From the Sector

3889 results

Wolford wählt NewStore als globale Omnichannel-Store-Lösung

  • Die Luxus-Skinwear-Marke führt im Rahmen ihrer Omnichannel-Digitalisierungsinitiative Wolford X die NewStore Omnichannel-Plattform ein, um physische und digitale Kanäle zu vereinen

NewStore, eine schlüsselfertige Omnichannel-Store-Lösung, unterstützt die Luxus-Skinwear-Marke WOLFORT bei ihrer Omnichannel-Digitalisierungsinitiative „Wolford X“. Die Marke arbeitet daran, alle Direktvertriebskanäle zu integrieren, einschließlich Geschäfte, E-Commerce und soziale Medien, um Kunden weltweit nahtlose Erlebnisse und sofortigen Service zu bieten.

Wolford nutzt dabei die Möglichkeiten von NewStore, mehrere Sprachen und Währungen, globale Zahlungen und Lieferungen sowie Lokalisierungsprozesse zu unterstützen, die eine Anbindung globaler Touchpoints vereinfacht. Die NewStore Omnichannel-Plattform kombiniert mobilen Point-of-Sale (mPOS), Auftragsmanagement, Kundenbindung, Inventarisierung und Fulfillment. Das System kann von Wolford in einer beliebigen Anzahl von Ländern betrieben.

  • Die Luxus-Skinwear-Marke führt im Rahmen ihrer Omnichannel-Digitalisierungsinitiative Wolford X die NewStore Omnichannel-Plattform ein, um physische und digitale Kanäle zu vereinen

NewStore, eine schlüsselfertige Omnichannel-Store-Lösung, unterstützt die Luxus-Skinwear-Marke WOLFORT bei ihrer Omnichannel-Digitalisierungsinitiative „Wolford X“. Die Marke arbeitet daran, alle Direktvertriebskanäle zu integrieren, einschließlich Geschäfte, E-Commerce und soziale Medien, um Kunden weltweit nahtlose Erlebnisse und sofortigen Service zu bieten.

Wolford nutzt dabei die Möglichkeiten von NewStore, mehrere Sprachen und Währungen, globale Zahlungen und Lieferungen sowie Lokalisierungsprozesse zu unterstützen, die eine Anbindung globaler Touchpoints vereinfacht. Die NewStore Omnichannel-Plattform kombiniert mobilen Point-of-Sale (mPOS), Auftragsmanagement, Kundenbindung, Inventarisierung und Fulfillment. Das System kann von Wolford in einer beliebigen Anzahl von Ländern betrieben.

„NewStore ermöglicht es Markenanbietern, stationäre Läden als Erweiterung ihres Onlinegeschäfts zu betreiben. Unabhängig vom Standort haben die Filialmitarbeiter von Wolford über alle Vertriebskanäle Zugriff auf Bestandsdaten, Produktdetails und Kundeninformationen in Echtzeit. All das ist in schönen, einfach zu bedienenden Apps verfügbar“, sagte Stephan Schambach, Gründer und CEO von NewStore. „Wir machen es Marken leicht, die Erwartungen des Omnichannel-Shoppers von heute zu übertreffen. Mitarbeiter können Transaktionen verarbeiten, Inventar nachschlagen und alles von ihrem Mobilgerät aus bedienen.“

Wolford X ist eine umfassende Omnichannel-Digitalisierungsinitiative, die im zweiten Quartal 2022 live gehen wird. Sie besteht aus mehreren Teilprojekten, die alle notwendigen Funktionsbereiche abdecken, um die Markenwahrnehmung und das Engagement weltweit zu ermöglichen.

„NewStore ist eine Schlüsselkomponente der Wolford X-Initiative, die unseren bestehenden, monolithischen Technologie-Stack ersetzen und zum Rückgrat unsere Retail Operations wird“, sagte Rainer Knapp, Global Director IT & Digital, Wolford. „Wir haben uns für die NewStore Omnichannel-Plattform entschieden, weil sie schnell, flexibel und einfach zu bedienen ist. Darüber hinaus brauchten wir eine Einzelhandelslösung, die zu unserer Strategie passt, eine skalierbare Best-of-Breed-Architektur aus spezialisierten und hochintegrierten Technologien zu implementieren.


NewStore GmbH


AFRY to digitalize Renewcell’s textile recycling processes

The Swedish textile recycling company, Renewcell, has chosen AFRY as partner in order to digitalize production operations in their plants in Kristinehamn and Sundsvall, Sweden. AFRY will deliver an Industrial IT solution, containing AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK, to manage production information and secure both high quality, as well as high overall efficiency in the production. The delivered solution will serve as a hub for all production process information.

The Swedish textile recycling company, Renewcell, has chosen AFRY as partner in order to digitalize production operations in their plants in Kristinehamn and Sundsvall, Sweden. AFRY will deliver an Industrial IT solution, containing AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK, to manage production information and secure both high quality, as well as high overall efficiency in the production. The delivered solution will serve as a hub for all production process information.

Renewcell is a multi-award-winning textile recycling company based in Sweden. With the technology they have developed, the company has succeeded in recycling and regenerating textile fiber from old clothes to turn it back into fiber pulp. Renewcell has had a production site in Kristinehamn since 2017 and is now scaling up the production in their new production plant in Sundsvall. The new plant is expected to be operating during the first half of 2022. “Modern production and logistics require a high level of digitalization to meet the demands for, e.g., traceability, and therefore the systems and experience from AFRY will be very important to us,” says Ylva Stjernquist, Supply Chain Manager and Project Leader at Renewcell.

AFRY has a long experience in Industrial IT and will now deliver the two leading, closely integrated digital solutions for production management to Renewcell. The AFRY MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is a highly advanced digital information system that connects, monitors, and controls the complex production systems and data flows of the production processes. AFRY ProTAK is a digital tool that measures the effectiveness of a plant’s production machine performance. The system gathers information from different sources (e.g., DCS, MES, Maintenance) and combines that with the operators’ notes to calculate or present Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), which will lead to optimized production and increased profitability.

Together these tools will improve traceability and secure a high production efficiency by integrating data from all production systems and equipment. “We are focusing on improving sustainability within process industries, and it is therefore an honor to be part of Renewcell’s textile recycling through a full-scale digitalized solution. Our modern and competitive digital solution will definitely bring added value to these types of processes,” says David Andersson, Business Segment Manager Digitalization, AFRY Process Industries Sweden.  

AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK will be installed to both Kristinehamn and Sundsvall plants. The installation is planned to be up and running during Q2 2022.


