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(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing Gruppe mit soliden Zahlen in herausforderndem Marktumfeld

Umsatzrückgang aufgrund niedrigerer Preise bei Standardviscose, ungünstigerer Währungen und geringerer Produktionsmengen

  • Preisdruck bei Schlüsselrohstoffen weiterhin hoch
  • Positive Auswirkungen durch Fokus auf Spezialfasern und weitere Optimierung des Produktmix
  • Ausbauprojekt in Mobile vorübergehend gestoppt
  • Übernahme der verbleibenden 30 Prozent an Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd.

Die Lenzing Gruppe verzeichnete in den ersten drei Quartalen 2018 eine solide Geschäftsentwicklung. Der Umsatz- und Ergebnisrückgang im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum beruhte im Wesentlichen auf einem Mix aus niedrigeren Preisen bei Standardviscose, ungünstigeren Währungsrelationen und Preissteigerungen bei Schlüsselrohstoffen. Die strategische Ausrichtung der Lenzing Gruppe mit starkem Fokus auf Spezialfasern wirkte sich in diesem Umfeld positiv aus.

Umsatzrückgang aufgrund niedrigerer Preise bei Standardviscose, ungünstigerer Währungen und geringerer Produktionsmengen

  • Preisdruck bei Schlüsselrohstoffen weiterhin hoch
  • Positive Auswirkungen durch Fokus auf Spezialfasern und weitere Optimierung des Produktmix
  • Ausbauprojekt in Mobile vorübergehend gestoppt
  • Übernahme der verbleibenden 30 Prozent an Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd.

Die Lenzing Gruppe verzeichnete in den ersten drei Quartalen 2018 eine solide Geschäftsentwicklung. Der Umsatz- und Ergebnisrückgang im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum beruhte im Wesentlichen auf einem Mix aus niedrigeren Preisen bei Standardviscose, ungünstigeren Währungsrelationen und Preissteigerungen bei Schlüsselrohstoffen. Die strategische Ausrichtung der Lenzing Gruppe mit starkem Fokus auf Spezialfasern wirkte sich in diesem Umfeld positiv aus.

Die Umsatzerlöse verringerten sich gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres um 5,2 Prozent auf EUR 1.636,2 Mio. Hauptursachen dafür waren neben der hohen Ausgangsbasis das erwartet herausfordernde Marktumfeld für Standardviscose, ungünstigere Währungsrelationen und eine geringere Produktionsmenge. Das Betriebsergebnis vor Abschreibungen (EBITDA) ging aufgrund von Preissteigerungen bei Schlüsselrohstoffen sowie gestiegener Energie- und Faserzellstoffpreise um 26,8 Prozent auf EUR 290,6 Mio. zurück. Die EBITDA-Marge sank von 23 Prozent im Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres auf 17,8 Prozent. Das Betriebsergebnis (EBIT) ging um 36,2 Prozent auf EUR 190,3 Mio. zurück, was zu einer niedrigeren EBIT-Marge von 11,6 Prozent (01-09/2017: 17,3 Prozent) führte. Das Periodenergebnis lag mit EUR 133,8 Mio. um 39 Prozent unter dem Vorjahreswert von EUR 219,3 Mio. Das Ergebnis je Aktie belief sich auf EUR 5,06 (01-09/2017: EUR 8,12).

„Die Lenzing Gruppe agiert aktuell in einem herausfordernden Umfeld. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind wir mit der soliden Geschäftsentwicklung zufrieden und die Unternehmensstrategie sCore TEN wirkt sich positiv aus. Die neue Produktionslinie in Heiligenkreuz lief erfolgreich an und die Rückmeldungen der Kunden sind positiv“, so Stefan Doboczky, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Lenzing Gruppe. „Während die Gewinnsituation vieler Viscose-Hersteller sehr angespannt ist, sind wir aufgrund unserer Spezialitätenstrategie sehr solide aufgestellt und erwarten weiterhin ein zufriedenstellendes Gesamtjahr“, so Doboczky.

Im Sinne der sCore TEN Strategie wurden in den ersten drei Quartalen 2018 wesentliche strategische Maßnahmen umgesetzt. Die Inbetriebnahme neuer Kapazitäten für Lyocellfasern im burgenländischen Heiligenkreuz, der Produktionsstart von LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Fasern am Standort Nanjing und die Investition in eine weitere Pilotanlage für TENCEL™ Luxe Filamente sind wesentliche Schritte zur Erreichung des Ziels, den Anteil von Spezialfasern am Gesamtumsatz zu erhöhen.

Temporärer Stopp in Mobile
Durch die Entscheidung, den Ausbau der Lyocellfaser-Kapazitäten in Mobile, Alabama (USA), vor dem Hintergrund des boomenden Arbeitsmarktes in den USA und der wirtschaftspolitischen Spannungen zwischen den großen Handelsblöcken vorübergehend zu stoppen, wird sich die Umsetzung des Expansionsplans bei Spezialstapelfasern verlangsamen. Um die starke Nachfrage nach Lyocellfasern bestmöglich bedienen zu können, wird die Lenzing Gruppe ihren Expansionsplan entsprechend anpassen. Dies beinhaltet eine stärkere Fokussierung auf die Erweiterung der Lyocellfaser-Kapazitäten in Prachinburi (Thailand).

Vorwärtslösungen weiter vorantreiben
Bei der Erweiterung der Kapazitäten von Spezialprodukten wie die TENCEL™ Luxe Filamente und LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscosefasern bleibt Lenzing auf Kurs. Nach Einführung der Lyocell-Endlosgarne der Marke TENCEL™ Luxe im Vorjahr treibt Lenzing Innovationen im Bereich der Wertschöpfungskette weiter voran. Ebenfalls im September gab das Unternehmen die erfolgreiche Entwicklung der LENZING™ Web Technology bekannt, einer neuen Technologieplattform mit Fokus auf nachhaltige Vliesstoff-Produkte, durch die sich neue Marktchancen für die Branche ergeben. Nach mehrjähriger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit sowie Investitionen in Höhe von EUR 26 Mio. nahm Lenzing die Pilotanlage am Hauptsitz in Lenzing erfolgreich in Betrieb.

Weltweit größte Faserzellstofflinie
Ende Juni gaben Lenzing und Duratex, der größte Hersteller von Holzpaneelen in der südlichen Hemisphäre, bekannt, sich über die Bedingungen zur Gründung eines Joint-Ventures geeinigt zu haben, um den Bau der weltweit größten Faserzellstofflinie (Single-Line-Konzept) im Bundesstaat Minas Gerais (Brasilien) zu prüfen. Diese Entscheidung stärkt die Eigenversorgung mit Faserzellstoff und damit auch das Spezialfaserwachstum. Das Joint-Venture prüft die Errichtung eines Single-Line-Faserzellstoffwerks mit einer Kapazität von 450.000 Tonnen, welches voraussichtlich das größte und wettbewerbsfähigste seiner Art weltweit sein wird. Die endgültige Investitionsentscheidung für den Bau hängt vom Ergebnis der technischen Planungen und der Zustimmung durch die entsprechenden Aufsichtsräte ab.

Übernahme chinesischer Produktion
Anfang November wurde die Übernahme der verbleibenden 30 Prozent des staatlichen Joint-Venture-Partners NCFC durch die Lenzing Gruppe an der chinesischen Tochtergesellschaft Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. (LNF) finalisiert. Nach Abschluss der Transaktion wird Lenzing LNF zur Gänze kontrollieren. Die Übernahme wird sich mit ca. EUR 21 Mio. negativ auf das Ergebnis für das Geschäftsjahr 2018 auswirken. Sie unterstützt das strategische Wachstum von Lenzing als Hersteller von Spezialfasern aus dem nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz in China und weltweit. Sie ebnet den Weg für weitere Produktionslinien für Spezialfasern. Lenzing will LNF im Lauf der Zeit in einen Spezialfaser-Standort umrüsten.

Ausbau der Kapazitäten
Die Investitionen (CAPEX) wurden in den ersten drei Quartalen 2018 gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres um 35,5 Prozent auf EUR 174,1 Mio. erhöht. Dies ist vor allem auf die Kapazitätserweiterungen in Heiligenkreuz und den Ausbau des bestehenden Faserzellstoffwerks in Lenzing sowie die bisherigen Investitionen in Mobile zurückzuführen.

Die Nachfrage am globalen Fasermarkt entwickelt sich nach wie vor positiv. Lenzing erwartet, dass die Wachstumsraten für holzbasierte Cellulosefasern weiterhin über dem Gesamtfasermarkt liegen werden. In einem herausfordernden Marktumfeld erwartet die Lenzing Gruppe für 2018 solide Geschäftszahlen, wobei das Ergebnis unter den hervorragenden letzten beiden Jahren liegen wird.

Für 2019 erwartet Lenzing, dass die Märkte für Standardviscose aufgrund eines anhaltenden Überangebotes und sehr hoher Preise für Schlüsselrohstoffe unter Druck bleiben. Das Spezialfasergeschäft der Lenzing Gruppe sollte die sehr positive Entwicklung fortsetzen können.

Die Lenzing Gruppe sieht sich angesichts der oben genannten Entwicklung in der gewählten Unternehmensstrategie sCore TEN bestätigt. Lenzing ist in diesem Marktumfeld sehr gut aufgestellt und wird die Umsetzung der Strategie mit dem fokussierten Wachstum im Bereich der Spezialfasern weiterhin konsequent vorantreiben.

