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Hohenstein expands testing portfolio beyond textiles

  • Acquisition of QAT Services Limited laboratory in Hong Kong

On 01.03.2023 Hohenstein takes over the DAkkS accredited QAT Services Limited laboratory.  With this acquisition, the internationally recognized testing service provider is integrating the hardgoods knowledge of QATS employees into the Hohenstein portfolio.  As a result, Hohenstein will provide full-service capabilities for Greater China and beyond.

"The expansion is a strategically important step for Hohenstein,” emphasizes Prof. Mecheels, owner and CEO of Hohenstein.  "We are expanding our testing spectrum beyond the textile industry, in which we have been an established service provider for decades – and thus ensure both safe products and secure jobs."  From now on, Hohenstein will also be testing food contact material, furniture, toys and much more.  Hohenstein China Managing Director Christopher Au is also convinced: "With this step, Hohenstein is setting an important focus and strengthening its position for international customers."


  • Acquisition of QAT Services Limited laboratory in Hong Kong

On 01.03.2023 Hohenstein takes over the DAkkS accredited QAT Services Limited laboratory.  With this acquisition, the internationally recognized testing service provider is integrating the hardgoods knowledge of QATS employees into the Hohenstein portfolio.  As a result, Hohenstein will provide full-service capabilities for Greater China and beyond.

"The expansion is a strategically important step for Hohenstein,” emphasizes Prof. Mecheels, owner and CEO of Hohenstein.  "We are expanding our testing spectrum beyond the textile industry, in which we have been an established service provider for decades – and thus ensure both safe products and secure jobs."  From now on, Hohenstein will also be testing food contact material, furniture, toys and much more.  Hohenstein China Managing Director Christopher Au is also convinced: "With this step, Hohenstein is setting an important focus and strengthening its position for international customers."


More information:
Textilinstitut Hohenstein

Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG


Rieter: First information on the financial year 2022

  • Sales of CHF 890.3 million in second half-year 2022
  • EBIT margin of around 2% expected for full year 2022
  • Order intake of CHF 1 157.3 million in 2022; order backlog of around CHF 1 540 million as of December 31, 2022
  • Preparations for ITMA 2023 on schedule
  • Implementation of action plan to increase sales and profitability ongoing
  • Rieter site sales process on schedule

For Rieter, in addition to the geopolitical uncertainties, the 2022 financial year was characterized by three main challenges:
Due to the rapid rise in inflation, the exceptionally high order backlog of around CHF 1 840 million at the beginning of 2022 was processed at significantly higher costs. It was only possible to offset these higher costs in part by means of price increases and other remedial measures.

In order to safeguard deliveries, it was necessary to compensate for serious material bottlenecks, particularly in electronic components, which resulted in considerable additional development expenditure.

  • Sales of CHF 890.3 million in second half-year 2022
  • EBIT margin of around 2% expected for full year 2022
  • Order intake of CHF 1 157.3 million in 2022; order backlog of around CHF 1 540 million as of December 31, 2022
  • Preparations for ITMA 2023 on schedule
  • Implementation of action plan to increase sales and profitability ongoing
  • Rieter site sales process on schedule

For Rieter, in addition to the geopolitical uncertainties, the 2022 financial year was characterized by three main challenges:
Due to the rapid rise in inflation, the exceptionally high order backlog of around CHF 1 840 million at the beginning of 2022 was processed at significantly higher costs. It was only possible to offset these higher costs in part by means of price increases and other remedial measures.

In order to safeguard deliveries, it was necessary to compensate for serious material bottlenecks, particularly in electronic components, which resulted in considerable additional development expenditure.

Major expenses were also incurred in connection with the acquired businesses (Accotex, Temco and Winder).

The realization of sales from the exceptionally high order backlog developed better than expected. With sales of CHF 1 510.9 million, Rieter achieved an increase of 56% compared with the previous year (2021: CHF 969.2 million). In the second half of 2022, especially in the fourth quarter, the measures introduced to address material bottlenecks had a positive impact. Consequently, sales increased to CHF 890.3 million compared with the first six months (first half-year 2022: CHF 620.6 million).

EBIT margin
The trend in the EBIT margin was strongly influenced by substantial cost increases, which could only be offset in part through price increases and other remedial measures. In addition, to compensate for material shortages, expenses were incurred in connection with the development of alternative solutions and the acquired businesses.

Rieter succeeded in improving profitability compared with the first half of 2022 due to the higher sales volume and offsetting measures to compensate for increased costs, and expects a positive EBIT margin of around 2% for the full year 2022 (2021: 4.9%).

Order intake
In line with expectations, the order intake of CHF 1 157.3 million in 2022 was below the record year of 2021 (CHF 2 225.7 million). The market situation is characterized by investment restraint due to geopolitical uncertainties, higher financing costs and consumer reticence in important markets.

Order backlog
The company had an order backlog of around CHF 1 540 million at the end of 2022, which thus extends well into 2023 and 2024. In 2022, Rieter recorded order cancellations of less than 10% of the order backlog of CHF 1 840 million at the beginning of the year.

Preparations for ITMA 2023 on schedule
Rieter has continued to boost its innovative capability and, in order to further extend its technology leadership, will present new innovative solutions at ITMA 2023 in Milan.

Action plan to increase sales and profitability
Implementation of the action plan to increase sales and profitability is ongoing. With regard to the profitability of the order backlog, which remains high, the implemented price increases in combination with a favorable trend in costs, particularly in logistics, are having an impact. In addition, progress was made in eliminating material bottlenecks and reducing expenses for the three acquired businesses.

Rieter site sales process
The sales process for the remaining land at the Rieter site in Winterthur (Switzerland) is proceeding according to plan. In total, around 75 000 m2 of land will be sold. The Rieter CAMPUS is not part of this transaction.

Results press conference 2023
Rieter will provide further details on the 2022 financial year and an outlook for the 2023 financial year on March 9, 2023.

More information:
Rieter financial year 2022

Rieter Holding AG

(c) Global Fashion Agenda

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 takes place in June

Global Fashion Summit, a leading international forum for sustainability in fashion, will convene core stakeholders across the fashion ecosystem and parallel industries to drive tangible action on social and environmental sustainability. The Summit is presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA). GFA is a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark. Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 will take place on 27-28 June in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The theme of Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 is ‘Ambition to Action’. Under this premise, the Summit will present content experiences focused on tangible impact.

Global Fashion Summit, a leading international forum for sustainability in fashion, will convene core stakeholders across the fashion ecosystem and parallel industries to drive tangible action on social and environmental sustainability. The Summit is presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA). GFA is a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark. Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 will take place on 27-28 June in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The theme of Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023 is ‘Ambition to Action’. Under this premise, the Summit will present content experiences focused on tangible impact.

The theme will underly all elements of the Summit and Main Stage speakers will showcase inspiring thought leadership for accelerated change by exploring a matrix of interconnected topics. The 2023 Copenhagen Edition will build on more than a decade’s worth of Summit guidance and outcomes by dedicating even more focus towards action-oriented workshops and case studies. Through these formats, the forum will demonstrate tangible learnings and concrete recommendations that can help drive implementation.
The forum will also host strategic roundtable meetings with the aim to mobilise industry leaders to build alliances with solution providers, policy makers, investors and other industry stakeholders and implement immediate solutions. Such alliances can set in motion progress towards a net positive industry. With upcoming policy expected to influence the fashion industry even further this year, the Summit will shed light on the ongoing pieces of legislation currently under discussion both within the EU and worldwide.

