From the Sector

1590 results
Spinnova and KT Trading create new circular textile made from leather waste (c) Spinnova

Spinnova and KT Trading create new circular textile made from leather waste

The textile industry is constantly searching for new, sustainable, and circular materials. Following thorough research and testing, Spinnova and KT Trading have developed a natural leather fabric made from leather waste without harmful chemicals.

"Leather is an amazing high-quality material with unique properties. With this new textile, we have taken yet another step towards completing the circular economy for leather," says Kristian Geert Jensen, CEO of KT Trading, who now has a joint venture with Spinnova.

Spinnova CEO: Sustainable innovation
Together with KT Trading, ECCO’s key leather provider, Spinnova has established the Respin company - a new joint venture. The partners are already constructing a leather fibre production pilot plant in Finland.

ECCO’s Applied Research division and Spinnova have been in a R&D collaboration since 2018 and have made successful trials with spinning the protein biomass into fibre. Processing leather raw material does not require further technology development from Spinnova. The company already has proof of concept from using the method on wood-based raw material.

The textile industry is constantly searching for new, sustainable, and circular materials. Following thorough research and testing, Spinnova and KT Trading have developed a natural leather fabric made from leather waste without harmful chemicals.

"Leather is an amazing high-quality material with unique properties. With this new textile, we have taken yet another step towards completing the circular economy for leather," says Kristian Geert Jensen, CEO of KT Trading, who now has a joint venture with Spinnova.

Spinnova CEO: Sustainable innovation
Together with KT Trading, ECCO’s key leather provider, Spinnova has established the Respin company - a new joint venture. The partners are already constructing a leather fibre production pilot plant in Finland.

ECCO’s Applied Research division and Spinnova have been in a R&D collaboration since 2018 and have made successful trials with spinning the protein biomass into fibre. Processing leather raw material does not require further technology development from Spinnova. The company already has proof of concept from using the method on wood-based raw material.

More information:
Spinnova Leather textile waste fibres

Spinnova / Cision

(c) Checkpoint Systems

Checkpoint Systems: Mit RFID-Technologie Überbestände im Einzelhandel reduzieren und Umsatz steigern

Globale Lieferketten, E-Commerce und ausgebaute Omnichannel-Möglichkeiten: Die Verwaltung der Bestände ist für Einzelhändler in den letzten Jahren immer komplexer geworden. Um dennoch mit der Kundennachfrage Schritt halten zu können, lagern viele von ihnen zu viel Ware ein. Nach Erfahrung von Checkpoint Systems sind es im Durchschnitt 42.000 Artikel. Die Folge sind Überbestände, hohe Kosten für Lagerflächen und langwierige Inventurprozesse. Die Lösung für eine effiziente Bestandsverwaltung ist RFID.

Globale Lieferketten, E-Commerce und ausgebaute Omnichannel-Möglichkeiten: Die Verwaltung der Bestände ist für Einzelhändler in den letzten Jahren immer komplexer geworden. Um dennoch mit der Kundennachfrage Schritt halten zu können, lagern viele von ihnen zu viel Ware ein. Nach Erfahrung von Checkpoint Systems sind es im Durchschnitt 42.000 Artikel. Die Folge sind Überbestände, hohe Kosten für Lagerflächen und langwierige Inventurprozesse. Die Lösung für eine effiziente Bestandsverwaltung ist RFID.

Der Einsatz von RFID-Technologie verbessert die Verfügbarkeit der Waren im Regal, sodass das richtige Produkt zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort ist. Die Bestandsgenauigkeit kann nach der Erfahrung von Checkpoint Systems auf bis zu 99 Prozent erhöht werden. Trotzdem zögern viele Einzelhändler bei der Umstellung auf diese Technologie. „Das liegt daran, dass bis vor einigen Jahren die Einführung von RFID-Technologie noch mit einem mehrjährigen Projekt und entsprechend langer Pilotphase verbunden war. Außerdem konnten Einzelhändler den Gewinn daraus schwer abschätzen“, erklärt Miguel Garcia Manso, Business Unit Director Deutschland von Checkpoint Systems, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von RF- und RFID-Technologie für den Einzelhandel. „Heute aber kann im Rahmen eines effizient umgesetzten Pilotprojekts für jeden Einzelhändler schnell berechnet werden, wie hoch seine Investitionsrendite ist und wie viel rentabler er durch die Einführung von RFID arbeiten kann.“

Im Rahmen eines kostenlosen Store Scans wird ermittelt, welche Artikel in der Filiale bereits gekennzeichnet sind. Im Durchschnitt sind rund 40 Prozent der Artikel bei Mode- und Schuheinzelhändlern mit großen Marken im Sortiment bereits mit RFID-Etiketten versehen. Alternativ kennzeichnen die Fachleute einen Teil der Eigenmarke des Einzelhändlers. Es folgen ein Pilotversuch sowie Schulungen und Vor-Ort-Support. Die gestaffelte Vorgehensweise ermöglicht es Einzelhändlern, mit einem begrenzten Einsatz von Ressourcen und ohne Risiko die Möglichkeiten von RFID für den eigenen Store kennenzulernen, im realen Einsatz zu testen und nach erfolgreichem Test schnell einzuführen.

More information:
Checkpoint Systems

Checkpoint Systems


PCMC to unveil Paragon tissue rewinder

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC) —a division of Barry-Wehmiller and a global supplier of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries — presents its new Paragon rewinder during an online launch event.

