From the Sector

4093 results
(c) Rieter Management AG

Rieter: First Repair Services station in Uzbekistan

Rieter has opened its first Repair Services station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on December 1, 2023. It will enable both faster repair turnaround and minimum production downtime.

The station’s capabilities cover both mechanical and electronic repairs for all types of Rieter machines, including spinning and winding. In addition, the repair station has a warehouse where critical parts, such as control units, sensors and drives are stocked to ensure quick turnaround times for repairs. The new service station will operate in collaboration with Textile Service Solutions.

Rieter’s global Repair Services network comprises 25 repair stations in 19 countries. Each repair station is fully equipped with the testing and calibration equipment required to provide the highest quality repairs. Certified Rieter repair services engineers perform both on-site and in-workshop repairs, using original Rieter repair components and spare parts. The new Repair Services station in Tashkent complements Rieter’s presence in Uzbekistan, providing state-of-the-art repairs and sustainable solutions combined with dedicated support to local customers.

Rieter has opened its first Repair Services station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on December 1, 2023. It will enable both faster repair turnaround and minimum production downtime.

The station’s capabilities cover both mechanical and electronic repairs for all types of Rieter machines, including spinning and winding. In addition, the repair station has a warehouse where critical parts, such as control units, sensors and drives are stocked to ensure quick turnaround times for repairs. The new service station will operate in collaboration with Textile Service Solutions.

Rieter’s global Repair Services network comprises 25 repair stations in 19 countries. Each repair station is fully equipped with the testing and calibration equipment required to provide the highest quality repairs. Certified Rieter repair services engineers perform both on-site and in-workshop repairs, using original Rieter repair components and spare parts. The new Repair Services station in Tashkent complements Rieter’s presence in Uzbekistan, providing state-of-the-art repairs and sustainable solutions combined with dedicated support to local customers.

More information:
Rieter Group Rieter Uzbekistan

Rieter Management AG

bvse: Bewerbungsstart für »DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL 2024« (c) bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V.

bvse: Bewerbungsstart für »DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL 2024«

Zur IFAT MUNICH 2024 wird erneut der Mittelstandspreis für das Recycling „DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL“ verliehen. Die Auszeichnung wegweisender Innovationsführer:innen findet traditionell auf dem bvse-Messeabend statt. Ab sofort beginnt die Bewerbungs- und Nominierungsphase.

Bis zum 31. Januar 2024 können sich Unternehmen oder Personen aus dem Umfeld der mittelständischen Recyclingbranche für den Mittelstandspreis „DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL 2024“ bewerben oder für den Preis nominiert werden.

Die Auslobung des Recycling-Awards durch den bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung und die Unternehmensgruppe „DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL – Aufbereitungszentrum Nürnberg“ geht mittlerweile in die 5. Runde und hat sich seit seiner Premiere im Jahr 2014 über die Branchengrenzen hinaus als anerkannte Auszeichnung für nachhaltiges Handeln und Innovationsführerschaft etabliert.

Der Wettbewerb um den Mittelstandspreis findet in 3 Kategorien statt:

Zur IFAT MUNICH 2024 wird erneut der Mittelstandspreis für das Recycling „DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL“ verliehen. Die Auszeichnung wegweisender Innovationsführer:innen findet traditionell auf dem bvse-Messeabend statt. Ab sofort beginnt die Bewerbungs- und Nominierungsphase.

Bis zum 31. Januar 2024 können sich Unternehmen oder Personen aus dem Umfeld der mittelständischen Recyclingbranche für den Mittelstandspreis „DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL 2024“ bewerben oder für den Preis nominiert werden.

Die Auslobung des Recycling-Awards durch den bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung und die Unternehmensgruppe „DIE GRÜNEN ENGEL – Aufbereitungszentrum Nürnberg“ geht mittlerweile in die 5. Runde und hat sich seit seiner Premiere im Jahr 2014 über die Branchengrenzen hinaus als anerkannte Auszeichnung für nachhaltiges Handeln und Innovationsführerschaft etabliert.

