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Third edition of Istanbul Fashion Connection in 2023

From February 8th to 11th, 2023, the third edition of IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will take place in the Istanbul Exhibition Center.

The fair with over 600 exhibitors in 9 halls gives an overview of the new collections in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather & furs. Separate platforms at IFCO are LinExpo for lingerie and hosiery and FashionIST with a wide range of wedding dresses, evening wear and suits. IFCO Sourcing, a new area at IFCO, offers the opportunity to find numerous companies for sourcing capacities.

Also new is the partnership with Igedo Exhibitions, Düsseldorf, which is responsible for the EUROPEAN SELECTION area at IFCO. International fashion labels present themselves at the fair as part of this participation.

More than 25,000 visitors from over 100 nations from all sales channels, from department stores and boutiques to online platforms from Eastern Europe, the Central Asian markets and the Arabian Gulf region, alongside buyers from Türkiye are expected at the show.

From February 8th to 11th, 2023, the third edition of IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will take place in the Istanbul Exhibition Center.

The fair with over 600 exhibitors in 9 halls gives an overview of the new collections in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather & furs. Separate platforms at IFCO are LinExpo for lingerie and hosiery and FashionIST with a wide range of wedding dresses, evening wear and suits. IFCO Sourcing, a new area at IFCO, offers the opportunity to find numerous companies for sourcing capacities.

Also new is the partnership with Igedo Exhibitions, Düsseldorf, which is responsible for the EUROPEAN SELECTION area at IFCO. International fashion labels present themselves at the fair as part of this participation.

More than 25,000 visitors from over 100 nations from all sales channels, from department stores and boutiques to online platforms from Eastern Europe, the Central Asian markets and the Arabian Gulf region, alongside buyers from Türkiye are expected at the show.

The declared goal of the organizers is to offer a "one-stop shopping solution" with IFCO that shows the creativity of the Turkish fashion scene, enables access to new sales markets and at the same time establishes the connection to potential production partners for supply chain optimization. The competitive advantages of production in Türkiye are evident:
short delivery times, high production quality, young and well-trained employees, the possibility of small minimum order quantities, a vertical textile and clothing industry that allows "one-stop shopping".

The manufacturing sector is an important sector for the industry, with over 80% of companies in Türkiye engaged in this sector. Türkiye has the fastest economic growth among the G20 after Saudi Arabia at 7.6% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2022, according to the Turkish Statistics Authority. Export is one of the most important pillars of growth.

The trade fair concept is being supported by the government with several programs. These include the cooperation with IMA, Istanbul ModaAkademisi, which regularly produces design talents becoming an integral part of the international fashion scene. IMA was founded in 2007 by ITKIB / IHKIB with the help of the IPA I program ((IPA: Instrument for Pre Accession Funds, provided by the EU for the EU candidate countries). Young design talents are brought to the stage at IFCO in cooperation with the ‘’Koza Young Fashion Designers Contest’’.



Grafik Trevira CS

Trevira CS at the Heimtextil Trade Fair 2023

  • Trevira CS Joint Booth with 16 Partners
  • Sustainability Presentation: Path of Sustainability
  • Special Exhibition: TEXTILE TALENTS by Trevira CS

The Trevira CS® brand presents itself together with 16 top customers and partners, an exciting special exhibition, and a sustainability presentation at Heimtextil in Frankfurt from 10 to 13 January 2023. The joint booth covers an area of over 1,400 m².

Visitors can find out about innovations in the fields of yarn production, woven and knitted fabrics and interior solar shading. Once again this year, the exhibitors on the Trevira CS stand will cover all textile applications with their flame retardant product for the home textile and contract market, from light curtains to heavy upholstery fabrics.

  • Trevira CS Joint Booth with 16 Partners
  • Sustainability Presentation: Path of Sustainability
  • Special Exhibition: TEXTILE TALENTS by Trevira CS

The Trevira CS® brand presents itself together with 16 top customers and partners, an exciting special exhibition, and a sustainability presentation at Heimtextil in Frankfurt from 10 to 13 January 2023. The joint booth covers an area of over 1,400 m².

Visitors can find out about innovations in the fields of yarn production, woven and knitted fabrics and interior solar shading. Once again this year, the exhibitors on the Trevira CS stand will cover all textile applications with their flame retardant product for the home textile and contract market, from light curtains to heavy upholstery fabrics.

The following Trevira CS customers and partners will be exhibiting:
Chamatex SAS, F.lli Baroni s.r.l., FIDIVI Tessitura Vergnano S.p.A., Hoftex Färberei GmbH, Ilcat by Lei Tsu s.r.l., Lodetex S.p.A., Lonfil S.r.l., Mattes & Ammann GmbH & Co. KG, Mottura S.p.A., Pozzi Arturo S.p.A., PUGI R.G. S.R.L., Tessitura Mario Ghioldi & C. s.r.l., Tintoria Sala s.r.l., Torcitura Fibre Sintetiche S.p.A., Torcitura Padana S.p.A., Vlnap a.s., Wagenfelder Spinnereien GmbH and Wintex S.r.l.

The presentations on the Trevira CS brand will focus on 2 topics. One revolves around information on sustainability: The Path of Sustainability presentation will give visitors detailed information about the various sustainability aspects of the Trevira CS brand. The information chain will deal with Trevira CS technology, particularly sustainable product variants, the longevity of the textiles, the Trevira CS eco brand for flame retardant fabrics with recycled content, and the take-back program for Trevira CS fabrics. At the end of the chain, a prototype of a new product development will be presented, giving insight into the brand’s future sustainable development opportunities.

Once again, there will also be a special exhibition. The focus here will be on showcasing the special additional functions and properties that Trevira CS fabrics offer in addition to their flame retardancy. Visitors can look forward to a special staging: It’s showtime for the TEXTILE TALENTS by Trevira CS!

For the design of the special exhibition, all Trevira CS customers were invited to submit their latest Trevira CS products, distinguished by additional functions and/or special features, to the annual Trevira CS Fabric Competition. 227 products from 50 customers were submitted, from which about 150 were selected for the special exhibition. Several thousand meters of yarn will also be used in this year's special show.


Trevira GmbH

Foto: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

Trendbörse EuroShop 2023

  • Materials & Surfaces: was Design in schwierigen Zeiten bewirken kann
  • Nachhaltigkeit ist Leitgedanke
  • Natur und Harmonie als Rezept gegen Krisenmodus
  • Custom-made Design gewinnt

Aufgeschäumtes Aluminium, transluzente Betonflächen oder filigrane Gespinste, die das Gewicht massiver Steinbrocken zu balancieren scheinen – die Inszenierung von Shopping-Erlebnissen spielt gern mit dem visuellen Wow. Die Dimension Materials & Surfaces der EuroShop, the World’s No. 1 Retail Trade Fair, vom 26. Februar bis 02. März 2023 in Düsseldorf, ist Trendbörse und Inspiration für Store-Architekten, Ladenbauer und Kreative.

  • Materials & Surfaces: was Design in schwierigen Zeiten bewirken kann
  • Nachhaltigkeit ist Leitgedanke
  • Natur und Harmonie als Rezept gegen Krisenmodus
  • Custom-made Design gewinnt

Aufgeschäumtes Aluminium, transluzente Betonflächen oder filigrane Gespinste, die das Gewicht massiver Steinbrocken zu balancieren scheinen – die Inszenierung von Shopping-Erlebnissen spielt gern mit dem visuellen Wow. Die Dimension Materials & Surfaces der EuroShop, the World’s No. 1 Retail Trade Fair, vom 26. Februar bis 02. März 2023 in Düsseldorf, ist Trendbörse und Inspiration für Store-Architekten, Ladenbauer und Kreative.

