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3965 results

Kelheim Fibres: Price increase for viscose fibres from 1 April 2024

Kelheim Fibres GmbH, a leading manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, has announced to increase its prices by 12% to 15% for specialty viscose fibres starting April 1, 2024.

With the strong rebound in cotton fibre prices, there has been a sharp increase in the demand for viscose, especially in Asia. In the face of the rapid rise in interest rates, wages, chemicals, and environmental costs, accompanied by depressed fibre prices over the past years, Kelheim Fibres sees no other choice than to start improving margins back to sustainable levels by raising the base price.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH, a leading manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, has announced to increase its prices by 12% to 15% for specialty viscose fibres starting April 1, 2024.

With the strong rebound in cotton fibre prices, there has been a sharp increase in the demand for viscose, especially in Asia. In the face of the rapid rise in interest rates, wages, chemicals, and environmental costs, accompanied by depressed fibre prices over the past years, Kelheim Fibres sees no other choice than to start improving margins back to sustainable levels by raising the base price.


Kelheim Fibres

Pointcarre integrates Archroma's portfolio of 5,760 colors Photo: Archroma

Pointcarre integrates Archroma's portfolio of 5,760 colors

Archroma Textile Effects expands the digital textile design and production system (CAD/CAM) Pointcarre with its entire portfolio of 5,760 colors.

Pointcarre Textile Software enables fashion, home furnishing and technical textiles designers to create accurate digital samples, streamline the fabric weaving, knitting and printing processes, and produce realistic presentations of their collections.

Incorporating the Archroma color portfolio into this workflow will allow designers to bring their ideas to life with greater speed and accuracy. They will not only have access to a vast searchable library of Archroma colors, but they will also be better able to produce the exact color they need at the factory.

All of the Archroma color references can be formulated with dyes that meet leading international eco-standards and the brand customer’s desired sustainability profile.

To support customers to optimize the potential of the new color library, Pointcarre is offering new interactive e-learning modules on its Academy training platform, as well as assistance in several languages.

Archroma Textile Effects expands the digital textile design and production system (CAD/CAM) Pointcarre with its entire portfolio of 5,760 colors.

Pointcarre Textile Software enables fashion, home furnishing and technical textiles designers to create accurate digital samples, streamline the fabric weaving, knitting and printing processes, and produce realistic presentations of their collections.

Incorporating the Archroma color portfolio into this workflow will allow designers to bring their ideas to life with greater speed and accuracy. They will not only have access to a vast searchable library of Archroma colors, but they will also be better able to produce the exact color they need at the factory.

All of the Archroma color references can be formulated with dyes that meet leading international eco-standards and the brand customer’s desired sustainability profile.

To support customers to optimize the potential of the new color library, Pointcarre is offering new interactive e-learning modules on its Academy training platform, as well as assistance in several languages.

More information:
Archroma Pointcarre CAD/CAM Software



Mimaki Europe als UV Excellence Partner auf der FESPA

Mimaki Europe wird auf der FESPA Global Print Expo 2024 (19. bis 22. März 2024) seine neuesten Produkte im Bereich der UV-Drucktechnologie vorstellen. Als offizieller UV Excellence Partner der FESPA wird Mimaki einige seiner UV-Lösungen in der Mitte seines Standes und in seinem eigenen Experience Centre präsentieren.

Während der täglichen Führungen durch das Mimaki Experience Centre haben die Besucher die Gelegenheit, das Mimaki-Portfolio – Sign & Graphics, Textile & Apparel, 3D-Druck - zu erkunden. Die Tour wird auch Vorführungen von zwei neuen, noch nicht auf dem Markt befindlichen Produkten für den Sign & Graphics Bereich beinhalten.

Mimaki Europe wird auf der FESPA Global Print Expo 2024 (19. bis 22. März 2024) seine neuesten Produkte im Bereich der UV-Drucktechnologie vorstellen. Als offizieller UV Excellence Partner der FESPA wird Mimaki einige seiner UV-Lösungen in der Mitte seines Standes und in seinem eigenen Experience Centre präsentieren.

Während der täglichen Führungen durch das Mimaki Experience Centre haben die Besucher die Gelegenheit, das Mimaki-Portfolio – Sign & Graphics, Textile & Apparel, 3D-Druck - zu erkunden. Die Tour wird auch Vorführungen von zwei neuen, noch nicht auf dem Markt befindlichen Produkten für den Sign & Graphics Bereich beinhalten.

In der „Sustainability Corner“ des Mimaki-Standes wird ein innovatives, industrielles Textildrucksystem vorgestellt, welches die Zukunftsvision von Mimaki widerspiegelt. Mimakis FESPA-Angebot mit UV-Technologie besteht aus dem kürzlich eingeführten UJV100-160Plus und UCJV330-160. Der UJV100-160Plus zeichnet sich durch einen niedrigen Stromverbrauch aus und bietet zusätzliche Funktionen zur Steigerung der Kundenrentabilität. Der integrierte Drucker/Schneideplotter UCJV330-160 ist eine neue Ergänzung des Produktportfolios der 330er-Serie von Mimaki und bietet Hochgeschwindigkeits- und Qualitätsdruck für verschiedene Anwendungen.

Nachdem Mimaki letztes Jahr in den DTF-Markt eingestiegen ist, wird das neueste Produkt des Unternehmens, der TxF300-75, zum ersten Mal auf einer EMEA-weiten Messe vorgestellt




Epson auf CDP A-Liste für Umgang mit Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit

Epson erhält von der internationalen Organisation CDP in zwei Kategorien, Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit, ein A-Rating. Das CDP ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Organisation, die ein weltweites System zur Offenlegung von Umweltdaten betreibt. Jedes Jahr fordert es Unternehmen auf, ihre Risiken und Chancen in Bezug auf Klimawandel, Wassersicherheit und Entwaldung zu messen und zu managen. Das Ranking dient Investoren, Unternehmen oder politischen Entscheidungsträgern dazu, Umweltmaßnahmen von Unternehmen zu beurteilen und Investitionsentscheidungen zu treffen.