Held June 8 at 9 a.m. (CT), the virtual reveal will include a machine overview, a demonstration of its patent-pending winding technology and a live Q&A session. In addition, attendees will learn how the Paragon’s design allows for robust caliper, bulk and diameter flexibility, and how its new HMI gives operators unparalleled machine control with intuitive navigation and fewer, simpler adjustments.

For more information click here.

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC) —a division of Barry-Wehmiller and a global supplier of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries — presents its new Paragon rewinder during an online launch event.

Held June 8 at 9 a.m. (CT), the virtual reveal will include a machine overview, a demonstration of its patent-pending winding technology and a live Q&A session. In addition, attendees will learn how the Paragon’s design allows for robust caliper, bulk and diameter flexibility, and how its new HMI gives operators unparalleled machine control with intuitive navigation and fewer, simpler adjustments.

For more information click here.




NCTO testifies on the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testifies on “COVID-19 Part II: Evaluating the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of: the U.S. market prior to the pandemic and the root causes of America’s dependence on offshore sources for medical PPE; the heroic response of the U.S. textile industry; the federal government’s response to the crisis; and a series of policy recommendations to incentivize the establishment of a permanent domestic PPE supply chain.

Glas details key policy recommendations designed to establish a permanent domestic PPE supply chain, including:

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testifies on “COVID-19 Part II: Evaluating the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of: the U.S. market prior to the pandemic and the root causes of America’s dependence on offshore sources for medical PPE; the heroic response of the U.S. textile industry; the federal government’s response to the crisis; and a series of policy recommendations to incentivize the establishment of a permanent domestic PPE supply chain.

Glas details key policy recommendations designed to establish a permanent domestic PPE supply chain, including:

  • Create strong domestic procurement rules for federal PPE purchases and other essential products--substantially similar to the Berry Amendment and the Kissell Amendment which require 100% US content from fiber production forward
  • Implement forward-looking policies to shore up the Strategic National Stockpile and issue long-term contracts to incentivize investment in the domestic PPE manufacturing base
  • Create federal incentives for private sector hospitals and large provider networks to purchase domestically-produced PPE
  • Continue to deploy the Defense Production Act to shore up the textile industrial base from raw materials to end products for all essential products

View the full written testimony here.

Anschlussfertig: TFT-Displays von KOE jetzt als Kitlösung (c) KOE
Leonhard Spiegl ist Product Manager Components der Distec GmbH

Anschlussfertig: TFT-Displays von KOE jetzt als Kitlösung

  • Distec bietet Komplettprogramm in robuster Industriequalität für Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, Infrastruktur und Bauwesen

Die Distec GmbH – einer der führenden deutschen Spezialisten für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – ist seit November 2020 offizieller Distributor für die robusten, industriellen TFT-Displays des Herstellers Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics (KOE). „Die qualitativ hochwertigen TFT-Displays lassen sich perfekt mit unseren eigenentwickelten, robusten Prisma TFT Controllern ansteuern“, erläutert Leonhard Spiegl, Product Manager Components bei Distec. „Für eine einfache Inbetriebnahme bieten wir deshalb komplett anschlussfertige, industrielle Kitlösungen mit allem nötigen Zubehör an. Die lange Verfügbarkeit der Displays passt dabei perfekt in unser Konzept, das Kundenzufriedenheit und eine hohe Produktqualität priorisiert.“ Die absolut robusten Displays eignen sich besonders für extreme Einsatzbedingungen wie beispielsweise Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, öffentlicher Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Bauwesen.

  • Distec bietet Komplettprogramm in robuster Industriequalität für Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, Infrastruktur und Bauwesen

Die Distec GmbH – einer der führenden deutschen Spezialisten für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – ist seit November 2020 offizieller Distributor für die robusten, industriellen TFT-Displays des Herstellers Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics (KOE). „Die qualitativ hochwertigen TFT-Displays lassen sich perfekt mit unseren eigenentwickelten, robusten Prisma TFT Controllern ansteuern“, erläutert Leonhard Spiegl, Product Manager Components bei Distec. „Für eine einfache Inbetriebnahme bieten wir deshalb komplett anschlussfertige, industrielle Kitlösungen mit allem nötigen Zubehör an. Die lange Verfügbarkeit der Displays passt dabei perfekt in unser Konzept, das Kundenzufriedenheit und eine hohe Produktqualität priorisiert.“ Die absolut robusten Displays eignen sich besonders für extreme Einsatzbedingungen wie beispielsweise Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, öffentlicher Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Bauwesen.

Rugged-Serie von KOE überzeugt auf ganzer Linie: gewohnt zuverlässige Industriequalität

Die TFT-Displays der Rugged-Serie von KOE sind sehr widerstandsfähig gegen Vibration und Schock. Der ausgesprochen weite Arbeitstemperaturbereich von -40 bis +85 °C erlaubt den unproblematischen Betrieb der Displays auch bei starker Kälte oder Hitze. Außerdem bieten die Displays eine hohe Helligkeit und einen weiten Winkel mit IPS-Technologie für perfekte Ablesbarkeit in hellem Umgebungslicht und bei seitlicher Betrachtung. Zero Bright Dot ist bei der Rugged-Serie Standard und ergänzt die hervorragenden optischen Eigenschaften. Die Testkriterien für KOEs Zuverlässigkeitstests übertreffen den Industriestandard um den Faktor 2. Einige KOE-Displays sind bereits mit LTPS-Technologie gefertigt und haben dadurch einen besonders geringen Energieverbrauch, der einen problemlosen Einsatz in Mobilgeräten ermöglicht. Mit Distecs VacuBond Optical-Bonding-Verfahren kann auf Wunsch ein Schutzglas auf das Display aufgebracht werden. Es schützt das Display vor Verschmutzung und Beschädigungen durch raue Einsatzbedingungen und erleichtert das Reinigen des Displays. Das dabei eingesetzte Hightech-OPTα-GEL® erhöht die Vibrations- und Schockfestigkeit der gebondeten Einheit zusätzlich. Touchscreens können ebenso optisch auf das Display gebondet werden.  

