From the Sector

4024 results
An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.

Atelier NA – Pariser Maßkonfektion erobert die Welt der deutschen Herrenmode (c) Atelier NA

Anzüge der Zukunft für den Mann von heute

  • Atelier NA – Pariser Maßkonfektion erobert die Welt der deutschen Herrenmode

Ein Stil-Update für die deutsche Herrengarderobe: Ob elegant, klassisch oder casual – der  französische Marktführer für Maßkonfektion Atelier NA revolutioniert anhand seiner patentierten 3D-Technologie komplette Kollektionen mit Anzügen, Hemden, Sakkos und Hosen bis hin zu Mänteln nach Maß.

2011 in Paris gegründet, hat sich das Unternehmen mit dem 31-jährigen CEO und Co-Founder François Chambaud innerhalb kürzesterZeit zum französischen Marktführer etabliert und damit das internationale Business rund um moderne Maßkonfektion nachhaltig geprägt. Die unverzichtbare Passion für Innovation, Stilbewusstsein sowie der Wunsch nach kompromisslos hochwertiger Qualität sind die Erfolgsfaktoren dieses einzigartigen Konzepts. Mit 30 Stores in sechs verschiedenen Ländern strebt Atelier NA eine führende Position in ganz Europa an. Dabei liegt der Fokus insbesondere auf dem deutschen Markt.


  • Atelier NA – Pariser Maßkonfektion erobert die Welt der deutschen Herrenmode

Ein Stil-Update für die deutsche Herrengarderobe: Ob elegant, klassisch oder casual – der  französische Marktführer für Maßkonfektion Atelier NA revolutioniert anhand seiner patentierten 3D-Technologie komplette Kollektionen mit Anzügen, Hemden, Sakkos und Hosen bis hin zu Mänteln nach Maß.

2011 in Paris gegründet, hat sich das Unternehmen mit dem 31-jährigen CEO und Co-Founder François Chambaud innerhalb kürzesterZeit zum französischen Marktführer etabliert und damit das internationale Business rund um moderne Maßkonfektion nachhaltig geprägt. Die unverzichtbare Passion für Innovation, Stilbewusstsein sowie der Wunsch nach kompromisslos hochwertiger Qualität sind die Erfolgsfaktoren dieses einzigartigen Konzepts. Mit 30 Stores in sechs verschiedenen Ländern strebt Atelier NA eine führende Position in ganz Europa an. Dabei liegt der Fokus insbesondere auf dem deutschen Markt.


Die Atelier NA Formel; ein Konzept der Zukunft: Der weltweit patentierte 3D-Bodyscanner ist das Herzstück des internationalen Herrenausstatters und misst über 200 Körpermaße in weniger als einer Sekunde. Eine 360°-Rundum-Erfahrung für Jedermann. Die gemessenen Daten sowie fortlaufende Konfigurierungen werden für zukünftige Maßanfertigungen gespeichert und ermöglichen eine makellose Passform. Darüber hinaus definiert sich Atelier NA durch ein optimales Verhältnis von Preis, Beratung, Passform und Qualität.

« Einzelstücke nach Maß zum Preis von Ready-to-wear »

Die hochwertigen Maßanzüge und Smokings beginnen dank der innovativen 3D-Technologie schon bei 395 Euro, während Maßhemden sogar ab 49 Euro und Denim-Hemden ab 89 Euro erhältlich sind. Mehr als 1.500 italienische und englische Stoffe von Loro Piana bis hin zu Holland & Sherry und Thomas Mason zählen zum exklusiven Portfolio von Atelier NA.

Handwerk und Stilberatung

Eine exklusive und individuelle Shopping-Erfahrung: Während bei der Vermessung auf modernste Technologien gesetzt wird, ist das Handwerk dennoch unverzichtbar. Die Stilberater in den Stores werden in der Kunst und Tradition der Maßschneiderei fachlich ausgebildet und bieten einen persönlichen und hochkarätigen Service mit intensiver Beratung. Dabei ist die Personalisierung beinahe grenzenlos. Von verschiedenen Farb- und Stoffkombinationen bis hin zur Auswahl von Kragen, Manschetten, Knöpfen, Taschen, Polstern sowie Veredelungen der Einzelstücke durch Initialen, sind alle Optionen im Preis inbegriffen.

« Guter Stil für alle Generationen »

Die finale Handwerkskunst im Atelier – hier trifft Tradition auf Technologie. Die hohen Standards sowie Qualitätsansprüche werden im eigenen Produktions-Atelier Schritt für Schritt bewahrt. Ein Team von 250 speziell ausgebildeten Maßschneidern und Schnittmachern entwirft mit viel Liebe zu Garn, Stoff und Detail die Kollektionsstücke mit Hilfe der berechneten 3D-Maße.

Pionier für Maßkonfektion in ganz Europa

Atelier NA als aufstrebende Trendschmiede der Zukunft: Frankreich, Belgien, Deutschland, Luxemburg und die Schweiz – mit insgesamt 30 Stores und mehr als 75.000 Kunden ist die europaweite Expansion der französischen Technologie stets auf Wachstumskurs. Etwa 40 Prozent des monatlichen Umsatzes basieren auf Folgeaufträgen zufriedener Stammkunden. In diesem Jahr werden weitere
Stores eröffnen, darunter Stuttgart und London.

Auf dem ECR Tag kommt die Konsumgüterbranche zusammen.
Auf dem ECR Tag kommt die Konsumgüterbranche zusammen.

GS1 Germany: Digitale Transformation gelingt besser mit Kooperationen

  • 78 Prozent der Unternehmen will die Digitalisierung des eigenen Geschäfts über Kooperationen vorantreiben
  • Kostensenkung wichtiger als Bündelung von Kräften
  • ECR Tag demonstriert am 19./20. September 2018 in Wiesbaden kollaborative Erfolge

Nach einer repräsentativen Befragung des Digitalverbands Bitkom geben rund vier von fünf Unternehmen in Deutschland an, dass sie Partnerschaften mit anderen Unternehmen aus der Digitalwirtschaft oder klassischen Branchen eingegangen sind, um die digitale Transformation zu beschleunigen. 48 Prozent nutzen diese Zusammenarbeit für den eigenen Wissenstransfer und 45 Prozent wollen ihre Kosten senken. Nur knapp ein Drittel beabsichtigt neue Märkte oder Kundengruppen zu erschließen und nur knapp 20 Prozent gaben an, durch Kooperationen neue Produkte oder Dienste entwickeln oder die Kräfte im Wettbewerb bündeln zu wollen. Bitkom-Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr. Bernhard Rohleder: „Um die digitale Transformation in Deutschland erfolgreich zu gestalten, brauchen wir mehr echte Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Unternehmen und dabei vor allem auch zwischen Global Playern, Mittelständlern und Start-ups.“

  • 78 Prozent der Unternehmen will die Digitalisierung des eigenen Geschäfts über Kooperationen vorantreiben
  • Kostensenkung wichtiger als Bündelung von Kräften
  • ECR Tag demonstriert am 19./20. September 2018 in Wiesbaden kollaborative Erfolge

Nach einer repräsentativen Befragung des Digitalverbands Bitkom geben rund vier von fünf Unternehmen in Deutschland an, dass sie Partnerschaften mit anderen Unternehmen aus der Digitalwirtschaft oder klassischen Branchen eingegangen sind, um die digitale Transformation zu beschleunigen. 48 Prozent nutzen diese Zusammenarbeit für den eigenen Wissenstransfer und 45 Prozent wollen ihre Kosten senken. Nur knapp ein Drittel beabsichtigt neue Märkte oder Kundengruppen zu erschließen und nur knapp 20 Prozent gaben an, durch Kooperationen neue Produkte oder Dienste entwickeln oder die Kräfte im Wettbewerb bündeln zu wollen. Bitkom-Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr. Bernhard Rohleder: „Um die digitale Transformation in Deutschland erfolgreich zu gestalten, brauchen wir mehr echte Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Unternehmen und dabei vor allem auch zwischen Global Playern, Mittelständlern und Start-ups.“

„Zusammen wachsen sowie Zusammenwachsen“ lautet darum das Motto des diesjährigen ECR Tages. Denn neben dem eigenen Wachstum ist vor allem auch das Zusammenwachsen im Sinne der Kooperation der Schlüssel für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation. Denn insbesondere beim Aufbau neuer digitaler Prozesse ist es wichtig, Synergien zu nutzen, sich mit brancheninternen sowie branchenfremden Akteuren auszutauschen und gemeinsam zu profitieren. So geht es beim aktuellen Innovationsschub der Digitalisierung vor allem auch um Vernetzung - Vernetzung von Produktionsabläufen, von Partnerunternehmen und von Endabnehmern mit Händlern und Herstellern.