Yoshiro Nagafusa, Präsident von Epson Europe, sagt: Die Auszeichnung mit CDP 'A' in zwei Kategorien - Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit - ist eine wichtige Botschaft an unsere Kunden, Geschäftspartner und Investoren. Es zeigt, wie sehr sich Epson dem langfristigen Ziel verschrieben hat, CO2-negativ zu wirtschaften. Das jüngste CDP-A-Rating ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass wir es ernst meinen mit der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und der Vorbereitung unseres Unternehmens auf die Zukunft."

Epson erhält von der internationalen Organisation CDP in zwei Kategorien, Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit, ein A-Rating. Das CDP ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Organisation, die ein weltweites System zur Offenlegung von Umweltdaten betreibt. Jedes Jahr fordert es Unternehmen auf, ihre Risiken und Chancen in Bezug auf Klimawandel, Wassersicherheit und Entwaldung zu messen und zu managen. Das Ranking dient Investoren, Unternehmen oder politischen Entscheidungsträgern dazu, Umweltmaßnahmen von Unternehmen zu beurteilen und Investitionsentscheidungen zu treffen.

Yoshiro Nagafusa, Präsident von Epson Europe, sagt: Die Auszeichnung mit CDP 'A' in zwei Kategorien - Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit - ist eine wichtige Botschaft an unsere Kunden, Geschäftspartner und Investoren. Es zeigt, wie sehr sich Epson dem langfristigen Ziel verschrieben hat, CO2-negativ zu wirtschaften. Das jüngste CDP-A-Rating ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass wir es ernst meinen mit der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und der Vorbereitung unseres Unternehmens auf die Zukunft."

Zu den jüngsten Initiativen von Epson gehören die Umsetzung und der Abschluss eines Programms zur Umstellung auf 100 % erneuerbaren Strom an allen Standorten der Epson-Gruppe weltweit.

More information:
Epson CDP Klimawandel Nachhaltigkeit

Epson Deutschland GmbH

60th anniversary of Eltex of Sweden AB (c) Eltex of Sweden

60th anniversary of Eltex of Sweden AB

Eltex of Sweden, a pioneer in the adoption of electronic sensors by the weaving machinery industry, is marking its 60th anniversary this month.

The electronic detection of broken or missing weft yarns during production was the problem Eltex founders Åke Rydborn and Ragnar Henriksson set out to solve with the development of the world’s first electronic weft-stop-motion. Its potential was recognised on its introduction at the 1963 ITMA exhibition in Hannover, Germany, leading to the foundation of the company in a modest 12-square-metre workshop in Älmhult, Sweden, in February 1964.

Eltex of Sweden, a pioneer in the adoption of electronic sensors by the weaving machinery industry, is marking its 60th anniversary this month.

The electronic detection of broken or missing weft yarns during production was the problem Eltex founders Åke Rydborn and Ragnar Henriksson set out to solve with the development of the world’s first electronic weft-stop-motion. Its potential was recognised on its introduction at the 1963 ITMA exhibition in Hannover, Germany, leading to the foundation of the company in a modest 12-square-metre workshop in Älmhult, Sweden, in February 1964.

By 1968 the company was operating from a modern 3,000-square-metre plant and beginning to establish a global presence, introducing the first all-in-one printed circuit board (PCB) for its sensor systems in 1971. As exports increased, further Eltex operations were established in the USA and Ireland and the company expanded its product range including energy control devices, temperature and humidity loggers, food handling safety systems, and military grade battery chargers. Further textile milestones in parallel to advances in weaving technology included optical arrival detectors for air-jet weaving machines at the beginning of the 1980s, and the QTV system for warp preparation, which introduced digital stop-motion control to the industry at the start of the 1990s. In 2009, the company branched out into carpet tufting, first with the CoTS clamp-on tube sensor for tufting machines, followed by the Compact sensor for tufting machines in 2013. In 2019 the Compact II further cemented the company’s position in this sector.

Newly developed Eltex EyETM and ACT-R
Most recently, Eltex has launched the Eltex EyETM system for the monitoring of yarn tension on warp beams. Not only does it eliminate problems when warping, but also in the subsequent weaving or tufting processes. Eltex EyETM monitors the yarn tension on all positions in real-time and a minimum and maximum allowable tension value can be set. If any yarn’s tension falls outside these values the operator can be warned or the machine stopped.

The Eltex ACT and ACT-R units meanwhile go beyond yarn tension monitoring to actually control yarn tension. This extends the application range greatly. The plug and play system automatically compensates for any differences in yarn tension that arise, for example from irregularities in yarn packages.

Eltex has been owned by Brian Hicks, Seamus O’Dwyer and Jonathan Bell since 2007, following a management buy-out and the subsequent formation of Eltex Global Holdings in Ireland. Today, its head office, Eltex of Sweden AB, is in Osby, Sweden where it provides research and development, administration and global sales for the group. Eltex Manufacturing in Ireland is now the group’s primary production facility and Eltex US, Inc. provides sales and service for North America.


Eltex of Sweden


2nd Hand-Ankauftag bei Globetrotter

Ankauf statt Verkauf: Zum Saisonwechsel gibt Globetrotter gebrauchter Ware eine zweite Chance – von Hardware über Bekleidung nehmen alle 22 Erlebnis- und Citystores in Deutschland am 1. und 2. März ausgediente Outdoorausrüstung an. Im Gegenzug erhalten Kund:innen einen Gutschein in Höhe des Warenwertes und die Gewinnchance auf einen von drei 500 Euro-Gutscheinen.

