From the Sector

2296 results

Beaulieu Fibres International gets to the heart of Asia’s growth segment needs at ANEX 2018

  • Fibres for automotive composites, technical textiles, hygiene and medical nonwovens
  • UltraLink fibres offer sustainable system cost reduction solutions to the automotive industry
  • Meralux offers improved liquid management for a dry feeling
  • Stand 2034, ANEX 2018, 6-8 June, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre supplier, marks its Asia Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference (ANEX) debut with unique products and capabilities to support innovation at a local level within the automotive and hygiene segments.

At Stand 2034, Beaulieu Fibres International demonstrates its commitment to the global market growth for automotive composites and technical textiles, as interest increases in adopting lightweight materials to reduce vehicle weight and fuel efficiency.

  • Fibres for automotive composites, technical textiles, hygiene and medical nonwovens
  • UltraLink fibres offer sustainable system cost reduction solutions to the automotive industry
  • Meralux offers improved liquid management for a dry feeling
  • Stand 2034, ANEX 2018, 6-8 June, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre supplier, marks its Asia Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference (ANEX) debut with unique products and capabilities to support innovation at a local level within the automotive and hygiene segments.

At Stand 2034, Beaulieu Fibres International demonstrates its commitment to the global market growth for automotive composites and technical textiles, as interest increases in adopting lightweight materials to reduce vehicle weight and fuel efficiency.

The company will present UltraLink bonding fibres that improve the mechanical, thermal and functional properties of the final part, allowing customers to meet OEM specific standards in a more sustainable way. They are available in both MONO and BICO technology – a first for the composites industry.

Jefrem Jennard, Global Sales Director – Industrial Fibres, comments: “Beaulieu Fibres International developed UltraLink fibres over the past two years to provide an answer to the automotive industry’s continuous strive for lower weight, lower emission, lower cost and better properties. They are being introduced in new global automotive programmes with SOP 2019-2021. We are delighted to introduce them to the Asian market at ANEX.”

At ANEX 2018, Beaulieu Fibres International also presents its platform of unique Meralux fibres offering significant improvements to the dryness of nonwoven for hygiene and medical applications. The BICO fibre has a special cross section, which enables it to provide bulk, opacity and enhanced fluid management compared to standard round fibres to nonwoven constructions. As a result, a dry feeling is achieved for the final nonwoven.

Petra Bohle-Stricker, Global Sales Director – Hygiene Fibres, comments: “As Asia Pacific heads towards becoming the largest regional tissue and hygiene market by the end of 2025  , nonwovens producers can already take advantage of the benefits of Meralux to launch new and innovative products that will grab the attention of global and local manufacturers. Visitors to our ANEX booth can experience Meralux fibres first-hand in nonwoven samples.”

Since Meralux was first launched in April 2017, the portfolio has expanded to include Meralux T and Meralux Soft. Beaulieu Fibres International is currently expanding its production programme with polyester-core (PET) BICO. In addition a pilot line for new developments is under construction. Both are expected to come on stream in 2018.


Neue Datenschutzverordnung umgesetzt?

Abmahnrisiko bei Homepage, Newsletter und Kameraüberwachung

Am 25. Mai 2018 trat das neue Datenschutzrecht (DSGVO) in Kraft. Etliche Behördenvertreter haben bereits angekündigt, dass die Datenschutzbehörden in den ersten Monaten keine oder kaum Kontrollen von sich aus durchführen, ein Freifahrschein für Untätigkeit ist dies aber keinesfalls!

Anzeigen und Abmahnungen können nämlich auch von Mitbewerbern oder Abmahnvereinen kommen. Das größte Risiko besteht dann bei Fehlern, die leicht von Außenstehenden zu erkennen sind. Besonders betroffen sind:

Abmahnrisiko bei Homepage, Newsletter und Kameraüberwachung

Am 25. Mai 2018 trat das neue Datenschutzrecht (DSGVO) in Kraft. Etliche Behördenvertreter haben bereits angekündigt, dass die Datenschutzbehörden in den ersten Monaten keine oder kaum Kontrollen von sich aus durchführen, ein Freifahrschein für Untätigkeit ist dies aber keinesfalls!

Anzeigen und Abmahnungen können nämlich auch von Mitbewerbern oder Abmahnvereinen kommen. Das größte Risiko besteht dann bei Fehlern, die leicht von Außenstehenden zu erkennen sind. Besonders betroffen sind:

  • Die Website - Die Datenschutzerklärung auf der Website muss den neuen Anforderungen entsprechen. Der Punkt „Datenschutz“ sollte dabei auf der Startseite separat aufgeführt werden Eine Muster-Datenschutzerklärung kann über die regionalen Einzelhandelsverbände angefordert werden. Außerdem verfügbar sind dort Muster-Datenschutzerklärungen für Verkäufe über Ebay und Amazon.
  • Der Newsletter – Die Einwilligungserklärung für den Versand von Newslettern muss durch eine „eindeutig bestätigende Handlung“ erfolgen. Die Möglichkeit des Abbestellens (Opt-Out) allein reicht nicht.
  • Die Kameraüberwachung - Seit 25. Mai gilt ein neues Formblatt für den vorgeschriebenen Aushang, das deutlich mehr Angaben als bisher erfordert und deutlich sichtbar anzubringen ist. Neben dem Hinweisschild fordern die Datenschutzbehörden die Auslage eines ausführlichen Informationsblattes an gut zugänglicher Stelle mit Informationen u.a. zu Auskunfts-,  Löschungs- und Beschwerderechten. Entsprechende Vorlagen können von den Websites der Datenschutzbehörden heruntergeladen werden kann





GEMA-Sondertarif für Fußball-WM

Am 14. Juni 2018 startet die Fußball-WM in Russland. Durch die zum Teil frühen Anstoßzeiten werden sich etliche Modehäuser für eine Übertragung der Spiele im Geschäft für Kunden und Mitarbeiter entscheiden. Zudem haben bei den letzten Turnieren speziell Geschäfte mit männlicher Kundschaft Spiele mit deutscher Beteiligung mitunter für Kunden-Events genutzt.

Wichtig in diesem Zusammenhang ist die rechtliche Absicherung der Übertragung im Geschäft. Gemeinsam mit der Bundesvereinigung der Musikveranstalter konnte der HDE mit der GEMA einen Sondertarif für die Wiedergabe von Fernsehsendungen anlässlich der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 vereinbaren. Dieser Sondertarif in Höhe von 85,25 Euro brutto (bis 200 qm) bzw. 170,49 Euro (201 bis 400 qm) kann angewandt werden, wenn in Betrieben bzw. Räumen mit entsprechender Größe Großbildfernseher/Leinwände über 106 cm bzw. über 42 Zoll Bilddiagonale aufgestellt werden.

Am 14. Juni 2018 startet die Fußball-WM in Russland. Durch die zum Teil frühen Anstoßzeiten werden sich etliche Modehäuser für eine Übertragung der Spiele im Geschäft für Kunden und Mitarbeiter entscheiden. Zudem haben bei den letzten Turnieren speziell Geschäfte mit männlicher Kundschaft Spiele mit deutscher Beteiligung mitunter für Kunden-Events genutzt.

