From the Sector

1045 results
(c) TRSA

HCSC - Linen Services of Baltimore Earns Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

Healthcare laundry and linen provider Hospital Central Services (HCSC) has earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification for its Baltimore plant, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

Healthcare laundry and linen provider Hospital Central Services (HCSC) has earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification for its Baltimore plant, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

  • Employees are properly trained and protected
  • Managers understand regulatory requirements
  • OSHA-compliant
  • Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.


More information:
Hygienically Clean Healthcare


(c) Wolfgang Schmidt

Peppermint Gruppe: Nur wer Wandel und Integration gestaltet, ist zukunftsfest aufgestellt!

Aktuell 25 junge Menschen aus 6 Ländern in der Berufsausbildung
Nur wer auf Vielfalt und Integration in seinem Unternehmen setzt, wird den demografischen Wandel bewältigen und für die Zukunft gut aufgestellt sein. Diese Überzeugung vertreten die in Sachsen ansässigen Textilunternehmen Ertex Jacquard, Rodewisch, und Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH, Wilkau-Haßlau, die beide zur Berliner Peppermint Gruppe gehören. Personalchef Tino Vordank sagte beim Jahresauftakt-Medientermin des vti am 4. Jan. 2019 in Chemnitz: “Wir sind eine global agierende Branche. Rund 44 Prozent erwirtschaftet die deutsche Textilindustrie im Export. Wenn wir die Herstellung hoch qualitativer und innovativer Textilien in Deutschland aufrechterhalten wollen, müssen wir uns verstärkt um Arbeitskräfte bemühen. Deshalb bilden wir bei Peppermint gegenwärtig fünfundzwanzig junge Menschen aus sechs Ländern aus, darunter Flüchtlinge aus Syrien und Afghanistan.“

Aktuell 25 junge Menschen aus 6 Ländern in der Berufsausbildung
Nur wer auf Vielfalt und Integration in seinem Unternehmen setzt, wird den demografischen Wandel bewältigen und für die Zukunft gut aufgestellt sein. Diese Überzeugung vertreten die in Sachsen ansässigen Textilunternehmen Ertex Jacquard, Rodewisch, und Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH, Wilkau-Haßlau, die beide zur Berliner Peppermint Gruppe gehören. Personalchef Tino Vordank sagte beim Jahresauftakt-Medientermin des vti am 4. Jan. 2019 in Chemnitz: “Wir sind eine global agierende Branche. Rund 44 Prozent erwirtschaftet die deutsche Textilindustrie im Export. Wenn wir die Herstellung hoch qualitativer und innovativer Textilien in Deutschland aufrechterhalten wollen, müssen wir uns verstärkt um Arbeitskräfte bemühen. Deshalb bilden wir bei Peppermint gegenwärtig fünfundzwanzig junge Menschen aus sechs Ländern aus, darunter Flüchtlinge aus Syrien und Afghanistan.“

Wie Tino Vordank schilderte, ist diese Ausbildungsoffensive bei den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern auf eine sehr positive Resonanz gestoßen: “Die ausländischen Jugendlichen erfahren große Solidarität und Hilfsbereitschaft, beispielsweise bei der Wohnungssuche oder bei der Bewältigung des Arbeitsweges. Nach unseren Erfahrungen sind für die Auszubildenden mit ausländischen Wurzeln mangelnde Deutschkenntnisse und noch fehlendes Fachwissen die größten Hürden. Damit wir zu den erhofften Ergebnissen gelangen, sind besonderes Engagement und guter Wille aller Beteiligten gefragt.” Die Peppermint-Gruppe sei der Überzeugung, mit solchen Initiativen den richtigen Weg zu gehen. Der Fachkräftemangel sei in vielen Regionen Deutschlands längst schon ein Arbeitskräftemangel auf breiter Front, dem es ganz praktisch zu begegnen gelte, betonte der Manager. Am Wichtigsten sei der Abbau bürokratischer Hindernisse, die viele Unternehmen abschreckten, mehr ausländische Jugendliche auszubilden oder Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland anzuwerben und diese zu integrieren. Neben mehr gesellschaftlicher Anerkennung seien staatliche Unterstützungsprogramme und die Entlastung der Unternehmen wünschenswert.



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Ostdeutsche Textilbranche hofft auf schwarze Null

Firmen benötigen Fachkräftenachwuchs aus dem In- und Ausland

„Unsere Branche hat sich 2018 weniger dynamisch entwickelt als erwartet. Nach einem guten Start sind die Umsätze vieler Firmen im zweiten Halbjahr kontinuierlich gesunken. Noch liegen die exakten Zahlen nicht vor, doch das Ergebnis vom Vorjahr werden wir nur mit Mühe erreichen. Wir hoffen auf eine schwarze Null“, erklärte Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) bei einem Medientermin am 4. Januar 2019 in Chemnitz: „Vor allem die Zulieferer von Technischen Textilien für den Fahrzeugbau berichten von spürbar rückläufiger Nachfrage. Angesichts der allgemeinen Konjunkturlage dürfte dieser Trend zumindest mittelfristig anhalten. Dennoch bewerten wir die Branchensituation insgesamt als stabil. “ Im Jahr 2017 war der Gesamtumsatz gegenüber 2016 um drei Prozent auf 1,87 Mrd. EUR gestiegen.

Firmen benötigen Fachkräftenachwuchs aus dem In- und Ausland

„Unsere Branche hat sich 2018 weniger dynamisch entwickelt als erwartet. Nach einem guten Start sind die Umsätze vieler Firmen im zweiten Halbjahr kontinuierlich gesunken. Noch liegen die exakten Zahlen nicht vor, doch das Ergebnis vom Vorjahr werden wir nur mit Mühe erreichen. Wir hoffen auf eine schwarze Null“, erklärte Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) bei einem Medientermin am 4. Januar 2019 in Chemnitz: „Vor allem die Zulieferer von Technischen Textilien für den Fahrzeugbau berichten von spürbar rückläufiger Nachfrage. Angesichts der allgemeinen Konjunkturlage dürfte dieser Trend zumindest mittelfristig anhalten. Dennoch bewerten wir die Branchensituation insgesamt als stabil. “ Im Jahr 2017 war der Gesamtumsatz gegenüber 2016 um drei Prozent auf 1,87 Mrd. EUR gestiegen.

Dr. Uwe Möhring, Direktor des industrienahen Textilforschungsinstituts Thüringen-Vogtland (TITV), Greiz, und Vorsitzender des Messebeirats der internationalen Textilfachmesse mtex+, verwies auf die hohe Innovationsfähigkeit der heimischen Branche. Sie sei im Vorjahr u. a. während der 7. mtex+ in Chemnitz eindrucksvoll demonstriert worden. Die 8. Auflage der vom vti unterstützten mtex+ findet am 9./10. Juni 2020 im dann neu eröffneten Carlowitz Congress Center in der Chemnitzer City statt. Für 2019 steht bei zahlreichen Produzenten und Instituten die Messe Techtextil vom 14. – 17. Mai in Frankfurt/Main im Kalender; ebenso die bereits in der nächsten Woche am selben Ort stattfindende internationale Leitmesse Heimtextil.

