From the Sector

1619 results
BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll in MedTech Europe-Vorstand berufen (c) BVMed
Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll

BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll in MedTech Europe-Vorstand berufen

| BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll ist erstmals in den Vorstand des europäischen Medizintechnik-Dachverbandes MedTech Europe berufen worden. Der BVMed baut damit nach der Eröffnung eines eigenen Brüsseler Büros im November 2022 sein europapolitisches Engagement weiter aus. Der 21-köpfige neue MedTech Europe-Vorstand ist für drei Jahre bis Dezember 2026 gewählt.

Zentrale Herausforderungen der MedTech-Branche auf EU-Ebene sind nach Ansicht des BVMed: Eine patient:innen-zentrierte Versorgung mit Medizintechnologien gewährleisten, eine resiliente Gesundheitsversorgung und strategische Autonomie sicherstellen, die Weichen für eine besser digitale Gesundheitsversorgung stellen und die Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen an die Branche harmonisiert und realistisch gestalten.

| BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll ist erstmals in den Vorstand des europäischen Medizintechnik-Dachverbandes MedTech Europe berufen worden. Der BVMed baut damit nach der Eröffnung eines eigenen Brüsseler Büros im November 2022 sein europapolitisches Engagement weiter aus. Der 21-köpfige neue MedTech Europe-Vorstand ist für drei Jahre bis Dezember 2026 gewählt.

Zentrale Herausforderungen der MedTech-Branche auf EU-Ebene sind nach Ansicht des BVMed: Eine patient:innen-zentrierte Versorgung mit Medizintechnologien gewährleisten, eine resiliente Gesundheitsversorgung und strategische Autonomie sicherstellen, die Weichen für eine besser digitale Gesundheitsversorgung stellen und die Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen an die Branche harmonisiert und realistisch gestalten.

Die Medizintechnik-Branche ist eine dynamische und hoch innovative Zukunfts- und Leitbranche der europäischen Wirtschaft. Europa ist nach den USA der zweitgrößte MedTech-Markt der Welt: mit einem Volumen von rund 160 Milliarden Euro und einem Anteil am Weltmarkt von 26,4 Prozent. „Die 35.000 europäischen MedTech-Unternehmen investieren viel in die Verbesserung und Entwicklung bahnbrechender Technologien zum Wohle der Patient:innen. Dafür brauchen wir auf EU-Ebene ein attraktives Umfeld“, so der BVMed-Geschäftsführer. Dies beinhalte:

  • regulatorisch zukunftsfähige Regelungen und einen Rechtsrahmen, der die Wirtschaft fördert,
  • konkrete politische Entscheidungen, die in der Praxis umsetzbar sind sowie
  • einen starken Binnenmarkt mit Förderung von Technologien und Innovationen.

Konkret fordert der BVMed die europäischen Institutionen in folgenden Feldern zum Handeln auf, um die Standortbedingungen für die innovative und mittelständisch geprägte MedTech-Branche zu verbessern:

  • Stärkung der Resilienz von Lieferketten sowie Autonomie und Liefersicherheit bei kritischen Komponenten
  • Weiterentwicklung der MDR und die Schaffung eines effektiven regulatorischen Rahmens
  • Kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) bei allen Regeln mitdenken
  • Digital Health und Nutzung der Gesundheitsdaten-Nutzung verbessern
  • Stärkung der Nachhaltigkeit und notwendigen Patientenschutz und branchenspezifische Anforderungen in Einklang bringen
  • Sicherung der Exportstärke der Branche und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Complete ANDRITZ textile recycling line for Italian recycling specialist Photo: ANDRITZ

Complete ANDRITZ textile recycling line for Italian recycling specialist

ANDRITZ recently started up a new textile recycling line at Sfilacciatura Negro’s plant in Biella, Italy. Designed for processing post-consumer textile waste with automatic removal of hard parts, the tearing line supports the company’s expansion into new recycling segments.

In view of the growing demand for sustainable fibers in the re-spinning and nonwoven industries, Sfilacciatura Negro Biella decided to expand its recycling capabilities. The company has extensive experience in recycling industrial textile waste and already operates two tearing lines. Based on its long-term collaboration with ANDRITZ, it is now stepping into the recycling of post-consumer clothing waste.

ANDRITZ recently started up a new textile recycling line at Sfilacciatura Negro’s plant in Biella, Italy. Designed for processing post-consumer textile waste with automatic removal of hard parts, the tearing line supports the company’s expansion into new recycling segments.

In view of the growing demand for sustainable fibers in the re-spinning and nonwoven industries, Sfilacciatura Negro Biella decided to expand its recycling capabilities. The company has extensive experience in recycling industrial textile waste and already operates two tearing lines. Based on its long-term collaboration with ANDRITZ, it is now stepping into the recycling of post-consumer clothing waste.

The new generation recycling line ANDRITZ supplied to Sfilacciatura Negro is the result of ten years of close cooperation, trials in its technical center, and visits to customer lines in Spain and Portugal. ANDRITZ has tailored a complete line from feeding of sorted waste bales to baling of the recycled fibers. It is designed for highly efficient, energy-saving operation and features automated separation of hard points while maintaining a good material yield. An automated filtration unit is provided for airflow and dust management. Only one operator is needed to manage the entire line up to the recycled fiber baler. The baler can produce film-wrapped and tied bales with a weight of up to 350 kg.




EURATEX welcomes approval of PanEuroMed rules of origin

EURATEX welcomes the unanimous vote in support of the new rules of origin under the PEM Convention, as a historic achievement. Facilitating trade and investments in the “PanEuroMed” region (covering 27 EU member states and 24 partner countries in the neighbourhood region)1 is top priority region for the EU, as trade with these countries accounted for €677 billion in 2023. For the EU textile and clothing sector, the region represents 35% of its exports and 21% of its imports.
In 2013 the European Commission adopted a package of proposals aimed at increasing trade between the European Union and neighbouring countries in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) region. The proposal introduced modernised rules of origin of the PEM convention, lifting the prohibition of duty-drawback and introducing the principle of “full cumulation”.