Der Wettbewerb um den Mittelstandspreis findet in 3 Kategorien statt:

  • Kategorie I „Innovative Recyclinglösungen“
    Bewerbung/Nominierung von Unternehmen, die operativ im Recycling tätig sind und mit neuen wegweisenden Lösungen und Aufbereitungsverfahren dazu beitragen, sowohl die Kreislaufwirtschaft als auch den Klima-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz zu steigern.
  • Kategorie II „Zukunftsweisende Techniklösungen für das Recycling“
    Bewerbung/Nominierung von Dienstleistern/Maschinen- und Anlagenbauern, deren innovative Technologien, automatisierte Verfahren, Digital- oder Logistiklösungen dazu beitragen, Recyclingprozesse auf effektivste Weise auf ein neues Level zu heben.
  • Kategorie III „Lebenswerk“
    Nominierung von Personen (Innovatoren/Pionieren), die sich durch ihr Lebenswerk auszeichnen und sich in besonderer Weise um das Recycling verdient gemacht haben.

Aus dem Bewerber:innen-/Nominierten-Pool ermittelt eine Jury die Preisträger:innen aus den drei vorgenannten Kategorien. Im Wettbewerbspool berücksichtigt werden nicht nur aktive Bewerber:innen. Auch Unternehmen und Personen, die aufgrund ihrer besonderen Leistungen zur Förderung des Recyclings und der Kreislaufwirtschaft nominiert werden, nehmen an der Ausschreibung um den mittelständischen Recyclingpreis teil.

Das sind die maßgeblichen Bewertungskriterien für die Auswahl der Wettbewerbsgewinner:innen:

  • Nutzen: Bietet Problemlösung
  • Weiterentwicklung von bestehenden Lösungen
  • Alleinstellungsmerkmal: Abgrenzung gegenüber bisherigen Ansätzen
  • Skalierbarkeit
  • Wirtschaftliches Potenzial: messbare, bereits anerkannte oder absehbare Markterfolge

Die Enthüllung und Auszeichnung der Preisträger:innen in drei Kategorien findet im Rahmen des bvse-Messeabends am 15. Mai 2024 im Hofbräukeller am Wiener Platz in München statt.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V.

EDUARD DRESSLER: KaDeWe Shop im neuen Design Foto: Eduard Dressler

EDUARD DRESSLER: KaDeWe Shop im neuen Design

Das auf Menswear spezialisierte Label Eduard Dressler eröffnete Mitte November seine neugestaltete Shop-in-Shop-Fläche im Berliner Kult-Kaufhaus KaDeWe. Die Marke ist seit 2014 im KaDeWe vertreten und zeigt auf der neuen Fläche die komplette Produktrange, wie auch neue Features.

Edles Holz, mattes Messing und eine Farbgestaltung in gedeckten und warmen Naturtönen bestimmen nach umfangreichem Umbau die neue Ladenfläche von EDUARD DRESSLER an angestammter Stelle im ersten Stock des Berliner Kaufhauses KaDeWe.

Das neue Shop-in-Shop-Konzept wurde von dem, im Retail versierten Stuttgarter Architektenbüro Blocher + Blocher entwickelt und bereits in anderen Filialen der KaDeWe-Group umgesetzt. So zum Beispiel im Oberpollinger in München, wo die neugestaltete Fläche von der Kundschaft äußerst gut angenommen wird. Die Installation des neuen Shop-Designs in Berlin ist für EDUARD DRESSLER ein weiterer Schritt, die Neuausrichtung der Marke und Internationalisierung nach außen zu kommunizieren.

Das auf Menswear spezialisierte Label Eduard Dressler eröffnete Mitte November seine neugestaltete Shop-in-Shop-Fläche im Berliner Kult-Kaufhaus KaDeWe. Die Marke ist seit 2014 im KaDeWe vertreten und zeigt auf der neuen Fläche die komplette Produktrange, wie auch neue Features.

Edles Holz, mattes Messing und eine Farbgestaltung in gedeckten und warmen Naturtönen bestimmen nach umfangreichem Umbau die neue Ladenfläche von EDUARD DRESSLER an angestammter Stelle im ersten Stock des Berliner Kaufhauses KaDeWe.

Das neue Shop-in-Shop-Konzept wurde von dem, im Retail versierten Stuttgarter Architektenbüro Blocher + Blocher entwickelt und bereits in anderen Filialen der KaDeWe-Group umgesetzt. So zum Beispiel im Oberpollinger in München, wo die neugestaltete Fläche von der Kundschaft äußerst gut angenommen wird. Die Installation des neuen Shop-Designs in Berlin ist für EDUARD DRESSLER ein weiterer Schritt, die Neuausrichtung der Marke und Internationalisierung nach außen zu kommunizieren.

