From the Sector

14 results
Wüste, Marokko Tatiana Zanon,

Erstes Texcare Forum in Afrika

Rund 120 Teilnehmer aus der Wäscherei- und Reinigungsbranche kamen am 04. Juni in Casablanca, Marokko, zum ersten Texcare Forum auf afrikanischem Boden zusammen. Im Mittelpunkt des Austauschs zwischen lokalen Fachbetrieben, internationalen Experten und Herstellern standen die Themen Automatisierung, digitale Technologien, Produktion, Logistik und Umweltschutz im Bereich textiler Dienstleistungen. Die Konferenz zeigte die Besonderheiten der Märkte Nordafrikas auf und bot einen Vorgeschmack auf die globale Leitmesse der Textilpflegebranche, die Texcare International, im November 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Die Entscheidung für Casablanca als Veranstaltungsort des Texcare Forums lag in seiner Bedeutung als wirtschaftliches Zentrum der gesamten Maghreb-Region begründet. Mit über 100 Millionen Einwohnern, einer starken Tourismuswirtschaft und einer bedeutenden Textilindustrie ist diese ein zukunftsträchtiger Standort für die Textilpflege-Branche. Gerade Marokko erwartet als Co-Gastgeber der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2030 neue ökonomische Impulse.  

Rund 120 Teilnehmer aus der Wäscherei- und Reinigungsbranche kamen am 04. Juni in Casablanca, Marokko, zum ersten Texcare Forum auf afrikanischem Boden zusammen. Im Mittelpunkt des Austauschs zwischen lokalen Fachbetrieben, internationalen Experten und Herstellern standen die Themen Automatisierung, digitale Technologien, Produktion, Logistik und Umweltschutz im Bereich textiler Dienstleistungen. Die Konferenz zeigte die Besonderheiten der Märkte Nordafrikas auf und bot einen Vorgeschmack auf die globale Leitmesse der Textilpflegebranche, die Texcare International, im November 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Die Entscheidung für Casablanca als Veranstaltungsort des Texcare Forums lag in seiner Bedeutung als wirtschaftliches Zentrum der gesamten Maghreb-Region begründet. Mit über 100 Millionen Einwohnern, einer starken Tourismuswirtschaft und einer bedeutenden Textilindustrie ist diese ein zukunftsträchtiger Standort für die Textilpflege-Branche. Gerade Marokko erwartet als Co-Gastgeber der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2030 neue ökonomische Impulse.  

Im Hotel Hyatt Regency wurde den Teilnehmern neben einem spannenden Vortragsprogramm umfassend Gelegenheit zum Netzwerken geboten. Am zweiten Veranstaltungstag konnten Interessierte sich zudem auf eine Exkursion zu führenden Wäschereien der Region begeben.

Organisatoren und Partner des Forums waren neben der Messe Frankfurt der VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies sowie die französische Handelskammer in Marokko (CFCIM). Als Hauptsponsor fungierte die Firma Christeyns, zu den weiteren Sponsoren zählten Kannegiesser, Tolon, Jensen, Imesa, ABS Laundry und CM2W.

Im Zentrum des Texcare Forum Casablanca stand ein umfassendes Konferenzprogramm In jeweils einstündigen Panels teilten Expert*innen ihr Wissen, beantworteten Fragen und standen anschließend für Fachgespräche zur Verfügung.

Gehalten wurden die Vorträge in französischer Sprache mit einer simultanen Übersetzung ins Englische. Die Moderation übernahm die Branchenexpertin Sandra Minette von der Texcare France.  

Das Programm war gegliedert in vier Themenblöcke:

  • Unternehmensstrategie: Neue Digitalisierungs- und Automatisierungstechnologien
    Auf dem Texcare Forum Casablanca teilten die Branchenexperten Rémi Uriet (ABS LBS), Badre Bouitane (Blanchisserie Ecoblanc) und Andrea Garoia (Jensen) ihr Fachwissen zu Themen wie Arbeitserleichterung, Digitalisierung von Prozessen und vernetzten Unternehmenslösungen.
  • Energie und Wasser
    Miloud Bouzziri (Christeyns Maroc), Aziz Lamrani (Blanchisserie AB Maroc) sowie Audrey und Arnaud Bretéché (Cabinet Bretagne Environnement) gaben anhand von Untersuchungen und praktischen Fallstudien Anregungen zur Verringerung der Umweltauswirkungen im Wäschereiprozess.
  • Produktion und Logistik
    Hélène Ducarre (Optim Expertise), Patrik André (Maison de Blanc) und Badre Bouitane (Blanchisserie Ecoblanc) vermittelten neue Herangehensweisen zu Themen wie Wäsche-Nachverfolgung, Liefermanagement, der passenden Wahl von Materialien und Equipment sowie dem richtigen Umgang mit Saisonalität
  • Interne Wäschepflege vs. Outsourcing
    Spannende Einblicke zur Optimierung des Wäschemanagements in einem Hotel, zur Mitarbeiterschulung und zur ewigen Frage: „Selbst machen oder auslagern?“ gaben Pascale Allaert (Meilleure Ouvrière de France), Jérôme Guéné (Laundry & Cleaning Consulting) und Lydie Barrand (Generalgouvernante des Hotels Royal Mansour Casablanca).

