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Hygienix Innovation Award™: Nominations are open (c) INDA

Hygienix Innovation Award™: Nominations are open

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has opened nominations for the Hygienix Innovation Award™. This Award recognizes a new product or technology in the absorbent hygiene, personal, pet, and wound care industries that expands the usage of nonwoven fabrics.

The Award will be presented at Hygienix™ 2024, Nov. 18-21 at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Nominations will be accepted through Mon., Sept. 16th.

Nominees will be selected from a broad range of new products or technologies that have been commercially available at most two years prior to Hygienix 2024. Eligible categories include, but are not limited to: raw materials, roll goods, converting, packaging, active ingredients, binders, additives, and end-use products.

Three finalists will present their innovations to industry leaders at Hygienix Tues., Nov. 19th. The winner will be announced Thurs., Nov. 21st.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has opened nominations for the Hygienix Innovation Award™. This Award recognizes a new product or technology in the absorbent hygiene, personal, pet, and wound care industries that expands the usage of nonwoven fabrics.

The Award will be presented at Hygienix™ 2024, Nov. 18-21 at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Nominations will be accepted through Mon., Sept. 16th.

Nominees will be selected from a broad range of new products or technologies that have been commercially available at most two years prior to Hygienix 2024. Eligible categories include, but are not limited to: raw materials, roll goods, converting, packaging, active ingredients, binders, additives, and end-use products.

Three finalists will present their innovations to industry leaders at Hygienix Tues., Nov. 19th. The winner will be announced Thurs., Nov. 21st.

Last year’s Hygienix Innovation Award was presented to Sequel for their Sequel Spiral™ Tampon. The Sequel Spiral™ Tampon features a proprietary spiral design that is engineered to be more fluid mechanically efficient, meaning it is designed to absorb more evenly and not leak before it’s full. In August 2023, the Sequel Spiral™ Tampon received clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medical device.


INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


STFI auf dem Innovationstag Mittelstand des BMWK

Beim Innovationstag Mittelstand des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) präsentiert sich der innovative Mittelstand als treibende Kraft der deutschen Wirtschaft. Unter dem Leitgedanken „So geht Zukunft! – Digital. Transformativ. Resilient.“ verspricht die Veranstaltung spannende Einblicke in wegweisende Technologien und zeigt, wie Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer aus ganz Deutschland den technologischen Wandel vorantreiben. Rund 300 Aussteller präsentieren bei der Open-Air-Veranstaltung die Ergebnisse ihrer zukunftsweisenden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte und laden zur Entdeckungsreise ein. Das STFI präsentiert zum Innovationstag Mittelstand des BMWK am 13.06.2024 in Berlin fünf textile Forschungshighlights aus den Bereichen Schutztextilien, Digitalisierung sowie Nachhaltigkeit, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Wellness.

Beim Innovationstag Mittelstand des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) präsentiert sich der innovative Mittelstand als treibende Kraft der deutschen Wirtschaft. Unter dem Leitgedanken „So geht Zukunft! – Digital. Transformativ. Resilient.“ verspricht die Veranstaltung spannende Einblicke in wegweisende Technologien und zeigt, wie Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer aus ganz Deutschland den technologischen Wandel vorantreiben. Rund 300 Aussteller präsentieren bei der Open-Air-Veranstaltung die Ergebnisse ihrer zukunftsweisenden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte und laden zur Entdeckungsreise ein. Das STFI präsentiert zum Innovationstag Mittelstand des BMWK am 13.06.2024 in Berlin fünf textile Forschungshighlights aus den Bereichen Schutztextilien, Digitalisierung sowie Nachhaltigkeit, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Wellness.

Molotowcocktailschutzanzug – textiler Schutzanzug für Polizeieinsatzkräfte zum Schutz vor Molotowcocktails
Spezialeinsatzkräfte sind auf Schutzkleidung angewiesen, die vor vielfältigen Gefahren schützt. Meist schränkt eine höhere Schutzwirkung den Tragekomfort ein. Forscher des STFI und des ITA Aachen haben daher gemeinsam ein hitzebeständiges Gewebe entwickelt, das vor Angriffen mit Molotowcocktails schützt und dabei gleichzeitig einen hohen Tragekomfort gewährt. Molotowcocktails können schwerwiegende Verletzungen hervorrufen, die es zu verhindern gilt. Das Verletzungspotential hängt insbesondere mit der extrem hohen Verbrennungstemperatur von 800 °C – 1.700 °C zusammen, aber auch der starken adhäsiven Wirkung der Brandsätze. Die entwickelte Schutzkleidung zeichnet sich durch eine optimierte Faserzusammensetzung sowie durch eine spezielle Garn- und Gewebekonstruktion aus. Dar-über hinaus wurde die Funktionalisierung des Gewebes angepasst.

Im abgeschlossenen Projekt wurden Holz-Textil-Faltwerken (HTF) entwickelt, die temporär zum Zweck des Schallschutzes, Sichtschutzes oder der räumlichen Abgrenzung aufstellbar sind. Unter Nutzung der Origami-Mathematik wurden mehrschichtige Holz-Textil-Verbunde entwickelt. Das Textil dient als zweidimensionales Scharnier der fertigen Konstruktion. Durch den Verbund aus biegeschlaffen textilen Materialien mit biegesteifen Holzelementen sind Faltbewegungen möglich, die eine selbsttragende Struktur entstehen lassen. Die HTF zeichnen sich durch kleines Packvolumen und Leichtbauweise aus. Gezeigt wird ein Tischmodell des Demonstrators.

In der Naturmedizin werden die Blätter des tropischen Graviola-Baumes (Annona muricata) zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens und zur Behandlung zahlreicher Krankheiten eingesetzt. Die Wirkung der Graviolapflanze ist hauptsächlich auf die enthaltenen aktiven Wirkstoffe der Acetogenine zurückzuführen. Ziel des Projektes GRAVIOLA war die Entwicklung neuartig funktionalisierter Textilien, die mit Wirkstoffen der Graviolapflanze ausgerüstet sind. Gezeigt werden auf dem internationalen Pavillon des Innovationstag Mittelstand mit Graviola ausgerüstete Textilmuster auf Basis von Wirkstoffverkapselungen und Graviolaextrakten.

