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Freude am TEXOVERSUM: Der Studiengang International Fashion Business erneut erfolgreich im CHE Hochschulranking. Quelle: Hochschule Reutlingen

Studiengang International Fashion Business topplatziert im CHE Hochschulranking 2023

Der Bachelorstudiengang International Fashion Business der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen belegt im kürzlich veröffentlichten CHE Hochschulranking Spitzenplatzierungen. Nach 2017 und 2020 bewerteten Studierende den betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiengang bereits zum dritten Mal und sorgten mit ihrem Urteil für Höchstwerte.

Wie gut ist das Studium organisiert? Wie praxisnah sind die Lehrinhalte? Die befragten Studierenden der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil bewerteten diese und viele andere Fragen zu ihrem Studiengang International Fashion Business (IFB) mit Höchstwerten. Der Studiengang misst sich mit seiner gezielten Ausrichtung auf die Textilbranche dabei mit klassischen BWL-Studiengängen anderer Hochschulen. Mit ihrem Urteil sorgten die Studierenden erneut für exzellente Bewertungen. Unter anderem in den Bereichen „Studienorganisation“, „Allgemeine Studiensituation“, „Praxisorientierung der Lehre“ sowie „Lehrangebot“ gelang die Platzierung in der Spitzengruppe.

Der Bachelorstudiengang International Fashion Business der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen belegt im kürzlich veröffentlichten CHE Hochschulranking Spitzenplatzierungen. Nach 2017 und 2020 bewerteten Studierende den betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiengang bereits zum dritten Mal und sorgten mit ihrem Urteil für Höchstwerte.

Wie gut ist das Studium organisiert? Wie praxisnah sind die Lehrinhalte? Die befragten Studierenden der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil bewerteten diese und viele andere Fragen zu ihrem Studiengang International Fashion Business (IFB) mit Höchstwerten. Der Studiengang misst sich mit seiner gezielten Ausrichtung auf die Textilbranche dabei mit klassischen BWL-Studiengängen anderer Hochschulen. Mit ihrem Urteil sorgten die Studierenden erneut für exzellente Bewertungen. Unter anderem in den Bereichen „Studienorganisation“, „Allgemeine Studiensituation“, „Praxisorientierung der Lehre“ sowie „Lehrangebot“ gelang die Platzierung in der Spitzengruppe.

Erstmals konnten die Studierenden ihre Bewertung anhand einer Skala von bis zu fünf Sternen als bestmögliche Wertungsmöglichkeit ausdrücken. Mit im Schnitt 4,4 von 5 Sternen sind IFB-Studierende der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil überdurchschnittlich zufrieden mit ihrem Studium. Die beste Einzelbewertung erhielt das Kriterium „Studienorganisation“ mit 4,8 von 5 Sternen, direkt gefolgt von „Praxisorientierung der Lehre“ mit 4,7 von 5 Sternen.

97% der befragten Studierenden beurteilen die Berufsfeldrelevanz der vermittelten Kompetenzen als sehr gut oder gut. Der Dekan der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil, Prof. Dr. Jochen Strähle: „Insbesondere über die Spitzenplatzierung im Bereich „Praxisorientierung der Lehre“ und beim Faktenindikator „Angebote zur Berufsorientierung“ freue ich mich sehr. Mit einem so ausgerichteten Studium haben unsere Absolvierenden ausgezeichnete Jobchancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - und das nicht nur in der Textilbranche.“

Studiengänge anderer Fakultäten der Hochschule wurden ebenfalls bewertet und erzielten ebenso exzellente Ergebnisse. Damit zählt die Hochschule Reutlingen in den Bachelorstudiengängen der Fachbereiche BWL, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen und Wirtschaftsinformatik wiederholt zu den führenden Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften bundesweit.

More information:
Texoversum Hochschule Reutlingen

Hochschule Reutlingen


Indorama Ventures reports improved quarterly earnings

  • 1Q23 Performance Summary
  • Revenue of US$4B, an increase of 3% QoQ and a decline of 9% YoY
  • Reported EBITDA of US$301M, an increase of 269% QoQ and decrease of 62% YOY
  • Operating cash flows of US$201M
  • Net Operating Debt to Equity of 1.00x
  • Reported EPS of THB 0.14

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported improved quarterly earnings as headwinds continue to ease from the previous quarter’s peaks, although still below normalized levels. The company continues to focus on enhancing its global competitiveness as the full benefit of China’s reopening spurs volumes through the year, and as volatile energy costs and the destocking trend by customers begin to normalize.

  • 1Q23 Performance Summary
  • Revenue of US$4B, an increase of 3% QoQ and a decline of 9% YoY
  • Reported EBITDA of US$301M, an increase of 269% QoQ and decrease of 62% YOY
  • Operating cash flows of US$201M
  • Net Operating Debt to Equity of 1.00x
  • Reported EPS of THB 0.14

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported improved quarterly earnings as headwinds continue to ease from the previous quarter’s peaks, although still below normalized levels. The company continues to focus on enhancing its global competitiveness as the full benefit of China’s reopening spurs volumes through the year, and as volatile energy costs and the destocking trend by customers begin to normalize.

Indorama Ventures achieved Reported EBITDA of $301 million in 1Q23, an increase of 269% QoQ and a decline of 62% YoY. Sales volumes dropped 8% YoY amid the heavy destocking trend that is impacting the chemical industry globally, although volumes rose 5% QoQ as the pace of destocking begins to slow from the peak in 4Q22. With China reopening from pandemic lockdowns and economic activity increasing, there has been marginal improvement in benchmark spreads, albeit below historical levels. In Europe, the warmer-than-expected winter contributed to lower energy prices and alleviated the cost pressures faced last year.

The Group reported an overall decline in Q1 earnings on a year-on-year basis as continued destocking by customers kept sales volumes below consumer consumption levels. CPET posted Reported EBITDA of $142 million, a 74% decrease YoY as sales volumes dropped 9%. Fibers segment achieved Reported EBITDA of $32 million, a decrease of 69% YoY as all three verticals reported declining sales. Integrated Oxides and Derivatives (IOD) segment posted a 4.4% growth in YoY Reported EBITDA to $128 million as volumes rose 4.4% YoY.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) STFI

STFI: 16. Bautextilien-Symposium BAUTEX im Januar 2024

Unter dem Motto „Geobaustoffe – Nachhaltig und effizient“ veranstaltet das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) zusammen mit seinen Mitveranstaltern am 24. und 25. Januar 2024 das 16. Bautextilien-Symposium BAUTEX „Bauen mit Textilien“ in Chemnitz.

Unter dem Motto „Geobaustoffe – Nachhaltig und effizient“ veranstaltet das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) zusammen mit seinen Mitveranstaltern am 24. und 25. Januar 2024 das 16. Bautextilien-Symposium BAUTEX „Bauen mit Textilien“ in Chemnitz.

