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Foto: Fidlock

Joachim Fiedler Finalist beim Europäischen Erfinderpreis 2022

Das Europäische Patentamt (EPA) hat den deutschen Erfinder Joachim Fiedler als einen von vier Finalisten für den Europäischen Erfinderpreis 2022 in der Kategorie „Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen“ (KMU) nominiert.

Joachim Fiedler ist Cellist und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Firma Fidlock GmbH, die für ihre außergewöhnlichen magnet-mechanischen Verschlusssystemen bekannt ist. Das Unternehmen bietet clevere Verschlusslösungen für Kunden und Endverbraucher, die den Alltag erleichtern. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig: Sie finden beispielsweise Anwendung in den Airmax-Modellen von Nike und schwäbischen Edelautomobilen, in zwei Drittel aller Schulranzen in Deutschland und 25 Millionen Helmverschlüssen weltweit. Auch die Eigenmarke FIDLOCK BIKE ist mit ihren magnet-mechanischen Halterungen ein wichtiger Player im Markt für Fahrradzubehör.

Grundstein für die Unternehmensgründung war ursprünglich ein selbst entwickeltes Cello-Tragesystem, um das Instrument auch beim Radfahren auf dem Rücken transportieren zu können. Mit der Entwicklung einer einhändig bedienbaren Halterung für den Cellobogen kam die Magnetkraft hinzu.

Das Europäische Patentamt (EPA) hat den deutschen Erfinder Joachim Fiedler als einen von vier Finalisten für den Europäischen Erfinderpreis 2022 in der Kategorie „Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen“ (KMU) nominiert.

Joachim Fiedler ist Cellist und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Firma Fidlock GmbH, die für ihre außergewöhnlichen magnet-mechanischen Verschlusssystemen bekannt ist. Das Unternehmen bietet clevere Verschlusslösungen für Kunden und Endverbraucher, die den Alltag erleichtern. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig: Sie finden beispielsweise Anwendung in den Airmax-Modellen von Nike und schwäbischen Edelautomobilen, in zwei Drittel aller Schulranzen in Deutschland und 25 Millionen Helmverschlüssen weltweit. Auch die Eigenmarke FIDLOCK BIKE ist mit ihren magnet-mechanischen Halterungen ein wichtiger Player im Markt für Fahrradzubehör.

Grundstein für die Unternehmensgründung war ursprünglich ein selbst entwickeltes Cello-Tragesystem, um das Instrument auch beim Radfahren auf dem Rücken transportieren zu können. Mit der Entwicklung einer einhändig bedienbaren Halterung für den Cellobogen kam die Magnetkraft hinzu.

In der Kategorie KMU werden herausragende Erfinder kleiner Unternehmen mit weniger als 250 Angestellten und einem maximalen Jahresumsatz von 50 Millionen Euro ausgezeichnet. Am 21. Juni findet die Bekanntgabe der Gewinner des Europäischen Erfinderpreises im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung statt. Bis dahin besteht die Möglichkeit zusätzlich den Publikumspreis zu gewinnen – per Online-Voting kann täglich eine Stimme abgegeben werden.

 cooperation of ELA and ELCA (c) Sébastien D‘Halloy
At this year's JEC World in Paris, the future cooperation of ELA and ELCA was sealed to strengthen lightweight technology in Europe. Image: from left to right: Freek de Bruijn, Jean Pierre Heijster, Wolfgang Seeliger, Laure, Carsten Lies, Eric Pierrejean, Cécile Bedouet, Ricardo del Valle, Aitor Hornés, Emma Arussi, Lena Wollbeck

Strong partnership for European lightweight technology

Cooperating alliances for lightweight technology: The European Lightweight Association (ELA) and the European Lightweight Clusters Alliance (ELCA) have decided to work together. Both European lightweight clusters are united by the common goal of giving the enormous economic and ecological potential of lightweight technology more visibility in politics, business and science at European, national and regional level. In addition, complementary expertises of work form the basis for the future partnership, from which European lightweight technology can optimally benefit.

"We see great potential in the future cooperation of the ELA and the ELCA to advance lightweight technology in Europe with combined forces," says Dr Katharina Schöps as representative of the ELCA. "In this way, we are strengthening the global competitiveness of European companies and at the same time making a significant contribution to climate protection," says Jean-Pierre Heijster of the ELA about the cooperation of the European lightweight technology networks.

Cooperating alliances for lightweight technology: The European Lightweight Association (ELA) and the European Lightweight Clusters Alliance (ELCA) have decided to work together. Both European lightweight clusters are united by the common goal of giving the enormous economic and ecological potential of lightweight technology more visibility in politics, business and science at European, national and regional level. In addition, complementary expertises of work form the basis for the future partnership, from which European lightweight technology can optimally benefit.

"We see great potential in the future cooperation of the ELA and the ELCA to advance lightweight technology in Europe with combined forces," says Dr Katharina Schöps as representative of the ELCA. "In this way, we are strengthening the global competitiveness of European companies and at the same time making a significant contribution to climate protection," says Jean-Pierre Heijster of the ELA about the cooperation of the European lightweight technology networks.

Together, ELCA and ELA represent a growing network of more than 4,500 companies and more than 600 research institutions from 12 European countries active in lightweight technology across different
sectors and industries. This brings together the two largest lightweight technology communities in Europe. Lightweight solutions from Europe can thus gain visibility and be implemented more quickly in global markets.

Joining forces to strengthen lightweight technologies ́ market position at the European level ELCA and ELA want to improve the positioning of lightweight technologies and materials with joint activities and events, in particular to prioritise them on the agenda of the European Commission. The cooperation thus wants to send a clear signal to Brussels. Especially with the view to achieve European climate protection goals; lightweight technology has the potential to conserve valuable resources and reduce CO 2 emissions. At the same time, the improved sustainability with the same or even optimised performance brings valuable competitive advantages for companies. Lightweight products and technologies Made in Europe can thus become a unique selling point for European stakeholders on international markets.

