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Dibella supports cotton farmers with non-GMO seeds (c) Dibella

Dibella supports cotton farmers with non-GMO seeds

Dibella supports organic Fairtrade cotton farmers in sourcing non-GMO seeds for the next harvest.

Together with the Chetna Organic cooperative, Dibella has long supported Indian smallholder farmers, on whose fields the organic Fairtrade cotton for the company's sustainable contract textiles grows. To secure the livelihoods of the smallholders, Dibella is taking action this year with a special measure: at the beginning of the new growing season, the company pre-finances the procurement of the genetically unmodified (GMO-free) seeds.

The beginning of the monsoon season (June to September) marks the start of the cotton year in India. The small family farms where the organic Fairtrade cotton for the sustainable Dibella range is grown prepare their fields for sowing. The seeds needed this year come directly from their buyer Dibella. The company organised and co-financed the procurement of the seeds together with the Chetna Organic cooperative.

Dibella supports organic Fairtrade cotton farmers in sourcing non-GMO seeds for the next harvest.

Together with the Chetna Organic cooperative, Dibella has long supported Indian smallholder farmers, on whose fields the organic Fairtrade cotton for the company's sustainable contract textiles grows. To secure the livelihoods of the smallholders, Dibella is taking action this year with a special measure: at the beginning of the new growing season, the company pre-finances the procurement of the genetically unmodified (GMO-free) seeds.

The beginning of the monsoon season (June to September) marks the start of the cotton year in India. The small family farms where the organic Fairtrade cotton for the sustainable Dibella range is grown prepare their fields for sowing. The seeds needed this year come directly from their buyer Dibella. The company organised and co-financed the procurement of the seeds together with the Chetna Organic cooperative.

Ending the debt trap
"At the beginning of the cotton season, smallholder farmers are often forced to take out a loan to finance the seeds they need. For this, very high double-digit interest rates are charged in India, which can lead to excessive debt for families, especially when there are crop failures due to pest infestations or unfavourable weather conditions, for example," reports Simon Bartholomes, Purchasing Manager at Dibella. "We decided years ago to break this vicious circle by pre-financing the genetically unmodified seed. It is procured by our partner Chetna Organic and distributed free of charge to the farming families whose organic cotton is processed into our organic Fairtrade textiles after the harvest. This year we have allocated a sum of USD 50,000 for this purpose.

Win-win situation
This measure offers advantages for all parties involved: Through direct access to the seeds, Dibella enables the farmer families to have a more adequate livelihood. At the same time, the farmers benefit from the expertise of Chetna Organic staff, who support them in organic farming. Dibella, in turn, covers its annual demand for organic Fairtrade cotton with a right of first refusal. This gives the company full control over its entire supply chain, which starts at the cotton field.

More information:
Dibella cotton organic cotton India

Dibella GmbH

© PantherMedia / Gorodenkoff

VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz: Analyse-Tool für mehr Ressourceneffizienz

  • Neues Webtool des VDI ZRE unterstützt KMU bei der Realisierung von Digitalsierungsmaßnahmen

Die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 wird für Unternehmen des verarbeitenden Gewerbes zunehmend zum wettbewerbsentscheidenden Faktor. Mit digitalisierten Prozessen lassen sich unter anderem Material und Energie sparen. Für jeden Schritt der Digitalisierung braucht es eine klare Bestimmung der aktuellen Ausgangslage, um nicht nur mögliche, sondern auch sinnvolle Maßnahmen zu identifizieren. Für diese Analyse hat das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) das Webtool „ReSET 4.0“ entwickelt.

Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen können für KMU maßgeblich sein, um langfristig am Markt zu bestehen. Hierfür braucht es jedoch einen klaren Gesamtüberblick zum Status quo des Unternehmens und Perspektiven.

Immer mehr Unternehmen setzen sich zum Ziel, ihren Verbrauch an Material und Energie zu senken. Denn mithilfe von Industrie 4.0 lassen sich in Produktionsprozessen maßgebliche Einsparungen von Ressourcen erreichen. Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine klare Bestimmung der Ausgangslage des Unternehmens und eine klare strategische Zielsetzung.

  • Neues Webtool des VDI ZRE unterstützt KMU bei der Realisierung von Digitalsierungsmaßnahmen

Die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 wird für Unternehmen des verarbeitenden Gewerbes zunehmend zum wettbewerbsentscheidenden Faktor. Mit digitalisierten Prozessen lassen sich unter anderem Material und Energie sparen. Für jeden Schritt der Digitalisierung braucht es eine klare Bestimmung der aktuellen Ausgangslage, um nicht nur mögliche, sondern auch sinnvolle Maßnahmen zu identifizieren. Für diese Analyse hat das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) das Webtool „ReSET 4.0“ entwickelt.

Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen können für KMU maßgeblich sein, um langfristig am Markt zu bestehen. Hierfür braucht es jedoch einen klaren Gesamtüberblick zum Status quo des Unternehmens und Perspektiven.

Immer mehr Unternehmen setzen sich zum Ziel, ihren Verbrauch an Material und Energie zu senken. Denn mithilfe von Industrie 4.0 lassen sich in Produktionsprozessen maßgebliche Einsparungen von Ressourcen erreichen. Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine klare Bestimmung der Ausgangslage des Unternehmens und eine klare strategische Zielsetzung.

Das neue Webtool „ReSET 4.0“ des VDI ZRE unterstützt eine zielführende Strategieentwicklung und gibt passende Empfehlungen für Maßnahmen zum Einstieg ins Thema. Der Fokus dieser Starthilfe für Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung liegt auf kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen aus dem verarbeitenden Gewerbe.

Mittels Reifegradmodell zur Selbstevaluation und Lösungsfindung
Mithilfe eines Online-Fragebogens können sich Unternehmen zunächst mit Blick auf ihren eigenen Digitalisierungsstand eigenständig einordnen und damit ihre Ausgangslage bestimmen. Das hierfür zugrundeliegende Reifegradmodell basiert auf dem Modell des Mittelstandszentrums 4.0.

