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Barry-Wehmiller appoints Vice President of Global Supply Chain (c) Barry-Wehmiller
George Berg, Vice President of Global Supply Chain

Barry-Wehmiller appoints Vice President of Global Supply Chain

Barry-Wehmiller announces the appointment of George Berg as the Vice President of Global Supply Chain. In this new role, Berg will lead and develop a team to serve as the primary contact between Barry-Wehmiller and its suppliers throughout the world.

Under Berg’s leadership, the Enterprise Supply Chain team will establish formal guidelines that govern business transactions with Barry-Wehmiller and outline clear expectations for suppliers. Specifically, they will set global procurement policies and establish global preferred suppliers to deliver greater value to customers.
This reorganization streamlines operations across the spectrum of Barry-Wehmiller companies and provides suppliers with more opportunities as they deliver savings, support innovation, increase quality and reduce lead times.

Barry-Wehmiller announces the appointment of George Berg as the Vice President of Global Supply Chain. In this new role, Berg will lead and develop a team to serve as the primary contact between Barry-Wehmiller and its suppliers throughout the world.

Under Berg’s leadership, the Enterprise Supply Chain team will establish formal guidelines that govern business transactions with Barry-Wehmiller and outline clear expectations for suppliers. Specifically, they will set global procurement policies and establish global preferred suppliers to deliver greater value to customers.
This reorganization streamlines operations across the spectrum of Barry-Wehmiller companies and provides suppliers with more opportunities as they deliver savings, support innovation, increase quality and reduce lead times.

Berg brings a wealth of experience in supply chain management. He joins Barry-Wehmiller from Robert Bosch, where he worked for 27 years in various supply chain, operation and finance roles. His most recent role was Vice President of Logistics and Supply Chain for the $1.6 billion automotive aftermarket division, where he led all supply chain functions, including planning, warehousing, transportation and foreign trade. Before that, he was the Chief Operating Officer of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning division. He also served as the Chief Financial Officer of the packaging division, which manufactured vertical and horizontal packaging systems for the food industry.



Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer im Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. Quelle: Wolfgang Schmidt
Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer im Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V.

Nord-Ostdeutscher Textil- und Bekleidungsverband fordert mittelständische Wirtschaftspolitik

Der Mittelstand ist das Rückgrat der deutschen Wirtschaft. Statistische Zahlen in einschlägigen Internetportalen beschreiben das. In Deutschland gab es im Jahr 2021 rund 3,15 Millionen kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Damit machen die KMU über 99 Prozent aller Unternehmen in Deutschland aus. Sie tragen mit rund 61 Prozent zur gesamten Netto-Wertschöpfung bei, stellen 55 Prozent der Arbeitsplätze und beschäftigen 80 Prozent der Auszubildenden.  

Der Mittelstand ist das Rückgrat der deutschen Wirtschaft. Statistische Zahlen in einschlägigen Internetportalen beschreiben das. In Deutschland gab es im Jahr 2021 rund 3,15 Millionen kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Damit machen die KMU über 99 Prozent aller Unternehmen in Deutschland aus. Sie tragen mit rund 61 Prozent zur gesamten Netto-Wertschöpfung bei, stellen 55 Prozent der Arbeitsplätze und beschäftigen 80 Prozent der Auszubildenden.  

Insbesondere die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie ist klein und mittelständisch strukturiert. Über 70 Prozent der produzierenden Unternehmen des Verbandes haben weniger als 50, nur 18 Prozent mehr als 100 Mitarbeiter. Neue bzw. erweiterte Regulierungen mit umfangreichen Nachweispflichten, wie das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz oder die Lieferkettenrichtlinie der EU, die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattungsrichtlinie oder die in Arbeit befindliche EU-Regelung zu entwaldungsfreien Lieferketten, überfordern die Unternehmen oder können aufgrund fehlender Ressourcen schlichtweg nicht geleistet werden, so der Verband. Beteuerungen der Politik, dass ja nur große Unternehmen davon betroffen seien, wären, wie die Praxis zeige, falsch.     

Ohne eine auf den Mittelstand ausgerichtete Wirtschaftspolitik bestehe die Gefahr des Rückgangs und des Verlusts der industriellen Leistungsfähigkeit des Landes. Auch die Arbeitsplätze würden verloren gehen. Der zunehmende Bürokratieaufwand und Nachweispflichten müssten auf ein absolut notwendiges und für den Mittelstand ertragbares Maß reduziert werden.   

Umsätze / Konjunktur
Die meisten der Verbandsmitglieder klagen über sinkende Umsätze und rückläufige Auftragseingänge.  

Die puren Umsatzzahlen bildeten die reale Situation in den Unternehmen nicht mehr ab. Durch den Einfluss der Inflation in Form gestiegener Kosten in allen Bereichen, wüchsen zwar die Umsätze, jedoch die Erträge schmelzen. Zu den Kostentreibern zählen Energie (sowohl Strom als auch Gas), Rohstoffe, Aufwendungen für Logistik und Transport und die Arbeitskosten.

Zwar sind nach teils massiven Kostensteigerungen der Rohstoffe in 2022/2023 diese wieder auf niedrigere Niveaus gesunken, die Energiepreise bleiben jedoch auf einem historisch hohen und nicht wettbewerbsfähigen Niveau. Damit ist insbesondere die Textilindustrie im Nordosten mit einem Exportanteil von 48 Prozent zunehmend gefährdet.

Die Umsätze der ostdeutschen Textilindustrie (> 50 MA) sind nach einem relativ stabilen Jahr 2023 zum Jahresende deutlich weggebrochen. Der Dezember-Umsatz verlor zum Dezember 2022 ca. 9 Prozent. Besonders die Bekleidungsindustrie geriet 2023 unter extremen Druck. Geradezu dramatisch präsentierte sich für beide Sparten der Januar 2024: Textil verlor 10 Prozent, die Bekleidung 10,9 Prozent.  