With this cooperation, ELCA and ELA combine their respective strengths: ELCA, as the European Lightweight Clusters Alliance, has very successfully created a resilient pan-European innovation ecosystem for lightweight technology in recent years. ELA, on the other hand, is particularly characterised by its close ties to industrial users. As a result, the existing ecosystem is enriched and a more demand-oriented development and faster market introduction is made possible. In this way, both lightweight technology networks will complement each other optimally in the future in order to bring technology and markets together in a targeted manner.

futureTEX-GESICHTER (c) Jenny Stadthaus
Dr. Sandra Dijk, Geschäftsführerin , Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC), HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management


Innovationen in der Textilindustrie generieren und validieren – Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC) der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management rückt Kundenbedürfnisse in den Fokus des Innovationsprozesses

Das Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC) ist ein angewandtes Forschungszentrum der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management und fördert den Transfer von Wissen in alle Teile der Gesellschaft. Als Brücke zwischen Praxis und Forschung bietet der Think Tank und Impulsgeber maßgeschneiderte Innovations- und Digitalisierungsstrategien für Unternehmen an und adressiert Fragestellungen wie beispielsweise die „Gestaltung digitaler und neuer Arbeitswelten“ oder die „Entwicklung innovativer und nutzerzentrierter Geschäftsmodelle“.

Bereits im Basisvorhaben Mass Customization war das Team des CLIC aktiv und wirkte auch im Umsetzungsvorhaben PROFUND mit.

Innovationen in der Textilindustrie generieren und validieren – Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC) der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management rückt Kundenbedürfnisse in den Fokus des Innovationsprozesses

Das Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC) ist ein angewandtes Forschungszentrum der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management und fördert den Transfer von Wissen in alle Teile der Gesellschaft. Als Brücke zwischen Praxis und Forschung bietet der Think Tank und Impulsgeber maßgeschneiderte Innovations- und Digitalisierungsstrategien für Unternehmen an und adressiert Fragestellungen wie beispielsweise die „Gestaltung digitaler und neuer Arbeitswelten“ oder die „Entwicklung innovativer und nutzerzentrierter Geschäftsmodelle“.

Bereits im Basisvorhaben Mass Customization war das Team des CLIC aktiv und wirkte auch im Umsetzungsvorhaben PROFUND mit.

Dr. Sandra Dijk hat Wirtschaftswissenschaften studiert und leitet das Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation (CLIC) an der Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL). Gemeinsam mit den CLIC-Innovationsexperten betreute sie seit 2019 den futureTEX-Inkubator und unterstützte die beteiligten Unternehmen auf deren Weg zu neuen Geschäftsmodellen.

(c) Konstantin Lider
Tobias Wolter, Director Supply Chain, Live Fast Die Young Clothing GmbH

Live Fast Die Young Clothing GmbH ernennt Tobias Wolter zum Director Supply Chain

Langjährige Logistik- und Supply Chain Expertise, internationale Berufserfahrung, unterschiedliche Führungspositionen in der Fashionindustrie – mit Tobias Wolter holt sich das Streetwear-Unternehmen LFDY einen erfahrenen Experten aus der Modebranche an Bord. Ab dem 01. Juni 2022 ist der 48-Jährige als Director Supply Chain für die Bereiche Einkauf, Logistik und Customer Service zuständig. Dabei liegt sein Hauptaugenmerk darauf, diese drei komplexen Bereiche verstärkt aufeinander abzustimmen und sie gleichzeitig stärker mit den weiteren internen und externen Schnittstellen zu verknüpfen. Ziel ist es, eine robuste und ebenso agile Lieferkette zu etablieren.

Langjährige Logistik- und Supply Chain Expertise, internationale Berufserfahrung, unterschiedliche Führungspositionen in der Fashionindustrie – mit Tobias Wolter holt sich das Streetwear-Unternehmen LFDY einen erfahrenen Experten aus der Modebranche an Bord. Ab dem 01. Juni 2022 ist der 48-Jährige als Director Supply Chain für die Bereiche Einkauf, Logistik und Customer Service zuständig. Dabei liegt sein Hauptaugenmerk darauf, diese drei komplexen Bereiche verstärkt aufeinander abzustimmen und sie gleichzeitig stärker mit den weiteren internen und externen Schnittstellen zu verknüpfen. Ziel ist es, eine robuste und ebenso agile Lieferkette zu etablieren.

Wolters Karriereweg begann vor 25 Jahren bei dem Modekonzern Esprit. Hier sammelte er Erfahrungen in unterschiedlichen Positionen der Konzernlogistik, unter anderem verantwortete er als Logistics Manager North America die Logistikorganisation und regionale Supply Chain der Esprit-Märkte USA und Kanada. Weitere berufliche Stationen bei Hugo Boss in Metzingen und der Beratung Tailorit führten ihn 2016 zum Modeunternehmen Peek & Cloppenburg. Als Head of SCM E-Commerce verantwortete er zuletzt die operative Steuerung und Weiterentwicklung der B2C-Logistikkette sowie deren Integration in die Omnichannel-Strategie der Unternehmensgruppe.

„Mir steht eine spannende Aufgabe bevor. Gemeinsam mit meinem neuen Team möchte ich aktiv an einem nachhaltigen Wachstum von LFDY mitwirken. Dafür werden wir eine übergreifende Supply Chain-Strategie erarbeiten, die das geplante Wachstum sowie weitere Internationalisierungsmaßnahmen optimal abbilden und eine skalierbare Umsetzung ermöglichen. Es gibt also einiges zu tun – ich freue mich darauf“, so Tobias Wolter, der künftige Director Supply Chain der Live Fast Die Young Clothing GmbH.


Live Fast Die Young Clothing GmbH / PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29 appointed two new Directors, Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier, for a four-year term. (c) Lectra
Hélène Viot Poirier

Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier join Lectra’s Board of Directors

  • Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29 appointed two new Directors, Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier, for a four-year term.
  • They both become members of Lectra’s Audit Committee, Nominations Committee and Strategic Committee. Hélène Viot Poirier also becomes a member of the new CSR Committee.

