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Bildmaterial: Hochschule Niederrhein

Center Textillogistik von Fraunhofer IML und Hochschule Niederrhein evaluiert

Die Bedeutung der Logistik für die Textilbranche hat unter den Pandemiebedingungen zugenommen. Durch Online-Handel, schnelle Saisonwechsel oder den Zwang zur Lagerhaltung sind die Herausforderungen für die Unternehmen gewachsen. Seit zwei Jahren forschen im Center Textillogistik das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML und die Hochschule Niederrhein unter dem Motto „Logistik für Textilien – Textilien für die Logistik“. Nun wurde die Kooperation erfolgreich evaluiert.

„Wir freuen uns darüber, dass wir unsere gemeinsame Arbeit fortsetzen können“, sagt Professor Dr. Markus Muschkiet, der an der Hochschule Niederrhein und dem Fraunhofer IML das Center Textillogistik leitet. Um die Betriebe wissenschaftlich zu unterstützen, gründete das Fraunhofer IML 2018 gemeinsam mit der Hochschule Niederrhein das Center Textillogistik (CTL). Die logistischen Kompetenzen des Fraunhofer IML werden darin bereichsübergreifend mit dem textilen Know-how des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein gebündelt.

Die Bedeutung der Logistik für die Textilbranche hat unter den Pandemiebedingungen zugenommen. Durch Online-Handel, schnelle Saisonwechsel oder den Zwang zur Lagerhaltung sind die Herausforderungen für die Unternehmen gewachsen. Seit zwei Jahren forschen im Center Textillogistik das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML und die Hochschule Niederrhein unter dem Motto „Logistik für Textilien – Textilien für die Logistik“. Nun wurde die Kooperation erfolgreich evaluiert.

„Wir freuen uns darüber, dass wir unsere gemeinsame Arbeit fortsetzen können“, sagt Professor Dr. Markus Muschkiet, der an der Hochschule Niederrhein und dem Fraunhofer IML das Center Textillogistik leitet. Um die Betriebe wissenschaftlich zu unterstützen, gründete das Fraunhofer IML 2018 gemeinsam mit der Hochschule Niederrhein das Center Textillogistik (CTL). Die logistischen Kompetenzen des Fraunhofer IML werden darin bereichsübergreifend mit dem textilen Know-how des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein gebündelt.

In interdisziplinären Projekten arbeiten das Dortmunder Team aus den Bereichen Intralogistik, Verkehrslogistik sowie Umwelt- und Ressourcenlogistik eng mit dem Team in Mönchengladbach zusammen, um Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Branchen zu unterstützen.
In den vergangenen zwei Jahren wurden die Arbeitsgruppen in Dortmund und Mönchengladbach auf- und ausgebaut. Der Aufbau der Gruppen erfolgte im Rahmen des Fraunhofer-Kooperationsprogramms mit Fachhochschulen. Für die Etablierung der Dortmunder Arbeitsgruppe stellte die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft finanzielle Mittel in Höhe von einer Million Euro für einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren bereit. Die Hochschule Niederrhein brachte mit Unterstützung durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen die Professur Textillogistik mit Prof. Markus Muschkiet ein.

Die Forscher beschäftigten sich unter anderem mit der Optimierung intralogistischer Prozesse am Standort eines Herstellers für Heimtextilien. Außerdem führten sie eine Sortieranalyse durch, bei der Alttextilien untersucht wurden, die in Recyclinghöfen anfielen. Es wurden Erkenntnisse zu den Textilfasermaterialgruppen, deren Massenanteile und weitere Aspekte ermittelt. Diese Daten bilden eine erste Grundlage für geschlossene und nachhaltige textile Materialströme der Zukunft, die textile Circular Economy.

Auf Grundlage von Projekten wie diesen wurde das Center Textillogistik im Jahr 2020 erfolgreich evaluiert. Die Evaluatoren lobten, dass die im Fraunhofer-Kooperationsprogramm festgelegten Erfolgskriterien in besonderer Weise erfüllt wurden. Eine kooperative Leitungsstruktur sowie die thematische Ausrichtung der Gruppe in die strategische Entwicklungsplanung beider Partnerinstitutionen wurde erreicht.

Ziel für die kommenden Jahre ist die Verstetigung der Gruppe innerhalb des Fraunhofer-Modells, ein kontinuierlicher Personalausbau und die Erweiterung von Lehr- und Forschungsangeboten. Neben den bisherigen Leitthemen wurden durch die Pandemie weitere Veränderungen im Markt angestoßen. Diese reichen von der Reaktivierung der lokalen Textilproduktion bis zu den Umwälzungen im stationären Handel und dem Wachstum des E-Commerce.


Hochschule Niederrhein

(c) FHCS. Tobias Staehle

Tobias Staehle neuer Regional President EMEA Consumer bei FHCS

Tobias Staehle übernimmt Endverbrauchergeschäft (EMEA) bei Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions (FHCS) und wird neuer Regional President EMEA Consumer. Er tritt zum 1. Februar 2021 die Nachfolge von Juan Dangla an, der nach 33 Jahren bei FHCS in den Ruhestand gehen wird. In seiner neuen Funktion verantwortet Staehle das Endverbrauchergeschäft des Weinheimer Unternehmens, zu dem Haushaltsmarken wie Vileda, Gimi, Wettex und Marigold gehören. Staehle berichtet an Karin Overbeck (CEO).

„Mit Tobias Staehle haben wir einen sehr erfahrenen Manager gewinnen können. Er wird einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu leisten, das Wachstum in unserer umsatzstärksten Region voranzubringen und nachhaltig zu sichern“, kommentiert Overbeck. Staehle ergänzt: „Mein Fokus wird sein, Marktanteile im Kerngeschäft zu gewinnen sowie neue Wachstumsfelder für das Markenportfolio zu identifizieren. Dabei werden die Themen Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit eine wichtige Rolle im Marketing und der Entwicklung spielen.“

Tobias Staehle übernimmt Endverbrauchergeschäft (EMEA) bei Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions (FHCS) und wird neuer Regional President EMEA Consumer. Er tritt zum 1. Februar 2021 die Nachfolge von Juan Dangla an, der nach 33 Jahren bei FHCS in den Ruhestand gehen wird. In seiner neuen Funktion verantwortet Staehle das Endverbrauchergeschäft des Weinheimer Unternehmens, zu dem Haushaltsmarken wie Vileda, Gimi, Wettex und Marigold gehören. Staehle berichtet an Karin Overbeck (CEO).

