From the Sector

948 results
Turkish textile manufacturers wait for ITM 2021 Exhibition (c) ITM

Turkish textile manufacturers wait for ITM 2021 Exhibition to expand their investments

The Turkish textile industry, which continues its exports and investments without slowing down despite the devastating pandemic, once again proved its strength, especially in this period. ITM 2021 Exhibition, which will be held in Istanbul between 22 and 26 June 2021, will provide a great advantage to companies that desire to expand their investments and introduce their brand new technologies.

The Turkish textile industry, which continues its exports and investments without slowing down despite the devastating pandemic, once again proved its strength, especially in this period. ITM 2021 Exhibition, which will be held in Istanbul between 22 and 26 June 2021, will provide a great advantage to companies that desire to expand their investments and introduce their brand new technologies.

Although there were slowdowns in the textile industry in April and May this year due to the troublesome coronavirus pandemic , the Turkish textile industry succeeded a big breakthrough with the removal of restrictions in June, thanks to both its textile production infrastructure and international exports capacity. The exports of the textile and raw materials sector increased and the companies turned to new investments. While many local companies enlarged their facilities, some of them made new investment decisions. For example, while a giant hygienic and medical fabric production facility was invested in Çorlu, another Turkish company, a global brand in textile machinery production, decided to invest 40 million Turkish Lira. Gaziantep-based spunbond and meltblown nonwoven manufacturer company added two new meltblown lines to its operations. Another company also began to invest in the production of raw materials that they import. This investment activity in Turkey, where is a manufacturing base of European customers whet the appetite of international investors. One of South Korea's largest conglomerates has rolled up its sleeves for an investment of 430 million US Dollars in Çerkezköy. Due to the investments, the purchase of textile machinery increased by 37.1 percent in the first nine months of 2020 amounting to over 1 billion US Dollars.

The Accurate Address for Investment Decisions: ITM 2021 Exhibition
Although the companies took advantage of the pandemic period as an opportunity and continued their investments, many of them are waiting for the ITM 2021 Exhibition for large machinery purchases. ITM 2021 Exhibition, which will be held between 22 and 26 June 2021 at Istanbul Tüyap Fair and Congress Center, will gather thousands of participating companies and visitors under one roof. The company officials, who will have the opportunity to observe the latest technological products to be exhibited by the international and domestic exhibitors, will direct their investments by meeting with the experts of the sector. The machines produced for technical textiles, which became even more important during the devastating pandemic period, will attract the attention of visitors. Thanks to the machinery purchases and business partnerships of both domestic and international companies, there will be great dynamism in the textile industry and the national economy.



(c) Zuse-Gemeinschaft

Zuse-Gemeinschaft noch stärker machen

  • Industrieforschungsverbund weiter gewachsen
  • Appell an die Politik
  • Im Präsidium der Zuse-Gemeinschaft zwei neue Gesichter

„Wir wachsen weiter und stellen uns den Herausforderungen in Forschung, Industrie und Politik mit neuem Elan.“ Das hat der Präsident der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, Prof. Martin Bastian, bei der Mitgliederversammlung des Verbundes am 9. Dezember 2020 in Berlin erklärt, die als Hybrid-Format bei der Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik (GFaI) stattfand. Es war die erste virtuelle Mitgliederversammlung des jungen Verbundes seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2015.

  • Industrieforschungsverbund weiter gewachsen
  • Appell an die Politik
  • Im Präsidium der Zuse-Gemeinschaft zwei neue Gesichter

„Wir wachsen weiter und stellen uns den Herausforderungen in Forschung, Industrie und Politik mit neuem Elan.“ Das hat der Präsident der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, Prof. Martin Bastian, bei der Mitgliederversammlung des Verbundes am 9. Dezember 2020 in Berlin erklärt, die als Hybrid-Format bei der Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik (GFaI) stattfand. Es war die erste virtuelle Mitgliederversammlung des jungen Verbundes seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2015.

Auch inhaltlich beschäftigte die Pandemie die Mitglieder. Mit einer Aufstockung für die Industrieforschung im Etat des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums wurden im Bundeshaushalt 2020 zusätzliche Mittel bereitgestellt, welche die Parlamentarier vor allem für die gemeinnützige, privatwirtschaftlich organisierte Industrieforschung vorsahen. „Auch die im Haushalt für das kommende Jahr dafür vorgesehenen Mittel werden dringend benötigt“, betonte Bastian in seiner Video-Ansprache. Der Präsident der Zuse-Gemeinschaft weiter: „Der Einsatz für die Hilfen im Zuge des Corona-Konjunkturpakets hat für uns verstärkt und z.T. schmerzhaft deutlich gemacht: Wir benötigen einen eigenen Haushaltstitel für die gemeinnützige Industrieforschung, damit staatliche Förderung des Bundes für Innovationen zielgenau die anwendungsnahe Forschung erreicht.“ Hier gebe es für die Zuse-Gemeinschaft noch viel zu tun. Bastian will die Belange der Zuse-Gemeinschaft daher künftig noch stärker wahrgenommen wissen. „Mit ihren inhaltlichen und thematischen Schwerpunkten sind unsere Mitglieder für künftige Aufgaben in Forschung und Industrie hervorragend aufgestellt, um gemeinsam mit Partnern markttaugliche, nachhaltige Neuerungen hervorzubringen. Sie verdienen Unterstützung“, unterstrich Bastian.

Die Zuse-Gemeinschaft als Verbund von aktuell 76 Industrieforschungseinrichtungen ist 2020 weiter gewachsen und hat sich mit dem Transfer von Technologie und Wissen in die Wirtschaft einen Namen gemacht. Erfolgreicher Forschungstransfer zeigt sich an Instituten der Zuse-Gemeinschaft auch in zahlreichen Ausgründungen. Eine solche Ausgründung hat dazu geführt, dass Gründungspräsident Dr. Ralf-Uwe Bauer sich voll auf dieses Unternehmen, die Smart Advanced Systems GmbH, konzentriert und daher aus dem Präsidium der Zuse-Gemeinschaft ausgeschieden ist. Ebenfalls nicht mehr dem Präsidium gehört Dr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bolle an. Er ist als geschäftsführender Gesellschafter zur 1979 gegründeten GFI Umwelt Gesellschaft für Infrastruktur und Umwelt mbH in Bonn gewechselt.