 A major global player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra designs industrial intelligence solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that enable the digital transformation of its customers.
In 2017, Lectra launched its Lectra 4.0 strategy with the aim of making the company a key Industry 4.0 player in its markets by 2030. As part of its 2017-2019 roadmap, Lectra successfully integrated key technologies for Industry 4.0 and software solutions in SaaS mode into its offers. The company’s 2020-2022 roadmap should enable it to leverage the full potential of its new offers while ensuring the sustainable and profitable growth of its business.

  • Lectra’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29 appointed two new Directors, Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier, for a four-year term.
  • They both become members of Lectra’s Audit Committee, Nominations Committee and Strategic Committee. Hélène Viot Poirier also becomes a member of the new CSR Committee.

 A major global player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra designs industrial intelligence solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that enable the digital transformation of its customers.
In 2017, Lectra launched its Lectra 4.0 strategy with the aim of making the company a key Industry 4.0 player in its markets by 2030. As part of its 2017-2019 roadmap, Lectra successfully integrated key technologies for Industry 4.0 and software solutions in SaaS mode into its offers. The company’s 2020-2022 roadmap should enable it to leverage the full potential of its new offers while ensuring the sustainable and profitable growth of its business.
Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra, says: “We are delighted to welcome Ross McInnes and Hélène Viot Poirier to Lectra’s Board of Directors. Through Ross McInnes’ appointment, we will benefit from his extensive experience as a director of listed companies and his knowledge of Lectra’s challenges, as well as his expertise in strategy, management, finance, and governance. Hélène Viot Poirier has extensive knowledge of the digital world and the fashion market. Her appointment will enable the Board of Directors to benefit from her expertise in acquisition strategy, management and the development of environmentally responsible products”.
In the last five years, Ross McInnes has been a member of Lectra’s Board of Directors, and a member of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategic Committee. This first mandate came to an end in April 2020. Ross McInnes is a graduate of the University of Oxford.
Since 2020, as an Independent Senior Advisor, she has supported strategic internal and external growth projects in the fashion, digital and consumer goods sectors. Hélène Viot Poirier is a graduate of HEC Paris.

Dana Rastocna-Illova is the new OETI Country Manager in the Czech Republic (c) OETI
Dana Rastocna-Illova

New OETI Country Manager in the Czech Republic

  • Ms Dana Rastocna-Illova (Cert. Eng., PhD) took on the role of OETI Country Manager in the Czech Republic in April 2022.

Her main tasks include customer service and the expansion of the customer structure in the Czech Republic. In addition, she will be responsible for conducting the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® on-site visits.

Dana Rastocna-Illova holds a doctorate from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and has been working in the textile industry for almost 25 years – about 20 of them in management positions. She also has many years of in-depth experience in the field of OEKO-TEX® certifications.

  • Ms Dana Rastocna-Illova (Cert. Eng., PhD) took on the role of OETI Country Manager in the Czech Republic in April 2022.

Her main tasks include customer service and the expansion of the customer structure in the Czech Republic. In addition, she will be responsible for conducting the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® on-site visits.

Dana Rastocna-Illova holds a doctorate from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and has been working in the textile industry for almost 25 years – about 20 of them in management positions. She also has many years of in-depth experience in the field of OEKO-TEX® certifications.



STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

Der neue STF Podcast ist live!

  • STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

In der neuen Podcast-Folge des Creative Cocktail ist Karen Fleischmann, Influencerin und Nachhaltigkeits-Ambassadorin, zu Gast. Sie erzählt über Slow Fashion, den umweltbewussten Konsum und darüber, wie sie den Sprung von der Modelwelt zum Role Model für Nachhaltigkeit geschafft hat.


  • STF News: Podcast mit Karen Fleischmann & der Countdown läuft!

In der neuen Podcast-Folge des Creative Cocktail ist Karen Fleischmann, Influencerin und Nachhaltigkeits-Ambassadorin, zu Gast. Sie erzählt über Slow Fashion, den umweltbewussten Konsum und darüber, wie sie den Sprung von der Modelwelt zum Role Model für Nachhaltigkeit geschafft hat.



STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule


AkzoNobel shareholders approve final dividend at Annual General Meeting

Shareholders voted to approve the resolutions presented at AkzoNobel’s virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM), including a final dividend of €1.54 per share, on the 22nd of April 2022.

All shareholders were able to attend and vote virtually, while questions could be asked live during the meeting, in addition to those that had been submitted in advance.

CFO Maarten de Vries was reappointed as a member of the Board of Management for a second four-year term. Mr. Nils Smedegaard Andersen and Mr. Byron Grote were reappointed as members of the Supervisory Board. Mr. Andersen was reappointed for a second four-year term and will continue as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Mr. Grote was reappointed for a third term of two years.

The nominations of Mrs. Ester Baiget and Mr. Hans van Bylen to the Supervisory Board were also approved by the shareholders.

Shareholders voted to approve the resolutions presented at AkzoNobel’s virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM), including a final dividend of €1.54 per share, on the 22nd of April 2022.

All shareholders were able to attend and vote virtually, while questions could be asked live during the meeting, in addition to those that had been submitted in advance.

CFO Maarten de Vries was reappointed as a member of the Board of Management for a second four-year term. Mr. Nils Smedegaard Andersen and Mr. Byron Grote were reappointed as members of the Supervisory Board. Mr. Andersen was reappointed for a second four-year term and will continue as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Mr. Grote was reappointed for a third term of two years.

The nominations of Mrs. Ester Baiget and Mr. Hans van Bylen to the Supervisory Board were also approved by the shareholders.

More information:
AkzoNobel general meeting


Material Change Index von Textile Exchange: Cotonea führende deutsche Marke für biologische und faire Baumwolle im Nachhaltigkeitsranking ©COTONEA_Klaus Mellenthin
Stolz auf die strahlende Biobaumwoll-Ernte im Anbauprojekt Kirgistan

Cotonea steht für biologische und faire Baumwolle

  • Material Change Index von Textile Exchange: Cotonea führende deutsche Marke für biologische und faire Baumwolle im Nachhaltigkeitsranking

Im aktuellen Firmenranking Material Change Index von Textile Exchange erreicht Cotonea einen ersten Platz unter den deutschen Textilmarken. Die Spitzenposition des Schwäbischen Herstellers von hundertprozentigen Biobaumwoll-Textilen gilt für biologisch und fair erzeugte Baumwolle und bemisst sich am Produktionsvolumen.

