From the Sector

1643 results
Gerd Seidensticker Gerd Seidensticker
Gerd Seidensticker

Nachruf Gerd Seidensticker: Unternehmer und Weltbürger mit starken regionalen Wurzeln

Im Alter von 86 Jahren ist am Montag, 26. Juni 2017, der Bielefelder Unternehmer Gerd Seidensticker nach schwerer Krankheit verstorben. Der Sohn des Firmengründers Walter Seidensticker sen. verantwortete 35 Jahre die Geschicke des gleichnamigen Unternehmens. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Walter jun. etablierte er den ostwestfälischen Hemden- und Blusenspezialisten als international agierendes Unternehmen.
Gerd Seidensticker war ein Weltbürger mit starken regionalen Wurzeln. Bereits in jungen Jahren trieb ihn sein lebenslang anhaltender Wissensdurst in die Ferne. In den USA sammelte er wertvolle Erfahrungen und Ideen bei namhaften Bekleidungsfirmen, die er als leidenschaftlicher Unternehmer ins heimische Bielefeld brachte. Als Pionier und vorausschauender Visionär seiner Branche legte er den Grundstein für den Aufbau der Marke Seidensticker. Ihm ist es zu verdanken, dass die Marke Seidensticker zur bekanntesten Hemden-Marke Deutschlands wurde. Er kreierte daneben die Marke Jacques Britt und positionierte das Unternehmen damit im Premium-Segment. Noch heute profitiert die Seidensticker-Gruppe maßgeblich von seiner Lebensleistung.

Im Alter von 86 Jahren ist am Montag, 26. Juni 2017, der Bielefelder Unternehmer Gerd Seidensticker nach schwerer Krankheit verstorben. Der Sohn des Firmengründers Walter Seidensticker sen. verantwortete 35 Jahre die Geschicke des gleichnamigen Unternehmens. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Walter jun. etablierte er den ostwestfälischen Hemden- und Blusenspezialisten als international agierendes Unternehmen.
Gerd Seidensticker war ein Weltbürger mit starken regionalen Wurzeln. Bereits in jungen Jahren trieb ihn sein lebenslang anhaltender Wissensdurst in die Ferne. In den USA sammelte er wertvolle Erfahrungen und Ideen bei namhaften Bekleidungsfirmen, die er als leidenschaftlicher Unternehmer ins heimische Bielefeld brachte. Als Pionier und vorausschauender Visionär seiner Branche legte er den Grundstein für den Aufbau der Marke Seidensticker. Ihm ist es zu verdanken, dass die Marke Seidensticker zur bekanntesten Hemden-Marke Deutschlands wurde. Er kreierte daneben die Marke Jacques Britt und positionierte das Unternehmen damit im Premium-Segment. Noch heute profitiert die Seidensticker-Gruppe maßgeblich von seiner Lebensleistung.
Hohes Verantwortungsbewusstsein gegenüber der Firma und den Mitarbeitern, Disziplin, ostwestfälische Bescheidenheit und vielschichtige Interessen für Kunst, Politik und Zeitgeschehen zeichneten den „Ehrenbürger der Stadt“ Bielefeld aus. Mit großem Selbstverständnis und Engagement setzte er sich ehrenamtlich für die verschiedensten Institutionen ein, beispielsweise als Gründungsvorsitzender des Förderkreises der Bielefelder Kunsthalle, als Vorstandsmitglied im Verkehrsverein Bielefelder oder als Vorsitzender der Universitätsgesellschaft Bielefeld. Gerd Seidensticker hinterlässt in tiefer Trauer seine Frau Gisela, seinen Sohn Gerd Oliver, sowie fünf Enkelkinder.

More information:
Seidensticker, Nachruf

EULE Corporate Capital GmbH

Lenzing Group Lenzing Group
Lenzing Group

Lenzing Invests in Thailand

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group aims to substantially increase its share of specialty fibers as a proportion of total revenue. Following the expansion drive already underway in Lenzing and Heiligenkreuz (both in Austria), Grimsby (Great Britain) and Mobile, Alabama (USA), the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG approved the proposal of the Management Board yesterday to build the next state-of-the-art facility to produce lyocell fibers in Thailand. For this purpose, Lenzing is establishing a subsidiary in Thailand and purchasing a commercial property in Industrial Park 304 located in Prachinburi near Bangkok. In the coming months, the required permits and licenses as well as technical planning will be finalized. A definitive decision on constructing the new production plant will be made in the first quarter of 2018. Completion is scheduled for the end of 2020.

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group aims to substantially increase its share of specialty fibers as a proportion of total revenue. Following the expansion drive already underway in Lenzing and Heiligenkreuz (both in Austria), Grimsby (Great Britain) and Mobile, Alabama (USA), the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG approved the proposal of the Management Board yesterday to build the next state-of-the-art facility to produce lyocell fibers in Thailand. For this purpose, Lenzing is establishing a subsidiary in Thailand and purchasing a commercial property in Industrial Park 304 located in Prachinburi near Bangkok. In the coming months, the required permits and licenses as well as technical planning will be finalized. A definitive decision on constructing the new production plant will be made in the first quarter of 2018. Completion is scheduled for the end of 2020.
The selection of Industrial Park 304 in Prachinburi was based on its excellent overall infrastructure, outstanding expansion opportunities and the sustainable biogenic energy supply. Similar to the plant in Mobile, the planned production facility will be constructed on the basis of the latest state-of-the-art technology and feature a capacity of up to 100,000 tons annually. This site will strengthen the worldwide lyocell network of the Lenzing Group and enable its global customers to source TENCEL® branded fibers from Europe, North America and Asia.


Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft


Spitzenforschung in Sachsen: Symbiose der Hochtechnologiefelder „Leichtbau mit Carbon“ und „Energiespeicherung“

Vor dem Hintergrund globaler Megatrends, wie der Verknappung von natürlichen Ressourcen bei einer gleichzeitig zunehmend individualisierten Lebensweise, stellen Energiespeicherung und Leichtbau wesentliche Schlüsseltechnologien unter anderem im Bereich innovativer Mobilitätskonzepte dar. Eine besondere Bedeutung bei der Entwicklung neuer Hightech-Produkte in diesen Branchen am Standort Sachsen spielt der nachhaltige Einsatz von neuartigen anforderungsgerechten Werkstoffen mit hoher Funktionsdichte, wofür Kohlenstofffasern ein enormes Potenzial aufweisen.
Wissenschaftlern der TU Dresden (TUD) ist es gelungen, eine interdisziplinäre Nachwuchsforschergruppe „e -Carbon“ (ESF-SAB 100310387), bestehend aus Chemikern, Textilern und Kunststofftechnikern ins Leben zu rufen, die in den nächsten 3 Jahren, beginnend ab 1. Juli 2017, maßgeschneiderte und multifunktionale Kohlenstofffasern für die Speicherung hoher Energiedichten gemeinsam entwickeln wird. Dieses zukunftsträchtige Projekt wurde von der TU Dresden und der Sächsischen Aufbaubank SAB-ESF aus mehr als 40 Anträgen als zukunftsweisendes Projekt ausgewählt.

Vor dem Hintergrund globaler Megatrends, wie der Verknappung von natürlichen Ressourcen bei einer gleichzeitig zunehmend individualisierten Lebensweise, stellen Energiespeicherung und Leichtbau wesentliche Schlüsseltechnologien unter anderem im Bereich innovativer Mobilitätskonzepte dar. Eine besondere Bedeutung bei der Entwicklung neuer Hightech-Produkte in diesen Branchen am Standort Sachsen spielt der nachhaltige Einsatz von neuartigen anforderungsgerechten Werkstoffen mit hoher Funktionsdichte, wofür Kohlenstofffasern ein enormes Potenzial aufweisen.
Wissenschaftlern der TU Dresden (TUD) ist es gelungen, eine interdisziplinäre Nachwuchsforschergruppe „e -Carbon“ (ESF-SAB 100310387), bestehend aus Chemikern, Textilern und Kunststofftechnikern ins Leben zu rufen, die in den nächsten 3 Jahren, beginnend ab 1. Juli 2017, maßgeschneiderte und multifunktionale Kohlenstofffasern für die Speicherung hoher Energiedichten gemeinsam entwickeln wird. Dieses zukunftsträchtige Projekt wurde von der TU Dresden und der Sächsischen Aufbaubank SAB-ESF aus mehr als 40 Anträgen als zukunftsweisendes Projekt ausgewählt.
Die komplexe Themenstellung wird durch Nachwuchswissenschaftler der TUD vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM), Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik (ILK) sowie von der Professur für Anorganische Chemie I (AC1) bearbeitet. Durch die interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung des Konsortiums werden die besten Voraussetzungen mit weltweitem Alleinstellungsmerkmal für eine intensive wissenschaftliche und industrielle Vernetzung der Nachwuchsforscher in neuen Forschungsgebieten mit hoher praktischer Relevanz auf regionaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene geschaffen. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf der Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung von Fachkräften für den sächsischen Arbeitsmarkt sowie auf der Ausgründung von Start-Ups und der Übernahme unternehmerischer Verantwortung in der Hochtechnologiebranche.
Professor Chokri Cherif, Koordinator der Nachwuchsforschergruppe und Direktor des ITM: „Die Arbeiten der Nachwuchsforschergruppe geben die Initialzündung für die weiterführende Grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierte Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Kohlenstofffasern. Wir werden einen neuen Maßstab in der Kohlenstofffaserentwicklung setzen und besondere Impulse weltweit ausstrahlen.“



Technische Universität Dresden


AmeriPride Plant in Memphis Recertified Hygienically Clean Healthcare

The certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that: • Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively
The Memphis laundry was first certified in 2014. AmeriPride has other U.S. Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified facilities in Little Rock, Ark.; Phoenix; Watkinsville, Ga.; Topeka, Kan.; Bemidji, Minneapolis and Twin Falls, Minn.; Springfield, Mo.; Omaha, Neb.; and Lubbock, Texas. The company’s Canadian Linen and Uniform Service facility in Lethbridge, Alberta, is also Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified.

The certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that: • Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively
The Memphis laundry was first certified in 2014. AmeriPride has other U.S. Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified facilities in Little Rock, Ark.; Phoenix; Watkinsville, Ga.; Topeka, Kan.; Bemidji, Minneapolis and Twin Falls, Minn.; Springfield, Mo.; Omaha, Neb.; and Lubbock, Texas. The company’s Canadian Linen and Uniform Service facility in Lethbridge, Alberta, is also Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified.
Certified facilities pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and zero presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. To maintain their certification, laundry plants must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained.
This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.



Modint Modint

MODINT and SMI join hands during Royal State Visit in Italy

On the occasion of the State Visit to Italy by Their Majesties The King and Queen of The Netherlands and a Dutch trade delegation led by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs Lilianne Ploumen, the Italian and Dutch fashion and textile industry will join hands.
MODINT, the Dutch association for the Fashion and Textile industries and lead of the fashion mission and Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), the Italian association for the Fashion and Textile supply chain in Italy, have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which emphasizes the growing interaction between the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries.
During the Best of Both Event on Friday June 23rd in Milan, the Minister and a delegation of Dutch and Italian VIP’s and innovators active in the Fashion and Textile industry will witness the signing of a promising Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU defines actions by MODINT and SMI to help the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries work together on recycling, labour standards, sustainable raw materials and domestic production.

