From the Sector

225 results

Rieter Annual General Meeting 2020

  • All motions approved
  • Dividend of CHF 4.50 agreed
  • COVID-19

In relation to participation in the Annual General Meeting on April 16, 2020, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. arranged exclusively written or electronic voting and the granting of power of attorney to the independent proxy. In taking this approach, the Board of Directors relied on Article 6a, lit. b of Ordinance 2 of the Swiss Federal Council (Measures to Combat the Coronavirus of March 16, 2020). Physical participation by the shareholders was therefore not possible. The Annual General Meeting was held on the premises of Rieter Holding Ltd. at the company’s headquarters in Winterthur.

At the Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 16, 2020, the independent proxy represented a total of 2 025 shareholders who hold 64.3% of the share capital.

A dividend of CHF 4.50 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for fiscal year 2021.

  • All motions approved
  • Dividend of CHF 4.50 agreed
  • COVID-19

In relation to participation in the Annual General Meeting on April 16, 2020, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. arranged exclusively written or electronic voting and the granting of power of attorney to the independent proxy. In taking this approach, the Board of Directors relied on Article 6a, lit. b of Ordinance 2 of the Swiss Federal Council (Measures to Combat the Coronavirus of March 16, 2020). Physical participation by the shareholders was therefore not possible. The Annual General Meeting was held on the premises of Rieter Holding Ltd. at the company’s headquarters in Winterthur.

At the Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 16, 2020, the independent proxy represented a total of 2 025 shareholders who hold 64.3% of the share capital.

A dividend of CHF 4.50 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for fiscal year 2021.

The Chairman of the Board, Bernhard Jucker, and the members of the Board of Directors This E. Schneider, Michael Pieper, Hans-Peter Schwald, Peter Spuhler, Roger Baillod, Carl Illi and Luc Tack were confirmed for an additional one-year term of office.
Furthermore, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Bernhard Jucker, the members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election, were also each re-elected for a one-year term of office.

Shareholders also adopted all other motions proposed by the Board of Directors, namely approval of the annual report, the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2019, and formal approval of the actions of the members of the Board of Directors and those of the Group Executive Committee in the year under review. In addition, the authorized capital was extended for a further two years.

At present, it is not possible to predict how the global COVID-19 pandemic will affect Rieter’s sales and earnings in the first and second half of 2020, and thus also for 2020 as a whole.

Rieter therefore refrains from providing an outlook for financial year 2020 and will issue the relevant information as part of the semi-annual report on July 16, 2020.
The company has taken the necessary measures to protect employees and to meet commitments to customers as far as possible.

Thanks to long-standing customer relationships, a focus on innovation, global positioning and the company’s financial stability, Rieter will successfully overcome the challenges.

More information:
Rieter Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter Management AG


SANITIZED AG aids measures to promote hygiene management during the coronavirus pandemic

  • Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics validated

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by
up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG announces the validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019). Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2. Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound  is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology.

These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses. The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

  • Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics validated

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by
up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG announces the validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019). Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2. Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound  is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology.

These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses. The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

Before a final product’s antiviral properties can be publicly promoted, viral tests must be performed in specialized laboratories. Compliance with local legal regulations is essential here. SANITIZED AG explicitly points out that this is standard procedure and has composed a preliminary Guide for Treating PPE (personal protective equipment) with biocide products.

Guide Link:

More information:

PR-Büro Heinhöfer

Logo Sanitized
Logo Sanitized

Sanitized: Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG celebrates validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019).
Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2.

Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology. These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses.
The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG celebrates validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019).
Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2.

Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology. These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses.
The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

Before a final product’s antiviral properties can be publicly promoted, viral tests must be performed in specialized laboratories. Compliance with local legal regulations is essential here. SANITIZED AG explicitly points out that this is standard procedure and has composed a preliminary Guide for Treating PPE

SANITIZED AG has been supporting the work of hygienists in hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing and care facilities for many years with its antimicrobial - and now also antiviral - additives used to enhance the
functionality of textiles and polymers. The reduction of bacteria and viruses is a feasible way to help stem the spread of infections including MRSA.