Geobaustoffe, die Multitalente in Sachen Funktionalität, sind ein Paradebeispiel für Nachhaltigkeit und Effizienz. Vor allem ihr günstiges Masse-Leistung-Verhältnis kommt hier zum Tragen. So kann bei der Anwendung der Aufwand für Erdarbeiten, Bodenaustausch, Transportwege und Transportlasten erheblich reduziert werden. Dies entlastet die Straßen, wirkt sich positiv auf die CO2-Bilanz aus, kann die Bauzeit und damit die Kosten der gesamten Baumaßnahme reduzieren. In der Anwendung punkten Geobaustoffe mit der Übernahme mehrerer Funktionen und dem Verweis auf nunmehr jahrzehntelange positive Praxiserfahrungen. Nicht zu vergessen ist dabei deren kontrollierte, industrielle Fertigung, was für eine hohe Qualität sorgt. Dies wird zusätzlich gestützt durch die Verfügbarkeit eines weiten Spektrums an normativen Dokumenten und Regelwerken bezüglich Prüfung und Qualität. Nachweise zur Dauerhaftigkeit und der damit verbundenen Nutzungsdauer runden die Performance der Geobaustoffe ab.

Ziel der BAUTEX 2024 ist es, Akteure aus Industrie, Ingenieurbüros, Forschung und Bildung, aber auch Entscheidungsträger aus Verwaltung und regelsetzenden Bereichen zusammenzuführen.

Vortragsvorschläge können bis zum 15. Juni 2023 eingereicht werden.


Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

Foto: vti

vti: Forum health.textil cross border – Smart Textiles in der Medizin

Zu seiner Dialogveranstaltung "Forum health.textil cross border – Smart Textiles in der Medizin" begrüßte der vti am 4. Mai 2023 Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen, Vertretern der Gesundheitswirtschaft und Textillogistik sowie Forschungsinstituten in Liberec/Tschechien.

Im Netzwerk health.textil cross border unterstützt der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) – wie der Name schon sagt – die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch zwischen tschechischen und deutschen Partnern.

Zu seiner Dialogveranstaltung "Forum health.textil cross border – Smart Textiles in der Medizin" begrüßte der vti am 4. Mai 2023 Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen, Vertretern der Gesundheitswirtschaft und Textillogistik sowie Forschungsinstituten in Liberec/Tschechien.

Im Netzwerk health.textil cross border unterstützt der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) – wie der Name schon sagt – die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch zwischen tschechischen und deutschen Partnern.

Die Fakultät für Textilingenieurwesen an der TU Liberec ist eine der größten Fakultäten in der EU, die sich mit dem gesamten Bereich der textilen Werkstofftechnik beschäftigt. In der Internationalen Forschungstätigkeit arbeiten die Kollegen der tschechischen und deutschen Universitäten und Institute bereits seit vielen Jahren zusammen. Unterstützung gab es vom SmartTex Netzwerk und von CLUTEX-Cluster für Technische Textilien. CLUTEX unterstützt die Zusammenarbeit von Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsorganisationen, Universitäten und anderen Einrichtungen sowohl in Tschechien als auch auf internationaler Ebene.

Das Nanoprogress Cluster, RESPILON, das Textile Testing Institute Brno, SINTEX und das SmartTex Netzwerk gaben mit ihren Vorträgen Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen. Die Veranstaltung wurde auch genutzt, um die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit den tschechischen Partnern zu forcieren. Großes Anliegen des vti ist es, die Kontakte zu Unternehmen zu vertiefen und Ideen für zukünftige Projekte zu entwickeln.

Die Veranstaltung gehört zu den Aktivitäten des vom Verband geführten Cluster-Projekts „health.textil“, das vom sächsischen Wirtschaftsministerium unterstützt wird. „Unsere Verbandsmitglieder und gerade auch die Partner in Tschechien verfügen über ein weitreichendes Entwicklungs- und Produkt-Know-how. Wir möchten ihnen eine Plattform für den direkten fachlichen Austausch in individuellen Gesprächen geben“, so vti-Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto.


Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti)

(c) BVMed

BVMed startet neue Medizintechnik-Branchenkampagne

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat eine neue Imagekampagne gestartet, um die Faszination und die Bedeutung der Medizintechnik-Branche insbesondere gegenüber der Wirtschafts- und Forschungspolitik zu verdeutlichen. „Wir sind Wirtschaftsmotor und Lösungsanbieter für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft – und möchten das auch weiterhin bleiben. Die Medizintechnik verdient und benötigt mehr Aufmerksamkeit in der Diskussion um den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Als Branchenverband sind wir ihre starke Stimme“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Neben einer deutlichen wirtschafts- und forschungspolitischen Ausrichtung will der BVMed mit der Branchenkampagne auch den technologie-affinen Nachwuchs für die Medizintechnik begeistern. „Die Kampagne wirbt mit inspirierenden Geschichten von Forscherinnen und Forschern für ausgezeichnete berufliche Perspektiven in einer spannenden Branche“, so die BVMed- Kommunikationsexperten Manfred Beeres und Michelle Klee. All das fasst der Claim der Kampagne zusammen: „Gesundheit hat Zukunft. Die Medizintechnik.“

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat eine neue Imagekampagne gestartet, um die Faszination und die Bedeutung der Medizintechnik-Branche insbesondere gegenüber der Wirtschafts- und Forschungspolitik zu verdeutlichen. „Wir sind Wirtschaftsmotor und Lösungsanbieter für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft – und möchten das auch weiterhin bleiben. Die Medizintechnik verdient und benötigt mehr Aufmerksamkeit in der Diskussion um den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Als Branchenverband sind wir ihre starke Stimme“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Neben einer deutlichen wirtschafts- und forschungspolitischen Ausrichtung will der BVMed mit der Branchenkampagne auch den technologie-affinen Nachwuchs für die Medizintechnik begeistern. „Die Kampagne wirbt mit inspirierenden Geschichten von Forscherinnen und Forschern für ausgezeichnete berufliche Perspektiven in einer spannenden Branche“, so die BVMed- Kommunikationsexperten Manfred Beeres und Michelle Klee. All das fasst der Claim der Kampagne zusammen: „Gesundheit hat Zukunft. Die Medizintechnik.“

Die Branchenkampagne enthält unter anderem folgende Elemente:

  • Ein Branchenfilm, der die Bedeutung und die Faszination von MedTech aufzeigt.
  • Fünf Motive, die Beispiele für Medizintechnik als Innovationstreiber, Lösungsanbieter und hohe Ingenieurskunst aufzeigen.
  • Zentrale „Facts & Figures“, die die Bedeutung der Branche hervorheben.
  • Forscher:innen-Geschichten, die zeigen, was und wer hinter einer Innovation steckt.
  • Verschiedene Online-Anzeigenformate in relevanten Medien.
  • Eine begleitende Social Media-Kampagne mit Mitmachaktionen für die MedTech-Branche unter dem Hashtag #MedTechGermany.