More information:
vti Techtextil


(c) Devan

Devan Chemicals promotes deep silent sleep via its R-Vital™ Range with a new, CBD- encapsulated frabric treatment

Belgian firm to highlight health & wellness solutions at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt
Devan Chemicals NV, the Ronse-based developer of finishing technologies for textiles, plans to showcase some of its latest health and wellness solutions at the upcoming Heimtextil trade show in Frankfurt, Germany. Heimtextil, the world’s largest international trade fair for home and contract textiles, takes place this Jan. 8-11 at the Messe Frankfurt, where Devan will occupy Booth B28 in Hall 11.0. Millions of people suffer from insomnia, insufficient sleep or other sleep disorders. Revitalising the body through sleep is vital for all. To help, Devan has now added cannabidiol, or CBD, to its R-Vital™ sleep-promoting range of microencapsulated active ingredients that enhance textiles with anti-oxidative effects. This rich CBD tincture or extract has a balancing effect that helps facilitate a good night’s sleep.

Belgian firm to highlight health & wellness solutions at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt
Devan Chemicals NV, the Ronse-based developer of finishing technologies for textiles, plans to showcase some of its latest health and wellness solutions at the upcoming Heimtextil trade show in Frankfurt, Germany. Heimtextil, the world’s largest international trade fair for home and contract textiles, takes place this Jan. 8-11 at the Messe Frankfurt, where Devan will occupy Booth B28 in Hall 11.0. Millions of people suffer from insomnia, insufficient sleep or other sleep disorders. Revitalising the body through sleep is vital for all. To help, Devan has now added cannabidiol, or CBD, to its R-Vital™ sleep-promoting range of microencapsulated active ingredients that enhance textiles with anti-oxidative effects. This rich CBD tincture or extract has a balancing effect that helps facilitate a good night’s sleep.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Devan

Marketing Solutions NV

PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability. (c) Premium Group
Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF.

PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

ECOALF creates high-quality garments using recycled materials collected from the bottom of our oceans. Commitment, sustainability and innovation are at the core of everything the company does, resulting in both conscious and stylish urban, adventure, knitwear and activewear pieces.   
“I love collaborating with people that also believe we have the opportunity to change the world for the better. It’s no longer about what you do, but how you do it. It is important to stand up for what you believe in, because fashion cannot just be about looking good.” – Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF. 

On Wednesday, January 16th, at 10am and 2pm, Goyeneche will present his brand’s values, philosophy and way of working on the experience floor of SHOW&ORDER X PREMIUM at Kühlhaus, right next to the STATION area. Show visitors, media and other exhibitors are invited to listen, learn and discuss.   
The art piece in partnership with Garaizabal unveiled at PREMIUM on January 15th is filled with waste to portray our everyday reality, and purposefully interactive so that visitors can throw their own trash inside the installation. The aim is to educate about correct waste disposal and show that every individual’s decision matters: Stop, Think, Act.

(c) Lectra

Lectra makes History with ‘Fashion On Demand’, Fashion’s First End-to-End Personalization Offer

  • Lectra provides fashion companies with breakthrough solution that enables them to personalize at ready-to-wear production speed

Paris – Lectra launches its ‘Fashion On Demand’ offer, empowering industry players to uncover new business opportunities brought about by the strong demand for personalization in the fashion industry. Lectra is enabling its customers to produce on demand for the first time ever with an end-to-end offer that automates the entire personalization process from product development to final cutting stages. ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, based on Industry 4.0 principles, is a fruition of four years of R&D with a hundred-strong team of experts, as part of Lectra’s strategic roadmap announced in 2017. There will be a progressive global rollout starting from January 2019.

  • Lectra provides fashion companies with breakthrough solution that enables them to personalize at ready-to-wear production speed

Paris – Lectra launches its ‘Fashion On Demand’ offer, empowering industry players to uncover new business opportunities brought about by the strong demand for personalization in the fashion industry. Lectra is enabling its customers to produce on demand for the first time ever with an end-to-end offer that automates the entire personalization process from product development to final cutting stages. ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, based on Industry 4.0 principles, is a fruition of four years of R&D with a hundred-strong team of experts, as part of Lectra’s strategic roadmap announced in 2017. There will be a progressive global rollout starting from January 2019.

The digital revolution has prompted consumers to demand personalized products and experiences nowadays. This is an advantageous business model for fashion companies, as it allows them to accurately match supply with demand, and solve a host of problems that regular business models usually face. By simply knowing ahead of time what and how much their consumers want, companies can produce in precise quantities and avoid overstocking and markdowns. In addition, as consumers pay upfront for their orders it improves cash flow for businesses. Fashion companies can use personalization as a way to outshine their competitors and earn consumer loyalty, by offering one-of-a-kind products that make their customers feel exclusive.

While on-demand production is an attractive business model that presents little financial risk, today, fashion companies are encountering huge barriers to entry for this market. Without the savoir-faire and appropriate technology, many companies have to rely on their standard supply-chain infrastructure that lacks the flexibility to create and produce these products. As a result, they have to develop independent workflows for each product, incurring additional production costs, prolonging lead times and even jeopardizing their existing production lines. By having longer delivery times, they face the risk of upsetting their loyal customers who have paid premium prices for their personalized products.

‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, is a game changer for the industry. Drawing from 45 years’ experience of working with international retailers, manufacturers and brands, Lectra developed this offer to break down these barriers and empower fashion companies to meet the specific needs of their digitally savvy clientele with best-in-class solutions. ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, available in the form of two packages, one dedicated to made to measure, and the other to customization, is a turnkey solution that automates on-demand production right from order reception to production development stages and the cutting room. Companies can define the product customization criteria and range for each item depending on the package (such as altering product characteristics for customization and pattern adjustments for made to measure) and launch production processes right from the get-go, without interfering with their standard workflows.

Empowering customers through industrial intelligence 2/2

“Personalization, or rather, on-demand production, is going to be an industry-wide phenomenon. It is hence Lectra’s duty, as an Industry 4.0 pioneer, to think ahead of time, and spearhead this movement. Keeping our customers’ best interests in mind, we’ve worked with renowned personalization specialists from different countries to develop this solution. With ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’ we’re doing the unthinkable. For the first time in the fashion industry, there will be a comprehensive personalization solution that will be able to perform under the same market conditions as the ready-to-wear segment and produce the same, if not better, results,” says Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra.

This disruptive offer gives fashion companies a 360°-view of the entire personalization process, providing them with the visibility to streamline multiple production processes and manage complex individual demands from custom order to cut piece. Thanks to the supply-chain flexibility that companies gain with this innovative Lectra solution, they will be able to expand their product range and offer more variety, be it womenswear, menswear or childrenswear, and appeal to a broader audience and jump on trends without interrupting their existing production processes. They will not have to waste time on consolidating and communicating information from one production stage to another. This ensures smooth process flows and hence, quick delivery times that can compete with those of standard products.

