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AkzoNobel launches 24-hour challenge to unite partners and tackle climate change (c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel launches 24-hour challenge to unite partners and tackle climate change

A initiative designed to collectively accelerate carbon reduction in the paints and coatings industry has been launched by AkzoNobel.

The company has invited partners from across the value chain to take part in its Collaborative Sustainability Challenge – a new Paint the Future initiative which aims to develop a shared approach to tackling climate change.

Due to be staged in May, the 24-hour event will involve senior executives and next generation leaders from a select group of partners – including suppliers and customers – who will engage in open discussions in a non-confidential environment.

During the event, participants will deep-dive into the following areas:

A initiative designed to collectively accelerate carbon reduction in the paints and coatings industry has been launched by AkzoNobel.

The company has invited partners from across the value chain to take part in its Collaborative Sustainability Challenge – a new Paint the Future initiative which aims to develop a shared approach to tackling climate change.

Due to be staged in May, the 24-hour event will involve senior executives and next generation leaders from a select group of partners – including suppliers and customers – who will engage in open discussions in a non-confidential environment.

During the event, participants will deep-dive into the following areas:

  • Energy transition – Inspire partners towards decarbonizing processes and transitioning to renewable energy sources
  • Process efficiency – Increase the efficiency of material use and reduce the energy required for applying and curing paints and coatings
  • Solvent emissions – Reduce the number of solvents emitted throughout our entire value chain
  • Circular solutions – Increase the use of circular solutions in paints and coatings, both upstream and downstream

The forthcoming Collaborative Sustainability Challenge will build on the success of Paint the Future, which has already established a collaborative innovation ecosystem with startups, suppliers, academia and customers.

AkzoNobel’s Collaborative Sustainability Challenge is scheduled to take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, between May 17 and 18, 2022.




Neuer BVMed-Jahresbericht

Die MedTech-Brache muss sich den vielfältigen Herausforderungen der Zukunft stellen. Darunter der digitale Wandel, die Transformation der Industrie zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz, die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR), die aktuell noch viele Forschungs- und Entwicklungskapazitäten bindet, sowie steigende Rohstoff-, Fracht- und Energiepreise. In seinem neuen Jahresbericht fordert der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) nun bessere Unterstützung für die mittelständisch geprägte Branche. Dafür „ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit von Politik und allen Beteiligten im Gesundheitssystem notwendig. Hier steht der BVMed gerne als Partner bereit“, schreiben Dr. Meinrad Lugan, BVMed Vorstandsvorsitzender, sowie Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll, BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied.

Die MedTech-Brache muss sich den vielfältigen Herausforderungen der Zukunft stellen. Darunter der digitale Wandel, die Transformation der Industrie zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz, die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR), die aktuell noch viele Forschungs- und Entwicklungskapazitäten bindet, sowie steigende Rohstoff-, Fracht- und Energiepreise. In seinem neuen Jahresbericht fordert der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) nun bessere Unterstützung für die mittelständisch geprägte Branche. Dafür „ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit von Politik und allen Beteiligten im Gesundheitssystem notwendig. Hier steht der BVMed gerne als Partner bereit“, schreiben Dr. Meinrad Lugan, BVMed Vorstandsvorsitzender, sowie Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll, BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied.

Der BVMed-Jahresbericht 2021/2022 beleuchtet die aktuellen gesundheitspolitischen Themen der MedTech-Branche – sowohl branchenübergreifend als auch fachspezifisch. Darunter die Stärkung des Standorts Deutschland, die Bewältigung der Pandemie, die Entwicklung von Lösungen für die MDR, die Verbesserung des Datenzugangs für Forschung und Entwicklung ,der Anspruch zum nachhaltigen Handeln, die nötigen Krankenhausreformen sowie die Stärkung ambulanter Strukturen.

Zusätzlich werden die wichtigsten Branchen-Kennzahlen dargestellt, denn „die MedTech-Branche leistet nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine effiziente Gesundheitsversorgung, sie ist vielmehr ein bedeutender Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktfaktor“, wird im BVMed-Jahresbericht erläutert. Der Bericht beschreibt die Branche als:

  • „besonders vielfältig“, denn es gibt über 450.000 verschiedene Medizinprodukte-Arten.
  • „ein wichtiger Jobmotor“, aufgrund der über 235.000 Beschäftigten in der MedTech-Branche.
  • „ein bedeutender Wirtschaftsfaktor“, wegen des Umsatzes von über 34 Milliarden Euro und der 15,5 Milliarden Euro Wertschöpfung.
  • „sehr erfolgreich auf dem MedTech-Weltmarkt“, mit 65 Prozent Exportquote.
  • „stark mittelständisch geprägt“, denn 93 Prozent der Branche machen KMU aus.
  • „ein wichtiger Treiber des medizinischen Fortschritts“, immerhin investiert die Branche im Schnitt 9 Prozent des Umsatzes in Forschung und Entwicklung.
(c) Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Pietro Sutera

Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer als gebündelter Re-Start

Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special öffnen vom 21. bis 24. Juni ihre Tore in Frankfurt am Main. Nach der Corona-bedingten Pause freuen sich Aussteller und Besucher*innen auf den persönlichen Austausch. Zahlreiche Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen erwarten das globale Fachpublikum. Die parallel stattfindenden Messen bilden textile Wertschöpfungsketten von textilen Fasern über die Verarbeitung bis hin zum Endprodukt ab.

Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special öffnen vom 21. bis 24. Juni ihre Tore in Frankfurt am Main. Nach der Corona-bedingten Pause freuen sich Aussteller und Besucher*innen auf den persönlichen Austausch. Zahlreiche Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen erwarten das globale Fachpublikum. Die parallel stattfindenden Messen bilden textile Wertschöpfungsketten von textilen Fasern über die Verarbeitung bis hin zum Endprodukt ab.

Mit der Techtextil, Texprocess und dem Heimtextil Summer Special bringt die Messe Frankfurt textile Wertschöpfungsketten auf ihrem Messegelände zusammen und ermöglicht nach zwei Jahren der Pandemie wieder neue internationale Face-to-Face-Kontakte, Geschäftsbegegnungen und einen gebündelten Marktüberblick. Parallel sind in der Stadt Frankfurt das D2C Neonyt Lab (24. – 26.6.2022) der Messe Frankfurt und zahlreiche Publikumsveranstaltungen der Frankfurt Fashion Week, organisiert von der Stadt Frankfurt, geplant.
Das Angebot reicht von Garnen und Fasern über funktionale Textilien, textile Technologien und Finishing-Prozesse bis zu Endprodukten für textile Einrichtung, Performance-Textilien, Funktionsbekleidung und Fashion. Im Kontext des zunehmenden Bewusstseins für eine nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft werden zudem auch moderne Recyclingverfahren vorgestellt.

