From the Sector

1636 results

Südwesttextil-Vorstand neu gewählt

  • Präsident Bodo Th. Bölzle für fünfte Amtszeit im Amt bestätigt – Ettlin-Vorstand Dr. Oliver Maetschke neu als Vize-Präsident gewählt

Die Mitgliederversammlung von Südwesttextil am 29. Juni hat Bodo Th. Bölzle, Vorsitzenden der Geschäftsführung des Bönnigheimer Nähgarnherstellers Amann Group, einstimmig für weitere drei Jahre als Präsidenten gewählt. Der 59-jährige diplomierte Kaufmann engagiert sich seit 2014 im Arbeitgeberverband der baden-württembergischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie.

  • Präsident Bodo Th. Bölzle für fünfte Amtszeit im Amt bestätigt – Ettlin-Vorstand Dr. Oliver Maetschke neu als Vize-Präsident gewählt

Die Mitgliederversammlung von Südwesttextil am 29. Juni hat Bodo Th. Bölzle, Vorsitzenden der Geschäftsführung des Bönnigheimer Nähgarnherstellers Amann Group, einstimmig für weitere drei Jahre als Präsidenten gewählt. Der 59-jährige diplomierte Kaufmann engagiert sich seit 2014 im Arbeitgeberverband der baden-württembergischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie.

Im Rahmen der Wahlen ist Dr. Oliver Maetschke, Vorstand/COO der Ettlin Aktiengesellschaft aus Ettlingen neu in das fünfköpfige Präsidium von Südwesttextil gewählt worden. Er folgt auf die Ende Januar 2022 verstorbene Vizepräsidentin Carina Ammann, Gesellschafterin der ISCO-Textilwerk Gebr. Ammann GmbH & Co. KG und fast zwei Jahrzehnte lang engagiertes Vorstandsmitglied bei Südwesttextil. In ihrem Amt bestätigt wurden Vizepräsidentin Donata Apelt-Ihling, Gesellschafterin der Alfred Apelt GmbH aus Oberkirch, Vizepräsident Mathias Eggle, Geschäftsführer der Olymp Bezner KG aus Bietigheim-Bissingen sowie Vizepräsident Arved H. Westerkamp, Geschäftsführer der Gerhard Rösch GmbH aus Tübingen.

„Ich freue mich über die Wiederwahl und eine weitere Amtszeit als Präsident von Südwesttextil. Der Verband steht in diesen Zeiten großer Herausforderungen an der Seite seiner Mitglieder“, so Bölzle insbesondere mit Blick auf die andauernde Pandemie und die Konsequenzen des Kriegs in der Ukraine. Neben der großen Betroffenheit angesichts des menschlichen Leids, sorge sich die energieintensive Branche um die durch den Krieg ausgelöste Preisspirale. Der wiedergewählte Präsident bekräftigte: „Unser Appell an die Politik wird daher immer sein, Krisenbeihilfen unbürokratisch und schnell zur Verfügung zu stellen und vor allem die Versorgungssicherheit im Winter zu gewährleisten.“ Mit Blick auf die Zukunft und die Klimakrise, übernehme die Branche in den Bereichen Umwelt, Klima und Nachhaltigkeit bereits Verantwortung und beschäftige sich intensiv mit neuen Entwicklungen. „Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit werden wir sowohl als Branche wie auch als Verband weiter ausbauen, begleiten und vorantreiben.“

Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen investiert der Verband in seinen Nachwuchs mit dem Neubau des „Texoversums“ am Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen. „Wir möchten eine Plattform schaffen für alle, die an Textil Interesse haben, in diesem Bereich arbeiten, lehren oder forschen – in allen Alters- und Qualifikationsstufen und auch über Branchengrenzen hinweg“, erläutert Bodo Th. Bölzle die Vision.


Südwesttextil – Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V.

Bild: VDTF. Oben: Paresh H. Patel, Peter Schomakers, Lothar Hentz, Prof Dr. Michael Rauch. Unten: Harald Bäumle, Andreas Troscheit, Lukas Hartmann.

Verband Deutscher Textilfachleute VDTF wählt Präsidium und Vorstand

Zum neuen Präsidenten des VDTF wurde Prof. Dr. Michael Rauch gewählt, der den Master-Studiengang „Sustainable Textiles“ an der Hochschule Hof leitet und dort auch das Lehrgebiet Verfahrenstechnik der Textilveredlung betreut. Er ist Vorstand der Regionalgruppe Bayern-Nord und Schatzmeister des internationalen Textilverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colorists).

Zum neuen Präsidenten des VDTF wurde Prof. Dr. Michael Rauch gewählt, der den Master-Studiengang „Sustainable Textiles“ an der Hochschule Hof leitet und dort auch das Lehrgebiet Verfahrenstechnik der Textilveredlung betreut. Er ist Vorstand der Regionalgruppe Bayern-Nord und Schatzmeister des internationalen Textilverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colorists).

Ihm zur Seite stehen aus dem bisherigen Vorstand Peter Schomakers, der bis zu seinem Ruhestand bei der Fa. Thies GmbH &Co. KG beschäftigt war und weiterhin im IHK-Prüfungsausschuss für Textilveredlung in NRW tätig ist, sowie Paresh H. Patel, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Chemie Impex, Reutlingen. Neu im Vorstand sind Harald Bäumle, Technischer Direktor der Wendler Einlagen GmbH & Co.KG, sowie Andreas Troscheit, bisher tätig für die CHT Germany GmbH in den Anwendungsbereichen Ausrüstung und Beschichtung, künftig bei der Fa. Brückner Textile Technologies GmbH &Co. KG in Leonberg. Weiter werden Lothar Hentz, Sales Manager für den Bereich DACH bei der Fa. Tanatex, B.V. Niederlande sowie Lukas Hartmann, Geschäftsführer Intex Consulting GmbH, im Vorstand mitarbeiten.

Die Wahlen im Verband Deutscher Textilfachleute VDTF e.V. standen im üblichen dreijährigen Rhythmus an. Laut Satzung dürfen Präsident und Vorstandsmitglieder nur einmal wiedergewählt werden, sodass aus dem aktuellen Vorstand nur zwei Personen erneut kandidieren konnten. Die offizielle Amtszeit des neuen Vorstandes beginnt nach der Mitgliederversammlung 2022 am 24. September in Nordhorn.