Die Einordnung hilft KMU dabei festzustellen, ob das Thema Digitalisierung unternehmensseitig zunächst noch erkundet wird, die Auseinandersetzung damit schon fortgeschritten ist oder es als Vorreiter bereits die Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung gesteigert hat. Auf Basis der Einstufung werden über einen grafisch dargestellten Skill-Tree sinnvoll erschließbare Ressourceneffizienzpotenziale aufgezeigt sowie Maßnahmen und Technologien vorgeschlagen.

Das Tool bietet aber auch die Möglichkeit frei zu erkunden, welche Voraussetzungen beispielsweise für die nächste Digitalisierungsstufe nötig sind und welche Nutzen sich für das Unternehmen ergeben. Gute-Praxis-Beispiele zeigen je nach Vorauswahl, wie Maßnahmen in der Praxis bereits erfolgreich umgesetzt werden.

Weiterfrührende Online-Werkzeuge
Das ReSET 4.0-Tool ist Teil des Online-Baukastens „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“. Dieser fasst alle Arbeitsmittel des VDI ZRE zum Thema Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung zusammen. Auch das aktuelle Tool wurde im Auftrag des Bundesumweltministeriums entwickelt und steht kostenfrei zur Verfügung unter:



VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz


RadiciGroup closes 2022 with positive results

With total sales of EUR 1,543 million, generated by over 30 production and sales units in Europe, Asia, and America, Radici Group closed its 2022 financial year with slight growth over 2021. EBITDA reached EUR 157 million in 2022, and net income for the year was EUR 80 million.

With total sales of EUR 1,543 million, generated by over 30 production and sales units in Europe, Asia, and America, Radici Group closed its 2022 financial year with slight growth over 2021. EBITDA reached EUR 157 million in 2022, and net income for the year was EUR 80 million.

“We are moderately pleased with the 2022 figures,” Angelo Radici, president of RadiciGroup, commented. “Despite an unpredictable and challenging year, we were able to achieve positive results. Although the rise in energy costs began to be felt in January, we managed to maintain our position in the first three months of the year due to a significant increase in demand. From the second quarter onwards, the European market experienced a significant slowdown due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which exacerbated the already soaring costs of energy and raw materials. The situation was completely out of hand and made worse by the fact that some raw materials were not available. This created significant challenges for us, especially in the chemical sector. We even had to stop operations at our Novara plant in the latter part of the year. Products similar to ours in the nylon supply chain from China and the US were being sold at a price lower than our variable cost.”

The president continues: “At Group level, our internationalisation strategy helped us mitigate geopolitical risks in various countries. As a result, we were able to offset the challenges in the European chemicals and textile markets by leveraging our global presence in High Performance Polymers, where our numbers have held strong. As we began 2023, we regained our footing. However, the global economic and industrial scenario for the rest of the year remains highly uncertain, and forecasts are notably cautious.”

Even in these difficult times, the Group has continued to invest. In 2022, the High Performance Polymers Business Area completed the acquisition in India of the engineering plastics branch of Ester Industries Ltd, a listed company. Additionally, it began installing two new production lines in Mexico and Brazil, and confirmed plans to install a new extrusion line at the Villa d’Ogna production site in the province of Bergamo. These choices align with the Group’s goal of enhancing its worldwide presence and boosting competitiveness in high-potential growth markets. In a year where energy and raw material costs were certainly problematic, operating in geographically diverse markets and with varied applications proved to be an important tool in addressing the challenges. In this vein, a new production site spanning over 36,000 square metres has recently been inaugurated in China. The move is aimed at doubling the production capacity in line with the market’s growth expectations.

Extending the time horizon to 2018-2022, the Group has invested over EUR 277 million to enhance the competitiveness of its companies, implement Best Available Techniques, improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and conduct research and development activities aimed at introducing sustainable processes and solutions. These efforts include the research and development activities of Radici InNova, which are heavily focused on the circular economy.

More information:
RadiciGroup financial year 2022


Schwedisches Fashionlabel „Acne Studios“ feiert Neueröffnung in Hamburg (c) Acne Studios

Schwedisches Fashionlabel „Acne Studios“ feiert Neueröffnung in Hamburg

„Keep it simple“ ist das Stil-Credo der schwedischen Modemarke Acne Studios. Die Kleidungsstücke sind nicht überfrachtet, sondern überraschen durch einen ungewöhnlichen Schnitt oder einzelne leuchtende Farben. Diese Brand-DNA wurde auch bei der Neueröffnung des Stores am Neuen Wall in Hamburg aufgegriffen. Innenarchitektin Vera Schmitz hat für das Ladendesign das Retailkonzept des Designstudios Halleroed lokal interpretiert und Elemente klassischer deutscher Architektur mit der schwedischen Markenphilosophie kombiniert. Verantwortlich für die Umsetzung des Innenausbaus inklusive aller technischen Gewerke und der Überarbeitung der Fassade war der Generalübernehmer Schwitzke Project aus Düsseldorf.

„Keep it simple“ ist das Stil-Credo der schwedischen Modemarke Acne Studios. Die Kleidungsstücke sind nicht überfrachtet, sondern überraschen durch einen ungewöhnlichen Schnitt oder einzelne leuchtende Farben. Diese Brand-DNA wurde auch bei der Neueröffnung des Stores am Neuen Wall in Hamburg aufgegriffen. Innenarchitektin Vera Schmitz hat für das Ladendesign das Retailkonzept des Designstudios Halleroed lokal interpretiert und Elemente klassischer deutscher Architektur mit der schwedischen Markenphilosophie kombiniert. Verantwortlich für die Umsetzung des Innenausbaus inklusive aller technischen Gewerke und der Überarbeitung der Fassade war der Generalübernehmer Schwitzke Project aus Düsseldorf.