Distec hat ständig eine Auswahl an KOE-TFT-Displays auf Lager und kann Kundenprojekte schnell bedienen. Auf Anfrage ist das gesamte KOE-Produktprogramm lieferbar. Sowohl Plug-and-play-Kitlösungen als auch kundenspezifische Systemintegrationen sind möglich.

Rinco Ultrasonics AG opens subsidiary in Mexico (c) Rinco Ultrasonics AG
“The new RINCO ULTRASONICS subsidiary in Querétaro, some 200 km north west of Mexico City, is home to an application-based test laboratory. Moving forward, the subsidiary will bring the company and its products and services much closer to customers and partners alike.” Serge Patamia, CEO

Rinco Ultrasonics AG opens subsidiary in Mexico

RINCO ULTRASONICS is strengthening its market presence in Central America – a significant market for the automotive supply industry – by opening its own subsidiary in Mexico.

Romanshorn, May 2021 – With the establishment of its eleventh global subsidiary and its first in Central America, RINCO ULTRASONICS is highlighting the importance of the Central American market. “The automotive supply industry is one of the strongest sectors of industry in Mexico and one of the most important markets for RINCO. Our subsidiary in Querétaro, which is located 200 km away from Mexico City, will bring us closer to customers and partners alike,” explains Serge Patamia, CEO of RINCO ULTRASONICS. “We already enjoy high levels of confidence from both customers and partners in the region, and local presence will only serve to improve this. Investing in a dedicated subsidiary underlines our commitment to the market in Central America.”

RINCO ULTRASONICS is strengthening its market presence in Central America – a significant market for the automotive supply industry – by opening its own subsidiary in Mexico.

Romanshorn, May 2021 – With the establishment of its eleventh global subsidiary and its first in Central America, RINCO ULTRASONICS is highlighting the importance of the Central American market. “The automotive supply industry is one of the strongest sectors of industry in Mexico and one of the most important markets for RINCO. Our subsidiary in Querétaro, which is located 200 km away from Mexico City, will bring us closer to customers and partners alike,” explains Serge Patamia, CEO of RINCO ULTRASONICS. “We already enjoy high levels of confidence from both customers and partners in the region, and local presence will only serve to improve this. Investing in a dedicated subsidiary underlines our commitment to the market in Central America.”

José Armando Vázquez, the newly appointed country manager for Mexico, brings both passion and specialist expertise to his role. Having grown up in the automotive industry, Vazquez knows the needs and requirements of the supplying industry and the plastics sector inside out.

In José Armando Vázquez, customers and interested parties in Mexico have a local point of contact who is bringing Swiss perfection to Querétaro in the form of RINCO ULTRASONICS MEXICO. In addition to sales, RINCO in Mexico also offers technical services such as an application-based test laboratory and various service facilities to promote the building of partnerships and the delivery of new projects.
“Our aim is to captivate users with our ultrasonic technology and offer them tangible added value so that by using solutions like our AGM Pro ultrasonic generator, for example, they can save time and user fewer materials,”, says Serge Patamia, summarising what customers in Central America can expect.


Archroma releases 2020 sustainability report

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the release of its Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2020.

Prepared again in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and building on a strong track record, the report outlines the company’s progress on its priority sustainability topics, such as human health and environmental safety, resource efficiency, sustainable sourcing and product stewardship, as well as diversity & inclusion, and talent management.

For the first time Archroma conducted a survey with its stakeholders to confirm the relevance of the sustainability topics covered in the report. These include biodiversity, occupational and product safety, and fair labor practices, as well as maybe less expected topics such as compliance, economic performance, and culture.

The report can be downloaded at:

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the release of its Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2020.

Prepared again in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and building on a strong track record, the report outlines the company’s progress on its priority sustainability topics, such as human health and environmental safety, resource efficiency, sustainable sourcing and product stewardship, as well as diversity & inclusion, and talent management.

For the first time Archroma conducted a survey with its stakeholders to confirm the relevance of the sustainability topics covered in the report. These include biodiversity, occupational and product safety, and fair labor practices, as well as maybe less expected topics such as compliance, economic performance, and culture.

The report can be downloaded at:

More information:
Archroma chemicals


(c) Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH

Teijin Carbon produces new thermoplastic PPS-Tape

Teijin Carbon Europe introduces a new thermoplastic carbon fiber tape (TPUD) based on PPS. The new Tenax™ TPUD with PPS matrix allows entry in new cost-sensitive markets while offering the typical TPUD advantages like high resistance to chemicals and solvents, low flammability, storage or shipping at room temperature and recyclability.  