(c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and MRBAILEY announce their collaboration

Having first collaborated on the iconoclastic SST Ammonite shoe as part of the brand’s Catalyst for Change program in 2020, adidas Originals and MRBAILEY have come together once again to ignite the start of an ongoing partnership that will see the innovative designer reimagine the Trefoil’s futuristic OZWORLD family of silhouettes.

MRBAILEY is the founder of innovative footwear design studio CONCEPTKICKS. London-based but nomadic by nature, the progressive creator’s practice specializes in an approach to footwear innovation that is distinctly speculative in thinking and undeniably boundary pushing in execution.

Using the biological research that informed the SST Ammonite silhouette as its starting point and informed by the ethos “nature is our greatest luxury”, MR BAILEY’s collaborative partnership with adidas Originals will explore the innate systems of design within the marine habitat. Building on the inherent wonder and beauty of aquatic lifeforms through design techniques, the partnership promises to challenge the artificial distinction between man made production and the natural world.

Having first collaborated on the iconoclastic SST Ammonite shoe as part of the brand’s Catalyst for Change program in 2020, adidas Originals and MRBAILEY have come together once again to ignite the start of an ongoing partnership that will see the innovative designer reimagine the Trefoil’s futuristic OZWORLD family of silhouettes.

MRBAILEY is the founder of innovative footwear design studio CONCEPTKICKS. London-based but nomadic by nature, the progressive creator’s practice specializes in an approach to footwear innovation that is distinctly speculative in thinking and undeniably boundary pushing in execution.

Using the biological research that informed the SST Ammonite silhouette as its starting point and informed by the ethos “nature is our greatest luxury”, MR BAILEY’s collaborative partnership with adidas Originals will explore the innate systems of design within the marine habitat. Building on the inherent wonder and beauty of aquatic lifeforms through design techniques, the partnership promises to challenge the artificial distinction between man made production and the natural world.


adidas AG


Milano Unica and C.L.A.S.S. join forces

C.L.A.S.S. will join forces with Milano Unica, 12-14 July, to push the change towards a new generation of fashion through its C.L.A.S.S. SMART SHOP: an online space offering eco-high-tech materials representing a range of categories able to create a new generation of fashion. It is dedicated to students, designers and new generation brands who want to explore and test premium materials mixing style, innovation and responsibility

The C.L.A.S.S. SMART SHOP partners exhibiting at Milano Unica are: ALBINI GROUP, ILUNA GROUP and ZIGNONE.

C.L.A.S.S. will join forces with Milano Unica, 12-14 July, to push the change towards a new generation of fashion through its C.L.A.S.S. SMART SHOP: an online space offering eco-high-tech materials representing a range of categories able to create a new generation of fashion. It is dedicated to students, designers and new generation brands who want to explore and test premium materials mixing style, innovation and responsibility

The C.L.A.S.S. SMART SHOP partners exhibiting at Milano Unica are: ALBINI GROUP, ILUNA GROUP and ZIGNONE.




Der BTE-Kongress für den Einzelhandel ist zurück

6. BTE-Kongress “Fashion-Emotion 4.0” am 20. September 2022
Nach gut zwei Jahren Pandemie steht der stationäre Fashionhandel noch immer vor großen Herausforderungen, die aber auch Chancen zur Verbesserung der eigenen Marktposition eröffnen. Aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen sind Digitalisierung, CRM, Nachhaltigkeit, Emotionalisierung sowie der gesamte Mitarbeiterbereich. So gilt es

  • die richtigen digitalen Tools einzusetzen, um Kunden zu erreichen, die Effizienz zu erhöhen und Kosten zu senken,
  • die passenden Mitarbeiter zu finden und das Team zu Höchstleistungen zu motivieren,
  • im optischen Auftritt die Kunden zu begeistern und die Flächenleistung zu verbessern sowie
  • als Modehaus von aktuellen (Nachhaltigkeits-)Trends wie dem Second Hand-Boom zu profitieren und damit zusätzlich Frequenz und Umsatz zu generieren.

Antworten und Anregungen zu allen Themenbereichen gibt der sechste BTE-Kongress „Fashion-Emotion 4.0: Zukunftsorientierte Erfolgskonzepte des Modehandels – lokal und digital“ am 20. September in Köln.

6. BTE-Kongress “Fashion-Emotion 4.0” am 20. September 2022
Nach gut zwei Jahren Pandemie steht der stationäre Fashionhandel noch immer vor großen Herausforderungen, die aber auch Chancen zur Verbesserung der eigenen Marktposition eröffnen. Aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen sind Digitalisierung, CRM, Nachhaltigkeit, Emotionalisierung sowie der gesamte Mitarbeiterbereich. So gilt es

  • die richtigen digitalen Tools einzusetzen, um Kunden zu erreichen, die Effizienz zu erhöhen und Kosten zu senken,
  • die passenden Mitarbeiter zu finden und das Team zu Höchstleistungen zu motivieren,
  • im optischen Auftritt die Kunden zu begeistern und die Flächenleistung zu verbessern sowie
  • als Modehaus von aktuellen (Nachhaltigkeits-)Trends wie dem Second Hand-Boom zu profitieren und damit zusätzlich Frequenz und Umsatz zu generieren.

Antworten und Anregungen zu allen Themenbereichen gibt der sechste BTE-Kongress „Fashion-Emotion 4.0: Zukunftsorientierte Erfolgskonzepte des Modehandels – lokal und digital“ am 20. September in Köln.

Auf der Bühne berichten innovative Unternehmen über ihre entsprechenden Erfahrungen, Strategien und Planungen, darunter die Modehäuser Ebbers (Warendorf), Frey (Cham), Jaacks (Timmendorfer Strand Niendorf), Jost (Grünstadt) und Lodenfrey (München).

Hinzu kommen Beiträge namhafter Experten wie Marie Claire Ernst (Schwitzke & Partner), Tobias Humpert (hachmeister + partner), Prof. Dr. Oliver Janz (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg), Einar Leichsenring (Perrcon) und Marcus Schönhart (Reverse-Retail). Moderiert wird der Kongress von TW-Chefredakteur Michael Werner.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter Die Teilnehmergebühr beträgt für Mitglieder im Einzelhandelsverband 298 Euro, für sonstige Teilnehmer aus Fashionhandel und Fashionindustrie 398 Euro sowie für Dienstleister/Sonstige 698 Euro, jeweils zzgl. MwSt.

Jeder weitere Teilnehmer aus demselben Unternehmen erhält 20 % Ermäßigung.
Frühbucherrabatt: Bei Anmeldungen bis einschließlich 15. Juli 2022 gewähren wir einen Preisnachlass in Höhe von 50 € pro Person.