Im Jahresvergleich 2023 zu 2022 stieg der Umsatz im Textilbereich um 5 Prozent, er sank bei der Bekleidung um 16,7 Prozent. In der Gesamtbetrachtung wuchsen Textil und Bekleidung um 4,2 Prozent.
Insbesondere die Entwicklung zum Jahresende und im Januar lassen die Hoffnungen auf eine Erholung der Branche im neuen Jahr sinken.  

Wirtschaftliche Lage
In der Auswertung einer von der IG Metall durchgeführten Befragung von bundesweit über 2.500 Arbeitnehmervertretern im Februar/März 2024 warnt auch die Gewerkschaft vor verstärkter Abwanderung der Produktion ins Ausland. Über 30 Prozent der befragten Betriebe berichten von einem hohen bis sehr hohen Verlagerungsrisiko insbesondere der Produktionsbereiche. 63 Prozent der Betriebe haben noch im Herbst 2022 von einer guten bis sehr guten Lage berichtet. Im Frühjahr 2024 waren das nur noch 51 Prozent.  
Auch Textilunternehmen des nord-ostdeutschen Verbandsgebietes haben bereits in Produktionsstätten im Ausland investiert. Viele Betriebe lassen Produktionsschritte im osteuropäischen Ausland durchführen oder importieren Vorprodukte, die in Europa nicht mehr produziert werden. Solche Entscheidungen werden stets durch die wirtschaftspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. Wettbewerbsfähige Kostenstrukturen für Energie und Rohstoffe, Rücknahme des politischen Einflusses auf die Entwicklung der Arbeitskosten und die Beachtung der regionalen Produktion insbesondere bei der öffentlichen Beschaffung können dazu beitragen, auch weiterhin Wertschöpfung durch Industrieproduktion in Deutschland möglich zu machen. 


Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V.


Carbitex: Global team with strategic new hires

Carbitex – a leader in flexible carbon fiber composites focused on footwear, travel, and accessories – announces the appointment of Filippo Sartor to Vice President of Global Sales and Sam Gardner to the role of Vice President of Engineering and Operations. After a restructuring of manufacturing operations and the return of Carbitex founder, Junus Khan, as company president in 2023, the brand welcomes two strategic hires to catalyze the next phase of the leading materials brand.

With over 20 years in the footwear industry, including nearly 11 years as the Global Senior Sales Manager at JV International, official worldwide licensee for Michelin Soles, Sartor brings high level sales expertise within performance footwear and material innovation. With extensive focus on building new business in the US and Far East, and based in Milan, Italy, Sartor is uniquely positioned to help propel Carbitex globally into the next chapter.

Carbitex – a leader in flexible carbon fiber composites focused on footwear, travel, and accessories – announces the appointment of Filippo Sartor to Vice President of Global Sales and Sam Gardner to the role of Vice President of Engineering and Operations. After a restructuring of manufacturing operations and the return of Carbitex founder, Junus Khan, as company president in 2023, the brand welcomes two strategic hires to catalyze the next phase of the leading materials brand.

With over 20 years in the footwear industry, including nearly 11 years as the Global Senior Sales Manager at JV International, official worldwide licensee for Michelin Soles, Sartor brings high level sales expertise within performance footwear and material innovation. With extensive focus on building new business in the US and Far East, and based in Milan, Italy, Sartor is uniquely positioned to help propel Carbitex globally into the next chapter.

Gardner, based in Renton, Washington, will manage product development and manufacturing at Carbitex. With time at Square One Distribution - a long-time Carbitex brand partner in the wake and waterski segment - and most recently as VP for Union Aquaparks, Gardner has considerable experience designing new products and managing sourcing, logistics, and supply chain. His background will help Carbitex strengthen both factory and brand partner relations and push product innovation.

These recent hires position Carbitex to better serve strategic brand partners, achieve forecasted growth in the short and long term, and expand global market presence.

More information:


Bernd Reifenhäuser, Ulrich Reifenhäuser, Jan Karnath Foto: Reifenhäuser
Bernd Reifenhäuser, Ulrich Reifenhäuser, Jan Karnath

Fourth generation at Reifenhäuser

Jan Karnath (39), a nephew of Bernd Reifenhäuser (CEO) and Ulrich Reifenhäuser (CSO), is the first representative of the fourth generation to join the operational business of the Reifenhäuser Group. His start paves the way for the continuous development of the family business and reinforces the transformation from machine manufacturer to solution provider: As the company's first Chief Digital Officer, Karnath will henceforth be responsible for and steer the Group's digital transformation.

In his new position as Chief Digital Officer, Jan Karnath is responsible for the strategic and operational development of all Reifenhäuser units whose business model is based on digital products: The tech start-up RE: GmbH, which specializes in connecting entire production facilities, AR:DEL, Reifenhäuser's digital education and learning platform, and R-Cycle, the digital product passport for sustainable packaging. In addition, Karnath is responsible for the Group's overall digital strategy: he will continue to develop the portfolio of digital products and ensure that all relevant digital initiatives are integrated into strategic planning.

Jan Karnath (39), a nephew of Bernd Reifenhäuser (CEO) and Ulrich Reifenhäuser (CSO), is the first representative of the fourth generation to join the operational business of the Reifenhäuser Group. His start paves the way for the continuous development of the family business and reinforces the transformation from machine manufacturer to solution provider: As the company's first Chief Digital Officer, Karnath will henceforth be responsible for and steer the Group's digital transformation.

In his new position as Chief Digital Officer, Jan Karnath is responsible for the strategic and operational development of all Reifenhäuser units whose business model is based on digital products: The tech start-up RE: GmbH, which specializes in connecting entire production facilities, AR:DEL, Reifenhäuser's digital education and learning platform, and R-Cycle, the digital product passport for sustainable packaging. In addition, Karnath is responsible for the Group's overall digital strategy: he will continue to develop the portfolio of digital products and ensure that all relevant digital initiatives are integrated into strategic planning.