Der Hamburger Outdoor-Ausrüster will zum Saisonstart auf nachhaltigen Konsum statt auf Neukauf setzen: Im Durchschnitt spart gebrauchtes Outdoor-Equipment rund 80 Prozent an Treibhausgasen im Vergleich zu einem neuen Produkt ein, wie das Unternehmen in einer gemeinsamen Studie mit myclimate ermittelte.
„Das nachhaltigste Produkt ist eines, das man schon hat. Deswegen sind Services wie Reparaturwerkstätten, Ausrüstungsverleih und 2nd Hand das Herzstück unseres Geschäftsmodells,“ so Matthias Schwarte, Head of Marketing bei Globetrotter.

Ankauf statt Verkauf: Zum Saisonwechsel gibt Globetrotter gebrauchter Ware eine zweite Chance – von Hardware über Bekleidung nehmen alle 22 Erlebnis- und Citystores in Deutschland am 1. und 2. März ausgediente Outdoorausrüstung an. Im Gegenzug erhalten Kund:innen einen Gutschein in Höhe des Warenwertes und die Gewinnchance auf einen von drei 500 Euro-Gutscheinen.

Der Hamburger Outdoor-Ausrüster will zum Saisonstart auf nachhaltigen Konsum statt auf Neukauf setzen: Im Durchschnitt spart gebrauchtes Outdoor-Equipment rund 80 Prozent an Treibhausgasen im Vergleich zu einem neuen Produkt ein, wie das Unternehmen in einer gemeinsamen Studie mit myclimate ermittelte.
„Das nachhaltigste Produkt ist eines, das man schon hat. Deswegen sind Services wie Reparaturwerkstätten, Ausrüstungsverleih und 2nd Hand das Herzstück unseres Geschäftsmodells,“ so Matthias Schwarte, Head of Marketing bei Globetrotter.

In allen Filialen kauft Globetrotter auch abseits des Aktionstages gut erhaltene Markenausrüstung von seinen Kund:innen an. Vor Ort wird die Ausrüstung von Expert:innen geprüft und der Kundin oder dem Kunden ein Angebot unterbreitet, das in Form eines Globetrotter-Gutscheins ausgezahlt wird.

Bereits seit 2021 kauft und verkauft der Anbieter gebrauchte Markenausrüstung, seit 2022 ist dies auch online unter verfügbar. Auf gebrauchte Ausrüstung gewährt der Outdoor-Händler zusätzlich eine Gewährleistung von einem Jahr.

More information:
Secondhand Globetrotter

Globetrotter Ausrüstung GmbH

Mohammed Ben Sulayem, FIA President. Ahmet Mercan, CEO of AlphaTauri. Photo: AlphaTauri
Mohammed Ben Sulayem, FIA President. Ahmet Mercan, CEO of AlphaTauri.

AlphaTauri becomes the first Official Clothing Partner of the FIA

In the first partnership of its kind, AlphaTauri has joined with the governing body for world motorsport, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), to become their official clothing partner.

Over this significant three-year partnership, AlphaTauri will equip all FIA staff with clothing and accessories, redefining how style and convenience intertwine with the world of motorsport. AlphaTauri will also be the official partner of the FIA Prize Giving Ceremony that is held once a year to honour the champions from every major branch of motorsports in a star-studded event. This strategic collaboration aligns two organisations that are deeply committed to innovation.

The partnership between FIA and AlphaTauri represents a fusion of automotive technology, high fashion, and the pursuit of excellence. It will transform the way FIA staff experience their roles while ensuring they maintain a distinctive and stylish presence.

In the first partnership of its kind, AlphaTauri has joined with the governing body for world motorsport, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), to become their official clothing partner.

Over this significant three-year partnership, AlphaTauri will equip all FIA staff with clothing and accessories, redefining how style and convenience intertwine with the world of motorsport. AlphaTauri will also be the official partner of the FIA Prize Giving Ceremony that is held once a year to honour the champions from every major branch of motorsports in a star-studded event. This strategic collaboration aligns two organisations that are deeply committed to innovation.

The partnership between FIA and AlphaTauri represents a fusion of automotive technology, high fashion, and the pursuit of excellence. It will transform the way FIA staff experience their roles while ensuring they maintain a distinctive and stylish presence.



adidas: Study on effect of pressure in sports (c) adidas AG

adidas: Study on effect of pressure in sports

Under adidas’ ambition to help athletes overcome high pressure moments in sport, it has teamed up with leading sport neuroscientists, neuro11, to understand the impact it has within a game of football, basketball, and golf during penalty shootouts, high-stake putts and must-make free-throws.

Working with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, as well as amateurs in the game, adidas and neuro11 delved into their minds to identify and analyse where pressure peaks, to help athletes across the globe to better understand it.

Understanding from this study that grassroots athletes and their elite counterparts experience similarly intense levels of pressure in the biggest sporting moments - but elite athletes were up to 40% more effective at managing pressure during these moments1 - a toolbox of techniques has been developed, built from the specific findings, to assist next-gen athletes in managing and overcoming the feeling within their game.

Under adidas’ ambition to help athletes overcome high pressure moments in sport, it has teamed up with leading sport neuroscientists, neuro11, to understand the impact it has within a game of football, basketball, and golf during penalty shootouts, high-stake putts and must-make free-throws.

Working with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, as well as amateurs in the game, adidas and neuro11 delved into their minds to identify and analyse where pressure peaks, to help athletes across the globe to better understand it.