More information:
Lectra, PLM Digitalisierung



Two Devan technologies selected by Performance Days jury

As the tradition goes, twice a year the functional fabric fair Performance Days selects the most innovative fabrics, accessories and finishes for their Performance Forum. This year, two functional finishes from textile innovator Devan Chemicals (Moov&Cool® & R-Vital™) were chosen. R-Vital™ was awarded with the ‘100% Jury Like’ stamp, meaning all the members of the Jury selected the sample, a recognition only granted to a handful of the 1400 applications.

As the tradition goes, twice a year the functional fabric fair Performance Days selects the most innovative fabrics, accessories and finishes for their Performance Forum. This year, two functional finishes from textile innovator Devan Chemicals (Moov&Cool® & R-Vital™) were chosen. R-Vital™ was awarded with the ‘100% Jury Like’ stamp, meaning all the members of the Jury selected the sample, a recognition only granted to a handful of the 1400 applications.

R-Vital™ – ‘100% Jury Like’
R-Vital™ is a range of microencapsulated active ingredients that boost textiles with anti-oxidative effects. The microcapsules, attached to the fibre, deliver antioxidants to the body upon friction. The ‘100% Jury Like’ sample is treated with a well-chosen blend of Ubiquinol (Q10), Sea kelp and Thyme oil, which enhances recovery after sports performances. As R-Vital™ is also suitable for other market segments, such as bedding textiles, Devan enables its customers to compose their own blend, allowing them to create truly unique products and hence properties.
Marleen Van der Auwera, BU Manager Health & Wellness is happy to see that R-Vital™ is getting some more attention. “When the technology was first launched about a year ago, we noticed people had some difficulties understanding the concept because it was so revolutionary to them”, she says. “But this recognition really indicates more and more people are seeing its potential.”

Moov&Cool® is a patented polymer technology, providing a cool comfort feel through a combination of durable heat absorption capacity and a unique, balanced moisture transfer system. By lowering the body core temperature, the finishing treatment helps professional athletes to take their performance to the next level. Furthermore, the technology is also designed to enhance comfort during physical activities of recreational athletes.
Moov&Cool® was first launched at Performance Days in April and will be presented in full detail at the upcoming edition, which will take place on November 28th & 29th in Munich, Germany.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Devan

Marketing Solutions NV

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days (c) TINTEX Textiles
80% Lenzing Modal® + 20% European Hemp rib by TINTEX Textiles

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

All the recent awards bestowed, demonstrate TINTEX continue research and commitment. They have been awarded for the Best product of the Base Layer Category by ISPO jury, moreover they have just received the prestigious German Design Awards 2019 and last but not least, they are selected as finalists for the Future Textile Awards in the category Best Innovation for Sustainable Textiles.
TINTEX continues to lead the way, as they proudly take part in the Make Fashion Circular initiative, by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and activate change industry wide. This initiative aims to collaborate and innovate towards a new textile economy based on the principles of a Circular Economy.

In addition, since this November, TINTEX is a bluesign® system partner, thus means that they are responsibly acting parties of the textile value chain committed to applying the bluesign® system, continuously improving their environmental performance and always been focused on a sustainable future.

A milestone for TINTEX and fashion, as they launch Naturally Clean - an exceptional smart finishing process that is uniquely responsible. Naturally Clean enhances the natural beauty of cotton, takes a cost effective modern approach to eliminate aggressive treatments and optimizes clean surfaces, vivid colors, providing an exquisitely smooth handfeel. Naturally Clean achieves this by using Novozymes technology, a company that is indeed the world leader in biological solutions. Second, using textile chemicals with the lowest possible environmental impact, without compromising performance, from Beyond Surface Technologies AG. Naturally Clean maintains the original characteristics for an extended period of time. All materials are Oeko-Tex and soon bluesign® certified, thus eliminating harmful substances.
TINTEX’ Autumn/Winter 2019/2020 collection includes vibrant tones, refreshing turquoise and electric green, light and warm copper with chocolate browns that connect the natural and spiritual in an extra-sensorial universe. Infused with a stunning palette of nostalgic and multicultural colors - warm yellow with darkened reds, dynamic purple with urban greys - that express globalization and human connection.
Key smart ingredients of the season are:

  • A New Generation of Cotton: GOTS certified organic cotton, Supima® cotton, and ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi the smart cotton that saves up to 77.9% water consumption and introduces the concept of a circular economy.
  • SeaCell™ and Smartcel™: produced using the Lyocell process in a closed loop with no chemicals released as waste. The patented process of SeaCell™ allows that the positive properties of the seaweed are permanently preserved within the fiber, even after multiple washing cycles. Smartcel™ includes the essential trace element zinc providing anti-inflammatory capabilities.
  • REFIBRA™ by Lenzing technology involves upcycling a substantial proportion of cotton scraps e.g. from garment production, in addition to wood pulp, where the raw material is transformed to produce new TENCEL™ Lyocell fiber to make fabrics and garments.
  • Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei: A new generation GRS Certified material, made from cotton linters, with a biodegradability certification by Innovhub. A matchless, high tech natural material, with a special handfeel and aesthetics.
  • ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei
    - ROICA™ EF has a percentage of pre-consumer recycled content that is more than 50%, and thanks to this it has been GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified.
    - ROICA™ V550 a premium stretch innovative yarn boasting the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health product and ingredients as it was evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

Of special interest this season, the two TINTEX’s fabrics that made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category for their contribution to this season Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”.

A smart rib developed to reduce the water usage as most as possible, from cultivation of raw materials until fabric finishing. A blend of TENCEL™ Modal, cellulosic & biodegradable material treated with no hazardous chemicals, pesticides nor fertilizers, and European hemp, a fast-growing plant that requires very little water and no herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or GMO seeds. Both fibres are biodegradable.

The second selected article is a 100% Merino Wool jersey made unique thanks to Colorau® by TINTEX, a patented natural dyeing process technique that uses vegetable herbs and extracts. A great amount of water was saved by avoiding subsequent washing steps. Also, lower water pollution is achieved by avoiding synthetic dyestuffs.

More information:
TINTEX ROICA™ Performance Days

GB Network

(c) TRSA

AmeriPride Laundries in Canada, U.S. Achieve Hygienically Clean Food Safety Certification

Emphasis on Process, Third-Party Validation and Outcome-Based Testing

Canadian Linen and two U.S. AmeriPride Services Inc.’s locations have recently earned have earned the Hygienically Clean Food Safety certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. The company’s Canadian Linen and Uniform Service facilities in these locations have earned the Hygienically Clean Food Safety certification:  

Emphasis on Process, Third-Party Validation and Outcome-Based Testing

Canadian Linen and two U.S. AmeriPride Services Inc.’s locations have recently earned have earned the Hygienically Clean Food Safety certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. The company’s Canadian Linen and Uniform Service facilities in these locations have earned the Hygienically Clean Food Safety certification:  

  • Alberta: Edmonton and Lethbridge
  • British Columbia: Victoria and Vancouver/Burnaby
  • Manitoba: Winnipeg
  • Nova Scotia: Halifax
  • Ontario: Etobicoke, London, North York and Ottawa
  • Quebec: Quebec City
  • Saskatchewan: Regina and Saskatoon