Der Film sowie alle Motive und Geschichten können auf der Kampagnen-Webseite abgerufen werden.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) INDA

Four Nonwoven Industry Professionals honored with INDA Lifetime Awards

NDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced four recipients for the Lifetime Service Award and Lifetime Technical Achievement Awards. Jan O’Regan, Seshadri Ramkumar, Jim Robinson, and Ed Thomas are being recognized for their key contributions to the growth of the nonwovens industry and INDA.

NDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced four recipients for the Lifetime Service Award and Lifetime Technical Achievement Awards. Jan O’Regan, Seshadri Ramkumar, Jim Robinson, and Ed Thomas are being recognized for their key contributions to the growth of the nonwovens industry and INDA.

Jan O’Regan: INDA Lifetime Service Award
Jan O’Regan was the Director, Strategic Initiatives and Nonwovens Marketing, for Cotton Incorporated and retired in 2022. In this capacity, she uncovered new opportunities for cotton to bring value into the nonwovens industry. Her work included leading efforts in strategic planning, technical and market project management, and sharing new ideas and results with the global supply chain.
O’Regan spent over four decades in the nonwovens industry in various roles, including sales, marketing, strategic planning and business management. Market responsibilities included consumer and industrial markets on regional, national, and global teams. Over the most recent years, she applied these broad experiences to new markets for cotton in nontraditional applications.
Serving and volunteering with INDA for decades, O’Regan most recently chaired the World of Wipes® committee, which she efficiently organized to produce innovative conferences for the wipes industry.  She was a frequent speaker at INDA, INSIGHT, EDANA, and other events, and for nearly two decades was a go to source of information for cotton fibers in nonwovens and hygiene. O’Regan earned a BS in Textiles and Business, summa cum laude, from Penn State University and an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

Seshadri Ramkumar: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Seshadri Ramkumar has over twenty-five years of experience within the technical nonwovens space, conducting industry leading research and educating nonwovens professionals at Texas Tech University (TTU).  At TTU, he established the Nonwovens Laboratory. Many of Ramkumar’s students have gone on to become technical leaders within their organizations and the nonwovens industry.
Ramkumar has numerous patent and invention disclosures, including Fibertect® toxic chemical decontamination wipes which have been recognized by the American Chemical Society as a notable success of federally supported innovation, endorsed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and adopted by multiple branches of the military.
In addition to many peer-reviewed publications, articles, and columns collectively over 500, including one on nanofibers that has been cited over 2,100 times, Ramkumar has contributed his expertise on the editorial boards of multiple fiber, nonwoven, and textile journals. Ramkumar has also organized conferences for nonwovens and textiles and actively promoted INDA and its technical training offerings for over 20 years.
He is a longtime member of the INDA Technical Advisory Board, been recognized by TAPPI, Society of Dyers and Colorists (UK), the Textile Institute (UK), and the Textile Association (INDIA), and received numerous awards from TTU.
Ramkumar holds a Bachelors of Technology (Textiles), Graduated with Distinction, and a Masters of Technology (Textiles), University First Rank in the Discipline, Anna University, and a Ph.D. (Textile Materials) from the University of Leeds, UK.

Jim Robinson: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Jim Robinson has 33 years in the absorbent hygiene industry, including 28 years as a Technical Service Manager at BASF. He led technical teams that focused on the application of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in hygiene products. Robinson has extensive knowledge of SAP applications, absorbent core formation, and hygiene article design, performance and testing. While with BASF, Robinson led efforts with multiple external companies to provide co-supplier solutions to hygiene converters.
Robinson’s extensive understanding of test methods and test method development led to his coordinating the establishment of fitness for use standards of adult incontinent products with the National Association for Continence and involvement in development and review of absorbent product test methods with INDA/EDANA. He is also an active contributor to INDA’s Technical Advisory Board and Hygienix organizing committee and was a contributing developer in establishing the INDA Absorbent Hygiene Training Course. Robinson has provided numerous presentations at INSIGHT, Hygienix, and RISE on performance and interactions of absorbent system components.
Recently, Robinson has been consulting and contributing to the success of multiple start-ups including those having been nominated for INDA product awards. Robinson has a BS in Chemistry from Hampden-Sydney College and an MS in Chemistry from Duke University.

Ed Thomas: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Ed Thomas retired after 39 years, with 32 years in the nonwovens industry, and has remained active teaching the Intermediate Nonwovens Training Course for INDA and The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University, as well as providing consulting services to the industry.
Thomas’ experience includes Process Engineering Manager and Plant Management, DuPont; Technical Director, Reemay; VP of Research and Operations, VP of Operations and Technology, and Global VP of Research and Development for Fiberweb/BBA Nonwovens; and Head of Research and Product Development, First Quality Nonwovens.
Thomas holds 10 U.S. nonwoven patents and he and his teams have been awarded more than 250 patents for numerous and diverse innovations that have played significant roles in the success of the nonwovens industry. These include applications for the global hygiene market, industrial nonwovens, and filtration media.
During his career, Thomas has presented several keynote addresses and papers to industry conferences, participated in North Carolina State University’s Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center (NCRC) prior to it becoming The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), INDA’s Technical Advisory Board, INDA’s Sustainability Committee, and was Vice Chair of NWI’s Industrial Advisory Board prior to retirement and remains an Emeritus member.
Thomas received his mechanical engineering degree from SUNY Buffalo.

(c) Sadia Rafique

Renewcell partners with TextileGenesis™ for Circulose® Pulp-to-Retail Transparency

After participating in industry trials, Renewcell and TextileGenesis™ have the intention to establish an agreement for full pulp-to-retail traceability for Renewcell’s CIRCULOSE® recycled raw material across the entire textile supply chain, announcing it at Challenge the Fabric (Milan, Italy).

Renewcell uses a patented process to breakdown and recycle cotton and other cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out jeans and production scraps, to create CIRCULOSE®, a biodegradable raw material that can be used to create viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate and other man-made cellulosic fibers. These regenerated fibers are then spun into yarns, woven or knitted into fabrics before being cut and sewn into new high-quality textile products.
With TextileGenesis™, Renewcell will be able to share real-time digital traceability with its customers and supply chain partners.

After participating in industry trials, Renewcell and TextileGenesis™ have the intention to establish an agreement for full pulp-to-retail traceability for Renewcell’s CIRCULOSE® recycled raw material across the entire textile supply chain, announcing it at Challenge the Fabric (Milan, Italy).

Renewcell uses a patented process to breakdown and recycle cotton and other cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out jeans and production scraps, to create CIRCULOSE®, a biodegradable raw material that can be used to create viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate and other man-made cellulosic fibers. These regenerated fibers are then spun into yarns, woven or knitted into fabrics before being cut and sewn into new high-quality textile products.
With TextileGenesis™, Renewcell will be able to share real-time digital traceability with its customers and supply chain partners.