This year’s Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition is supported by Principal Sponsor, Maersk. A globally renowned leader in logistics that aims to deliver a more connected, agile and sustainable future for global logistics. Maersk will support the Summit's agenda to accelerate industry transformation by highlighting how logistics can help the fashion and lifestyle industry in reaching their sustainability goals.

Additionally, the Innovation Forum will present a curated exhibition of other leading sustainable solutions. Summit attendees can meet with exhibitors covering the entire value chain – from innovative materials to end-of-use solutions. Innovation Forum Matchmaking will enable small and large fashion businesses to advance their sustainability journey, by providing the unique opportunity to be matched with relevant solution providers. 


BVMed begrüßt MDR-Änderungen

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat die heutige Entscheidung des Europäischen Parlament zu Änderungen an der EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) begrüßt, fordert gleichzeitig aber auch Schritte, um das europäische Marktzugangssystem strategisch weiterzuentwickeln und im weltweiten Wettbewerb insbesondere um Innovationen besser aufzustellen. „Es ist ein gutes Signal für die medizinische Versorgung der Patient:innen und den Medizinprodukte-Standort Europa, dass Kommission, Rat und Parlament in den letzten Wochen Tempo gemacht und die notwendigen Änderungen im Schnellverfahren beschlossen haben“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat die heutige Entscheidung des Europäischen Parlament zu Änderungen an der EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) begrüßt, fordert gleichzeitig aber auch Schritte, um das europäische Marktzugangssystem strategisch weiterzuentwickeln und im weltweiten Wettbewerb insbesondere um Innovationen besser aufzustellen. „Es ist ein gutes Signal für die medizinische Versorgung der Patient:innen und den Medizinprodukte-Standort Europa, dass Kommission, Rat und Parlament in den letzten Wochen Tempo gemacht und die notwendigen Änderungen im Schnellverfahren beschlossen haben“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Zum Hintergrund: Die Medizintechnik-Branche bereitet sich seit Jahren intensiv auf die MDR vor. Die Kosten der Umsetzung für die Branche werden nach Schätzungen zwischen 7 und 10 Milliarden Euro liegen. Die Branche hat massiv investiert, beispielsweise in zusätzliches regulatorisches Personal. Das MDR-System ist aber nach wie vor nicht praxistauglich. Zentrales Problem bei der MDR-Implementierung sind die Kapazitätsengpässe bei den Benannten Stellen sowie die sehr aufwendigen Zertifizierungsverfahren.  

Zur Vermeidung von Engpässen bei Medizinprodukten haben Parlament, Rat und Kommission nun unter anderem die Abschaffung der Abverkaufsfrist und eine Verlängerung der Übergangsfrist für die neuen Vorschriften nach einem risikobasierten Ansatz beschlossen. Außerdem werden Klasse III-Sonderanfertigungen mit in die Fristenverlängerung aufgenommen.

Parallel zu dieser wichtigen Maßnahme zur Entzerrung des Flaschenhals bei der Zertifizierung der Bestandsprodukte müssen nach Ansicht der BVMed auch die untergesetzlichen Maßnahmen, die von der Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) Ende August 2022 veröffentlicht wurden, pragmatisch umgesetzt werden, damit Bestandsprodukte zeitnah in die MDR überführt werden können und auch in Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung zur Verfügung stehen.

Mittelfristig geht es dem deutschen Medizintechnik-Verband darum, dass die MDR strategisch weiterentwickelt werden muss, damit Europa im schärfer werdenden Innovationswettbewerb gegenüber USA und Asien nicht weiter an Boden verliert. Der Beschluss der Schweiz, künftig auch die FDA-Zulassung des US-Systems zuzulassen, verdeutliche die Gefahr, dass das EU-System mit der MDR den Innovationswettbewerb der Zukunft verliere.

BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll: „Wenn wir mehr und mehr Forschung und Entwicklung durch Abwanderung verlieren, dann verlieren wir damit nicht nur viele kluge Köpfe, sondern künftig auch Produktion und Wertschöpfung in Europa. Wir müssen deshalb jetzt daran arbeiten, die Rolle Europas als attraktive Region für Investitionen in medizintechnische Innovationen wieder zu stärken. Mit unserem innovationsstarken Mittelstand haben wir dafür die besten Voraussetzungen.“


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Spendenaufruf der MedTech-und Pharma-Verbände für Erdbebenopfer

Die Medizinprodukte- und Pharma-Verbände BAH, BPI, vfa, Pro Generika, der PHAGRO, BVMed, SPECTARIS und eurocom unterstützen das Hilfswerk Medeor in der türkischen und syrischen Erdbebenregion. Gemeinsam rufen die Verbände zu Spenden auf. Neben gespendeten medizinischen Hilfsgütern sind insbesondere Geldspenden sehr willkommen. Mit ihnen können die Mitarbeiter von medeor gezielt die benötigten Produkte bedarfsgerecht in den betroffenen Gebieten bereitstellen.

Das Erdbeben in der Region rund um die türkisch-syrische Grenze ist nun gut eine Woche her. Viele Helfer und Helferinnen haben vor Ort bereits mit angepackt. Auch das Medikamenten-Hilfswerk Action medeor ist mit seinen Partnern bereits vor Ort, hat die letzten Tage aber auch genutzt, um alle Wege für medizinische Hilfe in der Region zu ebnen.

Deutschland leistet humanitäre staatliche Hilfe in dieser Notsituation, um den Betroffenen zu helfen. Die Türkei meldet nunmehr Bedarfe zuverlässig über den EU-Krisenmechanismus (UCPM).

Die Medizinprodukte- und Pharma-Verbände BAH, BPI, vfa, Pro Generika, der PHAGRO, BVMed, SPECTARIS und eurocom unterstützen das Hilfswerk Medeor in der türkischen und syrischen Erdbebenregion. Gemeinsam rufen die Verbände zu Spenden auf. Neben gespendeten medizinischen Hilfsgütern sind insbesondere Geldspenden sehr willkommen. Mit ihnen können die Mitarbeiter von medeor gezielt die benötigten Produkte bedarfsgerecht in den betroffenen Gebieten bereitstellen.

Das Erdbeben in der Region rund um die türkisch-syrische Grenze ist nun gut eine Woche her. Viele Helfer und Helferinnen haben vor Ort bereits mit angepackt. Auch das Medikamenten-Hilfswerk Action medeor ist mit seinen Partnern bereits vor Ort, hat die letzten Tage aber auch genutzt, um alle Wege für medizinische Hilfe in der Region zu ebnen.

Deutschland leistet humanitäre staatliche Hilfe in dieser Notsituation, um den Betroffenen zu helfen. Die Türkei meldet nunmehr Bedarfe zuverlässig über den EU-Krisenmechanismus (UCPM).

Neben gespendeten medizinischen Hilfsgütern sind insbesondere Geldspenden sehr willkommen. Mit ihnen können die Mitarbeiter von medeor gezielt die benötigten Produkte bedarfsgerecht in den betroffenen Gebieten bereitstellen. Als Notapotheke der Welt kauft und sammelt action medeor Arzneimittel und andere medizinische Produkte und versendet diese über qualifizierte Partner an Verteilerstationen, Krankenhäuser, Pflegestationen oder Ärzte in von Krisen betroffenen Ländern.

