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PETA verleiht den „Vegan Fashion Award 2017“ ©TOM TAILOR
Beste Schuhe Herren: Schnürstiefel von TOM TAILOR

PETA verleiht den „Vegan Fashion Award 2017“

  • Ananasleder und pflanzliche Seide
  • Tierrechtsorganisation zeichnet Labels für tierfreundliche Mode aus

Stuttgart – Glamouröse Stilettos, lässige Parkas und stylishe Taschen Vegane Mode kann alles und ist im Trend. Weil Verbraucher aus ethischen Gründen zunehmend zu Kleidung und Accessoires ohne Leder, Wolle und Co. greifen, setzen sowohl Newcomer als auch die ganz großen Marken verstärkt auf tierfreie Materialien. Um diese Entwicklung zu unterstützen, verleiht PETA bereits seit fünf Jahren den „Vegan Fashion Award“. Mit dem begehrten Preis zeichnet die Tierrechtsorganisation besonders bemerkenswerte vegane Designs aus. Auch in diesem Jahr hat PETA Produkte aus acht Kategorien im Hinblick auf Stil, innovative Materialien, Nachhaltigkeit und Tierfreundlichkeit des Labels bewertet. Das Ergebnis war beeindruckend.

  • Ananasleder und pflanzliche Seide
  • Tierrechtsorganisation zeichnet Labels für tierfreundliche Mode aus

Stuttgart – Glamouröse Stilettos, lässige Parkas und stylishe Taschen Vegane Mode kann alles und ist im Trend. Weil Verbraucher aus ethischen Gründen zunehmend zu Kleidung und Accessoires ohne Leder, Wolle und Co. greifen, setzen sowohl Newcomer als auch die ganz großen Marken verstärkt auf tierfreie Materialien. Um diese Entwicklung zu unterstützen, verleiht PETA bereits seit fünf Jahren den „Vegan Fashion Award“. Mit dem begehrten Preis zeichnet die Tierrechtsorganisation besonders bemerkenswerte vegane Designs aus. Auch in diesem Jahr hat PETA Produkte aus acht Kategorien im Hinblick auf Stil, innovative Materialien, Nachhaltigkeit und Tierfreundlichkeit des Labels bewertet. Das Ergebnis war beeindruckend.

„Nie war es so einfach wie heute, vegane Mode zu finden. Junge Designer und etablierte Labels haben erkannt, dass ein Umdenken in der Gesellschaft stattfindet: Mit Kleidung, für die Tiere leiden müssen, fühlt man sich nicht mehr wohl“, so Harald Ullmann, 2. Vorsitzender von PETA Deutschland. „Die Gewinner des ‚Vegan Fashion Award 2017‘ zeigen, wie vielfältig und kreativ tierfreie Materialien einsetzbar sind. Wir danken ihnen für ihre zukunftsweisende Arbeit.“

Die Preisträger des „Vegan Fashion Award 2017“:

  • Beste Outerwear Damen: Jacke „Shire“ von Closed
  • Beste Outerwear Herren: Parka „Merat“ von HUGO
  • Beste Schuhe Damen: Silberner High Heel von even&odd
  • Beste Schuhe Herren: Schnürstiefel von TOM TAILOR
  • Bestes Accessoire Damen: Shopper von Esprit
  • Bestes Accessoire Herren: Uhr von LIAN & MÉZ
  • Beste vegane Kollektion: studio JUX
  • Veganer Newcomer: Paplebag

Auch in diesem Jahr hat der „Vegan Fashion Award“ mit Kai Schumann, Ariane Sommer und Armin Morbach prominente Paten mit einer Leidenschaft für Mode und tierleidfreien Lifestyle. „Für mich und viele andere Menschen kommt Kleidung, für die Tiere leiden und sterben müssen, schon lange nicht mehr infrage“, so Schauspieler Kai Schumann. „Ich finde es großartig, dass sich immer mehr Designer dessen bewusst werden und tierfreie Materialien verwenden. PETAs ‚Vegan Fashion Award‘ belohnt sie dafür und treibt die Entwicklung voran.“

Autorin und Kolumnistin Ariane Sommer findet: „Heutzutage gibt es so tolle und hochwertige Produkte aus tierfreien Materialien, dass wirklich keine Wünsche offen bleiben. Die aktuelle vegane Mode macht Spaß, ist stylish und überzeugt, was Qualität und Vielfalt angeht – das zeigen die Gewinner des ‚Vegan Fashion Award 2017‘.“

„Mich begeistern Modemacher, die sich an Neues wagen, experimentieren und eingefahrene Wege verlassen“, sagt Fotograf und Stylist Armin Morbach. „Die innovativen Materialien und Designs der ‚Vegan Fashion Award‘-Gewinner finde ich spannend. So sieht die Mode der Zukunft aus: kreativ und vor allem ohne Tierleid.“

Um Kunden das vegane Shopping zu erleichtern, vergibt PETA das „PETA-Approved Vegan“-Logo, mit dem Kleidung und Accessoires als „tierfrei“ gekennzeichnet werden. Das Logo können Unternehmen nach Abschluss eines kostenfreien Lizenzvertrages zur Auszeichnung veganer Produkte nutzen. Menschen, die das Leiden der Tiere für Pelz, Leder, Wolle und Daunen nicht unterstützen wollen, sollten sich für vegane Kleidung entscheiden. Weitere Informationen und Tipps gibt es in PETAs Shopping-Guide.


Showcase for the Industry of the Future for Lectra

The Industry of the Future Alliance (AIF) has awarded Lectra with their ‘Showcase for the Industry of the Future’ label for demonstrating the criteria exemplarity, innovation and commitment. This certification is given to companies who have concretely developed a ground-breaking project to organize their production by leveraging the potential of digital.