Doch wie können solche Kooperationen konkret aussehen? Was leisten sie? Und wie können die sich bietenden Chancen der Digitalisierung für einen gemeinsamen, aber auch unternehmensindividuellen Erfolg genutzt werden?

Rund 80 Referenten und Querdenker zeigen, diskutieren und vermitteln ihre Erfahrungen und Projekte im Rahmen des ECR Tages am 19. und 20. September im RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC) in Wiesbaden. Auch in 2018 können sich wieder rund eintausend Entscheider aus Industrie sowie Online- und Offline-Handel auf Top-Speaker freuen wie auf Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch, Vorstandsvorsitzende von Nestlé, auf den Unilever Deutschland Chief Digital Officer DACH und General Manager Austria Harald Melwisch, auf Martin Wild, Chief Innovation Officer bei MediaMarktSaturn genauso wie auf Alexander Zerdick, Director Retail von Google Germany, dem Rheingold-Geschäftsführer Stephan Grünewald und auf den durch zahlreiche Selbstversuche bekannten Journalisten Jenke von Wilmsdorff.

Vertiefende Fachforen greifen darüber hinaus aktuelle Fragestellungen und Entwicklungen in Themenfeldern wie Blockchain, Omni-Channel, Künstliche Intelligenz, Logistik, Category Management und Traceability auf.


GS1 Germany GmbH

Color Analysis – The Color Trend Magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019 (c) DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd

CSI launches Color Analysis – The Color Trend Magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar® Group, is launching their Color Analysis magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019. This trend forecasting magazine provides high-level global color information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 3,700 CSI ColorWall™ colors.

Based on most recent customer feedback, the newest edition of Color Analysis was adjusted to be more valuable for the design and palette creation process. This new edition contains 54 trend and validated colors, additional color data, and color evolution & direction by hue. Furthermore, the color trend palettes are displayed by product category: Women’s, Active, Intimates, Men’s, Kids and Home. Similar to the previous editions, Color Analysis also includes our proprietary Relative Color Popularity report (RCP), offering color predictions with validation of performing colors.

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar® Group, is launching their Color Analysis magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019. This trend forecasting magazine provides high-level global color information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 3,700 CSI ColorWall™ colors.

Based on most recent customer feedback, the newest edition of Color Analysis was adjusted to be more valuable for the design and palette creation process. This new edition contains 54 trend and validated colors, additional color data, and color evolution & direction by hue. Furthermore, the color trend palettes are displayed by product category: Women’s, Active, Intimates, Men’s, Kids and Home. Similar to the previous editions, Color Analysis also includes our proprietary Relative Color Popularity report (RCP), offering color predictions with validation of performing colors.

“As the Color and Trend Director at Color Solutions, it is my goal to provide relevant seasonal color data collected through consumer insights and market analysis. We are able to look further out for trends that are affected by world views, mindset and cultural influences,” said Heather Sandwall, CSI Color and Trend Director

The CSI and DyStar team of experts work together and assist their customers in color development and communication as well as in the dyeing and quality inspection process to achieve best possible results and sustainable fashion. All CSI products are produced with high-quality, eco-friendly DyStar colorants.

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen (c) BREMER BAUMWOLLBÖRSE
Opening of the Cotton Conference 2018

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

Sustainability and Cotton
This year, the conference developed into a whole week of diverse events around the entire cotton supply chain. With the “SUSTAIN” event, which was organised in cooperation with the Weser-Kurier newspaper, it was possible to build a bridge between the issue of sustainability and the end consumer.
With the focus on Africa, the emerging continent, which also has a special significance for cotton, became the centre of attention.

In his opening speech, Henning Hammer, President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, made it clear that sustainability is also of great importance during the Cotton Conference: "The three pillars of sustainability – the environment, the economy and social issues – were already playing a role in the cotton industry when the word sustainability was far from being on everyone's lips.
Many changes that are being demanded in the sense of responsible agriculture and responsible trade take their time, many are already in the starting blocks and a lot already exists. We have a very alert, active agricultural research worldwide."

The Keynotes
The keynote session, moderated by the journalist Lisa Boekhoff from the newspaper Weser-Kurier, gave participants an overview, with an informative analysis of the current cotton situation. Kai Hughes, executive director of ICAC, emphasised in his keynote address the need to provide credible facts and figures which should be the basis for the entire supply chain. The marketing of cotton and changing consumer habits in a globalised and digitalised world were the subject of lectures by Mark Messura, Cotton Incorporated and Robert Antoshak, Olah Inc. Eugen Weinberg and Michael Alt from Commerzbank took a look at the raw material from a stock market perspective.

Traceability and Digitalisation
Digitalisation is also a cross-cutting issue that runs through the entire supply chain of the cotton industry. In his opening speech, Prof. Axel S. Hermann, Head of the Fibre Institute Bremen, emphasised the importance of digitalisation for the industry. “It enables new approaches in cotton cultivation and textile processing, but also influences consumer behaviour and thus the necessary changes in the textile industry.” The focus is on the status quo of the implementation, as well as the opportunities and risks of digitally controlled, vertically integrated procurement and sales processes and the associated challenges at retail level.

Another current topic is traceability, which is also closely linked to sustainability. More and more buyers want to know whether their suppliers are meeting the promised sustainability criteria for their products, also textile products. Consequently, the conference presented various techniques for testing the authenticity of a cotton provided in the finished textile, such as DNA testing, fingerprint analysis technique, marker methods and block-chain processes.

Cotton Quality
In addition to current subjects such as digitalisation and traceability, questions of cotton quality have traditionally been an essential element of the Cotton Conference, which was further reinforced this year with the "Spinners Seminar". The spinning mill seminar, which was carried out by the Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute in cooperation with the ITMF and IVGT associations, far exceeded expectations.

More than 70 participants discussed the handling of impurities in supplied cotton in the manufacturing process.
In addition, in a high-level expert session, there was an exchange of the latest research results which determine the future of cotton production and the processing of cotton into innovative products.



Forscher entwickeln Lösung für sparsamen digitalen Pigmentdruck auf Textil (c) Hochschule Niederrhein

Forscher entwickeln Lösung für sparsamen digitalen Pigmentdruck auf Textil

Das Bedrucken von Textilien ist unter ökologischen Gesichtspunkten alles andere als nachhaltig. Grund dafür sind die umfangreichen Wasch-, Trocken- und Fixierprozesse, die ein Textil vor und nach dem Druck durchlaufen muss. Wissenschaftler am Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung der Hochschule Niederrhein haben jetzt eine Lösung entwickelt, die den Weg zu einem energieärmeren Textildruck weisen kann.
Das in der Textilindustrie derzeit dominierende Druckverfahren ist der konventionelle Pigmentdruck, gefolgt vom Reaktivdruck unter Verwendung von Siebdruckschablonen. Dies ist aufwändig, da Schablonen produziert werden müssen und das Textil vor- und oft nachbehandelt wird. Im Vergleich dazu ist der Digitaldruck wesentlich energieärmer – aber für den Pigmentdruckweniger zuverlässig hinsichtlich der Gebrauchsechtheiten. Er kommt daher in der Industrie bislang kaum zur Anwendung. „Aufgabe des Projekts war es, ein praxistaugliches Digitaldrucksystem mit Pigmenttinten und unter Verwendung einer energiesparenden Trocken-Fixiereinheit zu entwickeln“, sagt Projektleiterin Professorin Dr. Maike Rabe.