INTAKE – Entwicklung und Erprobung intelligenter Einbringungstechnologie für Datenkerne in der Wäschekonfektionierung
Im Projekt INTAKE haben sich aktuell sechs Forschungspartner das Ziel gesetzt, ein KI-gesteuertes Verfahren zu entwickeln, das RFID-Antennenfäden und -Chips während des Konfektionsprozesses in die Wäsche einbringt und so die Notwendigkeit des nachträglichen Patchens eliminiert. Die Wäsche selbst wird so zu einem individuell funktionalisierten RFID-Transponder gemacht. Gezeigt wird Flachwäsche wie z.B. Bettlaken oder Kopfkissen mit integrierter kleindimensionaler RFID-Fadentechnologie inkl. Datenkern und Textilantenne für eine gesteuerte Einbringung per KI und zukünftige Leasing-Szenarien

Entwicklung und Untersuchung der Fusion zwischen innovativen Technologiekombinationen und nachhaltigen Designstrategien, dargestellt als multifunktionale Spielmatte (MultiMatt)
Die Multimatt ist eine Spielmatte, welche unterschiedliche Fertigungs- und Veredlungstechnologien unter Verwendung eines rezyklierten und Cradle to Cradle-zertifizierten Materials zu einem kreislauffähigen Produkt vereint. Die entwickelte MultiMatt verbindet den Monomaterial-Ansatz mit dem Flächenbildungsverfahren Stricken und den Veredlungs- und Funktionalisierungstechnologien 3D-Druck, Rückenbeschichtung und Laserbehandlung. Damit ist die Entwicklung zur Anwendung für nachhaltiges Design, kreislauffähige Materialverbunde und Rezyklate geeignet.

More information:
Textilforschung Mittelstand BMWK

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)


Solvay: Outcome of 2024 Shareholders’ Meeting

Solvay held its Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting in Brussels, and shareholders voted in favor of all the proposed resolutions.

Solvay shareholders showed support to all resolutions and more specifically:

  • The payment of a gross dividend of €2.43 per share for the year 2023. After deducting the interim dividend of €1.62 gross per share, paid on 17 January 2024, the balance amounts to €0.81 gross per share, payable from 5 June 2024.
  • The re-election of Ms. Aude Thibaut de Maisières as a board member for a four-year term.
  • The remuneration report.
  • The appointment of EY for the assurance of sustainability information related to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Solvay held its Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting in Brussels, and shareholders voted in favor of all the proposed resolutions.

Solvay shareholders showed support to all resolutions and more specifically:

  • The payment of a gross dividend of €2.43 per share for the year 2023. After deducting the interim dividend of €1.62 gross per share, paid on 17 January 2024, the balance amounts to €0.81 gross per share, payable from 5 June 2024.
  • The re-election of Ms. Aude Thibaut de Maisières as a board member for a four-year term.
  • The remuneration report.
  • The appointment of EY for the assurance of sustainability information related to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
More information:
Solvay shareholders general meeting



Traceability New Front Line for Sustainable Retail

Multiple global regulations set to take effect in the coming years have made traceability an imperative for retailers and brands. These include the Digital Product Passport, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act, to name a few.

While companies are aware of the importance of traceability, research indicates that they are not prepared to comply with upcoming legislation. A recent KPMG survey highlighted that 43% of executives at major enterprises had no visibility or were “largely unclear” about the performance of their Tier 1 suppliers. At the same time, only 28% of companies had clear visibility into Tier 2 suppliers.

TradeBeyond’s recently published Supply Chain Traceability Guide, the latest installment of its Retail Sourcing Report series, highlights the myriad challenges that companies face in implementing effective traceability programs. This report is relevant for all industries, and is especially topical for the apparel and footwear sectors, which are under increasing scrutiny to enhance traceability to ensure sustainability.

Multiple global regulations set to take effect in the coming years have made traceability an imperative for retailers and brands. These include the Digital Product Passport, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act, to name a few.

While companies are aware of the importance of traceability, research indicates that they are not prepared to comply with upcoming legislation. A recent KPMG survey highlighted that 43% of executives at major enterprises had no visibility or were “largely unclear” about the performance of their Tier 1 suppliers. At the same time, only 28% of companies had clear visibility into Tier 2 suppliers.

TradeBeyond’s recently published Supply Chain Traceability Guide, the latest installment of its Retail Sourcing Report series, highlights the myriad challenges that companies face in implementing effective traceability programs. This report is relevant for all industries, and is especially topical for the apparel and footwear sectors, which are under increasing scrutiny to enhance traceability to ensure sustainability.

The report highlights retail’s slow progress in achieving transparency, as evidenced by the Fashion Transparency Index, which found that the average transparency score across 250 of the world’s largest brands and retailers was just 23%. That suggests that progress on transparent disclosure of social and environmental data is still lagging.
The report shows that brands fall short on most key measures of sustainability and traceability, including publishing a responsible code of conduct and providing visibility into their Scope 3 carbon footprint. The United Nations Economics Commission found that only a third of the top one hundred global clothing companies track their own supply chains. One of the obstacles is complexity. More than two-thirds (69%) of fashion companies report that complexity of their global business networks is an obstacle to visibility.

In addition to a lack of visibility, false sustainability claims are also rampant. Greenpeace found that in the apparel and footwear sector, 39% of sustainability claims are false or deceptive. Lack of third-party verification of ESG measures is also rampant.

The highest scoring brands in the 2023 Fashion Transparency Index included luxury brands such as Gucci and retailers such Target Australia, Kmart Australia, OVS, and Benetton. These companies back up their commitment with solid action on multiple measures of traceability.

Along with legislative requirements, consumers are a key driving force pushing companies to improve their traceability initiatives. McKinsey research found that 66% of consumers consider transparency to be a key factor when making a purchase decision and 73% of consumers would pay more for products with transparency into production and sourcing.

The report also highlights key challenges to overcome in the journey to traceability, including effective communication between stakeholders, compliance with new regulations, technology barriers, and data complexity.

On the positive side, the industry is responding with sophisticated technology, including software systems that incorporate artificial intelligence and blockchain-enabled traceability, which provide the required visibility and compliance.

Traceable fiber technology, which allows for traceability from the material origin of a product until its end-life, provides the option of a “fiber-forward” rather than a “product backward” approach to achieving traceability.

Aside from the regulatory and consumer drivers, there is a strong business case for implementing traceability, which includes cost savings, operational efficiency, brand protection and reducing supply chain risk. As such, TradeBeyond expects a rapid evolution in traceability programs across industries, especially in those that lag in best-practices.