More information:
Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG

(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing Gruppe beabsichtigt den verbleibenden 30-Prozent-Anteil ihres chinesischen Joint Ventures zu erwerben

Die Lenzing Gruppe beabsichtigt, die verbleibenden 30 Prozent des staatlichen Joint-Venture-Partners NCFC an ihrer chinesischen Tochtergesellschaft Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. (LNF) zu übernehmen. Nach Abschluss der Transaktion wird Lenzing die LNF zur Gänze kontrollieren. Der Joint-Venture-Partner leitete den strukturierten Verkaufsprozess in einem staatlich kontrollierten Bieterprozess ein. Heute erhielt die Lenzing Gruppe den Entwurf des Anteilskaufvertrages. Der Abschluss der Transaktionsdokumente wird für Ende Oktober erwartet. Die Übernahme wird sich mit ca. EUR 21 Mio. negativ auf das Ergebnis der Lenzing Gruppe für das Geschäftsjahr 2018 auswirken.

Die Übernahme der Anteile unterstützt das strategische Wachstum von Lenzing als Hersteller von Spezialfasern aus dem nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz in China und weltweit. Sie ebnet den Weg für weitere Produktionslinien für Spezialfasern. Lenzing will LNF im Lauf der Zeit in einen Spezialfaser-Hub umrüsten.

Die Lenzing Gruppe beabsichtigt, die verbleibenden 30 Prozent des staatlichen Joint-Venture-Partners NCFC an ihrer chinesischen Tochtergesellschaft Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. (LNF) zu übernehmen. Nach Abschluss der Transaktion wird Lenzing die LNF zur Gänze kontrollieren. Der Joint-Venture-Partner leitete den strukturierten Verkaufsprozess in einem staatlich kontrollierten Bieterprozess ein. Heute erhielt die Lenzing Gruppe den Entwurf des Anteilskaufvertrages. Der Abschluss der Transaktionsdokumente wird für Ende Oktober erwartet. Die Übernahme wird sich mit ca. EUR 21 Mio. negativ auf das Ergebnis der Lenzing Gruppe für das Geschäftsjahr 2018 auswirken.

Die Übernahme der Anteile unterstützt das strategische Wachstum von Lenzing als Hersteller von Spezialfasern aus dem nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz in China und weltweit. Sie ebnet den Weg für weitere Produktionslinien für Spezialfasern. Lenzing will LNF im Lauf der Zeit in einen Spezialfaser-Hub umrüsten.


Lenzing AG

(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing Group intends to acquire remaining 30 percent of its Chinese operation

The Lenzing Group intends to acquire the remaining 30 percent of its Chinese subsidiary Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. (LNF) from its state-owned joint venture partner NCFC. After closing of the transaction, the Lenzing Group will hold 100 percent of LNF. The underlying structured selling process was initiated by the joint venture partner in a state controlled bidding process and today the Lenzing Group received the Share Purchase Agreement draft. The closing of the transaction documents is expected for the end of October. The acquisition will have a negative impact on net profit of the Lenzing Group of approx. EUR 21 mn for the fiscal year 2018.

The purchase of the shares supports Lenzing’s strategic growth as a producer of specialty fibers from the renewable raw material wood in China and worldwide. It paves the way to setting up further production lines for specialty fibers. Lenzing wants to convert LNF into a specialty fibers hub over time.

The Lenzing Group intends to acquire the remaining 30 percent of its Chinese subsidiary Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. (LNF) from its state-owned joint venture partner NCFC. After closing of the transaction, the Lenzing Group will hold 100 percent of LNF. The underlying structured selling process was initiated by the joint venture partner in a state controlled bidding process and today the Lenzing Group received the Share Purchase Agreement draft. The closing of the transaction documents is expected for the end of October. The acquisition will have a negative impact on net profit of the Lenzing Group of approx. EUR 21 mn for the fiscal year 2018.

The purchase of the shares supports Lenzing’s strategic growth as a producer of specialty fibers from the renewable raw material wood in China and worldwide. It paves the way to setting up further production lines for specialty fibers. Lenzing wants to convert LNF into a specialty fibers hub over time.


Lenzing AG


Lenzing Group intends to acquire remaining 30 percent of its Chinese operation

  • Important step for further growth with specialty fibers
  • Transaction generates negative impact on net profit of approx. EUR 21 mn
  • Lenzing Group will hold 100 percent of Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. after closing

Lenzing/Nanjing – The Lenzing Group intends to acquire the remaining 30 percent of its Chinese subsidiary Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. (LNF) from its state-owned joint venture partner NCFC. After closing of the transaction, the Lenzing Group will hold 100 percent of LNF. The underlying structured selling process was initiated by the joint venture partner in a state controlled bidding process and today the Lenzing Group received the Share Purchase Agreement draft. The closing of the transaction documents is expected for the end of October. The acquisition will have a negative impact on net profit of the Lenzing Group of approx. EUR 21 mn for the fiscal year 2018.

  • Important step for further growth with specialty fibers
  • Transaction generates negative impact on net profit of approx. EUR 21 mn
  • Lenzing Group will hold 100 percent of Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. after closing

Lenzing/Nanjing – The Lenzing Group intends to acquire the remaining 30 percent of its Chinese subsidiary Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co. Ltd. (LNF) from its state-owned joint venture partner NCFC. After closing of the transaction, the Lenzing Group will hold 100 percent of LNF. The underlying structured selling process was initiated by the joint venture partner in a state controlled bidding process and today the Lenzing Group received the Share Purchase Agreement draft. The closing of the transaction documents is expected for the end of October. The acquisition will have a negative impact on net profit of the Lenzing Group of approx. EUR 21 mn for the fiscal year 2018.

The purchase of the shares supports Lenzing’s strategic growth as a producer of specialty fibers from the renewable raw material wood in China and worldwide. It paves the way to setting up further production lines for specialty fibers. Lenzing wants to convert LNF into a specialty fibers hub over time.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft Corporate Communications & Investor Relations

(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing temporarily mothballs lyocell expansion project in Mobile, Alabama

  • Trade tensions among major economies elevate project risk
  • Buoyant US labor market increases threat of substantial project cost overrun
  • Lenzing will reassess this decision on an ongoing basis
  • Intensified focus on lyocell expansion project in Prachinburi (Thailand)

Lenzing’s Managing Board concluded today to temporarily mothball the lyocell expansion project in Mobile, Alabama (USA). The rising likelihood of increasing trade tariffs, paired with the potential surge in construction costs due to the buoyant US labor market, have increased the risk profile of this project. Consequently, Lenzing will put all its effort to readjust the execution of its growth plan to meet strong market demand of its lyocell fibers. This includes an increased focus on the lyocell expansion project in Prachinburi (Thailand). Lenzing will reassess this decision on a regular basis but no substantial additional lyocell volumes, over and above the successful 25.000 tons expansion in Heiligenkreuz (Austria), will be added to the market in 2019 and 2020 by Lenzing.

  • Trade tensions among major economies elevate project risk
  • Buoyant US labor market increases threat of substantial project cost overrun
  • Lenzing will reassess this decision on an ongoing basis
  • Intensified focus on lyocell expansion project in Prachinburi (Thailand)

Lenzing’s Managing Board concluded today to temporarily mothball the lyocell expansion project in Mobile, Alabama (USA). The rising likelihood of increasing trade tariffs, paired with the potential surge in construction costs due to the buoyant US labor market, have increased the risk profile of this project. Consequently, Lenzing will put all its effort to readjust the execution of its growth plan to meet strong market demand of its lyocell fibers. This includes an increased focus on the lyocell expansion project in Prachinburi (Thailand). Lenzing will reassess this decision on a regular basis but no substantial additional lyocell volumes, over and above the successful 25.000 tons expansion in Heiligenkreuz (Austria), will be added to the market in 2019 and 2020 by Lenzing.

Lenzing continues to be fully committed to implement its sCore TEN strategy and remains on track for the specialty expansions such as TENCEL™ Luxe filaments and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ viscose fibers, however this decision will slow down the implementation of the lyocell specialty staple fiber growth.

More information:
Lenzing Lenzing Gruppe

Lenzing AG

Leo Neumayr

Lenzing Group reports solid results in a demanding market environment

  • Decline in revenue due to volatile standard viscose prices and currencies
  • Prices for key raw materials still high
  • New production line in Heiligenkreuz in start-up phase
  • Backward integration into dissolving wood pulp to be strengthened via joint venture in Brazil

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated solid results in a challenging market environment in the first half of 2018. The decline in revenue and earnings compared with the first half of the previous year, which was the best half-year in the company’s history, was based on a mix of volatile prices for standard viscose and price increases for key raw materials, coupled with currency effects. The Lenzing Group’s strategic orientation with a focus on specialty fibers had a positive impact in this environment and is increasingly bearing fruit. The corporate strategy sCore TEN is being implemented with great discipline in order to expand the company’s offering of specialty fibers and even more extensively support customers and business partners.

  • Decline in revenue due to volatile standard viscose prices and currencies
  • Prices for key raw materials still high
  • New production line in Heiligenkreuz in start-up phase
  • Backward integration into dissolving wood pulp to be strengthened via joint venture in Brazil

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated solid results in a challenging market environment in the first half of 2018. The decline in revenue and earnings compared with the first half of the previous year, which was the best half-year in the company’s history, was based on a mix of volatile prices for standard viscose and price increases for key raw materials, coupled with currency effects. The Lenzing Group’s strategic orientation with a focus on specialty fibers had a positive impact in this environment and is increasingly bearing fruit. The corporate strategy sCore TEN is being implemented with great discipline in order to expand the company’s offering of specialty fibers and even more extensively support customers and business partners.