Veränderte Vorzeichen, innere Werte
Der Rahmen für den klassischen Einkaufsbummel hat sich verschoben, der andauernde Krisenmodus stellt das stationäre Shopping vor neue Aufgaben – und damit auch die Hersteller von Ladenbau-Werkstoffen. „Im Vergleich zu der Zeit vor Corona ist es heute nicht mehr nur das Ziel der Planer, die Kunden durch eine angenehme Atmosphäre möglichst lange zum Verweilen im Shop zu bringen, sondern sie durch eine gewisse Leichtigkeit und Einfachheit von den vielen Alltagssorgen abzulenken“, analysiert Klaus Monhoff, Leiter Dekor- und Designmanagement bei Egger Holzwerkstoffe. Lebendige Feelgood-Szenarios sind gefragt und geprägt von „Überraschung, Individualisierung, Kreativität, Erlebnis, Innovation, Sinnlichkeit, Komfort“, so Eleonora Zappanico, Marketing Operation Manager beim italienischen High-Tech-Textilspezialisten S.I. Srl. Allen Details, die die Sinne berühren, kommt wachsende Beachtung zu, auch eine samtig-schmeichelnde Oberfläche ist haptische Willkommensgeste und erhöht die Aufenthaltsqualität in einem Store.

Die funktionalen Eigenschaften nehmen allgemein an Bedeutung zu, es werden performante Alleskönner für reibungsarme Prozessabläufe gesucht: Robustheit für eine erhöhte Langlebigkeit, gut desinfizierbare, leicht zu reinigende und Antifingerprint-Oberflächen. Dekore und Werkstoffe sollen vielseitig einsetzbar und super miteinander kombinierbar sein, alles flexibel, schnell verfügbar und in größtmöglicher Vielfalt.

Während die „inneren Werte“ an Relevanz zunehmen, tritt die plakative Optik etwas in den Hintergrund zugunsten gemäßigterer Oberflächen. Hölzer haben nicht mehr die ganz markante, rustikale Maserung, reines Weiß wird seit Corona von gebrochenen Tönen und warmer Farbigkeit abgelöst, eine gewisse Reduktion beim Design ist allseits erkennbar, Harmonie gewinnt.

Vom Charme der Natur
Warme Holzoptiken, Beton-Look, Stein- und Mauerwerk-Verkleidungen an Wänden, Böden und den Ladenmöbeln – naturnahe, authentische Oberflächen passen nach wie vor ins Bild. Auffällig ist, dass typische Outdoor-Texturen zunehmend in die Innen- und Ladenräume wandern und die Grenzen zwischen Außen und Innen aufheben. „Farben und Materialien aus der Natur, die das Einkaufserlebnis bereichern, sind ein Trend, der im biophilen Design seinen maximalen Ausdruck findet“, so Francesco Maffei vom italienischen Fliesenhersteller Ceramiche Keope. Ein „Raw Earth Effect“ wurde bei Keope der Bodenfliesen-Serie ‚Geo‘ zugrunde gelegt: Fliesen mit Toneffekt, die die optische Unvollkommenheit von Erde in ihr – dabei sehr elegantes – Design übersetzen.

Bei imi surface design, Spezialist für originalgetreue Oberflächen wie z.B. Beton-, Rost-, Altholz- und Steinoptik für unterschiedliche Trägermaterialien, ist eine schöne helle Kalkstein-Optik als biegbare und versiegelte Variante neu im Programm. Mit herkömmlichem Tischlerwerkzeug zu verarbeiten, lassen sich damit Wände, Böden und selbst Möbelstücke in der eigentlich spröden, porösen Textur von Kalkstein gestalten, die dann aber eben nicht bröseln und bröckeln, sondern die im Ladenbau erforderliche Festigkeit und Strapazierfähigkeit aufweisen.

Neue Hölzer
Diversifizierung kennzeichnet die Holzoptiken. Bisher dominierten im Ladenbau die Klassiker Nuss und Eiche, nun sei die Zeit reif für neue Akzente, so David Lahnsteiner aus der Dekorentwicklung bei Kaindl, Hersteller von Dekor- und Schichtstoffverbundplatten und -Böden. „Schön, ausgewogen und elegant setzen die Nadelhölzer Abies, Polar Pine und Fichte neue Trends im Interior-Design.“ Beim Bestseller Eiche wird die Hell-Dunkel-Skala ausgebaut. „Die Dekorfamilie der Eiche Evoke zeigt schier grenzenlose Möglichkeiten im Bereich „Dark & Light“. Die fast schwarze "Infinity" greift den aktuellen Trend nach dunklen homogenen Holztönen auf, die helle jugendliche "Light“ mit ausgeprägten Farbkontrasten ist die perfekte Kombination zu vielen Uni-Farbtönen“, so Lahnsteiner.

Besonders authentisch wirken Naturoptiken auf Trägermaterialien durch eine dekorgleiche dreidimensionale Strukturprägung – die sog. Synchronprägung oder Synchronpore, die die Textur von Stein und Beton oder die charakteristische Maserung von Hölzern auch haptisch hervorhebt. Bei Egger Holzwerkstoffe hat man noch einen draufgesetzt und unter dem Namen ‚PerfectSense Feelwood‘ die Synchronporen-Oberflächen mit einem matten Lackfinish und Anti-Fingerprint-Eigenschaft veredelt – auf einem emissionsarmen Holzwerkstoffträger mit Recyclinganteil.

Design 4.0
Helles Holz an Betonoptik, Marmoreffekte neben hochglänzendem Farblack, derber Bruchstein kombiniert mit changierendem Acrylglas oder auch Spiegelrelief – in unüblichen Materialkontrasten, die die Sehgewohnheiten überraschen, liegt Innovationspotenzial. „Dass die Designs Aufmerksamkeit erregen, jedoch nicht vom Produkt ablenken, und etwas Besonderes sind, das man nicht überall sieht, das sind die Herausforderungen für Store-Architekten“, so Julian Theisen, Geschäftsführer bei Sibu Design, österreichischer Spezialist für Design-Paneele. Lebendige Oberflächen der Design-Panels, Reliefs und Strukturen, samtig-matte Oberflächen sind bei Sibu Design im Fokus. Auch „Spiegeloberflächen in den verschiedensten Farben, glatt bis grob strukturiert, sind nach wie vor sehr gefragt. Besonders oft stellen wir die genauen Farben des Corporate Designs nach; von der Spiegel- bis zur Stoffoberfläche. Auch der Anteil an gedruckten und gestanzten Logos steigt an“, ergänzt Theisen. – Customizing, einzigartige Details, die sich abheben, individuell konfektionierte Elemente gewinnen an Bedeutung.