Wichtig in diesem Zusammenhang ist die rechtliche Absicherung der Übertragung im Geschäft. Gemeinsam mit der Bundesvereinigung der Musikveranstalter konnte der HDE mit der GEMA einen Sondertarif für die Wiedergabe von Fernsehsendungen anlässlich der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018 vereinbaren. Dieser Sondertarif in Höhe von 85,25 Euro brutto (bis 200 qm) bzw. 170,49 Euro (201 bis 400 qm) kann angewandt werden, wenn in Betrieben bzw. Räumen mit entsprechender Größe Großbildfernseher/Leinwände über 106 cm bzw. über 42 Zoll Bilddiagonale aufgestellt werden.

In einigen Fällen kann allerdings der reguläre Fernsehtarif (für zwei Monate) günstiger sein als der GEMA-Sondertarif. Dies gilt insbesondere, wenn kleinere TV-Geräte bis 106 cm Bilddiagonale (= 42 Zoll) aufgestellt werden. Weitere Details enthält das HDE-Merkblatt „Fakten und Konditionen zur TV-Übertragung der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2018“, das über die regionalen Einzelhandelsverbände angefordert oder unter (Log-in erforderlich) heruntergeladen werden kann.




Neu im BTE-Warengruppenschlüssel: Schuh-Zubehör

Der BTE-Arbeitskreis „Warengruppenschlüssel“ hat aufgrund von Anfragen aus dem Markt beschlossen, im Bereich der Schuhe die Abteilung „Zubehör“ unter der Nummer 706 neu in den BTE-Warengruppenschlüssel aufzunehmen. Die darunter fallenden Hauptwarengruppen „Pflege“ (7060) und „Ersatzartikel, Sohlen“ (7061) waren mit ihren weiteren Untergliederungen bislang nicht in dem Schlüssel abgebildet.

Per 1. Juli 2018 werden nun folgende Warengruppen bzw. Nummern neu aufgenommen: Unter der Hauptwarengruppe „Pflege“ die Warengruppen „Schuhpflege/Bürsten usw.“ (706010), „Lederpflege/Cremes, Sprays usw.“ (706015), „Färber, Entfärber“ (706020) und „Pflege Altdaten“ (706099); unter der Hauptwarengruppe „Ersatzartikel, Sohlen“ die Warengruppen „Einlegesohlen“ (706110), „Ersatzartikel“ (706120), „Schuhbänder“ (706130) und „Schuhspanner“ (706140).

Zur Erläuterung: Der BTE-Warengruppenschlüssel ist modular aufgebaut und verfügt über sechs Stellen, denen wahlweise 21 genau definierte Attribute (z.B. Farbe, Material, Form, Saison oder Thema) zugeordnet werden können. Er wird halbjährlich vom BTE-Arbeitskreis „Warengruppenschlüssel“ auf seine Aktualität hin überprüft. Hinweise:

Der BTE-Arbeitskreis „Warengruppenschlüssel“ hat aufgrund von Anfragen aus dem Markt beschlossen, im Bereich der Schuhe die Abteilung „Zubehör“ unter der Nummer 706 neu in den BTE-Warengruppenschlüssel aufzunehmen. Die darunter fallenden Hauptwarengruppen „Pflege“ (7060) und „Ersatzartikel, Sohlen“ (7061) waren mit ihren weiteren Untergliederungen bislang nicht in dem Schlüssel abgebildet.

Per 1. Juli 2018 werden nun folgende Warengruppen bzw. Nummern neu aufgenommen: Unter der Hauptwarengruppe „Pflege“ die Warengruppen „Schuhpflege/Bürsten usw.“ (706010), „Lederpflege/Cremes, Sprays usw.“ (706015), „Färber, Entfärber“ (706020) und „Pflege Altdaten“ (706099); unter der Hauptwarengruppe „Ersatzartikel, Sohlen“ die Warengruppen „Einlegesohlen“ (706110), „Ersatzartikel“ (706120), „Schuhbänder“ (706130) und „Schuhspanner“ (706140).

Zur Erläuterung: Der BTE-Warengruppenschlüssel ist modular aufgebaut und verfügt über sechs Stellen, denen wahlweise 21 genau definierte Attribute (z.B. Farbe, Material, Form, Saison oder Thema) zugeordnet werden können. Er wird halbjährlich vom BTE-Arbeitskreis „Warengruppenschlüssel“ auf seine Aktualität hin überprüft. Hinweise:

  • Der BTE-Warengruppenschlüssel (ohne Attribute) steht im Internet unter (Rubrik Fachthemen) als Excel-Datei allen Interessierten kostenfrei zur Verfügung und kann entsprechend genutzt werden. Die oben aufgeführte Ergänzung ist bereits eingepflegt.
  • Kostenpflichtig bestellt werden kann auch eine Komfort-Version des BTE-Warengruppenschlüssels in Form eines Downloads (zip-Datei). Zum Lieferumfang gehören dann sowohl das Attributsystem als auch eine ausführliche Erläuterung des Warengruppenschlüssels sowie eine Version in englischer Sprache. Zudem werden die Bezieher über einen E-Mail-Service über zukünftige Änderungen informiert. Der Preis für dieses Service-Paket beträgt einmalig 29 EUR zzgl. MwSt. Mitglieder im Einzelhandelsverband erhalten unter Angabe ihrer EHV-Mitgliedsnummer einen Rabatt in Höhe von 20 Prozent.


TRSA staff members Director of Memebership and Industry Outreach Ken Koepper and Office Manager Mary Beth Porter
TRSA staff members Director of Memebership and Industry Outreach Ken Koepper and Office Manager Mary Beth Porter

TRSA Highlights Certifications at F&B Show

Attendees of the May 19-22 National Restaurant Show in Chicago learned that linen, uniform and facility services providers serving restaurants and other foodservice operations can be distinguished by earning third-party verification of their sustainability and cleanliness, as TRSA exhibited its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Food Service certifications at the show.
More than 150 individuals viewed the exhibit, which screened a new animated video explaining the Clean Green designation. It’s now showing on TRSA’s YouTube page (

Depicting operations within a laundry, the video shows how contracting with a Clean Green certified provider delivers services restaurants need and gives them peace of mind from doing business with a sustainable provider. Clean Green operations comply with water and energy standards and demonstrate best management practices in supplying, laundering and maintaining textiles.

Attendees of the May 19-22 National Restaurant Show in Chicago learned that linen, uniform and facility services providers serving restaurants and other foodservice operations can be distinguished by earning third-party verification of their sustainability and cleanliness, as TRSA exhibited its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Food Service certifications at the show.
More than 150 individuals viewed the exhibit, which screened a new animated video explaining the Clean Green designation. It’s now showing on TRSA’s YouTube page (

Depicting operations within a laundry, the video shows how contracting with a Clean Green certified provider delivers services restaurants need and gives them peace of mind from doing business with a sustainable provider. Clean Green operations comply with water and energy standards and demonstrate best management practices in supplying, laundering and maintaining textiles.

Visitors to the exhibit learned which providers serving these attendees’ home geographic areas are Clean Green certified and were encouraged to work with such a certified provider if not already doing so. Speaking with attendees also gave TRSA staff the opportunity to ask them about their experience with providers and, if currently under contract with one, its identity.

  • 76 percent of those questioned indicate they currently use such a provider. Most could identify it by name
  • 18 percent said they use an on-premises or home laundry for linen and uniform needs. Many of these respondents indicated they work for hotels, healthcare facilities, colleges or military bases with their own laundry equipment
  • 6 percent said they use disposable products (napkins, wipers) instead of their reusable textile equivalents; most of these respondents are in quick-service restaurant operations

The TRSA display distributed copies of Sustainability: Finding the “New” Green in Your Restaurant Supply Chain, a 7-page guide to using a systematic approach to choose suppliers whose products/services are proven to be more sustainable than those of their competitors and whose own practices are more sustainable.

