From the Sector

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C.L.A.S.S. launches an in-depth study path of8 stages devotedto Polimoda students

Prompted by the need to offer an adequate in-depth analysis of topics such as the integration of sustainability in fashion and the importance of the transition to the circular economy, the shared journey of C.L.A.S.S., the multi-platformhub, a reference resource since 2007 for smart innovationin fashion and Polimoda, the internationally recognized institute, world-renowned for its independent approach and innovative vision in terms of “fashion education”, as a result of the perfect combination of business and design.

Prompted by the need to offer an adequate in-depth analysis of topics such as the integration of sustainability in fashion and the importance of the transition to the circular economy, the shared journey of C.L.A.S.S., the multi-platformhub, a reference resource since 2007 for smart innovationin fashion and Polimoda, the internationally recognized institute, world-renowned for its independent approach and innovative vision in terms of “fashion education”, as a result of the perfect combination of business and design.

Eight sessionsduring which topicsrelated to smart innovation, the new role of the designer and the importance of a new generation of communication along withthe urgency of a transversalcooperation and the development of new business models strictly linked to a circular economy approach.
An inspirational path,intensive and engaging, aimed at involving Polimoda students of theFashion Design and Design ManagementMasters –in their future role of protagonists of the fashion industry.
A shared project, aimed at fostering the development of punctual knowledges on responsible innovation, which is to consider effective because of that concrete approach that involves the introduction of smart materials with a view to a circular economy approach.
This is how Polimoda, the fashion institute that boasts an innate and strong policy and strategic vision on the fashion universe at 360 °, and C.L.A.S.S, a reference point since 2007, specialized in the integration of smartvalues withinproducts and fashion companies, in addition to education, partneringto givelife to a driving force thattranslates into a culturalbackground for students.


GB Network Marketing & Communication


Lenzing AG: New members proposed for appointment to the Supervisory Board

  • Christian Bruch and Stefan Fida proposed to serve as new members of the Supervisory Board
  • Hanno Bästlein and Christoph Kollatz will resign from their positions on the Supervisory Board at the upcoming Annual General Meeting

Prior to the Annual General Meeting of the publicly traded company Lenzing AG scheduled for April 17, 2019, the Nomination Committee dealt with the future composition of the Supervisory Board. It has proposed that the Annual General Meeting appoint Christian Bruch to serve on the Supervisory Board. Mr. Bruch has been a member of the Executive Board of Linde AG since 2015 and a member of the Management Committee of Linde plc since 2019. The graduate in mechanical engineering will contribute his extensive experience in plant engineering and various technical and management positions in internationally operating industrial companies. The Viennese lawyer Stefan Fida has also been nominated as a future member of the Supervisory Board.

  • Christian Bruch and Stefan Fida proposed to serve as new members of the Supervisory Board
  • Hanno Bästlein and Christoph Kollatz will resign from their positions on the Supervisory Board at the upcoming Annual General Meeting

Prior to the Annual General Meeting of the publicly traded company Lenzing AG scheduled for April 17, 2019, the Nomination Committee dealt with the future composition of the Supervisory Board. It has proposed that the Annual General Meeting appoint Christian Bruch to serve on the Supervisory Board. Mr. Bruch has been a member of the Executive Board of Linde AG since 2015 and a member of the Management Committee of Linde plc since 2019. The graduate in mechanical engineering will contribute his extensive experience in plant engineering and various technical and management positions in internationally operating industrial companies. The Viennese lawyer Stefan Fida has also been nominated as a future member of the Supervisory Board.

As previously announced, Hanno Bästlein will resign from his position on the Supervisory Board at the upcoming Annual General Meeting in order to be able to increasingly devote his attention to his own business activities. Christoph Kollatz will also step down from the Supervisory Board for professional reasons at the Annual General Meeting in April 2019.

“We would like to thank Hanno Bästlein and Christoph Kollatz for their dedicated work on the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG. Thanks to their expertise, they made a major contribution to important strategic decisions in the company. During his four years as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hanno Bästlein decisively supported the strategy of the Lenzing Group and thus contributed to the enhanced resilience of the company based on the expansion with specialty fibers”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of Lenzing AG.


More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

(c) Manteco

MANTECO welcomes European Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska

On March 7th, European Commissioner on the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises has been welcomed in Prato by the mayor Matteo Bittoni and by the Councilor for Productive Activities Daniela Toccafondi, together with the economic categories for a meeting organized by the Department of Economic Development with reference to the Fashion System.

By the end of the meeting, the only company visit planned has followed, and brought to the Manteco headquarter. Manteco is a firm leader in the production of wool and recycled fabrics since 1943.  Today led by Matteo and Marco Mantellassi, Manteco is able to value territory, sharing economy, sustainability, internationalization and the use of renewable energies – not only as an investment policy but also as a distinctive element for the identification of the company as an international reference point for the fashion textile sector.

On March 7th, European Commissioner on the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises has been welcomed in Prato by the mayor Matteo Bittoni and by the Councilor for Productive Activities Daniela Toccafondi, together with the economic categories for a meeting organized by the Department of Economic Development with reference to the Fashion System.

By the end of the meeting, the only company visit planned has followed, and brought to the Manteco headquarter. Manteco is a firm leader in the production of wool and recycled fabrics since 1943.  Today led by Matteo and Marco Mantellassi, Manteco is able to value territory, sharing economy, sustainability, internationalization and the use of renewable energies – not only as an investment policy but also as a distinctive element for the identification of the company as an international reference point for the fashion textile sector.

The company visit was attended by European Commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska, Justina Morek, member of the Commissioner's Cabinet, Beatrice Covassi, director of the Representation of the European Commission in Rome, Slawomir Tokarski, director for advanced and innovative manufacturing in the general direction of the internal market and European Commission industry, MEP Hon. Nicola Danti, dr. Alberto Biginelli, Councilor Daniela Toccafondi; The Mayor of Prato Matteo Bittoni, the Mayor of the Municipality of Montemurlo, Mauro Lorenzini.

The key topic of the meeting has been the circular economy  – that is to consider very close to Manteco – along with some others explored such as the value of Made in Italy, the importance of a responsible approach to reuse and the need for a traceability system. Noteworthy the visit to the Manteco Archive, during which the focus has been on raw materials, with reference to the tradition and experience that today are perfectly combined with the strong innovative drive and creativity. Upon request of the European Commissioner, the corporate approach with a view to circular economy, km0 production system and how it fits into the productive district were also dealt with.
«I visited a textile company that recycles or reuses waste materials to produce wool of the highest quality: this is an excellent example of circular economy. The circular economy is an extremely interesting subject everywhere in Europe, because we are leaders in sustainability, and we want our children and ourselves to be able to live in a country that is livable in the future, so that's why it is worthwhile to show stories in Europe of success like this, which is a good practice that we are putting into practice, starting with the big industries and the energy-intensive ones » - Elzbieta Bienkowska -


GB Network Marketing & Communication


Kreislaufwirtschaft mit PrimaLoft® Bio™-Fasern

  • Erste Synthetikfaser aus 100 % Recyclingmaterial, die biologisch abbaubar* ist und vollständig innerhalb des Wirtschaftskreislaufs verbleiben kann.