Due to its flame retardant properties and low smoke emission, it can be used in interior applications of aircraft or rail vehicles, among others. The maximum continuous operating temperature is up to 220 °C. Very low water absorption, excellent creep resistance even at elevated temperatures and high dimensional stability round off the property portfolio of this new TPUD. It is therefore also suitable for demanding applications in the aerospace, oil & gas, sporting goods or industrial sectors, while remaining cost-effective. These properties make the product perfect for highly automated processing routes such as ATL or AFP in combination with overmolding for complex geometries. Production start for the Tenax™ TPUD with PPS matrix is the first quarter in 2021.

Teijin Carbon Europe introduces a new thermoplastic carbon fiber tape (TPUD) based on PPS. The new Tenax™ TPUD with PPS matrix allows entry in new cost-sensitive markets while offering the typical TPUD advantages like high resistance to chemicals and solvents, low flammability, storage or shipping at room temperature and recyclability.  

Due to its flame retardant properties and low smoke emission, it can be used in interior applications of aircraft or rail vehicles, among others. The maximum continuous operating temperature is up to 220 °C. Very low water absorption, excellent creep resistance even at elevated temperatures and high dimensional stability round off the property portfolio of this new TPUD. It is therefore also suitable for demanding applications in the aerospace, oil & gas, sporting goods or industrial sectors, while remaining cost-effective. These properties make the product perfect for highly automated processing routes such as ATL or AFP in combination with overmolding for complex geometries. Production start for the Tenax™ TPUD with PPS matrix is the first quarter in 2021.

For almost 10 years, unidirectional tapes (TPUD) have been manufactured from carbon fibers and thermoplastics in Heinsberg, Germany. The semi-finished products have so far been offered with PEEK or PAEK – and PPS is now added to the list of available matrixes. PPS allows a lower process temperature compared to PEEK or PAEK. For the industrial market in particular, increasing the production rate to make processes more cost-efficient is an opportunity.


Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp Selected as JEC Innovation Awards 2021 Finalists (c) JEC Group

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp Selected as JEC Innovation Awards 2021 Finalists

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp are nominated as finalists for the JEC Innovation Awards 2021. The three project partners have been selected as finalists in the awards’ Renewable Energy category for their innovative Green Nacelle – the first offshore nacelle manufactured with natural fibre composites (NFC).

The Green Nacelle was designed by NFC innovators GREENBOATS, who were also responsible for the structural engineering, manufacturing and assembly of the nacelle.  By incorporating Bcomp’s ampliTex™ flax reinforcements, FSC certified balsa wood cores and bio-based resins, the Green Nacelle’s NFC construction saves approximately 60% CO2 equivalent and reduces the energy consumption by over 50% compared to a nacelle made with existing GFRP technology.

In addition to the lower CO2 footprint, the natural fibre composite structure also introduces viable options for the end of the nacelles’ life unlike traditional GFRP structures - an issue of increasing concern for the wind energy sector that presents a great opportunity for natural fibre composites to bring a sustainable change to this market.

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp are nominated as finalists for the JEC Innovation Awards 2021. The three project partners have been selected as finalists in the awards’ Renewable Energy category for their innovative Green Nacelle – the first offshore nacelle manufactured with natural fibre composites (NFC).

The Green Nacelle was designed by NFC innovators GREENBOATS, who were also responsible for the structural engineering, manufacturing and assembly of the nacelle.  By incorporating Bcomp’s ampliTex™ flax reinforcements, FSC certified balsa wood cores and bio-based resins, the Green Nacelle’s NFC construction saves approximately 60% CO2 equivalent and reduces the energy consumption by over 50% compared to a nacelle made with existing GFRP technology.

In addition to the lower CO2 footprint, the natural fibre composite structure also introduces viable options for the end of the nacelles’ life unlike traditional GFRP structures - an issue of increasing concern for the wind energy sector that presents a great opportunity for natural fibre composites to bring a sustainable change to this market.

Sicomin, the formulator and supplier of the leading range of GreenPoxy bio-based epoxy resin systems, supplied its DNV GL approved InfuGreen 810 resin system that was used to infuse the Green Nacelle’s main structural sandwich panels, as well as providing intumescent FR gelcoats, bio-based laminating resins and UV resistant clear coatings for the groundbreaking new nacelle.  Materials, as well as on-site technical support, were delivered by Sicomin’s German distributor TIME OUT Composites.

The winners of the awards will be announced during JEC Connect which will be held on the 1st and 2nd June 2021.


100% Marketing

ANDRITZ receives order for a new batt forming line for stitchbonding from Pratrivero, Italy (c) ANDRITZ
ANDRITZ eXcelle crosslapper

ANDRITZ receives order for a new batt forming line for stitchbonding from Pratrivero, Italy