Das Bedrucken von Textilien ist unter ökologischen Gesichtspunkten alles andere als nachhaltig. Grund dafür sind die umfangreichen Wasch-, Trocken- und Fixierprozesse, die ein Textil vor und nach dem Druck durchlaufen muss. Wissenschaftler am Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung der Hochschule Niederrhein haben jetzt eine Lösung entwickelt, die den Weg zu einem energieärmeren Textildruck weisen kann.
Das in der Textilindustrie derzeit dominierende Druckverfahren ist der konventionelle Pigmentdruck, gefolgt vom Reaktivdruck unter Verwendung von Siebdruckschablonen. Dies ist aufwändig, da Schablonen produziert werden müssen und das Textil vor- und oft nachbehandelt wird. Im Vergleich dazu ist der Digitaldruck wesentlich energieärmer – aber für den Pigmentdruckweniger zuverlässig hinsichtlich der Gebrauchsechtheiten. Er kommt daher in der Industrie bislang kaum zur Anwendung. „Aufgabe des Projekts war es, ein praxistaugliches Digitaldrucksystem mit Pigmenttinten und unter Verwendung einer energiesparenden Trocken-Fixiereinheit zu entwickeln“, sagt Projektleiterin Professorin Dr. Maike Rabe.
Zwei Jahre forschten unter ihrer Leitung Dr. Michael Korger und Christine Steinem  an dem Thema. Knapp 200.000 Euro gab die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt in das Projekt, an dem neben der Hochschule Niederrhein das Unternehmen Multi-Plot Europe GmbH beteiligt war. Das Ergebnis: Unter bestimmten Parametern liefert der digitale Pigmentdruck brauchbare Ergebnisse. Dabei kann gegenüber dem Reaktivdruck, bei dem der Farbstoff mit der Faser reagiert, bei Betrachtung der jeweiligen Fixierschritte mehr als 60 Prozent der Energie eingespart werden.
Das entwickelte Druckverfahren kann für Heimtextilien wie Bettwäsche, Tischdecken, Vorhänge angewandt werden. Es ist eine ökologisch nachhaltige Methode, die zugleich Standards an Qualitätsanforderungen einhält. So ist mit dem entwickelten Digitaldruckverfahren ein Druck mit acht Farben möglich, der zugleich Konturenschärfe, Farbbrillanz sowie Licht-, Reib- und Waschbeständigkeiten aufweist.
Statt eines aufwändigen Dämpfprozesses, wie er im Reaktivdruck üblich ist und der Wasser und viel Energie verbraucht, fixierten die Forscher das Textil nach dem Druck für drei Minuten bei 160 Grad Celsius. Die dafür notwendige Trockeneinheit (Kalander) wurde statt mit Öl mit Carbonpulver beheizt. Dieses erwärmt sich schneller und sorgt damit für zusätzliche Energieeinsparung. Zugleich gibt es keine chemische Reaktion, die das Farbpigment direkt mit der Faser verbindet. Beim digitalen Pigmentdruck ist das Bindemittel bereits in der Tinte, was einen weiteren Arbeitsgang spart.
„Die von uns entwickelte Technologie ist industriell einsetzbar, aber kein Allround-Mittel“, fasst Michael Korger das Arbeitsergebnis zusammen. „Sie ist speziell im Heimtextilbereich gut für Baumwolle verwendbar.“

More information:
Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein

Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 (c) Tenua Group

Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

The group is implementing Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 into their entire production process. Specifically developed to help fashion companies navigate the digital era, this modular and user-friendly solution will help the Ternua Group centralize and store information coming from their brands by digitalizing their supply chain. This will connect all teams involved in the design-to-production process, regardless of geographic location. Team members will also be able to comm unicate better with external suppliers, access accurate information and keep track of every collection’s development progress. The group can hence speed up the entire production process and help their brands deliver their collections to markets all over the world on time.

“We manage our design and product development processes in-house but outsource our production in Europe, north of Africa and Asia. For our business to expand globally, we need to go fully digital. By having a system that consolidates and standardizes data coming from all supply chain actors across the world, we can respond faster to consumer demand,” explains Aitor Barinaga, Chief Operations Officer, Ternua Group. “We have assessed all other vendors—and Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 is clearly the winner. It has the ability to fully integrate all processes and improve communication and teamwork across all departments through sound data management. We are more than happy to have a trusted partner as Lectra for such an ambitious project.”

“Ternua Group is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. This is shown through their desire to help customers achieve their personal best by providing them with high-performance technical wear that is also environmentally friendly. We are thrilled to embark on this new journey with the Ternua Group, and we are confident that our solution and expertise will help them get their collections out to new markets on time,” says Rodrigo Siza, Managing Director, Spain and Portugal, Lectra.



(c) Lectra

Teamwork Reimagined: Lectra Connected Design and Lectra Connected Development

  • Connect people, data and processes with Lectra’s latest solutions to power up design and development teams

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, introduces collaborative solutions specifically developed for design and product development teams, enabling fashion companies to affront tighter deadlines and handle wider product mixes with speed and serenity.

With the rise of e-commerce, digitally dependent consumers expect personalized, innovative fashion delivered to their doorstep at the click of a mouse.

Fashion companies are struggling to keep up with consumer demands and looking for new ways to speed up design and development without compromising quality. Design teams work faster than ever to deliver fresh, eye-catching collections. Product development teams rush to transform new designs into consumer-ready products. Given the accelerated pace of the fashion marketplace, information sharing has become vital for these teams.

  • Connect people, data and processes with Lectra’s latest solutions to power up design and development teams

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, introduces collaborative solutions specifically developed for design and product development teams, enabling fashion companies to affront tighter deadlines and handle wider product mixes with speed and serenity.

With the rise of e-commerce, digitally dependent consumers expect personalized, innovative fashion delivered to their doorstep at the click of a mouse.

Fashion companies are struggling to keep up with consumer demands and looking for new ways to speed up design and development without compromising quality. Design teams work faster than ever to deliver fresh, eye-catching collections. Product development teams rush to transform new designs into consumer-ready products. Given the accelerated pace of the fashion marketplace, information sharing has become vital for these teams.

Lectra has developed two new solutions to fulfill the specific needs of these teams, Lectra Connected Design and Lectra Connected Development. These solutions deliver collaborative environments that integrate business applications to aggregate, standardize and store data from all design and product development stages. These innovative solutions make every-day working life less stressful by allowing criteria-based searches, inciting users to capitalize on data links, and providing them with innovative tools and services to speed up their processes.

Lectra Connected Design facilitates collaboration between textile and fashion designers, colorists, graphic designers, technical designers and their managers by providing design teams with a connected environment. Team members can access the platform via their Lectra Kaledo® design software and Adobe® Creative Cloud, share inspiration and review collections together or upload inspirations via dedicated mobile apps. This solution gives users the visibility needed to streamline, automate and monitor the entire design process to ensure that they remain creative under severe time constraints.

In the same way, Lectra Connected Development connects patternmakers, graders, technical design teams, managers, cost and margin specialists, marker makers and sample teams through data. It allows team members to connect through Lectra Modaris® 2D and 3D patternmaking software and Lectra Diamino® Fashion marker-making software. Thanks to the wide range of standard libraries and mobile applications provided, teams will improve the efficiency of technical specifications creation. The automation of business processes and real-time communication allow product development teams to avoid errors and deliver the right product quality and fit.

“We recognize first and foremost that today’s fashion industry professionals need to feel well-equipped and at ease in order to perform well under tight deadlines,” explains Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra. “We are confident that by introducing a new and easy way of collaborating through sound data management, both offers will help design and product development teams work faster and more easily to build quality into the products they design and develop. That way, they can reach their fullest potential as key contributors to their companies’ success.”