  • The platform uses digital tokens to ensure a secure chain of custody for all supply chain processes from raw materials to retail.
  • The company’s “fiber-forwards” traceability captures real-time shipments; its Fibercoins™ digital tokens verify point of origin and eliminate “double counting” of sustainable materials.
  • Its AI (augmented intelligence) engine verifies transactions between supply chain partners.  

Furthermore, TextileGenesis™ is already partnering with fiber producers including Lenzing AG, Eastman, and Birla Cellulose.


Re:NewCell AB


BVMed drängt auf Gesundheitsdaten-Nutzungsgesetz

er Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) drängt das Bundesgesundheitsministerium und die beteiligten Ressorts, die guten Ansätze zu einer besseren Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten aus der Digitalstrategie zügig in ein Gesetz zu gießen. „Bevor Monate für die Diskussion um den künftigen Umgang mit ChatGPT ins Land gehen, sollten die Regelungen aus der Digitalstrategie des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums (BMG) rasch umgesetzt werden, die unumstritten sind“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der BVMed hatte die im März 2023 vorgelegte Digitalisierungsstrategie für das Gesundheitswesen und die Pflege insgesamt positiv bewertet. „Darin lassen sich gute Ansätze für Forschung und Entwicklung von Medizintechnologien erkennen, die den Versorgungs- und Forschungsstandort Deutschland nachhaltig stärken und fördern könnten“, so BVMed-Digitalexpertin Natalie Gladkov.

er Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) drängt das Bundesgesundheitsministerium und die beteiligten Ressorts, die guten Ansätze zu einer besseren Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten aus der Digitalstrategie zügig in ein Gesetz zu gießen. „Bevor Monate für die Diskussion um den künftigen Umgang mit ChatGPT ins Land gehen, sollten die Regelungen aus der Digitalstrategie des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums (BMG) rasch umgesetzt werden, die unumstritten sind“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der BVMed hatte die im März 2023 vorgelegte Digitalisierungsstrategie für das Gesundheitswesen und die Pflege insgesamt positiv bewertet. „Darin lassen sich gute Ansätze für Forschung und Entwicklung von Medizintechnologien erkennen, die den Versorgungs- und Forschungsstandort Deutschland nachhaltig stärken und fördern könnten“, so BVMed-Digitalexpertin Natalie Gladkov.

Besonders wichtig sind nach Ansicht des Medizintechnik-Branchenverbandes der verbesserte Zugang zu Versorgungsdaten für forschende Unternehmen, die einheitliche Auslegung des nationalen und europäischen Datenschutzrechts sowie die Ausweitung der digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) auf Medizinprodukte der Klasse IIb.

„Gleichzeitig vermissen wir einen strukturierten Prozess zur adäquaten Einbindung der Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und Homecare-Versorger in die digitale Infrastruktur“, so Gladkov. Bei der Ausweitung des „Fast Track“- Verfahrens für DiGA sollte zudem ein schnellerer Zugang von digitalen Medizinprodukten aller Risikoklassen – also auch Klasse III-Medizinprodukte – in die Gesundheitsversorgung ermöglicht werden.

Insgesamt berührt die Digitalisierungsstrategie sehr viele verschiedene Punkte, „kratzt jedoch häufig nur an der Oberfläche“, so der BVMed. In den meisten Fällen fehle es an ausführlichen Erläuterungen, wie die Vorhaben konkret umgesetzt werden sollen. Dazu zählt der BVMed beispielsweise den Einsatz von Telemonitoring bei Herzinsuffizienz, der im Strategiepapier nur kurz erwähnt wird. Außerdem sollten telemedizinische Anwendungen generell gestärkt und gefördert werden, da nur damit eine flächendeckende Versorgung sichergestellt werden kann.

„Wichtig ist es deshalb, dass die Maßnahmen nun rasch in Gesetzgebungsverfahren münden und umgesetzt werden“, so die BVMed Digitalexpertin. Zudem sollte die Expertise der MedTech-Unternehmen bei spezifischen Themen stärker hinzugezogen werden, beispielsweise bei den Projektvorhaben der Digitalen Gesundheitsagentur.

Das Fazit von BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll: „Wir dürfen nicht länger Zeit bei der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens und der Pflege sowie bei der Eröffnung der Möglichkeiten bei der Datennutzung verlieren.“


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.



At ITMA 2023, XORELLA, a specialist in steam setting and conditioning equipment for yarns and fabrics, will launch XO AUTOMATION for the double door XO SELECT conditioning machine series, and XO SOLID, a new machine series to complement XO SMART, XO TREND and XO SELECT machines.

The new XO AUTOMATION system consists of roller conveyor systems for loading and unloading two-door XO Select conditioning machines. Additional pallet wrapping machine with a turntable, weighting station, label printer, safety fence and security system can complete the system. The XO Select controller and automation system can handle and store individual customer-specific material and packing programmes.  

XO SELECT and XO AUTOMATION are designed for yarn steaming on multiple pallet dimensions and heights up to 2,650mm. The linear material flow passing conveyor and steaming machine avoids any mix between steamed and un-steamed materials. XO AUTOMATION fills the gap between the XO automated moving platform and the fully automated transport system – from spinning hall to warehouse.

At ITMA 2023, XORELLA, a specialist in steam setting and conditioning equipment for yarns and fabrics, will launch XO AUTOMATION for the double door XO SELECT conditioning machine series, and XO SOLID, a new machine series to complement XO SMART, XO TREND and XO SELECT machines.

The new XO AUTOMATION system consists of roller conveyor systems for loading and unloading two-door XO Select conditioning machines. Additional pallet wrapping machine with a turntable, weighting station, label printer, safety fence and security system can complete the system. The XO Select controller and automation system can handle and store individual customer-specific material and packing programmes.  

XO SELECT and XO AUTOMATION are designed for yarn steaming on multiple pallet dimensions and heights up to 2,650mm. The linear material flow passing conveyor and steaming machine avoids any mix between steamed and un-steamed materials. XO AUTOMATION fills the gap between the XO automated moving platform and the fully automated transport system – from spinning hall to warehouse.

The new cubical XO SOLID combines a high loading space of 1,800mm x 1,700mm x 4, 000mm (H x W x L) through double row pin trolleys or pallets for easy manual loading of six units on floor level without a pit or platform. XO SOLID is therefore designed for installations on upper floor levels. The new frame design combines all necessary components factory preinstalled on a single frame, for easy ‘plug and play’ installation at the customer site. Additional smaller steamer dimensions for two and four loading units are also at the planning stage.