More information:
Eduard Dressler Menswear KaDeWe

Dressler Bekleidungswerke Brinkmann GmbH & Co.KG

Epson: 100 Prozent Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien in Europa (c) Epson Deutschland GmbH

Epson: 100 Prozent Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien in Europa

Epson hat sein Ziel, ausschließlich Strom aus zu 100 Prozent erneuerbaren Quellen zu nutzen, europaweit erreicht.1 Weltweit soll diese Vorgabe bis Ende 2023 erfüllt werden. Der aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsbericht zeigt die Fortschritte des Unternehmens auf seinem Weg, bis 2050 CO2-negativ zu werden und auf nicht-erneuerbare Bodenschätze zu verzichten.

Der Bericht geht speziell auf folgende Bereiche ein: Dekarbonisierung, technologische Innovationen, die die Branchengrenzen erweitern, soziale Verantwortung und Unternehmensführung. Punkte in dem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht sind unter anderem:

Epson hat sein Ziel, ausschließlich Strom aus zu 100 Prozent erneuerbaren Quellen zu nutzen, europaweit erreicht.1 Weltweit soll diese Vorgabe bis Ende 2023 erfüllt werden. Der aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsbericht zeigt die Fortschritte des Unternehmens auf seinem Weg, bis 2050 CO2-negativ zu werden und auf nicht-erneuerbare Bodenschätze zu verzichten.

Der Bericht geht speziell auf folgende Bereiche ein: Dekarbonisierung, technologische Innovationen, die die Branchengrenzen erweitern, soziale Verantwortung und Unternehmensführung. Punkte in dem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht sind unter anderem:

  • Die Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen (THG-Emissionen): Zwischen 2017 und 2022 hat Epson bedeutende Schritte zur Verringerung des Erdgasverbrauchs unternommen und konnte so den Einsatz und Ausstoß von CO2 in europäischen Niederlassungen um 51 Prozent senken.
  • Dekarbonisierung an unseren Standorten: Der deutsche Hauptsitz ist in ein neues Gebäude in Düsseldorf umgezogen. Dort verbraucht das Unternehmen im Vergleich zum vorherigen Standort pro Quadratmeter rund 75 Prozent weniger Strom.
  • Diversität, Gleichbehandlung und Inklusion: Epson setzt sein Engagement für Diversität, Gleichstellung und Inklusion fort (DE&I, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) fort und etabliert eine Strategie für die Entwicklung von DE&I-Ziele, Kennzahlen und Governance.    

1 Für die regionalen Vertriebszentralen von Epson in Frankreich, Deutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Italien, den Niederlanden, Spanien sowie für unser zentrales Distributionszentrum in Deutschland.



Epson Deutschland GmbH

Sorted and cut textile waste ready for tearing © SBO EVENT
Sorted and cut textile waste ready for tearing

First automated textile waste sorting and recycling line in France

Partnership between Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Pellenc ST and ANDRITZ promotes circular economy for textiles.

France’s first industrial plant for automated sorting and recycling of textile waste was officially inaugurated at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Amplepuis, on November 30, 2023. The plant is the result of an ambitious partnership between textile recycling company Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, waste sorting specialist Pellenc ST and international technology group ANDRITZ, a specialist in textile recycling machinery and processes.

Capable of automatically sorting garments by composition and color, the new line meets the needs of both post-consumer and post-industrial waste markets. The line also removes hard parts such as buttons and zippers to prepare the material for further processing in an ANDRITZ tearing machine.

The automated textile sorting line at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles is dedicated to industrial-scale production, customer trials and projects, and the R&D activities of the partners. It will process textile waste to produce recycled fibers for the spinning, nonwovens, and composites industries.

Partnership between Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Pellenc ST and ANDRITZ promotes circular economy for textiles.

France’s first industrial plant for automated sorting and recycling of textile waste was officially inaugurated at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, Amplepuis, on November 30, 2023. The plant is the result of an ambitious partnership between textile recycling company Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, waste sorting specialist Pellenc ST and international technology group ANDRITZ, a specialist in textile recycling machinery and processes.

Capable of automatically sorting garments by composition and color, the new line meets the needs of both post-consumer and post-industrial waste markets. The line also removes hard parts such as buttons and zippers to prepare the material for further processing in an ANDRITZ tearing machine.

