From the Sector

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(c) vti

Ostdeutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche kämpft mit den Folgen der Corona-Krise

Die Überwindung der Corona-Krise war das bestimmende Thema während Jahresmitgliederversammlung des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) am 24. Sept. 2020 in Crimmitschau. Der ursprünglich für das Frühjahr geplante Branchentreff fand – krisenbedingt - erstmals in der Verbandsgeschichte mit mehrmonatiger Verspätung statt. Im öffentlichen Teil der Versammlung begrüßten die Mitglieder und Partner des vti Sachsens Wirtschaftsminister Martin Dulig (siehe Statement des Staatsministers unten).

Die Überwindung der Corona-Krise war das bestimmende Thema während Jahresmitgliederversammlung des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) am 24. Sept. 2020 in Crimmitschau. Der ursprünglich für das Frühjahr geplante Branchentreff fand – krisenbedingt - erstmals in der Verbandsgeschichte mit mehrmonatiger Verspätung statt. Im öffentlichen Teil der Versammlung begrüßten die Mitglieder und Partner des vti Sachsens Wirtschaftsminister Martin Dulig (siehe Statement des Staatsministers unten).

„Zahlreiche Unternehmen der ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie traf und trifft die Corona-Krise hart“, konstatierte vti-Vorstandsvorsitzender Thomas Lindner in seiner Begrüßungsansprache. „Nach vorläufiger Annahme gehen wir davon aus, dass der Branchenumsatz per Ende August 2020 um rund 20 Prozent unter dem im Vergleichszeitraum von 2019 liegt.“ Dies sei ein seit den 1990er Jahren nie dagewesener Einbruch. Von der Krise besonders stark betroffen seien Zulieferer für den Fahrzeug-, Schiff- und Flugzeugbau sowie Hersteller von Heimtextilien und Mode bzw. Bekleidung. Bislang hätten die von der Bundesregierung verlängerten Kurzarbeiterregelungen einen größeren Aderlass in den Belegschaften verhindert. Das Kurzarbeitergeld bezeichnete Thomas Lindner als die wirksamste aller Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für die kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen.

Breiten Raum widmete der ehrenamtlich an der vti-Spitze sowie als Vizepräsident des Gesamtverbandes textil+mode e. V., Berlin, tätige Geschäftsführer der Strumpfwerk Lindner GmbH, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, der Frage, wie künftig die Versorgung mit systemrelevanten Medizin- und Gesundheitstextilien aus hiesiger Produktion sichergestellt werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang unterbreitete er Vorschläge zur Änderung des öffentlichen Vergaberechts: Wenn im internationalen Preiswettbewerb heimische Produzenten gegenüber Anbietern aus Asien oder Osteuropa eine Chance erhalten sollen, müssten künftig Kriterien wie globale Transportwege, der CO²-Verbrauch sowie die Nachhaltigkeit in die Vergabekriterien aufgenommen werden, so Thomas Lindner.  Er dankte dem Freistaat Sachsen für die Unterstützung des Firmen- und Forschungsclusters „health.textil“, in dem mittlerweile rund 30 Firmen und Institute mitwirken. Ein Ergebnis dieser vom vti koordinierten Zusammenarbeit sei die kommende Woche, am 29. September 2020, in Chemnitz stattfindende Leistungsschau mit Gesundheits- und Schutztextilien von Herstellern aus Sachsen und Thüringen, zu der potenzielle Auftraggeber aus Bereichen wie Klinik, Pflege und Polizei erwartet werden.

Martin Dulig, Sächsischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr, wandte sich mit einem Grußwort an die Textilunternehmer; wörtlich sagte er: „Die sächsische Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie hat mit viel Kraft, Kreativität und Innovationsgeist die Herausforderungen der Corona-Krise gemeistert. Viele sächsische Firmen haben binnen kürzester Zeit Mund-Nasen-Masken für den Alltagsgebrauch sowie hoch wirksame textile Schutzprodukte entwickelt, regionale Kooperations- und Lieferketten aufgebaut, investiert und Kapazitäten für die Serien¬produktion geschaffen. Die Krise zeigt uns deutlich, wie wichtig Netzwerke und regionale Wertschöpfungsketten sind. Ein verlässlicher Partner war hier insbesondere das Netzwerk ‚health.textil 4.0‘, welches wir als Wirtschaftsministerium als erstes Netzwerk nach der neuen GRW-Richtlinie für Cluster und Netzwerke der Wirtschaft seit 2017 gefördert haben. Gern unterstützen wir daher auch das Anschlussprojekt des vti ‚health.textil cross border‘ bis zum Jahr 2023 mit knapp 200.000 Euro, damit in Kooperation mit tschechischen Partnern auch zukünftig innovative Lösungen im Bereich der Gesundheitstextilien geschaffen werden.  Auch das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Chemnitz (STFI), ein Mitgliedsunternehmen des vti, erhält heute einen Förderbescheid vom Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr. Mit Mitteln der Landestechnologieförderung und mit einem GRW-Investitionszuschuss wird der Aufbau eines Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Beratungszentrums für Schutzausrüstungen gegen Infektionserreger unterstützt, um die dringend benötigten Prüfkapazitäten zur Zertifizierung von FFP-Masken zur Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie zu schaffen.“
„Zukunft braucht Herkunft. 500 Jahre Industriekultur in Sachsen“ lautete der Titel des Gastvortrages von Katja Margarethe Mieth, Direktorin der Landesstelle für Museumswesen an den Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden.  Im Anschluss nutzen die Versammlungsteilnehmer die Möglichkeit zu individuellen Gesprächen sowie zum Besuch der vom vti konzipierten Sonderschau „Textil?Zukunft!“ in der historischen Tuchfabrik Gebr. Pfau des Sächsischen Industriemuseums. Wie vti-Vorsitzender Thomas Lindner betonte, handelt sich bei dieser attraktiven Ausstellung um die erste derartige öffentlich zugängliche Exposition mit Hightech-Textilien aus Sachsen.

More information:
vti Coronavirus

vti-pressedienst / Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti)

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 opens next Monday: new digital tools complement in-person meetings   (c) Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 opens next Monday: new digital tools complement in-person meetings

Asia’s leading trade platform for the home and contract textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, is ready to welcome over 600 exhibitors to China’s commercial hub from 24 – 26 August. As China’s economy continues its recovery, the upcoming fair will serve as a key platform for the industry to reconnect and prepare for the seasons ahead. Taking consideration of current international travel restrictions, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform, enabling participation for those who cannot travel to Shanghai.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “2020 has been a difficult and unpredictable year for every business and industry across the world, so we are pleased to be providing a platform for the home textile industry to connect and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is the first physical trade event for the sector held by Messe Frankfurt since January, so we hope that the fair assists the sector to join forces and overcome this challenging year together.”

Asia’s leading trade platform for the home and contract textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, is ready to welcome over 600 exhibitors to China’s commercial hub from 24 – 26 August. As China’s economy continues its recovery, the upcoming fair will serve as a key platform for the industry to reconnect and prepare for the seasons ahead. Taking consideration of current international travel restrictions, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform, enabling participation for those who cannot travel to Shanghai.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “2020 has been a difficult and unpredictable year for every business and industry across the world, so we are pleased to be providing a platform for the home textile industry to connect and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is the first physical trade event for the sector held by Messe Frankfurt since January, so we hope that the fair assists the sector to join forces and overcome this challenging year together.”

Ms Wen continued: “Our first priority is to create a clean and hygienic space for all participants to source and network. To achieve this goal, the fair will implement extra health care and hygiene precautions onsite. On the other hand, we are aware that a number of travel restrictions are still in place across the world. With this in mind, Intertextile will offer a series of online services for those who are unable to travel to Shanghai, allowing the fair to reach as wide an audience as possible.”

2020 fair highlights

To provide buyers with greater efficiency, the fair, which covers four halls, will be divided clearly by product categories: Household Hall (hall 3), International Brands / Upholstery Hall (hall 4.1), Brand Fabrics Hall (hall 5.1) and Sofa Fabrics Hall (hall 6.1).