Texpertise Network: die globale Branche unter einem Dach
Als Klammer für das globale Gesamtangebot an Textilmessen der Messe Frankfurt bietet das Texpertise Network mit 58 weltweiten Messen wertvolle Informationen zu den textilen Messemarken und nimmt als Plattform für Vernetzung und Austausch stetig die aktuellsten ressourcen- und klimafreundlichen Entwicklungen der Branche in den Fokus.

Seit 2019 ist das Texpertise Network das Bindeglied für die Zusammenarbeit der Messe Frankfurt mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem United Nations Office for Partnerships. Das gemeinsame Ziel: die UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) auf allen Textilveranstaltungen des Texpertise Network weltweit sichtbar zu machen.

Heimtextil Summer Special: globales Commitment und persönliches Business
Die Heimtextil findet im Juni als einmaliges Summer Special mit 800 angekündigten Ausstellern und einer hohen internationalen Beteiligung aus 47 Ländern statt. Sowohl das internationale Großvolumengeschäft als auch der Einzelhandel bilden Fokusthemen der einmaligen Sommerausgabe.

Die Heimtextil-Trends stehen im Sommer unter dem Motto "Next Horizons" und legen im Zentrum des Messegeländes in Halle 4.0 einen Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcenschonung. Der Aufbau des Areals basiert auf dem Material Manifest: Für das Standdesign werden lokale Ressourcen, umweltfreundliche oder geliehene Materialen benutzt. Besucher*innen erwarten inspirierende Inszenierungen von Farben, Materialien, kuratierte Ausstellerexponate, Vorträge und DIY-Aktionen.

Die „Heimtextil Conference Sleep & More" in Halle 3.0 bietet Vertreter*innen des Bettfachhandels, umweltbewussten Einzelhändler*innen und Entscheider*innen aus der Hotellerie eine erstklassige Speaker-Zusammensetzung mit u. a. neuesten Erkenntnissen der Schlafforschung, der Tracking-Technologie und zur Nachhaltigkeit in der Hotellerie.

Ein weiteres Highlight sind die einstündigen Green Tours mit einem unabhängigen Berater zu ausgewählten Ausstellern mit Austausch zu den neuesten Entwicklungen im grünen Segment. Im Green Village in Halle 3.0. stellen Expert*innen für nachhaltige Textilzertifizierung aus, darunter der Blaue Engel oder der Grüne Knopf.

Techtextil und Texprocess warten mit Innovationen auf
Vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 präsentieren Aussteller ihre Neuheiten im Bereich der technischen Textilien und Vliesstoffe sowie der Verarbeitung von textilen und flexiblen Materialien auf den internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess. Mehr als 1.100 Aussteller aus 45 Ländern, zahlreiche Gemeinschaftsstandteilnehmende und 13 internationale Pavillons freuen sich, ihre Produkte einem internationalen Fachpublikum vorzustellen. Techtextil und Texprocess machen Innovationen, neue Verfahren und Entwicklungen sowie progressive Ansätze u. a. mit Blick auf Nachhaltigkeit sichtbar. Dazu gehören neue Produktionsprozesse, Materialien und Maschinen.

Erstmals wird eine Digital Extension der beiden Messen angeboten. Diese ermöglicht Besucher*innen, die nicht persönlich vor Ort sein können, die Techtextil und Texprocess digital zu erleben und sich im virtuellen Raum auszutauschen.

Die Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special finden vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 statt.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Lenzing presents Online Sustainability Report 2021

  • Lenzing continues to march purposefully towards Group-wide climate neutrality
  • Lenzing recognized as “sustainability champion” several times worldwide – one of only 14 companies awarded “AAA” rating by CDP
  • New, innovative reporting methods – Lenzing presents its Online Sustainability Report for the first time
  • Sustainability Report 2021 based on the results of the updated materiality analysis

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, released its Sustainability Report 2021 today, April 05, 2022, on the occasion of “Earth Month”. Bearing the title “Linear to Circular”, the report emphasizes the company’s focus on carefully balancing its needs with those of nature in the spirit of the circular economy. The report has been prepared in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG) and audited by KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft.

  • Lenzing continues to march purposefully towards Group-wide climate neutrality
  • Lenzing recognized as “sustainability champion” several times worldwide – one of only 14 companies awarded “AAA” rating by CDP
  • New, innovative reporting methods – Lenzing presents its Online Sustainability Report for the first time
  • Sustainability Report 2021 based on the results of the updated materiality analysis

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, released its Sustainability Report 2021 today, April 05, 2022, on the occasion of “Earth Month”. Bearing the title “Linear to Circular”, the report emphasizes the company’s focus on carefully balancing its needs with those of nature in the spirit of the circular economy. The report has been prepared in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG) and audited by KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft.

The Lenzing Sustainability Report 2021 is available on the company website.

More information:
Lenzing AG Sustainability

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

Georg Wendelin Foto: privat
Georg Wendelin

EREMA mourns the passing of company co-founder Georg Wendelin

The EREMA Group mourns the passing of Georg Wendelin, company co-founder, former Managing Partner and long-time Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EREMA Group GmbH, who died on the 29th of March at the age of 84.

In 1983, at a time when plastics recycling was hardly an issue, Georg Wendelin, together with Helmut Bacher and Helmuth Schulz, laid the corner stone for the group of companies that today is a world market leader by founding the company and building the first EREMA plastics recycling machine. With pioneering spirit, a business acumen and his respectful and appreciative management style, Georg Wendelin actively shaped the success of the company, attentively and proudly keeping track of how plastics recycling went from being a niche to a trend and how the EREMA Group became a driving force behind the circular economy. In 2019, he was awarded the Golden Decoration of the Republic of Austria in recognition of his work.

The EREMA Group mourns the passing of Georg Wendelin, company co-founder, former Managing Partner and long-time Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EREMA Group GmbH, who died on the 29th of March at the age of 84.

In 1983, at a time when plastics recycling was hardly an issue, Georg Wendelin, together with Helmut Bacher and Helmuth Schulz, laid the corner stone for the group of companies that today is a world market leader by founding the company and building the first EREMA plastics recycling machine. With pioneering spirit, a business acumen and his respectful and appreciative management style, Georg Wendelin actively shaped the success of the company, attentively and proudly keeping track of how plastics recycling went from being a niche to a trend and how the EREMA Group became a driving force behind the circular economy. In 2019, he was awarded the Golden Decoration of the Republic of Austria in recognition of his work.

"We will greatly miss Georg Wendelin as a personality who was closely associated with us for all these years. Because of his humanity, he was a highly respected figure of leadership on all sides," said Manfred Hackl, CEO of EREMA Group GmbH and himself a long-time companion of Wendelin's.

