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Bemberg™ and Anita Dongre collaborate for ‘Azure’ Collection (c) Anita Dongre

Bemberg™ and Anita Dongre collaborate for ‘Azure’ Collection

Bemberg™, a brand of cupro fibre by Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan, announces its collaboration with luxury couture label Anita Dongre to unveil the ‘Azure’ collection.

Anita Dongre, known for her timeless elegance and commitment to sustainability, has integrated Bemberg™ yarn into the ‘Azure’ collection, symbolizing a dedication to responsible fashion practices. Bemberg™ yarn, sourced from Asahi Kasei in Japan, embodies luxury and environmental responsibility.

The ‘Azure’ collection captures the serene essence of the sea, evoking the tranquil ebb and flow of waves against a backdrop of pristine skies. With soft hues and delicate color palettes, the collection introduces a fresh, breezy aesthetic, featuring flowy dresses, kaftans, and elegant sets designed to elevate the simplicity of spring-summer fashion.

Bemberg™, a brand of cupro fibre by Asahi Kasei Corporation, Japan, announces its collaboration with luxury couture label Anita Dongre to unveil the ‘Azure’ collection.

Anita Dongre, known for her timeless elegance and commitment to sustainability, has integrated Bemberg™ yarn into the ‘Azure’ collection, symbolizing a dedication to responsible fashion practices. Bemberg™ yarn, sourced from Asahi Kasei in Japan, embodies luxury and environmental responsibility.

The ‘Azure’ collection captures the serene essence of the sea, evoking the tranquil ebb and flow of waves against a backdrop of pristine skies. With soft hues and delicate color palettes, the collection introduces a fresh, breezy aesthetic, featuring flowy dresses, kaftans, and elegant sets designed to elevate the simplicity of spring-summer fashion.

More information:
Bemberg™ Asahi Kasei Anita Dongre

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub

California’s Largest Sewage Collection Study Photo: INDA

California’s Largest Sewage Collection Study: Wipes Clogging the Pipes?

In accordance with California’s Proper Labeling of Wet Wipes law (AB 818), state wastewater agencies and industry experts went deep to find out exactly what is passing through—and clogging up—municipal wastewater systems. The Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) alongside the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) and the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA) released the results from the largest known domestic sewage collection study conducted to reveal what’s really being flushed down the drain – and shouldn’t be.

“We took a forensic approach to this collection study, engaging industry and wastewater experts to examine our findings and determine what exactly is being flushed and how much of it,” said Adam Link, Executive Director at CASA, a co-sponsor of the Proper Labeling of Wet Wipes Law. “Now that we have the data to see what Californians are flushing and the types of non-flushable items that are causing issues within wastewater systems, local agencies can refine their public outreach and messaging to target specific problems and educate more efficiently.”

In accordance with California’s Proper Labeling of Wet Wipes law (AB 818), state wastewater agencies and industry experts went deep to find out exactly what is passing through—and clogging up—municipal wastewater systems. The Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) alongside the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) and the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA) released the results from the largest known domestic sewage collection study conducted to reveal what’s really being flushed down the drain – and shouldn’t be.

“We took a forensic approach to this collection study, engaging industry and wastewater experts to examine our findings and determine what exactly is being flushed and how much of it,” said Adam Link, Executive Director at CASA, a co-sponsor of the Proper Labeling of Wet Wipes Law. “Now that we have the data to see what Californians are flushing and the types of non-flushable items that are causing issues within wastewater systems, local agencies can refine their public outreach and messaging to target specific problems and educate more efficiently.”

Collection and material investigation took place in October 2023 at two locations: Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) in Southern California and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) in the greater San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California. Wastewater and wipes experts collected, sorted and identified more than 1,700 items pulled from the two locations during peak flow times. Kennedy Jenks, an independent engineering firm, designed the study and compiled the findings into the report.

Why Study What’s Being Flushed?
When products that aren’t meant to be flushed down the toilet wind up in the sewer system, it can cause serious threats to public and environmental health. In fact, estimates show that local public agencies throughout California (and the ratepayers they represent) are spending more than $47 million annually to repair wastewater treatment equipment and respond to sewer overflows caused by improper flushing.

“Part of keeping communities healthy requires not flushing things we shouldn’t,” said Lara Wyss, President of the RFA. “However, the data to support which non-flushable items to target as part of education campaigns has been lacking. That’s likely why when we surveyed Californians about what they are flushing, the results revealed that approximately 25% think baby wipes are flushable (which is never true) and 60% self-reported that they flushed something they knew they shouldn’t have.2 Our study results reinforce that finding, as more than 99% of materials collected were items that shouldn’t have been flushed.”

The breakdown of items collected from pipes at the two study locations included:
•    34.1% wipes labeled with the “Do Not Flush” symbol (baby wipes, cleaning wipes, makeup wipes, etc.)
•    64.9% other non-flushable items (paper towels, period products, trash, etc.)
•    0.9% wipes labeled as flushable

“We pulled material larger than 1-inch square directly from the bar screens, and it wasn’t until everything was sorted and identified that we could see what we actually had,” said Matt O’Sickey, Director of Education and Technical Affairs, INDA. “There were a lot of paper towels and baby wipes and all of the ‘Do Not Flush’ labeled wipes we collected were fully intact, showcasing why they should never be flushed.”

What Not to Flush—and How We Tell Consumers
According to the Proper Wet Wipes Labeling law, manufacturers of non-flushable wipes, including products such as baby wipes, cleaning wipes, makeup removal wipes and many others that are primarily used in a bathroom setting must include the “Do Not Flush” symbol on the front of the packaging.
The #FlushSmart consumer education campaign promotes the “Do Not Flush” symbol and provides information on what should and should not be flushed. The message shared with consumers is simple: Look for the “Do Not Flush” symbol on wipes packaging, and if you see it – throw the wipe out. Extrapolating from the results of this study, refraining from flushing “Do Not Flush” labeled wipes, paper products and feminine hygiene products would capture over 90% of items clogging sewers.



(c) ITA - RWTH Institut für Textiltechnik

ITA: Forschungsprojekte zu biobasierten Textilien

Wissenschaftsteams des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) forschen gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) an Wegen, die Textilindustrie von fossilen auf biobasierte Rohstoffe, Ausrüstungen sowie neue umweltfreundliche Verfahren umzustellen, um auf diese Weise, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette zu transformieren.

Die Fäden dafür laufen im Innovationsraum BIOTEXFUTURE mit einer Vielzahl an einzelnen Textilforschungsprojekten zusammen. Die enge Verknüpfung von universitärer mit anwendungsnaher Forschung und marktrelevanter Umsetzung mit Wirtschaftsunternehmen soll dazu führen, dass der Textilindustrie die Wende zu einem zukunftsfähigen biobasierten Wirtschaften zielgerichtet gelingen kann.

Wissenschaftsteams des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (ITA) forschen gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) an Wegen, die Textilindustrie von fossilen auf biobasierte Rohstoffe, Ausrüstungen sowie neue umweltfreundliche Verfahren umzustellen, um auf diese Weise, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette zu transformieren.

Die Fäden dafür laufen im Innovationsraum BIOTEXFUTURE mit einer Vielzahl an einzelnen Textilforschungsprojekten zusammen. Die enge Verknüpfung von universitärer mit anwendungsnaher Forschung und marktrelevanter Umsetzung mit Wirtschaftsunternehmen soll dazu führen, dass der Textilindustrie die Wende zu einem zukunftsfähigen biobasierten Wirtschaften zielgerichtet gelingen kann.