While there has been considerable progress in recent years toward accurately tracing the complete origins of products, much more needs to be done. Brands and retailers must intensify their efforts to stay compliant with escalating regulations and align with evolving consumer preferences.




Teijin: Launch of surgical patch with knitted fabric

The consortium of Teijin Limited, Fukui Tateami Co., Ltd., and Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University announced that a novel surgical patch, under the brand name SYNFOLIUM®, will be released for manufacturing and distribution by Teijin Medical Technologies Co., Ltd. on June 12, 2024.

SYNFOLIUM® is a surgical patch with knitted fabric consisting of both bio-absorbable and non-absorbable yarns, which are coated with cross-linked gelatin. After the patch is surgically implanted in the body, the patient’s tissue grows and gradually surrounds the expandable, non-absorbable portion, while the bio-absorbable portion degrades. The regenerated tissue has the potential to reduce the risk of inflammatory reactions, foreign body reactions and cell death, which often cause deterioration of the implants.

The consortium of Teijin Limited, Fukui Tateami Co., Ltd., and Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University announced that a novel surgical patch, under the brand name SYNFOLIUM®, will be released for manufacturing and distribution by Teijin Medical Technologies Co., Ltd. on June 12, 2024.

SYNFOLIUM® is a surgical patch with knitted fabric consisting of both bio-absorbable and non-absorbable yarns, which are coated with cross-linked gelatin. After the patch is surgically implanted in the body, the patient’s tissue grows and gradually surrounds the expandable, non-absorbable portion, while the bio-absorbable portion degrades. The regenerated tissue has the potential to reduce the risk of inflammatory reactions, foreign body reactions and cell death, which often cause deterioration of the implants.

This new product is designed to be used in surgical treatment of patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). The prevalence of CHD is 1 in 100 people globally, and in Japan, it is estimated that approximately 10,000 neonates are born with the disease each year. Newborns and infants with CHD generally undergo surgeries to correct hemodynamic problems due to septal defects or narrowed blood vessels (stenosis) by implanting a medical patch, usually made from synthetic or animal-derived materials. However, over a long period after surgery, a considerable number of patients eventually require re-interventions, such as repeat surgery or catheter therapy, due to the deterioration of the implanted patch. This deterioration can be caused by an immune-mediated foreign body reaction or the development of stenosis due to the inability of the patch to stretch in response to the growth of cardiac and vascular tissue.

To address this clinical problem, Shintaro Nemoto, M.D., Ph.D., of Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, created an idea for a patch that could accommodate the growth of patients’ bodies through restoration by the patient’s own tissues. In 2012, he began research and exploration to make this idea a reality.

Fukui Tateami, a pioneer in warp-knitting technology based in Fukui Prefecture, turned Dr. Nemoto’s idea into the novel concept of an expandable cardiovascular patch. Based on advanced warp knitting technology it developed over the 80 years since its founding, the company created a special knitted fabric structure to accommodate tissue regeneration.

Teijin developed the technology to coat knitted fabric with gelatin, which can prevent blood leakage and can be replaced by the patient’s own tissue. The company has been proceeding with design and development, clinical trials, establishment of a commercial production system, and application for manufacturing and marketing approval in Japan.

The development of SYNFOLIUM® has been supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry since 2014, as well as by a program launched in 2017 by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) to facilitate collaboration between medical academia and industry. Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare designated SYNFOLIUM® as a “SAKIGAKE” device in April 2018, providing various incentives to speed up approval for clinical use. In addition, the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery cooperated by assisting with clinical trials and providing advice on creating guidelines for appropriate use.

Clinical trials that began in 2019 were completed in 2022, and Teijin Medical Technologies applied for manufacturing and sales approval to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in January 2023. The company received approval in July of the same year.

Going forward, Teijin and Teijin Medical Technologies, Fukui Tateami, and Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University will provide clinical information about this product to medical institutions to facilitate its use in patients with CHD. Teijin and Teijin Medical Technologies will continue to collect and analyze cases using SYNFOLIUM® to establish its long-term safety and efficacy.

Furthermore, to help improve the quality of life of patients with CHD around the world, the consortium plans to market SYNFOLIUM® overseas by working to gain manufacturing and marketing approval in the United States, the European Union and other countries.


Teijin Limited


Teijin Frontier: Breathable, UV-blocking polyester material

Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., the Teijin Group’s fibers and products converting company, announced the development of a new, multifunctional and comfortable polyester material that combines high breathability and UV protection. This new product reproduces the structure of a traditional Japanese "Sudare" blind (bamboo blind), which allows breezes to pass through while blocking out sunlight.

As extremely high summer temperatures become increasingly common, Teijin Frontier developed this new polyester to meet market demands for materials with enhanced heat protection functions. Heat protection encompasses breathability, UV resistance and anti-stickiness. However, until now, breathability – achieved by gaps between fibers – and UV protection were thought to be mutually exclusive.

To solve this dilemma, the company created a structure with slit-shaped, highly breathable areas in either the warp or weft direction of the fabric. These three-dimensional gaps, similar to those in a bamboo blind, allow the material to deliver both excellent breathability and high UV blocking performance of 85 percent or more. The structure allows air permeability of 50㎤/㎠・s or more.

Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., the Teijin Group’s fibers and products converting company, announced the development of a new, multifunctional and comfortable polyester material that combines high breathability and UV protection. This new product reproduces the structure of a traditional Japanese "Sudare" blind (bamboo blind), which allows breezes to pass through while blocking out sunlight.

As extremely high summer temperatures become increasingly common, Teijin Frontier developed this new polyester to meet market demands for materials with enhanced heat protection functions. Heat protection encompasses breathability, UV resistance and anti-stickiness. However, until now, breathability – achieved by gaps between fibers – and UV protection were thought to be mutually exclusive.

To solve this dilemma, the company created a structure with slit-shaped, highly breathable areas in either the warp or weft direction of the fabric. These three-dimensional gaps, similar to those in a bamboo blind, allow the material to deliver both excellent breathability and high UV blocking performance of 85 percent or more. The structure allows air permeability of 50㎤/㎠・s or more.

This new product also offers sustainability benefits through the incorporation of recycled polyester in part. Its structure and elastic fibers provide stretch performance, while an uneven surface caused by differences in thread shrinkage and its structure avoid stickiness. Moreover, to achieve the combination of functions, Teijin Frontier also adopt special high-shrinkage technology and dying finishing technology. This material offers potential for use in both fashion and casual clothing.