The automated textile sorting line at Nouvelles Fibres Textiles is dedicated to industrial-scale production, customer trials and projects, and the R&D activities of the partners. It will process textile waste to produce recycled fibers for the spinning, nonwovens, and composites industries.

Automated sorting was the last missing link needed to develop a complete ecosystem in France, where the fashion industry, social and solidarity economy actors, waste management companies, and textile producers from different sectors are working together towards a textile circular economy.

The EU's strategy for sustainable and circular textiles aims to ensure that by 2030 textile products are made to a great extent of recycled fibers and incineration and landfilling of textiles are minimized.


Lectra insources cutting equipment production in China

Lectra will now directly manage the production of its cutting equipment manufactured in China, primarily dedicated to its Asian customers. The Suzhou site, located to the west of Shanghai, will thus benefit from the standards of operational excellence already implemented by Lectra at its two other plants in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, and Tolland, USA.

Lectra's teams have over 35 years’ experience in the Asia-Pacific region, which in 2022 generated 25% of the Group's revenues.

Since the acquisition of its competitor, Gerber Technology, in 2021, Lectra had been relying on a plant belonging to Dutch group VDL Groep (VDL), to manufacture Gerber-brand multi-ply cutters and spreaders.

For its industrial activities, Lectra aimed to adopt the same standards of operational excellence in China as those currently in effect at its Bordeaux-Cestas and Tolland sites. The Group therefore created a new subsidiary, Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., to take over from subcontractor VDL as of December 1, 2023.

Lectra will now directly manage the production of its cutting equipment manufactured in China, primarily dedicated to its Asian customers. The Suzhou site, located to the west of Shanghai, will thus benefit from the standards of operational excellence already implemented by Lectra at its two other plants in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, and Tolland, USA.

Lectra's teams have over 35 years’ experience in the Asia-Pacific region, which in 2022 generated 25% of the Group's revenues.

Since the acquisition of its competitor, Gerber Technology, in 2021, Lectra had been relying on a plant belonging to Dutch group VDL Groep (VDL), to manufacture Gerber-brand multi-ply cutters and spreaders.

For its industrial activities, Lectra aimed to adopt the same standards of operational excellence in China as those currently in effect at its Bordeaux-Cestas and Tolland sites. The Group therefore created a new subsidiary, Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., to take over from subcontractor VDL as of December 1, 2023.

Following the takeover of in-house production at the Tolland site in October 2022, the creation of the Suzhou Lectra Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. subsidiary marks a new milestone in the deployment of Lectra's industrial excellence strategy on a global scale. The Group intends to give priority to regional industrial production, which is beneficial to the local economy.

More information:
Lectra, PLM China cutting system


Online session “Redefining Textile Waste Sorting: Impulses and findings for the future of next-gen sorting facilities” Graphic Texaid

Redefining textile waste sorting

To meet future demands on the amount of textile waste which needs to be collected and sorted, as well as the demand on recycling feedstock, it is necessary to match the demand and need for sorting of waste in Europe and create cost efficiency sorting capacities with larger scale and automation are necessary.

In an online session “Redefining Textile Waste Sorting: Impulses and findings for the future of next-gen sorting facilities” Texaid and partners talk about the current state of development and the challenges for the future.  Anna Pehrsson (Texaid), Gesine Köppe (ITA Augsburg GmbH) and partners present the results of a Technology Assessment conducted within The Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock Project (initiated by TEXAID within the ReHubs initiative) to assess the best available sorting techniques and process.

December 4th 2023
For registration follow the link.

To meet future demands on the amount of textile waste which needs to be collected and sorted, as well as the demand on recycling feedstock, it is necessary to match the demand and need for sorting of waste in Europe and create cost efficiency sorting capacities with larger scale and automation are necessary.

In an online session “Redefining Textile Waste Sorting: Impulses and findings for the future of next-gen sorting facilities” Texaid and partners talk about the current state of development and the challenges for the future.  Anna Pehrsson (Texaid), Gesine Köppe (ITA Augsburg GmbH) and partners present the results of a Technology Assessment conducted within The Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock Project (initiated by TEXAID within the ReHubs initiative) to assess the best available sorting techniques and process.

December 4th 2023
For registration follow the link.