TRSA’s exhibit also kicked off a survey of restaurant management to determine their perceptions of table linen service as a plus for facility hygiene and service to diners. Results will help TRSA communicate to the restaurant industry the value of using Hygienically Clean Food Service certified providers in the hope that doing so becomes an industry standard.

Such certified laundries commit to cleanliness through third-party, quantified biological testing and inspection. This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify linens and uniforms cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and best management practices for servicing full- and limited-service restaurants, hotels, hospitals, educational institutions and other locations where food is handled and served.

Clean Green certification recognizes linen, uniform and facility services companies that demonstrate responsible leadership in sustainability and conservation by acknowledging commitment to improving water and energy efficiency and adoption of best management practices for reusing, reclaiming and recycling resources. Certified operations meet quality standards for effectiveness in conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact. Customers that use Clean Green certified companies to supply, launder and maintain linens, uniforms, mats and other reusable textiles can be assured that their provider maximizes sustainable practices.

Hygienically Clean certification demonstrates linen, uniform and facility services companies’ commitment to cleanliness through independent, third-party laundry plant inspection and quantified microbial testing. Inspection and re-inspection verify that items are maintained, washed, dried, ironed, packed, transported and delivered using best management practices to meet key disinfection criteria. Between scheduled and supplemental inspections, ongoing microbial testing quantifies cleanliness and indicates laundry process adjustments.


Nixu wins € 3,9 M agreement for cybersecurity partnership in Industrial IoT monitoring

European cybersecurity company Nixu announced that it has signed a contract for cybersecurity cooperation with its long-term, globally operating industrial client. The ongoing contract now signed between the parties has an estimated total value of 3,9 million euros during three years.

The contract includes a large selection of Nixu’s holistic cybersecurity services. A new area in the contract is the development of continuous cybersecurity monitoring of Industrial IoT environment. The monitoring also covers the client’s traditional IT systems.

Petri Kairinen, CEO of Nixu: “I am pleased that our cooperation continues to grow; it is our strategic goal to provide reliable and comprehensive cybersecurity partnership to our customers. The services we deliver also relate to one of our main focus areas, industrial IoT. The significance of industrial IoT will only grow with the further digitalization of society and business. Nixu is excited to be involved in building cybersecurity for the Internet of Things together with our clients and enabling new business opportunities in the future."

European cybersecurity company Nixu announced that it has signed a contract for cybersecurity cooperation with its long-term, globally operating industrial client. The ongoing contract now signed between the parties has an estimated total value of 3,9 million euros during three years.

The contract includes a large selection of Nixu’s holistic cybersecurity services. A new area in the contract is the development of continuous cybersecurity monitoring of Industrial IoT environment. The monitoring also covers the client’s traditional IT systems.

Petri Kairinen, CEO of Nixu: “I am pleased that our cooperation continues to grow; it is our strategic goal to provide reliable and comprehensive cybersecurity partnership to our customers. The services we deliver also relate to one of our main focus areas, industrial IoT. The significance of industrial IoT will only grow with the further digitalization of society and business. Nixu is excited to be involved in building cybersecurity for the Internet of Things together with our clients and enabling new business opportunities in the future."


Nixu Corporation


Lectra unlocks the real value of automotive manufacturing data

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Several guest speakers provided insight into the ways industry megatrends are impacting the automotive cockpit of the future. As motorized vehicles become increasingly autonomous, connected and electrified, cementing their place in the shared mobility landscape, suppliers must now devise new strategies to achieve profitable growth. Traditional business models are losing ground to cross-functional collaboration partnerships, making it even more challenging to compete in the fast-moving connected, shared economy.
“It is disruptive for the entire automotive supply chain,” remarks Nathalie Saint Martin, Vice President, Group Purchasing, Faurecia. “We are all learning to evolve together and enhance the added value to our end-customers. The level of collaboration we are now seeing among suppliers is unprecedented.”

Other keynote speeches included market research consultancy Frost & Sullivan’s analysis of automotive trends in the data-driven economy, Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) specialist Bureau Veritas’ vision of data protection for automotive and a presentation of industry insights firm WardsAuto’s selection of top 10 best vehicle interiors of 2018.
The event enables a diverse array of supply chain players in automotive interiors to gather with their peers. "Events like this one are a great opportunity to talk face-to-face with other suppliers about industry-wide challenges,” notes Claus Lattner, Director Engineering, Process Management, CoC Cut Sew Wrap Global, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors. “It is not often we find ourselves in the same room to talk about consumer perception and the sustainability of leather, for instance."

“The event provided a great opportunity to interact with suppliers who have a direct impact on innovation in interior design and manufacturing,” said John Sousanis, Managing Director of Wards Intelligence.
For Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra, bringing together the automotive leather community is especially important as it rises to new business challenges stemming from continually changing consumer habits and the digitalization of manufacturing processes. “Connectivity and occupant comfort are increasing the amount of high-tech content in automotive interiors, but the up-market appeal of leather makes it a constant,” states Javier Garcia. “By fostering exchange, Lectra is doing its part to help the automotive leather ecosystem evolve to meet new consumer expectations.”

Very well-received VDMA conference and B2B in Mumbai

VDMA members successfully met Indian Textiles and Nonwovens: German textile machinery ranks first

India is a very important market for the German textile machinery industry, with an export of more than €255 million (+ 8 %) in 2017. Many German machinery builders have longstanding relations with Indian customers and quite a number of them also provide production plants and training centres in India. Not surprisingly, about 370 decision-makers and experts from the textile and nonwoven related industry attended the VDMA conference and B2B event called “German Technology meets Indian Textiles and Nonwovens” in Mumbai on 15-16 May 2018 (

India is a very important market for the German textile machinery industry, with an export of more than €255 million (+ 8 %) in 2017. Many German machinery builders have longstanding relations with Indian customers and quite a number of them also provide production plants and training centres in India. Not surprisingly, about 370 decision-makers and experts from the textile and nonwoven related industry attended the VDMA conference and B2B event called “German Technology meets Indian Textiles and Nonwovens” in Mumbai on 15-16 May 2018 (

According to a survey, both the event and German textile machinery engineering received the highest marks among the visitors. About 57 % of the visitors stated very good and 38 % good experience with machines and components from German suppliers. The performance and service promise as well as the high-quality standards have made German machine suppliers as most reliable partners in India and other countries. This positive result has by far not been reached by any other manufacturing nation from Europe or Asia. Asked for future processes, investments in technical textiles and/or nonwoven production seem to be the most favorite sectors in India. Around 74 % of the visitors plan to expand their production capacities with new machines and components whereas 26 % intend to replace old machinery by new machines and components. High productivity, after-sales service, end-product quality, low operating and acquisition costs are the decisive machine procurement criteria in this order. The investments plans are based on a positive business and investment outlook in India. 45 % of the visitors surveyed plan to invest more than 10 % within the next 12 months and 30 % up to 10 %. 25 % of the visitors expect a sales increase by more than 10 % for the next 12 months and 60 % anticipate a sales growth of up to 10%.