PR-Büro Heinhöfer

Durch die Markierungslösungen von Tailorlux lässt sich die Echtheit von Atemschutzmasken, die den Mindeststandard erfüllen, nachweisen.
Tailorlux macht Bewertung von PPF2 und PPF3 Atemschutzmasken sicherer

Tailorlux macht Bewertung von PPF2 und PPF3 Atemschutzmasken sicherer

Durch die Markierungslösungen von Tailorlux lässt sich die Echtheit von PPF2 und PPF3 Atemschutzmasken nachweisen.
Die aktuelle SARS Covid-19-Pandemie hat den Markt für Persönliche Schutzausrüstung unter Druck gesetzt, die Hersteller können dem aktuellen Bedarf an zertifizierten Schutzmasken und Anzügen nicht gerecht werden. Die Preise steigen und die Aussicht auf hohe Gewinne bringt immer mehr Fälschungen hervor.

Durch die Markierungslösungen von Tailorlux lässt sich die Echtheit von PPF2 und PPF3 Atemschutzmasken nachweisen.
Die aktuelle SARS Covid-19-Pandemie hat den Markt für Persönliche Schutzausrüstung unter Druck gesetzt, die Hersteller können dem aktuellen Bedarf an zertifizierten Schutzmasken und Anzügen nicht gerecht werden. Die Preise steigen und die Aussicht auf hohe Gewinne bringt immer mehr Fälschungen hervor.

Zum Nachweis der Echtheit von Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung hat Tailorlux eine dauerhafte und nicht sichtbare Produktmarkierungslösung entwickelt, die auch nach Jahren detektiert werden kann. Sie gibt den Beschaffungsabteilungen und dem medizinischen Personal die Gewissheit, dass die Schutzausrüstung die zugesicherten Eigenschaften erfüllt.

In Deutschland garantiert ein Open-House-Modell die Abnahme von Atemschutzmasken zu festgelegten Preisen. Voraussetzung ist, dass der Hersteller einen Mindeststandard garantieren kann. Dieser ist in der DIN EN 149 festgelegt und unterliegt nach der PSA-Verordnung einer Konformitätsbewertung, die eine Einhaltung der Anforderungen garantiert.
Angesichts der akuten Lage gilt derzeit jedoch ein Schnelltest für die Maskenzertifizierung; er wurde vom Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA) und die DEKRA Testing and Certification umgesetzt.

„Durch das Aussetzen des Kontrollinstruments der Konformitätsbewertung besteht das Risiko, dass der Standard angesichts des enormen Bedarfs nicht gehalten werden kann. Gleichzeitig wird es Produktfälschern leichter gemacht, eine ungeprüfte Ware unbekannter Herkunft einzuführen und aus der Pandemie Profit zu schlagen“, gibt Tobias Herzog, Geschäftsführer von Tailorlux zu bedenken. „Durch eine unauslöschliche, nicht sichtbare, detektierbare Produktmarkierung lässt sich der Ursprung jeder Maske schnell und sicher nachvollziehen. Der Prozess funktioniert ohne zeitliche Einschränkung, so dass auch eine Nachweismöglichkeit für im Hinblick auf künftige Pandemien bevorratete Atemschutzmasken besteht."

Produktintegrierte Herkunftsgarantie
Für die Markierung und Rückverfolgung von Produkten hat Tailorlux Sicherheitspigmente (Tailor-Safe®) entwickelt, deren Echtheit mittels Lichtspektroskopie überprüft werden kann: Die Kristall-Pigmente reflektieren ein individuelles, detektierbares Lichtspektrum. „Aufgrund ihrer enormen Partikelfeinheit lassen sich die Marker in nahezu jedes Trägermaterial einarbeiten und werden dadurch zum untrennbaren Bestandteil des Produkts. Die für die Atemschutzmasken benötigten Spinnvliese können wir auf Faserebene markieren, die fertigen Masken mit einer Spezialdruckfarbe eindeutig kennzeichnen. So stellen Anbieter mit geringem Aufwand den Sicherheitsstandard ihrer Produkte sicher, während die Beschaffungsabteilungen die Gewissheit haben, dass sie die Persönliche Schutzausrüstung des medizinischen Personals nicht teuer zu stehen kommt.“, so Herzog.



(c) Tailorlux

Logo Fairfield
Fairfield produces surgical gowns

Fairfield Chair Pivots from Seating Production to Surgical Gowns

Fairfield Chair Co. has retooled its production of chairs and sofas to high-in-demand surgical gowns in an effort to help rush supplies to health care companies on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When the spread of the coronavirus impacted Fairfield and the entire U.S. manufacturing sector, Fairfield executives jumped into action.

The seating manufacturer, which essentially took a crash course on apparel patternmaking and industry specs, has switched its production to surgical gowns overnight. In just over a week, Fairfield produced its first samples of the surgical gown and immediately received approval on the prototype from Blue Ridge Healthcare in North Carolina, which has placed an initial order for 1,200 surgical gowns.
Cotswold Industries worked closely with Fairfield to help the company pivot to gown and mask manufacturing and provide the materials needed for the finished products.