On the occasion of the State Visit to Italy by Their Majesties The King and Queen of The Netherlands and a Dutch trade delegation led by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs Lilianne Ploumen, the Italian and Dutch fashion and textile industry will join hands.
MODINT, the Dutch association for the Fashion and Textile industries and lead of the fashion mission and Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), the Italian association for the Fashion and Textile supply chain in Italy, have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which emphasizes the growing interaction between the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries.
During the Best of Both Event on Friday June 23rd in Milan, the Minister and a delegation of Dutch and Italian VIP’s and innovators active in the Fashion and Textile industry will witness the signing of a promising Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU defines actions by MODINT and SMI to help the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries work together on recycling, labour standards, sustainable raw materials and domestic production.
Modint and SMI are both members of the International Apparel Federation (IAF), an international organisation that supports industry development by helping to build intelligent connections among its members. In the MoU, Italian and Dutch businesses will explain how they cooperate, how they can support sustainable value chains, how they envision their business growing together in the coming years, and what their respective governments can do to support that growth.

More information:
Modint, SMI, Italy


Archroma Archroma


SDC’s annual competition engages with hundreds of students, universities and designers globally, helping the entrants develop their understanding of color and the challenges around sustainability in the textile supply chain. The theme for 2018 is ‘color communication’.
With a global textile supply chain, being able to communicate a given color through the supply chain efficiently and effectively is vital. Ultimately this provides the designer with the knowledge that their product is commercially suitable from the initial concept stages through to final product.
Archroma will support the competition with its Color Atlas color management system, which will be key to both the competition theme and the accompanying educational package.
Using these colors also provides the best opportunity to minimize the environmental impact during the dyeing/printing process by ensuring that the dyes conform to many of the environmental standards that exist and are applied using best practice.

SDC’s annual competition engages with hundreds of students, universities and designers globally, helping the entrants develop their understanding of color and the challenges around sustainability in the textile supply chain. The theme for 2018 is ‘color communication’.
With a global textile supply chain, being able to communicate a given color through the supply chain efficiently and effectively is vital. Ultimately this provides the designer with the knowledge that their product is commercially suitable from the initial concept stages through to final product.
Archroma will support the competition with its Color Atlas color management system, which will be key to both the competition theme and the accompanying educational package.
Using these colors also provides the best opportunity to minimize the environmental impact during the dyeing/printing process by ensuring that the dyes conform to many of the environmental standards that exist and are applied using best practice.
“We at Archroma are very proud to be the official sponsor of the SDC International Design Competition. The participants will be able to experience first-hand how the Color Atlas can support their creativity. For Archroma, this is a great opportunity to further drive innovation and sustainability in the textile supply chain“, commented Brad McClanahan, Global Head of Service Businesses at Archroma.

More information:
Archroma, SDC, Color

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Filpucci Filpucci

Re.Verso ™ by Filpucci

On June 28th, at Sala Riunioni Area Monumentale (1st floor), Filpucci is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the press conference: “Fifty years of Filpucci - History tells the future”.
An enduring vocation for pioneering values and reliable manufacturing processes, both traceable and transparent, as shown by Re.VersoTM supply chain, a circular economy model, of which it is a member and exclusive reference point in the framework of high-end/low impact yarns for knitwear with the Collection Ninetyfive, now available in stock service, for an innovation available on request, thus marking a further breakthrough. From Stella McCartney to Eileen Fisher, from Filippa K to Patagonia, the fashion system’s big labels have opted for the regenerated yarns Re.VersoTM by Filpucci, thus sharing a new business philosophy: an environment-conscious and responsible approach, with does not relinquish style, but elevates it far forward style & trends. Filpucci, true Italian excellence for 50 years, has widened its range of smart Re.Verso™ products thus encompassing:

On June 28th, at Sala Riunioni Area Monumentale (1st floor), Filpucci is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the press conference: “Fifty years of Filpucci - History tells the future”.
An enduring vocation for pioneering values and reliable manufacturing processes, both traceable and transparent, as shown by Re.VersoTM supply chain, a circular economy model, of which it is a member and exclusive reference point in the framework of high-end/low impact yarns for knitwear with the Collection Ninetyfive, now available in stock service, for an innovation available on request, thus marking a further breakthrough. From Stella McCartney to Eileen Fisher, from Filippa K to Patagonia, the fashion system’s big labels have opted for the regenerated yarns Re.VersoTM by Filpucci, thus sharing a new business philosophy: an environment-conscious and responsible approach, with does not relinquish style, but elevates it far forward style & trends. Filpucci, true Italian excellence for 50 years, has widened its range of smart Re.Verso™ products thus encompassing:
• The yarn Baby Camel Re.VersoTM produced with Re.Verso™ baby camel and mixed with 50% extra-fine Merino Wool comes in two yarn counts (1:13000nm and 2:13000 nm twisted). A delicate, rich and super soft yarn, with indescribable touch, which preserves its natural proprieties and comes in a selection of refined shades.
• The new Divette item, coming in two yarn counts (1:15000nm, 2:26000 nm twisted), yet again sheds light on the pioneering attitude of a manufacturer aiming to offer soft and creative combed and twisted yarns, that are unmistakably innovative and come in different degrees of thinness. Sophisticated, exceptionally soft and warm yarns, made with cashmere Re.Verso™ fibres mixed with extra fine wools.