More information:
EREMA Georg Wendelin

EREMA Group GmbH


Zuse-Gemeinschaft fordert 1,15 Mrd. Euro jährlich für anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung

  • Bundesregierung muss anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung bedarfsgerecht finanzieren
  • Haushaltsentwurf für 2022 bleibt dahinter deutlich zurück  
  • Herausforderungen für Gesellschaft sind nur mit deutlich intensivierter Forschung und Innovationen zu bewältigen
  • Nachhaltige Anreizsysteme für Mittelstand zur Steigerung der Innovationskraft schaffen

„Die Kürzung der Budgets für Industrieforschung und das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) auf Vor-Corona-Niveau ist ein verstörendes, desaströses Signal in Richtung der forschungsaffinen mittelständischen Unternehmen und der Industrieforschungseinrichtungen“, kommentiert Prof. Dr. Martin Bastian, Präsident der Deutschen Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft Konrad Zuse e.V. (Zuse-Gemeinschaft) den Regierungsentwurf für den Bundeshaushalt 2022. Er fordert die Bundesregierung auf, ihre Zusagen aus dem Koalitionsvertrag einzuhalten und die anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung bedarfsgerecht zu finanzieren: „Nach unseren Berechnungen sind für eine bedarfsgerechte Finanzierung der anwendungsorientierten Forschung insgesamt pro Jahr gut 1,15 Milliarden Euro anzusetzen.

  • Bundesregierung muss anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung bedarfsgerecht finanzieren
  • Haushaltsentwurf für 2022 bleibt dahinter deutlich zurück  
  • Herausforderungen für Gesellschaft sind nur mit deutlich intensivierter Forschung und Innovationen zu bewältigen
  • Nachhaltige Anreizsysteme für Mittelstand zur Steigerung der Innovationskraft schaffen

„Die Kürzung der Budgets für Industrieforschung und das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) auf Vor-Corona-Niveau ist ein verstörendes, desaströses Signal in Richtung der forschungsaffinen mittelständischen Unternehmen und der Industrieforschungseinrichtungen“, kommentiert Prof. Dr. Martin Bastian, Präsident der Deutschen Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft Konrad Zuse e.V. (Zuse-Gemeinschaft) den Regierungsentwurf für den Bundeshaushalt 2022. Er fordert die Bundesregierung auf, ihre Zusagen aus dem Koalitionsvertrag einzuhalten und die anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung bedarfsgerecht zu finanzieren: „Nach unseren Berechnungen sind für eine bedarfsgerechte Finanzierung der anwendungsorientierten Forschung insgesamt pro Jahr gut 1,15 Milliarden Euro anzusetzen. Analog zum Pakt für Forschung und Innovation muss auch dies unbedingt regelmäßig überprüft und angepasst werden.“
Dr. Klaus Jansen, Geschäftsführer der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, ergänzt: „Eine wirklich bedarfsgerechte Finanzierung läge nach unseren Berechnungen für INNO-KOM und IGF bei mindestens 350 Mio. Euro, für ZIM sollten wenigstens 800 Mio. Euro angesetzt werden. Der aktuelle Haushaltsentwurf zeigt jedoch in eine ganz andere Richtung. Er steht in eklatantem Widerspruch zu den vollmundigen Versprechungen des Koalitionsvertrages.“ Laut Regierungsentwurf sinken die eingeplanten Mittel für die anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung insgesamt um gut sechs Prozent von 905,5 Mio. Euro auf nur noch 855 Mio. Euro – ein Minus von 50,5 Mio. Euro. Dazu weiter Dr. Jansen: „Die Praxis hat bereits in den Vorjahren gezeigt, dass die anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung – ein zentraler Träger für Transfer und Innovation in Deutschland – chronisch unterfinanziert ist. Die stark gesunkene Innovatorenquote im deutschen Mittelstand unterstreicht das eindrucksvoll.“
Die Zuse-Gemeinschaft sieht angesichts dieser Kürzungen für die anwendungsorientierte Forschung den gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozess hin zur sozial-ökologischen Marktwirtschaft sowie die erfolgreiche Bewältigung der anstehenden Aufgaben der Mobilitäts-, Energie-, Produktionswende und des Klimawandels in Gefahr, so Prof. Bastian weiter: „Mit Blick auf diese immensen Herausforderungen, denen sich unsere Gesellschaft stellen muss, sind solche Einschnitte in ohnehin viel zu knappe Budgets als dramatisch zu bewerten. Diese können nur durch deutlich intensivierte Forschung und die so zu erreichenden Innovationen bewältigt werden. Das erfordert zwingend eine ausreichende, verlässliche und bedarfsgerechte finanzielle Förderung.“ Dazu müsse die Bundesregierung unbedingt auf Anreizsysteme für den Mittelstand setzen, betont der Präsident der Zuse-Gemeinschaft: „Wenn es gelingt, dessen Innovationskraft zu steigern, lassen sich die Mehraufwendungen für die anwendungsorientierte Industrieforschung durch die so erzielten Steuermehreinnahmen deutlich überkompensieren.“



(c) BVMed

BVMed startet Bewertungsverfahren-Datenbank „BVData“

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat für die MedTech-Branche eine Datenbank „BVData“ zu den Bewertungsverfahren des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses aufgebaut (G-BA). Die BVMed-Datenbank ist die erste ihrer Art. Sie bereitet aus der Perspektive der MedTech die Methodenbewertungsverfahren des G-BA und weiterer beteiligter Organisationen strukturiert auf. „Mit den vollständig recherchierbaren Datensätzen zur Erprobung und Bewertung von Medizinprodukten können die MedTech-Unternehmen alle Daten schnell und aussagekräftig analysieren. Eine enorme Arbeitserleichterung“, beschreibt BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Die BVMed-Datenbank „BVData“ wird neben den G-BA-Dokumenten auch alle vom Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) bereitgestellten Daten zu veröffentlichten Verfahren und deren Abläufen aufbereiten – von der Eröffnung des Verfahrens bis zur abschließenden Bewertung. Dokumente, die der BVMed exklusiv im Stellungnahmeverfahren erhalten hat, werden ergänzend hinterlegt. Darüber hinaus werden auch die Qualitätssicherungsdaten vom G-BA zur Analyse der Fallzahlen eines Verfahrens eingepflegt.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat für die MedTech-Branche eine Datenbank „BVData“ zu den Bewertungsverfahren des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses aufgebaut (G-BA). Die BVMed-Datenbank ist die erste ihrer Art. Sie bereitet aus der Perspektive der MedTech die Methodenbewertungsverfahren des G-BA und weiterer beteiligter Organisationen strukturiert auf. „Mit den vollständig recherchierbaren Datensätzen zur Erprobung und Bewertung von Medizinprodukten können die MedTech-Unternehmen alle Daten schnell und aussagekräftig analysieren. Eine enorme Arbeitserleichterung“, beschreibt BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Die BVMed-Datenbank „BVData“ wird neben den G-BA-Dokumenten auch alle vom Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) bereitgestellten Daten zu veröffentlichten Verfahren und deren Abläufen aufbereiten – von der Eröffnung des Verfahrens bis zur abschließenden Bewertung. Dokumente, die der BVMed exklusiv im Stellungnahmeverfahren erhalten hat, werden ergänzend hinterlegt. Darüber hinaus werden auch die Qualitätssicherungsdaten vom G-BA zur Analyse der Fallzahlen eines Verfahrens eingepflegt.