Process Industries Sweden

DiloGroup: successful INDEX exhibition (c) DiloGroup
DiloGroup at the INDEX

DiloGroup: successful INDEX exhibition

DiloGroup would like to thank all customers and interested parties for visiting the Dilo booth in Geneva. Despite the existing worldwide Covid, we were able to welcome a great number of well-known faces as well as meet new contacts, among them the most important nonwovens producers from across the world in all application areas: hygiene and lightweight nonwovens, technical textiles and needled nonwovens including geotextiles, filter media and automotive. The interest in using resource saving plant engineering, energy saving and the processing of natural fibres remains.

DiloGroup would like to thank all customers and interested parties for visiting the Dilo booth in Geneva. Despite the existing worldwide Covid, we were able to welcome a great number of well-known faces as well as meet new contacts, among them the most important nonwovens producers from across the world in all application areas: hygiene and lightweight nonwovens, technical textiles and needled nonwovens including geotextiles, filter media and automotive. The interest in using resource saving plant engineering, energy saving and the processing of natural fibres remains.

Dilo presented its latest developments in industry 4.0. Systematic plant monitoring and analysis of machine data allows simplified operation and more effective production. This smart system was illustrated with the aid of live analysis of the performance, quality and availability parameters of the production lines in our Textile Research Centre. The new production systems Hyperpunch Alpha, HyperTex and 3D-Lofter were explained with the aid of videos which led to a very positive responsive from the many different producers which are interested in running trials at the Dilo Textile Research Centre to further explore these subjects. These highlights and further new developments were the basis for fruitful technical discussions.


Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG

Mainetti bringt innovative Paperform Kleiderbügel auf den Markt (c) Mainetti
Paperform Kleiderbügel Linie

Mainetti bringt innovative Paperform Kleiderbügel auf den Markt

  • Zeit für ein neues Konzept von nachhaltigen Kleiderbügeln aus Papier, um Kleidung stilvoll zu präsentieren

Mainetti präsentiert die Paperform Kleiderbügel Linie, die Einzelhändlern eine nachhaltige und erneuerbare Option seines Kleiderbügel Portfolios bietet. Hergestellt aus recyceltem Papier, und optionalen Metallelementen, ist der Bügel komplett frei von Plastik und vollständig recyclebar. Die innovative Bandbreite des führenden Lieferketten-Lösungsanbieters bietet verschiedene Kleiderbügel-Varianten.
Mainetti fokussiert sich auf die Innovation des Produkts, mit dem Design im Mittelpunkt. Mainetti Paperform Kleiderbügel weisen herausragende Funktionalität und technische Qualitäten auf, indem sie ein besonderes, hochleistungsfähiges und recyceltes Papier anstelle von Plastik verwenden.

Die Kollektion wurde über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren entwickelt und hat neben entsprechenden Investitionen auch drei internationale Patente hervorgebracht. Die Produktion verwendet eigens entwickelte Maschinen und ein einzigartiges Verfahren innerhalb eines Systems, welches komplett im Besitz von Mainetti ist.

  • Zeit für ein neues Konzept von nachhaltigen Kleiderbügeln aus Papier, um Kleidung stilvoll zu präsentieren

Mainetti präsentiert die Paperform Kleiderbügel Linie, die Einzelhändlern eine nachhaltige und erneuerbare Option seines Kleiderbügel Portfolios bietet. Hergestellt aus recyceltem Papier, und optionalen Metallelementen, ist der Bügel komplett frei von Plastik und vollständig recyclebar. Die innovative Bandbreite des führenden Lieferketten-Lösungsanbieters bietet verschiedene Kleiderbügel-Varianten.
Mainetti fokussiert sich auf die Innovation des Produkts, mit dem Design im Mittelpunkt. Mainetti Paperform Kleiderbügel weisen herausragende Funktionalität und technische Qualitäten auf, indem sie ein besonderes, hochleistungsfähiges und recyceltes Papier anstelle von Plastik verwenden.

Die Kollektion wurde über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren entwickelt und hat neben entsprechenden Investitionen auch drei internationale Patente hervorgebracht. Die Produktion verwendet eigens entwickelte Maschinen und ein einzigartiges Verfahren innerhalb eines Systems, welches komplett im Besitz von Mainetti ist.

Paperform Kleiderbügel sind weltweit erhältlich und eignen sich gleichermaßen für den Transport wie für die Präsentation. Die Partner im Einzelhandel können sich des Produkts auf eine 100% umweltfreundliche Art und Weise entledigen, indem sie die Bügel am Ende der Nutzung dem jeweils heimischen Recyclingkreislauf hinzufügen. Mainetti Paperform Kleiderbügel sind Teil der langen Innovations-Tradition innerhalb der Firma. Vor 40 Jahren hat Mainetti sein industriebestimmendes Wiederverwertungs- und Recycling System für Kleiderbügel eingeführt. Heute bietet Mainetti dieses Programm seinen weltweiten Einzelhandelspartnern an und unterhält zu diesem Zweck 30 Wiederverwertungs- und Recycling-Zentren auf der ganzen Welt.


Finn Partners Deutschland

Weitblick launcht neue Workwear für Industrie und Handwerk (c) WEITBLICK®
Weitblick Workwear Nachhaltige Core Level 1 Kollektion

Weitblick launcht neue Workwear für Industrie und Handwerk

  • Nachhaltigkeit neu gedacht

Mit seiner neuen Kollektion Core Level 1 beschreitet der Kleinostheimer Workwear-Produzent Weitblick die nächste Stufe, was das Thema Nachhaltigkeit betrifft: die für die Kernbereiche Industrie & Handwerk zugeschnittene Produktlinie überzeugt nicht nur mit der Grünen Knopf - Zertifizierung und dem Supporting Fairtrade Cotton Label, sondern setzt zudem auf den Einsatz von Repreve-Polyester aus recycelten Plastikflaschen. Im Rahmen der laufenden Zielsetzung, bei Weitblick für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und weniger Umweltschädlichkeit zu sorgen, ist die hochwertige Core Level 1 Kollektion ein wichtiger Meilenstein für eine neue, faire Zukunft.

  • Nachhaltigkeit neu gedacht

Mit seiner neuen Kollektion Core Level 1 beschreitet der Kleinostheimer Workwear-Produzent Weitblick die nächste Stufe, was das Thema Nachhaltigkeit betrifft: die für die Kernbereiche Industrie & Handwerk zugeschnittene Produktlinie überzeugt nicht nur mit der Grünen Knopf - Zertifizierung und dem Supporting Fairtrade Cotton Label, sondern setzt zudem auf den Einsatz von Repreve-Polyester aus recycelten Plastikflaschen. Im Rahmen der laufenden Zielsetzung, bei Weitblick für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und weniger Umweltschädlichkeit zu sorgen, ist die hochwertige Core Level 1 Kollektion ein wichtiger Meilenstein für eine neue, faire Zukunft.