Johannes Schmid-Wiedersheim, Director Brand Management Textile Care, resümiert: „Mit dem Texcare Forum Casablanca wollten wir der boomenden Tourismusindustrie der Region sowie dem Gesundheits- und öffentlichen Sektor ein Forum zum Thema professionelle Wäschepflege anbieten und den Austausch mit Beratern und Lieferanten herstellen. Ich glaube, das ist sehr gut gelungen! Die Besucher konnten sich in kurzer Zeit auf den neuesten Stand der Verfahren zur Sicherung der Qualität, Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Textilien bringen. Für die internationalen Teilnehmer bot sich die Gelegenheit, den marokkanischen Markt mit seinen ganz spezifischen Chancen und Herausforderungen besser kennenzulernen. Schon beim Netzwerken vor Ort haben sich daraus sehr spannende Gespräche und vielleicht zukünftige Projekte entwickelt.“

Veronika März vom VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies konstatiert: „Das Texcare Forum in Casablanca bot eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, einen Einblick in den aufstrebenden Markt Marokkos für Textilpflege zu erhalten. Das abwechslungsreiche und hervorragend besetze Konferenzprogramm gab interessante Einblicke zu wichtigen Branchenthemen wie der Digitalisierung von Prozessen, der Verringerung von Umweltbelastungen und vielem mehr. Zudem boten sich ausgezeichnete Gelegenheiten zum Networking und um neue Kontakte innerhalb der marokkanischen Textil(pflege)industrie zu knüpfen.“


More information:
texcare Afrika Textilpflege

Messe Frankfurt


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles in August 2024

from both inside and outside of Asia. Looking ahead, the stage will be set once again at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) next year, allowing exhibitors and buyers from the industry to match their trading needs onsite. Thanks to the resumption of global travel and the ongoing industry recovery, the next Autumn edition is slated to attract even more multinational fairgoers and diverse home and contract textile collections. The fair will return in 14 – 16 August 2024.

from both inside and outside of Asia. Looking ahead, the stage will be set once again at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) next year, allowing exhibitors and buyers from the industry to match their trading needs onsite. Thanks to the resumption of global travel and the ongoing industry recovery, the next Autumn edition is slated to attract even more multinational fairgoers and diverse home and contract textile collections. The fair will return in 14 – 16 August 2024.

A recent study showed a significant rise in corporate travel in 2023, driven largely by the resurgence of live business events and the easing of restrictions following several turbulent years. Adding to this, the Chinese government has announced several measures in a bid to attract more international visitors, including a simplified visa application process as the latest initiative.
As one of the largest economies in the world, China is renowned for producing high-value products across the home textile spectrum, making Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles an essential stop for global suppliers and buyers aiming to kick off the next business season.  
Emerging markets have become a significant focus for the industry in recent years. China's exports of home textiles to the ASEAN market amounted to around USD 2.09 billion in the first quarter of 2023, with an increase of 18% year-on-year; of which around USD 1.38 billion was exported in finished goods, seeing a rise of over 42% year-on-year[3]. With this growth in trade, buyers from fast growing emerging markets are expected to increasingly benefit from the Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles platform to fulfil their sourcing needs.
The upcoming Autumn edition will continue to comprise a wide range of home textile products, including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, upholstery & curtain fabrics, editors, home textile technologies and textile design.
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

Photo VDMA

Young Talent Award for AI supported production control of carbon fibres

  • Formula 1 cars will be cheaper in future

Carbon is the stuff Formula 1 cars are made of, at least the bodywork. But until now, carbon has been expensive. It can be produced more cheaply and efficiently if artificial intelligence monitors the production processes. A camera system combined with artificial intelligence automatically detects defects in the production of carbon fibres. This makes expensive manual inspection of the carbon fibres obsolete and the production price of the carbon fibre can be reduced in the long term.

For this idea, the young engineer Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the second prize of the "Digitalisation in Mechanical Engineering" Young Talent Award on 6 December.

  • Formula 1 cars will be cheaper in future

Carbon is the stuff Formula 1 cars are made of, at least the bodywork. But until now, carbon has been expensive. It can be produced more cheaply and efficiently if artificial intelligence monitors the production processes. A camera system combined with artificial intelligence automatically detects defects in the production of carbon fibres. This makes expensive manual inspection of the carbon fibres obsolete and the production price of the carbon fibre can be reduced in the long term.