Der 225 Quadratmeter große Hamburger Store, der zwischen zwei Kanälen und zwischen zwei Straßen gelegen ist, wird in zwei Flügel aufgeteilt. Über zwei getrennte Eingänge gelangen die Kund:innen in den Store, in dessen Mitte sich eine dreieckige Gondel befindet, die mit Spiegeln verdeckt ist und so ein Gefühl der optischen Illusion erzeugt. Im Store verteilt finden sich als Deko-Elemente eine Auswahl von Sitzmöbeln in Batik-Look, die die industrielle Umgebung aus harten Metallen und Glas aufbrechen.  

Der Hamburger Store ist die erste Kooperation zwischen Schwitzke Project und Acne Studios.

(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital and Amaze Software: On-Demand Production and Fulfillment to Social Media Creators

Kornit Digital LTD. announced Amaze Software, Inc. – parent company of the Amaze, Spring, and Outfts platforms – has selected KornitX Workflow Solutions and Kornit MAX digital on- demand fabric and textile decoration technologies as the platform to deliver their vision. Combined with the Amaze Creator Commerce Platform, the companies will jointly bring the power of on- demand production and fulfillment to new and existing social media creators, enabling them to better monetize branded products.

Kornit’s Global Fulfillment Network helps companies like Amaze Software connect creators with high-quality garment and textile production fulfillers across the globe. The platform is backed by the KornitX workflow engine, seamlessly integrating across industry-proven Kornit MAX technology- based fabric and textile decoration systems for end-to-end production, visibility, and control.

Kornit Digital LTD. announced Amaze Software, Inc. – parent company of the Amaze, Spring, and Outfts platforms – has selected KornitX Workflow Solutions and Kornit MAX digital on- demand fabric and textile decoration technologies as the platform to deliver their vision. Combined with the Amaze Creator Commerce Platform, the companies will jointly bring the power of on- demand production and fulfillment to new and existing social media creators, enabling them to better monetize branded products.

Kornit’s Global Fulfillment Network helps companies like Amaze Software connect creators with high-quality garment and textile production fulfillers across the globe. The platform is backed by the KornitX workflow engine, seamlessly integrating across industry-proven Kornit MAX technology- based fabric and textile decoration systems for end-to-end production, visibility, and control.

The  Spring platform offers an opportunity for fans to make purchases directly from where they consume the creator’s content (social platforms including Instagram, TikTok Shops, Twitch, and more). This allows creators to significantly enhance engagement and cultivate a more profound brand presence.


Kornit Digital


ROICA™ expands its innovation and partnerships

The ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the foundation of contemporary business. Its team is ready to take ROICA™ to the next level, responding to market demand innovations, whilst sharing its latest responsible production system with a new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements:
First, a focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new market needs and desires without harming the environment or society at large. Thanks to the certified and eco-high tech ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, Asahi Kasei is able to meet responsible business needs and contemporary consumers’ desire for a modern wardrobe that represents a new generation of values.

Second, the dawn of ROICA™ has fueled a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing ROICA™’s values, including: Artistic Milliners, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Sitip S.p.A. and Tessitura Colombo.

The ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the foundation of contemporary business. Its team is ready to take ROICA™ to the next level, responding to market demand innovations, whilst sharing its latest responsible production system with a new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements:
First, a focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new market needs and desires without harming the environment or society at large. Thanks to the certified and eco-high tech ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, Asahi Kasei is able to meet responsible business needs and contemporary consumers’ desire for a modern wardrobe that represents a new generation of values.

Second, the dawn of ROICA™ has fueled a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing ROICA™’s values, including: Artistic Milliners, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Sitip S.p.A. and Tessitura Colombo.


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei


Kostenlose Tampons – CWS will neuen Standard in der Hygieneausstattung setzen

Verschiedene Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass Hygieneartikel für Frauen häufig deutlich teurer sind als für Männer. Die Kinderrechtsorganisation Plan International kam im letzten Jahr im Rahmen einer Studie zu dem Schluss, dass insbesondere Menstruationsartikel, wie Binden, Tampons oder Slipeinlagen in Deutschland deutlich teuer seien. Jedes vierte Mädchen und jede vierte Frau gaben an, sie hätten finanzielle Mühe, sich mit ausreichend Menstruationsprodukten während ihrer Periode zu versorgen. Sogar jede zweite gab an, sich besser mit Tampons oder Binden zu versorgen, wenn diese günstiger wären.

Verschiedene Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass Hygieneartikel für Frauen häufig deutlich teurer sind als für Männer. Die Kinderrechtsorganisation Plan International kam im letzten Jahr im Rahmen einer Studie zu dem Schluss, dass insbesondere Menstruationsartikel, wie Binden, Tampons oder Slipeinlagen in Deutschland deutlich teuer seien. Jedes vierte Mädchen und jede vierte Frau gaben an, sie hätten finanzielle Mühe, sich mit ausreichend Menstruationsprodukten während ihrer Periode zu versorgen. Sogar jede zweite gab an, sich besser mit Tampons oder Binden zu versorgen, wenn diese günstiger wären.

CWS Hygiene, Serviceanbieter von Hygieneartikeln für den Waschraum, darunter Seifen- und Handtuchspender, möchte diese Missstände nun abschaffen. „Unsere Vision: wir wollen, dass Menstruationsprodukte wie Tampons in Waschräumen genauso selbstverständlich frei verfügbar werden wie sauberes Wasser, Seife oder Toilettenpapier. Denn es sollte nicht sein, dass solche Grundbedürfnisse für Frauen aufgrund finanzieller Überlegungen nicht bedient werden können,“ so Yonca Cevik, Divisional Product Manager bei CWS Hygiene International. „Mit dem Period Pack bieten wir Gebäudebetreibern und Unternehmen ein Produkt, mit dem sie einen aktiven Beitrag leisten können.“

Der Period Pack ist ein Tamponspender, der kostenlos Tampons per Push-Funktion verfügbar macht. Der Spender eignet sich für zwei verschiedenen Größen aus nachhaltiger Bio-Baumwolle.

More information:
CWS Damenhygiene Hygiene

CWS International GmbH


Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen: Ambition to Action

Leaders assembled at the renowned forum for sustainability in fashion to mobilise action and usher in a transformative phase for the industry.