Fundstücke aus der Manufaktur
Store-Design im gehobenen Level greift verstärkt auf (kunst)handwerklich Gefertigtes aus Manufaktur-Betrieben zu, um sich gegenüber Wettbewerbern, Mainstream und Discount zu profilieren. Auch diesbezüglich wird man auf der EuroShop 2023 reichlich fündig. Etwa bei der Glashütte Lamberts aus Waldsassen. Die Faszination mundgeblasener farbiger Flachgläser, die zunächst in der hochwertigen Architektur, internationalen Hotels und bei Luxusmarken Anwendung fanden, haben inzwischen auch die Gastro-Szene, Bäckereien und Handelshäuser für sich entdeckt. Sie kommen für Vitrinen, Glasgestaltung für Trennwände und hinterleuchtete Wandverkleidungen, Deckenverglasungen (Kuppelverglasungen, etc.) und Design-Leuchten, Tresen, Möbel, Tische, Fassaden und Fenster zum Einsatz.

Auch die Zahna-Fliesen GmbH ist so ein Manufaktur-Betrieb, der in Handarbeit mehrfarbige unglasierte Fliesen nach historischem Vorbild in Kleinserien herstellt. Oder auch das portugiesische Pendant Viúva Lamego, das neben industrieller Stückzahl-Fertigung auch die portugiesische Tradition der handbemalten Taylor-made-Fliesen lebendig hält. Durch Kollaborationen mit internationalen Künstlern und Architekten werden neue Einsatzgebiete ausgelotet und z.B. Wandfreskos aus Fliesen – modern bis retro – für Gasträume realisiert.

Auch die filigranen High-Tech-Vorhänge und Raumteiler aus Textil oder Kettengliedern von Herstellern wie i-mesh oder Kriskadecor seien hier erwähnt. Deren semitransparente Szenografie dient in Store-Konzepten hochkarätiger Marken wie Dior, Natuzzi und den niederländischen Luxus-Warenhäusern von de Bijenkorf als Struktur- und Design-Element.

Flexibel, digital und crossmedial
Flexibilität ist auch bei Material-Anbietern zum zentralen Stichwort geworden. Digitalisierung und Technologie-Einsatz erfordern von Läden flexiblere, wandelbare Einrichtungskonzepte und mehr Eventcharakter, Ladenräume werden häufig als dynamische, multifunktionale und vielseitig nutzbare Umgebungen konzipiert. Daher sind Lösungen gefragt, die einen schnellen Umbau erlauben. Sibu Design etwa bietet Dekorplatten mit Magnetrücken, die perfekt geeignet sind, um mit wenigen Handgriffen umzudekorieren und ein frisches Ambiente zu erzeugen.

Auch ein Fotoboden – fotorealistisch bedruckbarer Vinyboden von visuals united – wird nicht mehr nur als „Kundenstopper“ und temporäre Werbefläche am POS eingesetzt, berichtet Silke Hüsgen von der visuals united AG. „Mutige Kunden nutzen ein kreatives Design auf einem Fotoboden in Kombination von Augmented-Reality-Content, um die analoge Welt am POS mit der digitalen zu kombinieren“, so Silke Hüsgen von der visuals united AG. Denn: „Die letzten Jahre haben die Welt auf den Kopf gestellt. Nicht nur die Pandemie, auch die Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Kriegs erfordern neue bzw. andere Produktions-, Kommunikations- und Vertriebswege. Vom Retail fordert diese Situation zukunftsweisende Lösungen in den Bereichen ‚Nachhaltigkeit‘ und einen ‚crossmedialen POS‘.“

Recycling-Design auf grünen Wegen
Ausnahmslos alle Hersteller von Fliesen, Holz- und Verbundwerkstoffen, Dekorpaneelen und Sonderprodukten für den Ladenbau haben es auf dem Schirm: Die aktuell größte Herausforderung ist, ressourcenschonende Prozesse und nachhaltige Produkte und mittelfristig den Umbau zu geschlossenen Material- und Produktionskreisläufen anzustoßen und damit tragfähige Zukunftsperspektiven für den Ladenbau zu entwickeln, der von Wechsel und Veränderung lebt und damit nicht ganz optimal zu Nachhaltigkeit und Zirkulärwirtschaft passt. Sollte man meinen. „Würden wir ganz anders betrachten, denn unter dem Nachhaltigkeits-Aspekt müsste die beschichtete Spanplatte eigentlich einen Umwelt-Nobelpreis bekommen“, räumt Klaus Monhoff von Egger Holzwerkstoffe ein. „Begonnen bei der Herstellung, bei der schon ein hoher Anteil Recyclingholz eingesetzt wird, kann die Platte nach der Verwendung zum Ende des Lebenszyklus auch wieder zu 100 Prozent recycelt werden und bleibt also komplett im eigenen Umweltkreislauf.“

Eine Reihe marktfähiger ‚Win-win-Lösungen‘, die die Anforderungen an Umweltverträglichkeit mit den qualitativen Anforderungen von Store-Architekten zusammenbringen, präsentiert Bencore, italienischer Hersteller von Verbundplatten und Mitglied des Green Buiding Councils Italia, dem dortigen Verband für nachhaltiges Bauen. Darunter ‚Wasbottle‘, ein Kunststoff aus recycelten Kunststoffflocken, der gemeinsam mit Autogrill entwickelt wurde, um den anfallenden Abfall des Travelfood-Unternehmens wiederzuverwerten. Das Schmelzen und Verpressen der bunten Flocken kreiert eine ganz eigene Recycling-Ästhetik in fröhlich bunter Terrazzo-ähnlicher Anmutung, die sich sehen lassen kann. Kommentar Bencore: „Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass die Herstellung von recycelten und recycelbaren Produkten ein Muss für Marken und Lieferanten sein sollte.“


EuroShop Messe Düsseldorf

Grafik Groz-Beckert

Groz-Beckert at India ITME 2022

The 11th India ITME will take place from December 8.– 13., 2022, in Noida, India. Over 1,800 exhibitors and more than 150,000 trade visitors from the textile and apparel industry from all over the world are expected. Groz-Beckert will be presenting innovations from its various product areas..

India ITME takes place every four years and is the ideal technology platform for forward-looking innovations in the textile world. At the 11th edition of India ITME, exhibitors will be presenting their highlights from research and development across 15 halls.

The Knitting Product Division will be presenting several new products at India ITME: Among them the SAN™ SF staple fiber needle and the SNK SF staple fiber sinker, which are specially designed for use on large circular knitting machines. The division will also be exhibiting the SAN™ TT for application-related use in the field of technical textiles for flat knitting machines, as well as a needle which enables the advance into new dimensions of gauge in the flat knitting sector.

The 11th India ITME will take place from December 8.– 13., 2022, in Noida, India. Over 1,800 exhibitors and more than 150,000 trade visitors from the textile and apparel industry from all over the world are expected. Groz-Beckert will be presenting innovations from its various product areas..

India ITME takes place every four years and is the ideal technology platform for forward-looking innovations in the textile world. At the 11th edition of India ITME, exhibitors will be presenting their highlights from research and development across 15 halls.

The Knitting Product Division will be presenting several new products at India ITME: Among them the SAN™ SF staple fiber needle and the SNK SF staple fiber sinker, which are specially designed for use on large circular knitting machines. The division will also be exhibiting the SAN™ TT for application-related use in the field of technical textiles for flat knitting machines, as well as a needle which enables the advance into new dimensions of gauge in the flat knitting sector.

Groz-Beckert will also be demonstrating its competence as a system supplier in the field of warp knitting at the India ITME. The warp knitting machine needles and system parts from Groz-Beckert are precisely matched to one another and achieve a uniform and flawless warp knitting process.