Erste konkrete Ergebnisse ausgewählter Projekte präsentiert BIOTEXFUTURE auf den Gemeinschaftsstand Bioökonomie des BMBF auf der Hannover Messe (22. bis 26.4.2024) sowie auf der fast zeitgleich stattfindenden Internationalen Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, Techtextil, in Frankfurt / Main (23. bis 26.4.2024). Folgende Projekte werden vorgestellt:

  • BioTurf: der Kunstrasen der Zukunft ist grün (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)
  • CO2Tex: innovative elastische Garne binden CO2 (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)
  • DegraTex: biologisch abbaubare Geotextilien (Techtextil)
  • BioBase: Textilien für Innenräume, Sport, Auto und Technik werden bio (Hannover Messe / Techtextil)

BioTurf: der Kunstrasen der Zukunft ist grün
Die Forscher*innen des Projekts BioTurf arbeiten an der Lösung eines Problems, mit dem hunderte von Städten und Gemeinden konfrontiert sind. Ziel ist es, eine Kunstrasenstruktur aus Bio-Polyethylen (PE) zu entwickeln, das sich qualitativ nicht von erdölbasiertem PE unterscheidet. Diese Monomaterial-Struktur soll ein hochwertiges Materialrecycling ermöglichen. Eine wichtige Basis für die spätere Kreislaufführung des Produktes. Darüber hinaus wird die neuartige Kunstrasenstruktur ohne die Zugabe von Einstreu-Granulat auskommen und damit das aktuelle Mikroplastik-Problem von Kunstrasenplätzen lösen. Es existiert bereits ein BioTurf-Fußballplatz in Aachen als Demonstrationsspielfeld, auf denen Sportler*innen spielen und trainieren, und dadurch die Forscher*innen regelmäßig Rückmeldung bekommen. Man befindet sich in der Phase der Feinjustierung, um das Ziel zu erreichen den Kunstrasen der Zukunft aus 100% biobasiertem Polyethylen herstellen zu können.

CO2Tex: innovative elastische Garne binden CO2
Die Textilwissenschaftler*innen des BIOTEXFUTURE Projekts CO2Tex entwickeln elastische Filament-Garne, in deren Ausgangsmaterial das für die Erderwärmung mitverantwortliche Treibhausgas CO2 gebunden ist. Gleichzeitig verwenden sie für die Garnherstellung Schmelzspinnprozesse, für die keine giftigen und umweltschädlichen Lösungsmittel notwendig sind. Den Forscher*innen ist es zudem gelungen, die Elastizität der auf thermoplastischen Polyurethanen (TPU) beruhenden Entwicklung für bestimmte Garntypen an das Leistungsvermögen der konventionellen Elastane heranzuschrauben. Das Projekt-Konsortium erwartet, dass für die entwickelten CO2-haltigen elastischen TPU-Filament-Garne eine Hochskalierung der Produktionsprozesse auf eine massentaugliche Fertigung im Industriemaßstab in absehbarer Zeit möglich sein wird. Dabei hält das CO2Tex-Team vergleichbare Herstellungskosten wie bei konventionellen Garnen sowie leichte Vorteile bei der Energiebilanz gegenüber bestehenden Prozessen für möglich.

DegraTex: biologisch abbaubare Geotextilien
Das Ziel von DegraTex ist die Entwicklung biobasierter, abbaubarer Geotextilien für kurzfristige Anwendungen wie die zeitlich begrenzte Sicherung von Erdstrukturen oder für den Vegetationsschutz. Die Materialien erfüllen ihre Funktion, bis sie von natürlichen Komponenten, wie z.B. bodenstabilisierenden oder bodendeckenden Pflanzen, übernommen werden oder simpel einfach nicht mehr benötigt werden. Es geht darum, konventionelle, erdölbasierte Geotextilien in technisch und ökologisch sinnvollem Rahmen durch biobasierte und abbaubare Produktlösungen zu ersetzen. Das Forschungsteam des ITA hat bereits erste Demonstratoren auf Basis von Biopolymeren im Außeneinsatz.

BioBase: Textilien für Innenräume, Sport, Auto und Technik werden bio
Im BioBase-Projekt wird die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette der jeweiligen Produkte abgebildet und in jedem Prozessschritt der technologische Reifegrad für die industrielle Produktion von biobasierten und nachhaltigen Chemiefasern schrittweise erhöht. Zunächst entstehen hierbei in Kooperation zwischen den Forschungseinrichtungen und Industriepartner*innen industriell gefertigte Anschauungsmodelle (Demonstratoren), die das Potenzial der am Markt verfügbaren biobasierten Polymere demonstrieren sollen. Die Herstellung der Polymere, Garne und textilen Flächen, orientiert sich sehr anwendungsbezogen an den existierenden technischen Anforderungen in den unterschiedlichen Industrie-Sektoren.
Das Team in Aachen beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung von Chemiefasergarnen und betrachtet dabei die Arbeitsschritte Schmelzspinnen und Texturieren der Wertschöpfungskette und teilweise auch die Flächenherstellung. Die Forschungen zeigen, dass biobasierte Polymere existieren, die auf bestehenden Anlagen entlang der textilen Prozesskette bis zum Demonstrator verarbeitbar sind, wobei die Garn- und Textileigenschaften je nach Anforderungsprofil angepasst werden können.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University

INDA remembers CK Wong (c) INDA

INDA remembers CK Wong

INDA is warmly remembering CK Wong, a veteran of the nonwovens industry for more than five decades and long-time member of INDA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Wong passed away on March 22, 2024 at the age of 86.

Wong recognized the importance of the emerging nonwovens industry in the early 1970s. He began his career in the 1980s as a marketing consultant and, one year later, Wong set up his corporate headquarters in Hong Kong to convert nonwoven roll goods into disposable medical and industrial protection products. Over the past 35 years, Wong’s business grew to include household, beauty salon, sports applications, and other value-added products.

In 1994 Wong’s company officially became U.S. Pacific Nonwovens Industry Limited. His business expanded with a new converting plant in Dongguan, China, and in 2007 he invested in an adjacent building to handle his growing business. In 2018 Wong’s business broadened to include manufacturing PLA nonwovens. In addition to converted products, Wong’s business provided sales, service, and training for nonwovens equipment.

INDA is warmly remembering CK Wong, a veteran of the nonwovens industry for more than five decades and long-time member of INDA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Wong passed away on March 22, 2024 at the age of 86.

Wong recognized the importance of the emerging nonwovens industry in the early 1970s. He began his career in the 1980s as a marketing consultant and, one year later, Wong set up his corporate headquarters in Hong Kong to convert nonwoven roll goods into disposable medical and industrial protection products. Over the past 35 years, Wong’s business grew to include household, beauty salon, sports applications, and other value-added products.

In 1994 Wong’s company officially became U.S. Pacific Nonwovens Industry Limited. His business expanded with a new converting plant in Dongguan, China, and in 2007 he invested in an adjacent building to handle his growing business. In 2018 Wong’s business broadened to include manufacturing PLA nonwovens. In addition to converted products, Wong’s business provided sales, service, and training for nonwovens equipment.

Wong was an active member at INDA since the late 90s. He served as Vice Chair of Finance on the Board of Directors for many years before becoming an Appointee on INDA’s Executive Committee. Wong was instrumental in helping INDA set up partnerships with key contacts and associations in China. He was also the Honorable Chairman for the Guangdong Nonwovens Association (GDNA) and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (Spunbond Division).