For this idea, the young engineer Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the second prize of the "Digitalisation in Mechanical Engineering" Young Talent Award on 6 December.

Carbon fibres are sought after because of their good properties. They are very light - they weigh up to 50 percent less than aluminium. The combination of low weight and good mechanical properties offers many advantages. Especially in times of the energy transition, lightweight materials like carbon are more relevant than ever before. At the same time, carbon fibres are as resistant to external stresses as metals. However, achieving these good properties of carbon fibres is very complex.

Up to 300 individual fibre strands - bundles of individual fibres - have to be monitored simultaneously during production. If carbon fibres tear, it costs time and money to sort out the damaged fibres. This is just one example of various defects that can occur in the fibres during production.

Therefore, Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt attached a camera to the carbon fibre line that takes pictures of various fibre defects during production and collects them in a database. The artificial intelligence in the camera's information technology system evaluates the fibre defects by assigning the images to predefined reference defects. In doing so, it recognises various fibre defects with a classification accuracy of 99 per cent. The process can also be used in other areas that produce chemical fibres.

Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the prize from the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He is a Bachelor's graduate at the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University. The full title of his bachelor's thesis is: "Development of a Kl-supported process monitoring using machine learning to detect fibre damage in the stabilisation process". The VDMA awarded the prize to a total of four theses from different universities. The prize is awarded for outstanding theses and was offered in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen Universit

(c) Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten, München; Menges Scheffler Architekten, Frankfurt; Jan Knippers Ingenieure, Stuttgart

Neues Ausbildungsjahr für Textil- und Bekleidungsberufe startet

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

„Wir möchten noch mehr junge Menschen für eine Ausbildung in unserer spannenden und innovativen Branche begeistern. Deshalb investiert Südwesttextil mit dem Bau des Texoversums auf dem Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen in die Zukunft der Ausbildung. Das Texoversum ist einer der Orte, an dem die textile Aus- und Weiterbildung ihre Innovation und Attraktivität aufzeigt und vorantreibt“, so Edina Brenner, Hauptgeschäftsführerin des Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberver-bands Südwesttextil.

In den Nachwuchs zu investieren hat beim Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. Südwesttextil Tradition: Seit 1980 sind in der Gatex, der überbetrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildungsstätte der Branche, mehr als 1.000 Menschen erfolgreich qualifiziert worden. Auszubildenden ermöglicht die Gatex das Lernen entlang der textilen Kette, sodass sie im Anschluss im Betrieb auch vor- oder nachgelagerte Stufen der Produktion mitdenken können.
Mit dem Umzug der Gatex von Bad Säckingen nach Reutlingen setzt Südwesttextil auf einen zentralen Ort und die Verknüpfung mit dem Studienangebot der Hochschule. Schon jetzt schnuppern die Auszubildenden Campusluft, denn das überbetriebliche Ausbildungsjahr beginnt direkt in Reutlingen. Das Texoversum wird im Frühsommer des nächsten Jahres eröffnet und bietet dem textilen Nachwuchs Raum fürs Lernen, Ausprobieren und Vernetzen. Denn in den 3.000 Quadratmetern des innovativ gebauten Gebäudes befinden sich neben Schulungsräumen auch Werkstätten, Labore und Think-Tank-Flächen.

(c) VDMA
Award winners with foundation chairman and professors

VDMA: Junior engineers with focus on sustainability

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

On the occasion of the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of VDMA’s Walter Reiners-Stiftung Foundation, Peter D. Dornier, has awarded prizes to seven successful young engineers. For the first time, the Foundation awarded two Sustainability Awards. They are awarded to academic works in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed.

A Sustainability Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 3.000 euros was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a Sustainability Award in the category Master, worth 3.500 euros. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.

A Promotion Prize in the category Project Work, endowed with 4.000 euros, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.

Felix Zerbes, RWTH Aachen, was awarded a Promotion Prize of 3.500 euros in the category Master. He developed a technical solution for air jet weaving to improve the quality of woven fabric.


VDMA e. V.

Graphic DNFI

DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award Ceremony During Heimtextil

Natural fibers are among the most important raw materials in the textile and fashion industry worldwide. For centuries, they have fed millions of people through their cultivation or breeding, and it is impossible to imagine daily life without them. Especially at the moment, natural fibers are gaining special importance due to the intense discussions about sustainable living. Even though natural fibers have accompanied mankind for a long time, they are changeable, technical, and adaptable to the challenges of the textile industry.

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) is celebrating natural fibres in a program to be conducted during Heimtextil in Frankfurt on 23 June. Anyone with an interest in the role of natural fibres in the world economy, economic indicators of textile activity, innovations in natural fibre research, and updates on proposed EU legislation affecting textiles is welcome to attend.