Teijin Frontier will begin promoting this product for the 2025 spring and summer fashion and casual clothing collections in Japan, aiming for sales of 250,000 meters in fiscal 2024 and 750,000 meters in fiscal 2027.


Teijin Limited


Cinte Techtextil China taking place in September 2024

With four months until the show opens doors, key exhibitors have already confirmed participation for the Cinte Techtextil China 2024. In conjunction with a positive global outlook, key players are eager to congregate again at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 19 – 21 September, to showcase innovations and connect with buyers from various sectors.
The fair will closely align with Messe Frankfurt’s ‘Texpertise Econogy’ – the umbrella for the group’s sustainability activities at its more than 50 textile trade shows worldwide. New energy elements, such as battery and hydrogen, will appear at the Innovation Showcase Area, on top of other interactive fringe events which centre around sustainability.

With four months until the show opens doors, key exhibitors have already confirmed participation for the Cinte Techtextil China 2024. In conjunction with a positive global outlook, key players are eager to congregate again at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 19 – 21 September, to showcase innovations and connect with buyers from various sectors.
The fair will closely align with Messe Frankfurt’s ‘Texpertise Econogy’ – the umbrella for the group’s sustainability activities at its more than 50 textile trade shows worldwide. New energy elements, such as battery and hydrogen, will appear at the Innovation Showcase Area, on top of other interactive fringe events which centre around sustainability.

With environmental protection as one of the top sourcing categories at the previous edition, products with medical, home, protection, and building applications rounded out the top five. By product group, in-demand sourcing categories included nonwovens; technology and accessories; woven fabrics, laid webs, knitted fabrics, braidings; composites; as well as coated textiles and bondtec. The show saw 15,542 visits from 52 countries and regions last year.

Catering to various key players in 2023, the well-known Groz-Beckert East Asia brought their latest innovative needling tools for the nonwovens sector. Speaking at the show, Mr Kabilen Sornum, Vice President Asia Pacific of Marketing & E-Commerce, commented: “While we are focusing on the China market, we have also seen buyers from the Middle East, Europe, Korea, and North Asia. Cinte Techtextil China is a more international fair – we can see that everyone is here, and the quality and innovation of buyers has improved greatly in the past three to four years. E-mobility and sustainability are two very clear trends.”
The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

KM.ON: AI-based QMS for warp knitting machines (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KM.ON: AI-based QMS for warp knitting machines

KM.ON launches its new Quality Monitoring System (QMS) for the retrofit market at ITM from June 4 to 8 in Istanbul, presenting a solution for quality management on warp knitting machines.
For its performance in defect detection, the QMS uses the advances of our time: a camera system that captures images of the production process, and a specialized artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the images. Particularly in terms of handling, reliability and precision of defect detection, the QMS from KM.ON offers advantages over conventional systems that do not rely on AI analysis.

The QMS is designed for easy setup and can be operated without prior expertise. If a defect causes the machine to come to a standstill, the operator is informed immediately via a user-friendly interface. The immediate warning enables rapid intervention and therefore less downtime and more productivity.

KM.ON launches its new Quality Monitoring System (QMS) for the retrofit market at ITM from June 4 to 8 in Istanbul, presenting a solution for quality management on warp knitting machines.
For its performance in defect detection, the QMS uses the advances of our time: a camera system that captures images of the production process, and a specialized artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the images. Particularly in terms of handling, reliability and precision of defect detection, the QMS from KM.ON offers advantages over conventional systems that do not rely on AI analysis.

The QMS is designed for easy setup and can be operated without prior expertise. If a defect causes the machine to come to a standstill, the operator is informed immediately via a user-friendly interface. The immediate warning enables rapid intervention and therefore less downtime and more productivity.

Thanks to its conceptual design, the QMS only stops production when actual defects are detected. Unnecessary interruptions caused by external disruptive factors, such as changing light conditions, are avoided. This precision prevents productivity losses and helps to ensure continuous operation. Costs due to unnecessary machine downtime are avoided.

Unlike conventional camera systems, the QMS detects even the most complex defects and triggers an immediate machine stop. This minimizes material waste. During operation, the AI-controlled system learns from the data to enhance its detection accuracy, thereby reducing the reject rate and costs. The QMS also adapts to evolving production environments to ensure consistently high efficiency.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG


Wünsche Group: Shipping Visibility Enhancements with TradeBeyond’s platform

Wünsche Group, a global trading company, has announced enhancements to its supply chain operations through its ongoing partnership with TradeBeyond and adoption of the platform’s shipping visibility features. Before integrating TradeBeyond’s multi-enterprise supply chain platform in 2019, Wünsche Group faced challenges managing its complex supply chain, which spans more than 15 trading companies worldwide.

Building on its initial implementation, Wünsche is now deriving more value from TradeBeyond by implementing the platform’s advanced shipping visibility functionalities. Integrated with leading shipping information company Vizion, these enhancements offer comprehensive, real-time tracking of shipments from departure to arrival, covering all intermediary handling stages.

Wünsche Group, a global trading company, has announced enhancements to its supply chain operations through its ongoing partnership with TradeBeyond and adoption of the platform’s shipping visibility features. Before integrating TradeBeyond’s multi-enterprise supply chain platform in 2019, Wünsche Group faced challenges managing its complex supply chain, which spans more than 15 trading companies worldwide.

Building on its initial implementation, Wünsche is now deriving more value from TradeBeyond by implementing the platform’s advanced shipping visibility functionalities. Integrated with leading shipping information company Vizion, these enhancements offer comprehensive, real-time tracking of shipments from departure to arrival, covering all intermediary handling stages.

With shipment updates now available within dashboard views on TradeBeyond platform, all departments have access to the latest ETA updates, enabling them to adjust their strategies and activities based on real-time information. TradeBeyond’s shipping visibility enhancements allow the company to better manage delays by providing timely updates and enabling proactive management of transit times. The platform also streamlines communication across internal departments and with external partners, reducing the need for manual updates and check-ins.