PrimaLoft, Inc., Pionier im Bereich Materialforschung, gab bekannt, dass seine PrimaLoft® Bio™-Fasern im Sinne echter Kreislaufwirtschaft erneuerbar sind. In unabhängigen Tests haben sich die Polyesterfasern als chemisch recycelbar erwiesen. In diesem Prozess wird Polyester in seine Bestandteile zerlegt, die dann vollständig zu neuem Grundstoff für technische Materialien verarbeitet werden können, ohne an Leistung einzubüßen. PrimaLoft ist somit die erste Marke, die eine zu 100 % recycelte Synthetikfaser für Isolationen und Stoffe anbietet, die biologisch abbaubar* ist und vollständig innerhalb des Wirtschaftskreislaufs verbleiben kann.

  • Erste Synthetikfaser aus 100 % Recyclingmaterial, die biologisch abbaubar* ist und vollständig innerhalb des Wirtschaftskreislaufs verbleiben kann.

PrimaLoft, Inc., Pionier im Bereich Materialforschung, gab bekannt, dass seine PrimaLoft® Bio™-Fasern im Sinne echter Kreislaufwirtschaft erneuerbar sind. In unabhängigen Tests haben sich die Polyesterfasern als chemisch recycelbar erwiesen. In diesem Prozess wird Polyester in seine Bestandteile zerlegt, die dann vollständig zu neuem Grundstoff für technische Materialien verarbeitet werden können, ohne an Leistung einzubüßen. PrimaLoft ist somit die erste Marke, die eine zu 100 % recycelte Synthetikfaser für Isolationen und Stoffe anbietet, die biologisch abbaubar* ist und vollständig innerhalb des Wirtschaftskreislaufs verbleiben kann.

„Ziel der Entwicklung von PrimaLoft® Bio™ war es von Anfang an, eine Lösung für das Problem des Lebensendes von Kleidungsstücken sowie für das branchenweite Problem von Mikroplastik zu finden“, so Mike Joyce, Präsident und CEO von PrimaLoft. „Biologische Abbaubarkeit ist eine Lösung für das Lebensende von Produkten, die sich nahtlos in das Konzept der Kreislaufwirtschaft einfügt. Mit der Möglichkeit, unsere Fasern tatsächlich wiederzuverwerten, verschieben wir den Fokus vom klassischen Recycling zur echten Kreislaufwirtschaft. Darin sehen wir den nächsten großen Schritt im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit, und wir haben bereits jetzt bewiesen, dass wir dazu in der Lage sind.“

Unabhängige Tests haben gezeigt, dass sich aus PrimaLoft® Bio™-Fasern nach vollständigem chemischem Recyceln 95 % hochqualitatives Material gewinnen lassen. Damit können wieder Isolationen oder Funktionsstoffe hergestellt werden, die nichts an Leistung eingebüßt haben.

In einer echten Kreislaufwirtschaft liegt der Fokus auf Abfallminimierung sowie Wiedergewinnung und Wiederverwertung von Ressourcen. Damit sinkt der Bedarf, neue Rohstoffe in das System einzuführen. Es entsteht ein geschlossener Kreislauf. Die Kreislaufwirtschaft ist eine nachhaltige Alternative zur traditionellen linearen Wirtschaft, die Ressourcen nach dem Muster „Abbau, Fertigung, Entsorgung“ nutzt.

* 86,1 % biologischer Abbau in 499 Tagen unter ASTM D5511-Bedingungen. Standardtestmethode zur Bestimmung des anaeroben biologischen Abbaus von Kunststoffmaterialien unter anaeroben Verdauungsbedingungen mit hohem Feststoffgehalt

* 57.4% biologischer Abbau in 486 Tagen unter ASTM D6691-Bedingungen. Standardtestmethode zur Bestimmung des aeroben biologischen Abbaus von Kunststoffmaterialien in maritimer Umgebung durch ein definiertes mikrobielles Konsortium oder ein natürliches Meerwasser-Inokulum



crystal communications GmbH


Covestro: Wässrige bioabbaubare Textilbeschichtung

Um die Nachhaltigkeit einer Textilbeschichtung zu beurteilen, muss der komplette Produktzyklus betrachtet werden: Herkunft der Rohstoffe, Produktion und Anwendung. Genauso wichtig ist jedoch zu berücksichtigen, was nach dem Gebrauchsende passiert. Hier ist es ein großer Vorteil, wenn Substanzen am Ende des Produktlebenszyklus durch Mikroorganismen biologisch abgebaut werden können. Covestro bietet mit Impranil® DLN-SD eine wässrige Polyurethan (PU)-Dispersion an, aus der sich bioabbaubare Textilbeschichtungen (1) herstellen lassen.

„Rohstoffe von Covestro ermöglichen bioabbaubare Beschichtungen, aber auch Verbundwerkstofflösungen“, sagt Dr. Torsten Pohl, globaler Leiter Textilbeschichtung bei Covestro. „Damit leisten sie einen Beitrag zu einer modernen Kreislaufwirtschaft.“ Wie Tests zeigen, wird unter den speziellen Bedingungen des OECD-Standards 301 mehr als die Hälfte der PU-Dispersion innerhalb von 28 Tagen abgebaut. Damit ist die Abbaurate deutlich größer als die von Polyacrylaten und anderen Filmbildnern. Covestro stellt die Testergebnisse auf der European Coatings Show 2019 vom 19. bis 21. März in Nürnberg vor.

Um die Nachhaltigkeit einer Textilbeschichtung zu beurteilen, muss der komplette Produktzyklus betrachtet werden: Herkunft der Rohstoffe, Produktion und Anwendung. Genauso wichtig ist jedoch zu berücksichtigen, was nach dem Gebrauchsende passiert. Hier ist es ein großer Vorteil, wenn Substanzen am Ende des Produktlebenszyklus durch Mikroorganismen biologisch abgebaut werden können. Covestro bietet mit Impranil® DLN-SD eine wässrige Polyurethan (PU)-Dispersion an, aus der sich bioabbaubare Textilbeschichtungen (1) herstellen lassen.

„Rohstoffe von Covestro ermöglichen bioabbaubare Beschichtungen, aber auch Verbundwerkstofflösungen“, sagt Dr. Torsten Pohl, globaler Leiter Textilbeschichtung bei Covestro. „Damit leisten sie einen Beitrag zu einer modernen Kreislaufwirtschaft.“ Wie Tests zeigen, wird unter den speziellen Bedingungen des OECD-Standards 301 mehr als die Hälfte der PU-Dispersion innerhalb von 28 Tagen abgebaut. Damit ist die Abbaurate deutlich größer als die von Polyacrylaten und anderen Filmbildnern. Covestro stellt die Testergebnisse auf der European Coatings Show 2019 vom 19. bis 21. März in Nürnberg vor.

Textilbeschichtungen, die auf Impranil® DLN-SD beruhen, fühlen sich angenehm weich und trocken an; darüber hinaus sind sie abrieb- und waschbeständig und sehr flexibel. Die Dispersion ist ferner ein guter Filmbildner und zeigt eine gute Kompatibilität mit Nitrilkautschuk (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, NBR). Sie ist deshalb auch in anderen Produktanwendungen einsetzbar, zum Beispiel in Latexhandschuhen und Verpackungen.