Hosted in the Copenhagen Concert Hall, on 27-28 June, Global Fashion Summit convened over 1000 revered representatives from brands, retailers, NGOs, policy, manufacturers, and innovators to transform ambition into action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark.

This year’s theme ‘Ambition to Action’, galvanised participants to transform ambitions into concrete actions that can drive the industry towards more sustainable practices, both socially and environmentally. Under this premise, the event presented content experiences focused on tangible and evidence-based impact, with over half of the programme dedicated to educational and action-oriented business case studies.

Leaders assembled at the renowned forum for sustainability in fashion to mobilise action and usher in a transformative phase for the industry.

Hosted in the Copenhagen Concert Hall, on 27-28 June, Global Fashion Summit convened over 1000 revered representatives from brands, retailers, NGOs, policy, manufacturers, and innovators to transform ambition into action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark.

This year’s theme ‘Ambition to Action’, galvanised participants to transform ambitions into concrete actions that can drive the industry towards more sustainable practices, both socially and environmentally. Under this premise, the event presented content experiences focused on tangible and evidence-based impact, with over half of the programme dedicated to educational and action-oriented business case studies.

This edition included more speakers and content than ever before, with the dynamic and action-orientated sessions spanning across four different stages. The Summit also facilitated more than 10 strategic roundtable meetings that brought together executives and policy makers for productive dialogues on how to address pressing sustainability issues and act accordingly. The content integrated the five priorities of the Fashion CEO Agenda, alongside critical challenges and tangible opportunities relating to some of the key forces that are shaping the fashion industry today: data, policy and storytelling.

Attendees heard from 137 speakers including HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark; Antoine Arnault, Image & Environment, LVMH Group; Jonathan Anderson, Creative Director & Founder, JW Anderson and Creative Director, Loewe; Virginijus Sinkevičius,  Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, European Commission; Henriette Hallberg Thygesen, Chief Delivery Officer, Maersk; Aude Vergne, Chief Sustainability Officer, Chloé; Nicolaj Reffstrup, Founder, GANNI; Fanny Moizant, Co-Founder & President, Vestiaire Collective; Noel Kinder, Chief Sustainability Officer, Nike; Óscar García Maceiras, CEO, Inditex; Dr. Lewis Akenji, Managing Director, Hot or Cool Institute; Rachel Arthur, Advocacy Lead, Sustainable Fashion, United Nations Environment Programme; and many more.

Innovation Forum connected fashion companies with sustainable solution providers
This year’s Summit also presented an Innovation Forum, enabling small and large companies to meet with 26 sustainable solution providers – equipping them with the concrete tools to quickly turn words into meaningful actions. More than 350 facilitated business meetings between fashion companies and sustainable solution providers took place during the Summit.

Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition will take place on 27 September 2023, which will mark the second time the Summit has been hosted outside of Copenhagen in its 14-year history.


Global Fashion Agenda

ERCA successfully showcased latest product at ITMA 2023 (c) ERCA
Giusy Bettoni, Matt Swartz, Fabio Locatelli and Mike Maekawa after the talk

ERCA successfully showcased latest product at ITMA 2023

ERCA successfully showcased their latest product during the recent ITMA 2023 exhibition, taking the opportunity to share with ITMA visitors the journey that stood behind the creation of REVECOL®.

REVECOL® transforms critical waste materials (exhausted vegetable oils) into a line of innovative and responsible chemical auxiliaries destined for the entire textile industry and its various applications, offering different characteristics: circular DNA, certification, safety, high performance, competitivity and applicability on any type of textile fiber, whether virgin or recycled.

Patagonia® and trim supplier YKK teamed up with ERCA to deploy REVECOL® in their manufacturing process. This alliance was presented to ITMA visitors as an example of what the industry can achieve through collaborative practices.

ERCA successfully showcased their latest product during the recent ITMA 2023 exhibition, taking the opportunity to share with ITMA visitors the journey that stood behind the creation of REVECOL®.

REVECOL® transforms critical waste materials (exhausted vegetable oils) into a line of innovative and responsible chemical auxiliaries destined for the entire textile industry and its various applications, offering different characteristics: circular DNA, certification, safety, high performance, competitivity and applicability on any type of textile fiber, whether virgin or recycled.

Patagonia® and trim supplier YKK teamed up with ERCA to deploy REVECOL® in their manufacturing process. This alliance was presented to ITMA visitors as an example of what the industry can achieve through collaborative practices.

The process of sharing REVECOL® with the industry really started with the announcement of ERCA’s partnership with Patagonia® and YKK and deepened during the session Upcycling Minds Think Alike moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO and Founder, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity, Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy), and which saw the participation of Matt Swartz, Color and Material Quality Manager of Patagonia®, Fabio Locatelli, Head of ERCA, Textile Specialties Business Unit and Mike Maekawa, Sales and Business Development Manager, YKK Vietnam.



(c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and KSENIASCHNAIDER present Collaborative Collection

This season, adidas Originals and the progressive Ukrainian label KSENIASCHNAIDER have come together to present a collaborative collection featuring a host of unconventional garments, footwear, and accessories.

Founded in 2011 by Ksenia and Anton Schnaider, KSENIASCHNAIDER is a Kyiv-based independent fashion house centered on creating boundary pushing ready-to-wear, denim, and upcycled apparel and accessories. Drawing on Ksenia’s design language and Anton’s engineering logic, the partners’ eponymous label continues to challenge established conventions to boldly project a new vision of the future.

The collection is anchored by a host of garments which blend the Ukrainian house’s signature aesthetic with adidas’ instantly recognizable brand codes. First, an array of denim pieces – including jeans, jackets, and shirt dresses – are elevated with frayed edges, voluminous cuts, and idiosyncratic details. Second, fresh takes on a timeless adidas classic stand out as adiColor tracksuits, corsets, and dresses are reworked in a patchwork finish.

The adidas Originals x KSENIASCHNAIDER collection launches on July 1st.

This season, adidas Originals and the progressive Ukrainian label KSENIASCHNAIDER have come together to present a collaborative collection featuring a host of unconventional garments, footwear, and accessories.

Founded in 2011 by Ksenia and Anton Schnaider, KSENIASCHNAIDER is a Kyiv-based independent fashion house centered on creating boundary pushing ready-to-wear, denim, and upcycled apparel and accessories. Drawing on Ksenia’s design language and Anton’s engineering logic, the partners’ eponymous label continues to challenge established conventions to boldly project a new vision of the future.

The collection is anchored by a host of garments which blend the Ukrainian house’s signature aesthetic with adidas’ instantly recognizable brand codes. First, an array of denim pieces – including jeans, jackets, and shirt dresses – are elevated with frayed edges, voluminous cuts, and idiosyncratic details. Second, fresh takes on a timeless adidas classic stand out as adiColor tracksuits, corsets, and dresses are reworked in a patchwork finish.

The adidas Originals x KSENIASCHNAIDER collection launches on July 1st.


adidas AG


Lectra joins United Nations Global Compact and presents CSR policy

Lectra supports the transformation of fashion, automotive and furniture companies by providing them with technological solutions that accelerate their transition to a more efficient and more sustainable Industry 4.0. In February, as part of the launch of its new roadmap, Lectra confirmed the importance of CSR in its strategy and presented its new priority measures for 2023-2025. By joining the UN Global Compact, Lectra demonstrates its commitment to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Over the last few years, Lectra has stepped up its CSR initiatives. In 2011, the company implemented a CSR purchasing charter that covered 98% of its industrial purchases in 2022, excluding Gerber Technology (which was acquired in June 2021). In 2023, the new version of our CSR purchasing charter will be extended to Gerber suppliers, with the objective of enrolling 90% of all our industrial suppliers by 2025. Lectra also favors local procurement and production, as demonstrated by the recent inauguration of its manufacturing facility in Tolland, United States.

Lectra supports the transformation of fashion, automotive and furniture companies by providing them with technological solutions that accelerate their transition to a more efficient and more sustainable Industry 4.0. In February, as part of the launch of its new roadmap, Lectra confirmed the importance of CSR in its strategy and presented its new priority measures for 2023-2025. By joining the UN Global Compact, Lectra demonstrates its commitment to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Over the last few years, Lectra has stepped up its CSR initiatives. In 2011, the company implemented a CSR purchasing charter that covered 98% of its industrial purchases in 2022, excluding Gerber Technology (which was acquired in June 2021). In 2023, the new version of our CSR purchasing charter will be extended to Gerber suppliers, with the objective of enrolling 90% of all our industrial suppliers by 2025. Lectra also favors local procurement and production, as demonstrated by the recent inauguration of its manufacturing facility in Tolland, United States.

Another example: knowing that textiles generate 90% of the CO2 emissions produced during the total lifecycle of a cutting room, Lectra strives to offer its customers solutions that optimize the use of materials. Lectra's equipment makes it possible to achieve material saving of 5 to 10%. In addition, to better inform consumers about product authenticity and provenant, the company has also expanded its software offer to material traceability, as show by the recent majority acquisition of TextileGenesis’ capital. Lectra is committed to systematically using eco-design principles by 2025 for its new equipment platforms in order to reduce its environmental footprint.

For 2023-2025, Lectra has decided to focus on 5 key areas through 12 measures:

    - Uncompromising business ethics
    - Extension of our CSR purchasing policy
    - Developing eco-designed products and services
    - Supplying products and services that help reduce our customers’ impact on the environment
    - Developing safe, accessible and easy-to-use solutions
    - Zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment and equal opportunities for everyone
    - A working environment conducive to employee engagement
    - Balance between work and private life
    - Sustainable development of talents, team expertise and professional careers
    - Employees’ health and safety
    - Reducing the environmental impact of our company's activities
    - Supporting the development of professional skills and the employability of future generations



Perlon GmbH acquires Shaun Filaments in Goa, India

Perlon® - The Filament Company - headquartered in Munderkingen, Germany, which specializes in the manufacture of synthetic filaments for the Paper- Technical Textile - Brush- Personal- and Dental industry, buys Shaun Filaments in Goa, India.

Shaun Filaments is a leading Indian producer of different types of filaments mainly for the Asian market. Perlon® herewith expands its Asian presence and market leadership in the following business segments: Paper Machine Clothing, Advanced Technical Textiles, Technical Brush Filaments and Personal Care.

“With the acquisition of Shaun Filaments, we are expanding our presence in the Asian market and creating a company that is geared towards the global filament industry of the future and we are expanding our market leadership in all segments. Shaun Filaments is a perfect fit for the Perlon® Group with its long-term experience, strong reputation and knowledge in the production of filaments for the Asian market.” states Florian Kisling, CEO of Perlon®.

The Perlon® Group will take over Shaun Filaments with all employees and production lines located in the Shaun Filaments factory in Goa, India.

Perlon® - The Filament Company - headquartered in Munderkingen, Germany, which specializes in the manufacture of synthetic filaments for the Paper- Technical Textile - Brush- Personal- and Dental industry, buys Shaun Filaments in Goa, India.

Shaun Filaments is a leading Indian producer of different types of filaments mainly for the Asian market. Perlon® herewith expands its Asian presence and market leadership in the following business segments: Paper Machine Clothing, Advanced Technical Textiles, Technical Brush Filaments and Personal Care.

“With the acquisition of Shaun Filaments, we are expanding our presence in the Asian market and creating a company that is geared towards the global filament industry of the future and we are expanding our market leadership in all segments. Shaun Filaments is a perfect fit for the Perlon® Group with its long-term experience, strong reputation and knowledge in the production of filaments for the Asian market.” states Florian Kisling, CEO of Perlon®.

The Perlon® Group will take over Shaun Filaments with all employees and production lines located in the Shaun Filaments factory in Goa, India.