EURATEX welcomes the unanimous vote in support of the new rules of origin under the PEM Convention, as a historic achievement. Facilitating trade and investments in the “PanEuroMed” region (covering 27 EU member states and 24 partner countries in the neighbourhood region)1 is top priority region for the EU, as trade with these countries accounted for €677 billion in 2023. For the EU textile and clothing sector, the region represents 35% of its exports and 21% of its imports.
In 2013 the European Commission adopted a package of proposals aimed at increasing trade between the European Union and neighbouring countries in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) region. The proposal introduced modernised rules of origin of the PEM convention, lifting the prohibition of duty-drawback and introducing the principle of “full cumulation”.

Today, after ten years of intense negotiations which EURATEX supported, the European Commission reached a full and final agreement with all PEM partners. This is a landmark achievement that will unlock the full potential of the Euro-Mediterranean area as the biggest and most integrated region of advanced manufacturing and trading of sustainable textiles and clothing. The rules adopted today will accelerate the integration of T&C supply chains and boost T&C production and trade within the region, both in the East and Southern borders of the EU. In a moment when companies are looking at moving their production from Asia to nearby, like-minded and more reliable countries , it is very timely to have the PEM Convention implemented.

EURATEX’s President, Mr Alberto Paccanelli, commented: “This is a strategic trade deal that can help European companies recover from the multiple crisis which we face since 2020”. He continued “We call on the European Union to not stop here, but keep up the efforts to secure trade deals that are good for European companies and their competitive position in the world. The next objective should be the adoption of the EU-Mercosur Agreement and a conclusive settlement of all trade disputes with the United States”.    
According to Director General Dirk Vantyghem, “today’s unanimous vote in favour of the modernised PEM rules is good news for our industry.. We should now engage with these partner countries to fully exploit the potential of these new rules. EURATEX is ready to engage in an industrial dialogue with the companies from the PEM Countries to facilitate their transition to the new framework”.

1 The PanEuroMed contracting parties are: the EU, the EFTA States (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), the Faroe Islands, the participants in the Barcelona Process (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the territories of West Bank and Gaza, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey), the participants in the EU's Stabilisation and Association Process (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo), the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine.



WOW International Conference calls for Presentations (c) INDA

WOW International Conference calls for Presentations

INDA’s World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference is accepting abstracts on wipes products, markets, and technologies to be presented in Minneapolis, MN, June 17-20, 2024. The deadline for abstract submissions is January 12, 2024.

Experts in dry and wet nonwoven wipes, sustainability, end-use markets, substrate formation, raw materials and fibers, liquid ingredients, packaging, machinery, and market trends and data are encouraged to submit a brief abstract. The abstracts may be submitted via the WOW website.

Topics for consideration include:

  • Dry and wet wipes
  • Circular economy
  • Sustainability / End-of-life implications
  • Substrate formation
  • Skin care formulations
  • Raw materials
  • Packaging
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Market trends and consumer insight
  • Regulations
  • Ecommerce / Retail channels

INDA’s World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference is accepting abstracts on wipes products, markets, and technologies to be presented in Minneapolis, MN, June 17-20, 2024. The deadline for abstract submissions is January 12, 2024.

Experts in dry and wet nonwoven wipes, sustainability, end-use markets, substrate formation, raw materials and fibers, liquid ingredients, packaging, machinery, and market trends and data are encouraged to submit a brief abstract. The abstracts may be submitted via the WOW website.

Topics for consideration include:

  • Dry and wet wipes
  • Circular economy
  • Sustainability / End-of-life implications
  • Substrate formation
  • Skin care formulations
  • Raw materials
  • Packaging
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Market trends and consumer insight
  • Regulations
  • Ecommerce / Retail channels


Credit : Lena Ekert, @lena.ekert - Tweeter @BreathlesssAsh

Texworld Evolution Paris: "Veritas" trend book for the Spring-Summer 2025 season

"Veritas", the trend book for the Spring-Summer 2025 season, looks at a world where each individual defends "their" truth. Gone are the days of tribal fashion... To be discovered at the Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles, from 5 to 7 February 2024.

After exploring a world where the senses are once again at the centre, Louis Gérin and Grégory Lamaud, the artistic directors of Texworld Evolution Paris, offer a more personal interpretation of this future humanity. Our wardrobes reflect our individual levels of commitment to the "truth". Faced with the modern paradox of growth versus sustainability, each of us expresses our own vision of the world. These points of view are reflected in the four themes of this new trend book.

Creative themes imagined with AI
Based on the analysis of emerging signals detected in the artistic, economic and social fields, these approaches incorporate elements of artificial intelligence for the first time. The artistic directors have incorporated them - by identifying them - into the 'pattern design' boards that bring together the colours and silhouettes used for each creative universe.

"Veritas", the trend book for the Spring-Summer 2025 season, looks at a world where each individual defends "their" truth. Gone are the days of tribal fashion... To be discovered at the Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles, from 5 to 7 February 2024.

After exploring a world where the senses are once again at the centre, Louis Gérin and Grégory Lamaud, the artistic directors of Texworld Evolution Paris, offer a more personal interpretation of this future humanity. Our wardrobes reflect our individual levels of commitment to the "truth". Faced with the modern paradox of growth versus sustainability, each of us expresses our own vision of the world. These points of view are reflected in the four themes of this new trend book.

Creative themes imagined with AI
Based on the analysis of emerging signals detected in the artistic, economic and social fields, these approaches incorporate elements of artificial intelligence for the first time. The artistic directors have incorporated them - by identifying them - into the 'pattern design' boards that bring together the colours and silhouettes used for each creative universe.

#1 Belief. This theme, which isn't very assertive and is rather introverted, expresses itself with elegance and discretion. The colour temperatures remain calm, in the background. The colour universe is oriented towards more "conservative", mineral shades, dominated by green and blue. The textures express matter and vibrations.  

#2 Immanence. While this proposal remains conservative and mystical, it is more visible than the previous one. It expresses a more talkative "bohemianchic" universe, asserting its point of view through a relatively cynical approach: "these are the new rules of our common life. You have to live with them". The colour range is expressive and warmer, but remains fairly classic. It is expressed more in knitwear or embroidery, materials with relief or a frosted appearance.