Da es sich bei Impranil® DLN-SD um eine aliphatische PU-Dispersion handelt, lassen sich mit ihr sehr lichtbeständige Beschichtungen formulieren. Die Dispersion kann im Haftstrich, im Zwischenstrich und im Deckstrich eingesetzt werden. Biologisch abbaubare Beschichtungen auf Basis von Impranil® DLN-SD kommen dem Trend nach umweltverträglichen und über den ganzen Zyklus nachhaltigen Produkten entgegen.

(1) Nach ersten internen Tests an reinen Polymerfilmen ohne Zusatz von Additiven, Vernetzern und Pigmenten.

More information:
Covestro Beschichtung

Covestro AG


Lenzing Group achieves fourth best full-year results in its history

  • Challenging market environment due to low prices for standard viscose, less favorable exchange rates and higher raw material and energy prices
  • Very positive development of specialty fiber business with revenue share exceeding 45 percent
  • Dividend proposal of EUR 3.00/share plus a special dividend of EUR 2.00/share
  • Results for 2019 expected at about the level of 2018 despite a significantly more demanding market environment

The Lenzing Group’s business developed well in the 2018 financial year. A significantly more challenging market environment led to a decline in revenue as well as earnings compared with the record results of the previous year. This was primarily caused by lower selling prices for standard viscose, exchange rate effects as well as higher raw material and energy costs.

  • Challenging market environment due to low prices for standard viscose, less favorable exchange rates and higher raw material and energy prices
  • Very positive development of specialty fiber business with revenue share exceeding 45 percent
  • Dividend proposal of EUR 3.00/share plus a special dividend of EUR 2.00/share
  • Results for 2019 expected at about the level of 2018 despite a significantly more demanding market environment

The Lenzing Group’s business developed well in the 2018 financial year. A significantly more challenging market environment led to a decline in revenue as well as earnings compared with the record results of the previous year. This was primarily caused by lower selling prices for standard viscose, exchange rate effects as well as higher raw material and energy costs.

Group revenue declined by 3.7 percent compared with the previous year to EUR 2.18 bn. The predicted challenging market environment for standard viscose, plus less favorable exchange rates and a slight decline in sales volume were the key contributing factors. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) was down by 24 percent to EUR 382 million due to price increases for key raw materials and higher energy and personnel costs. The EBITDA margin dropped from 22.2 percent in the 2017 financial year to 17.6 percent in the reporting year. EBIT (earnings before interest and tax) fell by 36 percent to EUR 237.6 mn, leading to a lower EBIT margin of 10.9 percent (2017: 16.4 percent). Net profit for the year after one-off effects dropped by 47.4 percent from EUR 281.7 mn in the previous year to EUR 148.2 mn. Earnings per share equaled EUR 5.61 (2017: EUR 10.47).

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board will propose a stable dividend of EUR 3.00 per share plus a special dividend of EUR 2.00 per share at the upcoming Annual General Meeting. In total, the paid dividend will amount to EUR 5.00 per share, corresponding to a dividend payment to shareholders of roughly EUR 133 mn.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG


MIPS kritisiert den Mangel an Standards bei Prüfung von Rotationsbewegungen

Das weltweit führende Unternehmen für helmbasierte Sicherheits-Technologien, MIPS, begrüßt neue Rotationssysteme auf dem Markt, kritisiert jedoch den Mangel an Standards bei der Prüfung von Rotationsbewegungen. Die Sicherheit des Anwenders müsse immer an erster Stelle stehen.

MIPS forscht seit über 20 Jahren am Thema Gehirn-Schutz. Das vom Unternehmen patentierte Brain Protection System (BPS) wurde entwickelt, um die Rotationsbewegungen zu reduzieren, die durch seitliche Stöße auf den Kopf auf das Gehirn übertragen werden, und Sicherheit für die Menschen im Freien zu gewährleisten, vom Anfänger bis zum Profi-Sportler.

Bei einem Sturz können die Kräfte auf den menschlichen Kopf in radiale und tangentiale Kräfte unterteilt werden. Die Prüfung auf Radialkräfte zeigt meist die Fähigkeit eines Helmes, den Kopf vor Schädelfrakturen zu schützen, während die Prüfung auf Tangentialkräfte die Fähigkeit eines Helmes zeigt, mögliche Hirnverletzungen wie diffuse axonale Verletzungen, subdurale Hämatome und Gehirnerschütterungen zu verhindern. Derzeit konzentrieren sich die Helmtests für Verbraucher auf Radialkräfte, ungeachtet der ebenfalls wirkenden Tangentialkräfte.

Das weltweit führende Unternehmen für helmbasierte Sicherheits-Technologien, MIPS, begrüßt neue Rotationssysteme auf dem Markt, kritisiert jedoch den Mangel an Standards bei der Prüfung von Rotationsbewegungen. Die Sicherheit des Anwenders müsse immer an erster Stelle stehen.

MIPS forscht seit über 20 Jahren am Thema Gehirn-Schutz. Das vom Unternehmen patentierte Brain Protection System (BPS) wurde entwickelt, um die Rotationsbewegungen zu reduzieren, die durch seitliche Stöße auf den Kopf auf das Gehirn übertragen werden, und Sicherheit für die Menschen im Freien zu gewährleisten, vom Anfänger bis zum Profi-Sportler.

Bei einem Sturz können die Kräfte auf den menschlichen Kopf in radiale und tangentiale Kräfte unterteilt werden. Die Prüfung auf Radialkräfte zeigt meist die Fähigkeit eines Helmes, den Kopf vor Schädelfrakturen zu schützen, während die Prüfung auf Tangentialkräfte die Fähigkeit eines Helmes zeigt, mögliche Hirnverletzungen wie diffuse axonale Verletzungen, subdurale Hämatome und Gehirnerschütterungen zu verhindern. Derzeit konzentrieren sich die Helmtests für Verbraucher auf Radialkräfte, ungeachtet der ebenfalls wirkenden Tangentialkräfte.

Die durch diese tangentialen Kräfte verursachte Drehbewegung ist genau das, worauf MIPS ausgelegt ist. Die MIPS-Technologie ermöglicht einen 10-15 mm Bewegungsspielraum in jeder Richtung unter starker Belastung in weniger als 10 Millisekunden nach einem Aufprall und reduziert damit die durch Rotationsbewegungen verursachten Reißeffekte auf das Gehirn.

More information:

crystal communications

(c) GS1 Germany

Digitalisierung erfordert Kooperationen

  • Kooperationen stärken Unternehmen und fördern den digitalen Wandel
  • Aber: 41 Prozent der Großunternehmen und 66 Prozent der Mittelständler verzichten auf Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups
  • ECR Tag am 18./19. September 2019 in Essen stellt kooperative Erfolge in den Mittelpunkt

Kooperationen werden in Zeiten von Digitalisierung, immer kürzeren Produktzyklen und datengetriebenen Geschäftsmodellen zu einem wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen aller Größenordnungen. Großunternehmen und etablierte Mittelständler kennen den Markt, junge Gründer bringen frische Ideen und neueste Technologien mit. In der Praxis mangelt es deutschen Unternehmen laut Bitkom jedoch an Kontakten mit innovativen Start-ups. Eine aktuelle Umfrage ergab, dass zwei Drittel der Mittelständler überhaupt nicht mit jungen Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten. Großunternehmen haben im Vergleich die Nase vorn: Nur vier von zehn verzichten auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups. Doch Nachholbedarf gibt es allemal, bestätigt auch der Digitale Job-Monitor des Handelsblatts: Die digitale Transformation in Deutschland stockt, weil Fachleute fehlen. Kooperationen könnten helfen.