„Mit Tobias Staehle haben wir einen sehr erfahrenen Manager gewinnen können. Er wird einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu leisten, das Wachstum in unserer umsatzstärksten Region voranzubringen und nachhaltig zu sichern“, kommentiert Overbeck. Staehle ergänzt: „Mein Fokus wird sein, Marktanteile im Kerngeschäft zu gewinnen sowie neue Wachstumsfelder für das Markenportfolio zu identifizieren. Dabei werden die Themen Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit eine wichtige Rolle im Marketing und der Entwicklung spielen.“

Staehle ist seit November 2020 bei FHCS und blickt auf 20 Jahre Vertriebs- und Marketing-Erfahrung in der Konsumgüterindustrie zurück. So hatte er Führungsrollen auf nationaler, regionaler und globaler Ebene inne, unter anderem bei den namhaften Markenherstellern Wella, Kao und Procter & Gamble. Zuletzt verantwortete er als Managing Director bei Revlon das Geschäft in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.


Publik. Agentur für Kommunikation i.A. Vileda GmbH

Hexcel’s HexPly® M9 Prepreg receives Type Approval Certification (c) Bernard Biger

Hexcel’s HexPly® M9 Prepreg receives Type Approval Certification

Hexcel is pleased to announce Type Approval Certification of its HexPly® M9 prepreg materials by DNV GL. The addition of the HexPly M9 prepreg range to Hexcel’s already comprehensive DNV GL certified portfolio provides ship and boat builders with optimal prepreg processing options.

HexPly M9 prepregs enable short cure cycles at 100˚C and above and provide a balance between ease of processing and mechanical performance. Available in high tack and medium tack variants, HexPly M9 prepregs are available with a wide range of unidirectional, woven, and multiaxial reinforcements. Partnered with Hexcel’s own HexTow® IMC2 and HexTow® HM54 / HM63 fibers, designers and engineers can optimize highly loaded composite structures such as masts, wing sails, and foils with increased glass transition temperatures (Tg) and excellent long-term fatigue performance.
Hexcel has completed the DNV GL certification for HexPly M9 in response to the rapidly increasing demand for type-approved high-performance prepreg materials for large composite structures in the commercial marine craft.  

Hexcel is pleased to announce Type Approval Certification of its HexPly® M9 prepreg materials by DNV GL. The addition of the HexPly M9 prepreg range to Hexcel’s already comprehensive DNV GL certified portfolio provides ship and boat builders with optimal prepreg processing options.

HexPly M9 prepregs enable short cure cycles at 100˚C and above and provide a balance between ease of processing and mechanical performance. Available in high tack and medium tack variants, HexPly M9 prepregs are available with a wide range of unidirectional, woven, and multiaxial reinforcements. Partnered with Hexcel’s own HexTow® IMC2 and HexTow® HM54 / HM63 fibers, designers and engineers can optimize highly loaded composite structures such as masts, wing sails, and foils with increased glass transition temperatures (Tg) and excellent long-term fatigue performance.
Hexcel has completed the DNV GL certification for HexPly M9 in response to the rapidly increasing demand for type-approved high-performance prepreg materials for large composite structures in the commercial marine craft.  

Hexcel’s collaboration with Chantiers de l’Atlantique on its new Silenseas cruise ship concept – a concept that uses composite Solid Sail® propulsion as well as dual-fuel engines to reduce emissions and operating costs – is one such application. In this case, DNV GL type approval provides third-party assurance of the product’s quality, performance and consistency, and also helps to streamline the approval of composite parts that replace traditionally metallic structures.

Hexcel has supplied advanced composite materials to the marine industry for more than 40 years and manufactures a comprehensive range of DNV GL certified products including woven reinforcements, multiaxial fabrics, prepregs, and adhesive films. Hexcel is committed to developing new composite technologies for the marine sector, helping builders evolve their designs to produce lighter, more fuel-efficient, and a sustainable craft for the future.

“Our latest Type Approval Certification is an important part of our strategy to provide the most complete package of DNV GL certified composite materials for the marine sector,” said Andreas Sageder, Product Manager at Hexcel. “With the addition of our M9 prepreg resin systems, mast, ship, and boat builders have an expanded range of processing and cure options available for parts requiring higher Tg and improved fatigue performance.”


vombaur: Filtration textiles (c) vombaur

vombaur: Filtration textiles

From the drinking water and food industries through water management and mining to the automotive and aviation sectors, mechanical filtration processes are used in almost every industry. As different as the methods, dimensions and special requirements of the filtration process are in each case – technical textiles and often tubular filters are almost always used. This means that tubular filters and narrow textiles by vombaur contribute to the safe and reliable separation or treatment of substances in the widest variety of filtration processes.

Individual solutions
The requirements placed on the textile, the material, the flow rate and the loading capacity of the filters depend on the respective use: a tubular for dewatering soil needs to withstand different forces than a tubular filter for the beverages industry. On the other hand, the latter needs to meet the highest hygiene standards. Because the requirements are so individual, vombaur develops customised filtration textiles for its customers all over the world.

From the drinking water and food industries through water management and mining to the automotive and aviation sectors, mechanical filtration processes are used in almost every industry. As different as the methods, dimensions and special requirements of the filtration process are in each case – technical textiles and often tubular filters are almost always used. This means that tubular filters and narrow textiles by vombaur contribute to the safe and reliable separation or treatment of substances in the widest variety of filtration processes.

Individual solutions
The requirements placed on the textile, the material, the flow rate and the loading capacity of the filters depend on the respective use: a tubular for dewatering soil needs to withstand different forces than a tubular filter for the beverages industry. On the other hand, the latter needs to meet the highest hygiene standards. Because the requirements are so individual, vombaur develops customised filtration textiles for its customers all over the world.

Seamless tubular filters
At vombaur, filter media are round woven seamlessly on unique looms. As a result, they have identical surface properties all around and over the entire length, such as flow rate, loading capacity, shrinkage behaviour or material thickness

Narrow textiles for fabricating filter media
"We manufacture our narrow textiles from a wide variety of high-tech yarns. Sometimes monofilament yarn is used, sometimes multifilament, sometimes spun yarn. Like the type of weave, we select the raw materials depending on the function they need to fulfil," emphasises Gert Laarakker, Sales Manager at vombaur. "So that our filtration textiles reliably perform the job they are supposed to perform. Clean. Safe. Sturdy."