The new XO SOLID incorporates all the renowned features of XORELLA machines based on the long term experience in high temperature dyeing vessel production of FONG’s, including:

  • A Siemens controller with OPC UA interface and XO data tool for batch storage.
  • A XO EcoPac waterless claw pump or two-stage water ring vacuum pump.
  • A high energy efficient accumulator for steam, electric and combined heating.
  • Vessel and piping in world-class stainless steel.
  • European key components such as pumps, heating elements, valves and sensors

Established in Switzerland in 1967, XORELLA became known in the global textile industry for its innovative indirect steaming system. Since 2002 the company has been a member of the CHTC Fong’s International Group, and a member of SINOMACH Group (China National Machinery Industry Corporation) since 2019.

More information:



Indorama Ventures in Obernburg focuses on automotive sector and specialties

Indorama Ventures at the Obernburg site (Germany) will focus on the core markets of tires and automotive safety/airbags and specialties, as well as drive selected product innovations for application in new market segments. Accordingly, the company plans to adjust its capacity at the Obernburg site and cut around 80 of the current 620 total jobs by the end of the year in production and supporting functions.

Stefan Braun, Managing Director of Indorama Ventures at Industrie Center Obernburg, said, “Global competitive pressure in the man-made fibers industry continues. While our customers value us as one of their leading technology partners, particularly in the development and production of nylon yarns, the cost pressure in the production of individual polyester-based yarns has increased continuously in recent years. We are therefore convinced that we have made the right decision to focus on our core competencies to remain successful in the long term.”

The jobs cuts affect both production and administration and sales positions. Representatives of the company and the Works Council together informed employees about the situation on May 4.

Indorama Ventures at the Obernburg site (Germany) will focus on the core markets of tires and automotive safety/airbags and specialties, as well as drive selected product innovations for application in new market segments. Accordingly, the company plans to adjust its capacity at the Obernburg site and cut around 80 of the current 620 total jobs by the end of the year in production and supporting functions.

Stefan Braun, Managing Director of Indorama Ventures at Industrie Center Obernburg, said, “Global competitive pressure in the man-made fibers industry continues. While our customers value us as one of their leading technology partners, particularly in the development and production of nylon yarns, the cost pressure in the production of individual polyester-based yarns has increased continuously in recent years. We are therefore convinced that we have made the right decision to focus on our core competencies to remain successful in the long term.”

The jobs cuts affect both production and administration and sales positions. Representatives of the company and the Works Council together informed employees about the situation on May 4.

The aim is to make the adjustments as acceptable as possible. Braun added, “We are prepared to talk to employees who will reach retirement age soon and who wish to leave the company early.” The company and employee representatives will agree on suitable measures in the coming weeks.


Indorama Ventures Mobility Obernburg GmbH


New ANDRITZ partnership for industrial-scale recycling technology

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles aims to become a reference in both industrial grade material production and industrial scale post-consumer textile sorting, thanks to innovative technologies with hard point removal providing pure fibers, selective colors, and differentiated fiber types.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles’ partners also work closely together in R&D at the ANDRITZ Laroche and Pellenc ST technical centers to keep pushing technical boundaries.


VDI: Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung

Jedes Unternehmen hat individuelle Bedürfnisse, wenn es darum geht, Wissen zu den Themen Digitalisierung und Ressourceneffizienz aufzubauen. Mit einem themenspezifischen Zugang zum umfangreichen Informationsangebot des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) unterstützt der neue Online-Baukasten „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“ bei der zielgerichteten Suche – je nach digitalem Reifegrad des Unternehmens.

Zielgerichteter Zugang zu Informationen
Je nach individueller Fragestellung und digitalem Reifegrad erhalten Unternehmen einen zielgerichteten Zugang zu Online-Tools wie Ressourcenchecks, zu Publikationen oder Weiterbildungsangeboten. Während eine umfangreiche Sammlung zu Technologien im Entwicklungsstadium einen Blick in die Zukunft gibt, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele, wie Digitalisierungsprojekte bereits zu mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmen geführt haben.

Jedes Unternehmen hat individuelle Bedürfnisse, wenn es darum geht, Wissen zu den Themen Digitalisierung und Ressourceneffizienz aufzubauen. Mit einem themenspezifischen Zugang zum umfangreichen Informationsangebot des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) unterstützt der neue Online-Baukasten „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“ bei der zielgerichteten Suche – je nach digitalem Reifegrad des Unternehmens.

Zielgerichteter Zugang zu Informationen
Je nach individueller Fragestellung und digitalem Reifegrad erhalten Unternehmen einen zielgerichteten Zugang zu Online-Tools wie Ressourcenchecks, zu Publikationen oder Weiterbildungsangeboten. Während eine umfangreiche Sammlung zu Technologien im Entwicklungsstadium einen Blick in die Zukunft gibt, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele, wie Digitalisierungsprojekte bereits zu mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmen geführt haben.

Der Online-Baukasten ist in die Bausteine Wissensaufbau, Strategie, Analyse und Entwicklung unterteilt. Entsprechend dem digitalen Reifegrad, d.h. abhängig davon, ob sich ein Unternehmen z.B. noch in der Erkundungsphase befindet oder schon fortgeschritten ist, werden verschiedene Arbeitsmittel vorgeschlagen.

Das vom Bundesumweltministerium beauftragte Online-Tool wird regelmäßig aktualisiert und erweitert. Es richtet sich vorrangig an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen aus dem verarbeitenden Gewerbe.


VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH (VDI ZRE)


SGL Carbon: Business Development in Q1 2023

  • Sales increase by 4.7% to €283.7 million in Q1 2023
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 9.0% to €40.1 million
  • Growth based in particular on strong demand from the semiconductor industry

SGL Carbon generated Group sales of €283.7 million in Q1 2023 (Q1 2022: €270.9 million). This corresponds to an increase of €12.8 million or 4.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. Increased demand for specialty graphite components for the semiconductor industry from the Graphite Solutions business unit contributed in particular to the pleasing increase in sales. But also the Process Technology and Composite Solutions business units continued their positive business development.

Accordingly, adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) improved by 9.0% to €40.1 million in the reporting period (Q1 2022: €36.8 million).

  • Sales increase by 4.7% to €283.7 million in Q1 2023
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 9.0% to €40.1 million
  • Growth based in particular on strong demand from the semiconductor industry

SGL Carbon generated Group sales of €283.7 million in Q1 2023 (Q1 2022: €270.9 million). This corresponds to an increase of €12.8 million or 4.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. Increased demand for specialty graphite components for the semiconductor industry from the Graphite Solutions business unit contributed in particular to the pleasing increase in sales. But also the Process Technology and Composite Solutions business units continued their positive business development.

Accordingly, adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) improved by 9.0% to €40.1 million in the reporting period (Q1 2022: €36.8 million).

Sales development
In the first three months of fiscal year 2023, the business unit Graphite Solutions was the main driver of SGL Carbon's growth with an increase in sales of €21.3 million or 17.8%. This is due in particular to the reallocation of production capacities from the solar industry market segment to the semiconductor industry. The Process Technology (+€6.6 million) and Composite Solutions (+€4.0 million) business units also contributed to the increase in sales.