Revenue declined by 6.4 percent compared with the first half of the previous year to EUR 1,075.4 mn. This decrease is primarily attributable to less favorable currency exchange rates. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) decreased by 28.1 percent to EUR 194.8 mn, especially due to price increases for key raw materials and higher energy prices. The EBITDA margin fell from 23.6 percent in the first half of 2017 to 18.1 percent in the first half of 2018. EBIT (earnings before interest and tax) declined by 37 percent to EUR 128.7 mn, leading to a lower EBIT margin of 12 percent (H1 2017: 17.8 percent). The net profit for the period dropped by 39.3 percent from EUR 150.3 mn in the previous year to EUR 91.3 mn. Earnings per share equaled EUR 3.44 (H1 2017: EUR 5.55).

“So far, the financial year 2018 proved to be as challenging as expected, and market headwinds were clearly noticeable. In this market environment, we are satisfied with the solid results we report. We are proud that with our corporate strategy sCore TEN and the focus on growth with specialty fibers we show big steps in the right direction. The recently announced joint venture with Duratex is another important step in executing this corporate strategy,” says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “We will continue to implement our strategy with great discipline and are convinced that this will steadily improve the long-term profitability of Lenzing,” Doboczky adds.

Largest dissolving wood pulp line worldwide

In June, the Lenzing Group and Duratex, the largest producer of industrialized wood panels of the southern hemisphere, announced that they had agreed on the terms and conditions to form a joint venture to investigate building the largest dissolving wood pulp plant (single line concept) in the state of Minas Gerais, (Brazil). This decision supports the self-supply with dissolving wood pulp and the growth in specialty fibers, defined in Lenzing’s sCore TEN strategy. The joint venture will investigate the construction of a 450,000 t dissolving wood pulp plant, which is expected to become the largest and most competitive single line dissolving wood pulp plant in the world. The final investment decision to build the dissolving wood pulp plant is subject to the outcome of the basic engineering studies and the approval by the respective supervisory boards.

Even stronger focus on sustainable products

As a pioneer in sustainable fiber solutions, the Lenzing Group is committed to higher standards in the textile and nonwoven sectors. More than EUR 100 mn will be invested in sustainable manufacturing technologies and production facilities by 2022 in order to realize this vision. In line with the Group’s specialty strategy, another two milestones were set in the first half of 2018: Lenzing announced an investment of up to EUR 30 mn in another pilot line for the production of TENCEL™ Luxe filaments at the Lenzing site. In addition, the company also introduced the environmentally friendly process for the production of LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded viscose fibers at its Chinese site. Both decisions contribute to better meeting the strong demand for environmentally compatible products.

Expansion of capacities

CAPEX (investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment) rose by 60.8 percent year-on-year to EUR 117.2 mn in the first half of 2018. This is primarily attributable to the capacity expansions in Heiligenkreuz (Austria) and Mobile, Alabama (USA) and the expansion of the existing dissolving wood pulp plant in Lenzing. The company is pressing ahead with these projects as well as with planning work on the construction of the next state-of-the-art lyocell production facility in Prachinburi (Thailand).

New brand identity

With the new positioning of its master brand and its product brands, the Lenzing Group started a new phase of branding and brand communication in the first half of 2018. Lenzing decided to carry out a new brand strategy in order to sharpen its company and product profile as a sustainable innovation leader for customers and partners along the value chain as well as for consumers. The most important pillar of this new brand strategy is a brand architecture with a focus on fewer brands and a strong message to consumers. With the TENCEL™ brand as an umbrella brand for all specialty products in the textile segment and the VEOCEL™ brand as the umbrella brand for all specialty fibers in the nonwoven segment as well as the new master brand, which was presented in March, Lenzing showcases its strengths in a targeted manner.


The International Monetary Fund expects a further acceleration in global economic growth to 3.9 percent for 2018. However, growing protectionist tendencies in the political arena represent a source of uncertainty. Export-oriented companies in the Eurozone are faced with additional challenges from the currency environment.

Developments on the fiber markets should remain positive, but with continuing volatility. The rising demand for cotton should support prices despite the increase in production. Polyester fiber prices have stabilized after the increase in previous years.

The wood-based cellulosic fiber segment, which is relevant for Lenzing, should see further strong demand. After years of moderate capacity expansion in the viscose sector, significant additional volumes will enter the market in 2018 and 2019. As a result, standard viscose prices will remain under pressure. The Lenzing Group is very well positioned in this market environment with its corporate strategy sCore TEN and will continue its consistent focus on growth with specialty fibers.

The Lenzing Group still sees challenging market conditions for the second half of 2018. In addition to the price pressure on standard viscose, the prices of some key raw materials such as caustic soda are still at a very high level and exchange rates continue to be volatile. Our specialty fibers are expected to continue their very positive development. In this context, the Lenzing Group is satisfied with the earnings development to date, but underlines its estimate that the results for the year 2018 will be lower than the outstanding results in the last two years.

More information:
Lenzing Gruppe Sustainability

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

© Techtextil, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Strong potential in Buildtech and Mobiltech sectors to be displayed at Cinte Techtextil China

This September’s Cinte Techtextil China will once again provide a strong barometer of the state of the global technical textiles industry, and in particular which sectors in Asia as a whole, and China specifically, are performing well. Two of these for certain are Buildtech and Mobiltech, with a number of leading global and Chinese brands exhibiting to eager buyers from these sectors.

Cinte Techtextil China is Asia’s leading biennial fair for the technical textiles and nonwovens sector, and will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions from 4 – 6 September. The fair offers products and technologies for 12 application areas* which cover the entire industry.

Buildtech benefits from Belt & Road and other infrastructure investment

This September’s Cinte Techtextil China will once again provide a strong barometer of the state of the global technical textiles industry, and in particular which sectors in Asia as a whole, and China specifically, are performing well. Two of these for certain are Buildtech and Mobiltech, with a number of leading global and Chinese brands exhibiting to eager buyers from these sectors.

Cinte Techtextil China is Asia’s leading biennial fair for the technical textiles and nonwovens sector, and will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions from 4 – 6 September. The fair offers products and technologies for 12 application areas* which cover the entire industry.

Buildtech benefits from Belt & Road and other infrastructure investment

With a huge boom in national and regional infrastructure projects, the market for Buildtech products, especially geotextiles and construction textiles, is rapidly expanding. In particular, the government’s global Belt & Road project, as well as continued investment at home in highways, high-speed rail and more, is fuelling this expansion. According to CNITA, in 2017 China started 35 new railway projects, with additional private capital investment in this sector totalling some USD 53 billion that year. The same investment in highway construction increased 17.7%, while water conservation project investment by private firms reached a new record of USD 105 billion.

With this potential in the Asian market, it’s no surprise a number of new exhibitors will feature in the Buildtech sector at the fair, including FPC Technical Textile from Saudi Arabia, Kobe-cz from the Czech Republic, as well as Lenzing Plastics, while Johns Manville are one of the returning exhibitors this year.

  • FPC Technical Textile (Saudi Arabia) produce high-end specialty fabrics including PVC coated fabrics and fibre glass PTFE fabrics, and will focus on the latter at the fair.
  • Kobe-cz (Czech Republic) will showcase their nonwoven fabrics, mainly from glass fibre with temperature resistance up to 800°C.
  • Exhibiting for the first time at the fair with their Plastics division, Lenzing (Austria) will feature their technical laminates for building industries, roofing membranes, vapour barriers, isolation facings and barrier packaging, as well as PROFILEN® PTFE yarns, films and fibres at Cinte Techtextil.
  • Johns Manville’s (US) products on offer include polyester spunbond, PP & PBT meltblown, glass fibre nonwovens, micro glass fibre nonwovens, hybrid nonwovens, glass fibre needle mat and glass microfibers.

Mobiltech benefits from huge increases in automobile production in China

With new textile innovations and application possibilities spreading throughout the automobile industry, coupled with the fact China is the world’s largest auto producer, Cinte Techtextil is the place to see the latest products and technologies for this sector this September. Automobile production in China reached 29 million units in 2017, an increase of 3% year-on-year. Staggeringly, new-energy vehicle production grew by 53% last year, while SUVs and commercial vehicles increased 13.81% and 13.95% respectively.

With such strong growth in China, a number of leading international Mobiltech producers, as well as top domestic suppliers, will be at Cinte Techtextil this year, including:

  • Abifor (Switzerland): their focus at the fair is on products designed for automotive, construction and other technical applications, in particular their specialty hot-melt powders. The company has its own production unit in Shanghai, and reports that an increasing number of domestic customers are starting to focus on more sophisticated products.
  • SKS Group (Sweden): will showcase high performance single end yarn for automotive and industrial hoses, and single end cord for automotive and industrial belts.
  • Swisstulle (Switzerland): will have a range of products on offer for automotive, rail and aviation uses, including sunshade materials, nets, tube reinforcements and new possibilities for luggage compartment covers.
  • Windel Textile Far East (Germany): with production undertaken in China, this German firm offers textile greige, half-done and finished materials. They offer nonwoven, knitted and woven fabrics (substrates), and glass fibre solutions. At the fair, they will showcase substrates for adhesive tapes / wire harnessing tapes, and Maliwatt- and coagulated microfibre fleece for covering vehicle interiors.
  • Protechnic (France): they will feature hot melt thermoadhesive nets, webs and films, as well as laminating process in automotive and other industrial applications at Cinte 2018.
  • Kuangda Technology Group (China): having supplied products for global brands such as Volkswagen and Audi, this Chinese supplier will offer automotive interiors, including interior fabrics, seat covers and cushions at the fair.
  • Shanghai Shenda (ShanghaiTex Group) (China): specialising in automotive interior textiles, they manufacture a full range of products including grey car carpet, moulding car carpet, head liners (warp-knitting and nonwoven), seat belt, seat fabrics and more, and have supplied the likes of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and GM.