Jan Karnath has over 15 years of experience in the digital business. He studied Management in Vienna and Digital Transformation & Innovation at Stanford University. He then began his career at SAP and has since successfully led several digital companies as a board member and founder. Investors in these companies have included EQT and Porsche AG.

More information:


Photo: Manzi Gandhi, unsplash

Active Apparel Group: OEKO-TEX 100 Certified Water-Based Inks for Apparel Printing

As part of a broader initiative to reduce environmental impacts and keep ahead of evolving global chemical regulations, Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, is embracing water-based OEKO-TEX 100 Class 1 Standard Printing Inks in their manufacturing process.

Common and inexpensive inks used in the global manufacture of apparel contain a wide range of toxic chemicals, including phthalates, petroleum-based co-solvents, PVC, and other volatile organic compounds. AAG’s initiative to use OEKO-TEX approved, water-based inks creates benefits for factory workers, people living local to these factories, consumers, and everyone downstream.

AAG offers a range of printing methods to address a variety of customer needs, including:  digital printing, screen printing, and heat transfers for on-garment logos and care instructions. OEKO-TEX certified water-based inks are used for all of its digital printing and for the majority of its screen printing. These non-toxic water-based inks offer a socially and environmentally better alternative to the more commonly used Plastisol inks.

As part of a broader initiative to reduce environmental impacts and keep ahead of evolving global chemical regulations, Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, is embracing water-based OEKO-TEX 100 Class 1 Standard Printing Inks in their manufacturing process.

Common and inexpensive inks used in the global manufacture of apparel contain a wide range of toxic chemicals, including phthalates, petroleum-based co-solvents, PVC, and other volatile organic compounds. AAG’s initiative to use OEKO-TEX approved, water-based inks creates benefits for factory workers, people living local to these factories, consumers, and everyone downstream.

AAG offers a range of printing methods to address a variety of customer needs, including:  digital printing, screen printing, and heat transfers for on-garment logos and care instructions. OEKO-TEX certified water-based inks are used for all of its digital printing and for the majority of its screen printing. These non-toxic water-based inks offer a socially and environmentally better alternative to the more commonly used Plastisol inks.

Making a sizable environmental impact, the printing service of AAG’s business is significant. Digital printing averages 25,000 meters per month with screen printing averaging 60,000 garments per month.

The use of water-based inks requires a skilled production team and training of employees is ongoing. AAG currently employs 30 people at its printing operations in Ningbo, China.


Active Apparel Group


Lenzing AG is suspending its dividend policy

The Managing Board of Lenzing AG decided today to suspend the existing dividend policy of at least EUR 4.50 per share for an unlimited period of time.

Lenzing AG continues to expect higher EBITDA for the 2024 financial year compared to the previous year.

The Managing Board of Lenzing AG decided today to suspend the existing dividend policy of at least EUR 4.50 per share for an unlimited period of time.

Lenzing AG continues to expect higher EBITDA for the 2024 financial year compared to the previous year.

More information:
Lenzing AG Dividende

Lenzing AG

Groz-Beckert and Santoni develop knitting system (c) Groz-Beckert KG

Groz-Beckert and Santoni develop knitting system

In recent years, Italian circular knitting machine manufacturer Santoni (part of the Lonati Group) and Groz-Beckert have worked together to develop a new self-cleaning knitting system for the INNOTAS circular knitting machine. The knitting system is also called INNOTAS and consists of the circular knitting machine needle SAN™ DUO and the corresponding sinker SNK DUO-OL.

Following various preliminary investigations, the go-ahead was finally given in January 2015 for the joint development of a self-cleaning system in the needle area with side-by-side needles and a low shank.

The circular knitting machine needle SAN™ DUO with the sinker SNK DUO-OL was developed to meet the desired requirements. In the knitting system, there are two needles in the needle channel and two sinkers in one sinker channel. The benefits became apparent in initial field trials with experienced end customers in 2016. In the following years, the knitting system was continuously analyzed and further optimized.

In recent years, Italian circular knitting machine manufacturer Santoni (part of the Lonati Group) and Groz-Beckert have worked together to develop a new self-cleaning knitting system for the INNOTAS circular knitting machine. The knitting system is also called INNOTAS and consists of the circular knitting machine needle SAN™ DUO and the corresponding sinker SNK DUO-OL.

Following various preliminary investigations, the go-ahead was finally given in January 2015 for the joint development of a self-cleaning system in the needle area with side-by-side needles and a low shank.

The circular knitting machine needle SAN™ DUO with the sinker SNK DUO-OL was developed to meet the desired requirements. In the knitting system, there are two needles in the needle channel and two sinkers in one sinker channel. The benefits became apparent in initial field trials with experienced end customers in 2016. In the following years, the knitting system was continuously analyzed and further optimized.

The double filling in the needle channel significantly reduces soiling. In addition, the further developed shape of the knitting system ensures that any yarn lint is automatically removed from the machine during the knitting process. This extends the cleaning interval, making work more time-efficient and increasing productivity.

Both the needle SANTM DUO and the sinker SNK DUO-OL are characterized by a particularly low shaft with a predetermined breaking notch. The low shank minimizes soiling, while the predetermined breaking groove enables controlled needle breakage in the event of wear at the desired point. This reduces errors in the knitting process and machine downtimes.


Groz-Beckert KG

Stratasys appoints new COO Photo: Business Wire

Stratasys appoints new COO

Stratasys Ltd. announced the appointment of Amir Kleiner as Chief Operating Officer. The 12-year Stratasys veteran will lead the company’s Global Operations, MIS, and Quality team, while continuing to manage the Customer Success team. The appointment is set to strengthen the connection between the Customer Success organization and the Operations and Supply Chain divisions.

Kleiner has served in numerous leadership positions during his Stratasys career. Previously, he served as VP of Global Operations, and for the past three and a half years as the Global VP of Customer Success, where he led improvements in customer experience and oversaw an increase in revenues from services to all-time highs.