The Carbon Fibers (CF) business unit recorded a decline in sales of €24.0 million in the reporting period. The decline is mainly due to the scheduled expiry of the attractive supply contract for the BMW i3 in the middle of last year. Freed-up production capacities were compensated by orders from the wind industry in the 2nd half of 2022. But the necessary construction of wind turbines in Europe is currently stalling. Low building permits and high manufacturing costs are temporarily hampering the construction and expansion of wind parks and therefore the necessary increase in renewable energy.

Earnings development
In line with the sales development combined with higher capacity utilization and positive product mix effects, adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) improved from €36.8 million to €40.1 million in Q1 2023, representing a quarter-on-quarter increase of 9.0%.

Taking into account depreciation and amortization of €14.3 million (Q1 2022: €14.1 million) as well as one-off effects and non-recurring items of minus €0.1 million, EBIT in the reporting period amounted to €25.7 million (Q1 2022: €31.2 million). It should be noted that Q1 of the previous year was positively impacted by one-off effects and and non-recurring items amounting to €8.5 million. Accordingly, net profit for the period of €15.3 million was lower than in the same quarter of the previous year (€21.5 million).

Debt, equity and capitel expenditure
Net financial debt increased slightly to €174.2 million as of March 31, 2023 (Dec. 31, 2022: €170.8 million). The leverage ratio remains unchanged at 1.0. Due to the positive consolidated net income, the equity ratio increased again slightly compared to the end of fiscal 2022 to 39.5% (Dec. 31, 2022: 38.5%).

Looking at the capital expenditure in Q1 2023, it amounted to €19.0 million, which is higher than the average values of the previous quarters. "At the beginning of 2023, we had already announced the expansion of our investment activities to expand production capacities in the Graphite Solutions business unit. In previous years, our capital expenditure was in line with depreciation and amortization. In addition to these approximately €60 million, we will invest further €20 to €30 million in 2023, which will be financed by advance payments in the context of long-term supply contracts from our customers in the semiconductor industry. Our semiconductor customers secure future production capacities for graphite components, which are needed for their own growth. In return, SGL Carbon's long-term supply contracts will enable future profitable growth," said Dr. Torsten Derr, CEO of SGL Carbon.

In line with the business performance in the first three months of 2023, the company confirms the sales and earnings guidance issued on March 23, 2023.

For the financial year 2023, Group sales are expected to be at the prior-year level and  EBITDApre between €160 - 180 million. Taking into account depreciation and amortization, EBITpre is forecast to be between €100 - 120 million. Furthermore, free cash flow at the end of fiscal 2023 is expected to be at the prior-year level and return on capital employed (ROCE) between 10% and 12%.



(c) Mayer & Cie.
The Batliboi team at ITME 2022 along with several Mayer & Cie. colleagues

New set-up of Mayer & Cie. representations in Nepal & Bangladesh

Since 1 April 2023 sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in Bangladesh have been under new management. A new dynamic team “Mayer Bangladesh” has been formed. Mayer & Cie.’s longstanding Indian representative Batliboi has joined business activities in Bangladesh since the beginning of the month, supported by the team of Brady Services and by Almani Biz.

In Batliboi, Mayer & Cie. has set up a business partner of many decades standing as its representative in Bangladesh. For around 40 years Mumbai-based Batliboi has overseen sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in India. Abhay Sidham heads Batliboi’s Textile and Machinery Group. He and his team have many years of experience in strategic marketing, and a focus on sustainability and processing recycled raw materials is part of Batliboi’s expertise.

Since 1 April 2023 sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in Bangladesh have been under new management. A new dynamic team “Mayer Bangladesh” has been formed. Mayer & Cie.’s longstanding Indian representative Batliboi has joined business activities in Bangladesh since the beginning of the month, supported by the team of Brady Services and by Almani Biz.

In Batliboi, Mayer & Cie. has set up a business partner of many decades standing as its representative in Bangladesh. For around 40 years Mumbai-based Batliboi has overseen sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in India. Abhay Sidham heads Batliboi’s Textile and Machinery Group. He and his team have many years of experience in strategic marketing, and a focus on sustainability and processing recycled raw materials is part of Batliboi’s expertise.

These competences are of relevance in the Bangladesh market because “we face strong competition from Asian manufacturers here,” as Wolfgang Müller, Mayer & Cie.’s sales director, explains. The premium market was growing smaller, and the trend was toward specialities – value-added fabrics, spacer fabrics and athleisure with a high proportion of elastic. Mayer & Cie. sees in these requirements significant potential for its machines – and in Batliboi a partner able in view of its experience to put them to optimal use.

One building block in the set-up of Mayer & Cie. representatives is unchanged. Brady Services will continue with Batliboi to contribute its close ties with the local market. A significant number of existing companies will continue to be looked after by Brady Services.

The new member in Mayer Bangladesh team is Dhaka-based Almani Biz. A lubricants specialist for circular knitting machines Almani Biz has a wide network with Bangladesh knitting industry.

Mayer & Cie. feels well positioned by this new set-up. “We,” Wolfgang Müller says, “are of the opinion that the market for textile machinery in Bangladesh will continue to grow and we are confident that by strengthening our sales, service and marketing team we will be able to make good use of this opportunity.”

Customers in Bangladesh have placed large orders in the past. The latest, placed in January, was for several dozen machines to be delivered this autumn. Further orders from Apex and BEXIMCO (Bangladesh Export Import Company) are also scheduled for delivery in the second half of 2023.

While reorganising the set-up of its representatives in Bangladesh Batliboi has also taken over as Mayer & Cie.’s representative in Nepal, where the company had previously had no local representative. There is a demand for machines for interlock, 8-lock and single jersey, but sales are still in single figures.

(c) Fong’s Europe
THEN Airjetwin

Fong’s Europe: THEN Airflow developments at ITMA 2023

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14, Fong’s Europe will introduce its latest THEN Synergy Airflow and THEN Airjetwin machines, which exploit the principle to provide high-quality, efficient and eco-friendly dyeing processes for a variety of fabrics.

“THEN introduced its first machines with Airflow technology in 1980 and since then we have had wide experience of pretreating and dyeing with Airflow transport systems on all kind of fabrics,” says Fong’s Europe Director of Sales and Marketing Richard Fander. “Our team of engineers has collected data on dyeing processes, results and consumption figures for years and constantly makes use of this accumulated know-how to optimise the processes of our customers.

“The THEN team understands Airflow dyeing processes and technology based on it guarantees the lowest liquor ratio on round shape machines. The transport of fabric by air reduces the liquor ratio compared to every kind of hydraulically driven transport system.”

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14, Fong’s Europe will introduce its latest THEN Synergy Airflow and THEN Airjetwin machines, which exploit the principle to provide high-quality, efficient and eco-friendly dyeing processes for a variety of fabrics.