The recently-certified U.S. AmeriPride laundries are located in Vernon, Calif. and Durant, Miss.  
The certification confirms the laundry’s dedication to compliance and processing garments and linens using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, the focal point for inspectors’ evaluation of critical control points (CCPs) that minimize risk. The independent, third-party inspection must confirm essential evidence that:

  • Employees are properly trained and protected
  • Managers understand legal requirements
  • OSHA-compliant
  • Physical plant operates effectively

In addition, these facilities each passed three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean garments and other reusable textiles with diminished presence of harmful bacteria. To maintain their certification, laundry plants must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained.
This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for animal processing, dairies, fruit/vegetable, bakeries, grain and other food and beverage industry segments.
These Vernon, Calif. and Durant, Miss. locations of the AmeriPride chain join these laundries who have previously received the Hygienically Clean Food Safety certification:

  • Tuscumbia, Ala.
  • Bakersfield and Fresno, Calif.
  • Twin Falls, Idaho
  • St. Cloud and Minneapolis, Minn.
  • Amarillo Texas

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) practices are examined in the Hygienically Clean Food Safety inspection process, evaluating the plant’s techniques for:

  • Conducting hazard analysis
  • Determining CCPs, monitoring their control, correcting them if not under control
  • Validating and verifying HACCP system effectiveness
  • Documenting and record-keeping to show ongoing conformance

On-site inspections also evaluate practices relevant to handling and processing textile products used in food manufacturing/processing establishments for adherence to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) directives. Introduced in 2014, Hygienically Clean Food Safety brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for laundering garments and other textile products for food manufacturing used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.
Twelve of the company’s U.S. locations have achieved the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification:

  • Little Rock, Ark.
  • Phoenix and Watkinsville, Ga.
  • Twin Falls, Idaho
  • Topeka, Kan.
  • Bemidji and Minneapolis, Minn.
  • pringfield, Mo.
  • Omaha, Neb.
  • Roswell, N.M.
  • Memphis, Tenn.
  • Lubbock, Texas

The company’s Canadian Linen and Uniform Service facility in Lethbridge, Alberta, is also Hygienically Clean Healthcare-certified.
In January 2018, Philadelphia-based Aramark Corp. announced the completion of its acquisition of AmeriPride, making AmeriPride a wholly owned subsidiary. Aramark’s uniform rental and career apparel business is headquartered in Burbank, Calif.




(c) BASF

BASF, Materialise and Essentium join forces to advance industrial additive manufacturing

  • Three companies with complementary strengths team up
  • BASF leads a Series A investment round with Materialise as one of the co-investors

BASF Venture Capital is leading the Series A investment round in Essentium, Inc., an innovative developer of disruptive, industrial additive manufacturing solutions headquartered in College Station, Texas. Materialise is one of the co-investors in the Series A investment round in Essentium, Inc. BASF and Essentium have been working together on advanced fused filament fabrication (FFF) solutions using Essentium’s proprietary FlashFuseTM technology for high mechanical strength in the build direction for extrusion printed parts. The two companies are now extending their strategic partnership to establish a consistent global materials supply chain supportive of Essentium’s new High Speed Extrusion (HSE) additive manufacturing platform. Essentium and BASF welcome Materialise to enter this strategic partnership to develop 3D printing software for the Essentium technology.

  • Three companies with complementary strengths team up
  • BASF leads a Series A investment round with Materialise as one of the co-investors

BASF Venture Capital is leading the Series A investment round in Essentium, Inc., an innovative developer of disruptive, industrial additive manufacturing solutions headquartered in College Station, Texas. Materialise is one of the co-investors in the Series A investment round in Essentium, Inc. BASF and Essentium have been working together on advanced fused filament fabrication (FFF) solutions using Essentium’s proprietary FlashFuseTM technology for high mechanical strength in the build direction for extrusion printed parts. The two companies are now extending their strategic partnership to establish a consistent global materials supply chain supportive of Essentium’s new High Speed Extrusion (HSE) additive manufacturing platform. Essentium and BASF welcome Materialise to enter this strategic partnership to develop 3D printing software for the Essentium technology. This will allow users to take advantage of the speed of the HSE technology while having immediate access to the full Materialise software capabilities for professional 3D printing. The three companies combine their complementary strengths to jointly advance 3D printing technology and customer value to enable industrial additive manufacturing.

BASF is contributing comprehensive material know-how, a broad product portfolio, and its global network to the partnership. Materialise adds nearly three decades of expertise in the development of innovative 3D printing software solutions. Essentium is addressing additive manufacturing at scale by developing an industrial additive platform truly built for the production floor, providing its FlashFuseTM electric welding technology, and engineering-grade, multi-layer filaments for demanding applications. Together, the three partners intend to innovate solutions with advanced combination of hardware, software and materials to unleash the potential of Essentium’s unique high-speed-printer technology, coordinating their strengths to the best advantage.

“Our joint investment strengthens our co-operations with both Essentium and Materialise and accelerates the innovation potential of this powerful team to the benefit of BASF’s customers,” said Markus Solibieda, Managing Director of BASF Venture Capital.

“With this strategic investment, Essentium and BASF are focusing on improved supply chain performance, material consistency and accessibility. Essentium is also delighted to begin a new partnership with Materialise as the three companies focus efforts toward a new era for smart solutions in the global additive extrusion space. Together, we believe manufacturers everywhere will be able to accelerate production due to increased access to our new solutions, bolstered by a holistic, customer-centric approach,” comments Dr. Blake Teipel, CEO of Essentium, Inc.

“Materialise, Essentium and BASF share a vision for growth in the 3D printing industry that builds on the creation of meaningful applications in an open and vibrant ecosystem”, said Bart Van der Schueren, CTO of Materialise. “This partnership helps to promote a more open market model, which will fuel the adoption of 3D printing in the industrial field by offering users more control, more choice in materials and ultimately lower cost and higher volumes.”

BASF and Materialise are joined by a syndicate of private venture investors. Moving forward, BASF, Materialise, and Essentium will jointly drive the transition from 3D printing to scalable additive manufacturing.




Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin

"Datacenter in a box" is the new powerful, flexible and secure IT infrastructure solution for the textile industry of the future

Remscheid/Berlin – Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment Industrie 4.0 solutions for the production of polyester, nylon and polypropylene are based on the digitalization of the production landscape and the intelligent processing of the flood of data generated in this way. In the future, the segment will offer its customers a new powerful, flexible and, above all, secure IT infrastructure. The "Datacenter in a box" was presented for the first time at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin, Germany, to a broad specialist audience. The compact datacenter works on the basis of the open operating system OpenStack, which enables virtual computing in a secure private cloud environment.

"Datacenter in a box" is the new powerful, flexible and secure IT infrastructure solution for the textile industry of the future

Remscheid/Berlin – Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment Industrie 4.0 solutions for the production of polyester, nylon and polypropylene are based on the digitalization of the production landscape and the intelligent processing of the flood of data generated in this way. In the future, the segment will offer its customers a new powerful, flexible and, above all, secure IT infrastructure. The "Datacenter in a box" was presented for the first time at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin, Germany, to a broad specialist audience. The compact datacenter works on the basis of the open operating system OpenStack, which enables virtual computing in a secure private cloud environment.