Im weltweiten Vergleich der Unternehmen, die beide Kriterien erfüllen, belegt Cotonea den dritten Platz. Für die konsequente Umsetzung erreicht der Anbieter von Stoffen, Heimtextilien sowie Kleidung mit vier die höchste Punktzahl. Der Branchendurchschnitt liegt bei drei Punkten.

Cotonea hat Baumwollprojekte in Uganda und Kirgistan mit aufgebaut „Der Markt für Textilen, die sowohl den biologischen als auch fairen Anspruch erfüllen, ist sehr klein“, sagt Cotonea Geschäftsführer Roland Stelzer. „Eine derart saubere Produktion erfordert viel Engagement und ist natürlich kostenintensiver, aber wir machen da einfach keine Kompromisse.“

  • Material Change Index von Textile Exchange: Cotonea führende deutsche Marke für biologische und faire Baumwolle im Nachhaltigkeitsranking

Im aktuellen Firmenranking Material Change Index von Textile Exchange erreicht Cotonea einen ersten Platz unter den deutschen Textilmarken. Die Spitzenposition des Schwäbischen Herstellers von hundertprozentigen Biobaumwoll-Textilen gilt für biologisch und fair erzeugte Baumwolle und bemisst sich am Produktionsvolumen.

Im weltweiten Vergleich der Unternehmen, die beide Kriterien erfüllen, belegt Cotonea den dritten Platz. Für die konsequente Umsetzung erreicht der Anbieter von Stoffen, Heimtextilien sowie Kleidung mit vier die höchste Punktzahl. Der Branchendurchschnitt liegt bei drei Punkten.

Cotonea hat Baumwollprojekte in Uganda und Kirgistan mit aufgebaut „Der Markt für Textilen, die sowohl den biologischen als auch fairen Anspruch erfüllen, ist sehr klein“, sagt Cotonea Geschäftsführer Roland Stelzer. „Eine derart saubere Produktion erfordert viel Engagement und ist natürlich kostenintensiver, aber wir machen da einfach keine Kompromisse.“

Cotonea baut Biobaumwolle bei eigenen Projekten in Uganda und Kirgistan an. Den hohen Nachhaltigkeitsstandard erreicht Cotonea unter anderem mit mehrjährigen Schulungen, bei denen Farmerinnen sowie Farmer lernen, wie sie die Gesundheit des Bodens erhalten, hohe Erträge sowie Einkommen erzielen und dabei die Umwelt schonen.

Textile Exchange widmet sich vor allem der Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie von der Faser bis zum Endprodukt. Ihren Material Change Index aktualisiert die weltweit aktive Non-Profit Organisation jährlich aufgrund freiwilliger Angaben von namhaften Marken.

Participants Embrace Renewed Face-to-Face Business with Global Leaders in Nonwovens & Engineered Materials at IDEA® 2022 and FiltXPO™ (c) INDA
IDEA22 Ribbon Cutting

IDEA® Achievement Award honorees

  • Participants Embrace Renewed Face-to-Face Business with Global Leaders in Nonwovens & Engineered Materials at IDEA® 2022 and FiltXPO™

Approximately 5,000 participants embraced the opportunity to again engage in face-to-face business meetings with global leaders in nonwovens and engineered materials at IDEA® 2022 in Miami Beach, Fla., co-located with the second FiltXPO™,  North American’s only exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation.

Industry participants at IDEA® 2022,  the 21 st edition of the world’s preeminent event for nonwovens and engineered fabric professionals, expressed their business confidence through the floor exhibits and the return to face-to-face business interaction. Scott Beir, Executive Officer, CFM Global, called IDEA® 2022 “an exceptional show.”

Bob Usher, Technical Director, US Fibers, added that his company made valuable business connections. According to Rolk Kammermann, Head of Sales and Marketing, Innovative Swiss Made Nonwovens, “the size and scope of IDEA and FiltXPO have been excellent for us as both exhibitors and as visitors.”

  • Participants Embrace Renewed Face-to-Face Business with Global Leaders in Nonwovens & Engineered Materials at IDEA® 2022 and FiltXPO™

Approximately 5,000 participants embraced the opportunity to again engage in face-to-face business meetings with global leaders in nonwovens and engineered materials at IDEA® 2022 in Miami Beach, Fla., co-located with the second FiltXPO™,  North American’s only exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation.

Industry participants at IDEA® 2022,  the 21 st edition of the world’s preeminent event for nonwovens and engineered fabric professionals, expressed their business confidence through the floor exhibits and the return to face-to-face business interaction. Scott Beir, Executive Officer, CFM Global, called IDEA® 2022 “an exceptional show.”

Bob Usher, Technical Director, US Fibers, added that his company made valuable business connections. According to Rolk Kammermann, Head of Sales and Marketing, Innovative Swiss Made Nonwovens, “the size and scope of IDEA and FiltXPO have been excellent for us as both exhibitors and as visitors.”

Organized by INDA, IDEA® also featured five essential nonwovens training classes; market presentations from China, Asia, Europe, North America and South America; industry recognitions with the IDEA® Achievement Awards and the IDEA® Lifetime Achievement Awards; and a welcome reception celebration.

Also, organized by INDA, FiltXPO™ featured five panels of global leaders in filtration and separation for the first-ever “Summit for Global Change,” discussing societal challenges such as indoor air quality, environmental sustainability, pandemic readiness, clean water, and filtration standards.  The event also featured a 1.5-day filter media training course, and sessions highlighting filter media market trends and filtration industry statistics.  

Exhibitors and attendees noted the welcome return to meeting face-to-face among industry senior leaders participating in the three-day event.

A highlight of IDEA® was the announcement of the IDEA® Achievement Awards by INDA, in partnership with Nonwovens Industry magazine. Moderated by Rousse and Karen McIntyre, Editor, Nonwovens Industry the awards recognize the leading introductions in equipment, raw materials, short-life, long-life and nonwovens products, and sustainability, since the previous IDEA® Exposition in 2019.