BVMed begrüßt Scholz/Macron-Initiative

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat die Initiative von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und Präsident Emmanuel Macron begrüßt, den EU-Haushalt neu auszurichten und „mehr für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ihrer Industrie“ zu tun. Dafür soll Bürokratie ab- und Schlüsseltechnologien ausgebaut werden. „Die MedTech-Branche ist in Europa eine Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft, die auch noch entscheidend für die Gesundheit und Lebensqualität der Menschen ist. Wir können gerade hier die Chancen noch besser nutzen, bessere Anreize für Innovationen setzen und unnötige Bürokratie abbauen. Wir müssen mit einem ‚Industrial Deal‘ einen besseren Interessensausgleich mit wirtschaftspolitischen Belangen erreichen und Europa wieder wettbewerbsfähiger machen“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat die Initiative von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und Präsident Emmanuel Macron begrüßt, den EU-Haushalt neu auszurichten und „mehr für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ihrer Industrie“ zu tun. Dafür soll Bürokratie ab- und Schlüsseltechnologien ausgebaut werden. „Die MedTech-Branche ist in Europa eine Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft, die auch noch entscheidend für die Gesundheit und Lebensqualität der Menschen ist. Wir können gerade hier die Chancen noch besser nutzen, bessere Anreize für Innovationen setzen und unnötige Bürokratie abbauen. Wir müssen mit einem ‚Industrial Deal‘ einen besseren Interessensausgleich mit wirtschaftspolitischen Belangen erreichen und Europa wieder wettbewerbsfähiger machen“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

  • Der europäische Markt für Medizintechnik beträgt insgesamt rund 160 Milliarden Euro. Das sind über ein Viertel des Weltmarkts. Europa ist damit nach den USA der zweitgrößte MedTech-Markt der Welt.
  • Die 35.000 europäischen MedTech-Unternehmen investieren viel in die Verbesserung und Entwicklung bahnbrechender Technologien zum Wohle der Patienten und beschäftigen 865.000 Menschen in Europa.
  • 92 Prozent der Unternehmen sind kleine und mittelständische Betriebe (KMU).

Insbesondere hilft die Medizintechnik den Patient:innen und unterstützt die Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe mit innovativen Lösungen. Sie sorgt dafür, dass immer mehr Menschen besser und gesünder länger leben.

„Aber: Europa verliert bei dieser wichtigen Schlüsselindustrie durch die überbürokratische und nicht praxistaugliche europäische Medizinprodukte-Verordnung, kurz MDR, den Anschluss“, warnt Möll. Unternehmen bevorzugen mittlerweile die Markteinführung von Innovationen in den USA.

  • Nach einer Analyse der Boston Consulting Group (BCG) priorisieren mittlerweile 89 Prozent der Unternehmen eine FDA-Zulassung.
  • Auch die BVMed-Herbstumfrage 2023 zeigt: Die Zeiten, in denen das europäische Regulierungssystem für Medizinprodukte dem US-amerikanischen FDA-System überlegen war, sind lange vorbei. 53 Prozent der BVMed-Mitgliedsunternehmen präferieren das FDA-System, nur 12 Prozent das MDR-System der EU. 35 Prozent haben keine Präferenz.

In seinem MDR-Whitepaper fordert der BVMed daher unter anderem die Abschaffung der fünfjährigen Re-Zertifizierungs-Pflicht, die Einführung eines Fast-Track-Verfahrens für innovative Produkte, Orphan Devices und Nischenprodukte, die Steigerung der Effizienz, der Transparenz und der Berechenbarkeit des MDR-Systems sowie die Zusammenführung der Verantwortung im System über eine zu schaffende Governance-Struktur.

Der BVMed fordert in seinem Positionspapier zur Europawahl am 9. Juni 2024 zudem einen eigenen Gesundheitsausschuss im Europäischen Parlament, um den gestiegenen Stellenwert der Gesundheitsthemen abzubilden. Unter dem Titel „Medizintechnik-Standort Europa stärken“ ist es für den deutschen Medizintechnik-Verband besonders wichtig, die Resilienz des Gesundheitssystems zu stärken und damit die medizinische Versorgung krisenfest zu gestalten.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Neuer Monna Lisa ML-13000 Drucker braucht keine Geräte für Vor- und Nachbehandlung, Dämpfen und Waschen. Foto Epson
Neuer Monna Lisa ML-13000 Drucker braucht keine Geräte für Vor- und Nachbehandlung, Dämpfen und Waschen.

drupa 2024: Neuester Epson DTG-Textildrucker mit Pigmenttinte

Epson präsentiert auf der drupa in Düsseldorf den neuen industriellen Textildrucker Monna Lisa ML-13000, einen digitalen Textildirektdrucker (DTG – Direct-to-Garment), der mit seiner kompakten Standfläche, vielfältigen Funktionen und haltbaren Pigmenttinten den Aufbau einer effizienten Inline-Druckproduktion ermöglicht.

Der ML-13000 ist ein Direct-to-Garment-Textildrucker, der keine zusätzlichen Accessoires für die Vor- und Nachbehandlung, das Dämpfen oder Waschen der textilen Materialien benötigt. Er besitzt neben seinen sieben Druckfarben zusätzlich noch drei Chemikalien, die für eine Bearbeitung (Vorbehandlung, Überlackierung und Dichteverstärker) des Stoffes genutzt werden. Dies ermöglicht die Integration der Vor- und Nachbehandlung hin zu einem einzigen Produktionsschritt. Damit besitzt der ML-13000 gegenüber anderen Textildruckern, bei denen separate Prozesse erforderlich sind, ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

Epson präsentiert auf der drupa in Düsseldorf den neuen industriellen Textildrucker Monna Lisa ML-13000, einen digitalen Textildirektdrucker (DTG – Direct-to-Garment), der mit seiner kompakten Standfläche, vielfältigen Funktionen und haltbaren Pigmenttinten den Aufbau einer effizienten Inline-Druckproduktion ermöglicht.

Der ML-13000 ist ein Direct-to-Garment-Textildrucker, der keine zusätzlichen Accessoires für die Vor- und Nachbehandlung, das Dämpfen oder Waschen der textilen Materialien benötigt. Er besitzt neben seinen sieben Druckfarben zusätzlich noch drei Chemikalien, die für eine Bearbeitung (Vorbehandlung, Überlackierung und Dichteverstärker) des Stoffes genutzt werden. Dies ermöglicht die Integration der Vor- und Nachbehandlung hin zu einem einzigen Produktionsschritt. Damit besitzt der ML-13000 gegenüber anderen Textildruckern, bei denen separate Prozesse erforderlich sind, ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

Die Mittel zur Vor- und Nachbehandlung werden dabei nur auf der bedruckten Fläche verwendet (Punkt zu Punkt), sodass die Drucke auch die Textur des Stoffes betonen können. Der ML-13000 benötigt im Vergleich zu existierenden Textildruckern gleicher Produktionskapazität eine spürbar geringere Standfläche, sodass er auch in beengteren Arbeitsumgebungen installiert werden kann.