More information:
INDA nonwovens

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Trützschler: Holistic approach to textile recycling

Trützschler expanded their portfolio to become the first full-liner in the preparation of textile waste – from mechanical recycling to the spinning preparation of torn secondary fibers.

The TRUECYCLED solution is the result of their cooperation with the company Balkan Textile Machinery INC.CO. in Turkey, which they announced at the ITMA 2023 trade event in Milan. Since then, Trützschler has received many inquiries for recycling systems.

Trützschler expanded their portfolio to become the first full-liner in the preparation of textile waste – from mechanical recycling to the spinning preparation of torn secondary fibers.

The TRUECYCLED solution is the result of their cooperation with the company Balkan Textile Machinery INC.CO. in Turkey, which they announced at the ITMA 2023 trade event in Milan. Since then, Trützschler has received many inquiries for recycling systems.

Success with a systems approach
Recycling systems face significant technological challenges. On average, torn fibers are much shorter than virgin fibers. The percentage share of short fibers in the fiber mass is much higher. Unopened yarn and fabric particles are also difficult to process. Not surprisingly, much academic and practical research is currently conducted to find solutions for these problems. Dr. Georg Stegschuster, a researcher specializing in textile recycling, believes a systems approach is needed. He is working at the Recycling atelier, a model factory for mechanical recycling in Augsburg, Germany, which is committed to delivering the latest technological insights for textile recycling. “A perfect fine-tuning between tearing and spinning preparation is key for obtaining the best possible quality results and avoiding unnecessary fiber shortening,” he says. “This can be achieved if you are in control of both processes – and have the necessary expertise for both processes too.”

Gentle but effective
In some cases, for example, it may be advantageous to have less aggressive settings in the tearing line. This can help avoid unnecessary fiber shortening. The remaining higher share of unopened fabric must then be handled in a high-performance spinning preparation line. This starts with the right blow room configuration for perfect opening, cleaning and blending. A card that is specially designed for recycling materials, such as the new TC 30Ri, can also enable gentle but effective treatment of fibers.

A shortened drafting process is also a must. The integrated draw frame IDF 3 can make this possible. The draft is high enough to provide excellent levelling of the numerous short fibers, but low enough to prevent floating fibers.

Full-liner in mechanical recycling and preparation of textile waste
Trützschler now offers a complete system covering the whole process, from cutting and tearing textile waste through to carding and drawing secondary fibers. Thanks to this holistic approach and Trützschler’s expertise for the whole process, manufacturers can avoid unnecessary fiber shortening.


Trützschler Group

Bremer Baumwollbörse Foto: Bremer Baumwollbörse, Fotograf Carsten Heidmann

37. International Cotton Conference Bremen mit 400 Teilnehmern

Rund 400 Teilnehmer aus knapp 40 Ländern verfolgten vom 20. bis 22. März die 37. International Cotton Conference Bremen. Vor Ort und auch online konnten elf Sessions mit knapp 70 Referenten besucht werden, die über die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und innovative Praxisanwendung in der Baumwollbranche informierten.

Zu den Höhepunkten zählten die Keynote-Sessions, die den jeweiligen Konferenztag einläuteten. Colin Iles, Executive Manager Cotton & Sugar bei Viterra, stimmte die Teilnehmer durch einen umfassenden Ausblick auf die aktuelle Entwicklung an den Rohstoffmärkten mit Auswirkungen auf die Baumwolle ein.

Mit dem Fokus auf die anstehenden gesetzgeberischen Regulierungen und deren gravierenden Folgen für die gesamte Branche sorgte die Analystin Veronica Bates Kassatly für Diskussionsstoff. Ergänzend kamen dann praxisnahe Empfehlungen der Commerzbank-Vertreter Manuel Höchemer und Lennert van Mens. Sie zeigten Möglichkeiten auf, wie Unternehmen in der Europäischen Union neue Regelungen zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung navigieren können.

Rund 400 Teilnehmer aus knapp 40 Ländern verfolgten vom 20. bis 22. März die 37. International Cotton Conference Bremen. Vor Ort und auch online konnten elf Sessions mit knapp 70 Referenten besucht werden, die über die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und innovative Praxisanwendung in der Baumwollbranche informierten.

Zu den Höhepunkten zählten die Keynote-Sessions, die den jeweiligen Konferenztag einläuteten. Colin Iles, Executive Manager Cotton & Sugar bei Viterra, stimmte die Teilnehmer durch einen umfassenden Ausblick auf die aktuelle Entwicklung an den Rohstoffmärkten mit Auswirkungen auf die Baumwolle ein.

Mit dem Fokus auf die anstehenden gesetzgeberischen Regulierungen und deren gravierenden Folgen für die gesamte Branche sorgte die Analystin Veronica Bates Kassatly für Diskussionsstoff. Ergänzend kamen dann praxisnahe Empfehlungen der Commerzbank-Vertreter Manuel Höchemer und Lennert van Mens. Sie zeigten Möglichkeiten auf, wie Unternehmen in der Europäischen Union neue Regelungen zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung navigieren können.

Nicolas Rubio berichtete in seiner Funktion als Agricultural Counselor bei der Botschaft der Vereinigten Staaten in Berlin über seine Erfahrung in der europäischen Politik. Hubertus Lohner, Airbus Operations in Bremen und Leiter des Technologiezentrums ECOMAT präsentierte Möglichkeiten, wie der Einsatz von Naturfasern zur Dekarbonisierung des Mobilitätssektors – im Speziellen im Flugzeugbau – beitragen kann.

Paneldiskussion mit Fokus Vietnam
Unter der Headline ‚Region in Focus‘ warf die Session mit Fokus auf die vietnamesische Baumwoll- und Textilindustrie ein Schlaglicht auf die Branche. Thuy Vi Nguyen vom vietnamesischen Baumwoll- und Spinnereiverband VCOSA, Yen Tracy Mai, Präsidentin und CEO Long Van Yarn Ltd sowie Graham Soley, Analyst des USDA, ebneten den Weg für eine lebhafte Diskussion unter den Vertretern und Experten der vietnamesischen Textilbranche.

Nachhaltigkeit als Querschnittsthema
Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit ist mittlerweile mit den vielfältigen Bereichen in der Lieferkette so verwoben, dass es als Querschnittsthema mitgedacht werden muss. So fanden sich in nahezu allen Sessions zu den Themen entlang der Baumwolllieferkette Aspekte des breitgefächerten Nachhaltigkeitsbereiches.

Hervorzuheben ist dabei die Forschungsarbeit von Filipe Natalio, mit dem Ziel, die den natürlichen Organismen zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen zu verstehen, um so biologische Materialien wie Baumwolle mit besonderen - nachhaltigen - Eigenschaften herzustellen. Weitere Beiträge waren die Vorträge ‚Umweltauswirkungen von Baumwollanbausystemen‘ von Jens Soth, Helvetas, oder ‚Textilien auf dem Weg zur Kreislaufwirtschaft‘ von Stefan Schlichter, Technische Hochschule Augsburg. Zudem griff die Konferenz Fragen zu Traceability und Transparenz sowie dem Einfluss klimatischer Veränderungen und gerechter Einkommen auf das Leben der Baumwollfarmer auf.

