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3865 results

Archroma announces a new collaboration with Esprit

  • Esprit selects EarthColors® by Archroma for its newest ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a new collaboration with Esprit, the global fashion clothing brand, who selected the EarthColors® range for its ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection.

Esprit creates laid-back, high-quality essentials that reflect its core values of sustainability, equality and freedom of choice. The brand developed its first eco-conscious collection made of 100% organic cotton, back in the early 90’s.

Archroma’s EarthColors® range came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category.

The range is regularly featured by brands such as Kathmandu, G-Star and Ternua, who are willing to explore truly innovative and authentic color options for more eco-conscious casual wear collections.
Archroma’s EarthColors® is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources.

  • Esprit selects EarthColors® by Archroma for its newest ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a new collaboration with Esprit, the global fashion clothing brand, who selected the EarthColors® range for its ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection.

Esprit creates laid-back, high-quality essentials that reflect its core values of sustainability, equality and freedom of choice. The brand developed its first eco-conscious collection made of 100% organic cotton, back in the early 90’s.

Archroma’s EarthColors® range came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category.

The range is regularly featured by brands such as Kathmandu, G-Star and Ternua, who are willing to explore truly innovative and authentic color options for more eco-conscious casual wear collections.
Archroma’s EarthColors® is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources.

Archroma developed EarthColors® using non-edible waste products, from agriculture and herbal industries, to replace petroleum derived raw materials; which are the conventional raw materials used to synthesize dyes currently. This gives brands an alternative when looking for more natural ways of dyeing garments.
The collection is available online:




Virtual event series by Mimaki

  • Live Event Series Launched to Connect with Customers and Drive New Opportunities After COVID-19

Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has announced it will host a three-part virtual event series – Mimaki Live Series – to support customers looking for inspiration and advice on how to maintain or revive business after the COVID-19 crisis.

Building on the success of Mimaki’s Virtual Print Festival in March and April this year, Mimaki has created an exciting and insightful three-day programme for three market-focused virtual events:

  • Event I – Sign Graphics – 30th June 2020
  • Event II – Textiles – 14th July 2020
  • Event III – Industrial Printing - 27th August 2020

Each event will provide a platform for Mimaki representatives, customers, and suppliers to discuss the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on their business and the wider industry, as well as share their experiences, challenges, and success stories.

  • Live Event Series Launched to Connect with Customers and Drive New Opportunities After COVID-19

Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has announced it will host a three-part virtual event series – Mimaki Live Series – to support customers looking for inspiration and advice on how to maintain or revive business after the COVID-19 crisis.

Building on the success of Mimaki’s Virtual Print Festival in March and April this year, Mimaki has created an exciting and insightful three-day programme for three market-focused virtual events:

  • Event I – Sign Graphics – 30th June 2020
  • Event II – Textiles – 14th July 2020
  • Event III – Industrial Printing - 27th August 2020

Each event will provide a platform for Mimaki representatives, customers, and suppliers to discuss the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on their business and the wider industry, as well as share their experiences, challenges, and success stories.

The Mimaki Live events will feature a host of engaging panel discussions, opinion polls, live chats and Q&As, all designed to prompt important, topical discussions and share information and advice across the print community.  

To register for the Mimaki Live event series, please visit

More information:


BE NOMAD-Kollektion 2020 - Oversize Coat (c) Born of Nomad
BE NOMAD-Kollektion 2020 - Oversize Coat

Luxus, Stil und Nachhaltigkeit: Kaschmirmode - gutes Gewissen inklusive

  • Born of Nomad: Modelabel mit Kickstarter-Kampagne

Born of Nomad ist eine "Slow Fashion"-Marke. 2018 gegründet, stellt das Unternehmen nachhaltige und zeitlose Kaschmir- und Yakwollmode her und verbindet das Rohmaterial aus der nomadischen Hirtentradition der Mongolei mit der Qualität- und Modekultur der Schweiz. Die Mission ist es, anspruchsvollen Kunden eine ethische und umweltfreundliche Mode zu liefern, an der man sich über Jahre Freude mit gutem Gewissen erfreuen kann.

Die Gründerin Ray Bat des Jungunternehmens entwickelte ein ethisch, luxuriöses Kaschmir-Label, das auf der Verschmelzung zweier Kulturen basiert: Der traditionelle, naturverbundene schlichte Lebensstil des Nomadenvolkes der mongolischen Steppe und der Schweizer Sinn für sorgfältiges, hochwertiges Design und Qualität.

  • Born of Nomad: Modelabel mit Kickstarter-Kampagne

Born of Nomad ist eine "Slow Fashion"-Marke. 2018 gegründet, stellt das Unternehmen nachhaltige und zeitlose Kaschmir- und Yakwollmode her und verbindet das Rohmaterial aus der nomadischen Hirtentradition der Mongolei mit der Qualität- und Modekultur der Schweiz. Die Mission ist es, anspruchsvollen Kunden eine ethische und umweltfreundliche Mode zu liefern, an der man sich über Jahre Freude mit gutem Gewissen erfreuen kann.

Die Gründerin Ray Bat des Jungunternehmens entwickelte ein ethisch, luxuriöses Kaschmir-Label, das auf der Verschmelzung zweier Kulturen basiert: Der traditionelle, naturverbundene schlichte Lebensstil des Nomadenvolkes der mongolischen Steppe und der Schweizer Sinn für sorgfältiges, hochwertiges Design und Qualität.

Born of Nomad ist die Geschichte der Nomadenvölker, die in Harmonie mit der Natur leben und Kaschmir- und Yak-Wolle tierfreundlich erzeugen. Die Mission des Jungunternehmens ist es, einen neuen Kanal für die rückverfolgbare Beschaffung von Kaschmir- und Yak-Wolle zu schaffen, und so das kulturelle Erbe und die nomadische Hirtentradition der mongolischen Steppe besser zu schützen und zu fördern.

Die Marke ruft zu einem bewussten Lebensstil und zur Wertschätzung hochwertigen, sorgfältig hergestellten Produkte auf. Inzwischen gibt es ein Netzwerk ausgewählter mongolischer Hersteller, die in der Lage sind, aus den sorgfältig ausgewählten Kaschmirfasern hochwertige Stoffe herzustellen, aus denen Born of Nomad hochwertige, weltweit verfügbare Strickwaren produziert.

