From the Sector

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ANDRITZ-Linie für den Hanfaufschluss bei Ekolution Copyright: Ekolution
ANDRITZ-Linie für den Hanfaufschluss bei Ekolution

Neue ANDRITZ-Bastfaserlinien für schwedischen Baustoffproduzenten

ANDRITZ hat vor kurzem eine teXline-Bastfaserlinie im neuen Werk von Ekolution, einem Pionier für nachhaltige Baustoffe, in Malmö, Schweden, in Betrieb genommen. Mit der Linie erweitert Ekolution seine Produktionskapazität für umweltfreundliche Hanffasern und Vliesstoffe aus Industriehanf. ANDRITZ lieferte Anlagen für Hanfaufschluss und -verfeinerung sowie eine neXline Airlay-Anlage zur Herstellung der Vliesstoffe.

Die ANDRITZ-Linie ist darauf ausgelegt, Hanffasern ohne Verunreinigungen in einem schonenden Verfahren zu gewinnen. Die Maschinen brauchen wenig Platz und Energie, sie übernehmen den Aufschluss und das anschließende Verfeinern der Fasern. Aus bis zu 5 Tonnen Rohmaterial pro Stunde werden hochwertige Fasern hergestellt. Ein Teil davon wird in eine Anlage des Typs neXline airlay flexiloft+ eingespeist, die bis zu 1,5 Tonnen Vliesstoff pro Stunde für verschiedene Anwendungen produziert.

ANDRITZ hat vor kurzem eine teXline-Bastfaserlinie im neuen Werk von Ekolution, einem Pionier für nachhaltige Baustoffe, in Malmö, Schweden, in Betrieb genommen. Mit der Linie erweitert Ekolution seine Produktionskapazität für umweltfreundliche Hanffasern und Vliesstoffe aus Industriehanf. ANDRITZ lieferte Anlagen für Hanfaufschluss und -verfeinerung sowie eine neXline Airlay-Anlage zur Herstellung der Vliesstoffe.

Die ANDRITZ-Linie ist darauf ausgelegt, Hanffasern ohne Verunreinigungen in einem schonenden Verfahren zu gewinnen. Die Maschinen brauchen wenig Platz und Energie, sie übernehmen den Aufschluss und das anschließende Verfeinern der Fasern. Aus bis zu 5 Tonnen Rohmaterial pro Stunde werden hochwertige Fasern hergestellt. Ein Teil davon wird in eine Anlage des Typs neXline airlay flexiloft+ eingespeist, die bis zu 1,5 Tonnen Vliesstoff pro Stunde für verschiedene Anwendungen produziert.

Remi Loren, CEO von Ekolution, erklärt: „Unser Unternehmen ist führend bei umweltfreundlichen Materialien mit Dämmstoffen und Vliesstoffen, die biobasiert, kohlenstoffnegativ und energieeffizient sind. ANDRITZ unterstützt uns bei der Erreichung unserer Nachhaltigkeitsziele mit einem Prozess, der die Rohstoffe bestmöglich nutzt und gleichzeitig den Ressourcenverbrauch reduziert. Auch in Zukunft können wir bei der Optimierung unserer Prozesse die Expertise von ANDRITZ im Bereich Service und Digitalisierung nutzen.“

Das 2013 in Schweden gegründete Unternehmen Ekolution produziert biobasierte Baumaterialien basierend auf Hanf aus eigenen Plantagen. Die Hanffaser-Dämmung des Unternehmens ist die erste mit einer Environmental Product Declaration (EDP), die bestätigt, dass diese Dämmung CO2-negativ ist (Industriehanf bindet mehr CO2, als bei der Produktion freigesetzt wird). Die Hanfplatten und Vliesstoffe von Ekolution wurden kürzlich bei dem weltgrößten Bauprojekt mit Hanffaser-Dämmung eingesetzt, einem Hightech-Logistikzentrum in Stockholm. Weitere Anwendungsbereiche der Hanfprodukte von Ekolution sind die Automobil-, Textil-, Möbel-, Akustik-, Verpackungs-, Zellstoff- und Papierindustrie und anderen Sektoren, in denen nachhaltige Naturfasern gefragt sind.


Andritz AG

Refiner- und Kotonisierungslinien Foto Andritz AG

Neue ANDRITZ-Bastfaserlinien zur Flachsverarbeitung für Van Robaeys

Der internationale Technologiekonzern ANDRITZ hat zwei neue Refiner- und Kotonisierungslinien an Van Robaeys, Frankreich, geliefert und in Betrieb genommen. Die maßgeschneiderten teXline-Anlagen ermöglichen es dem Unternehmen, die Produktion von Textilfasern aus Flachs zu steigern. Das Familienunternehmen Van Robaeys stellt das Flachsfasern für die Spinnereiindustrie her. Sein Know-how in der Flachsverarbeitung reicht bis ins Jahr 1919 zurück.