  • Kooperationen stärken Unternehmen und fördern den digitalen Wandel
  • Aber: 41 Prozent der Großunternehmen und 66 Prozent der Mittelständler verzichten auf Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups
  • ECR Tag am 18./19. September 2019 in Essen stellt kooperative Erfolge in den Mittelpunkt

Kooperationen werden in Zeiten von Digitalisierung, immer kürzeren Produktzyklen und datengetriebenen Geschäftsmodellen zu einem wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen aller Größenordnungen. Großunternehmen und etablierte Mittelständler kennen den Markt, junge Gründer bringen frische Ideen und neueste Technologien mit. In der Praxis mangelt es deutschen Unternehmen laut Bitkom jedoch an Kontakten mit innovativen Start-ups. Eine aktuelle Umfrage ergab, dass zwei Drittel der Mittelständler überhaupt nicht mit jungen Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten. Großunternehmen haben im Vergleich die Nase vorn: Nur vier von zehn verzichten auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups. Doch Nachholbedarf gibt es allemal, bestätigt auch der Digitale Job-Monitor des Handelsblatts: Die digitale Transformation in Deutschland stockt, weil Fachleute fehlen. Kooperationen könnten helfen.

Antworten finden Unternehmen auf dem ECR Tag. Seit 20 Jahren bietet der Kongress die Plattform für den fachlichen und strategischen Austausch mit Experten und Entscheidern der Konsumgüterbranche. ECR steht dabei für Efficient Consumer Response – vereinfacht gesagt: Kooperationen im Sinne der Verbraucher. Auch in diesem Jahr werden rund 80 Referenten und Querdenker ihre Erfahrungen und Projekte zeigen, diskutieren und vermitteln. Unter ihnen Top-Speaker wie Jörg Heinemann, Principal Innovation & Digitalisierung bei Otto, Dieter Hieber, Geschäftsführer von Hieber's Frische Center, Olaf Koch, Vorstandsvorsitzender bei Metro, Stefan Leitz, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsleitung bei Carl Kühne, und Michael Rybak, Geschäftsführer bei Rossmann. Der ECR Tag 2019 findet am 18. und 19. September 2019 im Congress Center Essen statt.

More information:

GS1 Germany


Hexcel and Lavoisier Composites: Alliance to Up-Cycle Composite By-Products from the Aerospace Manufacturing Cycle

Hexcel has joined forces with a Lyon-based startup, LAVOISIER COMPOSITES. This company has developed CARBONIUM®, a new generation of material sourced entirely from carbon composite by-products generated by the French aerospace sector.

Hexcel supplies high-performance composite materials for the latest generation of aircraft such as the Airbus A350 XWB (53% composite structure). This has greatly contributed to the reduction of the aircraft's weight, thereby reducing its fuel consumption and carbon footprint. Composites are a significant first step toward tackling environmental and economic challenges, and eco-sourcing of the industry by-products also plays a key role.

Hexcel has joined forces with a Lyon-based startup, LAVOISIER COMPOSITES. This company has developed CARBONIUM®, a new generation of material sourced entirely from carbon composite by-products generated by the French aerospace sector.

Hexcel supplies high-performance composite materials for the latest generation of aircraft such as the Airbus A350 XWB (53% composite structure). This has greatly contributed to the reduction of the aircraft's weight, thereby reducing its fuel consumption and carbon footprint. Composites are a significant first step toward tackling environmental and economic challenges, and eco-sourcing of the industry by-products also plays a key role.

CARBONIUM®, which was developed with a process based on three patents pending, reduces overall environmental impact by 40-50%, compared to equivalent products derived from virgin materials. Based on the "climate change" factor, the life cycle assessment carried out with Hexcel revealed that the up-cycling of by-products from the aerospace composites industry leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 13kg per kg of CARBONIUM® used.
In its first year of operation, LAVOISIER COMPOSITES has already enjoyed commercial success, including the launch of two top-of-the-range watch models by Swiss luxury watchmaker ULYSSE NARDIN using this new material.

From aircraft fuselages to watchmaking, the composites manufacturing cycle presents opportunities for reducing our impact on the environment.

More information:
Hexcel Hexcel, Airbus



JEC WORLD 2019: 3 winners of the Startup Booster competition

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

AIRGO DESIGN (Singapore)
World's first full composite economy class passenger seat developer.

Delivering the future of composite manufacturing today through breakthrough advancements in software, materials, and robotics. Through enabling the 3D printing of large, mass-produced parts and structures, AREVO is revolutionizing mainstream manufacturing and the global supply chain.

WOODOO (France)
Augmented wood.

The public vote: LAVOISIER COMPOSITES (France)
New generation of material entirely sourced from the French aerospace transformation sector.

More information:
JEC World

Apocope Agency


Hexcel and Arkema open joint research and development laboratory

Hexcel and Arkema have announced that they will open a joint research and development laboratory in Les Avenières (Isère), France in April.

This follows the companies’ previous announcement in March 2018 that they were forming a strategic alliance to develop thermoplastic composite solutions for the aerospace sector, combining the expertise of Hexcel in carbon fiber and Arkema in PEKK.

The companies’ objective at this new lab is to develop carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic prepreg tapes to enable lightweight parts to be produced for future generations of aircraft. These solutions will provide lightweight and cost effective technologies including faster production cycles for customers in the aerospace and the space and defense sectors.

Thanks to Hexcel and Arkema’s close collaboration, an initial industrial pilot line will be installed in the new lab in the coming weeks. The companies expect to start supplying carbon/thermoplastic UD tapes from this pilot line to customers for evaluation beginning in Q3 2019.

Hexcel and Arkema have announced that they will open a joint research and development laboratory in Les Avenières (Isère), France in April.

This follows the companies’ previous announcement in March 2018 that they were forming a strategic alliance to develop thermoplastic composite solutions for the aerospace sector, combining the expertise of Hexcel in carbon fiber and Arkema in PEKK.

The companies’ objective at this new lab is to develop carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic prepreg tapes to enable lightweight parts to be produced for future generations of aircraft. These solutions will provide lightweight and cost effective technologies including faster production cycles for customers in the aerospace and the space and defense sectors.

Thanks to Hexcel and Arkema’s close collaboration, an initial industrial pilot line will be installed in the new lab in the coming weeks. The companies expect to start supplying carbon/thermoplastic UD tapes from this pilot line to customers for evaluation beginning in Q3 2019.

More information:



Recycling of Coated and Painted Textile and Plastic Materials

The EU-funded Project, in which Devan Chemicals is a key partner, held a kick off meeting end of February 2019 at the EU Commission in Brussels, Belgium. The project consortium, led by Belgian R&D centre CENTEXBEL, consists of 17 European partners from across the value chain including design, manufacturing, NGOs, and research and innovation.