In addition, INDA presented the IDEA® 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award to Val Hollingsworth, board chair and CEO of Hollingsworth & Vose, and Nonwovens Industry presented the IDEA® Entrepreneur Achievement Award to Doug Brown, president of Biax-Fiberfilm/5K Fibres at the event.

IDEA® 2022 Achievement Awards winners:

  • IDEA®  Equipment Achievement Award – Elastic Thread Anchoring (ETA) Sonotrode – Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc.
  • IDEA®  Raw Material Achievement Award – ODOGard – Rem Brands, Inc.
  • IDEA® Short-Life Product Achievement Award – LifeSavers Wipes – LifeSavers LLC
  • IDEA® Long-Life Product Achievement Award – Nanofiber Cabin Air Filter – MANN + HUMMEL GmbH
  • IDEA®  Sustainability Advancement Award – Fiber-based Screw Caps – Glatfelter Corp. and Blue Ocean Closures
  • IDEA®  Nonwoven Product Achievement Award – HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo – Sustainable Nonwoven Substrates – Suominen Corporation
  • IDEA®, the Preeminent Event for the Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics Industry, will next be held on its new 24-month schedule on April 23-25, 2024 in Miami Beach, Florida.


Names of the IDEA® Achievement Award honorees pictured:

Row 1, Left to right:
IDEA® Long-Life Product Achievement Award winner, Jon Nichols, MANN + HUMMEL, GmbH and Dave Rousse – Nanofiber Cabin Air Filter – MANN + HUMMEL, GmbH
IDEA®  Nonwoven Product Achievement Award winners, Pramod Shanbhag, Suominen Corporation, Karen McIntyre, Nonwovens Industry Magazine, and Avinav Nandgaonkar, HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo – Sustainable Nonwoven Substrates – Suominen Corporation
Row 2, left to right:
IDEA® Short-Life Product Achievement Award winner, Georgia Crawford, LifeSavers Wipes – LifeSavers LLC, and Karen McIntyre, Nonwovens Industry Magazine
IDEA® 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Val Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth & Vose, and Dave Rousse, President, INDA
IDEA®  Equipment Achievement Award winners, Uwe Peregi, Dave Rousse, and Thomas Herrmann – Elastic Thread Anchoring (ETA) Sonotrode – Herrmann Ultrasonics Inc.
Row 3, left to right:
IDEA®  Raw Material Achievement Award winner, David Schneider, ODOGard – Rem Brands, Inc. and Dave Rousse, INDA
IDEA®  Sustainability Advancement Award winner, Chris Astley, and Karen McIntyre Fiber-based Screw Caps – Glatfelter Corp. and Blue Ocean Closures
IDEA® Entrepreneur Achievement Award winner, Doug Brown, Biax-Fiberfilm / 5K Fibres

Lars Henning Foto: LFDY
Lars Henning

Lars Henning neuer Head of Logistic bei Live Fast Die Young Clothing GmbH

Zu seinen künftigen Aufgaben zählen unter anderem Personalmanagement und -führung, die Weiterentwicklung der internen und externen Mitarbeiter:innen, die kontinuierliche Strukturierung und Verbesserung der Logistikprozesse sowie den Ausbau des Lagers.

Zu seinen künftigen Aufgaben zählen unter anderem Personalmanagement und -führung, die Weiterentwicklung der internen und externen Mitarbeiter:innen, die kontinuierliche Strukturierung und Verbesserung der Logistikprozesse sowie den Ausbau des Lagers.

Nachdem Lars Henning 2005 seinen beruflichen Weg bei einer Essener Kurierfirma begann, führte es ihn 2009 nach Norddeutschland, wo er die Lagerleitung eines Handels für ökologische Baustoffe übernahm. Zwei Jahre später ging es nach Süddeutschland, um dort den internationalen Handel einer der führenden Hersteller und Anbieter von pflanzlichen Ölen und Fetten für die Kosmetik-, Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie zu leiten. Nicht nur der Standort, sondern auch eine neue Herausforderung, verschlugen den gebürtigen Krefelder wieder zurück nach Nordrhein-Westfalen. In Niederkrüchten am Niederrhein hat er maßgeblich an dem Aufbau der Firma „OPW-Ingredients“ mitgewirkt. Das Unternehmen, das sich auf Plant Based Produkte spezialisiert hat, wuchs schnell. Henning übernahm erst die Logistikleitung, später die Betriebsleitung. Zwei weitere Karrierestationen folgten, in denen er als Leiter für Lager und Logistik sowie als Leiter der Werkslogistik seine Expertise ausbauen konnte.

Zu Mitte April dieses Jahres wechselt der 41-Jährige zu LFDY.

More information:
LFDY Streetwear Lars Henning

PR Agentur textschwester

Georg Wendelin Foto: privat
Georg Wendelin

EREMA mourns the passing of company co-founder Georg Wendelin

The EREMA Group mourns the passing of Georg Wendelin, company co-founder, former Managing Partner and long-time Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EREMA Group GmbH, who died on the 29th of March at the age of 84.

In 1983, at a time when plastics recycling was hardly an issue, Georg Wendelin, together with Helmut Bacher and Helmuth Schulz, laid the corner stone for the group of companies that today is a world market leader by founding the company and building the first EREMA plastics recycling machine. With pioneering spirit, a business acumen and his respectful and appreciative management style, Georg Wendelin actively shaped the success of the company, attentively and proudly keeping track of how plastics recycling went from being a niche to a trend and how the EREMA Group became a driving force behind the circular economy. In 2019, he was awarded the Golden Decoration of the Republic of Austria in recognition of his work.

The EREMA Group mourns the passing of Georg Wendelin, company co-founder, former Managing Partner and long-time Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EREMA Group GmbH, who died on the 29th of March at the age of 84.

In 1983, at a time when plastics recycling was hardly an issue, Georg Wendelin, together with Helmut Bacher and Helmuth Schulz, laid the corner stone for the group of companies that today is a world market leader by founding the company and building the first EREMA plastics recycling machine. With pioneering spirit, a business acumen and his respectful and appreciative management style, Georg Wendelin actively shaped the success of the company, attentively and proudly keeping track of how plastics recycling went from being a niche to a trend and how the EREMA Group became a driving force behind the circular economy. In 2019, he was awarded the Golden Decoration of the Republic of Austria in recognition of his work.