Fairfield Chair Co. has retooled its production of chairs and sofas to high-in-demand surgical gowns in an effort to help rush supplies to health care companies on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When the spread of the coronavirus impacted Fairfield and the entire U.S. manufacturing sector, Fairfield executives jumped into action.

The seating manufacturer, which essentially took a crash course on apparel patternmaking and industry specs, has switched its production to surgical gowns overnight. In just over a week, Fairfield produced its first samples of the surgical gown and immediately received approval on the prototype from Blue Ridge Healthcare in North Carolina, which has placed an initial order for 1,200 surgical gowns.
Cotswold Industries worked closely with Fairfield to help the company pivot to gown and mask manufacturing and provide the materials needed for the finished products.

Fairfield is also tapping into the experience it gained from producing seating for senior living facilities, which require certain materials with antimicrobial finishes.
“We are very accustomed to working with antimicrobial fabrics however, we have never worked with wovens that are developed to meet specifications like this material has to,” states McClurd, vice President of imports of Fairfield.

More information:
corona virus respiratory masks


Logos of the participating companies
Gerber PPE Task Force

A&E and Burlington participate in the Gerber PPE Task Force

Elevate Textiles, a global provider of advanced, high quality products and mission critical textile solutions is pleased to participate in the recently launched Gerber PPE Task Force. This industry-wide effort combines resources and expertise to support manufacturing operations and brands as they increase their production or transition their operations to produce personal protective equipment in the fight against COVID-19.
Elevate’s Burlington, American & Efird (A&E), and Gütermann brands provide critical barrier fabric and thread components used in the manufacturing of lifesaving PPE products including masks, isolation gowns and other medical garments.

"The only way to be successful during this difficult situation is to join forces and support one another," said Lenny Marano, VP of Product Management & Marketing for Automation Systems at Gerber Technology. "We are proud to have a global network of partners to support PPE production so that it's more widely available."

Elevate Textiles, a global provider of advanced, high quality products and mission critical textile solutions is pleased to participate in the recently launched Gerber PPE Task Force. This industry-wide effort combines resources and expertise to support manufacturing operations and brands as they increase their production or transition their operations to produce personal protective equipment in the fight against COVID-19.
Elevate’s Burlington, American & Efird (A&E), and Gütermann brands provide critical barrier fabric and thread components used in the manufacturing of lifesaving PPE products including masks, isolation gowns and other medical garments.

"The only way to be successful during this difficult situation is to join forces and support one another," said Lenny Marano, VP of Product Management & Marketing for Automation Systems at Gerber Technology. "We are proud to have a global network of partners to support PPE production so that it's more widely available."

For over 40 years, Burlington has been in the Medical business manufacturing fabrics for use in operating theaters such as surgeon’s gowns, isolation gowns, sterilization wrapper packs, drapes, scrubs and lab coats. The Maxima® collection of fabrics is useful for reusable isolation and surgical gowns and meets AAMI standards for Levels 1-4 and FDA standards.


American & Efird


SGL Carbon SE suspends guidance for the current fiscal year

The previously communicated targets for 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE determined today, that the forecasted results for the fiscal year 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the substantial uncertainty regarding the duration and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Management is currently unable to provide a reliable sales revenue and earnings forecast for the current year. Consequently, the guidance for 2020 is suspended. 

The previously communicated targets for 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE determined today, that the forecasted results for the fiscal year 2020 are unlikely to be achieved due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the substantial uncertainty regarding the duration and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Management is currently unable to provide a reliable sales revenue and earnings forecast for the current year. Consequently, the guidance for 2020 is suspended. 

The previous expectation, which guided for a slightly lower sales revenue und a recurring EBIT1 approximately 10-15% below the prior year (sales revenue 2019: €1,087m; recurring EBIT 2019: €48m), was already made conditional by the Board of Management in the management report published on March 12, 2020, that negative effects from the coronavirus were not included, as the outbreak at that time was mainly restricted to China and Italy. In the meantime, numerous other governments have introduced far-reaching measures with substantial limitations on the public and economic sectors and leading economists now forecast significant reductions in economic output in key economies. 

The Board of Management of SGL Carbon has introduced and partially already implemented comprehensive measures to reduce the cost base and to secure liquidity. These measures include the introduction of short-time work, reduction of material and indirect spend, as well as further reduction resp. postponement of capital expenditures. In addition, we are exploring further financing options independent of the capital markets, some of which are already in preparation. The Company is intensively working on identifying and mitigating potential risks. 

