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adidas: Official Team Wear for Paris 2024 (c) adidas AG

adidas: Official Team Wear for Paris 2024

adidas unveils the team kits that will be worn at the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With one central design story, all adidas teams and athletes are united under a design DNA that celebrates the unique identities of each nation.

All athletes share a passion for their sport, but this internal fire burns brightest around major international tournaments. In Paris, adidas will capture the flame that burns within every athlete through impactful fonts and detailed graphics – that feature across all apparel created for its 15 officially sponsored teams. To express the fire within athletes, the kits’ graphics, typeface, and all over print use a repeated line pattern which is brought to life through pops of color

Beyond team kits, adidas’ offering extends to the 2024 athlete pack – a 49-strong footwear collection which equips athletes across 41 different disciplines – more than 20 of which may be seen during the field of play this summer.

adidas unveils the team kits that will be worn at the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With one central design story, all adidas teams and athletes are united under a design DNA that celebrates the unique identities of each nation.

All athletes share a passion for their sport, but this internal fire burns brightest around major international tournaments. In Paris, adidas will capture the flame that burns within every athlete through impactful fonts and detailed graphics – that feature across all apparel created for its 15 officially sponsored teams. To express the fire within athletes, the kits’ graphics, typeface, and all over print use a repeated line pattern which is brought to life through pops of color

Beyond team kits, adidas’ offering extends to the 2024 athlete pack – a 49-strong footwear collection which equips athletes across 41 different disciplines – more than 20 of which may be seen during the field of play this summer.

More information:
adidas AG adidas Sportswear

adidas AG

„AAA“ im MSCI ESG Rating Produziert von MSCI ESG Research, 2024.

Epson erhält „AAA“ im MSCI ESG Rating

Epson hat erstmals die höchste Einstufung des MSCI ESG Ratings „AAA“ erhalten. MSCI ESG Ratings ist ein globaler Investmentindex für Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG), der von der Ratingagentur MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) bereitgestellt wird. MSCI recherchiert und analysiert dafür den Umgang eines Unternehmens mit ESG-bezogenen Risiken und Chancen und ordnet es auf einer siebenstufigen Skala von AAA („Leader“) bis CCC („Laggard“) ein.
Epson führt sein erstes AAA-Rating auf sein Engagement zurück, international anerkannte, CSR-basierte Standards für die Beschaffung zu erfüllen sowie der Verbesserung der Systeme für Governance und die Entwicklung des Humankapitals im Jahr 2023.
Die Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724) wurde zudem als Bestandteil für den MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index, den MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) sowie für alle weiteren ESG-basierten Indizes für japanische Aktien* ausgewählt, die im japanischen Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) aufgenommen sind.

Epson hat erstmals die höchste Einstufung des MSCI ESG Ratings „AAA“ erhalten. MSCI ESG Ratings ist ein globaler Investmentindex für Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG), der von der Ratingagentur MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) bereitgestellt wird. MSCI recherchiert und analysiert dafür den Umgang eines Unternehmens mit ESG-bezogenen Risiken und Chancen und ordnet es auf einer siebenstufigen Skala von AAA („Leader“) bis CCC („Laggard“) ein.
Epson führt sein erstes AAA-Rating auf sein Engagement zurück, international anerkannte, CSR-basierte Standards für die Beschaffung zu erfüllen sowie der Verbesserung der Systeme für Governance und die Entwicklung des Humankapitals im Jahr 2023.
Die Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724) wurde zudem als Bestandteil für den MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index, den MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) sowie für alle weiteren ESG-basierten Indizes für japanische Aktien* ausgewählt, die im japanischen Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) aufgenommen sind.
Epson hat vier wesentliche Felder identifiziert, auf die sich das Unternehmen konzentriert: Nachhaltigkeit in einer Kreislaufwirtschaft zu erreichen, die Grenzen der Industrie zu erweitern, die Lebensqualität zu verbessern und sozialer Verantwortung gerecht zu werden – dies geht damit einher mit der Philosophie des Unternehmens, gesellschaftliche Probleme zu lösen und dauerhafte Werte zu schaffen.


Epson Deutschland GmbH


Lenzing AG: Elections to the Supervisory Board

On Thursday, April 18, 2024, the 80th Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG discharged the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board for the 2023 financial year and set the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2024 financial year in advance.

Dr. Markus Fürst retired from the Supervisory Board at his own request with effect from the end of the General Meeting. Dr. Markus Fürst has been a member of the Supervisory Board and various committees of Lenzing AG since 2021.

The General Meeting elected Dr. Cornelius Baur as a new member of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG until the end of the General Meeting that decides on the discharge for the 2028 financial year. In addition, Melody Harris-Jensbach’s mandate was extended until the Annual General Meeting that decides on the 2028 financial year.

On Thursday, April 18, 2024, the 80th Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG discharged the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board for the 2023 financial year and set the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2024 financial year in advance.

Dr. Markus Fürst retired from the Supervisory Board at his own request with effect from the end of the General Meeting. Dr. Markus Fürst has been a member of the Supervisory Board and various committees of Lenzing AG since 2021.

The General Meeting elected Dr. Cornelius Baur as a new member of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG until the end of the General Meeting that decides on the discharge for the 2028 financial year. In addition, Melody Harris-Jensbach’s mandate was extended until the Annual General Meeting that decides on the 2028 financial year.

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG continues to consist of ten members elected by the Annual General Meeting: Dr. Cornelius Baur, Mag. Helmut Bernkopf, Dr. Christian Bruch, Dr. Stefan Fida, Dr. Franz Gasselsberger, Melody Harris-Jensbach, Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, Mag. Gerhard Schwartz, Dr. Astrid Skala-Kuhmann and Nicole van der Elst Desai. DI Stefan Ertl, Stephan Gruber, Bonita Haag, Helmut Kirchmair and Johann Schernberger were delegated to the Supervisory Board by the works council.