More information:
BTE BTE-Kongress

BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren

Hochschule Reutlingen

Joint-Venture zwischen Hochschule Reutlingen und BTE/LDT

Mit Gründung eines Joint-Ventures werden Reutlingen und der Standort Nagold ab dem 01. Oktober 2022 als regionales Zentrum für textile Ausbildung in Deutschland auf internationalem Niveau gestärkt.

Die Weiterbildungsstiftung an der Hochschule Reutlingen (Knowledge Foundation @ Reutlingen University), die Fakultät Textil & Design sowie der BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren und die LDT Nagold, werden der Branche künftig ein neues, modernes und ganzheitliches Studienkonzept für die Nachwuchsausbildung bereitstellen. Zum kommenden Wintersemester wird hierzu ein Joint Venture begründet, dem bereits in allen maßgeblichen und relevanten Gremien Zustimmung erteilt wurde.

Im TEXOVERSUM, dem vom Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie gestifteten Gebäude an der Hochschule Reutlingen, werden so weitere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten gebündelt. Das Joint Venture wird unter der Dachmarke TEXOVERSUM ab dem 1. Oktober 2022 ein neues Studienprogramm implementieren, das alle Stufen der gesamten Textil-, Schuh- und Fashionhandelsbranche in einem Konzept bündelt.

Mit Gründung eines Joint-Ventures werden Reutlingen und der Standort Nagold ab dem 01. Oktober 2022 als regionales Zentrum für textile Ausbildung in Deutschland auf internationalem Niveau gestärkt.

Die Weiterbildungsstiftung an der Hochschule Reutlingen (Knowledge Foundation @ Reutlingen University), die Fakultät Textil & Design sowie der BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren und die LDT Nagold, werden der Branche künftig ein neues, modernes und ganzheitliches Studienkonzept für die Nachwuchsausbildung bereitstellen. Zum kommenden Wintersemester wird hierzu ein Joint Venture begründet, dem bereits in allen maßgeblichen und relevanten Gremien Zustimmung erteilt wurde.

Im TEXOVERSUM, dem vom Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie gestifteten Gebäude an der Hochschule Reutlingen, werden so weitere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten gebündelt. Das Joint Venture wird unter der Dachmarke TEXOVERSUM ab dem 1. Oktober 2022 ein neues Studienprogramm implementieren, das alle Stufen der gesamten Textil-, Schuh- und Fashionhandelsbranche in einem Konzept bündelt.

„Das zukünftige Programm wird eine optimale Ergänzung unseres bisherigen Bildungsportfolios. Mit der nun institutionalisierten Zusammenarbeit mit dem BTE und der LDT kommen wir unserem Ziel, der wesentliche Bildungsanbieter für Textile Bildung und Forschung in Deutschland und Europa zu werden, einen großen Schritt näher. Gleichzeitig schließt das Programm die Lücke zwischen Industrie und Handel“, so Prof. Dr. Jochen Strähle, Dekan der Fakultät Textil & Design der Hochschule Reutlingen.
Daniel Geigis, Geschäftsführender Vorstand der Knowledge Foundation @Reutlingen University ergänzt: „Wir freuen uns gemeinsam mit unseren Gremien zukünftig den Teilnehmenden von textilen Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogrammen noch bessere Perspektiven bieten zu können. Gemeinsam mit dem BTE und der LDT Nagold richtet sich unser Angebot stärker an den Bedürfnissen der Unternehmen aus, um damit die Textilbranche nachhaltig und erfolgreich voranzutreiben.“

Die Marke LDT wird Bestandteil des Joint Ventures ebenso ein Ausbildungsgang „Textilbetriebswirt BTE“, der mit seiner praxisorientierten Ausrichtung künftig modernere Formen annehmen wird. Darüber hinaus wird das neue Joint-Venture weitere, Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten anbieten.

„Nach zwei Jahren intensiver Vorarbeit stellen wir mit dem neuen einheitlichen Studienprogramm nunmehr endgültig die Weichen für ein den wachsenden Anforderungen der Branche entsprechendes und zukunftsfähiges Ausbildungskonzept. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass wir damit für junge Menschen die Attraktivität für ein Studium im Textilbereich weiter steigern können“, so Rolf Pangels Hauptgeschäftsführer BTE.

Den derzeitigen Studierenden der LDT wird ein regulärer Abschluss in ihrem aktuellen Programm ermöglicht werden. Einschreibungen bzw. Neuanmeldungen für das neue Studienprogramm sind in Kürze möglich.


Hochschule Reutlingen


Start of registrations for A+A 2023

Exhibiting companies can now register for A+A 2023! The world's leading trade fair and congress event for personal protection, occupational safety and health at work will take place in Düsseldorf from 24 to 27 October 2023.

Under the motto "People count", numerous exhibitors will present innovative solutions and concepts for safe and healthy working at A+A 2023. This time, the thematic umbrella of the international trade fair is formed by the megatrends of digitalisation and sustainability.

Decision-makers and experts will find cross-sector solutions and answers to the important questions surrounding a safe, healthy and sustainable workplace. From personal protective equipment (PPE), operational fire protection, environmental protection or disaster prevention to offers for ergonomic and healthy workplace design.

The focus will be on topics such as sustainability and the circular economy of products, digital services in the provision, care and storage of PPE, mobile working, exoskeletons (wearable robots) and wearables. Forums and side events as well as an innovative Start-up Zone complement the trade fair and set new, future-oriented impulses.

Exhibiting companies can now register for A+A 2023! The world's leading trade fair and congress event for personal protection, occupational safety and health at work will take place in Düsseldorf from 24 to 27 October 2023.

Under the motto "People count", numerous exhibitors will present innovative solutions and concepts for safe and healthy working at A+A 2023. This time, the thematic umbrella of the international trade fair is formed by the megatrends of digitalisation and sustainability.

Decision-makers and experts will find cross-sector solutions and answers to the important questions surrounding a safe, healthy and sustainable workplace. From personal protective equipment (PPE), operational fire protection, environmental protection or disaster prevention to offers for ergonomic and healthy workplace design.

The focus will be on topics such as sustainability and the circular economy of products, digital services in the provision, care and storage of PPE, mobile working, exoskeletons (wearable robots) and wearables. Forums and side events as well as an innovative Start-up Zone complement the trade fair and set new, future-oriented impulses.