In addition, the Contract Business 360° concept will return this year, with over 40 premier upholstery exhibitors presenting their latest textile products and furnishing solutions for contract use. Exhibitors include Guangzhou Yuanzhicheng Home Textile, Haining Julai Textile, JAB, Morgan Shanghai, Symphony Mills, Suzhou Roufang, Ter Molst International, Zhejiang Hexin and Zhejiang Maya Fabric. Furthermore, top brands such as Agmamito from Poland and Wollsdorf Leather from Austria will be exhibiting for the first time at Intertextile.

Online business matching platform offers new sourcing landscape

Although face-to-face interaction is irreplaceable, a virtual complement has become more important as a result of the worldwide pandemic. To support the industry during these unprecedented times, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform. With this free service, participants are able to source and network at their fingertips. The virtual platform will offer many new features including:

  • Easy sourcing: exhibitors are categorised by product groups including Sofa / Decorative Fabrics, Curtains and Accessories, Bedding and Finished products, Shading and Accessories, and Editors
  • Live-streamed product presentations of exhibitors
  • Smart recommendations: pre-selected exhibitor lists will be provided to buyers based on their personal preferences and interests
  • Convenience: participants are able to use the service through computers or portable devices without the need to download any software

High quality fringe programme covers comprehensive topics
The fair’s event programme will once again provide the industry with the latest trends and insights in four topics: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textile & Technology and Industry Empowerment. One of the highlights will be the 2021 Intertextile Trend Forum, led by Shen Lei, the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee. The forum will bring together five prominent Chinese designers including Ben Chen, Ben Wu, Meng Ye, Paul Pang and Xie Ke, who will delve into the theme of 2021 Intertextile Trends–“BOUND”, as well as the Chinese market conditions. The event will be held on day 1 of the fair, from 14:00 – 17:00 in hall 5.1 booth C18, and streamed live online.

Another not-to-be-missed event is the Ride the Storm – Home Textile Digital Printing Forum, which will include an array of educating seminars that cover the latest digital textile printing trends and technologies. The forum will be held on day 2 of the fair, from 13:20 – 17:20 in hall 3, booth M12.

Furthermore, joining forces with Tmall Global, the largest cross border B2C online retail platform in China, the fair will host a series of seminars delivering the solutions and strategies for industry digitalisation during the afternoon of day 1. In addition, the well-received Furniture & Home Textile Direct Negotiation Event will return to provide an excellent opportunity for furniture companies and fabric brands to collaborate.

Additional health care and hygiene precautions will be in place

As trade fair co-organisers, Messe Frankfurt’s number one priority always remains the health and safety of fairgoers. To maintain a clean and hygienic environment for visitors and exhibitors to meet in, extra measures will be in practice at the fair. These include: real-name registration, onsite temperature checks, frequent sterilisation of public areas and distancing measures for forum / seminar audiences, amongst others.

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei launches its new fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making © GB Network
ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabrics

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei launches its new fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making

  • ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body.
  • The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers               

"A New Eco high-tech force of Nature", a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being.

Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycle Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye.

Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

  • ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body.
  • The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers               

"A New Eco high-tech force of Nature", a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being.

Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycle Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye.

Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

"Our international team strives to innovate with a human-based approach to research and develop solutions that meet high-performance standards as well as the transparency and traceability of both the ingredients and the supply chain", says Mr. Hashimoto, Senior Managing Director of Asahi Kasei Advance, the global materials innovator and manufacturer.

Indeed, the company has set the high bar all its suppliers and partners must match. Such criteria include: thoroughly transparency and traceability of both materials and production, corporate responsibility at all levels and a strategic commitment granted by influential certifications such as GRS - Global Recycle Standard for recycled ingredients and processes, as well as Bluesign® and OekoTex Standard 100 certifications, which focus on environmentally-friendly impact of the dyeing and finishing processes.

The human, environmentally-friendly and cutting-edge imprint of ECOSENSOR™ ultimate collection reflects a vision for a more responsible way of fabric manufacturing.

A new force of nature, because story telling truly must match the story making.

DOMOTEX 2021: Welcher Boden für welchen Zweck? Interior-Designer geben Einblicke (c) Gonzalo Botet
La Casa del Desierto OFIS

DOMOTEX 2021: Welcher Boden für welchen Zweck? Interior-Designer geben Einblicke

  • DOMOTEX, die Weltleitmesse für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge, findet vom 15. bis 18. Januar 2021 in Hannover statt.
  • Das neue Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND fokussiert drei Dimensionen aktueller Entwicklungen: Balanced Living. Sustainable Living. More than Floor.

Wie wirkt sich der Wunsch nach Entschleunigung, nach mehr Natürlichkeit und mehr Achtsamkeit konkret auf die Gestaltung unserer Umgebung aus? Wie verändern wir Räume, in denen wir leben und arbeiten? Wo beginnt der Boden, wo hört er auf? Welche Funktion übernimmt er künftig? Und: Wer sagt eigentlich, dass Natur nur im Freien stattfindet? In Zeiten von Corona nutzen immer mehr Menschen ihren Wohnraum zum Arbeiten im Home Office – die Übergänge zwischen Job und Privatleben verlaufen für viele fließend. So gewinnen private Räume und damit auch deren Bodengestaltung und Interior Design weiter an Bedeutung. Frei werdende Büroräume erhalten eine veränderte Nutzung. Dementsprechend müssen sie den neuen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden.

  • DOMOTEX, die Weltleitmesse für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge, findet vom 15. bis 18. Januar 2021 in Hannover statt.
  • Das neue Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND fokussiert drei Dimensionen aktueller Entwicklungen: Balanced Living. Sustainable Living. More than Floor.

Wie wirkt sich der Wunsch nach Entschleunigung, nach mehr Natürlichkeit und mehr Achtsamkeit konkret auf die Gestaltung unserer Umgebung aus? Wie verändern wir Räume, in denen wir leben und arbeiten? Wo beginnt der Boden, wo hört er auf? Welche Funktion übernimmt er künftig? Und: Wer sagt eigentlich, dass Natur nur im Freien stattfindet? In Zeiten von Corona nutzen immer mehr Menschen ihren Wohnraum zum Arbeiten im Home Office – die Übergänge zwischen Job und Privatleben verlaufen für viele fließend. So gewinnen private Räume und damit auch deren Bodengestaltung und Interior Design weiter an Bedeutung. Frei werdende Büroräume erhalten eine veränderte Nutzung. Dementsprechend müssen sie den neuen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden.

Dabei können Achtsamtkeit, Natürlichkeit und Wohlbefinden durch die passende Auswahl von Oberflächen und Materialien sowie durch innovative Konzepte positiv beeinflusst werden. Auch hier gilt es – nicht erst mit Ausbruch der Pandemie – neue Wege zu finden. Das Leitthema der DOMOTEX versteht sich daher als motivierende Aufforderung, gemeinsam den Blick über den Tellerrand zu wagen. Renommierte Innenarchitekten und Interior Designer tun das. Besucher, Speaker und Juroren der vergangenen DOMOTEX-Events gestalteten lifestyle-orientierte Räumlichkeiten, die es ermöglichen, den Boden völlig neu zu entdecken. Welche Teppiche und Böden nutzten sie für welchen Zweck? Die folgenden Projekte und Kommentare verdeutlichen das Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND.

Interior Designer Gunnar Seel besucht die DOMOTEX regelmäßig und lässt sich dort für seine Arbeit inspirieren. Mit dem Team seines  Hamburger Büros Seel Bobsin Design-Konzeptionen hat er ein Multi-Space-Office für den Reiseveranstalter TUI in Hannover realisiert. Er verwendete objekttaugliche, nachhaltig produzierte Teppichfliesen von Carpet Concept mit einer grafischen Grundstruktur, bei denen ein Farbverlauf in Sonderfarben eingesetzt wurde. Das große Format der Fliese macht das sonst häufig störende Nahtraster nahezu unsichtbar, sodass ein ruhigeres Erscheinungsbild entsteht. Individuell wurden die weißen Fliesen mit grafischen Strukturen in den Farbtönen Sand und Blau bedruckt. Diese Farbkombination weckt Assoziationen zu Strandlandschaften und findet sich in der Möblierung wieder.