#3 Knowledge. This is all about affirming yourself. This theme, which also draws on classic sources of inspiration - nature, plants, flowers - sets out to transform them radically. The colours are strong, contrasting, in opposition, and are applied to materials that express the future, with crumpled, liquid or transparent textures.

#4 Experience. This is the most committed theme in the field of subjective truths. "Trust only yourself. [...] Don't believe. Test [...] trust no one. Learn from your own experience". The colours are very bold: we wear them to attract attention. Acidic, sweet shades are king, as are materials that evoke urban or sporty codes: rips, shiny aspects, organic (second-skin type), but also lace and transparency.
All these worlds will be showcased in two Trend Forums: one at Texworld Paris for fabrics, the other at Apparel Sourcing Paris for finished products (a new feature in February 2024). Visitors will be able to discover looks inspired by the fabrics and products selected by the show's art directors. There will also be new areas with samples to illustrate each of these themes: Highlights Texworld, Highlight Apparel Sourcing, Highlights Elite and Highlights Denim.

More information:
Texworld trendbook

Messe Frankfurt France

(c) Rieter Management AG

Rieter: First Repair Services station in Uzbekistan

Rieter has opened its first Repair Services station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on December 1, 2023. It will enable both faster repair turnaround and minimum production downtime.

The station’s capabilities cover both mechanical and electronic repairs for all types of Rieter machines, including spinning and winding. In addition, the repair station has a warehouse where critical parts, such as control units, sensors and drives are stocked to ensure quick turnaround times for repairs. The new service station will operate in collaboration with Textile Service Solutions.

Rieter’s global Repair Services network comprises 25 repair stations in 19 countries. Each repair station is fully equipped with the testing and calibration equipment required to provide the highest quality repairs. Certified Rieter repair services engineers perform both on-site and in-workshop repairs, using original Rieter repair components and spare parts. The new Repair Services station in Tashkent complements Rieter’s presence in Uzbekistan, providing state-of-the-art repairs and sustainable solutions combined with dedicated support to local customers.

Rieter has opened its first Repair Services station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on December 1, 2023. It will enable both faster repair turnaround and minimum production downtime.

The station’s capabilities cover both mechanical and electronic repairs for all types of Rieter machines, including spinning and winding. In addition, the repair station has a warehouse where critical parts, such as control units, sensors and drives are stocked to ensure quick turnaround times for repairs. The new service station will operate in collaboration with Textile Service Solutions.

Rieter’s global Repair Services network comprises 25 repair stations in 19 countries. Each repair station is fully equipped with the testing and calibration equipment required to provide the highest quality repairs. Certified Rieter repair services engineers perform both on-site and in-workshop repairs, using original Rieter repair components and spare parts. The new Repair Services station in Tashkent complements Rieter’s presence in Uzbekistan, providing state-of-the-art repairs and sustainable solutions combined with dedicated support to local customers.

More information:
Rieter Group Rieter Uzbekistan

Rieter Management AG

Trevira CS at Heimtextil 2024 (c) Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH

Trevira CS at Heimtextil 2024

The Trevira CS® brand will be presenting itself with 17 customers and partners as well as an innovative special exhibition at Heimtextil, which takes place in Frankfurt from January 9 to 12, 2024.

Trevira CS customers and partners will be exhibiting their flame retardant products and new collections for the home textiles and contract market at individual stands on the joint booth. Visitors can discover innovations in the areas of yarn production, woven and knitted fabrics and interior solar shading. The exhibitors at the Trevira CS stand will represent all textile applications with their products, from lightweight curtains to heavy upholstery fabrics. In addition to the yarn and fabric manufacturers, one exhibit is dedicated to presenting a traditional craft at the Trevira CS joint stand. The trimming maker Jende Manufaktur will be demonstrating the manufacture of trimmings from flame retardant, UV-stable, spun-dyed Trevira® yarns as well as from materials from the co-exhibiting yarn manufacturers.

The Trevira CS® brand will be presenting itself with 17 customers and partners as well as an innovative special exhibition at Heimtextil, which takes place in Frankfurt from January 9 to 12, 2024.

Trevira CS customers and partners will be exhibiting their flame retardant products and new collections for the home textiles and contract market at individual stands on the joint booth. Visitors can discover innovations in the areas of yarn production, woven and knitted fabrics and interior solar shading. The exhibitors at the Trevira CS stand will represent all textile applications with their products, from lightweight curtains to heavy upholstery fabrics. In addition to the yarn and fabric manufacturers, one exhibit is dedicated to presenting a traditional craft at the Trevira CS joint stand. The trimming maker Jende Manufaktur will be demonstrating the manufacture of trimmings from flame retardant, UV-stable, spun-dyed Trevira® yarns as well as from materials from the co-exhibiting yarn manufacturers.

The following Trevira CS customers and partners will be exhibiting a wide variety of flame retardant products at the joint stand in January:
Casalegno Tendaggi S.r.l., Chamatex SAS, F.lli Baroni s.r.l., FIDIVI Tessitura Vergnano S.p.A., Hoftex Färberei GmbH, Ilcat by Lei Tsu s.r.l., Jende Manufaktur GbR, Lodetex S.p.A., Mattes & Ammann GmbH & Co. KG, Mottura S.p.A., Pozzi Arturo S.p.A., PUGI R.G. S.R.L., Tessitura Mario Ghioldi & C. s.r.l., Tintoria Sala s.r.l., Torcitura Fibre Sintetiche S.p.A., Torcitura Padana S.p.A. and Wintex S.r.l..

The Trevira CS special showcase 2024 will be held under the motto #treviracsCore. The term "core" means core element / heart and is used in conjunction with a hashtag and another defining term in the digital media for a trend / lifestyle that people feel connected to and follow.

This time, the special show is about demonstrating what Trevira CS fabrics are capable of achieving in addition to their functionality and performance in the design of textile spaces. From a sustainably furnished lounge, to a luxurious interior or a casual outdoor area, to a cozy retreat.