For more information and registration click here.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


NCTO announces Winner of the 2022 Paul T. O’Day Memorial Scholarship

The National Council of Textile Organization’s (NCTO) Fiber Council announces Ms. Abigail McBee, of Gaffney, SC as the recipient of the 2022 Paul T. O’Day Scholarship Award.

NCTO Chairman David Poston, President of Palmetto Synthetics LLC, commented, “We are pleased to recognize Ms. McBee’s exceptional record of academic achievements with her selection as the 2022 recipient of the Paul T. O’Day Memorial Scholarship. All of us on the Fiber Council congratulate Ms. McBee and wish her continued success in her academic career.”

The scholarship program was created in 2014 in honor of Paul T. O’Day who served as President of the American Fiber Manufacturers Association (AFMA) for more than three decades. The Association merged with the National Council of Textile Organizations in April 2018, and NCTO’s Fiber Council now administers the scholarship program. Recipients receive a $5,000 award each year, totaling $20,000 for four years of study.

The National Council of Textile Organization’s (NCTO) Fiber Council announces Ms. Abigail McBee, of Gaffney, SC as the recipient of the 2022 Paul T. O’Day Scholarship Award.

NCTO Chairman David Poston, President of Palmetto Synthetics LLC, commented, “We are pleased to recognize Ms. McBee’s exceptional record of academic achievements with her selection as the 2022 recipient of the Paul T. O’Day Memorial Scholarship. All of us on the Fiber Council congratulate Ms. McBee and wish her continued success in her academic career.”

The scholarship program was created in 2014 in honor of Paul T. O’Day who served as President of the American Fiber Manufacturers Association (AFMA) for more than three decades. The Association merged with the National Council of Textile Organizations in April 2018, and NCTO’s Fiber Council now administers the scholarship program. Recipients receive a $5,000 award each year, totaling $20,000 for four years of study.

(c) Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA

BOGNER: GREGORY SIFF Capsule Collection Fall/Winter 2022

FIRE+ICE introduces as a special highlight in the Fall/Winter season 2022 an exlusive collaboration with acclaimed American artist Gregory Siff. Gregory Siff is best known for his highly emotive style, which merges abstraction, pop and action painting. By using inks, acrylic and spray paint, he creates iconic elements, capturing time and nostalgia.

Gregory Siff applies his hand-signature in a special print story and creates iconic elements out of FIRE+ICE’s unique DNA and story, which begins with Willy Bogner’s 1986 film. He creates artworks in black and white or combined with bright colors, which are applied to the FIRE+ICE styles using various print and jacquard techniques.

FIRE+ICE introduces as a special highlight in the Fall/Winter season 2022 an exlusive collaboration with acclaimed American artist Gregory Siff. Gregory Siff is best known for his highly emotive style, which merges abstraction, pop and action painting. By using inks, acrylic and spray paint, he creates iconic elements, capturing time and nostalgia.

Gregory Siff applies his hand-signature in a special print story and creates iconic elements out of FIRE+ICE’s unique DNA and story, which begins with Willy Bogner’s 1986 film. He creates artworks in black and white or combined with bright colors, which are applied to the FIRE+ICE styles using various print and jacquard techniques.


Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA


Printing Expo Online doubles the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors

  • Printing Expo Online is expanding again by doubling the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors and feature zones making it one of the largest virtual trade shows in the world.

Visitors will be able to visit the new Zaikio underground catacombs that are accessible from several portals around the show. Click on a New York taxi, a London Phone Box or a funky Hot Dog Van and you will be transported into the Zaikio cavern environment where visitors will be able to watch application videos, arrange demos and sign up to this amazing new cloud-based platform.

Another addition to Zone 2 is the new Software Technology Centre (STC). This feature area will grow over time to show a wide range of software solutions that are available on the market.

Joining Printing Expo Online in the STC for the launch is EFI Fiery, who are showing their full portfolio of software solutions.

Design’N’Buy are also a new exhibitor in the STC with their all-In-One Web2Print software solution that helps users leverage technology, people and processes for the multi-fold growth of your printing business.

  • Printing Expo Online is expanding again by doubling the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors and feature zones making it one of the largest virtual trade shows in the world.

Visitors will be able to visit the new Zaikio underground catacombs that are accessible from several portals around the show. Click on a New York taxi, a London Phone Box or a funky Hot Dog Van and you will be transported into the Zaikio cavern environment where visitors will be able to watch application videos, arrange demos and sign up to this amazing new cloud-based platform.

Another addition to Zone 2 is the new Software Technology Centre (STC). This feature area will grow over time to show a wide range of software solutions that are available on the market.

Joining Printing Expo Online in the STC for the launch is EFI Fiery, who are showing their full portfolio of software solutions.

Design’N’Buy are also a new exhibitor in the STC with their all-In-One Web2Print software solution that helps users leverage technology, people and processes for the multi-fold growth of your printing business.

Also moving into the STC will be PrintIQ who offer the modern print shop a solution for businesses that need to be able to grow and scale as needed without slowing down or sacrificing quality.

Another new addition to the show is the introduction of the Global Print Trade Club. This initiate is free to all Print Service providers around the world and offers the opportunity to network on a global scale.

New to the exhibition is Kornit Digital with their multi storey showroom which will shortly be opening its doors where visitors will be able to view Direct to Garment and Direct to Fabric printing equipment, technical data, case studies, clothing designs and applications as well as visit the Kornit dedicated auditorium where live streaming content will be shown of Kornit Digital’s Fashion weeks as they happen throughout the year.

Another addition is the new application journey added to the Xeikon Innovation Centre at Printing Expo Online. Visitors will now be able to experience a virtual tour of a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and garage where Xeikon will show applications for commercial, label and Wall Deco products that can be produced on their digital print engines.

Printing Expo Online is open 24/7 365 days a year and has now welcomed over 60,000 visitors from all over the world and continues to grow not only its footprint and total visitor numbers, but also its relevance as an important resource tool for Print Service Providers from around the world that, for whatever reason, are unable to attend live events.


Printing Expo Online / Bespoke

(c) Borealis

Borealis introduces portfolio of circular base chemicals

  • The Borvida™ portfolio introduces sustainable base chemicals to Borealis’ range of product offering
  • The range will initially be based on non-food waste biomass, and chemically-recycled waste; in the future it will also draw from atmospheric carbon capture
  • The traceability of the content will be based on Mass Balance, which is ISCC PLUS certified
  • This is the next step in an ambitious sustainability journey, which will see Borealis move away from traditional fossil-based feed

Borealis is strengthening its EverMinds™ circular product offering with Borvida™, a range of sustainable base chemicals.