Plastikflaschen ein zweites Leben geben
Das Recyclingpolyester steht herkömmlichen Geweben in Punkto Performance in nichts nach: sowohl bei der Langlebigkeit und Belastbarkeit als auch bei der Industriewäsche überzeugt das nachhaltige Recyclinggewebe mit höchster Punktzahl. Zur Herstellung der Repreve-Fasern werden gebrauchte PET-Flaschen geschreddert, eingeschmolzen und dann zu einem neuen Polyester-Faden verarbeitet, aus dem dann das neue Gewebe entsteht. Zu 100 % recycelt und dank der im Recyclingprozess integrierten Tracer sogar ganz transparent rückverfolgbar. Für den Kunden nachvollziehbar wird der Einsatz von Recyclingflaschen zudem über den so genannten Bottle Count: Je nach Produkt und eingesetzter Gewebemenge ist so die verarbeitete Anzahl an Flaschen pro Kleidungsstück grafisch dargestellt und auf einen Blick ersichtlich.

Einsteigerkollektion für höchste Ansprüche
Entstanden ist eine Kollektion, die nicht nur hohe Produktvielfalt bietet, sondern auch durch moderne und frische Schnittführung überzeugt. Das urbane, kontemporäre Design orientiert sich an der Outdoorbranche und vereint scheinbar mühelos höchste Anforderungen an Ästhetik und Preis. Überzeugend ist die optimale Kombinierbarkeit der Stücke untereinander, aber auch im Mix & Match mit Artikeln aus dem Core Ergänzungssortiment wie Softshell- oder Winterjacken sowie der hochwertigen Greybull 2.0 Kollektion, die sich im gleichen Farbspektrum bewegt.

Optimales Wäschemanagement
Um neben der höchsten Qualität auch die zukünftigen Anforderungen an das Industriewäschemanagement zu erfüllen, verfügen alle Kollektionsstücke über waschbare RFID Etiketten zur automatischen Identifikation. Präzision & Geschwindigkeit im Waschzyklus sind so optimal steuerbar. Gleichzeitig sind die Tags im jeweiligen Kleidungsstück dabei so verarbeitet, dass keinerlei Hautkontakt entsteht.

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa present their new collections and an innovative, strategic symbiosis for sustainable fashion © Iluna Group
SS 2023 campaign by Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa

SS 2023 campaign by Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa

  • Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa present their new collections and an innovative, strategic symbiosis for sustainable fashion
  • 9-11 November - Palais de Festivals, Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, France, Booth 28-29

Values, strategies, an imprinting for innovation and a well-defined vision and expertise in sustainable fashion. This mix is  the  wide  and  solid  common  denominator  giving  birth  to  the  collaboration  between  Iluna  Group,  leader  in  the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey.

Two mature companies projected towards new formats of proactive collaboration, both established in common industries  - from underwear to beachwear  and  sportswear  -  that  have  chosen  to  create  a  symbiosis  of intents and strategies, each maintaining its own identity and independence.

  • Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa present their new collections and an innovative, strategic symbiosis for sustainable fashion
  • 9-11 November - Palais de Festivals, Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, France, Booth 28-29

Values, strategies, an imprinting for innovation and a well-defined vision and expertise in sustainable fashion. This mix is  the  wide  and  solid  common  denominator  giving  birth  to  the  collaboration  between  Iluna  Group,  leader  in  the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey.

Two mature companies projected towards new formats of proactive collaboration, both established in common industries  - from underwear to beachwear  and  sportswear  -  that  have  chosen  to  create  a  symbiosis  of intents and strategies, each maintaining its own identity and independence.

"We are living in a moment of strong change, from the wave of sustainability  that  is  finally  sweeping  the  fashion  world  to  new  market scenarios. And we are convinced that collaboration is the key to facing these new  challenges.  In  Maglificio  Ripa  we  saw  a  complementary  and  unique partner with whom we can reach customers, suppliers and other partners in a  more  complete  way."  comments  Furio  Annovazzi,  CEO  of  Iluna  Group. "Ours is not a union between companies, but a new model of partnership, a sort of strategic symbiosis aimed at developing together new paths that can make the both of us grow, while offering a more complete proposal to the market." adds Luca Bianco, CEO of Maglificio Ripa.

One of the first examples of this new format is the joint stand at MarediModa, a single space where visitors can discover the latest  collections  of  the  two  companies,  and  imagine  new  designs  and solutions for sustainable fashion.

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa also created the new campaign and photo shoot together, as well as developed a trend scenario that allowed both companies to better embrace the evolving market by sharing information, perspectives and ideas.


New JEC Group Publication


JEC Group in collaboration with EuCIA has published the first edition of the Composites Sustainability report 2021. This report seeks to give highlights about the part composite materials are playing in creating the sustainable European economy of the future.   

The contents of the book are comprehensive: starting with discussions around the widely recognised Life  Cycle  Assessment  methodology  for  calculating  the  environmental  impact  of  products,  it then 
moves through a series of analyses and case studies presenting the Circular Economy approach and ranging from raw materials (including bio-based) to industrial components.    


JEC Group in collaboration with EuCIA has published the first edition of the Composites Sustainability report 2021. This report seeks to give highlights about the part composite materials are playing in creating the sustainable European economy of the future.   

The contents of the book are comprehensive: starting with discussions around the widely recognised Life  Cycle  Assessment  methodology  for  calculating  the  environmental  impact  of  products,  it then 
moves through a series of analyses and case studies presenting the Circular Economy approach and ranging from raw materials (including bio-based) to industrial components.    

The purpose of the work, rather than results, which quickly become obsolete, is to give examples of approaches contributing to and moving towards sustainability. To do so, JEC Group has arbitrarily split
the value chain into five parts:
• Background, LCA, circular economy ;  
• Concept, design, raw materials ;  
• Production, processes, waste ;  
• Recycling, recovery ;
• Applications. 
The book “Composites sustainability Report 2021” is for sale online.


Stahl achieves certification for its lifecycle assessment systems in partnership with Spin 360

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has taken an important step toward realizing its target of having lifecycle assessment (LCA) data for all strategic products by the end of 2023. By working closely together with Spin 360, a tech-enabled sustainability consultancy, Stahl has achieved certification of LCA data generation systems, allowing verifiable information to be collected for its products.
LCA is a methodology that measures the impact of any product on the environment over the course of its life. The LCA methodology can provide quantitative data in a format that permits comparisons to be made. The certification of LCA data generation systems is a foundational step to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of future LCA analyses.