Um mit der Produktion der BE NOMAD-Kollektion zu beginnen, startete das junge Modelabel eine Kickstarter-Kampagne, mit dem Ziel bis am 15. Juli die notwendigen CHF 20.000 gesammelt zu haben.

Nähere Informationen unter:

More information:
Born of Nomad Kaschmir

Born of Nomad

Distec baut Embedded-Portfolio um GIGAIPC-Produkte aus (cI Distec

Distec baut Embedded-Portfolio um GIGAIPC-Produkte aus

Die Distec GmbH – einer der führenden deutschen Spezialisten für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – erweitert ihr Embedded-Programm um die umfassende Produktpalette von GIGAIPC, einem Anbieter industrieller PC-Lösungen und Tochterunternehmen von Gigabyte.

„Die breite Produktpalette an Single-Board-Computern (SBC), Mini-ITX-Motherboards, Box PCs und Smart-Display-Module-Playern ergänzt unser zukunftsweisendes Angebot bei Distec ideal. Die Flexibilität des jungen Unternehmens gepaart mit der Lieferantensicherheit durch den Mutterkonzern Gigabyte stellt unseren Kunden die Basis für ihre erfolgreichen Industrie-Projekte bereit.“, so Thomas Schrefel, Product Manager Embedded der Distec GmbH.  

Die Distec GmbH – einer der führenden deutschen Spezialisten für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – erweitert ihr Embedded-Programm um die umfassende Produktpalette von GIGAIPC, einem Anbieter industrieller PC-Lösungen und Tochterunternehmen von Gigabyte.

„Die breite Produktpalette an Single-Board-Computern (SBC), Mini-ITX-Motherboards, Box PCs und Smart-Display-Module-Playern ergänzt unser zukunftsweisendes Angebot bei Distec ideal. Die Flexibilität des jungen Unternehmens gepaart mit der Lieferantensicherheit durch den Mutterkonzern Gigabyte stellt unseren Kunden die Basis für ihre erfolgreichen Industrie-Projekte bereit.“, so Thomas Schrefel, Product Manager Embedded der Distec GmbH.  

Die Boards von GIGAIPC seien leistungsfähig und gleichzeitig kostengünstig. Kunden profitierten zudem von der zuverlässigen Industriequalität und einer langfristigen Verfügbarkeit. Die GIGAIPC-PCs sind für Anwendungen in Automatisierung, industrieller Bildverarbeitung, Industrial Signage, Künstlicher Intelligenz sowie Smart Retail designt und optimiert. Für Industrial Signage und Retail bieten die Smart-Display-Module gute Ansteuerungen.

More information:

ahlendorf communication

(c) Arc’teryx

Arc’teryx Venda Schlupfanorak: Wetterschutz im Alltag

Arc’teryx Everyday ist eine mit dem Knowhow der technischen Outdoor-Kollektion gefertigte Linie für aktive Menschen, die von ihrer Bekleidung einen zeitgemäßen Look und gleichzeitig Performance erwarten. Der neue Venda Anorak für Damen ist ein Beispiel für diesen Designansatz. Leicht, wind- und wasserdicht, bietet der Venda Anorak Schutz vor dem Wetter, in der Stadt und bei Outdoor-Aktivitäten.

Der Venda Anorak leitet sich von der Arc’teryx Outdoor-Kollektion ab. Als Material verarbeiten die Kanadier leichtes, geschmeidiges N30s 3L Gore-Tex C-Knit™ mit vollem Wetterschutz und gutem Wasserdampfdurchgang. Die Passform ist lässig und leicht oversized, zusätzlich wird das An- und Ausziehen durch den langen Frontzipper und einen Seitenreißverschluss erleichtert. Dank der anpassbaren StormHood™ Kapuze sind Wind und Wetter kein Problem. Das verlängerte Rückenteil deckt auch beim Radfahren gut ab und die geräumige Kängurutasche bietet Raum für wichtige Kleinigkeiten.

MATERIAL: N30s 3L  Gore-Tex mit GoreC-KnitTM Backer Technology

Arc’teryx Everyday ist eine mit dem Knowhow der technischen Outdoor-Kollektion gefertigte Linie für aktive Menschen, die von ihrer Bekleidung einen zeitgemäßen Look und gleichzeitig Performance erwarten. Der neue Venda Anorak für Damen ist ein Beispiel für diesen Designansatz. Leicht, wind- und wasserdicht, bietet der Venda Anorak Schutz vor dem Wetter, in der Stadt und bei Outdoor-Aktivitäten.

Der Venda Anorak leitet sich von der Arc’teryx Outdoor-Kollektion ab. Als Material verarbeiten die Kanadier leichtes, geschmeidiges N30s 3L Gore-Tex C-Knit™ mit vollem Wetterschutz und gutem Wasserdampfdurchgang. Die Passform ist lässig und leicht oversized, zusätzlich wird das An- und Ausziehen durch den langen Frontzipper und einen Seitenreißverschluss erleichtert. Dank der anpassbaren StormHood™ Kapuze sind Wind und Wetter kein Problem. Das verlängerte Rückenteil deckt auch beim Radfahren gut ab und die geräumige Kängurutasche bietet Raum für wichtige Kleinigkeiten.

MATERIAL: N30s 3L  Gore-Tex mit GoreC-KnitTM Backer Technology

More information:
Arc’teryx GORE-TEX®

Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR

Arc'teryx Venda Anorak: Mit Outdoor-Genen, für den Alltag gemacht (c) Arc’teryx
Arc’teryx Venda Anorak

Arc'teryx Venda Anorak: Mit Outdoor-Genen, für den Alltag gemacht

Arc’teryx Everyday ist eine mit dem Knowhow der technischen Outdoor-Kollektion geschneiderte Linie für aktive Menschen, die von ihrer Bekleidung jeden Tag einen zeitgemäßen Look und gleichzeitig Performance erwarten. Der neue Venda Anorak für Damen ist ein Paradebeispiel für diesen Designansatz.

  •     Leichter, wind- und wasserdichter Schlupfanorak, mit dem man sich in der Stadt ebenso wohlfühlt wie in der Freizeit
  •     Lange Front- und Seitenreißverschlüsse für schnelles An- und Ausziehen
  •     Anpassbare StormHoodTM Kapuze für zusätzlichen Wetterschutz


Egal, was der Tag bringt – Wetterschutz ist immer ein Thema. Leicht, wind- und wasserdicht, bietet der Venda Anorak Schutz vor den Launen des Wetters, in der Stadt und bei Aktivitäten draußen.