The program will include various presentations by the previous and current award winners, presentations, and discussions:

Overview of world natural fibre production, employment, and value,

Natural fibers are among the most important raw materials in the textile and fashion industry worldwide. For centuries, they have fed millions of people through their cultivation or breeding, and it is impossible to imagine daily life without them. Especially at the moment, natural fibers are gaining special importance due to the intense discussions about sustainable living. Even though natural fibers have accompanied mankind for a long time, they are changeable, technical, and adaptable to the challenges of the textile industry.

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) is celebrating natural fibres in a program to be conducted during Heimtextil in Frankfurt on 23 June. Anyone with an interest in the role of natural fibres in the world economy, economic indicators of textile activity, innovations in natural fibre research, and updates on proposed EU legislation affecting textiles is welcome to attend.

The program will include various presentations by the previous and current award winners, presentations, and discussions:

Overview of world natural fibre production, employment, and value,

  • Economic indicators and impacts of coronavirus on textile industries,
  • Updates on innovative uses of natural fibres:
  • Use of wool in automobile insulation applications for enhanced sustainability,
  • Using cellulose from cotton to produce a biodegradable plastic substitute,
  • Manufacturing waterproof fabric from a blend of cotton and jute as sustainable
  • Substitute for polypropylene tarps
  • Proposed EU textile legislation and potential impacts on natural fibres
More information:
DNFI DNFI award Heimtextil



Members of TMAS at Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil in Frankfurt

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

Members of TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing at the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows which are all taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24.



(c) Eton

More localised and automated textile manufacturing with TMAS technologies

At the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24 – members of the Swedish Textile Machinery Association TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing.

Digitalisation and the push for more sustainable, shorter and less expensive supply chains are currently making manufacturing in high-cost countries within Europe more attractive and there have been many other contributing factors to this over the past two years.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of many countries to shortages of essential items like PPE while at the same time making the full exploitation of new digital options essential during national lock-downs and long periods of restricted travel. The escalating cost of global transportation, as well as the growth of online retailing and the associated benefits of on-demand digital manufacturing, are further reinforcing the many benefits of short-run and near-shore new operations.

At the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24 – members of the Swedish Textile Machinery Association TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing.

Digitalisation and the push for more sustainable, shorter and less expensive supply chains are currently making manufacturing in high-cost countries within Europe more attractive and there have been many other contributing factors to this over the past two years.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of many countries to shortages of essential items like PPE while at the same time making the full exploitation of new digital options essential during national lock-downs and long periods of restricted travel. The escalating cost of global transportation, as well as the growth of online retailing and the associated benefits of on-demand digital manufacturing, are further reinforcing the many benefits of short-run and near-shore new operations.

Secure supply
At Texprocess, for example, Eton Systems will be unveiling its latest Ingenious software solution which further enhances the company’s Opta Unit Production System (UPS) introduced in 2021.

“Our automated technology has already had a great impact on the productivity of thousands of garment production lines,” says Eton’s Managing Director Jerker Krabbe. “Our systems help producers across the world to reduce repetitive manual tasks and increase efficiency, which evens out some of the differences between production in high and low-cost countries, making reshoring a feasible option. Creating a diversified production portfolio with a mix of production facilities, some closer to home, makes for a more secure product supply.”

Imogo meanwhile recently installed the first industrial scale dyeing system in Sweden for many years. The Dye-Max spray dyeing line has the potential to slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems. It is capable of carrying out the application of a wide range of fabric pre-treatments and finishing processes, providing users with unbeatable flexibility in production.

“Here in Scandinavia, we are currently seeing an explosion of companies developing sustainable new cellulosic fibres – many from waste clothing – but a problem is that all of the environmental benefits they deliver can potentially be lost in the further processing, and especially in conventional dyeing,” observes the company’s Founding Partner Per Stenflo. “The Dye-Max system positively addresses this, but interest in it has not just been confined to Europe. We are currently seeing a lot of activity in Turkey – largely as a near-shore partner to European brands – but also in Bangladesh.”

Robotics at Heimtextil
ACG Kinna Automatic specialises in automation solutions for filled products such as quilts, pillows and mattresses and its live demonstrations of robotics in action have proved a magnet for visitors to Heimtextil. This year’s show will be no exception.

“The use of robotics is now standard across many industries dealing in solid goods, but the handling of soft materials such as textiles is a little more complex,” says Managing Director Christian Moore. “Nevertheless, it’s something we have successfully mastered, and our robotic systems are proving highly beneficial to their users. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution when it comes to automation and our approach is always to carefully examine where it will make the difference in each bespoke system. A focus is on identifying and eliminating bottlenecks which will increase product flows.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, ACG Kinna drew on all of its automation know-how and extensive network of contacts to build a new nonwovens fabric converting and single-use garment making-up plant in a matter of weeks, in order to supply the Swedish authorities with urgently-needed medical gowns.