Die Mitgliederversammlung wählte Dr. Bayram Aslan* und Prof. Dr. Jens Schrader* neu ins Präsidium. Sie komplettieren das im Oktober 2019 für einen Vierjahreszeitraum neu gewählte Präsidium mit seinen insgesamt sieben Mitgliedern.


*Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.

Advanced Monforts automation is the key for Hamle (c) Monforts

Advanced Monforts automation is the key for Hamle

  • Leading Turkish textile printing company Hamle has installed a new Monforts Thermex dyeing range as part of its ongoing strategy of continuous investment.

“Investment in new technology and capacity expansions are very important to us, in order to stay ahead in terms of sustainable, high quality production,” says general manager Gürkan Uzuner. “We carefully assess the benefits of each advanced new technology in order to thrive in a sector that is constantly changing.

“The Zara Group is a major European customer for us, along with well-known Turkish brands such as LCW and De-Facto, and it’s no accident that Çorlu, due to its proximity to Istanbul and the ease of supplying to Europe, has become the epicentre of Turkish textile production. The quality of textiles coming from the region is now very well proven.”


  • Leading Turkish textile printing company Hamle has installed a new Monforts Thermex dyeing range as part of its ongoing strategy of continuous investment.

“Investment in new technology and capacity expansions are very important to us, in order to stay ahead in terms of sustainable, high quality production,” says general manager Gürkan Uzuner. “We carefully assess the benefits of each advanced new technology in order to thrive in a sector that is constantly changing.

“The Zara Group is a major European customer for us, along with well-known Turkish brands such as LCW and De-Facto, and it’s no accident that Çorlu, due to its proximity to Istanbul and the ease of supplying to Europe, has become the epicentre of Turkish textile production. The quality of textiles coming from the region is now very well proven.”


Hamle’s plant in Çorlu already houses a Monforts ten-chamber Montex stenter and two Monforts sanforizing ranges on which the company carries out an extensive range of finishing processes. The new Thermex range further integrates a number of processes on technology all from a single supplier. The Thermex universal hotflue for continuous dyeing, condensing and thermosoling achieves unrivalled reliability even at maximum fabric speeds, for exceptional cost-effectiveness when dyeing both large and small batches of woven fabrics. The new range installed for Hamle benefits from the Econtrol® process* for reactive dyestuffs. This is quick and economical one-pass pad-dry and wash off process, with drying in the hot flue at 120-130°C and controlled humidity (25-30% by volume) to obtain fixation in 2-3 minutes.
Econtrol® ensures excellent reproducibility of all colours, improved dye penetration on difficult fabrics and no risk of the browning of cotton or other cellulose fibres due to the low fixation temperature.

As such, it is the ideal process for fast change technology and operational savings. “The new Thermex range has some very advanced automation features which ensure our machine operators have full control over the entire system,” Mr Uzuner concludes. “ As the Monforts representative in Turkey, Neotek has been our solution partner in the installation and commissioning and has been with us every step of the way.
* Econtrol® is a registered mark of DyStar Colours Distribution GmbH, Germany.



AWOL Media for Monforts

futureTEX-GESICHTER: Dr. Hagen Hohmuth (c) Tenowo GmbH
Dr. Hagen Hohmuth, Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung bei der Tenowo GmbH

futureTEX-GESICHTER: Dr. Hagen Hohmuth

  • Nachhaltigkeit Technischer Textilien – Von rezyklierten Carbonfasern und faserschonender Verarbeitung im Projekt futureTEX
  • Dr. Hagen Hohmuth, Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung bei der Tenowo GmbH, im Interview mit Diana Walther und Dr. Ina Meinelt von der P3N MARKETING GMBH

Nicht nur der Name veränderte sich im Laufe der Jahre – auch die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der Produktpalette durch eigene Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten stellt als entscheidender Wachstumstreiber den langfristigen Erfolg der Tenowo GmbH sicher. Das ursprünglich auf gewebte Einlagen und Taschenfutterstoffe sowie Vliesstoffe für die Bekleidungsindustrie spezialisierte Unternehmen gehört im Bereich der technischen Anwendungen mittlerweile zu den weltweit führenden Unternehmen in der Vliesstoffbranche.

  • Nachhaltigkeit Technischer Textilien – Von rezyklierten Carbonfasern und faserschonender Verarbeitung im Projekt futureTEX
  • Dr. Hagen Hohmuth, Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung bei der Tenowo GmbH, im Interview mit Diana Walther und Dr. Ina Meinelt von der P3N MARKETING GMBH

Nicht nur der Name veränderte sich im Laufe der Jahre – auch die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der Produktpalette durch eigene Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten stellt als entscheidender Wachstumstreiber den langfristigen Erfolg der Tenowo GmbH sicher. Das ursprünglich auf gewebte Einlagen und Taschenfutterstoffe sowie Vliesstoffe für die Bekleidungsindustrie spezialisierte Unternehmen gehört im Bereich der technischen Anwendungen mittlerweile zu den weltweit führenden Unternehmen in der Vliesstoffbranche.

Mit ca. 690 Mitarbeitern an Standorten in Europa, Nordamerika, China und Mexiko nimmt Tenowo eine wegweisende Stellung in der Entwicklung und Herstellung innovativer technischer Textilprodukte und Vliesstoffe ein. Bereits seit mehreren Jahren ist Dr. Hagen Hohmuth der Leiter für Forschung und Entwicklung bei der Tenowo GmbH. In dieser Zeit hat er entscheidend zur Weiterentwicklung des Unternehmens beigetragen. In futureTEX war das Unternehmen im abgeschlossenen Vorhaben RecyCarb involviert und arbeitet jetzt im Vorhaben HPF-Garnitur mit.

Drei Fragen an Dr. Hagen Hohmuth, Leiter Forschung und Entwicklung bei der Tenowo GmbH

  • Welche Ziele verfolgen Sie mit Ihrer Arbeit im Projekt futureTEX?

Die Tenowo GmbH befasst sich seit 2010 mit der Verarbeitung von rezyklierten Carbonfasern (rCF) zu einem Vliesstoff. Vliesstoffe sind günstige Alternativen zu etablierten Textilien wie z. B. Geweben und Gelegen, welche neue Eigenschaften in faserverstärkten Strukturen realisieren können. Daher war es uns wichtig das Thema rCF maßgeblich mitzugestalten. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben RecyCarb sprechen für sich. Wir haben viele wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die zukünftige Arbeit mit Carbonfasern aus dem Recycling gewonnen. Als Vliesstoffhersteller stehen wir zudem vor der Herausforderung, dass bei der Verarbeitung von Hochleistungsfasern, wie z. B. Carbon, vor allem an den metallischen Arbeitselementen, beispielsweise Garnituren der Krempel, eine erhöhte Abrasion (Abschabung) auftritt. Diese führt zu vorzeitigem Verschleiß der Garnituren und erhöhten Prozesskosten. Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, durch optimierte Krempelgarnituren und angepasste Online-Überwachung eine verbesserte Qualität für Vliesstoffe aus Hochleistungsfasern bei längerer Standzeit zu erzielen.