Arc’teryx Everyday ist eine mit dem Knowhow der technischen Outdoor-Kollektion geschneiderte Linie für aktive Menschen, die von ihrer Bekleidung jeden Tag einen zeitgemäßen Look und gleichzeitig Performance erwarten. Der neue Venda Anorak für Damen ist ein Paradebeispiel für diesen Designansatz.

  •     Leichter, wind- und wasserdichter Schlupfanorak, mit dem man sich in der Stadt ebenso wohlfühlt wie in der Freizeit
  •     Lange Front- und Seitenreißverschlüsse für schnelles An- und Ausziehen
  •     Anpassbare StormHoodTM Kapuze für zusätzlichen Wetterschutz


Egal, was der Tag bringt – Wetterschutz ist immer ein Thema. Leicht, wind- und wasserdicht, bietet der Venda Anorak Schutz vor den Launen des Wetters, in der Stadt und bei Aktivitäten draußen.

„Der Venda Anorak ist für uns etwas ganz Besonderes. Er ist eine vielseitige, schnell übergezogene Wetterschutzjacke in einem stylischen Schnitt für Frauen. Die technische Performance mit dreilagigem GoreTex und dem kleinen Packmaß wird gepaart mit einer urbanen Optik, so dass der Venda unglaublich vielseitig einsetzbar ist.“ Karen Willis, Produktdesignerin.

Der Venda Anorak trägt die Gene der Arc’teryx Outdoor-Kollektion in sich: Als Material verarbeiten die Kanadier leichtes, geschmeidiges N30s 3L Gore-Tex C-Knit mit vollem Wetterschutz und bestem Wasserdampfdurchgang. Die Passform ist lässig und leicht oversized, zusätzlich wird das An- und Ausziehen durch den langen Frontzipper und einen Seitenreißverschluss erleichtert. Dank der anpassbaren StormHoodTM Kapuze sind Wind und Wetter kein Problem. Das verlängerte Rückenteil deckt auch beim Radfahren gut ab und die geräumige Kängurutasche schluckt wichtige Kleinigkeiten.

MATERIALIEN: N30s 3L Gore-Tex mit Gore C-Knit Backer Technology

GEWICHT: Damenjacke: 260 g






SPEIDEL F/S-Kollektion 2021: von der schwäbischen Heimat inspiriert

Mit der Frühjahr/Sommer-Kollektion 2021 richtet SPEIDEL den Blick auf die Facetten der heimischen Natur. Als regional verwurzeltes Traditionsunternehmen zeigt SPEIDEL mit der Kollektion eine tiefe Verbundenheit zu Land und Leuten und setzt diese Inspirationsquelle in modernen, neuen Designs aus innovativen Qualitäten mit hohem Naturfaseranteil um.

Die neuen Serien der SPEIDEL Frühjahr/Sommer-Kollektion sind von der schwäbischen Heimat inspiriert. Komfort und naturbelassene Designs stehen neben Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität im Fokus der Kollektion. Die Wäscheteile präsentieren sich in sommerlichen Farben wie Zitronengelb, Melone und Lavendel. Softes Lychee und pudriges Cashew stehen für natürliche Leichtigkeit, frisches Minze und strahlendes Aquamarin bringen die Kollektion zum Leuchten. Inspiriert von der Verbundenheit zu Natur und Heimat, wecken verspielte Drucke im Landhausstil und florale Spitzen die Lust nach einem Ausflug aufs Land und erinnern an Blumenwiesen. Für Nachhaltigkeit sorgen hochwertige Materialien aus schnell nachwachsenden Rohstoffen wie Bambus sowie weitere innovative SPEIDEL Qualitäten.

Mit der Frühjahr/Sommer-Kollektion 2021 richtet SPEIDEL den Blick auf die Facetten der heimischen Natur. Als regional verwurzeltes Traditionsunternehmen zeigt SPEIDEL mit der Kollektion eine tiefe Verbundenheit zu Land und Leuten und setzt diese Inspirationsquelle in modernen, neuen Designs aus innovativen Qualitäten mit hohem Naturfaseranteil um.

Die neuen Serien der SPEIDEL Frühjahr/Sommer-Kollektion sind von der schwäbischen Heimat inspiriert. Komfort und naturbelassene Designs stehen neben Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität im Fokus der Kollektion. Die Wäscheteile präsentieren sich in sommerlichen Farben wie Zitronengelb, Melone und Lavendel. Softes Lychee und pudriges Cashew stehen für natürliche Leichtigkeit, frisches Minze und strahlendes Aquamarin bringen die Kollektion zum Leuchten. Inspiriert von der Verbundenheit zu Natur und Heimat, wecken verspielte Drucke im Landhausstil und florale Spitzen die Lust nach einem Ausflug aufs Land und erinnern an Blumenwiesen. Für Nachhaltigkeit sorgen hochwertige Materialien aus schnell nachwachsenden Rohstoffen wie Bambus sowie weitere innovative SPEIDEL Qualitäten.


Panama PR GmbH

Oerlikon Manmade Fibers opens new sales and service office in Shanghai, China (c) Oerlikon
This building is now home to the employees of Oerlikon's Manmade Fibers segment: The Place, Tower A, 100 Zunyi Road, Changning District, Shanghai China 200051.

Oerlikon Manmade Fibers opens new sales and service office in Shanghai, China

  • "Even closer to our customers"

After more than eight years in the Intercontinental Business Center on Yutong Road in Shanghai, China, the Manmade Fibers segment has now opened a new sales and service office in the metropolis of millions near the international airport in Hongqiao and the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC).

The Manmade Fibers segment in China now officially operates under the following address:

Oerlikon (China) Technology Co. Ltd.
Shanghai Branch
RM1208-1210, Tower A, The Place,
100 Zunyi Road, Changning District
Shanghai China 200051

The main reason for the change from Yutong Road to the new address on Zunyi Road was the logistical aspects in a city that has had to cope with increasingly heavy traffic in recent years. "Now we are even closer to our customers," explains Wang Jun, Oerlikon China President. The proximity to Hongqiao airport and the Hongqiao railway station with its high-speed trains will provide the sales and service staff with even better infrastructure connections.

  • "Even closer to our customers"

After more than eight years in the Intercontinental Business Center on Yutong Road in Shanghai, China, the Manmade Fibers segment has now opened a new sales and service office in the metropolis of millions near the international airport in Hongqiao and the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC).