In the constitutive meeting of the Supervisory Board following the Annual General Meeting, Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, was elected Chairman and Dr. Stefan Fida was re-elected as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- u. Steuerberatungsgesellschaft was appointed as the auditor for the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the 2024 financial year.

Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International launches Sustainable Fibres Program

As the 2024 edition of Techtextil, the leading international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens, gets underway in Frankfurt, Beaulieu Fibres International is introducing its Sustainable Fibres Program to help reshape fibres for sustainable solutions.

Through the initiative the company is looking to gain deeper insights into the challenges encountered by customers across the value chain to identify opportunities to leverage its expertise to deliver impactful products and services.

Beaulieu has identified several conversation triggers for Techtextil 2024, including recyclable, high performance, renewable, bio-circular, co-developed and made in Europe fibres, to find out what matters most to customers in terms of targets, green initiatives and sustainability expectations.
The Sustainable Fibres Program serves as a charter to help Beaulieu Fibres International accelerate its ‘fibres that build futures’ campaign, by educating on existing solutions, reshaping products and creating partnerships to facilitate market cooperation on shared challenges.

As the 2024 edition of Techtextil, the leading international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens, gets underway in Frankfurt, Beaulieu Fibres International is introducing its Sustainable Fibres Program to help reshape fibres for sustainable solutions.

Through the initiative the company is looking to gain deeper insights into the challenges encountered by customers across the value chain to identify opportunities to leverage its expertise to deliver impactful products and services.

Beaulieu has identified several conversation triggers for Techtextil 2024, including recyclable, high performance, renewable, bio-circular, co-developed and made in Europe fibres, to find out what matters most to customers in terms of targets, green initiatives and sustainability expectations.
The Sustainable Fibres Program serves as a charter to help Beaulieu Fibres International accelerate its ‘fibres that build futures’ campaign, by educating on existing solutions, reshaping products and creating partnerships to facilitate market cooperation on shared challenges.

In addition to leading the market within the framework of the European Green Deal, and alignment with the objectives of the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, Beaulieu Fibres International is committed to achieving its own sustainability targets outlined in its roadmap known as ROUTE 2030.

More information:
Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International

Steffen Jost, Rolf Pangels Foto BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren
Steffen Jost, Rolf Pangels

ZFO-Sonntagsöffnung: OLG Zweibrücken fordert weiteres Gutachten

BTE ruft zur finanziellen Unterstützung auf

BTE-Ehrenpräsident Steffen Jost (Modehaus Jost, Grünstadt), Betreiber mehrere Modehäuser u.a. in der Südpfalz, hatte mit finanzieller und sachinhaltlicher Unterstützung des BTE gegen einen Store innerhalb des Zweibrücken Fashion Outlet (ZFO) geklagt. Denn dort dürfen die Geschäfte aufgrund einer älteren rheinland-pfälzischen Sonderregelung ohne einen jeweils konkreten Anlassbezug primär aufgrund der Nähe zum Flugplatz Zweibrücken „automatisch“ jährlich an 16 Sonntagen öffnen. Und das, obwohl der Linienflugverkehr dort, der seinerzeit als maßgeblich Vorrausetzung für besagte Sonderregelung galt, schon seit Jahren eingestellt ist.

BTE ruft zur finanziellen Unterstützung auf

BTE-Ehrenpräsident Steffen Jost (Modehaus Jost, Grünstadt), Betreiber mehrere Modehäuser u.a. in der Südpfalz, hatte mit finanzieller und sachinhaltlicher Unterstützung des BTE gegen einen Store innerhalb des Zweibrücken Fashion Outlet (ZFO) geklagt. Denn dort dürfen die Geschäfte aufgrund einer älteren rheinland-pfälzischen Sonderregelung ohne einen jeweils konkreten Anlassbezug primär aufgrund der Nähe zum Flugplatz Zweibrücken „automatisch“ jährlich an 16 Sonntagen öffnen. Und das, obwohl der Linienflugverkehr dort, der seinerzeit als maßgeblich Vorrausetzung für besagte Sonderregelung galt, schon seit Jahren eingestellt ist.
Dagegen ist dem stationären Einzelhandel in Rheinland-Pfalz und in der Region rund um das Outlet eine Öffnung nur an bis zu vier Sonntagen erlaubt, wenn ein konkreter Anlass - bürokratisch aufwendig - nachgewiesen wird. Der Anteil der Sonntagsöffnungen am Gesamtumsatz des ZFO ist nach BTE-Berechnungen mit 30 bis 35 Millionen € (brutto) signifikant. Es resultieren etwa 15 Prozent des jährlichen Gesamtumsatzes des ZFO Zweibrücken aus den zusätzlichen verkaufsoffenen Sonntagen. Bricht man den Umsatzentzug durch die Sonntagsöffnungen auf das Einzugsgebiet herunter, ergeben sich spürbare negative Auswirkungen für den Einzelhandel im Einzugsgebiet.
In den beiden Vorinstanzen vor dem Verwaltungsgericht und dem OLG Zweibrücken war Jost unterlegen. Der I. Zivilsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH) in Karlsruhe hatte im Juli 2023 jedoch ein Urteil des OLG Zweibrücken von August 2022 aufgehoben und an es zurückverwiesen. Der BGH stellte fest, dass es bei der Zulassung von verkaufsoffenen Sonntagen im ZFO entgegen der seinerzeitigen Annahme des OLG sehr wohl relevant ist, dass am Flugplatz Zweibrücken seit dem Jahr 2014 kein kommerzieller Linienflugverkehr mehr stattfindet. Veränderten sich die maßgeblichen Umstände, müssten Verordnungen auch überprüft werden. Eine Verordnung kann sodann rechtswidrig werden, wenn sich die maßgeblichen Umstände ändern.
Obwohl bereits zwei Gutachten zur räumlichen Wettbewerbssituation und Spürbarkeit bzw. Beeinträchtigung des ZFO auf andere Einzelhändler im Einzugsbereich vorliegen, verlangt das OLG Zweibrücken nunmehr abermals ein Gutachten zu diesen beiden Themenkomplexen. Hierdurch entstehen erneut Kosten, die vom Kläger (Jost) zu tragen sind. Zusätzliche, weitere Ausgaben z.B. für Anwälte und ggf. sogar eine weitere Verhandlung beim BGH sind zu erwarten.
In Anbetracht der bereits entstandenen Kosten im sechsstelligen Bereich bittet der BTE um finanzielle Unterstützung durch den Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel und gerne auch anderen betroffenen Branchen. Schließlich hätten sowohl Steffen Jost als Unternehmen als auch der BTE insgesamt in der Sache für die Interessen vieler Händler in der Region gekämpft. Der Ausgang des Verfahrens könnte auch grundsätzlich weitreichende Bedeutung für die Bewertung von Wettbewerbsverzerrungen aufgrund von erweiterten Ladenöffnungszeiten anderer FOCs in Deutschland haben.
Alle Unternehmen, die den BTE bzw. Steffen Jost bei seinem Kampf gegen die nicht mehr sachgerechte Sonntagsöffnung im ZFO unterstützen möchten, können einen selbst festgelegten Betrag auf das Konto des BTE e.V. bei der Kreissparkasse Köln, IBAN DE73 3705 0299 0000 0253 86, Kennwort „Sonntagsöffnung ZFO“ überweisen. Der Einzahlungsbeleg sollte als Nachweis beim Finanzamt ausreichen, der BTE bestätigt zusätzlich aber gerne die finanzielle Unterstützung.
Der BTE versichert, dass die Gelder ausschließlich zur Finanzierung des Gutachtens bzw. des weiteren Prozesse verwendet werden. Sollten wider Erwarten die Einnahmen die Ausgaben übersteigen, werden die überschüssigen Gelder für die Branchenarbeit des BTE verwendet. Für Rückfragen steht BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer Rolf Pangels gerne zur Verfügung unter Tel. 0171 1537337, E-Mail


BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren

Dr. Stefan König neuer CEO der Optima Unternehmensgruppe Foto: Optima
Hans Bühler (links) übergibt den CEO-Posten an Dr. Stefan König

Dr. Stefan König neuer CEO der Optima Unternehmensgruppe

Die Optima Unternehmensgruppe hat Dr. Stefan König zum neuen Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ernannt. Er übernimmt die Rolle von Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, der in die Position des Chairman wechselt.

Im April 2024 hat Hans Bühler den Titel des Chief Executive Officer (CEO) an Dr. Stefan König übergeben, der bereits seit 2021 als Geschäftsführer im Unternehmen tätig ist. König bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung aus verschiedenen Bereichen des Maschinenbaus mit. Zuletzt war er als CEO der ehemaligen Bosch Packaging Technology GmbH tätig.

Bühler selbst, der über 35 Jahren Sprecher der Geschäftsführung war, wird sich in der vierköpfigen Geschäftsführung als Chairman auf Zukunftsthemen, strategische Entscheidungen und den Gesellschafterkreis fokussieren.

Die Optima Unternehmensgruppe hat Dr. Stefan König zum neuen Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ernannt. Er übernimmt die Rolle von Hans Bühler, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, der in die Position des Chairman wechselt.

Im April 2024 hat Hans Bühler den Titel des Chief Executive Officer (CEO) an Dr. Stefan König übergeben, der bereits seit 2021 als Geschäftsführer im Unternehmen tätig ist. König bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung aus verschiedenen Bereichen des Maschinenbaus mit. Zuletzt war er als CEO der ehemaligen Bosch Packaging Technology GmbH tätig.

Bühler selbst, der über 35 Jahren Sprecher der Geschäftsführung war, wird sich in der vierköpfigen Geschäftsführung als Chairman auf Zukunftsthemen, strategische Entscheidungen und den Gesellschafterkreis fokussieren.

König wird als CEO die Geschäftsführung koordinieren sowie Initia-tiven und Beschlüsse zur Zielerreichung treffen und durchführen. Er teilt sich mit Dr. Johannes-Thomas Grobe die Verantwortung für die vier Geschäftseinheiten Pharma, Consumer, Nonwovens und Life Science inklusive des Bereichs Wasserstoffwirtschaft, sowie die unternehmensübergreifenden Themen Digitalisierung, Nachhaltig-keit und Marketing. Die Zentraleinheiten wie Personal und Finanzen werden von Jan Glass gesteuert. Er wird im Laufe des Jahres sein Amt an seinen designierten Nachfolger Marco Beyl übergeben.

More information:
Optima Verpackung CEO

OPTIMA packaging group GmbH


Stahl: 2023 ESG Report

Stahl has published its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report outlines Stahl's recent progress on its ESG Roadmap to 2030 and the steps the company is taking to live its purpose of Touching lives, for a better world.

Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030 includes interim targets for 2023, making this a year in which Stahl reached several important milestones. For example, the company reduced its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 22% versus 2022. Furthermore, in 2023 the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated Stahl's scope 1, 2 and 3 targets, making it one of the first coatings companies on the SBTi-approved list.

To reduce its GHG emissions, Stahl is actively increasing its use of clean energy. At the end of 2023, renewable energy generation, such as solar panels, had been installed at four Stahl sites, compared to its target of three.

Stahl has published its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report outlines Stahl's recent progress on its ESG Roadmap to 2030 and the steps the company is taking to live its purpose of Touching lives, for a better world.

Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030 includes interim targets for 2023, making this a year in which Stahl reached several important milestones. For example, the company reduced its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 22% versus 2022. Furthermore, in 2023 the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated Stahl's scope 1, 2 and 3 targets, making it one of the first coatings companies on the SBTi-approved list.