Instant colour
Localised textile production is also booming in the USA, where Coloreel has recently secured multiple orders for its instant thread colouration technology via its US partner Hirsch.

“Coloreel technology enables the high-quality and instant colouring of a textile thread while it is actually being used in production and can be paired with any existing embroidery machine without modification, while also making it possible to produce gradients in an embroidery for the first time,” explains VP of Sales Sven Öquist.

“Advanced rapid colour formulation software and high-speed drive technology allow a single needle to carry out what it previously required many multiples of them to do – and with much more consistent stitch quality. By instantly colouring a recycled white base thread during production, our system enables complete freedom to create unique embroideries without any limitations. Colour changes along the thread can either be made rapidly from one solid colour to another, or gradually, to make smooth transitions or any colouring effect desired. This provides big benefits when it comes to sustainability and design creativity.”

Svegea will be promoting its latest EC 300 collarette cutting machine at Texprocess 2022. This machine is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as waistbands, cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements. With its E-Drive 2 system and fully automatic FA500 roll slitter, the EC 300 has an output of around 20,000 metres per hour.

“Advances in automation are only making the specialised, bespoke machines we engineer even more efficient and we are expecting a very busy year,” says Managing Director Håkan Steene. “The garment components our collarette cutters produce make it logical for them to be integrated into the operations of making-up operations, wherever they are.”

The advanced yarn tension monitoring technologies of Eltex of Sweden meanwhile play an essential role in rectifying defects in  weaving, tufting and composite reinforcement operations.

“A correct tension of the warp and weft threads ensures proper machine operation,” explains Eltex Global Marketing and Sales Manager Anoop K. Sharma “The constant tension monitoring and automatic control of the tension of the thread help to overcome unnecessary problems.

“We continue to make advances in both the hardware and software of our tension monitoring systems, such as the EyE™ for the warping process. With the EyE™, the yarn tension values from all yarns are continuously updated and displayed on screen. In addition, tension values outside the warning level are indicated both on the sensor’s LEDs and on the screen for complete quality control. No fabric can be woven without the appropriate and correct tension.”


AWOL Media


IVC entry in the lobby register

Since 11 February 2022, the Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. (IVC) has been listed in the German Lobby Register under registration number R000411. German Parliament decided in March 2021 to introduce the register.

Following various cases of suspected corruption and the rather poor marks by Transparency International for the German federal states in a lobby ranking, calls for greater transparency had grown louder. The Lobby Register Act came into force on 1 January 2022 after it had been agreed by the political parties of CDU/CSU and SPD in long negotiations. Now the act obliges professional lobbyists to make an entry in the publicly accessible register, providing details about their clients and financial expenditure.

Since the IVC has already been registered in the European Transparency Register for several years on a voluntary basis, the Frankfurt-based industry association of major man-made fibre manufacturers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is in favour of all initiatives that lead to more transparency in lobbying.

Since 11 February 2022, the Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. (IVC) has been listed in the German Lobby Register under registration number R000411. German Parliament decided in March 2021 to introduce the register.

Following various cases of suspected corruption and the rather poor marks by Transparency International for the German federal states in a lobby ranking, calls for greater transparency had grown louder. The Lobby Register Act came into force on 1 January 2022 after it had been agreed by the political parties of CDU/CSU and SPD in long negotiations. Now the act obliges professional lobbyists to make an entry in the publicly accessible register, providing details about their clients and financial expenditure.

Since the IVC has already been registered in the European Transparency Register for several years on a voluntary basis, the Frankfurt-based industry association of major man-made fibre manufacturers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is in favour of all initiatives that lead to more transparency in lobbying.

According to IVC's 1st Chairman Klaus Holz (managing director of Trevira GmbH), the IVC sees the existing act as a first step towards strengthening the acceptance of organisations which seek and maintain political contacts. Holz deplores that many gaps and exemptions remain at the time being. He emphasizes: "It is up to the German legislator to bring about equal treatment of every stakeholder in the political arena in Berlin as quickly as possible, so that all those involved can meet on an equal footing."

Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, managing director of the IVC, adds: "We are also active on behalf of our industry throughout Europe for all issues relating to environmental protection and REACH. Therefore, it is essential for our work to know which organisations and persons we encounter in these efforts."


JEC Forum DACH - Conference schedule

  • JEC Forum DACH: a primising agenda highlighting composites innovatioon in the region

September 7, 2021 - JEC Forum DACH's primary goal is to promote the region DACH area's dynamic composites ecosystem through a promising program that includes conferences, startup competition, and awards. The first edition of the JEC DACH Forum, unique in its format and content, will occur in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt from November 23 to 24, 2021.

For two days, the JEC Forum DACH program will offer the opportunity to exchange and learn about the current and future developments of Composites in the DACH region through a rich program of conferences, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the JEC-AVK Awards. JEC Forum DACH will include pre-arranged Business Meetings between sponsors and attendees as well as sponsors' workshops. Advance registration is required to attend this forum that expects to gather 500 participants.