More information:
CLASS, Filpucci. RE.Verso

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Pop- up Shop Pop-up Shop
Pop-up Shop


Vom 4. bis 8. Juli 2017 bringt die SEEK zur Fashion Week einen Pop-up-Shop auf die Straße. Die SEEK transformiert den Hotspot Fechtner Delikatessen – bekannt für ein umfassend gesundes Food-Angebot bestehend aus regionalen Produkten höchster Qualität – in ein Retail-Konzept. Fashion In- und Outsider finden hier zusammen, um zu inspirieren und sich inspirieren zu lassen. Die Berliner Torstraße, wo das erste Pop-up-Format der SEEK aufschlägt, ist ein Zentrum der Offenheit, Inspiration und Individualität. Die SEEK als offizielle ‚voice of street culture’ begibt sich mitten hinein ins Leben.
Marke, Einkäufer, Presse, Konsumenten – die Grenzen verschwimmen von Saison zu Saison mehr. Als zeitgemäße Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des Handels präsentiert der Shop eine kuratierte Auswahl von Mode, Food und Lifestyle. Mehr noch: Der Einkauf wird zum Erlebnis, indem ein Konzept entsteht, an dem jeder teilhaben will, und das jeder teilen möchte.

Vom 4. bis 8. Juli 2017 bringt die SEEK zur Fashion Week einen Pop-up-Shop auf die Straße. Die SEEK transformiert den Hotspot Fechtner Delikatessen – bekannt für ein umfassend gesundes Food-Angebot bestehend aus regionalen Produkten höchster Qualität – in ein Retail-Konzept. Fashion In- und Outsider finden hier zusammen, um zu inspirieren und sich inspirieren zu lassen. Die Berliner Torstraße, wo das erste Pop-up-Format der SEEK aufschlägt, ist ein Zentrum der Offenheit, Inspiration und Individualität. Die SEEK als offizielle ‚voice of street culture’ begibt sich mitten hinein ins Leben.
Marke, Einkäufer, Presse, Konsumenten – die Grenzen verschwimmen von Saison zu Saison mehr. Als zeitgemäße Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des Handels präsentiert der Shop eine kuratierte Auswahl von Mode, Food und Lifestyle. Mehr noch: Der Einkauf wird zum Erlebnis, indem ein Konzept entsteht, an dem jeder teilhaben will, und das jeder teilen möchte.
Das Konzept Super Natural ist gleichermaßen das Dachthema der sechsten Ausgabe des SEEK Magazines. Im Pop-up-Shop werden ausschließlich weiße Produkte angeboten, in einem klaren und auf das Wesentliche reduzierten Umfeld. Am 3. Juli wird dann zum Launch der aktuellen Printausgabe in den Pop-up-Shop eingeladen.
Super Natural ist in Zusammenarbeit mit Daniel Padilla Werner (Brand & Retail Consultant/Buyer Denim & Urban bei der KaDeWe Group) entstanden.

More information:
Fashion Week, Pop-up, Natur

PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Carboncast Carboncast


At the “Future of Composites in Construction” trade show, CHOMARAT and ALTUS GROUP are presenting CarbonCast®, their flagship line of reinforced-concrete prefabricated wall panels, reinforced with CHOMARAT’s C-GRID® carbon-fiber grids. A recent army-hospital project in Greenville, South Carolina is another success story of this innovative product: 18,600 m² (200,000 sq.ft) of precast insulated panels were installed in record time. Come and learn more about it at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center, Chicago, Stand C 10, on 20-22 June 2017.
“Reducing installation time, improving the fire and safety performance, increasing the service life of structures, and cutting energy consumption are crucial criteria in the choice of a CarbonCast solution,” explains ALTUS GROUP Executive Director John CARSON. CarbonCast® panels are classified ASHRAE 90.1. Thanks to the low thermal conductivity of carbon fiber, C-GRID® reinforced panels offer excellent thermal performance, providing uniform insulation and, therefore, a comfortable, energy-efficient building.

At the “Future of Composites in Construction” trade show, CHOMARAT and ALTUS GROUP are presenting CarbonCast®, their flagship line of reinforced-concrete prefabricated wall panels, reinforced with CHOMARAT’s C-GRID® carbon-fiber grids. A recent army-hospital project in Greenville, South Carolina is another success story of this innovative product: 18,600 m² (200,000 sq.ft) of precast insulated panels were installed in record time. Come and learn more about it at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center, Chicago, Stand C 10, on 20-22 June 2017.
“Reducing installation time, improving the fire and safety performance, increasing the service life of structures, and cutting energy consumption are crucial criteria in the choice of a CarbonCast solution,” explains ALTUS GROUP Executive Director John CARSON. CarbonCast® panels are classified ASHRAE 90.1. Thanks to the low thermal conductivity of carbon fiber, C-GRID® reinforced panels offer excellent thermal performance, providing uniform insulation and, therefore, a comfortable, energy-efficient building.



Ipsos, Ginetex Ipsos, Ginetex
Ipsos, Ginetex

In partnership with IPSOS, GINETEX presents the outcomes of its European barometer: "Europeans and textile care labeling"

In partnership with IPSOS, GINETEX presents the outcomes of its European barometer: "Europeans and textile care labeling" 70% of Europeans follow the textile care instructions featured on the labels and 80% admit that they would not (or would rarely) buy clothes without any labels, While another 84% feel concerned by water and energy savings . GINETEX, the international Association for Textile Care Labeling, called upon the French market research company IPSOS, to evaluate the behavior of European Consumers with regards to textile product labels and care symbols. This study, carried out in December 2016, combines the results of six different countries, gathered from a sample of 6,000 people in Germany, England, France, Italy, the Czech Republic and Sweden.
This IPSOS study reveals that 70% of Europeans follow the textile care instructions represented by the symbols. At a pan-European level, 57% even admit that they follow them 'often' and 13% do so 'always'. These figures illustrate the importance of care instructions in the minds of European consumers.