Source: GmbH & Co. KG

Kornit Digital: Reclameland succeeds with Kornit Production Capabilities (c) Kornit
Kornit Atlas

Kornit Digital: Reclameland succeeds with Kornit Production Capabilities

Kornit Digital, a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Westerbroek, Groningen-based Reclameland has invested nearly €20 million in a second production hall and state-of-the-art machines, including the Kornit Atlas system for industrial direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, in the past year to further accelerate growth. The fastest-growing online printer in the Netherlands, Reclameland achieved a turnover of almost €23 million in 2019 and a profit of more than €1 million.

Now the second-largest business of its type in the Netherlands, Reclameland’s workforce grew by 20% in the past year, enabling them to handle most production operations internally. They attributed increased demand for printed pieces to a strong growth in online buying, for both consumers and businesses.

Kornit Digital, a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Westerbroek, Groningen-based Reclameland has invested nearly €20 million in a second production hall and state-of-the-art machines, including the Kornit Atlas system for industrial direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, in the past year to further accelerate growth. The fastest-growing online printer in the Netherlands, Reclameland achieved a turnover of almost €23 million in 2019 and a profit of more than €1 million.

Now the second-largest business of its type in the Netherlands, Reclameland’s workforce grew by 20% in the past year, enabling them to handle most production operations internally. They attributed increased demand for printed pieces to a strong growth in online buying, for both consumers and businesses.

“2019 marked the definitive breakthrough of online printing, and we have established ourselves as a total print solutions provider for signage, banners, posters, flags, and other digitally printed textiles,” says Wouter Haan, CEO of Reclameland.  "By continuously innovating, we can serve every type of customer. Our investment in Kornit technology has empowered us to imprint more than a thousand garments per day with a single operator, meeting the retail quality, wash and light fastness, and sustainability standards of the world’s largest apparel brands.”

“Reclameland demonstrates the vast opportunities on-demand producers have when they diversify their product offerings and align their operations for a marketplace that increasingly relies on e-commerce,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “Kornit technology offers the perfect foundation for making that business model a success, eliminating slow and costly steps between buyers seeing a brilliantly-designed piece virtually and having it in their hands. We are proud to support Reclameland as they grow to fulfill the promise of digital commerce.”

ANDRITZ to supply spunlace line for Minet (c) ANDRITZ
ANDRITZ needlepunch line at Minet

ANDRITZ to supply spunlace line for Minet

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order to supply a neXline spunlace eXcelle line to Minet S.A, based in Ramnicu Valcéa, Romania, for processing various fibers from 25 to 70 gsm to produce a wide range of hygiene products. Start-up is expected during the second quarter of 2022.

ANDRITZ will deliver a complete line, from web forming to drying. The line will integrate one high-speed TT card, the robust Jetlace Essentiel hydroentanglement unit equipped with a neXecodry S1 system for energy saving, and a neXdry double-drum through-air dryer.

The close collaboration between ANDRITZ and Minet in needlepunch was an important consideration in the choice of supplier for the spunlace line as well as the fact that ANDRITZ is recognized as the benchmark for production of premium spunlace roll goods.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order to supply a neXline spunlace eXcelle line to Minet S.A, based in Ramnicu Valcéa, Romania, for processing various fibers from 25 to 70 gsm to produce a wide range of hygiene products. Start-up is expected during the second quarter of 2022.

ANDRITZ will deliver a complete line, from web forming to drying. The line will integrate one high-speed TT card, the robust Jetlace Essentiel hydroentanglement unit equipped with a neXecodry S1 system for energy saving, and a neXdry double-drum through-air dryer.

The close collaboration between ANDRITZ and Minet in needlepunch was an important consideration in the choice of supplier for the spunlace line as well as the fact that ANDRITZ is recognized as the benchmark for production of premium spunlace roll goods.

Just recently, ANDRITZ successfully completed the commissioning of a neXline needlepunch eXcelle line for Minet. This line is dedicated to the production of automotive products made from a large variety of fibers. For this contract, ANDRITZ delivered a complete line from fiber preparation to end-of-line, also integrating card, crosslapper, batt drafter, two needlelooms and a Zeta felt drafter with a working width of more than 6 m. The line is also equipped with the unique ProDyn web profiling system, operating as a closed-loop control system in order to ensure perfect evenness of the products.

(c) datamars

Datamars Textile ID: Wäsche-Identifizierung für Großwäschereien

Datamars Textile ID ebnet Weg für neue Generation von Lesesystemen / Großwäschereien und ihre Kunden sowie Betriebe mit eigenen Wäschereien profitieren noch stärker von der Transpondertechnologie

Großwäschereien und ihre Kunden sowie Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime, Hotels und andere Unternehmen mit eigenen Wäschereien können dank einer neuen Technologie von Datamars künftig noch besser von den Vorteilen von RFID-Systemen beim Wäschemanagement profitieren. Denn das Unternehmen, ein weltweit führender, auf RFID spezialisierter Anbieter von Hochleistungs-Ident-Lösungen, hat eine auf künstlicher Intelligenz basierende Textile-ID-Lösung entwickelt, die eine bisher nie erreichte Genauigkeit beim vollautomatischen Erkennen und Verfolgen von Wäschestücken garantiert. Der Einsatz künstlicher neuronaler Netze und von Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens stellt eine echte Revolution dar und ebnet den Weg für eine neue Generation von Lesesystemen.

Datamars Textile ID ebnet Weg für neue Generation von Lesesystemen / Großwäschereien und ihre Kunden sowie Betriebe mit eigenen Wäschereien profitieren noch stärker von der Transpondertechnologie

Großwäschereien und ihre Kunden sowie Krankenhäuser, Pflegeheime, Hotels und andere Unternehmen mit eigenen Wäschereien können dank einer neuen Technologie von Datamars künftig noch besser von den Vorteilen von RFID-Systemen beim Wäschemanagement profitieren. Denn das Unternehmen, ein weltweit führender, auf RFID spezialisierter Anbieter von Hochleistungs-Ident-Lösungen, hat eine auf künstlicher Intelligenz basierende Textile-ID-Lösung entwickelt, die eine bisher nie erreichte Genauigkeit beim vollautomatischen Erkennen und Verfolgen von Wäschestücken garantiert. Der Einsatz künstlicher neuronaler Netze und von Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens stellt eine echte Revolution dar und ebnet den Weg für eine neue Generation von Lesesystemen.