  •  In welchem Vorhaben arbeiten Sie aktiv mit? Was sind Ihre Aufgaben?

Tenowo war im abgeschlossenen Umsetzungsvorhaben RecyCarb aktiv. Als Industriepartner haben wir die Verschnittabfälle sowie die zurückgewonnenen Carbonfasern der anderen Partner aufbereitet und zu verschiedenartigen Vliesstoffen weiterverarbeitet. Nach ausgiebigen Tests im Technikumsmaßstab am STFI mittels Krempelverfahren und anschließender Verfestigung durch Vernadelung sowie mittels Malimoverfahren zu Vliesstoffen konnten wir die Verarbeitung im Industriemaßstab erfolgreich in unserer Fertigung demonstrieren. Aktuell arbeiten wir mit weiteren Partnern im Umsetzungsvorhaben HPF-Garnitur. Im Umsetzungsvorhaben wird sowohl die Krempelgarnitur hinsichtlich ihrer Materialoberfläche und Zahnung optimiert als auch ein digitales Monitoringsystem zur Überwachung des Abnutzungsgrades entwickelt. Durch die optimierten Garnituren wird eine schonendere Verarbeitung der Fasern und somit eine höhere Vliesstoffqualität erzielt. Wir werden hier als Industriepartner vor allem die Anpassung, Validierung und Verifizierung der Verschleißanalyse gewährleisten sowie die optimierte Krempelgarnitur auf unseren Anlagen testen und einsetzen.

  • Welchen Mehrwert möchte Ihr Unternehmen aus der Arbeit in futureTEX ziehen?

Generell ist der rCF-Markt global und zielt noch auf Nischen, in denen Faktoren wie z. B. Leichtbaupotenzial oder Leitfähigkeit wichtig sind. Tenowo zählt zu den ersten kommerziellen Anbietern, die sowohl selbst rCF-Vliesstoffe produzieren und vermarkten als auch mit kundeneigenen rCF-Langfasern im Lohn individuelle Vliesstoffe anbieten können. Dies sind nicht mehr ausschließlich Produktionsreste, die als Rezyklat in dieselben Produkte zurückgeführt werden, sondern auch Rezyklatströme aus der Entsorgung, die in neuen Produkten Verwendung finden. Mit den Erkenntnissen aus den beiden Vorhaben möchten wir unsere Produktpalette stärken und gleichzeitig deren Qualität optimieren.


VDMA continues technology webtalks

  • Webtalk on Technologies for Technical Textiles

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th December 2020, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm (CET). The topic will be “Technologies for Technical Textiles”.

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Bena Manasieva Cavus from company Georg Sahm, will show how to add value and performance to your technical yarns with a single end extrusion coating line. Title of the presentation: “Winding and Yarn coating of Technical Textiles”

Janpeter Horn and Dennis Behnken, HERZOG Flechtmaschinen will present new developments in technical braids such as rope braiding/tension members to replace steel wire, medical braids for stents, ligaments, sutures and composites for lightweight construction and near net-shape preforms. Title of the presentation: “New Developments in Technical Braids”

  • Webtalk on Technologies for Technical Textiles

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th December 2020, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm (CET). The topic will be “Technologies for Technical Textiles”.

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Bena Manasieva Cavus from company Georg Sahm, will show how to add value and performance to your technical yarns with a single end extrusion coating line. Title of the presentation: “Winding and Yarn coating of Technical Textiles”

Janpeter Horn and Dennis Behnken, HERZOG Flechtmaschinen will present new developments in technical braids such as rope braiding/tension members to replace steel wire, medical braids for stents, ligaments, sutures and composites for lightweight construction and near net-shape preforms. Title of the presentation: “New Developments in Technical Braids”

Hagen Lotzmann: "At KARL MAYER we work closely with our customers to offer the best cost–benefit ratio. We do this by using our advanced standard platforms as the basis for developing customised solutions." Title of the presentation: “Engineered solutions for technical textiles and composites – from standard application machines to customized systems”

After the presentations, the three experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. Registration is possible.


VDMA e.V. Textilmaschinen


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles March 2021

The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 10 – 12 March 2021, together with four other textile events including Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value. The fairs will offer an all-round business platform and a host of exciting synergy effects for the sector.

High-quality finished products to be offered
In March 2021, the Spring Edition will showcase a selection of home textile products including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design and many more. Additionally, the fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value, offering a comprehensive sourcing platform for the sector.

The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 10 – 12 March 2021, together with four other textile events including Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value. The fairs will offer an all-round business platform and a host of exciting synergy effects for the sector.

High-quality finished products to be offered
In March 2021, the Spring Edition will showcase a selection of home textile products including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design and many more. Additionally, the fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value, offering a comprehensive sourcing platform for the sector.

Lenzing views Intertextile as an ideal platform to present their sustainable home products
The Lenzing Group, a leading producer of man-made cellulose fibres, is amongst the major industry players who have already confirmed their participation in the upcoming fair. Ms Lesley Wu, Home Textile Business Development at Lenzing Fibers (Shanghai), talked about new market trends in the post-pandemic era and the reasons they decided to join the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles:

“Even though the home textile industry has, to some extent, been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, there are both opportunities and challenges for the sector. Without a doubt, environmental protection and sustainable development are the hottest topics in today’s society. Consumers are paying more attention to healthy lifestyles and looking to make a shift to green consumption as a result of the pandemic. More and more consumers are opting for functional and sustainable raw materials. Environmentally sustainable fibres are therefore gaining popularity.”

“Right now, we expect the home textile industry will continue its steady recovery. Home textile companies may look for opportunities in product and marketing innovations, such as developing functional and sustainable home textile products and exploring various O2O business model options,” Ms Wu added.

Lastly, Ms Wu shared why they chose to participate in Intertextile: “We decided to exhibit at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles because it is an influential trade fair for the industry. As the Lenzing Group has been expanding in the home textile market, we want to use this platform to showcase the applications for TENCEL™ branded fibres in home textiles, and to further promote sustainability through our TENCEL™ Home cellulosic fibres.”