Mit der Errichtung der neuen Linien reagiert Van Robaeys auf die zunehmende Nachfrage des französischen Marktes nach hochwertigen baumwollartigen Textilfasern aus natürlichen Rohstoffen. Europa ist der weltweit größte Produzent von Flachsfasern und verzeichnete zwischen 2010 und 2020 einen Anstieg der Flachsanbauflächen um 133%.

ANDRITZ-teXline-Bastfaser-Linien können bis zu 800 kg Fasern pro Stunde verarbeiten und sind mit modernsten Anlagen ausgestattet, die ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität in der gesamten Faserverarbeitung gewährleisten.

Der internationale Technologiekonzern ANDRITZ hat zwei neue Refiner- und Kotonisierungslinien an Van Robaeys, Frankreich, geliefert und in Betrieb genommen. Die maßgeschneiderten teXline-Anlagen ermöglichen es dem Unternehmen, die Produktion von Textilfasern aus Flachs zu steigern. Das Familienunternehmen Van Robaeys stellt das Flachsfasern für die Spinnereiindustrie her. Sein Know-how in der Flachsverarbeitung reicht bis ins Jahr 1919 zurück.

Mit der Errichtung der neuen Linien reagiert Van Robaeys auf die zunehmende Nachfrage des französischen Marktes nach hochwertigen baumwollartigen Textilfasern aus natürlichen Rohstoffen. Europa ist der weltweit größte Produzent von Flachsfasern und verzeichnete zwischen 2010 und 2020 einen Anstieg der Flachsanbauflächen um 133%.

ANDRITZ-teXline-Bastfaser-Linien können bis zu 800 kg Fasern pro Stunde verarbeiten und sind mit modernsten Anlagen ausgestattet, die ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität in der gesamten Faserverarbeitung gewährleisten.

Bei den nun gelieferten Anlagen handelt es sich um die siebente und achte ANDRITZ-Kotonisierungslinie für Van Robaeys, wobei die erste schon seit 50 Jahren in Betrieb ist. Die jüngste Investition unterstützt die Bemühungen des Unternehmens um eine nachhaltige und abfallfreie Faserproduktion.


Foto Andritz AG

Coffee cup lids are one example of products made with DMF technology Foto Andritz AG
Coffee cup lids are one example of products made with DMF technology

ANDRITZ: New pilot line for dry molded fiber production

International technology group ANDRITZ has inaugurated a new technical center in Montbonnot, France, dedicated to advancing solutions for dry molded fiber production.

Dry molded fiber (DMF) production uses a nearly waterless process to convert cellulose fibers into three-dimensional products for sustainable packaging. Based on its strategic partnership with the Swedish DMF pioneer PulPac, ANDRITZ is now able to offer complete dry molded fiber lines.

The new technical center with its pilot line will support ANDRITZ’s development of industrial-scale solutions for high-speed, turnkey dry molded fiber production plants for the packaging industry. It will also enable customers to conduct trials, receive support on R&D projects, and create new products with customized shapes and barrier properties.

International technology group ANDRITZ has inaugurated a new technical center in Montbonnot, France, dedicated to advancing solutions for dry molded fiber production.

Dry molded fiber (DMF) production uses a nearly waterless process to convert cellulose fibers into three-dimensional products for sustainable packaging. Based on its strategic partnership with the Swedish DMF pioneer PulPac, ANDRITZ is now able to offer complete dry molded fiber lines.

The new technical center with its pilot line will support ANDRITZ’s development of industrial-scale solutions for high-speed, turnkey dry molded fiber production plants for the packaging industry. It will also enable customers to conduct trials, receive support on R&D projects, and create new products with customized shapes and barrier properties.

Andreas Lukas, Senior Vice President of ANDRITZ Nonwoven & Textile, states: “Wood pulp processing has been a core competence of ANDRITZ for a long time. Our new pilot line is an important step in advancing our solutions for responsible convenience packaging from wood pulp. By combining ANDRITZ Dan-Web’s airlaid forming capabilities with PulPac’s molding technology, we are striving for the highest capacity, product quality and flexibility in this field.”


Andritz AG

Textilrecycling Graphik: Andritz

ANDRITZ: Engineering order for textile recycling plant from Circ®

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an engineering order from US textile recycling innovator Circ in anticipation of its first large-scale textile recycling plant. The plant will be the first to recover cotton and polyester from blended textile waste.

Circ® is a pioneering company focused on sustainable solutions for the fashion industry. By converting fashion waste into reusable raw materials for fabrics, Circ reduces the need for petroleum and natural resources. The company’s mission is to build a truly circular economy to protect the planet from the cost of clothing.

ANDRITZ has been successfully conducting trials for Circ at the ANDRITZ Fiber R&D Center in Springfield, Ohio, USA, for several years. The successful partnership and recent developments have led to the decision to expand this cooperation.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an engineering order from US textile recycling innovator Circ in anticipation of its first large-scale textile recycling plant. The plant will be the first to recover cotton and polyester from blended textile waste.