Carbios presents its 2021 Annual Results

  • 2021 Annual Results: First IFRS consolidated statements integrating the subsidiary Carbiolice
  • Plan to build a first industrial facility with a strong financial support from the French Government and the Grand-Est Region: site selected in France in partnership with Indorama Ventures, world leader in the production recycled PET
  • Successful commissioning of a demonstration facility in September 2021 and confirmation of the validity of the scale-up of Carbios’ enzymatic recycling technology
  • Takeover of Carbiolice and full integration in the consolidated IFRS statements since June 4th, 2021
  • Appointment of Philippe Pouletty as Chairman of the Board of Directors on April 1st, 2022
  • Appointment of Emmanuel Ladent as CEO of the Company on December 1st, 2021
  • Strengthening of Carbios’ financial structure: capital increase of €114 million with French and International investors and €30 million loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • Group’s cash position of €105 million as of December 31, 2021, which does not include the €30 million EIB loan due to be drawn down in the first half of 2022


  • 2021 Annual Results: First IFRS consolidated statements integrating the subsidiary Carbiolice
  • Plan to build a first industrial facility with a strong financial support from the French Government and the Grand-Est Region: site selected in France in partnership with Indorama Ventures, world leader in the production recycled PET
  • Successful commissioning of a demonstration facility in September 2021 and confirmation of the validity of the scale-up of Carbios’ enzymatic recycling technology
  • Takeover of Carbiolice and full integration in the consolidated IFRS statements since June 4th, 2021
  • Appointment of Philippe Pouletty as Chairman of the Board of Directors on April 1st, 2022
  • Appointment of Emmanuel Ladent as CEO of the Company on December 1st, 2021
  • Strengthening of Carbios’ financial structure: capital increase of €114 million with French and International investors and €30 million loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • Group’s cash position of €105 million as of December 31, 2021, which does not include the €30 million EIB loan due to be drawn down in the first half of 2022

Carbios, a pioneer in the development of enzymatic solutions dedicated to the end-of-life of plastic, announced its operating and financial results for the year 2021. The financial statements as of December 31, 2021, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on March 31, 2022.

“In 2021, Carbios achieved several technical and industrial milestones testifying of the soundness and successful execution of our strategy. The excellent results obtained from our demonstration plant confirms the industrial scale-up potential of our biological technology for the recycling of PET plastics and fibers. Together with our Consortium members, we also produced the world’s first food-grade PET sample bottles produced entirely from enzymatically recycled plastics; a world first. In addition, we have strengthened our financial structure by raising a landmark €114 million in May 2021 and we have taken full control of Carbiolice in June. In line with our objectives and with a strong financial support from the French Government and the Grand-Est Region, we will soon enable France to host the world’s first industrial facility dedicated to the biological recycling of plastics. Carbios’ enzymatic process will make it possible to recycle more than 50,000 tons of PET plastic waste per year,” comments Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of Carbios. “Our priority for 2022 is to finalize the terms of our partnership with Indorama Ventures, which will host the world’s first industrial facility operating our biological recycling process at its French production site in Longlaville. This year will also be about optimizing our commercial strategy, while continuing our innovation efforts on the end-of-life of other polymers.”

Click here to for further information.



(c) Reifenhäuser

Reifenhäuser Reicofil showed sustainable Nonwovens at IDEA 22

Nonwovens line specialist Reifenhäuser Reicofil presented its portfolio of high-performance and sustainable nonwovens under the slogan "Living Nonwovens" at IDEA 22 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida from March 28 to 31, 2022.

In terms of sustainability, Reicofil offers various approaches to save fossil raw materials, such as the processing of bio-based raw materials as an ecological alternative - for diapers, for example. Here, the topsheet material, made of bulky, soft, and industrially compostable High Loft nonwovens, meets maximum hygiene requirements. For industrial applications, high-strength nonwovens can be processed even from up to 90% PET flakes from post-consumer waste.

Another highlight was the so-called BiCo technology. In this process, two different raw materials are combined in one fiber in the spunbond process, creating a bimetal effect and causing the fiber to crimp. This opens the door for manufacturers to completely new product properties that are unattainable with monofibers.

Nonwovens line specialist Reifenhäuser Reicofil presented its portfolio of high-performance and sustainable nonwovens under the slogan "Living Nonwovens" at IDEA 22 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida from March 28 to 31, 2022.

In terms of sustainability, Reicofil offers various approaches to save fossil raw materials, such as the processing of bio-based raw materials as an ecological alternative - for diapers, for example. Here, the topsheet material, made of bulky, soft, and industrially compostable High Loft nonwovens, meets maximum hygiene requirements. For industrial applications, high-strength nonwovens can be processed even from up to 90% PET flakes from post-consumer waste.

Another highlight was the so-called BiCo technology. In this process, two different raw materials are combined in one fiber in the spunbond process, creating a bimetal effect and causing the fiber to crimp. This opens the door for manufacturers to completely new product properties that are unattainable with monofibers.

Nonwoven-film composites with low grammage
For the medical sector, Reicofil showcased its leading solutions for high-barrier medical protective clothing and - together with its sister business unit Reifenhäuser Cast Sheet Coating - the pioneering Ultrathin Coating production process, which enables customers to produce film-nonwoven-composites more cost-effectively and thus competitively.

Smart digitization
With the c.Hub, the new data platform of the Reifenhäuser Group, Reicofil offers its customers a digitization solution that is tailored to the requirements of nonwovens production.

More information:
Reifenhäuser IDEA nonwovens digital

Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik


Rieter completes acquisition of the three Saurer businesses

With the takeover of the automatic winding machine business at the Uebach-Palenberg/Germany site with effect from April 1, 2022, Rieter has completed the acquisition of the three businesses from Saurer.

The acquisition of the automatic winding technology in the premium category completes Rieter’s ring and compact-spinning system and thus lays the foundation to further improve the company’s position in the staple fiber market segment.

The components businesses Accotex (elastomer technology for spinning machines) at the Muenster/Germany site and Temco (technology components for filament machines) at the Hammelburg/Germany site had already been acquired by Rieter as of December 1, 2021.

Rieter had announced the acquisition of the three businesses on August 16, 2021.

In total, the three businesses generated sales of EUR 142 million in 2020, the year of the COVID crisis. In 2019 and 2018, total sales amounted to EUR 235 million and EUR 260 million, respectively.

With the takeover of the automatic winding machine business at the Uebach-Palenberg/Germany site with effect from April 1, 2022, Rieter has completed the acquisition of the three businesses from Saurer.

The acquisition of the automatic winding technology in the premium category completes Rieter’s ring and compact-spinning system and thus lays the foundation to further improve the company’s position in the staple fiber market segment.