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has taken an important step toward realizing its target of having lifecycle assessment (LCA) data for all strategic products by the end of 2023. By working closely together with Spin 360, a tech-enabled sustainability consultancy, Stahl has achieved certification of LCA data generation systems, allowing verifiable information to be collected for its products.
LCA is a methodology that measures the impact of any product on the environment over the course of its life. The LCA methodology can provide quantitative data in a format that permits comparisons to be made. The certification of LCA data generation systems is a foundational step to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of future LCA analyses.

Through close collaboration, Stahl and Spin 360 have implemented an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) system – certified by Bureau Veritas – at Stahl’s site in Palazzolo, Italy. An EPD is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the environment impact of products across their entire lifecycle. This implementation underlines Stahl’s commitment to enabling the sustainable development of its industry by driving accountability and transparency.

Michael Costello, Stahl Group ESG Director: “One of Stahl’s strategic ESG goals is to collect verifiable, high-quality LCA data for its products, thereby paving the way to lowering the environmental impact of the whole supply chain. This EPD system certification is an important achievement, and a key step in realizing this goal. Looking ahead, we’ll continue to work with our partners to enable our certified LCA data availability and shape a better industry.”

Federico Brugnoli, CEO of Spin 360: “We are very proud to have supported this complex process that will ensure the complete reliability of Stahl’s LCA data. Now we will look at the next steps in supporting Stahl, focusing environmental footprint reductions through science-based evolution of the industry. We’re confident that – together – we can ensure a better future for us all.”

VDMA: Top young talent with cutting-edge topics  (c) VDMA
The 2021 winners (from top left to right): Dr Martin Hengstermann, Irina Kuznik, Kai-Chieh Kuo.

VDMA: Top young talent with cutting-edge topics

The Chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier has awarded prizes to three successful young engineers. The award-winning works provide practical solutions on the topic of circular economy. For example, the recycling of carbon fibres, which are used to produce lightweight components for the automotive industry. Or the environmentally friendly production of yarns from crab shells. Another topic was medical applications: The processing of ultra-fine yarns into stents for aortic repair. The award ceremony took place online on 9 November as part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference.  

With a creativity prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, the foundation honoured the diploma thesis of Irina Kuznik, TU Dresden. She used a creative approach to realise solutions for processing chitosan into fibre yarn.

The Chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier has awarded prizes to three successful young engineers. The award-winning works provide practical solutions on the topic of circular economy. For example, the recycling of carbon fibres, which are used to produce lightweight components for the automotive industry. Or the environmentally friendly production of yarns from crab shells. Another topic was medical applications: The processing of ultra-fine yarns into stents for aortic repair. The award ceremony took place online on 9 November as part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference.  

With a creativity prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, the foundation honoured the diploma thesis of Irina Kuznik, TU Dresden. She used a creative approach to realise solutions for processing chitosan into fibre yarn.

Mr Kai-Chieh Kuo was awarded the diploma/master's thesis promotion prize of 3,500 euros. With his master's thesis, which was written at RWTH Aachen University, Mr Kuo contributes to the production of vital components used in medicine. The stents made of ultra-fine yarns are made possible by an innovative modification of the classic tube weaving process.

The Walter Reiners Foundation rewarded the doctoral thesis of Dr. Martin Hengstermann with the promotional prize in the dissertation category, endowed with 5,000 euros. The thesis deals with the production of recycled carbon fibres. These can be used to produce lightweight components for motor vehicle and aircraft construction or the wind energy sector.

New Prize Sustainability / Circular Economy
The environmental conditions of the textile industry and machine construction are changing. Topics such as climate protection and the circular economy are becoming central. From this perspective, the board of the Walter Reiners Foundation has decided to further develop the foundation's prize system.

In 2022, the foundation will for the first time offer a prize with a focus on design / sustainability. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Foundation, explained: "Already in the design phase, one can set the parameters so that a textile product can be reintroduced after use into the economic cycle for a high-quality application. For example, through the appropriate use of materials and finishing. We are looking for solutions for resource-saving design, technology and manufacturing processes."   


adidas' performance in a challenging environment during Q3 2021

  • Currency-neutral sales up 3%, despite € 600 million drag from external factors*
  • Strong top-line momentum in EMEA, North America and Latin America with double-digit
  • increase across these regions*
  • DTC business growing at double-digit rate in EMEA, North America and Latin America*
  • Gross margin at 50.1% as significantly higher full-price sales partly compensate
  • negative currency impact and higher supply chain costs*
  • Operating margin at 11.7% despite strong double-digit increase in marketing spend*
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 479 million*
  • Inventories down 23% currency-neutral*
  • 2021 top- and bottom-line outlook confirmed*

“adidas performed well in an environment characterized by severe challenges on both the supply and demand side,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted.

  • Currency-neutral sales up 3%, despite € 600 million drag from external factors*
  • Strong top-line momentum in EMEA, North America and Latin America with double-digit
  • increase across these regions*
  • DTC business growing at double-digit rate in EMEA, North America and Latin America*
  • Gross margin at 50.1% as significantly higher full-price sales partly compensate
  • negative currency impact and higher supply chain costs*
  • Operating margin at 11.7% despite strong double-digit increase in marketing spend*
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 479 million*
  • Inventories down 23% currency-neutral*
  • 2021 top- and bottom-line outlook confirmed*

“adidas performed well in an environment characterized by severe challenges on both the supply and demand side,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “As a consequence of successful product launches we are experiencing strong top-line momentum in all markets that operate without major disruption. Double-digit growth in our direct-to-consumer businesses in EMEA, North America and Latin America is a testament to the strong consumer demand for our products. At the same time, we are navigating through the current world-wide supply chain constraints. Despite all challenges, we are on track to delivering a successful first year within our new strategic cycle.”

*See attached document for more information.

More information:
adidas Covid-19

adidas AG


Alchemie Technology asks fashion industry to reduce emissions

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Fabric dyeing is the most polluting part of fashion and activewear manufacturing, involving industrial scale dye baths and huge amounts of dye chemicals, steam, electrical power, and consequent high CO2 emissions.  Repeated washing of the dyed fabric, required to remove dye residue, is responsible for 20% of the world’s wastewater pollution and excess dye is discharged into waterways, affecting the health of some of the world’s poorest communities. In more regulated areas, water pollution is reduced through reliance on energy intensive water treatment plants.

However, an environmental step change can be achieved by adopting new digital technology that can dye fabrics with an 85% reduction in energy consumption and a dramatic 95% reduction of the 1.3 trillion litres of water currently used by the industry each year.

For example, dyeing one polyester shirt using current methods generates 4.5 litres of wastewater and produces 0.17 Kg of CO2, compared to low energy digital technology, which uses less than 0.2 litres of water and reduces carbon emissions to 0.03 Kg.  Multiply these numbers by the billions of garments dyed each year and the scale of the environmental problem, if nothing changes, is clear to see. Equally, the amount by which the textile industry can improve its carbon footprint is dramatic and can be done quickly if action is taken now.