The Manmade Fibers segment in China now officially operates under the following address:

Oerlikon (China) Technology Co. Ltd.
Shanghai Branch
RM1208-1210, Tower A, The Place,
100 Zunyi Road, Changning District
Shanghai China 200051

The main reason for the change from Yutong Road to the new address on Zunyi Road was the logistical aspects in a city that has had to cope with increasingly heavy traffic in recent years. "Now we are even closer to our customers," explains Wang Jun, Oerlikon China President. The proximity to Hongqiao airport and the Hongqiao railway station with its high-speed trains will provide the sales and service staff with even better infrastructure connections.

Furthermore, the local repositioning also takes into account the changes within the Oerlikon Group. "The divestments made within the Oerlikon Group in recent years have now led to a reorganization here in Shanghai. Today, Oerlikon's business activities in China focus exclusively on the segments Manmade Fibers and Surface Solutions incl. Additive Manufacturing. The time had come to set up the best possible infrastructure for optimum customer service for both business segments," continues Wang Jun. In addition, in the age of digitalization, sales and service employees in China are increasingly able to work from home. All of this has now led to a changed, adapted and, last but not least, cost-optimized reorganization.


“Autoneum Pure.”: new sustainability label for products

Technologies with an excellent environmental performance throughout the entire product life cycle – that is what “Autoneum Pure.” stands for. In future, components that meet the highest standards in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness can be identified at a glance under this label. This also includes the innovation “Mono-Liner” for wheelhouse outer liners.

As innovation leader in acoustic and thermal management, Autoneum continuously invests in the development and production of resource-saving components that make cars lighter and thus more climate-friendly. In view of an increasing sustainability awareness and the correspondingly greater information needs on environmentally-friendly vehicle components, the Company has now launched Autoneum Pure. The label determines particularly sustainable technologies, thereby guiding car manufacturers in product selection for future models.

Technologies with an excellent environmental performance throughout the entire product life cycle – that is what “Autoneum Pure.” stands for. In future, components that meet the highest standards in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness can be identified at a glance under this label. This also includes the innovation “Mono-Liner” for wheelhouse outer liners.

As innovation leader in acoustic and thermal management, Autoneum continuously invests in the development and production of resource-saving components that make cars lighter and thus more climate-friendly. In view of an increasing sustainability awareness and the correspondingly greater information needs on environmentally-friendly vehicle components, the Company has now launched Autoneum Pure. The label determines particularly sustainable technologies, thereby guiding car manufacturers in product selection for future models.

Autoneum Pure is based on a comprehensive set of criteria assessing the sustainability performance of a product in all four phases of its life cycle: material procurement, production, use and end of life. For example, components with a high content of recyclable materials or those that achieve significant weight savings compared to comparable standard components qualify for the “Autoneum Pure.” label. Autoneum already offers various multifunctional technologies that meet the high standards for Autoneum Pure products: Ultra-Silent for underbody systems or battery undercovers, Di-Light for carpet systems, Prime-Light and IFP-R2 for inner dashes and floor insulators as well as Hybrid-Acoustics PET for e-motor encapsulations and engine-mounted parts, which was launched in fall 2019.

With Mono-Liner, the latest innovation for wheelhouse outer liners is also included in the Autoneum Pure portfolio. Among other things, the Mono-Liner-based components convince thanks to their lightweight construction, thereby contributing to lower vehicle weight with correspondingly less fuel consumption and emissions. The excellent life cycle assessment is also based on their particularly resource-saving manufacturing: Production cut offs of the components, which consist to a large extent of recycled PET fibers, can be processed into pellets and completely returned to the manufacturing process as fibers. An SUV and a crossover model from a US vehicle manufacturer already benefit from Mono-Liner wheelhouse outer liners.

Anahid Rickmann, Head of Corporate Communications & Responsibility, explains: “With Autoneum Pure we are the first automotive supplier to establish a sustainability label in the field of acoustic and thermal management. Autoneum Pure is part of the Company's Advance Sustainability  Strategy 2025 and sets industry standards in product communication.”


Autoneum Holding AG


Hohenstein Qualitätslabel für Geprüfte Community Masken

Zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus müssen derzeit in weiten Teilen des öffentlichen Raumes Mund-Nasen-Masken getragen werden. Da diese sog. Community Masken gesetzlichen und funktionellen Anforderungen genügen müssen, bietet der Prüfdienstleister und Forschungspartner Hohenstein ab sofort ein Qualitätslabel für Geprüfte Community Masken an.

Zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus müssen derzeit in weiten Teilen des öffentlichen Raumes Mund-Nasen-Masken getragen werden. Da diese sog. Community Masken gesetzlichen und funktionellen Anforderungen genügen müssen, bietet der Prüfdienstleister und Forschungspartner Hohenstein ab sofort ein Qualitätslabel für Geprüfte Community Masken an.

Im Unterschied zu medizinischen Gesichtsmasken und partikelfiltrierenden Halbmasken, gelten textile Community Masken nicht als Medizinprodukte oder Persönliche Schutzausrüstung, die definierte Schutzfunktionen gewährleisten müssen. Dennoch unterliegen auch sie –egal ob zur Einweg- oder Mehrwegverwendung – funktionellen Ansprüchen. Durch leicht verständliche Produktinformation auf dem Label unterstützt Hohenstein Hersteller dabei, die Transparenz für Nutzer von Community Masken zu erhöhen. Ein entscheidendes Kriterium für Konsumenten ist der Nachweis der Atmungsfreundlichkeit: Standardisierte Prüfverfahren geben Aufschluss darüber, ob das verwendete Material etwa zu dicht ist und das Atmen erschwert. Zu den weiteren Qualitätsparametern zählen die Überprüfung der Waschbarkeit, die Beurteilung der Passform sowie die Einhaltung von gesetzlichen Anforderungen. Die auf dem Label ausgelobten Qualitätskriterien können flexibel erweitert werden um die Schadstoffprüfung nach STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® als Indikator für hautverträgliche Textilien und die Überprüfung der Zytotoxizität in Anlehnung an die Prüfung von Medizinprodukten.


Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

 New Recycled Fibre FinexTM in Stores; Sateri Partners Fashion Brands to Unveil Product (c) Finex
Finex Circularity Model

New Recycled Fibre FinexTM in Stores; Sateri Partners Fashion Brands to Unveil Product

Shanghai – Sateri has unveiled FinexTM as its new product brand for recycled fibre. FinexTM, short for ‘Fibre Next’, is an innovative next-generation cellulosic fibre containing recycled content. Internationally known outdoor brand Lafuma has produced FinexTM apparel ahead of 618, China’s major mid-year online shopping festival, while independent China designer Rico Lee will launch his FinexTM apparel next month.