Das Projektteam nutzte drei Varianten der Fliese, deren Farbgebung Besprechungsräume, Gänge und Arbeitsplätze markieren. Für eine bessere Raumakustik wurden die Fliesen mit einer akustisch wirksamen Rückenbeschichtung versehen. Spela Videcnik hat mit ihrem Büro OFIS Architects in Andalusien einen 20 Quadratmeter großen Pavillon aus speziellem Sonnenschutzglas errichtet. „La casa del desierto“ besteht aus Wohnbereich, Schlafzimmer und einem in den Holzboden integrierten Whirlpool, der einen einzigartigen Blick auf die umgebende Wüstenlandschaft bietet. Das verglaste Volumen ist zwischen Sockel und Dach befestigt, die jeweils aus Holzkassetten aufgebaut und an den Seiten mit verspiegelten Paneelen verkleidet sind, um die Umgebung zu reflektieren. Der Boden ist mit hellgrau gebleichten, schmalen und länglichen Paneelen der slowenischen Firma Permiz aus Lärchenholz belegt, die über den Raum hinaus ins Freie führen und so innen und außen nahtlos miteinander verbinden. Der Glaspavillon wurde als Ferienhaus entwickelt, das über Internetplattformen gebucht werden kann.

Designer Werner Aisslinger entwickelte mit seinem Studio das Interior Design für die Serviced Apartments „Stayery“ in Berlin- Friedrichshain. Zum Konzept gehören Co-Working Spaces sowie ein gemeinschaftlicher Wohnbereich zum Entspannen und Wohlfühlen. Die Beschaffenheit der Böden leitet Bewohner und Besucher zu einzelnen Bereichen, die voneinander getrennt ineinander übergehen. Designvorbild ist der Stadtraum. Ein grauer Teppich, der gekörntem Straßenasphalt ähnelt, führt vom Eingangsbereich zu den Aufzügen. Die Apartments reihen sich wie ein Ensemble kleiner Häuser mit Hausnummern einem Flur entlang. Dieser ist mit einem strapazierfähigen gestreiften Teppich ausgestattet, der an einen Zebrastreifen erinnert. Auch hier einen Teppich zu verwenden, dafür sprachen atmosphärische wie akustische Gründe. Auch für die Wärmedämmung erwies er sich als vorteilhaft. Im Eingangsbereich der Apartments sind leicht zu reinigende Fliesen verlegt. Das gemeinschaftliche  Wohnzimmer hat einen Parkettboden, der für eine wohnliche Wellbeing-Atmosphäre sorgt. Ein Designboden in Holzoptik markiert den Bereich der privaten Räume. Aus Kostengründen und um eine höhere Belastbarkeit zu gewährleisten, wurden hier LVTs verwendet. (Fliesen von Ce.Si, Designboden von Amtico, Flurteppich von ege, Parkett von Haro) Peter Ippolito ist Architekt und Innenarchitekt. Sein Büro Ippolito Fleitz hat mit dem Projekt „Soho 3Q“ ein altes Kaufhaus in Shanghai zum Co-Working-Space und inspirierenden Ort für Start-ups umgewandelt. Herzstück des Gebäudes ist ein zweigeschossiger Campus mit Lobby, Café-Areas und unterschiedlich großen Gesprächszonen. Auf den oberen Ebenen gibt es abgeschlossene Büros mit Privatsphäre sowie kleine Inseln für Besprechungen, die mit strapazierfähigen Teppichen zur Schallreduzierung markiert sind. Als skulpturales und hochwertiges Element verbindet eine Wendeltreppe aus Holz alle Etagen miteinander. Der Werkstoff Holz ermöglichte die nahtlose und hochwertige Gestaltungslösung ohne Schienen an den Kanten der Stufen. Alle Büros und öffentlichen Bereiche haben HPLBöden mit Holzdekor, da sie preisgünstiger als Holz, extrem pflegeleicht und unempfindlich gegen Kratzer sind. Echtes Holz und Terrazzo wurde für die Böden in der repräsentativen Lobby im Erdgeschoss verwendet. Abgepasste Teppiche ergänzen die urbanen Materialien als akustisch wirksames und zugleich wohnliches Detail.

Die Londoner Designerin Vanessa Brady denkt im Blog ihres Unternehmens über die Zukunft nach Corona nach: „Unser Beruf wird gut daran tun, die Stimmung zu heben und die psychische Gesundheit zu verbessern. Das ist unsere Aufgabe.“ Gefragt, welcher Boden sich für Restaurants besonders eignet, differenziert sie: „Gewebtes Vinyl und LVT eigenen sich ebenso wie Fliesen, Holz oder manchmal auch Metallplatten. Sind Interior Designer nicht stets auf der Suche nach einem trendigen, alternativen Look, den erst besondere Ausführungen ermöglichen? Ein Thema bleibt dennoch stets relevant, ist sich Brady sicher: Die Hygiene. Wie sich ein Belag reinigen lässt, spielt eine ebenso große Rolle wie sein Gewicht und wie beständig er gegen Abnutzung ist. Bei einem Pop-up-Store kann man vorübergehend weniger haltbare Materialien verwenden. „Ehrlich gesagt“, betont sie, „braucht man fast immer ein Qualitätsprodukt mit hoher Performance, das für kommerzielle Anwendungen zugelassen ist. Im Allgemeinen ist das ein reines Handelsprodukt.“ Für Vanessa Brady folgt daraus, dass Architekten und Designer auf dem Laufendenden bleiben müssen, was „Entwicklungen wie neue Produkteinführungen, Farbtrends und Ausführungen betrifft, insbesondere, da uns die Technologie so schnell vorantreibt.“ 

Über die neuesten Entwicklungen in Sachen Bodenbeläge können sich Besucher der DOMOTEX 2021 informieren. Unter dem Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND präsentieren vom 15. bis 18. Januar innovative Hersteller in Hannover ihre Angebotsvielfalt. In sogenannten „Flooring Parks“ erhalten die Segmente Teppichböden, Fasern & Garne in Halle 11 sowie Elastische Bodenbeläge & Designbeläge, Parkett und Laminat wie auch Anwendungs- und Verlegetechniken in Halle 12 jeweils eine eigene Bühne: Produkthighlights werden in einer konkreten Raumanwendung inszeniert und fungieren als Trendschau. Mit diesen inspirierenden Räumen soll, passend zum Leitthema der Messe, ein optimistischer, nach vorn gewandter Blickwinkel auf das Thema Bodenbelag eröffnet werden.


Marketmedia24 stellt „Home Look Book 2020+“ vor

  • Die neuesten Living-Trends für 2020+

COVID-19 hat viel verändert und wird es weiterhin tun – auch und vor allem zu Hause. Hier brauchen Menschen ein gutes Setting. Die neuesten Living-Trends hat das Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24, Köln, in Kooperation mit der Trendagentur Gabriela Kaiser, Landsberg am Lech, für das neue „Home Look Book 2020+“ analysiert. Bereist wurden 11 internationale Fachmessen sowie die Mailänder Showrooms.

Das „Home Look Book 2020+“ zeigt in 175 Bildinspirationen eine „Home-Tour“ durch alle Räume: aktuelle und künftige Wohntrends aus den Bereichen „Möbel und Beleuchtung“, „Boden und Wände“, „Heimtextilien“ sowie „Homeaccessoires“. Weiter widmet sich das Buch dem Trendthema „umweltfreundlich + nachhaltig“ mit zahlreichen Bildmaterialien und Expertenstatements.

  • Die neuesten Living-Trends für 2020+

COVID-19 hat viel verändert und wird es weiterhin tun – auch und vor allem zu Hause. Hier brauchen Menschen ein gutes Setting. Die neuesten Living-Trends hat das Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24, Köln, in Kooperation mit der Trendagentur Gabriela Kaiser, Landsberg am Lech, für das neue „Home Look Book 2020+“ analysiert. Bereist wurden 11 internationale Fachmessen sowie die Mailänder Showrooms.