Alchemie Technology Ltd

ANDRITZ neXline Spunlace eXcelle Line

ANDRITZ to supply a high-speed spunlace line to Welspun, India

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Welspun Advanced Materials, India, to deliver a complete neXline spunlace line for the production of nonwoven roll goods and wipes for their new plant in Hyderabad, Telangana. The line has a capacity of up to three tons per hour. Start-up of the line is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ high-capacity spunlace line will process various types of synthetic or natural fibers, such as polyester, viscose and cotton. The final products will have fabric weights ranging from 25 to 120 gsm, thus covering many applications. This neXline spunlace line also offers the option to integrate a third component from a selection of smart layers, enabling Welspun to also manufacture products for the health care and hygiene sectors.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Welspun Advanced Materials, India, to deliver a complete neXline spunlace line for the production of nonwoven roll goods and wipes for their new plant in Hyderabad, Telangana. The line has a capacity of up to three tons per hour. Start-up of the line is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ high-capacity spunlace line will process various types of synthetic or natural fibers, such as polyester, viscose and cotton. The final products will have fabric weights ranging from 25 to 120 gsm, thus covering many applications. This neXline spunlace line also offers the option to integrate a third component from a selection of smart layers, enabling Welspun to also manufacture products for the health care and hygiene sectors.

Welspun is the largest global exporter of home textiles. Innovation and quality lie at the heart of the company’s success, which already has nonwoven production lines in operation, including needlepunch and spunlace equipment. With its new plant in Telangana, Welspun will significantly increase its existing spunlace capacity and also maintain a broad range of applications as the final products are used in hygiene, home care and industrial cleaning. The new, advanced facility is a 100,000 sqm greenfield development that is part of a larger 1,500,000 sqm industrial complex also accommodating the Welspun floorings facility.



(c) Picanol. Connect generation - PicConnect enabled (BlueTouch display).
Connect generation - PicConnect enabled (BlueTouch display)

Picanol: New Connect generation of airjet and rapier weaving machines

Picanol has introduced its latest generation of airjet and rapier weaving machines, which have been called the “Connect” generation. These new generation weaving machines focus on connectivity and an increased level of data availability. With this new generation, Picanol is launching several new functionalities such as a digitalized Gripper stroke setting, Gripper tape monitoring, Climate control, Shed angle measurement, and fully integrated Power monitoring.

Picanol has introduced its latest generation of airjet and rapier weaving machines, which have been called the “Connect” generation. These new generation weaving machines focus on connectivity and an increased level of data availability. With this new generation, Picanol is launching several new functionalities such as a digitalized Gripper stroke setting, Gripper tape monitoring, Climate control, Shed angle measurement, and fully integrated Power monitoring.

“Following the successful launch of our digital platform PicConnect earlier this month, we have now released a new generation of weaving machines, which are known as the Connect generation. Our Connect generation weaving machines can provide the correct data and are loaded with new and never-before-seen functionalities. This is clear proof that for Picanol “Driven by Data” is not just a slogan but a commitment. Not only have these innovations allowed us to make big improvements when it comes to our four design principles – Smart Performance, Sustainability Inside, Intuitive Control, and, of course, Driven by Data – but when combined with our new digital platform they will allow you to amplify your own intuition.” comments Johan Verstraete, Vice President Weaving Machines.

From now on, the range of Picanol weaving machines will have the “Connect” suffix. For the airjet weaving machines, this means: OmniPlus-i Connect and TerryPlus-i Connect, while for the rapier weaving machines, this means: OptiMax-i Connect and TerryMax-i Connect. These new machines are built around Picanol’s four main design principles:

Smart Performance
On the OptiMax-i Connect, Picanol has introduced a lubrication monitoring sensor in combination with a temperature sensor. The combined data they provide allow the user to make sure the gripper tapes are in optimal condition for maximum performance. As an option, a gripper stroke measurement sensor is also available. This not only dramatically simplifies the setting of the gripper stroke, but also enables the user to realize higher machine speeds when weaving reduced widths – a pure extra output combined with more user-friendliness.

Sustainability Inside
Even though it was 25 years ago that the Sumo Drive concept was launched, it remains the most powerful, versatile and energy friendly machine drive available. And it has been even further optimized. It features an optimized sheet metal package for lower energy consumption, optimized oil cooling circuit for a better performance and a built-in temperature monitoring. Moreover, the Connect machines can be equipped with a Power monitoring module, which allows the user to keep track of the power consumption of each machine over time. Every Connect machine also has a built-in ambient temperature and humidity sensor, which will help to optimize the climate control in the weaving shed at the lowest cost. And as raw material is the biggest cost factor, each machine can also be equipped with raw material use monitoring.

Driven by Data
As the machine has more sensors than ever before, it also generates more data. To enable a fast reaction to all these sensor data, the BlueBox control unit has been further optimized: better heat management guarantees short reaction cycles combined with the long lifetime of components. To have a good view of all of the data generated, a special sensor dashboard screen is available in the BlueTouch display: with a simple touch of the screen, the current and historical power consumption, temperature, humidity, material consumption, and – on the OmniPlus-i Connect – also the air consumption, can be monitored. The BlueTouch display is now also equipped with an Action center, an electronic logbook where all actions such as maintenance interventions can be logged or scheduled beforehand. The machine manual is now available on the BlueTouch display, and with the context-based help function the help pages related to the operation the user wants to perform appear with one touch of his/her fingertip. The built-in web browser even allows the user even to consult, for example, tutorial videos on the web to guide them through a setting procedure.

Intuitive Control
The Connect generation was designed to focus on what really matters: weave the highest possible grade A fabrics at minimal costs. A large set of tools have been installed to facilitate this goal. One of the most remarkable ones is the Harness frame stroke measurement – until recently, it was only available on the revolutionary SmartShed, but it is now also available on the cambox and dobby machines. Combined with the shed visualization and simulation, it offers a quantum leap in terms of optimizing the user’s shed settings without losing any time or taking any risks. The colors of the programmable Smart signal lights with stop timing functionality are now repeated around the push buttons, allowing even better visibility and the prioritization of interventions by the weaver. A full-fledged Access control system not only limits the access to certain pages and settings depending on the user, but also allows a tailored dashboard to be established for each user profile.




ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei turns 50 and showed latest smart stretch fabric range at MarediModa

Showing its leadership, ROICA™ marks a milestone in the world of stretch, enhancing a contemporary wardrobe made of new generation values that are fully conveyed and visible to the end consumer. Indeed, by creating cutting-edge tools, such as the hangtags that provide, through simple and well-designed icons, clear and concise functional information showing for each application the values and performances of each single ROICA™ families: ROICA Colour Perfect ™, ROICA Resistance™, ROICA Feel Good™, ROICA Eco-Smart™, ROICA Contour™.