Understanding from this study that grassroots athletes and their elite counterparts experience similarly intense levels of pressure in the biggest sporting moments - but elite athletes were up to 40% more effective at managing pressure during these moments1 - a toolbox of techniques has been developed, built from the specific findings, to assist next-gen athletes in managing and overcoming the feeling within their game.

Covering in-depth detail on what pressure looks like within each sport, how it has been proven to impact specific in-game moments, the brain zones that neuro11’s state-of-the-art brain technology measures and the main insights from each athlete’s training session, each report sets out to support all athletes in accessing the optimal zone - the brain state in which they perform at their best.

Rounded off with science-backed tips that reveal the optimal area of a goal to strike a penalty, how to use time to regain focus before netting a free throw, as well as the impact of dwell time on putting in golf – the guides are shaped around enhancing mental focus during some of the most pressured moments across sport.

1 Findings captured during athlete training sessions, as part of adidas SS24 Brand Campaign, in collaboration with neuro11 (November ’23- January ’24). Study carried out with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, in addition to 5 grassroot athletes.


adidas AG

Heinrich GLAESER: Begrünter Altkleidersammelcontainer im Finale des Wettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“ (c) Heinrich GLAESER Nachf. GmbH
Der begrünte Altkleidersammelcontainer „Greenbox“ von Heinrich GLAESER

Heinrich GLAESER: Begrünter Altkleidersammelcontainer im Finale des Wettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“

Heinrich GLAESER ist seit Gründung im Jahr 1888 auf Textilrecycling und Textilverwertung spezialisiert. Mit dem Ziel, Ressourcen zu schonen und Wertstoffkreisläufe zu schaffen, sammelt das Unternehmen Alttextilien und führt sie dem Upcycling zu. Mit der Idee, seine Altkleidercontainer für mehr Biodiversität zu begrünen, hat es das Unternehmen ins Finale des vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMVU) geförderten Unternehmenswettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“ geschafft.

Mit dem Wettbewerb „Die Lieferkette lebt“ werden alljährlich Unternehmenskonzepte und -aktivitäten entlang der Lieferkette zur Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt ausgezeichnet. Heinrich GLAESER hat sich im Herbst 2023 erstmals für den BMVU geförderten Preis beworben und schaffte es unter die Top 10. Die Jury nominierte die in das textile Kreislaufkonzept des Unternehmens eingebundenen „Greenbox“ unter die innovativsten Ideen. Die Greenbox ist ein Altkleidersammelcontainer, dessen Dachfläche begrünt ist. Diese blüht fast das ganze Jahr und bietet Insekten wie Bienen in städtischen Asphaltwüsten eine Anlaufstelle für die Nahrungsaufnahme.

Heinrich GLAESER ist seit Gründung im Jahr 1888 auf Textilrecycling und Textilverwertung spezialisiert. Mit dem Ziel, Ressourcen zu schonen und Wertstoffkreisläufe zu schaffen, sammelt das Unternehmen Alttextilien und führt sie dem Upcycling zu. Mit der Idee, seine Altkleidercontainer für mehr Biodiversität zu begrünen, hat es das Unternehmen ins Finale des vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMVU) geförderten Unternehmenswettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“ geschafft.

Mit dem Wettbewerb „Die Lieferkette lebt“ werden alljährlich Unternehmenskonzepte und -aktivitäten entlang der Lieferkette zur Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt ausgezeichnet. Heinrich GLAESER hat sich im Herbst 2023 erstmals für den BMVU geförderten Preis beworben und schaffte es unter die Top 10. Die Jury nominierte die in das textile Kreislaufkonzept des Unternehmens eingebundenen „Greenbox“ unter die innovativsten Ideen. Die Greenbox ist ein Altkleidersammelcontainer, dessen Dachfläche begrünt ist. Diese blüht fast das ganze Jahr und bietet Insekten wie Bienen in städtischen Asphaltwüsten eine Anlaufstelle für die Nahrungsaufnahme.

„Seit unserer Unternehmensgründung im Jahr 1888 beschäftigen wir uns mit der Kreislaufführung von Textilien. Die Anfänge gehen auf das Einsammeln von Produktionsabfällen aus der schwäbischen Textilindustrie und die Wiederaufbereitung zu hochwertigen Fasern zurück. Im Lauf der Zeit wurde das Geschäft um das Einsammeln von Altkleidern in unseren eigenen Sammelcontainern und um vielseitige Wertkreisläufe erweitert. Mit der Entwicklung unserer Geotextilien für Begrünung, Erosions- und Pflanzenschutz aus dem GLAESERgreen-Portfolio wurde die Idee geboren, beide Konzepte miteinander zu verbinden. So entstand die „greenbox“, unser begrünter Altkleidersammelbehälter“, erklärt Eberhard Brack, Geschäftsführer von Heinrich GLAESER.

Coloreel and Tajima Software Solutions: Personalization software for embroidery (c) Coloreel

Coloreel and Tajima Software Solutions: Personalization software for embroidery designs

Tajima Software Solutions and Coloreel launch a software for the personalization of embroidery designs. Designed to cater to both in-store and online shopping experiences, the new software Pulse ID allows users to customize their embroidery. It offers the flexibility to edit text, add effects, and colors.

This collaboration marks a full integration of the Coloreel technology with Pulse ID and Tajima's embroidery machines. The result is a seamless and efficient solution, ideal for in-store embroidery services or for enhancing the offerings of online shops.

Tajima Software Solutions and Coloreel launch a software for the personalization of embroidery designs. Designed to cater to both in-store and online shopping experiences, the new software Pulse ID allows users to customize their embroidery. It offers the flexibility to edit text, add effects, and colors.

This collaboration marks a full integration of the Coloreel technology with Pulse ID and Tajima's embroidery machines. The result is a seamless and efficient solution, ideal for in-store embroidery services or for enhancing the offerings of online shops.