Mit "Radiofrequency Identification" (RFID) lassen sich Wäschestücke über ihren gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg identifizieren und verfolgen. Die Technologie ermöglicht eine präzise und automatisierte Bestandsverwaltung und die Reduzierung von Verlusten, die Erzeugung transparenter Daten und eine genaue Rechnungsstellung, eine höhere Arbeitseffizienz und eine gesteigerte Rentabilität dank der Optimierung der Textilzyklen und geringerem Wiederbeschaffungsbedarf.

Der Vorteil der UHF-RFID-Technologie liegt darin, dass sich damit Tags ohne Sichtverbindung und aus großer Entfernung auslesen lassen, so dass sich selbst tausende von Textilien in loser Schüttung in wenigen Sekunden identifizieren lassen. Mit diesem Vorteil ist jedoch auch eine Herausforderung verbunden, da durch die Fernauslesung versehentlich auch irrelevante Tags in der Umgebung erfasst werden können, insbesondere wenn sich Gegenstände bewegen.

Datamars wendet zum ersten Mal in der wäscherei-bezogenen Wäscheerkennung maschinelle Lerntechniken auf die RFID-Technologie an. Das maschinelle Lernen ist ein Zweig der künstlichen Intelligenz, der Systeme in die Lage versetzt, automatisch zu lernen und sich durch Erfahrung zu verbessern, ohne dass sie explizit programmiert werden müssen. Dabei werden bereitgestellte "Trainings"-Datensätze untersucht, um gemeinsame Muster zu finden und ein Modell für die Entscheidungsfindung zu erstellen.

Dank der Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens und eines speziell entwickelten, künstlichen neuronalen Netzes nutzt das System die Informationen, die aus den Daten aller Lesevorgänge der RFID-Tags extrahiert werden, um jeden Tag zu klassifizieren. Auf diese Weise ist das System in der Lage, irrelevante Signale zu erkennen und zu verwerfen. Darüber hinaus werden relevante Tags korrekt dem richtigen Wäschestück zugeordnet, auch wenn dieser in loser Schüttung und in Bewegung sind.


Industrie-Contact AG


Toray Industries, Inc: Textil inspiriert von japanischem Papier

Ein neu entwickeltes Gewebe des Materialtechnologiekonzerns Toray verbindet Haptik und Struktur von handgeschöpftem japanischem Papier mit moderner Funktionalität.

Mit Camifu präsentiert Toray Industries, Inc. ein neuartiges Polyester-Filamentgewebe inspiriert von der Optik und Haptik japanischen Papiers. Das Material basiert auf dem patentierten Mehrkomponenten-Spinnverfahren NANODESIGN, das es Toray erlaubt, unterschiedliche Polymere innerhalb einer Faser präzise anzuordnen und zu formen. Die resultierende Struktur mit ihren feinen Unebenheiten ist der von handgeschöpftem Papier nachempfunden, weist jedoch zugleich die Weichheit und den Komfort synthetischer Fasern auf.

Mithilfe des NANODESIGN-Verfahrens entwickelte Toray eine Faser mit einer flachen, C-förmigen Querschnittstruktur, die drei unterschiedliche Polymere miteinander verbindet. In der Fasermitte befindet sich ein lösliches Polymer, rechts und links davon sind Polymere mit unterschiedlichen Wärmeschrumpfungseigenschaften angeordnet. Eines der Polymere wurde dabei aus recycelten Folienresten hergestellt, um die Nachhaltigkeit von Camifu zu erhöhen.

Ein neu entwickeltes Gewebe des Materialtechnologiekonzerns Toray verbindet Haptik und Struktur von handgeschöpftem japanischem Papier mit moderner Funktionalität.

Mit Camifu präsentiert Toray Industries, Inc. ein neuartiges Polyester-Filamentgewebe inspiriert von der Optik und Haptik japanischen Papiers. Das Material basiert auf dem patentierten Mehrkomponenten-Spinnverfahren NANODESIGN, das es Toray erlaubt, unterschiedliche Polymere innerhalb einer Faser präzise anzuordnen und zu formen. Die resultierende Struktur mit ihren feinen Unebenheiten ist der von handgeschöpftem Papier nachempfunden, weist jedoch zugleich die Weichheit und den Komfort synthetischer Fasern auf.

Mithilfe des NANODESIGN-Verfahrens entwickelte Toray eine Faser mit einer flachen, C-förmigen Querschnittstruktur, die drei unterschiedliche Polymere miteinander verbindet. In der Fasermitte befindet sich ein lösliches Polymer, rechts und links davon sind Polymere mit unterschiedlichen Wärmeschrumpfungseigenschaften angeordnet. Eines der Polymere wurde dabei aus recycelten Folienresten hergestellt, um die Nachhaltigkeit von Camifu zu erhöhen.

Werden diese angrenzenden Polymere wärmebehandelt, verbiegen sie sich entsprechend ihrer jeweiligen Wärmeeigenschaften entlang der Faser. In Verbindung mit der flachen Querschrittstruktur erzeugt dies eine einzigartige Verdrehung und Ausdehnung.
So entstehen Faserbündel mit unregelmäßigen Hohlräumen, die für die charakteristische Unebenheit des Materials sorgen.

Der hohe Anteil an Hohlräumen verleiht dem Gewebe eine leichte und zugleich robuste Haptik, die der von japanischem Papier entspricht. Auch optisch folgt Camifu diesem Vorbild: Die Fasern enthalten unterschiedlich eingefärbte oder einfärbbare Polymere, die sich nicht aneinander ausrichten.

Camifu eignet sich damit für Anwendungen in der Herren- und Damenoberbekleidung, darunter Hemden, Blusen, geschnittene und genähte Kleidungsstücke. Das Unternehmen plant, Camifu ab Frühjahr/Sommer 2022 auf den Markt zu bringen


Storymaker GmbH


Autoneum: Revenue development and personnel changes

Reflecting the pandemic-related drop in worldwide vehicle production, Autoneum’s revenue in local currencies fell by –18.7% in 2020, although the second half of the year saw a significant market recovery. Group revenue in Swiss francs fell by –24.2% year-on-year to CHF 1 740.6 million. For the full year 2020, the EBIT margin will be around 1.5% and the free cash flow slightly over CHF 100 million.
At the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021, the Board of Directors will propose Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli for election to the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding. Peter Spuhler will not stand for re-election.