On top of this, in order to ASSURE that what is labelled as ROICA™ Sustainable truly reflects the brand’s new generation values, the company created and introduced a branding policy indicating the allowed blends for their smart yarns belonging to the unique ROICA Eco-Smart™ family. A big step toward complete transparency and transparent AUTHENTIC communication.
ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

Showing its leadership, ROICA™ marks a milestone in the world of stretch, enhancing a contemporary wardrobe made of new generation values that are fully conveyed and visible to the end consumer. Indeed, by creating cutting-edge tools, such as the hangtags that provide, through simple and well-designed icons, clear and concise functional information showing for each application the values and performances of each single ROICA™ families: ROICA Colour Perfect ™, ROICA Resistance™, ROICA Feel Good™, ROICA Eco-Smart™, ROICA Contour™.

On top of this, in order to ASSURE that what is labelled as ROICA™ Sustainable truly reflects the brand’s new generation values, the company created and introduced a branding policy indicating the allowed blends for their smart yarns belonging to the unique ROICA Eco-Smart™ family. A big step toward complete transparency and transparent AUTHENTIC communication.
ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

At MarediModa – the international fair dedicated to fabrics and accessories for the beachwear, underwear and athleisure sectors - ROICA ™ partners such as Eusebio, Iluna Group, Interjersey Milano, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Piave Maitex and Sofileta shared their latest fabric innovations where sustainability cutting-edge performance and design realized with ROICA™ premium stretch ingredient, were on stage.


Composites Evolution showcased prepregs and new thermoplastic unidirectional tapes

Composites Evolution exhibited at the Advanced Engineering 2021 show on 3rd - 4th November highlighting its range of prepreg and introducing a new thermoplastic tape manufacturing capability.

Composites Evolution is a developer, manufacturer and supplier of prepregs for the production of lightweight structures from composite materials. A flexible approach allows Composites Evolution to offer short lead times and low minimum order quantities, while decades of combined expertise ensure that in-depth technical support is on-hand when customers need it.

Showcased was a battery box from a high-performance luxury electric vehicle manufactured from Evopreg® PFC bio-based, fire-resistant prepreg, a rear wing from a Ginetta G56 GTA GT4 race car utilising Evopreg® ampliTex™ natural fibre prepreg, and parts fabricated from the company’s newly-launched Evopreg® PA thermoplastic tape range.

Composites Evolution exhibited at the Advanced Engineering 2021 show on 3rd - 4th November highlighting its range of prepreg and introducing a new thermoplastic tape manufacturing capability.

Composites Evolution is a developer, manufacturer and supplier of prepregs for the production of lightweight structures from composite materials. A flexible approach allows Composites Evolution to offer short lead times and low minimum order quantities, while decades of combined expertise ensure that in-depth technical support is on-hand when customers need it.

Showcased was a battery box from a high-performance luxury electric vehicle manufactured from Evopreg® PFC bio-based, fire-resistant prepreg, a rear wing from a Ginetta G56 GTA GT4 race car utilising Evopreg® ampliTex™ natural fibre prepreg, and parts fabricated from the company’s newly-launched Evopreg® PA thermoplastic tape range.

Composites Evolution has a family of specialist prepregs for various applications, including Evopreg® EPC epoxy component prepregs which are a range of pre-impregnated fabrics suitable for moulding into high-performance, lightweight, structural components; Evopreg® EPT epoxy tooling prepregs which have been designed to help composite tooling manufacturers improve the flexibility and efficiency of their tooling manufacturing processes; and Evopreg® PFC fire-retardant prepregs a 100% bio-derived alternative to phenolics for applications where fire performance is a critical requirement.

Evopreg® ampliTex™ combines Composite Evolution’s high-performance Evopreg® epoxy resin systems with Bcomp’s award-winning ampliTex™ flax reinforcements, to deliver a family of materials which offer outstanding performance for component applications.

Composites Evolution launched their new range of Evopreg® PA Thermoplastic Tapes at Advanced Engineering; these are manufactured from polyamide-6 (PA6) polymer with unidirectional carbon fibre and are suitable for automated tape laying, winding and compression moulding into high-performance, lightweight components.


Composites Evolution Ltd

(c) Zuse-Gemeinschaft

Starkes Gefälle bei FuE-Ausgaben in Deutschlands Regionen

SPD, Grüne und FDP haben in ihren Koalitionsgesprächen das Ziel bekräftigt, den Anteil von Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) am Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) in Deutschland auf 3,5 Prozent zu steigern, gegenüber aktuell rund 3,2 Prozent. Im EU-Ranking steht Deutschland damit schon heute gut da. Doch wie sieht es mit den Forschungsausgaben innerhalb Deutschlands aus? Hier gibt es enorme Unterschiede zwischen den Regionen und auch innerhalb von Bundesländern, wie die neue Infografik der Zuse-Gemeinschaft zu den FuE-Pro-Kopf-Ausgaben in Deutschland zeigt.

SPD, Grüne und FDP haben in ihren Koalitionsgesprächen das Ziel bekräftigt, den Anteil von Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) am Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) in Deutschland auf 3,5 Prozent zu steigern, gegenüber aktuell rund 3,2 Prozent. Im EU-Ranking steht Deutschland damit schon heute gut da. Doch wie sieht es mit den Forschungsausgaben innerhalb Deutschlands aus? Hier gibt es enorme Unterschiede zwischen den Regionen und auch innerhalb von Bundesländern, wie die neue Infografik der Zuse-Gemeinschaft zu den FuE-Pro-Kopf-Ausgaben in Deutschland zeigt.
Die regionalen Unterschiede bei den FuE-Ausgaben sind immens. Dicht hinter dem Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart mit Pro-Kopf-Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung von knapp 4.000 Euro pro Jahr liegt die Statistische Region Braunschweig - Heimat des Volkwagen-Stammwerks in Wolfsburg - mit FuE-Ausgaben von mehr als 3.900 Euro. Die beiden Regionen bringen es bei den Pro-Kopf-Aufwendungen für FuE damit auf jeweils etwa das Dreifache des Bundesmittels von 1.325 Euro. Es handelt sich um die jüngsten verfügbaren Daten, die die Zuse-Gemeinschaft auf Basis von Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamtes für 2019 ermittelt hat. Am anderen Ende der Skala liegen Regionen in Nord- und Ostdeutschland mit Werten im niedrigen bis mittleren dreistelligen Bereich.