In partnership with IPSOS, GINETEX presents the outcomes of its European barometer: "Europeans and textile care labeling" 70% of Europeans follow the textile care instructions featured on the labels and 80% admit that they would not (or would rarely) buy clothes without any labels, While another 84% feel concerned by water and energy savings . GINETEX, the international Association for Textile Care Labeling, called upon the French market research company IPSOS, to evaluate the behavior of European Consumers with regards to textile product labels and care symbols. This study, carried out in December 2016, combines the results of six different countries, gathered from a sample of 6,000 people in Germany, England, France, Italy, the Czech Republic and Sweden.
This IPSOS study reveals that 70% of Europeans follow the textile care instructions represented by the symbols. At a pan-European level, 57% even admit that they follow them 'often' and 13% do so 'always'. These figures illustrate the importance of care instructions in the minds of European consumers.
- 38% state that they follow these instructions in order to avoid washing problems such as shrinking, in the first place
- 31% follow them in order to preserve their clothes and keep them longer, as a second reason Overall, Europeans consider labels as too cumbersome and 62% admit cutting them out: for 74% of them, the labels itch and irritate their skin and for another 55%, they are often too long and uncomfortable. These results can differ from one European country to another.
However, the presence of the label is a real purchasing criterion since 80% of Europeans state that they would never or rarely buy a piece of clothing without a label.



Imprima Imprima

IMPRIMA & THE AMSTERDAM INNOVATION FORUM: “How apparel brands can transform supply chains” 14th June, 2017

The session will explore what the digital revolution means for business, and how innovations in manufacturing are the new reality that help create sustainable products that last and can be scaled to suit each actor through smart customization.
IMPRIMA S.p.a. is the global holding company dedicated to research, development and innovation in the textile printing and finishing arena. It is the first Fully Digital Industrial Platform, that today can offer a fully digitalized process in every step of its manufacture. Thanks to the acquisition of 100% of the German finishing and textile printing company KBC and 100% the Italian company GUARISCO by WISE SGR, Imprima is enriched by an international outlook that makes it extremely competitive in the market, which will be reinforced in the coming months with additional acquisitions in Italy and abroad, taking care to maintain best practices in terms of quality and service and the business identity of each company. In this way, Imprima represents a preferred partner for the fashion retailers.

The session will explore what the digital revolution means for business, and how innovations in manufacturing are the new reality that help create sustainable products that last and can be scaled to suit each actor through smart customization.
IMPRIMA S.p.a. is the global holding company dedicated to research, development and innovation in the textile printing and finishing arena. It is the first Fully Digital Industrial Platform, that today can offer a fully digitalized process in every step of its manufacture. Thanks to the acquisition of 100% of the German finishing and textile printing company KBC and 100% the Italian company GUARISCO by WISE SGR, Imprima is enriched by an international outlook that makes it extremely competitive in the market, which will be reinforced in the coming months with additional acquisitions in Italy and abroad, taking care to maintain best practices in terms of quality and service and the business identity of each company. In this way, Imprima represents a preferred partner for the fashion retailers.
IMPRIMA boasts a Total Water Management guarantee through its own chemical/physical process of water depuration technologies able to reduce the consumption of water up to 90%, avoiding effluents, by circulating it in a virtuous recycling process, for example now needing only 1 liter of water compared to traditionally 12 liters needed in the past.

More information:
Imprima, digital

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 Source:
Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 has undergone a drastic reboot to give fashion and apparel companies the speed and agility they need to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0, with the widest functional scope on the market, acts as an intelligent nerve center to the digital supply chain, from planning through design to production. This ensures a consistent flow of error-free data between processes, technologies and people. The system connects CAD, industry-standard software such as Adobe Illustrator, company IT systems (such as ERP) and external suppliers, so that actors across the supply chain can work on, save and share information on the platform, ensuring data integrity.
The solution also draws on best practices, fashion-business intelligence and real-world scenarios to automate administrative and repetitive tasks, with templates, standard libraries and shortcuts that allows more time for value-added activities. The final result is a fast, connected digital supply chain that helps fashion companies jump on trends quickly and deliver products that fulfill their customer’s expectations.



Oerlikon presents take up winder Source:
Oerlikon presents take up winder

Oerlikon presents new take-up winder to ITA as partial gift

In May 2017, Jochen Adler, Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer at Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG, presented a Oerlikon Barmag take-up winder as a partial gift to Prof. Dr Thomas Gries, head of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University. The new Type ASW602 winder, which is equipped with modern control software and user interface, replaces the former institute’s Barmag take-up winder.

In May 2017, Jochen Adler, Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer at Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG, presented a Oerlikon Barmag take-up winder as a partial gift to Prof. Dr Thomas Gries, head of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University. The new Type ASW602 winder, which is equipped with modern control software and user interface, replaces the former institute’s Barmag take-up winder.