Circ® is a pioneering company focused on sustainable solutions for the fashion industry. By converting fashion waste into reusable raw materials for fabrics, Circ reduces the need for petroleum and natural resources. The company’s mission is to build a truly circular economy to protect the planet from the cost of clothing.

ANDRITZ has been successfully conducting trials for Circ at the ANDRITZ Fiber R&D Center in Springfield, Ohio, USA, for several years. The successful partnership and recent developments have led to the decision to expand this cooperation.

The majority of fashion waste consists of polyester-cotton blends, which poses a significant challenge to achieving greater circularity. In particular, the separation of cellulosic and synthetic fibers from textile waste has been a major obstacle. Circ’s innovative recycling process can break down polycotton textile waste into its original components – polyester and cotton. The forthcoming plant will process 200 tons of textile waste per day, allowing cotton to be recycled for lyocell production and polyester to be reused for polyester production. This will reduce the need for virgin raw materials.

Conor Hartman, Chief Operating Officer at Circ, says: “We remain excited about this continued collaboration with ANDRITZ. Together, we will commercialize Circ’s innovative recycling process and take another step towards a truly circular fashion industry. With its expertise in engineering and building large-scale process equipment, ANDRITZ is the right partner to help us transform textile waste into recycled fibers on an industrial level.

Michael Waupotitsch, Vice President Textile Recycling at ANDRITZ, comments: “We are eager to support Circ in their vision of circularity because the technology they have developed is uniquely suited to solve one of the biggest challenges in fashion waste and recycling. With our holistic knowledge in resizing, mechanical separation, hydrothermal processing, recovery of cellulosic pulp as well as pulp cleaning and pulp drying, we have the right expertise to help them achieve their goals. Our experience in process development and machinery will help bring their innovative recycling technology to life.”

ANDRITZ Perfojet neXjet-Injektor Copyright: ANDRITZ

ANDRITZ Perfojet: 40 Jahre Lösungen für die Vliesstoffindustrie

ANDRITZ Perfojet, ein führender Anbieter von Technologien für die Vliesstoffindustrie, feiert dieses Jahr sein 40-jähriges Bestehen. Das Unternehmen ist ein Pionier in der Wasserstrahlverfestigung. Diese Technologie ermöglicht es, nahezu alle Arten von Fasern ohne zusätzliche Bindemittel zu verarbeiten. In den vergangenen vier Jahrzehnten wurden mehr als 300 Jetlace™-Wasserstrahlverfestigungssysteme installiert, mit denen die Qualität und Effizienz von Wischtüchern, Hygiene- und Körperpflegeprodukten sowie Geotextilien, Filtern, Kunstledersubstraten, Batterieseparatoren und Gasdiffusionsschichten verbessert wurden. Die Technologie hat die Vliesstoffproduktion tiefgreifend verändert und neue Standards für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche gesetzt.

ANDRITZ Perfojet, ein führender Anbieter von Technologien für die Vliesstoffindustrie, feiert dieses Jahr sein 40-jähriges Bestehen. Das Unternehmen ist ein Pionier in der Wasserstrahlverfestigung. Diese Technologie ermöglicht es, nahezu alle Arten von Fasern ohne zusätzliche Bindemittel zu verarbeiten. In den vergangenen vier Jahrzehnten wurden mehr als 300 Jetlace™-Wasserstrahlverfestigungssysteme installiert, mit denen die Qualität und Effizienz von Wischtüchern, Hygiene- und Körperpflegeprodukten sowie Geotextilien, Filtern, Kunstledersubstraten, Batterieseparatoren und Gasdiffusionsschichten verbessert wurden. Die Technologie hat die Vliesstoffproduktion tiefgreifend verändert und neue Standards für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche gesetzt.

Zukunft im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit
Aufbauend dieser Erfahrung ist Perfojet auch heute führend bei fortschrittlichen Lösungen wie kompletten Spunlace-Anlagen (neXline spunlace, neXline wetlace), die eine effiziente Produktion von Vliesstoffen aus 100% nachhaltigen Fasern ermöglichen, und Trocknungssystemen (neXdry-Durchstromtrockner, neXecodry-Energiesparlösung), die im Vergleich zu früheren Lösungen eine Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs um 15% ermöglichen.

ANDRITZ Perfojet ist bestrebt, den grünen Wandel in der Vliesstoffproduktion zu unterstützen. Die F&E-Aktivitäten des Unternehmens konzentrieren sich auf die Verringerung des Kunststoffeinsatzes und die verstärkte Verwendung von Viskose-, Lyocell-, Zellstoff- und Recycling-Fasern. Darüber hinaus bieten die Technologien von ANDRITZ Perfojet und die Spunlace-Pilotanlagen in Montbonnot, Frankreich, den Kunden die Möglichkeit, neue nachhaltige Fasern wie Hanf, Leinen, Flachs und Wolle zu verarbeiten.