To find out more about this fair, please visit:


Messe Frankfurt / Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles


ANDRITZ to acquire Laroche

International technology Group ANDRITZ has signed an agreement with Laroche, based in Cours, France, to acquire LM Industries comprising Laroche SA and Miltec SA, France. ANDRITZ will take over all Laroche entities and their business worldwide. Closing of the transaction, which is subject to approval by the ANDRITZ Supervisory Board, is expected at the beginning of 2021.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has signed an agreement with Laroche, based in Cours, France, to acquire LM Industries comprising Laroche SA and Miltec SA, France. ANDRITZ will take over all Laroche entities and their business worldwide. Closing of the transaction, which is subject to approval by the ANDRITZ Supervisory Board, is expected at the beginning of 2021.

Laroche is a leading supplier of fiber processing technologies such as opening, blending and dosing, airlay web forming, textile waste recycling and decortication of bast fibers. The product portfolio further complements the ANDRITZ Nonwoven product range. ANDRITZ is now able to offer the complete supply and value chain, from the raw material, to opening and blending, web forming, bonding, finishing, drying, and converting. Laroche’s high-performance technologies for opening and blending enhance the ANDRITZ scope of supply for spunlace, needlepunch and wetlaid production lines. Moreover, both companies have agreed to further strengthen the development of their existing technologies for high-speed and high-capacity applications and also to continue pursuing the development of textile recycling processes in order to stay ahead of the changes the industry is facing.

Laroche SA has been developing fiber processing technologies for more than 100 years. With integrated manufacturing, the company supplies lines for a wide range of industries/products: spinning, bedding and furniture, automotive, acoustic and thermal insulation, geotextiles, filtration, wipes, and many more.

Robert Laroche, President of Laroche: “This acquisition is the logical conclusion in view of the successful long-term relationship between ANDRITZ and Laroche. We have been working in close cooperation for more than ten years and are very much looking forward to becoming a member of the ANDRITZ family.”

Andreas Lukas, Senior Vice President and Division Manager, ANDRITZ Nonwoven: “By adding Laroche’s state-of-the-art products and expertise to our existing capabilities, ANDRITZ Nonwoven will further strengthen its market and technology position.”



Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur (c) Elke Wetzig, Wikimedia
Lightweight, firm, sustainable: Flax tape by vombaur

Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Circular Economy
Circular Economy – this also works in lightweight design. The number of recycling cycles without loss of quality is higher for natural fibre reinforced plastics than for glass or carbon fibre reinforced plastics: the thermoplastic matrix of the composite can be melted and recycled after a product life cycle. The natural fibres can "live on" in other products – injection moulded products for example.

Versatile applications
"Composites from our flax tapes are used to reinforce high-tech skis as well as for extruding state-of-the-art window sections – the applications are countless," explains Tomislav Josipovic, Sales Manager with vombaur. "As a development partner, we support applications for the automotive, wind energy, construction, sports and many other industries with our composite textiles."

More information:
vombaur Naturfasern Composites

Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital by Kfir Ziv

Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

CEO Bogdan Vasilescu explains: "We started with color management solutions, working on demand for Fogra with digitally printed DMI colors on textiles. We have also worked with Mimaki, Roland, Epson and Vutek on various projects including Eurotex Iasi, Zara and Rofobit in Bucharest. Eager to continue our growth spurt in the textile printing industry, we were looking for a trusted partner and Kornit was the obvious choice.”

"The collaboration with Kornit began officially in September and is a natural progression,” Vasilescu adds. “For a number of years, we have been considering ways to improve our offering by moving into textiles in the same way that we did for sign and display, home decor or packaging. We were just waiting for the right partner. We are always looking to collaborate with market leaders and we wanted to work with Kornit to tap into the potential of the print on demand textile market with an extensive textile printing portfolio.”

Grup Transilvae will represent all Kornit’s textile solutions, including Direct to Garment and Direct to Fabric, particularly for T-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles and fabrics.

Vasilescu continues: “We are looking forward to showing our existing customers how they can take advantage of the Covid 19 accelerated trends in digital print-on-demand and short-run print jobs. We will signpost how they can expand their application range, grow volumes and experience better ROI.”

Vasilescu concludes: “We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our valued customers into the future of textile print on demand.”

Omer Kulka, CMO at Kornit Digital states: “We are delighted to announce another great partnership with a distributor that is as passionate about our products and the textile printing industry as we are. Grup Transilvae has a long history of successfully entering new markets with leading manufacturers. We look forward to a long and happy partnership.”

 DITF erhalten „Innovationspreis Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg 2020“ (c) LGL
Ministerialdirektorin Grit Puchan (li) überreicht den Preis an Dr. Antje Ota

DITF erhalten „Innovationspreis Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg 2020“

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF) sind einer von fünf Gewinnern des „Ideenwettbewerbs Bioökonomie - Innovationen für den Ländlichen Raum“, der vom Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg erstmals ausgerufen wurde. Ausgezeichnet wurden Beiträge zum Klimaschutz, zur Ressourceneffizienz, zum Schutz der Umwelt und der Biodiversität sowie zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums. Am 25. November 2020 wurde der Preis von Ministerialdirektorin Grit Puchan während des 5. Bioökonomietags überreicht. Die DITF erhalten den Preis für ihre Forschung an nachhaltigen Carbonfasern. Der Pitch-Vortrag von Dr. Frank Hermanutz und Dr. Antje Ota erhielt zudem auch noch den Publikumspreis.

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF) sind einer von fünf Gewinnern des „Ideenwettbewerbs Bioökonomie - Innovationen für den Ländlichen Raum“, der vom Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg erstmals ausgerufen wurde. Ausgezeichnet wurden Beiträge zum Klimaschutz, zur Ressourceneffizienz, zum Schutz der Umwelt und der Biodiversität sowie zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums. Am 25. November 2020 wurde der Preis von Ministerialdirektorin Grit Puchan während des 5. Bioökonomietags überreicht. Die DITF erhalten den Preis für ihre Forschung an nachhaltigen Carbonfasern. Der Pitch-Vortrag von Dr. Frank Hermanutz und Dr. Antje Ota erhielt zudem auch noch den Publikumspreis.