The focus of the consortium is on coated and painted textiles and plastic materials which are currently not recyclable. Ambitious plastic recycling targets of 50% have been set by the European Plastics Industry, and to meet these targets, smart solutions to enable the circular use of textile and plastic parts with multi-layer coatings must be considered.

DECOAT has therefore been established to investigate triggerable smart polymer material systems and appropriate recycling processes. The solutions will be based on smart additives (like microcapsules or microwave triggered additives) that will enable the efficient of coatings and other finishes, activated by a specific trigger (heat, humidity, microwave, chemical) to permit recycling.        

The EU-funded Project, in which Devan Chemicals is a key partner, held a kick off meeting end of February 2019 at the EU Commission in Brussels, Belgium. The project consortium, led by Belgian R&D centre CENTEXBEL, consists of 17 European partners from across the value chain including design, manufacturing, NGOs, and research and innovation.

The focus of the consortium is on coated and painted textiles and plastic materials which are currently not recyclable. Ambitious plastic recycling targets of 50% have been set by the European Plastics Industry, and to meet these targets, smart solutions to enable the circular use of textile and plastic parts with multi-layer coatings must be considered.

DECOAT has therefore been established to investigate triggerable smart polymer material systems and appropriate recycling processes. The solutions will be based on smart additives (like microcapsules or microwave triggered additives) that will enable the efficient of coatings and other finishes, activated by a specific trigger (heat, humidity, microwave, chemical) to permit recycling.        

Devan’s specific role is in the development of microcapsules that will release its active core on application of a certain trigger (e.g. heat) at the end of life of the article. This active core material may be something that, for example, will promote the detachment of different coating layers (by separating them), opening the possibility for recyclability/re-use of the base materials. Different active core ingredients will be evaluated, and Devan will develop processes for each type of core ingredient and for each type of coating layer/matrix.

The bold aim of the four-year project is to decrease landfill by 75% of coated articles that are presently difficult to recycle, such as clothing, electronic goods and automotive components. A reduction in the carbon footprint by at least 30% for the considered products is aimed for. By enabling the recycling of such materials, DECOAT is expected to generate in the medium term a new market valued at over 150 million Euros in Europe.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Devan

Marketing Solutions NV

Auf der European Coatings Show 2019 und der Techtextil 2019 bietet Covestro jetzt eine neue Lösung für atmungsaktive und zugleich wasserundurchlässige Outdoor-Kleidung auf Basis seiner INSQIN®  Technologie an. Die Beschichtungen sind auf rein wässriger Basis. (c) Covestro

INSQIN® Technologie: nachhaltige Beschichtung von Outdoor-Textilien

  • Wasserbasiert, wasserdicht und wasserdampf-durchlässig

Outdoor-Kleidung soll Jogger oder Wanderer bei Regen schützen, aber auch den Schweiß der Haut nach außen durchlassen. Darüber hinaus legen immer mehr Käufer von Outdoor-Textilien Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit. Mit der INSQIN® Technologie, die für wässrige Textilbeschichtungen ohne Einsatz von Lösemitteln steht, lassen sich alle drei Anforderungen zugleich erfüllen. Auf der European Coatings Show 2019 vom 19. bis 21. März präsentiert Covestro in seiner „City of Sustainnovation“ (Halle 4A, Stand 528) Outdoor-Kleidung, die ihre funktionellen Eigenschaften dieser Beschichtungstechnologie verdankt.

Zwei Schichten sind für das weiche und angenehme Gefühl verantwortlich, das die präsentierte Outdoor-Kleidung vermittelt: ein Haftstrich, der auf der Polyurethan (PU)-Dispersion Impraperm® DL 5310 basiert, und ein Deckstrich auf Basis der PU-Dispersion Impraperm® DL 5249. Covestro bietet seinen Kunden beide Produkte seit ein paar Monaten an.

  • Wasserbasiert, wasserdicht und wasserdampf-durchlässig

Outdoor-Kleidung soll Jogger oder Wanderer bei Regen schützen, aber auch den Schweiß der Haut nach außen durchlassen. Darüber hinaus legen immer mehr Käufer von Outdoor-Textilien Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit. Mit der INSQIN® Technologie, die für wässrige Textilbeschichtungen ohne Einsatz von Lösemitteln steht, lassen sich alle drei Anforderungen zugleich erfüllen. Auf der European Coatings Show 2019 vom 19. bis 21. März präsentiert Covestro in seiner „City of Sustainnovation“ (Halle 4A, Stand 528) Outdoor-Kleidung, die ihre funktionellen Eigenschaften dieser Beschichtungstechnologie verdankt.

Zwei Schichten sind für das weiche und angenehme Gefühl verantwortlich, das die präsentierte Outdoor-Kleidung vermittelt: ein Haftstrich, der auf der Polyurethan (PU)-Dispersion Impraperm® DL 5310 basiert, und ein Deckstrich auf Basis der PU-Dispersion Impraperm® DL 5249. Covestro bietet seinen Kunden beide Produkte seit ein paar Monaten an.

Ein Quadratmeter Textil, das mit einem solchen INSQIN® System beschichtet ist, lässt pro Tag mehr als fünf Kilogramm Wasserdampf durch. Beide Schichten tragen damit zu einer guten Atmungsaktivität bei. Andererseits widerstehen beschichtete Kleidungsstücke im Test einer Wassersäule von mehr als acht Metern. Die Wassersäule ist ein Maß dafür, wie wasserdicht ein Funktionstextil ist: Bei der Messung nach DIN EN ISO 811 wird die Außenseite des Textils der Flüssigkeit ausgesetzt. Der Druck des Wassers wird dann kontinuierlich erhöht – so lange, bis der dritte Tropfen auf der Innenseite zu sehen ist. Der dann wirkende Druck wird in Millimetern Wassersäule angegeben.

Vielfältig einsetzbar – nicht nur für Textilien
„Man kann sowohl die Atmungsaktivität als auch die Wasserfestigkeit der Beschichtung sehr gut auf den Einsatzzweck und die Funktion des Textils hin anpassen“, sagt Thomas Michaelis von Covestro. Der Leiter Textilbeschichtung für die Region Europa, Naher Osten, Afrika und Lateinamerika (EMEA/LA) ergänzt: „Maßgeschneiderte Eigenschaften lassen sich vor allem durch die Variation der Formulierung und der Schichtdicken erreichen.“ Aufgrund der vielfältigen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten des INSQIN® Systems beschränkt sich sein Einsatz keineswegs auf Kleidungsstücke. Von ihm profitieren auch Besitzer von Rucksäcken, Schuhen und Handschuhen.

Die wasserbasierten Beschichtungen auf Basis von Impraperm® DL 5310 und Impraperm® DL 5249 verleihen dem Kleidungsstück auf der ganzen Oberfläche eine gute und gleichmäßige Atmungsaktivität. Das ist ein klares Plus gegenüber einer anderen Technologie für Outdoor-Kleidung, bei der Membranfolien punktweise mit dem Textil verklebt werden. Denn der Kleber ist üblicherweise nicht atmungsaktiv, so dass an den Klebepunkten kein Wasserdampf nach außen transportiert wird. Die wässrigen Impraperm® Dispersionen eröffnen allerdings nicht nur eine Alternative zu dieser Membrantechnologie, sondern lassen sich auch verwenden, um diese zu verbessern: Als Kleber eingesetzt, gewährleisten sie auch an den Klebepunkten eine gute Durchlässigkeit für Wasserdampf.