Conferences, keynotes and market overview

  • JEC Forum DACH: a primising agenda highlighting composites innovatioon in the region

September 7, 2021 - JEC Forum DACH's primary goal is to promote the region DACH area's dynamic composites ecosystem through a promising program that includes conferences, startup competition, and awards. The first edition of the JEC DACH Forum, unique in its format and content, will occur in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt from November 23 to 24, 2021.

For two days, the JEC Forum DACH program will offer the opportunity to exchange and learn about the current and future developments of Composites in the DACH region through a rich program of conferences, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the JEC-AVK Awards. JEC Forum DACH will include pre-arranged Business Meetings between sponsors and attendees as well as sponsors' workshops. Advance registration is required to attend this forum that expects to gather 500 participants.

Conferences, keynotes and market overview

JEC Forum DACH will feature cutting-edge live conferences with exclusive keynotes organized by the AVK.
The composites industry provides a significant impetus, e.g. in its process technologies for hybrid structures or integrated manufacturing and modern mobility or new materials in the booming construction sector. There's been an increasing number of marketable ideas for recycling and sustainability solutions. Furthermore, an exclusive report on current market developments in the European composites market will be delivered.

JEC Forum DACH will also feature a fulfilling conference program with experts from the industry giving insights on the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

Each day of the forum will be broken down as-is:
•    Two keynote speeches led by one or two high profile experts
•    Conferences/technical presentations
•    Workshops and Business Meetings

Please find the program of the conference attached.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

VDMA: Young talents honoured online (c) VDMA
The winners 2020 (from top left to bottom right): Dr. Frederik Cloppenburg, Philippa Böhnke, Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, Dr. Annett Schmieder, Maximilian Speiser, Harry Lucas jun.

VDMA: Young talents honoured online

In early December, the chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier presented awards to six successful young engineers. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony took place as a web conference for the first time.

Philippa Böhnke, ITM Dresden, and Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, ITA Aachen, were honoured with creativity awards for the cleverest bachelor or project work. The prizes are endowed with 3,000 euros each. Ms. Böhnke’s project dealt with composite implants for the repair and regeneration of bone defects. In his bachelor thesis, Mr. Arañó Romero has developed a spinning machine able to produce yarn with material from the moon. By this, the transport effort in space travel can be minimised, because insulating material for example necessary for a moon base can be produced on the moon directly.

In early December, the chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier presented awards to six successful young engineers. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony took place as a web conference for the first time.

Philippa Böhnke, ITM Dresden, and Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, ITA Aachen, were honoured with creativity awards for the cleverest bachelor or project work. The prizes are endowed with 3,000 euros each. Ms. Böhnke’s project dealt with composite implants for the repair and regeneration of bone defects. In his bachelor thesis, Mr. Arañó Romero has developed a spinning machine able to produce yarn with material from the moon. By this, the transport effort in space travel can be minimised, because insulating material for example necessary for a moon base can be produced on the moon directly.

Harry Lucas, TU Chemnitz, and Maximilian Speiser, Reutlingen University, were awarded two promotion prizes in the category master thesis with prize money of 3,500 euros each. The master thesis of Mr. Lucas deals with the development of a new knitting head for jacquard knitted fabrics, enabling a large variety of colours e.g. in the production of fan scarfs. Mr. Speiser showed in his master thesis a solution for increasing energy efficiency in the nonwovens process.

This year, two promotion prizes of the German Textile Machinery Industry in the dissertation category were awarded to Dr. Frederik Cloppenburg, ITA Aachen, and Dr. Annett Schmieder, TU Chemnitz. In his dissertation Mr. Cloppenburg developed a model for the optimisation of roller cards in the nonwovens process. Ms. Schmieder introduced in her dissertation a damage analysis system for fibre ropes. The system detects when a rope must be replaced e.g. in transport applications.

The award ceremony 2021 shall take place with physical presence again. It is scheduled for early May at the fair Techtextil in Frankfurt.



Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes (c) Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung
Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung sponsorship award winner picture 2020 (Ricarda Wissel: row 1, first from right, Simon Kammler, row 4, first from right)

Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

ITA scientist Dr.-Ing. Pavan Manvi has developed a melt spinning process at ITA for the production of elastic yarn from thermoplastic polyurethane, in which carbon dioxide is used as one of the raw materials. In her bachelor thesis, Ricarda Wissel successfully developed a process chain for the CO2-based yarn in a textile end product for the first time. In cooperation with the company FALKE and Dr Manvi, who supervised Ms. Wissel's work, the yarn was used to produce a sock (see figure "FALKE sock with carbon dioxide filaments").

By reusing carbon dioxide from industrial waste as a raw material for textile and clothing products, the carbon dioxide balance can be improved and thus contributes directly to climate protection. The sponsorship prize of the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung is endowed with 6,000 € for the specialist further training of Ms. Wissel.