Cinte Techtextil China is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA). To find out more about the fair, please visit:


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Industry-leading brands confirmed for September’s Cinte Techtextil China

As the countdown to the 2018 edition of Cinte Techtextil China enters its last two months, the final exhibitor line-up is starting to take shape. A number of leading international and Chinese brands across the fair’s 12 product application areas will feature at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, with an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions set to feature.

Nonwovens exhibitor highlights

As the fair’s largest product category, buyers have a wide range of domestic and overseas brands to source from, including:

As the countdown to the 2018 edition of Cinte Techtextil China enters its last two months, the final exhibitor line-up is starting to take shape. A number of leading international and Chinese brands across the fair’s 12 product application areas will feature at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, with an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions set to feature.

Nonwovens exhibitor highlights

As the fair’s largest product category, buyers have a wide range of domestic and overseas brands to source from, including:

  • Johns Manville (US): who will showcase their polyester spunbond, PP & PBT meltblown, glass fibre nonwoven, micro glass fibre nonwoven, hybrid nonwoven, glass fibre needle mat and glass microfibre product lines among others at the fair.
  •  J.H. Ziegler (Germany): with over 150 years’ expertise and their own production plant in China, they offer products for acoustic absorption in automotive interiors and exteriors, nonwoven foam composites for leather lamination, needle-punched nonwovens, foam nonwoven composites, laminated nonwovens and natural-fibre nonwovens.
  • KOBE-cz (Czech Republic): a new exhibitor to the fair, their nonwoven fabrics, mainly made from glass fibre with temperature resistance up to 800°C, are used for high-temperature isolation in the automotive, marine, energy and building industries. They also have isolation materials made from natural fibres including hemp, wool, cotton and flax.
  • TDF Nonwovens (China): one of the leading domestic brands, their specialties are polyester spunbond geotextiles, polyester filament roofing carriers, filter nonwovens, high-strength coarse denier polypropylene spunbond geotextiles and medical & health nonwovens.
  • Kingsafe (China): they specialise in the production of fusible interlining and nonwoven fabrics for high-end garments.

Yarn & fibre exhibitor highlights

  • Perlon (Germany): has developed a PET based monofilament, HighGrip, which guarantees long-lasting efficiency of conveyor belts, and is available in various types with different tribological characteristics, which they will feature at the fair.
  • Sateri (China): is a global leader in viscose rayon made from 100% dissolving wood pulp, and the largest maker of viscose fibre in China. Their natural and high-quality fibre, made from trees grown on renewable plantations, can be found in textiles and skin-friendly hygiene products.
  • Cordenka (Germany): producers of industrial rayon, their product range covers rayon tire cord, yarn, single-end dipped cord, short-cut fibre and more.
  • EMS-Griltech (Switzerland): will showcase a range of technical fibres & yarns and thermoplastic adhesives at the fair.
  • Barnet (Germany): several finished products (nonwovens, spun yarns and fabrics) made with their specialty fibre will be on display at the fair, including OPAN, para-aramid and carbon filament fibres. The application of their specialty fibre in flame retardant and anti-cut gloves and felts will be shown at their booth for the first time.

Coated textiles & solutions exhibitor highlights

  • Stahl (the Netherlands): the Dutch company will present new products from their water repellent and flame retardant ranges at this year’s fair. According to the company, as the Chinese government continues its efforts to clean up the environment, eco-friendly chemicals remain in strong demand in the country.
  • Sioen (Belgium): will showcase sign materials, truck tarpaulins, tents, membrane fabrics, apparel products, chemicals and specialty products such as inflatable boat fabrics, pool liners and more at Cinte 2018.
  • ROWA Lack (Germany): a new exhibitor at this year’s fair, they will present their special lacquer systems and top coatings.
  • Trelleborg (Sweden): also a new exhibitor, they will display engineered textiles, especially in the fields of outdoor, medical, protective and automotive.
  • FPC Technical Textile (Saudi Arabia): another first-time participant at the fair, they will showcase a range of high-end specialty fabrics including PVC coated fabrics and fibre glass PTFE fabrics.
  • Zhejiang Jinda New Materials (China): this supplier is known for its coated textiles for industrial, transportation and building uses, as well as warp knitted geo-synthetic materials and printable coated materials for advertisements.

Lenzing to showcase its new VEOCEL nonwovens specialty brand at the fair

First announced in June this year, and featuring at Cinte Techtextil, Lenzing’s new VEOCEL brand is billed as a premium range of nonwovens fibres for daily care, which “provides the nonwovens industry with fibres that are certified clean and safe, biodegradable, from botanic origin and produced in an environmentally responsible production process.” Products in this range can be applied to a multitude of uses including baby care, beauty and body care, intimate care and surface cleaning, under the VEOCEL Beauty, VEOCEL Body, VEOCEL Intimate and VEOCEL Surface brands.


More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Lenzing continues to raise the bar in sustainability

  • More than EUR 100 mn investment in sustainable production technology until 2022
  • Lenzing is committed to improving the textile and nonwoven industries as a leader in sustainable fiber solutions
  • UN-Sustainable Development Goals as guiding principles for Lenzing’s sustainability agenda
  • All Lenzing sites strive to fulfill the EU Ecolabel standard by 2022

The Lenzing Group, producer of botanic fibers from wood, expands its environmental leadership commitment. As a leader in wood-based cellulosic fibers, Lenzing has particular responsibility and ambition to help raising the bar in sustainability in the textile and nonwovens industries. To fulfill this vision, Lenzing is continuing its ambitious roadmap by investing more than EUR 100 mn in sustainable manufacturing technologies and production facilities until 2022.

  • More than EUR 100 mn investment in sustainable production technology until 2022
  • Lenzing is committed to improving the textile and nonwoven industries as a leader in sustainable fiber solutions
  • UN-Sustainable Development Goals as guiding principles for Lenzing’s sustainability agenda
  • All Lenzing sites strive to fulfill the EU Ecolabel standard by 2022

The Lenzing Group, producer of botanic fibers from wood, expands its environmental leadership commitment. As a leader in wood-based cellulosic fibers, Lenzing has particular responsibility and ambition to help raising the bar in sustainability in the textile and nonwovens industries. To fulfill this vision, Lenzing is continuing its ambitious roadmap by investing more than EUR 100 mn in sustainable manufacturing technologies and production facilities until 2022.
Lenzing’s circular operating models with closed loop production processes set the standard in the industry. In order to further extend the environmental leadership, a major part of this investment will focus on closed loop production technologies for the expansion of the sulfur recovery systems. The second area of investment will be in improving the effluent treatment units. In addition, Lenzing will upgrade its energy usage to more sustainable solutions reducing its greenhouse gas emissions due to the construction of a gas boiler at its site in China. This investment strengthens Lenzing’s sustainability leadership at its Viscose facility in Nanjing.
The investments underline Lenzing’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as guiding principles for its sustainability agenda. One of the most significant SDGs for the company is SDG 12: Responsible production and consumption.
Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer, comments: “The textile and the nonwoven industries face fundamental challenges related to sustainability. Lenzing is passionate to take a leadership role in addressing this and making the world a better place. Our holistic approach to sustainability underpins this scope. The new eco-investment program is a major step forward in our ambitions.”
“The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call for a sustainable economy that protects the planet and ensures prosperity and well-being for all people”, states Lenzing Chief Commercial
Officer Robert van de Kerkhof. “With our REFIBRA™ technology, Lenzing is innovating to support a more circular, bio-based economy, contributing in particular to SDG 12”, he adds.
With the Lenzing Group sustainability targets announced in 2018, Lenzing strives to upgrade all its production sites to the ambitious European Ecolabel standard by 2022. As a result, Lenzing is one of the first companies to commit to a global sustainability-oriented manufacturing standard.


More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG


Sustainable Luxury as a brand ingredient: Wolford launches aurora with ROICA

Wolford is recognized for high quality Skin wear and is a favorite among fashion influencers. Wolford realizes that when it comes to luxury, consumers expect brands to be responsible. In response, Wolford understands sustainable luxury is a new brand ingredient and are dedicated to expanding their collections each season and infusing responsible materials.

This July at Interfiliere, gain a sneak peek into the launch of Wolford’s Aurora collection of leggings and pullovers that are Cradle to Cradle gold certified, first one in the world! The new styles created use premium stretch yarn belonging to the ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification, which provides evidence of compliance and offers confidence as a responsible choice. In addition to premium stretch yarn from ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, the Aurora pieces are made using two other responsible fibers, Lenzing Modal® a cellulosic fiber derived from sustainable forestry, and infinito® by Lauffenmühle, a specially modified oil based biodegradable polymer.’