More information:
SGL Carbon Coronavirus

SGL Carbon


NCTO Statement on Administration’s Reported Tariff Deferral

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished products, issued a statement from NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas today in response to the administration’s plan to institute a 90-day deferral on MFN tariffs,  as reported by numerous press outlets.

The reported plan being pushed by the importing and retailing industries would defer certain tariffs, including those on finished apparel products. It is an ill-advised policy that will hurt the U.S. textile industry at the very time it is answering the call of the nation to produce medical supplies to battle the coronavirus pandemic. 

These unnecessary tariff concessions would benefit importers and retailers at the direct expense of manufacturers on the front lines of the COVID-19 response and send a demoralizing message.

Tariff deferrals would severely exacerbate ramifications for the U.S. economy, manufacturers and workers and open the floodgates for imports.

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished products, issued a statement from NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas today in response to the administration’s plan to institute a 90-day deferral on MFN tariffs,  as reported by numerous press outlets.

The reported plan being pushed by the importing and retailing industries would defer certain tariffs, including those on finished apparel products. It is an ill-advised policy that will hurt the U.S. textile industry at the very time it is answering the call of the nation to produce medical supplies to battle the coronavirus pandemic. 

These unnecessary tariff concessions would benefit importers and retailers at the direct expense of manufacturers on the front lines of the COVID-19 response and send a demoralizing message.

Tariff deferrals would severely exacerbate ramifications for the U.S. economy, manufacturers and workers and open the floodgates for imports.

If the U.S. government makes tariff concessions during this crisis, it will be inviting a virtual tsunami of imports further devastating domestic manufacturing as it attempts to regain its footing.     

We urge the administration to abandon any moves to defer tariffs on finished products. It would only serve to allow importers to exploit the current crisis, while dealing a severe blow to U.S. manufacturing and its workers.  

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers. 

  • U.S. employment in the textile supply chain was 585,240 in 2019. 
  • The value of shipments for U.S. textiles and apparel was $75.8 billion in 2019. 
  • U.S. exports of fiber, textiles and apparel were $29.1 billion in 2019. 
  • Capital expenditures for textile and apparel production totaled $2.5 billion in 2018, the last year for which data is available.
More information:
NCTO Coronavirus



Perlon® production is still running at all sites

Perlon®, A Serafin Group company is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of COVID-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity to fulfill all our customer orders. In particular, in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

Perlon®, A Serafin Group company is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of COVID-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity to fulfill all our customer orders. In particular, in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

In the current situation, the company is doing everything it can to fulfill its’ responsibility as an employer and also as a business partner. Therefore all hygiene measures at all our sites have been significantly increased so that our employees are protected as well as possible. There is hand sanitizer in every department and all of our production lines are disinfected several times a day. It has been explained to employees, what they should do in the current climate in order to minimize risk. Where possible employees are able to work from home. Perlon® has approximately 650 employees in Germany, over 80 in the USA and more than 100 in China.

High demand for monofilament for the paper industry.

The paper industry is currently experiencing a rise in demand worldwide – and Perlon® is also benefitting from this, as customers need even more high-quality monofilament and twisted yarns for the tensioning of paper machines. For the paper machine clothing field, Perlon® produced filaments are used to manufacture press fabric, which can be used either as a conveyor belt or for moisture removal on a paper production line. Due to the high mechanical strain through the presses, polyamide monofilaments or twisted yarns are therefore almost always used. Paper industry customers have increased their production recently. Whether it’s boxes to cope with the increased demand for online deliveries or paper for hygiene purposes (which everybody can identify with), there is an increased demand worldwide. The dental, hygiene and food preparation fields are also experiencing increased demand. To this end, Perlon® offers filaments for the manufacture of toothbrushes and high-quality cleaning system brushes.

More information:
Perlon Coronavirus


Logo Perlon-Group
Perlon can continue with its production

Perlon® production is still running at all sites in Germany, the USA and China

Perlon®, a Serafin Group company, is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of Covid-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity. In particular in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

Perlon®, a Serafin Group company, is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of Covid-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity. In particular in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

To manage the current situation responsibly, all hygiene measures at all our sites have been significantly increased so that the employees are protected as well as possible. There is hand sanitizer in every department and all of our production lines are disinfected several times a day. It has been explained to employees, what they should do in the current climate in order to minimise risk. Where possible employees are able to work from home. Perlon® has approximately 650 employees in Germany, over 80 in the USA and more than 100 in China.