The Borvida portfolio will offer base chemicals or cracker products (such as ethylene, propylene, butene and phenol) with ISCC Plus-certified sustainable content from Borealis sites in Finland, Sweden and Belgium. The move is part of Borealis’ broader commitment to a Future-Positive Revolution, in which the unrivalled benefits of base chemicals and polymers can be enjoyed at minimal impact to the planet.   

  • The Borvida™ portfolio introduces sustainable base chemicals to Borealis’ range of product offering
  • The range will initially be based on non-food waste biomass, and chemically-recycled waste; in the future it will also draw from atmospheric carbon capture
  • The traceability of the content will be based on Mass Balance, which is ISCC PLUS certified
  • This is the next step in an ambitious sustainability journey, which will see Borealis move away from traditional fossil-based feed

Borealis is strengthening its EverMinds™ circular product offering with Borvida™, a range of sustainable base chemicals.

The Borvida portfolio will offer base chemicals or cracker products (such as ethylene, propylene, butene and phenol) with ISCC Plus-certified sustainable content from Borealis sites in Finland, Sweden and Belgium. The move is part of Borealis’ broader commitment to a Future-Positive Revolution, in which the unrivalled benefits of base chemicals and polymers can be enjoyed at minimal impact to the planet.   

The portfolio will initially comprise Borvida B, from non-food waste biomass, and Borvida C, from chemically-recycled waste. In the future, the range will evolve to include Borvida A, sourced from atmospheric carbon capture. Borvida is complementary and is the building block to Bornewables™, a portfolio of polyolefins based on renewably-sourced second generation feedstocks, and Borcycle™, which offers circular polyolefins produced from mechanically- and chemically-recycled plastic waste.

Borealis produces a wide range of base chemicals for use in numerous industries based on various feedstock, such as naphtha, butane, propane and ethane. Through its olefin units (steam cracker and propane dehydrogenation), it converts these into the building blocks of the chemical industry: ethylene, propylene and C4 hydrocarbons (butylenes, ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) and butadiene), and C5-6 hydrocarbons (pygas, phenol) among others.

The basis of the Borvida portfolio is Mass Balance, a Chain of Custody model that enables sustainable content to be tracked, traced, and verified through the entire value chain, offering sustainability-assured products from feedstock to end product. Using this model, circular alternatives can be offered in a cost-effective and environmentally-conscious way, which can be scaled up quickly without compromising on quality or efficiency.

Borvida can be used for a wide range of different polymer and chemical applications, also beyond polyolefins (PO). Non-PO polymers, such as polycarbonates, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), super absorbant polymer (SAP) and other chemicals, are utilised for various end applications including coatings, plasticizers, adhesives, automotive, electronics, lubricants, detergents, appliances and sports equipment.

Together with key strategic partners, including Neste and Covestro, Borealis strives to provide a long-term solution in order to allow value-chain partners to meet their sustainability goals. Borvida will enable our customers to increase the sustainability of their products, keeping them ahead of forthcoming legislative changes, and meeting their customers’ demands for climate-conscious products.

Introduced on a smaller scale in early 2020, early renewable base chemicals customers include Covestro. “The use of alternative sustainable raw materials is one important pillar of our strategic ambition to become fully circular”, comments Frank Dörner, Managing Director Covestro Procurement Services GmbH & Co. KG. “The new product line is a good example for joint solutions, another strategic pillar, in order to establish new and reliable supply chains creating benefits for our customers.”




EDUARD DRESSLER präsentiert Frühjahr/Sommer 2023 Kollektion

Inspiriert vom Claim Life is invaluable präsentiert EDUARD DRESSLER für die Saison Frühjahr/Sommer 2023 eine Kollektion, die den Blick auf die essenziellen Dinge des Lebens lenkt und damit bewusst auf die großen Themen unserer Zeit eingeht.

Ein wichtiger Aspekt der neuen Frühjahr/Sommer Kollektion ist die Betonung einer ganzheitlich konzipierten „Farbwelt“. Vier Farbthemen stehen für ursprüngliche, naturbelassene Landschaften und fließen in allen Kollektionsbereichen in die Kreationen ein: Blau / Braun, Oliv / Grau, Monochrom / Messing und Navy / Rosé.
Die neue Bildsprache dieser Farbwelten findet ihren Ausdruck auch im Look-Book, das in puristischem Ambiente in einem lichtdurchfluteten Studio in Berlin geshootet wurde.

Ein wiederkehrendes Motiv der Frühjahr/Sommer Kollektion 2023 ist die Kombination von klassisch gehaltenen Unis und besonderen Einzelstücken.

Inspiriert vom Claim Life is invaluable präsentiert EDUARD DRESSLER für die Saison Frühjahr/Sommer 2023 eine Kollektion, die den Blick auf die essenziellen Dinge des Lebens lenkt und damit bewusst auf die großen Themen unserer Zeit eingeht.

Ein wichtiger Aspekt der neuen Frühjahr/Sommer Kollektion ist die Betonung einer ganzheitlich konzipierten „Farbwelt“. Vier Farbthemen stehen für ursprüngliche, naturbelassene Landschaften und fließen in allen Kollektionsbereichen in die Kreationen ein: Blau / Braun, Oliv / Grau, Monochrom / Messing und Navy / Rosé.
Die neue Bildsprache dieser Farbwelten findet ihren Ausdruck auch im Look-Book, das in puristischem Ambiente in einem lichtdurchfluteten Studio in Berlin geshootet wurde.

Ein wiederkehrendes Motiv der Frühjahr/Sommer Kollektion 2023 ist die Kombination von klassisch gehaltenen Unis und besonderen Einzelstücken.

Tonangebend bleibt der Trend hin zum Anzug und zu mehr Eleganz. An die Stelle des klassischen Business Looks tritt dabei ein Fokus auf klassische, mithin sartorial anmutende Stoffe, die durch neue Volumina und Schnittführungen aktualisiert werden und in verschiedensten Kombinationen sowohl elegantere als auch casualisiertere Grundbedürfnisse befriedigen.

Zu diesem Konzept passen Key Pieces wie ein schwarz-weißer Glencheck-Anzug, dessen auffällige Optik bewusst im Kontrast zu schlichteren, haptischen und hochwertigen Qualitäten bei Sakkos und Anzügen steht.

Darüber hinaus zählen Streifen-Sakkos sowie auffällige Karos, in Kombination mit locker geschnittener Bundfaltenhose oder mit Shirt und Jeans, zu den Key Looks der Kollektion.