Das „Home Look Book 2020+“ zeigt in 175 Bildinspirationen eine „Home-Tour“ durch alle Räume: aktuelle und künftige Wohntrends aus den Bereichen „Möbel und Beleuchtung“, „Boden und Wände“, „Heimtextilien“ sowie „Homeaccessoires“. Weiter widmet sich das Buch dem Trendthema „umweltfreundlich + nachhaltig“ mit zahlreichen Bildmaterialien und Expertenstatements.

„Was das Sichten von Trends betraf, so hatten wir Glück im Unglück. Wir konnten im Januar und Februar 2020 die Heimtextil, die imm cologne und die Ambiente noch physisch erleben. Der Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2020 fand zwar schon nicht mehr statt. Aber wir haben den umfangreichen Live-Input der letzten stattgefundenen internationalen Living-Messen ebenso auf dem Tisch wie aktuelle Trend-Mailings aus Italien“, so Gabriela Kaiser.

„Der größte Lifestyle-Trend passiert sowieso gerade jetzt, in diesem Moment. Das Leben hat sich etwas verlangsamt und wird in einigen Facetten natürlicher. Wie sehr dieser Lebensstil bereits vor COVID-19 in der Luft lag, zeigt unser neues „Home Look Book 2020+“ auf verblüffende Weise“, erläutert Sonja Koschel, Geschäftsführerin von Marketmedia24. Überall Grün, Holz, Gewürztöne, Blatt-, Blumen- und Waldmuster, robuste Materialien, Handwerk, Flechtwerk, klassische, historische, optisch langlebige Formen und Möbel sowie viele schöne und hochwertige Objekte, die ganz bewusst zelebriert werden.

Das „Home Look Book 2020+“ ist in gebundener Version zum Preis von 1.750,00 Euro zzgl. MwSt. erhältlich.




CHT teams up with HeiQ in fight against COVID-19

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 that has been developed by HeiQ is a new technology that is also effective against Coronaviruses (229E) thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Comprehensive studies have demonstrated the kit‘s effectiveness. A combination of silver salts with a vesicle technology deactivates bacteria and viruses on textile surfaces within a few minutes and renders the bacteria and viruses harmless. Textiles equipped in this way reduce the rate of infection by 99.99%, which stops the transmission and the spread of bacteria and viruses through textiles.

Viroblock can be used on all types of fibers – not only for protective kit and masks, but also for work clothing, bed linen, towels and home textiles. The kit is wash-resistant and still highly effective after 30 standard wash processes.

More information:
HeiQ CHT Group corona virus

CHT Gruppe

Industry players from key international markets gather at Intertextile annually (c) Messe Frankfurt
Industry players from key international markets gather at Intertextile annually

Strong exhibitor registration shaping up for Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition

Exhibitor registration for the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has been strong since applications opened in December last year. Renowned global players such as D Décor Home Fabrics (India), G.M. Syntex Pvt (India), Naturtex (Hungary) and SIC Global Textiles (Poland) are amongst those to have already confirmed their participation. Held from 24 – 26 August 2020, the fair is the largest trade platform in China for international buyers to meet potential supply partners in the second half of the year. The fair’s early bird discount will be extended until 30 March. Interested companies can register online to enjoy a 10% discount.

Discover abundant new products and design trends
As the leading business platform for the home and contract textile industry in the Asia Pacific region, participants of Intertextile can always discover the latest innovations and trends of the textile and interior design industry. This year, the fair continues to cover the entire spectrum of home and contract textile products including:

Exhibitor registration for the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has been strong since applications opened in December last year. Renowned global players such as D Décor Home Fabrics (India), G.M. Syntex Pvt (India), Naturtex (Hungary) and SIC Global Textiles (Poland) are amongst those to have already confirmed their participation. Held from 24 – 26 August 2020, the fair is the largest trade platform in China for international buyers to meet potential supply partners in the second half of the year. The fair’s early bird discount will be extended until 30 March. Interested companies can register online to enjoy a 10% discount.

Discover abundant new products and design trends
As the leading business platform for the home and contract textile industry in the Asia Pacific region, participants of Intertextile can always discover the latest innovations and trends of the textile and interior design industry. This year, the fair continues to cover the entire spectrum of home and contract textile products including:

  • Decorative Fabrics (Upholstery & Curtains)
  • Bedding, Bath, Kitchen & Table
  • Carpets & Rugs
  • Sun-Protection
  • Wallcoverings
  • Textile Editors
  • Whole Home Products
  • Digital Print & Technics
  • Fibres, Yarns & Chemicals
  • Textile Designs

In addition, Intertextile is pleased to cooperate with the renowned international forecasting agency NellyRodi™ from France again in presenting the hottest international home furnishing trends. A trend committee led by NellyRodi and formed by top forecasters including Carlotta Montaldo, Juliette Lamarca, Shen Lei and Studio NOCC will be responsible for determining the major design trends which will be demonstrated in the three-day fair via a series of events and displays. More details about the trends will be announced soon.


 Messe Frankfurt

Compact II (c) Owl Media
Compact II

Eltex of Sweden AB reports success with its Eye Compact II yarn

A close eye on quality with the Eye Compact II

Eltex of Sweden AB, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, reports solid success with its Eye Compact II yarn monitoring system for carpet tufting machines, since its launch at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona last June.

The sensor units of the Eye Compact II,Brian Hicks, Eltex CEO explains, have been successfully miniaturised to approximately a third of the size of those with the established Compact system, allowing them to be mounted on the very latest high speed tufting machines that are graphics driven, with limited space at the puller rollers.

Early stage prevention
Unlike the sensor systems that are employed at later positions on tufting machines – in order to detect faults in the formed fabric – Eye Compact II technology is about prevention at an earlier stage, through the detection of missing yarns.

A close eye on quality with the Eye Compact II

Eltex of Sweden AB, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, reports solid success with its Eye Compact II yarn monitoring system for carpet tufting machines, since its launch at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona last June.

The sensor units of the Eye Compact II,Brian Hicks, Eltex CEO explains, have been successfully miniaturised to approximately a third of the size of those with the established Compact system, allowing them to be mounted on the very latest high speed tufting machines that are graphics driven, with limited space at the puller rollers.

Early stage prevention
Unlike the sensor systems that are employed at later positions on tufting machines – in order to detect faults in the formed fabric – Eye Compact II technology is about prevention at an earlier stage, through the detection of missing yarns.

Critically, the sensors need to be installed after the last puller roller and before the tufting needles, because otherwise the roller could still be feeding yarns that will not been successfully taken by the needles. This is only possible with the extremely slim Eye Compact II units, which can also be positioned either above or below the rollers.

Another benefit is that the sensors can be arranged more closely together, with each of them monitoring 16 yarn positions, and their robustness ensures that once fitted, there is little the technicians or operators need to do.

The Eye Compact II system easily learns pattern changes and displays the number of yarns involved to the operator for confirmation, and different parameters for different yarns groups can also even be set if required. With its research and development work primarily carried out at its headquarters in Osby, Sweden, and North American sales and service operated from its subsidiary in South Carolina, the manufacturing plant of Eltex has been located at Templemore in Ireland since 1976, providing significant advantages in terms of high flexibility and logistical services to customers on both sides of the Atlantic.