With the WarpMasterPlus and the KnotMaster, the Weaving product division presents the latest generation of drawing-in and knotting machines from Groz-Beckert. They are particularly distinguished by their ease of operation and flexibility.

The product area Felting (Nonwovens) presents its product and service highlights for the nonwovens industry. These include the HyTec P jet strip for spunlace customers as well as the GEBECON felting needle, the dur needle, EcoStar felting needle and the Groz-Beckert customer product. The HyTec P-nozzle strip is characterized by improved handling and higher hardness. The patented GEBECON felting needle offers an improved surface finish and optimized breakage bending properties.

The Carding product area will present its further developments for the spinning industry. These include the new stationary flat series, the TV56 revolving top and the cylinder wire set with special tooth geometry. The new stationary flat series is characterized by an innovative tooth geometry and a new type of tooth distribution. The new TV56  revolving top with its new setting pattern and 560 points per square inch is particularly easy to clean. The improved cylinder wire convinces with its special and patented tooth shape, which has a positive effect on the maintenance effort. This makes it particularly suitable for quality-oriented cotton spinning mills producing high-quality yarns. Visitors can also look forward to the new InLine card clothing series for the nonwovens sector.

In the Sewing exhibition area, the focus is on technical textiles – in particular the manufacture of car seats. The answer to the high demands of sewing car seats is the special application needle SAN® 5.2 from Groz-Beckert. The special geometry gives it sufficient stability. The double groove at the point improves thread guidance and leads to a uniform seam pattern, especially in multidirectional sewing processes. The scarf chamfer on both sides of the needle prevent skipped stitches and optimize loop formation. The wear protection is increased by the titanium nitride coating GEBEDUR. In addition, the quality management INH will be exhibited and the functions and contents of the customer portal will be presented.

More information:
India ITME Groz-Beckert

Groz-Beckert KG

Photo munichfabricstart

300 Pre-Collections at VIEW Premium Selection

First insights, first new materials and trend highlights: On 29 and 30 November 2022, the European premium fabric sector will meet for an important exchange with international producers at VIEW in Munich to find out about the first colour and material trends for spring/summer 2024 at the earliest possible time. A selected range of around 300 pre-collections will be on show at the MVG Museum. This means that VIEW will once again be strong and business-relevant this season.

First insights, first new materials and trend highlights: On 29 and 30 November 2022, the European premium fabric sector will meet for an important exchange with international producers at VIEW in Munich to find out about the first colour and material trends for spring/summer 2024 at the earliest possible time. A selected range of around 300 pre-collections will be on show at the MVG Museum. This means that VIEW will once again be strong and business-relevant this season.

The past VIEW Premium Selection in June 2022 was a great success. Completely booked out and more international than ever, the Preview Textile Show of Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH was an important contact point for the buying and design teams of companies such as Akris, Baldessarini, Bogner, Calvin Klein, Cinque, Comma, Drykorn, Escada, Hugo Boss, Lala Berlin, Lagerfeld, Laurél, MAC, Marc Cain, Marc O'Polo, Riani, Schumacher or Strellson. The trend towards an increasingly international range continues in November. Numerous buyers, designers and product managers from European ready-to-wear manufacturers are expected in Munich the week after next, looking for new material innovations and trends at VIEW and the parallel ISPO.

International exhibitor portfolio with many new names
Material influences from Europe to Asia bring a highly exciting mix for the trend research of the new collections. Exhibitors from Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Germany, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain and Turkey are among the participants.

The newcomers and returnees include, in addition to others:

More information:
VIEW Premium Selection F/S 2024


(c) ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei

Asahi Kasei Group celebrates 100 years at ISPO Munich 2022

The Japanese textile brand ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance continues its eco-high tech path and joins ISPO, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, as part of an Asahi Kasei space within the ISPO Brandnew area, presenting its AW 2024/2025 & SS2024 collections, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

2022 is a special time for Asahi Kasei as it celebrates its 100th anniversary. This year at ISPO Munich (28-30th November), Asahi Kasei Group present its innovation world featuring three of its brands: ECOSENSOR™, ROICA™ and RespiGard™.
ECOSENSOR™ presents 47 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 3 items for INNERWEAR, 1 for OUTERWEAR, 13 for SPORT KNIT and 30 for SPORT WOVENS.

The Japanese textile brand ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance continues its eco-high tech path and joins ISPO, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, as part of an Asahi Kasei space within the ISPO Brandnew area, presenting its AW 2024/2025 & SS2024 collections, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

2022 is a special time for Asahi Kasei as it celebrates its 100th anniversary. This year at ISPO Munich (28-30th November), Asahi Kasei Group present its innovation world featuring three of its brands: ECOSENSOR™, ROICA™ and RespiGard™.
ECOSENSOR™ presents 47 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 3 items for INNERWEAR, 1 for OUTERWEAR, 13 for SPORT KNIT and 30 for SPORT WOVENS.

New this season is the application of the RespiGard™ by Polypore unique membrane designed for outdoor apparel. Its innovative pore structure is too small for water droplets to penetrate but features high porosity that allows for airflow and moisture evaporation.

In order to show at best the performances and possible applications of the fabrics made with RespiGard™, ECOSENSOR™ will feature at its ISPO space an ad hoc created outfit by the outerwear brand.

Furthermore, the majority of ECOSENSOR™ fabrics are made with sustainable ingredients which are certified by international certifications such as GRS and RCS through a traceable and transparent production process and supply chain.  100% of the stretch articles (representing 35% of the collection) are made with ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, the recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer materials. Even the dyeing and finishing phases - key moments for performancewear - have been certified by international labels such as bluesign® or OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.


ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S..

comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x Bild Freudenberg
comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x

Freudenberg presents sustainable product innovations at ISPO 2022

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) as a leading specialist in woven, knitted and non-woven interlinings and thermal insulation, presents sustainable solutions for sportswear and related product segments of all kinds in Munich.

Trade show visitors will experience a wide range of innovative and sustainable interlinings for active sports outfits, stretch interlinings for yoga wear, Pilates & Co, and thermal insulations that combine perfect outdoor wearing comfort with high warmth retention. With comfortemp® brand thermal insulations and the Active Range, Freudenberg presents a complete package for outdoor and sportswear for winter sports: thermal insulations, interlinings, tapes, lining fabrics and adhesive solutions.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) as a leading specialist in woven, knitted and non-woven interlinings and thermal insulation, presents sustainable solutions for sportswear and related product segments of all kinds in Munich.

Trade show visitors will experience a wide range of innovative and sustainable interlinings for active sports outfits, stretch interlinings for yoga wear, Pilates & Co, and thermal insulations that combine perfect outdoor wearing comfort with high warmth retention. With comfortemp® brand thermal insulations and the Active Range, Freudenberg presents a complete package for outdoor and sportswear for winter sports: thermal insulations, interlinings, tapes, lining fabrics and adhesive solutions.

The independent jury has nominated the 100 percent biodegradable thermal insulation comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x, made from Lyocell regenerated fibers, for the Textrends Award fall/winter 2024/25 season. The award is given exclusively to innovative products that are groundbreaking for the development of the textile industry. comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x has a variety of extraordinary performance characteristics as a high warmth retention, bacteria inhibiting and fast drying, furthermore water repellent. High wearing comfort and the assurance of a perfect moisture balance characterize the volume fleece as ideal for the application in sportswear.

Freudenberg is presenting its entire European and global product portfolio from its "House of Sustainability" at ISPO. The "House of Sustainability" supports Freudenberg in minimizing its ecological footprint and maximizing its ecological handprint. For this purpose, the company's own manufacturing processes are designed to minimize the impact on the environment. In addition, products are developed to help customers produce more sustainably.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG


The curtain lifts on JEC World 2023

Well-known as the “Festival of composites” each year in Paris, JEC World is the event dedicated to composite materials, their manufacturing technologies and application markets. It will take place in Paris Nord Villepinte from April 25th to 27th, 2023, giving once again the opportunity for professionals to meet with the worldwide composites industry.

Six months prior to the show, the program of the 2023 edition starts to unveil.

For 2023, JEC World is preparing a wide program of conferences and expert panels discussions focusing largely on sustainability and key challenges of our industry and application sectors. In aerospace, construction, ground transportation, health, design, energy (…): sustainable initiatives and greener mindsets are taking over the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

Well-known as the “Festival of composites” each year in Paris, JEC World is the event dedicated to composite materials, their manufacturing technologies and application markets. It will take place in Paris Nord Villepinte from April 25th to 27th, 2023, giving once again the opportunity for professionals to meet with the worldwide composites industry.

Six months prior to the show, the program of the 2023 edition starts to unveil.

For 2023, JEC World is preparing a wide program of conferences and expert panels discussions focusing largely on sustainability and key challenges of our industry and application sectors. In aerospace, construction, ground transportation, health, design, energy (…): sustainable initiatives and greener mindsets are taking over the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

The JEC Composites Innovation Awards
For 25 years, through the JEC Composites Innovation Awards, JEC Group has rewarded cutting-edge, creative projects which demonstrate the full potential of composite materials. Highly recognised worldwide, they offer the winners and their partners international recognition, a greater exposure during the JEC World show and throughout the following year, new business opportunities as well as an enhanced customer trust.
All companies, R&D centres and their partners can apply before December 16th, and the winners will be revealed during the ceremony, on March 2nd in Paris.

The JEC Composites Startup Booster, the leading startup competition in the world of composites and advanced materials comes back for a sixth edition. All entrepreneurs, SMEs, startups and academic spinoffs building innovative composites projects who want to get international visibility and grow their business with key players of the composites industry & OEMs are already signing up.

Following the call for entries (deadline January 15th, 2023), 20 startups will be selected by JEC Group and its partners Airbus and Mercedes-Benz. Out of the 20 finalists, 3 winners will be selected during the pitching sessions of the show: one in the “Materials & Products” category, one in the “Process, Manufacturing & Equipment” category and a special “Sustainability” award.

More information:
JEC World Composites Startup Award

JEC Group

Photo: Reifenhäuser

Reifenhäuser Extrusion Systems and maku AG cooperate

  • Strategic partnership for automation system in the field of slot dies and coextrusion adapters

Reifenhäuser Extrusion Systems (RES) - the Reifenhäuser Group's business unit specializing in extrusion components - announces a strategic partnership with maku AG at K 2022, the world's largest plastics trade fair. The aim of the cooperation is the joint marketing and further development of the automation system designed by maku for coextrusion adapters and slot dies.

  • Strategic partnership for automation system in the field of slot dies and coextrusion adapters

Reifenhäuser Extrusion Systems (RES) - the Reifenhäuser Group's business unit specializing in extrusion components - announces a strategic partnership with maku AG at K 2022, the world's largest plastics trade fair. The aim of the cooperation is the joint marketing and further development of the automation system designed by maku for coextrusion adapters and slot dies.

The so-called PAM system (precise, autonomous, mechatronic) is available immediately and exclusively as an automation option for new Reifenhäuser dies and adapters, as well as for aftermarket dies across all manufacturers. PAM enables producers in the field of flat film and sheet production as well as extrusion coating to precisely control the entire hot part (coextrusion adapter and die) via the line's control panel. This is significantly faster and more accurate than conventional control by hand or expansion bolt automation. It enables faster start-up of good production, higher output with lower energy consumption, and thus significantly improved overall equipment efficiency (OEE). The decisive advantage lies in the use of motorized manual adjustment bolts that replace conventional thermal expansion bolts. Reifenhäuser presented the system for the first time at the K 2022.


Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik

(c) Tonello

Tonello presents Laundry (R)Evolution at Kingpins

Tonello will be unveiling the release of their new, more efficient and more responsible Laundry (R)Evolution, including three tools, at Kingpins Show in Amsterdam, from October 19-20.

The new Configurator allows clients to choose the technologies, software, and accessories for their next laundry, combining diverse solutions and thus obtaining a real projection of energy and resource consumption, as well as savings and sustainability benefits.

B.O.P. (Be On Point)
The seamless integration with THE Laser, B.O.P. is based on the most recent developments in Computer Vision It makes positioning laser designs on garments automatic and rapid It allows a choice of different production modes and detects up to 8 garments at the same time.

Metro is a software that automatically and transparently measures the actual consumption of a laundry, summarizing these figures in each garment’s “environmental passport”.

Tonello will be unveiling the release of their new, more efficient and more responsible Laundry (R)Evolution, including three tools, at Kingpins Show in Amsterdam, from October 19-20.

The new Configurator allows clients to choose the technologies, software, and accessories for their next laundry, combining diverse solutions and thus obtaining a real projection of energy and resource consumption, as well as savings and sustainability benefits.

B.O.P. (Be On Point)
The seamless integration with THE Laser, B.O.P. is based on the most recent developments in Computer Vision It makes positioning laser designs on garments automatic and rapid It allows a choice of different production modes and detects up to 8 garments at the same time.

Metro is a software that automatically and transparently measures the actual consumption of a laundry, summarizing these figures in each garment’s “environmental passport”.

At the show, Tonello will also demonstrate their technologies by washing the MSP Collection, in collaboration with PVH Europe, Kingpins, and designed by Piero Turk.



(c) JEC Group

JEC Forum DACH reveals the Startup Booster Finalists

JEC Forum DACH‘s primary goal is to promote the DACH region’s dynamic composites ecosystem. Besides an extensive program of business meetings and conferences, innovation will have a special place in Augsburg from November 29 to 30, 2022 as attendees will have the opportunity to witness the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the AVK Awards. Winners of both competitions will be announced during a dedicated ceremony on November 29th.

The five finalists are:

BioWerkz: Closing the Loops
At BioWerkz a new bio-based, resource-efficient, and CO2-negative material called “NEWood” is developed,  using only wood waste and agricultural waste bound using fungal mycelium; the root network of mushrooms as a natural binder without the need for any synthetic binders.

Bufo Technology – HARDCORK: High-Performance Biobased Composite – Superior by nature
Bufo Technology has developed the high-performance composite material HARDCORK® made from cork, fibers and a thermosetting matrix. HARDCORK® can be manufactured as a core material, sandwich panel or complex molded part.

JEC Forum DACH‘s primary goal is to promote the DACH region’s dynamic composites ecosystem. Besides an extensive program of business meetings and conferences, innovation will have a special place in Augsburg from November 29 to 30, 2022 as attendees will have the opportunity to witness the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the AVK Awards. Winners of both competitions will be announced during a dedicated ceremony on November 29th.

The five finalists are:

BioWerkz: Closing the Loops
At BioWerkz a new bio-based, resource-efficient, and CO2-negative material called “NEWood” is developed,  using only wood waste and agricultural waste bound using fungal mycelium; the root network of mushrooms as a natural binder without the need for any synthetic binders.

Bufo Technology – HARDCORK: High-Performance Biobased Composite – Superior by nature
Bufo Technology has developed the high-performance composite material HARDCORK® made from cork, fibers and a thermosetting matrix. HARDCORK® can be manufactured as a core material, sandwich panel or complex molded part.

Cavicore: Water soluble salt cores for the production of hollow carbon fiber parts
CAVICORE produces ready-to-use water soluble cores for the realization of hollow composite parts. Their “lost cores” have the advantage of being temperature-resistant, stable as well as eco-friendly and recyclable, as they consist of pure salts without binders.

Composite Recycling: Closing the loop on Composite Materials
Composite Recycling has developed a highly energy efficient and sustainable process to separate the resin from the fibres. With the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the team has designed a post-treatment to clean the fibres and make them reusable in new composites, closing the loop.

Microwave Solutions GmbH: Imagineering a sustainable future
Agile and modular microwave plasma and selective depolymerization technology for molecular recycling, fiber recovery and nanomaterial creation.


EURATEX and ATP: 10th European Textile & Apparel Convention in Porto

On 13-14 October, EURATEX in partnership with ATP is organising the 10th European Textile & Apparel Convention in Porto, Portugal; the convention marks also the 24th Textile Industry Forum for Portugal.

The Porto Convention – titled Sustainability meets Competitiveness: How to Square the Circle? – will look at how companies can anticipate the new European regulatory framework, embrace innovation, and develop a business model where sustainability becomes a source of competitiveness and growth. In the current economic, social and political environment, Europe is facing many challenges: increased energy prices, unforeseen inflation and climate change, which add to the day-to-day challenges of running a business. Embracing the European Union’s commitment to a green and digital transformation, the textile industry needs to also move towards a new circular economy where recycling is at the core of the design process supported by digitalisation, innovation and new skills, and creativity. The conference will address explore solutions to turn quality and sustainability into a source of competitiveness.

On 13-14 October, EURATEX in partnership with ATP is organising the 10th European Textile & Apparel Convention in Porto, Portugal; the convention marks also the 24th Textile Industry Forum for Portugal.

The Porto Convention – titled Sustainability meets Competitiveness: How to Square the Circle? – will look at how companies can anticipate the new European regulatory framework, embrace innovation, and develop a business model where sustainability becomes a source of competitiveness and growth. In the current economic, social and political environment, Europe is facing many challenges: increased energy prices, unforeseen inflation and climate change, which add to the day-to-day challenges of running a business. Embracing the European Union’s commitment to a green and digital transformation, the textile industry needs to also move towards a new circular economy where recycling is at the core of the design process supported by digitalisation, innovation and new skills, and creativity. The conference will address explore solutions to turn quality and sustainability into a source of competitiveness.

The Porto Convention will see representatives of national and European institutions, experts from the industry and like-minded entrepreneurs come together to discuss ideas, share experiences and find solutions to face common challenges.



(c) Eli Magaziner

Kornit Digital, Cozmo and Raw-Edges present sofa with custom designs

Kornit Digital is collaborating with furniture start-up Cozmo and London design studio Raw-Edges to showcase the unlimited creativity made possible by digitally produced custom sofa jacket designs at the London Design Festival, September 17th -25th. Dubbed “Cheek Prints,” the collection was created sustainably, quickly, and on-demand with Kornit’s digital fashion and textile production solutions. Each unique cover features visually designs intended to transform plain, standard sofas into custom creations with an entirely fresh look and feel. The collection was designed by Raw-Edges at their London design studio.

Kornit Digital is collaborating with furniture start-up Cozmo and London design studio Raw-Edges to showcase the unlimited creativity made possible by digitally produced custom sofa jacket designs at the London Design Festival, September 17th -25th. Dubbed “Cheek Prints,” the collection was created sustainably, quickly, and on-demand with Kornit’s digital fashion and textile production solutions. Each unique cover features visually designs intended to transform plain, standard sofas into custom creations with an entirely fresh look and feel. The collection was designed by Raw-Edges at their London design studio.

The sofa collection was produced using Kornit’s Presto direct-to-fabric digital production system. With the on-demand technology, designers can easily and rapidly embrace new possibilities to transform mere concepts into custom fabrics. Digital production removes typical limitations of one fabric, one design at a time – whether it’s a single sofa or many sofas – and at the same cost. For industries ranging from fashion and home décor to other advanced textile applications, the Kornit solution consistently unlocks unlimited creativity – producing garments and fabrics with a high quality and a soft feel.


Kornit / Pr4u

(c) Fraunhofer CCPE

Fraunhofer CCPE on the way to an international circular plastics economy

More than 350 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year, and vast amounts of plastic waste simply end up in the environment. The circular economy offers enormous potential for keeping plastics in the loop and thus conserving resources and the environment. Since 2018, six Fraunhofer institutes in the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster have been researching how to make the plastics value chain circular, and Prof. Manfred Renner has been the new head of the cluster since August 2022. Research results, implementation projects and strategies to accelerate the transformation to a circular plastics economy will be presented by Fraunhofer CCPE at the first international Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich.

More than 350 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year, and vast amounts of plastic waste simply end up in the environment. The circular economy offers enormous potential for keeping plastics in the loop and thus conserving resources and the environment. Since 2018, six Fraunhofer institutes in the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster have been researching how to make the plastics value chain circular, and Prof. Manfred Renner has been the new head of the cluster since August 2022. Research results, implementation projects and strategies to accelerate the transformation to a circular plastics economy will be presented by Fraunhofer CCPE at the first international Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich.

In a circular plastics economy, resources can be saved, products can be intelligently designed for long service life, and end-of-life losses can be reduced. Systemic, technical and social innovations are needed to make the transition from a linear to a circular economy a success. This is what the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE is researching in the three divisions “Materials”, “Systems” and “Business”. The cooperation of the six Fraunhofer institutes IAP, ICT, IML, IVV, LBF and UMSICHT enables a multi-stakeholder approach in which the appropriate R&D competencies are bundled.

Fraunhofer CCPE would like to present and discuss successful projects and research approaches on an international scale at the Fraunhofer CCPE Summit on February 8 and 9, 2023 in Munich. The summit is to become an international forum for exchanging ideas for solutions and innovations for a circular plastics economy.

Cross-industry collaboration - local, regional and international
Since August 2022, Prof. Manfred Renner, Institute Director of Fraunhofer UMSICHT, is the new head of Fraunhofer CCPE. He succeeds Prof. Eckhard Weidner, who has retired. “Cross-industry cooperation - very local, but also regional and international - is the elementary prerequisite for a functioning circular plastics economy. At the summit, players from all points of the compass will meet and network in order to rethink the plastics value chain together," explains Prof. Manfred Renner, adding, “We want to provide answers to the following questions:  How can we make all Circular Economy principles, i.e. the ten R-strategies, known? How can industry, science and society best cooperate in a transformation to a circular plastics economy for the greatest possible impact?”