More information:

Covestro AG


DOMO Chemicals at the Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

Also at the conference, Philippe Guerineau, VP Sales & Marketing in the company’s Nylon & Intermediates business unit, will join a panel discussion at the conference to discuss on the economic outlook and the future of the polyamide industry. DOMO will be holding consultations and exclusive events for its customers as well.

More information:

DOMO Chemicals


Hohenstein präsentiert neue e-Academy

Mit der neuen e-Academy will Hohenstein den Weg in moderne Lernwelten weien. Digital, zeit- und ortsunabhängig bietet die Academy mit Beginn des Monats März allen Interessierten einen Zugang zu textilem Expertenwissen aus allen Fachbereichen. Künftig werden Webinare, Webcasts, Tutorials und weitere digitale Formate in folgenden Themenfeldern angeboten:

- Textiles Grundwissen
- Komfort & Performance
- Bekleidungstechnik
- Sicherheit & Nachhaltigkeit
- Waschen & Reinigen
- Medizin & Healthcare

Fortlaufend erweitert die Academy ihr digitales Angebot, das den Nutzern zahlreiche Vorteile bietet. So müssen sie nicht mehr zwingend nach Hohenstein reisen, um aus erster Hand Neues zu erfahren und zu lernen. Deswegen hat sich die Academy dem Konzept des Blended Learning verschrieben, der sinnvollen Kombination von digitalen Inhalten mit Präsenzveranstaltungen. So wird die Academy beispielsweise den traditionell gut besuchten Grundkurs „Wäschereitechnik“ modular zur Verfügung stellen und Inhalte sowohl digital als auch im Rahmen von Präsenzveranstaltungen anbieten.

Mit der neuen e-Academy will Hohenstein den Weg in moderne Lernwelten weien. Digital, zeit- und ortsunabhängig bietet die Academy mit Beginn des Monats März allen Interessierten einen Zugang zu textilem Expertenwissen aus allen Fachbereichen. Künftig werden Webinare, Webcasts, Tutorials und weitere digitale Formate in folgenden Themenfeldern angeboten:

- Textiles Grundwissen
- Komfort & Performance
- Bekleidungstechnik
- Sicherheit & Nachhaltigkeit
- Waschen & Reinigen
- Medizin & Healthcare

Fortlaufend erweitert die Academy ihr digitales Angebot, das den Nutzern zahlreiche Vorteile bietet. So müssen sie nicht mehr zwingend nach Hohenstein reisen, um aus erster Hand Neues zu erfahren und zu lernen. Deswegen hat sich die Academy dem Konzept des Blended Learning verschrieben, der sinnvollen Kombination von digitalen Inhalten mit Präsenzveranstaltungen. So wird die Academy beispielsweise den traditionell gut besuchten Grundkurs „Wäschereitechnik“ modular zur Verfügung stellen und Inhalte sowohl digital als auch im Rahmen von Präsenzveranstaltungen anbieten.




Lenzing Management Board proposes unchanged dividend and special dividend

  • Basic dividend to remain constant at EUR 3.00 per share
  • Special dividend of EUR 2.00 proposed once again

The Management Board of Lenzing AG, market leader in the production of specialty fibers made from the renewable raw material wood, has resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting that the following dividend be distributed to shareholders for the 2018 financial year: a basic dividend of EUR 3.00 per share and a special dividend of EUR 2.00 per share.

This dividend proposal reflects the good implementation of the corporate strategy sCore TEN and the company’s strong balance sheet. Performance indicators and the outlook of Lenzing AG for the current financial year will be published on March 14, 2019.

The total dividend payout to shareholders will amount to about EUR 133 mn, subject to the acceptance of the proposal by the Supervisory Board at its meeting scheduled for March 13, 2019 for the purpose of approving the consolidated financial statements as well as the approval granted by Lenzing AG shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2019.

  • Basic dividend to remain constant at EUR 3.00 per share
  • Special dividend of EUR 2.00 proposed once again

The Management Board of Lenzing AG, market leader in the production of specialty fibers made from the renewable raw material wood, has resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting that the following dividend be distributed to shareholders for the 2018 financial year: a basic dividend of EUR 3.00 per share and a special dividend of EUR 2.00 per share.

This dividend proposal reflects the good implementation of the corporate strategy sCore TEN and the company’s strong balance sheet. Performance indicators and the outlook of Lenzing AG for the current financial year will be published on March 14, 2019.

The total dividend payout to shareholders will amount to about EUR 133 mn, subject to the acceptance of the proposal by the Supervisory Board at its meeting scheduled for March 13, 2019 for the purpose of approving the consolidated financial statements as well as the approval granted by Lenzing AG shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2019.

More information:
Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG


Chomarat Carbon Reinforcements at JEC WORLD 2019

Composite reinforcement specialist Chomarat will exhibit its latest woven and multiaxial carbon fibre reinforcements at JEC World 2019. "Prepregs are used in the most demanding markets, such as aerospace or the automotive industry. Due to their high performance, Chomarat’s carbon fabrics are highly considered by prepreggers. Compared to standard solutions, the multiaxial reinforcements developed by the group offer Chomarat’s converter customers significant productivity gains. With its production sites in France, Asia and the United States, Chomarat is able to supply its customers and guarantee the same high level of quality in all countries," explains Group Managing Director Michel Cognet.

Composite reinforcement specialist Chomarat will exhibit its latest woven and multiaxial carbon fibre reinforcements at JEC World 2019. "Prepregs are used in the most demanding markets, such as aerospace or the automotive industry. Due to their high performance, Chomarat’s carbon fabrics are highly considered by prepreggers. Compared to standard solutions, the multiaxial reinforcements developed by the group offer Chomarat’s converter customers significant productivity gains. With its production sites in France, Asia and the United States, Chomarat is able to supply its customers and guarantee the same high level of quality in all countries," explains Group Managing Director Michel Cognet.

In just a few years, prepreggers have come to consider Chomarat's C-WEAVE™ carbon-fibre fabrics as a benchmark for surface-finish quality and processability.
The reinforcement contributes to productivity and reliability during the prepregging process. Helen Doughty, Director at SHD Composites, testifies: “The consistent high quality of C-WEAVE™ has been a key part of SHD Composite Materials continued success and growth.”
"Prepreg users often manufacture Class A surface parts for demanding applications, and they need excellence and reproducibility," explains Chomarat’s Prepreg Market Manager Ulrike Salmon.

The advantages of multi-axial reinforcements are now well established - oriented axes, absence of resin-rich areas allowing a high fibre content, and improved mechanical tensile and/or bending performance thanks to the non-crimp fibres.
By developing its C-PLY™ range, Chomarat further demonstrates that multiaxials are a real asset in terms of performance and appearance. "Chomarat strives to minimize marking on parts and to optimize surface quality through fibre spreading and the use of suitable stitches. C-PLY™ can also integrate aesthetic functions by using the assembly seam as a graphic design", continues Ulrike Salmon.
These new advantages are important for the automotive, sports-equipment and consumer-electronics markets, which seek to combine premium quality and productivity.