Cooperation between CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles (c) CARBIOS
(L-R) Emmanuel Ladent (CEO, CARBIOS), Eric Boël (Co-director of Nouvelles Fibres Textiles) and Mathieu Berthoud (Strategic Sourcing Director, CARBIOS)

Cooperation between CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles

CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, a French company specializing in the recovery of end-of-life textiles, announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a contract for the supply of polyester textiles to the world's first PET biorecycling plant currently under construction in Longlaville, France. The polyester textiles supplied will come from used or end-of-life textiles prepared in France by Nouvelles Fibres Textiles for recycling using CARBIOS' enzymatic depolymerization technology. This contract will enable 5,000 tons a year of these textiles to be redirected towards biorecycling from 2026 onwards, over an initial 5-year period, demonstrating the commitment of industrial players all along the value chain to achieving textile circularity for a more sustainable textile sector.

CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, a French company specializing in the recovery of end-of-life textiles, announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a contract for the supply of polyester textiles to the world's first PET biorecycling plant currently under construction in Longlaville, France. The polyester textiles supplied will come from used or end-of-life textiles prepared in France by Nouvelles Fibres Textiles for recycling using CARBIOS' enzymatic depolymerization technology. This contract will enable 5,000 tons a year of these textiles to be redirected towards biorecycling from 2026 onwards, over an initial 5-year period, demonstrating the commitment of industrial players all along the value chain to achieving textile circularity for a more sustainable textile sector.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles and its various partners opened a semi-industrial site with an annual capacity of 1,000 tons in November 2023, the first step towards building a 20,000-to-30,000-ton unit in 2026. This first site, a research center for textile recycling, combines the know-how of Andritz Laroche (a leader in textile recycling), Pellenc ST (French leader in intelligent sorting solutions), Synergie TLC (a French player in collection and first sorting for solidarity) and the Tissages de Charlieu group (a French player in weaving, garment manufacturing and textile recycling). This unit transforms used textiles into high-quality raw materials, supplying the various industries that use textile fibers (non-wovens, insulation, plastic, textiles, etc.) by automatically sorting them by composition, while eliminating hard points (buttons, zips, patches, etc.).

CARBIOS' biorecycling technology uses enzymes to break down polyester fibers into their basic components. These components are then used to produce high-quality recycled PET materials, such as fibers for the textile industry. This “fiber-to-fiber” solution will enable polyester to become a truly circular fiber on a large scale.




ANDRITZ: Needlepunch line for heavy fabrics

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Sioen Technical Felts to supply a complete needlepunch line for its production plant in Liège, Belgium. The new line will enable Sioen to produce heavy fabrics in a single step.

Sioen’s Liège plant specializes in the production of technical fabrics used mainly in industrial applications such as pipe lining (CIPP), acoustics, and filtration. The ANDRITZ equipment will allow the customer to produce fabrics of more than 3,500 gsm in a single step, using different types of fibers (recycled PET, OxPan, bicomponent,…) and finenesses. Normally two or three layers have to be needled off-line in a second step to achieve such a fabric weight.

The single-step process results in a higher quality end product by minimizing the risk of delamination, i.e. the separation of layers during use. It also increases productivity by reducing the need for fabric handling.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Sioen Technical Felts to supply a complete needlepunch line for its production plant in Liège, Belgium. The new line will enable Sioen to produce heavy fabrics in a single step.

Sioen’s Liège plant specializes in the production of technical fabrics used mainly in industrial applications such as pipe lining (CIPP), acoustics, and filtration. The ANDRITZ equipment will allow the customer to produce fabrics of more than 3,500 gsm in a single step, using different types of fibers (recycled PET, OxPan, bicomponent,…) and finenesses. Normally two or three layers have to be needled off-line in a second step to achieve such a fabric weight.

The single-step process results in a higher quality end product by minimizing the risk of delamination, i.e. the separation of layers during use. It also increases productivity by reducing the need for fabric handling.

The ANDRITZ DF-4 needleloom, which can operate in double and single stroke modus, gives Sioen high flexibility to process fabrics with different mechanical charasteristics. Operators can easily switch modes via the remote-control touch screen. The line will be equipped with ANDRITZ’s latest fabric weight profiling technology, ProWin™, to ensure maximum weight evenness.

Start-up of the new needlepunch line is scheduled for Q1 2025.



ANDRITZ to supply needlepunch line to Şiteks Bild: ANDRITZ

ANDRITZ to supply needlepunch line to Şiteks

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from the Turkish insulation felt manufacturer Şiteks to supply a complete needlepunch line for its production plant in Tekirdag.

With this investment, Şiteks will expand its production capacity to meet the international demand for needlepunched nonwoven insulation products in the automotive and construction sectors. The line is scheduled to start up in the first quarter of 2025. This is the second line that Şiteks has purchased from ANDRITZ.

The ANDRITZ needlepunch eXcelle line for Şiteks can process different types of fibers, including natural fibers, and is specifically designed to meet the customer’s requirements in terms of productivity, quality, and sustainability.