Wenn Sie mit Produktspenden helfen wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte mit Ihren Angeboten an


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) Löffler
The EC300-S collarette cutter

TMAS: Svegea installs Collarette Cutter at Löffler

Svegea of Sweden – a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – has recently installed an EC300-S collarette cutter for the high speed production of tubular apparel components as well as an FA350 automatic roll slitter at the plant of Löffler, in Ried im Innkreis, Austria.

The EC 300-S collarette cutter is equipped with the computer-controlled True-Drive II and high pre-feed device, which is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements. It operates at speeds of up to 20,000 metres per hour. The integrated, fully automatic FA350 roll slitter FA500 roll slitter is equipped with three separately adjustable settings enabling three different band widths to be cut within the same cutting cycle. Automatic tube sewing units are provided for sewn tubes in optional rolled or flat folded forms, depending on customer preference.

Svegea of Sweden – a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – has recently installed an EC300-S collarette cutter for the high speed production of tubular apparel components as well as an FA350 automatic roll slitter at the plant of Löffler, in Ried im Innkreis, Austria.

The EC 300-S collarette cutter is equipped with the computer-controlled True-Drive II and high pre-feed device, which is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements. It operates at speeds of up to 20,000 metres per hour. The integrated, fully automatic FA350 roll slitter FA500 roll slitter is equipped with three separately adjustable settings enabling three different band widths to be cut within the same cutting cycle. Automatic tube sewing units are provided for sewn tubes in optional rolled or flat folded forms, depending on customer preference.

Sports and knitwear specialist Löffler is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2023. Its plant in Ried houses 25 circular knitting machines and three seamless knitting machines with an annual output of around 905,000 square metres of fabric, and in addition to product development, design, cutting and some sewing are all carried out in-house.

Löffler is known for its transtex under garments, which ushered in the two-layer principle of structures combining hydrophobic polypropylene and other fibres like cotton, Modal, Tencel or merino wool.

Before transtex, endurance athletes usually wore pure cotton underwear next to their skin, which became wet over time and cooled the body down. Löffler’s two-layer fabric prevented this, since the polypropylene does not absorb moisture and instead wicks it to the outside, where it can evaporate to keep the skin dry.

Innovation has been ongoing ever since, and in December, Löffler received an ISPO Award 2022 for transtex Retr’x – its latest functional underwear made from recycled polypropylene from textile waste and a combination of recycled and GOTS-certified organic cotton. Transtex Retr’x is neither dyed or bleached and is Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex as well as Made In Green by Oeko-Tex approved.

In addition to its own branded products, the plant makes sports garments for sister company Fischer, which is also based in Ried, and is at the same time involved in significant government tender projects, including the supply of polo shirts for the Austrian Red Cross and for the German and Austrian police forces. Combined, Löffler and Fischer employ approximately 700 people in the region of Upper Austria.


TMAS by AWOL Media


NCTO: US Vice President Kamala Harris announces investments for industry

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of the U.S. textile industry from fibers through finished sewn products, welcomed Vice President Kamala Harris’ announcement of $585 million in new textile and apparel investments and sourcing commitments in Central America.

“Over the past year, well over $1 billion of new textile and apparel investments have been announced in Central America and the United States,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas.  “The $585 million of investments and sourcing commitments announced today in the region will continue to build on the strong momentum of growth of nearshoring and onshoring these critical supply chains.”

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of the U.S. textile industry from fibers through finished sewn products, welcomed Vice President Kamala Harris’ announcement of $585 million in new textile and apparel investments and sourcing commitments in Central America.

“Over the past year, well over $1 billion of new textile and apparel investments have been announced in Central America and the United States,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas.  “The $585 million of investments and sourcing commitments announced today in the region will continue to build on the strong momentum of growth of nearshoring and onshoring these critical supply chains.”

“The investments and sourcing commitments announced today continue to build on the robust textile and apparel co-production chain between the U.S. and Central America,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “We sincerely appreciate the administration’s commitment to this critical manufacturing sector that has contributed to the backbone of economic development in Central America and the United States. And we look forward to working with our retail and brand partners to continue to expand our vital manufacturing sector.”

Over the last year, substantial investments have been flowing into Central America, predicated on the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) and the co-production chain that facilitates $15.1 billion in two-way textile and apparel trade and supports more than one million workers in the U.S. and the region.

“We saw apparel imports largely containing U.S. textile inputs from the CAFTA-DR region jump 24 percent according to the latest government trade data and we have seen well over $1 billion in investments in the region,” Glas said.

Several NCTO members previously joined the Vice President last year to announce their investments and sourcing commitments, including Parkdale Mills, Unifi, and SanMar.

“These are just a few of the key investments in the region, which illustrates how this co-production chain is continuing to make sustainable investments that strengthen supply chain resilience, create job opportunities and investment in the U.S. and the region, and ensure transparency in our supply chains, as momentum grows for onshoring and nearshoring textile and apparel production,” Glas said. “That is a win-win for our industry and the region.”

(c) INDA

FiltXPO™ 2023 taking place in October

Global leading companies from more than 15 countries in the filtration and separation industry will connect with some 1,500 industry professionals and launch their innovations at FiltXPO™ 2023, Oct. 10-12, at Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois.

FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation, is now being held on an 18-month cycle, making it a valuable opportunity to generate new business and grow global relationships with unique exposure to the North American market, according to INDA.

FiltXPO™ will draw senior-level professionals from around the world in major market segments involved in the design, manufacture, sales, and use of filtration/separation products and services.

A feature of the event will be the technical conference – Summit for Global Change. Five panels of global industry experts will debate filtration and separation’s most compelling challenges such as indoor air quality, filtration sustainability, standards and technologies. FiltXPO™ will also offer a one-and-a-half day intensive training course on the development, testing and application of filtration and separation media.

Global leading companies from more than 15 countries in the filtration and separation industry will connect with some 1,500 industry professionals and launch their innovations at FiltXPO™ 2023, Oct. 10-12, at Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois.

FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation, is now being held on an 18-month cycle, making it a valuable opportunity to generate new business and grow global relationships with unique exposure to the North American market, according to INDA.

FiltXPO™ will draw senior-level professionals from around the world in major market segments involved in the design, manufacture, sales, and use of filtration/separation products and services.

A feature of the event will be the technical conference – Summit for Global Change. Five panels of global industry experts will debate filtration and separation’s most compelling challenges such as indoor air quality, filtration sustainability, standards and technologies. FiltXPO™ will also offer a one-and-a-half day intensive training course on the development, testing and application of filtration and separation media.

(c) Hohenstein

OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON - New label for organic cotton

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

The certificate can be used for ready-made articles (e.g. T-shirt, bedspread, etc.) as well as for textile intermediate products (e.g. intermediate products such as raw fibers, yarns, etc.). Mixtures of organic and conventional cultivation are not permitted.




BVMed-Datenbank: Medizintechnik-Methodenbewertung

In der im Frühjahr 2022 gestarteten Datenbank „BVData“ des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sind mittlerweile über 400 Bewertungsverfahren für über 200 innovative Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden mit Medizintechnologien abgebildet. Die BVMed-Datenbank bereitet aus der Medizintechnik-Perspektive die Methodenbewertungs-Verfahren des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA) und weiterer beteiligter Organisationen strukturiert auf.