Schwerpunkt Recycling
Im Fokus des Themas Recycling stand die Qualität der Baumwollfaser im Recyclingprozess. In der Diskussion wurde deutlich, welche Chancen, aber auch Herausforderungen in der Wiederverwertung der Naturfaser bestehen. Das Thema Recycling stand ebenfalls auf der Tagesordnung des Spinning & Textile Seminars im Vorfeld der Tagung, zu dem die vier Organisatoren Bremer Baumwollbörse, Bremer Faserinstitut (FIBRE), Internationaler Verband der Textilindustrie (ITMF) und der Industrieverband Garne und Textilien (IVGT) erneut eingeladen hatten. Unter dem Titel ‚Einsatz und Herausforderung von Fasern in textilen Recyclingsystemen‘ beleuchteten Sprecher aus der Textilindustrie die Recycling-Wertschöpfungskette von der Sortierung der Altkleider bis zum neuen Produkt aus praktischer Sicht.

Die 38. International Cotton Conference Bremen findet 2026 statt.


Windenergie Grafik Gerd Altmann; Pixabay

17. World Pultrusion Conference 2024: Deutlich niedrigere Marktdynamik in Europa

Knapp 150 Teilnehmende trafen sich auf der zweitägigen World Pultrusion Conference (WPC) in Hamburg, um sich in 25 Fachvorträgen über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Innova-tionen zu informieren. Organisiert wird die im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindende Veranstaltung von der AVK für die European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) in Zu-sammenarbeit mit der American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).

Momentan dominiert auf den Märkten der Branche in Deutschland und Europa eine eher negative Stimmung. Das europäische Composites-Produktionsvolumen war bereits in den vergangenen Jahren rückläufig. 2022 gab es einen Rückgang des europäischen Produktionsvolumens bei Composites um 9 %. Für 2023 muss nun erneut ein Rückgang von 8 % des Gesamtmarktes für Composites in Europa festgestellt werden. Der Weltmarkt für Composites hat sich demgegenüber im vergangenen Jahr positiv entwickelt und weist für 2023 bei einem Wachstum von etwa 5 % ein Gesamtvolumen von 13 Millionen Tonnen auf. Insgesamt war die Marktdynamik in Europa deutlich niedriger als weltweit. Der Marktanteil von Europa am Weltmarkt sinkt auf etwa 20 %.

Knapp 150 Teilnehmende trafen sich auf der zweitägigen World Pultrusion Conference (WPC) in Hamburg, um sich in 25 Fachvorträgen über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Innova-tionen zu informieren. Organisiert wird die im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindende Veranstaltung von der AVK für die European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) in Zu-sammenarbeit mit der American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).

Momentan dominiert auf den Märkten der Branche in Deutschland und Europa eine eher negative Stimmung. Das europäische Composites-Produktionsvolumen war bereits in den vergangenen Jahren rückläufig. 2022 gab es einen Rückgang des europäischen Produktionsvolumens bei Composites um 9 %. Für 2023 muss nun erneut ein Rückgang von 8 % des Gesamtmarktes für Composites in Europa festgestellt werden. Der Weltmarkt für Composites hat sich demgegenüber im vergangenen Jahr positiv entwickelt und weist für 2023 bei einem Wachstum von etwa 5 % ein Gesamtvolumen von 13 Millionen Tonnen auf. Insgesamt war die Marktdynamik in Europa deutlich niedriger als weltweit. Der Marktanteil von Europa am Weltmarkt sinkt auf etwa 20 %.

Die Gründe sind vielfältig: Haupttreiber dürften die nach wie vor hohen Energie- und Roh-stoffpreise sein. Hinzu kommen weiterhin Probleme in einzelnen Bereichen der Logistik-ketten, beispielsweise auf einzelnen Handels-/Containerrouten sowie ein zurückhaltendes Konsumklima. Eine Verlangsamung des Welthandels und Unsicherheiten im politischen Bereich befeuern derzeit die negative Stimmung im Markt.

Die zwei zentralen Anwendungsbereiche sowohl für die Composites-Industrie generell, aber auch die Pultrusions-Industrie im Speziellen, sind der Bau-/Infrastrukturbereich und der Mobilitätssektor. Die Bauindustrie als zentraler Anwendungsbereich steckt aktuell in einer Krise: Noch sind die Auftragsbücher gut gefüllt, doch Neuaufträge bleiben vielfach aus. Hohe Zinsen und Materialkosten bei hohen Lebenshaltungskosten belasten vor allem den privaten Bau stark. Aber auch der öffentliche Bau kann die selbst gesteckten Ziele momentan nicht erreichen. Laut dem ZDB (Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe) bleiben die Prognosen in diesem wichtigen Bereich düster: „Der Rückgang der Baukonjunktur setzt sich weiter fort. Der Umsatz wird in diesem Jahr real um 5,3 % zurückgehen und im kom-menden Jahr gehen wir von weiteren minus 3 % aus. Verantwortlich für das Minus bleibt der Wohnungsbau, der in diesem Jahr real um 11 % einbricht und 2024 mit -13 % seinen Sinkflug fortsetzt.“ Trotz steigender Zulassungszahlen ist auch die Automobilindustrie als wichtigster Anwendungsbereich für Composites noch nicht auf ihr altes Volumen von vor 2020 zurückgekehrt. Derzeit scheint es nicht zu gelingen, mit politischen Maßnahmen ein für die Industrie positiveres Umfeld zu schaffen.

Nachhaltigkeit wird zunehmend zu einem zentralen Thema der Industrie. In zwei Vorträgen des Europäischen Fachverbandes der Composites verarbeitenden Industrie (EuCIA) und des Amerikanischen Fachverbandes der Composites Industrie (ACMA) wurden Fortschritte und das politische Grundgerüst in den jeweiligen Regionen erläutert. Beide Vorträge kamen zu dem Schluss, dass der Handlungsdruck auf alle Akteure innerhalb der Industriezweige in den kommenden Jahren steigen wird. Composites verfügen über ausgezeichnete Eigenschaften in diesem Bereich, in den letzten Jahren wurden bereits viele Fortschritte hinsichtlich der Datenerfassung und auch im Bereich der Standardisierung erzielt. Diese gilt es zunehmend herauszuarbeiten und auch gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit zu betonen. Über entsprechende politische und normative Aktivitäten werden beide Fachverbände das Thema weitertragen und versuchen, die Industrie bei der praktischen Umsetzung zu unterstützen.

Winner of Cellulose Fibre Innovation Award 2024 (c) nova-Institute
Winner of Cellulose Fibre Innovation Award 2024

Winner of Cellulose Fibre Innovation Award 2024

The “Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024” held in Cologne on 13-14 March demonstrated the innovative power of the cellulose fibre industry. Several projects and scale-ups for textiles, hygiene products, construction and packaging showed the growth and bright future of this industry, supported by the policy framework to reduce single-use plastic products, such as the Single Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) in Europe.

The “Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024” held in Cologne on 13-14 March demonstrated the innovative power of the cellulose fibre industry. Several projects and scale-ups for textiles, hygiene products, construction and packaging showed the growth and bright future of this industry, supported by the policy framework to reduce single-use plastic products, such as the Single Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) in Europe.

40 international speakers presented the latest market trends in their industry and illustrated the innovation potential of cellulose fibres. Leading experts introduced new technologies for the recycling of cellulose-rich raw materials and gave insights into circular economy practices in the fields of textiles, hygiene, construction and packaging. All presentations were followed by exciting panel discussions with active audience participation including numerous questions and comments from the audience in Cologne and online. Once again, the Cellulose Fibres Conference proved to be an excellent networking opportunity to the 214 participants and 23 exhibitors from 27 countries. The annual conference is a unique meeting point for the global cellulose fibre industry.  