Externally, the datacenter looks unspectacular: The box contains standard hardware such as server rack, network components, batteries for reliability, monitoring sensors and a few more things. But what counts are the inner values. The Open Source software OpenStack consists of many different services and allows the virtualization of a large pool of computing, storage and network resources in a flexible, scalable private cloud. This brings two central advantages: On the one hand, virtual operation reduces costs and simplifies configuration, adaptation and expansion of the IT infrastructure today and tomorrow. On the other hand, long-cherished wishes for high data protection are fulfilled, because a private cloud maintains secure, highly encrypted data connections away from the World Wide Web.

"The functional diversity of a cloud, operation and hardware in one's own four walls at the same time – our customers immediately understood these advantages" reports Mario Arcidiacono, specialist for Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse at the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment. The IT architecture also guarantees infrastructure management without downtime, the system and virus protection are automatically kept up to date at all times. Another major advantage is the scalability of the hardware and software, which can be adapted to changing requirements.

OpenStack Summit: Project example with yarn manufacturer from Vietnam presented

With these trump cards and a project example, the Group segment confidently presented itself to a genuine specialist audience in mid-November. At this year's OpenStack Summit in Berlin, where thousands of cloud professionals met, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment CEO Georg Stausberg presented the customer installation at Century Synthetic Fibre Corporation, which supplies many well-known sporting goods manufacturers. The Vietnamese producer of high-quality yarns not only uses the new datacenter, but also the connection to the new "Common Service Platform (CSP)" of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment as well as an innovative new dashboard solution in prototype status. In this case, the digital instrument panel supports employee communication during shift changes in the yarn factory and introduces agile methods into the work process. The board visualizes the progress of central key figures and operating parameters from the current production process. Based on this, the employees of the successive shifts can now exchange important process and quality information and possible instructions for action within a few minutes in a structured stand-up meeting. "For the customer this means an immediate improvement of the processes, and he can significantly increase the efficiency and quality of his employees' work," assures Joerg Gross, Senior Manager in the IT-architecture team at the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment.

New IT-basis for the Plant Operation Center (POC) already successful established on the market

The fixed connection to the "Common Service Platform (CSP)" of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment plays a pioneering role in such solutions. This enables services and software updates to be provided smoothly, quickly and automatically. In this way, service applications can transform collected data into instructions or automated commands to secure and improve processes. For example, the secure availability of management solutions such as the Plant Operation Center (POC) for process monitoring can be increased and possible errors can be rectified very quickly. The new digital solution AIM4DTY (AIM = Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing), which was unveiled at the ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018 in Shanghai, China, a few weeks ago, can also be implemented in this way. AIM4DTY uses methods of machine learning, determines probable causes of errors in texturing and helps to improve quality during production.

Launch at ITMA Barcelona 2019

The Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment offers such remote-supported services on request. Data will therefore only be transferred to the “Common Service Platform (CSP)” with the customer's consent. In addition, all data is processed in accordance with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all other international data protection standards. Against this backdrop, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment plans to provide its datacenter with graded or customer-specific solutions: from complete service to provision with customer training for its own operations. After initial practical experience with several pilot customers, the segment intends to launch its offering on the market next year and officially present it to the textile industry at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.


Oerlikon Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs


(c) denim expert

9th Bangladesh Denim Expo captivated great attention of visitors

The 9th edition of Bangladesh Denim Expo has been successfully completed at International Convention City Bashundhara, Dhaka with the aim of highlighting the importance to develop business relationships for promoting best working practices. It showcased the strength and capacity in denim manufacturing of Bangladesh.

The theme of 2-days expo held on 7th & 8th November set ‘Simplicity’ to display latest trends of denim products to the global brands and retailers. Over 5540 visitors and buyers from 1018 companies&55countries from around the world joined the expo.

The theme of this edition ‘Simplicity’ is aimed at defining a much simpler, much easier definition to understand sustainability and ecology in denim. The Founder & CEO of Bangladesh Denim Expo said that “The underlying concept of the Bangladesh Denim Expo is to fulfill the need of the international denim community, offering the opportunity to make new contacts with potential buyers, discovering new products and to gain a comprehensive overview of the latest developments available from the Bangladesh Denim Industry”.

The 9th edition of Bangladesh Denim Expo has been successfully completed at International Convention City Bashundhara, Dhaka with the aim of highlighting the importance to develop business relationships for promoting best working practices. It showcased the strength and capacity in denim manufacturing of Bangladesh.

The theme of 2-days expo held on 7th & 8th November set ‘Simplicity’ to display latest trends of denim products to the global brands and retailers. Over 5540 visitors and buyers from 1018 companies&55countries from around the world joined the expo.

The theme of this edition ‘Simplicity’ is aimed at defining a much simpler, much easier definition to understand sustainability and ecology in denim. The Founder & CEO of Bangladesh Denim Expo said that “The underlying concept of the Bangladesh Denim Expo is to fulfill the need of the international denim community, offering the opportunity to make new contacts with potential buyers, discovering new products and to gain a comprehensive overview of the latest developments available from the Bangladesh Denim Industry”.

A total of 63 exhibitors from 12 countries with Bangladesh displayed their products in the 2-day show held on 7th and 8th November 2018. As Simplicity is the core of this edition of the expo and its series of seminars also let the visitors learn about the process of the Simplicity in denim manufacturing. A total of five seminars and two panel discussions were organized in the expo where international and national experts shared their opinions. The seminars highlighted the need for ‘Simplicity’ within the entire denim supply chain.

Trend Zone
A special event ‘Trend Zone’ area, the unique space dedicated to showcase the latest denim trends and innovative products, has been expanded in this edition where visitors have been able to gain insights on denim fabrics, styling and finishing available in Bangladesh, together with an offer of the most relevant denim publication.


(c) TRSA

Florida Linen Services’ Rockledge Plant Earns Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing
Florida Linen Services has earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification for its Rockledge plant, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing
Florida Linen Services has earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification for its Rockledge plant, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

  • Employees are properly trained and protected
  • Managers understand regulatory requirements
  • OSHA-compliant
  • Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.

Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.

The Rockledge plant joins two other Florida Linen locations (Pompano Beach and Jensen Beach) that earned Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certifications in 2017. Florida Linen has provided healthcare laundry and linen services throughout Florida since 2003. “Congratulations to Florida Linen Services on their certification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their commitment to infection prevention and that their laundry takes every step possible to prevent human illness.”




(c) TRSA

TRSA Holds Annual Conference in Napa

TRSA recently held its 105th Annual Conference & Exchange from Oct. 16-18 at The Meritage Resort & Spa in Napa, CA. Nearly 250 linen, uniform and facility services executives and guests gained insights from presentations on technology and family business, plus thought-provoking panel discussions and break-out sessions. They also participated in social events and in the recognition of industry leaders at the Annual Industry Awards Dinner.

Attendees raved about the program, which drew a net promoter score of 74 (anything above 50 is considered excellent). “TRSA's Annual Conference is an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends, make new connections in the industry, celebrate those who have contributed to our industry and learn about new best practices,” said Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co., Chicago. Gerard van de Donk, managing director of ABS Laundry Business Solutions/LSI Inc., added that the conference offered attendees a prime opportunity for networking. “Every time it is valuable to meet and talk with the executives in our industry,” he said. “That is helping us to define our road map toward creating history together.”