The components businesses Accotex (elastomer technology for spinning machines) at the Muenster/Germany site and Temco (technology components for filament machines) at the Hammelburg/Germany site had already been acquired by Rieter as of December 1, 2021.

Rieter had announced the acquisition of the three businesses on August 16, 2021.

In total, the three businesses generated sales of EUR 142 million in 2020, the year of the COVID crisis. In 2019 and 2018, total sales amounted to EUR 235 million and EUR 260 million, respectively.

The winding machine business with new machines will be assigned to the Business Group Machines & Systems, and the after-sales business will be assigned to the Business Group After Sales. The Accotex and Temco component businesses are managed by the Business Group Components.


Rieter Management AG

Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen: Textile Studiengänge verfügen über neue Maschinentypen (c) Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen
Der Masterstudent Marc Weisser und Marc Witzemann am neuen Etikettierer

Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen: Neue Maschinentypen für textile Studiengänge

In den Laboren der textilen Studiengänge an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen stehen pünktlich zum Start ins Sommersemester zwei brandneue Maschinen, die den Studierenden ebenso zur Verfügung stehen wie Interessierten aus der Textilindustrie.

„Wir testen gerade den Prototypen einer Flüssigklebemaschine“, sagt Prof. Matthias Kimmerle. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Weltneuheit, die es bislang noch nirgendwo sonst gibt – möglich wurde diese Leihgabe durch die hervorragenden Kontakte der Hochschule zum japanischen Hersteller. Das Neue daran: Anstatt Kleidung zu nähen, werden die einzelnen Schnittteile geklebt. „Die Ergebnisse sind sehr überzeugend“, sagt Matthias Kimmerle. „Die Kantenführung erledigt die Maschine vollautomatisch und hält dabei die Abstände exakt und konstant ein.“

In den Laboren der textilen Studiengänge an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen stehen pünktlich zum Start ins Sommersemester zwei brandneue Maschinen, die den Studierenden ebenso zur Verfügung stehen wie Interessierten aus der Textilindustrie.

„Wir testen gerade den Prototypen einer Flüssigklebemaschine“, sagt Prof. Matthias Kimmerle. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Weltneuheit, die es bislang noch nirgendwo sonst gibt – möglich wurde diese Leihgabe durch die hervorragenden Kontakte der Hochschule zum japanischen Hersteller. Das Neue daran: Anstatt Kleidung zu nähen, werden die einzelnen Schnittteile geklebt. „Die Ergebnisse sind sehr überzeugend“, sagt Matthias Kimmerle. „Die Kantenführung erledigt die Maschine vollautomatisch und hält dabei die Abstände exakt und konstant ein.“

Ein Wäschehersteller aus Albstadt hat die Maschine bereits erfolgreich ausprobiert, „und wir selber testen sie mit Funktionsmaterialien, wie sie bei Unterwäsche oder Sportkleidung benutzt werden“. Hier seien störende Nähte häufig unerwünscht, und die Klebetechnik kann genau dieses Problem lösen. Die Maschine steht noch ein paar Wochen in Albstadt zur Verfügung, bevor sie zu einem Textilunternehmen nach Österreich umzieht.

In der Lernfabrik der textilen Studiengänge steht außerdem seit vergangener Woche der Prototyp eines neuen Etikettierers (angedockt an einen Zünd-Cutter), der die Schnittteile nach dem Ausschneiden automatisch etikettieren kann. Eine solche Maschine sei für viele Branchen nützlich, „insbesondere dann, wenn in der Produktion viele Teile hergestellt werden, die sich ähneln“, sagt Matthias Kimmerle. Ermöglicht wurde die Anschaffung durch Marc Witzemann, Geschäftsführer von Rebstock Consulting, der die Maschinen des Herstellers in Deutschland vertreibt und die Hochschule seit Jahren mit der Dauerleihgabe von Cuttern unterstützt. „Es ist uns ein großes Anliegen, dass Studierende und kleinere Unternehmen die Möglichkeit bekommen, auf neuer Technik etwas zu testen“, sagt er. Wie wichtig genau das im sehr praxisbezogenen Studium an der Hochschule ist, betont auch Matthias Kimmerle. „Die Maschine passt zudem perfekt zu unserer Microfactory.“ Diese ermöglicht es, selbst kleine Losgrößen von nur einem Stück auf Kundenwünsche angepasst herzustellen.


Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen

adidas introduces its new Terrex Mountaineering Range (c) adidas AG

adidas introduces its new Terrex Mountaineering Range

  • adidas TERREX athlete Laura Dahlmeier tackles Mont Blanc’s Brouillard Pillar with Thomas and Alexander Huber in the film, United By Summits
  • The trio are kitted out in adidas TERREX’s new Techrock Mountaineering range
  • The adidas TERREX Techrock collection gives climbers the lightweight technical wear required to defy the elements mountainside

Mountaineering is about reaching personal summits. It’s about showing your mettle, finding your freedom and winning in front of no one but yourself and nature.

  • adidas TERREX athlete Laura Dahlmeier tackles Mont Blanc’s Brouillard Pillar with Thomas and Alexander Huber in the film, United By Summits
  • The trio are kitted out in adidas TERREX’s new Techrock Mountaineering range
  • The adidas TERREX Techrock collection gives climbers the lightweight technical wear required to defy the elements mountainside

Mountaineering is about reaching personal summits. It’s about showing your mettle, finding your freedom and winning in front of no one but yourself and nature.

It’s a version of success that adidas TERREX athlete Laura Dahlmeier is reacquainting herself with. A multiple Olympic and world champion, the German biathlete is used to the noise of winning in front of huge crowds. Now retired, Laura is reconnecting with the challenges of a sport that first gave her a taste of freedom as a child: climbing.
Laura sets herself a particularly formidable goal in United By Summits. In the film, she is joined by German climbing brothers Thomas and Alexander Huber for an ascent of Mont Blanc’s infamous Brouillard Pillar and the rarely-attempted Bonington Route made famous by British climber Chris Bonington in 1965.

For this, and any other climb, mountaineers require lightweight but rugged technical wear that ensures easy movement while defying the elements mountainside, allowing for complete focus on the rock and ice in front of them.

Introducing the adidas TERREX Techrock Mountaineering range – worn by Laura and the Huber brothers in United By Summits as they climb one of the Alps’ most demanding routes.

Keeping climbers dry is the adidas TERREX Techrock Light Gore-Tex Mountaineering Jacket, a lightweight, packable jacket with breathable Gore-Tex Active 3-layer membrane to repel water. Adjustable hood and cuffs are compatible with helmets and gloves.

For insulation on colder climbs, the adidas TERREX Techrock Year Round Down Jacket locks in warmth with adidas-patented HeatSeal baffle construction and PrimaLoft® Gold insulation in the shoulders and cuffs. Pertex® Diamond Fuse 20 Denier yarn provides resistance to abrasion along with a water-repellent DWR-finished fabric.