Die Anforderungen an die sichere und leistungsfähige Behandlung von Patient:innen mit Medizinprodukten wachsen stetig. Mit geeigneten Datenquellen können wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem Versorgungsalltag gewonnen werden, um die Behandlungsqualität zu verbessern. Ein wichtiges Instrument für Medizintechnik-Hersteller, um den Nutzen von Medizinprodukten zu belegen, sind Verfahren der Methodenbewertung, beispielsweise die Erprobungsverfahren.

In der im Frühjahr 2022 gestarteten Datenbank „BVData“ des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sind mittlerweile über 400 Bewertungsverfahren für über 200 innovative Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden mit Medizintechnologien abgebildet. Die BVMed-Datenbank bereitet aus der Medizintechnik-Perspektive die Methodenbewertungs-Verfahren des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA) und weiterer beteiligter Organisationen strukturiert auf.

Die Anforderungen an die sichere und leistungsfähige Behandlung von Patient:innen mit Medizinprodukten wachsen stetig. Mit geeigneten Datenquellen können wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem Versorgungsalltag gewonnen werden, um die Behandlungsqualität zu verbessern. Ein wichtiges Instrument für Medizintechnik-Hersteller, um den Nutzen von Medizinprodukten zu belegen, sind Verfahren der Methodenbewertung, beispielsweise die Erprobungsverfahren.

Ein Methodenverfahren erfordert die Teilnahme vieler unabhängiger Institute. Hier ist allerdings die Kommunikation der Untersuchungsergebnisse und Beschlüsse nicht einheitlich geregelt. Einen vollständigen Überblick über die Methodenbewertung und Analysen gibt die herstellerorientierte digitale Bewertungsverfahren-Datenbank „BVData“ des BVMed. Dort werden Verfahren von der Eröffnung bis zur abschließenden Bewertung strukturiert hinterlegt. Mit den vollständig recherchierbaren Datensätzen zur Erprobung und Bewertung von Medizinprodukten können Medizintechnik-Unternehmen alle Daten schnell und aussagekräftig analysieren.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) nova-Institut GmbH

Six nominees for„Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023“

For the third time, nova-Institute awards the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award in the frame of the “Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023” (8-9 March 2023). The conference advisory board nominated six remarkable products, including cellulose fibres from textile waste, banana production waste and bacterial pulp, a novel technology for producing lyocell yarns and a hygiene product. The innovations will be put to the vote of the conference audience on the first day of the event, with the awards ceremony taking place in the evening. The innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023” is sponsored by GIG Karasek (AT).

For the third time, nova-Institute awards the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award in the frame of the “Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023” (8-9 March 2023). The conference advisory board nominated six remarkable products, including cellulose fibres from textile waste, banana production waste and bacterial pulp, a novel technology for producing lyocell yarns and a hygiene product. The innovations will be put to the vote of the conference audience on the first day of the event, with the awards ceremony taking place in the evening. The innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023” is sponsored by GIG Karasek (AT).

Here are the six nominees
Vybrana – The new generation banana fibre – GenCrest Bioproducts (India)

Vybrana is a Gencrest’s Sustainable Cellulosic Fibre upcycled from agrowaste. Raw fibres are extracted from the Banana Pseudo stem at the end of the plant lifecycle. The biomass waste is then treated by the Gencrest patented Fiberzyme technology. Here, cocktail enzyme formulations remove the high lignin content and other impurities and help fibre fibrillation. The company's proprietary cottonisation process provides fine, spinnable cellulose staple fibres suitable for blending with other staple fibres and can be spun on any conventional spinning systems giving yarns sustainable apparel. Vybrana is produced without the use of heavy chemicals and minimized water consumption and in a waste-free process where balance biomass is converted to bio stimulants Agrosatva and Bio Fertilizers & organic manure.

HeiQ AeoniQ™ – technology for more sustainability of textiles – HeiQ (Austria)
HeiQ AeoniQ™ is the disruptive technology and key initiative from HeiQ with the potential to change the sustainability of textiles. It is the first climate-positive continuous cellulose filament yarn, made in a proprietary manufacturing process and the first to reproduce the properties of polyester and nylon yarns in a cellulosic, biodegradable, and endlessly recyclable fibre.
HeiQ AeoniQ™ can be manufactured from different cellulosic raw materials such as pre- and post-consumer textile waste, biotech cellulose, and non-valorized agricultural waste, such as ground coffee waste or banana peels. It naturally degrades after only 12 weeks in the soil. Each ton of HeiQ AeoniQ™ saves 5 tons of CO2 emissions. The first garments made with this innovative cellulosic filament fiber were commercially launched in January 2023.

TENCEL™ LUXE – lyocell filament yarn – Lenzing (Austria)
TENCEL™ LUXE is LENZING’s new versatile lyocell yarn that offers an urgently needed sustainable filament solution for the textile and fashion industry. A possible botanical alternative for silk, long-staple cotton, and petrol-based synthetic filaments, is derived from wood grown in renewable, sustainably managed forests, and produced in an environmentally sound, closed-loop process that recycles water and reuses more than 99 % of organic solvent. Certified by The Vegan Society, it is suitable for a wide range of applications and fabric developments, from finer high fashion propositions to denim constructions, seamless and activewear innovations, and even agricultural and technical solutions.

Nullarbor™ – Nanollose & Birla Cellulose (Australia/India)
In 2020, Nanollose & Birla Cellulose started a journey to develop and commercialize tree-free lyocell from bacterial cellulose, called Nullarbor™. The name derives from the Latin “nulla arbor” which means “no trees”. Initial lab research at both ends led to a joint patent application with the patent “production of high-tenacity lyocell fibres made from bacterial cellulose”.
Nullarbor is significantly stronger than lyocell made from wood-based pulp; even adding small amounts of bacterial cellulose to wood pulp increases the fibre toughness. In 2022, the first pilot batch of 260kg was produced with 20 % bacterial pulp share. Several high-quality fabrics and garments were produced with this fibre. The collaboration between Nanollose & Birla Cellulose now focuses on increasing the production scale and amount of bacterial pulp in the fibre.

Circulose® – makes fashion circular – Renewcell (Sweden)
Circulose® made by Renewcell is a branded dissolving pulp made from 100 % textile waste, like worn-out clothes and production scraps. It provides a unique material for fashion that is 100 % recycled, recyclable, biodegradable, and of virgin-equivalent quality. It is used by fibre producers to make staple fibre or filaments like viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate or other types of man-made cellulosic fibres. In 2022, Renewcell, opened the world’s first textile-to-textile chemical recycling plant in Sundsvall, Sweden – Renewcell 1. The plant will eventually reach 120,000 tons of annual capacity.