TRSA recently held its 105th Annual Conference & Exchange from Oct. 16-18 at The Meritage Resort & Spa in Napa, CA. Nearly 250 linen, uniform and facility services executives and guests gained insights from presentations on technology and family business, plus thought-provoking panel discussions and break-out sessions. They also participated in social events and in the recognition of industry leaders at the Annual Industry Awards Dinner.

Attendees raved about the program, which drew a net promoter score of 74 (anything above 50 is considered excellent). “TRSA's Annual Conference is an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends, make new connections in the industry, celebrate those who have contributed to our industry and learn about new best practices,” said Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co., Chicago. Gerard van de Donk, managing director of ABS Laundry Business Solutions/LSI Inc., added that the conference offered attendees a prime opportunity for networking. “Every time it is valuable to meet and talk with the executives in our industry,” he said. “That is helping us to define our road map toward creating history together.”

The conference began with a keynote address by Vivek Wadhwa, a technology expert and columnist for The Washington Post and Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Wadhwa’s speech looked at technological innovations. Specifically, he examined how those advances are disrupting industries today and how they will continue to do going forward. From the outset, Wadhwa promised a stirring glimpse of what’s to come. “I’m going to take you on a tour of the future,” he said. “I’m going to tell you why this is the most amazing and scary time in human history.” He proceeded to do just that, elaborating on a range of topics from medical/genetic engineering breakthroughs to progress in robotics, water treatment, nanotechnology, energy and more. For example, he noted that the cost of solar energy is dropping exponentially. Within five years, he predicted that the costs for both solar technology and battery storage units will drop by 50% or more.


More information:


(c) Candiani Denim

ReLAST: the Super-Smart GOTS and GRS certified Stretch Denim from Candiani with ROICA™

Candiani launches at Kingpins its new eco-smart denim range in partnership with ROICA™ from Asahi Kasei.

Both companies can claim their separate leading roles in textile innovation. Candiani, ‘the Greenest Mill in The Blue World’, is always at the cutting edge of new developments, and ROICA™ with its various premium stretch functions. Now they join forces through a unique synergy and an exclusive, custom made premium stretch sustainable ROICA™ yarn developed by Asahi Kasei especially for Candiani.

ReLAST is a range of market fresh responsible denim products, designed by Candiani that tick every smart box: from new ways in colouration, to better, more sustainable raw materials, new finishing and fade-tech that minimises water waste, and now with a key responsible stretch ingredient in a specially produced GRS certified ROICA™ yarn that perfectly completes this range making better, more sustainable, sharp fashions for customers looking to live and wear better with better values.

Candiani launches at Kingpins its new eco-smart denim range in partnership with ROICA™ from Asahi Kasei.

Both companies can claim their separate leading roles in textile innovation. Candiani, ‘the Greenest Mill in The Blue World’, is always at the cutting edge of new developments, and ROICA™ with its various premium stretch functions. Now they join forces through a unique synergy and an exclusive, custom made premium stretch sustainable ROICA™ yarn developed by Asahi Kasei especially for Candiani.

ReLAST is a range of market fresh responsible denim products, designed by Candiani that tick every smart box: from new ways in colouration, to better, more sustainable raw materials, new finishing and fade-tech that minimises water waste, and now with a key responsible stretch ingredient in a specially produced GRS certified ROICA™ yarn that perfectly completes this range making better, more sustainable, sharp fashions for customers looking to live and wear better with better values.

New Colouration values in the K-Seal range come from indigo applied with a water saving Indigo Juice® system. Or in the KN-Cotton range from cotton scraps recycled and dyed with Archroma earth colours. Both are sized with the Kitotex® Vegetal size derived from plants and natural renewables.
KN-Blue and Regen ranges use Sulfur dye and conventional Indigo dye using N-Denim tech and water saving Indigo Juice® respectively. The Regen range also uses Tencel and Refbra materials from Lenzing to add softness and a luxe touch to denims of the future.

All ranges in the ReLAST collection deploy the customized ROICA™ advanced sustainable stretch yarns.

With the ReLAST collection from Candiani and ROICA™ from Asahi Kasei rewrite the rules for responsible denim stretch manufacture, designing fashion forward denims that are now guaranteed completely 100% sustainable.

The evidence for excellence is underpinned by a qualified list of certifications that include GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and GRS(Global Recycled Standard), Recycled Cotton Certification as well as registered affiliated processing methods for saving water (Kitotex® and Indigo Juice®). Branded raw materials with confirmed responsible status include Tencel and Refibra from Lenzing, Q-Nova recycled polyamide and of course the newly developed ROICA™ advanced fit, premium stretch yarn with full GRS certification.

Dedication to reaching the same goal pays off with the ReLast collection, a collaborative partnership with Candiani and ROICA™.

More information:
ROICA™ ReLast Candiani

GB Network

(c) Penn Textile Solutions

Penn Textile Solutions & Penn Italia and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei Introduce ECOINNOVATION @ MarediModa Cannes

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia introduce ECOINNOVATION, fully sustainable products range! These must-see products are created using the world’s first premium stretch fiber by ROICA™ that is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health and Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate for breaking down without releasing harmful substances.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia, a fully integrated international-minded company with over 50 years’ expertise in producing innovative warp and weft knit textiles that answer customers’ demands, including fantastic elastomeric knitted textiles. Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia wisely picks ROICA™ premium stretch fiber to create our ECOINNOVATION, a new fully sustainable range of advanced textiles that are 100% sustainable. ROICA™, produced by Asahi Kasei, is the secret premium stretch ingredient we used to provide comfort, enhance quality and confidence. Thus, making stretch performance a specialty fiber that generates new values for contemporary consumers.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia introduce ECOINNOVATION, fully sustainable products range! These must-see products are created using the world’s first premium stretch fiber by ROICA™ that is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health and Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate for breaking down without releasing harmful substances.

Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia, a fully integrated international-minded company with over 50 years’ expertise in producing innovative warp and weft knit textiles that answer customers’ demands, including fantastic elastomeric knitted textiles. Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia wisely picks ROICA™ premium stretch fiber to create our ECOINNOVATION, a new fully sustainable range of advanced textiles that are 100% sustainable. ROICA™, produced by Asahi Kasei, is the secret premium stretch ingredient we used to provide comfort, enhance quality and confidence. Thus, making stretch performance a specialty fiber that generates new values for contemporary consumers.

ECOINNOVATION presents seven unique articles developed belonging to Penn Textile Solutions and Penn Italia’s family dreamshape® characterized by reinforced edges and seizing that includes the following recycled items; tulle, tulle galloons with dreamshape® reinforced edge, tricot, dreamshape® reinforced gripping edge (great for cycling shorts), stretch satin, polyester tulle and polyester double jersey perfect for laser cutting.