Wolford is recognized for high quality Skin wear and is a favorite among fashion influencers. Wolford realizes that when it comes to luxury, consumers expect brands to be responsible. In response, Wolford understands sustainable luxury is a new brand ingredient and are dedicated to expanding their collections each season and infusing responsible materials.

This July at Interfiliere, gain a sneak peek into the launch of Wolford’s Aurora collection of leggings and pullovers that are Cradle to Cradle gold certified, first one in the world! The new styles created use premium stretch yarn belonging to the ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification, which provides evidence of compliance and offers confidence as a responsible choice. In addition to premium stretch yarn from ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, the Aurora pieces are made using two other responsible fibers, Lenzing Modal® a cellulosic fiber derived from sustainable forestry, and infinito® by Lauffenmühle, a specially modified oil based biodegradable polymer.’

Instead of using new materials, Wolford’s new collection is developed to return the ingredients back to the cycle, they simply borrow them for the lifetime of the product, which supports responsible product ingredient sourcing. At the end of the Aurora collection product lifecycle, Wolford will return them to an industrial composting station to naturally breakdown without releasing harmful environmental substances. Wolford is committed to becoming part of the solution and activating change as they continue to explore responsible material innovations.

Be sure to attend Première Vision NY Smart Talk on July 17th, 2018 at 2:00p to meet to Wolford’s own Andreas Roehrich, Director, Product Develoment & Innovation to discuss technology and Wolford’s quest to become a responsible luxury brand.



More information:

GB Network

Lenzing and Duratex plan to build 450,000 t dissolving wood pulp plant in Brazil

Lenzing and Duratex plan to build 450,000 t dissolving wood pulp plant in Brazil

  • Lenzing will hold 51 percent in a future joint venture
  • Largest single line dissolving wood pulp plant in the world
  • Basic engineering and permitting process to be kicked off
  • 43,000 hectares FSC® certified plantation secured
  • Final investment decision subject to outcome of basic engineering expected in 2019

Lenzing Group, world market leader in specialty cellulosic fibers and Duratex, the largest producer of industrialized wood panels of the Southern Hemisphere, announce that they agreed on the terms and conditions to form a joint venture to investigate building the largest single line dissolving wood pulp (DWP) plant in the state of Minas Gerais, close to Sao Paulo, Brazil. This decision supports the backward integration and the growth in specialty fibers, defined in Lenzing’s corporate strategy sCore TEN.

  • Lenzing will hold 51 percent in a future joint venture
  • Largest single line dissolving wood pulp plant in the world
  • Basic engineering and permitting process to be kicked off
  • 43,000 hectares FSC® certified plantation secured
  • Final investment decision subject to outcome of basic engineering expected in 2019

Lenzing Group, world market leader in specialty cellulosic fibers and Duratex, the largest producer of industrialized wood panels of the Southern Hemisphere, announce that they agreed on the terms and conditions to form a joint venture to investigate building the largest single line dissolving wood pulp (DWP) plant in the state of Minas Gerais, close to Sao Paulo, Brazil. This decision supports the backward integration and the growth in specialty fibers, defined in Lenzing’s corporate strategy sCore TEN.

The joint venture will investigate the construction of a 450,000 t DWP plant, which is expected to become the largest and most competitive single line DWP plant in the world. Dissolving wood pulp is the key raw material for the production of Lenzing’s bio-based fibers. For the future operation, the two companies have secured a plantation of 43,000 hectares that will provide the FSC® certified biomass. The plantation is fully in line with Lenzing’s wood and pulp sourcing policy. The basic engineering and the application for required permits and merger clearances will now be started.

Lenzing will hold 51 percent of the joint venture which will operate the mill, while Duratex’s share will be 49 percent. The estimated cash investment by the joint venture for the construction of the DWP mill is expected to be somewhat above USD 1 bn (based on current FX rates, net of generic tax refunds and the outcome of the basic engineering study). The joint venture will supply the entire volume of dissolving wood pulp to the Lenzing Group. This step is an essential milestone in the group’s ambition to grow its specialty fibers business.

“Specialty cellulosic fibers are an important contribution to make the global textile industry more sustainable. In line with our corporate strategy sCore TEN we are committed to strong organic growth in this field. We are pleased that with Duratex, a recognized leader in sustainable forestry management, we have a strong partner in this joint venture. Together we will create a very sustainable and competitive raw material base for Lenzing’s global expansion plans”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of Lenzing Group.

“Projects of this nature are the result of our strategic plan and of our team’s effort towards drawing Duratex’s future. The Company is known for its financial solidity, high quality, innovation and sustainability; the results of a history spanning over six decades. The partnership with Lenzing for the construction of the largest single line dissolving wood pulp plant in the world is an honor for Duratex. Working with Lenzing, a global benchmark in technology, high quality and corporate governance makes us very proud. We are sure that this joint venture is going to be successful”, affirms Duratex’s Chief Executive Officer Antonio Joaquim de Oliveira.

The final investment decision to build the dissolving wood pulp plant is subject to the outcome of the basic engineering studies and the approval by the respective supervisory boards.

Lenzing invests in new capacities for TENCEL Luxe (c) Lenzing

Lenzing invests in new capacities for TENCEL Luxe

  • Market success above expectations
  • Product and market development accelerated
  • Investment up to EUR 30 mn

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is setting another milestone as a specialist for extremely high-quality products made of the renewable raw material wood. Capacities will be significantly expanded due to strong demand for Lenzing’s TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn which was first launched on the market just a few months ago. Lenzing will invest up to EUR 30 mn in a further pilot line at the Lenzing site. Basic engineering for construction of the new facility has already been initiated.

  • Market success above expectations
  • Product and market development accelerated
  • Investment up to EUR 30 mn

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is setting another milestone as a specialist for extremely high-quality products made of the renewable raw material wood. Capacities will be significantly expanded due to strong demand for Lenzing’s TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn which was first launched on the market just a few months ago. Lenzing will invest up to EUR 30 mn in a further pilot line at the Lenzing site. Basic engineering for construction of the new facility has already been initiated.

“Thanks to TENCELTM Luxe, Lenzing is currently positioning itself in the premium luxury market and is embedding the issue of sustainability there in combination with superior aesthetics”, says Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer of the Lenzing Group. “The fine filament yarn is comparable to natural silk due to its airy feeling on the skin and the matte finish. It is perfectly suited for very fine fabrics made exclusively from this yarn and as a blending partner with silk, cashmere and wool”, he adds.

“On the occasion of the launch of TENCELTM Luxe filaments, the luxury brands already realized what opportunities they would have by using this yarn made of the renewable raw material wood. For this reason, demand is already so high that we have decided to take an intermediate step to expand capacities before building a large commercial production plant. The decision to construct a new line will serve as the basis for generating a three-fold increase in capacity compared to the previous volume. The additional capacity will be available to customers at the end of next year”, states Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the Lenzing Group. “The Lenzing site was selected because research and technological know-how in plant construction are connected in a special way, which will in turn enable us to further develop this special product”, Doboczky adds.

The new capacities will enable Lenzing to more effectively fulfil the needs of customers for TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn than in the past. At the same time, Lenzing will press ahead with technical planning for a large-scale commercial line at the Lenzing site.

This strong level of demand is further evidence of the Lenzing Group’s innovative strength. The yarn is opening up new markets for the company in the eco-couture segment, thus contributing to the successful implementation of the sCore TEN strategy.

(c) Lenzing Gruppe

Lenzing Group generates solid results in a more demanding market environment

•    Revenue down 6.1 percent to EUR 550.3 mn primarily due to currency effects
•    EBITDA decline of 24.8 percent to EUR 101.6 mn mainly due to softening prices for commodity viscose and increasing costs for key raw materials
•    Company is intensively pushing ahead with expansion of production capacities for specialty fibers
•    Strong message to consumers – new master brand and new product brands presented

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group started the 2018 financial year with solid business results. Revenue and earnings decreased compared to the first quarter of the previous year against the backdrop of a challenging market environment for standard viscose combined with changes in currency exchange rates. The corporate strategy sCore TEN is being implemented with great discipline in order to expand the company’s offering of specialty fibers and even more extensively support customers and business partners.

For more information see Attachment.




•    Revenue down 6.1 percent to EUR 550.3 mn primarily due to currency effects
•    EBITDA decline of 24.8 percent to EUR 101.6 mn mainly due to softening prices for commodity viscose and increasing costs for key raw materials
•    Company is intensively pushing ahead with expansion of production capacities for specialty fibers
•    Strong message to consumers – new master brand and new product brands presented

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group started the 2018 financial year with solid business results. Revenue and earnings decreased compared to the first quarter of the previous year against the backdrop of a challenging market environment for standard viscose combined with changes in currency exchange rates. The corporate strategy sCore TEN is being implemented with great discipline in order to expand the company’s offering of specialty fibers and even more extensively support customers and business partners.

For more information see Attachment.




More information:
Lenzing Gruppe Lenzing Group

Lenzing Group


Demand for European technical textiles attracts leading companies to Cinte Techtextil China

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

“In the Chinese market, buyers want good quality products, so overseas companies, and products with recognised quality certifications, have a lot of potential,” Ms Ping Chen, General Manager of IBENA Shanghai Technical Textiles commented. “As a leading German company in the industry, our products are welcomed by many buyers at this fair. It is also important to be in the German Pavilion as this signals to buyers that we have quality products, and it attracts more attention.” Swiss firm Sanitized AG had the same experience. “As a Swiss company in the European Zone I believe it’s an advantage, as some local buyers have more confidence towards imported products,” Mr Steven Liu, Sales Manager said.