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Pratrivero s.p.a. to supply a new eXcelle batt forming line for their production facilities in Valdilana, Italy. The line will be dedicated to the production of Maliwatt products, used in furnishing, automotive, naval, medical, geotextiles, advertising, clothing, and packaging applications. Installation and start-up are scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ batt forming line includes an eXcelle card and eXcelle crosslapper, a ProDyn™ web profiling correction system as well as a scanning gauge with a closed loop. The ProDyn system combines actions from the card doffers with dynamic speed variation at the crosslapper. This will result in substantial fiber savings and reduction in CV%, providing improved weight evenness in the final product. The ProDyn closed loop will ensure the best possible self-regulation for the equipment and thus enable Pratrivero to produce one of the best product qualities on the market. Pratrivero will be the world’s first company to use the ProDyn technology in the Maliwatt stitchbonding process.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Pratrivero s.p.a. to supply a new eXcelle batt forming line for their production facilities in Valdilana, Italy. The line will be dedicated to the production of Maliwatt products, used in furnishing, automotive, naval, medical, geotextiles, advertising, clothing, and packaging applications. Installation and start-up are scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ batt forming line includes an eXcelle card and eXcelle crosslapper, a ProDyn™ web profiling correction system as well as a scanning gauge with a closed loop. The ProDyn system combines actions from the card doffers with dynamic speed variation at the crosslapper. This will result in substantial fiber savings and reduction in CV%, providing improved weight evenness in the final product. The ProDyn closed loop will ensure the best possible self-regulation for the equipment and thus enable Pratrivero to produce one of the best product qualities on the market. Pratrivero will be the world’s first company to use the ProDyn technology in the Maliwatt stitchbonding process.

Stitchbond is a nonwoven process made by mechanically interlocking fiber webs with continuous filaments, thus imitating textiles. Stitchbonded products are used in many applications due to their lower production costs compared to woven textiles. Among all the different nonwoven processes in which it operates, ANDRITZ is also a market-leading supplier of batt forming equipment for the stitchbonding processes producing Maliwatt, Malivlies and quilting.

Pratrivero is an important player in the production of nonwoven fabrics using stitchbonding technology.


Hochschule Albstadt/Sigmaringen: neuer Nachhaltigkeits-Studiengang

Globale Umweltverschmutzung, soziale Ungerechtigkeiten und tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Natur stellen unsere Gesellschaft und die Unternehmen heute vor große Herausforderungen. Darauf reagiert die Fakultät Engineering an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen mit einem neuen Studienangebot, das ihre Stärken im Bereich der Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung mit dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit vereint und den angehenden Ingenieuren einen an den globalen Herausforderungen orientierten Blickwinkel auf die Produktentwicklung ermöglicht. Der neue Studiengang „Sustainable Engineering – Nachhaltige Produkte und Prozesse“ mit breit angelegten Querschnittskompetenzen in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit und Engineering startet im kommenden Wintersemester.

Globale Umweltverschmutzung, soziale Ungerechtigkeiten und tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Natur stellen unsere Gesellschaft und die Unternehmen heute vor große Herausforderungen. Darauf reagiert die Fakultät Engineering an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen mit einem neuen Studienangebot, das ihre Stärken im Bereich der Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung mit dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit vereint und den angehenden Ingenieuren einen an den globalen Herausforderungen orientierten Blickwinkel auf die Produktentwicklung ermöglicht. Der neue Studiengang „Sustainable Engineering – Nachhaltige Produkte und Prozesse“ mit breit angelegten Querschnittskompetenzen in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit und Engineering startet im kommenden Wintersemester.

"Die Welt besser machen"
Wie kann ein Produkt langlebig und reparaturfreundlich gestaltet werden? Können Themen wie Recycling und Entsorgung eines Produkts bereits in der Entwicklung bedacht werden? Welche Prozesse der Lieferkette stellen die größte Umweltbelastung dar, und wie können diese optimiert werden? Wie können Werkstoffe umweltfreundlich abgebaut, produziert und transportiert werden? Welche rechtlichen Vorgaben in Bezug auf den Umweltschutz existieren bereits, und von welchen Instanzen werden sie gemacht? Wie kann man Prozessketten fair gestalten? Wer trägt die soziale Verantwortung? Welchen Nutzen, aber auch welche Risiken bringt eine neue Technologie mit sich? Diesen und ähnlichen Fragen widmet sich „Sustainable Engineering“ und gibt den Studierenden das Rüstzeug mit, um die Welt im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes besser zu machen.

Studierende können aus drei Vertiefungsrichtungen wählen
In einem gemeinsamen Grundstudium werden den Studierenden zunächst das allgemeine ingenieurwissenschaftliche Fachwissen sowie Grundlagen der Nachhaltigkeit vermittelt. Um nach dem Studium sofort auch fit für den internationalen Arbeitsmarkt zu sein und auch ausländische Studierende anzusprechen, wird der Nachhaltigkeitsblock auf Englisch gelehrt. Ab dem dritten Semester entscheiden sich die Studierenden dann für eine von drei Vertiefungsrichtungen: Textil- und Bekleidungstechnologie, Maschinenbau oder Werkstoff- und Prozesstechnik.


Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen

Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen. © Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen.

Fraunhofer UMSICHT Ausstellungsprojekt

  • Energiewende – gemeinsam für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft
  • Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen.

Wie können wir die Energiewende gemeinsam umsetzen? Dieser Frage widmet sich ab 2022 eine Ausstellung, die das gesamte Bundesgebiet bereist und durch zahlreiche Veranstaltungen und partizipative Angebote begleitet wird. In dem gemeinsamen Projekt präsentieren Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen, Ausstellungshäuser sowie Akteure der Wissenschaftskommunikation Lösungen für eine sichere, wirtschaftliche und klimaneutrale Energieversorgung und nehmen Ideen und Meinungen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger dazu auf. Parallel werden die Wahrnehmung des Themas Energiewende in der Öffentlichkeit und die Wirkung des Projekts selbst erforscht.

Ausstellung ab April 2022

  • Energiewende – gemeinsam für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft
  • Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen.