For the design of the special show, all Trevira CS customers were invited to submit their latest Trevira CS products as part of the annual Trevira CS fabric competition. A total of well over 200 articles from more than 50 customers were available. This year's special show will also feature trimmings made from Trevira CS yarns.


Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH

AUSTROMED, BVMed und Swiss Medtech: Engere Zusammenarbeit vereinbart (c) BVMed
Dr. Meinrad Lugan (BVMed), Dr. Beat Vonlanthen (Swiss Medtech) und Gerald Gschlössl (AUSTROMED) (v.l.n.r.)

AUSTROMED, BVMed und Swiss Medtech: Engere Zusammenarbeit vereinbart

Die drei deutschsprachigen Medizintechnik-Branchenverbände AUSTROMED aus Österreich, BVMed aus Deutschland und Swiss Medtech aus der Schweiz wollen künftig noch enger zusammenarbeiten, sich bei politischen Themen eng verzahnen und ihren Mitgliedern gemeinsame Services anbieten. Das vereinbarten die Verbände in einer Kooperationsvereinbarung, die auf einer gemeinsamen Vorstandssitzung in Berlin unterzeichnet wurde.

Die drei deutschsprachigen Medizintechnik-Branchenverbände AUSTROMED aus Österreich, BVMed aus Deutschland und Swiss Medtech aus der Schweiz wollen künftig noch enger zusammenarbeiten, sich bei politischen Themen eng verzahnen und ihren Mitgliedern gemeinsame Services anbieten. Das vereinbarten die Verbände in einer Kooperationsvereinbarung, die auf einer gemeinsamen Vorstandssitzung in Berlin unterzeichnet wurde.

„Die DACH-Region ist einer der globalen Marktführer in der Medizintechnik-Branche. Viele MedTech-Unternehmen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz haben weltweit einen herausragenden Ruf und sind Vorreiter in ihren spezialisierten Bereichen. Wir haben deshalb ein gemeinsames Interesse an der Förderung und Stärkung der Branche in der DACH-Region und wollen bei unseren Zielen enger kooperieren“, sagten die drei Verbandspräsidenten Gerald Gschlössl (AUSTROMED), Dr. Meinrad Lugan (BVMed) und Dr. Beat Vonlanthen (Swiss Medtech). Zu den gemeinsamen Zielen gehört der Erhalt einer hochwertigen Versorgung der Patient:innen, die Herstellung und Bewahrung eines innovationsfreundlichen Rechtsrahmens für die MedTech-Branche, die Stärkung des DACH-Wirtschaftsstandorts, die Positionierung der Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen als attraktiver Arbeitgeber für Fachkräfte oder die Unterstützung der Mitgliedsunternehmen bei Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien.

Vorteile einer engeren Zusammenarbeit sehen die drei Verbandsvertreter Mag. Philipp Lindinger (AUSTROMED), Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll (BVMed) und Dr. Daniel Delfosse (Swiss Medtech) vor allem im stärkeren Austausch von Fachwissen, der Vertretung von politischen Interessen, der Entwicklung von gemeinsamen Initiativen und der Förderung von Best Practices.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Sorted and cut textile waste ready for tearing © SBO EVENT
Sorted and cut textile waste ready for tearing

First automated textile waste sorting and recycling line in France

Partnership between Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Pellenc ST and ANDRITZ promotes circular economy for textiles.

France’s first industrial plant for automated sorting and recycling of textile waste was officially inaugurated at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Amplepuis, on November 30, 2023. The plant is the result of an ambitious partnership between textile recycling company Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, waste sorting specialist Pellenc ST and international technology group ANDRITZ, a specialist in textile recycling machinery and processes.

Capable of automatically sorting garments by composition and color, the new line meets the needs of both post-consumer and post-industrial waste markets. The line also removes hard parts such as buttons and zippers to prepare the material for further processing in an ANDRITZ tearing machine.

The automated textile sorting line at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles is dedicated to industrial-scale production, customer trials and projects, and the R&D activities of the partners. It will process textile waste to produce recycled fibers for the spinning, nonwovens, and composites industries.

Partnership between Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Pellenc ST and ANDRITZ promotes circular economy for textiles.

France’s first industrial plant for automated sorting and recycling of textile waste was officially inaugurated at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Amplepuis, on November 30, 2023. The plant is the result of an ambitious partnership between textile recycling company Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, waste sorting specialist Pellenc ST and international technology group ANDRITZ, a specialist in textile recycling machinery and processes.

Capable of automatically sorting garments by composition and color, the new line meets the needs of both post-consumer and post-industrial waste markets. The line also removes hard parts such as buttons and zippers to prepare the material for further processing in an ANDRITZ tearing machine.

The automated textile sorting line at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles is dedicated to industrial-scale production, customer trials and projects, and the R&D activities of the partners. It will process textile waste to produce recycled fibers for the spinning, nonwovens, and composites industries.

Automated sorting was the last missing link needed to develop a complete ecosystem in France, where the fashion industry, social and solidarity economy actors, waste management companies, and textile producers from different sectors are working together towards a textile circular economy.

The EU's strategy for sustainable and circular textiles aims to ensure that by 2030 textile products are made to a great extent of recycled fibers and incineration and landfilling of textiles are minimized.

Prof. Dr Tae Jin Kang (Seoul National University), Dr Musa Akdere (CarboScreen), Dr Christian P. Schindler (ITMF), from left to right. Source: ITMF
Prof. Dr Tae Jin Kang (Seoul National University), Dr Musa Akdere (CarboScreen), Dr Christian P. Schindler (ITMF), from left to right.

Faster and cheaper carbon fibre production with CarboScreen

Faster and more cost-effective carbon fibre production - the technology of the start-up CarboScreen comes a good deal closer to this dream. The founders Dr. Musa Akdere, Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are using sensor technology to monitor carbon fibre production, thereby doubling the production speed from the current 15 to 30 m/min in the medium term and increasing turnover by up to €37.5 million per year and system. This ground-breaking development also impressed the jury at the ITMF at their Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, and was honoured with the ITMF StartUp Award 2023 on 6 November 2023.