More information:
Eltex of Sweden AB TMAS

Owl Media

Messe Frankfurt (HK): Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd: Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles August
Messe Frankfurt (HK): Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd: Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles August 2020

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will return from 24 – 26 August 2020 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). Stepping into its 26th edition, the trade fair will provide exhibitors the perfect opportunity to introduce new products and expand their distribution networks, as well as serving as a source of information and inspiration for professionals in every aspect of the industry.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary last August, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile attracted 1,147 exhibitors from 27 countries & regions, as well as 35,390 trade buyers from 117 countries & regions (2018: 104), reflecting the increasing internationalism of Messe Frankfurt’s textile fairs in China, and the growing opportunities for international suppliers to meet a wide range of buyers in Shanghai. The trade fair’s capacity to attract large and diverse crowds has reinforced its status as the leading business platform for the home textile industry in the Asia Pacific region.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will return from 24 – 26 August 2020 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). Stepping into its 26th edition, the trade fair will provide exhibitors the perfect opportunity to introduce new products and expand their distribution networks, as well as serving as a source of information and inspiration for professionals in every aspect of the industry.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary last August, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile attracted 1,147 exhibitors from 27 countries & regions, as well as 35,390 trade buyers from 117 countries & regions (2018: 104), reflecting the increasing internationalism of Messe Frankfurt’s textile fairs in China, and the growing opportunities for international suppliers to meet a wide range of buyers in Shanghai. The trade fair’s capacity to attract large and diverse crowds has reinforced its status as the leading business platform for the home textile industry in the Asia Pacific region.
In the next edition, a large collection of quality Chinese companies, as well as premier overseas brands will once again present the entire spectrum of home and contract textile products including:

  • Textile editors
  • Whole Home Products
  • Windows & Upholstery
  • Bedding, Bath, Kitchen & Table
  • Carpets & Rugs
  • Sun-Protection
  • Wallcovering
  • Digital Print & Technics
  • Fibers, Yarns & Chemicals
  • Textile Designs

Opportunities abound in China’s home textiles market
“The upcoming Autumn Edition of Intertextile is set to offer suppliers and buyers the best platform to capture new business opportunities, especially as we continue to focus on bringing together more key players from the textiles, interiors, architecture and hospitality sectors in China and internationally,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said.
“Over the years, Intertextile has been evolving from a traditional trade fair to an immersive and interactive experience that inspires and engages attendees. Today, the fair is more than a business platform; it also delivers state-of-the-art home trends, valuable networking opportunities, as well as innovative and strategic solutions for brand development through a series of fringe programme events,” Ms Wen further explained.
As one of the selected exhibitors featured in the Talks & Tours series at the 2019 fair, Mr Thomas Luys, Sales Manager of LIBECO-LAGAE: “We had quite a diverse range of visitors, including an increase in e-commerce buyers, but also more traditional upholstery fabrics buyers. Our booth was also part of the Talks & Tours, so it was important to tell our story to a diverse range of visitors on this tour.”
To find out more about this fair, please visit:
For more information about Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:



(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Neue Technologie in der HeiQ Fresh-Serie verwandelt Vorhänge in Luftreiniger (c) HeiQ
Neue Technologie in der HeiQ Fresh-Serie verwandelt Vorhänge in Luftreiniger

New technology in the HeiQ Fresh range turns curtains into air purifiers

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ has added a new dimension to air management in the HeiQ Fresh product range – air purifying functionality that will be used in curtains from IKEA to reduce indoor air pollutants such as the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide (NO).

No electricity required, no extra space occupied, the Gunrid curtain from IKEA looks like an ordinary curtain but performs a novel function – it purifies indoor air because it is infused with the latest technology in the HeiQ Fresh range – HeiQ Fresh AIR. Gunrid curtains will be available in IKEA retail stores in 2020.

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ has added a new dimension to air management in the HeiQ Fresh product range – air purifying functionality that will be used in curtains from IKEA to reduce indoor air pollutants such as the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide (NO).

No electricity required, no extra space occupied, the Gunrid curtain from IKEA looks like an ordinary curtain but performs a novel function – it purifies indoor air because it is infused with the latest technology in the HeiQ Fresh range – HeiQ Fresh AIR. Gunrid curtains will be available in IKEA retail stores in 2020.

According to the World Health Organization, over 80% of urban residents are exposed to high levels of air pollution1. The concentration of VOCs indoors is generally higher than outdoors2.. While many VOCs are not considered as harmful to health, such as perfumes and fragrances, some others such as acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide (NO) and d-limonene and other semi-volatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are attributed as responsible for significant negative impact on health by the World Health Organization (WHO). These VOCs come from outdoor sources as well as indoor sources such as furniture, paints, household cleaning products, sprays or cooking activities, as outlined in the clean air survey 2018, conducted by IKEA. Aiming to improve the lives of people through making everyday textiles more functional, HeiQ innovated a textile treatment that will use home fabrics such as curtains as a medium to purify the indoor air.

More information:
HeiQ HeiQ Smart Temp IKEA


DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR expands its design influence (c) DOMOTEXasia
Domotex Asia Chinafloor

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR expands its design influence

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR (March 24-26) – the leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings in the Asia Pacific region - expands the design and conference area and welcomes new and returning brands.

Shanghai - For the 22nd edition, each flooring sector will have a theme. The highlighted product category in wood is solid wood for ground heating systems. The category is taking over the entire hall showing new technologies, new designs and new products in floor heating. Solid wood for ground heating systems is growing in China – according to China National Forest Products Industry Association, around 80% of China's wood flooring brands have developed the product.

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR (March 24-26) – the leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings in the Asia Pacific region - expands the design and conference area and welcomes new and returning brands.

Shanghai - For the 22nd edition, each flooring sector will have a theme. The highlighted product category in wood is solid wood for ground heating systems. The category is taking over the entire hall showing new technologies, new designs and new products in floor heating. Solid wood for ground heating systems is growing in China – according to China National Forest Products Industry Association, around 80% of China's wood flooring brands have developed the product.

At the same time the market share is increasing by more than 30% annually. It is expected that by 2025, the market size of solid wood for ground heating systems will reach RMB 10 billion (approx. 1.4 billion USD). The international and local market leaders, such as Junckers, Foglie d’Oro, Edelholz, IBF, Teclic, Nature, Fudeli, Bloor, Jinyi, Licher, Nuogao and Moganshan have already confirmed their participation at the show. Also in this hall we see the latest developments in the market in the dedicated InnovAction campaign.

The resilient flooring section will be spread out to 69,500 sqm gross, featuring Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) flooring. Among the resilient halls, there will be an “Inspiration Hall”, housing InnovAction campaign and design forum, where famous interior designers will educate the audience on using resilient flooring in interior. The InnovAction will be upgraded by showcasing the new products within matching interior spaces. This new way of presenting the InnovAction products is ideal for both manufacturers to share the ideas and for visitors to keep up to date with the market trends.

Carpet section will promote carpet as a driving force for interior design, with a dedicated hall being the epicenter of home and design carpets and the host hall for the Luxury Brands Carpet Show – a showcase of the most sought-after international high-end carpet design brands. After the successful first edition in 2019, Chinese Original Carpet Design Show comes back to promote the works of young Chinese carpet designers. Country pavilions from Germany, Belgium, Iran and Turkey will also showcase their products among the carpet halls. Traditionally DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR has been focused on B2B, however due to the market changes, the end users are more and more welcome to the show. In order to give the oriental carpets and rugs the spotlight and follow the trends, Indian and Afghanistan pavilions will be creating a new area - “Treasure of Orient”.

In 2020, DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR will cover more than 185,000 sqm of gross space, taking up 16 halls at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. Five of the exhibition halls will be dedicated to carpets and rugs, four to wood, bamboo and other hard floors, 2 to FLOORTECH asia and 5 halls to resilient floor coverings. In 2019, the show gathered 1,579 exhibitors from 36 countries and attracted 66,875 trade visitors, of which 15,092 international, coming from 107 nations.

Bemberg™ presents the original material for modern living © GB Network

Bemberg™ presents the original material for modern living

  • Première Vision New York - 21st to 22nd of January 2020.

Bemberg™ is pleased to present a full range of new fabric innovations at Première Vision New York. Made by Asahi Kasei, the company is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel.

During this edition of Première Vision New York attendees will discover a full range of new fabric innovations from international partners.