Since its announcement in March this year of a breakthrough in commercial production of viscose using recycled textile waste, Sateri has worked closely with its downstream yarn and garment manufacturing partners to bring the recycled fibre product to the consumer market.

Shanghai – Sateri has unveiled FinexTM as its new product brand for recycled fibre. FinexTM, short for ‘Fibre Next’, is an innovative next-generation cellulosic fibre containing recycled content. Internationally known outdoor brand Lafuma has produced FinexTM apparel ahead of 618, China’s major mid-year online shopping festival, while independent China designer Rico Lee will launch his FinexTM apparel next month.

Since its announcement in March this year of a breakthrough in commercial production of viscose using recycled textile waste, Sateri has worked closely with its downstream yarn and garment manufacturing partners to bring the recycled fibre product to the consumer market.

“We’re pleased to collaborate with Sateri as one of their first brand partners for FinexTM. Sateri’s dedication to this partnership made it possible for Lafuma to produce T-shirts with this fine quality fibre in a short time. T-shirts made with FinexTM will be among the offerings Lafuma has in store for the 618 festival as we look to support environmentally-friendly and excellent performance solutions to strengthen our position as a leading outdoor apparel brand,” said Wu Qian, General Manager of Lafuma China.

Echoing similar sentiments is Rico Lee who established his own independent label in 2014, “I jumped at the opportunity to collaborate with Sateri when they approached me because FinexTM encapsulates what my brand stands for – Beautiful Technology that combines function and fashion.”

Tom Liu, Sateri’s Commercial Vice President said, “Like our flagship brand EcoCosy®, FinexTM is made from bio-based natural fibres. Innovation and technology has made cellulosic textile fibre recycling possible and FinexTM represents how nature not only renews itself but that products made from nature can also be regenerated. This, at its heart, is what circular fashion looks like. Our brand promise to customers remains constant– Sateri’s products are sustainable, high quality, efficient, and cost-effective. The FinexTM tagline ‘Together For A Better Next’ expresses our aspiration to be the partner of choice for next-generation fibre - we thank Lafuma and Rico Lee for pioneering with us on this quest.”

Last month, Sateri announced its entry into China’s Lyocell fibre market. The recent string of product portfolio expansion announcements is underpinned by Sateri’s business strategy to capture value. Allen Zhang, President of Sateri said, “Being the world’s largest viscose producer gives us the advantages that come with volume, but value is what we hope differentiates us. By this, we don’t only mean higher value products like Lyocell or FinexTM but also the value we bring to communities, country, climate and customers.”

Globally, less than 1% of material used to produce clothing is recycled into new clothing. This presents a big opportunity for textile fibre recycling, particularly in China which is the largest textile producing country in the world. Last month, Sateri became a council member of the China Association of Circular Economy (CACE). The company will work closely with CACE’s Textile Waste Comprehensive Utilisation Committee to establish standards and promote industrial-scale textile waste recycling. Sateri is part of the Singapore-based RGE group of companies which has committed USD200 million into next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology.

Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch fashionable masks with ROICA™ (c) Sitip-Rosti
Sitip Rosti Mask

Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch fashionable masks with ROICA™

Masks yes, but with comfort, safety and also style: Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch masks with a fashion touch with the premium stretch fiber ROICA™
Big companies are updating their productions with high-performance and high technical characteristics masks, result of their historical experience and thanks to an exceptional partner in common: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei. And the solidarity race continues to donate them to hospitals and to the Red Cross
Forced to keep most of the face covered and often for a long time during the day, solutions that are above all performing and comfortable become increasingly necessary.

Masks yes, but with comfort, safety and also style: Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch masks with a fashion touch with the premium stretch fiber ROICA™
Big companies are updating their productions with high-performance and high technical characteristics masks, result of their historical experience and thanks to an exceptional partner in common: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei. And the solidarity race continues to donate them to hospitals and to the Red Cross
Forced to keep most of the face covered and often for a long time during the day, solutions that are above all performing and comfortable become increasingly necessary.

And solutions that are also a manifestation of our personality, which remains hidden and entrusted to the mere expression of the eyes. Walking on the streets we sometimes even don’t even recognize each other, since we are so hidden; and the desire to minimize the situation often takes over, together with that desire to make us recognizable, to possess and express an identity anyway. For fans of escaping homologation (now more than ever mandatory and for this reason even more difficult) “rescue comes” - and this is the case to say it - from illuminated companies who have thought about creative solutions for those with masks has to do all day, at home, at work, during sports and in leisure time. To feel more comfortable, there are many proposals: more “street style” for sports addicted and young people - inside and outside -, more elegant and sophisticated for women.

Textiles companies have joined the fight against Covid-19 engaging a strong and decisive personal and productive battle, which has seen many of them transform and convert their production units for the production of masks and gowns intended for medical personnel and the community.

Some of the most established excellences of the textile sector as Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip have made use of the precious collaboration of ROICA™, the premium stretch fiber by Asahi Kasei. ROICA™ is the innovative and smart premium ingredient chosen by these companies to guarantee even more comfort, thanks to an exceptional top-level component that gives elasticity for perfect adherence to the skin. Each of the companies then declined its production according to its specificity. And this is their important contribution.

Cifra presents the eco-sustainable version of the mask, the ECO-MASK™, which combines the high performance of Cifra knitting technology with the sustainability of the materials used. The 100% regenerated yarns create a 100% sustainable mask with 83% ECONYL and 17% ROICA™ V550 elastomer, the stretch fiber certified Cradle to Cradle Gold Health Level which allows excellent and lasting printability, as well as advantages regarding the circular economy as it does not release harmful substances into the test environment according to the Hohenstein Environmental Compatibility certification.

Iluna Group, European leader in the production of lace, has recently donated 400 protective “smart”  made with ROICA™ EF, the world first GRS - Global Recycled Standard – certified elastomer and which uses 58% of pre-consumer recycled content, mixed with Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Multi-use, washable, bacteriostatic, breathable and water-repellent prevention masks gave to San Gerardo Hospital in Monza to answer to the Call to action launched on March 19th by the green journalist Diana De Marsanich, with the responsible and innovative materials expert Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, the fashion designer Marina Spadafora of Fashion Revolution Italia and the entrepreneur Simona Roveda of LifeGate. Iluna Group also announces the launch of the website dedicated to the direct sale of the different kind of masks all made with three layers, antibacterial and anti-drip treatment and washable up to 10 times. Iluna Group has also created the “smart” masks made with ROICA™ EF, the world first GRS - Global Recycled Standard – certified elastomer and which uses 58% of pre-consumer recycled content, mixed with Q-NOVA® by Fulgar.