More information:
Lectra, PLM Design



World first ROICA™ premium sustainable stretch fiber got prestigious Senken Shimbun “Synthetic Fiber Prize”

Asahi Kasei ROICA™ premium stretch fibre has received the prestigious Senken Shimbun Synthetic Fiber Prize with the sustainable GRS certified yarn.
ROICA™ specialties captured the attention of Senken Shimbun, a daily Japanese fashion newspaper, based in Tokyo, Japan.  Founded in 1956, today provides news, research data and new business ideas, and has a great influence over the fashion business in Japan. It helps fashion products throughout Japan to be distributed in Japan's domestic market, and serves as a platform targeting overseas markets.
The award is limited to Japanese companies. This year ROICA™ GRS certified yarn was selected in the Sustainable category thanks to its unique sustainable characteristics.

Asahi Kasei ROICA™ premium stretch fibre has received the prestigious Senken Shimbun Synthetic Fiber Prize with the sustainable GRS certified yarn.
ROICA™ specialties captured the attention of Senken Shimbun, a daily Japanese fashion newspaper, based in Tokyo, Japan.  Founded in 1956, today provides news, research data and new business ideas, and has a great influence over the fashion business in Japan. It helps fashion products throughout Japan to be distributed in Japan's domestic market, and serves as a platform targeting overseas markets.
The award is limited to Japanese companies. This year ROICA™ GRS certified yarn was selected in the Sustainable category thanks to its unique sustainable characteristics.

On March 14th, 2018 Senken Shimbun organized an event to conferee the awards and in this occasion ROICA™ displayed unique fabrics and garments created with this awarded ROICA™ yarn by premium producers as Iluna Group S.p.A (IT), M.I.T.I. (IT), Tessitura Colombo Antonio(IT), Tintex Textiles(PT)  and international top level brands as Cosabella (US), Maloja (DE) and Triumph (CH.
The Senken Award winning ROICA™ yarn is part of the ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, a world-first range of unique innovative and responsible made premium stretch fibers, that today can offer 2 real sustainable solutions. For time, one of the two types was awarded! The ROICA™ yarn certified GRS (Global Recycled Standard by TEXTILE EXCHANGE) version 3 certified yarn with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content.

Two of the companies above: M.I.T.I. and TINTEX already garnered a huge recognition at ISPO last February also thanks to the uniqueness of this smart ROICA™ yarn:
M.I.T.I. Spa presented at ISPO Green Soul, a new fabric line made with fully recycled fibers. Ten different fabrics belong to this products line whose composition is both polyamide/ROICA™ Eco-Smart family and Polyester/ROICA™ Eco-Smart family offering a 100% recycled fiber warp knitted stretch fabrics. The winning Bluesign certified fabric is called Thermal Green and is a high-end brush back warpknit fabric, made with recycled Polyamide and ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.Tintex Textiles Garnered Its Second ‘ISPO Best Product Award’ In TexTrends in the SOFT EQUIPMENT category with a circular economy centric material, branded B.Cork™, a unique technology that sources certified pre-consumer cork waste.  Following a patent pending hi-tech lamination of a water based, formaldehyde and solvent free coating, a breathable, natural and waterproof supersoft touch is achieved. And last but not least is using ROICA™ Eco-Smart family premium stretch qualities  to fulfil fit and comfort needs.

  • Maloja, an outdoor speciality brand with its roots in nature and  wellbeing, Maloja is presenting  many lines using ROICA™, and  here we present a new mid layer  technical x-country ski set with  fabrics from MITI, using the GRS  certified yarn part of the ROICA™ Eco- Smart family of responsible Stretch.
  • COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use the Eco-Lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio fabrics made with ROICA™ Eco Smart family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.
  • TRIUMPH LINGERIE: whose latest designs use the new stretch lace from ILUNA Group and the GRS certified yarn part of the ROICA™ Eco Smart family, slips and lingerie sets for the Essence by Triumph collection.
More information:
ROICA™ stretch fibre

GB Network


An Evening of Smart Innovation that Sets New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), will invite fashion’s industry leaders, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.  An exceptional team of artists, filmmakers, food and textile designers have created an immersive experience that will engage the guests’ senses highlighting that smart innovation is the new standard for fashion. The experience will examine the four key areas that are vital to C.L.A.S.S.’s business philosophy: Heritage - Smart Innovation - Circular Economy - Design Responsibility. The commitment to those principles and to forward thinking led to C.L.A.S.S. having been nominated as one of the European Business Awards 2017/2018 Ones to Watch for exceptional growth, significant innovation along with an ethical approach to business.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), will invite fashion’s industry leaders, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.  An exceptional team of artists, filmmakers, food and textile designers have created an immersive experience that will engage the guests’ senses highlighting that smart innovation is the new standard for fashion. The experience will examine the four key areas that are vital to C.L.A.S.S.’s business philosophy: Heritage - Smart Innovation - Circular Economy - Design Responsibility. The commitment to those principles and to forward thinking led to C.L.A.S.S. having been nominated as one of the European Business Awards 2017/2018 Ones to Watch for exceptional growth, significant innovation along with an ethical approach to business.

The March 22nd date is a deliberate choice as it marks International Water Day and serves as a way to advocate for sustainable water management, a key issue in textile manufacturing. Many of C.L.A.S.S.’s partners, such as ECOTEC® by Marchi&Fildi, Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei and TINTEX Textiles use technological breakthroughs to offer fashion materials that provide significant reductions in water during the manufacturing process, an important step toward responsible future fashion systems.

“In touting significant reductions in water, energy usage and CO2 emissions, C.L.A.S.S.’s  message has always been one of consistency but now with today’s customers becoming increasingly environmentally mindful, the timing has never been better to bring awareness to the ways that responsible sustainability can be incorporated, in an authentic way, into a fashion or lifestyle brand increasing the bottom line without compromising design integrity,” said C.L.A.S.S. founder Giusy Bettoni.

The future is already here; guests can see and feel materials during the event that showcase technological breakthroughs currently available. While C.L.A.S.S. works with leading brands that practice responsible design, the next step is to expand their reach and set a new level of standards that benefit the entire industry. To that end, they have identified C.L.A.S.S. Education, their new division, as an essential learning resource to support fashion schools. The new division was co-founded with James Mendolia, professor in the MFA Fashion Design program at Fashion Institute of Technology. C.L.A.S.S. will also launch C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce platform, which will sell partner materials to support emerging designers and fashion start-ups.

Thank you to all of our partners for making this event and the last ten years possible: Bacx by Centro Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton Colours, Re.VerSo™, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, TINTEX Textiles, Zignone.

More information:
Fashion C.L.A.S.S.


Nachhaltig: Outdoor-Ausrüstung wie neu (c) crystal communications

Nachhaltig: Outdoor-Ausrüstung wie neu

  • Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln von Gear Aid die Lebensdauer von Zelten, Jacken und Co. verlängern

Wir leben in einer Wegwerfgesellschaft. Kaum klemmt ein Reißverschluss oder eine Naht löst sich auf, schon wird das Produkt entsorgt und neues Equipment angeschafft. Letztendlich leidet darunter nicht nur der eigene Geldbeutel, sondern auch unsere Umwelt, die sich Tag für Tag neuen Belastungen aussetzen muss.
Um die Natur zu entlasten und zu verhindern, dass gebrauchte Textilien wie Jacken, Hosen, Zelte oder Schlafsäcke vorschnell entsorgt werden, macht es sich Gear Aid zur Aufgabe, die Lebensdauer von Outdoor-Ausrüstung zu verlängern. Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln bietet das Unternehmen bei Verschließ oder Schäden die passende Lösung und sorgt dafür, dass wir uns nicht allzu schnell von unseren Lieblingsprodukten trennen müssen.

  • Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln von Gear Aid die Lebensdauer von Zelten, Jacken und Co. verlängern

Wir leben in einer Wegwerfgesellschaft. Kaum klemmt ein Reißverschluss oder eine Naht löst sich auf, schon wird das Produkt entsorgt und neues Equipment angeschafft. Letztendlich leidet darunter nicht nur der eigene Geldbeutel, sondern auch unsere Umwelt, die sich Tag für Tag neuen Belastungen aussetzen muss.
Um die Natur zu entlasten und zu verhindern, dass gebrauchte Textilien wie Jacken, Hosen, Zelte oder Schlafsäcke vorschnell entsorgt werden, macht es sich Gear Aid zur Aufgabe, die Lebensdauer von Outdoor-Ausrüstung zu verlängern. Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln bietet das Unternehmen bei Verschließ oder Schäden die passende Lösung und sorgt dafür, dass wir uns nicht allzu schnell von unseren Lieblingsprodukten trennen müssen.

Egal, ob beim Klettern, Bergsteigen, Surfen, Tauchen oder Trekking, die Care & Repair Produkte von Gear Aid sind leicht zu verstauen und können im Notfall so manches Abenteuer retten. Mit einem umfassenden Produktportfolio sorgt Gear Aid dafür, dass sich Naturliebhaber in den unterschiedlichsten Umgebungen keine Sorgen um ihre Ausrüstung machen müssen. Um die Produktqualität und -leistung in einer Vielzahl von Klimazonen zu gewährleisten, werden die Produkte umfangreichen Entwicklungs- und Testprozessen unterzogen.

Gear Aid Seam Grip
Der Seam Grip von Gear Aid dichtet Oberflächen und Nähte von Zelten, Jacken und anderen Textilien zuverlässig und dauerhaft ab. Dabei versiegelt er nicht nur Nähte, sondern kann auch Risse und kleine Löcher permanent schließen. Durch die einfache Handhabung kann somit jeder zum Meister der Reparatur werden. Weitere Vorteile bietet Seam Grip durch seine ausgezeichnete Haftung, die langanhaltende Flexibilität sowie eine äußerst hohe Resistenz. Der Klebstoff hält auf allen natürlichen und synthetischen Stoffen, wasserdichten- und abweisenden Schichten sowie auf Leder und Venyl. Daher kann er auch bei Bodenplanen, Rucksäcken oder Schuhen eingesetzt werden. Auch die Behandlung von Neopren, PVC und Gummi stellen für Seam Grip kein Problem dar.

• Versiegelt Nähte von Zelten, Planen, Rucksäcken, Regenkleidung, Stiefeln
• Schließt Löcher permanent und beseitigt Risse
• Resistent gegen Kälte und Hitze
• Ideal für unbeschichtete und PU-beschichtete Materialien
• Inhalt: 28 g
• Eine Tube versiegelt ca. 366 mm

Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner + Lubricant
Der Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner + Lubricant verhindert eingeklemmte und hakende Reißverschlüsse, indem er schädliche Schmutz-, Sand und Salzablagerungen sowohl vom Zipper als auch vom Schieber entfernt. Somit verlängert er die Langlebigkeit von Reißverschlüssen und sorgt für eine einfache Handhabung. Über einen integrierten Auftrage-Pinsel hinterlässt die Tube ein Schmiermittel, welches ein einfaches Schließen und Öffnen ermöglicht.

• Reiniger und Schmiermittel in einem
• Ohne Silikon
• Biologisch abbaubar
• Verwendbar für Plastik-, Nylon- und Metallreißverschlüsse
• Ideal für Zelte, Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke oder Jacken
• Inhalt: 59 ml

More information:
Gear Aid

crystal communications GmbH


Montalvo Launches New Line of Axial Activated Core Chucks

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its newest product offering, Axial Activated Core Chucks. As part of their “Defender Series Core Chucks,” the Montalvo Axial Activated Core Chuck is designed for shaft-less unwinding and rewinding applications requiring maximum roll/core gripping and/or utilizing floor pick up.
The Defender Axial Activated (DAA) Core Chucks, sometimes referred to as lug chucks, are cost effective, rugged, and durable core chucks capable of withstanding even the dustiest environments while being simple to utilize.
An exclusive “safe lock” model expands the capabilities of the AA core chucks even further by resolving any potential risk of the core not fully tightening and ensuring the roll is always perfectly concentric. Cores are engaged as a result of radial lug expansion as the core is loaded into the chuck, ensuring maximum grip so you can Achieve More.

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its newest product offering, Axial Activated Core Chucks. As part of their “Defender Series Core Chucks,” the Montalvo Axial Activated Core Chuck is designed for shaft-less unwinding and rewinding applications requiring maximum roll/core gripping and/or utilizing floor pick up.
The Defender Axial Activated (DAA) Core Chucks, sometimes referred to as lug chucks, are cost effective, rugged, and durable core chucks capable of withstanding even the dustiest environments while being simple to utilize.
An exclusive “safe lock” model expands the capabilities of the AA core chucks even further by resolving any potential risk of the core not fully tightening and ensuring the roll is always perfectly concentric. Cores are engaged as a result of radial lug expansion as the core is loaded into the chuck, ensuring maximum grip so you can Achieve More.

Montalvo’s Director of Sales and Marketing, Bryon Williams says, “Our new axial activated chucks and total Defender series of core chucks gives our customers a superior product offering in performance, quality, cost, safety, and service life. Axial activated chucks are a cost-effective way to “defend” against core damage, extending their service life while maintaining the highest levels of safety. The drop-in replacement design ensures no additional installation requirements for customers looking to upgrade their current core chucks.”

Additional DAA Core Chuck features include:
•    Rapid Expansion Jaws - ensure secure roll control immediately upon engagement
•    Dual Core Models - for processes utilizing multiple core sizes - one chuck, two core sizes
•    E-Flange™ Option - eliminates operator interaction in removing cores while making core ejection fast and easy; reducing risk of jammed cores
•    Photocell Ready™ Option - allows use of photocell or other sensors
•    Customer Specified Mounting Holes - ready for immediate installation upon delivery
•    Several Finishes Available - Black Oxide standard, Nickel Plating optional
•    Drop-In Replacement Design - for easy upgrading of existing installations

About Montalvo
Since 1947 the Montalvo Corporation has specialized in manufacturing, integrating, retrofitting and servicing a wide range of tension control products for a variety of industries including, converting, paper, film, foil, nonwovens, plastic, corrugated, packaging, medical, composite and more. Montalvo’s products include load cells, tension controllers, tension indicators, amplifiers, tension control brakes and clutches, sensors, safety chucks, and core chucks. Montalvo has four worldwide offices in the USA, Denmark, Germany & China.

More information:

The Montalvo Corporation


Lenzing Group achieves best full-year results in its history

  • Revenue increased by 5.9 percent to EUR 2.26 bn
  • EBITDA up 17.3 percent to EUR 502.5 mn
  • Dividend proposal of EUR 3.00/share plus a special dividend of EUR 2.00/share
  • New brand strategy to generate a strong message to consumers
  • Limited visibility for coming quarters

In 2017, the Lenzing Group reports its best financial performance ever with record revenue and earnings due to a better product mix and higher selling prices in combination with a generally favorable market environment.

  • Revenue increased by 5.9 percent to EUR 2.26 bn
  • EBITDA up 17.3 percent to EUR 502.5 mn
  • Dividend proposal of EUR 3.00/share plus a special dividend of EUR 2.00/share
  • New brand strategy to generate a strong message to consumers
  • Limited visibility for coming quarters

In 2017, the Lenzing Group reports its best financial performance ever with record revenue and earnings due to a better product mix and higher selling prices in combination with a generally favorable market environment.