For the fourth time, nova-Institute has awarded the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” Award at the Cellulose Fibres Conference. The Innovation Award recognises applications and innovations that will lead the way in the industry’s transition to sustainable fibres. Close race between the nominees – “The Straw Flexi-Dress” by DITF & VRETENA (Germany), cellulose textile fibre from unbleached straw pulp, is the winning cellulose fibre innovation 2024, followed by HONEXT (Spain) with the “HONEXT® Board FR-B (B-s1, d0)” from fibre waste from the paper industry, while TreeToTextile (Sweden) with their “New Generation of Bio-based and Resource-efficient Fibre” won third place.

Prior to the event, the conference advisory board had nominated six remarkable innovations for the award. The nominees were neck and neck, when the winners were elected in a live vote by the audience on the first day of the conference.

First place
DITF & VRETENA (Germany): The Straw Flexi-Dress – Design Meets Sustainability

The Flexi-Dress design was inspired by the natural golden colour and silky touch of HighPerCell® (HPC) filaments based on unbleached straw pulp. These cellulose filaments are produced using environmentally friendly spinning technology in a closed-loop production process. The design decisions focused on the emotional connection and attachment to the HPC material to create a local and circular fashion product. The Flexi-Dress is designed as a versatile knitted garment – from work to street – that can be worn as a dress, but can also be split into two pieces – used separately as a top and a straight skirt. The top can also be worn with the V-neck front or back. The HPC textile knit structure was considered important for comfort and emotional properties.

Second place
Honext Material (Spain): HONEXT® Board FR-B (B-s1, d0) – Flame-retardant Board made From Upcycled Fibre Waste From the Paper Industry

HONEXT® FR-B board (B-s1, d0) is a flame-retardant board made from 100 % upcycled industrial waste fibres from the paper industry. Thanks to innovations in biotechnology, paper sludge is upcycled – the previously “worthless” residue from paper making – to create a fully recyclable material, all without the use of resins. This lightweight and easy-to-handle board boasts high mechanical performance and stability, along with low thermal conductivity, making it perfect for various applications in all interior environments where fire safety is a priority. The material is non-toxic, with no added VOCs, ensuring safety for both people and the planet. A sustainable and healthy material for the built environment, it achieves Cradle-to-Cradle Certified GOLD, and Material Health CertificateTM Gold Level version 4.0 with a carbon-negative footprint. Additionally, the product is verified in the Product Environmental Footprint.

Third Place
TreeToTextile (Sweden): A New Generation of Bio-based and Resource-efficient Fibre

TreeToTextile has developed a unique, sustainable and resource efficient fibre that doesn’t exist on the market today. It has a natural dry feel similar to cotton and a semi-dull sheen and high drape like viscose. It is based on cellulose and has the potential to complement or replace cotton, viscose and polyester as a single fibre or in blends, depending on the application.
TreeToTextile Technology™ has a low demand for chemicals, energy and water. According to a third party verified LCA, the TreeToTextile fibre has a climate impact of 0.6 kg CO2 eq/kilo fibre. The fibre is made from bio-based and traceable resources and is biodegradable.

The next conference will be held on 12-13 March 2025.


nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH

Seite 4 von 5 Schematische Darstellung der von Kelheim und Gebr. Otto entwickelten Periodenunterwäsche. Grafik Kelheim Fibres
Seite 4 von 5 Schematische Darstellung der von Kelheim und Gebr. Otto entwickelten Periodenunterwäsche.

Techtextil: Kelheim Fibres und Gebr. Otto präsentieren nachhaltige Periodenunterwäsche

Zur Techtextil, die Ende April 2024 in Frankfurt stattfindet, werden die Unternehmen Kelheim Fibres und Gebr. Otto ihr gemeinsames Konzept präsentieren, das Periodenunterwäsche nachhaltiger und leistungsfähiger macht. Auf dem BW-i-Gemeinschaftsstand bzw. auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand des IVGT zeigen die Innovationspartner ihre Lösung einer Periodenunterwäsche aus biobasierten Materialien, die sich durch Performancewerte hervorsticht. Die verschiedenen Viskosespezialfasern, die dabei zum Einsatz kommen, stammen von Kelheim. In der jeweils passenden Zusammensetzung verspinnt sie Gebr. Otto.

Zur Techtextil, die Ende April 2024 in Frankfurt stattfindet, werden die Unternehmen Kelheim Fibres und Gebr. Otto ihr gemeinsames Konzept präsentieren, das Periodenunterwäsche nachhaltiger und leistungsfähiger macht. Auf dem BW-i-Gemeinschaftsstand bzw. auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand des IVGT zeigen die Innovationspartner ihre Lösung einer Periodenunterwäsche aus biobasierten Materialien, die sich durch Performancewerte hervorsticht. Die verschiedenen Viskosespezialfasern, die dabei zum Einsatz kommen, stammen von Kelheim. In der jeweils passenden Zusammensetzung verspinnt sie Gebr. Otto.

Rund 15.000 Produkte zur Monatshygiene verbraucht eine Frau durchschnittlich in ihrem Leben. Dabei handelt es sich hauptsächlich um Einwegprodukte, durch die viele Tonnen Müll entstehen, und deren Plastikkomponenten bis zu 500 Jahre brauchen, bis sie – nachdem sie in immer kleinere und kleinste Teile zerfallen sind - abgebaut sind. Produkte zur weiblichen Monatshygiene, Einweg- wie Mehrwegprodukte, nachhaltiger zu gestalten, ist seit einigen Jahren Trend. In diese Kategorie gehören nicht nur biologisch abbaubare Einwegprodukte, sondern auch waschbare Periodenslips, die etablierte Wäschehersteller ebenso wie Start-ups anbieten.

Die Periodenunterwäsche ist aus mehreren Lagen mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen aufgebaut –das Topsheet muss Flüssigkeit schnell aufnehmen und vom Körper wegleiten, die anschließende Verteilerschicht (Acquisition-Distribution-Layer, ADL) sorgt für eine zügige und ideale Verteilung der Flüssigkeit im Saugkörper. Dieser schließt die Flüssigkeit ein und hält sie in seinem Inneren fest und verhindert so ein mögliches Rücknässen. Das Ergebnis ist ein Prototyp, der bei Schnelligkeit und Kapazität der Flüssigkeitsaufnahme sowie Rücknässung deutlich bessere Werte erzielt als handelsübliche Lösungen.


Kelheim Fibres


CARBIOS joins Paris Good Fashion

CARBIOS, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, announces its membership to Paris Good Fashion, the association that unites over 100 French players in the sector - brands, designers and experts - around their commitment to sustainable fashion. CARBIOS is the first recycling technology supplier to join, demonstrating the importance given to recycling to achieve textile circularity. By contributing its solution for the biorecycling of polyester, the world's most widely used and fastest-growing textile fiber, CARBIOS aims to contribute Paris Good Fashion’s mission, which focuses on concrete actions, best practice sharing and collective intelligence to accelerate change in the fashion industry.

CARBIOS, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, announces its membership to Paris Good Fashion, the association that unites over 100 French players in the sector - brands, designers and experts - around their commitment to sustainable fashion. CARBIOS is the first recycling technology supplier to join, demonstrating the importance given to recycling to achieve textile circularity. By contributing its solution for the biorecycling of polyester, the world's most widely used and fastest-growing textile fiber, CARBIOS aims to contribute Paris Good Fashion’s mission, which focuses on concrete actions, best practice sharing and collective intelligence to accelerate change in the fashion industry.