Lectra: Financial statements for 2023

  • Revenues: 477.6 million euros (-6%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 79.0 million euros (-15%)
  • Net income: 32.6 million euros (-26%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 45.3 million euros
  • Dividend: €0.36 per share

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2023. Audit procedures have been performed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 3.9 million euros (-3%) and 1.7 million euros (-8%) respectively in Q4, and by 11.2 million euros (-2%) and 4.8 million euros (-6%) respectively in the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

  • Revenues: 477.6 million euros (-6%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 79.0 million euros (-15%)
  • Net income: 32.6 million euros (-26%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 45.3 million euros
  • Dividend: €0.36 per share

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2023. Audit procedures have been performed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 3.9 million euros (-3%) and 1.7 million euros (-8%) respectively in Q4, and by 11.2 million euros (-2%) and 4.8 million euros (-6%) respectively in the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

While the 2023 full-year results were affected by the adverse environment, they also attest to the substantial improvement in the fundamentals of the Group's business model, which will have a positive impact on 2024 results. Persistent macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainties could nevertheless continue to weigh on investment decisions by the Group's customers.

While the most recent indicators seem to suggest that the situation is unlikely to deteriorate further, the timing and magnitude of a rebound in new system orders remain uncertain.

Outlook for 2024
To facilitate analysis, the accounts of Lectra excluding the Launchmetrics acquisition ("Lectra 2023 Scope") will be analysed separately from the Launchmetrics accounts in 2024.

The Group has based its 2024 objectives on the exchange rates in effect on December 29, 2023, in particular $1.10/€1. When converting 2023 results using the exchange rates retained for 2024, 2023 revenues are mechanically reduced by 4.7 million euros (to 472.9 million euros) and 2023 EBITDA before non-recurring items is reduced by 2.2 million euros (to 76.8 million euros). Thus, for the Lectra 2023 Scope, the comparisons between 2024 and 2023 printed below are based on constant exchange rates.

At this early stage of 2024, continuing low visibility regarding orders and revenues from new systems makes it impossible to predict the actual timing and scale of the future rebound in this area. On the other hand, visibility is high for recurring revenues, which accounted for 68% of total revenues in 2023 and will continue to grow in 2024.

In light of the above, Lectra has set as its objective for 2024, for the Lectra 2023 Scope, to achieve revenues in the range of 480 to 530 million euros (+2% to +12%) and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 85 to 107 million euros (+10% to +40%).

The low end of the revenues range is based on the absence of a rebound in new systems orders, which would remain stable in 2024 relative to 2023, with a 6% decline in revenues from perpetual software licenses, equipment and accompanying software and non-recurring services, as the order backlog was lower on December 31, 2023 than a year before.

The high end of the revenues range reflects a gradual rebound in new systems orders, which at year-end 2024 would be back to year-end 2022 level.
In addition, Launchmetrics revenues (for the consolidation period from January 23 to December 31) are projected to be in the range of 42 to 46 million euros, with an EBITDA margin before non-recurring items of more than 15% (assuming an exchange rate of $1.10/€1).


CARBIOS and De Smet Engineers & Contractors: Partnership for construction of PET biorecycling plant

CARBIOS and De Smet Engineers & Contractors (DSEC), a provider of Engineering, Procurement and Construction services in the biotech’s and agro-processing industries, announce their collaboration to spearhead the construction of the world's first PET biorecycling plant. Under the agreement, De Smet has been entrusted with the project management and detailed engineering, including procurement assistance and CARBIOS partners’ management, to ensure the execution of the plant's construction in Longlaville, France, due for commissioning in 2025.  CARBIOS’ first commercial facility will play a key role in the fight against plastic pollution by offering an industrial-scale solution for the enzymatic depolymerization of PET waste to accelerate a circular economy for plastic and textiles.

With over 70 members of De Smet's expert team dedicated to the project and working alongside CARBIOS teams, the collaboration aims to guarantee the project timeline and budget while upholding quality, safety, health, and environmental standards. Construction is currently underway and on schedule.

CARBIOS and De Smet Engineers & Contractors (DSEC), a provider of Engineering, Procurement and Construction services in the biotech’s and agro-processing industries, announce their collaboration to spearhead the construction of the world's first PET biorecycling plant. Under the agreement, De Smet has been entrusted with the project management and detailed engineering, including procurement assistance and CARBIOS partners’ management, to ensure the execution of the plant's construction in Longlaville, France, due for commissioning in 2025.  CARBIOS’ first commercial facility will play a key role in the fight against plastic pollution by offering an industrial-scale solution for the enzymatic depolymerization of PET waste to accelerate a circular economy for plastic and textiles.

With over 70 members of De Smet's expert team dedicated to the project and working alongside CARBIOS teams, the collaboration aims to guarantee the project timeline and budget while upholding quality, safety, health, and environmental standards. Construction is currently underway and on schedule.


Lenzing updated its climate targets

The Lenzing Group has updated its climate targets to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit the human-induced global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) has reviewed and confirmed this target improvement.

By 2030, Lenzing aims to reduce its direct emissions from the production of its fiber and pulp plants (scope 1) and its emissions from purchased energy (scope 2) by 42 percent and its indirect emissions along the value chain (scope 3) by 25 percent on the way to net zero, from 2021 baseline. This corresponds to an absolute reduction of 1,100,000 tons (instead of the previously targeted 700,000 tons).

The following targets were recognized and confirmed by the SBTi:

The Lenzing Group has updated its climate targets to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit the human-induced global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) has reviewed and confirmed this target improvement.