“THEN introduced its first machines with Airflow technology in 1980 and since then we have had wide experience of pretreating and dyeing with Airflow transport systems on all kind of fabrics,” says Fong’s Europe Director of Sales and Marketing Richard Fander. “Our team of engineers has collected data on dyeing processes, results and consumption figures for years and constantly makes use of this accumulated know-how to optimise the processes of our customers.

“The THEN team understands Airflow dyeing processes and technology based on it guarantees the lowest liquor ratio on round shape machines. The transport of fabric by air reduces the liquor ratio compared to every kind of hydraulically driven transport system.”

He adds that while not every fabric can be dyed and treated on Airflow machines with the same handle and appearance as on hydraulic round shape or long shape machines, where it is applicable, it can lead to significant savings of up to 35% in water, 50% in salt, 20% in dyestuffs and 30% in process time.

The THEN Airflow dyeing machines have several features, including several parallel functions for reducing process time. The VPR system shortens the rinsing time and water usage and the robust and homogeneous spraying device in the nozzle ensures a uniform dyeing in the shortest process time. The very short liquor ratio also reduces the use of salt and chemicals.


Fong’s Europe / AWOL Media


Lectra: Financial statements for Q1 2023

  • Revenues: 123.7 million euros (stable)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 19.7 million euros (-12%)*
  • Net income: 7.3 million euros (-21%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 9.2 million euros
  • Revised 2023 outlook due to wait-and-see attitude of customers

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2023. Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.

  • Revenues: 123.7 million euros (stable)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 19.7 million euros (-12%)*
  • Net income: 7.3 million euros (-21%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 9.2 million euros
  • Revised 2023 outlook due to wait-and-see attitude of customers

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2023. Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.

(c) Gesamtmasche

Gesamtmasche: Deutsch-äthiopische Verbändekooperation zieht Bilanz

Die Verbändekooperation Partner Africa Ethiopia zwischen GESAMTMASCHE und dem äthiopischen Textilverband ETGAMA arbeitet seit über drei Jahren an der Intensivierung der deutsch-äthiopischen Geschäftsbeziehungen. Im Zentrum des Projekts stehen Qualitätsverbesserungen und der Aufbau nachhaltiger, transparenter Wertschöpfungsketten – vom Baumwollfeld angefangen. Kurz vor Abschluss der vom Bundesentwicklungsministerium geförderten Initiative ziehen die Partner Bilanz: Der Projekterfolg ist da, auch wenn die Rahmenbedingungen vor Ort schwierig bleiben.

Auf seine Textilbranche setzt Äthiopien große Hoffnungen. Bekannt sind vor allem die staatlich geförderten Industrieparks, die ausländische Investoren ins Land holen und für Jobs sorgen sollen. Weniger bekannt und doch vielversprechend ist die große Zahl mittelständischer, oft familiengeführter Textilbetriebe. Hier setzt das Partner Afrika-Projekt von GESAMTMASCHE und ETGAMA an.

Die Verbändekooperation Partner Africa Ethiopia zwischen GESAMTMASCHE und dem äthiopischen Textilverband ETGAMA arbeitet seit über drei Jahren an der Intensivierung der deutsch-äthiopischen Geschäftsbeziehungen. Im Zentrum des Projekts stehen Qualitätsverbesserungen und der Aufbau nachhaltiger, transparenter Wertschöpfungsketten – vom Baumwollfeld angefangen. Kurz vor Abschluss der vom Bundesentwicklungsministerium geförderten Initiative ziehen die Partner Bilanz: Der Projekterfolg ist da, auch wenn die Rahmenbedingungen vor Ort schwierig bleiben.

Auf seine Textilbranche setzt Äthiopien große Hoffnungen. Bekannt sind vor allem die staatlich geförderten Industrieparks, die ausländische Investoren ins Land holen und für Jobs sorgen sollen. Weniger bekannt und doch vielversprechend ist die große Zahl mittelständischer, oft familiengeführter Textilbetriebe. Hier setzt das Partner Afrika-Projekt von GESAMTMASCHE und ETGAMA an.

Gute Baumwolle für gute Produkte
„Partner Africa Ethiopia konnte im Rahmen von Pilotmaßnahmen entscheidende Qualitäts- und Produktivitätssteigerungen zu erreichen. Ein wichtiger Ansatz war dabei die Anhebung der Faserqualität. Das war die Vorbedingung für Qualitätsverbesserungen sämtlicher weiterverarbeitender Stufen“, sagt Silvia Jungbauer, Hauptgeschäftsführerin von GESAMTMASCHE. Dazu hat das Projekt mit über 40 Farmen und Kleinbauern-Kooperativen in Äthiopien zusammengearbeitet und mehrere Erntezyklen mit Schulungen begleitet. Neben der Faserqualität ging es vor allem um nachhaltige Anbaumethoden.

Vollstufige Kette in schwierigem Rahmen
Technische Mitarbeiter aus Firmen sämtlicher Wertschöpfungsstufen erhielten Gelegenheit zu bedarfsorientierter Weiterbildung in der Spinnerei, Strickerei und Weberei. Zur Erreichung besserer Qualitäten setzte Partner Africa Ethiopia auch auf bessere Vernetzung der Betriebe. Das ebnete gleichzeitig den Weg für transparente Wertschöpfungsketten, bei denen sich die Akteure über die Stufen hinweg zurückverfolgen lassen. „Äthiopische Textilhersteller und Modemarken identifizieren sich nicht mit Billigwaren, sondern wollen mit Qualität und einer nachhaltigen Fertigung punkten“, betont Simone Louis, Projektmanager Partner Africa Ethiopia bei GESAMTMASCHE. „Zum Projektende liegen erste Garne und Stoffe und sogar schon fertige Teile wie T-Shirts oder Polos aus rückverfolgbaren Ketten vor.“

Herausforderung Lieferkettengesetzgebung
Steigende gesetzliche Anforderungen in Europa wie das deutsche Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz und demnächst die EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie machen es für äthiopische Firmen unumgänglich, sich mit Compliance-Themen und Zertifizierung zu befassen. Gesamtmasche arbeitet daher bereits an einem Folgekonzept, das den Schwerpunkt auf Zertifizierung und Lieferkettentransparenz legt. „Die Hürden in diesem Bereich sind hoch“, gibt Silvia Jungbauer zu bedenken. „Wir hoffen, dass unser Projekterfolg nicht durch Bürokratie und starre Auflagen konterkariert wird.“


Gesamtverband der deutschen Maschenindustrie – GESAMTMASCHE e. V.

(c) Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

in-store asia takes place June 2023 in Mumbai

The 14th in-store asia will be held in Mumbai from 1 June to 3 June 2023. The trade exhibition for retail resources and investment in store design, VM and in-store marketing gathers decision-makers from more than 7,500 retail companies, consultants, service providers, and manufacturers, bringing together over 100 exhibitors.