Şiteks Şişmanlar Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş, a member of the Hassan Group, is one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of thermal and acoustic insulation felts. Its products are used in a wide range of applications in the automotive, white goods, construction, and mattress and furniture industries.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from the Turkish insulation felt manufacturer Şiteks to supply a complete needlepunch line for its production plant in Tekirdag.

With this investment, Şiteks will expand its production capacity to meet the international demand for needlepunched nonwoven insulation products in the automotive and construction sectors. The line is scheduled to start up in the first quarter of 2025. This is the second line that Şiteks has purchased from ANDRITZ.

The ANDRITZ needlepunch eXcelle line for Şiteks can process different types of fibers, including natural fibers, and is specifically designed to meet the customer’s requirements in terms of productivity, quality, and sustainability.

Şiteks Şişmanlar Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş, a member of the Hassan Group, is one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of thermal and acoustic insulation felts. Its products are used in a wide range of applications in the automotive, white goods, construction, and mattress and furniture industries.




Meisheng installs third ANDRITZ needlepunch line

Meisheng Group has started up a new ANDRITZ needlepunch line at its facility in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China. It is the third line supplied by ANDRITZ to the manufacturer of high-end nonwoven synthetic leather. This expansion will enable Meisheng to address the growing demand for synthetic suede in the automotive industry, particularly for New Energy Vehicles (NEVs).

The advanced line is equipped with a ProWid™ system that allows Meisheng to ensure an optimum web weight regularity across the full product width. As a result, the web distribution is improved, which reduces material consumption (fibers) and improves web weight evenness (CV%) – factors that are particularly important in synthetic leather manufacturing for automotive applications.

Meisheng Group has started up a new ANDRITZ needlepunch line at its facility in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China. It is the third line supplied by ANDRITZ to the manufacturer of high-end nonwoven synthetic leather. This expansion will enable Meisheng to address the growing demand for synthetic suede in the automotive industry, particularly for New Energy Vehicles (NEVs).

The advanced line is equipped with a ProWid™ system that allows Meisheng to ensure an optimum web weight regularity across the full product width. As a result, the web distribution is improved, which reduces material consumption (fibers) and improves web weight evenness (CV%) – factors that are particularly important in synthetic leather manufacturing for automotive applications.



ANDRITZ: Start-up of production line for sustainable wipes Photo: Teknomelt
ANDRITZ neXline wetlace CCP at Teknomelt, Türkiye

ANDRITZ: Start-up of production line for sustainable wipes

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up a new nonwovens production line supplied to Teknomelt Teknik Mensucat San. ve Tic. A.S. in Kahramanmaras, Türkiye. The new neXline wetlace CCP (carded-carded-pulp) line produces nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes

By combining the benefits of two technologies, spunlace and wetlaid, the line enables the use of bio-based fibers, like viscose and wood pulp, to produce a high-performance and sustainable wipe with the same technical product characteristics and performances as a conventional wipe made of synthetic fibers while protecting the environment.

Teknomelt is one of the leading manufacturers of nonwoven meltblown, spunbond, SMS and SMMS fabrics in Türkiye. The company serves a wide range of markets, exporting 45% of its production. With the new ANDRITZ Wetlace CCP line, the company is expanding its range of sustainable nonwovens production for wipes. 

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up a new nonwovens production line supplied to Teknomelt Teknik Mensucat San. ve Tic. A.S. in Kahramanmaras, Türkiye. The new neXline wetlace CCP (carded-carded-pulp) line produces nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes

By combining the benefits of two technologies, spunlace and wetlaid, the line enables the use of bio-based fibers, like viscose and wood pulp, to produce a high-performance and sustainable wipe with the same technical product characteristics and performances as a conventional wipe made of synthetic fibers while protecting the environment.

Teknomelt is one of the leading manufacturers of nonwoven meltblown, spunbond, SMS and SMMS fabrics in Türkiye. The company serves a wide range of markets, exporting 45% of its production. With the new ANDRITZ Wetlace CCP line, the company is expanding its range of sustainable nonwovens production for wipes. 



Complete ANDRITZ textile recycling line for Italian recycling specialist Photo: ANDRITZ

Complete ANDRITZ textile recycling line for Italian recycling specialist

ANDRITZ recently started up a new textile recycling line at Sfilacciatura Negro’s plant in Biella, Italy. Designed for processing post-consumer textile waste with automatic removal of hard parts, the tearing line supports the company’s expansion into new recycling segments.

In view of the growing demand for sustainable fibers in the re-spinning and nonwoven industries, Sfilacciatura Negro Biella decided to expand its recycling capabilities. The company has extensive experience in recycling industrial textile waste and already operates two tearing lines. Based on its long-term collaboration with ANDRITZ, it is now stepping into the recycling of post-consumer clothing waste.

ANDRITZ recently started up a new textile recycling line at Sfilacciatura Negro’s plant in Biella, Italy. Designed for processing post-consumer textile waste with automatic removal of hard parts, the tearing line supports the company’s expansion into new recycling segments.