ECOINNOVATION Collection includes:
ROICA Eco-Smart™ family premium stretch fiber Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold level for Material Health. Evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health that strives to eliminate toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

RECO NYLON – a Nylon 6 yarn made from pre-consumer waste. NUREL, selected by us because of their commitment to science and technology, recycles the discarded nylon material diverting it from the waste stream during our manufacturing process and converts it into RECO NYLON yarn. We proudly boast an impressive savings of CO2 emissions: every 1.000 Kg of RECO Nylon reduces atmospheric CO2 emissions by 1.424 Kg.

Noyfi l SpA offers r-Radyarn®, a range of recycled products that use fully recycled polyester yarn r–Starlight®, produced as POY by its sister company Noyfi l SA in Switzerland. A continuous polyester filament derived from post-consumer recycled polymers increased value from the eco-compatibility of certified OEKOTEX Std 100 Class 1 additives and colors used for the solution dyeing process.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) BASF Venture Capital GmbH

BASF invests in Chinese 3D printing specialist Prismlab

  • Unique, patented 3D printing process enables production of large-scale components
  • First direct investment by BASF Venture Capital in a company in China

BASF Venture Capital GmbH is investing in Prismlab, a leading provider of 3D printing processes and 3D printers, headquartered in Shanghai, China. Prismlab has developed a patented printing process that is characterized by a very high printing speed, high level of precision and lower printing costs. BASF’s venture investment will enable Prismlab to further accelerate its product development and innovation while strengthening its market reach to the global market.

“This is our first direct investment in a Chinese company,” said Markus Solibieda, Managing Director of BASF Venture Capital GmbH. “The trailblazing technology from Prismlab allows large and stable components, such as medical braces and anatomical models, to be 3D printed for the first time. This investment supports BASF’s strategy of actively advancing our technologies and expanding our product offering in the 3D printing sector.”

  • Unique, patented 3D printing process enables production of large-scale components
  • First direct investment by BASF Venture Capital in a company in China

BASF Venture Capital GmbH is investing in Prismlab, a leading provider of 3D printing processes and 3D printers, headquartered in Shanghai, China. Prismlab has developed a patented printing process that is characterized by a very high printing speed, high level of precision and lower printing costs. BASF’s venture investment will enable Prismlab to further accelerate its product development and innovation while strengthening its market reach to the global market.

“This is our first direct investment in a Chinese company,” said Markus Solibieda, Managing Director of BASF Venture Capital GmbH. “The trailblazing technology from Prismlab allows large and stable components, such as medical braces and anatomical models, to be 3D printed for the first time. This investment supports BASF’s strategy of actively advancing our technologies and expanding our product offering in the 3D printing sector.”

“China is transforming from a manufacturing-driven to an innovation-driven economy. This investment in Prismlab reflects our commitment to further expanding our innovation capabilities in China, and BASF Venture Capital plays an important role in helping us identifying potential partners that lead us to success,” said Dr. Zheng Daqing, BASF’s Senior Vice President, Business and Market Development Greater China.

“The 3D printing technology must continue to evolve before it is set to change the world. At Prismlab, we aim to spearhead and accelerate that change by providing solutions through specialized customization. The investment allows us to stay laser-focused on our R&D capability, a key factor to achieve that goal,” said Mr. Hou Feng, Founder and Chairman of Prismlab.

Prismlab has developed a patented 3D printing process, “Pixel Resolution Enhanced Technology”, based on stereolithography (SLA). SLA allows comparatively large components to be produced using light-curing resins. Prismlab’s technology increases the printing resolution without compromising printing speed. In order to increase the amount of energy brought into a pixel, Prismlab’s technology divides each pixel in the resin into several small sections, which can be cured individually by exposure to LCD light. This makes the energy input into each pixel significantly higher than similar processes that expose each pixel to light once. This allows comparatively large and stable components or numerous parts to be printed in the same production step. With the use of LCD light, it also reduces process costs. This advantage opens opportunities in the footwear and furniture industry.

Along with this patented process, Prismlab also markets 3D printers and other related services. The Prismlab technology can be used in various key customer applications, including invisible braces, and anatomical models for medical, and education and training purposes.

SLA uses a laser for layer-by-layer curing of a photopolymer solution to shape the required workpiece. SLA and LCD based printing processes determinate the size, stability, and usability of the components to be produced as they are limited by the size of the light spot and the intensity of the light.

More information:
BASF prismlab

BASF Venture Capital GmbH

(c) TRSA

Universal Linen Service of Louisville Earns Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification

Universal Linen Service of Louisville, KY, has earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. Universal Linen Service is an independently-owned and operated linen service provider that serves all markets.

The Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

Universal Linen Service of Louisville, KY, has earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. Universal Linen Service is an independently-owned and operated linen service provider that serves all markets.

The Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

  • Employees are properly trained and protected
  • Managers understand regulatory requirements
  • OSHA-compliant
  • Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.

Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.

“Congratulations to Universal Linen Service on their certification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their commitment to infection prevention and that their laundry takes every step possible to prevent human illness.”


RUDOLF GROUP: Thinking Science and Design (c) RUDOLF GmbH

RUDOLF GROUP: Thinking Science and Design

  • HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
  • HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

Amsterdam/Geretsried/Milan. It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

  • HUB 1922, the fashion division of the RUDOLF GROUP, takes the stage at the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam and presents new technologies that make it possible to move away from environmentally questionable industrial practices.
  • HUB 1922 also announces the opening of the new company building in an ancient textile factory near Milan.

Amsterdam/Geretsried/Milan. It was only six months ago that the RUDOLF GROUP, with its fashion Division named HUB 1922, began its journey through the fascinating world of garment finishing. Since then, the team has made significant progress and has moved from being a newcomer to the business to a solid and reliable reality. “HUB 1922 introduces the Rudolf Group to design thinking,” says Alberto De Conti, Head of Fashion Division at Rudolf Group. “And when you break perceived restrictions and paradigms within a strongly science-driven organization, only sky is the limit.”

For an entire semester, the organisation remained focused on one, single goal without getting distracted from it: to become the partner of choice for environmentally conscious advancements in garment processing that are rooted in real experience and science.

Emphasis was put on listening attentively to the market and on engineering solutions proactively, without being prompted.
When it comes to Denim, two separate yet correlated calls for action were heard:
1. the need for a serious departure from established industrial practices that are environmentally questionable
2. the opportunity to change the current rules and stir toward enhanced product quality.


Departure from the environmentally questionable

  • HypNO: The next generation of bleach

Many attempts to technical alternatives to local and total denim bleaching have been launched in the market, over the past five years, by a number of competing players. Originality and innovation are at the base of HypNO technical uniqueness that can be injected into traditional denim processing, but that can also be used to create whole new processes and aesthetics.
Birth child of relentless dedication to science, HypNO is the latest alternative to the traditional denim bleaching agents currently under the spotlight because of their alleged safety issues. HypNO is the next generation of bleach.