High demand for monofilament for the paper industry
The paper industry is currently experiencing a rise in demand worldwide – and Perlon® is also benefitting from this, as customers need even more high quality monofilament and twisted yarns for the tensioning of paper machines. For the paper machine clothing field, Perlon® produced filaments are used to manufacture press fabric, which can be used either as a conveyor belt or for moisture removal on a paper production line. Due to the high mechanical strain through the presses, polyamide monofilaments or twisted yarns are therefore almost always used. Paper industry customers have increased their production recently. Whether it’s boxes to cope with the increased demand for online deliveries or paper for hygiene purposes (which everybody can identify with), there is an increased demand worldwide. The dental, hygiene and food preparation fields are also experiencing increased demand. To this end, Perlon® offers filaments for the manufacture of toothbrushes and high quality cleaning system brushes.

More information:
corona virus Perlon filament


COVID-19 Restrictions (c) European Border and Coast Guard Agency

COVID-19 Restrictions

In response to COVID-19, national governments have introduced a series of restrictions to slow the spread of the virus.
Attached is a map showing various constraints implemented by countries across Europe.

In response to COVID-19, national governments have introduced a series of restrictions to slow the spread of the virus.
Attached is a map showing various constraints implemented by countries across Europe.


FRONTEX European Border and Coast Guard Agency

DyStar (c) DyStar

DyStar responds to COVID-19

Amid the rapid spread of COVID-19 around the world, DyStar’s global operations continue to adapt to the development of the situation and to mitigate potential risks or impacts across the business. While the trajectory is unknown, DyStar is guided by recommendations from the World Health Organization and the local government authorities, to proactively address situations that could possibly affect our people and customers. This is to ensure that we have effective plans and standard procedures to minimize the disruption of our global operations.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
As a globally operating company, each of our operating sites, manufacturing plants, offices have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place to sustain our operations and the supply chains we serve. The BCP, owned by our Business Continuity Management Team, provides clear guidance for all local operations, such as Administration, Customer Services, Finance, Logistics Services, Sales and Technical Support as well as Procurement, to enable all functions to continue operating effectively to serve our customers, distributors and agents.

Amid the rapid spread of COVID-19 around the world, DyStar’s global operations continue to adapt to the development of the situation and to mitigate potential risks or impacts across the business. While the trajectory is unknown, DyStar is guided by recommendations from the World Health Organization and the local government authorities, to proactively address situations that could possibly affect our people and customers. This is to ensure that we have effective plans and standard procedures to minimize the disruption of our global operations.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
As a globally operating company, each of our operating sites, manufacturing plants, offices have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place to sustain our operations and the supply chains we serve. The BCP, owned by our Business Continuity Management Team, provides clear guidance for all local operations, such as Administration, Customer Services, Finance, Logistics Services, Sales and Technical Support as well as Procurement, to enable all functions to continue operating effectively to serve our customers, distributors and agents.

Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
DyStar’s manufacturing sites are also installed with an Emergency Response Procedure to cover all emergency circumstances, including the COVID-19 pandemic disease. The goal of the emergency response procedure is to mitigate the impact of such events on people and the environment, ensuring operational readiness of the site during an emergency.

As the world adjusts to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, DyStar will continue to monitor the situation very closely and will provide updates that adapt to the changing situation. We remain committed to provide our customers with excellent service and to work closely with all our partners throughout this difficult period.

More information:
Coronavirus DyStar


Face Mask Production in Denim Expert Ltd (c) Denim Expert Ltd
Face Mask Production in Denim Expert Ltd

Denim Expert Ltd are producing facing mask for safety issue

  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on a non-profit basis
  • Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis
  • “Now is the time for our whole industry to stand together”

A leading Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity of his world-class facility for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.

Mr. Uddin is offering the capacity, skills and production expertise of his factory and wants to develop partnerships to meet much-needed short-term demand for masks and PPE in the battle against COVID-19.

  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on a non-profit basis
  • Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis
  • “Now is the time for our whole industry to stand together”

A leading Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity of his world-class facility for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.

Mr. Uddin is offering the capacity, skills and production expertise of his factory and wants to develop partnerships to meet much-needed short-term demand for masks and PPE in the battle against COVID-19.

Those willing to partner with him and wishing to utilize his production capacity would only be asked to provide fabrics and raw materials as well as meeting workers’ wages.

More information:
Denim Expert Ltd.