For rugged, weather-resistant legwear that keeps climbers moving freely on any ascent, adidas TERREX Techrock Mountaineering Softshell Pants balance comfort and protection. Flexible, wool-backed softshell fabric moves easily while a tough nylon surface protects against abrasion. A soft waistband helps prevent bunching under harnesses for an easy-moving silhouette – essential on those long climbing days.

Kitted out in this new adidas TERREX Techrock Mountaineering range 4,000 metres above sea level, Laura and the Huber brothers achieved their goals together.


adidas AG

(c) I:Collect GmbH

I:CO baut Sammelnetzwerk für getragene Textilien in Modefilialen aus

I:CO sammelt aussortierte Textilien in den Filialen der dänischen Modemarke Selected Femme/ Homme. Durch diese Zusammenarbeit können Kunden künftig ihre getragene Kleidung in den Filialen des Modeunternehmens spenden und ihnen so ein zweites Leben geben. Durch die neue Initiative in Kooperation mit SOEX werden Kleidungsstücke aller Marken und in jedem Zustand in den Filialen angenommen – solange sie trocken und sauber sind. Die aussortierte Kleidung wird anschließend im Hauptwerk der Muttergesellschaft SOEX sortiert. Weiterhin tragbare Kleidung geht somit an neue Besitzer, nicht mehr tragbare Textilien werden recycelt. Als einer der führenden Anbieter von Lösungen für das Sammeln, Sortieren, Wiederverwenden und Recyceln ermöglicht SOEX der dänischen Modemarke so ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen nachzugehen.

Neben der neugeschlossenen Geschäftspartnerschaft zwischen SOEX und Selected Femme/ Homme kooperiert SOEX bereits mit weiteren Modeunternehmen wie Mango und H&M, um diese bei der Altkleidersammlung in ihren Filialen zu unterstützten und leistet damit einen wichtigen Beitrag, um Langlebigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Branche zu fördern.

I:CO sammelt aussortierte Textilien in den Filialen der dänischen Modemarke Selected Femme/ Homme. Durch diese Zusammenarbeit können Kunden künftig ihre getragene Kleidung in den Filialen des Modeunternehmens spenden und ihnen so ein zweites Leben geben. Durch die neue Initiative in Kooperation mit SOEX werden Kleidungsstücke aller Marken und in jedem Zustand in den Filialen angenommen – solange sie trocken und sauber sind. Die aussortierte Kleidung wird anschließend im Hauptwerk der Muttergesellschaft SOEX sortiert. Weiterhin tragbare Kleidung geht somit an neue Besitzer, nicht mehr tragbare Textilien werden recycelt. Als einer der führenden Anbieter von Lösungen für das Sammeln, Sortieren, Wiederverwenden und Recyceln ermöglicht SOEX der dänischen Modemarke so ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen nachzugehen.

Neben der neugeschlossenen Geschäftspartnerschaft zwischen SOEX und Selected Femme/ Homme kooperiert SOEX bereits mit weiteren Modeunternehmen wie Mango und H&M, um diese bei der Altkleidersammlung in ihren Filialen zu unterstützten und leistet damit einen wichtigen Beitrag, um Langlebigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Branche zu fördern.



(c) C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S.: Winner of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition announced

The winner of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition was announced during a webinar broadcast on March 30 at 4pm attended by Giusy Bettoni, CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, Anna Detheridge, President of Connecting Cultures, Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner of The Bear Scouts, Stefania Ricci, Director of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum.
Vishal Tolambia, 24, a graduate with an MA in Fashion Futures from the London College of Fashion and in Fashion Design from the National Institute of Fashion Technology India, is a Fashion Sustainability researcher and a multidisciplinary designer. In 2021, Vishal founded the organization Humanity-Centred Designs (HCD) with the aim of transforming "human-centred design into humanity-centred designs through sustainable practices to foster the Fashion Industry."

The winner of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition was announced during a webinar broadcast on March 30 at 4pm attended by Giusy Bettoni, CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, Anna Detheridge, President of Connecting Cultures, Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner of The Bear Scouts, Stefania Ricci, Director of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum.
Vishal Tolambia, 24, a graduate with an MA in Fashion Futures from the London College of Fashion and in Fashion Design from the National Institute of Fashion Technology India, is a Fashion Sustainability researcher and a multidisciplinary designer. In 2021, Vishal founded the organization Humanity-Centred Designs (HCD) with the aim of transforming "human-centred design into humanity-centred designs through sustainable practices to foster the Fashion Industry."
In his communication project, the "Fashion Affair" video proposes a speculative view of fashion dating - derived from dating apps - a tool to effectively evaluate brands and their products, in the form of augmented reality. The consumer is not only informed in real time about the brand and supply chain, but the app also becomes a platform for matching products based on individual sustainability goals and commitments. "Fashion Affair" also won the special social media contest open to the public among the finalists selected by the jury for being the most voted project by Instagram followers on C.L.A.S.S.' profile.
Vishal ranked first among the finalists selected by the international jury composed of:
- Anna Detheridge, Founder and President, Connecting Cultures
- Giusy Bettoni, CEO and Founder, C.L.A.S.S.
- Rita Airaghi, Director, Gianfranco Ferré Research Center            
- Paola Arosio, Head of New Brands & Sustainability Projects, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (The National Chamber for Italian Fashion)
- Jeanine Ballone, Managing Director, Fashion 4 Development
- Evie Evangelou, Founder and President, Fashion 4 Development
- Chiara Luisi, Sustainability Projects Coordinator, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (The National Chamber for Italian Fashion)
- Sara Kozlowski, Director of Education and Sustainable Strategies, Council of Fashion Designers of America
- Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner, The Bear Scouts
- Renata Molho, journalist and fashion writer, former editor-in-chief of L'Uomo Vogue and editor-at-large of L'Uomo Vogue, Vogue Italia, Casa Vogue
- Stefania Ricci, Director, Salvatore Ferragamo Museum.


Monforts at Techtextil North America

Monforts will highlight its advanced finishing and coating technologies for the production of technical textiles at Techtextil North America, which takes place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta from May 17-19.

The company and its US representative PSP Marketing, of Charlotte, North Carolina, will be part of the centrepiece VDMA German Pavilion at the show.

Energy prices
With energy prices continuing to go through the roof, an emphasis at Techtextil North America will be on the energy and heat recovery that can be achieved with Montex stenters, through features such as the MonforClean system, in which waste heat from the drying process is used to pre-heat the drying air. This results in a radical reduction in the conventional heat supply required. A range of further resource-saving and energy recovery options can be specified per individual line installation.

Monforts will highlight its advanced finishing and coating technologies for the production of technical textiles at Techtextil North America, which takes place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta from May 17-19.

The company and its US representative PSP Marketing, of Charlotte, North Carolina, will be part of the centrepiece VDMA German Pavilion at the show.