Sparkle sustainable sanitary pads – Sparkle Innovations (United States)
Globally, around 300 billion period products are discarded every year, resulting in millions of tons of non-biodegradable waste. Since most conventional sanitary pads contain up to 90 % plastics, they do not biodegrade for around 600 years. Sparkle has designed sustainable, plastic-free, biodegradable and compostable Sparkle sanitary pads. From product to packaging, they are made up of around 90 % cellulose-based materials with top sheet, absorbent core, release paper, wrapping paper and packaging made of cellulose-based fibres. Whether Sparkle pads end up in a compost pit, are incinerated or end up in a landfill, they are a more sustainable alternative compared to conventional pads that contain large amounts of plastics, complex petro-chemical based ingredients and artificial fragrances. When tested according to ISO 14855-1 by a leading independent lab in Europe, Sparkle pads reached over 90 % absolute biodegradation within 90 days in commercial composting conditions.

Photo: Texhibition Istanbul

Third edition of TEXHIBITION Istanbul Fabric, Yarn and Textile Accessories Fair

  • Third edition of Texhibition Istanbul will take place from 8-10 March 2023 at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Organizers focus on growth: more than 25,000 international visitors are targeted for March 2023
  • More than 400 exhibitors show fabrics, yarns and accessories at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Trend seminars and trend area with special focus on sustainability presents the trends for spring/summer 2024

The third edition of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric, Yarn and Textile Accessories Fair, 8-10 March 2023 builds on the successful editions of the fair last year. The fair is organized by the Istanbul Textile Exporters' Association (ITHIB) and with the support of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC).

More than 400 exhibitors from the areas of knitwear, woven fabrics, denim, yarns and accessories will present their 2024 spring-summer collections on 15,000 square meters in the Istanbul Expo Center. These include well-known names such as Kipaş, Bossa, Yünsa, Btd, Çalık, Hefa, İskur, Universal, Gülle, and Migiboy.

  • Third edition of Texhibition Istanbul will take place from 8-10 March 2023 at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Organizers focus on growth: more than 25,000 international visitors are targeted for March 2023
  • More than 400 exhibitors show fabrics, yarns and accessories at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Trend seminars and trend area with special focus on sustainability presents the trends for spring/summer 2024

The third edition of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric, Yarn and Textile Accessories Fair, 8-10 March 2023 builds on the successful editions of the fair last year. The fair is organized by the Istanbul Textile Exporters' Association (ITHIB) and with the support of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC).

More than 400 exhibitors from the areas of knitwear, woven fabrics, denim, yarns and accessories will present their 2024 spring-summer collections on 15,000 square meters in the Istanbul Expo Center. These include well-known names such as Kipaş, Bossa, Yünsa, Btd, Çalık, Hefa, İskur, Universal, Gülle, and Migiboy.

At the last event in September 2022, a total of 20,606 visitors took the opportunity to start business discussions and place orders. Among them international visitors from 97 countries, including the EU, UK, USA, North Africa and the Middle East. Over 25,000 visitors are expected at the upcoming Texhibition in March 2023 such as large clothing manufacturers, purchasing managers of international chain stores and department stores, managers of international brands and chains with their own brand collections, managers of online sales platforms, importers, wholesalers, distributors, designers, etc.

The trend area at Texhibition will show the spring-summer 2024 trends with a focus on sustainable aspects.

Texhibition Istanbul completes the IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection, which takes place from 8.-11. February 2023, also for the third time at the Istanbul Expo Center.


Texhibition Istanbul / JANDALI


Autoneum: Revenue growth in 2022

For the first time in two years, global automotive production recorded a significant increase in full-year 2022 with 82.0 million vehicles produced (2021: 77.2 million vehicles) and growth of 6.2%, driven by the regions Asia and North America, but remained below 2019 levels.
Autoneum's revenue in local currencies increased significantly by 8.5%, largely due to inflation-related compensation. In the regions Europe and Asia, Autoneum's production volumes developed below market. Compared to the July 2022 estimate, revenue was around CHF 90 million lower than assumed due to volume factors. The strong fluctuations in production volumes due to vehicle manufacturer supply chain issues continued in 2022 and were exacerbated by the war in Ukraine in Europe and by COVID-related lockdowns in Autoneum's Asian main market China. Consolidated revenue in Swiss francs increased by 6.1% year-on-year to CHF 1 804.5 million (2021: CHF 1 700.4 million) due to the strong Swiss franc.

For the first time in two years, global automotive production recorded a significant increase in full-year 2022 with 82.0 million vehicles produced (2021: 77.2 million vehicles) and growth of 6.2%, driven by the regions Asia and North America, but remained below 2019 levels.
Autoneum's revenue in local currencies increased significantly by 8.5%, largely due to inflation-related compensation. In the regions Europe and Asia, Autoneum's production volumes developed below market. Compared to the July 2022 estimate, revenue was around CHF 90 million lower than assumed due to volume factors. The strong fluctuations in production volumes due to vehicle manufacturer supply chain issues continued in 2022 and were exacerbated by the war in Ukraine in Europe and by COVID-related lockdowns in Autoneum's Asian main market China. Consolidated revenue in Swiss francs increased by 6.1% year-on-year to CHF 1 804.5 million (2021: CHF 1 700.4 million) due to the strong Swiss franc.

Revenue development in the regions
In local currencies, revenue of Business Group Europe increased by 2.7%, while production volumes of vehicle manufacturers decreased by 1.3%. The growth in revenue resulted from inflation compensation, while Autoneum's production volumes were significantly lower compared to the previous year. Business Group North America increased its revenue in local currencies by 11.0%. The number of vehicles produced increased by 9.7% year-on-year. Volume development at Autoneum’s North American plants clearly improved compared with 2021 due to the allocation of semiconductors to the vehicle models supplied by Autoneum. Revenue of Business Group Asia declined by 2.7% in local currencies, and thus was significantly below the market (+7.7%). Autoneum's production facilities in its main market China are located in regions that were hit particularly hard by the COVID-related lockdowns. Growth in China was also driven by Chinese vehicle manufacturers, with whom Autoneum generated only little revenue last year.
Business Group SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) achieved hyperinflation-adjusted revenue growth in local currencies of 65.2% year-on-year. This increase was mainly due to inflation compensation and in terms of volume slightly outperformed the market, which grew by 7.5%.

Due to significantly lower production volumes in Autoneum's regions Europe and Asia of around CHF 90 million compared to the half-year estimate and further increases in energy costs in the second half of the year, Autoneum expects the full-year 2022 result to be at the lower end of the guidance published on June 15, 2022.

The full year-end financial statements and the Annual Report 2022 will be presented at the Media Conference on March 1, 2023.


Autoneum Management AG


ECHA adds nine hazardous chemicals to Candidate List

ECHA has added nine chemicals to the Candidate List because of their hazardous properties. They are used for example in flame retardants, paints and coatings, inks and toners, coating products, plasticisers and in the manufacture of textile, leather or fur and paper.

Entries added to the Candidate List on 17 January 2023:

  • 1,1'-[ethane-1,2-diylbisoxy]bis[2,4,6-tribromobenzene]
  • 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol
  • 4,4'-sulphonyldiphenol
  • Barium diboron tetraoxide
  • Bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate covering any of the individual isomers and/or combinations thereof
  • Isobutyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
  • Melamine
  • Perfluoroheptanoic acid and its salts
  • reaction mass of 2,2,3,3,5,5,6,6-octafluoro-4-(1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropan-2-yl)morpholine and 2,2,3,3,5,5,6,6-octafluoro-4-(heptafluoropropyl)morpholine

Information on these substances' uses and reasons for inclusion on the Candidate List is available here.