Bemberg™ proposal will especially focus on Velutine Evo for shell fabrics, the new technically advanced finishing refinement technology developed in the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei that offers a premium finish to the best qualities of the classic Bemberg™ peach skin touch. As part of the company’s continuous innovation, Velutine Evo brings better environmental, energy and water profiles for the benefit of Bemberg™ partners in the manufacture of their ranges. It sets a new benchmark for everyday luxury with a new generation of fibrillation technology.

The unique circularity of Bemberg™

  • Première Vision New York - 21st to 22nd of January 2020.

Bemberg™ is pleased to present a full range of new fabric innovations at Première Vision New York. Made by Asahi Kasei, the company is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel.

During this edition of Première Vision New York attendees will discover a full range of new fabric innovations from international partners.

Bemberg™ proposal will especially focus on Velutine Evo for shell fabrics, the new technically advanced finishing refinement technology developed in the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei that offers a premium finish to the best qualities of the classic Bemberg™ peach skin touch. As part of the company’s continuous innovation, Velutine Evo brings better environmental, energy and water profiles for the benefit of Bemberg™ partners in the manufacture of their ranges. It sets a new benchmark for everyday luxury with a new generation of fibrillation technology.

The unique circularity of Bemberg™

Bemberg™ is made from a cotton linter bio-utility material, a natural derived source, and a truly unique one in the smart fiber arena that doesn’t deplete forestry resources. And apart from the exquisite and precious touch of Bemberg™ fabrics, visitors will see the unique circularity of Bemberg™ from its source, manufacture and end-of-life credentials, supported by the LCA study, signed by ICEA and validated by Paolo Masoni, confirming a new quality profile and standard with a more responsible and unique position today. Full GRS certification, Oeko-Tex 100, ISO 14001, & Eco-Mark. Bemberg™ also has a new Compostability Certification.

The Innovhub-SSI report confirms Bemberg™ filaments disintegrate at 100% value Twithin the limits specified by the UNI EN 13432, point A.3.1 for disintegration in composting. Also, a new Ecotoxicity metric to EN 13432:2000 Annex E, the compost obtained from the Bemberg™ filaments according to ISO 16929:2013 revealed no ecotoxicity effect.  The Bemberg™ filaments tested for heavy metals and other toxic hazardous substances and was found to comply with tests specified by the UNI EN 13432, for the substances listed in table A.1.


PIAVEMAITEX presents unique performances with “AGAIN” line

PIAVE MAITEX, recognized as a preferred partner for the global textile industry, brings on the successful path of responsible and smart innovation and presents its unique line “AGAIN”, during the MarediModa fair in Cannes.

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

PIAVE MAITEX, recognized as a preferred partner for the global textile industry, brings on the successful path of responsible and smart innovation and presents its unique line “AGAIN”, during the MarediModa fair in Cannes.

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

In addition to the two key high-tech, responsible and GRS certified raw materials, the Italian manufacturer will present a new development characterized by sustainable water-saving printing, with the possibility to be color-customized. Moreover PIAVE MAITEX will showcase the unique and innovative combination of two AGAIN articles to obtain an entirely sustainable bonded fabric with the possibility of personalized colour combinations. The range of functional fabrics, dyeable and transfer printable, perfectly combines creativity, innovation, real performance and sustainability all at once offering unparalleled comfort, performance, and tenacity.

More information:

GB Network

 50. Ausgabe: Heimtextil feiert ein halbes Jahrhundert Weltleitmesse (c) Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

50th edition: Heimtextil celebrates half a century as a leading trade fair

  • Heimtextil celebrates its anniversary: from 7-10 January 2020, the global home textiles industry will meet for the 50th time in Frankfurt am Main.

With a great anniversary party, a showcase presenting design classics from the past few decades, an anniversary film and other activities, Heimtextil will review the past half century since its first edition in 1971.

‘50 editions over the course of the past five decades are a rarely experienced phenomenon in the fast-moving global trade fair industry and are practically an eternity’, says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Like no other trade fair, Heimtextil stands for product variety, international clout and undisputed market leadership in the textile sector’. As a design show, it constantly reinvents itself, continues to present
state-of-the-art home trends as it has always done and makes the furnishing trends of tomorrow tangible’.

Big celebration party on the Wednesday of the trade fair

  • Heimtextil celebrates its anniversary: from 7-10 January 2020, the global home textiles industry will meet for the 50th time in Frankfurt am Main.

With a great anniversary party, a showcase presenting design classics from the past few decades, an anniversary film and other activities, Heimtextil will review the past half century since its first edition in 1971.

‘50 editions over the course of the past five decades are a rarely experienced phenomenon in the fast-moving global trade fair industry and are practically an eternity’, says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Like no other trade fair, Heimtextil stands for product variety, international clout and undisputed market leadership in the textile sector’. As a design show, it constantly reinvents itself, continues to present
state-of-the-art home trends as it has always done and makes the furnishing trends of tomorrow tangible’.

Big celebration party on the Wednesday of the trade fair

Messe Frankfurt will be inviting exhibitors and visitors to the highlight of the celebrations, the big Heimtextil @ Night party in hall 11.1 on Wednesday, 8 January 2020. Heimtextil exhibitors from the very beginning will be warmly welcomed and paid special attention. As part of the celebrations, Messe Frankfurt will present an anniversary film with a look back at earlier Heimtextil editions as well as music acts from the last five decades.

In hall 9.0, Heimtextil will present design classics from the past 50 years in a special showcase area. Here, the trade fair will invite people to take a journey through time and a tour of discovery through five  decades of Heimtextil history. The presentation is based on editorials from interior magazines. Four rooms incorporate colours, shapes, furniture and design objects from past decades. The showcase is complemented by a café that will be realised in cooperation with Schöner Wohnen, Europe's largest living magazine.

Exclusive offer: anniversary scarf in the Heimtextil look

To mark the anniversary, Heimtextil will launch a textile accessory of its  own creation: a scarf in the look of the current trade fair campaign. The scarf in the unisex colour combination of petrol, turquoise and lilac will be available for exhibitors and visitors to buy during the trade fair.



Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Marketmedia24

Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2019

Online-Handel wächst um 69 Prozent

Insgesamt haben die Deutschen 2018 gut 3 Milliarden Euro für Gardinen und innenliegenden Sicht- und Sonnenschutz ausgegeben. Das waren im Rückblick auf 2010 17,5 Prozent mehr. Auch im Vergleich zum Vorjahr wuchs der Markt um 2 Prozent, stellt das Marktforschungsinstitut Marketmedia24, Köln, in seiner jetzt erschienenen Studie „Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2019“ fest. Trotzdem hatte das Gros der deutschen Hersteller nicht viel Grund zum Jubeln. Dabei wäre auch für sie mehr drin gewesen, berücksichtigt man das Mode- und Innovationspotenzial der Branche. Doch das schwach ausgeprägte Interesse der Konsumenten, die Preisdominanz sowie die unter Druck stehenden stationären Kernvertriebswege machen Sorgen. Gleichwohl zeichnen die Branchenaussichten von Marketmedia24 bis zum Jahr 2025 ein Wachstumsszenario. Nicht nur für den Fall, dass sich die Wirtschaft allgemein expansiv weiterentwickelt. Sondern selbst unter der Annahme, dass das gesamtwirtschaftliche Wachstum deutlich zurückgeht, wird das Marktvolumen von Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz gegenüber 2018 immerhin noch zulegen.

Online-Handel wächst um 69 Prozent

Insgesamt haben die Deutschen 2018 gut 3 Milliarden Euro für Gardinen und innenliegenden Sicht- und Sonnenschutz ausgegeben. Das waren im Rückblick auf 2010 17,5 Prozent mehr. Auch im Vergleich zum Vorjahr wuchs der Markt um 2 Prozent, stellt das Marktforschungsinstitut Marketmedia24, Köln, in seiner jetzt erschienenen Studie „Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2019“ fest. Trotzdem hatte das Gros der deutschen Hersteller nicht viel Grund zum Jubeln. Dabei wäre auch für sie mehr drin gewesen, berücksichtigt man das Mode- und Innovationspotenzial der Branche. Doch das schwach ausgeprägte Interesse der Konsumenten, die Preisdominanz sowie die unter Druck stehenden stationären Kernvertriebswege machen Sorgen. Gleichwohl zeichnen die Branchenaussichten von Marketmedia24 bis zum Jahr 2025 ein Wachstumsszenario. Nicht nur für den Fall, dass sich die Wirtschaft allgemein expansiv weiterentwickelt. Sondern selbst unter der Annahme, dass das gesamtwirtschaftliche Wachstum deutlich zurückgeht, wird das Marktvolumen von Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz gegenüber 2018 immerhin noch zulegen.