Due to this modernisation, ITA has access to a latest generation take-up winder which is used for various research projects. The new winder is applied at ITA’s two pilot melt spinning plants and ensures the transfer of new research and development insights into the pilot scale. Furthermore, this winder has two winding positions and operates with winding speeds between 2500 m/min and 5500 m/min. The new winder is suitable for all kinds of polymers, from polypropylene to polyethylene, polyester, polyamide etc. as well as for the production of several types of yarn, such as industrial yarn, pre-oriented yarn and fully-drawn yarn.
“We thank Oerlikon Barmag for the generous partial gifting and the support during the set-up of the new take-up winder”, says Prof. Dr Thomas Gries. “The new equipment will keep the institute’s machine park on a high and powerful level.” The head of ITA’s chemical fibre department Dr Thorsten Anders adds: “This winder is designed for the needs of chemical yarn research. It allows state of the art technology research and development and pilot-scale production. We will use it for the melt spinning plants in the single- and bi-component spinning process. This way, we can access a wide variety of producible yarn types.“

More information:
Oerlikon, ITA

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

VDMA 2017 Technische Universität Dresden
VDMA 2017

Neue Webtechnologien für die Fertigung zellularer 3D-Drahtstrukturen und für hochkomplexe 3D-Gewebe gewinnen zwei VDMA-Preise 2017

Am 11. Mai 2017 wurden wieder zwei von insgesamt fünf Förder- und Kreativitätspreisen 2017 des VDMA Fachverbandes Textilmaschinen an Nachwuchswissenschaftler des Institutes für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden verliehen. Die Preise sind mit 8.000 Euro dotiert und gingen an Frau Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Sennewald für ihre Dissertation zum Thema „Generative Struktur-, Technologie- und Webmaschinenentwicklung für unikale zellulare 3D Strukturen in Leichtbauweise “ und an Herrn Philipp Kempert für seine Studienarbeit „Entwicklung eines Schützenwechselsystems für Spulenschützen-Bandwebmaschinen zur Herstellung hochkomplexer 3D-Gewebe“.

Am 11. Mai 2017 wurden wieder zwei von insgesamt fünf Förder- und Kreativitätspreisen 2017 des VDMA Fachverbandes Textilmaschinen an Nachwuchswissenschaftler des Institutes für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden verliehen. Die Preise sind mit 8.000 Euro dotiert und gingen an Frau Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Sennewald für ihre Dissertation zum Thema „Generative Struktur-, Technologie- und Webmaschinenentwicklung für unikale zellulare 3D Strukturen in Leichtbauweise “ und an Herrn Philipp Kempert für seine Studienarbeit „Entwicklung eines Schützenwechselsystems für Spulenschützen-Bandwebmaschinen zur Herstellung hochkomplexer 3D-Gewebe“.

Im Rahmen der prämierten Dissertation entwickelte Frau Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Sennewald eine neue Webtechnologie für die Fertigung völlig neuer zellularer 3D Drahtstrukturen. Die besondere Leistung besteht in der Entwicklung von Lösungen für die Verarbeitung von steifen Drahtmaterialien nach einem äußerst effizienten textilen Fertigungsverfahren. Die einzigartigen Strukturen zeichnen sich bei geringem Gewicht durch exzellente Werkstoffkennwerte aus. Sie bieten eine hervorragende Basis für neue Lösungen im Metallleichtbau, für crashsichere Leichtbauteile, aber auch für Hochleistungsbeton.
Herr Kempert leistete mit seiner ausgezeichneten Studienarbeit in Zusammenarbeit mit dem deutschen Maschinenbauer MAGEBA Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co KG einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Automatisierung von Spezial-Webmaschinen für die Verarbeitung von Hochleistungsfaserstoffen, insbesondere von Carbon-Fäden. Mit diesen Spezial-Webmaschinen können komplexe 3D-Strukturen für Faserkunststoffverbunde gefertigt werden, die bisher in aufwändigen manuellen Arbeitsschritten gefertigt werden. Die vollständige Automatisierung ist eine wesentliche Grundlage für die Überführung der Forschungsergebnisse in die Industrie, wie die Automobilindustrie, der Maschinenbau und Sportgerätehersteller.


Technische Universität Dresden


Hexcel exhibiting at SAMPE Seattle 2017

Hexcel is exhibiting at the SAMPE 2017 technical conference May 23-24, in booth G11, in Seattle, Washington, U.S. to promote its latest materials for aerospace and industrial applications. Specialists from Hexcel’s carbon fibers, reinforcements, prepregs, honeycomb and engineered core groups will be there to speak with attendees about Hexcel’s wide variety of products and offerings.

Hexcel is exhibiting at the SAMPE 2017 technical conference May 23-24, in booth G11, in Seattle, Washington, U.S. to promote its latest materials for aerospace and industrial applications. Specialists from Hexcel’s carbon fibers, reinforcements, prepregs, honeycomb and engineered core groups will be there to speak with attendees about Hexcel’s wide variety of products and offerings.

This year at SAMPE Seattle Hexcel will be promoting its HiTape® dry carbon fiber reinforcements with a C spar panel and co-infused stringer. This display shows the high forming capability of HiTape® reinforcements and how the technology can be used to co-infuse stringers and C spar panels. It is also representative of an aircraft wing construction. HiTape® dry carbon fiber reinforcements are designed for the automated manufacture of preforms at very high deposition rates. The dry preforms are infused with Hexcel’s HexFlow® RTM6 resin for a cost-efficient out-of-autoclave manufacturing process for next generation aircraft structures. Parts produced with HiTape® reinforcements and Hexcel’s HexFlow® infusion resins can be up to 30mm thick with a 58 to 60% fiber volume content, resulting in mechanical properties that are as high as those achieved with primary structure prepregs.