Considering this positive business climate and the high interest from the Indian industry, the 32 well-known VDMA members participated in the conference have good chances to offer the right technologies and to place new orders. The presented technology topics along the entire textile value chain will help the Indian industry to fulfill their expansion plans and to meet the challenges such as rising salary costs and shortage of labor in industrial regions. The major cutting-edge topics of the conference program were as follows:

•    Higher profits throughout the entire textile value chain
•    Energy, material, water and dyestuff savings for an environmentally friendly production
•    New applications such as technical textiles, nonwovens (e. g. hygiene products) or home textiles (e. g. terry towels)
•    Automation, industry 4.0, digital communication and smart factory solutions
•    Quality improvements e. g. with measurement and control systems
•    Lower investment costs in spinning preparation with integrated draw frames
•    New technologies to combine spinning and knitting
•    Smart textiles and added value products e. g. with embroidery machines

Whereas the event on 15-16 May 2018 focused on customers, a training session at the prestigious Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute VJTI in Mumbai on 17 May 2018 was addressed to future engineers. More than 220 textile manufacturing and mechanical engineering students followed the technical presentations. The VDMA's contribution to improve the education of future customers and partners was very much appreciated.

Chomarat North America awarded as 9100 certification for the aerospace industry

Chomarat North America awarded as 9100 certification for the aerospace industry

CHOMARAT North America has just been awarded AS 9100 certification. CHOMARAT Group’s US facility that specializes in Advanced Composites reinforcements is located in Williamston, South Carolina. The new certification covers aerospace quality management systems and follows the Group’s development strategy relative to quality and risk management. “Our North American plant’s new AS 9100 certification proves our organisational maturity and provides a vital asset to enable us to become a leading aerospace supplier,” said Michel COGNET, Group Managing Director at CHOMARAT.


CHOMARAT North America has just been awarded AS 9100 certification. CHOMARAT Group’s US facility that specializes in Advanced Composites reinforcements is located in Williamston, South Carolina. The new certification covers aerospace quality management systems and follows the Group’s development strategy relative to quality and risk management. “Our North American plant’s new AS 9100 certification proves our organisational maturity and provides a vital asset to enable us to become a leading aerospace supplier,” said Michel COGNET, Group Managing Director at CHOMARAT.

With this certification, CHOMARAT North America is following in the footsteps of the Group’s French plants that were certified to ES 9100 in 2012. The facility now meets the strict criteria set by the market for high performance composites reinforcements for the aerospace industry. The quality system and risk management standards are recognised by purchasers worldwide and is in line with the Group’s growth strategy for the aerospace market. “We are proud of this AS 9100 certification that clearly demonstrates our commitment to quality management and reliability. This accomplishment now allows us to compete as an international aerospace supplier from multiple continents!” said Brian LAUFENBERG, President of CHOMARAT’s NA business.

CHOMARAT has already made a name for itself in the aerospace market with fabrics, tapes and multiaxial carbon reinforcements, particularly its C-PLY™ range. These materials are designed for primary and secondary structures as well as aircraft interior parts. These highly modular materials offer great angle and ply flexibility and open up new opportunities for designing lighter, more efficient and lower cost composite parts. This is a huge advantage in a market with high productivity demands.
This is why C-PLY™ was recently chosen by VX AEROSPACE for their foldaway drone, which can be stowed inside a cylindrical container and deployed from a tactical aircraft. The carbon multiaxial material is used in the construction of the wing, the horizontal stabilizers, the vertical fin and all of the control surfaces. “There is no better material! The extremely thin multiaxial reinforcement is perfect, because strength and stiffness are tailored according to demand. It offers extremely high performance at a reduced cost.” said VX AEROSPACE Chief Engineer Bob SKILLEN.



Lenzing invests in new capacities for TENCEL Luxe (c) Lenzing

Lenzing invests in new capacities for TENCEL Luxe

  • Market success above expectations
  • Product and market development accelerated
  • Investment up to EUR 30 mn

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is setting another milestone as a specialist for extremely high-quality products made of the renewable raw material wood. Capacities will be significantly expanded due to strong demand for Lenzing’s TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn which was first launched on the market just a few months ago. Lenzing will invest up to EUR 30 mn in a further pilot line at the Lenzing site. Basic engineering for construction of the new facility has already been initiated.

  • Market success above expectations
  • Product and market development accelerated
  • Investment up to EUR 30 mn

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is setting another milestone as a specialist for extremely high-quality products made of the renewable raw material wood. Capacities will be significantly expanded due to strong demand for Lenzing’s TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn which was first launched on the market just a few months ago. Lenzing will invest up to EUR 30 mn in a further pilot line at the Lenzing site. Basic engineering for construction of the new facility has already been initiated.

“Thanks to TENCELTM Luxe, Lenzing is currently positioning itself in the premium luxury market and is embedding the issue of sustainability there in combination with superior aesthetics”, says Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer of the Lenzing Group. “The fine filament yarn is comparable to natural silk due to its airy feeling on the skin and the matte finish. It is perfectly suited for very fine fabrics made exclusively from this yarn and as a blending partner with silk, cashmere and wool”, he adds.

“On the occasion of the launch of TENCELTM Luxe filaments, the luxury brands already realized what opportunities they would have by using this yarn made of the renewable raw material wood. For this reason, demand is already so high that we have decided to take an intermediate step to expand capacities before building a large commercial production plant. The decision to construct a new line will serve as the basis for generating a three-fold increase in capacity compared to the previous volume. The additional capacity will be available to customers at the end of next year”, states Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the Lenzing Group. “The Lenzing site was selected because research and technological know-how in plant construction are connected in a special way, which will in turn enable us to further develop this special product”, Doboczky adds.

The new capacities will enable Lenzing to more effectively fulfil the needs of customers for TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn than in the past. At the same time, Lenzing will press ahead with technical planning for a large-scale commercial line at the Lenzing site.

This strong level of demand is further evidence of the Lenzing Group’s innovative strength. The yarn is opening up new markets for the company in the eco-couture segment, thus contributing to the successful implementation of the sCore TEN strategy.

Archroma announces progress on integration of M. Dohmen (c) Archroma
Archroma recently acquired 100% of the shares of M. Dohmen Korea Ltd. The company’s name has been changed to Archroma Korea Ltd on April 30, 2018.

Archroma announces progress on integration of M. Dohmen

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announced the further integration of M. Dohmen, an international group specializing in the production of textile dyes and chemicals for the automotive, carpet and apparel sectors. This went into effect on May 1, 2018 and follows Archroma expanding its stake in M. Dohmen from 49% to 75% in September 2017.

The increased integration will be implemented in North America and Korea. In North America, 20 employees from M. Dohmen USA, Inc joined Archroma when the company merged into Archroma U.S. Inc. operations in the US and into Archroma Canada, Corporation in Canada.

In Korea, Archroma recently acquired 100% of the shares of M. Dohmen Korea Ltd. The company’s name has been changed to Archroma Korea Ltd on April 30, 2018, and its 75 employees will now work under the Archroma brand.

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announced the further integration of M. Dohmen, an international group specializing in the production of textile dyes and chemicals for the automotive, carpet and apparel sectors. This went into effect on May 1, 2018 and follows Archroma expanding its stake in M. Dohmen from 49% to 75% in September 2017.

The increased integration will be implemented in North America and Korea. In North America, 20 employees from M. Dohmen USA, Inc joined Archroma when the company merged into Archroma U.S. Inc. operations in the US and into Archroma Canada, Corporation in Canada.

In Korea, Archroma recently acquired 100% of the shares of M. Dohmen Korea Ltd. The company’s name has been changed to Archroma Korea Ltd on April 30, 2018, and its 75 employees will now work under the Archroma brand.