Results of the Fraunhofer CCPE cluster so far are innovative approaches for circular business models, intelligent collection, sorting, and recycling technologies, but also new formulations for circular polymers and compounds to enable multiple recycling cycles. With the newly developed assessment tool CRL® , companies can, for example, self-assess the maturity of products or product systems with regard to the circular economy. The tool checks the extent to which a product already takes into account circular economy principles in the areas of product design, product service system, end-of-life management and circular economy, and where there is still potential for improvement.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT


GFA launches new international edition of Global Fashion Summit in Singapore

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has launched a new international edition of Global Fashion Summit. Traditionally held in Copenhagen, the new edition in Singapore will further focus on the perspectives of manufacturers and supply chain partners to deeper understand how the industry can collaborate to reduce social and environmental impact in the entire value chain. Global Fashion Summit: Singapore Edition will take place on 3 November 2022 at Hilton Singapore Orchard.

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has launched a new international edition of Global Fashion Summit. Traditionally held in Copenhagen, the new edition in Singapore will further focus on the perspectives of manufacturers and supply chain partners to deeper understand how the industry can collaborate to reduce social and environmental impact in the entire value chain. Global Fashion Summit: Singapore Edition will take place on 3 November 2022 at Hilton Singapore Orchard.

The theme of Global Fashion Summit: Singapore Edition continues GFA’s focus on ‘Alliances For a New Era’. Under this theme, the Summit will call on the industry to accelerate change - encouraging more alliances between manufacturers, suppliers, investors, brands, NGOs, policymakers and more. It will also examine cross-industry alliances, in a bid to accelerate the transition to a net positive reality.
By bringing the forum to Asia, the new edition will include even more manufacturer and supply chain partner voices in the programme to discuss sustainability challenges, differences, and opportunities to collaborate with brand executives on equal terms. Plenary sessions will consider topics such as:

  • Renewable energy transformation – what does concrete transformation look like from tier 1-3 perspectives and what measures are needed to implement it?
  • Better wage systems – how can the industry establish fair compensation, underpinned by fair purchasing practices that will help end poverty for millions of garment workers?
  • Performance measurement – how can the industry accurately measure sustainability performance and tackle data credibility challenges?

Half of the programme will be dedicated to educational and action-oriented business case studies with options for direct interaction and live reactions. These will include tangible learnings and concrete recommendations to mobilise guests to take immediate action following the event.
The event will foster further collaboration across stakeholder groups through productive roundtable sessions that create an exchange of views among key decision makers in both the public and private sectors. These meetings will be designed and set up to drive commitments and new alliances for concrete action.


Global Fashion Agenda

(c) Shima Seiki

SHIMA SEIKI to Exhibit at CAITME 2022

Leading computerized knitting machine manufacturer SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Turkish sales representative TETAS A.S., will participate in the CAITME 2022 Central Asian International Textile Machinery Exhibition in Tashkent, Uzbekistan next month.

This is the first time SHIMA SEIKI products are shown at the exhibition. Uzbekistan has been keen to convert its industry from raw material supplier to garment exporter, and therefore its market offers new opportunities for development and implementation of new technology.

Leading computerized knitting machine manufacturer SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Turkish sales representative TETAS A.S., will participate in the CAITME 2022 Central Asian International Textile Machinery Exhibition in Tashkent, Uzbekistan next month.

This is the first time SHIMA SEIKI products are shown at the exhibition. Uzbekistan has been keen to convert its industry from raw material supplier to garment exporter, and therefore its market offers new opportunities for development and implementation of new technology.

To that end, SHIMA SEIKI will exhibit its WHOLEGARMENT® knitting technology that can knit an entire garment and requires no post-process sewing. On display will be the MACH2VS WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine. The flexible and versatile MACH2VS is capable of knitting a range of production styles. As a conventional shaping machine, it is capable of all-needle knitting in its available range of 8 to 18 gauge, while WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear can be produced in half-gauge fabrics. The range of usable yarn and material has increased as well, thanks to i-DSCS+DTC® as standard equipment. The R2CARRIAGE® system that yields quicker carriage returns for greater efficiency, now features a lighter carriage for even higher productivity. MACH2VS is even capable of gaugeless knitting whereby a number of different gauges can be knit into a single garment.

Meanwhile the N.SSR112 computerized flat knitting machine offers leading technology in an economical yet reliable package. Featuring industry-leading innovations such as the R2CARRIAGE®, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser and takedown comb, Made-in-Japan quality, reliability, productivity, user-friendliness and cost-performance combine to satisfy the high expectations of the world's fashion industry.

Demonstrations will be performed on SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 design system. At the core of the company’s "Total Fashion System" concept, SDS®-ONE APEX4 provides comprehensive support throughout the production supply chain, integrating production into one smooth and efficient workflow from yarn development, product planning and design, to production and even sales promotion. Especially effective is the way SDS®-ONE APEX4 improves on the design evaluation process with its ultra-realistic simulation capability, whereby virtual samples replace physical sampling, consequently reducing time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. Digital prototyping using virtual samples on SDS®-ONE APEX4 help to digitally transform the fashion supply chain for realizing sustainable manufacturing

Beaulieu International Group

BIG at EuroGeo7 with geotextile fibres & woven fabrics

Beaulieu International Group invites EuroGeo7 attendees to discover geotextile solutions promoting greater sustainability for future civil engineering projects. Specialists from Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) and Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) will present high-performance geosynthetics through high tenacity fibres for lightweight, nonwoven geotextiles, and a range of high durability woven geotextile solutions with an environmentally beneficial impact.

Beaulieu International Group invites EuroGeo7 attendees to discover geotextile solutions promoting greater sustainability for future civil engineering projects. Specialists from Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) and Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) will present high-performance geosynthetics through high tenacity fibres for lightweight, nonwoven geotextiles, and a range of high durability woven geotextile solutions with an environmentally beneficial impact.

“We are delighted to sponsor EuroGeo7 and to be finally on-site, following a two-year postponement of the event. EuroGeo7 is bringing the geotextile community together to further promote and develop geosynthetics in a fast changing global economy striving for growth while reducing its carbon footprint along the supply chain, " comment from Jefrem Jennard, Sales Director Fibres, and Roy Kerckhove, Sales Director Technical Textiles. “Geotextiles provide highly versatile, durable and natural resource-saving alternatives in large infrastructure works, and offer durable protection in erosion control and waste/water management projects. We are continuously developing our fibres and finished engineering textiles with proven sustainability-enhancing benefits to progress product development and customer sustainability goals on fossil carbon reduction, while taking concrete steps to reduce our own environmental footprint.”
Sustainability improvement is key to the long-term strategy of Beaulieu International Group, and it is committed to supporting the geotextile industry by targeting and accelerating change and communicating the sustainable performance of its products. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are integrated into its business and are the foundations of the new Route 2030 Sustainability Roadmap.

For manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, BFI’s high-tenacity HT8 staple fibres enable customers to achieve nonwovens with high mechanical performance at reduced fibre weight. The HT8 high tenacity fibres are designed in a way that customers can meet the industry durability standards for a longer service lifetime, supporting more sustainable design and resource reduction over time. BTT’s woven geotextiles are amongst the most sustainable in the industry and provide a wide range of functions, including separation, filtration, reinforcement and erosion control.

BFI and BTT have conducted lifecycle assessments to calculate their activities' carbon footprint and solutions and have received external recognition for their ongoing sustainability efforts. For example, in 2022, BFI was awarded a Silver EcoVadis sustainability rating, and BFI and BTT are proud recipients of the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship 2022.


Beaulieu International Group


imm cologne’s new story: Spring Edition in June 2023, no trade fair in January

For 2023, imm cologne is adapting its concept. The trade fair has been given a new schedule, which will see the international Interior Business Event host a new, one-off spring edition in 2023. The dates have been chosen in close consultation with its market partners.

“Today the imm cologne advisory board gave the concept proposed by Koelnmesse for the imm spring edition in June 2023 the green light unanimously. Our thanks go to the advisory board and in particular to the German industry, the retail sector and the purchasing associations for their support. This concept will ensure that imm cologne can take place again after a two-year break. The industry has given its backing to a strong interior design trade fair in Germany, the biggest market in Europe,” says Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. “I firmly believe in face-to-face exchanges. In my view, they are immensely important for the industry’s development, especially in challenging times. The sector needs an in-person platform in Germany, an event with international appeal and a strong communication reach like imm cologne,” he adds.

For 2023, imm cologne is adapting its concept. The trade fair has been given a new schedule, which will see the international Interior Business Event host a new, one-off spring edition in 2023. The dates have been chosen in close consultation with its market partners.

“Today the imm cologne advisory board gave the concept proposed by Koelnmesse for the imm spring edition in June 2023 the green light unanimously. Our thanks go to the advisory board and in particular to the German industry, the retail sector and the purchasing associations for their support. This concept will ensure that imm cologne can take place again after a two-year break. The industry has given its backing to a strong interior design trade fair in Germany, the biggest market in Europe,” says Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. “I firmly believe in face-to-face exchanges. In my view, they are immensely important for the industry’s development, especially in challenging times. The sector needs an in-person platform in Germany, an event with international appeal and a strong communication reach like imm cologne,” he adds.

imm cologne’s new story will take shape in two steps
The imm cologne team presented its vision for a new concept at the start of June 2022. The new story for imm cologne will unfold in two steps. The first step will be the imm spring edition from 4 to 7 June 2023. “The spring edition is synonymous with a new beginning. imm cologne wants to use it to motivate and to show how it is experimenting with new ideas and leaving well-trodden paths behind,” explains Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse. “What’s more, the event in June gives our partners planning certainty.”

Four-day with a trade audience focus
The cornerstones of the new concept are clear: The imm spring edition will take place over four days, running from Sunday to Wednesday, and will be geared towards trade visitors. End consumers will be able to visit the trade fair by invitation, giving the spring event a clear business focus. “It’s also our goal to create new participation formats in the market,” says Matthias Pollmann, Vice President Trade Fair Management at Koelnmesse. The kitchen segment will also be included in the imm 2023 spring edition. At the same time, the plan is to incorporate the city more closely into the spring edition as an event location.

Vision 2024+: imm cologne as the forum for future issues facing the industry
The second step will then follow in the summer of 2023. In close consultation with the industry and the associations involved in the event, the future dates for imm cologne and LivingKitchen will be set. The future vision for imm cologne conceives the interior event as more than just a key business platform. As a catalyst for the sector’s development, it addresses both industry and external issues of relevance to the imm cologne community.

More information:
imm cologne

Koelnmesse GmbH

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg at Lineapelle with sustainable materials for leather goods

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will be presenting Evolon® eco-friendly microfiber reinforcement material for leather goods that is manufactured in Europe with no solvent and no chemical binder at the Lineapelle international trade show for the leather industry. Another sustainability highlight is binder-free strobel material made from 100% recycled PET for the shoe industry. The company will also be showing a nonwoven crimping material that meets the increasing demands of manufacturers and consumers alike in the footwear market.

Evolon® contains 80% recycled PET. It is produced at Freudenberg’s facility in Colmar, France, where the manufacturing process is highly sustainable: it is certified to STeP by OEKO-TEX® and fully complies with the DETOX TO ZERO by OEKO-TEX® criteria. In addition, shorter transport routes help to secure supply chains for players in the European leather goods industry.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will be presenting Evolon® eco-friendly microfiber reinforcement material for leather goods that is manufactured in Europe with no solvent and no chemical binder at the Lineapelle international trade show for the leather industry. Another sustainability highlight is binder-free strobel material made from 100% recycled PET for the shoe industry. The company will also be showing a nonwoven crimping material that meets the increasing demands of manufacturers and consumers alike in the footwear market.

Evolon® contains 80% recycled PET. It is produced at Freudenberg’s facility in Colmar, France, where the manufacturing process is highly sustainable: it is certified to STeP by OEKO-TEX® and fully complies with the DETOX TO ZERO by OEKO-TEX® criteria. In addition, shorter transport routes help to secure supply chains for players in the European leather goods industry.

The binder-free strobel material is made from 100% recycled PET. It is GRS-certified for reliable traceability. The GRS certification recognizes the share of recycled materials in the strobel material. This allows customers to calculate the total amount of recycled material in shoes. Moreover, the mono-component material itself is fully recyclable. In terms of performance, the material is lightweight and also demonstrates a high tensile strength.

Made from nonwoven fabric, the innovative crimping material optimally combines high permanent moldability and shape retention with flexibility and suppleness. This crimping material enables manufacturers to reduce their production costs, while consumers benefit from increased comfort. Compared to conventional knitted fabric-based crimping materials, the nonwoven crimping material offers multi-directional stretching properties, improved fitting, greater design freedom and reduced weight.


Freudenberg Performance Materials

(c) Shima Seiki

SHIMA SEIKI to Exhibit at Preview in SEOUL

Flat knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., Japan, together with its Korean subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI KOREA INC., will participate in the Preview in SEOUL exhibition in Seoul, Korea this month.

Taking advantage of new regulations at the show which allow for the display of textile equipment at the venue this year, SHIMA SEIKI will be showing its latest combination of WHOLEGARMENT® knitting technology that allows a garment to be produced in its entirety without the need for linking or sewing afterward, and SDS®-ONE APEX series design software yields revolutionary game-changing flexibility and efficiency, not to mention sustainability.

Flat knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., Japan, together with its Korean subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI KOREA INC., will participate in the Preview in SEOUL exhibition in Seoul, Korea this month.

Taking advantage of new regulations at the show which allow for the display of textile equipment at the venue this year, SHIMA SEIKI will be showing its latest combination of WHOLEGARMENT® knitting technology that allows a garment to be produced in its entirety without the need for linking or sewing afterward, and SDS®-ONE APEX series design software yields revolutionary game-changing flexibility and efficiency, not to mention sustainability.

Shown for the first time in Korea, whose flat knitting market has a strong following for WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear, is the SWG-XR next-generation WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine. The SWG- name pays homage to the original SWG-X model of 1997, sharing with it the same 4-needlebed configuration featuring the company's own SlideNeedle™. Add to this a renewed spring-type moveable sinker system, a compact and lightweight carriage featuring 4 systems as well as auto yarn carriers. All contribute up to 25% higher efficiency, higher quality and increased product variety for supporting knits for all seasons. SWG-XR sets new standards for the next generation of waste-free, sustainable WHOLEGARMENT® knitting.

APEXFiz™ is subscription-based design software that maintains the proven functions that have made SHIMA SEIKI’s SDS®-ONE APEX series design systems so popular with fashion designers. Installed on personal computers, those strengths are now enhanced with the added versatility to adapt to different work styles and business environments including teleworking and telecommuting. APEXFiz™ software supports the creative side of fashion from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual samples are a digitized version of sample making that are accurate enough to be used effectively as prototypes, replacing physical sampling and consequently reducing time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. APEXFiz™ thereby helps to realize sustainability and digitally transform the fashion supply chain.

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Shima Seiki

Shima Seiki