Other exhibitors commented on the long-term trends in the Chinese market. “There’s a definite shift to more high-quality machinery in China that isn’t affected by what’s happening in the overall economy. Moreover, there are opportunities for overseas suppliers as there is still a gap between us and what Chinese companies produce,” Dr Joachim Binnig, Vice President, Head of Development & Technology, Autefa Solutions Germany GmbH explained.

Mr Roger Zhang, Sales Manager for German firm J.H. Ziegler Nonwovens and New Materials commented: “Our products are mainly for high-end Chinese customers, such as BMW and Audi. The Chinese market has gradually matured, but the production capability for high-performance products which are energy efficient and eco-friendly is still developing, so there is a lot of space for overseas brands to develop here.”

European Zone highlights
This year’s European Zone will feature around 30 exhibitors from eight countries, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, while further exhibitors can be found in national pavilions from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy. Some of the exhibitor highlights in the European Zone include:

  • Arkema (France): with brands including PMMA Altuglas, Rilsan, Pebax, Kynar PVDF and Bostik, they will present polymer resin for fibres and yarns, which apply to a wide range of applications, at the fair.
  • Dakota Coating (Belgium): specialists in thermoplastic and thermosetting adhesives, their polymer products, based on polyethylene, polyolefin or mixtures, ethylene vinyl acetates, co-polyamides, polyurethanes and co-polyesters, are suitable for automotive, building, heat transfer and sound insulation uses.
  • Lenzing Plastics (Austria): a new exhibitor at the fair, they are a leading manufacturer of polyolefin and fluoropolymer products, such as Thermoplast and PTFE products. One of their core competencies lies in the monoaxial stretching of films and filaments, and they offer special solutions in the fields of construction & insulation, medicine & hygiene, packaging and cables, as well as automotive and technical textiles. They will highlight their PROFILEN® PTFE product at the fair, and with its extreme durability and very smooth surface, it is highly valued in many niche applications in the technical and medical sectors.
  • Protechnic (France): leading manufacturers of hot-melt adhesives and plastic printed films, they will showcase hot melt thermo-adhesive nets, webs and films at the fair.
  • Trelleborg Coated Systems (Italy): another new exhibitor this edition, they produce high-performance, engineered coated fabrics. They offer a wide variety of substrates – from Kevlar® to silk – with a choice of weaving methods.
Lenzing Hauptversammlung beschließt Anhebung der Sonderdividende auf EUR 2,00 je Aktie

Lenzing Hauptversammlung beschließt Anhebung der Sonderdividende auf EUR 2,00 je Aktie

Die diesjährige Hauptversammlung der Lenzing AG hat heute, Donnerstag, 12. April 2018, die Zahlung einer Dividende von EUR 3,00 je Aktie plus einer Sonderdividende von EUR 2,00 je Aktie beschlossen. In Summe werden für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 somit EUR 5,00 je Stückaktie ausbezahlt (nach EUR 4,20 je Aktie im Vorjahr). Als Valutatag wurde der 18. April 2018 festgelegt, der Tag für den Dividendenabschlag ist der 16. April 2018.

Weiters wurde den Mitgliedern des Vorstandes und des Aufsichtsrates in der heutigen Hauptversammlung für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 die Entlastung erteilt und die Festsetzung der Vergütung an die Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrates für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 beschlossen. Zum Abschlussprüfer für den Jahresabschluss und den Konzernabschluss für das Geschäftsjahr 2018 wurde die KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- u. Steuerberatungsgesellschaft bestellt.

Die diesjährige Hauptversammlung der Lenzing AG hat heute, Donnerstag, 12. April 2018, die Zahlung einer Dividende von EUR 3,00 je Aktie plus einer Sonderdividende von EUR 2,00 je Aktie beschlossen. In Summe werden für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 somit EUR 5,00 je Stückaktie ausbezahlt (nach EUR 4,20 je Aktie im Vorjahr). Als Valutatag wurde der 18. April 2018 festgelegt, der Tag für den Dividendenabschlag ist der 16. April 2018.

Weiters wurde den Mitgliedern des Vorstandes und des Aufsichtsrates in der heutigen Hauptversammlung für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 die Entlastung erteilt und die Festsetzung der Vergütung an die Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrates für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 beschlossen. Zum Abschlussprüfer für den Jahresabschluss und den Konzernabschluss für das Geschäftsjahr 2018 wurde die KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- u. Steuerberatungsgesellschaft bestellt.

Mit Ablauf der Hauptversammlung schieden Dr. Felix Strohbichler und Dr. Josef Krenner auf eigenen Wunsch aus dem Aufsichtsrat aus. Dr. Felix Strohbichler und Dr. Josef Krenner waren 3 bzw. 9 Jahre im Aufsichtsrat und in verschiedenen Ausschüssen der Lenzing AG tätig. Die Lenzing AG bedankt sich bei den ausgeschiedenen Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern für ihre langjährige konstruktive Zusammenarbeit.

Neu wurden in der Hauptversammlung Dr. Christoph Kollatz, Hauptgeschäftsführer der B&C Industrieholding, Dr. Felix Fremerey, Technik-Geschäftsführer der B&C Industrieholding, und der erfahrene Industriefachmann Dipl.-Bw. Peter Edelmann, ebenfalls B&C Industrieholding, in den Aufsichtsrat gewählt. Das Aufsichtsratsmandat von Dr. Veit Sorger wurde bis zur ordentlichen Hauptversammlung, die über das Geschäftsjahr 2020, das Aufsichtsratsmandat von Dr. Astrid Skala-Kuhmann bis zur ordentlichen Hauptversammlung, die über das Geschäftsjahr 2021 beschließt, verlängert.

Der Aufsichtsrat der Lenzing AG setzt sich damit wie folgt zusammen: Dr. Hanno M. Bästlein (Vorsitzender), Dr. Astrid Skala-Kuhmann, Mag. Helmut Bernkopf, Dipl.-Bw. Peter Edelmann, Dr. Felix Fremerey, Dr. Franz Gasselsberger MBA, Dr. Christoph Kollatz, Mag. Patrick Prügger sowie Dr. Veit Sorger. Vom Betriebsrat wurden Johann Schernberger, Ing. Daniela Födinger, Helmut Kirchmair und Georg Liftinger, in den Aufsichtsrat delegiert.

In der an die Hauptversammlung anschließenden konstituierenden Aufsichtsratssitzung wurde Dr. Hanno Bästlein zum Vorsitzenden, Dr. Christoph Kollatz und Dr. Veit Sorger zu Stellvertretern des Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden gewählt.


Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft


Lenzing Group achieves best full-year results in its history

  • Revenue increased by 5.9 percent to EUR 2.26 bn
  • EBITDA up 17.3 percent to EUR 502.5 mn
  • Dividend proposal of EUR 3.00/share plus a special dividend of EUR 2.00/share
  • New brand strategy to generate a strong message to consumers
  • Limited visibility for coming quarters

In 2017, the Lenzing Group reports its best financial performance ever with record revenue and earnings due to a better product mix and higher selling prices in combination with a generally favorable market environment.

  • Revenue increased by 5.9 percent to EUR 2.26 bn
  • EBITDA up 17.3 percent to EUR 502.5 mn
  • Dividend proposal of EUR 3.00/share plus a special dividend of EUR 2.00/share
  • New brand strategy to generate a strong message to consumers
  • Limited visibility for coming quarters

In 2017, the Lenzing Group reports its best financial performance ever with record revenue and earnings due to a better product mix and higher selling prices in combination with a generally favorable market environment.

Group revenue grew by 5.9 percent in the 2017 financial year to EUR 2.26 bn (2016: EUR 2.13 bn). Group earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) improved by 17.3 percent to EUR 502.5 mn (2016: EUR 428.3 mn). The corresponding EBITDA margin rose to 22.2 percent (2016: 20.1 percent). Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased by 25.2 percent to EUR 371 mn, resulting in a higher EBIT margin of 16.4 percent (2016: 13.9 percent). The net profit for the year totaled EUR 281.7 mn, a rise of 23 percent from the prior-year figure of EUR 229.1 mn. Earnings per share in the 2017 financial year amounted to EUR 10.47 (2016: EUR 8.48).

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board will propose at the upcoming Annual General Meeting a stable dividend of EUR 3.00 per share plus an increased special dividend of EUR 2.00 per share (2016: EUR 1.20 per share). In total, the dividend will amount to EUR 5.00 per share, corresponding to a dividend payment to shareholders of EUR 132.75 mn.

“The Lenzing Group looks back at a very successful year 2017. We continued to implement our corporate strategy sCore TEN with great discipline and focus on our investment projects and successfully captured value in a positive market environment. Our commitment to innovation and customer centricity was underpinned by the opening of an application innovation center in Hong Kong and the creation of the new sales and marketing office in Turkey. In line with sCore TEN we decided to revamp our brand architecture and image to sharpen Lenzing’s corporate and product profiles for customers and consumers. We want to put a stronger emphasis on our ambition to make the textile and nonwoven market more sustainable”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group.