ECHA has added nine chemicals to the Candidate List because of their hazardous properties. They are used for example in flame retardants, paints and coatings, inks and toners, coating products, plasticisers and in the manufacture of textile, leather or fur and paper.

Entries added to the Candidate List on 17 January 2023:

  • 1,1'-[ethane-1,2-diylbisoxy]bis[2,4,6-tribromobenzene]
  • 2,2',6,6'-tetrabromo-4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol
  • 4,4'-sulphonyldiphenol
  • Barium diboron tetraoxide
  • Bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate covering any of the individual isomers and/or combinations thereof
  • Isobutyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
  • Melamine
  • Perfluoroheptanoic acid and its salts
  • reaction mass of 2,2,3,3,5,5,6,6-octafluoro-4-(1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropan-2-yl)morpholine and 2,2,3,3,5,5,6,6-octafluoro-4-(heptafluoropropyl)morpholine

Information on these substances' uses and reasons for inclusion on the Candidate List is available here.


More information:
ECHA chemicals hazardous

European Chemicals Agency


MUNICH FABRIC START announces programme for upcoming event

The Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH announces the programme for the upcoming editions of MUNICH FABRIC START (24 to 26 January 2023) and BLUEZONE & KEYHOUSE (24 and 25 January 2023).
From 24 to 26 January 2023, visitors can expect a range of the latest trends, fabric, accessories and denim highlights from around 900 international exhibitors, an event programme with expert panels, keynotes and trend lectures, as well as numerous networking opportunities.

Economic Environment
Conflicts, inflation, recession, energy crisis, massive inequality, climate change - how companies can position themselves securely in a volatile market environment - this is deciphered by trend analyst David Shah in his key note "Self-Empowerment" and numerous industry experts, futurologists and leading fashion editors in the lecture series "The Status Quo of Fashion" by strategy and communication consultants Alex Vogt and Jana Kern.

The Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH announces the programme for the upcoming editions of MUNICH FABRIC START (24 to 26 January 2023) and BLUEZONE & KEYHOUSE (24 and 25 January 2023).
From 24 to 26 January 2023, visitors can expect a range of the latest trends, fabric, accessories and denim highlights from around 900 international exhibitors, an event programme with expert panels, keynotes and trend lectures, as well as numerous networking opportunities.

Economic Environment
Conflicts, inflation, recession, energy crisis, massive inequality, climate change - how companies can position themselves securely in a volatile market environment - this is deciphered by trend analyst David Shah in his key note "Self-Empowerment" and numerous industry experts, futurologists and leading fashion editors in the lecture series "The Status Quo of Fashion" by strategy and communication consultants Alex Vogt and Jana Kern.

Next to David Shah (View-Publications), the panel will include Siems Luckwaldt (CAPITAL and BUSINESS PUNK, RTL Germany), Shamin Vogel (WeAr Global Magazine), Ben Hanson (The Interline), Maria Cristina Pavarini (The SPIN OFF) and Carl Tillessen (DMI)

Digital Era
From digital colour apps, digital twins and virtual models to 3D simulation and virtual dressing rooms - the world of digital fashion will not only be discussed in numerous lectures in Munich, but also brought to life in the new Assyst Experience. Whether it's Carola Seybold, Head of Global Key Accounts at Pantone, Jan Hilger from Roland Berger, Arndt Johannes from Verce, Dr. Stefan Hauswiesner, CEO of Reactive Reality or the experts of the panel "Textilfabrik X.0 - New Marketing Buzz Words or One Step Ahead": everyone will be looking at virtual fashion from a different angle and providing insights into the latest state of the art. In her trend presentation "The weird & wonderful world of fashion cores" at BLUEZONE, Angela Velasquez (Rivet) sheds light on how viral TikTok trends are reshaping denim merchandising.

Sustainable Future
Digitisation and sustainability - the third major theme of the event programme - could not be more closely intertwined. Lisa Lang, Director of Policy & EU Affairs Orchestrator of EIT Climate KIC in an interview with Muchaneta ten Napel (Shape Innovate) kicks things off about the importance of a green transformation for the industry. Other topics in focus: Liv Simpliciano from Fashion Revolution gives an overview of where the world's biggest fashion brands and retailers stand in terms of transparency. Tricia Carey from Renewcell, David Shah (View-Publications), Lien van der Schueren and Guy Buyle (CISUTAC & HEREWEAR), Mateusz Wielopolski (Circulix) and Mario Malzacher (Circular.Fashion) critically discuss whether the circular economy is really the solution for everything or just a placebo. Circular ecosystems are also presented by Franziska von Becker from Hachmeister & Partner.

The race of the new sustainable materials of the future will be opened by Kirsi Terho from Infinited Fiber, Kuben Edwards from Onezero8, Marianne Uddman from Trustrace and Simon Angel, Sustainable Innovations Curator of MUNICH FABRIC START in a panel discussion with Muchaneta ten Napel (Shape Innovate). New products for a sustainable future in the denim industry will be discussed at BLUEZONE.
Another highlight: In cooperation with the Transformers Foundation, an expert panel will also be held at BLUEZONE on both days of the trade show.

Trends Spring.Summer 2024
Gerd Müller-Thomkins, Carl Tillessen and Niels Holger Wien from the Deutsches Mode Institut (DMI) see a "vibe shift" - a turning point. They will analyse what this means for fashion in their trend presentation on Wednesday. The Women's Fashion Trends SS 24 with the must haves of the season will be analysed by Karin Schmitz from the Trend Forecast Institute Peclers Paris - from the glamorous appearance in everyday life, to the play with gender identity, to simplicity combined with functionality and mobility.




Shelton Vision AI: Tailored machine learning solutions for the textiles industry

Over the past three years, a dedicated AI development team at BTMA member Shelton Vision has been developing tailored machine learning solutions for the textiles industry.

The aim has been to elevate the detection process and the accuracy of naming and grading subtle defects in textiles, in real time within production environments.

“Big Data ‘off-the-shelf’ systems such as those behind technolgies like facial recognition and Google Maps involve reading many thousands of single images each second and simply take too long to accumulate sufficient data for what’s required in this specific case,” says Shelton Vision CEO and Managing Director Mark Shelton. “A feature of the textile industry is that in many sectors, the product range changes several times within a year and it is not uncommon to have to inspect hundreds, if not thousands of different styles in a year based on precise settings.”

In terms of defect types, he adds, there may typically be over 100 that need to be accurately detected, classified (named) and graded in real time.

Over the past three years, a dedicated AI development team at BTMA member Shelton Vision has been developing tailored machine learning solutions for the textiles industry.

The aim has been to elevate the detection process and the accuracy of naming and grading subtle defects in textiles, in real time within production environments.

“Big Data ‘off-the-shelf’ systems such as those behind technolgies like facial recognition and Google Maps involve reading many thousands of single images each second and simply take too long to accumulate sufficient data for what’s required in this specific case,” says Shelton Vision CEO and Managing Director Mark Shelton. “A feature of the textile industry is that in many sectors, the product range changes several times within a year and it is not uncommon to have to inspect hundreds, if not thousands of different styles in a year based on precise settings.”

In terms of defect types, he adds, there may typically be over 100 that need to be accurately detected, classified (named) and graded in real time.