Perlon GmbH

White Rabbit White Rabbit

White Rabbit Maternity mit erstem Pop-Up Store

  • Nachhaltige und elegante Umstandsmode, vor, während und nach der Schwangerschaft

White Rabbit Maternity ist eine deutsche Bekleidungsmarke für Umstandsmode mit einem Fokus auf nachhaltigen in Spanien produzierten Styles, die nicht nur während, sondern auch vor und nach der Schwangerschaft Support liefern, indem sie sich jeder Körperform anpassen. Am kommenden Wochenende öffnet der erste Pop-Up Store in Kollaboration mit Varm-Studios und Faible und Failure in Hamburg seine Pforten.

Die 2022 von der Designerin Leonie Mergen gegründete Brand lanciert zwei trans-saisonale Produktlinien: MOOD EDITION und ESSENTIAL EDITION. Die Kleider der MOOD EDITION sind designt für Anlässe wie Business, Ausgehen und Freizeit, während die ESSENTIAL LINE sich aus Basics zusammensetzt: von Tops und Long Shirt über Sweater und Shorts, Hosen sowie Röcken bietet die ESSENTIAL LINE vielfältige Kombinationsmöglichkeiten für Komplett-Looks.

  • Nachhaltige und elegante Umstandsmode, vor, während und nach der Schwangerschaft

White Rabbit Maternity ist eine deutsche Bekleidungsmarke für Umstandsmode mit einem Fokus auf nachhaltigen in Spanien produzierten Styles, die nicht nur während, sondern auch vor und nach der Schwangerschaft Support liefern, indem sie sich jeder Körperform anpassen. Am kommenden Wochenende öffnet der erste Pop-Up Store in Kollaboration mit Varm-Studios und Faible und Failure in Hamburg seine Pforten.

Die 2022 von der Designerin Leonie Mergen gegründete Brand lanciert zwei trans-saisonale Produktlinien: MOOD EDITION und ESSENTIAL EDITION. Die Kleider der MOOD EDITION sind designt für Anlässe wie Business, Ausgehen und Freizeit, während die ESSENTIAL LINE sich aus Basics zusammensetzt: von Tops und Long Shirt über Sweater und Shorts, Hosen sowie Röcken bietet die ESSENTIAL LINE vielfältige Kombinationsmöglichkeiten für Komplett-Looks.

Das Sortiment von White Rabbit wird aus biologisch abbaubaren Naturfasern in Barcelona, Spanien, produziert. Die gesamte Kollektion wird ausschließlich aus qualitativ hochwertigen Materialien hergestellt, die mit dem OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 zertifiziert sind. Die Preislagen des Sortiments liegen zwischen 80 bis 220€.

Die Styles von White Rabbit Maternity sind erstmalig ab dem 01.Juli bis 31.Juli 2023 im exklusiven Pop-Up Store in Hamburg sowie über den eigenen Onlineshop erhältlich.

More information:
Umstandsmode White Rabbit

White Rabbit

Mark von der Becke, Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Matthew North Photo Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim Fibres: Change in Management Team

After nearly 30 years with the company, Matthew North, Commercial Director at the viscose specialty fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres, will retire on July 1, 2023. Throughout his long and successful career, he has played a significant role in transforming Kelheim Fibres from a supplier of standard fibres to the European textile industry into a supplier of predominantly customized specialty fibres for the hygiene, specialty paper, and textile industries.

Mark von der Becke will assume the position of Sales Director and become part of the management team at Kelheim Fibres. The 48-year-old brings extensive experience in sales, marketing, and key account management. He has held various leadership positions in renowned companies such as Hoechst, Clariant, and DS Smith in Germany, Switzerland, and China. He is known for successfully developing and implementing strategy and change programs.

After nearly 30 years with the company, Matthew North, Commercial Director at the viscose specialty fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres, will retire on July 1, 2023. Throughout his long and successful career, he has played a significant role in transforming Kelheim Fibres from a supplier of standard fibres to the European textile industry into a supplier of predominantly customized specialty fibres for the hygiene, specialty paper, and textile industries.

Mark von der Becke will assume the position of Sales Director and become part of the management team at Kelheim Fibres. The 48-year-old brings extensive experience in sales, marketing, and key account management. He has held various leadership positions in renowned companies such as Hoechst, Clariant, and DS Smith in Germany, Switzerland, and China. He is known for successfully developing and implementing strategy and change programs.

Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, who has been serving as Director of New Business Development and a member of the management team at Kelheim Fibres since 2020, will take on the responsibility for marketing and communications. She will now drive the further development of the marketing strategy and communication with customers and partners.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Kornit Digital at ITMA 2023 (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital successfully concluded ITMA

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashion and textile production technologies, announced the Company successfully concluded its exhibition at ITMA 2023, experiencing high volumes of engagement with new customers from key regions, such as India, Turkey, China, Central and South America.

With its industry-first vibrant new NeoPigment™ Vivido digital inks, the Kornit Presto MAX had a strong reception at ITMA. Also taking center stage was the anticipated Kornit Apollo platform, which delivers on the industry need for automated, high-throughput digital on-demand garment decoration at scale. Built on tested Kornit MAX technology, the Apollo effectively brings sustainable digital production to the mainstream.

“Our Apollo system was welcomed at ITMA by an industry now realizing that digital is the only solution for making fashion and textile production sustainable, producing closer to the end consumer, eliminating problematic inventory, and delivering the highest quality without sacrificing profitability,” said Omer Kulka, Chief Innovation Officer at Kornit Digital.

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashion and textile production technologies, announced the Company successfully concluded its exhibition at ITMA 2023, experiencing high volumes of engagement with new customers from key regions, such as India, Turkey, China, Central and South America.

With its industry-first vibrant new NeoPigment™ Vivido digital inks, the Kornit Presto MAX had a strong reception at ITMA. Also taking center stage was the anticipated Kornit Apollo platform, which delivers on the industry need for automated, high-throughput digital on-demand garment decoration at scale. Built on tested Kornit MAX technology, the Apollo effectively brings sustainable digital production to the mainstream.

“Our Apollo system was welcomed at ITMA by an industry now realizing that digital is the only solution for making fashion and textile production sustainable, producing closer to the end consumer, eliminating problematic inventory, and delivering the highest quality without sacrificing profitability,” said Omer Kulka, Chief Innovation Officer at Kornit Digital.