In view of the growing demand for sustainable fibers in the re-spinning and nonwoven industries, Sfilacciatura Negro Biella decided to expand its recycling capabilities. The company has extensive experience in recycling industrial textile waste and already operates two tearing lines. Based on its long-term collaboration with ANDRITZ, it is now stepping into the recycling of post-consumer clothing waste.

The new generation recycling line ANDRITZ supplied to Sfilacciatura Negro is the result of ten years of close cooperation, trials in its technical center, and visits to customer lines in Spain and Portugal. ANDRITZ has tailored a complete line from feeding of sorted waste bales to baling of the recycled fibers. It is designed for highly efficient, energy-saving operation and features automated separation of hard points while maintaining a good material yield. An automated filtration unit is provided for airflow and dust management. Only one operator is needed to manage the entire line up to the recycled fiber baler. The baler can produce film-wrapped and tied bales with a weight of up to 350 kg.



Sorted and cut textile waste ready for tearing © SBO EVENT
Sorted and cut textile waste ready for tearing

First automated textile waste sorting and recycling line in France

Partnership between Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Pellenc ST and ANDRITZ promotes circular economy for textiles.

France’s first industrial plant for automated sorting and recycling of textile waste was officially inaugurated at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Amplepuis, on November 30, 2023. The plant is the result of an ambitious partnership between textile recycling company Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, waste sorting specialist Pellenc ST and international technology group ANDRITZ, a specialist in textile recycling machinery and processes.

Capable of automatically sorting garments by composition and color, the new line meets the needs of both post-consumer and post-industrial waste markets. The line also removes hard parts such as buttons and zippers to prepare the material for further processing in an ANDRITZ tearing machine.

The automated textile sorting line at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles is dedicated to industrial-scale production, customer trials and projects, and the R&D activities of the partners. It will process textile waste to produce recycled fibers for the spinning, nonwovens, and composites industries.

Partnership between Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Pellenc ST and ANDRITZ promotes circular economy for textiles.

France’s first industrial plant for automated sorting and recycling of textile waste was officially inaugurated at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Amplepuis, on November 30, 2023. The plant is the result of an ambitious partnership between textile recycling company Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, waste sorting specialist Pellenc ST and international technology group ANDRITZ, a specialist in textile recycling machinery and processes.

Capable of automatically sorting garments by composition and color, the new line meets the needs of both post-consumer and post-industrial waste markets. The line also removes hard parts such as buttons and zippers to prepare the material for further processing in an ANDRITZ tearing machine.

The automated textile sorting line at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles is dedicated to industrial-scale production, customer trials and projects, and the R&D activities of the partners. It will process textile waste to produce recycled fibers for the spinning, nonwovens, and composites industries.

Automated sorting was the last missing link needed to develop a complete ecosystem in France, where the fashion industry, social and solidarity economy actors, waste management companies, and textile producers from different sectors are working together towards a textile circular economy.

The EU's strategy for sustainable and circular textiles aims to ensure that by 2030 textile products are made to a great extent of recycled fibers and incineration and landfilling of textiles are minimized.

ANDRITZ: Extra-wide carding machine for Italian nonwovens producer (c) ANDRITZ
From left to right: Mr. Gianni Boscolo, CEO of Albis, and Mr. Fabien Ravier, Managing Director of ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau

ANDRITZ: Extra-wide carding machine for Italian nonwovens producer

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new carding machine and opening/blending line it delivered to Albis in Roasio, Vercelli, Italy.

With its large working width of 5.10 meters, the machine allows for the production of nonwoven fabrics tailored to specific customer requirements while maintaining excellent properties and consistent quality. One example is Albis Curacell ®, a multilayer composite nonwoven fabric in a weight range between 35 and 70 gsm that is produced with a fully water-free patented process and is able to absorb liquid flows of over seven times its own weight. The production line also includes an advanced upstream opening and blending system from ANDRITZ.

Albis, a privately owned group founded in Italy in 1995 by Gianni Boscolo, has been a major player in the nonwoven market for over three decades. Through continuous research and development, the company offers innovative, high-quality nonwoven solutions across various sectors, including hygiene, medical, personal care, textiles, filtration, and agriculture.

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new carding machine and opening/blending line it delivered to Albis in Roasio, Vercelli, Italy.

With its large working width of 5.10 meters, the machine allows for the production of nonwoven fabrics tailored to specific customer requirements while maintaining excellent properties and consistent quality. One example is Albis Curacell ®, a multilayer composite nonwoven fabric in a weight range between 35 and 70 gsm that is produced with a fully water-free patented process and is able to absorb liquid flows of over seven times its own weight. The production line also includes an advanced upstream opening and blending system from ANDRITZ.

Albis, a privately owned group founded in Italy in 1995 by Gianni Boscolo, has been a major player in the nonwoven market for over three decades. Through continuous research and development, the company offers innovative, high-quality nonwoven solutions across various sectors, including hygiene, medical, personal care, textiles, filtration, and agriculture.