Ionische Flüssigkeiten (ionic liquids, IL) sind der Schlüssel zu nachhaltigen biobasierten Fasern für vielfältige Anwendungen in der Industrie. 2003 hat Dr. Frank Hermanutz mit seinem Team gemeinsam mit der BASF SE ein innovatives Lösungsmittel für Biopolymere, also Polymere aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, entdeckt. Auf dieser Basis wurden mit der patentierten HighPerCell®-Technologie Cellulosefilamentfasern entwickelt, die aufgrund ihrer spezifischen Fasereigenschaften als technische Fasern eingesetzt werden können. Sie sind zum Beispiel Ausgangsprodukt für cellulosebasierte Carbonfasern.

Carbonfasern werden vor allem im Fahrzeugbau eingesetzt, gewinnen aber auch im Bauwesen an Bedeutung. Sie sind äußerst hitzebeständig und belastbar. Herkömmliche, nicht auf Biopolymeren basierende Carbonfasern sind allerdings derzeit noch sehr teuer und ihre Herstellung belastet die Umwelt. Die Carbonfaserherstellung auf der Basis von Cellulose würde nicht nur die Umwelt schonen, sondern auch die Energiekosten senken. Für die Gewinnung von Zellstoff bietet sich zum Beispiel die heimische Buche an. Wissenschaftler des Kompetenzzentrums Biopolymerwerkstoffe der DITF bringen dieses neue Verfahren in das im April 2020 vom Land Baden-Württemberg gegründete Technikum Laubholz (TLH) ein. Dort wird die Technologie in enger Zusammenarbeit mit beteiligten Industriefirmen praktisch umgesetzt.

Hochleistungsfasern aus Cellulose sind für viele weitere Anwendungen geeignet, wie zum als Verstärkungsfasern im Beton oder als Bestandteil von sortenreinen Verbundwerkstoffe.

„Schon bald könnten biopolymerbasierte Werkstoffe die gleichen Eigenschaften aufweisen wie erdölbasierte Materialien. Das wäre ein enormer Beitrag zum Ressourcenschutz und zur Umweltverträglichkeit“ erklärt Frank Hermanutz.

Die Jury des Ideenwettbewerbs würdigt diese Forschungsleistung für Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Bioökonomie-Innovationspreis.

More information:
DITF BASF SE Carbonfasern

Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)


Autoneum: Current assessment of the 2020 financial year

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.


Autoneum Management AG

(c) BB Engineering GmbH

BBE's VacuFil recycling line for PET

Polyester and its applications are omnipresent in our everyday lives. Whether as beverage bottles, film packaging, high-tech sports shirts or safety belts, polyester excels with its excellent mechanical properties and inexpensive production. However, the constantly rising demand requires responsible handling of global resources. For this reason, it is not only ‘virgin polyester’ generated from crude oil that is exclusively the raw material for manufacturing, so too is polyester recycled from post-production and post-consumer waste. Processing production waste also helps cut raw material, disposal and transport costs, hence increasing efficiency.

Polyester and its applications are omnipresent in our everyday lives. Whether as beverage bottles, film packaging, high-tech sports shirts or safety belts, polyester excels with its excellent mechanical properties and inexpensive production. However, the constantly rising demand requires responsible handling of global resources. For this reason, it is not only ‘virgin polyester’ generated from crude oil that is exclusively the raw material for manufacturing, so too is polyester recycled from post-production and post-consumer waste. Processing production waste also helps cut raw material, disposal and transport costs, hence increasing efficiency.

BB Engineering has developed an innovative solution for the recycling of post-production polyester fibre waste, called VacuFil. Decades of experience in the areas of extrusion, filtration and spinning systems have been bundled into a new, innovative core component – the vacuum filter. It unites gentle large-scale filtration and controlled intrinsic-viscosity build-up for consistently outstanding melt quality. The attached vacuum swiftly and reliably removes volatile contamination and ensures a controlled IV-increase. Comprising an inline viscosity measuring unit connected with the vacuum unit the IV can be controlled continuously and reliably. Hence, producers are able to generate that specific kind of recycled polyester they need for their application.


BB Engineering GmbH

Oerlikon: Manual lever (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon: Manual lever now even more ergonomic

Finer adjustment of the yarn suction force, lower compressed air consumption for the same yarn tension, smooth, ergonomic compressed-air valve – all promises fulfilled by the modernized AS H 32 and AS H 38 yarn suction devices.

Also known as hand injectors, these yarn suction devices are standard components of all spinning positions. The AS H 32- and AS H 38-series are high-performance hand injectors with lower compressed air consumption for the same yarn tension. This is made possible due to the higher yarn suction forces, particularly in the case of the AS H 38 series. In addition to this, string-up without ‘ramp-up’ is possible in certain applications. Also new is a smoother, more ergonomic compressed-air valve, which makes deploying the yarn suction devices more comfortable for users. Furthermore, the required yarn suction force can be adjusted more finely.

The new ‘high-performance devices’ have been designed for applications that require a particularly high suction performance. For several months now, they have been successfully operating in pilot projects within the context of a BCF yarn application in Europe and a tape yarn system located in the US.

Finer adjustment of the yarn suction force, lower compressed air consumption for the same yarn tension, smooth, ergonomic compressed-air valve – all promises fulfilled by the modernized AS H 32 and AS H 38 yarn suction devices.

Also known as hand injectors, these yarn suction devices are standard components of all spinning positions. The AS H 32- and AS H 38-series are high-performance hand injectors with lower compressed air consumption for the same yarn tension. This is made possible due to the higher yarn suction forces, particularly in the case of the AS H 38 series. In addition to this, string-up without ‘ramp-up’ is possible in certain applications. Also new is a smoother, more ergonomic compressed-air valve, which makes deploying the yarn suction devices more comfortable for users. Furthermore, the required yarn suction force can be adjusted more finely.

The new ‘high-performance devices’ have been designed for applications that require a particularly high suction performance. For several months now, they have been successfully operating in pilot projects within the context of a BCF yarn application in Europe and a tape yarn system located in the US.



Hochschule Niederrhein: Kleidung wird digital (c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Smart Seams vernäht in Funktions-Stoff

Hochschule Niederrhein: Kleidung wird digital

In Mönchengladbach werden im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts elektrisch leitfähige Hybridgarne entwickelt, die durch Nähen verarbeitet werden können. Forscherinnen und Forscher des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein sowie der Hogeschool Gent (Belgien) werden dafür bis Oktober 2022 mit rund 250.000 Euro vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie gefördert.