Hinzu kommt ein eleganter, sommerlich casualisierter Seersucker-Doppelreiher aus einer Wolle-, Seiden- und Leinenmischung, der nicht nur hochwertig, weich und bequem ist, sondern in Kombination mit heller Hose und hellem Shirt auch eine lässige Eleganz versprüht.

More information:
Eduard Dressler Anzug Herrenmode



C.L.A.S.S. is back with Smart Shop materials at Future Fabrics Expo

The international eco hub C.L.A.S.S. brings its next generation Smart Shop’s offer to the 10th edition of the Future Fabrics Expo from the28th to the 29th of June 2022 in London.

Since 2018, C.L.A.S.S. has been offering the access of the top of its Material hub innovations to small and new generation of designers and brands through its Smart Shop, the online store of smart materials. C.L.A.S.S. intent at FFE is to share the unique values of its design driven, conscious, high-tech materials, in order to start synergies with an audience characterized by the interest in responsible innovations, the main expertise of CEO and founder Giusy Bettoni and her team.

C.L.A.S.S. offers smart solutions – from 1 meter to max 50 meters - for the contemporary wardrobe which include all the different expressions of textile ingredients: natural, transformed, innovative and back in the loop materials, giving everyone the possibility to create design, innovative and yet responsible products in line with their new generation of contemporary values.

The international eco hub C.L.A.S.S. brings its next generation Smart Shop’s offer to the 10th edition of the Future Fabrics Expo from the28th to the 29th of June 2022 in London.

Since 2018, C.L.A.S.S. has been offering the access of the top of its Material hub innovations to small and new generation of designers and brands through its Smart Shop, the online store of smart materials. C.L.A.S.S. intent at FFE is to share the unique values of its design driven, conscious, high-tech materials, in order to start synergies with an audience characterized by the interest in responsible innovations, the main expertise of CEO and founder Giusy Bettoni and her team.

C.L.A.S.S. offers smart solutions – from 1 meter to max 50 meters - for the contemporary wardrobe which include all the different expressions of textile ingredients: natural, transformed, innovative and back in the loop materials, giving everyone the possibility to create design, innovative and yet responsible products in line with their new generation of contemporary values.

Among the conscious, yet technological materials which will be presented at Fabrics for Future there are Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, Albini’s organic and scientifically traceable cotton, Re.VerSo™ recycled wools, NewLife™ recycled polyester and Maeba International’s Back in The Loop fabrics.




ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance SS 2023

The Japanese textile manufacturer ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents its SS 2023 collection, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

ECOSENSOR™ presents 40 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 7 items for INNERWEAR, 2 for OUTERWEAR, 17 for SPORT KNIT and 14 for SPORT WOVEN.

Furthermore, all of ECOSENSOR™ fabrics are made with sustainable materials which are certified by internatinal certification such as GRS, RCS or self-certification by each yarn supplier, through a traceable and transparent production process and supply chain.
100% of the stretch articles (representing 35% of the collection) are made with ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, the recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer materials.

The Japanese textile manufacturer ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents its SS 2023 collection, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

ECOSENSOR™ presents 40 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 7 items for INNERWEAR, 2 for OUTERWEAR, 17 for SPORT KNIT and 14 for SPORT WOVEN.

Furthermore, all of ECOSENSOR™ fabrics are made with sustainable materials which are certified by internatinal certification such as GRS, RCS or self-certification by each yarn supplier, through a traceable and transparent production process and supply chain.
100% of the stretch articles (representing 35% of the collection) are made with ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, the recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer materials.

The main fibers are GRS certified recycled polyester and recycled polyamide, but the collection also features some blends, such as in Bemberg™, the high-tech yarn born from the transformation of cotton linters through a circular, transparent and traceable process with a precious hand, optimal moisture management characteristics,  whose end of life guarantees its biodegradability.
Even the dyeing and finishing phases have been certified by international labels such as bluesign® or OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.


ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S.

(c) Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum: Sound-insulating technologies for electric drives

Catering to the acoustic requirements of electric vehicles, Autoneum has extended its concepts for noise-reducing engine encapsulations to new applications related to electric drives. Hybrid-Acoustics PET and the foam-based alternatives Hybrid-Acoustics FLEX and Fit FLEX ensure optimum noise protection in e-cars and thus improve driving comfort. All three technologies are characterized by a high acoustic performance tailored to specific customer needs and zero waste production.

Disturbing noises such as the high-frequency sounds of e-motors and other electric devices or the whining noise of the gearbox are posing new acoustic challenges for vehicle manufacturers worldwide. Anticipating the increasing demand for sound-reducing components in both the front and the rear of e-cars early on, Autoneum has expanded its technologies for noise protection in the engine bay to new tailor-made applications for electric vehicles.

Catering to the acoustic requirements of electric vehicles, Autoneum has extended its concepts for noise-reducing engine encapsulations to new applications related to electric drives. Hybrid-Acoustics PET and the foam-based alternatives Hybrid-Acoustics FLEX and Fit FLEX ensure optimum noise protection in e-cars and thus improve driving comfort. All three technologies are characterized by a high acoustic performance tailored to specific customer needs and zero waste production.

Disturbing noises such as the high-frequency sounds of e-motors and other electric devices or the whining noise of the gearbox are posing new acoustic challenges for vehicle manufacturers worldwide. Anticipating the increasing demand for sound-reducing components in both the front and the rear of e-cars early on, Autoneum has expanded its technologies for noise protection in the engine bay to new tailor-made applications for electric vehicles.

With the fibrous technology Hybrid-Acoustics PET and the two foam alternatives Hybrid-Acoustics FLEX and Fit FLEX, the Company offers three standardized technologies that reduce noise directly at the source, thereby improving driver comfort. All three technologies are produced waste-free and their adaptive capacity to different sizes and shapes allows for a broad spectrum of uses in electric vehicles: from e-motor encapsulations to the reduction of noise and vibration of inverters, gearbox, pumps and compressors. By offering both fibrous and foam-based variants, Autoneum is able to flexibly cater to individual customer needs and preferences with regard to material, acoustic concept, sustainability and costs.

In terms of sustainable noise protection in the engine bay, Autoneum’s patented innovation Hybrid-
Acoustics PET sets the tone: it is made of 100 percent PET with up to 50 percent recycled fibers; cut-offs in production are reclaimed, processed and reused and the material can be fully recycled at the end of product life. The unique textile technology, which is part of the Company’s sustainability label Autoneum Pure, is particularly suited to attenuating high-frequency sounds of the electric drive unit and offers the optimum balance of absorption and insulation. Moreover, components made of Hybrid-Acoustics PET are up to 40 percent lighter compared to standard insulators.