Reflecting the pandemic-related drop in worldwide vehicle production, Autoneum’s revenue in local currencies fell by –18.7% in 2020, although the second half of the year saw a significant market recovery. Group revenue in Swiss francs fell by –24.2% year-on-year to CHF 1 740.6 million. For the full year 2020, the EBIT margin will be around 1.5% and the free cash flow slightly over CHF 100 million.
At the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021, the Board of Directors will propose Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli for election to the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding. Peter Spuhler will not stand for re-election.

At 74.5 million, the number of light vehicles produced globally in 2020 was down –16.2% compared to the previous year, where around 89 million vehicles were manufactured. Autoneum’s revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020, pretty much in line with the negative market dynamics. The somewhat stronger decline of revenue compared to the market results from a lower share of Asia in Autoneum's total revenue. Impacted by the appreciation of the Swiss franc against the most important currencies for Autoneum, the consolidated revenue dropped in 2020 by –24.2% to CHF 1 740.6 million. The heterogeneous development of the first and second half of the year was characteristic for the pandemic-driven automotive year 2020. Worldwide lockdowns and production stoppages at vehicle manufacturers led to a market slump in the first six months and a corresponding loss in revenue for Autoneum. Thanks to the subsequent market recovery and catch-up effects in the second half of the year, revenue improved considerably compared to the first half of the year.

Revenue development in Asia and SAMEA region significantly better than market
While revenues in local currencies of the highest-volume Business Groups Europe and North America decreased by –25.6% and –19.3% respectively, reflecting the regional, pandemic-driven market development (Europe: –22.9%; North America: –20.1%), Business Group Asia almost held its prior-year level with an organic decline of only –2.1% in 2020 thanks to the strong upturn in automobile production in China in the second half of the year and despite the fact that the number of vehicles produced in Asia fell by –11.4%.*

Personnel changes to the Board of Directors
At the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding will propose Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli for election as new members of the Board of Directors.
Liane Hirner has been CFO and member of the Management Board of Vienna Insurance Group, based in Vienna, Austria, since 2018.*

Oliver Streuli, a Swiss national, has been CEO of PCS Holding, based in Frauenfeld (Canton Thurgau), Switzerland, since 2019.*

Peter Spuhler has been a member of the Board of Directors of Autoneum since 2011 and will not stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021.*


*See attached document for further informationen


Autoneum Management AG

Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel (c) Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR055

Ascend Performance Materials: Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workouts.

Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working on textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure


EMG / Ascend Performance Materials

ISKO Vital™+ Premium community face cover receives the NEN certification in the Netherlands. (c)ISKO
ISKO Vital™+ - NEN certification

ISKO Vital™ receives NEN certification

  • ISKO Vital™+ Premium community face cover receives the NEN certification in the Netherlands.

The responsible face cover brand is the first to be awarded the Dutch standard, recently established by The Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute. The mark of conformity was issued on January 19, when ISKO Vital+ completed the certification process.

  • ISKO Vital™+ Premium community face cover receives the NEN certification in the Netherlands.

The responsible face cover brand is the first to be awarded the Dutch standard, recently established by The Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute. The mark of conformity was issued on January 19, when ISKO Vital+ completed the certification process.

Supported by parent company ISKO’s 100-years of experience and know-how in the textile industry, ISKO Vital+’s range of Premium face covers has exceeded the requirements set out by NEN for community face covers. The recently established Dutch standard, NEN-spec 1- 2 requires manufacturers to pass rigorous testing for bacterial filtration efficiency, breathing resistance, fit and ease of use and sustainability.
With a bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of ≥95% that exceeds the NEN’s minimum requirement of ≥70%, the ISKO Vital+ Premium face cover is a patented 4-fold design made from ISKO Vital™ fabric, a groundbreaking textile solution created by ISKO’s in-house research and development experts. It is fluid repellent and very easy to breathe through thanks to a single layer of organic cotton which is dermatologically tested, OEKO-TEX Standard 100 certified and gentle on the skin, providing a superior level of comfort as assessed by an independent panel.

Available in different sizes and colors, the Premium face covers surpass the minimum NEN requirement for breathing resistance of <70 Pa/cm2 too, with a respiratory resistance lower than 40 Pa/cm2 – making the face covers very comfortable to wear. In addition, they are much more sustainable than disposable masks as they can be reused and hand or machine-washed up to 15 times without loss of quality. “Current circumstances are expected to last in the foreseeable future, so it is extremely important to wear proper community face covers”, explained Edgar van der Linden, ISKO Vital™ Medical Business Lead. “Thanks to the mark of conformity, it is now clear that face cover must have the highest possible filtration efficiency and must also be comfortable, expressed in the lowest possible breathing resistance. Environmental aspects are also addressed. As a supplier of washable face covers made from one innovative layer of organic cotton we consider that very important. A good community face cover offers a combination of high filtration efficiency, comfort, ease of use and minimizes the burden on the environment”.

More information:
ISKO Vital™ NEN Certification



Lenzing plans Upper Austria's largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant

With the industrial use of solar energy, Lenzing sets new standards regarding decarbonization in the fiber industry.

The Lenzing Group plans Upper Austria’s largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant on an area of around 55,000 m². The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place in summer 2021. After the expected commissioning in the second half of 2021, the plant's output will amount to 5.5 MWpeak. With approximately 16,000 modules, the plant will generate nearly 5,500 megawatt hours per year. This corresponds to the average annual electricity demand of more than 1,700 households and is unique in Upper Austria on this scale.

The photovoltaic plant is an important symbolic milestone for Lenzing on its way to becoming a CO2-neutral manufacturing site. This project is part of Lenzing’s global energy concept, which aims to provide electricity from 100 percent renewable sources in order to reduce CO2 intensity by 50 percent already in 2030 and to be globally climate neutral in 2050.

With the industrial use of solar energy, Lenzing sets new standards regarding decarbonization in the fiber industry.

The Lenzing Group plans Upper Austria’s largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant on an area of around 55,000 m². The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place in summer 2021. After the expected commissioning in the second half of 2021, the plant's output will amount to 5.5 MWpeak. With approximately 16,000 modules, the plant will generate nearly 5,500 megawatt hours per year. This corresponds to the average annual electricity demand of more than 1,700 households and is unique in Upper Austria on this scale.