Mit dem ML-13000 würde der Wasserverbrauch im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Verfahren um bis zu 97 Prozent gesenkt, da bei ihm die Vor- und Nachbehandlungsprozesse entfallen. Schätzungen zufolge enden 35 Prozent aller Materialien in der Textil-Lieferkette als Abfall. Der digitale On-Demand-Textildruck ermöglicht es, exakt die benötigten Stückzahlen zu drucken und so den Überschuss zu reduzieren. Die ML-13000-Pigmenttinten sowie die Chemikalien für die Vor- und Nachbehandlung erfüllen verschiedene Umweltstandards und sind zertifiziert durch ECO PASSPORT, bluesign®, ZDHC MRSL Conformance Level 3 sowie GOTS-zertifiziert durch ECOCERT.



Photo: Active Apparel Group

Active Apparel Group Commits to Decarbonization Program

Manufacturer of activewear and swimwear, Active Apparel Group (AAG), has committed to a structured approach in reducing its environmental impact across its global operations through an Environmental Management System (EMS). The EMS, built using the ISO14001 Standard Framework, incorporates key environmental policy commitments and has set targets and strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations across China, Australia and USA.

Through a third-party audit of its greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), AAG has identified the following areas of focus to reduce impacts:

Manufacturer of activewear and swimwear, Active Apparel Group (AAG), has committed to a structured approach in reducing its environmental impact across its global operations through an Environmental Management System (EMS). The EMS, built using the ISO14001 Standard Framework, incorporates key environmental policy commitments and has set targets and strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations across China, Australia and USA.

Through a third-party audit of its greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), AAG has identified the following areas of focus to reduce impacts:

  • Reduction in Scope 1 energy use
  • Reduction in air freight
  • Reduction in water usage across the business
  • Ongoing collection and management of production waste
  • Increased use of sustainable materials
  • Continued collection of GHG data for ongoing improvement

AAG’s EMS is designed to be embedded within the operations of the business, with functional ownership of targets established and education of the team prioritized, to deliver results on reducing environmental impact. Quarterly reporting of its progress is communicated to stakeholders and reviewed by the company’s Board of Directors.

The EMS is part of AAG’s ongoing Responsible Business Strategy - a company-wide commitment to driving continuous improvement across the areas of Governance, Social and Environmental impact. Other initiatives include Living Wage Audit by Bureau Veritas (AAG pays 100% Living Wage); Materiality Assessment; Supply Chain Traceability Project; Circularity and Waste Management along with annual third-party audits - SMETA, Gold WRAP, Supplier Qualification Program and its Modern Slavery Statement.


Active Apparel Group


Mahlo at ITM

Mahlo will be showcasing its comprehensive portfolio of solutions with its partner Masters Limited at the upcoming ITM trade show, scheduled from 4th to 8th June in Istanbul.

The Turkish textile industry continues to experience growth and innovation, making events like ITM crucial for industry players to connect and explore advancements. Fabric distortion remains a common challenge in textile production, impacting product quality and efficiency. Additionally, sustainability and resource optimization are increasingly vital considerations for manufacturers aiming to maintain profitability.

Mahlo will be showcasing its comprehensive portfolio of solutions with its partner Masters Limited at the upcoming ITM trade show, scheduled from 4th to 8th June in Istanbul.

The Turkish textile industry continues to experience growth and innovation, making events like ITM crucial for industry players to connect and explore advancements. Fabric distortion remains a common challenge in textile production, impacting product quality and efficiency. Additionally, sustainability and resource optimization are increasingly vital considerations for manufacturers aiming to maintain profitability.

Mahlo offers a range of solutions tailored to different textile structures, from heavy carpets to delicate fabrics. The company's products encompass everything from distortion detection sensors to fully automated straightening systems, customizable to individual production requirements. Moreover, Mahlo's latest generation of straighteners, sensors, and control loops are equipped for Industry 4.0 integration, enabling remote access and real-time monitoring for enhanced efficiency and productivity.
As the textile industry continues to evolve, Mahlo remains at the forefront, providing innovative solutions to meet the changing demands of modern production.


Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG



SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will participate in the ITM 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition in Istanbul, Türkiye from 4th to 8th June 2024 with a full product lineup.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will participate in the ITM 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition in Istanbul, Türkiye from 4th to 8th June 2024 with a full product lineup.

WHOLEGARMENT® knitting has recently gained heavy interest from the apparel industry due to the shrinking workforce of skilled sewing and linking personnel, as well as for its sustainable benefits by requiring the minimum amount of material to produce one item at a time. SHIMA SEIKI intends to gain even more interest with its new SWG-XR® flagship machine. SWG-XR® features the company's original SlideNeedle™on 4 needle beds for high quality production of WHOLEGARMENT® products using all needles, in addition to a re-designed sinker system and a compact, light-weight carriage featuring 4 systems as well as auto yarn carriers. All contribute to increased productivity as well as increased product range using a wider variety of yarn for supporting knits for all seasons, and higher quality for knitting beautiful fabrics and silhouettes; even items that were impossible to knit before, including punch-lace patterns, variable stitch knitting and intarsia knitting. Setting new standards for the next generation of waste-free, sustainable WHOLEGARMENT® knitting, SWG-XR® at ITM will be shown in 15L. The MACH2®XS WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine, also with original SlideNeedle™ on four needle beds, will be shown in 8L. Other WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machines include the MACH2®VS V-bed machine for producing WHOLEGARMENT® items using every other needle, shown in 8 and 18 gauges, as well as the compact SWG®091N2 for producing smaller WHOLEGARMENT® items and accessories, to be shown in 10 gauge. An economical proposal in V-bed WHOLEGARMENT® knitting will also be introduced in the form of the N.SVR®183 machine in 24 gauge.

SHIMA SEIKI’s technology in computerized shaped knitting is represented by its N.SVR®122 computerized flat knitting machine in 14 gauge, and features such innovations as the R2CARRIAGE®, WideGauge® knitting, spring-type moveable sinkers, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb. Also on display will be the SCG®122SN coarse gauge machine in 3 gauge. Automatic seamless glove knitting machines will also be present, including the SFG®20 21-gauge machine, and SFG®-I in 10 gauge.