The AIF bestowed Lectra with this distinction for its competitiveness concerning cost, quality and delivery times, all obtained thanks to a lean approach and reflection around the design of its products. Further, Lectra received the certification for its competitiveness regarding value, achieved thanks to mastering customer use from which new associated services have flowed. Since 2013, Lectra has invested €86 million in R&D, representing 9.4% of its revenues. This Investment has enabled Lectra to undergo a metamorphosis—based on methodological advances and fundamental technologies—increasing recruitment and growing competitiveness in all of its markets and geographical sectors.

The Industry of the Future Alliance (AIF) has awarded Lectra with their ‘Showcase for the Industry of the Future’ label for demonstrating the criteria exemplarity, innovation and commitment. This certification is given to companies who have concretely developed a ground-breaking project to organize their production by leveraging the potential of digital.

The AIF bestowed Lectra with this distinction for its competitiveness concerning cost, quality and delivery times, all obtained thanks to a lean approach and reflection around the design of its products. Further, Lectra received the certification for its competitiveness regarding value, achieved thanks to mastering customer use from which new associated services have flowed. Since 2013, Lectra has invested €86 million in R&D, representing 9.4% of its revenues. This Investment has enabled Lectra to undergo a metamorphosis—based on methodological advances and fundamental technologies—increasing recruitment and growing competitiveness in all of its markets and geographical sectors.

With ten years’ experience in the industrial internet of things for cutting and expertise in software Solutions to automate and optimize design and product development, Lectra is in an unrivalled position to Support customers as they enter the ‘industry of the future’ era.

Pressure from certain shareholders to relocate manufacturing to China in 2005, triggered Lectra’s industrial project. Following risk analyses—the cost of transport for the European market, the turnover in qualified labor, uncertainty over patent rights and quality—Lectra decided to keep manufacturing in France. This choice was conditional on: disruptive innovation; upgrading; increased value to customers; and a rise in productivity.

The project was accompanied by a well-structured lean approach and organizational changes, which enabled Lectra to achieve the desired level of excellence in terms of productivity and competitiveness.

Some of the changes that took place thanks to this project are as follows: Growth in industrial performance due to an improvement in working conditions, with teams involved in the lean approach; Production engineers involved in creating awareness around factory constraints for a new offer as early as the design process. This co-design product/process optimizes global costs; Emphasis on product, process and logistics’ modularity with the latest possible integration of options (delayed differentiation). This enables logistics’ constraints to be taken into account as early as the engineering phase. Product modularity allows, for example, machines to be put in containers when they might otherwise require special heavy-goods transport.

Lectra’s factory improved its productivity rate by 18 points in three years, and has since maintained it at 89%. Costs have already reduced by 25% and the quality and level of service has improved. In terms of positioning, Lectra has confirmed its leadership in the high-end segment. Lectra has enriched its offer with end-to-end services and innovative, connected products whose embedded intelligence offers Smart Services, notably for predictive maintenance.

Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards
Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards

Offene Werkstatt für den Mittelstand in Köln offiziell eröffnet

• Mit eStandards in die digitale Transformation starten
• Offene Werkstätten zeigen, wie eStandards auch im Mittelstand für bessere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sorgen
• 40 Umsetzungsprojekte mit mittelständischen Unternehmen geplant

Köln, 12. September 2017. Für den digitalen Wandel sind Normen und Standards unverzichtbar – nicht nur in Großkonzernen, sondern auch im Mittelstand. Er ist das Herz der deutschen Wirtschaft und muss mit der Digitalisierung und der Nutzung neuer Technologien die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Deutschlands vorantreiben. Das neue „Mittelstand-4.0 Kompetenzzentrum eStandards“ unterstützt kleine und mittlere Unternehmen nicht nur im GS1 Germany Knowledge Center, dass die Offene Werkstatt Köln beheimatet, sondern auch an den Standorten Hagen und Leipzig bei der digitalen Transformation.

• Mit eStandards in die digitale Transformation starten
• Offene Werkstätten zeigen, wie eStandards auch im Mittelstand für bessere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sorgen
• 40 Umsetzungsprojekte mit mittelständischen Unternehmen geplant

Köln, 12. September 2017. Für den digitalen Wandel sind Normen und Standards unverzichtbar – nicht nur in Großkonzernen, sondern auch im Mittelstand. Er ist das Herz der deutschen Wirtschaft und muss mit der Digitalisierung und der Nutzung neuer Technologien die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Deutschlands vorantreiben. Das neue „Mittelstand-4.0 Kompetenzzentrum eStandards“ unterstützt kleine und mittlere Unternehmen nicht nur im GS1 Germany Knowledge Center, dass die Offene Werkstatt Köln beheimatet, sondern auch an den Standorten Hagen und Leipzig bei der digitalen Transformation.

Heute erfolgte der offizielle Projekt-Kickoff gemeinsam mit Unternehmen, Vertretern des Fördergebers BMWi (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie) und des Projektträgers DLR (Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt) sowie Vertretern aus Kammern und Verbänden. Erörtert wurde in diesem Rahmen auch, wie eStandards zu einer nachhaltigen Digitalisierung im Mittelstand beitragen.

„ Mit dem Zentrum für eStandards eröffnen wir das erste thematische Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum. Standards und Normen sind elementar für eine erfolgreiche Digitalisierung, denn sie definieren eine gemeinsame Sprache. Vernetzte Produktion, IT-Sicherheit, einheitliche Nutzererfahrung bis hin zum Datenaustausch brauchen klare Regeln und bewährte allgemein gültige Lösungen über Branchen hinweg“, sagt Dirk Wiese MdB und Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär bei der Bundesministerin für Wirtschaft und Energie. „Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards steht allen Unternehmen zur Verfügung, die sich vor Ort in Köln, Hagen oder Leipzig informieren und einbringen möchten, um die Digitalisierung mitzugestalten“, so der Parlamentarische Staatssekretär Dirk Wiese weiter.