“We are very positive about our chosen strategy as it will help us to be more resilient as we expect more headwinds in the upcoming quarters”, he adds.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG


Lenzing Gruppe mit bestem Geschäftsjahr der Unternehmensgeschichte

  • Umsatz stieg um 5,9 Prozent auf EUR 2,26 Mrd.
  • EBITDA legte um 17,3 Prozent auf EUR 502,5 Mio. zu
  • Dividendenvorschlag von EUR 3,00 plus EUR 2,00 Sonderdividende pro Aktie
  • Starke Botschaft an Verbraucher durch neue Markenstrategie
  • Eingeschränkte Visibilität für die kommenden Quartale

Die Lenzing Gruppe erzielte 2017 neue Rekordstände bei Umsatz und Gewinn und verzeichnete damit das beste Geschäftsjahr in der Unternehmensgeschichte. Maßgeblich dafür waren ein besserer Produktmix und höhere Faserverkaufspreise in Kombination mit einem allgemein günstigen Marktumfeld.

Die Konzern-Umsatzerlöse stiegen im Geschäftsjahr 2017 um 5,9 Prozent auf EUR 2,26 Mrd. (2016: EUR 2,13 Mrd.). Das EBITDA verbesserte sich um 17,3 Prozent auf EUR 502,5 Mio. (2016: 428,3 Mio.).

  • Umsatz stieg um 5,9 Prozent auf EUR 2,26 Mrd.
  • EBITDA legte um 17,3 Prozent auf EUR 502,5 Mio. zu
  • Dividendenvorschlag von EUR 3,00 plus EUR 2,00 Sonderdividende pro Aktie
  • Starke Botschaft an Verbraucher durch neue Markenstrategie
  • Eingeschränkte Visibilität für die kommenden Quartale

Die Lenzing Gruppe erzielte 2017 neue Rekordstände bei Umsatz und Gewinn und verzeichnete damit das beste Geschäftsjahr in der Unternehmensgeschichte. Maßgeblich dafür waren ein besserer Produktmix und höhere Faserverkaufspreise in Kombination mit einem allgemein günstigen Marktumfeld.

Die Konzern-Umsatzerlöse stiegen im Geschäftsjahr 2017 um 5,9 Prozent auf EUR 2,26 Mrd. (2016: EUR 2,13 Mrd.). Das EBITDA verbesserte sich um 17,3 Prozent auf EUR 502,5 Mio. (2016: 428,3 Mio.).
Die EBITDA-Marge stieg von 20,1 Prozent im Geschäftsjahr 2017 auf 22,2 Prozent der Umsatzerlöse im Berichtsjahr. Das Betriebsergebnis (EBIT) erhöhte sich um 25,2 Prozent auf EUR 371 Mio., was zu einer höheren EBIT-Marge von 16,4 Prozent (2016: 13,9 Prozent) führte.
Der Jahresüberschuss lag mit EUR 281,7 Mio. um 23 Prozent über dem Vorjahreswert von EUR 229,1 Mio. Das Ergebnis je Aktie belief sich auf EUR 10,47 (2016: EUR 8,48).

Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat schlagen der Hauptversammlung die Zahlung einer stabilen Dividende von EUR 3,00 je Aktie plus einer erhöhten Sonderdividende von EUR 2,00 je Aktie (2016: EUR 1,20 je Aktie) vor. In Summe soll die Dividende EUR 5,00 je Aktie betragen. Das entspricht einer Ausschüttung an die Aktionäre von EUR 132,75 Mio.

„Die Lenzing Gruppe blickt auf ein sehr erfolgreiches Jahr 2017 zurück. Wir haben unsere Unternehmensstrategie sCore TEN weiter mit großer Disziplin und Fokus auf unsere Investitionsmaßnahmen vorangetrieben und unsere wertorientierte Unternehmensentwicklung in einem positiven Marktumfeld weiter verfolgen können. Mit der Eröffnung eines Applikations- und Innovationscenters in Hongkong sowie eines neuen Vertriebs- und Marketingbüros in der Türkei haben wir unser Bekenntnis zu Innovation und Kundennähe untermauert. Im Sinne von sCore TEN haben wir entschieden, das Unternehmens- und Produktprofil der Lenzing Gruppe für Kunden und Konsumenten zu schärfen. Wir wollen unser Anliegen, die Textil- und Vliesstoff-Branche nachhaltiger zu machen, stärker betonen“, sagt Stefan Doboczky, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Lenzing Gruppe.

„Wir sind von unserer gewählten Strategie überzeugt, da sie uns in den kommenden Quartalen, in denen wir stärkeren Gegenwind erwarten, helfen wird, widerstandsfähiger zu sein“, so Doboczky.

More information:
Lenzing Gruppe

Lenzing AG

Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG © Lenzing AG

Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

“In recent years, Stefan Doboczky and his colleagues on the Management Board have been able to make excellent use of the favourable market conditions on the basis of the previous restructuring in order to transform an Austrian company with foreign investments into a truly global player with strong Austrian roots. This has created the basis for consistently pursuing the growth strategy we have embarked on with the entire team, even under difficult conditions, and thus securing the long-term future of the Lenzing Group. We are very pleased that Stefan Doboczky will continue to dedicate himself to these tasks over the next five years”, said Hanno Bästlein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG on the occasion of Doboczky’s reappointment.
In addition to Stefan Doboczky, the Management Board of Lenzing AG consists of Chief Commercial Officer Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Financial Officer Thomas Obendrauf and Chief Technology Officer Heiko Arnold.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

Lenzing Group with substantial earnings increase in the first nine months of 2017 ©The Lenzing Group
Lenzing Group Vorstand

Lenzing Group with substantial earnings increase in the first nine months of 2017

  • Revenue up 9.4 percent to EUR 1,726.6 mn
  • EBITDA improvement of 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn
  • Retail bond of EUR 120 mn redeemed – Lenzing with net liquidity as at end of September
  • State-of-the-art application innovation center opened in Hong Kong

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated a substantial increase in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of the 2017 financial year compared to the prior-year period. The company is continuing the implementation of its Group strategy sCore TEN in order to further expand the offering of specialty fibers and be even closer to its customers and business partners.

  • Revenue up 9.4 percent to EUR 1,726.6 mn
  • EBITDA improvement of 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn
  • Retail bond of EUR 120 mn redeemed – Lenzing with net liquidity as at end of September
  • State-of-the-art application innovation center opened in Hong Kong

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated a substantial increase in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of the 2017 financial year compared to the prior-year period. The company is continuing the implementation of its Group strategy sCore TEN in order to further expand the offering of specialty fibers and be even closer to its customers and business partners.

Consolidated revenue climbed 9.4 percent year-on-year to EUR 1,726.6 mn. This increase is mainly attributable to higher prices for all three fiber generations. Consolidated earnings before tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn, corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 23 percent, up from 20.3 percent in the prior-year period. Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased by 34.6 percent to EUR 298.4 mn, resulting in a higher EBIT margin of 17.3 percent (Q1-3 2016: 14 percent). The profit for the period improved by 35.3 percent to EUR 219.3 mn, and earnings per share rose 36 percent to EUR 8.12 per share. In September Lenzing redeemed the retail bond of EUR 120 mn. At the end of the reporting period the Group had net liquidity of EUR 16.9 mn.

“In the first three quarters of 2017, we successfully captured value in a very positive market environment and we continue to implement the sCore TEN strategy with great discipline. The opening of our new application innovation center in Hong Kong is an important step to boost our regional innovation capabilities. We were particularly proud to launch TENCELTM Luxe as a sign of Lenzing’s ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability”, states Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “After three excellent quarters we are confident to deliver substantially better operating results in 2017 compared to 2016, but at the same time we do expect more headwinds in 2018.”

Focus on customer intimacy

In September 2017, the Lenzing Group opened a new application innovation center (AIC) in Hong Kong, thus setting a further milestone in strengthening its innovation offering to all partners along the value chain. New applications for Lenzing fibers will be developed and tested at the new facility, among them applications for recent innovations such as the TENCELTM Luxe branded lyocell filament, the RefibraTM branded lyocell fiber and the EcoVeroTM branded viscose fiber.

Furthermore, new sales and marketing offices were opened in Turkey and South Korea in the first half of 2017. The direct contact to customers and well-equipped showrooms featuring products made of LenzingTM fibers serve as the basis for providing even better customer support.

Investment program in progress

The Lenzing Group aims to increase the share of specialty fibers as a percentage of revenue to 50 percent by 2020. Following the capacity expansion initiatives in Heiligenkreuz (Austria) and Mobile, Alabama (USA) which are both underway, Lenzing announced its intention to construct the next plant to produce TENCEL® fibers in Thailand.

A new era of sustainable production

In October 2017, the Lenzing Group presented a new product, TENCELTM Luxe, at an exclusive event held in Paris. The TENCELTM Luxe branded filament yarn represents Lenzing’s entry in the filament market. This fiber will support the Lenzing Group’s path towards becoming a true specialty player in the market for botanic materials derived from the sustainable raw material wood.

The launch volumes of TENCELTM Luxe are being produced at the Lenzing site. The basic engineering for a commercial scale plant was commenced.

Demand development on the global fiber market remains positive within the context of a generally friendly macroeconomic environment. Lenzing expects wood-based cellulose fibers to grow at an even higher rate than the overall fiber market. After three excellent quarters, the Lenzing Group will achieve an operating result in 2017 that is significantly better than 2016.