Wie können wir die Energiewende gemeinsam umsetzen? Dieser Frage widmet sich ab 2022 eine Ausstellung, die das gesamte Bundesgebiet bereist und durch zahlreiche Veranstaltungen und partizipative Angebote begleitet wird. In dem gemeinsamen Projekt präsentieren Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen, Ausstellungshäuser sowie Akteure der Wissenschaftskommunikation Lösungen für eine sichere, wirtschaftliche und klimaneutrale Energieversorgung und nehmen Ideen und Meinungen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger dazu auf. Parallel werden die Wahrnehmung des Themas Energiewende in der Öffentlichkeit und die Wirkung des Projekts selbst erforscht.

Ausstellung ab April 2022

Im Mittelpunkt steht eine Ausstellung, die vom Industriemuseum des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) und dem Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost entwickelt wird. Erste Station ist ab April 2022 die Henrichshütte Hattingen im Ruhrgebiet, ab Oktober 2022 ist die Ausstellung im Klimahaus zu sehen. Sie stellt mit Hilfe interaktiver und partizipativer Elemente Konzepte und Ideen der Energiewende sowie innovative Forschungsprojekte vor. Dabei werden auch die regionalen Besonderheiten im Umfeld der beiden Ausstellungshäuser aufgegriffen. Im Anschluss an die Präsentation in Hattingen und Bremerhaven tourt eine daraus entwickelte Wanderausstellung durch das Bundesgebiet.

Die Konzeption der Ausstellung und ihre Rezeption werden von der TU Ilmenau kommunikationswissenschaftlich begleitet. Erkenntnisse aus der Begleitforschung können dadurch direkt in die Ausstellung und das Rahmenprogramm zurückfließen. Im Zentrum des Projekts steht dabei die Frage, wie erfolgreiche Wissenschaftskommunikation zur Energiewende vor allem mit Blick auf regionale Aspekte gelingen kann und welchen Einfluss standortspezifische Faktoren auf die Rezeption haben.


    Industriemuseum des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe (LWL)
    Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost
    Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fachgebiet Empirische Medienforschung und politische Kommunikation
    DECHEMA Gesellschaft für chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e. V.
    Fraunhofer UMSICHT
    Fraunhofer-Cluster CINES
    Wissenschaft im Dialog


    Kopernikus Projekte für die Energiewende


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT

Monforts takes part in Webtalk by VDMA’s textile machinery division (c) Monforts/Pleva

Monforts takes part in Webtalk by VDMA’s textile machinery division

Monforts Head of Technical Textiles Jürgen Hanel will take part in the next international webtalk to be held by the VDMA’s textile machinery division on May 20th.

He will be joined by Johannes Lutz, Research and Development Engineer at Pleva, to provide full details of how the latest Monforts coating technology is supported by special microwave measuring systems.

The Montex®Coat magnetic roller coating option allows a wide range of coatings and finishes to be carried out, while being easy to handle for operators and much easier to clean at the end of the process.

“This roller provides textile finishers with an expanded range of options due to the fully-adjustable positioning of the magnet within the roller and with four different magnet positions possible, can be set to operate both as a direct coating system and as an indirect coater,” Hanel said.

Lutz will provide an overview of the use of Pleva microwave measurement technology in coating processes, in addition to the latest developments in electronic evaluation.

Monforts Head of Technical Textiles Jürgen Hanel will take part in the next international webtalk to be held by the VDMA’s textile machinery division on May 20th.

He will be joined by Johannes Lutz, Research and Development Engineer at Pleva, to provide full details of how the latest Monforts coating technology is supported by special microwave measuring systems.

The Montex®Coat magnetic roller coating option allows a wide range of coatings and finishes to be carried out, while being easy to handle for operators and much easier to clean at the end of the process.

“This roller provides textile finishers with an expanded range of options due to the fully-adjustable positioning of the magnet within the roller and with four different magnet positions possible, can be set to operate both as a direct coating system and as an indirect coater,” Hanel said.

Lutz will provide an overview of the use of Pleva microwave measurement technology in coating processes, in addition to the latest developments in electronic evaluation.

To ensure a constant high quality in coating operations it is necessary to accurately measure and control the amount of chemical being applied, and Pleva’s series 700 devices achieve this via contact-free microwave moisture measurement technology which can be supplied either as single- or three-point units, or as a traversing measurement unit.

The free-to-attend webtalk will take place on May 20th from 2-3pm (CEST) and registration can be made here, along with further information.


AWOL Media


Rieter updates Outlook for First Half Year 2021

  • Order intake of around CHF 300 million received in the month of April 2021
  • Order intake in the first half of 2021 expected to be around CHF 800 million
  • Start of implementation of the Rieter CAMPUS project in Winterthur

In the month of April 2021, Rieter received orders of around CHF 300 million. The order intake in April was broadly based internationally with the main focus on Turkey, Uzbekistan and India.

In addition to the regional development of the market, Rieter also attributes the business performance to a catch-up effect due to the low propensity to invest in 2019/2020.

As a result, Rieter expects an order intake of around CHF 800 million in the first half of 2021.

As already announced, Rieter anticipates that sales in the first half of 2021 will be below the break-even point. Rieter expects an operating profit for the full year 2021. On July 15, 2021 Rieter will give an updated outlook for 2021 in connection with the semi-annual results, taking into consideration the ongoing challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Order intake of around CHF 300 million received in the month of April 2021
  • Order intake in the first half of 2021 expected to be around CHF 800 million
  • Start of implementation of the Rieter CAMPUS project in Winterthur

In the month of April 2021, Rieter received orders of around CHF 300 million. The order intake in April was broadly based internationally with the main focus on Turkey, Uzbekistan and India.

In addition to the regional development of the market, Rieter also attributes the business performance to a catch-up effect due to the low propensity to invest in 2019/2020.

As a result, Rieter expects an order intake of around CHF 800 million in the first half of 2021.

As already announced, Rieter anticipates that sales in the first half of 2021 will be below the break-even point. Rieter expects an operating profit for the full year 2021. On July 15, 2021 Rieter will give an updated outlook for 2021 in connection with the semi-annual results, taking into consideration the ongoing challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Rieter Board of Directors has approved the implementation of the CAMPUS project. The Rieter CAMPUS comprises a customer and technology center as well as an administration building at the Winterthur location. It will make an important contribution to the implementation of the innovation strategy and to the enhancement of Rieter’s technology leadership position.


Rieter Management AG


Groz-Beckert in person and virtually at ITMA Asia 2021

The 7th ITMA Asia + CITME takes place from 12–16 June 2021 in Shanghai, China. Groz-Beckert presents the new products from all six product areas:
Knitting, Weaving, Felting, Tufting, Carding und Sewing.

The products are presented both physically as exhibits and in extended form via augmented reality. Groz-Beckert welcomes guests on-site at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Hall 4, Booth C31. In addition to the face-to-face event, the company is inviting industry visitors to its virtual booth.


The 7th ITMA Asia + CITME takes place from 12–16 June 2021 in Shanghai, China. Groz-Beckert presents the new products from all six product areas:
Knitting, Weaving, Felting, Tufting, Carding und Sewing.

The products are presented both physically as exhibits and in extended form via augmented reality. Groz-Beckert welcomes guests on-site at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Hall 4, Booth C31. In addition to the face-to-face event, the company is inviting industry visitors to its virtual booth.


More information:
Groz-Beckert ITMA

Groz-Beckert KG


Gesamtmasche erweitert das Präsidium

  • Ulrike Neubauer und Gerald Rosner einstimmig kooptiert

Die Mitgliederversammlung von Gesamtmasche hat Dr. Ulrike Neubauer, CFO und Vorstandsvorsitzende der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG (Gerstetten), und Gerald Rosner, Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH (Apolda), einstimmig ins Präsidium kooptiert.

Der Beschluss der Mitgliederversammlung, die bereits im April online tagte, wurde nun auch im schriftlichen Verfahren bestätigt: Das Präsidium des Gesamtverbandes der deutschen Maschenindustrie wird um zwei Mitglieder erweitert.

Dr. Ulrike Neubauer ist Vorstandsvorsitzende und Finanzvorstand der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG. Die promovierte Betriebswirtin und gebürtige Berlinerin kam nach Stationen in der Unternehmensberatung, der Chemie-, Maschinenbau und der Automobilzulieferindustrie zur Zwissler-Gruppe.

Gerald Rosner ist Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH. Er studierte technische Kybernetik und stieg nach der Reprivatisierung des elterlichen Traditionsbetriebes in Apolda ins Textilgeschäft ein. Neben Mode entwickelt der technikaffine Stricker smarte Textilien.

  • Ulrike Neubauer und Gerald Rosner einstimmig kooptiert

Die Mitgliederversammlung von Gesamtmasche hat Dr. Ulrike Neubauer, CFO und Vorstandsvorsitzende der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG (Gerstetten), und Gerald Rosner, Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH (Apolda), einstimmig ins Präsidium kooptiert.

Der Beschluss der Mitgliederversammlung, die bereits im April online tagte, wurde nun auch im schriftlichen Verfahren bestätigt: Das Präsidium des Gesamtverbandes der deutschen Maschenindustrie wird um zwei Mitglieder erweitert.

Dr. Ulrike Neubauer ist Vorstandsvorsitzende und Finanzvorstand der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG. Die promovierte Betriebswirtin und gebürtige Berlinerin kam nach Stationen in der Unternehmensberatung, der Chemie-, Maschinenbau und der Automobilzulieferindustrie zur Zwissler-Gruppe.

Gerald Rosner ist Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH. Er studierte technische Kybernetik und stieg nach der Reprivatisierung des elterlichen Traditionsbetriebes in Apolda ins Textilgeschäft ein. Neben Mode entwickelt der technikaffine Stricker smarte Textilien.

Gesamtmasche-Präsidentin Martina Bandte freut sich über die Unterstützung im Präsidium: „Frau Dr. Neubauer und Herrn Rosner bereichern unser Gremium hervorragend. Sie vertreten ganz unterschiedliche Bereiche der Maschenbranche und repräsentieren doch gleichermaßen textile Innovationskraft, Qualität und Wertschöpfung am Standort Deutschland.“


NCTO: “Make PPE in America Act” passes

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Gary Peters (D-MI), Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, applauded the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for passing their bipartisan legislation that will strengthen efforts to onshore production of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the United States by requiring federal agencies to issue long-term contracts for American-made PPE. Reshoring production will ensure American workers, health care professionals, and more have the PPE they need as the economy continues to reopen. Domestic production of PPE supplies also will create American manufacturing jobs and ensure that America is better prepared for the next pandemic.

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Gary Peters (D-MI), Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, applauded the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for passing their bipartisan legislation that will strengthen efforts to onshore production of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the United States by requiring federal agencies to issue long-term contracts for American-made PPE. Reshoring production will ensure American workers, health care professionals, and more have the PPE they need as the economy continues to reopen. Domestic production of PPE supplies also will create American manufacturing jobs and ensure that America is better prepared for the next pandemic.