Kornit Digital

Archroma and Somelos to advance textile industry sustainability with new dyeing and finishing process Photo: Somelos

Archroma and Somelos: New dyeing and finishing process for water savings of up to 97%

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Somelos, a vertically integrated textile group in Portugal, have joined forces to advance sustainable cotton processing with a new water-saving dyeing and finishing process that generates no wastewater.

Conventional cotton dyeing and finishing requires substantial water and chemical inputs and produces a large volume of wastewater. Long-lasting wash-down effects in particular, traditionally require two water-intensive processes: one to get the color intensity and one to achieve the washed-down contrast. Relying on such resource-intensive processes is of particular concern in nations affected by drought and water scarcity, like Portugal, the home of Somelos since its founding in 1958.

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Somelos, a vertically integrated textile group in Portugal, have joined forces to advance sustainable cotton processing with a new water-saving dyeing and finishing process that generates no wastewater.

Conventional cotton dyeing and finishing requires substantial water and chemical inputs and produces a large volume of wastewater. Long-lasting wash-down effects in particular, traditionally require two water-intensive processes: one to get the color intensity and one to achieve the washed-down contrast. Relying on such resource-intensive processes is of particular concern in nations affected by drought and water scarcity, like Portugal, the home of Somelos since its founding in 1958.

To address this challenge, Archroma and Somelos have now developed the New Dry Dyeing/Ox Finishing process for the production of bottoms and shirting in cotton fabrics. Based on Archroma’s Pad-Ox dyeing process, which combines oxidation and fixation into one step, and the latest technologies for washdown effects, including ozone and laser treatments, it delivers water savings of up to 97% compared to conventional cotton dyeing and finishing.

The New Dry Dyeing/Ox Finishing process only uses water to prepare the dye and oxidation baths. Archroma Diresul® RDT liquid pre-reduced sulfur dyes ensure easy washdown and direct fixation—with no need for pre-washing—delivering shorter processing, cleaner production and high wash -fastness.

STOLL's book “Color in Knitting: By Designers, for Designers”. (c) STOLL by KARL MAYER

Launch of STOLL's latest collection COLOR IN KNITTING

Just in time for ITMA 2023 in Milan, the flat knitting machine manufacturer STOLL has launched its new collection COLOR IN KNITTING. It holds a range of knitting techniques that were ideated for novel super fine machine gauges such as the E20.

In addition, STOLL reveals its internal design workflow, showcasing how digital software tools can speed up the design process. The core of this is k.innovation CREATE DESIGN. Through the utilization of STOLL’s jointly developed design software solution, k.innovation CREATE DESIGN, in collaboration with @KM.ON, the shape and structures of a garment, can be digitally created, allowing for its simulation before it is even knitted. The interfaces to various external 3D software tools, allow for a realistic representation of the garment facilitating faster design decisions. Once the virtual knits, made in the CREATE DESIGN software are ready for manufacturing, it will be send to a knitting technician for further processing in k.innovation CREATE PLUS, This significantly speeds up product development while reducing communication issues between designers and technicians.

Just in time for ITMA 2023 in Milan, the flat knitting machine manufacturer STOLL has launched its new collection COLOR IN KNITTING. It holds a range of knitting techniques that were ideated for novel super fine machine gauges such as the E20.

In addition, STOLL reveals its internal design workflow, showcasing how digital software tools can speed up the design process. The core of this is k.innovation CREATE DESIGN. Through the utilization of STOLL’s jointly developed design software solution, k.innovation CREATE DESIGN, in collaboration with @KM.ON, the shape and structures of a garment, can be digitally created, allowing for its simulation before it is even knitted. The interfaces to various external 3D software tools, allow for a realistic representation of the garment facilitating faster design decisions. Once the virtual knits, made in the CREATE DESIGN software are ready for manufacturing, it will be send to a knitting technician for further processing in k.innovation CREATE PLUS, This significantly speeds up product development while reducing communication issues between designers and technicians.

Sustainability and responsible handling of precious natural resources were key factors driving the development of the latest trend collection, COLOR IN KNITTING. STOLL-knit and wear®, a technique that stands for seamless knitted garments, can play a significant role in reducing waste. In addition, fewer process steps are required in the production chain - with advantages for production efficiency.
For another highlight of COLOR IN KNITTING, the STOLL creatives have worked on imitating different yarn effects with knitting technology such as slub yarn optics or the simulation of fabrics like crepe de chine/crepe georgette

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of STOLL, COLOR IN KNITTING features a selection of vintage pattern replicates. These patterns can be found in STOLL’s extensive sample archives in Reutlingen. It is impressive to learn that all these former fabric constructions can still be replicated today and also reinvented with todays machine features. This approach showcases the steep progression of technical advancements over the past 150 years.

STOLL´s latest trend collection culminates in the creation of an invaluable resource: the book “Color in Knitting: By Designers, for Designers”. This publication aims to cater to a diverse audience by presenting a comprehensive guide to designing with colors using various flat knitting technologies and will be presented in the chapter "Book release".




DOMO Chemicals publishes sustainability report

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in polyamide-based engineered material solutions and services, has published its latest annual Sustainability Report, detailing progress on its sustainability journey, including notable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. DOMO’s mission is to engineer polyamide solutions that contribute to a better, more sustainable world. In publishing its second annual Sustainability Report, DOMO enters a new phase in its decarbonization quest, with confidence in its long-term aspiration to set the standard for sustainability in the industry by 2030.

Notably, the Sustainability Report details DOMO’s achievements in 2022 toward realizing its 2030 sustainability goals. In terms of decarbonization and broader environmental achievements, against a 2019 baseline, the company:

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in polyamide-based engineered material solutions and services, has published its latest annual Sustainability Report, detailing progress on its sustainability journey, including notable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. DOMO’s mission is to engineer polyamide solutions that contribute to a better, more sustainable world. In publishing its second annual Sustainability Report, DOMO enters a new phase in its decarbonization quest, with confidence in its long-term aspiration to set the standard for sustainability in the industry by 2030.