Group revenue grew by 5.9 percent in the 2017 financial year to EUR 2.26 bn (2016: EUR 2.13 bn). Group earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) improved by 17.3 percent to EUR 502.5 mn (2016: EUR 428.3 mn). The corresponding EBITDA margin rose to 22.2 percent (2016: 20.1 percent). Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased by 25.2 percent to EUR 371 mn, resulting in a higher EBIT margin of 16.4 percent (2016: 13.9 percent). The net profit for the year totaled EUR 281.7 mn, a rise of 23 percent from the prior-year figure of EUR 229.1 mn. Earnings per share in the 2017 financial year amounted to EUR 10.47 (2016: EUR 8.48).

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board will propose at the upcoming Annual General Meeting a stable dividend of EUR 3.00 per share plus an increased special dividend of EUR 2.00 per share (2016: EUR 1.20 per share). In total, the dividend will amount to EUR 5.00 per share, corresponding to a dividend payment to shareholders of EUR 132.75 mn.

“The Lenzing Group looks back at a very successful year 2017. We continued to implement our corporate strategy sCore TEN with great discipline and focus on our investment projects and successfully captured value in a positive market environment. Our commitment to innovation and customer centricity was underpinned by the opening of an application innovation center in Hong Kong and the creation of the new sales and marketing office in Turkey. In line with sCore TEN we decided to revamp our brand architecture and image to sharpen Lenzing’s corporate and product profiles for customers and consumers. We want to put a stronger emphasis on our ambition to make the textile and nonwoven market more sustainable”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group.

“We are very positive about our chosen strategy as it will help us to be more resilient as we expect more headwinds in the upcoming quarters”, he adds.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

GST Achieves Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Unique Partnership with Lectra (c) Lectra

GST Achieves Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Unique Partnership with Lectra

  • A unique partnership enabled Lectra to test its revolutionary laser-cutting technology in a real production environment while delivering sustainable competitive advantage to the world’s leading supplier of airbag cushions.

Reaching the next level of growth and performance
Global Safety Textiles (GST) is the leading independent producer of airbag fabric and airbag cushions and supplier to the majority of airbag manufacturers.
Recognized for its long tradition of research and development, GST uses stateof- the-art technology to manufacture technical textiles for a variety of passive safety applications.
With operations on four continents, the German group has a workforce of more than 5,000.

  • A unique partnership enabled Lectra to test its revolutionary laser-cutting technology in a real production environment while delivering sustainable competitive advantage to the world’s leading supplier of airbag cushions.

Reaching the next level of growth and performance
Global Safety Textiles (GST) is the leading independent producer of airbag fabric and airbag cushions and supplier to the majority of airbag manufacturers.
Recognized for its long tradition of research and development, GST uses stateof- the-art technology to manufacture technical textiles for a variety of passive safety applications.
With operations on four continents, the German group has a workforce of more than 5,000.
The company’s worldwide operations and resources enable it to fulfill high volumes of orders promptly, providing the global automotive industry with a steady supply of airbag fabrics and cushions.To address GST’s main business challenges and meet their demanding manufacturing specifications, the group evaluated the performance of FocusQuantum OPW for one-piece-woven (OPW) airbag fabric together with Lectra in the pre-launch phase of the advanced laser airbag cutting solution. Following successful testing of Lectra’s advanced airbag cutting technology in a real production environment in Poland, the group then decided to acquire FocusQuantum OPW for implementation in China.

A one-off join testing collaboration on customer premise
The result of a mutually beneficial collaboration between Lectra and its longstanding customer, specifications for laser OPW airbag cutting solution FocusQuantum took into account GST’s exacting requirements. Once the development of FocusQuantum OPW was completed, both companies agreed to conduct joint
testing. “We came to the idea of joint testing when we visited Lectra’s R&D center in Bordeaux,” says Uwe Zimmermann, COO, GST.
“We discussed taking validation of our specifications to the next level. The idea came up to do it directly in a manufacturing environment.”
The extensive testing enabled GST’s experts to certify FocusQuantum as a proven technological platform for the mass production of airbags. “Process capability was a formal part of validations at GST Poland,” recalls Piotr Siwek. Manufacturing Engineering Manager. “It was verified and confirmed that FocusQuantum meets GST’s targets. The biggest improvement over the previous solution was the software, which we also helped Lectra develop. FocusQuantum Suite is one of the biggest advantages.”

Worldwide standartisation and rollout in China
As a result of the successful joint testing, GST decided to proceed with implementation in China. “Because GST aims to become a major player in Asia,
implementation of FocusQuantum in China is the next logical step for us,” explains Zimmermann. “Standardization of all our equipment worldwide is mandatory for us. That’s why we decided to work with a global player like Lectra.” With more than twice the productivity of the previous solution, FocusQuantum
has exceeded GST’s performance targets. The significantly higher level of process capability has both improved cutting quality and reduced the number
of defective cut parts.
“When we compare the unit output and unit cutting cost, we see a real improvement over the previous generation, so we are quite satisfied with the machine,” notes Sky Yang, General Manager, GST China. “It’s more reliable and productivity is significantly higher.”


Nathalie Fournier-Christol, Lectra


Planmäßige Rückzahlung der Anleihe durch Seidensticker-Gruppe erfolgt

Die Seidensticker-Gruppe hat heute planmäßig zum Laufzeitende ihre Unternehmensanleihe 2012/2018 (ISIN DE000A1K0SE5) in der
Gesamthöhe von 30 Mio. Euro zurückgezahlt.
Zum Stichtag 12. März 2018 erfolgte zudem die letzte Zinszahlung an die Anleihegläubiger. Die Anleiherückzahlung wurde auf Basis der bereits Ende Oktober 2017 geschlossenen Verträge über eine langfristige Konsortialfinanzierung mit der Commerzbank AG und der Deutsche Postbank AG als Leadbanken sowie weiteren Finanzinstituten und Genussrechtskapitalgebern frühzeitig sichergestellt. Im November 2017 hatte das Unternehmen seine neue Gesamtfinanzierungsstruktur, inklusive der Anleihe-Refinanzierung, vorgestellt. „Mit unserer Unternehmensstrategie und operativen Geschäftsentwicklung haben wir sowohl bereits bewährte als auch neue Finanzinstitute überzeugt und damit das für uns optimale Finanzierungmodell gesichert. Wir freuen uns auf eine vertrauensvolle und langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit allen Finanzierungspartnern in der neuen Struktur“, erklärt CFO Martin Friedrich.

Die Seidensticker-Gruppe hat heute planmäßig zum Laufzeitende ihre Unternehmensanleihe 2012/2018 (ISIN DE000A1K0SE5) in der
Gesamthöhe von 30 Mio. Euro zurückgezahlt.
Zum Stichtag 12. März 2018 erfolgte zudem die letzte Zinszahlung an die Anleihegläubiger. Die Anleiherückzahlung wurde auf Basis der bereits Ende Oktober 2017 geschlossenen Verträge über eine langfristige Konsortialfinanzierung mit der Commerzbank AG und der Deutsche Postbank AG als Leadbanken sowie weiteren Finanzinstituten und Genussrechtskapitalgebern frühzeitig sichergestellt. Im November 2017 hatte das Unternehmen seine neue Gesamtfinanzierungsstruktur, inklusive der Anleihe-Refinanzierung, vorgestellt. „Mit unserer Unternehmensstrategie und operativen Geschäftsentwicklung haben wir sowohl bereits bewährte als auch neue Finanzinstitute überzeugt und damit das für uns optimale Finanzierungmodell gesichert. Wir freuen uns auf eine vertrauensvolle und langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit allen Finanzierungspartnern in der neuen Struktur“, erklärt CFO Martin Friedrich.

Der Bielefelder Hemden- und Blusenspezialist entschied sich bewusst gegen eine Refinanzierung durch eine Folgeanleihe und verabschiedet sich damit vom Kapitalmarkt. „Ein großer Dank gilt unseren Anlegern, die uns über die vergangenen Jahre ihr Vertrauen geschenkt haben und damit entscheidend zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung unserer langfristigen Unternehmensstrategie beigetragen haben“, resümiert Martin Friedrich.