Aus Trendsicht gibt es für die Gardinen-, Sicht- und Sonnenschutzbranche durchaus Grund zu Optimismus. Zwar machen Hersteller und Handel den „Jahrhundertsommer“ 2018 für die Kauf- und Renovierungsmüdigkeit der Konsumenten verantwortlich. Doch gerade der mit den Temperaturen aufkommende Wunsch nach Beschattung und Klimaregulierung in den Räumen könnte sich als Marktmotor speziell für innenliegenden Sicht- und Sonnenschutz entpuppen. Akustik, Wärmedämmung, nachhaltige Konzepte und Smart Home-Angebote sind weitere Produktinnovationen, die Nachfrage wecken. Allerdings müssten diese Lösungen nicht nur zögerlich zu den Konsumenten durchdringen. Dennoch setzen sich Trends durch: Insbesondere für moderne große Fenster und schallharte Oberflächen bevorzugen Konsumenten durchaus schon energieeffiziente Produkte und akustischen Komfort.




ATMYSPHERE as the keynote theme for DOMOTEX 2020

  • Inspired by the health megatrend, the keynote theme for DOMOTEX puts wellbeing, naturalness and sustainability at the top of the agenda  
  • Stronger focus on contract business
  • Manufacturers invited to creatively frame their products as expressions of the keynote theme

Preparations are already ramping up for the 2020 edition of the world’s leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings DOMOTEX. The upcoming show, to be held from 10 to 13 January 2020, has ATMYSPHERE as its keynote theme, symbolizing its central focus on all those qualities of floors and floor coverings that contribute to wellbeing, naturalness and sustainability.

  • Inspired by the health megatrend, the keynote theme for DOMOTEX puts wellbeing, naturalness and sustainability at the top of the agenda  
  • Stronger focus on contract business
  • Manufacturers invited to creatively frame their products as expressions of the keynote theme

Preparations are already ramping up for the 2020 edition of the world’s leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings DOMOTEX. The upcoming show, to be held from 10 to 13 January 2020, has ATMYSPHERE as its keynote theme, symbolizing its central focus on all those qualities of floors and floor coverings that contribute to wellbeing, naturalness and sustainability.
Examples of products from the floor coverings industry that possess these qualities include floors with acoustic properties or sound-insulation components; carpets that bind fine dust particles or have thermal insulation properties; resilient floor coverings that are hypo-allergenic; and natural-wood floorboards that improve the interior climate by capturing excess humidity and releasing it again when the air in the room is dry. Other qualities that enhance positive indoor atmospherics include softness and pleasantness to the touch, sustainability, and aesthetic details that help transform rooms into oases of personal wellbeing.
“This year, as indeed in previous years, the lead theme is inspired by a current megatrend,” explains Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Deutsche Messe’s Global Director DOMOTEX. “And that trend is society’s heightened focus on health. Health is synonymous with quality of life and living well – and therefore translates into high expectations of the spaces around us. Alongside this, considerations of sustainability and recycling – and hence natural materials – continue to play a major role in our society. In terms of floor coverings, these are considerations and themes that are currently very much to the fore with our exhibitors and their work, especially given the great importance of floors as elements of creative interior design. With the right materials and design, carpets and floor coverings can be important factors in personal wellbeing and in the design of homes and workplaces that promote it. That is why ATMYSPHERE is of such definitive importance for all our exhibitors and visitor target groups.”

The “Framing Trends” showcase at DOMOTEX 2020 is a unique opportunity for manufacturers, artists and students to stage interior designs inspired by the ATMYSPHERE keynote theme and hence position themselves as trend leaders in innovative products and solutions for today’s modern floors and their positive, lifeaffirming qualities. Applications for participation at the “Framing Trends” showcase  are now open. Interested exhibitors and flooring-industry companies are invited to submit their ideas for displays of indoor oases of wellbeing that are built from the floor up.

More information:
Domotex 2020


Final report Heimtextil 2019 (c) Messe Frankfurt

Heimtextil 2019: A lively start to the new furnishing season gives hope for a good business year ahead

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’. [*For comparison, 2018: 2,975 exhibitors from 64 countries; 68,584 visitors from 135 countries, FKM-tested)]

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’.

One topic that occupied both exhibitors and visitors was the current and future economic situation. A further challenge is the increasingly evident changes that are happening in trade. Increasing revenues and revenue shares in online retailing stand in the way of the efforts made by the stationary retail trade to maintain their inner-city businesses. ‘The small business specialist trade, but also department stores and multibrand stores, and thus the heart of our visitor target groups, are under pressure from the constantly increasing levels of e-commerce. With Heimtextil and our consumer goods fairs in general, we offer these retailers in particular clear perspectives and diverse inspiration in an ambiguous world’, continues Braun.

Heimtextil made it easier for its visitors to access valuable inspiration and business momentum thanks to an optimised trade fair concept and the associated new hall structure. ‘The new concept brought more visitors to the stand’, was the feedback from Andreas Klenk, Managing Director of Saum & Viebahn from Kulmbach in Franconia about hall 8.0 which offered textiles editeurs and manufacturers of curtain and sun protection systems a common platform for the first time. ‘It was the right decision to merge the different segments. We had high quality discussions with respect to both export and domestic business, and are satisfied with the trade fair’.

As part of the new concept, Heimtextil expanded its unique product range across the entire exhibition site and also included the new hall 12, which has been an additional architectural highlight on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds since September.

Top international companies from the Bed & Bath Fashion segment presented their wares here. For the company Curt Bauer from Aue in Saxony, the première of the new hall was a successful one. ‘We're very enthusiastic about the new hall 12. The product range there was very well received. We are very satisfied with the quality of visitors to our stand. In addition to a good frequency of German visitors, we are particularly pleased about growth from China and Russia’, says Managing Director Michael Bauer.

Natural materials, PET and ocean plastics 
Heimtextil set a standard in terms of sustainability: after the first global climate protection agreement for the textile industry was signed by 40 leading fashion companies, organisations and associations at the World Climate Conference in Katowice last December, the focus in Frankfurt was also on environmental progress in the textile industry. Numerous exhibitors presented progressive solutions, for example in the recycling of PET bottles and ocean plastic as well as in the use of certified natural materials. ‘Sustainability was the theme for us at this year’s Heimtextil. Major media players visited us and the 'Green Tour’ guided tour stopped by. We presented many things, including our first vegan duvet and fair silk products, all 100 per cent produced in Austria’, says Denise Hartmann, Marketing Manager at Hefel Textil. The topics of water consumption in the textile industry and microplastics also increasingly came to the fore. The exhibitor directory ‘Green Directory’ alone contained around 150 progressive companies listing sustainably produced textiles. The offer was supplemented by its own lecture series as well as theme-specific tours, which provided valuable impetus and
underpinned the pioneering green position of the trade fair.

Sleep becomes new lifestyle theme
Heimtextil also focused on sleep as one of the upcoming lifestyle trends. While a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are now a natural part of a healthy lifestyle, restorative sleep is still neglected* although it is one of the most important building blocks for long-term physical and mental well-being. At Heimtextil, a number of new products and aspects came to the fore that help people become sensitised to and analyse their sleep behaviour and promote healthy sleep. Around the redesigned hall 11.0 and in the adjoining lecture area ‘Sleep! The Future Forum’, representatives from the national and international bed industry enjoyed attractive product presentations and superb speeches on the topics of sustainability, hospitality, sport and digital.