Kleiner will succeed Yossi Azarzar who is stepping down to pursue family interests. He has been pivotal in leading our Global Operations, Quality, Facilities & Real Estate and MIS teams, preparing the company in its transition to providing manufacturing-grade solutions. A gradual handover of responsibilities will begin immediately.

Stratasys Ltd. announced the appointment of Amir Kleiner as Chief Operating Officer. The 12-year Stratasys veteran will lead the company’s Global Operations, MIS, and Quality team, while continuing to manage the Customer Success team. The appointment is set to strengthen the connection between the Customer Success organization and the Operations and Supply Chain divisions.

Kleiner has served in numerous leadership positions during his Stratasys career. Previously, he served as VP of Global Operations, and for the past three and a half years as the Global VP of Customer Success, where he led improvements in customer experience and oversaw an increase in revenues from services to all-time highs.

Kleiner will succeed Yossi Azarzar who is stepping down to pursue family interests. He has been pivotal in leading our Global Operations, Quality, Facilities & Real Estate and MIS teams, preparing the company in its transition to providing manufacturing-grade solutions. A gradual handover of responsibilities will begin immediately.

More information:
Stratasys 3D printing COO

Stratasys Ltd.

Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer. Foto Mayer GmbH TechConcepts
Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer.

Aus Textildruckerei Mayer wird Mayer GmbH TechConcepts

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Ende April zeigt Mayer TechConcepts auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt seine neusten Entwicklungen. Dazu gehören ultradünne, flexible Sensorflächen, die das Unternehmen im Endlosdruck herstellt. Sie eignen sich beispielsweise für eine automatische Abschaltlösung bei medizinischen Geräten. Mit Sensorik und Aktorik ausgestattete Flächenlösungen bis 1,6 m² finden außerdem als hochwertige und smarte Auto-Interieurs ihre Anwendung. Des Weiteren präsentiert das Unternehmen seine neuen Bio-Polyurethane, die Mayer TechConcepts für seine patentierte CERAPUR Keramikbeschichtung einsetzt.


Mayer GmbH TechConcepts


Hohenstein: Neuer Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development“

Beim Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development” können sich Teilnehmende ab September 2024 zu qualifizierten 3D-Produktentwicklern in der Bekleidungsbranche fortbilden. Zielgruppe sind Fachleute, die bereits über Grundkenntnisse der digitalen Produktentwicklung verfügen und ihr Know-how vertiefen wollen.

Unter Anleitung von 3D-Experten lernen sie im Intensivtraining, realistische virtuelle Kleidungsstücke zu entwerfen. Das Themenspektrum reicht vom optimalen Umgang mit Schnitt, Material und Avatar bis zur virtuellen Anprobe und Visualisierung.

Die 3D-Produktentwicklung fördert die nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teams von Unternehmen und Zulieferern. Durch die Visualisierung und Bearbeitung virtueller Prototypen können Designer,
Ingenieure und Marketingfachleute in Echtzeit zusammenarbeiten. Dies kann helfen, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, Innovation zu fördern und Ergebnisse zu optimieren. Zudem können Unternehmen ihren Kunden und Auftraggebern die Produkte ansprechend präsentieren.

Beim Zertifikatslehrgang „Intensivtraining Digital Fashion Development” können sich Teilnehmende ab September 2024 zu qualifizierten 3D-Produktentwicklern in der Bekleidungsbranche fortbilden. Zielgruppe sind Fachleute, die bereits über Grundkenntnisse der digitalen Produktentwicklung verfügen und ihr Know-how vertiefen wollen.

Unter Anleitung von 3D-Experten lernen sie im Intensivtraining, realistische virtuelle Kleidungsstücke zu entwerfen. Das Themenspektrum reicht vom optimalen Umgang mit Schnitt, Material und Avatar bis zur virtuellen Anprobe und Visualisierung.

Die 3D-Produktentwicklung fördert die nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teams von Unternehmen und Zulieferern. Durch die Visualisierung und Bearbeitung virtueller Prototypen können Designer,
Ingenieure und Marketingfachleute in Echtzeit zusammenarbeiten. Dies kann helfen, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, Innovation zu fördern und Ergebnisse zu optimieren. Zudem können Unternehmen ihren Kunden und Auftraggebern die Produkte ansprechend präsentieren.

Das Schulungsprogramm umfasst 85 Stunden, verteilt auf 20 Einheiten. Davon finden zwei Tage in Präsenz in der Hohenstein Academy am Stammsitz Bönnigheim statt. Die übrigen Lehrinhalte werden in 18 Online-Workshops jeweils donnerstags und freitags vermittelt. Start des Lehrgangs ist am 12./13. September 2024. Voraussetzung, um daran teilzunehmen, sind der Zugang zu CLO, Style3D oder VStitcher sowie Erfahrung mit mindestens einem dieser 3D Simulations-Programme.

Der Zertifikatslehrgang kostet 4.750,- Euro. Bei Anmeldung bis zum 31.05. bietet Hohenstein aktuell einen Frühbucher-Rabatt in Höhe von 15 % (4040,00 € Gesamtkosten) an.

John Lewis Partnership appoints new Chairman (c) John Lewis Partnership
Jason Tarry

John Lewis Partnership appoints new Chairman

The John Lewis Partnership announces the appointment of Jason Tarry as its seventh Chairman following Sharon White’s decision to step down at the end of her term.

Jason brings over 33 years of experience at Tesco where he was most recently the UK & Ireland CEO, a role he held for six years. His experience spans grocery, general merchandise and fashion in senior commercial, operational and general management positions, having joined the Tesco graduate programme in 1990.

In addition to delivering market leading grocery performance in the UK, he led the expansion of F&F Clothing across Europe as Group CEO. Jason is expected to take up the role in September, at which point Sharon will step down and support the transition as required.

The John Lewis Partnership announces the appointment of Jason Tarry as its seventh Chairman following Sharon White’s decision to step down at the end of her term.