Geschäftsstellenleiterin Bettina Bartz ergänzt: „Während der dreijährigen Projektlaufzeit wollen wir den Einsatz der verschiedensten Standards in zahlreichen Umsetzungsprojekten demonstrieren. Hierfür laden wir kleine und mittlere Unternehmen ein, sich bei uns zu melden, um in die Digitalisierung zu starten, Prozesse zu optimieren oder sich unverbindlich zu informieren.“

Grundsätzlich sollen herstellerunabhängige und offene Standardisierungslösungen für die Digitalisierung demonstriert und erprobt werden. Kompetente Ansprechpartner aus Forschung, Normung und Standardisierung sowie aus gemeinnützigen Instituten vermitteln Grundlagen, Praxiserfahrungen und aktuelles Wissen. Im Fokus steht die inner- und überbetriebliche Standardisierung einschließlich Usability, Nachhaltigkeit und neuer Geschäftsmodelle. Mit umfangreichen Transferhilfen, Vernetzungs- und Dialogformaten, Qualifizierungsangeboten sowie spezifischen webbasierten Tools entstehen zahlreiche Angebote, die im Rahmen regionaler und bundesweiter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit kommuniziert werden.

Getragen wird das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards von einem Zusammenschluss der Partner der HAGENagentur Ges. für Wirtschaftsförderung, Stadtentwicklung, Tourismus mbH, des Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production gGmbH, des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Angewandte Informationstechnik (FIT) Sankt Augustin und des Fraunhofer-Zentrums für Internationales Management und Wissensökonomie IMW unter der Konsortialführerschaft von GS1 Germany.

Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards gehört zu Mittelstand-Digital. Mit Mittelstand-Digital unterstützt das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie die Digitalisierung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und dem Handwerk.


Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards

EECC untersucht Chancen und Grenzen der UHF Transponder ©EECC

EECC untersucht Chancen und Grenzen der UHF Transponder

  • „UHF Tag Performance Survey“ − kurz: UTPS.

Mit dem seit 2007 jährlich erscheinenden Standardwerk dokumentiert das European EPC Competence Center (EECC) nun zum elften Mal den Stand der Technik der RFID-UHF-Transponder. Der Report hilft seinen Nutzern alle relevanten technischen Parameter vergleichend im Blick zu behalten. Dadurch ermöglicht er ihm, Transponder in bestehenden und neuen Anwendung optimal zu nutzen.

Neue Hersteller, neue Chips, neue Transponder

In diesem Jahr wurden in insgesamt über 9200 Testreihen 225 Transponderlabel von 28 Herstellern und 159 on-Metal−Tags von 16 Herstellern vermessen. Jede Testreihe prüft die Eignung des Transponders in einem Prozess aus der Praxis. Dabei durften sich drei neue Chiptypen und fünf neue Transponderhersteller in dem jährlich erscheinenden Benchmark Report beweisen

Sensorik: Intelligent & preiswert

  • „UHF Tag Performance Survey“ − kurz: UTPS.

Mit dem seit 2007 jährlich erscheinenden Standardwerk dokumentiert das European EPC Competence Center (EECC) nun zum elften Mal den Stand der Technik der RFID-UHF-Transponder. Der Report hilft seinen Nutzern alle relevanten technischen Parameter vergleichend im Blick zu behalten. Dadurch ermöglicht er ihm, Transponder in bestehenden und neuen Anwendung optimal zu nutzen.

Neue Hersteller, neue Chips, neue Transponder

In diesem Jahr wurden in insgesamt über 9200 Testreihen 225 Transponderlabel von 28 Herstellern und 159 on-Metal−Tags von 16 Herstellern vermessen. Jede Testreihe prüft die Eignung des Transponders in einem Prozess aus der Praxis. Dabei durften sich drei neue Chiptypen und fünf neue Transponderhersteller in dem jährlich erscheinenden Benchmark Report beweisen

Sensorik: Intelligent & preiswert

Die Hersteller folgen dem Trend zu immer intelligenteren Sensoren im Internet of Things (IoT). Bereits acht der passiven Transponder (also ohne eigene Energiequelle) verfügen erstmalig sogar über einen integrierten Temperatursensor. Deren Anwendung widmet die Studie ein eigenes, neues Kapitel.

Durch Ihren niedrigen Preis im Cent-Bereich, die geringe Größe und ihre Wartungsfreiheit sind diese Transponder in Bereichen einsetzbar, die bisher nicht in der Breite mit solcher Sensorik auszustatten waren. Gegenüber früheren Transponder-Generationen gibt es nun für so gut wie jede Anwendung geeignete und erschwingliche Lösungen. Sei es auf Metall oder auch im großen Pulk.


UHF-Transponder sind in nahezu jeder Branche einsetzbar. „Neben den klassischen Nutzern in Industrie, Handel und Logistik, erschließen sich heute vor allem Big-Data getriebene Branchen dieser Auto-ID Technologie“ erklärt Conrad v. Bonin, CEO, die Zielgruppe. „Für diese sind auch die sehr technischen Inhalte grafisch aufwändig und verständlich aufbereitet“.

Weitere Informationen unter


European EPC Competence Center (EECC)

Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017
Business Beyond Borders

Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

Business Beyond Borders supports businesses, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Clusters, to operate internationally. During the fair, BBB facilitates the participation and meetings between relevant potential trading partners from Europe and abroad with the aim of assisting them in the conclusion of business deals.

Welcoming Arnaldo Abruzzini, CEO of EUROCHAMBRES, says “with over 80% international exhibitors, Texworld is the perfect marketplace for EU textile SMEs keen to do business internationally”. Takin into account the Free Trade Agreements which have been concluded by the EU in the last five years and those that are currently under negotiation, the EU is making several progresses in facilitating international trade as well as on the simplification of the Rules of Origin. “The BBB matchmaking at Texworld present itself an opportunity to increase the export rate of textile and clothing products to non-EU markets, which currently stands at 20%.”

The event will also be supprted by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. “With over 15 EEN partners co-organising the event – says Federica Leonetti, Chair of the Textile & Fashion EEN Sector Group – the companies taking part in the BBB matching event at Texworld will receive personalised support to be successful in their goals.”  