Denim Expert Ltd

Sherrod Brown (c) NCTO

Brown pushing plan to address shortage of personal protective equipment

Brown Wrote to President Outlining Critical Steps White House can Take Now to Address Shortage of Personal Protective Equipment

 U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) hosted a news conference call to discuss his plan for addressing the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) needed by healthcare workers on the frontline of keeping Americans healthy and safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

This weekend, Brown wrote to President Trump outlining several steps the Administration should take immediately to address the shortage and ramp up manufacturing of these critical medical supplies.

Brown Wrote to President Outlining Critical Steps White House can Take Now to Address Shortage of Personal Protective Equipment

 U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) hosted a news conference call to discuss his plan for addressing the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) needed by healthcare workers on the frontline of keeping Americans healthy and safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

This weekend, Brown wrote to President Trump outlining several steps the Administration should take immediately to address the shortage and ramp up manufacturing of these critical medical supplies.

In his plan and in his letter to the President, Brown lists nine steps the Administration could take immediately, including:

  1. Designate a government official who can serve as a point person responsible for coordination the acquisition and development of PPE, medical devices, and other supplies necessary to fight the coronavirus pandemic. 
  2. Establish a PPE and medical device assessment and database to monitor the supply and anticipated needs for PPE, ventilators, diagnostic test kits, and other needed medical supplies to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. 
  3. Publish a list of PPE, medical device, and general medical supply needs to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. 
  4. Establish a hotline capable of handling significant call capacity that will provide U.S. producers centralized information about the results of the national assessment and the current need for PPE, devices, and other health care supplies. 
  5. Provide immediate funding to manufacturers to purchase equipment, retool machinery, hire additional workers, and cover any other expenses needed to increase production of PPE and necessary medical devices and supplies.
  6. Streamline contract and certification procedures to ensure production and delivery of materials are not delayed due to paperwork constraints.
  7. Provide critical protections for workers who are making PPE, medical devices, and necessary supplies to receive a waiver from any shelter-in-place requirements to allow workers to volunteer to go to work in these critical industries. 
  8. Provide purchase guarantees and delivery assistance of product to the communities and health care facilities that need the products most. 
  9. Support companies that have the capacity to sterilize reusable equipment to alleviate the existing PPE shortage. 

In his plan, Brown also pointed out important legislative actions that will help ramp up production of these critical supplies, including expanding the strategic national stockpile authority, substantially increasing Defense Production Act funding and strengthening domestic preferences.

More information:
NCTO Coronavirus United States



autoneum: Annual General Meeting: waiver of dividend for 2019 financial year

All proposals submitted by the Board of Directors were approved at the Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd. In view of the net loss in the 2019 financial year, a dis-tinct majority of shareholders agreed to the proposal to forgo a dividend payment.

In consideration of COVID-19 Ordinance 2 of the Federal Council, no shareholders were admitted to physically attend the Annual General Meeting on site. The Company therefore requested the shareholders in advance to transfer their votes to the independent voting proxy. He represented 59.8% of the total 4 672 363 shares issued.

All proposals submitted by the Board of Directors were approved at the Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd. In view of the net loss in the 2019 financial year, a dis-tinct majority of shareholders agreed to the proposal to forgo a dividend payment.

In consideration of COVID-19 Ordinance 2 of the Federal Council, no shareholders were admitted to physically attend the Annual General Meeting on site. The Company therefore requested the shareholders in advance to transfer their votes to the independent voting proxy. He represented 59.8% of the total 4 672 363 shares issued.

The shareholders approved the 2019 Annual Report including the consolidated and annual finan-cial statements. Given the significant net loss in the 2019 financial year shareholders approved the proposal submitted by the Board of Directors to forgo a dividend. Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman of the Board of Directors, stressed: “Autoneum aims to distribute at least 30% of net profit attributable to Autoneum shareholders as dividends. Unfortunately, Autoneum did not generate a profit in 2019, mainly due to impairments. This development is unacceptable for both, the Group Executive Board and the Board of Directors, and together with the employees we are doing every-thing possible to get back on the road to success. Nevertheless, the Board of Directors and the Group Management will continue to adhere to their long-standing dividend policy and thus ensure that shareholders participate appropriately in the Company's success.”

Chairman Hans-Peter Schwald and the other members of the Board of Directors, Rainer Schmückle, Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper, This E. Schneider, Peter Spuhler and Ferdinand Stutz, were confirmed in office. This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Ferdinand Stutz were also re-elected to the Compensation Committee. In addition, a large majority of the shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd gave formal discharge to all members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board.