Since 2018, in-store asia has been a member of the international trade fair family of EuroShop in Düsseldorf. It assembles all leading retail solutions providers from India and other countries under one roof. Here decision-makers from retail, including branded product producers, retail consultants as well as providers of services and solutions for retail, store designers, architects and VM experts come together.

The 14th in-store asia will be held in Mumbai from 1 June to 3 June 2023. The trade exhibition for retail resources and investment in store design, VM and in-store marketing gathers decision-makers from more than 7,500 retail companies, consultants, service providers, and manufacturers, bringing together over 100 exhibitors.

Since 2018, in-store asia has been a member of the international trade fair family of EuroShop in Düsseldorf. It assembles all leading retail solutions providers from India and other countries under one roof. Here decision-makers from retail, including branded product producers, retail consultants as well as providers of services and solutions for retail, store designers, architects and VM experts come together.

The 3-day event includes not only the Expo area but also a wide range of side events comprising a Convention with over 30 speakers, the presentation of the coveted VM & RD Retail Design Awards as well as the VM Challenge, a live shop window challenge for top-notch visual merchandisers that is unique for India. Furthermore, the Retail Technology Pavilion will present new tools, for instance for retail management and customer tracking as well as solutions revolving around AI & virtual reality, NFTs, smart checkout all the way down to store management, retail security and payment. Celebrating a premiere here will be the Start-up Hub, which will provide emerging, innovative companies with a stage to present themselves to the industry.

The Indian retail industry has changed drastically; being one of the fastest growing retail markets it has proven a key driver for the Indian economy. The Indian retail sector is forecast to continue posting enormous growth rates due to such factors as growing urbanisation, rising household incomes, better connected rural consumers and rising consumer spending.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


Renewcell receives Fast Company 2023 World Changing Ideas Award

Renewcell is the recepient of the Fast Company 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards for the Sustainability/Energy category with the development of recycling unused textiles into pulp, branded as CIRCULOSE®, used for man-made cellulosic fiber production of viscose, modal, lyocell, acetate and other fibers. Additionally Renewcell is recognized as a finalist in the Europe, the Middle East, and Africa category, as well as a finalist in the climate category for the 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards.

World Changing Ideas Awards honor sustainable designs, innovative products, bold social initiatives, and other creative projects that are changing the way we work, live, and interact with the world.

Renewcell is the recepient of the Fast Company 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards for the Sustainability/Energy category with the development of recycling unused textiles into pulp, branded as CIRCULOSE®, used for man-made cellulosic fiber production of viscose, modal, lyocell, acetate and other fibers. Additionally Renewcell is recognized as a finalist in the Europe, the Middle East, and Africa category, as well as a finalist in the climate category for the 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards.

World Changing Ideas Awards honor sustainable designs, innovative products, bold social initiatives, and other creative projects that are changing the way we work, live, and interact with the world.

This year’s World Changing Ideas Awards showcase 45 winners, 216 finalists, and more than 300 honorable mentions—with health, climate, energy, and AI among the most popular categories. A panel of Fast Company editors and reporters selected winners and finalists from a pool of more than 2,200 entries across urban design, education, nature, politics, technology, corporate social responsibility, and more. Several new categories were added this year including rapid response, crypto and blockchain, agriculture, and workplace. The 2023 awards feature entries from across the globe, from Italy to Singapore to New Zealand. Fast Company’s Spring 2023 issue (on newsstands May 9, 2023) will showcase some of the world’s most inventive entrepreneurs and forward-thinking companies that are actively tackling global challenges.


Lenzing: Outlook for 2023

  • Revenue grows to EUR 623.1 mn – fiber sales recovered over the course of the quarter
  • EBITDA and net result for the period down compared with the first quarter of 2022
  • Cost reduction program of more than EUR 70 mn being implemented according to plan
  • Production of TENCEL™ brand modal fibers successfully launched in China
  • Lenzing confirms guidance for 2023

The business performance of the Lenzing Group during the first quarter of 2023 largely reflected market trends. However, after the market environment had deteriorated significantly in the third and fourth quarters of the previous year, signs of recovery emerged during the first quarter in terms of demand as well as raw material and energy costs. Textile fibers recorded moderate but steadily improving demand. Business with fibers for nonwovens and with dissolving wood pulp performed better than expected. Raw material and energy costs were still at an elevated albeit decreasing level.

  • Revenue grows to EUR 623.1 mn – fiber sales recovered over the course of the quarter
  • EBITDA and net result for the period down compared with the first quarter of 2022
  • Cost reduction program of more than EUR 70 mn being implemented according to plan
  • Production of TENCEL™ brand modal fibers successfully launched in China
  • Lenzing confirms guidance for 2023

The business performance of the Lenzing Group during the first quarter of 2023 largely reflected market trends. However, after the market environment had deteriorated significantly in the third and fourth quarters of the previous year, signs of recovery emerged during the first quarter in terms of demand as well as raw material and energy costs. Textile fibers recorded moderate but steadily improving demand. Business with fibers for nonwovens and with dissolving wood pulp performed better than expected. Raw material and energy costs were still at an elevated albeit decreasing level.

The war in Ukraine and the more restrictive monetary policy pursued by many central banks in order to combat inflation are expected to continue to influence global economic activity. The IMF warns that risks remain elevated overall and forecasts growth of 2.8 and 3 percent for 2023 and 2024 respectively. The currency environment is expected to remain volatile in the regions relevant to Lenzing.

This market environment continues to weigh on the consumer climate and on sentiment in the industries relevant to Lenzing. However, the outlook has brightened somewhat recently.

Demand picked up tangibly after the Chinese New Year. As a consequence, capacity utilization improved and stocks were further reduced both at viscose producers and at downstream stages of the value chain.

In the trend-setting market for cotton, signs are emerging of a further buildup of stocks in the current 2022/23 crop season. Initial forecasts for 2023/24 anticipate a more balanced relationship between supply and demand.

However, despite signs of recovery in both demand and raw material and energy costs, earnings visibility remains limited overall.

Lenzing is fully on track with the implementation of the reorganization and cost reduction program. These and other measures are aimed at positioning Lenzing in the best possible way for the expected market recovery.

Structurally, Lenzing continues to anticipate growth in demand for environmentally responsible fibers for the textile and clothing industry as well as for the hygiene and medical sectors. As a consequence, Lenzing is very well positioned with its “Better Growth” strategy and plans to continue driving growth with specialty fibers as well as its sustainability goals, including the transformation from a linear to a circular economy model.

The successful implementation of the key projects in Thailand and Brazil as well as the investment projects in China and Indonesia will further strengthen Lenzing’s positioning in this respect.

Taking into account the aforementioned factors and assuming a further market recovery in the current financial year, the Lenzing Group continues to expect EBITDA in a range between EUR 320 mn and EUR 420 mn for 2023.


Lenzing AG