Companies attending the BBB Matchmaking will be able to benefit from a unique package:

• Free access to Texworld and to the connected shows: Apparel Sourcing, Avantex, Shawls and Scarves;
• Business meetings perfectly matching each BBB delegate needs and preferences taking place in a convenient matchmaking area at the heart of the trade fair;
• Access to technical sessions in the strategic conference on IPR, Market Access and the Circular Economy in the textile and clothing sector;
• Access to an international and well placed worldwide network, including several EU-funded support schemes;
• Participation in the BBB Social Media Competition for a chance to further promote your business online;
• Professional assistance on the spot and after the event to make the participation tailored to the needs of each BBB delegate;
The registration is now open at More than 200 companies are expected to attend the B2B Meetings in the dedicated BBB area.

Business Beyond Borders (BBB)

Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn ©Messe Frankfurt
Logo Yarn Expo

Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

Amongst a record number of exhibitors at this October’s Yarn Expo Autumn, the debut BCI Pavilion as well as the Sateri Pavilion and Birla Planet Pavilion that include eco-friendly products are certainly amongst the highlights this year. Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a global organisation with more than 1,000 members including spinners, weavers and garment manufacturers throughout the entire cotton sector. It aims to promote sustainable cotton production, benefiting workers, customers and the environment as a whole. They will form the BCI Pavilion in Yarn Expo for the first time, with five spinners showcasing their cotton yarn manufactured with eco-friendly cotton.

Sateri is a well-known brand in China which specialises in viscose rayon. This natural and high-quality fibre is made from trees grown on renewable plantations. They are the largest producer of viscose fibre in China with three mills and an annual capacity of 550,000 tons, and also have Oeko-Tex certification. This October, nine other domestic exhibitors will form the Sateri Pavilion to demonstrate their comfortable textiles and skin-friendly hygiene products made from viscose fibre.

With over 50 years of experience in manufacturing cellulosic fibres, Birla Group strives to provide greener, purer and safer products to its customers. The Group has operated in China for three years now, and values Yarn Expo’s effectiveness in helping them to promote their brand and attract a wide range of buyers. “We managed to get connected with a number of downstream buyers at the fair. We have introduced our company and products to them that there is great chance for future cooperation.” said Mr Peter Dong, Senior Manager of Aditya Birla Group.   Coming back this year, the Birla Planet Pavilion will feature three of their highlighted fibres – Birla Viscose, Birla Modal and Birla Spunshades at the fair.

Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

The textile industry in China is undergoing a structural change with keen competition, so domestic suppliers have to develop innovative and quality products to satisfy the ever-changing markets. To match the specific needs of various buyers, Yarn Expo has established six distinct display zones gathering the leading domestic companies, namely Colourful Chemical Zone, Natural Cotton Yarn Zone, Fancy Yarn Zone, Quality Wool Zone, Green Linen Zone and e-Commerce Zone.

Not only are a number of chemical fibre products with innovative, eco-friendly and health & comfort properties on offer from exhibitors, but visitors can also gain insights into product trends in these areas from the 2017/18 China Fibre Trend Area and Innovative Textile Material Forum, both of which feature in the Colourful Chemical Zone. The Natural Cotton Yarn Zone is another highlight of the three-day show, where exhibitors will showcase their natural cotton yarn and a range of functional products. Around 50 suppliers will also showcase their latest collections in the expanded Fancy Yarn Zone.
In response to the strong demand for fibre and yarn products in China and the Asian region, the coming autumn edition of Yarn Expo will double its exhibition space, and will accommodate around 500 global yarn suppliers from 13 countries and regions. Together with Yarn Expo Autumn 2017, three other textile trade fairs are held concurrently from 11 – 13 October in the same venue: Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, PH Value and the China International Fashion Fair (CHIC).

Yarn Expo Autumn is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; The Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; China Cotton Textile Association; China Wool Textile Association; China Chemical Fiber Association; China Bast & Leaf Fibres Textiles Association; and China Textile Information Centre.

Color Analysis DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd
Color Analysis

CSI launches their Color Analysis Magazine for Spring/Summer 2019

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar Group is launching their Color Analysis for Spring/Summer 2019. Color Analysis is CSI’s trend forecasting magazine that provides high-level global color trend information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. It contains a forecast of key colors, accents and core neutrals that will be most relevant for the upcoming seasons. The forecast is based on consumer reports, detailed market research, current social trends and generational mindsets. Every issue features an artist who influences and inspires forward thinking.

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar Group is launching their Color Analysis for Spring/Summer 2019. Color Analysis is CSI’s trend forecasting magazine that provides high-level global color trend information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. It contains a forecast of key colors, accents and core neutrals that will be most relevant for the upcoming seasons. The forecast is based on consumer reports, detailed market research, current social trends and generational mindsets. Every issue features an artist who influences and inspires forward thinking.

The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 9,000 CSI colors. The color palette is also available as cotton swatches sold on a ring. Part of the CSI service offering is to provide color direction based on a wide scope of palette searches as well as validated color use. Every issue will include an exclusive Relative Color Popularity (RCP) report, which provides color validation based on seasonal color palette usage by comparing similar hues.
CSI and DyStar support brands, retailers and their business partners from development to production. The CSI and DyStar team of experts work together and assist their customers in color development, communication as well as in the dyeing and quality inspection process to achieve best possible results and sustainable fashion. All CSI products are produced with high-quality, eco-friendly DyStar colorants.
“The Color Analysis Magazine is an important feature of our service for designers, offering them competitive color trends for upcoming seasons. At CSI, we are here to assist with color selections and provide all the necessary tools needed for a successful seasonal palette.” -CSI Color and Trend Director.


DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd  

Thermore THERMORE®

Thermore® brings you FREEDOM and is now PeTA Approved Vegan.

In recent times, there has been a shift in the mentality of what outerwear is supposed to do. The consumers have plenty of jackets that keep them warm- what they desire now is something more functional- a more specialized garment that keeps them comfortable. According to the English dictionary, “comfort” is defined as “a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint”. So, what is more comfortable than a garment that continuously moves and adapts around your body?