The consultative vote on the 2019 remuneration report was approved by 89.2%. The proposals for the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for the 2021 financial year as well as the other proposals were also approved by a large majority.


More information:

Autoneum Management AG

Devan (c) Devan

Devan offers antiviral solutions for textiles' professional workers

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Over the past few weeks, Devan has received a lot of questions regarding an antiviral solution for textiles against Sars-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “Not a big surprise since we put BI-OME AV forward 3 years ago. Testing has been done in cooperation with Institut Pasteur de Lille”, says Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck. Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types, etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families, BI-OME AV showed strong to excellent activity in wet state.

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Over the past few weeks, Devan has received a lot of questions regarding an antiviral solution for textiles against Sars-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “Not a big surprise since we put BI-OME AV forward 3 years ago. Testing has been done in cooperation with Institut Pasteur de Lille”, says Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck. Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types, etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families, BI-OME AV showed strong to excellent activity in wet state.

In the first instance, the company wants to focus on professionals who need to stay working such as policemen, logistics workers, shop employees, day-care workers, … A common complication of respiratory viral disease can be a secondary bacterial infection. Professionals could be helped with either an anti-bacterial on their facemask to reduce the chance for these secondary bacterial infections, for better hygiene and less odor build-up. On workwear, a combination of a virus spread reducing and antibacterial solution could help as these garments are typically used during long hours, are non-disposable and most likely will be washed at home.

Devan has solutions which withstand washing while keeping its performance. BI-OME as a liquid product is EU BPR, Turkish BPR and US EPA registered. Depending on the rash region, commercialising treated articles be subject to additional local registration procedures.

More information:
Devan Coronavirus


Denim Expert Ltd Logo
Denim Expert Ltd. starts to produce face masks

Denim Expert Ltd: production of face masks and PPE

  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on non-profit basis
  •  Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis

A Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Many hospitals in Europe and USA are already running short of masks and PPE as they creak under the strain of the pandemic.
At present, COVID-19 is most prevalent in Europe, where demand for surgical masks and other protective garments has increased this past two months. However, other countries – including Bangladesh – are several weeks behind Europe but are expected to follow the same pattern in terms of cases and deaths.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.



  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on non-profit basis
  •  Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis

A Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Many hospitals in Europe and USA are already running short of masks and PPE as they creak under the strain of the pandemic.
At present, COVID-19 is most prevalent in Europe, where demand for surgical masks and other protective garments has increased this past two months. However, other countries – including Bangladesh – are several weeks behind Europe but are expected to follow the same pattern in terms of cases and deaths.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.




Denim Expert Ltd.


Beverly Knits Inc. produces face masks for health care workers

Beverly Knits Inc. is proud to be involved in the effort led by Hanes and Parkdale to help support the fight against COVID-19. Working with a coalition of textile companies, we are ramping up production in the USA to provide face masks for health care workers on the frontlines. With the combined efforts of many small and medium-size companies, we are retooling our production lines to begin manufacturing immediately.

Beverly Knits is coordinating the production of up to 1.5 million masks produced domestically per week. Ron Sytz, CEO of Beverly Knits, said “It is an honor to be working with great American companies, united to supply critical resources to healthcare workers and first responders”.

Companies on the Beverly Knits team

  • Clover Knits
  • Contempora Knits
  • Carolina Cotton Works
  • Southfork Finishing
  • National Safety Apparel
  • A Lava & Sons
  • Wells Hosiery
  • Jomel Industries
  • LA Corp
  • Greenwood Mills


Beverly Knits Inc. is proud to be involved in the effort led by Hanes and Parkdale to help support the fight against COVID-19. Working with a coalition of textile companies, we are ramping up production in the USA to provide face masks for health care workers on the frontlines. With the combined efforts of many small and medium-size companies, we are retooling our production lines to begin manufacturing immediately.

Beverly Knits is coordinating the production of up to 1.5 million masks produced domestically per week. Ron Sytz, CEO of Beverly Knits, said “It is an honor to be working with great American companies, united to supply critical resources to healthcare workers and first responders”.

Companies on the Beverly Knits team

  • Clover Knits
  • Contempora Knits
  • Carolina Cotton Works
  • Southfork Finishing
  • National Safety Apparel
  • A Lava & Sons
  • Wells Hosiery
  • Jomel Industries
  • LA Corp
  • Greenwood Mills


More information:
Beverly Knits Inc. NCTO



autoneum: Coronavirus pandemic massively impacts course of business

The corona pandemic has a significant impact on the global economy and thus also on the global automotive industry. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in all regions will result in a revenue decline at Autoneum in the current year, the extent of which cannot yet be estimated.