To reduce its GHG emissions, Stahl is actively increasing its use of clean energy. At the end of 2023, renewable energy generation, such as solar panels, had been installed at four Stahl sites, compared to its target of three.

Measuring – and reducing – the impact of products is an important step in the company’s scope 3 emissions. As such, 353 Stahl products now have either life cycle assessment (LCA) or product carbon footprint (PCF) data, far exceeding the 2023 target of 50.
New ratings and certifications
In 2023, 2,161 of Stahl's products were certified by Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC), in line with ZDHC MRSL V3.1. These products represented 70% of the company’s sales revenue, demonstrating increased demand for coatings with a lower risk to health and the environment.

Stahl was also proud to achieve a Platinum rating from EcoVadis for the second year in a row, which places it in the top 1% of companies evaluated. Stahl also exceeded its 2023 target of an average EcoVadis rating of at least 60/100 for their top ten suppliers, with an average rating of 68/100 reported in December 2023.
Fostering a safe and welcoming work environment

A core pillar of Stahl’s ESG approach is how it supports its employees’ physical and mental well-being. The 2023 ESG Report outlines several examples of this commitment, such as improvement in its key safety KPIs for the third year in a row.

Besides keeping people safe, Stahl continues to make progress in fostering an open and inclusive workplace. For example, in support of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), Stahl appointed its first female leadership team member, trained 98% of its staff in DEI and established DEI committees at all Stahl sites. In addition, to strengthen communication, engagement and collaboration across the workforce, Stahl also established an internal workplace hub, MyStahl.

More information:
Stahl Coatings ESG


Graniteville Specialty Fabrics installs Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Graniteville Specialty Fabrics installs Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4

Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has set new standards by challenging the traditional pad finishing process. With Baldwin Technology’s spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.
Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 is part of a facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has set new standards by challenging the traditional pad finishing process. With Baldwin Technology’s spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.
Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 is part of a facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

With sustainability benefits, tracking and process control, and Industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat™ G4 provides high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, as well as minimal water and energy consumption. This system utilizes non-contact precision-spray technology, ensuring precise finishing coverage with the exact amount of chemistry. Changeovers (pad bath emptying, cleaning and refilling) are reduced, resulting in substantial chemical conservation and increased productivity.

(c) White Rabbit Maternity

White Rabbit Maternity lanciert Jersey Kollektion

White Rabbit Maternity, eine Marke für Umstandsmode, laciert den ersten Jersey Drop. Diese neue Linie setzt sich zusammen aus sechs zeitlosen Designs, die Saisons überdauern und die die Anfang diesen Jahres präsentierte Knit-Kollektion ergänzt.

Die Jersey Kollektion besteht aus Basics, die eine Langlebigkeit während der Schwangerschaft und darüber hinaus gewährleisten. Die Kollektion umfasst einen Wickelcardigan, ein langärmliges Umstandskleid, ein Kleid ohne Ärmel, ein klassisches T-Shirt, ein Longsleeve und eine Leggings mit extra hohem Bund für optimalen Komfort.
Die neue Jersey Kollektion ist in Schwarz und Weiß sowie einem Leoparden-All-Over-Print erhältlich.

White Rabbit Maternity, eine Marke für Umstandsmode, laciert den ersten Jersey Drop. Diese neue Linie setzt sich zusammen aus sechs zeitlosen Designs, die Saisons überdauern und die die Anfang diesen Jahres präsentierte Knit-Kollektion ergänzt.

Die Jersey Kollektion besteht aus Basics, die eine Langlebigkeit während der Schwangerschaft und darüber hinaus gewährleisten. Die Kollektion umfasst einen Wickelcardigan, ein langärmliges Umstandskleid, ein Kleid ohne Ärmel, ein klassisches T-Shirt, ein Longsleeve und eine Leggings mit extra hohem Bund für optimalen Komfort.
Die neue Jersey Kollektion ist in Schwarz und Weiß sowie einem Leoparden-All-Over-Print erhältlich.

Jedes Teil der Jersey Kollektion ist so konzipiert, dass es zahlreiche Kombinationsmöglichkeiten bietet und sich so auch mit der Strickkollektion der Brand vielseitig kombinieren lässt zu Komplett Looks. White Rabbit Maternity setzt auch bei der Jersey Line den Nachhaltigkeitsansatz weiter fort. Auch der Jersey Drop wird in Europa produziert und ist OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 zertifiziert. Darüber hinaus werden für den Jersey Drop Stoffe verwendet, die dem CIRCULAR FABRIC STANDARD entsprechen, einem Standard, der Stoffe aus der Überproduktion oder aus Resten hochwertiger Marken wiederverwerten.


White Rabbit Maternity / OnSpot-Media


adidas: Preliminary results for Q1 2024

adidas announced preliminary results for the first quarter of 2024. In Q1, currency-neutral revenues increased 8% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 4% to € 5.458 billion (2023: € 5.274 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 6.4 percentage points to 51.2% during the quarter (2023: 44.8%). Operating profit reached € 336 million in Q1 (2023: € 60 million).

As a result of the better-than-expected performance during the quarter, the company has increased its full-year guidance. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2024 (previously: increase at a mid-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 700 million (previously: to reach a level of around € 500 million).  

adidas announced preliminary results for the first quarter of 2024. In Q1, currency-neutral revenues increased 8% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 4% to € 5.458 billion (2023: € 5.274 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 6.4 percentage points to 51.2% during the quarter (2023: 44.8%). Operating profit reached € 336 million in Q1 (2023: € 60 million).

As a result of the better-than-expected performance during the quarter, the company has increased its full-year guidance. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2024 (previously: increase at a mid-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 700 million (previously: to reach a level of around € 500 million).  

The latest Yeezy drop generated revenues of around € 150 million and an operating profit of around € 50 million in the first quarter. In its guidance, the company assumes the sale of the remaining Yeezy inventory during the remainder of the year to occur on average at cost. This would result in additional sales of around € 200 million and no further profit contribution during the remainder of the year.

The company continues to expect unfavorable currency effects to weigh significantly on the company’s profitability this year. These effects are projected to continue to negatively impact both reported revenues and the gross margin development in 2024.


adidas AG

CARBIOS wins "So French So Innovative" award Photo: CARBIOS
Dr. Bruno LANGLOIS, Technologies & Institutional Partnerships Director for CARBIOS (center), receiving the « So French So Innovative » Award on behalf of CARBIOS at InnoEX 2024, Hong Kong.

CARBIOS wins "So French So Innovative" award

CARBIOS was awarded 1st prize in the "So French So Innovative" Award organized by Business France, the Hong Kong Committee of French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF), La French Tech and its partners at InnoEX 2024 (taking place in Hong Kong from 13 to 16 April). The award recognizes French innovation to promote and support French Tech in the Asia-Pacific region. The final awards ceremony was held on the French pavilion in the presence of members of the Hong Kong Government and Christile Drulhe, Consul General of France in Hong Kong.

Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of CARBIOS: "Asia-Pacific is a key market for our PET biorecycling solution, and the 'So French So Innovative' Award is a recognition that supports CARBIOS’ prospection and commercial deployment in the region. CARBIOS' technology is generating a lot of interest, leading to promising discussions and the exploration of commercial agreements to support the sustainability commitments and international operations of current and future partners."

CARBIOS was awarded 1st prize in the "So French So Innovative" Award organized by Business France, the Hong Kong Committee of French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF), La French Tech and its partners at InnoEX 2024 (taking place in Hong Kong from 13 to 16 April). The award recognizes French innovation to promote and support French Tech in the Asia-Pacific region. The final awards ceremony was held on the French pavilion in the presence of members of the Hong Kong Government and Christile Drulhe, Consul General of France in Hong Kong.

Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of CARBIOS: "Asia-Pacific is a key market for our PET biorecycling solution, and the 'So French So Innovative' Award is a recognition that supports CARBIOS’ prospection and commercial deployment in the region. CARBIOS' technology is generating a lot of interest, leading to promising discussions and the exploration of commercial agreements to support the sustainability commitments and international operations of current and future partners."

CARBIOS' global presence
In a dynamic global PET market, where the share of recycled PET will increase, CARBIOS' ambition is to become a leading r-PET player by 2035. CARBIOS has extended its international reach to boost its commercial deployment worldwide. Teams in place in key markets are dedicated to identifying business opportunities and establishing commercial partnerships for PET biorecycling technology, with first agreements expected in 2024. To date, CARBIOS is represented in three regions: Europe, North America (including Canada) and Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and soon India).

More information:
Carbios Awards PET recycling


Wacker Chemical Corporation under New Management Foto: WACKER
Christoph Kowitz

Wacker Chemical Corporation under New Management

Christoph Kowitz, currently head of WACKER’s Corporate Research Department, takes charge of the Group’s U.S. subsidiary Wacker Chemical Corporation (WCC) at the beginning of May. He succeeds David Wilhoit who has been responsible for WACKER’s North and Central American business since 2015 and is now retiring.

Christoph Kowitz has already held various management positions. After obtaining his doctorate in organic chemistry and polymer chemistry, he began his professional career as a product developer at BASF AG in Ludwigshafen in 1996. From 1997 onwards, he worked for several years as a management consultant for McKinsey in Asia and Europe. After several management positions in the chemical industry, including Germany-based specialty chemicals manufacturer Cognis, Kowitz moved to WACKER in 2013, where he headed the Performance Silicones unit within the WACKER SILICONES division. Since 2018, he has been Head of Corporate R&D and thus also responsible for innovation management within the Group.

Christoph Kowitz, currently head of WACKER’s Corporate Research Department, takes charge of the Group’s U.S. subsidiary Wacker Chemical Corporation (WCC) at the beginning of May. He succeeds David Wilhoit who has been responsible for WACKER’s North and Central American business since 2015 and is now retiring.

Christoph Kowitz has already held various management positions. After obtaining his doctorate in organic chemistry and polymer chemistry, he began his professional career as a product developer at BASF AG in Ludwigshafen in 1996. From 1997 onwards, he worked for several years as a management consultant for McKinsey in Asia and Europe. After several management positions in the chemical industry, including Germany-based specialty chemicals manufacturer Cognis, Kowitz moved to WACKER in 2013, where he headed the Performance Silicones unit within the WACKER SILICONES division. Since 2018, he has been Head of Corporate R&D and thus also responsible for innovation management within the Group.

More information:
Wacker chemicals polymers

Wacker Chemie AG


CARBIOS: Fiscal-year 2023 financial results

  • CARBIOS Group’s solid financial structure: cash position of €192 million on December 31, 2023
  • Construction progress of world’s first PET biorecycling plant in France: in line with delivery targets for customers in 2026
  • Licensing: international sales teams deployed in more than ten countries, with several partnerships feasible for 2024

CARBIOS reported its operating and financial results for the financial year 2023. The financial statements as of December 31, 2023, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 10, 2024.

2023 Financial highlights
The consolidated financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 2023, are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the European Union.

  • CARBIOS Group’s solid financial structure: cash position of €192 million on December 31, 2023
  • Construction progress of world’s first PET biorecycling plant in France: in line with delivery targets for customers in 2026
  • Licensing: international sales teams deployed in more than ten countries, with several partnerships feasible for 2024

CARBIOS reported its operating and financial results for the financial year 2023. The financial statements as of December 31, 2023, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 10, 2024.

2023 Financial highlights
The consolidated financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 2023, are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the European Union.

For 2022 and 2023, these IFRS consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of CARBIOS, the parent company, and the financial statements of its fully integrated subsidiaries Carbiolice and CARBIOS 54. The group formed by CARBIOS, Carbiolice and CARBIOS 54 is hereinafter referred to as the “Group”.