Auch wirtschaftlich relativ starke Gebiete wie z.B. die Statistische Region Hannover - der ehemalige Regierungsbezirk um die Landeshauptstadt - oder die Region Unterfranken liegen mit Werten von rd. 947 Euro bzw. rd. 1.200 Euro pro Kopf unter dem Bundesdurchschnitt bei den FuE-Ausgaben. Gleichzeitig sind jedoch z.B. diese beiden Regionen von Innovationsförderung aus dem erfolgreichen Programm INNO-KOM des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums ausgeschlossen. Der Grund: Der Zugang zu INNO-KOM ist an die Struktur-förderkulisse der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur (GRW) gekoppelt. „Diese Kopplung von INNO-KOM an die GRW-Förderkulisse ist nicht zielführend, denn sie ist ein Hindernis für die dringend notwendige verstärkte Teilhabe des Mittelstandes am Innovations-geschehen in Deutschland. Gemeinnützige Forschung für die Industrie muss bundesweit gefördert werden können“, fordert Jansen.

Bestätigt sieht sich die Zuse-Gemeinschaft mit ihrem Vorschlag durch Daten zu den Kooperationen der Institute. „Mehr als 70 Prozent der Kooperationspartner unserer Mitglieder sind in Regionen außerhalb des Institutssitzes angesiedelt. Das zeigt: Forschungstransfer für den Mittelstand gelingt überregional“, erklärt Jansen. Mit Blick auf die Ziele der künftigen Bundesregierung mahnt Jansen: „Eine Steigerung der staatlichen FuE-Ausgaben darf nicht Selbstzweck sein. Vielmehr muss der gelingende Transfer von Innovationen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft der Gradmesser sein. Wir brauchen daher mehr transferorientierte staatliche Förderung seitens des Bundes. Die neue Bundesregierung muss hier handeln.“

More information:
Forschung Textilforschung


Elke Katz (c) CHT
Elke Katz

Elke Katz joins the board of the Beitlich Family Foundation

The Beitlich Family Foundation, owner of the CHT Group, has appointed Elke Katz as an additional member of the Foundation's Board of Directors, which includes the function of Supervisory Board, on 1 September 2021. Elke Katz is currently CEO of ratioform Verpackungen GmbH, a company of the Haniel Group, based in Munich.

She has extensive, cross-industry experience in strategic and operational corporate management at companies such as BMW and Telefonica. She holds a degree in business engineering and has extensive know-how in customer experience management, digital business and business development.

Johan de Ruiter, Chairman of the Board of the Beitlich Family Foundation: "We aligned ourselves with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals several years ago and defined sustainability, digitalisation and diversity as important strategic components for the CHT Group. We are therefore delighted to have gained a proven digitisation expert for our board. We are certain that Elke Katz will give us further impetus on this path so that we continue to be a leading, modern and innovative company.”

The Beitlich Family Foundation, owner of the CHT Group, has appointed Elke Katz as an additional member of the Foundation's Board of Directors, which includes the function of Supervisory Board, on 1 September 2021. Elke Katz is currently CEO of ratioform Verpackungen GmbH, a company of the Haniel Group, based in Munich.

She has extensive, cross-industry experience in strategic and operational corporate management at companies such as BMW and Telefonica. She holds a degree in business engineering and has extensive know-how in customer experience management, digital business and business development.

Johan de Ruiter, Chairman of the Board of the Beitlich Family Foundation: "We aligned ourselves with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals several years ago and defined sustainability, digitalisation and diversity as important strategic components for the CHT Group. We are therefore delighted to have gained a proven digitisation expert for our board. We are certain that Elke Katz will give us further impetus on this path so that we continue to be a leading, modern and innovative company.”

The Beitlich Family Foundation consists of 5 members, in addition to Elke Katz and Johan de Ruiter, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Götz Gresser (Vice Chairman), Dr. Antje von Dewitz and Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller.

More information:
CHT Group Beitlich

CHT Germany GmbH


Indorama Ventures reports a strong 3Q21 performance on record volumes

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a strong 3Q 2021 performance amid record production volumes. The company maintained its positive outlook for the rest of the year and 2022, noting caution as headwinds including higher energy prices and supply chain disruptions weigh against resurgent consumer demand.

IVL reported EBITDA of US$478 million in Q3 versus US$552 million in the previous quarter and US$240 million a year earlier. Production volumes reached 3.73 million metric tons, a record, as the global recovery drove consumer demand for IVL’s products.

As the global economy recovers from the pandemic, consumer appetite and increasing Brent crude oil prices are testing supply chains and driving a commodity boom, with manufacturers running at full capacity. This has driven increases in freight prices and a shortage of materials.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a strong 3Q 2021 performance amid record production volumes. The company maintained its positive outlook for the rest of the year and 2022, noting caution as headwinds including higher energy prices and supply chain disruptions weigh against resurgent consumer demand.

IVL reported EBITDA of US$478 million in Q3 versus US$552 million in the previous quarter and US$240 million a year earlier. Production volumes reached 3.73 million metric tons, a record, as the global recovery drove consumer demand for IVL’s products.

As the global economy recovers from the pandemic, consumer appetite and increasing Brent crude oil prices are testing supply chains and driving a commodity boom, with manufacturers running at full capacity. This has driven increases in freight prices and a shortage of materials.

Still, IVL posted a solid YTD performance, ending the first nine months of 2021 with EBITDA of US$ 1,512 million, up 123% YoY. The Integrated Oxides & Derivatives (IOD) segment will start to reap the full benefits of the hot commissioning of the Lake Charles gas cracker (IVOL) in Q4 and beyond, as well as continued advantaged shale gas economics.

In Q3, Project Olympus, the company’s cost saving and business transformation project, achieved US$63 million in efficiency gains, and is on track to achieve a total US$610 million of savings by 2023. IVL also implemented enhanced disclosures in governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets, and launched a comprehensive financial policy and governance structure to accelerate environmentally driven projects.

IVL strengthened its Indorama Management Council (IMC) – the company’s highest operational management committee – by rotating experienced executives and adding the COOs of the Fibers and Integrated Oxides & Derivatives (IOD) segments. The appointments will help build the segments into self-sustaining organizations while also rotating expertise across the IMC.

3Q 2021 Performance Summary

  • Consolidated Revenue of US$ 3,867M, an increase of 9% QoQ and 50% YoY
  • EBITDA of US$ 478M in Q3 versus US$552 million, a decrease of 13% QoQ and an increase of 99% YoY
  • Reported annualized EPS of THB 4.53 and core annualized EPS of THB 4.09



Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) diva-e / Wolford

diva-e implementiert Omnichannel-Lösung für Wolford

Der Textilhersteller Wolford möchte seinen Kunden ein modernes und nahtloses Shoppingerlebnis bieten und beauftragt die Digitalagentur diva-e mit der Implementierung einer revolutionären Omnichannel-Lösung. Filialen, Online-Shop und Marktplätze wie Zalando und Amazon werden dabei nahtlos miteinander verknüpft. Zum Einsatz kommt die Software-Architektur „MACH“, die für maximale Flexibilität und bestmögliche Benutzerfreundlichkeit sorgt.