"We will greatly miss Georg Wendelin as a personality who was closely associated with us for all these years. Because of his humanity, he was a highly respected figure of leadership on all sides," said Manfred Hackl, CEO of EREMA Group GmbH and himself a long-time companion of Wendelin's.

More information:
EREMA Georg Wendelin

EREMA Group GmbH

(c) VDMA
Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons of the VDMA Textile Machinery: Verena Thies, Dr. Janpeter Horn, Regina Brückner.

VDMA: Dr. Janpeter Horn New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association

Dr. Janpeter Horn, Managing Director of August Herzog Maschinenfabrik, is the new Chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery. Dr. Horn was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Leonberg. The new Executive Board is completed with Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik and Ms. Verena Thies, Managing Shareholder of Thies Textilmaschinen, who were elected as Vice Chairpersons.

After his election, Dr. Horn stated: “I am pleased to have Ms. Brückner and Ms. Thies by my side. Both have been serving on the Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery as well as the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers CEMATEX for many years. With this team, we are well prepared to effectively represent the interests of the industry at national and international level.”

Based in Oldenburg, Northern Germany, Herzog is a company with a long tradition and at the same time the most innovative developer and manufacturer of braiding and winding machinery. Worldwide references in braiding and winding technique confirm the company’s technical and quality leadership.

Dr. Janpeter Horn, Managing Director of August Herzog Maschinenfabrik, is the new Chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery. Dr. Horn was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Leonberg. The new Executive Board is completed with Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik and Ms. Verena Thies, Managing Shareholder of Thies Textilmaschinen, who were elected as Vice Chairpersons.

After his election, Dr. Horn stated: “I am pleased to have Ms. Brückner and Ms. Thies by my side. Both have been serving on the Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery as well as the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers CEMATEX for many years. With this team, we are well prepared to effectively represent the interests of the industry at national and international level.”

Based in Oldenburg, Northern Germany, Herzog is a company with a long tradition and at the same time the most innovative developer and manufacturer of braiding and winding machinery. Worldwide references in braiding and winding technique confirm the company’s technical and quality leadership.

The new Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery for the legislative period until 2026 is composed of:

  • Dr. Janpeter Horn (Chairperson), August Herzog Maschinenfabrik
  • Regina Brückner (Vice Chairperson), BRÜCKNER Trockentechnik
  • Verena Thies (Vice Chairperson), THIES
  • Peter D. Dornier, Lindauer DORNIER
  • Stefan Flöth, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen
  • Arno Gärtner, KARL MAYER STOLL Textilmaschinenfabrik
  • Markus Kleindorp, MEMMINGER-IRO
  • Andreas Lukas, ANDRITZ Küsters
  • Benjamin Mayer, Mayer & Cie.
  • Dr. Jörg Morgner, Temafa Maschinenfabrik
  • Benjamin Reiners, Reiners + Fürst
  • Dr. Uwe Rondé, Saurer Group
  • Eric Schöller, Groz-Beckert
  • Georg Stausberg, Oerlikon Textile
  • Heinrich Trützschler, Trützschler Group

VDMA e. V.

(c) Rathaus Kirchheim

Bundesverdienstkreuz für Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels

Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels, Inhaber und Geschäftsführer des Prüfdienstleisters Hohenstein, erhielt am 18.03.2022 den Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für sein Engagement. Als Gründungsmitglied der OEKO-TEX® Gemeinschaft setzt Hohenstein sich unter anderem für Nachhaltigkeitsstandards in der Textilbranche ein. Neben Zertifizierungen führt Hohenstein auch Laborprüfungen und Inspektionen durch. Mit privater sowie öffentlich geförderter Forschung setzt Hohenstein außerdem Impulse für die gesamte Textilbranche und darüber hinaus.

Der Preisträger führt in dritter Generation das Familienunternehmen und treibt kontinuierlich dessen Internationalisierung voran. Mecheels ist nicht nur seit Jahrzehnten als Unternehmer tätig, sondern engagiert sich außerdem in der regionalen Politik, nationalen sowie internationalen Textilverbänden und im RAL Präsidium.

Die Ehrung nahm Landrat Dietmar Allgaier im Rathaus in Kirchheim am Neckar vor. An der Verleihung haben neben der Familie Mecheels auch die Geschäftsführung von Hohenstein teilgenommen.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels, Inhaber und Geschäftsführer des Prüfdienstleisters Hohenstein, erhielt am 18.03.2022 den Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für sein Engagement. Als Gründungsmitglied der OEKO-TEX® Gemeinschaft setzt Hohenstein sich unter anderem für Nachhaltigkeitsstandards in der Textilbranche ein. Neben Zertifizierungen führt Hohenstein auch Laborprüfungen und Inspektionen durch. Mit privater sowie öffentlich geförderter Forschung setzt Hohenstein außerdem Impulse für die gesamte Textilbranche und darüber hinaus.

Der Preisträger führt in dritter Generation das Familienunternehmen und treibt kontinuierlich dessen Internationalisierung voran. Mecheels ist nicht nur seit Jahrzehnten als Unternehmer tätig, sondern engagiert sich außerdem in der regionalen Politik, nationalen sowie internationalen Textilverbänden und im RAL Präsidium.

Die Ehrung nahm Landrat Dietmar Allgaier im Rathaus in Kirchheim am Neckar vor. An der Verleihung haben neben der Familie Mecheels auch die Geschäftsführung von Hohenstein teilgenommen.


Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

adidas announces the appointment of Alasdhair Willis to Chief Creative Officer. (a) adidas
Alasdhair Willis

Alasdhair Willis to Shape Future of adidas as Chief Creative Officer

The Chief Creative Officer is the lead within the adidas design community and is responsible for shaping, defining, and shepherding the creative direction for the global brand and its three major labels – Performance , Originals, and Sportswear – to deliver a unified adidas brand experience. Willis will begin his contract beginning of April, reporting to Executive Board Member of Global Brands, Brian Grevy.