More information:
Hexcel, Sampe Seattle, 2017


Hygienically Clean Certification TRSA®
Hygienically Clean Certification

Hygienically Clean Healthcare Exhibit Educates Surgery Center Professionals

An exhibit at the recent Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) annual meeting in Washington promoted the value of doing business with a Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified launderer. More than 120 attendees learned how the certification verifies laundries’ best management practices (BMPs) and quantifies laundered product cleanliness. The display marked the first such promotion of Hygienically Clean Healthcare to an outpatient medical market. Previous exhibits touted the certification to hospital audiences: the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) and Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). Like members of those groups, most ASCA participants interviewed were industry customers, but represented a wider variety of professions, including M.D. owners and these job titles:

• Administrator • Business Manager
• CEO, President, CFO, COO
• Chief Medical Officer
• Clinical Coordinator, Director
• Nursing Director
• Regional Director, VP

An exhibit at the recent Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) annual meeting in Washington promoted the value of doing business with a Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified launderer. More than 120 attendees learned how the certification verifies laundries’ best management practices (BMPs) and quantifies laundered product cleanliness. The display marked the first such promotion of Hygienically Clean Healthcare to an outpatient medical market. Previous exhibits touted the certification to hospital audiences: the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) and Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). Like members of those groups, most ASCA participants interviewed were industry customers, but represented a wider variety of professions, including M.D. owners and these job titles:

• Administrator • Business Manager
• CEO, President, CFO, COO
• Chief Medical Officer
• Clinical Coordinator, Director
• Nursing Director
• Regional Director, VP

Roughly 10 percent of the visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit on May 3-5 expressed concern about the product and service quality of their linen, uniform and facility services providers. Using a Hygienically Clean certified launderer addresses quality concerns, they were told, as inspectors focus on a facility’s quality assurance manual as the hub of control measures (BMPs) that minimize potential for error. In addition, unlike Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC) certification, Hygienically Clean microbial testing measures finished product quality, enforcing a total microbial content ceiling, including yeasts, molds and bacteria.



Beaulieu International Group Beaulieu International Group
Beaulieu International Group

Beaulieu Fibres International highlights Technology Innovator commitment and investment news at Techtextil 2017

 Hall 4.1 Booth F13, 9-12 May, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany Wielsbeke, Belgium – May 8, 2017 – Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre producer, demonstrates its strengths as a “Technology Innovator” at Techtextil 2017, promising more fibre innovations to address market demand in segments such as automotive, flooring and geotextiles.
Beaulieu Fibres International’s recent Supplier Excellence for Technological Innovation Award from Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, is just one example of its commitment to developing innovative new products in close cooperation with customers to enable them to bring more environmentally-friendly, lighter and better performing products to market.
To support this, Techtextil visitors will hear first-hand of Beaulieu Fibres International’s investment in new fibre technology on an industrial scale in Belgium. The EUR 15 million investment will be commissioned in November 2017. It is part of an ongoing programme to extend fibre production to meet future challenges and customer needs.

 Hall 4.1 Booth F13, 9-12 May, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany Wielsbeke, Belgium – May 8, 2017 – Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre producer, demonstrates its strengths as a “Technology Innovator” at Techtextil 2017, promising more fibre innovations to address market demand in segments such as automotive, flooring and geotextiles.
Beaulieu Fibres International’s recent Supplier Excellence for Technological Innovation Award from Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, is just one example of its commitment to developing innovative new products in close cooperation with customers to enable them to bring more environmentally-friendly, lighter and better performing products to market.
To support this, Techtextil visitors will hear first-hand of Beaulieu Fibres International’s investment in new fibre technology on an industrial scale in Belgium. The EUR 15 million investment will be commissioned in November 2017. It is part of an ongoing programme to extend fibre production to meet future challenges and customer needs.

At Hall 4.1 Booth F13, Techtextil visitors can get insights on upcoming products and explore Beaulieu Fibres International’s extensive and diversified portfolio of Mono, Round and Trilobal fibres, plus BICO-fibres. Donald De Deygere, Sales and Marketing Manager Fibres Industrial, Beaulieu Fibres International, comments: “Being the European leader for polyolefin staple fibres, it is also our commitment to stay ahead as Technology Innovator. Our innovation strategy is the cornerstone of our activities and various awards have proven this success. We are proud to announce new industrial investments in both Belgium and Italy amounting to more than EUR 80 million over 2016-2018.”


Beaulieu International Group

ITM auf der Techtextil Technische Universität Dresden
ITM auf der Techtextil


Textilforscher der TU Dresden präsentieren neue Bandwebtechnik zur Herstellung hochkomplexer 3D-Gewebe, Struktur- und Prozesssimulationen für textile Hochleistungswerkstoffe und Fertigungsprozesse sowie eine dreidimensionale thermoaktive Raumtextilie.

Textilforscher der TU Dresden präsentieren neue Bandwebtechnik zur Herstellung hochkomplexer 3D-Gewebe, Struktur- und Prozesssimulationen für textile Hochleistungswerkstoffe und Fertigungsprozesse sowie eine dreidimensionale thermoaktive Raumtextilie.