To accommodate the differing preferences of vehicle manufacturers, Autoneum has complemented its lightweight textile technology with two foam-based alternatives. Since the foam is injected in both technologies, no waste is generated during production either. Hybrid-Acoustics FLEX is based on the same acoustic concept as Hybrid-Acoustics PET, but the decoupler is made of foam instead of felt. Autoneum’s Fit FLEX, on the other hand, combines the foam decoupler with an injection molded heavy layer. Thanks to the high geometrical adaptability of foam to even complex shapes, both technologies offer outstanding acoustic performance in the insulation of e-motors and other noise sources in electric vehicles. Furthermore, the absorbing or insulating acoustic quality of the foam can be flexibly tuned to specific customer needs.


Autoneum Management AG


EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative: Fiber-to-fiber recycling

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative plans to pursue fiber-to-fiber recycling for 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030
According ReHubs Techno Economic Master Study (TES), the textile recycling industry could generate in Europe around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030, and increase need for nearshoring and reshoring of textile manufacturing.

The textile recycling industry in Europe could reach economic, social and environmental benefits for €3.5 billion to €4.5 billion by 2030
“Transform Waste into Feedstock” announced as first project supported by the ReHubs, and aiming at building up a first 50,000 tons capacity facility by 2024.

Europe has a 7-7.5 million tons textile waste problem, of which only 30-35% is collected today.  

Based on the ambitious European Waste law, all EU Member States must separately collect the textile waste in 2 years and half. While some countries are designing schemes to face the waste collection challenge, currently no large-scale plan exist to process the waste.

The largest source of textile waste (85%) comes from private households and approximately 99% of the textile waste was made using virgin fibers.

Euratex  assesses that to reach a fiber-to-fiber recycling rate of around 18 to 26 percent by 2030, a capital expenditure investment in the range of 6 billion € to 7 billion € will be needed, particularly to scale up sufficient sorting and processing infrastructure. The economic, social, and environmental value which could be realized, potentially total an annual impact of €3.5-4.5 billion by 2030.

Once matured and scaled, the textile recycling industry could become a profitable industry with a total market size of 6-8 billion € and around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030.

Next steps of the ReHubs initiative

  • A European textile recycling roadmap proposing Objectives and Key Results to recycle fiber-to-fiber 2.5 million of textile waste by 2030
  • A leading collaboration hub with large players and SMEs from across an extended European textile recycling value chain
  • A first concrete portfolio of 4 launching projects:
    - Transform textile waste into feedstock
    - Increase the adoption of mechanically recycled fibers in the value chain
    - Expand capacity by solving technical challenges for thermo-mechanical textiles recycling
    - Create capsule collection with post-consumer recycled products

The 1st project addresses current sorting technologies which have limits to identify materials with sufficient accuracy for the subsequent circular recycling processes. The “Transform Waste into Feedstock” project will focus on further developing and scaling such sorting technologies. The project group led by Texaid AG aims on building up a first 50,000 tons facility by the end 2024.




Lectra announces the launch of its Automotive Cutting Room 4.0 offer

The automotive industry currently faces a complex set of market dynamics: rising material and transport costs, reduced budgets, changing consumer expectations, increasing challenges related to CSR, etc. In this context, improving efficiency across the whole value chain has become a strategic priority for vehicle and equipment manufacturers. Lectra supports its customers by designing and developing cutting-edge solutions that combine software, equipment, data and services to make its offer the gateway to Industry 4.0.
With Industry 4.0, a new range of possibilities is opening up to businesses. The concept and its technologies bring in new value creation and cost control models based on synchronized, flexible and fast processes.

The automotive industry currently faces a complex set of market dynamics: rising material and transport costs, reduced budgets, changing consumer expectations, increasing challenges related to CSR, etc. In this context, improving efficiency across the whole value chain has become a strategic priority for vehicle and equipment manufacturers. Lectra supports its customers by designing and developing cutting-edge solutions that combine software, equipment, data and services to make its offer the gateway to Industry 4.0.
With Industry 4.0, a new range of possibilities is opening up to businesses. The concept and its technologies bring in new value creation and cost control models based on synchronized, flexible and fast processes.
The Automotive Cutting Room 4.0 offer is a set of solutions connected to one other: Vector, the fabric cutting equipment offering the best performance in the market; Empower, a new generation of digital services to leverage Vector's capabilities; Valia, the heart of the new offer, a software for preparing and scheduling production; and Algopex, an application for exploiting and capitalizing on all the data generated by the cutting room, so you can make the best decisions as quickly as possible.
Connecting up all the elements of the Automotive Cutting Room 4.0 offer delivers this unprecedented value and enables an unparalleled level of performance to be achieved. Nicolas Favreau, Lectra’s Automotive Marketing Strategy Director, explains: “When the whole cutting room process is digitalized, the data generated are centralized and accessible in real time, helping our customers to make the best decisions at every step of the production process. The benefits are huge. For example, the key performance indicators from the offer’s first users show productivity gains of around 5% and a reduction in material consumption of nearly 2%. That’s unheard of! These results, combined with the agility that the Automotive Cutting Room 4.0 brings and the complete process control, demonstrate the offer’s maximum relevance.”




C&S acquires Texo S.R.L.

C&S strengthens its position in the luxury segment with the acquisition of Texo S.R.L., a company based in Cagli (Pesaro and Urbino) with 10 years of experience in the production of fashion apparel for Texo and for third parties.

C&S enriches the offer of its Style Services Luxe division, the research and production solution for any kind of style needs, together with Style Services Denim and along with C&S Experience projects, initiatives in direct contact with retail such as the haikure brand and the license agreements for Europe for Jeckerson and Purple. C&S’s history begins over 40 years ago in Trestina, in the Perugia province, and is rooted in denim culture and in the limitless potential that comes with this fabric. The company has begun to establish itself as a partner for the creation of jackets, shirts, outerwear, and denim. Its know-how expresses the combination of the production souls that characterize its territory of origin, between Umbria and Marche: all the typical tradition of premium denim mixed with the culture of luxury apparel, intimately dedicated to beauty, quality, and attention to detail.

C&S strengthens its position in the luxury segment with the acquisition of Texo S.R.L., a company based in Cagli (Pesaro and Urbino) with 10 years of experience in the production of fashion apparel for Texo and for third parties.