PFAS-Dekontamination © NT Service GmbH

Rückstandsfreie PFAS-Dekontamination mit Umwelthaftung

Die Belastung der Umwelt mit Schadstoffen ist ein großes Problem, die sich in Luft, Böden oder Gewässern anreichern und nur mühsam zu beseitigen sind. Dazu gehören PFAS (Perfluoralkylchemikalien), schwer abbaubare Chemikalien, die in sehr unterschiedlichen Produkten vorkommen. So werden damit beispielsweise Textilien beschichtet, die für Outdoor-Kleidung Verwendung finden, um sie vor Feuchtigkeit zu imprägnieren. PFAS sind aber auch in Backpapier, Skiwachs sowie Kosmetika wie Wimperntusche, Make-up und Lippenstiften vorhanden.

Auch in Feuerlöschern kamen PFAS bis vor Kurzem zum Einsatz. Mittlerweile sind sie EU-weit verboten, sodass die vorher damit ausgerüsteten Anlagen rückstandsfrei gereinigt werden müssen. Betriebe, die Schaummittel-Löschanlagen haben, müssen für den Brandfall gerüstet sein, andererseits besteht aber die Pflicht, Geräte und Anlagen rückstandslos von PFAS zu befreien.

Die NT Service GmbH mit Sitz in Steinhöfel bietet die Dekontamination von Schaummittel-Löschanlagen, insbesondere hinsichtlich PFC/PFAS-Rückständen und übernimmt für Kunden die Umwelthaftung.

Die Belastung der Umwelt mit Schadstoffen ist ein großes Problem, die sich in Luft, Böden oder Gewässern anreichern und nur mühsam zu beseitigen sind. Dazu gehören PFAS (Perfluoralkylchemikalien), schwer abbaubare Chemikalien, die in sehr unterschiedlichen Produkten vorkommen. So werden damit beispielsweise Textilien beschichtet, die für Outdoor-Kleidung Verwendung finden, um sie vor Feuchtigkeit zu imprägnieren. PFAS sind aber auch in Backpapier, Skiwachs sowie Kosmetika wie Wimperntusche, Make-up und Lippenstiften vorhanden.

Auch in Feuerlöschern kamen PFAS bis vor Kurzem zum Einsatz. Mittlerweile sind sie EU-weit verboten, sodass die vorher damit ausgerüsteten Anlagen rückstandsfrei gereinigt werden müssen. Betriebe, die Schaummittel-Löschanlagen haben, müssen für den Brandfall gerüstet sein, andererseits besteht aber die Pflicht, Geräte und Anlagen rückstandslos von PFAS zu befreien.

Die NT Service GmbH mit Sitz in Steinhöfel bietet die Dekontamination von Schaummittel-Löschanlagen, insbesondere hinsichtlich PFC/PFAS-Rückständen und übernimmt für Kunden die Umwelthaftung.

More information:
PFAS Dekontamination

NT Service GmbH


Sitip: Gewebe für die Sportbranche WS 2024/25

Sitip präsentiert auf der ISPO Ende November in München Gewebe für den Outdoor-Wintersport: Mit besonderen technologischen textilen Lösungen verleihen sie der Bekleidung die erforderlichen Qualitäten für hochleistungsorientierte Anwender. Die Technologien sind nach internationalen Standards wie Bluesign und OEKO-TEX zertifiziert

Die Sparte Funktionsgewebe TexClubTec des Branchenverbands Sistema Moda Italia ist in Halle A1 mit einem Pool von Unternehmen vertreten: Sitip präsentiert in diesem Rahmen seine Gewebe-Kollektionen und -Technologien für die Sport-Funktionsbekleidung. Sitip ist zusätzlich am Stand ROICA auf der ISPO präsent

Gewebe der Linie BLIZZARD Thermal Comfort sind thermisch und maschenfest, innen angeraut mit einer ultrasoften Mikrofaser und mit bi-elastischer Struktur. Die besondere Dicke der Anrauung ermöglicht eine effiziente Isolation und garantiert so dem Sportler einen hohen Wärmekomfort.