“Added to this is the need to ‘filter out’ the random occurrence of ‘non defects’, such as loose threads, lint and dust on the surface – the number of which can be higher than actual defects – and it is clear that a bespoke system is required.”
The development team has consequently established metadata for identifying defect properties, enabling the successful identification of faults from a much smaller number of images.

“The system employs a unique combination of machine learning for automated style training and novel algorithms for defect detection, to provide high quality images for the AI real time defect classification and grading software,” Shelton explains. “Due to the inherent variation in fabric features – raw materials, construction, texture, colour and finishes, as well as the differing product quality standards in value chains and the regional variations in what defects are called – our AI engine uses models built for each individual company or group of companies, or product value chain.”

The AI models are constructed so that the user operatives can populate them with their own data produced by the vision system or by obtaining defect images from another imaging source (eg a mobile phone camera).  

The occurrence of defects is sporadic and many defect types occur infrequently, although when they do, they can have severe consequences. These scenarios re-enforce the need for the AI engine to be quickly set up and able to operate accurately with limited data sets of typically between 30 and 50 good quality images per defect type.

A further feature is a tool enabling the user to periodically ‘clean up’ the AI data during the set up phase. This is used to resolve conflicting data and to correct mis-named images.

Generally, the highest cost component of fabric production is the raw material and in addition to finished product inspection, a cost effective use for vision systems is in process operation.

Generally, the highest cost component of fabric production is the raw material and in addition to finished product inspection, a cost effective use for vision systems is in process operation.

“There is a need for the real time detection of defects that are being created in separate processes, such as printing or coating and for real time automated systems that can accurately determine the defects and their severity and provide a reliable signal for an operative to rectify the issue, This can result in considerable savings.

Prior to Shelton introducing powerful customised machine vision and real time defect classification, the only systems available were those that required manual sifting through vast numbers of images, which included both real defects and ‘non defect’ images. The task was very often overwhelming and did not provide much benefit beyond manual fabric inspection.

More information:
Shelton Vision fabric inspection

AWOL for British Textile Machinery Association (BTMA)

(c) Oeko-Tex GmbH

OEKO-TEX®: New Branding for 30th anniversary

In its 30th year of dedication to safer textiles and leather, OEKO-TEX® has created a new brand identity. The global certifier of textile and leather products and production worked with branding agency Schwitzke ID to build the clear and unified OEKO-TEX® World.

Based on scientific principles, OEKO-TEX® has been promoting transparency in the textile and leather industry for three decades. Transparency is essential for enabling companies and consumers to make responsible decisions. “The new branding reflects the active, solution-oriented and positive approach. With our independent test institutes, we certify to clear, globally uniform criteria, which we communicate openly," says Inga Bleyer, Global Head of Marketing. "Our new look is clear, consistent and transparent."

In its 30th year of dedication to safer textiles and leather, OEKO-TEX® has created a new brand identity. The global certifier of textile and leather products and production worked with branding agency Schwitzke ID to build the clear and unified OEKO-TEX® World.

Based on scientific principles, OEKO-TEX® has been promoting transparency in the textile and leather industry for three decades. Transparency is essential for enabling companies and consumers to make responsible decisions. “The new branding reflects the active, solution-oriented and positive approach. With our independent test institutes, we certify to clear, globally uniform criteria, which we communicate openly," says Inga Bleyer, Global Head of Marketing. "Our new look is clear, consistent and transparent."

The most visible change is the new OEKO-TEX® logo, based on a geometric square and an organic circle, which reflect the scientific approach of OEKO-TEX® and the nature it aims to protect. The logo typo is supported by a stylized, organic form reminiscent of natural structures, such as leaves, drops or textile loops. The reduced colour palette highlights the umbrella brand with a new OEKO-TEX® Green plus black and white. A related colour palette supplements communication about OEKO-TEX® products. The product logos are subordinate to the umbrella brand, creating a unified hierarchy.

The lengthy transition period through 2024 considers sustainability. Customers should start the conversion now and may use any existing labels through the end of 2024.


Oeko-Tex GmbH

Grafik BVMed

Lieferketten-Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz: BVMed gibt MedTech-Unternehmen Orientierungshilfe

Am 1. Januar 2023 ist das Lieferketten-Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) in Kraft getreten. Die Unternehmen werden damit verpflichtet, Menschenrechte und Umweltbelange entlang ihrer globalen Lieferkette zu wahren. Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt die Medizintechnik-Branche bei der praktischen Umsetzung der neuen LkSG-Pflichten mit einer kostenlosen Handreichung. Die Orientierungshilfe besteht aus insgesamt sechs Modulen, von denen nun auch Modul 3 „Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus“ und Modul 5 „Jährliche Berichterstattung“ online gegangen sind. Zuvor waren bereits Module zum Anwendungsbereich, zur Compliance-Dokumentation und zur Ausgestaltung der Governance vom BVMed veröffentlicht worden. Die Module können unter heruntergeladen werden.

Am 1. Januar 2023 ist das Lieferketten-Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) in Kraft getreten. Die Unternehmen werden damit verpflichtet, Menschenrechte und Umweltbelange entlang ihrer globalen Lieferkette zu wahren. Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt die Medizintechnik-Branche bei der praktischen Umsetzung der neuen LkSG-Pflichten mit einer kostenlosen Handreichung. Die Orientierungshilfe besteht aus insgesamt sechs Modulen, von denen nun auch Modul 3 „Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus“ und Modul 5 „Jährliche Berichterstattung“ online gegangen sind. Zuvor waren bereits Module zum Anwendungsbereich, zur Compliance-Dokumentation und zur Ausgestaltung der Governance vom BVMed veröffentlicht worden. Die Module können unter heruntergeladen werden.

Das Gesetz gilt für alle Unternehmen, die in Deutschland mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeitende beschäftigen. Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 gilt es ab 1.000 Beschäftigte. Auch kleine und mittelständische Medizinprodukte-Hersteller und -Zulieferer können mittelbar betroffen sein. Dabei gilt das LkSG für sämtliche Wirtschaftsbereiche, also auch für das Gesundheitswesen einschließlich des Medizintechnik-Sektors.

„Unser Ziel ist es, mit den Publikationen zu einem einheitlichen Branchenstandard für die Implementierung des LkSG in Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen beizutragen. Damit erreichen wir Harmonisierung, Rechtssicherheit und Effizienz. Moderne Medizintechnologien dienen den Menschen und ihrer Gesundheitsversorgung. Hierbei müssen die Lebensgrundlagen der Menschen im Blick behalten werden. Menschenrechte müssen umfassend geachtet und sichergestellt werden. Dies muss ein zentrales Anliegen in einer globalisierten Welt mit komplexen Liefer- und Warenströmen sein“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Die Module wurden vom BVMed gemeinsam mit der Kanzlei Clifford Chance und der Produktkanzlei entwickelt.

Beschwerdemechanismus und jährliche Berichtserstattung
Die neu veröffentlichten Module 3 und 5 beleuchten die Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus und die jährliche Berichtserstattung.