Willis is a creative visionary with a long-standing connection to adidas that dates back to 2005, most notably through his role in the concept and development of adidas by Stella McCartney in partnership with Stella McCartney He has remained integral to the growth and development of the partnership since its launch.

Beyond adidas by Stella McCartney, Willis has built a strong understanding of the company’s consumers, brand, labels, and categories through his work on a number of breakthrough projects, including a lead role in developing some of adidas’ most iconic material innovations.

The Chief Creative Officer is the lead within the adidas design community and is responsible for shaping, defining, and shepherding the creative direction for the global brand and its three major labels – Performance , Originals, and Sportswear – to deliver a unified adidas brand experience. Willis will begin his contract beginning of April, reporting to Executive Board Member of Global Brands, Brian Grevy.

Willis is a creative visionary with a long-standing connection to adidas that dates back to 2005, most notably through his role in the concept and development of adidas by Stella McCartney in partnership with Stella McCartney He has remained integral to the growth and development of the partnership since its launch.

Beyond adidas by Stella McCartney, Willis has built a strong understanding of the company’s consumers, brand, labels, and categories through his work on a number of breakthrough projects, including a lead role in developing some of adidas’ most iconic material innovations.

Outside of his work with adidas he is revered for his tenure as Creative Director of British fashion heritage brand, Hunter, transforming what was a small single product business into a multi-category global fashion brand, and as co-founder of the trailblazing Wallpaper* Magazine. It is through this diverse experience that Willis brings not just creative expertise, but the ability to deliver across commercial, strategic, and leadership functions.

As Chief Creative Officer at adidas, Willis will provide global creative leadership, develop and nurture the brand’s creative culture, and empower teams across all design functions.

“Stepping into a permanent role at adidas and evolving our partnership is a great privilege and feels like an incredibly exciting and natural next step,” said Willis. “The power and influence of the brand on sport , sports culture, and beyond is immeasurable. I welcome the opportunity to help establish a new era of design and brand leadership at adidas and, together with the team, take adidas to even higher levels.”

“Alasdhair is a true icon of the industry and together we have produced some of adidas’ most innovative work, so to now have him lead our design community and set the future of our brand expression is a wonderful thing,” said Executive Board Member of Global Brands, Brian Grevy. “We are looking forward to seeing the influence of his unique creative vision, experience and expertise from developing and establishing some of the world’s most recognised brands.”


More information:
adidas Alasdhair Willis



Gregor Wolf übernimmt Geschäftsführung des ECM-Spezialisten OPTIMAL SYSTEMS

  • Gründer Karsten Renz verlässt das Unternehmen nach 31 Jahren
  • Integration in die Kyocera-Gruppe weitgehend abgeschlossen

Zum 1. April 2022 wird Karsten Renz seine Position als CEO des 1991 von ihm mitgegründeten Unternehmens OPTIMAL SYSTEMS aufgeben. Seit dem Eintritt des deutschen Enterprise Content Management (ECM)-Spezialisten in die Kyocera-Gruppe im April 2020 hat Renz die Integration des Unternehmens begleitet, die nun als abgeschlossen gelten darf. Renz wird von COO Gregor Wolf abgelöst, der bereits seit 2013 Teil des Management-Teams ist.
Gregor Wolf, Diplom-Informatiker, ist seit 2013 bei OPTIMAL SYSTEMS. Stationen seiner Laufbahn führten ihn nach mehreren Jahren in der Forschung zu verantwortlichen Positionen beim Web-CMSStartup B2B Company Anfang der 1990er-Jahre und zur Klopotek AG als Vorstand und CTO. Nach seinem Einstieg bei OPTIMAL SYSTEMS baute er zunächst das Produktmanagement auf. Seit 2015 ist Gregor Wolf als COO für alle operativen Geschäftsbereiche verantwortlich.

  • Gründer Karsten Renz verlässt das Unternehmen nach 31 Jahren
  • Integration in die Kyocera-Gruppe weitgehend abgeschlossen

Zum 1. April 2022 wird Karsten Renz seine Position als CEO des 1991 von ihm mitgegründeten Unternehmens OPTIMAL SYSTEMS aufgeben. Seit dem Eintritt des deutschen Enterprise Content Management (ECM)-Spezialisten in die Kyocera-Gruppe im April 2020 hat Renz die Integration des Unternehmens begleitet, die nun als abgeschlossen gelten darf. Renz wird von COO Gregor Wolf abgelöst, der bereits seit 2013 Teil des Management-Teams ist.
Gregor Wolf, Diplom-Informatiker, ist seit 2013 bei OPTIMAL SYSTEMS. Stationen seiner Laufbahn führten ihn nach mehreren Jahren in der Forschung zu verantwortlichen Positionen beim Web-CMSStartup B2B Company Anfang der 1990er-Jahre und zur Klopotek AG als Vorstand und CTO. Nach seinem Einstieg bei OPTIMAL SYSTEMS baute er zunächst das Produktmanagement auf. Seit 2015 ist Gregor Wolf als COO für alle operativen Geschäftsbereiche verantwortlich.

More information:


(c) OETI

OETI: Opening of sales offices in India and Bangladesh

OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ offers as a worldwide accredited and notified centre of excellence testing and certification services. The company specialises in textiles, leather, personal protective equipment (PPE), floor coverings and interior furnishing materials. It also assesses indoor air quality.  As a founding member of the OEKO-TEX® community (1992) and official OEKO-TEX® testing institute, OETI also comprises the entire OEKO-TEX® product portfolio.

OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ offers as a worldwide accredited and notified centre of excellence testing and certification services. The company specialises in textiles, leather, personal protective equipment (PPE), floor coverings and interior furnishing materials. It also assesses indoor air quality.  As a founding member of the OEKO-TEX® community (1992) and official OEKO-TEX® testing institute, OETI also comprises the entire OEKO-TEX® product portfolio.