Am 12. März 2012 hatte die Seidensticker-Gruppe eine Unternehmensanleihe mit einer Laufzeit von sechs Jahren und einem Zinssatz von 7,25 % emittiert. Aufgrund des hohen Interesses wurde die Anleihe bereits am ersten Zeichnungstag voll platziert und war siebenfach überzeichnet.

Über Seidensticker:
Die Unternehmensgruppe Seidensticker wurde 1919 in Bielefeld gegründet und beschäftigt international ca. 2.500 Mitarbeiter. Neben den Eigenmarken Seidensticker und Jacques Britt hält das Unternehmen auch die Masterlizenz für camel active. Insgesamt fertigt die Gruppe ca. 12 Mio. Teile im Jahr. Die Exportrate belief sich auf 44% im Geschäftsjahr 2016/2017.
Das Unternehmen ist zu 100% im Familienbesitz. Die beiden Gesellschafter Gerd Oliver und Frank Seidensticker führen, gemeinsam mit Dr. Silvia Bentzinger und Martin Friedrich, die Gruppe.

More information:
Seidensticker-Gruppe Anleihe

Textilkontor Walter Seidensticker GmbH & Co. KG


Cadira® for Resource Optimized Reactive/Disperse Continuous Dyeing

The DyStar® Group recently launched a new concept of their resource saving module – Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous.

Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous is a modified pad-dry-thermosol-pad-steam dyeing process for open width PES/CO fabrics. In contrast to the standard PDTPS process, Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous does not require a separate reduction clearing process and thus saves more than 40% chemicals, water and energy. This effect is obtained by using a special dye choice of Dianix® XF/XF2 and SF disperse dyes in combination with selected Levafix® and Remazol® reactive dyes and a modified steaming and wash-off process with Sera® auxiliaries.

The Cadira concepts considerably reduce process costs, water, waste and energy consumption and machine utilization. Cadira supports Brands & Retailers and their production partners in their effort to save valuable resources and to reduce the carbon footprint of their textile goods.

The first Cadira module was developed in 2016. Since then DyStar has launched Cadira concepts for various substrates and applications. So far, the following Cadira concepts are available.

The DyStar® Group recently launched a new concept of their resource saving module – Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous.

Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous is a modified pad-dry-thermosol-pad-steam dyeing process for open width PES/CO fabrics. In contrast to the standard PDTPS process, Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous does not require a separate reduction clearing process and thus saves more than 40% chemicals, water and energy. This effect is obtained by using a special dye choice of Dianix® XF/XF2 and SF disperse dyes in combination with selected Levafix® and Remazol® reactive dyes and a modified steaming and wash-off process with Sera® auxiliaries.

The Cadira concepts considerably reduce process costs, water, waste and energy consumption and machine utilization. Cadira supports Brands & Retailers and their production partners in their effort to save valuable resources and to reduce the carbon footprint of their textile goods.

The first Cadira module was developed in 2016. Since then DyStar has launched Cadira concepts for various substrates and applications. So far, the following Cadira concepts are available.

Cadira Polyester
Cadira Recycled Polyester
Cadira Vat
Cadira Reactive
Cadira Procion PX
Cadira Wool
Cadira Denim

DyStar will continue their effort to support the textile industry to reduce the environmental footprint.

About DyStar
DyStar® Group is a solution provider, offering customers across the globe a complete range of colorants, auxiliaries and services. The DyStar Group has offices, competence centers, agencies and production plants in over 50 countries to ensure the availability of expertise in all important markets. With a heritage of more than a century of product development and innovation for the textile and leather industry, DyStar has developed into new markets and now in addition serves the paper, plastic and many other specialty chemical industries.

DyStar’s service division assist brands & retailers and their industry partners from their first inspiration throughout the entire supply chain to ensure that they meet stringent quality and ecological specifications, reduce costs and shorten lead times. The service division offers state of the art color communication through CSI, textile and ecology testing through Texanlab, ecology and environmental advice, supply chain auditing and consulting for RSL compliant sustainable processes through Sustainable Textile Solutions programs.

The DyStar econfidence® program provides assurance that provided products comply with legal, voluntary and brand & retailer RSL (Restricted Substance List) requirements. It is an assurance that our products are in compliance with chemical and environmental legislation in each market in which they are sold.
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More information:
DyStar Cadira®


Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation. (c) Archroma
Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation.

Archroma: New leader for Brand & Performance Textile Specialties business

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

A Chemical Engineer from the Ingenieurschule Beider Basel, Mr Furrer started his career with Clariant in Switzerland as Product Manager Sulphur Dyes, Textile Business, in 1997. He then grew in the organization as Head of Continuous Dyeing Cellulosic (1999 to 2001); Head of Business Unit (BU) Textile Dyes and Textile Chemicals in México (2001 to 2005); Global Head for the Product Group Cellulosic Dyes (2005 to 2007), Head of BU Textile Chemicals Latin America (2007 to 2009); Head of BU Textile Chemicals Americas (2009 to 2012); Head of Emulsions (January 2012 to June 2012); and Head of Marketing and Sales Plastic and Special Applications, BU Pigments (January 2013 to 2015).

His latest role as Head of Regional Business Line Europe, BU Pigments, Strategic Plastics, brought him back to Switzerland in January 2015, with the mission to implement the new BU Pigments regional structure in Europe.

Mr Furrer speaks 5 languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

More information:


Rennrad-Trikot VELOZIP Performance Shirt von triple2 (c) triple2
Rennrad-Trikot VELOZIP Performance Shirt von triple2

Rennrad-Trikot VELOZIP Performance Shirt von triple2

Mit jedem Kilometer stellen sich Roadbiker neuen Etappen und lieben die Herausforderung. Der schnelle Sport fordert ein anspruchsvolles Outfit, das leicht, atmungsaktiv und enganliegend sein soll: Das extrem leichte VELOZIP Performance Shirt von triple2 erfüllt diesen Anspruch für das Rennradfahren.

Mit jedem Kilometer stellen sich Roadbiker neuen Etappen und lieben die Herausforderung. Der schnelle Sport fordert ein anspruchsvolles Outfit, das leicht, atmungsaktiv und enganliegend sein soll: Das extrem leichte VELOZIP Performance Shirt von triple2 erfüllt diesen Anspruch für das Rennradfahren.

Roadbiken ist angesagt. Kilometer um Kilometer bezwingen sie knackige Anstiege, um anschließend die Belohnung bei der rasanten Abfahrt einzufahren. Wer dabei unbeschwert und ohne unnötige Ausrüstung unterwegs sein möchte, benötigt das richtige Outfit: Das neue VELOZIP Performance Shirt von triple2 ist ideal für alle Racer und Racerinnen. Das enganliegende Trikot ist extrem leicht, abriebfest und kommt mit kühlender Funktion. Mit dem durchgehenden Frontreißverschluss haben Biker zudem noch bessere Belüftungsmöglichkeiten. Bei anspruchsvolleren Etappen gibt der funktionale Materialmix aus nachhaltigem Eco PET (recycelte PET-Flaschen) und ECONYL® (recycelte Fischernetze) den Schweiß wieder nach außen ab. Im Sommer schützt das Shirt mit einem UV-Schutz von 50+ vor Sonneneinstrahlungen. Außerdem sorgt der elastische Silikon-Print am Bund dafür, dass es beim Tragen nicht hochrutscht und garantiert perfekte Renntage.

Technische Details

- Durchgehender Frontreißverschluss mit Zipper-Garage
- Rückentasche mit Reißverschluss
- 3 weitere Steckfächer hinten
- Reflektoren am Rücken
- Zierdruck auf der Brust und am Rücken
- Elastischer Silikon-Print am Bund gegen Hochrutschen


- Geruchsneutral, extrem schnell trocknend, hochatmungsaktiv, abriebfest und einzigartig weich
- Shell: 88% recyceltes Polyamid, 12% Elastan
- Mesh: 100% Polyester
- UV-Schutz: 50+
- Gewicht: 140 g / 170 g, Size S (Women) / M (Men)

More information:
Shirt Funktionstextilien

Greenside PR

Crowded aisle of JEC World 2018

JEC World 2018: Composites Industry in Paris

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises.