Dr. Musa Akdere accepted the award on behalf of the CarboScreen founding team.

Carbon fibres can only develop their full potential if they are not damaged during production and further processing. Two types of fibre damage occur more frequently during fibre production: Superficial or mechanical damage to the fibres or damage to the chemical structure.

Faster and more cost-effective carbon fibre production - the technology of the start-up CarboScreen comes a good deal closer to this dream. The founders Dr. Musa Akdere, Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are using sensor technology to monitor carbon fibre production, thereby doubling the production speed from the current 15 to 30 m/min in the medium term and increasing turnover by up to €37.5 million per year and system. This ground-breaking development also impressed the jury at the ITMF at their Annual Conference in Keqiao, China, and was honoured with the ITMF StartUp Award 2023 on 6 November 2023.

Dr. Musa Akdere accepted the award on behalf of the CarboScreen founding team.

Carbon fibres can only develop their full potential if they are not damaged during production and further processing. Two types of fibre damage occur more frequently during fibre production: Superficial or mechanical damage to the fibres or damage to the chemical structure.

Both types of damage cannot be optimally detected by current means or only become apparent after production, to name just two examples. This leads to higher production costs. In an emergency, faulty production can even lead to plant fires. For this reason, and to ensure good production quality, the system is run at 15 m/min below its production capacity for safety reasons. However, 30 m/min or more would be possible. With the sensor-based online monitoring of CarboScreen, the production capacity can be doubled to 30 /min. This would lead to higher production, resulting in lower manufacturing costs and wider use of carbon fibres in mass markets such as automotive, aerospace and wind energy.

More information:
carbon fibers sensors Startup

ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


Lectra insources cutting equipment production in China

Lectra will now directly manage the production of its cutting equipment manufactured in China, primarily dedicated to its Asian customers. The Suzhou site, located to the west of Shanghai, will thus benefit from the standards of operational excellence already implemented by Lectra at its two other plants in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, and Tolland, USA.

Lectra's teams have over 35 years’ experience in the Asia-Pacific region, which in 2022 generated 25% of the Group's revenues.

Since the acquisition of its competitor, Gerber Technology, in 2021, Lectra had been relying on a plant belonging to Dutch group VDL Groep (VDL), to manufacture Gerber-brand multi-ply cutters and spreaders.

For its industrial activities, Lectra aimed to adopt the same standards of operational excellence in China as those currently in effect at its Bordeaux-Cestas and Tolland sites. The Group therefore created a new subsidiary, Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., to take over from subcontractor VDL as of December 1, 2023.

Lectra will now directly manage the production of its cutting equipment manufactured in China, primarily dedicated to its Asian customers. The Suzhou site, located to the west of Shanghai, will thus benefit from the standards of operational excellence already implemented by Lectra at its two other plants in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, and Tolland, USA.

Lectra's teams have over 35 years’ experience in the Asia-Pacific region, which in 2022 generated 25% of the Group's revenues.

Since the acquisition of its competitor, Gerber Technology, in 2021, Lectra had been relying on a plant belonging to Dutch group VDL Groep (VDL), to manufacture Gerber-brand multi-ply cutters and spreaders.

For its industrial activities, Lectra aimed to adopt the same standards of operational excellence in China as those currently in effect at its Bordeaux-Cestas and Tolland sites. The Group therefore created a new subsidiary, Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., to take over from subcontractor VDL as of December 1, 2023.

Following the takeover of in-house production at the Tolland site in October 2022, the creation of the Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. subsidiary marks a new milestone in the deployment of Lectra's industrial excellence strategy on a global scale. The Group intends to give priority to regional industrial production, which is beneficial to the local economy.

More information:
Lectra, PLM China cutting system


RadiciGroup: Biofeel Eleven Photo RadiciGroup
RadiciGroup: Biofeel Eleven

ISPO Textrends award to Biofeel Eleven

RadiciGroup's 100% natural nylon awarded in the Fibers and Insulation category: Biofeel eleven, the 100% nylon yarn from natural sources launched a few months ago by RadiciGroup, won the ISPO Textrends award for the Fall/Winter 2025/26 collections. The award - curated by a jury of experts - rewards innovative trends in the textile and apparel sectors and is part of the ISPO fair in Munich dedicated in particular to the fabrics and sportswear sector - scheduled from 28 to 30 November 2023.

After its market launch last March, Biofeel Eleven is already in the "Top Ten" of new products in the yarn sector thanks to its technical and environmental performance. This special yarn of natural origin comes from a small inedible bean grown in India in semi-arid soils that are not competitive with food production. These beans yield a special oil ideal for obtaining biopolymers that are then into yarn at RadiciGroup in Italy.

RadiciGroup's 100% natural nylon awarded in the Fibers and Insulation category: Biofeel eleven, the 100% nylon yarn from natural sources launched a few months ago by RadiciGroup, won the ISPO Textrends award for the Fall/Winter 2025/26 collections. The award - curated by a jury of experts - rewards innovative trends in the textile and apparel sectors and is part of the ISPO fair in Munich dedicated in particular to the fabrics and sportswear sector - scheduled from 28 to 30 November 2023.

After its market launch last March, Biofeel Eleven is already in the "Top Ten" of new products in the yarn sector thanks to its technical and environmental performance. This special yarn of natural origin comes from a small inedible bean grown in India in semi-arid soils that are not competitive with food production. These beans yield a special oil ideal for obtaining biopolymers that are then into yarn at RadiciGroup in Italy.

The yarn has special characteristics, such as low water absorption, increased lightness and improved strength properties. This means being able to produce fabrics that are both durable and comfortable to the touch and skin, fundamental requirements also in sportswear.

More information:
ISPO Textrends Award RadiciGroup


Devan Chemicals Photo Devan Chemicals

DEVAN REPEL: A new brand in the water repellency market

In a world where water-repellent textiles play an important role in various industries, Pulcra Chemicals has joined forces with its subsidiary, Devan Chemicals, to introduce DEVAN REPEL. The first product, DEVAN REPEL ONE, is a durable water repellent for Polyester and blends. The development of DEVAN REPEL ONE is a joint to Devan and Pulcra's dedication to innovation and sustainability.