“The further integration of M. Dohmen into Archroma will enable us to strengthen our offerings to textile markets worldwide” explains Marcos Furrer, President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties and Innovation, Archroma. “Regardless of their location, our customers will continue to benefit from our broad and complementary product portfolios, our dedication to providing outstanding global customer service and our strong commitment to innovation and sustainability.”


Archroma recently acquired 100% of the shares of M. Dohmen Korea Ltd. The company’s name has been changed to Archroma Korea Ltd on April 30, 2018.
(Photo: Archroma)

Archroma recently acquired 100% of the shares of M. Dohmen Korea Ltd. The company’s name has been changed to Archroma Korea Ltd on April 30, 2018. (Photo: Archroma)

On May 1, 2018, M. Dohmen USA, Inc merged into Archroma U.S. Inc. operations in the US and into Archroma Canada, Corporation in Canada.
(Photo: Archroma)

More information:
Archroma M. Dohmen Korea


World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution (c) Lectra

World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

In the manufacturing of vehicle interiors, cutting level precision is of the utmost importance because pieces must fit into door panel designs with a high degree of accuracy. Equipped with a special cutting blade, Vector iX6’s ultra-precise cutting improves material utilization by minimizing buffer between parts. The solution’s superior cutting control software and high-frequency vibration cutting also enable a considerable improvement in productivity.

“As vehicle interior designs become increasingly complex, process requirements change accordingly,” remarks Guan Qinghua, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, YFAI. “The ability to achieve greater productivity and precision for the smaller fabric and vinyl pieces becomes particularly critical. Lectra’s Vector iX6 satisfies this need while also improving fabric utilization and cutting efficiency.”

“Understanding evolving market trends lies at the heart of what we do,” states Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra. “Since its launch, Vector iX6 has been quickly adopted by interior component suppliers like YFAI. VectorAuto iX6 contributes to a drastic reduction in the manufacturing cost per set, especially for small parts produced using vinyl and other materials complex to cut.


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department


Clariant showcases support for North America’s plastics industry growth

  • Additives, pigments and masterbatches for transportation, packaging, textiles & fibers
  • Support to “future-proof” medical applications
  • Contributing towards more sustainable engineering plastics

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, turns the spotlight on its increasing on-the-ground support and innovation focus for North America’s four key plastics application segments at NPE 2018 Booth S18155.

Clariant is pushing forward with plans for growth in the region by advancing R&D competencies, and increasing its manufacturing footprint and technical capabilities across its 50+ sites, 3 R&D and 6 technical innovation centers. Clariant’s innovations for the plastics industry include advanced additives, masterbatches and pigments which support the packaging sector in engaging consumers via differentiated, convenient solutions. At NPE, it will also highlight solutions for enhancing and protecting healthcare products, as well as its contribution to stronger and colorful textiles and fibers for everything from e-mobility to industrial applications.

  • Additives, pigments and masterbatches for transportation, packaging, textiles & fibers
  • Support to “future-proof” medical applications
  • Contributing towards more sustainable engineering plastics

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, turns the spotlight on its increasing on-the-ground support and innovation focus for North America’s four key plastics application segments at NPE 2018 Booth S18155.

Clariant is pushing forward with plans for growth in the region by advancing R&D competencies, and increasing its manufacturing footprint and technical capabilities across its 50+ sites, 3 R&D and 6 technical innovation centers. Clariant’s innovations for the plastics industry include advanced additives, masterbatches and pigments which support the packaging sector in engaging consumers via differentiated, convenient solutions. At NPE, it will also highlight solutions for enhancing and protecting healthcare products, as well as its contribution to stronger and colorful textiles and fibers for everything from e-mobility to industrial applications.

Deepak Parikh, president of region North America, Clariant comments: “Clariant’s product innovation for the US and wider North American plastics industry embraces the region’s fastest growing end-use areas of automotive and construction. It also addresses the impact of trends driven by changing consumer lifestyle preferences and market regulations on other important segments such as packaging and healthcare.”

Clariant brings color and protection to support the increasing use of engineering plastics and high temperture resins in automotive interiors, exteriors and under-the-hood. Halogen-free Exolit® OP 1400 provides outstanding flame retardancy to polyamide parts, enhances safety with UL 94 V0 performance down to 0.4 mm and enables the molding of complex parts with no mold deposits and blooming. Exolit OP 1400 has been awarded the Clariant EcoTain®label for outstanding sustainability and performance. At the same time, Clariant offers low-halogen controlled high-performance PV Fast® pigmentswith excellent migration and weather fastness properties to meet the high requirements of today’s transportation and automotive industry. Easy processing Renol® compounds and masterbatches for engineering and high temperature resins provide heat and light stability, and flame retardancy, while maintaining critical flow properties in parts like SMT connectors. Importantly, they are available as small lots which enables customers to purchase only what they require and contribute to a reduction in their carbon footprint.

As US packaging manufacturers explore more consumer-friendly, lighterweight and appealing solutions, Clariant is on hand to support their functionality, sustainability-related and color desires. Clariant Pigments has an innovative cooperation with Konica Minolta and matchmycolor to enable fast, precise and efficient color matching of HDPE products, using select organic PV Fast and Graphtol® pigments that comply with FDA regulations. The ColorWorks®center in Chicago is dedicated to US brand managers and designers with teams of color design experts to create color formulations faster than ever before for bottles, caps, closures and films.

According to market reports, plastic pouches are gaining share from traditional pack types in packaged food and are mainstream in home care. To support smoother and more environmentally-compatible processing especially for film applications, Clariant offers an FDA-compliant, vegetable-based powder amide wax, Licolub® FA 1, which acts as a slip and anti-block agent. It is suitable for polyolefins and PVC.

Textiles & Fiber
At NPE 2018, Clariant puts the focus on strong and colorful textiles, carpets and industrial fibers. New AddWorks® TFB 117 offers a number of benefits to help stabilize and smoothen fiber production processes, protect color, and improve heat stability and mechanical properties of fibers. AddWorks TFB 117 ensures smooth spinnability with less filaments breakage, even at low processing temperatures and at high speed spinning up to 5,500 m/min. Clariant also offers a broad range of colorants for polypropylene, polyester, polyamide and acrylic fibers, featuring migration fastness, chemical stability, light- and weather-fastness.

Clariant supports risk control and regulatory compliance for medical polymer and pharmaceutical packaging solutions. Its Mevopur® color and performance masterbatches and compounds include a USP Class 6 line of compliant products and multiple global ISO, 87, 88, and 661.1 certifications ahead of the market deadline. Clariant also offers selected FDA-compliant organic pigments and polymer soluble dyes that meet purity migration fastness as well as toxicological properties for medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging.


Clariant debuted additive solutions and launched AddWorks® at Chinaplas 2018

•    New, sustainable, ready-to-use solutions for plastic auto parts to support China’s electric vehicle boom
•    Stronger, softer nylon polyamide fibers plus fast processing for clothes, carpets & industrial applications
•    AddWorks blends lower total cost of ownership & reduce production complexity while enhancing performance

Muttenz, May 3, 2018 – Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, introduced new additive solutions for plastics materials at Chinaplas 2018.

“Our innovations focus on higher performance at better convenience for a sustainable future,” says Stephan Lynen, Head of Clariant BU Additives. “At Chinaplas 2018 we demonstrated our technical and market capabilities around the theme of e-mobility. The immense changes in mobility call for lighter, safer and smarter vehicles. We offer new additive solutions, such as AddWorks, and technical capabilities to respond to this demand. We are accompanying this with a series of investments such as new production facilities in China.”