Imagine if you could be warm wearing something as comfy as those stretch jeans or yoga pants that adapt to your body and the activity at hand?
Thermore now introduces Thermore® Freedom, a new type of synthetic thermal insulation designed for what consumers expect from their outerwear in modern times. A product that will stretch and move as much as they need it to (up to 40%!). Four different levels of performance guarantee that you're ready for anything.

In recent times, there has been a shift in the mentality of what outerwear is supposed to do. The consumers have plenty of jackets that keep them warm- what they desire now is something more functional- a more specialized garment that keeps them comfortable. According to the English dictionary, “comfort” is defined as “a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint”. So, what is more comfortable than a garment that continuously moves and adapts around your body?

Imagine if you could be warm wearing something as comfy as those stretch jeans or yoga pants that adapt to your body and the activity at hand?
Thermore now introduces Thermore® Freedom, a new type of synthetic thermal insulation designed for what consumers expect from their outerwear in modern times. A product that will stretch and move as much as they need it to (up to 40%!). Four different levels of performance guarantee that you're ready for anything.

More information:
Thermore, Vegan, PeTA


Lectra and Armani Lectra
Lectra and Armani

Lectra and Armani nurture young pattern-making talent

Lectra has developed partnerships with over 850 fashion schools across the world, providing them with solutions and expertise to help the teachers prepare students with the skills they require for the workplace. Working with leading education partners, Lectra organises regular student competitions in association with customers. The latest competition with Istituto Secoli, renowned for its pattern-making savoir-faire, and organized with Armani, is a clear example of industry and education working hand-in-hand to nurture young fashion designers.
Students at Istituto Secoli developed their collections using Lectra’s Modaris® and Diamino® solutions to create their patterns, prototypes and markers. In addition, students from the master’s program in menswear cut their creations with Vector®, Lectra’s state-of-the-art fabric cutting solution.

Lectra has developed partnerships with over 850 fashion schools across the world, providing them with solutions and expertise to help the teachers prepare students with the skills they require for the workplace. Working with leading education partners, Lectra organises regular student competitions in association with customers. The latest competition with Istituto Secoli, renowned for its pattern-making savoir-faire, and organized with Armani, is a clear example of industry and education working hand-in-hand to nurture young fashion designers.
Students at Istituto Secoli developed their collections using Lectra’s Modaris® and Diamino® solutions to create their patterns, prototypes and markers. In addition, students from the master’s program in menswear cut their creations with Vector®, Lectra’s state-of-the-art fabric cutting solution.

Thanks to the trusted relationship that Lectra has with its customer G.A. Operations of the Giorgio Armani group, one of the winning students, graduating in menswear, has the opportunity to take up an internship in the collection development department. "We were very pleased with Lectra's initiative and were delighted to offer educational internships at G.A. Operations. We chose the winning student for his creative skills and for his training on Modaris and Diamino. This gives us the important advantage of bringing somebody with proven technical skills into our team," stated Giorgio Ferremi, industrial director G.A. Operations at Trento.

More information:
Lectra, Armani, Parntership


Archroma Archroma


SDC’s annual competition engages with hundreds of students, universities and designers globally, helping the entrants develop their understanding of color and the challenges around sustainability in the textile supply chain. The theme for 2018 is ‘color communication’.
With a global textile supply chain, being able to communicate a given color through the supply chain efficiently and effectively is vital. Ultimately this provides the designer with the knowledge that their product is commercially suitable from the initial concept stages through to final product.
Archroma will support the competition with its Color Atlas color management system, which will be key to both the competition theme and the accompanying educational package.
Using these colors also provides the best opportunity to minimize the environmental impact during the dyeing/printing process by ensuring that the dyes conform to many of the environmental standards that exist and are applied using best practice.

SDC’s annual competition engages with hundreds of students, universities and designers globally, helping the entrants develop their understanding of color and the challenges around sustainability in the textile supply chain. The theme for 2018 is ‘color communication’.
With a global textile supply chain, being able to communicate a given color through the supply chain efficiently and effectively is vital. Ultimately this provides the designer with the knowledge that their product is commercially suitable from the initial concept stages through to final product.
Archroma will support the competition with its Color Atlas color management system, which will be key to both the competition theme and the accompanying educational package.
Using these colors also provides the best opportunity to minimize the environmental impact during the dyeing/printing process by ensuring that the dyes conform to many of the environmental standards that exist and are applied using best practice.
“We at Archroma are very proud to be the official sponsor of the SDC International Design Competition. The participants will be able to experience first-hand how the Color Atlas can support their creativity. For Archroma, this is a great opportunity to further drive innovation and sustainability in the textile supply chain“, commented Brad McClanahan, Global Head of Service Businesses at Archroma.

More information:
Archroma, SDC, Color

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Airbus Helicopter Airbus Helicopter
Airbus Helicopter

Airbus Helicopters selects HEXCEL as supplier of advanced composite materials for the H160 helicopter

The H160 was designed by Airbus Helicopters to create added value for customers in terms of performance, economic competitiveness, safety and comfort. The use of Hexcel’s composite materials throughout the structure (fuselage, tail boom, tail rotor and main rotor blades) contributes to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization.
“Hexcel’s composite materials have been used in Airbus Helicopters’ programs for many years and we are honored to be continuing our long term relationship, based on innovation and continuous improvement” commented Thierry Merlot, Hexcel President Aerospace EMEA-AP. “We thank Airbus Helicopters for their selection and look forward to our ongoing supply of high performance, weight saving composites materials for this innovative rotorcraft”.
H160 configurations in development include offshore transportation, business and private aviation, emergency medical services, public services, and commercial passenger transport. The helicopter is planned to enter into service in 2019.

The H160 was designed by Airbus Helicopters to create added value for customers in terms of performance, economic competitiveness, safety and comfort. The use of Hexcel’s composite materials throughout the structure (fuselage, tail boom, tail rotor and main rotor blades) contributes to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization.
“Hexcel’s composite materials have been used in Airbus Helicopters’ programs for many years and we are honored to be continuing our long term relationship, based on innovation and continuous improvement” commented Thierry Merlot, Hexcel President Aerospace EMEA-AP. “We thank Airbus Helicopters for their selection and look forward to our ongoing supply of high performance, weight saving composites materials for this innovative rotorcraft”.
H160 configurations in development include offshore transportation, business and private aviation, emergency medical services, public services, and commercial passenger transport. The helicopter is planned to enter into service in 2019.