These IFRS financial statements for the Group have been prepared to provide high quality information in line with that of similar companies and based on international standards.

Given the progress made by the Group during 2023 and the success of the financing operation closed in July 2023 as well as the received grants, CARBIOS confirms its operating targets and the provisional calendar of the industrial and commercial deployment of its PET biorecycling technology.
2024  • Construction of the Longlaville plant further to permits obtained in October 2023
2024  • Recruitment of plant operations team and training at demonstration facility
2026  • First significant deliveries to clients

Alongside this project, CARBIOS aims to sign its first licensing contracts for its PET biorecycling technology in 2024.

More information:
Carbios financial year 2023



Stratasys published Second ESG and Sustainability Report

Stratasys Ltd. published its second Mindful Manufacturing™ ESG and Sustainability Report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, fulfilling its commitment to transparency. The report includes an extensive overview of activities and advancements in Stratasys’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs.

Some highlights of the Mindful Manufacturing ESG and Sustainability report, by category, include:


  • Stratasys reduced water intensity by 32.5 percent across global operations, leading to an overall reduction in water usage by the company.
  • Solar panels installed at Israeli facilities generated 441,339 kWh of renewable energy, which contributed to 207 metric tons of reduced CO2 emissions, or the equivalent of planting 3,423 trees
  • Double digit (11.3 percent) increases in the number of spools, cartridges and canisters recycled through a new recycling program.


Stratasys Ltd. published its second Mindful Manufacturing™ ESG and Sustainability Report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, fulfilling its commitment to transparency. The report includes an extensive overview of activities and advancements in Stratasys’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs.

Some highlights of the Mindful Manufacturing ESG and Sustainability report, by category, include:


  • Stratasys reduced water intensity by 32.5 percent across global operations, leading to an overall reduction in water usage by the company.
  • Solar panels installed at Israeli facilities generated 441,339 kWh of renewable energy, which contributed to 207 metric tons of reduced CO2 emissions, or the equivalent of planting 3,423 trees
  • Double digit (11.3 percent) increases in the number of spools, cartridges and canisters recycled through a new recycling program.


  • More than 38,000 hours of employee training were provided, equaling 18 hours of training per employee.
  • Approaching world-class status with employee engagement, with a 78 percent participation rate in the last all-employee survey, with an all-time high engagement score of 73.
  • 81 percent of managers participated in management training.
  • 4 diversity KPIs were set in 2022, focusing on hiring practices. Targets were:
  • 100 percent of candidate slates for manager and above will have a diverse slate
  • 35 percent of management hires will be women
  • 25 percent of tech hires will be women
  • 40 percent of intern/student hires to reflect a range of ethnicity and gender diversity.


  • 100 percent of new suppliers in 2021 and 2022 signed the Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes environmental, social and ethical standards.
  • More than 97% of all employees completed compliance training.
  • No product-related health and safety incidents of non-compliance occurred in 2021 or 2022.

Stratasys Ltd.

Lenzing appoints Chief Transformation Officer (c) Bickel & Company
Dr. Walter Bickel, Chief Transformation Officer

Lenzing appoints Chief Transformation Officer

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG appointed Dr. Walter Bickel as a member of the Managing Board and Chief Transformation Officer of Lenzing AG with effect from April 15, 2024 until December 31, 2025. The experienced manager will strengthen the Lenzing Managing Board and will be responsible for the further development and implementation of the performance program. Lenzing AG’s existing performance program was successfully initiated by the Managing Board in autumn 2023 and focuses on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth, and sustainable cost excellence. The appointment of a separate member of the Managing Board for the performance program underlines its importance for the economic recovery of Lenzing AG and will make a significant contribution to achieving the goals. In addition, this ensures that the existing Managing Board can devote all the necessary resources to its core tasks in sales, operations and finances.

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG appointed Dr. Walter Bickel as a member of the Managing Board and Chief Transformation Officer of Lenzing AG with effect from April 15, 2024 until December 31, 2025. The experienced manager will strengthen the Lenzing Managing Board and will be responsible for the further development and implementation of the performance program. Lenzing AG’s existing performance program was successfully initiated by the Managing Board in autumn 2023 and focuses on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth, and sustainable cost excellence. The appointment of a separate member of the Managing Board for the performance program underlines its importance for the economic recovery of Lenzing AG and will make a significant contribution to achieving the goals. In addition, this ensures that the existing Managing Board can devote all the necessary resources to its core tasks in sales, operations and finances.

Dr. Walter Bickel is an expert in implementing yield increase programs. He has decades of leadership experience in management consulting and in leading positions in industrial companies. As a member of top management, he has successfully supported comprehensive performance programs at companies such as KUKA, Treofan and Syntegon. At Lenzing, Walter Bickel will further advance and accelerate the performance program, which has already made important contributions to improving earnings, and tap into additional performance improvement potential aiming for a significant sustainable increase of Lenzing’s earning power and competitiveness.


Lenzing AG

Epson Europa: Takanori Inaho wird neuer Präsident (c) Epson

Epson Europa: Takanori Inaho als neuer Präsident

Takanori Inaho trat zum 1. April seine neue Stelle als Präsident von Epson Europa an. Er folgt Yoshiro Nagafusa nach, der in den Ruhestand ging. Inaho arbeitet seit mehr als 33 Jahren bei Epson und war vor seiner Berufung zum Präsidenten von Epson Europe B.V. in verschiedenen Positionen für Epson in Europa, Amerika und Japan tätig, zuletzt als General Administrative Manager der Abteilungen Vertrieb und Marketing. Seine Expertise erstreckt sich über Drucker, Heimkino- und Business-Projektoren sowie Epson Micro-Devices.