CARBIOS will be particularly involved in the association's project to set up a working group dedicated to the development of a "fiber-to-fiber" industry, one of Paris Good Fashion's top priorities over the next five years. While only 1% of textiles are currently recycled fiber-to-fiber (circular), this working group will identify levers for significantly increasing the share of recycled fibers in the industry.  Polyester currently follows a linear model from which we need to break out: virgin polyester is made from petroleum, and recycled polyester from PET bottles. After use, most of these products end their lives in landfill or incineration. A circular, "fiber-to-fiber" industry will give new life to textiles and reduce the environmental impact associated to their end-of-life management.




Texhibition Istanbul: Fifth edition successfully concluded

The fifth edition of the Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair from 6 to 8 March 2024, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), presented 557 exhibitors showcasing the entire range of the textile supplying section: from woven and knitted fabrics to accessories and artificial leather. A new addition was a separate hall for yarns and denim, the BlueBlackDenim hall. With this trade fair, Texhibition has more than doubled its floor space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

Texhibition Istanbul acts as a central point of contact for the entire international industry, with a clear focus on quality, innovation and the latest trends like the denim companies Bossa, Çalık, İsko, İskur and Kipaş at the BlueBlackDenim Hall.

Yarn companies such as Aksa, Diktaş, Ensar, Karafiber, Kaplanlar, Korteks, Migiteks, Sasa, Tepar showed the production power of the yarn sector, where the product quality, design and workmanship came together.

The fifth edition of the Texhibition Istanbul Fabric and Textile Accessories Fair from 6 to 8 March 2024, organised by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in cooperation with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), presented 557 exhibitors showcasing the entire range of the textile supplying section: from woven and knitted fabrics to accessories and artificial leather. A new addition was a separate hall for yarns and denim, the BlueBlackDenim hall. With this trade fair, Texhibition has more than doubled its floor space compared to the last event to 35,000 square metres.

Texhibition Istanbul acts as a central point of contact for the entire international industry, with a clear focus on quality, innovation and the latest trends like the denim companies Bossa, Çalık, İsko, İskur and Kipaş at the BlueBlackDenim Hall.

Yarn companies such as Aksa, Diktaş, Ensar, Karafiber, Kaplanlar, Korteks, Migiteks, Sasa, Tepar showed the production power of the yarn sector, where the product quality, design and workmanship came together.

In addition to well-known companies such as Almodo, Bahariye, BTD, Can Textile, Iskur, Kipaş, Menderes, Söktaş, Yünsa, Zorlu, İpeker a large number of other export-oriented companies from the segments of textiles (woven fabrics, knitting) presented their latest designs and products.

25,752 visitors came from over 112 countries, 41.8% from the European Union (including Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania etc.) and Great Britain, Ukraine,26.5% from Asia (including Russia etc.), 14.8% from the Middle East (including Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia) 10.7% from North Africa (including Algeria, Tunisia etc.), 3.1% from North America (United States, Canada), 3.1% from South America and other countries.

American buyers from the USA and Canada in particular, but also a large number of Mexican and Colombian buyers took advantage of the numerous match-making opportunities at Texhibition. Many B2B meetings took place and led to numerous orders being placed, including from key accounts such as Alexander Wang, Asos, Forever 21, Sainsbury's, Veronica Beard etc.

More information:
Texhibition Istanbul Yarns Denim


Lenzing: Sustainable geotextiles as glacier protection and jacket (c) UN Nations

Lenzing: Sustainable geotextiles as glacier protection and jacket

The Lenzing Group has created an innovative concept that contributes to the sustainable protection of our glaciers while inspiring collective action for sustainable practices and a circular economy in the nonwovens and textile value chain. The concept, which was artistically staged by the Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, was presented on March 21, 2024, as part of the International Day of Forests celebrations at the Palais des Nations, the headquarters of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).

The melting of glaciers is being severely impacted by global warming. Geotextiles are used to protect ice and snow. However, the nonwovens used for this are made of fossil-based fibers, which allow microplastics1 to enter the valley via streams and may enter the food chain through small organisms and animals. Nonwovens made from cellulosic LENZING™ fibers, which are biodegradable at the end of their life cycle and can be completely recycled, are the sustainable solution to this problem.

The Lenzing Group has created an innovative concept that contributes to the sustainable protection of our glaciers while inspiring collective action for sustainable practices and a circular economy in the nonwovens and textile value chain. The concept, which was artistically staged by the Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, was presented on March 21, 2024, as part of the International Day of Forests celebrations at the Palais des Nations, the headquarters of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).

The melting of glaciers is being severely impacted by global warming. Geotextiles are used to protect ice and snow. However, the nonwovens used for this are made of fossil-based fibers, which allow microplastics1 to enter the valley via streams and may enter the food chain through small organisms and animals. Nonwovens made from cellulosic LENZING™ fibers, which are biodegradable at the end of their life cycle and can be completely recycled, are the sustainable solution to this problem.

The covering of a small area with the new material made from LENZING™ fibers was tested for the first time during a field test on the Stubai Glacier. Four meters of ice were saved from melting. This was confirmed in a study conducted by the University of Innsbruck and the Austrian glacier lift operators on the Stubai Glacier in Tyrol (Austria). In 2023, the pilot project was successfully extended to all Austrian glaciers used by tourists.

Last year, the project was also awarded first place in the prestigious Swiss BIO TOP Awards for wood and material innovations.

Lenzing takes this innovation project as an opportunity to inspire collaborative action towards sustainable practices and circularity in the textile value chain. Together with a network of innovative partners, Lenzing is working on processing geotextiles into new textile fibers giving them a second life as a garment. The use of geotextiles is usually limited to two years, after which the nonwovens would be disposed of. In the first phase of the pilot project, the recycling of nonwovens made for geotextiles use has been successfully tested and a fashionable “Glacier Jacket” has been produced, showcasing that the recycling of geotextiles is viable. Next to Lenzing, the network includes Marchi & Fildi Spa, a specialist in the field of mechanical recycling, the denim fabric manufacturer Candiani Denim and the fashion studio Blue of a Kind.

HEREWEAR is winner of the Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year Photo: DITF
The Flexidress in its various forms

HEREWEAR is winner of the Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year

At the "International Conference on Cellulose Fibers 2024" in Cologne, Germany, the Nova Institute for Ecology and Innovation awarded first place in the Innovation Prize to the project partners of the EU-funded HEREWEAR project. They presented a dress made of cellulose fibers, which is entirely made of straw pulp.

HEREWEAR is an EU-wide research project that brings together partners from research and industry. They are working to establish a European circular economy for locally produced textiles and clothing made from bio-based raw materials.
The HEREWEAR consortium consists of small and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions. HEREWEAR covers all the necessary expertise and infrastructure from academic and applied research and industry from nine EU countries.

The HEREWEAR approach includes technical and ecological innovations in the production of fibers, yarns, fabrics, knitwear and garments, as well as the use of regional value chains and the circular development of fashion items.

At the "International Conference on Cellulose Fibers 2024" in Cologne, Germany, the Nova Institute for Ecology and Innovation awarded first place in the Innovation Prize to the project partners of the EU-funded HEREWEAR project. They presented a dress made of cellulose fibers, which is entirely made of straw pulp.

HEREWEAR is an EU-wide research project that brings together partners from research and industry. They are working to establish a European circular economy for locally produced textiles and clothing made from bio-based raw materials.
The HEREWEAR consortium consists of small and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions. HEREWEAR covers all the necessary expertise and infrastructure from academic and applied research and industry from nine EU countries.