On the software side, demonstrations will be performed on SHIMA SEIKI’s SDS®-ONE APEX4 design system and APEXFiz® subscription-based design software. Each provides comprehensive support throughout the production supply chain, integrating production into one smooth and efficient workflow from yarn development, product planning and design, to production and even sales promotion. Especially effective is the way the design evaluation process is improved with ultra-realistic simulation capability, whereby virtual samples replace physical sampling, consequently reducing time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. Digital prototyping using virtual samples on SDS®-ONE APEX4 and APEXFiz® help to digitally transform the fashion supply chain for realizing sustainable manufacturing. SHIMA KnitManager™ knit production management software will also be shown to demonstrate solutions for maximizing productivity through monitoring of machine status and production progress.



Source Fashion targets new sourcing regions (c) Source Fashion by Hyve Group

Source Fashion targets new sourcing regions

Source Fashion, which takes place at Olympia London from 14th - 16th July 2024, continues to grow its presence of international exhibitors from new sourcing regions, including representation from southeast Asia and Africa.

The first Malaysian manufacturer to be represented at the trade fair is Kualesa Apparel. Kualesa started as a small seed of an idea, with a big ambition and an even bigger purpose. The brand has evolved from a simple set of values to a producer of great-looking and comfortable bamboo apparel that’s challenging fast fashion. Kualesa offer flexible MOQ’s ranging from 250 pieces to high production capacity of 50,000 pieces a month.

Fairs and More Inc from the Philippines returns to the show for a third time, bringing a pavilion of Filipino manufacturers and makers.

The show also welcomes its first ever Nigerian manufacturer, Beyond Clothing. Beyond Clothing is a garment factory, that specialises in crafting premium custom clothing, branded uniforms, corporate uniforms, and sublimated t-shirts. The range also includes promotional apparel, workwear, and PPE personal protective apparel for hospitals.

Source Fashion, which takes place at Olympia London from 14th - 16th July 2024, continues to grow its presence of international exhibitors from new sourcing regions, including representation from southeast Asia and Africa.

The first Malaysian manufacturer to be represented at the trade fair is Kualesa Apparel. Kualesa started as a small seed of an idea, with a big ambition and an even bigger purpose. The brand has evolved from a simple set of values to a producer of great-looking and comfortable bamboo apparel that’s challenging fast fashion. Kualesa offer flexible MOQ’s ranging from 250 pieces to high production capacity of 50,000 pieces a month.

Fairs and More Inc from the Philippines returns to the show for a third time, bringing a pavilion of Filipino manufacturers and makers.

The show also welcomes its first ever Nigerian manufacturer, Beyond Clothing. Beyond Clothing is a garment factory, that specialises in crafting premium custom clothing, branded uniforms, corporate uniforms, and sublimated t-shirts. The range also includes promotional apparel, workwear, and PPE personal protective apparel for hospitals.

Returning to Source Fashion, Texpro Corp (a branch of Kassab Group) from Tunisia has grown rapidly to become a fully integrated apparel manufacturer certified with GOTS, BSCI, BCI, and OCS covering the complete production cycle focusing on sustainability through the process from fabrics to manufacturing, washing and dying. The company specialises in denim and flat garment manufacturing and the product portfolio includes casual dresses, shirts, jackets, pants and coats for men, women and kids. Texpro Corp are increasingly partnering with customers to ensure high consistent quality on the products and invest in innovation to help improve the environmental impact by consistently delivering responsibly produced products.

Visitors will also discover International Trade Center (ITC), who is returning with a pavilion that includes a debut area for Ghanian producers. With manufacturing in Ethiopia, Shints Co Ltd. is a global producer of high-performance outdoor clothing and camping equipment.

A strong contingency from Europe includes over 25 UK exhibitors, representation from France, Italy and Spain, and a selection of Portuguese exhibitors including Ttantos Textiles, FLM Textil, SMSenra and Lagofra.

Nearly 30 countries, including Peru, Cambodia, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Italy, and Greece will be represented. Large pavilions from China, India and Turkey have also been confirmed, as well as Tanzania, Madagascar and Nepal.

More information:
Source Fashion Asia Africa

Source Fashion by Hyve Group


adidas Originals and 100 Thieves launch Collection

adidas Originals and gaming lifestyle brand 100 Thieves present their inaugural collaborative collection.

Founded in 2017 by gaming icon Matthew "Nadeshot” Haag, 100 Thieves has established itself as the premium lifestyle brand for the gaming generation, with a mission to be the epicenter of gaming-culture and to give every gamer something to be proud of. 100 Thieves, fronted by digital creators Nadeshot, Valkyrae, and CouRageJD, is built on three pillars: championship esports, entertainment, and apparel.

The first ever collaborative collection between the Trefoil and 100 Thieves consists of apparel, footwear, and accessories. The apparel selection features the previously announced competition jersey – with sponsor logos removed – in men’s and women’s sizing, as well as 100 Thieves’ take on the classic adidas track-suit presented as a matching half-zip track top and track pants in brushed cotton-terry. Rounding out the selection of apparel and accessories are a classic white tee with embroidered logo, a 3-pack of socks in 100 Thieves colors, and a co-branded towel.

adidas Originals and gaming lifestyle brand 100 Thieves present their inaugural collaborative collection.

Founded in 2017 by gaming icon Matthew "Nadeshot” Haag, 100 Thieves has established itself as the premium lifestyle brand for the gaming generation, with a mission to be the epicenter of gaming-culture and to give every gamer something to be proud of. 100 Thieves, fronted by digital creators Nadeshot, Valkyrae, and CouRageJD, is built on three pillars: championship esports, entertainment, and apparel.

The first ever collaborative collection between the Trefoil and 100 Thieves consists of apparel, footwear, and accessories. The apparel selection features the previously announced competition jersey – with sponsor logos removed – in men’s and women’s sizing, as well as 100 Thieves’ take on the classic adidas track-suit presented as a matching half-zip track top and track pants in brushed cotton-terry. Rounding out the selection of apparel and accessories are a classic white tee with embroidered logo, a 3-pack of socks in 100 Thieves colors, and a co-branded towel.