•    New, sustainable, ready-to-use solutions for plastic auto parts to support China’s electric vehicle boom
•    Stronger, softer nylon polyamide fibers plus fast processing for clothes, carpets & industrial applications
•    AddWorks blends lower total cost of ownership & reduce production complexity while enhancing performance

Muttenz, May 3, 2018 – Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, introduced new additive solutions for plastics materials at Chinaplas 2018.

“Our innovations focus on higher performance at better convenience for a sustainable future,” says Stephan Lynen, Head of Clariant BU Additives. “At Chinaplas 2018 we demonstrated our technical and market capabilities around the theme of e-mobility. The immense changes in mobility call for lighter, safer and smarter vehicles. We offer new additive solutions, such as AddWorks, and technical capabilities to respond to this demand. We are accompanying this with a series of investments such as new production facilities in China.”

Clariant’s new AddWorks solutions – AddWorksATR 146, AddWorks LXR 568 and AddWorks TFB 117 – are specifically aimed at improving performance and efficiency of plastics materials for compounders, polymer and fiber producers in China’s major plastics manufacturing segments. All three solutions are part of the globally available portfolio.

The full AddWorks portfolio consists of differentiated market-specific synergistic additive blends that streamline production processes and create value for customers while enhancing performance. Each solution is customized to specific market needs, underlined by broader considerations such as emission reduction, and less energy and resource usage.

Sustainability and performance for the world’s largest auto market
To support the significant investment in electric vehicles in China, Clariant launched two additive innovations that improve the lifetime of lightweight automotive parts and under-the-hood applications and reduce VOC emissions in an easy to use single solution.

AddWorks ATR 146 is a new low dosage, sulfur-free heat and light stabilizer for filled polypropylene (TPO) compounds used in interior applications. Its exceptional heat and light stability and long term color retention offers the automotive industry unmatched performance. It shows no surface cracking after 700 hours at 150°C, which enables dashboards, instrument panels, door panels and pillars to maintain their aesthetics longer than with traditional stabilizers. It also contributes to reducing blooming and VOC emissions, supporting the common effort to make automotive interiors healthier and odorless.

AddWorks LXR 568 is a high performance processing stabilizer that helps to prevent plastic resins, especially polyolefins, from degradation at high processing temperatures. For the automotive industry, this reduces the tendency of injection molded polypropylene interior car parts to turn brittle during heat exposure, enabling them to maintain a defect-free surface. It also has low migration and low fogging that support healthier in-cab environments.

AddWorks LXR 568 combines outstanding color and melt flow protection with good resistance to hydrolysis and high thermal stability. This makes it ideal for interior and under-the-hood powertrains and wider application areas such as packaging films. It is available in free-flowing pills and micro-pills which are easy and convenient to use.

Softer, stronger polyamide fibers for clothes, carpets and industrial applications
Within the next three years, China is expected to account for 40% of the world’s nylon production and more than 30% of the nylon resin consumed globally[1]. The new AddWorks TFB 117 offers a number of benefits to help stabilize and smoothen fiber production processes, protect color, and improve heat stability and mechanical properties of fibers. AddWorks TFB 117 ensures smooth spinnability with less filaments breakage, even at low processing temperatures and at high speed spinning up to 5,500 m/min.

Martin P. J. John, Head of BL Performance Additives at Clariant, comments: “AddWorks solutions are an ideal fit with China’s priority of achieving more sustainable production. They save time and reduce complexity along the production process, with easy to use formats that reduce health risk and chemical waste. Our new state-of-the-art production facility in Zhenjiang, China, which opens later this year, is dedicated to the manufacturing of AddWorks to deliver innovative solutions tailored to the needs of the market. Made for China in China.

In addition to AddWorks, Clariant presented Exolit® OP 1400, a highly stable non-halogenated flame retardant enhancing safety during the charging process. It also provides outstanding thermal stability for under the hood applications. Exolit OP 1400 has been awarded the Clariant EcoTain® label for outstanding sustainability and performance.  

Clariant also introduced two ranges of performance waxes that smoothen the production of automotive plastics for under the hood applications, Licowax® and Licocare® RBW. The recently launched Licocare RBW is a series of multi-purpose additives based on crude rice bran wax. They offer better shaping flexibility, better mechanical properties and enhanced surface finish, which results in a reduced rejection rate and a more effective dosage.



Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology (c) Lectra

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital”

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

While the topic of digitalization served as a backdrop for the event, there was a recurring theme at the forefront: fashion companies need Industry 4.0 technology and support in order to be more precise in meeting the evolving needs of their digitally savvy consumers.
Nick Chiarelli, Client Partner of Foresight Factory, shed light on new business opportunities for fashion, Nora Kühner, founder of Nora Kühner Fashion Design Consulting, used her designer perspective to decode the digital future of product development, and Fabrizio Fantini, founder of Evo Pricing, showed participants how machine learning could help fashion companies predict consumer demand and avoid waste.

“While speaking about the future challenges and trends in fashion and luxury, the trend now is to use analytics to drive the entire production process,” highlighted Stephen Taylor, Principal Director of Kurt Salmon.

Waruna Tennakoon, General Manager of Group Cutting, Brandix, and Ajith Perera General Manager of Mathliya Plant, MAS Kreeda, also shared their Lectra customer experience. Based in Sri Lanka, both companies have established themselves as the country’s largest apparel exporters, with Brandix specializing in producing intimate and activewear, and MAS Kreeda in sportswear.

“Thanks to the digital revolution, consumers are now more specific in their demands. This will cause a shift in mass manufacturing where there will be smaller-volume orders coming in at a faster rate. As a result, manufacturing models have to be more agile in the immediate future,” explained Ajith Perera, “I am happy to see that Lectra is already spearheading this change by providing us with the necessary technology to help us meet market demand.”

There was no better time to put digitalization into context than during “Fashion Goes Digital”.
VIP guests got a sneak preview of the brand new, fully automated cutting room solution for fashion and apparel. Lectra’s Cutting Room 4.0 is an embodiment of Lectra’s commitment to empowering its customers with the best solutions to thrive in this new digital era. This avant-garde technology leverages industry 4.0 principles to provide greater agility, throughput, cost efficiency and in particular scalability in order to respond seamlessly to small batches orders and shorter lead times.

Jean-Yves Collet, CEO of Treize Roches Couture, a high-end French womenswear manufacturer, provided a testimonial on why his company chose to be one of the first to adopt this new solution. He explained how Lectra’s latest technology would help Treize Roches speed up their artisanal production process to bring products faster to market.

“When we discussed the possibility of a made-to-order production project, we could really foresee the benefits both in terms of quality and productivity. Industry 4.0 solutions do not yet exist in garment manufacturing. This is why we have decided to develop an Industry 4.0 cutting room. This will allow us, in the preparatory stages to automate the processes as much as possible and improve quality, productivity and training time.”

“We have unveiled our strategy last year where we have identified Industry 4.0 and digitalization as our key drivers. Our goal for this event is to show that we are, indeed, living and breathing Industry 4.0 and we do have what it takes to help our customers succeed in this era. Our latest cutting room 4.0 shows that we are not just talking about the future of fashion anymore, we are living in it right now as we speak,” concluded Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.

More information:
Industry 4.0 Lectra




TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, and the creator and administrator of the Hygienically Clean Certification announced today its 2018 Hygienically Clean Healthcare Advisory Board slate of members.