Interdisciplinary training with development of a new type of measuring stand for the future-oriented research field "Smart Textiles

The development of textiles with additional digital functions, so-called "Smart Textiles", is considered a future-oriented field of research. In his project submission, ITA´s doctoral candidate Simon Kammler presented a concept for a lecture series on Smart Textiles at ITA and develops a new type of measuring stand for measuring the capacity and conductivity of fibres. The project is funded by the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung with a prize money of 10,000 Euro.

Smart Textiles enable the textile to interact with the environment and the human user. Today they are therefore in demand in many areas of everyday life such as sport, health, living, life and mobility and offer completely new practical solutions. In combination with digital networked services, Smart Textiles promise support and innovation in almost all situations of daily life.

With the conception of a new lecture series, Mr. Simon Kammler is supporting ITA in its goal of providing the best possible training for young scientists. The focus is on imparting far-reaching interdisciplinary skills in order to master the challenges of current fields of research.


The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung supports particularly talented young people from all areas of the textile industry. Its purpose is the promotion of subject-specific education and further education as well as the promotion of projects at universities, academic schools and vocational schools, which are characterised by the sustainable communication of innovative learning content in science and research. In total, thirteen sponsorship prizes were awarded in 2020. Due to the Corona crisis, the forum of TextilWirtschaft, which is normally the venue for the awards ceremony, unfortunately had to be cancelled in 2020.

Foto: Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for Greenshowroom

Fair Fashion goes Future

  • Greenshowroom, Ethical Fashion Show Berlin und FashionSustain machen das Kraftwerk Berlin zur Bühne für nachhaltigen Lifestyle während der Berlin Fashion Week.

Alles neu macht der Sommer: Mit 140 ausgewählten internationalen Fair Fashion-Labels von edel bis streetstyle, einem neuem Beauty-Areal und einem vollen Event-Programm mit exklusiven Branchen-Insights, hochkarätigen Sprechern bis hin zu Networking-Parties bieten die Veranstaltungen im Kraftwerk vom 3. bis 5. Juli 2018 Inspiration und Fachwissen und bringen die Fashion-Community zusammen. Immer im Fokus: die enge Verbindung von Mode, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit.

  • Greenshowroom, Ethical Fashion Show Berlin und FashionSustain machen das Kraftwerk Berlin zur Bühne für nachhaltigen Lifestyle während der Berlin Fashion Week.

Alles neu macht der Sommer: Mit 140 ausgewählten internationalen Fair Fashion-Labels von edel bis streetstyle, einem neuem Beauty-Areal und einem vollen Event-Programm mit exklusiven Branchen-Insights, hochkarätigen Sprechern bis hin zu Networking-Parties bieten die Veranstaltungen im Kraftwerk vom 3. bis 5. Juli 2018 Inspiration und Fachwissen und bringen die Fashion-Community zusammen. Immer im Fokus: die enge Verbindung von Mode, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit.

„Mit unserer zweiten Ausgabe im Kraftwerk legen wir nochmal eine Schippe drauf. Wir haben tolle Labels im Programm, die wir bewusst noch einmal stärker modisch kuratiert haben und unter denen einige spannende Neuentdeckungen sind. Unser Eventprogramm ist so umfangreich und exklusiv wie noch nie. Kurzum: Unsere Veranstaltungen im Kraftwerk gehen den nächsten Schritt in Richtung Zukunft“, so Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt.

Kapsel-Kollektionen mit Tiefgang
Outdoor-Label Bleed feiert im Kraftwerk 10. Geburtstag. Am Mittwoch, 4. Juli laden die Oberfranken gemeinsam mit Singersongwriter Adrian Winkler zur Jubiläumsparty an ihrem Messestand. Denim-Label Kuyichi zeigen unter anderem ein Statement-Shirt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem niederländischen Designer Antoine Peters und der NGO Justdiggit, die aus dem Erlös Trockengebiete in Afrika fruchtbar macht. Lanius lanciert seine Kapsel-Kollektion mit Naturfarbstoffen. Besucher können selbst Tücher einfärben. Luxaa zeigen eine Kapsel-Kollektion in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Leipziger Künstler Michel Holzwart, bei der Kollektionsteile mithilfe von Sonnenlicht bedruckt werden. Nuuwai stellt Taschen aus Apfelleder vor, die zudem ein Innenfutter aus recycelten PET-Flaschen haben. Dies wiederum stammt aus Restbeständen des spanischen Upcycling-Labels Ecoalf. Skunkfunk spricht über ihren Carbon Footprint Calculator, anhand dessen das Label die CO2-Einsparung jedes seiner Kollektionsteile im Vergleich zu konventionellen Stücken misst.