The HEREWEAR approach includes technical and ecological innovations in the production of fibers, yarns, fabrics, knitwear and garments, as well as the use of regional value chains and the circular development of fashion items.

New technologies for wet and melt spinning of cellulose and bio-based polyesters, e.g. PLA, from which yarns and fabrics are produced, form the technical basis. Coating and dyeing processes have been developed and tested as part of the project. In addition to reducing the carbon footprint of the product, another environmental goal is to reduce the release of microfibers throughout the textile manufacturing process and life cycle.

Improving the sustainability and recyclability of the developed garments is ensured by design for circularity and digitally networked production means. On-demand production is realized in so-called "microfactories", which are individualized and produce only for actual demand. This production method can be achieved through regional, networked value chains and enables the traceability of materials and manufacturing processes.

The dress presented at the award ceremony is an example of the cooperation and the different qualifications of the project partners: TNO (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) provided sustainably produced pulp. The HighPerCell fibers were produced in DITF's spinning facilities. At the same time, designers from the fashion label Vretena created the design for the flexible, two-piece dress, which can be knitted without cutting waste. DITF textile experts worked with the designers to develop the knitting pattern. DITF textile engineers and technicians produced the knitted fabric and assembled the dress at the institutes’ technical center. DITF computer scientists and engineers created the "value chain" and "digital twins" for digital traceability of the production processes.

The innovation prize was awarded to the HEREWEAR consortiu for their joint achievement. Representatives of DITF Denkendorf and Vretena accepted the award on behalf of the EU project partners.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)

DITF: CO2-negative construction with new composite material Photo: DITF
Structure of the wall element

DITF: CO2-negative construction with new composite material

The DITF is leading the joint project "DACCUS-Pre*". The basic idea of the project is to develop a new building material that stores carbon in the long term and removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during its production.       

In collaboration with the company TechnoCarbon Technologies, the project is now well advanced - a first demonstrator in the form of a house wall element has been realized. It consists of three materials: Natural stone, carbon fibers and biochar. Each component contributes in a different way to the negative CO2 balance of the material:

Two slabs of natural stone form the exposed walls of the wall element. The mechanical processing of the material, i.e. sawing in stone cutting machines, produces significant quantities of stone dust. This is very reactive due to its large specific surface area. Silicate weathering of the rock dust permanently binds a large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

The DITF is leading the joint project "DACCUS-Pre*". The basic idea of the project is to develop a new building material that stores carbon in the long term and removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during its production.       

In collaboration with the company TechnoCarbon Technologies, the project is now well advanced - a first demonstrator in the form of a house wall element has been realized. It consists of three materials: Natural stone, carbon fibers and biochar. Each component contributes in a different way to the negative CO2 balance of the material:

Two slabs of natural stone form the exposed walls of the wall element. The mechanical processing of the material, i.e. sawing in stone cutting machines, produces significant quantities of stone dust. This is very reactive due to its large specific surface area. Silicate weathering of the rock dust permanently binds a large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Carbon fibers in the form of technical fabrics reinforce the side walls of the wall elements. They absorb tensile forces and are intended to stabilize the building material in the same way as reinforcing steel in concrete. The carbon fibers used are bio-based, produced from biomass. Lignin-based carbon fibers, which have long been technically optimized at DITF Denkendorf, are particularly suitable for this application: They are inexpensive due to low raw material costs and have a high carbon yield. In addition, unlike reinforcing steel, they are not susceptible to oxidation and therefore last much longer. Although carbon fibers are more energy-intensive to produce than steel, as used in reinforced concrete, only a small amount is needed for use in building materials. As a result, the energy and CO2 balance is much better than for reinforced concrete. By using solar heat and biomass to produce the carbon fibers and the weathering of the stone dust, the CO2 balance of the new building material is actually negative, making it possible to construct CO2-negative buildings.

The third component of the new building material is biochar. This is used as a filler between the two rock slabs. The char acts as an effective insulating material. It is also a permanent source of CO2 storage, which plays a significant role in the CO2 balance of the entire wall element.

From a technical point of view, the already realized demonstrator, a wall element for structural engineering, is well developed. The natural stone used is a gabbro from India, which has a high-quality appearance and is suitable for high loads. This has been proven in load tests.  Bio-based carbon fibers serve as the top layer of the stone slabs. The biochar from Convoris GmbH is characterized by particularly good thermal insulation values.

The CO2 balance of a house wall made of the new material has been calculated and compared with that of conventional reinforced concrete. This results in a difference in the CO2 balance of 157 CO2 equivalents per square meter of house wall. A significant saving!

* (Methods for removing atmospheric carbon dioxide (Carbon Dioxide Removal) by Direct Air Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sustainable Storage after Use (DACCUS).


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung

Messestand Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Neues Techtextil Areal Nature Performance

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

Ob biobasierte, recycelte oder abbaubare Materialien, Kreislaufwirtschaft oder regeneratives Design: Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen in der Textilindustrie schreitet zügig voran. Nachhaltige Produkte und Verfahren stehen heute in der Performance ihren herkömmlichen Konkurrenten in nichts nach und rechnen sich zunehmend auch ökonomisch. Mehr als 15 Prozent der Aussteller auf der Techtextil haben bereits natürliche Fasern und Materialien in ihrem Sortiment.
Auf dem Areal „Nature Performance“ in der Halle 9.1, Produktsegment Fibres & Yarns, präsentieren die teilnehmenden Aussteller alternative, recyclingfähige und nachhaltige Materialien, die über zukunftsfähige funktionale Eigenschaften verfügen. Das Spektrum reicht von Naturfasern und -Materialien bis zu biobasierten Fasern und Materialien. Im Zentrum der Ausstellerpräsentationen steht deren Performance für die verschiedensten Anwendungsbereiche von der Architektur, Bau, Mobilität und Medizin bis zur Bekleidungsindustrie.

Das Areal Nature Performance ist Teil des Econogy Angebots, das die Messe Frankfurt für ihre weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen eingeführt hat. Das neue Label fasst die zahlreichen Netzwerk- und Informationsformate zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit zusammen und schafft Transparenz durch einheitliche Bewertungskriterien. Der Begriff Econogy steht für die untrennbare Verbindung zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie und gibt damit die Ausrichtung des zukunftsweisenden Leitthemas an.


Messe Frankfurt


Renewcell: Expanded Timeline for Bids

Renewcell bankruptcy trustee announces new deadline for receiving purchase offers. The deadline has been extended to 28 March at 12:00 pm CET in order to accommodate bids from several companies. The trustee anticipates a new owner will be secured in early April and will be announced shortly thereafter.

Interested parties should contact Lars-Henrik Andersson at Cirio Advokatbyrå.

Renewcell bankruptcy trustee announces new deadline for receiving purchase offers. The deadline has been extended to 28 March at 12:00 pm CET in order to accommodate bids from several companies. The trustee anticipates a new owner will be secured in early April and will be announced shortly thereafter.

Interested parties should contact Lars-Henrik Andersson at Cirio Advokatbyrå.

More information:
Renewcell bankruptcy



IDEA®25: Call for abstracts

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced a call for abstracts for IDEA®, April 29-May 1, 2025, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida. IDEA attracts thousands of nonwoven professionals from all functional areas spanning the entire supply chain.

The theme for IDEA25 is “Nonwovens for a Healthier Planet” highlighting nonwoven advancements in sustainability.