The photovoltaic plant is an important symbolic milestone for Lenzing on its way to becoming a CO2-neutral manufacturing site. This project is part of Lenzing’s global energy concept, which aims to provide electricity from 100 percent renewable sources in order to reduce CO2 intensity by 50 percent already in 2030 and to be globally climate neutral in 2050.

"The great challenges of our time need answers. As a leading company in innovation and sustainability, we are proactively contributing to the achievement of climate targets and setting new standards for our industry," explains Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group. “In addition to ongoing major investments in CO2 neutral sites such as Thailand and Brazil, innovative projects at existing sites are bringing us one step closer to climate neutrality.”


Lenzing AG


Tata Communications today announces its financial results for the quarter ended December 31st, 2020

  • Tata Communications continues to drive growth and profitability Delivers PAT of INR 309 Crore for Q3, up 428% YoY
  • Data services revenue grew by +3.8% YoY | Consolidated EBITDA at INR 1,046 Crore, increase of +37.5% YoY with margin expansion of 680 Bps

Consolidated financial highlights

•    Consolidated revenue was at INR 4,223 crore (USD 572 Mn); flat YoY, growth in data business compensated for decrease in Voice business
•    Consolidated EBITDA at INR 1,046 crore (USD 142 Mn); increase of +37.5% YoY on the back of robust growth and margin expansion in data business and cost optimisation initiatives
•    Consolidated PAT at INR 309 crore (USD 42 Mn) as compared to a profit of INR 59 crore in Q3 FY20, growth of +428% YoY, on the back of strong growth in profitability
•    Net Debt has come down on the back of strong free cash flow generation; Net Debt to EBITDA at 1.9x as compared to 2.9x for same quarter last year
•    CAPEX for this quarter was INR 339 crore as compared to INR 490 crore in Q3 FY20

Please find attached the detailed financial results Q2 FY21.

  • Tata Communications continues to drive growth and profitability Delivers PAT of INR 309 Crore for Q3, up 428% YoY
  • Data services revenue grew by +3.8% YoY | Consolidated EBITDA at INR 1,046 Crore, increase of +37.5% YoY with margin expansion of 680 Bps

Consolidated financial highlights

•    Consolidated revenue was at INR 4,223 crore (USD 572 Mn); flat YoY, growth in data business compensated for decrease in Voice business
•    Consolidated EBITDA at INR 1,046 crore (USD 142 Mn); increase of +37.5% YoY on the back of robust growth and margin expansion in data business and cost optimisation initiatives
•    Consolidated PAT at INR 309 crore (USD 42 Mn) as compared to a profit of INR 59 crore in Q3 FY20, growth of +428% YoY, on the back of strong growth in profitability
•    Net Debt has come down on the back of strong free cash flow generation; Net Debt to EBITDA at 1.9x as compared to 2.9x for same quarter last year
•    CAPEX for this quarter was INR 339 crore as compared to INR 490 crore in Q3 FY20

Please find attached the detailed financial results Q2 FY21.

More information:
Tata Communications

Harvard Engage! Communications


PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport is back

Summer 2020 saw the first ever staging of PREMIUM+SEEK Passport by JOOR. In the midst of the pandemic, it offered the industry an opportunity to continue doing business, stay in contact with key partners, and expand business networks. Over 150,000 retailers took part in the event in 2020 and 40,000 products were sold.

The second edition of the PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport event will be an optimised and focussed version and offers participants maximum opportunity for success. From 27 January around 100 brands curated by the team at the PREMIUM GROUP will once again have access to JOOR’s network of over 200,000 selected international retailers. Virtual showrooms will act as the location for showcasing the latest collections, telling brand stories and closing deals. Every showroom can be individually designed by participating brands so as to stage and communicate their brand identity in a purely digital setting. Accessible at any time, without time-consuming logistics.

Summer 2020 saw the first ever staging of PREMIUM+SEEK Passport by JOOR. In the midst of the pandemic, it offered the industry an opportunity to continue doing business, stay in contact with key partners, and expand business networks. Over 150,000 retailers took part in the event in 2020 and 40,000 products were sold.

The second edition of the PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport event will be an optimised and focussed version and offers participants maximum opportunity for success. From 27 January around 100 brands curated by the team at the PREMIUM GROUP will once again have access to JOOR’s network of over 200,000 selected international retailers. Virtual showrooms will act as the location for showcasing the latest collections, telling brand stories and closing deals. Every showroom can be individually designed by participating brands so as to stage and communicate their brand identity in a purely digital setting. Accessible at any time, without time-consuming logistics.

The partnership between the PREMIUM GROUP and JOOR is due to continue in July 2021. In future, there will be a hybrid event where the physical and virtual worlds will go hand in hand. Face-to-face is still essential and now more important than ever. Networking becomes easier and more effective; stories are told and emotions triggered. Processes that follow are digitally optimised with JOOR and handled more easily than before.

In summer 2021 there will be a return to a physical coming together with SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH. From 6-8 July – as part of Frankfurt Fashion Week.




Hologenix and Kelheim Fibres launch Celliant Viscose

Hologenix, creators of Celliant®, infrared responsive technology, and Kelheim Fibres, a world-leading manufacturer of viscose specialty fibers, have partnered to launch Celliant Viscose at ISPO Munich 2021. Celliant Viscose is a finalist in Best Products by ISPO and will be showcased in the Fibers & Insulations Category for ISPO Textrends, where realistic views and 3-D simulations will be available for each material.

The introduction of nature-based Celliant Viscose will be the first in-fiber infrared sustainable solution on the market and meets a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly textiles. An alternative to synthetic fibers and extremely versatile, Celliant Viscose blends beautifully with cotton, micromodal, lyocell, wool varieties including cashmere. It also has many applications across industries as it is ideal for performance wear, luxury loungewear, casual wear and bedding.

Hologenix, creators of Celliant®, infrared responsive technology, and Kelheim Fibres, a world-leading manufacturer of viscose specialty fibers, have partnered to launch Celliant Viscose at ISPO Munich 2021. Celliant Viscose is a finalist in Best Products by ISPO and will be showcased in the Fibers & Insulations Category for ISPO Textrends, where realistic views and 3-D simulations will be available for each material.

The introduction of nature-based Celliant Viscose will be the first in-fiber infrared sustainable solution on the market and meets a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly textiles. An alternative to synthetic fibers and extremely versatile, Celliant Viscose blends beautifully with cotton, micromodal, lyocell, wool varieties including cashmere. It also has many applications across industries as it is ideal for performance wear, luxury loungewear, casual wear and bedding.