In addition to the “smart” masks, available for women, men and children, Iluna Group has created two special versions of Lace Masks, covered with refined lace. One embroidered on a cotton base and one with soft microfiber.

Rosti, historic knitwear factory based in Brembate specialized in the design and production of cycling clothing with the best technical fabrics and the most advanced technologies, has put its experience at the service of the production of protective masks washable up to 20 times, made with Sitip fabric and with the anti-drop treatment Ecoacquazero®. Fascinating and protective like a second skin, the masks are sold in a pack of 10 pieces with captivating, colorful, geometric and original graphics, designed for every personality.

Rosti masks contain the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ Resistance, a family of premium stretch yarn with particular performances of resistance and durability.

AiF und Zuse-Gemeinschaft für Nachbesserungen am Konjunkturprogramm (c) Zuse-Gemeinschaft

AiF und Zuse-Gemeinschaft für Nachbesserungen am Konjunkturprogramm

  •  im Interesse der Innovationsförderung

Berlin - Die von der Koalition vorgelegten Pläne für ein großes Konjunkturprogramm betonen den Stellenwert von Forschung und Entwicklung für den benötigten Aufschwung. Die bislang im Konjunkturpaket erkennbare Stärkung der projektbezogenen Forschung ist jedoch noch nicht bedarfsgerecht.

  •  im Interesse der Innovationsförderung

Berlin - Die von der Koalition vorgelegten Pläne für ein großes Konjunkturprogramm betonen den Stellenwert von Forschung und Entwicklung für den benötigten Aufschwung. Die bislang im Konjunkturpaket erkennbare Stärkung der projektbezogenen Forschung ist jedoch noch nicht bedarfsgerecht.

Die Koalition hat den Fokus richtigerweise auf Zukunftsinvestitionen gelegt, für die Innovationen aus Deutschland benötigt werden. Wettbewerbsfähige Innovationen entstehen in deutschen Unternehmen häufig mit Hilfe bewährter Projektförderung des Bundes. Doch ausgerechnet die technologieoffene Projektförderung ist in den bisherigen Plänen der Koalition nur unzureichend berücksichtigt. Es ist erwiesen, dass die Projektförderung eine starke Hebelwirkung für Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovationen aus Deutschland hat. AiF und Zuse-Gemeinschaft fordern daher mit Nachdruck, bewährte Programme wie die Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF), das Programm INNO-KOM und das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) aufzustocken. Die im Koalitionspapier zwar erwähnte, aber thematisch eng begrenzte Aufstockung projektbezogener Forschung müsse auf breitere Füße gestellt werden, mahnen die beiden Organisationen. „Gerade die Stärkung der themenoffenen Projektförderung zugunsten des Mittelstands hat ihre unmittelbare und nachhaltige Wirkung auf das ‚Wieder-Hochlaufen‘ der Wirtschaft schon bei früheren Konjunkturpaketen unter Beweis gestellt“, ist AiF-Präsident Professor Sebastian Bauer überzeugt.

Innovationsimpulse stärken

Während für die großen außeruniversitären Forschungsorganisationen laut den Koalitionsplänen an eine „Ersatzfinanzierung“ für Erfolg versprechende Projekte gedacht ist, fehlt es für die mittelständisch geprägten außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen komplett an einer solchen Unterstützung, kritisieren AiF und Zuse-Gemeinschaft. „Die Koalition muss hier dringend nachbessern, um den Fortbestand bewährter, effizienter Forschung zu sichern, die Deutschland für den Aufschwung von morgen nach vorne bringt“, fordert der Präsident der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, Professor Martin Bastian.



Zuse-Gemeinschaft nimmt Forschungsinstitut ISE aus Chemnitz auf (c) ISE
v.l.: Prof. Dr. Steffen Tobisch und ISE-Geschäftsführer Dr. Steffen Kaufmann, bei der Übergabe der Mitgliedsurkunde der Zuse-Gemeinschaft am ISE.

Zuse-Gemeinschaft nimmt Forschungsinstitut ISE aus Chemnitz auf

Die Zuse-Gemeinschaft bleibt in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten Anker und Kompass für die Industrieforschung in Deutschland. Der Verbund gemeinnütziger Forschungseinrichtungen hat jetzt das Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz (ISE) aus Chemnitz als 76. Mitglied aufgenommen.

ISE befasst sich u.a. mit Forschung und Entwicklung zu klimafreundlichem Bauen und umweltgerechtem Heizen. Weitere Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind der  Anlagenbau sowie der Schiffbau. Das Forschungsinstitut kooperiert mit Unternehmen und anderen Forschungspartnern, um innovative Werkstoffe, Technologien und Produkte hervorzubringen sowie Prüfmethoden für Anwendungen weiter zu entwickeln. Das Institut ist sowohl im Industrie-Hub Chemnitz und dessen Umgebung wie auch international gut vernetzt. Mit der Aufnahme des ISE zählt die Zuse-Gemeinschaft nunmehr allein in Sachsen 19 Mitglieder, davon acht in Chemnitz.

Die Zuse-Gemeinschaft bleibt in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten Anker und Kompass für die Industrieforschung in Deutschland. Der Verbund gemeinnütziger Forschungseinrichtungen hat jetzt das Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz (ISE) aus Chemnitz als 76. Mitglied aufgenommen.

ISE befasst sich u.a. mit Forschung und Entwicklung zu klimafreundlichem Bauen und umweltgerechtem Heizen. Weitere Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind der  Anlagenbau sowie der Schiffbau. Das Forschungsinstitut kooperiert mit Unternehmen und anderen Forschungspartnern, um innovative Werkstoffe, Technologien und Produkte hervorzubringen sowie Prüfmethoden für Anwendungen weiter zu entwickeln. Das Institut ist sowohl im Industrie-Hub Chemnitz und dessen Umgebung wie auch international gut vernetzt. Mit der Aufnahme des ISE zählt die Zuse-Gemeinschaft nunmehr allein in Sachsen 19 Mitglieder, davon acht in Chemnitz.