Jason brings over 33 years of experience at Tesco where he was most recently the UK & Ireland CEO, a role he held for six years. His experience spans grocery, general merchandise and fashion in senior commercial, operational and general management positions, having joined the Tesco graduate programme in 1990.

In addition to delivering market leading grocery performance in the UK, he led the expansion of F&F Clothing across Europe as Group CEO. Jason is expected to take up the role in September, at which point Sharon will step down and support the transition as required.

Rita Clifton, Deputy Chairman and Chair of the Nomination Committee, said: “The Board extends its huge thanks to Sharon for successfully leading the Partnership through one of the most testing periods in its history - first Covid and then the cost of living crisis. She has faced into the toughest decisions and overseen the Partnership's financial recovery; we are in good financial health with a return to profit, and have a strong balance sheet with record investment planned this year. Sharon has also helped ensure that employee ownership of the Partnership is secure, is demonstrably focused on its purpose as a force for good and with an open and inclusive culture.

“As the Partnership moves into the next phase of its modernisation focused on our core retail business as well future growth, we are confident that Jason will provide the kind of inspirational leadership, a proven track record in multi-channel, multi-category retail success and a strong identification with Partnership values that we are seeking in this role. Jason has impressed everyone throughout the interview process with his warmth, his belief in the Partnership’s ideals and democratic principles and his appreciation for our unique and special brands.”

More information:
John Lewis Partnership Chairman

John Lewis Partnership


Indorama Ventures: Evaluation of PTA and PET plants in Rotterdam

Indorama Ventures' Combined PET business segment will enter into a consultation process with representatives of site employees to evaluate the possible future for production activities at its PTA (Purified Terephthalic Acid) and PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) plants, located at its integrated production site in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

The evaluation follows a comprehensive review aimed at bolstering the site's competitiveness. However, it occurs amidst notable competitive and macroeconomic challenges, including increasing labor, raw material, and energy costs, alongside the influence of low-cost imports. Structural shifts in the industry are contributing to a growing divergence in raw material expenses between China and Europe, with limited anticipated recovery. Consequently, there is a need to optimize the company's asset portfolio to enhance its position and ensure resilience in response to evolving market dynamics.

Customers will not be affected as Indorama Venture’s extensive global footprint will enable seamless operations leveraging alternative assets.

Indorama Ventures' Combined PET business segment will enter into a consultation process with representatives of site employees to evaluate the possible future for production activities at its PTA (Purified Terephthalic Acid) and PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) plants, located at its integrated production site in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

The evaluation follows a comprehensive review aimed at bolstering the site's competitiveness. However, it occurs amidst notable competitive and macroeconomic challenges, including increasing labor, raw material, and energy costs, alongside the influence of low-cost imports. Structural shifts in the industry are contributing to a growing divergence in raw material expenses between China and Europe, with limited anticipated recovery. Consequently, there is a need to optimize the company's asset portfolio to enhance its position and ensure resilience in response to evolving market dynamics.

Customers will not be affected as Indorama Venture’s extensive global footprint will enable seamless operations leveraging alternative assets.

The company will focus on mitigating negative impact and providing care and support for any affected people.

This update follows the company’s announcement of 'IVL 2.0' earlier in 2024, signaling a new strategic chapter focused on optimizing financial structures, fostering organic growth, and delivering enhanced value to customers through sustainable solutions. The strategic pillars of action involve optimizing asset utilization, driving operational excellence, unlocking portfolio value, and maintaining leadership in core markets.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Mango and Victoria Beckham launch collection (c) Mango
Justi Ruano (Creative Director of Mango Woman) and Victoria Beckham

Mango and Victoria Beckham launch collection

Victoria Beckham's new collection for Mango, which coincides with the brand’s 40th anniversary, will go on sale internationally on April 23th, 2024.
The collaboration is part of Mango’s new 2024-26 Strategic Plan Elevate lever, which aims to reinforce the company’s differential value proposition based on aspirationalism, quality and its unique style.

Mango is teaming up with Victoria Beckham to launch a new capsule collection, which will be available internationally on April 23, 2024. Victoria Beckham x Mango has been designed by Victoria Beckham and reflects the essence of the designer's eponymous label, considered the perfect blend of classic British luxury with a subtle contemporary twist, as well as the shared values of both fashion brands, such as quality and femininity.

Victoria Beckham's new collection for Mango, which coincides with the brand’s 40th anniversary, will go on sale internationally on April 23th, 2024.
The collaboration is part of Mango’s new 2024-26 Strategic Plan Elevate lever, which aims to reinforce the company’s differential value proposition based on aspirationalism, quality and its unique style.

Mango is teaming up with Victoria Beckham to launch a new capsule collection, which will be available internationally on April 23, 2024. Victoria Beckham x Mango has been designed by Victoria Beckham and reflects the essence of the designer's eponymous label, considered the perfect blend of classic British luxury with a subtle contemporary twist, as well as the shared values of both fashion brands, such as quality and femininity.

The new collection, which coincides with Mango's 40th anniversary, is the latest in a series of collaborations with other brands, artists and talents including SIMONMILLER, Camille Charrière, and Pernille Teisbaek. It follows the latest edition in Mango’s Capsule collection, a collection of eventwear for woman differentiated by the quality of its materials and finishes, which was released in March 2024 after being launched in 2023.

Mango’s collaboration with Victoria Beckham is part of the new Strategic Plan 2024-26, which aims to generate total turnover of more than 4 billion euros by 2026 through a differentiated value proposition, strong expansion drive, and improving sales in existing stores and online channels, as presented by the company last March.

The collaboration supports Elevate, one of the core pillars of the Plan. Elevate focuses on promoting a differential value proposition in all lines through aspirationalism, quality and a unique style designed in Barcelona, with excellent customer service. Since its inception, Mango has a very clear DNA and its own design and style proposal, whose main attribute is a positioning of superior quality to its competitors.