- HypNO is based on the application of a whole new family of RUCORIT compounds, which are halogene-free and heavy metal-free
- HypNO can replace both potassium permanganate and sodium hypochlorite with one more eco-friendly solution
- HypNO is free from unpleasant smells; it is production friendly and suitable for both spray and bath applications
- HypNO does not require neutralisation with agents such as sodium metabisulphite or peroxides, hence reducing the need for chemicals significantly
- HypNO is GOTS approved. Bluesign and ZDHC Chemical Gateway certifications are intended
- HypNO further helps in the elimination of pumice stones
- HypNO is highly efficient and has been engineered to be cost competitive compared to other existing bleaching solutions


Toward enhanced product quality

  • SoSoft, RawLong, DuraBlue

Durability over time still builds a brands’ reputation for quality. The notion of “durability” has changed over the years and has moved from sturdy workwear to the product's ability to retain its characteristics and structural properties.

“It goes against the whole denim philosophy, but, jeans are increasingly bought for what they look like at the time of purchase and are expected to evolve as little as possible. It is what it is; you can’t argue with consumers” says De Conti.

SoSoft, RawLong, DuraBlue, the three new technical concepts launched at Kingpins Amsterdam by the RUDOLF GROUP all sit under the umbrella wings of enhanced quality and specifically address long-lasting softness, preservation of original look and depth of blue.

  • SoSoft

All appreciate the softness and suppleness of used/worn denim and the comfort benefit it delivers. It is a generic denim truth, and it is even stronger when it can extend over time. SoSsoft is about softeners carefully engineered for an enduring emotion, one that lives along favourite clothes.

Tried and tested to over 15 home washes, these marvels of chemical engineering allow consumers to toss domestic fabric softeners to the benefit of environmental sustainability.

  • RawLong

Denim lovers want raw jeans to fade with time, soften and transform into what feels like an extension of their body. More often, people just want to prolong the look they chose. In both cases, home washing is a headache.

Years of testing have identified RawLong innovative, highly durable and natural solution that keep wearers fresh and at ease in their jeans allowing for long-wearing without washing. Moreover, less home washing means much less impact on the environment.

  • DuraBlue

The role of designers is to come up with the bluest of blue jeans in a spectrum of fantastic new blue finishes and supporting textures. The role of DuraBlue is to ensure a continuously updated collection of technical solutions that keep that rich, deep, dark blueness of jeans for much longer while limiting the quality issues that come with denim rubbing. In other words, light underwear, snowy shoes, and white sofas no longer live in fear.


The launch of HUB 1922

  • Busto Arsizio, Italy.

On a discreet street of Busto Arsizio, a village at the North of Milan is a red-brick building which in the 1800’s was the house of a textile mill. This 150-year-old structure is where the RUDOLF GROUP, the 100-year-old leader of textile, functional, responsible chemistry, is about to open its Fashion Division. Or, better, it’s HUB 1922.

HUB 1922 is committed to research and develop innovation within garment processing for the privately held mother company. HUB 1922, whose doors are expected to open during fourth quarter of 2018, will foster collaborative efforts with international fashion brands and retailers, will provide product innovation ideas at the crossroad of fashion and utilitarian functionality and will introduce elements of unorthodox diversity rooted in deep scientific knowledge, true environmental responsibility, technical innovation and creativity. “At a time when science plays such a powerful role in the life of society, it is incumbent on fashion to be dealing with scientific research. HUB 1922 facilitates that reunion” concludes De Conti.

More information:
HUB 1922 Rudolf


(c) vti-pressedienst

Textilstandort Gera weiter gestärkt

Bereits 2016 wurde die neue Produktionshalle der Getzner Textil Weberei GmbH in Gera feierlich eröffnet. Der Textilhersteller hat damals fast 50 Mio. Euro in das Gewerbegebiet Zoche, direkt am Flugplatz Gera-Leumnitz, investiert. Heute finden sich dort ein großzügiges neues Produktions- und Verwaltungsgebäude für rund 230 Mitarbeiter sowie die modernste Jacquard-Weberei Europas. Auf 240 Webmaschinen entstehen jährlich rund 11,5 Mio. Laufmeter Afrika Bekleidungsdamast.

Die Getzner Textil Weberei GmbH ist Teil der Getzner Textil Gruppe mit Hauptsitz im österreichischen Bludenz. Sie hat sich als Anbieter hochwertiger Bekleidungsdamaste in Westafrika einen Namen gemacht und dort eine Marktführerrolle eingenommen. Seit 2017 werden in Gera jährlich 11,5 Mio. Laufmeter Afrika Bekleidungsdamast produziert, was einem Drittel der gesamten Baumwollproduktion der Getzner Textil Gruppe entspricht und den Standort in Thüringen weiter stärkt.

Neuausrichtung und Investitionen

Bereits 2016 wurde die neue Produktionshalle der Getzner Textil Weberei GmbH in Gera feierlich eröffnet. Der Textilhersteller hat damals fast 50 Mio. Euro in das Gewerbegebiet Zoche, direkt am Flugplatz Gera-Leumnitz, investiert. Heute finden sich dort ein großzügiges neues Produktions- und Verwaltungsgebäude für rund 230 Mitarbeiter sowie die modernste Jacquard-Weberei Europas. Auf 240 Webmaschinen entstehen jährlich rund 11,5 Mio. Laufmeter Afrika Bekleidungsdamast.

Die Getzner Textil Weberei GmbH ist Teil der Getzner Textil Gruppe mit Hauptsitz im österreichischen Bludenz. Sie hat sich als Anbieter hochwertiger Bekleidungsdamaste in Westafrika einen Namen gemacht und dort eine Marktführerrolle eingenommen. Seit 2017 werden in Gera jährlich 11,5 Mio. Laufmeter Afrika Bekleidungsdamast produziert, was einem Drittel der gesamten Baumwollproduktion der Getzner Textil Gruppe entspricht und den Standort in Thüringen weiter stärkt.

Neuausrichtung und Investitionen
Nach dem Erwerb der Maschinen und Anlagen der insolventen Weberei Gera GmbH & Co KG im Jahr 1997 hatte der österreichische Familienbetrieb, der dieses Jahr sein 200-jähriges Bestehen zelebrierte, am Standort in der Langen Straße – auf modernstem Niveau – Stoffe produziert. Kontinuierlich wurde das denkmalgeschützte Gebäude in Gera-Zwötzen ausgebaut, der Platz reichte jedoch schon bald nicht mehr aus. Im Jahr 2014 wurde die Erweiterungsinvestition beschlossen. Knapp 50 Mio. Euro steckte der renommierte Textilhersteller in das neue Gebäude und den Maschinenpark im Gewerbegebiet Gera-Zoche.
Der Freistaat Thüringen unterstützte den Werksneubau mit 12 Mio. Euro aus dem Fördermitteltopf zur Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur.

Mehr Raum für mehr Mitarbeiter
Zum neuen Areal, direkt am Flugplatz Gera-Leumnitz, gehört neben der Weberei auch ein Vorwerk und die nötige Infrastruktur, wie Warenschautische, Druckluftstationen, Klimaanlagen und Werkstätten. 240 hochmoderne Jacquard-Webmaschinen sind hier im Einsatz. Die Zahl der Mitarbeiter hat sich von einst 70 auf aktuell 236 erhöht, aber der Bedarf an Fachkräften ist noch immer nicht gedeckt. „Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach versierten Textilfachkräften mit dem Spezialgebiet Weberei“, bestätigte Ralf Lechner, Geschäftsführer der Getzner Textil Weberei GmbH.