„Mit unserer Aufnahme in die Zuse-Gemeinschaft treten wir einem starken Verbund bei, der sich für die dringend notwendigen Verbesserungen in den Rahmenbedingungen für den praxisorientierten Forschungstransfer einsetzt“, sagte ISE-Geschäftsführer Dr. Peter Kaufmann bei der Feierstunde am Institutssitz zur Übergabe der Mitgliedsurkunde.

Prof. Dr. Steffen Tobisch, wissenschaftlicher Vizepräsident der Zuse-Gemeinschaft und Leiter des Instituts für Holztechnologie Dresden (IHD) erklärte bei der Übergabe der Mitgliedsurkunde: „Mit ISE wird die Expertise der Zuse-Gemeinschaft in Bereichen wie Regenerative Energien und Bauwirtschaft sowie im Schiffbau weiter gestärkt. Zugleich knüpfen wir unser starkes Netzwerk am Standort Chemnitz und in Sachsen noch fester.“


Oerlikon commissions new logistics center in Neumünster

  • Digital processes also speed up the manufacture of meltblown systems

in order to further optimize the material provision for the Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven business units and to strengthen internal processes at the German site in Neumünster, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group decided last year to invest in a state-of-the-art logistics center with a new lift center. It has already been fully operational for a few weeks. This is tremendously helpful for speeding up the processing of the numerous orders for meltblown systems for manufacturing high-quality nonwovens for protective masks and apparel that Oerlikon Nonwoven has received over the past months alone

  • Digital processes also speed up the manufacture of meltblown systems

in order to further optimize the material provision for the Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven business units and to strengthen internal processes at the German site in Neumünster, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group decided last year to invest in a state-of-the-art logistics center with a new lift center. It has already been fully operational for a few weeks. This is tremendously helpful for speeding up the processing of the numerous orders for meltblown systems for manufacturing high-quality nonwovens for protective masks and apparel that Oerlikon Nonwoven has received over the past months alone

Investing in a new Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven logistics center is paying dividends: the processing speed when manufacturing new systems – very much to the benefit of customers – considerably improved in the first week after the center started operating, not least as a result of the optimized processes and the material handling. After 25 years, the time had finally come to break new ground and to better equip ourselves for the future requirements of the markets. The paternoster storage facility to date not only needed to have regular repairs carried out due to its age, it was also too small for the projects increasingly being carried out today. The only 90 m² were capable of storing around 12,000 parts. In contrast, the new logistics center now offers more than 250 m² of storage space for in excess of 25,000 parts. As a result, this now also houses all small parts, which used to be stored in the high-rack facility due to lack of space.

New hardware, new software
Coinciding with the opening of the new logistics center, Oerlikon also introduced new digital processes that will also help cope with the increasing production volumes. To this end, consistently maintained master data and photos for all parts ensure safe, paper-free storage and handling of the material from now on. In order to minimize mistakes, a laser pointer now indicates from which or to which space the goods are moved. Furthermore, a photo of the material, sorted to type, is displayed on the screen. The digitalization of the warehousing facilities secures the pick and put-away process so that checking material numbers becomes superfluous when removing items from the warehouse.





KOMET UND HELDEN: Ordersaison Spring/ Summer ’21

Nach den turbulenten letzten Wochen startet Komet und Helden ab dem 20. Juli 2020 in die Orderrunde für die kommende Spring/Summer Saison. Sowohl im Showroom München, als auch im Showroom Düsseldorf sind Termine nach Vereinbarung möglich.

Der Orderzeitraum wird sich wie folgt zusammensetzen:

Nach den turbulenten letzten Wochen startet Komet und Helden ab dem 20. Juli 2020 in die Orderrunde für die kommende Spring/Summer Saison. Sowohl im Showroom München, als auch im Showroom Düsseldorf sind Termine nach Vereinbarung möglich.

Der Orderzeitraum wird sich wie folgt zusammensetzen:

  • München 20. Juli bis 03. August ’20
  • Düsseldorf 06. August bis 12. August ’20
  • München 14. August bis 11. September ’20

Zudem wird in Kooperation mit Matthias Schwarte Modeagentur, Heritage Agents, Agentur Mc Alpine, BEN AND, Modeagentur Andreas Saam, Modeagentur Raab, Agentur Moormann, Agentur Kappler, Modeagentur Klauser und der hinterhofagenturpräsentieren der „KICK-OFF MUNICH“ präsentiert. Ein zusätzliches Arrangement um mehr Planungssicherheit und eine stressfreie Order zu ermöglichen. Am Wochenende vom 31. Juli bis 02. August 2020 sind im Rahmen des KOM die Showrooms der genannten Agenturen für Odertermine geöffnet.
Für den bevorstehenden „KICK-OFF MUNICH“ der Fall/Winter ’21 Saison sind bereits fortführende Termine in Planung. Parallel zur ISPO MUNICH wird die Order vom 29. bis 31. Januar 2021 in den Münchner Showrooms möglich sein.

More information:
Komet und Helden GmbH



New secured remote service concept Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven

To increase system productivity and to keep service downtimes as short as possible, remote servicing has long been absolutely essential within a globally-networked textile industry. For its Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven brands, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment is offering a new secured remote service concept with defined loan-based hardware and software.

A remote connection with remote access to the systems creates new service options that would not have been possible over the phone or by e-mail. Upon signing a secured remote service contract, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers provides its customers with the necessary hardware and software, exchanges the hardware in the event of changes to security requirements and supplies continuous software updates.

To increase system productivity and to keep service downtimes as short as possible, remote servicing has long been absolutely essential within a globally-networked textile industry. For its Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven brands, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment is offering a new secured remote service concept with defined loan-based hardware and software.

A remote connection with remote access to the systems creates new service options that would not have been possible over the phone or by e-mail. Upon signing a secured remote service contract, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers provides its customers with the necessary hardware and software, exchanges the hardware in the event of changes to security requirements and supplies continuous software updates.

“Within the context of a secured remote service contract, we loan the hardware to our customers. This means that our clients do not have additional procurement costs and they do not have to worry about ensuring their technology is constantly up-to-date in terms of security requirements. We assume this task for them”, explains Jan Pauer, Technical Sales Manager responsible for modifications, talking about the benefits of this service concept.

Secured remote service contracts are offered for all Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven sys-tems and are available with additional, customer-specific services.