The solution offers a range of benefits:

In a world where water-repellent textiles play an important role in various industries, Pulcra Chemicals has joined forces with its subsidiary, Devan Chemicals, to introduce DEVAN REPEL. The first product, DEVAN REPEL ONE, is a durable water repellent for Polyester and blends. The development of DEVAN REPEL ONE is a joint to Devan and Pulcra's dedication to innovation and sustainability.

The solution offers a range of benefits:

  • Superior Performance: The technology offers outstanding water repellency performance, ensuring that textiles remain dry. Whether it's rain and outdoor wear, outdoor furnishing, shower curtains or multiple technical textiles, the new solution can handle it, making it a strong choice for industries where water resistance is paramount.
  • Flexibility: The versatility of this technology can be applied to a wide range of materials, with especially good results on polyester and its blends, offering flexibility for various applications across industries.
  • Enhanced Sustainability: This technology is free from perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), and free from isocyanates.
  • Longevity: Products treated with this water repellency technology are protecting from the elements for a longer lifespan.

Performance, particularly on effect durability, can be boosted to meet different requirements with new DEVAN EXTENDER GEN3. This extender is free of Isocyanate, Butanone-oxime and 2-dimethylpyrazole.


ITMA ASIA + CITME: Smart technologies for green textile production

ITMA ASIA + CITME, Asia’s leading trade fair for textile machinery, took place in Shanghai with a considerable presence of VDMA member companies. The round about 40 exhibiting VDMA members covered nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and manmade fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & hosiery, finishing & dyeing and textile processing. They were part of a strong German presence with a total of around 60 German exhibitors – including non-machine manufacturers.

ITMA ASIA + CITME, Asia’s leading trade fair for textile machinery, took place in Shanghai with a considerable presence of VDMA member companies. The round about 40 exhibiting VDMA members covered nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and manmade fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & hosiery, finishing & dyeing and textile processing. They were part of a strong German presence with a total of around 60 German exhibitors – including non-machine manufacturers.

During a press conference on the first day of the show, Dr. Janpeter Horn, chairman of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association and managing director of August Herzog Maschinenfabrik expressed: “After years of cancelled or postponed trade fairs and travel restrictions, this year’s ITMA ASIA + CITME is the first edition of the show that can be attended not just by Chinese but by visitors from various countries and regions. The event is a good opportunity to meet customers and partners again in person and not just on a screen. ITMA ASIA + CITME provides a good chance to deepen the already good relations with China and other Asian countries further and to set-up new partnerships.”

Dr. Horn continued to present latest facts and figures about the German textile machinery industry. Between January and August 2023, the overall exports of textile machinery and accessories summed up to 1.7 billion euros, which was a slight decrease compared to the same period in 2022. The shipping to almost all major markets decreased between January and August: China: 440 million € (2022: 453 million €), Turkey: 205 million € (2022: 265 million €), USA: 177 million € (2022: 144 million €), India: 170 million € (2022: 228 million €).

Numerous VDMA member companies have production sites in the major Asian markets China and India and serve their customers in these countries from there. A latest VDMA business climate survey among the textile machinery companies in China showed, that 75% of all participants assessed their current business situation as either good (6%) or satisfactory (69%). For the coming quarter, 50% of the companies see the market to decline. Asked about the business situation during the next six months, 44% of the companies expect the market to remain stable, 56% expect the situation to become worse. This is also reflected in the HR of the companies: 63% expect the number of employees to remain unchanged.


VDMA e. V.

Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right © AVK
Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right

CarboScreen: Sensor monitoring for complex carbon fibre production

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

The production of carbon fibres is highly complex. In the current state of the art, however, the manufacturing process is only monitored manually by semi-skilled workers. However, even minimal fibre damage during production leads to a reduction in the quality of the carbon fibre. In extreme cases, it can also lead to plant fires. To ensure production quality, the production speed is currently limited to a maximum of 15 m/min. In fact, the production speed of the systems could be higher. The sensor-based online monitoring of Carbo-Screen makes it possible to increase the production speed to 30 m/min in the medium term. As a result of the increased production volume per system, the specific production costs of the carbon fibre are reduced, which can result in lower prices.

A reduced sales price would make it possible to use carbon fibres and their composite materials even more widely in traditional markets such as aerospace technology and wind energy, as well as for mass production in the automotive industry.

The CarboScreen online monitoring system is currently being developed for industrial use. It is to be validated at an industrial plant in 2024. CarboScreen GmbH was founded as part of EXIST funding and offers AI-supported sensor systems for carbon fibre production. The sensor technology continuously monitors the fibre throughout the entire production process. Deviations are detected automatically.

The winners of the AVK Innovation Award are honoured annually by the AVK Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe. Companies, institutes and their partners are honoured in three categories: products and applications, processes and procedures, and research and science.


Re:NewCell initiates a strategic review

Re:NewCell AB (publ) has created a patented process for 100% textile-to-textile recycling and has invested over SEK 1,300 million to establish an innovative and efficient textile recycling plant. The industrial scale plant in Ortviken currently has a capacity to produce up to 60,000 tonnes on an annual basis.

As communicated on 12 October, the Company has experienced lower than anticipated sales volumes to fiber producers in the third quarter and as communicated on 1 November and 7 November, the Company had low sales volumes in October. In addition, sales volumes in November are now expected to be lower than previously anticipated and in line with October sales volume. Discussions are ongoing with a number of customers to secure orders, but it is uncertain when they will materialise.

Re:NewCell AB (publ) has created a patented process for 100% textile-to-textile recycling and has invested over SEK 1,300 million to establish an innovative and efficient textile recycling plant. The industrial scale plant in Ortviken currently has a capacity to produce up to 60,000 tonnes on an annual basis.

As communicated on 12 October, the Company has experienced lower than anticipated sales volumes to fiber producers in the third quarter and as communicated on 1 November and 7 November, the Company had low sales volumes in October. In addition, sales volumes in November are now expected to be lower than previously anticipated and in line with October sales volume. Discussions are ongoing with a number of customers to secure orders, but it is uncertain when they will materialise.