More information:
adidas Originals adidas 100 Thieves

adidas AG

Trützschler service goes digital (c) Trützschler Group SE

Trützschler service goes digital

Every day, technical service experts from Trützschler visit customers around the globe. Now the company adds another location to their list: the virtual space, called Digital Start-Up. Digital Start-Up is a special service that helps customers get maximum value from Trützschler’s digital solutions. From personalized configurations through to analyzing data and optimizing production processes in real time, Digital Start-Up supports yarn production processes.

Digital Start-Up offers:

  • Guided onboarding for all-in-one platform My Trützschler including My Mill, Training, Shop and more.
  • On-site training for all machines and services.
  • Digital audits that combine online and on-site guidance, training and troubleshooting

The My Trützschler platform provides access to the digital Trützschler world, with insights from digital services including My Mill Training, Shop and My Wires. The My Identity tool ensures safe access on any device, anywhere – and it saves time with single sign-on authentication.

Every day, technical service experts from Trützschler visit customers around the globe. Now the company adds another location to their list: the virtual space, called Digital Start-Up. Digital Start-Up is a special service that helps customers get maximum value from Trützschler’s digital solutions. From personalized configurations through to analyzing data and optimizing production processes in real time, Digital Start-Up supports yarn production processes.

Digital Start-Up offers:

  • Guided onboarding for all-in-one platform My Trützschler including My Mill, Training, Shop and more.
  • On-site training for all machines and services.
  • Digital audits that combine online and on-site guidance, training and troubleshooting

The My Trützschler platform provides access to the digital Trützschler world, with insights from digital services including My Mill Training, Shop and My Wires. The My Identity tool ensures safe access on any device, anywhere – and it saves time with single sign-on authentication.


Trützschler Group SE


In-store Asia 2024 for the 15th time in Mumbai

In-store Asia, a trade fair for retail resources and investments in store design, visual merchandising and in-store marketing on the Indian subcontinent will again be held in Mumbai from 13 to 15 June 2024. Over the course of the 15 years of its existence it has become established as the biggest get-together of retail decision-makers in India. Here, over 4,500 players from retail, consulting and services, manufacturers as well as retail solution providers come together.

Visitors to In-store Asia have the opportunity to discover a wide variety of exhibitors showcasing their products and solutions for the retail sectors including:

In-store Asia, a trade fair for retail resources and investments in store design, visual merchandising and in-store marketing on the Indian subcontinent will again be held in Mumbai from 13 to 15 June 2024. Over the course of the 15 years of its existence it has become established as the biggest get-together of retail decision-makers in India. Here, over 4,500 players from retail, consulting and services, manufacturers as well as retail solution providers come together.

Visitors to In-store Asia have the opportunity to discover a wide variety of exhibitors showcasing their products and solutions for the retail sectors including:

  • Point-of-Purchase (POP) displays and interactive flatscreens
  • Visual Merchandising (VM) and store fittings
  • Signage and graphic design solutions
  • Retail technologies for improving customer retention
  • Tailor-made store design services
  • Start-up initiatives for the retail sector

The 2-day conference at In-store Asia provides a platform for discussions about current retail trends in India and the world over. More than 40 key speakers from India and abroad will share their forecasts, latest trends and use cases on the topics of retail markets, retail experience design, sustainability, visual merchandising, retail technology and store fitting under the inspiring motto “Connected, Collaborative, Conscious”.

Highlights at the trade fair amongst others include the VM&RD Retail Design Awards and the VM Challenge, two events that honour special achievements and innovations in visual merchandising and store fitting. The VM&RD Retail Design Awards acknowledge outstanding store fitting projects in a total of 24 categories. The VM Challenge is a unique live window display contest for the visual merchandising community where six teams compete to dress a window on a given theme.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Project kick-off Photo Euratex

New Project to promote Social Partnerships in the European Textiles and Clothing Industry

Supported by the European Commission, EURATEX and industriAll Europe have launched Stitch Together: a new Europe-wide two-year project to promote social partnerships in the European textiles and clothing Industry.

Stitch Together recognises the industry's need to adapt to global competition, eco-friendly practices, and technological advancements, while ensuring decent working conditions and quality social dialogue. The project will foster constructive dialogue between employer and trade unions in seven countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Türkiye. Through seminars and capacity-building workshops, the project aims to enhance the capacity of social partners and empower them to engage in national and European-level social dialogues. Furthermore, the project seeks to increase social partner involvement in EU policy-making contributing to the development of sustainable and circular practices in the industry.

Supported by the European Commission, EURATEX and industriAll Europe have launched Stitch Together: a new Europe-wide two-year project to promote social partnerships in the European textiles and clothing Industry.

Stitch Together recognises the industry's need to adapt to global competition, eco-friendly practices, and technological advancements, while ensuring decent working conditions and quality social dialogue. The project will foster constructive dialogue between employer and trade unions in seven countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Türkiye. Through seminars and capacity-building workshops, the project aims to enhance the capacity of social partners and empower them to engage in national and European-level social dialogues. Furthermore, the project seeks to increase social partner involvement in EU policy-making contributing to the development of sustainable and circular practices in the industry.




Polartec launches ‘Beyond Begins Today’ Series

Polartec, a Milliken & Company brand and the premium creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions, unveils the first of three short films which comprise the company’s multifaceted Beyond Begins Today campaign. Featuring Eva Karlsson (CEO, Houdini), Chris Parkes (Natural World Photographer), and Karen Beattie (Director of Product Management, Polartec), the first chapter explores our Planet and the intrinsic value of our natural world.

As a global initiative through which Polartec aims to raise awareness and unity around important universal themes including sustainability, diversity and positive change, Beyond Begins Today leverages static and multimedia content published on multiple touchpoints and channels throughout the year. Chapter 1: the Planet, is the first of three chapters with the second and third chapters dedicated to Product and People respectively.

Polartec, a Milliken & Company brand and the premium creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions, unveils the first of three short films which comprise the company’s multifaceted Beyond Begins Today campaign. Featuring Eva Karlsson (CEO, Houdini), Chris Parkes (Natural World Photographer), and Karen Beattie (Director of Product Management, Polartec), the first chapter explores our Planet and the intrinsic value of our natural world.

As a global initiative through which Polartec aims to raise awareness and unity around important universal themes including sustainability, diversity and positive change, Beyond Begins Today leverages static and multimedia content published on multiple touchpoints and channels throughout the year. Chapter 1: the Planet, is the first of three chapters with the second and third chapters dedicated to Product and People respectively.

More information:
Polartec Beyond Begins Today Films