Notably, the Sustainability Report details DOMO’s achievements in 2022 toward realizing its 2030 sustainability goals. In terms of decarbonization and broader environmental achievements, against a 2019 baseline, the company:

  • Reduced scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 27%, making significant progress toward its target of 40% reduction by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Increased renewable electricity throughout operations to 12%
  • Reduced waste by 24%
  • Lowered water intake by 4.5%

In addition, as a provider of polyamide-based sustainable and circular solutions, DOMO:

  • Achieved more than 11% of engineered materials sales based on sustainable feedstock, making excellent progress toward its 2030 target of 20%
  • Allocated 25% of research and development resources to enhanced recycling

Moreover, fostering talent and ensuring the well-being of its workforce as a responsible employer is essential for sustainable growth, and 2022 highlights include:

  • Increased share of women in senior positions from 22% in 2021 to 30% in 2022
  • Providing a safe and inclusive working environment that encourages personal and professional development as well as a global safety culture

DOMO Chemicals

(c) Epson Deutschland GmbH

Epson verlegt deutsche Niederlassung zurück nach Düsseldorf

Nach zwanzig Jahren in Meerbusch verlegt die deutsche Niederlassung des japanischen Technologiekonzerns Epson ihren Firmensitz zurück nach Düsseldorf. Im TRIGON in Düsseldorf-Heerdt nutzt das Unternehmen zukünftig rund 3.000 Quadratmeter Bürofläche, das neusten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards entspricht und das Konzept Büro zukunftsfähig ausgestaltet.

Die neue Fläche bietet flexible Arbeitsplätze, ein Work-Café und moderne Meetingräume, die nach aktuellen technischen Standards ausgerichtet sind und unter anderem hybride Meetings durch Projektion ermöglichen. Für Kundenbesuche wurde das Office Solutions Center geschaffen, in welchem modernste Epson-Bürolösungen des Unternehmens im Einsatz gezeigt werden. Das Bürogebäude selbst ist ein Neubau, der nach neusten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards konzipiert wurde.

Nach zwanzig Jahren in Meerbusch verlegt die deutsche Niederlassung des japanischen Technologiekonzerns Epson ihren Firmensitz zurück nach Düsseldorf. Im TRIGON in Düsseldorf-Heerdt nutzt das Unternehmen zukünftig rund 3.000 Quadratmeter Bürofläche, das neusten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards entspricht und das Konzept Büro zukunftsfähig ausgestaltet.

Die neue Fläche bietet flexible Arbeitsplätze, ein Work-Café und moderne Meetingräume, die nach aktuellen technischen Standards ausgerichtet sind und unter anderem hybride Meetings durch Projektion ermöglichen. Für Kundenbesuche wurde das Office Solutions Center geschaffen, in welchem modernste Epson-Bürolösungen des Unternehmens im Einsatz gezeigt werden. Das Bürogebäude selbst ist ein Neubau, der nach neusten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards konzipiert wurde.

Mit dem Umzug möchte Epson neue Standards hinsichtlich zukünftiger Arbeitsweisen setzen und gleichzeitig Ressourcen schonen. Zur Wahl des Standorts sagt Henning Ohlsson: „Düsseldorf hat die größte japanische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland. Wir als japanisches Unternehmen fühlen uns hier sehr willkommen. Wir möchten uns zukünftig in die Gemeinschaft einbringen und den Austausch untereinander fördern.“

Am bisherigen Unternehmensstandort Meerbusch bleibt das Industrial Solutions Center (ISC) für weitere zwei Jahre bestehen. Epson nutzt diese Räumlichkeiten weiterhin für Vorführungen von neuen Produkten und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für „die großen“ Druckmaschinen und zeigt unter anderem Anwendungen im Bereich Textildruck, im industriellen Etikettendruck oder auch neue Entwicklungen. Darunter zum Beispiel das PaperLab, welches Büropapier recycelt. Epsons Roboter werden mittelfristig weiter in Ratingen präsent sein. Im Bau befindet sich das neue Industrial Solutions Center+ in Neuss, welches dann ab 2025 sowohl die spezialisierten Industrieanwendungen wie – Roboter oder großformatige Druckmaschinen – beherbergen wird.


Epson Deutschland GmbH


Renewcell achieves Recycled Claim Standard certification

CIRCULOSE® production at Renewcell 1, Ortviken has been certified to Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) version 2.0. The RCS is an international, voluntary standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled input and chain of custody. The primary goal of the RCS is to increase the use of recycled materials.

Building off previous RCS certification of the CIRCULOSE® pulp at the Kristinehamn recycling plant, this achievement further solidifies Renewcell’s mission to change the global textile industry and make it circular and sustainable.

The CIRCULOSE® pulp process conforms to the RCS 100 standard developed by Textile Exchange, a global non-profit organization advancing preferred fibers and materials.

A recycled content claim can only be made for materials that have been recovered or otherwise diverted from the solid waste stream. The certification process requires partners to comply with standards at every step of the supply chain, starting with the raw material (or recycling) suppliers and ending with the end seller in a business-to-consumer transaction.

CIRCULOSE® production at Renewcell 1, Ortviken has been certified to Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) version 2.0. The RCS is an international, voluntary standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled input and chain of custody. The primary goal of the RCS is to increase the use of recycled materials.

Building off previous RCS certification of the CIRCULOSE® pulp at the Kristinehamn recycling plant, this achievement further solidifies Renewcell’s mission to change the global textile industry and make it circular and sustainable.

The CIRCULOSE® pulp process conforms to the RCS 100 standard developed by Textile Exchange, a global non-profit organization advancing preferred fibers and materials.

A recycled content claim can only be made for materials that have been recovered or otherwise diverted from the solid waste stream. The certification process requires partners to comply with standards at every step of the supply chain, starting with the raw material (or recycling) suppliers and ending with the end seller in a business-to-consumer transaction.


Re:NewCell AB