Damit könne man die drei vorherrschenden Trends in der Modebranche Digitalisierung, Sicherheit und Individualismus bedienen, sagt Professorin Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer vom Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, die zugleich Projektleiterin ist.
„Eine Möglichkeit ist die Entwicklung von Smart Clothing Produkten, die mit dem Träger interagieren, das Sicherheitsniveau erhöhen und individuelle Daten messen können“, sagt die Professorin für Funktionale Textilien und Bekleidung.

In Mönchengladbach werden im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts elektrisch leitfähige Hybridgarne entwickelt, die durch Nähen verarbeitet werden können. Forscherinnen und Forscher des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein sowie der Hogeschool Gent (Belgien) werden dafür bis Oktober 2022 mit rund 250.000 Euro vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie gefördert.

Damit könne man die drei vorherrschenden Trends in der Modebranche Digitalisierung, Sicherheit und Individualismus bedienen, sagt Professorin Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer vom Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, die zugleich Projektleiterin ist.
„Eine Möglichkeit ist die Entwicklung von Smart Clothing Produkten, die mit dem Träger interagieren, das Sicherheitsniveau erhöhen und individuelle Daten messen können“, sagt die Professorin für Funktionale Textilien und Bekleidung.

Ziel des Projektes ist es, tragbare Prototypen für Sport- und Schutzbekleidungssysteme zu entwickeln, die Licht emittieren, Feuchte und Temperatur aufzeigen oder auf Körperbewegungen reagieren und diese nachvollziehen können. Hierfür entwickeln die Forscherinnen und Forscher Hybridgarne, die in Funktionsnähten verarbeitet werden können. Das Projekt legt großen Wert darauf, bereits etablierte Technologien der Branche zu nutzen, ohne zusätzliche Verarbeitungsschritte für Unternehmen einführen zu müssen, so Professorin Dr. Kerstin Zöll, verantwortlich für Konfektionstechnologie am Fachbereich und ebenso aktiv im Projekt eingebunden. Außerdem werden Richtlinien zur Herstellung dieser Nähte erstellt und die Stärken und Schwächen dieser Entwicklung aufgezeigt.

Mit Hilfe der in der Forschung erzielten Ergebnisse sollen Unternehmen wählen können, welche Form von Funktionsnähte für ihre Produkte am besten geeignet sind, ohne auf teure Änderungen der Produktionskette zurückgreifen zu müssen. Ein projektbegleitender Ausschuss von Industrie-Unternehmen der Branche erhält Einblick in die Forschungsergebnisse und gibt durch sein Feedback wertvolle Impulse für die Arbeiten.

Das Projekt hat eine Laufzeit von zwei Jahren. Die Förderung erfolgt durch die industrielle Gemeinschaftsförderung (AiF) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie.


Hochschule Niederrhein

COBRA provides high-quality mass production for ARE Tahiti’s new composite canoes (c) COBRA

COBRA provides high-quality mass production for ARE Tahiti’s new composite canoes

Cobra International, Chonburi, Thailand: COBRA International, one of the world’s largest OEM manufacturers of composite goods for Water Sports, Automotive, Marine and Civil Engineering, is pleased to confirm the shipment of its first 36 composite canoes to ARE Tahiti.

COBRA has collaborated with leading outrigger canoe brand ARE Tahiti to mass produce its new OC-1 canoe, ‘Mana’. Designed by former professional windsurfer Baptiste Gossein  (JP Australia and Neil Pryde), ‘Mana’ features a closed deck on which the paddler sits on top of the hull. Available in two models; a hybrid version weighing 12kg, using an 80:20 mix of E-glass and carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics, and the PRO model – a weight optimized, ultra-light, full carbon version that weighs as little as 9kg.   

“We required the best in composite construction for both models, a stunning final finish and a build rate that could keep up with our growing order book”, comments Baptiste Gossein.

Cobra International, Chonburi, Thailand: COBRA International, one of the world’s largest OEM manufacturers of composite goods for Water Sports, Automotive, Marine and Civil Engineering, is pleased to confirm the shipment of its first 36 composite canoes to ARE Tahiti.

COBRA has collaborated with leading outrigger canoe brand ARE Tahiti to mass produce its new OC-1 canoe, ‘Mana’. Designed by former professional windsurfer Baptiste Gossein  (JP Australia and Neil Pryde), ‘Mana’ features a closed deck on which the paddler sits on top of the hull. Available in two models; a hybrid version weighing 12kg, using an 80:20 mix of E-glass and carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics, and the PRO model – a weight optimized, ultra-light, full carbon version that weighs as little as 9kg.   

“We required the best in composite construction for both models, a stunning final finish and a build rate that could keep up with our growing order book”, comments Baptiste Gossein.

As with all of COBRA’s watersports’ projects, a perfect master model formed the basis of the mass production tooling and two sets of composite hull tooling were taken from the master plug allowing a build rate of up to 50 OC-1 canoes per month.

For the lay-up and construction process, COBRA’s high-performance PVC foam sandwich windsurf board construction provided a solid starting point.  Having selected vacuum consolidated epoxy wet layup for the mix of woven and stitched biaxial reinforcements, COBRA was able to build down to the customer’s weight target with the absolute minimum of waste and additional consumables.  Top and bottom sections of the hull were moulded separately then bonded together, with the smaller outrigger hull – known as the ‘ama’ – produced in the same way.  Prepreg carbon fibre and in-house split mould tooling was also used for the two ‘Iakos’ - the two cross beams that join the ama to the main hull. 

An in-mould applied finish coat was then used for the hybrid OC-1 while the PRO carbon fibre model benefits from COBRA’s ultra-light paint system.

“COBRA is able to provide mass production capability and rapid new model turnaround, as well as delivering consistently high quality. We are delighted with the first COBRA built OC-1s and have received exceptionally positive feedback from both customers and racers” comments Baptiste Gossein.

The next ARE project to enter mass production at COBRA will be the V-1 canoe. Similar to the OC-1 but an open boat that the paddler sits inside, the V-1 will have no rudder or steering system, requiring more finesse to manage underway.

“The OC-1 outrigger canoe is a superb example of our customer focused approach to production process development.  By working closely with Baptiste and the ARE team, COBRA is able to provide mass production capability and a rapid new model turnaround, as well as delivering consistently high quality.  This is a sector in which we expect to see significant expansion over the next few years”, comments Danu Chotikapanich, CEO, COBRA International.