ANDRITZ: New spunlace pilot line for natural and recycled fibers Photo: ANDRITZ
New ANDRITZ carding machine dedicated to natural and recycled fibers in the ANDRITZ Perfojet technical center in Montbonnot, France

ANDRITZ: New spunlace pilot line for natural and recycled fibers

International technology group ANDRITZ has installed a new spunlace pilot line at its center of competence in Montbonnot, France. It allows customers and partners to conduct trials for producing nonwovens from recycled and/or natural fibers such as hemp, flax, and cotton.

The new pilot line features optimized web forming and entanglement for smooth processing of sensitive and irregular fibers. The innovative card set-up is designed to protect and maintain the quality of the fibers while achieving outstanding productivity rates.

Another special feature of this pilot line is the integrated ANDRITZ Metris digitalization system. It allows the operators to collect and analyze all useful data about the line’s capacity and performance. This is a perfect tool for optimizing costs, saving time and predicting maintenance.

International technology group ANDRITZ has installed a new spunlace pilot line at its center of competence in Montbonnot, France. It allows customers and partners to conduct trials for producing nonwovens from recycled and/or natural fibers such as hemp, flax, and cotton.

The new pilot line features optimized web forming and entanglement for smooth processing of sensitive and irregular fibers. The innovative card set-up is designed to protect and maintain the quality of the fibers while achieving outstanding productivity rates.

Another special feature of this pilot line is the integrated ANDRITZ Metris digitalization system. It allows the operators to collect and analyze all useful data about the line’s capacity and performance. This is a perfect tool for optimizing costs, saving time and predicting maintenance.

With the new line, the ANDRITZ Nonwoven team now operates two spunlace pilot lines at the Montbonnot technical center. The first line has optimized processes, for instance WetlaceTM, for processing various synthetic and man-made fibers. ANDRITZ process experts ensure that advanced technology and know-how are available under one roof at Montbonnot.



Photo: Naturopera

ANDRITZ converting line for baby diapers at Naturopera, France

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully delivered, installed, and commissioned a converting line for manufacturing baby diapers at Naturopera’s new plant in Bully Les Mines, France.

The eXcelle converting line from ANDRITZ Diatec features special technology to produce both traditional and bio-based baby diapers, supporting Naturopera in its efforts to become a leading producer of a new generation of sustainable diapers.

While most diapers available on the market consist of 70% fossil-based plastic, Naturopera is preparing to produce diapers made of 90% bio-based raw materials. This groundbreaking diaper concept was developed in a close collaboration between Naturopera and ANDRITZ. It replaces the traditional spunbond and meltblown nonwoven layers with spunlace nonwovens mostly made of natural fibers. A prototype of the 90% bio-based diaper was recently produced at Bully Les Mines.

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully delivered, installed, and commissioned a converting line for manufacturing baby diapers at Naturopera’s new plant in Bully Les Mines, France.

The eXcelle converting line from ANDRITZ Diatec features special technology to produce both traditional and bio-based baby diapers, supporting Naturopera in its efforts to become a leading producer of a new generation of sustainable diapers.

While most diapers available on the market consist of 70% fossil-based plastic, Naturopera is preparing to produce diapers made of 90% bio-based raw materials. This groundbreaking diaper concept was developed in a close collaboration between Naturopera and ANDRITZ. It replaces the traditional spunbond and meltblown nonwoven layers with spunlace nonwovens mostly made of natural fibers. A prototype of the 90% bio-based diaper was recently produced at Bully Les Mines.

The ANDRITZ converting machine operating at Naturopera is highly flexible, taking just a few settings to switch to the production of bio-based diapers. It is designed for a multiple-size process, features an operator-friendly interface, and guarantees a production speed of 800 ppm.

Naturopera is a French company producing baby care, femcare and household products with a strong focus on local production and sustainability.


Andritz AG


New ANDRITZ partnership for industrial-scale recycling technology

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles aims to become a reference in both industrial grade material production and industrial scale post-consumer textile sorting, thanks to innovative technologies with hard point removal providing pure fibers, selective colors, and differentiated fiber types.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles’ partners also work closely together in R&D at the ANDRITZ Laroche and Pellenc ST technical centers to keep pushing technical boundaries.


ANDRITZ starts up needleloom at Foss Floors

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´




ANDRITZ: Outlook for the full year 2023

International technology group ANDRITZ has started the 2023 business year with unchanged high growth dynamics despite a slowing global economy. Revenue and operating result both increased significantly by well over 20 percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the same period of the previous year. Net income improved by almost 50 percent to 104.5 million euros (MEUR). Order intake reached a favorable level of 2.4 billion euros but was 6.5 percent below the figure for the first quarter of 2022, when the booking of two large-scale orders had provided a peak.

The key financial figures developed as follows during the reporting period:

International technology group ANDRITZ has started the 2023 business year with unchanged high growth dynamics despite a slowing global economy. Revenue and operating result both increased significantly by well over 20 percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the same period of the previous year. Net income improved by almost 50 percent to 104.5 million euros (MEUR). Order intake reached a favorable level of 2.4 billion euros but was 6.5 percent below the figure for the first quarter of 2022, when the booking of two large-scale orders had provided a peak.