Rieter: Business Situation facing COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Since the end of March 2020, COVID-19 has led to very low demand in all Business Groups
  • Comprehensive crisis management implemented
  • Loss in the mid double-digit million range expected in the first half of 2020
  • Plans to introduce short-time working to adjust capacity in Switzerland and Germany
  • Strategy will continue to be implemented

Due to COVID-19, a large number of spinning mills have stopped production worldwide. Since the end of March 2020, this has led to low demand for spare parts and wear & tear parts and delays in testing programs during the development of new machines. Customers are postponing investment projects or unable to implement them due to restrictions imposed by national governments. This results in low demand for new machines.

  • Since the end of March 2020, COVID-19 has led to very low demand in all Business Groups
  • Comprehensive crisis management implemented
  • Loss in the mid double-digit million range expected in the first half of 2020
  • Plans to introduce short-time working to adjust capacity in Switzerland and Germany
  • Strategy will continue to be implemented

Due to COVID-19, a large number of spinning mills have stopped production worldwide. Since the end of March 2020, this has led to low demand for spare parts and wear & tear parts and delays in testing programs during the development of new machines. Customers are postponing investment projects or unable to implement them due to restrictions imposed by national governments. This results in low demand for new machines.

Comprehensive crisis management
Rieter has implemented comprehensive crisis management. Priorities are being given to protecting employees, fulfilling customer commitments and ensuring liquidity. The necessary measures to protect employees have been implemented worldwide.
The order backlog of well in excess of CHF 500 million is being processed largely according to plan, despite the existing bottlenecks in the supply chains. Less than 5% of the orders in the order backlog have been canceled.
Rieter has already implemented measures to ensure liquidity and reduce costs. The company has good net liquidity and undrawn credit lines in the mid three-digit million range.
Loss expected in the first half of 2020
As already reported, Rieter expects sales and earnings in the first half of 2020 to be significantly below the prior year level.

Loss expected in the first half of 2020
As already reported, Rieter expects sales and earnings in the first half of 2020 to be significantly below the prior year level. The effects of COVID-19 will place an additional burden on the first half of 2020. Rieter therefore expects sales in the first half of 2020 to be less than CHF 300 million. Despite the countermeasures implemented at the net profit level, this will lead to a loss in the mid double-digit million range.

Plans to introduce short-time working to adjust capacity
Rieter plans to apply for short-time working for the areas with forecasted low capacity utilization at the locations in Switzerland and Germany. The application will be for 40% short-time working in the third quarter of 2020. Talks with staff representatives will begin next week.
As a sign of solidarity, Rieter’s Board of Directors, Group Executive Committee and the senior management will waive 10%-20% of their salaries temporarily.

Implementation of the strategy
In recent years, Rieter has consistently implemented the strategy based on innovation leadership, strengthening the business in components, spare parts and services and the adjustment of cost structures. The company intends to forge ahead with the implementation of the strategy in the coming months, thus strengthening its market position for the time after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next information on the course of business is planned with the publication of the half-year results on July 16, 2020

More information:
Coronavirus Rieter

Rieter Holding AG


Tailorlux Obtains An Exclusive Patent License From NCR Corporation

Tailorlux, developer of hidden luminescent marking solutions that prove origin and protect the integrity of consumer and industrial textile products, announces that it has obtained a patent license from US-based NCR Corporation.

Under the associated agreement, Tailorlux received a field specific exclusive license under a family of NCR patents pursuant to which Tailorlux will make and sell its IntegriTEX® marking and detection solution for textiles to customers in the United States.

The solution is designed to support and protect Tailorlux clients by enabling reliable proof of origin for their fiber and textile products (including, e.g., Egyptian, PIMA and recycled cotton, recycled PET, special fibres, filaments and other premium materials), thereby authenticating the products and protecting against counterfeiting, mixing and blending. Tailorlux will pay ongoing licensing fees to NCR pursuant to undisclosed financial terms.

Tailorlux, developer of hidden luminescent marking solutions that prove origin and protect the integrity of consumer and industrial textile products, announces that it has obtained a patent license from US-based NCR Corporation.

Under the associated agreement, Tailorlux received a field specific exclusive license under a family of NCR patents pursuant to which Tailorlux will make and sell its IntegriTEX® marking and detection solution for textiles to customers in the United States.

The solution is designed to support and protect Tailorlux clients by enabling reliable proof of origin for their fiber and textile products (including, e.g., Egyptian, PIMA and recycled cotton, recycled PET, special fibres, filaments and other premium materials), thereby authenticating the products and protecting against counterfeiting, mixing and blending. Tailorlux will pay ongoing licensing fees to NCR pursuant to undisclosed financial terms.

More information:

Tailorlux GmbH


Huntsman Textile Effects and Bao Minh Textile collaborating

  • Producing fabric for medical gowns: Advanced barrier effect solutions support COVID-19 efforts

Huntsman Textile Effects and Bao Minh Textile, one of the largest and most modern woven fabric producers in Vietnam, are collaborating to produce fabric that meets the stringent performance standards required of isolation gowns. High-quality medical gowns are essential protective wear for healthcare workers combatting the global COVID-19 pandemic, but these are in short supply worldwide.

Bao Minh Textile will initially treat 760,000 meters of woven fabric with a carefully curated combination of Huntsman Textile Effects barrier effect solutions and auxiliaries. This fabric is sufficient to produce 345,000 high-grade isolation gowns.

  • Producing fabric for medical gowns: Advanced barrier effect solutions support COVID-19 efforts

Huntsman Textile Effects and Bao Minh Textile, one of the largest and most modern woven fabric producers in Vietnam, are collaborating to produce fabric that meets the stringent performance standards required of isolation gowns. High-quality medical gowns are essential protective wear for healthcare workers combatting the global COVID-19 pandemic, but these are in short supply worldwide.

Bao Minh Textile will initially treat 760,000 meters of woven fabric with a carefully curated combination of Huntsman Textile Effects barrier effect solutions and auxiliaries. This fabric is sufficient to produce 345,000 high-grade isolation gowns.

Bao Minh Textile’s isolation gown fabric relies on a range of Huntsman pretreatment, dyeing and finishing solutions. These include CLARITE® ONE, an all-in-one pretreatment for peroxide bleaching; NOVACRON® and TERASIL® dyes; PHOBOL® CP-C, an excellent oil-, water- and stain-repellent finish; and PHOBOTEX® RSY, a non-fluorinated durable water repellent with extremely high washing resistance. PHOBOL® EXTENDER XAN is also applied to further increase wash durability.



Huntsman Textile Effects