Archroma: Heike van de Kerkhof (c) Archroma
Heike van de Kerkhof, CEO of Archroma

Archroma: Ranked in Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) List

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has been recently ranked number 1 in the “industrial chemicals” list published by the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) for driving transparency in their supply chain.

Archroma also entered the Top 50 of companies in IPE’s Green Supply Chain CITI Evaluation, at the 47th position. The evaluation dynamically assesses brands on the environmental management of their supply chains in China.

With a wide array of products used every day, everywhere, the company is committed to operate along the principles of “The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The Archroma team is therefore committed to sourcing safe and sustainable raw materials and intermediates from like-minded partners.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has been recently ranked number 1 in the “industrial chemicals” list published by the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) for driving transparency in their supply chain.

Archroma also entered the Top 50 of companies in IPE’s Green Supply Chain CITI Evaluation, at the 47th position. The evaluation dynamically assesses brands on the environmental management of their supply chains in China.

With a wide array of products used every day, everywhere, the company is committed to operate along the principles of “The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The Archroma team is therefore committed to sourcing safe and sustainable raw materials and intermediates from like-minded partners.

Heike van de Kerkhof, CEO of Archroma, recently delivered a message at the IPE 2020 Green Supply Chain Forum online, and commented: “As industry leader, we have the responsibility to keep on addressing the climate challenge, and to do everything we can together to reduce our impact on the environment. This is where the approach of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs supports us. They encourage us to challenge our suppliers in terms of safety, health and environment, and to go even beyond our own strict policies and processes.”




AMAC cooperates with start-up FibreCoat

Cooperation and business development with AMAC
As of November 1st, 2020, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with company FibreCoat for the market introduction of their products and global business development. FibreCoat is a young, award-winning start-up and spin-off of the RWTH Aachen University in Germany and develops multi-filament coated yarns, fabrics and composites based on glass or basalt fibres.

Dr. Michael Effing, CEO AMAC GmbH: „FibreCoat is a very promising newcomer in the electro-magnetic shielding and composites industry and their innovations are very cost-efficient for new technologies such as e-mobility or telecommunications. I am very pleased to introduce them to relevant key players in the industry and accompany them in their growth strategy.“

Product Launch
FibreCoat develops metal-coated fibres like bi-component multi-filament yarns with basalt core and aluminum coating which can be used for EMI-shielding and heat sinks in battery casings, electric diverters in filters, reinforcement of cast aluminum parts o ras conductive yarns in smart textiles.

Cooperation and business development with AMAC
As of November 1st, 2020, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with company FibreCoat for the market introduction of their products and global business development. FibreCoat is a young, award-winning start-up and spin-off of the RWTH Aachen University in Germany and develops multi-filament coated yarns, fabrics and composites based on glass or basalt fibres.

Dr. Michael Effing, CEO AMAC GmbH: „FibreCoat is a very promising newcomer in the electro-magnetic shielding and composites industry and their innovations are very cost-efficient for new technologies such as e-mobility or telecommunications. I am very pleased to introduce them to relevant key players in the industry and accompany them in their growth strategy.“

Product Launch
FibreCoat develops metal-coated fibres like bi-component multi-filament yarns with basalt core and aluminum coating which can be used for EMI-shielding and heat sinks in battery casings, electric diverters in filters, reinforcement of cast aluminum parts o ras conductive yarns in smart textiles.

FibreCoat launches ALUCOAT™, an aluminum-coated glass or basalt fibre which is suitable as electro-magnetic shielding material in automotive applications such as radar, antennas or for autonomous driving as well as for mobile phones and applications in buildings. Due to its extraordinary thermal conductivity and better heat transfer compared to traditional composite material, it can be used for the manufacturing of automotive battery trays or industrial applications such as fine particulate air filters.

ALUCOAT™ is available as of January 1st 2021 as a yarn, fabric or non-woven with a wide range of possible titers and areal weight. The material will offer an electrical conductivity of 100 Ωm and a working temperature of at least 400 °C. Furthermore, it can be used for the shielding of low to high frequencies with an effectiveness of 80 to 120 dB.



HeiQu: Carlo Centonze and his daughter Anna (c) HeiQ
Carlo Centonze and his daughter Anna

HeiQ Viroblock wins Swiss Technology Award 2020

The Swiss Technology Award announced the 2020 prizes, and among all the notable finalist innovations of the year, HeiQ was bestowed the highest honor as First Prize Winner for its breakthrough antiviral textile technology HeiQ Viroblock.

Developed in record time and launched after the Swiss authorities announced the lockdown in March 2020, HeiQ Viroblock has had a major impact on the global textile industry and is being unprecedently adopted by mills around the world.

The Swiss Technology Award announced the 2020 prizes, and among all the notable finalist innovations of the year, HeiQ was bestowed the highest honor as First Prize Winner for its breakthrough antiviral textile technology HeiQ Viroblock.

Developed in record time and launched after the Swiss authorities announced the lockdown in March 2020, HeiQ Viroblock has had a major impact on the global textile industry and is being unprecedently adopted by mills around the world.

The technology that makes HeiQ Viroblock a unique innovation
What exemplifies HeiQ Viroblock is its ability to turn any fabric antiviral. It’s among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). HeiQ Viroblock consists of a combination of HeiQ’s patent-pending vesicle and silver technologies. The two mechanisms of attack result in an over 99.9% destruction of viruses in 5 minutes that is unrivaled in the industry. HeiQ Viroblock is a unique patent-pending formulation of 72% bio-based ingredients, made with 100% cosmetic-grade materials from the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients list. HeiQ Viroblock is also a shining example of Swiss cooperation between academics and the industry. The silver technology was developed at ETHZ (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), the vesicle technology at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), and the production was scaled up at FHNW (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz).

HeiQ Viroblock has demonstrated unparalleled speed from laboratory to consumer
HeiQ launched the new antiviral textile technology HeiQ Viroblock on March 16, 2020 – two hours after Switzerland declared a state of emergency. This was made possible with the indispensable support of Swiss research Partner FHNW and the EPFL which helped accelerate product validation. The fast scale-up of production was enabled by the FHNW School of Life Sciences with their new Process Technology Center (PTC) by special permit. With its agile operations and global footprint, HeiQ also brought HeiQ Viroblock face masks and other PPE (personal protection equipment) to different corners of the world where are needed. Now, Swiss consumers can also acquire HeiQ Viroblock enhanced face masks online.