Between its own international branches and the branches of OETI’s Swiss parent company TESTEX AG, OETI’s network of locations spans several continents. Recently, two more branches have been added in India and Bangladesh: Headquartered in Coimbatore/Tamil Nadu, OETI India is managed by Vignesh Amalraj, who has decades of experience in the textile and apparel industry for testing, inspection, certification, auditing, product safety, training and sustainability management. The second location was recently opened in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The responsible Country Manager, Mohiuddin Sheek, is an expert in the areas of testing, auditing, certification, product safety, training, consulting and business development.

More information:


Stephan Sielaff appointed as new CEO of Lenzing AG – changes in the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board
Stephan Sielaff

Stephan Sielaff appointed as new CEO of Lenzing AG – changes in the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board

  • Stephan Sielaff replaces interim CEO Cord Prinzhorn
  • CFO Thomas Obendrauf will not extend his contract
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board Peter Edelmann will no longer be available as Chairman at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
  • Cord Prinzhorn returns to Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman

Lenzing – The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, the world’s leading manufacturer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has appointed Stephan Sielaff, the former CTO/COO of Lenzing AG, as the new CEO effective April 01, 2022. He succeeds Cord Prinzhorn, who took over as interim CEO in the fourth quarter of 2021. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG. The Managing Board will thus be reduced again from five to four members.

  • Stephan Sielaff replaces interim CEO Cord Prinzhorn
  • CFO Thomas Obendrauf will not extend his contract
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board Peter Edelmann will no longer be available as Chairman at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
  • Cord Prinzhorn returns to Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman

Lenzing – The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, the world’s leading manufacturer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has appointed Stephan Sielaff, the former CTO/COO of Lenzing AG, as the new CEO effective April 01, 2022. He succeeds Cord Prinzhorn, who took over as interim CEO in the fourth quarter of 2021. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG. The Managing Board will thus be reduced again from five to four members.

More information:
Lenzing AG Stephan Sielaff

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

(c) Paper Converting Machine Company

PCMC, BW Converting Solutions augment leadership team

  • Senior leaders appointed to grow Green Bay operations, expand in global markets

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), as part of Barry-Wehmiller’s Converting Solutions platform, has filled several key roles on the leadership team in Green Bay in alignment with the platform’s strategic plan to grow local operations and expand its global footprint.

Scott Bean has joined as Executive Vice President of Operations. He will drive manufacturing capacity and excellence across the platform’s five facilities in Green Bay, as well as its European locations in Lucca, Italy; Neuwied, Germany; and Čačak, Serbia. Bean brings 20-plus years of experience leading operations at several large global manufacturers, including Milwaukee-based Rexnord and most recently, Filtration Group, where he served as a President.

Jason Hilsberg, who joined PCMC in 2003 as a Field Service Leader and has held numerous other roles, including Sales Director, has been named Vice President of Lifecycle Support. In his new role, he leads the global field service, customer technical support and equipment modification sales teams.

  • Senior leaders appointed to grow Green Bay operations, expand in global markets

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), as part of Barry-Wehmiller’s Converting Solutions platform, has filled several key roles on the leadership team in Green Bay in alignment with the platform’s strategic plan to grow local operations and expand its global footprint.

Scott Bean has joined as Executive Vice President of Operations. He will drive manufacturing capacity and excellence across the platform’s five facilities in Green Bay, as well as its European locations in Lucca, Italy; Neuwied, Germany; and Čačak, Serbia. Bean brings 20-plus years of experience leading operations at several large global manufacturers, including Milwaukee-based Rexnord and most recently, Filtration Group, where he served as a President.

Jason Hilsberg, who joined PCMC in 2003 as a Field Service Leader and has held numerous other roles, including Sales Director, has been named Vice President of Lifecycle Support. In his new role, he leads the global field service, customer technical support and equipment modification sales teams.

Kelly Morgano has joined as the Global Vice President of People. In her new role, Morgano will lead the human resources, culture, communications and people development functions, while supporting the platform’s commitment to caring for team members. She has worked in human resources for more than 20 years, most recently with Zurn Water Solutions.

PCMC and its divisions, Hudson-Sharp and Northern Engraving, have expanded their footprint in the tissue and nonwovensconverting, bag-converting and flexographic-printing equipment markets in recent years, reporting significant revenue growth in 2021. The company has been a fixture in Green Bay since 1919.


Paper Converting Machine Company

Stephan Sielaff Photo: Lenzing. Stephan Sielaff appointed as new CEO of Lenzing AG

Stephan Sielaff appointed as new CEO of Lenzing AG

  • Stephan Sielaff replaces interim CEO Cord Prinzhorn

  • CFO Thomas Obendrauf will not extend his contract

  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board Peter Edelmann will no longer be available as Chairman at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

  • Cord Prinzhorn returns to Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG has appointed Stephan Sielaff, the former CTO/COO of Lenzing AG, as the new CEO effective April 01, 2022. He succeeds Cord Prinzhorn, who took over as interim CEO in the fourth quarter of 2021. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG. The Managing Board will thus be reduced again from five to four members.

  • Stephan Sielaff replaces interim CEO Cord Prinzhorn

  • CFO Thomas Obendrauf will not extend his contract

  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board Peter Edelmann will no longer be available as Chairman at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

  • Cord Prinzhorn returns to Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG has appointed Stephan Sielaff, the former CTO/COO of Lenzing AG, as the new CEO effective April 01, 2022. He succeeds Cord Prinzhorn, who took over as interim CEO in the fourth quarter of 2021. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG. The Managing Board will thus be reduced again from five to four members.

Stephan Sielaff holds a degree in chemical engineering and held various management positions at Unilever and Symrise from 1993 to 2014. Between 2014 and 2020, he was responsible for the strategic development of the company as a Member of the Board of Directors (COO) at the Swiss specialty chemicals company Archroma – an important supplier of the textile and paper industry. He was appointed Chief Technology Officer and COO of Lenzing AG as of March 01, 2020.

CFO Thomas Obendrauf has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for a further extension of his contract, which expires in June 2022. The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG is already working on a timely replacement. Mr. Obendrauf will be available to the company in an advisory capacity until a successor is appointed.

Peter Edelmann will leave the Supervisory Board upon his own request, effective April 26, 2022. Cord Prinzhorn will return to the Supervisory Board and will take over as Chairman.