Celliant Viscose features natural, ethically sourced minerals embedded into plant-based fibers to create infrared products that capture and convert body heat into infrared, increasing local circulation and improved cellular oxygenation. This results in stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep.

Celliant Viscose provides all the benefits of being a viscose fiber — lightweight, soft, highly breathable, excellent moisture management — as well as fiber enhancements from Celliant infrared technology. Celliant’s proprietary blend of natural minerals allows textiles to capture and convert body heat into full-spectrum infrared energy, resulting in stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep. In addition, Celliant is durable and will not wash out, lasting the useful life of the product it powers.

An Affordable, Long-lasting Solution with Diverse Applications
As opposed to other IR viscose products which are coatings based, Celliant Viscose’s in-fiber solution increases wearability and longevity with a soft feel, durability from washing and longer life. The combination of Kelheim’s distinctive technology and the Celliant additives creates this unique fiber that provides full functionality without the need for any additional processing step — a new standard in the field of sustainable IR viscose fibers. This single processing also makes Celliant Viscose more cost-effective and time-efficient than coatings.

In addition, Kelheim’s flexible technology allows targeted interventions in the viscose fiber process. By modifying the fiber’s dimensions or cross sections or by incorporating additives into the fiber matrix, Kelheim can precisely define the fiber’s properties according to the specific needs of the end product.

Highly Sustainable
Celliant Viscose is a plant and mineral-based solution for brands seeking an alternative to synthetic fibers. It contains natural raw materials that are from the earth and can return safely to the earth.

Nature-based Celliant Viscose is certified by FSC® or PEFC™, which guarantees the origin in sustainably managed plantations, and is part of the CanopyStyle initiative to protect ancient and endangered forests. The production of Celliant Viscose takes place exclusively at the Kelheim facilities in Germany, complying with the country’s strict environmental laws and guaranteeing an overall eco-friendly product.

Backed by Science
Celliant is rigorously tested by a Science Advisory Board composed of experts in the fields of physics, biology, chemistry and medicine. The Science Advisory Board has overseen 10 clinical, technical and physical trials, and seven published studies that demonstrate Celliant’s effectiveness and the benefits of infrared energy.

For more information, visit


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

drapilux-Monatsempfehlung: drapilux 699 (c) drapilux

Die drapilux-Monatsempfehlung für Hotels, Büros sowie Healthcare-Einrichtungen

Textilien sind untrennbarer Teil des Interieurs, denn sie geben einem Raum Atmosphäre und eine gute Akustik. Doch welcher Stoff ist für welchen Zweck am besten geeignet?

  • Glänzende Akustik: drapilux 699
  • Vielseitiger Uni: drapilux 102

Ein spezielles neues Garn macht drapilux 699 zum Highlight für Augen und Ohren. Denn: Die Faser des Textils beeinflusst die Raumakustik positiv. Zusätzlich bildet ihr leichter Glanz einen spannenden Kontrast zur Farbpalette aus warmen, gedeckten Kolorits sowie Natur- und Grautönen. Somit eignet sich der Stoff hervorragend für die Lobby, den Konferenzraum, das Großraumbüro oder auch das Restaurant.

drapilux air, drapilux akustik und drapilux bioaktiv sorgen rundum für Wohlfühlatmosphäre in jedem Raum. Mit seiner luftreinigenden und antibakteriellen Wirkung richtet sich drapilux 102 besonders an die Bedürfnisse von Krankenhäusern, Pflegeheimen und Hotels.

Textilien sind untrennbarer Teil des Interieurs, denn sie geben einem Raum Atmosphäre und eine gute Akustik. Doch welcher Stoff ist für welchen Zweck am besten geeignet?

  • Glänzende Akustik: drapilux 699
  • Vielseitiger Uni: drapilux 102

Ein spezielles neues Garn macht drapilux 699 zum Highlight für Augen und Ohren. Denn: Die Faser des Textils beeinflusst die Raumakustik positiv. Zusätzlich bildet ihr leichter Glanz einen spannenden Kontrast zur Farbpalette aus warmen, gedeckten Kolorits sowie Natur- und Grautönen. Somit eignet sich der Stoff hervorragend für die Lobby, den Konferenzraum, das Großraumbüro oder auch das Restaurant.

drapilux air, drapilux akustik und drapilux bioaktiv sorgen rundum für Wohlfühlatmosphäre in jedem Raum. Mit seiner luftreinigenden und antibakteriellen Wirkung richtet sich drapilux 102 besonders an die Bedürfnisse von Krankenhäusern, Pflegeheimen und Hotels.


schönknecht : kommunikation

Borealis und TOMRA eröffnen Pilotanalage für Kunststoff-Rezyklat (c) Borealis/TOMRA

Borealis and TOMRA open plant for post-consumer plastic waste sorting and mechanical recycling

  • Demo plant sorts post-consumer plastic waste and will produce ready-for-market fully formulated polymer pellets
  • Brand owners and converters will be able to access material for qualification and market validation in early 2021
  • EverMinds™ in action: Pioneering collaboration brings together expertise vital to advancing the circular economy

Borealis and TOMRA have today announced the operational start of their advanced mechanical recycling demo plant in Lahnstein, Germany, the result of a partnership that marries chemistry with technology for unsurpassed results.

The state-of-the-art plant processes both rigid and flexible plastic waste from households. And unlike many current recycling plants, it will produce the advanced solutions necessary for use in high-demanding plastic applications in various industries, including automotive and consumer products. With high purity, low odour, high product consistency and light colour fractions, these Borcycle™ M grade recycled polymers will meet customer quality requirements across the value chain.

  • Demo plant sorts post-consumer plastic waste and will produce ready-for-market fully formulated polymer pellets
  • Brand owners and converters will be able to access material for qualification and market validation in early 2021
  • EverMinds™ in action: Pioneering collaboration brings together expertise vital to advancing the circular economy

Borealis and TOMRA have today announced the operational start of their advanced mechanical recycling demo plant in Lahnstein, Germany, the result of a partnership that marries chemistry with technology for unsurpassed results.

The state-of-the-art plant processes both rigid and flexible plastic waste from households. And unlike many current recycling plants, it will produce the advanced solutions necessary for use in high-demanding plastic applications in various industries, including automotive and consumer products. With high purity, low odour, high product consistency and light colour fractions, these Borcycle™ M grade recycled polymers will meet customer quality requirements across the value chain.