“The board is responsible for administering, enforcing, and revising TRSA’s Hygienically Clean Healthcare (HCH) Standards. Additional duties include establishing and maintaining criteria and procedures for the certification of healthcare textile processing in commercial, cooperatives, and in-house healthcare laundries and facilities. These subject matter experts will provide guidance regarding best management practices (BMPs), inspections and testing to ensure that the Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification Program benefits consumers, laundry-processing facilities and textile services customers,” said Joseph Ricci, President and CEO of TRSA.

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, and the creator and administrator of the Hygienically Clean Certification announced today its 2018 Hygienically Clean Healthcare Advisory Board slate of members.

“The board is responsible for administering, enforcing, and revising TRSA’s Hygienically Clean Healthcare (HCH) Standards. Additional duties include establishing and maintaining criteria and procedures for the certification of healthcare textile processing in commercial, cooperatives, and in-house healthcare laundries and facilities. These subject matter experts will provide guidance regarding best management practices (BMPs), inspections and testing to ensure that the Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification Program benefits consumers, laundry-processing facilities and textile services customers,” said Joseph Ricci, President and CEO of TRSA.

Members of the newly formed board of directors, who represent the entire industry -- linen, uniform and facility service companies, large central laundries, healthcare linen, uniform and facility services customers of TRSA members, suppliers, and experts from related healthcare and other professional organizations -- will serve a three-year term:

Randy Bartsch
CEO, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service Inc.

Rick Kislia
Chief Operating Officer
Crescent Laundry
Vice Chairman

David J. Stern
President & CEO, Paris Companies

Greg Anderson
CEO, Campus Laundry

Angela Becker
Senior Program Leader, Textile Care RD&E, Ecolab

Murray L. Cohen, PhD, MPH, CIH
Owner, Consultants in Disease and Injury Control (CDIC)

Dr. Alexis M. Elward, MD
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Eoin Flavin
Director, European Operations, WSI

David F. Goldsmith, MSPH, PhD, LLC
George Washington & Georgetown Universities

James Hall
CEO, Northwest Health Care Linen

Tony Long
VP, Risk Management, Angelica
Lynn A. Moreau, RN, BSN
Clinical Liaison Manager
HandCraft Linen Services

Michael Potack
Chairman, Unitex

Robert Raphael
Service Linen Supply Inc.

Liz Remillong
Vice President, Strategic Alliance
Crothall Healthcare

Douglas Waldman
President, Superior Linen Service

Charles Rossmiller
Director Laundry Programs
Textile Sales
Medline Industries, Inc.

Thomas Smith
Director, Safety & Training
Foussard Montague Associates, Inc.




As a global leader in the chemical industry, SABIC will present its full Fluids product portfolio at IESD, the leading surfactants and detergents show for China and Asia, in Shanghai, April 24 -26.

SABIC Specialties provides high value, technologically advanced chemical derivatives for use in a wide range of applications. Employed as surfactants, detergents, emulsifiers, emollients and thickeners for consumer products ranging from cosmetic and personal care, home care and pharmaceuticals, to industrial products like textiles, paints and coatings. Additionally, these products find their way into industrial uses such as specialty lubricants, crop protection, and oil & gas applications.

As a global leader in the chemical industry, SABIC will present its full Fluids product portfolio at IESD, the leading surfactants and detergents show for China and Asia, in Shanghai, April 24 -26.

SABIC Specialties provides high value, technologically advanced chemical derivatives for use in a wide range of applications. Employed as surfactants, detergents, emulsifiers, emollients and thickeners for consumer products ranging from cosmetic and personal care, home care and pharmaceuticals, to industrial products like textiles, paints and coatings. Additionally, these products find their way into industrial uses such as specialty lubricants, crop protection, and oil & gas applications.

A key aspect of SABIC Specialties Fluids business - not only within China, but for the broader Asia region - is its ability to deliver the added value only a dedicated, local team with stocked inventory and flexible packaging options, can supply. In addition to local team know-how and readiness, SABIC’s Chinese operations are supported by a global team with significant expertise and production facilities around the globe. Focused on creating the right balance of properties and performance to meet the ever-increasing needs of consumers and industry, SABIC works closely with specifiers and formulators to develop vital constituents for game changing products.

At IESD SABIC will be introducing SAPEG 400 PH, its new pharma grade PEG400, conforming to USP-NF monograph and manufactured to EXCiPACT Good Manufacturing Practices of pharmaceutical excipients. It is used in liquid preparations as a viscosity modifier, in ointment and suppository bases as a melting point regulator, moisturizer and lubricant and in the preservation of pathological specimens. It can be used in the manufacturing of creams, lotions, toothpastes and in soaps as a humectant.

“SABIC Specialties has long been a pioneer in developing innovative chemicals and polymers to support the production of the latest and most advanced domestic and industrial applications”, said Eric Jaarda, Senior Manager, Fluids Marketing Global at SABIC Specialties. “We are proud to present some of our most advanced and versatile offerings at this year’s IESD in Shanghai and to demonstrate our commitment to the Chinese and broader Asian market.”

In addition to SAPEG 400 PH, SABIC will also be showcasing the following:

  • Natural Fatty Alcohol (C12-14) Ethoxylates (SABIC® SABICOL L2/L3/L7/L9) - both colorless and odourless, this is a range of versatile non-ionic surfactants. Supplied as liquids or as a paste, they are efficient water in oil emulsifiers and readily biodegradable.
  • Synthetic Alcohol (Isodecyl and Isotridecyl Alcohol) Ethoxylates (SABIC® SABICOL DA5/DA7/TA5/TA6/TA7/TA8/TA9) - a series of fast wetting, low odor and biodegradable non-ionic surfactants.
  • Castor Oil Ethoxylates (SABIC® SABICOL EL30/40/55) - supplied in liquid form or as a paste, they are completely miscible in water and many organic solvents. Non-toxic and non-irritant, they are employed as emulsifiers in both domestic and industrial applications.
  • Polyethyleneglycols (SAPEG200/300/400/600) - consisting of a distribution of polymers of varying molecular weights, these are colorless and odorless liquids. Non-toxic and non-irritant, they are used as humectants, lubricants, solvents and viscosity modifiers in a range of applications.



© 2018 Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC)

Lectra’s Cloud Applications take the Fashion World by Storm (c) Lectra
Lectra Cloud Application

Lectra’s Cloud Applications take the Fashion World by Storm

  • Product development and production teams are on cloud nine, thanks to Lectra’s all-new Quick Estimate and Quick Nest apps

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather releases its first of a series of cloud-based applications conceptualized for product development and production teams. Quick Estimate and Quick Nest will be launched in France and Italy and will then become available progressively in other countries.

As part of Lectra’s Industry 4.0 strategy, Lectra collaborated with its leading, digitally-attuned customers to develop apps that empower decision-makers to respond in an instant. Quick Estimate revs up product development efficiency and is instrumental to managing costs. Quick Nest provides easy access to automatic marker making and capitalizes on cloud technology to handle heavy volumes of calculations in parallel, maximizing productivity and marker efficiency.

  • Product development and production teams are on cloud nine, thanks to Lectra’s all-new Quick Estimate and Quick Nest apps

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather releases its first of a series of cloud-based applications conceptualized for product development and production teams. Quick Estimate and Quick Nest will be launched in France and Italy and will then become available progressively in other countries.