In addition to the ongoing cost-saving programs, Autoneum has therefore decided on a comprehensive set of measures to further increase the flexibility of personnel and material expenses. This includes staff adjustments, e.g. by reducing the number of temporary employees in plants. In addition, short-time work at the Swiss sites, the Group’s headquarters in Winterthur and at the Sevelen plant (canton of Sankt Gallen), as well as short-time work in some other European countries and temporary closures of production facilities in various regions in line with those of customers are being implemented. With these measures, Autoneum is at the same time making its contribution to protecting the workforce, breaking chains of infection and containing the spread of this pandemic.

The corona pandemic has a significant impact on the global economy and thus also on the global automotive industry. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in all regions will result in a revenue decline at Autoneum in the current year, the extent of which cannot yet be estimated.

In addition to the ongoing cost-saving programs, Autoneum has therefore decided on a comprehensive set of measures to further increase the flexibility of personnel and material expenses. This includes staff adjustments, e.g. by reducing the number of temporary employees in plants. In addition, short-time work at the Swiss sites, the Group’s headquarters in Winterthur and at the Sevelen plant (canton of Sankt Gallen), as well as short-time work in some other European countries and temporary closures of production facilities in various regions in line with those of customers are being implemented. With these measures, Autoneum is at the same time making its contribution to protecting the workforce, breaking chains of infection and containing the spread of this pandemic.

Despite the above-mentioned countermeasures and in light of the advancing spread of the coronavirus, Autoneum does not expect to achieve its targets for the business year 2020. Due to the considerable uncertainties regarding the course and duration of the pandemic, no updated outlook is provided for 2020 for the time being.


Autoneum Management AG


USA: Call of Nation to Produce Medical Face Masks

Coalition of Iconic American Apparel Brands & Textile Companies Heeds Call of Nation to Produce Medical Face Masks

A coalition of iconic American apparel brands and textile companies, responding to the urgent call of the White House for medical supplies, have come together to build a supply chain virtually overnight and fast-track the manufacturing of medical face masks to help hospitals, health care workers and citizens battling the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

Parkdale Inc.-- the largest yarn spinner in the U.S. headquartered in North Carolina—helped lead the effort to build the coalition with Hanesbrands, Fruit of the Loom and six other companies to set up a manufacturing supply chain and begin ramping up production of the masks.

The coalition consists of iconic American brands such as Hanesbrands and Fruit of the Loom, often competitors in the marketplace, who are banding together for the greater good of a nation facing one if its most monumental challenges.

Coalition of Iconic American Apparel Brands & Textile Companies Heeds Call of Nation to Produce Medical Face Masks

A coalition of iconic American apparel brands and textile companies, responding to the urgent call of the White House for medical supplies, have come together to build a supply chain virtually overnight and fast-track the manufacturing of medical face masks to help hospitals, health care workers and citizens battling the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

Parkdale Inc.-- the largest yarn spinner in the U.S. headquartered in North Carolina—helped lead the effort to build the coalition with Hanesbrands, Fruit of the Loom and six other companies to set up a manufacturing supply chain and begin ramping up production of the masks.

The coalition consists of iconic American brands such as Hanesbrands and Fruit of the Loom, often competitors in the marketplace, who are banding together for the greater good of a nation facing one if its most monumental challenges.

American Giant, Los Angeles Apparel, AST Sportswear, Sanmar, America Knits, Beverly Knits and Riegel Linen are also part of the coalition working tirelessly to respond to a national emergency in the nation’s time of need.

Dr. Peter Navarro, assistant to the President and director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, worked with the coalition and helped expedite the production of these masks. The first face masks have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The companies expect to begin production on Monday and will make the first deliveries by mid-week.

They are dedicating their assets, resources and manufacturing capacities to create a high output of facemasks. Once fully ramped up in four to five weeks, the companies expect to produce up to 10 million facemasks per week in the United States and in Central America.

If companies are interested in dedicating resources to help the cause, please reach out to the National Council of Textile Organizations at

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers.

  • U.S. employment in the textile supply chain was 594,147 in 2018.  
  • The value of shipments for U.S. textiles and apparel was $76.8 billion in 2018.  
  • U.S. exports of fiber, textiles and apparel were $30.1 billion in 2018.  
  • Capital expenditures for textile and apparel production totaled $2.0 billion in 2017, the last year for which data is available.

National Council of Textile Organizations