(c) Hexcel

Hexcel at JEC World 2019

  • Hexcel’s Composite Innovations For Aerospace, Automotive, Energy And Marine Applications At JEC World 2019 Hall 5 - Stand J41

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s JEC World taking place in Paris on March 12-14, Hexcel will promote a wide range of composite innovations for customer applications in aerospace, automotive, energy and marine markets.

Aerospace Innovations

Hexcel’s HiTape® and HiMax™ dry carbon reinforcements were developed to complement a new generation of HiFlow™ resin systems, producing high quality aerospace structures using the resin infusion process. HiTape® was developed for the automated lay-up of preforms and HiMax™ is a range of optimized non-crimp fabrics (NCF). Both products incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties, meeting the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

  • Hexcel’s Composite Innovations For Aerospace, Automotive, Energy And Marine Applications At JEC World 2019 Hall 5 - Stand J41

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s JEC World taking place in Paris on March 12-14, Hexcel will promote a wide range of composite innovations for customer applications in aerospace, automotive, energy and marine markets.

Aerospace Innovations

Hexcel’s HiTape® and HiMax™ dry carbon reinforcements were developed to complement a new generation of HiFlow™ resin systems, producing high quality aerospace structures using the resin infusion process. HiTape® was developed for the automated lay-up of preforms and HiMax™ is a range of optimized non-crimp fabrics (NCF). Both products incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties, meeting the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

Visitors to JEC will see an Integrated Wing Panel demonstrator and an I-beam, both made with HiTape® reinforcements, and an Opticoms rib made with HiMax™ NCF. The Opticoms rib and I Beam were both manufactured using C-RTM (Compression Resin Transfer Molding). They were injected with Hexcel’s RTM6 resin in a process taking less than 5 minutes. The total manufacturing cycle for both parts was just 4.5 hours.

Also among the Aerospace exhibits, Hexcel will display a composite petal for a satellite antenna, manufactured by Thales Alenia Space Italia. The petal is part of a set of 24 deployable structural elements that form the large area reflector assembly used on board Low Earth Orbit (LEO) observation satellites. Thales Alenia Space Italia selected Hexcel’s HexPly® M18 prepreg for this application, acknowledging the superior mechanical and outgassing properties provided.

Another Hexcel prepreg application on show is a “zero” frame, manufactured by Aerofonctions for the engine area of Daher’s TBM 910/930 single-engine turboprop aircraft. Hexcel’s HexPly® M56 prepreg was selected by Daher for the “zero” frame – a product developed for Out of Autoclave applications that provides the same high quality and performance as autoclave-cured prepregs, from a simple vacuum bag cure in an oven.

With 50 years of experience behind its comprehensive range of high-strength, high-strain PAN-based carbon fibers, Hexcel continues to innovate, and is introducing two new fibers to its portfolio. HexTow® HM50 combines high modulus and high tensile strength, making it ideal for commercial and defense aircraft and engines. HexTow® 85 was developed specifically to replace rayon-based carbon fiber for ablative applications.

HexTow® carbon fiber holds the most qualified carbon fiber positions on aerospace programs in the industry and is the best unsized fiber available on the market. It provides excellent bonding interfacial properties with thermoplastic matrices and is the best-performing fiber for 3D printing applications.

Additive manufacturing is another area of expertise for Hexcel, using PEKK ultra-high performance polymers and HexAM™ technology to manufacture carbon-reinforced 3D printed parts. This
innovative process provides a weight-saving solution for intricate parts in highly demanding aerospace, satellite and defense applications. HexPEKK™ structures offer significant weight, cost and time-to-market reductions, replacing traditional cast or machined metallic parts with a new technology.

Hexcel is well known for its range of weight-saving, stiffness-enhancing honeycombs and the company adds value by providing a range of engineered core solutions to customers from facilities in the USA, Belgium and the newly opened Casablanca plant in Morocco. Hexcel’s engineered core capabilities enable highly contoured parts with precision profiling to be produced to exacting customer specifications. An example of such a part will be on display at JEC. Made from Aluminum FlexCore®, the part is CNC machined on both sides, and formed and stabilized with both peel ply and flyaway layers of stabilization. Aircraft engines benefit from a number of Hexcel core technologies including HexShield™ honeycomb that provides high temperature resistance in aircraft engine nacelles. By inserting a thermally resistant material into honeycomb cells, Hexcel provides a core product with unique heat-shielding capabilities that allows for the potential re-use of material after a fire event.

Hexcel’s Acousti-Cap® broadband noise-reducing honeycomb significantly improves acoustic absorption in aircraft engine nacelles. The acoustic treatment may be positioned at a consistent depth and resistance within the core, or can be placed in a pattern of varying depths and/or resistances (Multi-Degrees of Freedom and 3 Degrees Of Freedom), offering an acoustic liner that is precisely tuned to the engine operating conditions. These technologies have been tested at NASA on a full engine test rig and meet all 16 design conditions without trade-offs.

HexBond™ – the new name in Adhesives

Hexcel’s range of high performance adhesives has expanded considerably following the company’s acquisition of Structil. The company has now decided to unite the range by marketing all of its adhesive products using HexBond™ branding. The comprehensive range of HexBond™ structural film adhesives, foaming adhesive films, paste adhesives, liquid shims, epoxy fillets and Chromium free liquid primers is suitable for a wide range of applications in combination with Hexcel’s prepreg and honeycomb products.

Automotive Innovations

Hexcel’s carbon prepreg patch technology provides an innovative way of locally stiffening and reinforcing metal parts, providing noise and vibration management functionality. HexPly® prepreg patches consist of unidirectional carbon fiber impregnated with a fast curing epoxy matrix that has self-adhesive properties, enabling it to bond to metal in a highly efficient one-step process. These key technology properties are demonstrated in an 18.5kg aluminum subframe (that is 50% lighter than steel equivalents), which was reinforced with 500 grams of HexPly® prepreg and tested by Saint Jean Industries. The part demonstrates a significant reduction in noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). Other benefits include lower production costs, energy savings, increased driver comfort, production flexibility and part count reduction. With this technology Hexcel is a finalist in the JEC Innovation Awards 2019 in the Automotive Applications category.

HexPly® prepreg patch technology was also applied to a hybrid side sill demonstrator developed with Volkswagen and Dresden University to address future crash test requirements, specifically for electric cars. Combining fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) with metal, the hybrid construction allows for optimum performance including weight savings, enhanced safety, increased energy absorption, battery protection in a crash situation and production flexibility.

Hexcel will also display a lightweight CFRP transmission crossmember produced from Hexcel’s high performance HexMC®-i 2000 molding compound. The transmission crossmember was developed in partnership with the Institute of Polymer Product Engineering (at Linz University), Engel and Alpex. As the part connects the chassis together and supports transmission it has to be stiff and strong, resisting fatigue and corrosion. Hexcel’s HexMC®-i 2000 was selected as the best-performing molding compound on the market, curing in as little as two minutes to produce lightweight, strong and stiff parts.
To produce the transmission crossmember HexMC®-i 2000 preforms are laid up in Alpex molds and compression-molded in a v-duo press that was tailored for the application by Engel. Ribs, aluminum inserts and other functions can be molded into the part using the single-stage process, reducing component-count. Any offcuts from the preforms can be interleaved between the plies of material to provide additional reinforcement in key areas - meaning that the process generates no waste.