As part of Lectra’s Industry 4.0 strategy, Lectra collaborated with its leading, digitally-attuned customers to develop apps that empower decision-makers to respond in an instant. Quick Estimate revs up product development efficiency and is instrumental to managing costs. Quick Nest provides easy access to automatic marker making and capitalizes on cloud technology to handle heavy volumes of calculations in parallel, maximizing productivity and marker efficiency.

Leveraging the industrial Internet of Things, lean development principles and cloud-based computing, Lectra aims to provide anytime, anywhere access to business enhancing applications. Gone are the days of limited storage space and slow calculation speed. These well-packaged, light cloud applications will redefine the way fashion customers store and process data.

Fabric often accounts for as much as 60% to 70% of the cost of a garment. Quick Estimate allows product development teams to calculate fabric requirements instantly from their Modaris®—Lectra’s 2D/3D patternmaking and grading solution—working environment with direct access to the cloud applications. Pattern developers now have the flexibility to make pattern adjustments more quickly to optimize costs, while protecting the brand’s quality and assuring speed-to-market.

Quick Nest can be accessed through Diamino®, Lectra’s marker-making solution. During the production development stages, Quick Nest users will be able to process more detailed markers faster. Quick Nest can also be used by production teams to treat lists of markers automatically in record time via the cloud.

These apps will also ensure enterprise-wide transparency as management teams gain full visibility of consumption needs for all products in development and production, thanks to viewable access of consolidated data for approval and reporting purposes.

“The end-goal of our new strategy is clear: we want to put our customers at the core of our business. We want them to thrive in this new digital era. Our latest Industry 4.0-friendly apps will serve as growth catalysts for their businesses by enabling them to make sound decisions based on real-time information,” explains Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “And this is just the beginning. More innovative apps are yet to come.”




Wearing A Uniform of Progress

At Kingpins Amsterdam, RUDOLF GROUP launches a selection of chemical auxiliaries for fashion and function as well their new HUB 1922.
The RUDOLF GROUP, not completely new to garment and denim finishing, decides to take the first steps of what will be a long and exciting journey in the field. In order to shorten the distance with both manufacturers and apparel brands and retailers it deploys two synergic initiatives:

At Kingpins Amsterdam, RUDOLF GROUP launches a selection of chemical auxiliaries for fashion and function as well their new HUB 1922.
The RUDOLF GROUP, not completely new to garment and denim finishing, decides to take the first steps of what will be a long and exciting journey in the field. In order to shorten the distance with both manufacturers and apparel brands and retailers it deploys two synergic initiatives:

  • A refined selection of chemicals auxiliaries targeting garment finishing and delivering, in addition to current aesthetics, sophisticated functionalities that take denim to the next level in terms of both performance and enhanced quality.
  • The launch of a new project that, combining German engineering and Italian style, provides solutions at the crossroad of fashion and utilitarian functionality. The project, called HUB 1922, introduces elements of unorthodox diversity and fosters collaborative environments that can be truly disruptive.

The word HUB is evocative of the main part of something where there is most activity, whereas the number, 1922, is the year of foundation of the RUDOLF GROUP and therefore symbol of heritage, tradition and significant experience. Ultimately, HUB 1922 wants to be the unmatched one-stop shopping for fashion and function, innovation and creativity in garment processing. A hub that enables continuous, synergetic, and powerful collaboration with brands and retailers to deliver disruptive innovations in the global markets.

It introduces functional chemistry in an universe that is almost entirely driven by aesthetics and the extension to other materials and product categories (such as outdoor apparel and performance wear), of knowledge and techniques developed for denim over the past 50 years. Very aware of its status of rookie and yet very determined, the project HUB 1922 begins exploring through concepts and values rooted in deep scientific knowledge, true responsibility, technical innovation and fresh creativity.
At Kingpins Amsterdam, HUB 1922 will present 3 concepts rooted in RUDOLF’s sophisticated and conscious chemistry:

  • ODYSSEY: a voyage through textures and innovation, softness, comfort and signature handfeels.
  • SHELTER: performance inspired by natural models for urban protection and for much reduced domestic washing.
  • MEMOFLEX: A modern-day miracle preventing denim from sagging and bagging. A truly denim Botox that shows improved quality on many stretch fabrics.

Since when it was founded, almost 100 years ago, RUDOLF GROUP’s secret of success is being big enough to matter, small enough to care. Captured in this definition are an obvious desire to play a meaningful role in the textile industry and an equally palpable vocation to customer service.

Alberto de Conti, Head of Rudolf Fashion Division: “Every generation has their time to make a mark on the world. Considering the environmental emergencies in garment production and the lack of real innovation on the retail shelves, for the current generation of companies active in garment finishing that time is now.”

RUDOLF GROUP acknowledges therefore that there is an additional opportunity to responsibly further redefine the future and turns their sizeable R&D power towards refining their approach to what is fashion quintessential staple: garment and denim finishing. Through a renewed, highly responsible involvement in garment finishing and with the introduction of HUB 1922, the RUDOLF GROUP wants to send out a message of true optimism. It is about showing the entire industry that there is a blank canvas ahead and tangible difference can be made.


Archroma and Montega Italy join hands to help enhance the standards of Pakistan’s garment industry

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, and Montega S.r.l., Italy, (Montega) announce a collaboration aimed at supporting the fast-growing garment and apparel industry in Pakistan, particularly in the denim segment. The joint efforts will focus on fostering excellence in the finishing of textile garments.

Montega has decades of rich experience in developing the latest fashion trends with its high standard chemical treatments. For garments and fabrics, they offer solutions in finishing effects, enzymatic products, bio-polishing, bio-finishing and specialty products for indigo dyes, proteinaceous fibers such as wool and silk, and garment washing and/ laundry. All applications are geared toward environmental sustainability.

Archroma offers a wide range of brand and textile specialty chemicals that caters to the local industry in Pakistan for both its internal and export markets. The company’s expert team provides innovative solutions to its customers, tailored to their individual requirements.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, and Montega S.r.l., Italy, (Montega) announce a collaboration aimed at supporting the fast-growing garment and apparel industry in Pakistan, particularly in the denim segment. The joint efforts will focus on fostering excellence in the finishing of textile garments.

Montega has decades of rich experience in developing the latest fashion trends with its high standard chemical treatments. For garments and fabrics, they offer solutions in finishing effects, enzymatic products, bio-polishing, bio-finishing and specialty products for indigo dyes, proteinaceous fibers such as wool and silk, and garment washing and/ laundry. All applications are geared toward environmental sustainability.

Archroma offers a wide range of brand and textile specialty chemicals that caters to the local industry in Pakistan for both its internal and export markets. The company’s expert team provides innovative solutions to its customers, tailored to their individual requirements.

Archroma will now represent Montega in marketing their products in Pakistan. The collaboration between the two firms will provide a unique synergy of combined expertise, reliability and commitment to environmental sustainability, especially toward the reduction of water usage and the emission of greenhouse gases during textile finishing processes. The design studio at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Pakistan will work extensively with Montega’s M-Lab Garment University in Riccione, Italy, to deliver solutions based on the latest trends and fashion effects, backed by world-class technical support.

Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Pakistan, comments: “We, at Archroma, believe in continuous improvement and challenging the status quo to make our industry sustainable. We have dedicated ourselves to bringing innovation in our product lines and to closely partnering with like-minded organizations to build industrial rapport. Through this initiative of joining hands with Montega, we will be able to share latest R&D developments with the textile industry in Pakistan, and help grow Pakistan’s contribution in the global textile arena.”