More information:
Mango collaboration collection


Freudenberg: Sant’Omero site implements ZDHC (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg: Sant’Omero site implements ZDHC

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) has reached a further sustainability milestone: The new Freudenberg Apparel Competence Center in Sant’Omero, Italy, successfully completed the 4sustainability® Chemical Management protocol (4s CHEM) recently and reached the Advanced Level. The aim of the protocol is to progressively eliminate toxic and hazardous chemicals and related risks throughout the production process.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) has reached a further sustainability milestone: The new Freudenberg Apparel Competence Center in Sant’Omero, Italy, successfully completed the 4sustainability® Chemical Management protocol (4s CHEM) recently and reached the Advanced Level. The aim of the protocol is to progressively eliminate toxic and hazardous chemicals and related risks throughout the production process.

Competence center for interlinings
Freudenberg opened its Apparel Competence Center in Sant’Omero in May 2023. The factory in Italy is an innovative competence center that coats and finishes nonwoven, woven and weft interlinings for apparel customers in Europe.
Freudenberg has now taken the next logical step: as part of a comprehensive audit, the Apparel Competence Center has implemented ZDHC guidelines in its production process. To achieve this, Freudenberg called in the experts from Process Factory, a consultancy that specializes in sustainability topics. With their support, Freudenberg’s Sant’Omero site has reached the Advanced level of the 4sustainability® Chemical Management protocol (4s CHEM), in line with the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Program.
Implementation is controlled annually based on this protocol and offers companies in the fashion industry a degree of reliability. It guarantees structured, fully transparent procedures, regular monitoring, and continuous control of Freudenberg’s production processes.  

By demonstrating its rejection of environmentally harmful chemicals and substances, the Apparel Competence Center shows that Freudenberg gives top priority to taking responsibility for people and the environment.
The aim of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Foundation and its globally recognized Roadmap to Zero Program is to eliminate the release of toxic chemicals in the textile and fashion industry’s supply chain based on the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL).
By applying the 4s CHEM protocol, the production site in Sant’Omero is sending a clear signal to the fashion industry that Freudenberg products meet the highest quality standards and are also safe and environmentally friendly.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH


CHT mit nachhaltigen Hilfsmitteln auf Techtextil 2024

Vom 23. bis 26. April präsentiert die CHT auf der Techtextil 2024 nachhaltige Hilfsmittel für technische Textilien.

Das Produktportfolio der CHT Gruppe umfasst wässrige, aber auch silikonbasierte (z.B. LSR) Ausrüstungs- und Beschichtungssysteme, die neue innovative Funktionalitäten zulassen.

Produkte der TUBCOSIL-Reihe sind LSR-Beschichtungen, die auf fast allen Textilien und Nonwoven appliziert werden können. Aufgrund ihrer Materialeigenschaften können sie höchste technische Anforderungen hinsichtlich Beständigkeit, Mechanik, Haptik und Optik erfüllen. TUBCOSIL-Produkte sind lösemittelfrei und somit auch aus ökologischer Sicht interessant.

Ein sortenreines Endprodukt (z.B. Teppiche, Filter, Gepäcknetze usw.) lässt sich leicht recyceln und kann damit dem Wertstoffkreislauf wieder zugeführt werden. CHTs TUBICOAT PET-Linie ist speziell für sortenreine Materialien auf Basis Polyester (PES) entwickelt worden.

Vom 23. bis 26. April präsentiert die CHT auf der Techtextil 2024 nachhaltige Hilfsmittel für technische Textilien.

Das Produktportfolio der CHT Gruppe umfasst wässrige, aber auch silikonbasierte (z.B. LSR) Ausrüstungs- und Beschichtungssysteme, die neue innovative Funktionalitäten zulassen.

Produkte der TUBCOSIL-Reihe sind LSR-Beschichtungen, die auf fast allen Textilien und Nonwoven appliziert werden können. Aufgrund ihrer Materialeigenschaften können sie höchste technische Anforderungen hinsichtlich Beständigkeit, Mechanik, Haptik und Optik erfüllen. TUBCOSIL-Produkte sind lösemittelfrei und somit auch aus ökologischer Sicht interessant.

Ein sortenreines Endprodukt (z.B. Teppiche, Filter, Gepäcknetze usw.) lässt sich leicht recyceln und kann damit dem Wertstoffkreislauf wieder zugeführt werden. CHTs TUBICOAT PET-Linie ist speziell für sortenreine Materialien auf Basis Polyester (PES) entwickelt worden.

TUBINGAL® RISE ist der erste Textilweichmacher der CHT Gruppe aus recycelten Silikonen. Ganz im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft werden „End-oflife“-Silikone wiederverwertet und mit Emulgatoren aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen zu einem neuen hydrophilen Weichmacher formuliert. Die Produktqualität ist identisch zu einem Silikonweichmacher aus Primärrohstoffen – nur nachhaltiger. TUBINGAL® RISE ist für alle Faserarten geeignet.

Ebenfalls nach den Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft hat die CHT Gruppe das Produkt ARRISTAN rAIR entwickelt. Hierbei werden Kunststoffabfälle in ein hochwertiges Textilveredelungsprodukt umgewandelt, um damit beispielsweise ein optimales Feuchtigkeitsmanagement bei Sport- und Aktivbekleidung zu erzielen. Weitere Anwendungsfelder sind Socken und Strumpfhosen im Bekleidungsbereich, Filtrationsmedien und Vliesstoffe im Bereich der technischen Textilen sowie Kissen und Vorhänge bei den Heimtextilien.

POLYAVIN bPEN ist die neue Plug-in-Lösung zum Ersatz von fossilen Rohstoffen. POLYAVIN bPEN ist das erste Ausrüstungsmittel mit einer Kohlenstoffaufnahme. Die Reduktion wird durch die Verwendung von biobasierten Rohstoffen, die Kohlendioxid aus der Atmosphäre binden, erreicht. Das Produkt kann als Prozesshilfsmittel eingesetzt werden, um die Reibung von Garnen zu verringern, um Nähschäden bei der Konfektionierung zu verhindern, um gleichmäßige Raueffekte zu erzielen sowie um das Sanforisieren/Kompaktieren von Maschenwaren und Geweben zu unterstützen. POLYAVIN bPEN eignet sich auch als Leistungsadditiv zur Erhöhung der Reiß- und Scheuerfestigkeit sowie zur Veränderung der Haptik.