More information:
Hexcel, Airbus


MTB Kompetenz MTB Kompetenz
MTB Kompetenz



Für EVOC selbst sind diese Neuzugänge weit mehr als nur Markenbotschafter. „Unsere Athleten sind nicht nur Teil eines Sponsoring-Programms, sie unterstützen uns auch aktiv bei der Entwicklung unserer Produkte. Deshalb arbeiten wir immer mit Sportlern zusammen, die absolute Spezialisten in ihrer jeweiligen Disziplin sind. Dass sie alle unsere Leidenschaft für den Sport und das Reisen teilen, ist selbstverständlich“, so Jessica Negele, Team- und Marketingmanagerin bei EVOC. „Die drei neuen Teammitglieder bringen ihr jeweiliges Know-how mit ein: Harald legt seinen Fokus auf exponierte Trails, bei denen viel Gepäck erforderlich ist, der Rucksack bei Aufstieg und Abfahrt aber nicht stören darf. Teal konzentriert sich mehr auf die Rennszene und wird im Bereich Enduro wertvollen Input liefern. Und Thomas’ Feedback wird vor allem hinsichtlich unserer CITY & TRAVEL sowie BIKE TRAVEL BAG-Produkte gefragt sein.”

More information:
Abenteuer, Sport, Sponsoring

EVOC Sports GmbH

Schoeller Schöller Textil AG

Exciting new developments from Schoeller at Outdoor Friedrichshafen

Schoeller Textil AG announces strategic cooperation at this year’s Outdoor in Friedrichshafen. At fair stand A4-402, visitors will experience the debut of Taurex® technology on Tuesday, 20 June, 2017. Tuesday, 20 June, 2017: Taurex® - a development from Red Bull and Schoeller Textil AG Red Bull and Schoeller are proud to unveil the jointly-developed Taurex®-finishing technology at Outdoor in Friedrichshafen. The Taurex® garment material and fabrics feature different types of fibers that encapsulate the essence of Red Bull into clothing – living up to claims of increased performance. The innovative Taurex® fabrics increase physical and mental performance capacity. Taurex® reflects the body’s energy back to the garment’s wearer. As a result, it provides improved wellbeing, greater concentration, reduced fatigue and speedy regeneration.

Schoeller Textil AG announces strategic cooperation at this year’s Outdoor in Friedrichshafen. At fair stand A4-402, visitors will experience the debut of Taurex® technology on Tuesday, 20 June, 2017. Tuesday, 20 June, 2017: Taurex® - a development from Red Bull and Schoeller Textil AG Red Bull and Schoeller are proud to unveil the jointly-developed Taurex®-finishing technology at Outdoor in Friedrichshafen. The Taurex® garment material and fabrics feature different types of fibers that encapsulate the essence of Red Bull into clothing – living up to claims of increased performance. The innovative Taurex® fabrics increase physical and mental performance capacity. Taurex® reflects the body’s energy back to the garment’s wearer. As a result, it provides improved wellbeing, greater concentration, reduced fatigue and speedy regeneration.
For some time now, Taurex® has been featured in the Red Bull clothing brand, AlphaTauri, but can now also be applied to other clothing brands, providing certain criteria are met. On 20 June, 2017, together with Red Bull staff, the Schoeller Competence Team provides detailed information on the Taurex® technology at the Schoeller fair stand A4-402.

More information:
Schöller, Outdoor

Schoeller Textil AG

Imprima Imprima

IMPRIMA & THE AMSTERDAM INNOVATION FORUM: “How apparel brands can transform supply chains” 14th June, 2017

The session will explore what the digital revolution means for business, and how innovations in manufacturing are the new reality that help create sustainable products that last and can be scaled to suit each actor through smart customization.
IMPRIMA S.p.a. is the global holding company dedicated to research, development and innovation in the textile printing and finishing arena. It is the first Fully Digital Industrial Platform, that today can offer a fully digitalized process in every step of its manufacture. Thanks to the acquisition of 100% of the German finishing and textile printing company KBC and 100% the Italian company GUARISCO by WISE SGR, Imprima is enriched by an international outlook that makes it extremely competitive in the market, which will be reinforced in the coming months with additional acquisitions in Italy and abroad, taking care to maintain best practices in terms of quality and service and the business identity of each company. In this way, Imprima represents a preferred partner for the fashion retailers.

The session will explore what the digital revolution means for business, and how innovations in manufacturing are the new reality that help create sustainable products that last and can be scaled to suit each actor through smart customization.
IMPRIMA S.p.a. is the global holding company dedicated to research, development and innovation in the textile printing and finishing arena. It is the first Fully Digital Industrial Platform, that today can offer a fully digitalized process in every step of its manufacture. Thanks to the acquisition of 100% of the German finishing and textile printing company KBC and 100% the Italian company GUARISCO by WISE SGR, Imprima is enriched by an international outlook that makes it extremely competitive in the market, which will be reinforced in the coming months with additional acquisitions in Italy and abroad, taking care to maintain best practices in terms of quality and service and the business identity of each company. In this way, Imprima represents a preferred partner for the fashion retailers.
IMPRIMA boasts a Total Water Management guarantee through its own chemical/physical process of water depuration technologies able to reduce the consumption of water up to 90%, avoiding effluents, by circulating it in a virtuous recycling process, for example now needing only 1 liter of water compared to traditionally 12 liters needed in the past.