In addition to the renowned trend show, the trade fair also focused on contract business, particularly in the hotel and hospitality sector, as well as decorative and upholstery fabrics, digital printing solutions and wallpapers.

The next Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main – its 50th edition – will take place from 7 to 10 January 2020.

*According to a forsa investigation commissioned by the Techniker Krankenkasse

More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles (c) Messe Frankfurt

Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns in March 2019

  • The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will be held from 12 – 14 March 2019, serving as a perfect occasion for the industry to start the sourcing season and to tap into the promising finished products market in China.
  • Bedding products as strong driving force for home textiles market

Bedding products account for half of home textiles sales in China. Thanks to the rising number of middle class citizens and a steady increase in new marriages every year, there is a growing demand for bedding products. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the total income of those bedding enterprises above a designated size* reached USD 12.3 billion in the period between January and September 2018, while their domestic sales amassed USD 8.3 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 6.2%.

  • The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will be held from 12 – 14 March 2019, serving as a perfect occasion for the industry to start the sourcing season and to tap into the promising finished products market in China.
  • Bedding products as strong driving force for home textiles market

Bedding products account for half of home textiles sales in China. Thanks to the rising number of middle class citizens and a steady increase in new marriages every year, there is a growing demand for bedding products. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the total income of those bedding enterprises above a designated size* reached USD 12.3 billion in the period between January and September 2018, while their domestic sales amassed USD 8.3 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 6.2%.

Spring is traditionally regarded as the start of a new year in China and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has been facilitating industry players to capture the market potential during the peak sourcing season for home textile finished products. The 2018 Spring Edition was sought after by the industry, and more than 20,000 buyers from 68 countries and regions came to source. It also offered valuable opportunities for exhibitors to tap into the China market. “It is one of the important platforms for us to launch products for the year as many suppliers and brand buyers are looking for new items during this prime sourcing period. We also expect the demand for quality finished products to keep growing due to the rising living standard,” Mr Gao Qi, District Manager of Sunvim Co Ltd commented after their participation in 2018.

With such positive market prospects, around 200 suppliers from China and around the world will showcase their products including bedding & towelling, carpets & rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technics, textile design and more in March 2019.

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days (c) TINTEX Textiles
80% Lenzing Modal® + 20% European Hemp rib by TINTEX Textiles

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

All the recent awards bestowed, demonstrate TINTEX continue research and commitment. They have been awarded for the Best product of the Base Layer Category by ISPO jury, moreover they have just received the prestigious German Design Awards 2019 and last but not least, they are selected as finalists for the Future Textile Awards in the category Best Innovation for Sustainable Textiles.
TINTEX continues to lead the way, as they proudly take part in the Make Fashion Circular initiative, by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and activate change industry wide. This initiative aims to collaborate and innovate towards a new textile economy based on the principles of a Circular Economy.

In addition, since this November, TINTEX is a bluesign® system partner, thus means that they are responsibly acting parties of the textile value chain committed to applying the bluesign® system, continuously improving their environmental performance and always been focused on a sustainable future.

A milestone for TINTEX and fashion, as they launch Naturally Clean - an exceptional smart finishing process that is uniquely responsible. Naturally Clean enhances the natural beauty of cotton, takes a cost effective modern approach to eliminate aggressive treatments and optimizes clean surfaces, vivid colors, providing an exquisitely smooth handfeel. Naturally Clean achieves this by using Novozymes technology, a company that is indeed the world leader in biological solutions. Second, using textile chemicals with the lowest possible environmental impact, without compromising performance, from Beyond Surface Technologies AG. Naturally Clean maintains the original characteristics for an extended period of time. All materials are Oeko-Tex and soon bluesign® certified, thus eliminating harmful substances.
TINTEX’ Autumn/Winter 2019/2020 collection includes vibrant tones, refreshing turquoise and electric green, light and warm copper with chocolate browns that connect the natural and spiritual in an extra-sensorial universe. Infused with a stunning palette of nostalgic and multicultural colors - warm yellow with darkened reds, dynamic purple with urban greys - that express globalization and human connection.
Key smart ingredients of the season are:

  • A New Generation of Cotton: GOTS certified organic cotton, Supima® cotton, and ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi the smart cotton that saves up to 77.9% water consumption and introduces the concept of a circular economy.
  • SeaCell™ and Smartcel™: produced using the Lyocell process in a closed loop with no chemicals released as waste. The patented process of SeaCell™ allows that the positive properties of the seaweed are permanently preserved within the fiber, even after multiple washing cycles. Smartcel™ includes the essential trace element zinc providing anti-inflammatory capabilities.
  • REFIBRA™ by Lenzing technology involves upcycling a substantial proportion of cotton scraps e.g. from garment production, in addition to wood pulp, where the raw material is transformed to produce new TENCEL™ Lyocell fiber to make fabrics and garments.
  • Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei: A new generation GRS Certified material, made from cotton linters, with a biodegradability certification by Innovhub. A matchless, high tech natural material, with a special handfeel and aesthetics.
  • ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei
    - ROICA™ EF has a percentage of pre-consumer recycled content that is more than 50%, and thanks to this it has been GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified.
    - ROICA™ V550 a premium stretch innovative yarn boasting the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health product and ingredients as it was evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

Of special interest this season, the two TINTEX’s fabrics that made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category for their contribution to this season Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”.

A smart rib developed to reduce the water usage as most as possible, from cultivation of raw materials until fabric finishing. A blend of TENCEL™ Modal, cellulosic & biodegradable material treated with no hazardous chemicals, pesticides nor fertilizers, and European hemp, a fast-growing plant that requires very little water and no herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or GMO seeds. Both fibres are biodegradable.

The second selected article is a 100% Merino Wool jersey made unique thanks to Colorau® by TINTEX, a patented natural dyeing process technique that uses vegetable herbs and extracts. A great amount of water was saved by avoiding subsequent washing steps. Also, lower water pollution is achieved by avoiding synthetic dyestuffs.

More information:
TINTEX ROICA™ Performance Days

GB Network

(c) Trevira GmbH
Room acoustics section of the booth at Heimtextil 2018

Trevira expands its joint fair booth for Heimtextil 2019

Following the success of Trevira GmbH’s joint booth concept at Heimtextil 2018, the company will be expanding its plans next year. At the 2019 Heimtextil, due to take place from 8-11 January in Frankfurt, Trevira be presenting a new joint booth. At over 2000 msq, the new booth in Hall 4.2 will be significantly larger, up from 1300 msq in 2018, and next year will also see an increase in the number of major customers joining Trevira at Heimtextil, from 16 this year to 22 in 2019.

Following the success of Trevira GmbH’s joint booth concept at Heimtextil 2018, the company will be expanding its plans next year. At the 2019 Heimtextil, due to take place from 8-11 January in Frankfurt, Trevira be presenting a new joint booth. At over 2000 msq, the new booth in Hall 4.2 will be significantly larger, up from 1300 msq in 2018, and next year will also see an increase in the number of major customers joining Trevira at Heimtextil, from 16 this year to 22 in 2019.

Trevira has expanded its fair booth concept for 2019. Together with 22 of its biggest customers, the manufacturer of high-quality, flame retardant polyester fibres will tell the story of the entire textile value chain. Starting with the basics - fibre production and yarn manufacture – the exhibition will then move on to show the colouring, weaving and warp and weft knitting stages, eventually taking the visitor right up to the textile editing. Meanwhile, Trevira’s customers will reveal their Trevira CS collections for home and contract textiles at individual stands, demonstrating their contribution to the value chain. Visitors will catch a glimpse of the complex and complicated world of textiles manufacturing, while also gaining an insight into how polyester fibres are transformed into attractive, functional fabrics conveying true visual and sensory appeal along with authentic value.

Trevira GmbH’s CEO, Klaus Holz said: “The overwhelmingly positive market response to our joint booth at Heimtextil 2018 showed us that we are moving in the right direction, and we will continue to build on this concept in 2019, working together with an even larger group of Trevira CS customers to create a shared exhibition space displaying the entire textile value chain.”