Energy prices
With energy prices continuing to go through the roof, an emphasis at Techtextil North America will be on the energy and heat recovery that can be achieved with Montex stenters, through features such as the MonforClean system, in which waste heat from the drying process is used to pre-heat the drying air. This results in a radical reduction in the conventional heat supply required. A range of further resource-saving and energy recovery options can be specified per individual line installation.

Advanced machine operation
With the highly intuitive Qualitex 800 visualization software, all article-specific settings can be stored and the formulations for thousands of treatment processes called up again at any time. Individual operators can also personalise their dashboards with the most important machine functions and process parameters.

The Qualitex 800 system is available for the automatic and continuous operation of the company’s Montex stenters, as well as its Thermex continuous dyeing ranges, Monfortex shrinking systems and Montex®Coat coating units.

Versatility is the key
Monforts Montex®Coat coating units serve an equally diverse number of markets, including tents, tarpaulins and awnings, black-out roller blinds and sail cloth, automotive interior fabrics and medical disposables. Full PVC coatings, pigment dyeing or minimal application surface and low penetration treatments and solvent coatings (in explosion-proof conditions) with knife coating, roller coating or screen printing can all be accommodated with this system.


AWOl Media / A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG


VIEW Premium Selection celebrates a comeback

On 21 - 22 June 2022, the VIEW Premium Selection Autumn.Winter 23/24 welcomes the textile and fashion industry in Munich's MVG Museum.

The VIEW Premium Selection as a preview textile trade show stands for the latest developments, first colour and material trends and the presentation of a selected, high-quality product portfolio in a personal and professional atmosphere.

At the earliest possible date in the season, around 250 brand new collections for Autumn.Winter 23/24 will be presented at VIEW in the areas of FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DESIGN STUDIOS as well as DENIM and SPORTSWEAR. The internationality of this year's exhibitors deserves mention since in addition to Germany, Italy and Turkey, they also come from France, England, Greece, Spain, Denmark, Hong Kong, China and Japan.

Bellandi, Dynamo, E. Miroglio, Lisa Spa, Manteco, Max Müller, Agentur Püttmann, Set and Tejidos Royo will be on site, along with numerous other manufacturers. The futuristic suppliers We Nordic, Knopf und Knopf, Le Studio Copenhagen, Thermore and Kipas are exhibiting at VIEW for the first time, making the show the basis of information and inspiration for the upcoming season.

On 21 - 22 June 2022, the VIEW Premium Selection Autumn.Winter 23/24 welcomes the textile and fashion industry in Munich's MVG Museum.

The VIEW Premium Selection as a preview textile trade show stands for the latest developments, first colour and material trends and the presentation of a selected, high-quality product portfolio in a personal and professional atmosphere.

At the earliest possible date in the season, around 250 brand new collections for Autumn.Winter 23/24 will be presented at VIEW in the areas of FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DESIGN STUDIOS as well as DENIM and SPORTSWEAR. The internationality of this year's exhibitors deserves mention since in addition to Germany, Italy and Turkey, they also come from France, England, Greece, Spain, Denmark, Hong Kong, China and Japan.

Bellandi, Dynamo, E. Miroglio, Lisa Spa, Manteco, Max Müller, Agentur Püttmann, Set and Tejidos Royo will be on site, along with numerous other manufacturers. The futuristic suppliers We Nordic, Knopf und Knopf, Le Studio Copenhagen, Thermore and Kipas are exhibiting at VIEW for the first time, making the show the basis of information and inspiration for the upcoming season.

The textile and fashion industry is also invited to the next MUNICH FABRIC START Autumn.Winter 23/24 from 30 August - 01 September 22 at the MOC Munich and to the BLUEZONE from 30 - 31 August 22 on the Zenith Areal. Valuable information, physical exchange and a spirit of innovation as well as a new SOURCING show-in-show concept await the global industry players in Munich.




Member States to nominate candidates for next IFAD President

At a time when global food security is becoming a rising concern for governments around the world, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today announced a call to its 177 Member States to nominate candidates for the Fund’s next President.
IFAD is a specialized United Nations agency and international financial institution focused on the alleviation of rural poverty and hunger.
The President is IFAD’s most senior position with responsibility for leading the organization and chairing its Executive Board. Nominations for President can only be made by IFAD Member States and must be received by the Secretary of IFAD no later than 6 May 2022.

At a time when global food security is becoming a rising concern for governments around the world, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today announced a call to its 177 Member States to nominate candidates for the Fund’s next President.
IFAD is a specialized United Nations agency and international financial institution focused on the alleviation of rural poverty and hunger.
The President is IFAD’s most senior position with responsibility for leading the organization and chairing its Executive Board. Nominations for President can only be made by IFAD Member States and must be received by the Secretary of IFAD no later than 6 May 2022.
The President will lead IFAD at a crucial time. Fears that rising food and fuel prices - worsened by the current conflict in Ukraine - could lead to a global food crisis are running high, with the world’s poorest rural people likely to be hardest hit. Small-scale producers are already reeling from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, droughts, cyclones and other natural disasters. Their incomes are expected to be affected by the rising cost of inputs and disrupted markets. This is also likely to have devastating and long-term impacts on their nutrition and food security.
IFAD plays a crucial role in increasing the resilience of rural small-scale producers to shocks, and ensuring that they can continue to grow food and earn incomes. The Fund’s investments in climate adaptation and sustainable food systems are helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals to eradicate hunger and poverty.
Following the nomination process, the appointment of the next President will take place on 7 July 2022 during the first special session of the IFAD Governing Council. The Governing Council is IFAD's principle governing body with full decision-making powers.
The President of IFAD serves a four-year term, renewable once. The newly appointed President will take office on 1 October 2022.




EDANA released its statistics on Nonwovens Production and Deliveries for 2021

In 2021, nonwovens production in Greater Europe increased in volume by 2.0% to reach 3,120,967 tonnes (and 87.6 billion square metres).

EDANA, the international Association serving the nonwovens and related industries today released its statistics on Nonwovens Production and Deliveries for 2021. Following the impressive growth recorded in 2020, the updated figures for Greater Europe (incl. Western and Eastern Europe countries, Turkey, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine) highlight again the ability of the European industry to innovate and to invest in order to meet the challenges of the pandemic crisis.

In 2021, nonwovens production in Greater Europe increased in volume by 2.0% to reach 3,120,967 tonnes (and 87.6 billion square metres). Since 2019, the European output increased by nearly 9%.

In 2021, nonwovens production in Greater Europe increased in volume by 2.0% to reach 3,120,967 tonnes (and 87.6 billion square metres).

EDANA, the international Association serving the nonwovens and related industries today released its statistics on Nonwovens Production and Deliveries for 2021. Following the impressive growth recorded in 2020, the updated figures for Greater Europe (incl. Western and Eastern Europe countries, Turkey, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine) highlight again the ability of the European industry to innovate and to invest in order to meet the challenges of the pandemic crisis.

In 2021, nonwovens production in Greater Europe increased in volume by 2.0% to reach 3,120,967 tonnes (and 87.6 billion square metres). Since 2019, the European output increased by nearly 9%.

