European Universities & Grad. Schools Innovation Championship ©Morpheus Cup
Morpheus Cup

Students from all Europe invited to compete in the 4th European Universities & Grad. Schools Innovation Championship

Paris - On April 12th 2018, top European talents from 120 campuses will compete in the fourth edition of the Morpheus Cup to showcase their skills and highlight their most innovative projects. After Luxembourg in 2017, the event will take place in 2018 at the Palais Brongniart (Stock Exchange) in Paris and will focus on burning topics such as Digital Transformation, Creativity, Deeptech, Circular Economy, Ecommerce and much more.

Since its launch in 2015, the Morpheus Cup has been placed under the high patronage of the European Commission with the support of Commissioners Marianne Thyssen and Carlos Moedas in 2017. "The championship is a great opportunity for young people to showcase their skills and to help to bridge the gap between universities, schools and the European employment market. In the Commission, we believe that the right skills not only improve young people's life chances, but also act as a driver for our future competitiveness and growth" underlines Mrs. Thyssen.

Paris - On April 12th 2018, top European talents from 120 campuses will compete in the fourth edition of the Morpheus Cup to showcase their skills and highlight their most innovative projects. After Luxembourg in 2017, the event will take place in 2018 at the Palais Brongniart (Stock Exchange) in Paris and will focus on burning topics such as Digital Transformation, Creativity, Deeptech, Circular Economy, Ecommerce and much more.

Since its launch in 2015, the Morpheus Cup has been placed under the high patronage of the European Commission with the support of Commissioners Marianne Thyssen and Carlos Moedas in 2017. "The championship is a great opportunity for young people to showcase their skills and to help to bridge the gap between universities, schools and the European employment market. In the Commission, we believe that the right skills not only improve young people's life chances, but also act as a driver for our future competitiveness and growth" underlines Mrs. Thyssen.

In the last three years, the event already attracted hundreds of campus from more than 20 countries and rewarded many of them including Warshaw School of Economics, Mannheim Business School, HEC Paris, Polytechnique Nantes, universities from Oxford, Berlin, Luxembourg, Athens, and Barcelona.

New challenges for new talents

The next edition will take the competition to another level by featuring tech, business, science, marketing, creative challenges in five different rooms, suggesting meetings with employers, innovative brands and investors through 50 stands and presenting not less than 20 categories for students to submit their projects/startups ideas (Morpheus Prize). Apart from the live experiences and challenges designed by entrepreneurs or partners of the event, almost 500 research projects and startups will be showcased to win awards, the championship and up to €50,000 worth of prizes.

Art, circular economy, human capital, smart cities, mobility, FinTech, design, industry, sport, artificial intelligence, topics, regardless of the students’ profiles and education level, invite them to be creative in many different fields.

Finalists will have to pitch in front of an international jury. Past editions welcomed jury members from Google Lunar XPrize, WarnerBros, Accenture, European Investment Fund, FC Barcelona, ESA, Canal+, Novak Djokovic Foundation etc. Daimler, Forbes, Expon Capital, Davidson, Leroy-Merlin, PwC have already joined the next edition.

Registrations are already open. First partners, jury members and employers will be unveiled before Christmas season.

The Morpheus Cup’s website unveils the main characteristics of the championship and also the past editions prize-winners.

More information:
Morpheus Cup
Externer Doktorand des ITM mit dem handling award 2017 ausgezeichnet © Daimler AG
Betriebsmittelmodulbaukasten FibreTEC3D

Externer Doktorand des ITM mit dem handling award 2017 ausgezeichnet

M. Sc. Niklas Minsch von der Daimler AG und externer Doktorand am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wurde für seine Entwicklungen zum Thema "Ultra-Leichtbau-Betriebsmittel aus generischen Faserverbundstrukturen - FibreTEC3D" am 10. Oktober 2017 mit dem handling award 2017 in der Kategorie "Handhabung und Montage" (1. Preisträger) im Rahmen der Messe "Motek" in Stuttgart ausgezeichnet.

Mit FibreTEC3D stellt Herr Niklas Minsch einen Greifer-/Betriebsmittelmodulbaukasten vor und errang in der Kategorie „Handhabung und Montage“ den ersten Platz. FibreTEC3D ist ein komplett neu entwickeltes Herstellungsverfahren für Kohlefaserkunststoffverbunde.

Essenziell dafür ist die dreidimensionale kernlose Wickeltechnik, welche in der Tec-Fabrik von Daimler in Kooperation mit dem ITM der TU Dresden im Rahmen der Promotion von Herrn Minsch entwickelt wurde. Dieses generative Fertigungsverfahren ermöglicht eine werkzeugfreie, flexible Ablage von Kohlefasersträngen im Raum, wodurch ein maximaler Leichtbaugrad bei minimalen Kosten und höchster Flexibilität erreicht werden kann.

M. Sc. Niklas Minsch von der Daimler AG und externer Doktorand am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wurde für seine Entwicklungen zum Thema "Ultra-Leichtbau-Betriebsmittel aus generischen Faserverbundstrukturen - FibreTEC3D" am 10. Oktober 2017 mit dem handling award 2017 in der Kategorie "Handhabung und Montage" (1. Preisträger) im Rahmen der Messe "Motek" in Stuttgart ausgezeichnet.