The purpose of this demo plant is to generate material for brand owners and converters to qualify, validate and prove fit for use in their highly demanding applications. Technical success will set the groundwork for a commercial-scale advanced recycling plant.

“This plant is just the beginning of what’s possible when key players in the value chain come together to make a truly significant impact in the market,” says Volker Rehrmann, Executive Vice President and Head of Circular Economy at TOMRA. “Having just launched the new Circular Economy Division, it is clear what a large role waste management and pivotal projects like this have on moving towards a sustainable future. We are proud to have initiated one of the most advanced mechanical recycling plants when it comes to post-consumer polymer waste. This will become an important enabler as we accelerate the transformation to a circular economy in the years to come, and we are excited to be a part of this pioneering project.”

Operation of the plant is a joint enterprise between Borealis, TOMRA and Zimmerman. Borealis is responsible for the plant’s commercial success and contributes its expertise and knowledge in innovation, recycling and compounding. Likewise, TOMRA contributes as a provider of technology-led solutions and brings its proven expertise, established process and market knowledge, which, in turn, enable the circular economy through advanced collection and sorting systems. Zimmerman is a waste management company with experience in sorting multiple types of waste, including plastics, and is responsible for successful plant operations and product quality.

“At P&G we are making packaging with the ‘next life’ in mind to help drive a more robust circular economy.  We must increase the supply of high quality recycled plastic to enable the industry to deliver on this vision,” says Gian De Belder, Procter & Gamble (P&G) Technical Director, R&D Packaging Sustainability. “The innovative new approach that Borealis is taking shows potential to step-change both the quantity and quality of PCR available for our brands, and help us to achieve our 2030 goal to reduce our use of virgin plastic in packaging by 50%, or 300 kilotonnes annually. Early tests of the material looks very promising!”



RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources (c)RUDOLF GROUP
It makes sense and it’s logic. It’s BIO-LOGIC

RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is an absolute breakthrough and the first Durable Water Repellent (DWR) agent based on plant-derived processing wastes. In fact, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is made of natural waste that accumulates as by-product during the processing of cereal grains in the food industry. The leftover material that would otherwise be disposed of is refined to create a powerful water and stain repellent textile finish.

“By turning natural waste into DWR we have optimized the biologic character of RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR where the active component is made of more than 90% bio carbon” states Dr. Dirk Sielemann, R&D Director at RUDOLF GROUP. He continues: “Although most of the product is composed by recycled biomass, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR meets the performance and durability of conventional water repellent textile finishes”.

RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is an equally outstanding product innovation where DWR is entirely based on a carefully selected mix of natural plant extracts. The well-balanced mix of plant-based ingredients combines excellent water and stain repellent effects with breathability and a natural handfeel. 

Unlike other 100% renewable raw materials, those used in the making of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are chemically and genetically non-modified and are not used as food, feed or fuel. Furthermore, all of the plant extracts that compose RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are subject to a strict conservation and sustainability framework. “That’s why the supply of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is likely to remain limited to the creation and marketing of performance outdoor and sports apparel programs embedding state-of-the-art sustainable technology” concludes Dr. Duschek.

Both RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR and RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are marketed through the BIO-LOGIC trademark, registered by RUDOLF GROUP.

Video Material Stories are presented by the PERFORMANCE DAYS Exhibitors (c) PERFORMANCE DAYS
Midlayers of the Season

Video Material Stories are presented by the PERFORMANCE DAYS Exhibitors

Video Material Stories focus on the highlight products of the PERFORMANCE FORUM which were rewarded with a 100% Jury Like and include detailed explanations by the exhibitors. You can watch the videos here, check out the details, ask any question to the exhibitors and request samples!

  • Lightweight, Downproof & Insulation Trends of the Season

The selected insulations are all produced ecologically responsibly, at the same time they are lightweight, breathable and insulate well. The lightweight and downproof fabrics of winter 22/23 are ultra-light, breathable and heat-insulating. It is astonishing that lightweights can now be processed from Econyl and other recycled fibres without losing any of their lightness. Almost all fibres – from nylon, Econyl, polyamide to polyester – are over 90 per cent recycled, and often dyed with vegetable variants or dyed in a dope dyed process.

Video Material Stories focus on the highlight products of the PERFORMANCE FORUM which were rewarded with a 100% Jury Like and include detailed explanations by the exhibitors. You can watch the videos here, check out the details, ask any question to the exhibitors and request samples!

  • Lightweight, Downproof & Insulation Trends of the Season

The selected insulations are all produced ecologically responsibly, at the same time they are lightweight, breathable and insulate well. The lightweight and downproof fabrics of winter 22/23 are ultra-light, breathable and heat-insulating. It is astonishing that lightweights can now be processed from Econyl and other recycled fibres without losing any of their lightness. Almost all fibres – from nylon, Econyl, polyamide to polyester – are over 90 per cent recycled, and often dyed with vegetable variants or dyed in a dope dyed process.

  • Softshells & Outer Midlayers of the Season

Warming, windproof and water-repellent jackets worn outdoors as an outer layer during sports or leisure activities typify the Softshell/Outer Midlayer category. Polyamide and polyester fibres remain dominant in winter 22/23. But anyone on the lookout for natural fibres will find various blends of organic cotton, Tencel or wool.

  • Midlayers of the Season

Midlayers are primarily intended to provide warmth when layering garments. The focus is on newer constructions to generate heat, yet at the same time, manufacturers are attempting to reduce or completely avoid the use of micro-plastics in the development process.

© Messe Frankfurt Inc

ECOPEL & TEXWORLD New York City plant trees

For each of your visits to our page on the Texworld NYC virtual platform, Ecopel commits to plant one tree. Planting trees is an effective way to offset our greenhouse gas emissions and promote responsible practices. In 2020, Ecopel planted 2,000 trees with the One Tree Planted charities with a mission to help global reforestation efforts.

  • #MakeAChange, PLANT A TREE



For each of your visits to our page on the Texworld NYC virtual platform, Ecopel commits to plant one tree. Planting trees is an effective way to offset our greenhouse gas emissions and promote responsible practices. In 2020, Ecopel planted 2,000 trees with the One Tree Planted charities with a mission to help global reforestation efforts.

  • #MakeAChange, PLANT A TREE




© Messe Frankfurt Inc