Takanori Inaho trat zum 1. April seine neue Stelle als Präsident von Epson Europa an. Er folgt Yoshiro Nagafusa nach, der in den Ruhestand ging. Inaho arbeitet seit mehr als 33 Jahren bei Epson und war vor seiner Berufung zum Präsidenten von Epson Europe B.V. in verschiedenen Positionen für Epson in Europa, Amerika und Japan tätig, zuletzt als General Administrative Manager der Abteilungen Vertrieb und Marketing. Seine Expertise erstreckt sich über Drucker, Heimkino- und Business-Projektoren sowie Epson Micro-Devices.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

Gregory: Ausrüstungspartner der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024 (c) Gregory

Gregory: Ausrüstungspartner der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024

Gregory, ein Unternehmer für Outdoor- und Reiseausrüstung, stattet mit seiner Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion das Team der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024 aus.

Nach einem erfolgreichen Probelauf im vergangenen Jahr haben Gregory und die weltweite Trailrunning Serie ihre Partnerschaft für die aktuelle Saison bestätigt. Gregory stattet das gesamte Team der Merrell Skyrunner World Series auf ihren Reisen zu 21 Rennen auf vier Kontinenten mit Produkten der neuen Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion aus. Dabei testet Gregory Produkte, die für den Transport von schwerem Material in schwierigen Umgebungen entwickelt wurden, vor Ort, um sowohl die Leistungen der Sportler als auch die eigenen Produkte zu optimieren.

Durch die strategische Allianz mit Gregory soll die Reiselogistik der Skyrunner World Series verbessert, die Ausrüstung bestmöglich geschützt und die Standards für Transportleistungen im Outdoor-Sport auf globaler Ebene erhöht werden.

Gregory, ein Unternehmer für Outdoor- und Reiseausrüstung, stattet mit seiner Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion das Team der Merrel Skyrunner World Series 2024 aus.

Nach einem erfolgreichen Probelauf im vergangenen Jahr haben Gregory und die weltweite Trailrunning Serie ihre Partnerschaft für die aktuelle Saison bestätigt. Gregory stattet das gesamte Team der Merrell Skyrunner World Series auf ihren Reisen zu 21 Rennen auf vier Kontinenten mit Produkten der neuen Alpaca Gear Organization Kollektion aus. Dabei testet Gregory Produkte, die für den Transport von schwerem Material in schwierigen Umgebungen entwickelt wurden, vor Ort, um sowohl die Leistungen der Sportler als auch die eigenen Produkte zu optimieren.

Durch die strategische Allianz mit Gregory soll die Reiselogistik der Skyrunner World Series verbessert, die Ausrüstung bestmöglich geschützt und die Standards für Transportleistungen im Outdoor-Sport auf globaler Ebene erhöht werden.

Gregory wird das Team mit Produkten wie der Gear Box, dem Gear Basket und dem Gear Wagon ausstatten, die mit modernster Technologie, Lösungen und zum Teil aus recycelten Stoffen hergestellt werden. Aber auch Rucksäcke und Daypacks wie Border, Nano und Rhune kommen zum Einsatz


Gregory / crystal communications GmbH

adidas: Y-3 Spring/Summer 2024 Chapter 2 (c) adidas AG

adidas: Y-3 Spring/Summer 2024 Chapter 2

For the second chapter of their Spring/Summer 2024 collection, adidas and Yohji Yamamoto continue to explore the concept of Contra-Natural. The collection highlights the tensions at the heart of Y-3: sport and boundary pushing design, organic and synthetic, linear perfection and natural imperfection.

For Chapter 2, Y-3 introduces a selection of dynamic apparel looks with a focus on refined cotton twill workwear inspired garments and reimagined sporting classics. Subtle yet bold overshirts, cargo pants, and tops are constructed with utility pockets and adjustable hems, while updated takes on the iconic adidas Superstar Tracksuit are elevated with topographical map piping. A selection of garments inspired adidas’ Teamgeist soccer jerseys rounds out the apparel collection, with each piece bearing a digital rust print inspired by the natural process of oxidation. Accompanying the apparel offering is a suite of accessories including nylon backpacks, totes, and holdalls.

For the second chapter of their Spring/Summer 2024 collection, adidas and Yohji Yamamoto continue to explore the concept of Contra-Natural. The collection highlights the tensions at the heart of Y-3: sport and boundary pushing design, organic and synthetic, linear perfection and natural imperfection.

For Chapter 2, Y-3 introduces a selection of dynamic apparel looks with a focus on refined cotton twill workwear inspired garments and reimagined sporting classics. Subtle yet bold overshirts, cargo pants, and tops are constructed with utility pockets and adjustable hems, while updated takes on the iconic adidas Superstar Tracksuit are elevated with topographical map piping. A selection of garments inspired adidas’ Teamgeist soccer jerseys rounds out the apparel collection, with each piece bearing a digital rust print inspired by the natural process of oxidation. Accompanying the apparel offering is a suite of accessories including nylon backpacks, totes, and holdalls.

From apparel to footwear, the second seasonal chapter plays host to an expressive selection of silhouettes as adidas performance Running technology is recontextualized through the lens of Y-3. Moving boldly into tomorrow, Yohji Yamamoto’s take on adidas’ pinnacle running silhouette takes the form of the Y-3 PRIME X 2 STRUNG, while the Y-3 ADIOS PRO 3.0 arrives in three colorways.

From the past, reborn, to the future, the Y-3 Spring/Summer 2024 Chapter 2 collection is then punctuated by the Y-3 WATER SLIDE, the Y-3 SANDAL, and an update to the instantly recognizable Y-3 ITOGO which sees the silhouette’s straps swapped out for an engineered print.

More information:
adidas Yohji Yamamoto Y-3

adidas AG

Archroma at Techtextil 2024 Photo: Archroma

Archroma at Techtextil 2024

Archroma will introduce its new Super Systems+ concept and highlight product innovations at Techtextil 2024, being held in Frankfurt, Germany from April 23 to 26.