By 2030, Lenzing aims to reduce its direct emissions from the production of its fiber and pulp plants (scope 1) and its emissions from purchased energy (scope 2) by 42 percent and its indirect emissions along the value chain (scope 3) by 25 percent on the way to net zero, from 2021 baseline. This corresponds to an absolute reduction of 1,100,000 tons (instead of the previously targeted 700,000 tons).

The following targets were recognized and confirmed by the SBTi:

  1. Overall net-zero target: Lenzing AG commits to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions along the entire value chain by 2050.
  2. Near-term targets: Lenzing AG commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 42 percent by 2030 from a base year 2021. Lenzing AG also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from purchased goods and services, fuels and energy-related activities as well as upstream transport and distribution by 25 percent within the same timeframe.
  3. Long-term targets: Lenzing AG commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent by 2050 from a base year 2021. Lenzing AG also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent within in the same timeframe.

These updated targets replace the old SBTi approved Lenzing Group’s climate target in 2019.

(c) Swiss Textile Machinery Swissmem

Recycled fibres: Swiss manufacturers for circularity

Many end-users now expect recycled materials to be in textile products they purchase – and this is driving innovation throughout the industry. However, there are still many technical and economic issues facing yarn and fabric producers using recycled resources. Members of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association offer some effective solutions to these challenges.

Synthetic recycled materials such as PET can usually be treated similarly to new yarn, but there are additional complexities where natural fibres like wool and cotton are involved. Today, there’s a trend towards mechanically recycled wool and cotton fibres.

Many end-users now expect recycled materials to be in textile products they purchase – and this is driving innovation throughout the industry. However, there are still many technical and economic issues facing yarn and fabric producers using recycled resources. Members of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association offer some effective solutions to these challenges.

Synthetic recycled materials such as PET can usually be treated similarly to new yarn, but there are additional complexities where natural fibres like wool and cotton are involved. Today, there’s a trend towards mechanically recycled wool and cotton fibres.

Spinning recycled cotton
The use of mechanically recycled fibres in spinning brings specific quality considerations: they have higher levels of short fibres and neps – and may often be colored, particularly if post-consumer material is used. It’s also true that recycled yarns have limitations in terms of fineness. The Uster Statistics 2023 edition features an extended range of fibre data, supporting sustainability goals, including benchmarks for blends of virgin and recycled cotton.
In general, short fibres such as those in recycled material can easily be handled by rotor spinning machines. For ring spinning, the shorter the fibres, the more difficult it is to guide them through the drafting zone to integrate them into the yarn body. Still, for wider yarn counts and higher yarn quality, the focus is now shifting to ring spinning. The presence of short fibres is a challenge, but Rieter offers solutions to address this issue.

Knitting recycled wool
For recycling, wool fibres undergo mechanical procedures such as shredding, cutting, and re-spinning, influencing the quality and characteristics of the resulting yarn. These operations remove the natural scales and variations in fibre length of the wool, causing a decrease in the overall strength and durability of the recycled yarn. This makes the yarn more prone to breakage, especially under the tension exerted during knitting.

Adapting to process recycled materials often requires adjustments to existing machinery. Knitting machines must be equipped with positive yarn suppliers to control fibre tension. Steiger engages in continuous testing of new yarns on the market, to check their suitability for processing on knitting machines. For satisfactory quality, the challenges intensify, with natural yarns requiring careful consideration and adaptation in the knitting processes.

From fibres to nonwovens
Nonwovens technology was born partly from the idea of recycling to reduce manufacturing costs and to process textile waste and previously unusable materials into fabric structures. Nonwovens production lines, where fibre webs are bonded mechanically, thermally or chemically, can easily process almost all mechanically and chemically recycled fibres.

Autefa Solutions offers nonwovens lines from a single source, enabling products such as liners, wipes, wadding and insulation to be produced in a true closed loop. Fibres are often used up to four times for one product.

Recycling: total strategy
Great services, technology and machines from members of Swiss Textile Machinery support the efforts of the circular economy to process recycled fibres. The machines incorporate the know-how of several decades, with the innovative power and quality standards in production and materials.
Stäubli’s global ESG (environmental, social & governance) strategy defines KPIs in the context of energy consumption, machine longevity and the recycling capacity in production units worldwide, as well in terms of machinery recyclability. The machine recyclability of automatic drawing in machines, weaving systems and jacquard machines ranges from 96 to 99%.


Swiss Textile Machinery Swissmem

silk Bild: LoggaWiggler, Pixabay

Haelixa and Trudel Silk: New Partnership

Haelixa, the trailblazer of physical traceability solutions, has partnered with Trudel Silk, a market leader for sustainable organic and recycled silk products. This collaboration brings traceability and transparency to silk production.

Silk is one of the finest and smoothest fabrics; the better the quality of the silk, the more luxurious it feels to the touch. To create the best quality silk, the conditions for mulberry cultivation must be up to the highest standards. A healthy micro-ecosystem in the fields translates to top-grade silk cocoon quality. At Trudel, this is the environment they have created for the vertical integration of their business. Trudel aims to succeed at every stage of the process, which can only be accomplished through the active involvement and visible cooperation of all market players. These players include farmers, reeling mills, twisting/spinning mills, weaving mills, dyeing and printing mills, and brands. They are involved in every step, from the cultivation of mulberry trees to the production of silk fabrics.

Haelixa, the trailblazer of physical traceability solutions, has partnered with Trudel Silk, a market leader for sustainable organic and recycled silk products. This collaboration brings traceability and transparency to silk production.

Silk is one of the finest and smoothest fabrics; the better the quality of the silk, the more luxurious it feels to the touch. To create the best quality silk, the conditions for mulberry cultivation must be up to the highest standards. A healthy micro-ecosystem in the fields translates to top-grade silk cocoon quality. At Trudel, this is the environment they have created for the vertical integration of their business. Trudel aims to succeed at every stage of the process, which can only be accomplished through the active involvement and visible cooperation of all market players. These players include farmers, reeling mills, twisting/spinning mills, weaving mills, dyeing and printing mills, and brands. They are involved in every step, from the cultivation of mulberry trees to the production of silk fabrics.