The key financial figures developed as follows during the reporting period:

  • Order intake amounted to 2,420.2 MEUR and was thus 6.5% below the high level of the previous year’s reference period (Q1 2022: 2,588.6 MEUR), which included two large-scale orders. The Metals business area was able to increase its order intake significantly compared to the previous year’s reference period.
  • The order backlog as of March 31, 2023 amounted to 10,407.8 MEUR and has thus increased compared to 2022 (December 31, 2022: 9,976.5 MEUR).
  • Revenue at 1,962.6 MEUR was 28.5% higher than the reference figure for the previous year’s reference period (Q1 2022: 1,526.9 MEUR). All four business areas were able to significantly increase their revenue compared to the previous year.
  • The operating result (EBITA) increased in line with revenue, reaching a very favorable level at 158.5 MEUR in the first quarter of 2023 (+29.6% versus Q1 2022: 122.3 MEUR). The Group’s profitability (EBITA margin) increased slightly to 8.1% (Q1 2022: 8.0%).
  • Net income (without non-controlling interests) increased significantly to 104.5 MEUR (Q1 2022: 71.5 MEUR).

Following the successful first quarter, ANDRITZ confirms its previously published outlook for the full year 2023. Both revenue and earnings for the full year are expected to be above the level of 2022.

More information:
Andritz financial year 2023



ANDRITZ: High-speed hygiene converting lines to Predo, Türkiye

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Predo Health Products Inc, Türkiye, for delivery of two high-speed hygiene converting lines to produce adult open diapers and feminine sanitary napkins. With this investment, Predo is entering the growing adult and femcare market. The company already operates four baby diaper lines from ANDRITZ.

The two state-of-the-art lines are designed for high-speed production and contain the most advanced forming technology for absorbent core and SAP (superabsorbent polymers) dosing. Based on their flexibility and user-friendly configuration, Predo will be able to produce a wide range of different product compositions and sizes. In addition, the lines are designed for zero waste production. This will enable Predo to produce high-performing products with a sustainable approach.

The lines will be installed in Predo’s factory in Gaziantep, with start-up scheduled for the first half of 2024.

Predo is one of the leading manufacturers of baby care products and is expanding its business to other hygiene sectors. The company exports to 55 countries across the globe.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Predo Health Products Inc, Türkiye, for delivery of two high-speed hygiene converting lines to produce adult open diapers and feminine sanitary napkins. With this investment, Predo is entering the growing adult and femcare market. The company already operates four baby diaper lines from ANDRITZ.

The two state-of-the-art lines are designed for high-speed production and contain the most advanced forming technology for absorbent core and SAP (superabsorbent polymers) dosing. Based on their flexibility and user-friendly configuration, Predo will be able to produce a wide range of different product compositions and sizes. In addition, the lines are designed for zero waste production. This will enable Predo to produce high-performing products with a sustainable approach.

The lines will be installed in Predo’s factory in Gaziantep, with start-up scheduled for the first half of 2024.

Predo is one of the leading manufacturers of baby care products and is expanding its business to other hygiene sectors. The company exports to 55 countries across the globe.

More information:
Andritz Predo Turkey Hygiene polymers



Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş.: Production line for biodegradable wet wipes by ANDRITZ

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş., Türkiye, has successfully started up a complete line to produce nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. This line has been delivered, installed, and commissioned by international technology group ANDRITZ.

The neXline wetlace CP line combines the benefits of two technologies: wetlaid and spunlace. Natural fibers are processed gently to create a high-performance and sustainable wipe. This next-generation wipe, called Newipe®, combines the benefits of spunlace fabric, in particular remarkable strength in all directions, with the biodegradability and softness of a WetlaceTM fabric. It is produced with a lower carbon footprint, has a low lint rate, and does not generate dust during production.

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş., Türkiye, has successfully started up a complete line to produce nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. This line has been delivered, installed, and commissioned by international technology group ANDRITZ.

The neXline wetlace CP line combines the benefits of two technologies: wetlaid and spunlace. Natural fibers are processed gently to create a high-performance and sustainable wipe. This next-generation wipe, called Newipe®, combines the benefits of spunlace fabric, in particular remarkable strength in all directions, with the biodegradability and softness of a WetlaceTM fabric. It is produced with a lower carbon footprint, has a low lint rate, and does not generate dust during production.

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş. is a leading nonwoven roll good producer and a member of a group company. The group company consists of 4 companies that operate end-to-end manufacturing including nonwovens, cardboard packings, plastics, and finished wet wipe products. Headquartered in Istanbul, Sapro is the leader in Türkiye and one of the four leaders in the manufacturing of wet wipes in Europe. The company produces, converts, and supplies 161 million sheets of wipes per day for personal, household, and industrial use, exporting 70% of its production to 65 countries all over the world. Sustainability plays a prominent role in Sapro’s business strategy.