More information:
Imprima, digital

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 Source:
Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 has undergone a drastic reboot to give fashion and apparel companies the speed and agility they need to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0, with the widest functional scope on the market, acts as an intelligent nerve center to the digital supply chain, from planning through design to production. This ensures a consistent flow of error-free data between processes, technologies and people. The system connects CAD, industry-standard software such as Adobe Illustrator, company IT systems (such as ERP) and external suppliers, so that actors across the supply chain can work on, save and share information on the platform, ensuring data integrity.
The solution also draws on best practices, fashion-business intelligence and real-world scenarios to automate administrative and repetitive tasks, with templates, standard libraries and shortcuts that allows more time for value-added activities. The final result is a fast, connected digital supply chain that helps fashion companies jump on trends quickly and deliver products that fulfill their customer’s expectations.



PETA PETA Deutschland e.V.

PETA US fordert Moderiesen als Aktionär auf, „Luxusprodukte“ aus Straußen- und Reptilienleder zu verbannen

Hinter jeder Tasche aus Straußen-, Krokodil- oder Alligatorenleder stehen ein kurzes, schreckliches Leben voller Entbehrungen und ein gewaltsamer Tod. Diese Botschaft hat PETA-Vertreterin Sascha Camilli heute in die Mailänder Jahreshauptversammlung des Luxusmodeunternehmens Prada eingebracht. PETA US ruft das Unternehmen auf, keine Taschen, Uhrenarmbänder, Schuhe oder andere Produkte aus Exotenleder mehr zu verkaufen.

Hinter jeder Tasche aus Straußen-, Krokodil- oder Alligatorenleder stehen ein kurzes, schreckliches Leben voller Entbehrungen und ein gewaltsamer Tod. Diese Botschaft hat PETA-Vertreterin Sascha Camilli heute in die Mailänder Jahreshauptversammlung des Luxusmodeunternehmens Prada eingebracht. PETA US ruft das Unternehmen auf, keine Taschen, Uhrenarmbänder, Schuhe oder andere Produkte aus Exotenleder mehr zu verkaufen.

„Kein fühlendes Lebewesen sollte in eine dreckige Grube gepfercht und bei lebendigem Leib zerstückelt werden“, so Tracy Reiman, Executive Vice President bei PETA UK. „PETA appelliert an Prada, klar Stellung gegen Tierleid zu beziehen und in seinen Kollektionen kein Exotenleder mehr zu verwenden.“
PETAs Motto lautet in Teilen: „Tiere sind nicht dazu da, dass wir ihre Häute tragen“. Die Organisation veröffentlichte ein Enthüllungsvideo über das weltgrößte Schlachtunternehmen für Strauße, das u. a. Prada beliefert. Die Aufnahmen zeigen, dass Jungvögel in kahlen Verschlägen gehalten werden, bevor man ihnen einen Elektroschock versetzt und ihnen die Kehle durchschneidet. Schon kurz danach werden den Vögeln die Federn aus dem noch warmen Körper gerissen und sie werden gehäutet und zerlegt.
Weitere Enthüllungsberichte von PETA deckten Tierquälerei in der Reptilienlederproduktion auf. Auf einer Krokodilfarm in Vietnam wurden beispielsweise zehntausende Krokodile in kleinen, dreckigen Betongehegen gehalten, von denen einige so schmal waren, dass sie nicht einmal der Körperlänge der Tiere entsprachen. Auf einer Farm in Texas wurden Alligatoren in dunklen, feuchten Schuppen in stinkendem Wasser gehalten. Später schnitt man einigen Tieren in den Hals und rammte einen Metallstab in ihren Kopf – so sollte das Gehirn der Alligatoren zerstört werden. Dies geschah häufig, während die Tiere noch bei vollem Bewusstsein waren.

Seit April 2016 ist PETA im Besitz von Aktien der Marke Prada. Im Rahmen sogenannter Shareholder Campaigns erwirbt PETA US Aktien von Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt, um Einfluss auf deren Vorstandsmitglieder und Investoren auszuüben und eine tierfreundliche Unternehmensstrategie zu bewirken.

More information:
PETA Deutschland, PETA USA

PETA Deutschland e.V.

International Recycled Polyester Conference & Exhibition Source:
International Recycled Polyester Conference & Exhibition

13th China International Recycled Polyester Conference & Exhibition

Compared to the past years we are a little late in advertising the upcoming 13th China International Recycled Polyester Conference & Exhibition in Shanghai at September 05 – 06, but as during the past twelve years we are expecting again an succesful international event with a large number of Mainland Chinese and Oversees delegates, speakers, exhibitiors and sponsors. The Conferece venue is the Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao this year, which is located near the Hongqiao Airport and so about 30 min by car from the city and 15 min walking distance to the subway No. 6. With a production of about 8 Mio t/a the Chinese polyester recyclers are producing all kind of textile intermediates like staple fiber, POY, DTY, FDY, BCF, technical yarn and spunbond products based on mainly PET bottle flakes. Meanwhile also bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-film or strapping technology is on the way. Therefore conference and exhibition are an ideal meeting place for those who are involved in the whole production chain including engineering and equipment manufacturer.

Compared to the past years we are a little late in advertising the upcoming 13th China International Recycled Polyester Conference & Exhibition in Shanghai at September 05 – 06, but as during the past twelve years we are expecting again an succesful international event with a large number of Mainland Chinese and Oversees delegates, speakers, exhibitiors and sponsors. The Conferece venue is the Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao this year, which is located near the Hongqiao Airport and so about 30 min by car from the city and 15 min walking distance to the subway No. 6. With a production of about 8 Mio t/a the Chinese polyester recyclers are producing all kind of textile intermediates like staple fiber, POY, DTY, FDY, BCF, technical yarn and spunbond products based on mainly PET bottle flakes. Meanwhile also bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-film or strapping technology is on the way. Therefore conference and exhibition are an ideal meeting place for those who are involved in the whole production chain including engineering and equipment manufacturer. Very interesting will be discussion and latest information about the impact of new governmental action to improve environmental standards. This new development might be of importance especially for those who are involved in raw material sourcing.


 Dr. Thiele polyester Technology

PeTA PETA Deutschland e.V.