Therefore, Re:NewCell hereby announces that its Board of Directors has decided to immediately initiate a strategic review to explore and evaluate various funding alternatives. As part of this process, the Board of Directors will consider all potential alternatives to secure funding and optimise shareholder value. Such alternatives may include additional debt funding, equity injection through the form of a rights issue, equity injection through a directed issue targeted to a financial or strategic investor or other possible strategic transactions.
The Board of Directors has retained ABG Sundal Collier as financial advisor to assist in its review of alternatives. Vinge has been appointed as legal advisor in connection with the review process.

The Board of Directors has not set a timetable for completion of its review, but the process will be initiated immediately. Subject to compliance with its ongoing disclosure obligations pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, Re:NewCell undertakes no obligation to make any further announcements regarding the strategic review until a final decision is made by the Company’s Board of Directors.


Re:NewCell AB (publ)

In combination with Oerlikon's digital platform, Haelixa's DNA marker technology makes the clear traceability of textile products a reality. Image Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Man-made fiber yarns with DNA: Supply chains in textile end products traceable

In cooperation with the Swiss company Haelixa, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Solutions will, in future, be able to make the entire value chain of a textile end product transparent and hence sustainable. The two development partners are offering a solution for the comprehensive traceability of products, as required by the European Green Deal.

An essential part of the solution is the DNA marker technology developed by Haelixa that enables complete traceability of materials. These markers survive all production process steps, validating that the end product is identifiable. "This innovative technology employs distinct DNA tailored for each project, establishing a unique identity for the material," explains Holly Berger, Marketing Director at Haelixa. "Once the DNA is integrated into the material, it becomes irremovable, impervious to falsification or alteration." Handling is straightforward: the DNA marker is fed into the spinning process with the preparation oil, for example. The preparation system is modified accordingly. Further feeding options are currently being developed.

In cooperation with the Swiss company Haelixa, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Solutions will, in future, be able to make the entire value chain of a textile end product transparent and hence sustainable. The two development partners are offering a solution for the comprehensive traceability of products, as required by the European Green Deal.

An essential part of the solution is the DNA marker technology developed by Haelixa that enables complete traceability of materials. These markers survive all production process steps, validating that the end product is identifiable. "This innovative technology employs distinct DNA tailored for each project, establishing a unique identity for the material," explains Holly Berger, Marketing Director at Haelixa. "Once the DNA is integrated into the material, it becomes irremovable, impervious to falsification or alteration." Handling is straightforward: the DNA marker is fed into the spinning process with the preparation oil, for example. The preparation system is modified accordingly. Further feeding options are currently being developed.

Smart factory: total transparency with
The concept is complemented by, Oerlikon's digital platform, which records and evaluates extensive production and process data during the yarn manufacturing process. gives the yarn its digital identity during its time on Oerlikon systems, from the melt to the packaged package. This technology has been used successfully for some time to monitor the production process. With, deviations in process parameters and yarn data can be identified and rectified within a very short time, which in turn keeps the yarn quality stable and reduces waste rates.

Combining both technologies enables clear traceability of the yarn produced, even in the downstream process steps. Hence, the yarn's components, qualities, manufacturing conditions, and origin are traced beyond doubt in the finished garment. "The unique DNA carries the 'roots' of the yarn digitally recorded in into the everyday life of the end consumer," says Jochen Adler, CTO at Oerlikon Manmade Fibers. The textile end products meet the requirements of the digital product passport required by the EU, which contains the information needed to assess their life cycle assessment and circularity. Initial long-term tests have shown 100% traceability of the yarns in the POY and FDY spinning process. If the yarn manufacturer relies on the platform, production systems can be adapted relatively easily to use the DNA markers.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Vuokkoset, Taneli Lahtinen

Tampon for men aiming to reduce gender dysphoria

Tampon for Men by Finnish hygiene product brand Vuokkoset aims to alleviate the distress transgender men feel related to menstruation. The creative partner behind the idea is TBWA\Helsinki. The product was launched during the international Transgender Awareness Week and sparked a discussion in Scandinavia of the inclusivity of the health and wellness industry.

Research has shown that 93% of transgender men have experienced gender dysphoria related to menstruation. With a tampon designed for men, Vuokkoset sparked a vivid conversation in Finland during the International transgender awareness week (Nov 13 to 19, 2023) with an aim to change perceptions of menstruation and reduce the distress it causes to transgender men.

“Marketing has a huge role in shaping the world around us. As Finland’s leading creative agency and the leading global agency collective, we have an immense responsibility in actively making the world more inclusive. Vuokkoset is a brand that shares this value base and was brave enough to put the campaign together with us in just four short weeks” says Heidi Taina, creative director from TBWA\Helsinki.

Tampon for Men by Finnish hygiene product brand Vuokkoset aims to alleviate the distress transgender men feel related to menstruation. The creative partner behind the idea is TBWA\Helsinki. The product was launched during the international Transgender Awareness Week and sparked a discussion in Scandinavia of the inclusivity of the health and wellness industry.

Research has shown that 93% of transgender men have experienced gender dysphoria related to menstruation. With a tampon designed for men, Vuokkoset sparked a vivid conversation in Finland during the International transgender awareness week (Nov 13 to 19, 2023) with an aim to change perceptions of menstruation and reduce the distress it causes to transgender men.

“Marketing has a huge role in shaping the world around us. As Finland’s leading creative agency and the leading global agency collective, we have an immense responsibility in actively making the world more inclusive. Vuokkoset is a brand that shares this value base and was brave enough to put the campaign together with us in just four short weeks” says Heidi Taina, creative director from TBWA\Helsinki.

Trans men and non-binary individuals may still have menstrual cycles, regardless of hormone therapy choices. This highlights the diversity in experiences related to menstruation among different gender identities.

"When I was young, menstruation felt not only strange but somehow wrong. Our culture does not really acknowledge the diversity of menstruating individuals" says DEI consultant and face of the campaign Dakota Robin, who has been through the gender affirming process himself.