Product developers, designers, engineers, technical scouts, and marketing professionals accountable for their product’s environmental impact will attend IDEA. Presentations will focus on responsible sourcing, innovations in sustainability, and end-of-life solutions for nonwovens and its related industries.

A few examples of topics for consideration are:


INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced a call for abstracts for IDEA®, April 29-May 1, 2025, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida. IDEA attracts thousands of nonwoven professionals from all functional areas spanning the entire supply chain.

The theme for IDEA25 is “Nonwovens for a Healthier Planet” highlighting nonwoven advancements in sustainability.

Product developers, designers, engineers, technical scouts, and marketing professionals accountable for their product’s environmental impact will attend IDEA. Presentations will focus on responsible sourcing, innovations in sustainability, and end-of-life solutions for nonwovens and its related industries.

A few examples of topics for consideration are:


  • Natural Fibers (Cotton, Hemp, Bamboo, Banana, Wood Pulp, Regenerated Cellulose, Wool, Fur, Chitin, Feathers)
  • Polymers (Biopolymers, Regenerated and Recycled polymers, Unconventional and Alternatives to Traditional Polymers)
  • Sustainable Chemistries (finishes, lubricants, adhesives, and additives)


  • Process Improvements with Sustainability Impact (reduced waste, reduced energy, reduced water consumption)
  • Product Design Improvements with Sustainability Impact (lightweighting, designs for end-of-life, “good enough” design)


  • End-of-Life or Next-Life Considerations (compostability, biodegradability, recycling, advanced recycling and circularity)
  • Presenting is an opportunity for technical professionals to showcase pioneering research, innovative solutions, and expert insights with technology scouts.

Abstracts must be submitted via the INDA website by June 7, 2024.


INDA - Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil (c) Trützschler Group SE

Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 zeigt die Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main die neuesten Entwicklungen für die Herstellung von Vliesstoffen auf Faserbasis. Im Fokus stehen die T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlagen und nachhaltige Lösungen für Vliesstoffe aus Zellulosefasern. Auf der Techtextil 2022 wurde die Kooperation zwischen Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology offiziell bekannt gegeben. Mit der Einweihung der T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlage im Technikum in Egelsbach geht Trützschler in diesem Jahr den nächsten Schritt. Im Bereich Textilrecycling stellt Trützschler Spinning mit dem Kooperationspartner Balkan sein aktuelles Portfolio vor.

Auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand von Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology S.l.r. können sich die Besucher über T-SUPREMA informieren. Das Konzept zielt auf hohe Produktqualität und Systemeffizienz im Bereich oder mechanisch vernadelte Vliesstoffe - als Basis für Anwendungen wie Geotextilien, Automobiltextilien, Filtermedien und verschiedene industrielle Anwendungen.

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 zeigt die Trützschler Group auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main die neuesten Entwicklungen für die Herstellung von Vliesstoffen auf Faserbasis. Im Fokus stehen die T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlagen und nachhaltige Lösungen für Vliesstoffe aus Zellulosefasern. Auf der Techtextil 2022 wurde die Kooperation zwischen Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology offiziell bekannt gegeben. Mit der Einweihung der T-SUPREMA Vernadelungsanlage im Technikum in Egelsbach geht Trützschler in diesem Jahr den nächsten Schritt. Im Bereich Textilrecycling stellt Trützschler Spinning mit dem Kooperationspartner Balkan sein aktuelles Portfolio vor.

Auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand von Trützschler Nonwovens und dem italienischen Unternehmen Texnology S.l.r. können sich die Besucher über T-SUPREMA informieren. Das Konzept zielt auf hohe Produktqualität und Systemeffizienz im Bereich oder mechanisch vernadelte Vliesstoffe - als Basis für Anwendungen wie Geotextilien, Automobiltextilien, Filtermedien und verschiedene industrielle Anwendungen.

Darüber hinaus erhalten die Besucher Einblicke in die digitale Arbeitsumgebung von T-ONE und deren Rolle bei der Sicherstellung einer nachhaltig hohen Vliesstoffqualität und Prozesseffizienz. T-ONE ist ein Bestandteil des T-SUPREMA Anlagenkonzepts, kann aber an jede faser- oder polymerbasierte Vliesstoffanlage angepasst werden.

Auch wird sich Trützschler Nonwovens auf seine Nassvlies-/ Spunlace- (WLS) und Krempel-/ Pulpanlagen (CP) für biologisch abbaubare Vliesstoffe auf Cellulosebasis konzentrieren. In Zusammenarbeit mit Voith treibt Trützschler Nonwovens die Entwicklung innovativer und umweltfreundlicher WLS- und CP-Produkte voran.

Zusammen mit dem türkischen Unternehmen Balkan präsentiert Trützschler Komplettlösungen für das mechanische Recycling und die Spinnereivorbereitung von Textilabfällen. Balkan ergänzt mit seinen Schneid- und Reißanlagen das Produktportfolio von Trützschler.

Die Besucher werden sowohl über die Balkan Reißanlagen als auch über die Putzereianlagen von Trützschler, die neue Integrierte Strecke IDF 3 und die intelligente Karde TC 30Ri für das Recycling, informiert. Das neue Flaggschiff der Karden verwandelt Sekundärfasern aus gerissenen Textilabfälle in hochwertige Faserbänder für neue Garne.


Trützschler Group SE


Polartec: New Initiative “Beyond Begins Today”

Since inventing the first fleece crafted from recycled plastic water bottles more than three decades ago, Polartec®, a Milliken & Company brand, and the creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions, has upheld its pledge to protect the environment.

With its new Beyond Begins Today initiative, Polartec aims to raise awareness around the important global themes of sustainability, diversity and positive change.

Polartec is engaged to make the goal of zero waste a reality – from using 100% recycled and plant-based materials, to delivering certified waste reductions and innovative technologies that reduce the impact of its activities.

Since inventing the first fleece crafted from recycled plastic water bottles more than three decades ago, Polartec®, a Milliken & Company brand, and the creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions, has upheld its pledge to protect the environment.

With its new Beyond Begins Today initiative, Polartec aims to raise awareness around the important global themes of sustainability, diversity and positive change.

Polartec is engaged to make the goal of zero waste a reality – from using 100% recycled and plant-based materials, to delivering certified waste reductions and innovative technologies that reduce the impact of its activities.

Beyond Begins Today is a multifaceted campaign featuring static and multimedia content, including short films released throughout the year via multiple touchpoints and channels – the first of which will be released on Earth Day 2024 to underscore the underlying premise that the future is what we make it. Polartec’s commitment to sustainable solutions go beyond the integration of increasingly advanced manufacturing methods or the ongoing exploration of novel fibers, and continued investments in sustainable materials development.

Polartec’s promises that every product launches in 2024 will either reduce the impact on the planet, endure the test of time, or contribute to circularity processes. Beyond Begins Today looks at how Polartec fabrics are made to last, and made to be used and enjoyed from one generation to the next and beyond. It explores the innovative monomaterials, repurposed plastic and plant-based nylon membranes and fabrics that Polartec uses to set new standards for high performance materials and the ambitious climate-related objectives across the entire value chain that exceed existing mandates. This holistic strategy shall allow Polartec to stay at the forefront of its industry by producing top-notch textiles that champion environmental stewardship and pave the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.


Akimbo Communications for Polartec


Infinited Fiber Company completes development financing round

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

After the development financing round, Inditex, TTY Management and H&M Group are the largest shareholders of Infinited Fiber Company.


Infinited Fiber Company