Mit FibreTEC3D stellt Herr Niklas Minsch einen Greifer-/Betriebsmittelmodulbaukasten vor und errang in der Kategorie „Handhabung und Montage“ den ersten Platz. FibreTEC3D ist ein komplett neu entwickeltes Herstellungsverfahren für Kohlefaserkunststoffverbunde.

Essenziell dafür ist die dreidimensionale kernlose Wickeltechnik, welche in der Tec-Fabrik von Daimler in Kooperation mit dem ITM der TU Dresden im Rahmen der Promotion von Herrn Minsch entwickelt wurde. Dieses generative Fertigungsverfahren ermöglicht eine werkzeugfreie, flexible Ablage von Kohlefasersträngen im Raum, wodurch ein maximaler Leichtbaugrad bei minimalen Kosten und höchster Flexibilität erreicht werden kann.

Mit dem handling award wurden herausragende Produkte und Systemlösungen im Bereich der Fertigungs- und Montageautomatisierung sowie Neuerungen in den Fachgebieten Handhabungstechnik, Robotik, Materialfluss- und Fördertechnik prämiert. Während der Feierstunde übergab Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Franke vom Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg sowie Vorstandsmitglied der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Montage, Handhabung und Industrierobotik (MHI) als Laudator die Preise gemeinsam mit Herrn René Khestel, Geschäftsführer der WEKA BUSINESS MEDIEN GmbH, Herausgeber der Fachzeitschrift handling.


Technische Universität Dresden

Diese Frühjahr-Sommer-Saison 2018 entführt uns die Kollektion von Graciela Huam auf den Gray Beach, den Strand von Lima.  ©GRACIELA HUAM
Graciela Huam Frühjahr-Sommer-Saison 2018


  • This Spring Summer Season 2018 Graciela Huam's second knit collection takes us to the Gray Beach…

Northern Europe is known for its short summer, the cool wind during the morning and evening and its unpredictable climate. Those countries are not warm even during the summer season.

Therefore, many people often travel to the south: Spain, Italy, Portugal or Asia longing for sun, sand and sea. And there is Lima, a coastal city with a good climate and a characteristic grey sky throughout the year, where the sun is hidden among the dense clouds, but despite this detail, its strong presence is still felt. If we move to Lima, we lie on the sand and cast our gaze to the sky as it teleports us to the cold northern European sky with the difference that our presence is on that warm gray beach.

Graciela Huam takes its heritage and inspiration from The Netherlands and Peru, those are the countries that influence and guide her work. The designer combines the vibrant Peruvian culture with the Dutch avant-garde design and her favorite colours are powered by the landscapes of both.

  • This Spring Summer Season 2018 Graciela Huam's second knit collection takes us to the Gray Beach…

Northern Europe is known for its short summer, the cool wind during the morning and evening and its unpredictable climate. Those countries are not warm even during the summer season.

Therefore, many people often travel to the south: Spain, Italy, Portugal or Asia longing for sun, sand and sea. And there is Lima, a coastal city with a good climate and a characteristic grey sky throughout the year, where the sun is hidden among the dense clouds, but despite this detail, its strong presence is still felt. If we move to Lima, we lie on the sand and cast our gaze to the sky as it teleports us to the cold northern European sky with the difference that our presence is on that warm gray beach.

Graciela Huam takes its heritage and inspiration from The Netherlands and Peru, those are the countries that influence and guide her work. The designer combines the vibrant Peruvian culture with the Dutch avant-garde design and her favorite colours are powered by the landscapes of both.

The products are designed in the Netherlands and created in the Andes of Peru, using only the most exclusive Peruvian materials such as the luxurious Alpaca and the famous Pima Cotton. All garments are made by passionate and skilled Peruvian craftspeople. This results in beautiful and high quality garments and a contemporary, prêt-à-porter style, creating versatile collections of knitwear.

Graciela Huam follows the principles of responsible and sustainable production, using traditional methods in order to achieve quality that is superior to industrially made products.

The brand is committed to partnering with local entrepreneur artisans and is working in association with a group certified with the principles of fair trade. Knitwear will always be a good investment and just like a work of art can create a truly iconic end result.

The choice of fabrics and production of Graciela Huam's knitted garments combined with this unique technique will reveal to you the high dedication and passion the designer feels for her work.