Haelixa and Trudel have collaborated to improve silk’s robust and consistent traceability. As the demand for validation of the silk value chain increases, they have partnered with groups from Italy and Asia to develop a unique solution that uses DNA markers to trace the entire supply chain of silk production. This innovative approach ensures each silk product’s ethical sourcing.

The silk fibers used in their spun silk yarns are marked with a specific DNA per farm set selected by Trudel. Throughout the supply chain, samples of yarn, fabrics, and finished products undergo testing to verify the presence of original silk fibers. Based on the reporting, the brand can trace the finished accessories or garments to Trudel.


More information:
Haelixa Silk Road DNA marker


adidas: Partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs (c) adidas

adidas: Partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Building upon an existing three-year relationship with Boys & Girls Clubs of America, adidas announced a formal two-year agreement with the nation's largest youth development organization as part of both parties’ efforts to spread the joy of sport to kids and teens in all communities across the nation. By coming together to help drive substantive, long-lasting impact, the partnership will serve as a reminder that through sport, we have the power to change lives.

Over the course of the two-year partnership, adidas will grant $1 million to Boys & Girls Clubs of America to allocate across Clubs representing majority under-resourced Black and Latinx communities in more than a dozen U.S. cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta. Participating Clubs will receive funding to provide kids and teens with sport, wellness, education and e-sports programming.

Building upon an existing three-year relationship with Boys & Girls Clubs of America, adidas announced a formal two-year agreement with the nation's largest youth development organization as part of both parties’ efforts to spread the joy of sport to kids and teens in all communities across the nation. By coming together to help drive substantive, long-lasting impact, the partnership will serve as a reminder that through sport, we have the power to change lives.

Over the course of the two-year partnership, adidas will grant $1 million to Boys & Girls Clubs of America to allocate across Clubs representing majority under-resourced Black and Latinx communities in more than a dozen U.S. cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta. Participating Clubs will receive funding to provide kids and teens with sport, wellness, education and e-sports programming.

adidas will also contribute additional funds to Boys & Girls Clubs of America through optional round-up donations from consumers at adidas locations throughout the U.S. Through these round-up efforts over the course of the last three years, adidas has generated nearly $2 million in funding for Boys & Girls Clubs of America and expects this route to unlock additional possibilities for young people across the country.

adidas’ support for Boys & Girls Clubs of America is part of the brand’s promise to invest $120 million to empower Black and Latinx communities in the U.S. through 2025. Other investments under the Creating Lasting Change Now effort include Cultivate & B.L.O.O.M., now titled, adidas Community LAB, an accelerator program for social entrepreneurs of color, and sustained funding for S.E.E.D. (School for Experiential Education in Design), a strategic pipeline to welcome diverse talent into the brand and the design industry.

More information:
adidas adidas AG Sportswear USA

adidas AG

AkzoNobel: Expansion of powder coatings plant (c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel: Expansion of powder coatings plant in Italy

A major capacity expansion has been completed at AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings site in Como, Italy, which will help secure supply to customers across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

Four new manufacturing lines are now operational following the €21 million project – two of them dedicated to automotive primers and two to architectural coatings. New bonding equipment lines have also been added, ensuring that the products meet and exceed industry standards.

The extra capacity in Como has been installed in a renovated building where powder coatings were originally made – a sustainable reuse of an existing part of the site, which was established in 1992. The new lines also use recycled energy and are focused on meeting the highest standards in sustainable production, supporting the company’s ambition to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.

AkzoNobel’s Como site is the company’s largest plant for producing powder coatings. It supplies products for market segments, such as home appliances, architecture, automotive, furniture and more.

A major capacity expansion has been completed at AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings site in Como, Italy, which will help secure supply to customers across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

Four new manufacturing lines are now operational following the €21 million project – two of them dedicated to automotive primers and two to architectural coatings. New bonding equipment lines have also been added, ensuring that the products meet and exceed industry standards.

The extra capacity in Como has been installed in a renovated building where powder coatings were originally made – a sustainable reuse of an existing part of the site, which was established in 1992. The new lines also use recycled energy and are focused on meeting the highest standards in sustainable production, supporting the company’s ambition to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.

AkzoNobel’s Como site is the company’s largest plant for producing powder coatings. It supplies products for market segments, such as home appliances, architecture, automotive, furniture and more.




RadiciGroup’s roadmap to a sustainable future

“From Earth to Earth”: The new plan defines goals and concrete actions in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas to foster value creation for all stakeholders and put new sustainability regulatory requirements at the centre of attention.

A project, designed to enhance RadiciGroup's transparency and commitment to develop a responsible business along its entire value chain from an economic, social and environmental perspective and focus on the ever more widespread and stringent sustainability regulatory requirements. These are the features and goals of the Sustainability Plan presented by the Group and called "From Earth to Earth", precisely to emphasize the intent to focus on the Earth and future generations.

“From Earth to Earth”: The new plan defines goals and concrete actions in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas to foster value creation for all stakeholders and put new sustainability regulatory requirements at the centre of attention.

A project, designed to enhance RadiciGroup's transparency and commitment to develop a responsible business along its entire value chain from an economic, social and environmental perspective and focus on the ever more widespread and stringent sustainability regulatory requirements. These are the features and goals of the Sustainability Plan presented by the Group and called "From Earth to Earth", precisely to emphasize the intent to focus on the Earth and future generations.