Reacting to the news of HeiQ Viroblock winning this year’s Swiss Tech Award, Co-founder and CEO Carlo Centonze says: “I am both amazed and honored that HeiQ has won this award a second time in just ten years, and from among some incredible tech innovation finalists. It confirms our resolve to push the boundaries and push innovations to help the world with its most pressing and imminent problems. This award is recognition for our company and team that have spared no efforts to develop and launch HeiQ Viroblock at such speed and make a valuable contribution to the global pandemic efforts. We remain true to our mission: enhancing the everyday lives of people with smart and efficient textile effects.”




Autoneum: Tuftingteppich (c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Tuftingteppich aus rezykliertem PET

Mit Relive-1 lanciert Autoneum einen innovativen Tuftingteppich, der höchsten Ansprüchen an nachhaltige Mobilität gerecht wird. Die mit dem «Autoneum Pure.»-Label für besondere Umweltfreundlichkeit ausgezeichnete Tuftingtechnologie für die Kompaktbis Premiumklasse ist gegenüber dem in diesen Fahrzeugsegmenten üblichen Teppichstandard zudem langlebiger und überzeugt mit einer exzellenten Reinigungsfähigkeit.

Mit Relive-1 lanciert Autoneum einen innovativen Tuftingteppich, der höchsten Ansprüchen an nachhaltige Mobilität gerecht wird. Die mit dem «Autoneum Pure.»-Label für besondere Umweltfreundlichkeit ausgezeichnete Tuftingtechnologie für die Kompaktbis Premiumklasse ist gegenüber dem in diesen Fahrzeugsegmenten üblichen Teppichstandard zudem langlebiger und überzeugt mit einer exzellenten Reinigungsfähigkeit.

Die globale Nachfrage nach innovativen Fahrzeugen der Zukunft und nachhaltigen Mobilitätsformen steigt. Automobilhersteller und Zulieferer fokussieren sich in der Fahrzeugentwicklung entsprechend verstärkt auf ressourcenschonende Leichtbaukomponenten und Produktionsprozesse. Darüber hinaus sind Optik und Haptik der Passagierkabine ausschlaggebend für die Kaufentscheidung, da das Auto in Zukunft verstärkt für Arbeit und Erholung genutzt wird. Hier beeinflussen Teppichsysteme durch ihre Grösse die Qualitätswahrnehmung entscheidend. Mit Relive-1 bietet Autoneum neu eine Premiumtechnologie für Fahrzeugteppiche an, die nicht nur mit ihrem ästhetischen Erscheinungsbild punktet, sondern auch eine überdurchschnittliche Umweltbilanz aufweist. Unter anderem überzeugen Teppiche aus Relive-1 durch einen besonders nachhaltigen Einsatz von Rohmaterialien: So werden für die Herstellung der Teppichfasern nur rezyklierte PET-Flaschen verwendet. Autoneum verwertet diesen Rohstoff wieder, schont so natürliche Ressourcen und verringert Plastikmüll – und sorgt gleichzeitig dafür, dass aus ausgedienten PET-Flaschen neue, hochwertige Teppichsysteme für kommende Fahrzeuggenerationen kosteneffizient produziert werden können. Darüber hinaus stellt Relive-1 einen bedeutenden Schritt zu Monomaterial-Konstruktionen und somit zu einer abfallfreien Fertigung von Tuftingteppichen dar.

Gleichzeitig steht Relive-1 einmal mehr für die überdurchschnittliche Produktqualität von Autoneum: Im Vergleich zu Standardteppichen der Kompakt- bis Oberklasse sind Relive-1-Teppiche dank signifikant höherer Abriebfestigkeit robuster und durch die vertikale Ausrichtung der Fasern sowie wasserabweisende Wirkung des Polyesters leicht zu reinigen. So können kleine Partikel wie Holzsplitter, Staub oder Steine, aber auch Flüssigkeiten problemlos und ohne Rückstände entfernt werden, was ein entscheidender Vorteil bei häufig in der Freizeit genutzten Fahrzeugen wie SUVs ist. Die Verbindung von herausragender Leistung und Nachhaltigkeit definiert heute bei Fahrzeugen der Premiumklasse den neuen Luxusstandard.


Autoneum Management AG

Monforts (c) Monforts

İlay puts a premium on energy with new Monforts installation

The company, founded in 1993, has established a reputation for leadership in new printing techniques and technologies with customers across Europe, as well as with many of the leading Turkish brands.

On its mission to achieving continuous progress in error-free and resource-efficient manufacturing, İlay has just taken delivery of a new Monforts Montex stenter range, with a working width of two metres and eight TwinAir chambers.

“This installation provides us with much improved control options for all process parameters and compared to the old stenter it is replacing, we are particularly impressed with the energy savings we are making,” Mr Savaş says.

Achieving energy savings on Montex stenters has been a key focus for Monforts designers and engineers in Germany for many years.

The company, founded in 1993, has established a reputation for leadership in new printing techniques and technologies with customers across Europe, as well as with many of the leading Turkish brands.

On its mission to achieving continuous progress in error-free and resource-efficient manufacturing, İlay has just taken delivery of a new Monforts Montex stenter range, with a working width of two metres and eight TwinAir chambers.

“This installation provides us with much improved control options for all process parameters and compared to the old stenter it is replacing, we are particularly impressed with the energy savings we are making,” Mr Savaş says.

Achieving energy savings on Montex stenters has been a key focus for Monforts designers and engineers in Germany for many years.

With the TwinAir heating chamber system within a Montex stenter, top and bottom airflows can be regulated completely independently of each other, ensuring heat is only applied when and where it is required. The Optiscan balancing system ensures continuous automatic evaluation of the distance between the nozzles and the fabric for highly economical and contact-free drying.

The resulting constant evaporation rate within the stenter ensures optimum energy utilisation. In addition, TwinAir chambers feature special panelling for low heat radiation, careful sealing of all connecting positions and chamber access points, and air locks at both the entry and the exit.

“Monforts stenters set the benchmark in terms of energy efficiency and help conserve resources,” says Ahmet Kılıç, founder of Neotek, the representative for Monforts in Turkey. “Automatically setting the initial moisture content requirement for a specific process before drying to a minimum value helps reduce heat evaporation and consequently, energy consumption. The hermetic sealing of the stenter frame further prevents the loss of heated air as well as the ingress of excessive cold air – which has to be heated back up if it is not kept out in the first place.”

The new Montex line was completed at İlay Textile in August 2020, with no problems during either installation or commissioning.



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