Produkte der APYROL-Reihe sind Flammschutzmittel, die im Brandfall die Flammenausbreitung zeitlich verzögern und so gefährdeten Personen mehr Zeit für Rettungs- bzw. Löschmaßnahmen oder zur Flucht verschaffen.

Eine Weiterentwicklung, speziell für die Anforderungen im Bereich wässriger Beschichtungen, stellt die neue PFC-freie Hydrophobierungsgamme unter der Bezeichnung ECOPERL COAT dar.

Die TUBICOAT PU ECO-Gamme umfasst biobasierte Beschichtungslösungen auf Basis von wässrigen Polyurethandispersionen.


CHT Germany GmbH

(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Monforts: Launch of coaTTex at Techtextil 2024

At the upcoming Techtextil show for technical textiles, which will take place in Frankfurt from April 23-25, Monforts will launch its new coaTTex coating unit dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating.

For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, notably the Montex stenter systems.

A wide range of coatings can be applied to fabrics for providing functions such as waterproofing, liquid and gas protection and breathability, in addition to foam lamination and coating, including black-out coating.

The considerable technical textile end-use applications envisaged for the coaTTex range from window blinds to abrasive cloths and from airbags to sails.

With an operational speed of up to 40 metres per minute, coaTTex units are available in nominal widths of between 1800mm to 3600mm and their robust construction is characterised by a rotating beam for the fixation of up to three different knife executions.

At the upcoming Techtextil show for technical textiles, which will take place in Frankfurt from April 23-25, Monforts will launch its new coaTTex coating unit dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating.

For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, notably the Montex stenter systems.

A wide range of coatings can be applied to fabrics for providing functions such as waterproofing, liquid and gas protection and breathability, in addition to foam lamination and coating, including black-out coating.

The considerable technical textile end-use applications envisaged for the coaTTex range from window blinds to abrasive cloths and from airbags to sails.

With an operational speed of up to 40 metres per minute, coaTTex units are available in nominal widths of between 1800mm to 3600mm and their robust construction is characterised by a rotating beam for the fixation of up to three different knife executions.

Central adjustment of both the horizontal and vertical position of the beam, and also of the knife angle, enables easy adaptation to new projects and automatic tension control guarantees high quality production. In addition, the cleaning blade for the coating roller is pneumatically controlled, as is the lifting of the beam at seams and clamping during fabric standstill.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG


Modeunternehmen Sara Linke GmbH erfolgreich saniert

Das Modeunternehmen „Sara Linke GmbH“ hat wieder eine Zukunft außerhalb der Insolvenz: Die Gläubiger haben einstimmig den Insolvenzplan angenommen und damit den Weg freigemacht für die Aufhebung des Verfahrens. Das Unternehmen wird sich künftig auf die Vermarktung der eigenen Designer-Kollektion „Sara Linke“ konzentrieren sowie Dienstleistungen für Kunden aus der Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche anbieten.

Grundlage für den Sanierungsplan ist eine neue strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens: So wird die Sara Linke GmbH künftig keine eigene Produktion mehr unterhalten und sich auf zwei Geschäftsbereiche konzentrieren: Zum einen den Vertrieb des erfolgreichen eigenen Designerlabels „Sara Linke“, das über den Onlineshop sowie weitere Online-Plattformen, Boutiquen und Shop-in-Shop-Geschäfte angeboten wird. Die neue Sommerkollektion wird Mitte April an den Start gehen.

Das Modeunternehmen „Sara Linke GmbH“ hat wieder eine Zukunft außerhalb der Insolvenz: Die Gläubiger haben einstimmig den Insolvenzplan angenommen und damit den Weg freigemacht für die Aufhebung des Verfahrens. Das Unternehmen wird sich künftig auf die Vermarktung der eigenen Designer-Kollektion „Sara Linke“ konzentrieren sowie Dienstleistungen für Kunden aus der Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche anbieten.

Grundlage für den Sanierungsplan ist eine neue strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens: So wird die Sara Linke GmbH künftig keine eigene Produktion mehr unterhalten und sich auf zwei Geschäftsbereiche konzentrieren: Zum einen den Vertrieb des erfolgreichen eigenen Designerlabels „Sara Linke“, das über den Onlineshop sowie weitere Online-Plattformen, Boutiquen und Shop-in-Shop-Geschäfte angeboten wird. Die neue Sommerkollektion wird Mitte April an den Start gehen.

Das zweite Standbein bilden Dienstleistungen rund um Design, Entwicklung und Produktion für Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen. Dieser Geschäftsbereich wird künftig unter „Studio 1912“ firmieren. Die neue Homepage ist bereits online, der neue Standort in Zwickau wird am 12. April eröffnet. „Mit der neuen strategischen Ausrichtung können wir unser Design- und Produktions-Know-how Dritten als Dienstleistung zugänglich machen und gleichzeitig unser eigenes erfolgreiches Label für extrovertierte Designermode weiter voranbringen“, so Geschäftsführerin Sara Linke.

Die Sara Linke GmbH hatte im März 2023 ein Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung beantragt. Hintergrund waren die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf den Textil-Einzelhandel sowie gestiegene Kosten für Material und Personal, die vor allem die Produktion belasteten. Im Zuge des Eigenverwaltungsverfahrens wurde das Unternehmen strategisch neu und mit einer schlankeren Kostenstruktur ausgerichtet.

More information:
Sara Linke GmbH Insolvenz

Sara Linke GmbH

Bemberg™ and Anita Dongre collaborate for ‘Azure’ Collection (c) Anita Dongre

Bemberg™ and Anita Dongre collaborate for ‘Azure’ Collection

Bemberg™, a brand of cupro fibre by Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan, announces its collaboration with luxury couture label Anita Dongre to unveil the ‘Azure’ collection.