The Tampon for Men will be available as a limited edition in Finland and wider distribution will begin in early 2024. Total sales proceeds are donated to Trasek ry, an organization focused on gender diversity and sexual health. A fully gender-neutral tampon product by Vuokkoset is also being considered.

"Menstrual products - from visuality, advertising to store location - are strongly feminine. It’s time to acknowledge the diversity of menstruating individuals" says Sanna Karhu, CEO of Delipap Oy, the company that manufactures Vuokkoset products.

"This is definitely a step in the right direction. By changing attitudes and broadening perspectives, we can also remove discrimination against gender minorities," concludes Dakota Robin.

More information:
Hygiene Fibres tampon Vuokkoset



Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: Spring Edition in March 2024

From 6 – 8 March 2024, the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will make its  return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. Showcasing home textile products, encompassing everything from floor to ceiling, exhibitors will be prepared to capture buyers’ attention during China’s traditional peak sourcing season. Suppliers can further benefit from a wider visitor scope, with many buyers crossing over from the co-located fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC, and PH Value. The comprehensive textile platform provides key opportunities for industry players to connect and explore new possibilities.

From 6 – 8 March 2024, the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will make its  return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. Showcasing home textile products, encompassing everything from floor to ceiling, exhibitors will be prepared to capture buyers’ attention during China’s traditional peak sourcing season. Suppliers can further benefit from a wider visitor scope, with many buyers crossing over from the co-located fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC, and PH Value. The comprehensive textile platform provides key opportunities for industry players to connect and explore new possibilities.
While the growth rate of the global economy remains slow, the domestic market in China has shown promising figures after the Chinese government implemented measures to encourage household consumption. These include providing support to both the home industry and consumers, to develop sustainable, intelligent and healthy living environments. Loan procedures for home refurnishing and funding for related industry sectors have also been optimised. Against this backdrop, for the first eight months of 2023, China Customs recorded a 7% year-on-year increase in consumables retail sales, reaching a total of RMB 3 billion (around USD 410 million). Homing in on the textile sector, profitability is regaining momentum, driven by both the local market and the success of international trade agreements such as Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

Across three days, the 2023 spring edition attracted 26,538 trade visitors and 283 exhibitors from five countries and regions. The upcoming fair in March will showcase a full range of home textiles to meet buyers’ needs, including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design, and many more. Exhibitors, meanwhile, are set to benefit from the concurrent textile fairs, with the apparel fabrics, yarns and fibres on offer to attract additional segments of the textile value chain, and facilitate sourcing on a wider scale.

Fußballstadion Bild von Pexels auf Pixabay

University of Manchester academics criticising UK government

Sustainable fashion and sportswear must be high on the political agenda:
Three University of Manchester academics who specialise in fashion and textiles have criticised the Government for failing to take action to boost sustainability in the UK fashion and sportswear industries.

In an article published by the University’s policy engagement unit Policy@Manchester to coincide with the 20th annual Recycle Week, Lindsay Pressdee, Dr Amy Benstead and Dr Jo Conlon highlight that, of the one million tonnes of textiles disposed of every year in this country, 300,000 tonnes end up in landfill or incineration with figures suggesting 10 per cent of global CO2 emissions may come from the fashion industry.

And they warn that the damage inflicted by discarded sportswear is often overlooked, “despite an over-reliance on polyester garments, which are harmful to the environment as the fabric releases microfibres and takes hundreds of years to fully biodegrade.”

Sustainable fashion and sportswear must be high on the political agenda:
Three University of Manchester academics who specialise in fashion and textiles have criticised the Government for failing to take action to boost sustainability in the UK fashion and sportswear industries.

In an article published by the University’s policy engagement unit Policy@Manchester to coincide with the 20th annual Recycle Week, Lindsay Pressdee, Dr Amy Benstead and Dr Jo Conlon highlight that, of the one million tonnes of textiles disposed of every year in this country, 300,000 tonnes end up in landfill or incineration with figures suggesting 10 per cent of global CO2 emissions may come from the fashion industry.

And they warn that the damage inflicted by discarded sportswear is often overlooked, “despite an over-reliance on polyester garments, which are harmful to the environment as the fabric releases microfibres and takes hundreds of years to fully biodegrade.”

Pressdee, Benstead and Conlon stress the importance of establishing “sustainable behaviour throughout the supply chain” and praise the European Commission for proposing an “extended producer responsibility (EPR)” for textiles in the EU which “aims to create appropriate incentives to encourage producers to design products that have a reduced environmental impact at the end of their life.”

This contrasts with the UK where, they argue, “tackling sustainability in the fashion industry has lost its place on the political agenda.”

"We are calling on the Government to reintroduce textiles as part of the school curriculum to engage young people in sustainable materials and equip them with the basic skills required to repair clothes.”
Lindsay Pressdee, Dr Amy Benstead and Dr Jo Conlon

The University of Manchester academics contend that there has been “disappointing lack of progress from the UK Government” following the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee’s Fixing Fashion report in 2019.

They continue: “This report included a call for the use of EPR as well as other important recommendations such as a ban on incinerating or landfilling unsold stock that can be reused or recycled and a tax system that shifts the balance of incentives in favour of reuse, repair and recycling to support responsible companies. We urge the Government to think again and drive forward the Committee’s recommendations in order to put sustainable fashion back on the political agenda.”

Pressdee, Benstead and Conlon also criticise Ministers for abolishing the standalone GCSE in textiles which provided many young people with the ability to mend clothing such as football kits instead of throwing them away.

They write: “We are therefore calling on the Government to reintroduce textiles as part of the school curriculum to engage young people in sustainable materials and equip them with the basic skills required to repair clothes.”

The University of Manchester has launched a new project dedicated to tackling the impact of textile waste in the football industry through the provision of workshops tasked with transforming surplus football shirts into unique reusable tote bags, whilst educating local communities on the environmental impacts of textile waste and how to extend the life of garments. The initiative aims to provide a fun, responsible way to keep kits in circulation while shining a light on the problem.

More information:
United Kingdom politics

University of Manchester