H&M-Aktionärsversammlung: Forderung nach Lederverbot erreicht Führungsetage

Die Modekette H&M ist nach eigenen Aussagen der Meinung, kein Tier solle „im Namen der Mode leiden“ – warum aber verkauft das Unternehmen dann noch Leder? Diese Frage wird eine Vertreterin von PETA USA während der Jahreshauptversammlung am Mittwoch, 10. Mai, im schwedischen Karolinska Institut in Solna stellen und H&M bitten, in Zukunft nur noch veganes Leder zu nutzen. Die Tierrechtsorganisation PETA USA ist Aktionär der Modekette.

Die Modekette H&M ist nach eigenen Aussagen der Meinung, kein Tier solle „im Namen der Mode leiden“ – warum aber verkauft das Unternehmen dann noch Leder? Diese Frage wird eine Vertreterin von PETA USA während der Jahreshauptversammlung am Mittwoch, 10. Mai, im schwedischen Karolinska Institut in Solna stellen und H&M bitten, in Zukunft nur noch veganes Leder zu nutzen. Die Tierrechtsorganisation PETA USA ist Aktionär der Modekette.

„Jedes Lederprodukt bei H&M entstammt einer Industrie, die für all die empfindsamen Kühe die Hölle auf Erden war“, so PETA USA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. „Die Tiere leiden jetzt, in diesem Moment. PETA fordert H&M auf, seinen eigenen Aussagen, ein ethisches, nachhaltiges Unternehmen zu führen, gerecht zu werden. Nach diesen Grundsätzen sollte H&M ausschließlich qualitativ hochwertiges, stylisches veganes Leder verkaufen, wie es bereits in der Kollektion Conscious der Fall war.“
PETAs Motto lautet in Teilen: Tiere sind nicht dazu da, dass wir sie anziehen. Die Organisation weist in diesem Zuge darauf hin, dass Millionen Kühen die Hörner entfernt und die Tiere kastriert werden – oftmals ohne den Einsatz von Schmerzmitteln. Die Haut der Tiere wird später zu Leder verarbeitet. Dafür lädt man sie auf völlig überfüllte Lastwägen und transportiert sie unter allen Wetterbedingungen zum Schlachthof. Dort angekommen werden die Tiere aufgehängt und getötet – teils bei vollem Bewusstsein. Ein Enthüllungsbericht von PETA über das weltgrößte lederverarbeitende Unternehmen zeigte, dass sanftmütige Kühe und Bullen im Gesicht gebrandmarkt, mit Elektroschocks gequält und geschlagen wurden. Auch H&M hat in der Vergangenheit bei diesem Unternehmen eingekauft.

Hinzu kommt, dass H&M vorgibt, ein nachhaltig arbeitendes Unternehmen zu sein. Doch die tierische Landwirtschaft – wozu auch die Lederindustrie gehört – ist verantwortlich für 51 Prozent aller Treibhausgasemissionen. Tierhäute in Leder zu verwandeln erfordert 130 verschiedene Chemikalien, z.B. Zyanid. Menschen, die in Gerbereien arbeiten oder in ihrer Nähe wohnen, sind diesen giftigen Chemikalien ausgesetzt.

More information:
H&M, PETA, Mode

PETA Deutschland e.V.

GKD impetus.PR Agentur fuer Corporate Communications GmbH

GKD: Erfolgreicher Messeauftritt

Eindrucksvoll spiegelte die INDEX als Leitmesse der Nonwovensindustrie die Dynamik des immer anspruchsvolleren Vliesstoffmarktes wider: Mehr Besucher und Aussteller als je zuvor suchten auf diesem internationalen Fachforum in Genf vier Tage lang den intensiven Austausch. Großes Interesse der Fachbesucher galt den neuentwickelten gewebten Bändern für die Vliesformierung, - verfestigung und -trocknung der GKD – GEBR. KUFFERATH AG. Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts der Gewebespezialisten standen das Formierband CONDUCTIVE® 7690 sowie beschichtete Glashybrid- Gewebe für den Einsatz in Ein- und Doppelbandtrocknern. Da sich diese Produkte bereits bei namhaften Referenzkunden in der Praxis bewähren, nutzten zahlreiche Besucher auf der Messe die Gelegenheit für vertiefende Gespräche. Die Bandbreite der ganzheitlichen Vliesstoffkompetenz von GKD verdeutlichten außerdem Filtermedien aus Metallgewebe für die Polymerfiltration sowie das neue Produktsegment Spiralgliederbänder aus eigener Fertigung. Mit einem neuen Standdesign, das die verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche optisch gliederte, unterstrich der Weltmarktführer für Technische Gewebe seine Anziehungskraft.

Eindrucksvoll spiegelte die INDEX als Leitmesse der Nonwovensindustrie die Dynamik des immer anspruchsvolleren Vliesstoffmarktes wider: Mehr Besucher und Aussteller als je zuvor suchten auf diesem internationalen Fachforum in Genf vier Tage lang den intensiven Austausch. Großes Interesse der Fachbesucher galt den neuentwickelten gewebten Bändern für die Vliesformierung, - verfestigung und -trocknung der GKD – GEBR. KUFFERATH AG. Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts der Gewebespezialisten standen das Formierband CONDUCTIVE® 7690 sowie beschichtete Glashybrid- Gewebe für den Einsatz in Ein- und Doppelbandtrocknern. Da sich diese Produkte bereits bei namhaften Referenzkunden in der Praxis bewähren, nutzten zahlreiche Besucher auf der Messe die Gelegenheit für vertiefende Gespräche. Die Bandbreite der ganzheitlichen Vliesstoffkompetenz von GKD verdeutlichten außerdem Filtermedien aus Metallgewebe für die Polymerfiltration sowie das neue Produktsegment Spiralgliederbänder aus eigener Fertigung. Mit einem neuen Standdesign, das die verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche optisch gliederte, unterstrich der Weltmarktführer für Technische Gewebe seine Anziehungskraft.

More information:
GKD INDEX Vliesstoffe

impetus.PR Agentur fuer Corporate Communications GmbH