NCTO / Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee


SGL Carbon: Solid Development in the first quarter of 2021

  • Group sales in the first quarter 2021 of €241.5 million, down 2% below prior year (currency adjusted on prior year level)
  • Expected positive impact from a contract termination with a customer of reporting segment Graphite Solutions contributes around €9 million to sales and earnings
  • Transformation program proceeds according to plan in all areas
  • EBITDA pre of €33.0 million significantly higher year-on-year (Q1/2020 €29.0 million), EBIT increases to €17.0 million (Q1/2020 €6.4 million)
  • Positive net result at €6.1 million (Q1/2020 minus €4.3 million)
  • Liquidity at €168.6 million also developed positively (year-end 2020 €141.8 million)
  • Net financial debt decreases by 5% to €271.5 million (year-end 2020 €286.5 million)
  • Equity ratio increases to 20.4% (Year-end 2020 17.5%)
  • Outlook for fiscal year 2021 fully confirmed

See attached document for more information.

  • Group sales in the first quarter 2021 of €241.5 million, down 2% below prior year (currency adjusted on prior year level)
  • Expected positive impact from a contract termination with a customer of reporting segment Graphite Solutions contributes around €9 million to sales and earnings
  • Transformation program proceeds according to plan in all areas
  • EBITDA pre of €33.0 million significantly higher year-on-year (Q1/2020 €29.0 million), EBIT increases to €17.0 million (Q1/2020 €6.4 million)
  • Positive net result at €6.1 million (Q1/2020 minus €4.3 million)
  • Liquidity at €168.6 million also developed positively (year-end 2020 €141.8 million)
  • Net financial debt decreases by 5% to €271.5 million (year-end 2020 €286.5 million)
  • Equity ratio increases to 20.4% (Year-end 2020 17.5%)
  • Outlook for fiscal year 2021 fully confirmed

See attached document for more information.

More information:
SGL Carbon sales Automotive



JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2021: Finalists Line Up Revealed

Innovation is an essential part of this industry – it's how we invest in our future. The top priorities for players in the composites value chain include product solidity, safety, and durability. The JEC Composites Innovation Awards are meant to inspire all participants, the whole industry and shed light on the excellent work carried out by the prize winners.

After pre-selecting the finalists, a selection process and a jury will select one winner in each category (Aerospace; Automotive & road transportation – exterior; Automotive & road transportation – structural; Building; Construction & Infrastructure, Design; Equipment & Machinery and Sustainability)

The awards ceremony will take place during JEC Composites Connect on Wednesday, June 2nd at 2:30 pm CEST.

More information here.

Innovation is an essential part of this industry – it's how we invest in our future. The top priorities for players in the composites value chain include product solidity, safety, and durability. The JEC Composites Innovation Awards are meant to inspire all participants, the whole industry and shed light on the excellent work carried out by the prize winners.

After pre-selecting the finalists, a selection process and a jury will select one winner in each category (Aerospace; Automotive & road transportation – exterior; Automotive & road transportation – structural; Building; Construction & Infrastructure, Design; Equipment & Machinery and Sustainability)

The awards ceremony will take place during JEC Composites Connect on Wednesday, June 2nd at 2:30 pm CEST.

More information here.


JEC Group

Dominic Köfner M.A. / CIRO Vice President Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Lenzing Group (c) Lenzing AG/Marko Mestrovic

Lenzing: Dominic Köfner, new head of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

Among other things, Köfner will play a key role in shaping the internationalization of the Lenzing Group and contribute to the implementation of the corporate strategy sCore TEN.

Dominic Köfner (46) will take over as head of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs at Lenzing AG at the beginning of May. As Vice President, he will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Stefan Doboczky.

Dominic Köfner has gained national and international experience over the past two decades at renowned consulting firms, communications agencies and on the corporate side. Before joining the Lenzing Group, Mr. Köfner was Managing Director of the communications agency Serviceplan Austria and most recently Senior Consultant at the agency group Sports & Media in Munich. Before that, he was responsible for the agendas of the Zumtobel Group and the MOL Group, respectively as CMO and CCO. Before he was appointed as crisis communications manager by the Austrian Ministry of Finance to deal with the “Hypo Alpe Adria Bank” case, he managed numerous national and international mandates as a communications consultant for the Brunswick Group.

Among other things, Köfner will play a key role in shaping the internationalization of the Lenzing Group and contribute to the implementation of the corporate strategy sCore TEN.

Dominic Köfner (46) will take over as head of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs at Lenzing AG at the beginning of May. As Vice President, he will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Stefan Doboczky.

Dominic Köfner has gained national and international experience over the past two decades at renowned consulting firms, communications agencies and on the corporate side. Before joining the Lenzing Group, Mr. Köfner was Managing Director of the communications agency Serviceplan Austria and most recently Senior Consultant at the agency group Sports & Media in Munich. Before that, he was responsible for the agendas of the Zumtobel Group and the MOL Group, respectively as CMO and CCO. Before he was appointed as crisis communications manager by the Austrian Ministry of Finance to deal with the “Hypo Alpe Adria Bank” case, he managed numerous national and international mandates as a communications consultant for the Brunswick Group.

More information:
Lenzing Lenzing Group communication

Lenzing AG