Jacques Prigneaux, EDANA’s Market Analysis and Economic Affairs Director commented “This 2% average growth is in line with European forecasts disclosed in October 2021 in our Global Nonwoven Markets 2020-2025 report. In 2021, significant growth areas for nonwovens were recorded in building construction (+17.4%), agriculture (+11.3%), electronic materials (+10.1%) and air filtration (+9.1%). Countering this, a further decline of -1% was recorded in automotive interior applications. In some market segments, a comparison with the pre-COVID situation is probably more relevant. This is particularly true in hygiene, medical and wipes nonwovens, which were almost flat or slightly decreasing compared to the level reached in 2020, but still much higher than in 2019”.

He added: “Looking at the different production processes of nonwovens, various trends were observed in 2021. The production of fiber-based materials, including Drylaid, Wetlaid, and Airlaid technologies, recorded divergent growth rates (respectively +2.4%, +1.1% and -4.8%), and spunmelt nonwovens recorded a growth rate of +3.1%. In Drylaid, the highest growth in tonnes was observed in needlepunched, with a 6.4% increase. The production of drylaid-hydroentangled, which peaked in 2020, was at the same level a year later”.

More information:
Edana nonwovens



CASA and INDA welcome Introduction of WIPPES Act in U.S. Senate

The California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) and INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry joined in welcoming the recent introduction of the WIPPES Act in the U.S. Senate by Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

This bipartisan legislation is intended to address the growing problem of sewer system clogs caused by improper disposal of consumer wipes like baby wipes, household cleaning wipes, cosmetic wipes and others that are not intended to be disposed of in toilets. Improper disposal of these wipes can have significant negative impacts on wastewater infrastructure, including causing sewer spills. The bill would help address this problem by establishing federal requirements for these disposable wipes to carry prominent “Do Not Flush” labeling on packaging. Additionally, the bill would provide funding for an Environmental Protection Agency-administered grant program focused on educating consumers about how to recognize “Do Not Flush” labeling, identify relevant products, and understand the impacts that flushing these products can have on wastewater treatment infrastructure.

The California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) and INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry joined in welcoming the recent introduction of the WIPPES Act in the U.S. Senate by Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

This bipartisan legislation is intended to address the growing problem of sewer system clogs caused by improper disposal of consumer wipes like baby wipes, household cleaning wipes, cosmetic wipes and others that are not intended to be disposed of in toilets. Improper disposal of these wipes can have significant negative impacts on wastewater infrastructure, including causing sewer spills. The bill would help address this problem by establishing federal requirements for these disposable wipes to carry prominent “Do Not Flush” labeling on packaging. Additionally, the bill would provide funding for an Environmental Protection Agency-administered grant program focused on educating consumers about how to recognize “Do Not Flush” labeling, identify relevant products, and understand the impacts that flushing these products can have on wastewater treatment infrastructure.



Photo: Pixabay

EURATEX comments “Strategy for Sustainable Textile” calling for a realistic implementation

Today, March 30, the European Commission released its long-awaited Strategy for Sustainable Textile, with the ambition to move the sector towards the path of sustainability. EURATEX welcomes the EU ambitions to act on sustainable textiles and investments, in order to change how textiles are made, chosen and recovered, but calls for a smart and realistic implementation. Many European companies have already chosen this path, therefore the strategy should support them in this process, especially considering today’s energy crisis.

The strategy recognises the strategic importance of textiles, which are not only used as apparel or furniture, but applied in cars, medical equipment, agriculture, etc. It acknowledges the European Industry pro-active initiatives to tackle microplastics, to solve challenges of market surveillance and the skills needs. More cooperation is needed for re-use and recycling of textiles and to set up an EU market for secondary raw materials. On this last point, EURATEX ReHubs initiative is developing proposals to size EPR potential, to transform waste into value, and create a new capacity and jobs.

Today, March 30, the European Commission released its long-awaited Strategy for Sustainable Textile, with the ambition to move the sector towards the path of sustainability. EURATEX welcomes the EU ambitions to act on sustainable textiles and investments, in order to change how textiles are made, chosen and recovered, but calls for a smart and realistic implementation. Many European companies have already chosen this path, therefore the strategy should support them in this process, especially considering today’s energy crisis.

The strategy recognises the strategic importance of textiles, which are not only used as apparel or furniture, but applied in cars, medical equipment, agriculture, etc. It acknowledges the European Industry pro-active initiatives to tackle microplastics, to solve challenges of market surveillance and the skills needs. More cooperation is needed for re-use and recycling of textiles and to set up an EU market for secondary raw materials. On this last point, EURATEX ReHubs initiative is developing proposals to size EPR potential, to transform waste into value, and create a new capacity and jobs.

The proposed “transition pathways”, which will translate the strategy into action, will be critical in this respect: how will these sustainability targets be reached, what will the cost for SMEs be, how can companies be supported in that green transition, what about the impact on global competitiveness? These are essential questions to be addressed in the coming months.
The Textile strategy is part of much broader package, including as many as 16 new legislative actions and other policies which will directly impact on textile value chain. In particular the Sustainable Product Initiative Regulation released on March, 30 includes game-changing provisions on Digital Product Passport, Eco-Design, SMEs and Green Public Procurement.  The Regulation has an overwhelming ambition and, to be realistic, it would require a new way of joint working between institutions and business, and which builds on lessons learned on data flow across value chains, interoperability, conformity assessment and effective measures to support SMEs.

If wrongly implemented, such an unprecedented wave may cause a complete collapse of the European textile value chain under the burden of restrictions, requirements, costs and unlevel playing field. On the contrary, the changes ahead can boom the entire textile ecosystem and create a model of successful green and digital transition in manufacturing, which starts in Europe and expands globally.

Already in 2019, EURATEX asked policy makers to work together and remove barriers to circular economy, solve the market surveillance paradox in which laws are made but not checked, and to help create scale economies to make sustainable textiles affordable, hence the norm.

For example, there are 28 billion products circulating per year in EU, which is an impressive task for market surveillance authorities including customs. EURATEX has been stressing non-sufficient market surveillance and it is actively working on solutions for a fair and effective market surveillance of textile products through Reach4Textiles. EURATEX very much welcomes that the European Commission recognizes our work and the need for market surveillance by establishing more harmonised efforts in the EU.

EURATEX also welcomes the establishment of the Digital Product Passport. It has a high potential to improve every step in the textile value chain, from design and manufacturing to recycling and purchasing. At the same time, EURATEX calls the co-legislators to take into account the role of SME’s in this transition and to put forward pragmatic initiatives, supporting SME’s across the EU in a systematic approach.

Alberto Paccanelli, EURATEX President, concludes: EURATEX calls for true cooperation with all policy makers and other stakeholders across the value chains to advise, pressure-test and use this opportunity for a successful transition. Our ambition must be to reconcile sustainability, resilience and competitiveness; we know it can be done”.