  • Nach § 8 LkSG sind die Unternehmen verpflichtet, ein angemessenes und unternehmensinternes Beschwerdeverfahren einzurichten, welches es Personen ermöglicht, auf menschenrechtliche und umweltbezogene Risiken sowie auf Verletzungen menschenrechts- und umweltbezogener Pflichten hinzuweisen. Das dritte Modul enthält Vorschläge für die Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus.
  • Das fünfte Modul gibt eine Übersicht über die Mindestangaben, welche die Unternehmen im Rahmen ihrer jährlichen öffentlichen Berichterstattung nach § 10 Abs. 2 LkSG sowohl gegenüber der zuständigen Behörde, d. h. dem Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle („BAFA“), als auch gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit offenlegen müssen.
  • Modul 4 zur Risikoanalyse, -priorisierung, -prävention und -abhilfe folgt bis Ende Januar 2023.

„Das LkSG begründet umfangreiche Sorgfaltspflichten zum Schutz von menschenrechtlichen und umweltbezogenen Belangen entlang der gesamtem Lieferkette“, erläutern BVMed-Nachhaltigkeitsexpertin Clara Allonge sowie BVMed-Rechtsexpertin Dr. Katja Marx. Die Pflichten umfassen unter anderem die Risikoermittlung, -vermeidung und -beseitigung, die Einrichtung einer Überwachungsfunktion – in der Regel durch eine:n Menschenrechtsbeauftragte:n – und eines Beschwerdemechanismus, das Erstellen oder Ergänzen von Compliance-Dokumenten sowie die regelmäßige Berichterstattung. Die BVMed-Handreichung enthält zur Unterstützung der MedTech-Unternehmen praktische Umsetzungshilfen in Form von Beispielen, Musterformulierungen und Checklisten.

In Workshops des BVMed und der BVMed-Akademie werden die Pflichten vertieft erläutert und die Möglichkeit für Rückfragen gegeben.

Die kostenlose BVMed-Handreichung für Medizintechnik-Unternehmen besteht insgesamt aus den folgenden sechs Modulen:

  • Modul 0: Anwendungsbereich
  • Modul 1: (Compliance-)Dokumentation
  • Modul 2: Ausgestaltung der Governance
  • Modul 3: Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus
  • Modul 4: Risikoanalyse, -priorisierung, -prävention und -abhilfe
  • Modul 5: Jährliche Berichterstattung

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) TMAS

Climate impact mapping of Swedish textile machinery

Over the past year, TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association, has been working with ClimatePartner on a corporate carbon footprint (CCF) mapping project with its member companies, as a natural step towards supporting a more sustainable textile industry.

Over half of the members of TMAS are participating in the project, which involves calculating each operation’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in order to identify the current climate impact and areas where reductions can be made.

“Integrating climate action into strategies is becoming increasingly important in Europe and we have decided to take a pro-active role,” says TMAS secretary general Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is growing pressure from customers to be more transparant in this area and forthcoming legislation will soon make it necessary for all to take climate actions. TMAS members, however, recognise the benefit of taking action now, not least in terms of taking responsibility and demonstrating credibility.”

The CCF project’s scope examines all aspects of a business split into five areas:

Over the past year, TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association, has been working with ClimatePartner on a corporate carbon footprint (CCF) mapping project with its member companies, as a natural step towards supporting a more sustainable textile industry.

Over half of the members of TMAS are participating in the project, which involves calculating each operation’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in order to identify the current climate impact and areas where reductions can be made.

“Integrating climate action into strategies is becoming increasingly important in Europe and we have decided to take a pro-active role,” says TMAS secretary general Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is growing pressure from customers to be more transparant in this area and forthcoming legislation will soon make it necessary for all to take climate actions. TMAS members, however, recognise the benefit of taking action now, not least in terms of taking responsibility and demonstrating credibility.”

The CCF project’s scope examines all aspects of a business split into five areas:

  • Facility Management (heating, electricity, water, cooling agents and waste disposal).
  • Employee Mobility (commuting and company cars).
  • Business Travel (flights travel by train, rental cars).
  • Procurement (production, packaging and office materials).
  • Logistics (inbound and outbound).

Primary data is being used wherever possible and emission factors originate from internationally recognised databases such as ecoinvent and GEMIS.

The ClimatePartner measurement programme is based on the guidelines of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol), and factors in all greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol. These are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).

Each of these gases affect the atmosphere differently and remain in the atmosphere for different lengths of time. Rather than reporting on each gas separately, they are expressed as a CO2 equivalent (CO2e) for the sake of simplicity. A CO2e is essentially a conversion into a ‘global warming potential’ value that enables the influence of different gases on global warming to be compared.

(c) Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)

Marketmedia24: Outdoor-Branche erwartet 2022 ein Umsatzminus von 1,2%

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

Sport unter freiem Himmel wie Trekking, Joggen, Walken und Biken erlebte in den beiden Corona-Jahren 2020 und 2021 großen Zulauf – insbesondere als Freizeit- und Reiseersatz für alles das, was die Pandemie unmöglich machte. Und man deckte sich passend mit Outdoor-Bekleidung, -Schuhen und Ausrüstungen ein und legte dabei immer mehr Wert auf nachhaltige Ware. Ein Trend, der die Industrie zunehmend veranlasst, den Anteil an recycelten Materialien auszubauen.
Carina Dietrich, verantwortlich bei Sympatex für Brand Communication Strategy und Business Development: „Besonders im Textilbereich sehen wir über alle Sportarten ein starkes und immer weiter steigendes Interesse hinsichtlich eines nachhaltigen Konsumverhaltens und das Erreichen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft.“
Gleichzeitig sorgen allerdings die unterschiedlichsten Informationen, der Label Dschungel sowie das tatsächlich existierende Greenwashing für Unsicherheit im Markt. Zudem tragen die aktuellen Krisen zur Verunsicherung der Kunden bei. Jürgen Hanke, Vertriebsleiter bei der Platform-Group, prognostiziert, dass sich unter dem Eindruck steigender Energiepreise erst zeigen muss, welchen Wert Kunden und Kundeninnen auf nachhaltige Produkte legen oder ob sie doch wieder mehr preisbewusstere Alternativen kaufen. Zumindest im Oktober 2022 sank der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen auf den Portalen der Platform Group um 50 Prozent, während hier Outdoor insgesamt gleichzeitig „nur“ um 27,4 Prozent nachgab. Allerdings weist der Umsatztrend in den Monaten Januar, Juni und September klar daraufhin, dass Nachhaltigkeit ein Nachfragefaktor bleibt.

Auch weil die Preisfrage überholt ist (zumal es jetzt auch immer mehr Secondhand-Angebote im Handel gibt), ist Stefan Brunner, Director Sports beim iscm-institute und Experte im Sport-Team von Marketmedia24, überzeugt. Seiner Meinung nach kann es sich kein Stakeholder der Branche – sei es Industrie oder Handel – erlauben, die Nachhaltigkeit zu ignorieren. Vielmehr ist „die Sportartikelbranche gut beraten, ihre Führungsposition rund um dieses Thema auszubauen und damit auf den Trend nach mehr qualitativem Konsum einzuzahlen.“ Denn Nachhaltigkeit wird zweifelsohne zum neuen Statussymbol als Ausdruck einer Haltung. Schützenhilfe kommt da auch von der Anfang 2022 vorgestellten nachhaltigen Textilstrategie der Europäischen Kommission. Danach wird der Textilsektor die erste Branche sein, die vollständig zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft übergeht: Bis 2030 sollen Textilprodukte, die in der EU in Verkehr gebracht werden, langlebiger, wiederverwendbarer, reparierbarer, recycelbar und energieeffizienter sein.



Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)