Zahlreiche Newcomer im Kraftwerk
Neben etablierten Fair Fashion-Labels haben der Greenshowroom und die Ethical Fashion Show Berlin erneut einige vielversprechende Newcomer im Programm. Beard and Fringe aus Frankreich stehen für geradlinige Urban Wear mit coolen Details. Mymarini aus Hamburg bieten edle Bademode, die Stil, Nachhaltigkeit und Funktionalität vereint, ebenso wie das österreichische Label Margaret and Hermione, deren  Swim- und Sportswear aus nicht mehr verwendeten Fischernetzen entsteht. Mit Good Krama stellt erstmals ein nachhaltiges Label aus Kambodscha im Kraftwerk aus und verbindet traditionelles Handwerk mit innovativer Casual Wear. Das britische Label Re.Sustain produziert hochwertige, stylische Contemporary Wear zu demokratischen Preisen. Shipsheip aus Köln setzen auf minimalistisches Design, anspruchsvolle Details und Langlebigkeit. Das Leipziger Label Klymp steht für zeitlose und individuelle Accessoires wie Hosenträger, Fliegen und Einstecktücher.

Die Trends für den kommenden Frühjahr und Sommer
Die Kollektionen der Labels im Kraftwerk für das Frühjahr und den Sommer 2019 machen Lust auf Sommer, Ferne und Freiheit. Natürliche Materialien und harmonische Farbpaletten erinnern an mediterrane Landschaften unter wolkenlosem Himmel. Folkloristische Details wecken Assoziationen mit exotischen Lebensstilen. Einflüsse kommen aus der engen Zusammenarbeit mit Kunsthandwerkern weltweit, Ansätzen zum Erhalt traditioneller Handwerkstechniken und der Natur selbst.

Eventprogramm informiert, inspiriert und unterhält
Besucher des Kraftwerks erwartet ein Eventprogramm, das noch nie so umfangreich war und neben Branchenwissen jede Menge Inspiration und Erlebnis verspricht. Zu den Highlights zählen die Modenschau „Greenshowroom Selected“ im Rahmen der MBFW, der Abendevent Nightshift am 3. Juli mit der „Ginger Party“ von Lanius und Weleda und einem After Show-Cocktail zur Modenschau, das Konferenz-Duo FashionSustain und Fashiontech, der Blogger- und Influencer-Event Prepeek powered by Fashion Changers sowie Vorträge, Workshops und Diskussionen zu Themen wie nachhaltiger Footwear, fairen Löhnen und transparenten Lieferketten. Unter dem Titel „FashionImpact“ steht zudem erstmals Highfashion aus Afrika und Asien im Fokus. Fußball-Fans können zudem am 3. Juli ab 16 Uhr beim Treffpunkt by Sportswear International und Textilwirtschaft das Achtelfinale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft verfolgen.

Modenschau erstmals Teil der MBFW
Unter dem Titel „Greenshowroom Selected“ vereint die kuratierte Modenschau am Dienstag, dem 3. Juli ab 19 Uhr die herausragendsten Styles der Aussteller des Greenshowrooms und der Ethical Fashion Show Berlin. Die Modenschau findet erstmals im Rahmen des im Januar lancierten Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week-Formats MBFW im Ewerk Berlin statt. Die „Greenshowroom Selected“-Show wird zusätzlich live in das Kraftwerk übertragen.

Greenshowroom und Ethical Fashion Show Berlin werden Neonyt
Die Sommerausgabe des Greenshowrooms und der Ethical Fashion Show Berlin finden letztmalig unter den bekannten Namen statt. Ab Messeschluss und für die kommende Winterausgabe 2019 bildet Neonyt dann den europaweit führenden Hub für die Zukunftsthemen in der Modebranche. In Zusammenspiel mit der Konferenz FashionSustain, der von der Premium Group organisierten #Fashiontech sowie weiteren Events und Showcases entsteht ein globaler Hub für zukunftsorientierte Mode und nachhaltige Innovationen.


VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association © VDMA
(v.l.n.r.): Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons of the Textile Machinery Association: Regina Brückner, Fritz P. Mayer, Verena Thies.

VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

The new executive board for the legislative period until 2021 is composed of:
Regina Brückner (Chairperson), Brückner Trockentechnik
Verena Thies (Vice Chairperson), Thies
Fritz P. Mayer (Vice Chairman), Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Johann Phillip Dilo, Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik
Peter D. Dornier, Lindauer Dornier
Arno Gärtner, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Roland Hampel, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen
Dr. Janpeter Horn, Herzog
Markus Kleindorp, Memminger-Iro
Martin Küppers, Saurer Schlafhorst
Georg Stausberg, Oerlikon Textile
Andreas Lukas, Andritz Küsters
Benjamin Mayer, Mayer & Cie.     
Eric Schöller, Groz-Beckert
Heinrich Trützschler, Trützschler