For 2018, Lenzing sees a number of somewhat opposing factors that limit visibility regarding fiber price developments. Overall market demand is expected to remain high. However, the Group expects a substantial increase on the supply side, especially for viscose but also for cotton. Price trends for selected key raw materials, especially caustic soda, are difficult to predict. Against this background the Lenzing Group expects a much more challenging market environment for standard viscose during the upcoming quarters.

The above-mentioned development reassures the Lenzing Group in its chosen corporate strategy sCore TEN. The Group initiated its transformation from a volume-oriented viscose player to a value-oriented specialty fiber player at the end of 2015, and will continue the disciplined implementation of its business strategy.

Key Group indicators (IFRS) in EUR mn











Intertextile Shanghai Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Autumn 2017 - Final Report

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Meanwhile, a total of 4,538 exhibitors from 32 countries and regions (2016: 4,553, 29 countries and regions) also enjoyed the surge of business potential brought by this large number of high-quality trade buyers. The strong line-up of exhibitors, including 10 country and region pavilions – France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Milano Unica (Italy), Pakistan, Taiwan and Thailand – as well as 10 Group Pavilions organised by foremost industry leaders like DuPont, Hyosung, INVISTA and Lenzing, presented a full-spectrum of innovative and fashion offerings in 11 halls across 276,000 sqm (gross) exhibition area, an increase of nearly 6% compared to 2016.

While the nature of textile trade fairs has evolved over recent years, exhibitors’ successful results at this year’s Intertextile Shanghai shows that it is still the industry’s most effective order-writing and business development trade show because it remains the event where the global industry gathers to make purchasing decisions. As a result, many exhibitors see the fair as their business growth engine, and reported positive outlooks for sales after the fair.


Exhibitor opinions
 Ms Erika Jimenez, Development and Purchasing Department, Luca Cuccolini, Spain (SalonEurope)
“A few years ago we decided to explore the Chinese market. Knowing that Intertextile Shanghai is the most comprehensive fair of its kind in Asia, there was no doubt that this would be the fair to expose our brand. Throughout the years we have been satisfied with the visitor flow and business opportunities, especially this year. There has been a good flow of a diverse range of buyers visiting our booth, and we’ve already met with abundant potential buyers on the first day. Our objective is still to get our brand known to local buyers, and by looking at the progress in the first two days, we are even expecting to get orders later on.”

Mr Jean Denerolle, General Manager, Dormeuil, France (Premium Wool Zone)
“There has been lots of visitors coming to our booth on the first two days. Joining Intertextile Shanghai is an effective ways for us to develop the Chinese market. We are happy that the organiser referred a VIP buyer to us. Overall, we succeeded in receiving orders and promoting our brands, so I am pleased with the result this year.”
Mr Max Deery, Global Director, Print Stories Ltd, (for Amanda Kelly Ltd), UK (Verve for Design)
“We are satisfied with the results this year. The Verve for Design zone is well organised, and it’s a busier year compared to last. After day one, we’ve already found more than 10 potential buyers, both old and new customers. We’ve participated in other fairs in Europe as well, and I would say Intertextile Shanghai is in line with these shows, and busier than we expected.”

Mr Luca Maderna, New Age srl, Italy (Verve for Design)
“It’s our 10th year exhibiting in Intertextile. Given the large scale, we can always find new contacts here, and it’s also a great opportunity for us to present our new collection to our regular customers.”
Mr Ederhard Ganns, Managing Director, Union Knopf (HK) Ltd, Germany
“Our target clients are mainly brand owners and resellers. I have successfully met with them and have some promising contacts. We have also developed some new connections with both domestic and overseas customers. Intertextile Shanghai is no doubt the world’s number one show.”

Ms Kang Nan Hee, Assistant Manager, R&D Textile Co Ltd, Korea (Korea Pavilion)
“This is our 10th year at Intertextile Shanghai. Every year, we participate in both the spring and autumn fairs and they have never let us down. Not only can we meet numerous new buyers in each edition, we can also keep pace with the ever-changing market trends in the fabric industry. Besides that, in terms of visitor flow, this fair has always been the strongest. Take this year’s fair as an example. In our estimation, we have already received enquiries from almost 300 buyers and agents on the first two days, which has exceeded our expectations. Therefore, we are expecting some 400 orders in total by end of the fair.”

Mr Taku Ito, Manager, Sojitz Vancet (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd, Japan (Japan Pavilion)
“We exhibit at this show to find new customers and sales channels in China. We’ve been joining the show for a while now, and we continued this edition as we can always meet new customers – I mean, really ‘new’. This year, there were about 400 companies that visited our booth. It’s also interesting that we are getting more online apparel shops visiting us lately.”

Ms Susan Hon, B2B Marketing Communication Director, North Asia, INVISTA Co Ltd, Hong Kong (Functional Lab & Group Pavilion organiser)
“With the help of Intertextile Shanghai – the most well-known platform in the industry – we can promote our newly launched products more efficiently and enhance the influence of our brand. Our booths were packed with visitors over the three days, with many of them high-quality buyers. Intertextile has always been one of the most important trade fairs for us because of its strength in attracting a wide range of buyers, including an unrivalled number of market-leading brands that no other fairs can offer.”

Mr Martin Yang, Marketing Manager, Nilit Nylon Technologies (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Israel (Functional Lab)
“Our management is satisfied with the results as this is where we can boost our business and sales. On the first day, we’ve already met with nearly 20 potential buyers that are very likely to develop into new orders after the fair. The most attractive trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its ability in gathering large numbers of trade buyers. More importantly, the majority of them are quality buyers who aren’t only our target customers but also keen to place orders. This fair is seen by the industry as the major platform to source as it includes more industry leading suppliers, raw material providers, fabric mills and garment manufacturers compared to other similar fairs, and this is why we are here.”

Mr Syed Kamran Shah, Marketing Manager, Soorty Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan (Beyond Denim)
“Our objectives are to establish connections with Chinese brands and manufacturers, as well as to learn buyers’ expectations in this market. We are happy with the visitor numbers, and Intertextile Shanghai is where buyers really come to make purchasing decisions. Buyers came to talk to us and run tests on our fabrics afterwards, and usually within 2-3 months’ time, we will receive orders. We also like the idea of the Beyond Denim hall as it ensures the effectiveness of gathering and getting in touch with our target buyers.”

Mr Štěpán Kučera, Managing Director, Preciosa Components, China (Accessories Vision)
“This has been Preciosa’s third consecutive appearance at the autumn edition of Intertextile Shanghai, where we continue to see an increase in attendance by our target customers, namely high-end fashion brands from both the Chinese and international markets. Among the 200-plus buyers we met on the first two days of the fair were domestic fashion brands, sourcing managers of overseas brands, garment producers, as well as OEMs & ODMs, and we are more than satisfied with the results. Compared to similar fairs in which we have participated, Intertextile has a stronger focus on sourcing and manufacturing. International brands tend to send their sourcing teams, while local manufacturers and vendors also source here.”

Ms Shanshan Lu, Client Manger, Beijing Ecocert Certification Centre Co Ltd, China (All About Sustainability)
“As Intertextile Shanghai is the largest fair of its kind, we can always find our target customers here which are manufacturers from the Greater China area and the Asia Pacific region. The All About Sustainability zone has enhanced the exhibiting effectiveness as it creates a strong theme that attracts the right visitors to our booth. I think the visitor flow is stronger than last year. On day 1 alone, we received enquiries from over 10 potential customers which included old and new accounts. Moreover, by sharing our certifications in the seminar, our brand got further promoted in the fair. All in all, we are very pleased with this year’s outcome and very likely will return again next year.”
Worldwide buyers impressed with the unparalleled range of sourcing options on offer
While the exhibitors highly valued the fair’s ability in attracting quality, genuine buyers from around the world, these buyers were pleased to find all categories of apparel fabrics and accessories products from the entire industry under one roof.


Buyer opinions
Mr Johnny Lau, Head of Material Management, Quiksilver Asia Sourcing Ltd, Hong Kong
“The strongest trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its scale and aptitude in gathering the entire industry in one place. I believe no matter which sector of the industry or market you belong to – suiting, casual wear or ladieswear; high-end or fast fashion – you are ensured to find the right suppliers here. The fair houses a full-spectrum of suppliers which ease the sourcing process for purchasing departments like us. To maintain brand competitiveness, it is getting more important for us nowadays to know about suppliers and manufacturers from around the world, so we were also impressed with the fair’s internationalism and had unexpected returns from this trip.”

Mr Luis Alfonso Yepes Londono, Manager, Yetex SAS, Columbia
“Among all trade shows, Intertextile Shanghai is the most influential one for my business, even compared to the European shows. Not only can I find local suppliers, but the fair literally puts brands from around the globe under one roof. This morning I discussed with three local companies that match my interest. Their fabrics were of good quality and competitive pricing, so I will soon make a decision and place orders.”

Ms Zhou Jie, General Manager, Shenzhen New Look Fashion Co Ltd, China
“Intertextile Shanghai is a comprehensive trade fair, and what’s unique about this fair is its unparalleled ability in gathering both domestic and premium international apparel fabrics and accessories suppliers. Therefore, the sourcing options in this fair cater to all market demands. I can say Intertextile is a fair that all fashion brands can’t miss as one can definitely find all kids of materials here. We sent over 10 colleagues from the sourcing and design departments to this year’s fair and sourced around 80% of the fabrics we need for the next season’s collection from about eight exhibitors.”


The next Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is the Spring Edition, held from 14 – 16 March 2018.
Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Centre. For more details on this fair, please visit: To find out more about all Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit: