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ROICA™ Infuses Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE on July 9th 2018

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

Uwe Schmidt, Asahi Kasei’s ROICA™, Managing Director introduces cycle enthusiasts, brands, retailers and manufacturers to the world’s first premium sustainable stretch yarn: ROICA™ Eco-Smart and the ROICA™ Feel Good family dedicated to well-being.
Laura Gambarini, marketing and communication manager at M.I.T.I. S.p.A.: M.I.T.I. Since 1931, M.I.T.I. develops and creates premium and innovative stretch warp knitted fabrics for all the high performance sports. Cycling brands recognize M.I.T.I. as the market leader for the outstanding features of their innovative fabrics. Green soul is their ultimate creation, the first fully sustainable stretch warp knitted range of fabrics in the world, created with ROICA™ Eco-Smart family for the new generation sustainable performance garments.
Sven Koehler, Head of production Maloja Clothing GmbH: Maloja, an outdoor specialty brand with its roots in nature and wellbeing have developed new amazing biking sets constructed of M.I.T.I. SpA fabrics using certified yarns belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.
Sergio Alibrandi, Executive Marketing Director Sitip S.p.A.: SITIP creates high-tech innovative sports fabrics that are made in Italy and optimize the latest technology. Committed to smart innovation, learn how they developed their ground-breaking multi-panel thermal bib tights able to generate heat for riders that want to conquer cold winter training. Made from BeHOT fabric constructed with ROICA™ StretchEnergy™, the next level of well-being providing a new dimension to active performance.  The audience will learn how leading international cycling brand Santini is using BeHOT with ROICA™ on select products to generate additional heat – up to 2 degrees C as the cyclist moves their body, thanks to ground-breaking heat generating technology as certified by CeRism, Outdoor Sport Research Centre at Verona University.
Spearheading the premium stretch market, ROICA™ partners’ materials elevate new standards for high-tech performance that can enhance cycling products to compete responsibly. ROICA™ partners excite you as they show a fantastic range of stretch essentials for cycling clothing, gear, and apparel that offer solid performance perks. Most importantly, visit ROICA™ partners at EUROBIKE to learn about their ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity.

More information:
EUROBIKE cycling industry ROICA™

GB Network


Jump into the future!

FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN stellt die Themen Schuhe, Sneaker, Leder und Lederproduktion in den Fokus

Nicht nur eine Fachkonferenz, sondern die wichtigste Anlaufstelle für zukunftsweisende Mode und nachhaltige Innovation: Unter dem Motto „Jump into the future“ widmet sich die zweite FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN Konferenz am Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018, ganz den Themen Schuhe, Sneaker, Leder und Lederproduktion. Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere der Konferenz im Januar zeigen Marken, Entwickler, Innovatoren, Produzenten, Forscher und Branchenexperten zur kommenden Fashion Week, wie ökologische Textiltechnologien das Schuh-, Sneaker- und Ledergeschäft verändern. Nachhaltige Materialien, intelligente Prozesse und angewandte industrielle Innovationen: Die Teilnehmer erwartet ein Tag voller Insights, den eine inspirierende Keynote von Bandana Tewari, Editor-at-Large für die Vogue India und Contributor bei The Business of Fashion, abrunden wird. Am zweiten Tag rückt die von der Premium Group organisierte Schwesterkonferenz #FASHIONTECHBERLIN den Fokus auf die digitale Transformation der Modeindustrie.

FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN stellt die Themen Schuhe, Sneaker, Leder und Lederproduktion in den Fokus

Nicht nur eine Fachkonferenz, sondern die wichtigste Anlaufstelle für zukunftsweisende Mode und nachhaltige Innovation: Unter dem Motto „Jump into the future“ widmet sich die zweite FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN Konferenz am Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018, ganz den Themen Schuhe, Sneaker, Leder und Lederproduktion. Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere der Konferenz im Januar zeigen Marken, Entwickler, Innovatoren, Produzenten, Forscher und Branchenexperten zur kommenden Fashion Week, wie ökologische Textiltechnologien das Schuh-, Sneaker- und Ledergeschäft verändern. Nachhaltige Materialien, intelligente Prozesse und angewandte industrielle Innovationen: Die Teilnehmer erwartet ein Tag voller Insights, den eine inspirierende Keynote von Bandana Tewari, Editor-at-Large für die Vogue India und Contributor bei The Business of Fashion, abrunden wird. Am zweiten Tag rückt die von der Premium Group organisierte Schwesterkonferenz #FASHIONTECHBERLIN den Fokus auf die digitale Transformation der Modeindustrie.

Schuhe sind zu einem festen Bestandteil vieler Modemarken geworden und repräsentieren einen wachsenden Sektor im globalen Mode- und Textilgeschäft. Dank ihrer komplexen Konstruktion und scheinbar unbegrenzten Kombinationsmöglichkeiten verschiedener Komponenten und Materialien, treiben viele Marken und Hersteller Innovationen in ihren Lieferketten auf die nächste Stufe. Besonders in Bezug auf disruptive Technologien und automatisierte Fertigung nimmt die Schuhindustrie eine Pionier-Rolle ein. Auf die früh lancierte Mass-Customization folgen nun die Einführung von lokalen und Losgröße 1-Produktionen. Zusammenfassend: Es gibt in diesem Sektor mehr als genug Inspiration, um dem Thema eine ganze Veranstaltung zu widmen.

Im Anschluss an die Begrüßung durch Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles und Textile Technologies der gastgebenden Messe Frankfurt, Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director Ethical Fashion Show Berlin/Greenshowroom und Leiter Marketing-Kommunikation der Textilmessen bei der Messe Frankfurt, sowie Michael Stracke, Chief Business Development Officer der FASHIONTECHBERLIN, und dem Moderator Ian Welsh (Innovation Forum) wird die Konferenz mit der Keynote „Passion is Key — fashion’s inner quest “ von Bandana Tewari (Vogue India & Business of Fashion) um 10:30 Uhr eröffnet. Die namhafte indische Redakteurin spricht darüber, wie dringend ein Wandel weg vom demonstrativen hin zu einer Ära des verantwortungsvollen Konsums notwendig ist.

Von Taschen aus recyceltem oder Rhababerleder über Schuhe aus kaputten Flüchtlingsboten bis hin zum Prototyping von 3D-gedruckten Sohlen – auf dem nachfolgenden ersten Pitch’n’Panel diskutieren ab 10:50 Uhr Anne-Christin Bansleben (Deepmello),  Desmond Ko (LiteHide), Olivier Grammont (Recyc Leather), Anna Hantelmann (FormLabs) und Vera Günther (Mimycri) über aktuelle Material- und Prozessinnovationen.

Ab 11:20 Uhr geben drei Supply Chain Case Studies Einblick in nachhaltige und innovative Sourcingoptionen. Unter dem Titel „Upcycling the ocean“ stellt Carolina Alvarez (Ecoalf) vor, wie das spanische Unternehmen aus Ozeanmüll hochwertiges Polyamidgarn gewinnt und unter anderem zu robusten Schuhen verarbeitet. Josefin Liljeqvist (Josefin Liljeqvist) zeigt in ihrem Vortrag „Leather transparency 'cow to shoe'“, wie sich eine transparente Leder-Wertschöpfungskette umsetzen lässt. Und Sebastian Kopp (Veja, Centre Commercial) spricht über „Scaling sustainability“ im Kontext der Lederindustrie und alternativer Materialien.

Schuhe aus Pilzen, zirkuläre Systeme, Cloud-basierte Plattformen für transparentere Lieferketten - die beiden anschließenden Pitch’n’Panels drehen sich ab 12:10 Uhr um die Themen „Footwear Innovation“ – mit Sebastian Kopp (Veja, Centre Commercial), Noel Klein-Reesink (Ekn Footwear), Sebastian Thies (Nat-2), Galahad Clark (Vivo Barefoot), Henning Siedentopp (Melawear) – und „Digital Innovation to increase supply chain transparency“ – mit Dennis Hoenig-Ohnsorg (Zalando SE), Ina Budde (Circular.Fashion), Laureen van Breen (WikiRate) und Christoph Wiesen (Sustainabill). Während der anschließenden Mittagspause können sich alle interessierten Fachbesucher in der Media Lounge der Konferenz für ein ‘Speed-Date’ mit den drei Start-Ups anmelden.

Danach diskutiert André Meyer (GLS Bank) unter dem Titel „Money is Key“ mit Henning Siedentopp (Melawear), William Allbright (MyMarini) und Michael Oehler (Trippen) über ein eindeutiges Schlüsselthema der Branche: die Schwierigkeit als ModeunternehmerIn mit hohem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Kredite zu bekommen. Anschließend folgen ab 14:15 Uhr zwei weitere Supply Chain Case Studies: Manfred Junkert (HDS/L, CADS) spricht über Branchenkooperationen und -standards; Pailak Mzikian (I:Collect) über den langen Weg hin zu einem skalierbaren „Industrial Footwear Recycling“ Prozess.

Spielen cross-industrielle Kollaborationen die Schlüsselrolle für Innovationsprünge? Und was für Übersetzungsleistungen müssen betrieben werden, um das Potenzial neuer Partnerschaftsmodelle auszuschöpfen? Diesen und weiteren Fragen gehen ab 14:40 Uhr unter dem Titel „Collaboration is Key“ Pailak Mzikian (I:Collect), Rüdiger Fox (Sympatex), Patrick Mainguené (Ector, Insoft SAS) und Dieuwertje Nelissen (Enviu) nach.

Um 15:00 Uhr folgt eine Video-Zusammenfassung des bereits am Vortag der Konferenz startenden interdisziplinären Design-Thinking-Workshops Thinkathon, der diese Saison mit drei Industrie-Challenges für sechs Experten-Teams aufwartet.

Die finale Paneldiskussion widmet sich der Frage „What’s next for international fashion business?“. Moderiert von Kristina Schulze (Step, Schuhkurier) diskutieren Dr. Jürgen Janssen (Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien), Heike Hess (Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft), Noel Klein-Reesink (Ekn Footwear), Sandra Capponi (Good on You) und Stephanie Klotz (C&A Foundation) über die unterschiedlichen Facetten von Nachhaltigkeit in der Schuh- und Lederbranche und geben darüber hinaus einen generellen Ausblick auf die Trends und Entwicklungen der kommenden Saison.

Abgerundet wird die Konferenz ab 15:35 Uhr mit „Networking & Bubbles“, das einen entspannten Rahmen für befruchtenden Austausch bietet. Im Anschluss an die FASHIONSUSTAIN Konferenz können Fußball-Fans ab 16 Uhr beim Treffpunkt 8ELFINALE by Textilwirtschaft und Sportswear International das Achtelfinale der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft verfolgen. Von 18 bis 21 Uhr lädt die Messe Frankfurt Fachbesucher zudem zur „Nightshift“ ein, einem Abend-Event zum lockeren Austausch mit den ausstellenden Labels der parallel stattfindenden Fachmessen Ethical Fashion Show Berlin und des Greenshowrooms. Die Modenschau „Greenshowroom Selected“ wird ab 19 Uhr live ins Kraftwerk übertragen und auf der Konferenzfläche zu sehen sein.


Messe Frankfurt


Filpucci @ PITTI Filati- The journey of responsible innovation continues

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

  • The GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and OCS (Organic Content Standard) certifications obtained by the Filpucci dyeing plant add to the Clear to Wear (CTW) standard developed by Inditex Group and achieved in 2014 and to the Detox commitment, which was signed in February, 2016.
  • Not only the best raw materials, but also an established knowhow in the fields of dyeing and finishing, always under the key concept of Responsible Innovation. This concept extends to each and every FILPUCCI collection and their ever-increasing offer, the roughly twenty innovative new items, the Woolen line of carded yarns and the real spearhead of premium fashion, the Collection. Among this season’s new offer: Baby Camel Re.Verso™, RWS- certified merino organic wool, Re.Verso™ cashmere, organic silks and FSC-certified viscose.
  • The achievement of further certifications such as the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) for viscose shows the care and respect towards the ecosystem as a whole, guaranteeing a product derived from a forest or a plantation forest in the respect of strict environmental, social and economic standards. The RWS (Responsible Wool Standard) finally guarantees the use of wool coming from livestock managed under rigorous criteria oriented towards the wellbeing of animals and the reduction of environmental impact.
  • Filpucci Group is all about a constant vocation towards new generation values and a reliable, traceable and transparent manufacturing process, as shown by the Re.Verso™ circular economy supply chain, of which the group is a unique ambassador in the field of high-end/low-impact knitwear yarns.

With absolute quality always in mind, FILPUCCI GROUP represents a corporate model that has made of sustainability a real mission, embarking on complex paths that have brought great results with fashionable textile solutions lead by ethnical and sustainable values. Thanks to this, Filpucci’s products have become part of Patagonia Collections, an important acknowledging from the brand’s part, whose managers stated: “We are always on the hunt for the highest performing, lowest impact materials. We were thrilled to find Re.Verso ™ (95/5 transformed) Cashmere yarn from Filpucci. It allowed us to create a range of products with the insulative and soft properties of cashmere while adhering to our mission statement; build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm.”
FILPUCCI GROUP’s commitment is evident and it moves forward thanks to the passion towards responsible and innovative paths that contribute to turning the group into a reliable partner, symbol of quality and excellence.

Filpucci is also a C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy) partner.


GB Network Marketing & Communication and Google Announce Strategic Partnership and Google Announce Strategic Partnership
18.06.2018 and Google Announce Strategic Partnership, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”

"We are excited to partner with and explore new solutions for retail ecosystems around the world to enable helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences that give consumers the power to shop wherever and however they want,” said Google Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler.

Under the agreements, Google will receive 27,106,948 newly issued Class A ordinary shares at an issue price of $20.29 per share, equivalent to $40.58 per ADS, based on the volume-weighted average trading price over the prior 10 trading days.

More information:
JD Google strategic partnership



Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR Product Selected for one of the Largest MBR Projects in China

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

These wastewater treatment plants will be built and operated by China Everbright Water Limited Co. Ltd, a company principally engaged in construction and operation of integrated environmental water services. The project is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2018.

“We have had good experience with Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR technology in the 55,000 m3/day Beijing Daxing Tiantanghe Waste Water Treatment Project,” said Mr. Wang Huailin, president of Jiangsu Kaimi Membrane Technology Co. Ltd, who will design, build and supply the membrane system for these plants. “Since the 2016 Beijing plant startup, the PURON® membranes have been used in an underground construction model to provide a pollution-free installation. We have been impressed with the low fouling and low operating costs from the PURON® product, due to its unique single header and central aeration design features and the process expertise Koch brings to the table.”

“Koch has developed advanced membrane solutions for the municipal and industrial market segments,” said Mr. Manny Singh, president of Koch Membrane Systems. “Unique features of our PURON® product help the market treat wastewater to meet strict discharge and reuse targets with a low cost of ownership. We are excited that Everbright Water Group recognized the benefits of our PURON® product in their existing plant and selected us for their flagship new projects.”


Koch Membrane Systems, Inc.


Schoeller: sustainability for textiles and technologies

For Schoeller Summer 2020 everything flows smoothly. The fabrics move with a fluid lightness in a closed ecological cycle. Upcycled products with ECONYL® yarn and the PFC-free ecorepel® Bio technology based on renewable raw materials are two ecological highlights of the 2020 Summer Collection, which is being developed and produced in the heart of the Swiss mountains. Color effects turn the functional textiles into exciting multicolors with contrasting reverses and fresh, modern plain colors that can easily be combined.

For Schoeller Summer 2020 everything flows smoothly. The fabrics move with a fluid lightness in a closed ecological cycle. Upcycled products with ECONYL® yarn and the PFC-free ecorepel® Bio technology based on renewable raw materials are two ecological highlights of the 2020 Summer Collection, which is being developed and produced in the heart of the Swiss mountains. Color effects turn the functional textiles into exciting multicolors with contrasting reverses and fresh, modern plain colors that can easily be combined.

The textiles manufactured by Schoeller using ECONYL® yarn made from regenerated material are genuine upcycled products. The ECONYL® Reclaiming Program of Aquafil S.P.A. reduces global waste by collecting recyclable materials from landfill sites and the world’s oceans and returning them into the production cycle. The resulting yarn is no different from conventional textiles in terms of quality and appearance. The Schoeller fabric family with ECONYL® yarn encompasses a complete package with diverse exciting qualities such as ultra-light, bi-elastic schoeller®-dynamic (e.g. for windbreaker blousons), very soft, fine schoeller®-dryskin (e.g. for high-tech shorts) and lightweight schoeller®-WB-400.

New, supersoft soft-shells with ECONYL® yarn are available with different backings and weights depending on the situation. The lightest schoeller®-WB-400 radiates a sense of summer in fresh tones such as melon, oxygen blue or khaki with a smooth jersey reverse in contrasting colors, also made from ECONYL® yarn. A slightly heavier quality surprises in classic black with an elegant, navy blue reverse, while the Bordeaux nuance of the soft-shell with its brushed reverse in stone grey feels warm, soft and cozy. The fluorocarbon-free ecorepel® bio-technology, based on renewable raw materials, offers sustainable water repellence.

The dominant features of summer 2020, alongside sustainable textiles and technologies made from natural materials, are inspired multicolors. The comfortable, multicolored schoeller®-WB-400 qualities produce completely new color effects and create a cheerful look – both for outdoor activities and in urban sportswear. The combination of melon, ocean green and stone grey with white changes the mood of the original colors and lends the textiles an unexpectedly chalky, summery look. Another striking feature is the lightweight, white jersey backing, which is only revealed at second glance.

The presentation of the authentic schoeller®-dynamic qualities is no less lively, ranging from mossy green tones and blue nuances through to the brown variations of tree bark. The multicolors combine perfectly with plain fabrics and are impressively functional thanks to the PFC-free ecorepel® bio-technology, which also provides reliable water repellence. The basic qualities of the lightweight schoeller®-dryskin trousers and jackets are given a touch of elegance in the form of a discreet sheen and fashionable colors. In soft blues and greens, these supple all-rounders are highly wear resistant and offer ideal moisture management through the microfibers on the inside. They also feature ecorepel® bio-technology for water repellence.

Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik (c) ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW
Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Hightech-Textilien zum Anfassen
Bereits der erste Blick in die Wartungshalle des Hangar 7 sorgte für großes Staunen: Die imposante Lufthansa Maschine des Typus A330, die fast täglich von Düsseldorf nach New York fliegt, steht dienstags zu Wartungsarbeiten im Hangar und bot die perfekte Kulisse, sich die Hightech-Textilien einmal aus der Nähe anzuschauen. Das war sowohl für die Veranstalter als auch die Pressevertreter eine ganz neue Erfahrung. „Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir mit dieser Veranstaltung die innovative Textilindustrie so informativ, praxisnah und erlebnisreich präsentieren konnten“, sagt Detlef Braun begeistert: „Veranstaltungen wie diese tragen dazu bei, den Hightech-Charakter der Branche nachhaltig zu verdeutlichen. Textil ist Zukunft! Dies wurde am Beispiel des Flugzeugs heute mehr als deutlich.“

Ruhig & Robust – Airline Teppichböden
Für das Unternehmen ANKER, traditionsreicher Webteppichboden-Spezialist mit Sitz im rheinischen Düren, referierte Alexander von Fuchs-Nordhoff, Sales Director, über den Einsatz der Teppichböden in Flugzeugen. Zum 50. Jubiläum in diesem Jahr der ANKER Teppiche in der Luftfahrt passte das Event ganz besonders, wurde der erste ANKER Airline Teppich 1968 in einer Lufthansa Maschine verlegt. Dabei gibt es die unterschiedlichsten Varianten der Material-Beschaffung und -Verarbeitung sowie Anbringung der Teppiche. Besonders innovativ: der leichteste Teppich in einem Flugzeug überhaupt, der mit 800 Gramm pro Quadratmeter um die Hälfte leichter ist als die herkömmlichen Varianten und damit deutliche Kerosin-Einsparungen ermöglicht. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit international renommierten Architekten und Innenarchitekten liegen ANKER Teppichböden weltweit sowohl in Flugzeugen als auch in unzähligen Bürogebäuden, Hotels und öffentlichen Gebäuden. Neben der Kreativität setzt ANKER branchenweit Maßstäbe für Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation.

Stabil & Energiesparend – Tragflächen & Strukturbauteile
Steven Bakker, Global Director Business Unit New Products & New Markets von SAERTEX, einem Familienunternehmen, das Weltmarktführer in der Herstellung von Carbongelegen ist, präsentierte deren unterschiedliche Einsatzbereiche im Flugzeug: in den Tragflächen, der Druckkalotte sowie Stringerelemente und Verkleidungsteile und erläuterte, welchen besonderen Gegebenheiten die Materialien standhalten müssen. Insbesondere die Luftfahrt setzt auf solche Composites, die durch Verstärkungsmaterialien aus Glas-, Carbon- und Aramid-Fasern an Leichtigkeit, Stabilität und Korrosionsbeständigkeit gewinnen. Als Weltneuheit konnte Saertex im März dieses Jahres auf der JEC WORLD 2018 in Paris, der Fachmesse für Verbundwerkstoffe, ein Verfahren vorstellen, das Carbon Gelege automatisch, kontinuierlich und ohne Zerstörung auf Schäden, Lücken und Krümmungen prüft. Airbus setzt dieses Verfahren zur Materialprüfung bereits in Serie ein.

Einblicke in die Praxis vermittelte die Lufthansa Technik
Im Hangar Nr. 7 der Lufthansa Technik erfuhren die Presseteilnehmer viele Details von Wartungsleiter, Sascha Bongartz. Die Lufthansa Technik Gruppe ist ein Geschäftsfeld der Deutschen Lufthansa AG rund um die Themen Wartung und Überholung von Flugzeugen, Geräteversorgung, Triebwerke, Fahrwerke und VIP-Services. Mit 50 Standorten auf der ganzen Welt und 26.700 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern – davon rund 11.000 in Deutschland – ist die Lufthansa Weltmarktführer im Bereich luftfahrttechnischer Dienstleistungen.


ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW


Lectra unlocks the real value of automotive manufacturing data

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Several guest speakers provided insight into the ways industry megatrends are impacting the automotive cockpit of the future. As motorized vehicles become increasingly autonomous, connected and electrified, cementing their place in the shared mobility landscape, suppliers must now devise new strategies to achieve profitable growth. Traditional business models are losing ground to cross-functional collaboration partnerships, making it even more challenging to compete in the fast-moving connected, shared economy.
“It is disruptive for the entire automotive supply chain,” remarks Nathalie Saint Martin, Vice President, Group Purchasing, Faurecia. “We are all learning to evolve together and enhance the added value to our end-customers. The level of collaboration we are now seeing among suppliers is unprecedented.”

Other keynote speeches included market research consultancy Frost & Sullivan’s analysis of automotive trends in the data-driven economy, Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) specialist Bureau Veritas’ vision of data protection for automotive and a presentation of industry insights firm WardsAuto’s selection of top 10 best vehicle interiors of 2018.
The event enables a diverse array of supply chain players in automotive interiors to gather with their peers. "Events like this one are a great opportunity to talk face-to-face with other suppliers about industry-wide challenges,” notes Claus Lattner, Director Engineering, Process Management, CoC Cut Sew Wrap Global, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors. “It is not often we find ourselves in the same room to talk about consumer perception and the sustainability of leather, for instance."

“The event provided a great opportunity to interact with suppliers who have a direct impact on innovation in interior design and manufacturing,” said John Sousanis, Managing Director of Wards Intelligence.
For Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra, bringing together the automotive leather community is especially important as it rises to new business challenges stemming from continually changing consumer habits and the digitalization of manufacturing processes. “Connectivity and occupant comfort are increasing the amount of high-tech content in automotive interiors, but the up-market appeal of leather makes it a constant,” states Javier Garcia. “By fostering exchange, Lectra is doing its part to help the automotive leather ecosystem evolve to meet new consumer expectations.”

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology (c) Lectra

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital”

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

While the topic of digitalization served as a backdrop for the event, there was a recurring theme at the forefront: fashion companies need Industry 4.0 technology and support in order to be more precise in meeting the evolving needs of their digitally savvy consumers.
Nick Chiarelli, Client Partner of Foresight Factory, shed light on new business opportunities for fashion, Nora Kühner, founder of Nora Kühner Fashion Design Consulting, used her designer perspective to decode the digital future of product development, and Fabrizio Fantini, founder of Evo Pricing, showed participants how machine learning could help fashion companies predict consumer demand and avoid waste.

“While speaking about the future challenges and trends in fashion and luxury, the trend now is to use analytics to drive the entire production process,” highlighted Stephen Taylor, Principal Director of Kurt Salmon.

Waruna Tennakoon, General Manager of Group Cutting, Brandix, and Ajith Perera General Manager of Mathliya Plant, MAS Kreeda, also shared their Lectra customer experience. Based in Sri Lanka, both companies have established themselves as the country’s largest apparel exporters, with Brandix specializing in producing intimate and activewear, and MAS Kreeda in sportswear.

“Thanks to the digital revolution, consumers are now more specific in their demands. This will cause a shift in mass manufacturing where there will be smaller-volume orders coming in at a faster rate. As a result, manufacturing models have to be more agile in the immediate future,” explained Ajith Perera, “I am happy to see that Lectra is already spearheading this change by providing us with the necessary technology to help us meet market demand.”

There was no better time to put digitalization into context than during “Fashion Goes Digital”.
VIP guests got a sneak preview of the brand new, fully automated cutting room solution for fashion and apparel. Lectra’s Cutting Room 4.0 is an embodiment of Lectra’s commitment to empowering its customers with the best solutions to thrive in this new digital era. This avant-garde technology leverages industry 4.0 principles to provide greater agility, throughput, cost efficiency and in particular scalability in order to respond seamlessly to small batches orders and shorter lead times.

Jean-Yves Collet, CEO of Treize Roches Couture, a high-end French womenswear manufacturer, provided a testimonial on why his company chose to be one of the first to adopt this new solution. He explained how Lectra’s latest technology would help Treize Roches speed up their artisanal production process to bring products faster to market.

“When we discussed the possibility of a made-to-order production project, we could really foresee the benefits both in terms of quality and productivity. Industry 4.0 solutions do not yet exist in garment manufacturing. This is why we have decided to develop an Industry 4.0 cutting room. This will allow us, in the preparatory stages to automate the processes as much as possible and improve quality, productivity and training time.”

“We have unveiled our strategy last year where we have identified Industry 4.0 and digitalization as our key drivers. Our goal for this event is to show that we are, indeed, living and breathing Industry 4.0 and we do have what it takes to help our customers succeed in this era. Our latest cutting room 4.0 shows that we are not just talking about the future of fashion anymore, we are living in it right now as we speak,” concluded Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.

More information:
Industry 4.0 Lectra



Wearing A Uniform of Progress

At Kingpins Amsterdam, RUDOLF GROUP launches a selection of chemical auxiliaries for fashion and function as well their new HUB 1922.
The RUDOLF GROUP, not completely new to garment and denim finishing, decides to take the first steps of what will be a long and exciting journey in the field. In order to shorten the distance with both manufacturers and apparel brands and retailers it deploys two synergic initiatives:

At Kingpins Amsterdam, RUDOLF GROUP launches a selection of chemical auxiliaries for fashion and function as well their new HUB 1922.
The RUDOLF GROUP, not completely new to garment and denim finishing, decides to take the first steps of what will be a long and exciting journey in the field. In order to shorten the distance with both manufacturers and apparel brands and retailers it deploys two synergic initiatives:

  • A refined selection of chemicals auxiliaries targeting garment finishing and delivering, in addition to current aesthetics, sophisticated functionalities that take denim to the next level in terms of both performance and enhanced quality.
  • The launch of a new project that, combining German engineering and Italian style, provides solutions at the crossroad of fashion and utilitarian functionality. The project, called HUB 1922, introduces elements of unorthodox diversity and fosters collaborative environments that can be truly disruptive.

The word HUB is evocative of the main part of something where there is most activity, whereas the number, 1922, is the year of foundation of the RUDOLF GROUP and therefore symbol of heritage, tradition and significant experience. Ultimately, HUB 1922 wants to be the unmatched one-stop shopping for fashion and function, innovation and creativity in garment processing. A hub that enables continuous, synergetic, and powerful collaboration with brands and retailers to deliver disruptive innovations in the global markets.

It introduces functional chemistry in an universe that is almost entirely driven by aesthetics and the extension to other materials and product categories (such as outdoor apparel and performance wear), of knowledge and techniques developed for denim over the past 50 years. Very aware of its status of rookie and yet very determined, the project HUB 1922 begins exploring through concepts and values rooted in deep scientific knowledge, true responsibility, technical innovation and fresh creativity.
At Kingpins Amsterdam, HUB 1922 will present 3 concepts rooted in RUDOLF’s sophisticated and conscious chemistry:

  • ODYSSEY: a voyage through textures and innovation, softness, comfort and signature handfeels.
  • SHELTER: performance inspired by natural models for urban protection and for much reduced domestic washing.
  • MEMOFLEX: A modern-day miracle preventing denim from sagging and bagging. A truly denim Botox that shows improved quality on many stretch fabrics.

Since when it was founded, almost 100 years ago, RUDOLF GROUP’s secret of success is being big enough to matter, small enough to care. Captured in this definition are an obvious desire to play a meaningful role in the textile industry and an equally palpable vocation to customer service.

Alberto de Conti, Head of Rudolf Fashion Division: “Every generation has their time to make a mark on the world. Considering the environmental emergencies in garment production and the lack of real innovation on the retail shelves, for the current generation of companies active in garment finishing that time is now.”

RUDOLF GROUP acknowledges therefore that there is an additional opportunity to responsibly further redefine the future and turns their sizeable R&D power towards refining their approach to what is fashion quintessential staple: garment and denim finishing. Through a renewed, highly responsible involvement in garment finishing and with the introduction of HUB 1922, the RUDOLF GROUP wants to send out a message of true optimism. It is about showing the entire industry that there is a blank canvas ahead and tangible difference can be made.

Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Customers Credited for Environmental Friendliness

Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Customers Credited for Environmental Friendliness

  • Clean Green Certified Companies Commemorate Earth Day 2018

U.S. Clean Green certified laundries are marking Earth Day 2018 (April 22) by commending the 250,000+ businesses across the nation that use such certified operations for linen, uniform and facility services.

Selecting a Clean Green certified company reflects concern for maximizing sustainability in a business supply chain. Private- and public-sector organizations who choose such a provider are learning that how their reusable textiles are supplied, laundered and maintained is a factor in their environmental impact.
Clean Green operations use a third party (TRSA) to verify their conservation practices and quantify their compliance with water and energy use thresholds.

  • Clean Green Certified Companies Commemorate Earth Day 2018

U.S. Clean Green certified laundries are marking Earth Day 2018 (April 22) by commending the 250,000+ businesses across the nation that use such certified operations for linen, uniform and facility services.

Selecting a Clean Green certified company reflects concern for maximizing sustainability in a business supply chain. Private- and public-sector organizations who choose such a provider are learning that how their reusable textiles are supplied, laundered and maintained is a factor in their environmental impact.
Clean Green operations use a third party (TRSA) to verify their conservation practices and quantify their compliance with water and energy use thresholds.

Laundered, reusable linens, uniforms, towels, mats and other products provided by the linen, uniform and facility services industry to enhance businesses’ image and provide clean, safe environments for their employees and patrons. Most Americans benefit from the industry at least once per week, either at work or by patronizing restaurants, healthcare facilities, hotels and other retail and service establishments.

Nearly 50 of the industry’s companies are Clean Green certified, serving business customers from more than 150 locations combined nationwide. These launderers work with customers to connect the certification to their efforts to minimize their carbon footprint. Certified operators report to TRSA that customers and prospects ask them about green laundry initiatives. These include environmentally friendly wash chemistry, water reuse and recycling, recapturing heat from hot water headed down the drain and operating efficient delivery routes.

“They are far more likely to inquire about the sum of environmentally friendly practices as opposed to the parts,” observes TRSA President and CEO Joseph Ricci of the industry’s customers. Many document their justification of purchase decisions, though, such as government agencies that profile the winners of contract bids. “Clean Green companies bidding for their work mention the certification in their sales promotion and these profiles reflect it.”

Linen and uniform services conserve water and energy best by using high-capacity, high-efficiency equipment, he pointed out, controlling expenses and thereby aiding efforts to keep service pricing under control. “It is the perfect sustainable business model. Business interests and environmental concerns align. Improving efficiencies reduces costs and reduces the impact on the environment,” Ricci says.

Based on the U.S. Census of the industry’s sales and a TRSA survey of member financial data, the association estimates that nearly 3 million businesses use the industry’s services. Clean Green companies are challenged to capture more of these industry customers. Their collective Earth Day 2018 campaign gives them an opportunity to highlight the extent to which their individual efficiencies have contributed to a nationwide movement. Publicizing their own gains around Earth Day can better qualify and quantify their environmental virtues to encourage detailed comparison with competitors’ efficiencies, Ricci noted.


Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition (c) Oerlikon
Georg Stausberg, CEO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment, Rolf Gänz, Managing Director of AC-Automation, and Ralf Schilken, CFO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment (from left, first row).

Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

The 60 employees at AC-Automation’s Bernkastel-Kues and Augsburg locations will become part of Oerlikon’s Manmade Fibers Segment, which includes the leading brands Oerlikon Barmag and Oerlikon Neumag. The move will expand the Segment’s business model, adding another key core component to its current offering of production plants and technology solutions from melt to yarn, fibers, andnonwovens. Ultimately, Oerlikon will be able to offer customers a total solution from a single source, including automation logistics for packaging, high-bay storage, and other areas, which complement its current market-leading spinning and process technologies for the textile industry.

"We see our expanded overall offering as an Industry solution, reflecting the future of an even more efficient, digitized and profitable chemical fiber industry, especially for large-scale plants with daily production capacity of several hundred tons of polyester, nylon, polypropylene, or other manmade fibers,” explains Georg Stausberg, CEO of the Manmade Fibers Segment. Manmade fiber producers from China — the world’s most important market, generating more than 70 % of worldwide manmade fiber production — as well as companies from other fast-growing markets such as India, Turkey and the USA are also relying on automated and networked Industry total solutions.

"The acquisition and integration of AC-Automation’s automation solutions will provide new opportunities for our manmade fiber business. It enables the Segment to increasingly position itself as an Industry solution provider in combination with our own digitization solutions,” says Oerlikon Group CEO Dr. Roland Fischer. “As a leading provider of advanced materials, surface solutions and materials processing including the engineering and production of polymer plants, this acquisition marks another milestone in Oerlikon’s strategy to strengthen its businesses and thus sustain profitable growth.”

"After such a long partnership, we are excited to be able to benefit even more in the future as part of a global player in the textile industry. Our market access will further improve with the help of the Oerlikon
Group's sales and service network. For my employees, I am very pleased to be able to bring them into an international Group, in which there would be new opportunities and perspectives for them personally,”
said Rolf Gänz, AC-Automation’s Managing Director.

More information:
Oerlikon Automation

Oerlikon - Corporate Communications
and Public Affairs (Segment Manmade Fibers)

Lectra white paper: Digitalization Of The Automotive Cutting Value Chain (c) Lectra

Lectra white paper: Digitalization Of The Automotive Cutting Value Chain

The automotive market is undergoing a period of great change. Global demand for light vehicles is increasing, but at slower rates than seen in previous years, and this is resulting in ever greater competition between carmakers. At the same time, the technological capabilities that can be offered are advancing rapidly. Areas such as autonomous driving, connectivity, interior comfort and the customization of vehicles in line with personal taste are becoming key ways that manufacturers can differentiate themselves and win market share. Indeed, automotive supplier Lear, recently unveiled a new biometric ‘smart’ seat, that tracks a driver’s health indicators.

The automotive market is undergoing a period of great change. Global demand for light vehicles is increasing, but at slower rates than seen in previous years, and this is resulting in ever greater competition between carmakers. At the same time, the technological capabilities that can be offered are advancing rapidly. Areas such as autonomous driving, connectivity, interior comfort and the customization of vehicles in line with personal taste are becoming key ways that manufacturers can differentiate themselves and win market share. Indeed, automotive supplier Lear, recently unveiled a new biometric ‘smart’ seat, that tracks a driver’s health indicators.

These trends are having a knock-on effect for suppliers. For original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), being able to satisfy diverse consumer preferences is now considered more of a success factor than getting a vehicle to production faster than the competition. Across the automotive supply chain — and especially for those involved in the production of car seats and interiors — a growing emphasis on interior styling and luxury components has created new challenges that are further compounded by increasing cost pressures.

Although news coverage about the automotive industry tends to focus on such innovations as ‘driverless’ cars and ‘intelligent’ vehicles, one of the most farreaching changes occurring is this trend towards personalization: how automotive manufacturers are managing to make mass-produced items unique. Not only are manufacturers increasing the number of models they are offering but also the options available to a consumer per model. The Vauxhall Adam is a case in point: consumers can have more than 1 million different combinations when they order the car.

To cope with these challenges, suppliers will need to re-evaluate and improve their production processes. Within this context, the integration of smart solutions and services, and the replacement of production tools that are incompatible with connected factory concepts, will be vital. The combination of Software as a Service (SaaS) with the cloud is already opening up new horizons for innovation. Factories remain at the heart of the value chain. But Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing mass production, allowing more and more large-scale, personalized — and profitable — manufacturing, with greater quality and no added costs or delays.

As customer expectations reach new levels, it is especially important that suppliers in the automotive cutting value chain ramp up their transformation, adopting the technologies and services shaping Industry 4.0. For years, OEMs and suppliers alike have used foam and frames to develop patterns for producing seat covers in material or leather. The automotive industry was among the first to use sophisticated 3D computer-aided design (CAD) programs for the design and development of vehicles. But it has taken time for this technology to be used extensively for seat covers. Although 80% of fabric seating and interiors are currently cut digitally, only 10% of leather seats are cut using this method. The majority of suppliers of automotive leather seating still rely heavily on manual cutting equipment, such as die and roller presses.

To gain the agility and flexibility to remain relevant and competitive in a market that is dictating more change, variants, and faster reaction times, close cooperation between OEMs and suppliers is necessary. For if even one aspect of the process fails to provide sufficient flexibility, speed to market and consistent quality, then the entire chain will be impacted.

In such a complicated and fast-moving market, only the most adaptable and innovative companies will succeed. The solutions that form part of the Industry 4.0 framework will help give suppliers the capacity to adapt and thrive in this new environment. For more Information please find the complete White Paper attached.



34th International Cotton Conference Bremen (c) BREMER BAUMWOLLBÖRSE
Opening of the Cotton Conference 2018

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

Sustainability and Cotton
This year, the conference developed into a whole week of diverse events around the entire cotton supply chain. With the “SUSTAIN” event, which was organised in cooperation with the Weser-Kurier newspaper, it was possible to build a bridge between the issue of sustainability and the end consumer.
With the focus on Africa, the emerging continent, which also has a special significance for cotton, became the centre of attention.

In his opening speech, Henning Hammer, President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, made it clear that sustainability is also of great importance during the Cotton Conference: "The three pillars of sustainability – the environment, the economy and social issues – were already playing a role in the cotton industry when the word sustainability was far from being on everyone's lips.
Many changes that are being demanded in the sense of responsible agriculture and responsible trade take their time, many are already in the starting blocks and a lot already exists. We have a very alert, active agricultural research worldwide."

The Keynotes
The keynote session, moderated by the journalist Lisa Boekhoff from the newspaper Weser-Kurier, gave participants an overview, with an informative analysis of the current cotton situation. Kai Hughes, executive director of ICAC, emphasised in his keynote address the need to provide credible facts and figures which should be the basis for the entire supply chain. The marketing of cotton and changing consumer habits in a globalised and digitalised world were the subject of lectures by Mark Messura, Cotton Incorporated and Robert Antoshak, Olah Inc. Eugen Weinberg and Michael Alt from Commerzbank took a look at the raw material from a stock market perspective.

Traceability and Digitalisation
Digitalisation is also a cross-cutting issue that runs through the entire supply chain of the cotton industry. In his opening speech, Prof. Axel S. Hermann, Head of the Fibre Institute Bremen, emphasised the importance of digitalisation for the industry. “It enables new approaches in cotton cultivation and textile processing, but also influences consumer behaviour and thus the necessary changes in the textile industry.” The focus is on the status quo of the implementation, as well as the opportunities and risks of digitally controlled, vertically integrated procurement and sales processes and the associated challenges at retail level.

Another current topic is traceability, which is also closely linked to sustainability. More and more buyers want to know whether their suppliers are meeting the promised sustainability criteria for their products, also textile products. Consequently, the conference presented various techniques for testing the authenticity of a cotton provided in the finished textile, such as DNA testing, fingerprint analysis technique, marker methods and block-chain processes.

Cotton Quality
In addition to current subjects such as digitalisation and traceability, questions of cotton quality have traditionally been an essential element of the Cotton Conference, which was further reinforced this year with the "Spinners Seminar". The spinning mill seminar, which was carried out by the Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute in cooperation with the ITMF and IVGT associations, far exceeded expectations.

More than 70 participants discussed the handling of impurities in supplied cotton in the manufacturing process.
In addition, in a high-level expert session, there was an exchange of the latest research results which determine the future of cotton production and the processing of cotton into innovative products.




Montalvo Launches New Line of Axial Activated Core Chucks

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its newest product offering, Axial Activated Core Chucks. As part of their “Defender Series Core Chucks,” the Montalvo Axial Activated Core Chuck is designed for shaft-less unwinding and rewinding applications requiring maximum roll/core gripping and/or utilizing floor pick up.
The Defender Axial Activated (DAA) Core Chucks, sometimes referred to as lug chucks, are cost effective, rugged, and durable core chucks capable of withstanding even the dustiest environments while being simple to utilize.
An exclusive “safe lock” model expands the capabilities of the AA core chucks even further by resolving any potential risk of the core not fully tightening and ensuring the roll is always perfectly concentric. Cores are engaged as a result of radial lug expansion as the core is loaded into the chuck, ensuring maximum grip so you can Achieve More.

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its newest product offering, Axial Activated Core Chucks. As part of their “Defender Series Core Chucks,” the Montalvo Axial Activated Core Chuck is designed for shaft-less unwinding and rewinding applications requiring maximum roll/core gripping and/or utilizing floor pick up.
The Defender Axial Activated (DAA) Core Chucks, sometimes referred to as lug chucks, are cost effective, rugged, and durable core chucks capable of withstanding even the dustiest environments while being simple to utilize.
An exclusive “safe lock” model expands the capabilities of the AA core chucks even further by resolving any potential risk of the core not fully tightening and ensuring the roll is always perfectly concentric. Cores are engaged as a result of radial lug expansion as the core is loaded into the chuck, ensuring maximum grip so you can Achieve More.

Montalvo’s Director of Sales and Marketing, Bryon Williams says, “Our new axial activated chucks and total Defender series of core chucks gives our customers a superior product offering in performance, quality, cost, safety, and service life. Axial activated chucks are a cost-effective way to “defend” against core damage, extending their service life while maintaining the highest levels of safety. The drop-in replacement design ensures no additional installation requirements for customers looking to upgrade their current core chucks.”

Additional DAA Core Chuck features include:
•    Rapid Expansion Jaws - ensure secure roll control immediately upon engagement
•    Dual Core Models - for processes utilizing multiple core sizes - one chuck, two core sizes
•    E-Flange™ Option - eliminates operator interaction in removing cores while making core ejection fast and easy; reducing risk of jammed cores
•    Photocell Ready™ Option - allows use of photocell or other sensors
•    Customer Specified Mounting Holes - ready for immediate installation upon delivery
•    Several Finishes Available - Black Oxide standard, Nickel Plating optional
•    Drop-In Replacement Design - for easy upgrading of existing installations

About Montalvo
Since 1947 the Montalvo Corporation has specialized in manufacturing, integrating, retrofitting and servicing a wide range of tension control products for a variety of industries including, converting, paper, film, foil, nonwovens, plastic, corrugated, packaging, medical, composite and more. Montalvo’s products include load cells, tension controllers, tension indicators, amplifiers, tension control brakes and clutches, sensors, safety chucks, and core chucks. Montalvo has four worldwide offices in the USA, Denmark, Germany & China.

More information:

The Montalvo Corporation

Lectra ESCP Europe (c) Lectra

Technology propelled by Industry 4.0 brings new opportunities for the fashion industry

  • Lectra – ESCP Europe ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair round-table event hears panelists emphasize the need for fashion companies to embrace Industry 4.0.

Paris, February 27, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair explored the impact of Industry 4.0 on fashion’s value chain during a recent insightful round table discussion at ESCP Europe’s London campus.
For the participants Robert Diamond, Founder and CEO, Fernbrook Partners; Dan Hartley, Global Head of Digital Commerce, AllSaints; Laëtitia Hugé, Vice-President, Product Marketing, Lectra; Pierre Mercier, Senior Partner and Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group; and Evelthon Vassilou, CEO, Alison Hayes, there was consensus. Industry 4.0 represents unparalleled opportunities to take the fashion industry forward.

  • Lectra – ESCP Europe ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair round-table event hears panelists emphasize the need for fashion companies to embrace Industry 4.0.

Paris, February 27, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair explored the impact of Industry 4.0 on fashion’s value chain during a recent insightful round table discussion at ESCP Europe’s London campus.
For the participants Robert Diamond, Founder and CEO, Fernbrook Partners; Dan Hartley, Global Head of Digital Commerce, AllSaints; Laëtitia Hugé, Vice-President, Product Marketing, Lectra; Pierre Mercier, Senior Partner and Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group; and Evelthon Vassilou, CEO, Alison Hayes, there was consensus. Industry 4.0 represents unparalleled opportunities to take the fashion industry forward.

From brand to manufacturer, panelists from across the value chain emphasized the necessity for the industry to embrace the alliance between man and machines to leverage massive benefits, from quicker decision-making to cost-reduction.
Exploring the advantages of Industry 4.0 technology, Evelthon Vassilou commented: “Interpreting the data of what is, and isn’t, selling should help to speed up decisions. You can react very quickly across the entire supply chain, and either stop producing something unsuccessful or ramp up production if successful. Data and data analytics is not sufficient, to succeed this also requires a high degree of trust and integration between retailers and suppliers.”

“It’s about using technology to deliver continuous improvement in everyday business,” said Robert Diamond. “People are not good at making a large volume of repeatable decisions with many different data inputs”. Identifying where machines, and where people, bring value is an important part of embracing Industry 4.0. “If the business decision, or the outcome of the resolution tomorrow, is pretty much the same as what happened yesterday, then there is a chance for machine learning to help improve the situation.”
For Pierre Mercier, technology propelled by Industry 4.0 is disrupting former sources of competitive advantage, “forcing companies to rethink how they want to compete in their respective industries, and how to use data to compete differently. The common denominator in the fashion ecosystem is that everyone is facing the opportunity for a step change and need to figure out where to double down and accelerate their transformation.”

“Agility and flexibility are increasingly important for fashion players. Cutting-edge technology is supporting the fashion industry as it steps into the 4.0 era, ensuring businesses have the right solutions in their own ecosystems, to effectively harness the right data to make the right decisions,” stated Laëtitia Hugé.

At UK fashion brand AllSaints, valuable data harnessed from the net promoter score is paramount for their business. “We take customer feedback very seriously and we use it as a framework for our internal roadmap - from a tech and development point of view, through to design and fit, the customer is at the heart of everything we do,” stated Dan Hartley. In addition, he underlined that using technology across communications “will be huge going forward for AllSaints. From supply chain to store teams, we aim to use a cloud-based system that works within our own eco-system, complementing our agile model.”
The round table was moderated by the co-director of Lectra-ESCP Europe ‘Fashion and Technology’ Chair Valérie Moatti.

More information:
Lectra-ESCP Europe Industry 4.0

Lectra, Nathalie Fournier-Christol


IMPRIMA strengthens its Operations in the USA, acquiring City Prints and Premier Fabrics

The acquisition is the fifth strategic deal finalized by Imprima Spa , holding controlled by the Italian private equity fund Wisequity IV.

IMPRIMA S.p.A., the holding company of the multinational group dedicated to textile printing and finishing, announces the acquisition of City Prints and the twin company Premier Fabrics, both American companies specialised in printed textiles. 

Imprima, controlled by Wise SGR through the Italian private equity fund Wisequity, now strengthens its strategic positioning, consolidating its global presence as a leading player in the field of printing and textile finishing for international retailers and fashion brands.

The acquisition is the fifth strategic deal finalized by Imprima Spa , holding controlled by the Italian private equity fund Wisequity IV.

IMPRIMA S.p.A., the holding company of the multinational group dedicated to textile printing and finishing, announces the acquisition of City Prints and the twin company Premier Fabrics, both American companies specialised in printed textiles. 

Imprima, controlled by Wise SGR through the Italian private equity fund Wisequity, now strengthens its strategic positioning, consolidating its global presence as a leading player in the field of printing and textile finishing for international retailers and fashion brands.

City Prints and Premier Fabrics, founded in 1997 and headquartered in New York and Los Angeles, are specialized in textile printing for the programmed collection market. The companies supply printed fabrics, based on proprietary design, to major American retailers such as Walmart, Target and Macy's, to  fashion brands such as Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, and to online retailers such as Amazon. The companies serve retailers and brands through leading private label intermediaries, currently sourcing prints and garments mainly from China.  

As in the case of the previous acquisitions, the brothers Jason and Ryan Borg, co-founders of City Prints and Premier Fabrics, will maintain a leadership role in the management of the companies and become shareholders of IMPRIMA. 

 "Our entry into the IMPRIMA group is an excellent opportunity to consolidate and increase our commercial positioning in the market, through the introduction of IMPRIMA Group’s brands in the US market and the opening of a digital production facility within the US territory, relying on the technology know-how in digital printing and the financial support that IMPRIMA provides", said Jason and Ryan Borg co-owners of City Prints and Premier Fabrics, which currently show a consolidated turnover of over 23 million dollars.

“With this acquisition, IMPRIMA deals with the US market with the goal of becoming the first textile converter with full digital printing capability in this local market.  The current deep crisis of American apparel retailers is pushing the industry to reshape its current supply chain strategy, mainly based on sourcing from Far East, towards a European-like fast fashion model. IMPRIMA, through City Prints and Premier Fabrics, will allow local retailers to leverage the "Made in USA" banner to deliver a great creative experience through a local, reliable partner.", said President Valentina Franceschini, and Executive V.P. Gianluca Boni.

This acquisition of the US companies follows the recent acquisition of the Italian print converters SET, Guarisco and B-Blossom and of the German print converter KBC.  

More information:

GB Network

Das Hautmodell simuliert das Schwitzen der menschlichen Haut und den Transport durch textile Flächen und Polsterschäume. © Hohenstein Group

Hohenstein: Welchen Einfluss haben innovative Bettdecken auf den Schlaf?

Es heißt: Wer schläft, sündigt nicht. Aber wer fragt: Wie muss eine Bettdecke gestaltet sein, damit der Schlaf sündhaft gut ist? In einem neuen Forschungsprojekt geht die Hohenstein Group diesem Ansatz wissenschaftlich nach. Mit ersten Ergebnissen des Projektes ist im Frühjahr 2019 zu rechnen.

Rund ein Drittel seines Lebens verbringt der Mensch im Bett. Der Schlaf dient der Regeneration und dem Erhalt unserer Leistungsfähigkeit. Während des Schlafes kommt der Körper mit verschiedenen textile Materialien wie Matratze, Bettdecke, Bett- und Schlafwäsche in Kontakt. Physiologisch betrachtet nimmt die Bettdecke den größten Einfluss auf den Wärme- und Feuchtigkeitsausgleich während des Schlafens. Schließlich soll sie die notwendige Wärmeisolation bieten, damit während des Schlafens keine Auskühlung des Körpers erfolgt. Andererseits soll die Bettdecke, die vom Mensch produzierte Feuchtigkeit ableiten, um ein trockenes Bettklima zu gewährleisten.

Es heißt: Wer schläft, sündigt nicht. Aber wer fragt: Wie muss eine Bettdecke gestaltet sein, damit der Schlaf sündhaft gut ist? In einem neuen Forschungsprojekt geht die Hohenstein Group diesem Ansatz wissenschaftlich nach. Mit ersten Ergebnissen des Projektes ist im Frühjahr 2019 zu rechnen.

Rund ein Drittel seines Lebens verbringt der Mensch im Bett. Der Schlaf dient der Regeneration und dem Erhalt unserer Leistungsfähigkeit. Während des Schlafes kommt der Körper mit verschiedenen textile Materialien wie Matratze, Bettdecke, Bett- und Schlafwäsche in Kontakt. Physiologisch betrachtet nimmt die Bettdecke den größten Einfluss auf den Wärme- und Feuchtigkeitsausgleich während des Schlafens. Schließlich soll sie die notwendige Wärmeisolation bieten, damit während des Schlafens keine Auskühlung des Körpers erfolgt. Andererseits soll die Bettdecke, die vom Mensch produzierte Feuchtigkeit ableiten, um ein trockenes Bettklima zu gewährleisten.

Um den thermophysiologischen Komfort von Bettdecken zu bestimmen, greift man bislang auf ein Messsystem zurück, das auf den Ergebnissen von Schlafversuchen basiert. Das Wärme- und Feuchtemanagement wird mit Hilfe des Hautmodells sowie der thermischen Gliederpuppe „Charlie“ gemessen. Dabei werden Wärme– und Feuchtetransporteigenschaften der Bettdecken getrennt untersucht. Mit dem thermischen und schwitzenden Manikin „Sherlock“ erhofft man sich zukünftig beide Messungen in einer Methode zu vereinen.

Sherlock ist der optimalen Bettdecke auf der Spur

Mit „Sherlock“ sollen vor allem innovative Füllmaterialien für Bettdecken untersucht werden. Dabei handelt es sich um neue Materialien, und Konstruktionen u. a. Bettdecken aus 3D-Maschenwaren oder mit Füllungen aus mikrofeine Faserstrukturen, etc. Diese neu entwickelten Bettdecken lassen sich mit den bisherigen Bewertungssystemen nicht ausreichend charakterisieren. Gerade die Betthöhle dieser Bettdecken kann sehr unterschiedlich gestaltet sein.

Mit Hilfe der 3D-Scanner Technologie soll jetzt der Einfluss der Drapierbarkeit der Bettdecke auf die Betthöhle und die Wärmeisolation sowie das Wärme- und Feuchtemanagement von Bettdecken systematisch untersucht werden. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Abhängigkeit der Drapierbarkeit der Decke von den Parametern Füllmaterialien, Füllmenge, Konfektionierung und Inlett.

Ziel des Projektes ist es, eine Datenbasis zu erstellen, die es Herstellern von Bettdecken ermöglichen soll, bekleidungsphysiologisch hochwertige Bettdecken unter Berücksichtigung verschiedenster Füllmaterialien produzieren zu können. Hersteller von Füllungen (Hersteller von Vliesen, Gewirken, Faserkügelchen etc.) können aufgrund der erhofften Daten optimale Füllmaterialien (bzgl. Material und Füllmenge) zur Verfügung stellen. Erwarteter Vorteil der Forschungsergebnisse wird sein, dass Materialprüfungen schneller, günstiger und auch für individuelle Anfragen – abgestimmt auf die Kundenbedürfnisse – umsetzbar sein werden. Darüber hinaus können die Ergebnisse auf die Outdoor-Industrie (Schlafsäcke) sowie auf Winterbekleidung und Bekleidung mit Isolationsschichten übertragen werden, da hier die feuchte Wärmeisolation auch eine zentrale Rolle spielen kann.



TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

The new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position means “advancing beautiful, organic and natural materials to the next level combined with unique, hybrid ‘nature-tech’ smarts, with advanced, added value and creativity, thanks to dedicated investments that serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come” says CEO Mario Jorge. New innovations, which include the ISPO Best Product Award i (SOFT EQUIPMENT category) in TexTrends for fall winter 19/20, maintain and upgrade the honest but hi-tech sustainable organics that is at the heart of the TINTEX DNA to create better, smarter eco-materials, always with new levels of performance and hi-tech smarts, thanks to its expertise in specialist dyeing and finishing techniques, coatings and applications. These are all researched, designed and made using the latest equipment and processes. This season the new TINTEX collection plays with new colour balance techniques that deploy the benefits of chromotherapy for welbeing alongside skin safe materials and finishings.

The collection uses up to 90% of new smart and sustainable materials and include: Tencel, Modal & Micromodal, Organic Cottons, Supima cottons, Seacell fibres, Natural organic linens and the new, full colour ECOTEC® yarns by Marchi & Fildi, a smarter cotton made from pre-consumer clippings that in manufacture save up to 79% water. This season TINTEX is also introducing the new ECOTEC® yarn Phoenix (50% ECOTEC®, 50% recycled polyester, NM1/50 GRS-certified) for open, light and dry textures. Wellbeing credentials are guaranteed with Tessile e Salute certifications, TINTEX also presents new developments using the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of ecosustainable stretch yarns with certificated credentials. This family of yarns claim the world-first GRS certified ROICA™ premium stretch yarn that comes at least 50% from recycled pre-consumer waste.

The newest introduction for second skin qualities and for products to the athleisure market within TINTEX collection is ROICA™ Feel Good family that promises a new level of performance with ‘feelgood comfort’ and freshness.

For colouration effects, we can use the ROICA™ Colour Perfect family of yarns to create a flawless and responsible finish to dyed performance stretch assortments. Colours to Tranquilize, to Activate the Senses, to Recharge, to Energize.

Key highlights include: changeant effects (yarn and dyeing solutions), thermosensitive (reds/ blues) coatings, UV sensitive coatings and colourful coated patterns, extra fine and semi-transparent jerseys, but also, compact and fluid qualities.




Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations @ ISPO Brandnew Village © ROICA™

Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations @ ISPO Brandnew Village

  • Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations for the Active Wardrobe Debuts @ ISPO Brandnew Village
  • Hall B4, Booth No. B4.430 BN 02 Munich 28th-31th January 2018

Come and enjoy a real dedication to Responsible Innovation and Wellbeing in our new ROICA™  booth experience for Fabric Innovation inspiring the ROICA™ Active Wardrobe and the international ROICA™ Closet. Together, they will guide you to new hi-tech performance solutions in our partners unique stretch ideas, designed to meet both contemporary business and astute consumer desires. These latest ROICA™ innovations will be presented within the special ISPO BrandNew arena, a new high visibility concept of creativity revealed inside ISPO that truly matches the core DNA and values of the ROICA™ premium stretch brand.

ROICA™ will present The Modern Wardrobe concept in 3 distinct dimensions.

Together they bring to life our new stretch solutions that fit the supply chain for our target consumer confirming a clear brand identity that redefines performance creativity.

  • Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations for the Active Wardrobe Debuts @ ISPO Brandnew Village
  • Hall B4, Booth No. B4.430 BN 02 Munich 28th-31th January 2018

Come and enjoy a real dedication to Responsible Innovation and Wellbeing in our new ROICA™  booth experience for Fabric Innovation inspiring the ROICA™ Active Wardrobe and the international ROICA™ Closet. Together, they will guide you to new hi-tech performance solutions in our partners unique stretch ideas, designed to meet both contemporary business and astute consumer desires. These latest ROICA™ innovations will be presented within the special ISPO BrandNew arena, a new high visibility concept of creativity revealed inside ISPO that truly matches the core DNA and values of the ROICA™ premium stretch brand.

ROICA™ will present The Modern Wardrobe concept in 3 distinct dimensions.

Together they bring to life our new stretch solutions that fit the supply chain for our target consumer confirming a clear brand identity that redefines performance creativity.

1 ROICA™ ACTIVE WARDROBE: Come and see leading commercial fashion ranges ready for the Summer 2018, that include the ROICA™ Eco Smart family and the ROICA™ Feel Good family of unique premium stretch yarn solutions.

2 ROICA™ INNOVATION: Here you can find the latest textile performance innovations from our partner mills to inspire even more brand creativity.

The ROICA™ Fabric Gallery is a rich and varied fabric offer that focuses on:
•    The revolutionary ROICA™ Eco Smart family of sustainably designed stretch yarns. These yarns are either GRS certified, or have the Cradle-to-Cradle Innovation Institute GOLD LEVEL certificate for material health, plus the Hohenstein Environment Certificate, where at its end-of-life, it smartly breaks down releasing less harmful materials. These unique commercialized solutions suites for intimates, athleisure, sportswear, and more.
•    The unique ROICA™ Feel Good family promises a new level of performance with ‘feel-good comfort’ and freshness. The ROICA™ CF yarn delivers an odor-neutralizing durable function in wash and wear because its active ingredient is locked inside the yarn and only requires a modest % to perform in most fabric structures.
•    A new ROICA™ Stretch Energy™ is a truly verified heat-generating system that combines a customised ROICA™ polymer with special fabric structures where a stretch and recovery action produces real warmth, maintaining support during exercise.

3 ROICA™ CLOSET: In this zone you can explore new ROICA™ garment designs from our experimental laboratory, using innovative Japanese fabric creativity.

Also at our ROICA™ booth, you will be able to explore sister brand Cupro innovations, designed responsibly for a new, luxe view of athleisure sportswear.

Today, the ROICA™ premium stretch brand sets the highest quality standards that are uniquely specialized and certificated perfectly focused on responsible performance for the active sportswear, swimwear and athliesure wear categories, making it the ‘smart-fit’ for the ISPO BrandNew Village presentation.

More information:
ROICA ISPO Brandnew Village

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