In the context of a complex and constantly changing scenario, the Group has therefore decided to capitalize on the goals achieved and look beyond them with a plan defining the medium-term targets and the actions to be taken to fulfil them and covering all areas considered to be "material”, i.e., relevant from the point of view of ESG and financial risks, opportunities and impacts. Indeed, the ultimate goal of "From Earth to Earth" is to support business continuity and the growth of the company and all its stakeholders.

The project was the result of a multi-year collaboration with Deloitte, which contributed an external and objective viewpoint on the definition of the material targets and themes. However, it was not an armchair exercise, but the result of an extensive listening process involving internal and external stakeholders, all of whom were sustainability experts who helped define a shortlist of strategic themes for both the Group and its main stakeholders. These issues were then analysed in detail using working tables on the different themes to identify the objectives in Environmental, Social and Governance areas and the related concrete actions needed to achieve them, in line with the European decarbonization and energy transition policies and the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, a global blueprint for sustainable growth.

In particular, RadiciGroup’s environmental goals include: a 20% increase and differentiation in renewable source electricity consumption, an 80% reduction in total direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2011, attention to water consumption to limit the impact on local communities and biodiversity, the extension of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to measure the environmental impact of 70% of the products (in terms of weight) manufactured by the entire Group, collaboration among the various actors in the supply chain from an ecodesign perspective and the search for increasingly more sustainable and circular packaging solutions.

Maite Kelly mit ihrer Maite x Sioux Sneaker-Kollektion Fotografin: Jasmin Pohlmann, Bildrechte: Sioux Holding GmbH
Maite Kelly mit der Maite x Sioux Sneaker-Kollektion

Sioux launcht Maite Kelly-Kollektion

Das Schuh-Label Sioux gilt als Erfinder des Mokassins und gewinnt im Jahr seines siebzigjährigen Bestehens Maite Kelly als Kooperationspartnerin.

Maite Kelly gehört zu den erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten im Musikbusiness in Deutschland und Europa. Mit vielen Auszeichnungen und Nummer-1-Hits ist sie eine der populärsten Solo-Künstlerinnen und Songwriterinnen in Deutschland.
Darüber hinaus schaffte sie es als Autorin mit ihren Kinderbuchreihen „Die kleine Hummel Bommel“ und „Püttchen“ auf SPIEGEL-Bestsellerlisten.

Maite Kelly entwarf in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sioux-Kreativteam eine exklusive „Maite Metallic“ Sneaker-Kollektion, die ab Mitte April 2024 in ausgewählten Fachgeschäften erhältlich ist.

Das Schuh-Label Sioux gilt als Erfinder des Mokassins und gewinnt im Jahr seines siebzigjährigen Bestehens Maite Kelly als Kooperationspartnerin.

Maite Kelly gehört zu den erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten im Musikbusiness in Deutschland und Europa. Mit vielen Auszeichnungen und Nummer-1-Hits ist sie eine der populärsten Solo-Künstlerinnen und Songwriterinnen in Deutschland.
Darüber hinaus schaffte sie es als Autorin mit ihren Kinderbuchreihen „Die kleine Hummel Bommel“ und „Püttchen“ auf SPIEGEL-Bestsellerlisten.

Maite Kelly entwarf in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sioux-Kreativteam eine exklusive „Maite Metallic“ Sneaker-Kollektion, die ab Mitte April 2024 in ausgewählten Fachgeschäften erhältlich ist.

More information:
Sioux Sneaker Maite Kelly

Sioux Holding GmbH


Rieter wins Patent Dispute in China

In a judgment in December 2023, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China ruled in favor of Rieter in a legal dispute. The case concerned the infringement of a Rieter patent by a competitor’s draw frame. Rieter protects its innovations with patents and registered designs and consistently takes action against infringements of its intellectual property.

Rieter draw frames are known for their stable operation with high sliver quality and productivity. Scanning precision and autoleveling dynamics ensure outstanding sliver evenness and thus the production of high-quality yarns. Draw frames have also been the subject of a patent litigation by Rieter in China at various levels of jurisdiction. Rieter had sued a competitor for unauthorized use of its patented draw frame technology.

In the summer of 2022, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court confirmed the patent infringement identified by Rieter and prohibited the accused competitor from continuing to use Rieter’s patented technology. The infringing party was also ordered to pay damages to Rieter.

In a judgment in December 2023, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China ruled in favor of Rieter in a legal dispute. The case concerned the infringement of a Rieter patent by a competitor’s draw frame. Rieter protects its innovations with patents and registered designs and consistently takes action against infringements of its intellectual property.

Rieter draw frames are known for their stable operation with high sliver quality and productivity. Scanning precision and autoleveling dynamics ensure outstanding sliver evenness and thus the production of high-quality yarns. Draw frames have also been the subject of a patent litigation by Rieter in China at various levels of jurisdiction. Rieter had sued a competitor for unauthorized use of its patented draw frame technology.

In the summer of 2022, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court confirmed the patent infringement identified by Rieter and prohibited the accused competitor from continuing to use Rieter’s patented technology. The infringing party was also ordered to pay damages to Rieter.

The culpable competitor then appealed the decision of the Shanghai court to the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China.

In December 2023, the Supreme Court of China in Beijing upheld the Shanghai decision, confirming that the patent had been infringed. As a result, Rieter’s competitor is prohibited from selling the infringing machine types and is required to pay the damages determined by the court.

This Supreme Court decision represents a major success for Rieter in defending its proprietary technologies in China. It is further proof that foreign companies can effectively defend their intellectual property in China.

As the technology leader in spinning machinery manufacturing, Rieter invests around 5% of its turnover annually in research and development. Rieter protects its innovative products with patents and registered designs and takes consistent action against infringements of industrial property rights.

More information:
legal dispute patent China

Rieter AG