Other Automotive promotions on Hexcel’s stand at JEC World include a composite leaf spring manufactured by ZF using HexPly® M901 prepreg. In contrast to steel leaf springs, composite versions offer many advantages including weight savings of up to 70%, high corrosion resistance, optimized system integration and superior performance. HexPly® M901 prepreg reduces the cure cycle to below 15 minutes and provides 15% higher mechanical performance, with enhanced fatigue properties. It also operates at high temperatures, providing a Tg of up to 200°C following a post cure.

Marine Innovations

Hexcel has a comprehensive range of products aimed at racing yacht and luxury boat builders that include America’s Cup, IMOCA class and DNV GL-approved prepregs, woven reinforcements and multiaxial fabrics for hull and deck structures, masts and appendages.

At JEC World Hexcel will display an IMOCA yacht mast manufactured by Lorima using HexPly® high modulus and high strength carbon fiber prepreg from Hexcel Vert-Le-Petit. Lorima is the exclusive official supplier of masts for IMOCA 60 class racing boats.

Hexcel’s HexTow® IM8 carbon fiber has been selected as the highest performing industrial carbon fiber on the market and will be used by spar and rigging manufacturer Future Fibres to manufacture their AEROrazr solid carbon rigging for all the teams in the 36th America’s Cup.

Hexcel’s HiMax™ DPA (Dot Pattern Adhesive) reinforcements are non-crimp fabrics supplied pre-tacked, allowing multiple fabrics to be laid-up more easily in preparation for resin infusion. Providing an optimal, consistent level of adhesion, they allow a faster and more consistent resin flow, as well as eliminating the use of spray adhesive for a healthier working environment and lower risk of contamination. Simply unrolled and applied to the mold or core layer before the introduction of resin, HiMax™ DPA fabrics are widely used in boat building, where lay-up times can be reduced by up to 50%.

Wind Energy Innovations

Hexcel has developed a range of HexPly® surface finishing prepregs and semi-pregs for wind turbine blades and marine applications. Providing a tough, durable and ready-to-paint surface without using in-mold coats, these products shorten the manufacturing cycle and reduce material costs. HexPly® XF2(P) prepreg is optimized for wind blades and has a ready-to-paint surface, straight from the mold, saving at least 2 hours of takt time.

Polyspeed® pultruded carbon laminates were developed for load-carrying elements in a blade structure and are manufactured with a polyurethane matrix that provides outstanding mechanical performance in terms of stiffness and durability. The blade manufacturing process is optimized, with increased throughput. The pultruded laminates are supplied in coils as continuous cross section profiles.
HiMax™ non-crimp fabrics using E-glass, high modulus glass and carbon fibers are also available in a wide range of unidirectional, biaxial and triaxial constructions. HiMax™ fabrics have applications throughout the turbine, from the stitched carbon fiber UDs used in the main structural elements, to glass fabrics and hybrids for blade shells and nacelles. There are also specialist applications such as lightweight fabrics for heated leading edge de-icing zones.



Archroma breaks new ground with new aniline-free* indigo for denim. © Archroma, Pexels
Archroma breaks new ground with new aniline-free* indigo for denim.

Archroma moves forward with Full Scale Production of its New Aniline-free DENISOL® PURE INDIGO

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced that the production of its new aniline-free* Denisol® Pure Indigo has been accelerated due to the high demand encountered on the market.

Aniline-free Denisol® Pure Indigo 30 liquid was first announced in May 2018 at the Planet Textile Conference held in Canada, and allows a cleaner way to produce the traditional, iconic indigo blue color that consumers associated with denim and jeans.

Archroma makes the Denisol® Pure Indigo 30 dye in the most sustainable way as currently possible. The new dye is produced in Archroma’s facility in Pakistan, a plant that made the headlines in 2012 for being what Archroma believed to be the industry’s first zero liquid discharge plant.

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced that the production of its new aniline-free* Denisol® Pure Indigo has been accelerated due to the high demand encountered on the market.

Aniline-free Denisol® Pure Indigo 30 liquid was first announced in May 2018 at the Planet Textile Conference held in Canada, and allows a cleaner way to produce the traditional, iconic indigo blue color that consumers associated with denim and jeans.

Archroma makes the Denisol® Pure Indigo 30 dye in the most sustainable way as currently possible. The new dye is produced in Archroma’s facility in Pakistan, a plant that made the headlines in 2012 for being what Archroma believed to be the industry’s first zero liquid discharge plant.

“True to our commitment towards continuous innovation, Archroma challenges the status quo in the deep belief that we can make our industry sustainable. Denisol® Pure Indigo is result of our efforts to challenge accepted technologies in order to find a better way to advance sustainability, and it is therefore extremely exciting to see that brands, retailers and manufacturers are eager to offer a more sustainable denim to consumers. We owe the successful launch of Denisol® Pure Indigo to the shared vision of the textile value chain to preserve our planet and its people, after all – it’s our nature”, comments Alexander Wessels, CEO of Archroma.

* Below levels of detection
Denisol® is a trademark of Archroma registered in many countries.


 Media Relations Archroma

(c) AZL Aachen GmbH

AZL demonstrates new Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine at JEC World in Paris

After many years of successful cooperation on JEC World since 2015, the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) renewed the cooperation with the JEC Group for 2019:

At the dedicated exhibition area called “Composites in Action - JEC Group in partnership with AZL” (Hall 5A, D17), AZL and its 9 Partner Institutes of RWTH Aachen University present their latest research and development results. The innovations covering the whole composite value chain including research results of AZL, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts as well as RWTH Aachen University institutes including the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), the Welding and Joining Institute (ISF), the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (ITA), the Institute for Automotive Engineering (IKA), the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design (SLA). Following companies are sponsoring partners of this booth and will present their latest products and services: Hille Engineering, Maru Hachi, TELENE and Textechno.

After many years of successful cooperation on JEC World since 2015, the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) renewed the cooperation with the JEC Group for 2019:

At the dedicated exhibition area called “Composites in Action - JEC Group in partnership with AZL” (Hall 5A, D17), AZL and its 9 Partner Institutes of RWTH Aachen University present their latest research and development results. The innovations covering the whole composite value chain including research results of AZL, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts as well as RWTH Aachen University institutes including the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), the Welding and Joining Institute (ISF), the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (ITA), the Institute for Automotive Engineering (IKA), the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design (SLA). Following companies are sponsoring partners of this booth and will present their latest products and services: Hille Engineering, Maru Hachi, TELENE and Textechno.

This year, AZL is very proud to present a new machine system development at their booth:
The real machine setup of the “Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine” will be shown at the AZL booth (Hall 5A, D17) which is one of three finalists for the JEC AWARD 2019 in the category “Industry and Equipment”.

More information:

AZL Aachen GmbH