C&S enriches the offer of its Style Services Luxe division, the research and production solution for any kind of style needs, together with Style Services Denim and along with C&S Experience projects, initiatives in direct contact with retail such as the haikure brand and the license agreements for Europe for Jeckerson and Purple. C&S’s history begins over 40 years ago in Trestina, in the Perugia province, and is rooted in denim culture and in the limitless potential that comes with this fabric. The company has begun to establish itself as a partner for the creation of jackets, shirts, outerwear, and denim. Its know-how expresses the combination of the production souls that characterize its territory of origin, between Umbria and Marche: all the typical tradition of premium denim mixed with the culture of luxury apparel, intimately dedicated to beauty, quality, and attention to detail.

“We are proud to have achieved this new milestone” states Federico Corneli, C&S’s main shareholder. “We firmly believe that the added value that Texo S.R.L.’s specialization brings to the table will allow us to grow further and to be able to accelerate the strategic path that will lead us to establish ourselves as special partner for the most important luxury brands”.

More information:
C&S Denim Italy

C&S / Menabò Group srl

(c) ITM

ITM: Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 für neuartige textile Herzklappenprothesen

Wissenschaftler:innen vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden sind am 21. Juni 2022 für ihre gewebten Herzklappenimplantate mit dem Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in der Kategorie „New Product“ ausgezeichnet worden.

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) entwickelten Wissenschaftler:innen des ITM neuartige textile Herzklappenprothesen. Die Implantate können exakt an die anatomische Form angepasst und minimalinvasiv im Herz platziert werden. Die textile Herzklappe ist integral gefertigt. Hierbei erfolgt die Integration des Ventils in situ während des Webprozesses. Somit besteht die strömungstechnisch optimierte Herzklappe aus einer einzigen textilen Struktur. Weitere Fügeprozesse, z. B. durch Nähen, sind nicht mehr erforderlich. Das reduziert den Fertigungsaufwand im Gegensatz zur heutigen Herstellung biologischer Herzklappenprothesen in Handarbeit enorm.

Wissenschaftler:innen vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden sind am 21. Juni 2022 für ihre gewebten Herzklappenimplantate mit dem Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in der Kategorie „New Product“ ausgezeichnet worden.

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) entwickelten Wissenschaftler:innen des ITM neuartige textile Herzklappenprothesen. Die Implantate können exakt an die anatomische Form angepasst und minimalinvasiv im Herz platziert werden. Die textile Herzklappe ist integral gefertigt. Hierbei erfolgt die Integration des Ventils in situ während des Webprozesses. Somit besteht die strömungstechnisch optimierte Herzklappe aus einer einzigen textilen Struktur. Weitere Fügeprozesse, z. B. durch Nähen, sind nicht mehr erforderlich. Das reduziert den Fertigungsaufwand im Gegensatz zur heutigen Herstellung biologischer Herzklappenprothesen in Handarbeit enorm.

Prof. Chokri Cherif, Institutsdirektor des ITM, freut sich mit seinem Team sehr über die kontinuierli-chen interdisziplinären Forschungserfolge, die am ITM in enger Kooperation mit technischen Webereien, Medizinern und Anwendern stetig erzielt werden. „Bereits vor zwei Jahren wurden wir mit dieser neuartigen Entwicklung als eines der drei Finalistenteams des Otto von Guericke-Preises 2020 geehrt. Die Auswahl für den Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 ist eine erneute Bestätigung für den Bedarf an unserer praxisorientierten Forschung und eine besondere Würdigung, aber gleichzeitig auch weiterer Ansporn für die zeitnahe Umsetzung unserer Forschungsergebnisse in die Industrie.“

Bislang stehen für die Behandlung defekter Herzklappen mechanische und biologische Klappen zur Verfügung. Die neuartigen gewebten Herzklappenprothesen sollen die Vorteile der beiden Typen vereinen: unbegrenzte Lebensdauer, keine lebenslange Einnahme von blutverdünnenden Medikamenten und minimal invasive Operation. Ferner können die textilen Herzklappen zeit- und kostensparend mit hoher Reproduzierbarkeit und Qualität gefertigt werden.


GOTS Standard revision process enters next phase

The ongoing revision process to the GOTS Standard document and supporting Manual for Implementation garnered a robust response during its first public comment period, which ended on June 13 and elicited over 300 inputs. Of that, about 60 percent of comments were related to technical criteria such as ecology, chemical inputs, and material quality; and around 30 percent concerned GOTS social criteria. The Standard sets forth the requirements for organic textiles throughout the entire processing chain. GOTS’s commitment to making every version stronger ensures that the Standard continues to be a dynamic and evolving document and remain at the forefront as the most recognized and respected global standard for textiles.

The first draft of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0, was made available for an initial 60-day comment period. Stakeholders, associations, organisations, companies and individuals were encouraged to contribute to the revision of the Standard during this timeframe. The Standard is updated every three years, ensuring that GOTS keeps up with advances in the industry and developments in the science and technology of textile processing.

The ongoing revision process to the GOTS Standard document and supporting Manual for Implementation garnered a robust response during its first public comment period, which ended on June 13 and elicited over 300 inputs. Of that, about 60 percent of comments were related to technical criteria such as ecology, chemical inputs, and material quality; and around 30 percent concerned GOTS social criteria. The Standard sets forth the requirements for organic textiles throughout the entire processing chain. GOTS’s commitment to making every version stronger ensures that the Standard continues to be a dynamic and evolving document and remain at the forefront as the most recognized and respected global standard for textiles.

The first draft of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0, was made available for an initial 60-day comment period. Stakeholders, associations, organisations, companies and individuals were encouraged to contribute to the revision of the Standard during this timeframe. The Standard is updated every three years, ensuring that GOTS keeps up with advances in the industry and developments in the science and technology of textile processing.

Beginning in 2022, the GOTS revision process is following a newly developed and more inclusive Standard Setting Procedure, which includes oversight of the process by a Standard Revision Committee (SRC). The SRC consists of experts from different stakeholder groups, including scientists, textile industry professionals, sustainability, sourcing and human rights specialists and others. Members work together throughout the entire revision process to establish terms of reference and make decisions on any changes.

The comments received are being compiled and will be available for viewing on the GOTS website shortly. For the next stage of the revision process, the SRC will deliberate all comments, and a second draft of the revision will be released for a second and final 30-day period of public input in September 2022, which will be announced on the GOTS website and social media. The final version of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0 will be released in March 2023, and will come into effect one year later.

More information:
GOTS revision