Anita Dongre, known for her timeless elegance and commitment to sustainability, has integrated Bemberg™ yarn into the ‘Azure’ collection, symbolizing a dedication to responsible fashion practices. Bemberg™ yarn, sourced from Asahi Kasei in Japan, embodies luxury and environmental responsibility.

The ‘Azure’ collection captures the serene essence of the sea, evoking the tranquil ebb and flow of waves against a backdrop of pristine skies. With soft hues and delicate color palettes, the collection introduces a fresh, breezy aesthetic, featuring flowy dresses, kaftans, and elegant sets designed to elevate the simplicity of spring-summer fashion.

Bemberg™, a brand of cupro fibre by Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan, announces its collaboration with luxury couture label Anita Dongre to unveil the ‘Azure’ collection.

Anita Dongre, known for her timeless elegance and commitment to sustainability, has integrated Bemberg™ yarn into the ‘Azure’ collection, symbolizing a dedication to responsible fashion practices. Bemberg™ yarn, sourced from Asahi Kasei in Japan, embodies luxury and environmental responsibility.

The ‘Azure’ collection captures the serene essence of the sea, evoking the tranquil ebb and flow of waves against a backdrop of pristine skies. With soft hues and delicate color palettes, the collection introduces a fresh, breezy aesthetic, featuring flowy dresses, kaftans, and elegant sets designed to elevate the simplicity of spring-summer fashion.

More information:
Bemberg™ Asahi Kasei Anita Dongre

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub

Together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller, who acts as CFO, Eva Baumann forms the management of the internationally active CHT Group. Photo CHT Group

Eva Baumann new CEO of the CHT Group

As of April 1, 2024, Eva Baumann takes over the position of CEO in CHT. Together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller, who acts as CFO, she forms the management of the internationally active CHT Group.

Until 2020, Eva Baumann had worked for many years in a leading global company in the chemical industry. She has been part of the CHT Group since January 2020 and, as Group Vice President, has headed the Business Field General Industries at Group level. As CEO, Eva Baumann is now responsible for Marketing, Sales, Corporate Strategy, Human Resources and Sustainability.

Eva Baumann has ambitious plans for the future of the CHT Group: "Together with my management team, I will continue to expand the CHT Group as a successful and profitable specialty chemicals group. We focus on what we have been particularly good at for over 70 years: turning innovative ideas into specialty applications. These ideas help our customers to secure their success and at the same time make a sustainable contribution to development. Our customer proximity and the outstanding quality of our products and services set us apart in the market.

As of April 1, 2024, Eva Baumann takes over the position of CEO in CHT. Together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller, who acts as CFO, she forms the management of the internationally active CHT Group.

Until 2020, Eva Baumann had worked for many years in a leading global company in the chemical industry. She has been part of the CHT Group since January 2020 and, as Group Vice President, has headed the Business Field General Industries at Group level. As CEO, Eva Baumann is now responsible for Marketing, Sales, Corporate Strategy, Human Resources and Sustainability.

Eva Baumann has ambitious plans for the future of the CHT Group: "Together with my management team, I will continue to expand the CHT Group as a successful and profitable specialty chemicals group. We focus on what we have been particularly good at for over 70 years: turning innovative ideas into specialty applications. These ideas help our customers to secure their success and at the same time make a sustainable contribution to development. Our customer proximity and the outstanding quality of our products and services set us apart in the market.

More information:
CHT Gruppe

CHT Group

Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim promote cleaner denim production Photo: Advance Denim

Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim promote cleaner denim production

With the aim to help the denim industry reduce the environmental impact of its wastewater and move towards circularity, Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim have renewed their joint commitment to the production of aniline-free denim apparel based on Archroma’s DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30.

Their joint aim is to produce high-quality denim in authentic blue shades without the aniline impurity carried through from the synthesis of standard synthetic indigo. In traditional denim production, this aniline remains bound with the indigo pigment on the fabric; the remaining aniline is discharged during the dyeing and washing process. This can be a problem because aniline is toxic to aquatic life and two-thirds of aniline waste currently ends up in wastewater discharge where it could potentially pollute waterways and the ocean.

Archroma developed DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 to answer this key challenge. A 30% pre-reduced indigo solution, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 makes it possible to produce indigo-dyed denim without aniline impurities throughout the process.

With the aim to help the denim industry reduce the environmental impact of its wastewater and move towards circularity, Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim have renewed their joint commitment to the production of aniline-free denim apparel based on Archroma’s DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30.

Their joint aim is to produce high-quality denim in authentic blue shades without the aniline impurity carried through from the synthesis of standard synthetic indigo. In traditional denim production, this aniline remains bound with the indigo pigment on the fabric; the remaining aniline is discharged during the dyeing and washing process. This can be a problem because aniline is toxic to aquatic life and two-thirds of aniline waste currently ends up in wastewater discharge where it could potentially pollute waterways and the ocean.

Archroma developed DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 to answer this key challenge. A 30% pre-reduced indigo solution, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 makes it possible to produce indigo-dyed denim without aniline impurities throughout the process.

Easy to use with automated dosing, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 reduces the water needed for preparation, washing and wastewater treatment compared to indigo grains. It also reduces hazardous chemical consumption while allowing high reproducibility and creating the authentic and iconic deep indigo shades traditionally associated with denim.

G-Star RAW is working towards making 20% of its entire collection from Cradle to Cradle Certified® fabrics by 2025. Its partnership with Archroma and Advance Denim contributes to this goal, since the aniline-free DENISOL® holds a Gold Level Material Health Certificate from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 is also compliant with other eco-standards and the requirements of leading retailers and brands.

Advance Denim, G-Star RAW and Archroma have previously collaborated to launch collections based on Archroma’s EarthColors® technology, which upcycles plant waste from the herbal industry to create sustainable colorways.