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises. We also introduced one new planet called “Make it Real” along with the Aero, Auto and Construction planets. In this planet, we could discover astonishing futuristic products for example the Aeromobil, a flying car that would revolutionize urban transportation in the near future,“ she adds. “We launched our new Book on Natural Fibers: Flax and Hemp. We had strong communications on Composites Environmental Input and Recycling.”

The event was the first event to promote and host the new “French Fab”, a French government initiative to internationally promote the French Industry and Manufacture. Also, JEC World welcomed the French Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance Ms. Delphine Gény-Stephann, visit that demonstrates the growing role of composites in the industry.

Inspiring Keynotes to foster composites disruption

Dirk Ahlborn,CEO of Hyperloop opened the Startup Booster ceremony by supporting the spirit of ingenuity in the Industry. Dayton Horvath, industry expert and consultant in additive manufacturing presented his vision of how to apply artificial intelligence to composite Materials and Manufacturing. Finally, Yves Rossy, the “jetman” using the latest carbon-fiber wings for flight introduced the JEC Innovation awards ceremony, motivating the audience to pursue their dreams and explaining how composites could made his dreams come true.

The "Public Choice” Awards Winners

A first at the show this year was the introduction of the public votes to elect their favorite projects among two JEC programs promoting innovation. “The goal to create the “public choice awards” was to involve and embark our community to make their innovation loud. Our vision at JEC is to demonstrate and to make understand towards a broader scope the vast range of possibilities that composite materials offer.”
comments Ms. Anne-Manuèle Hébert, Director for JEC World and European Events for JEC Group.

Public Choice Award for Startup  Booster: Inca-Fiber (Germany) with 62.36% of the 2,221 votes
Public Choice Award for JEC Innovation Awards: Infusion technology for an aircraft wing by AeroComposit JSC (Russia) gaining 20.96% of the 4,126 votes.



20th anniversary of the JEC Innovation Awards (c) GROUPE JEC - Thierry-Alain TRUONG

20th anniversary of the JEC Innovation Awards

  • JEC Group pays tribute to the winners at JEC World 2018

The 2018 session of JEC World, the reference trade show organized by JEC Group, is in full swing and the focus is on innovation!
The JEC Innovation Awards ceremony, which took place on the Agora stage on Wednesday, March 7 at 5 pm, opened with a presentation by Yves Rossy, aircraft pilot and inventor of the first jet-powered wingpack. Then the jury revealed the names of the composite champions up for a JEC Innovation Award. Eleven winning innovations were chosen, out of the thirty finalists that had been previously selected from more than 100 applications from all over the world.

  • JEC Group pays tribute to the winners at JEC World 2018

The 2018 session of JEC World, the reference trade show organized by JEC Group, is in full swing and the focus is on innovation!
The JEC Innovation Awards ceremony, which took place on the Agora stage on Wednesday, March 7 at 5 pm, opened with a presentation by Yves Rossy, aircraft pilot and inventor of the first jet-powered wingpack. Then the jury revealed the names of the composite champions up for a JEC Innovation Award. Eleven winning innovations were chosen, out of the thirty finalists that had been previously selected from more than 100 applications from all over the world.

“JEC Group supports innovation. In 1998, it created the first award dedicated to composites, as a way to promote and reward the sector’s champions. Thanks to the work of JEC Group’s teams, the program has become an international benchmark. Each year, we receive more than a hundred applications from all over the world. Selection is now based on criteria like the level of involvement of the innovation’s partners in the value chain, the technical nature of the innovation, or its commercial applications,” explains JEC Group President & CEO Frédérique Mutel.
A new feature this year is that the jury revealed the winners during the ceremony, and the public could choose their favorite innovation before, during, and after the ceremony. So there is still time to vote! Votes are opened until Thursday March 8th, 5pm
Did you miss the ceremony?


AeroComposit, JSC (Russia) and its partner Solvay (United Kingdom)

  • Infusion technology for an aircraft wing

The use of infusion technology to manufacture primary structural components for an aircraft wing. The technology makes it possible to create extra-long, integrated composite structures with complex aerodynamic shapes.

2 tied winners!
Winner: Airbus (Germany) and its partners, BMW Group (Germany), Technical University of Munich (TUM) (Germany), Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH (Germany), Werkzeugbau Siegfried Hofmann GmbH (Germany), BASF SE (Germany), Foldcore GmbH (Germany), Neenah Filtration (Germany) and SGL Carbon GmbH (Germany)

  • Complex structural applications for MAI sandwich technology

Cost-effective production of a complex 2.5D structure made of thermoplastic composite sandwich, with very short cycle times: under 5 minutes for aerospace materials and 2.5 minutes for automotive materials.

Winner: M. Torres Diseños Industriales SAU (Spain)
Moldless process to manufacture one-piece parts
A new manufacturing process for oversized one-piece reinforced composite structures, without requiring the use of complete molds.

Winner: Ford Werke GmbH (Germany) and its partners, Gestamp (United Kingdom), GRM Consulting (United Kingdom) and University of Warwick (United Kingdom)

  • Lightweight composite automotive suspension part

Structural suspension part made of lightweight composite, using a brand-new patented process for prepreg/SMC/steel overmolding that was designed using a new computer-aided engineering (CAE) technology.

Winner: Audi AG (Germany) and its partners, Voith Composites GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Dow Automotive (Switzerland), and Zoltek Corp. (United States)

  • Series production of a rear panel module made of carbon composite

For the first time, the potential of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) is used to full advantage in series production with a new rear panel module and cost-effective production technologies.

Winner: Komatsu Seiren Co., Ltd. (Japan) and its partners, Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan) and Nagase ChemteX Corporation (Japan)

  • Cabkoma cable made of CFRTP

Komatsu Seiren has developed a cable made of molded carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP), using a very cost-effective process that consists in polymerizing a thermoplastic epoxy resin in situ.

Winner: Uljanik JSC (Croatia)

  • Composite cargo decks for a vehicle carrier

On the SIEM Cicero, a vehicle carrier with a capacity of 7,000 vehicles, glass-fiber reinforced composites are used for a number of the structures for the cargo decks, thereby considerably reducing the ship’s weight, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Winner: ELG Carbon Fibre Ltd. (United Kingdom) and its partners, Alstom Transport (United Kingdom), Magma Structures (United Kingdom), the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), and the University of Huddersfield (United Kingdom)

  • A bogie frame made of optimized lightweight carbon fiber

This project has developed the very first carbon-fiber bogie frame that uses a recycled material, making it possible to overcome the obstacles to a commercial adoption of this type of structure.

Winner: BMW Group (Germany) and its partners EDAG Engineering GmbH (Germany), KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH (Germany), Chr. Karl Siebenwurst GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), TUM-LCC (Germany), Automation W + R GmbH (Germany), and FHG-IGCV (Germany)

  • A modular construction system for the rear swing arm suspension of a motorcycle

A modular system to produce a complex-shape swing arm suspension reinforced with carbon fiber. The system can adjust the mechanical properties on a case-by-case basis, for a competitive cost and weight compared to metal solutions.

Winner: MC Materiales Compuestos (Argentina) and its partners, Plaquimet (Argentina), Purcom (Brazil), IS Groupe - Composite Integrity (France), and G12 Innovation (Brazil)

  • The Wet Core Pod composite housing module

The Wet Core Pod is a composite housing module with an industrialization potential that can facilitate the most complex, costly and difficult step in a construction project.

Winner: Cetim-Cermat (France) and its partner, CETIM (France)

  • “3-in-1” line for producing recycled composites

A modular line that uses an innovative thermomechanical process to make large panels from recycled composites or plastics. The panels are then thermoformed into parts.


Dorothée David & Marion RISCH, Agence Apocope