Auf Basis einer neuen Spulenschützenbandwebtechnik mit einer integrierten Schützenwechseleinrichtung ist es gelungen, Carbongarne schädigungsarm zu verarbeiten sowie Profilbandgewebe mit über die Bauteillänge unterschiedlichem Querschnitt und vor allem in einem einzigen Fertigungsschritt gewebte komplexe rohrförmige Knotenelemente zu entwickeln. Das entwickelte Schützenwechselsystem demonstriert das ITM auf seinem Stand auf der Messe TECHTEXTIL an einem elektronisch gesteuerten Spulenschützen-Bandwebautomaten . Die Kombination der Spulenschützen-Bandwebtechnik mit der Jacquardtechnik ermöglicht eine ausgesprochen hohe Strukturvielfalt, die für die Entwicklung von gewebten rohrförmigen Knotenelementen in unterschiedlichster Geometrie genutzt wird. Die Rohrknotenelemente werden vor allem für die Eckverbinder von Leichtbaurahmen, z. B. in Fahrzeug- oder Fahrradrahmen, in Sportgeräten oder Roboterwerkzeugrahmen oder in der Architektur, benötigt. Am ITM wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma MAGEBA Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co KG und durch die finanzielle Förderung von Forschungsprojekten durch das BMWi die gesamte Prozesskette vom CAD-Entwurf, über die strukturelle Entwicklung, die Erstellung der Maschinensteuerprogramme, die textiltechnische Umsetzung und die Bauteilkonsolidierung erfolgreich erarbeitet.

Als weiteres Highlight präsentiert das ITM der TU Dresden auf der TECHTEXTIL die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, die die Struktur- und Prozesssimulation textiler Hochleistungswerkstoffe und textiler Fertigungsprozesse bietet und somit fester Bestandteil in allen Entwicklungen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette vom Atom bis zum Produkt am ITM ist. Darüber hinaus offeriert das ITM als weiteren besonderen Blickfang ein 2,5 Meter hohes Rotorblatt aus einem Faserkunststoffverbund mit integrierten textilen Dehnungssensoren aus Carbonfasern zur In-Situ Strukturüberwachung.


 Technische Universität Dresden

Intertextile Shanghai Messe Frankfurt
Intertexile Shanghai

Positive and well-established South China fashion market sets attractive backdrop for July’s Intertextile Pavilion Shenzhen 2017

As part of Messe Frankfurt’s renowned Intertextile brand, Intertextile Pavilion at the Shenzhen International Trade Fair for Apparel Fabrics and Accessories (“Intertextile Pavilion Shenzhen”) has a distinctive focus on the South China market, benefiting from this region’s promising market conditions and providing huge opportunities for exhibitors at this year’s fair.

As part of Messe Frankfurt’s renowned Intertextile brand, Intertextile Pavilion at the Shenzhen International Trade Fair for Apparel Fabrics and Accessories (“Intertextile Pavilion Shenzhen”) has a distinctive focus on the South China market, benefiting from this region’s promising market conditions and providing huge opportunities for exhibitors at this year’s fair.

Given its solid industrial bases and favourable geographic locations, the South China region is at the heart of China’s garment industry, and its one of its two major cities, Shenzhen, has a reputation as the nation’s garment and fashion capital. Currently, the city houses over 2,000 garment companies, 30,000 fashion designers and more than 1,000 fashion brands. In 2016, total sales of the Shenzhen garment industry exceed 200 billion RMB (around 29 billion USD), accounting for over 60% of the market share of shopping malls in China’s first-tier cities . What’s more, with reference to Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s “China Garment Industry” research, due to the growing spending power of both male and female consumers, these two markets are projected to continue their strong growth. While the consumer market for men’s garments is undergoing a growth period with retail sales expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 11.8% between 2015 and 2020, some domestic womenswear brands have started forging into the mid-range to high-end women’s garment market segments. The research also stated that most of the enterprises which own women’s garment brands such as Ellassay, Marisfrolg, Yinger and Koradior, are located in South China.


Messe Frankfurt

Intertextile Shanghai Home Messe Frankfurt
Intertextile Shanghai Home

August’s Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles provides opportunities in the rejuvenated Chinese home textiles market

With less than four months to go before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles takes place, the domestic market is showing strong signs of rejuvenation. China’s economy has stabilised recently, with 2016 GDP recording a 6.7% increase and reaching USD 10.7 trillion, while the National Bureau of Statistics also stated that the total sales of consumer goods last year rose 10.4% to nearly USD 4.8 trillion. Not only will the estimated 10 million couples getting married every year contribute to the strong demand for home textiles products, but the ascending living standards resulting from increased urbanisation together with the flourishing hospitality industry are also driving forces for the market. Apart from the domestic market, the Chinese home textiles industry is also actively opening up new markets around the world, particularly in the ASEAN region where exports continue to increase.

With less than four months to go before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles takes place, the domestic market is showing strong signs of rejuvenation. China’s economy has stabilised recently, with 2016 GDP recording a 6.7% increase and reaching USD 10.7 trillion, while the National Bureau of Statistics also stated that the total sales of consumer goods last year rose 10.4% to nearly USD 4.8 trillion. Not only will the estimated 10 million couples getting married every year contribute to the strong demand for home textiles products, but the ascending living standards resulting from increased urbanisation together with the flourishing hospitality industry are also driving forces for the market. Apart from the domestic market, the Chinese home textiles industry is also actively opening up new markets around the world, particularly in the ASEAN region where exports continue to increase.

Along with the national 13th Five-Year Plan, the home textiles industry has also set its own development plan for the coming five years. Industry leaders, the China National Textile and Apparel Council and the China Home Textile Association, have announced that the home textiles industry is to be modernised by incorporating more innovative, technological and artistic elements. Annual growth of 5.5% and 3.2% for revenue and exports, respectively, are targeted, while automation is to be further promoted to enhance productivity.
Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd added that the prevalent whole-home trend in China will also stimulate the market as a whole. “More and more companies are starting to promote the whole-home concept which emphasises unified styles of decoration throughout the entire home to customers. Compared to demonstrating home textile products separately, showcasing whole-home furnishing is more appealing to Chinese buyers and will encourage sales. The synergy among products, especially those between home textile products and furniture is the emerging trend at present,” said Ms Wen.


Messe Frankfurt