A highlight of Archroma’s participation in Techtextil, Super Systems+ are powerful end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. The Super Systems+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

For textile partners to the automotive industry, Archroma is introducing DOROSPERS® KHF, a new range of high-lightfast disperse dyes that provide optimum build up on polyester microfiber, including artificial suede for car interiors.

For nonwoven applications in fields such as healthcare, hygiene and filtration, Archroma recommends APPRETAN® FFX6750, a new addition to its range of high-performance zero-formaldehyde acrylic copolymers, and APPRETAN® FFX1540.

Archroma will introduce its new Super Systems+ concept and highlight product innovations at Techtextil 2024, being held in Frankfurt, Germany from April 23 to 26.

A highlight of Archroma’s participation in Techtextil, Super Systems+ are powerful end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. The Super Systems+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

For textile partners to the automotive industry, Archroma is introducing DOROSPERS® KHF, a new range of high-lightfast disperse dyes that provide optimum build up on polyester microfiber, including artificial suede for car interiors.

For nonwoven applications in fields such as healthcare, hygiene and filtration, Archroma recommends APPRETAN® FFX6750, a new addition to its range of high-performance zero-formaldehyde acrylic copolymers, and APPRETAN® FFX1540.

APPRETAN® FFX1540 is a new APEO free and formaldehyde free self-crosslinking polymer, medium soft with very low tackiness, and strongly hydrophobic, developed for the chemical bonding of nonwovens and for the coating of technical textiles, where low water absorption and high-water tightness are required, combined with high durability in severe environment.

For workwear and uniforms that protect people under adverse conditions, Archroma solutions include HELIZARIN® ULTRA-FAST, for printing with pigment dispersions and metallic pigments, and the new ALBAFIX® ECO Plus wet fastness improver. Archroma’s PFC-free PHOBOTEX® R-ACE durable water repellent delivers excellent water repellence while preserving fabric quality and ensuring sustainability. Archroma has also expanded the revolutionary AVITERA® SE GENERATION NEXT range of resource-saving dyes with new colors.

Further solutions for active wear and workwear include the newly launched bio-based PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 durable water repellent product, which is PFAS free, formaldehyde free and crosslinker free, as well NYLOFIXAN® HFS, a new fixing agent for polyamide and blends that is fully compliant with the latest restrictions on bisphenol compounds.

Archroma is also launching ARKOPHOB® NTR-40 at Techtextil 2024. The company’s first crosslinker with an improved sustainability profile, its monomers are partially derived from renewably sourced, plant-based raw materials. Another new innovation is biocide-free OX20, an odor-neutralizing technology launched by Archroma in partnership with SANITIZED AG.

For home textiles, mills and brands can select ARKOFIX® NZW formaldehyde-free* resin for high whiteness and extraordinary product stability, with no yellowing during storage at elevated temperatures, even over a prolonged period of time. For a super-soft handle, the SILIGEN® EH1 is a vegan silicone macro-emulsion softener with 35% plant-based active content.

More information:
Archroma Techtextil


Kornit Digital, White ink on colored fabrics (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital at Texprocess 2024

Kornit Digital LTD. will display its digital fabric and integrated workflow portfolio at Texprocess 2024, being held April 23-26.

Kornit Digital will feature a view into the end-to-end, fabric manufacturing ecosystem – allowing for production of any fabric and any design for any purpose. The centerpiece is Kornit Presto MAX, transforming the digital world of fabric printing with an ability to print on any fabric type – from cotton and polyester to denim and leather. Built on the promise of sustainability, Presto MAX reduces both water usage and waste. The system is the world’s first offering to print white ink on colored fabrics alongside neon to extend the color gamut by as much as 30 percent. Kornit’s new Vivido inks additionally offers dark black pigments.

Kornit Digital LTD. will display its digital fabric and integrated workflow portfolio at Texprocess 2024, being held April 23-26.

Kornit Digital will feature a view into the end-to-end, fabric manufacturing ecosystem – allowing for production of any fabric and any design for any purpose. The centerpiece is Kornit Presto MAX, transforming the digital world of fabric printing with an ability to print on any fabric type – from cotton and polyester to denim and leather. Built on the promise of sustainability, Presto MAX reduces both water usage and waste. The system is the world’s first offering to print white ink on colored fabrics alongside neon to extend the color gamut by as much as 30 percent. Kornit’s new Vivido inks additionally offers dark black pigments.

Additionally featured is the KornitX Global Fulfillment Network, a solution designed to optimize operational efficiency, eliminate supply chain bottlenecks, and ensure products are readily available to meet customer demands. The solution connects brands, retailers, and digital platforms to a high-quality production network – providing rapid replenishment and trend adaptability for direct-to-fabric production. Pixel-to-parcel monitoring and control fully integrates the end-to-end production workflow for a seamless experience. The solution based on Kornit’s MAX technology enables brands to maximize margins, boost profitability, and pave the way for a sustainable future in the digital on-demand fashion and textile industry.

Beyond technology demonstrations, Kornit will additionally highlight how MAX technology serves as a vibrant partner platform to drive possibilities across the entire fabric printing and processing chain. Key partners highlighted include:

  • Colortex: Providing fashionable, custom textiles for the footwear industry.
  • ZwissTex: Offering quality, sustainable textile solutions for the automotive and clothing sectors.
  • Print Logistic: Delivering a full range of services - from printing to worldwide drop-shipping for smooth e-commerce integration.
  • CGS: Driving global performance through business applications, enterprise learning and outsourcing services.
  • FastSwen: Leveraging Moving Cavity Technology (MCT) to transform textile handling and production efficiency.
  • Premier Digital Textiles: Serving as the prime supplier of textiles with extensive warehousing across the US and UK.
  • Greentex: Providing highly sustainable, innovative, and customizable fabrics for advanced textile printing.



Kornit Digital