Der Textilhersteller Wolford möchte seinen Kunden ein modernes und nahtloses Shoppingerlebnis bieten und beauftragt die Digitalagentur diva-e mit der Implementierung einer revolutionären Omnichannel-Lösung. Filialen, Online-Shop und Marktplätze wie Zalando und Amazon werden dabei nahtlos miteinander verknüpft. Zum Einsatz kommt die Software-Architektur „MACH“, die für maximale Flexibilität und bestmögliche Benutzerfreundlichkeit sorgt.

Der Textilhersteller Wolford startet mit „Wolford X“ eine umfassende Digitalisierungsinitiative mit mehreren Partnern, um sich zukunftsorientiert aufzustellen und die Kundenerfahrung auf ein neues Level zu heben. Ziel ist die Etablierung einer Omnichannel-Lösung, bei der Filialen, Online-Shop, Social Media und Marketplaces miteinander verknüpft werden. Die Digitalagentur diva-e ist als führender Partner im Projekt mit der Umsetzung des Großteils der Plattform für die neue Omnichannel-Lösung beauftragt. Mit dem Einsatz des MACH-Architekturansatzes implementiert diva-e eine zukunftsträchtige Infrastruktur, die für Wolford die Möglichkeit schafft, zukünftig mit hoher Geschwindigkeit die Komponenten der Omnichannel-Plattform weiterzuentwickeln, umzugestalten, auszutauschen und so neue Services auszurollen. Ebenfalls an dem Projekt beteiligt sind Commercetools, Newstore, Bloomreach, Tealium, Stibo STEP und Vue Storefront.
Zum Einsatz kommt die erste und international führende Omnichannel-Plattform von NewStore. Sie bietet Kunden eine nahtlose und stark individualisierte Einkaufserfahrung, die beispielsweise Endless Aisle Szenarien ermöglicht. Bei diesen werden Kunden beim Besuch eines stationären Geschäfts erkannt und der Verkäufer erhält über eine App die Kundeninformationen zu den bereits im Online Shop favorisierten oder gekauften Produkten. Diese oder ähnliche Produkte kann er dann direkt zur Anprobe anbieten. Sollte der gewünschte Artikel im stationären Store nicht vorrätig sein, besteht zudem die Möglichkeit, sich diesen taggleich nach Hause senden zu lassen.
Die Voraussetzung und gleichzeitig Herausforderung für dieses neuartige Shoppingerlebnis ist die Verknüpfung verschiedener Daten. Kunden-, Produkt- und Bestelldaten müssen im Sinne eines bestmöglichen Kundenerlebnisses an allen Touchpoints zusammengeführt werden.
Das umfangreiche Omnichannel-Projekt ist eines der Ersten seiner Größe am europäischen Markt und wird voraussichtlich im Juni 2022 abgeschlossen sein. 


diva-e Digital Value Excellence GmbH 


Frankfurt Fashion Week gibt Game Changern der Modeindustrie eine Plattform

Gemeinsam globale Lösungen finden, um die Welt zum Positiven zu verändern. Einen Wendepunkt herbeiführen. Dafür setzen sich zahlreiche Unternehmen der Textil- und Modebranche ein. Durch ihr Engagement, ihren Idealismus und ihre Innovationskraft treiben sie den positiven Wandel in besonderem Maße voran.

Die Frankfurt Fashion Week gibt den Game Changern der Modeindustrie eine Plattform – indem sie die Leitthemen Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung thematisch auf multidisziplinären Konferenzen, Panels und Diskussionsforen und im digitalen FFW Studio in den Vordergrund hebt. Zudem macht sie Best Practices auf den B2B Tradeshows Neonyt, Premium, Seek und Val:ue sowie auf dem B2C Fashion-Festival The Ground vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 auch physisch erlebbar.

Gemeinsam globale Lösungen finden, um die Welt zum Positiven zu verändern. Einen Wendepunkt herbeiführen. Dafür setzen sich zahlreiche Unternehmen der Textil- und Modebranche ein. Durch ihr Engagement, ihren Idealismus und ihre Innovationskraft treiben sie den positiven Wandel in besonderem Maße voran.

Die Frankfurt Fashion Week gibt den Game Changern der Modeindustrie eine Plattform – indem sie die Leitthemen Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung thematisch auf multidisziplinären Konferenzen, Panels und Diskussionsforen und im digitalen FFW Studio in den Vordergrund hebt. Zudem macht sie Best Practices auf den B2B Tradeshows Neonyt, Premium, Seek und Val:ue sowie auf dem B2C Fashion-Festival The Ground vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 auch physisch erlebbar.

„Die Modebranche verbindet weltweit Gleichgesinnte. Wir müssen uns auf die wesentlichen Themen für die Zukunft der Mode konzentrieren. Premium, Seek und The Ground sind ein Dreiklang, ein Trade- und Marketplace of Purpose and Ideas. B2B und B2C zu einem Zeitpunkt in einer Location zusammen zu bringen – das hat es in der Form noch nie gegeben und die Zeit dafür ist reif. Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnerevents von der Messe Frankfurt bringen wir auf der Frankfurt Fashion Week Retail, Brands, Influencer, Medien sowie Konsumenten und Konsumentinnen zusammen. Gerade nach der Pandemie ist dies unglaublich spannend. Wir verstehen uns als Connector und Enabler, aber auch als Innovator und Impulsgeber. Wir sprechen mit etablierten Partnern, vor allem aber kennen wir die neue Generation und stellen sie dem Handel und dem Ökosystem vor. Wir bringen im Januar in Frankfurt alle zusammen und eins ist jetzt schon klar - nichts ist mehr wie es mal war und es ist wichtig, dass wir den Herausforderungen unserer Zeit gemeinsam begegnen und voneinander lernen. Brands wie Absolut Cashmere, Ecoalf, Veja und Arys sind nur einige wenige Beispiele der zukunftsweisenden Labels. Wir freuen uns unglaublich darüber, wie viel in der Branche gerade angestoßen wird und was es alles Neues gibt. Diese Transformation werden wir in Frankfurt weiter herausstellen“, sagt Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner der Premium Group.

Ein erster Ausblick auf das, was es im kommenden Januar im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week auf der Neonyt zu sehen geben wird finden Sie im Anhang.


Messe Frankfurt GmbH