Felix von Jascheroff Puttkammer Handels GmbH & Co. KG
Felix von Jascheroff

GZSZ-Star Felix von Jascheroff wird Markenbotschafter von PHINOMEM

Der Schauspieler Felix von Jascheroff wird die deutschen Modemarke PHINOMEN ab sofort als Markenbotschafter repräsentieren. Der mehrfach ausgezeichnete GZSZ-Star wird in die Kampagnen zum Start der neuen Kollektion von PHINOMEN eingebunden. Felix von Jascheroff repräsentiert mit seiner ausgesprochen sympathischen Persönlichkeit perfekt das ausgeprägte Trendbewusstsein der Lifestyle-orientierten Community. Das PHINOMEN Team rund um den Gründer Philipp Puttkammer freut sich darauf, gemeinsam mit dem Schauspieler die neuen Sneaker und Textilien zu präsentieren. Die Shooting-Story bis hin zu den PHINOMEN-Lieblingstücken von Felix von Jascheroff finden Fans unter 

Der Schauspieler Felix von Jascheroff wird die deutschen Modemarke PHINOMEN ab sofort als Markenbotschafter repräsentieren. Der mehrfach ausgezeichnete GZSZ-Star wird in die Kampagnen zum Start der neuen Kollektion von PHINOMEN eingebunden. Felix von Jascheroff repräsentiert mit seiner ausgesprochen sympathischen Persönlichkeit perfekt das ausgeprägte Trendbewusstsein der Lifestyle-orientierten Community. Das PHINOMEN Team rund um den Gründer Philipp Puttkammer freut sich darauf, gemeinsam mit dem Schauspieler die neuen Sneaker und Textilien zu präsentieren. Die Shooting-Story bis hin zu den PHINOMEN-Lieblingstücken von Felix von Jascheroff finden Fans unter 

PHINOMEN Gründer und Head of Design Philipp Puttkammer: „Wir sind sehr begeistert, dass wir Felix heute endlich als Markenbotschafter vorstellen dürfen. Wie viele von Instagram und Co. wissen, ist er seit Längerem schon ein Freund der PHINOMEN-Sneaker. Wir hatten ein unheimlich tolles Shooting in Berlin und freuen uns, die Kampagnenfotos nun für jeden zugänglich zu machen. Felix passt ideal zu unserer Marke und repräsentiert 1-zu-1 unsere Werte – einzigartig, sympathisch, lebensecht und positiv verrückt!“

Felix von Jascheroff ist absoluter Sneaker-Fan und schätzt an PHINOMEN nicht nur das Trendsetting: „Den richtigen Style zu jedem Anlass zu finden ist gar nicht so einfach. Mit PHINOMEN Sneaker macht man nie etwas falsch. Man kann sie sogar zum Anzug tragen und es sieht immer noch top gekleidet aus. Die Hoodies, Shirts und Caps sind eine perfekte Abrundung für das daily outfit. Ich freue mich sehr mit PHINOMEN zusammen arbeiten zu dürfen. Es gibt leider immer weniger Brands, die in Europa produzieren lassen - und dies auch noch bei handgefertigten Produkten. Ich kann nur sagen: top Qualität, top Marke!"



Puttkammer Handels GmbH & Co. KG

Seidensticker Group Textilkontor Walter Seidensticker GmbH & Co. KG
Seidensticker Group

Christian Bregovac verlässt die Seidensticker-Gruppe

Christian Bregovac (45), Geschäftsführer der Rawe Moden GmbH, der Seidensticker Private Label GmbH sowie der Seidensticker USA Ltd., verlässt zum 30. September 2017 auf eigenen Wunsch die Unternehmensgruppe Seidensticker.

Christian Bregovac (45), Geschäftsführer der Rawe Moden GmbH, der Seidensticker Private Label GmbH sowie der Seidensticker USA Ltd., verlässt zum 30. September 2017 auf eigenen Wunsch die Unternehmensgruppe Seidensticker.

Der gebürtige Nürnberger begann 1997 als Sales und Merchandise Manager bei dem Tochterunternehmen Seidensticker Overseas Ltd. in Hong Kong, um ab 1999 als Senior Executive Vice President für die Seidensticker-Gruppe in den USA zu arbeiten. 2003 übernahm er die Geschäftsführung der Rawe Moden GmbH in Deutschland sowie ab 2008 der Seidensticker Private Label GmbH.
Zukünftig verantworten mit Helge Westphal (44) und Thomas Mismahl (53), zwei ausgewiesene Fachkräfte mit langjährigem Know-how und Branchenkenntnissen, die Leitung des Bereichs.
Helge Westphal, der seit dem 1. Juni 2017 im Unternehmen ist, übernimmt ab dem 1. Oktober das Lizenz-Geschäft für die Marke Arrow und die Rawe Moden GmbH sowie das Private Label Blusen Segment. Helge Westphal verfügt über eine umfassende Expertise im Marken- und Private Label Bereich, u. a. bei Zodiac Metropolitan Clothing. Als Geschäftsführer baute er die Marke REDMOND auf und verantwortete zeitgleich als Head of Product & Design die Marken Casamoda und Venti.
Thomas Mismahl, der als Geschäftsführer der Seidensticker Europe Agency auf eine 30-jährige Erfahrung im Private Label Asiengeschäft innerhalb der Seidensticker-Gruppe blickt, übernimmt daneben ab sofort das Private Label Europageschäft.

"Mit der Doppelspitze aus Thomas Mismahl und Helge Westphal haben wir uns strategisch zukunftsweisend aufgestellt und freuen uns auf die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Christian Bregovac danken wir herzlich für seine Verdienste in unserem Unternehmen und wünschen ihm alles Gute", so die geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter Frank und Gerd Oliver Seidensticker.

More information:
Seidensticker Führungswechsel

Textilkontor Walter Seidensticker GmbH & Co. KG