Sitip präsentiert auf der ISPO Ende November in München Gewebe für den Outdoor-Wintersport: Mit besonderen technologischen textilen Lösungen verleihen sie der Bekleidung die erforderlichen Qualitäten für hochleistungsorientierte Anwender. Die Technologien sind nach internationalen Standards wie Bluesign und OEKO-TEX zertifiziert

Die Sparte Funktionsgewebe TexClubTec des Branchenverbands Sistema Moda Italia ist in Halle A1 mit einem Pool von Unternehmen vertreten: Sitip präsentiert in diesem Rahmen seine Gewebe-Kollektionen und -Technologien für die Sport-Funktionsbekleidung. Sitip ist zusätzlich am Stand ROICA auf der ISPO präsent

Gewebe der Linie BLIZZARD Thermal Comfort sind thermisch und maschenfest, innen angeraut mit einer ultrasoften Mikrofaser und mit bi-elastischer Struktur. Die besondere Dicke der Anrauung ermöglicht eine effiziente Isolation und garantiert so dem Sportler einen hohen Wärmekomfort.

Die Gewebe der Linie COSMOPOLITAN Fashion-Tech ermöglichen Artikel, die Designansprüche erfüllen und dabei hohe Performance garantieren. Die Fashion-Tech-Eigenschaften kombinieren Leistungsstärke und Design und bieten Funktionseigenschaften in Bezug auf Bi-Stretch-Verhalten, blickdichte Wirkung, UPF 50+, Atmungsaktivität, höchsten Komfort und Easy Care.

Mit dem Industrieverfahren ACQUAZERO ECO fluorine-free water repellent wird das Gewebe auf ökologische Weise und fluorine-free (d.h. ohne Verwendung von fluorhaltigen Substanzen) wasserabweisend. Perfektioniert wird es in der Linie NATIVE Sustainable Textiles, die Stoffe bezeichnet, die mit Recyclinggarnen und umweltschonenden Chemikalien hergestellt werden und einen geringeren Verbrauch an natürlichen Ressourcen ermöglichen.

More information:


Robert van de Kerkhof (c) Karl Michalski
Robert van de Kerkhof

Robert van de Kerkhof joins HeiQ’s Board of Directors

HeiQ announces the appointment of Robert van de Kerkhof as Non-Executive Director, with effect from 1 January 2024 to the board of HeiQ plc and as Chairman of the Environmental, Occupation, Health & Safety and Sustainability Committee. Robert will also be appointed to the board of HeiQ AeoniQ Holding AG (in Switzerland), a subsidiary of HeiQ plc.

Robert van de Kerkhof has over 30 years of experience in general management and sustainability leadership and extensive knowledge of the textiles industry, including cellulosic fiber technology. He founded PEPPER-i2, an advisory company specializing in sustainability and circularity. Robert also serves as the Chief Sustainability Officer and as a Board Member of Lenzing AG, a position he has held since 2014. Robert will be leaving Lenzing and its Board on the 31st. December 2023.

Robert joins HEIQ AeoniQ™ with the firm belief that the novel HEIQ AeoniQ™ man-made cellulosic fibers (MMCF) are one of the most promising solutions to transform the textile industry, now the second-most polluting in the world, into one of the most sustainable, by rendering fossil fuel-based fibers like polyester obsolete.

HeiQ announces the appointment of Robert van de Kerkhof as Non-Executive Director, with effect from 1 January 2024 to the board of HeiQ plc and as Chairman of the Environmental, Occupation, Health & Safety and Sustainability Committee. Robert will also be appointed to the board of HeiQ AeoniQ Holding AG (in Switzerland), a subsidiary of HeiQ plc.

Robert van de Kerkhof has over 30 years of experience in general management and sustainability leadership and extensive knowledge of the textiles industry, including cellulosic fiber technology. He founded PEPPER-i2, an advisory company specializing in sustainability and circularity. Robert also serves as the Chief Sustainability Officer and as a Board Member of Lenzing AG, a position he has held since 2014. Robert will be leaving Lenzing and its Board on the 31st. December 2023.

Robert joins HEIQ AeoniQ™ with the firm belief that the novel HEIQ AeoniQ™ man-made cellulosic fibers (MMCF) are one of the most promising solutions to transform the textile industry, now the second-most polluting in the world, into one of the most sustainable, by rendering fossil fuel-based fibers like polyester obsolete.

Robert has also held senior positions as President of the Austrian Fiber Institute, President and Board Member of CIRFS – the European Man-made Fibres Association, and Chairman of the ReHubs Business Council for Euratex, which is the voice of the European Apparel and Textile Industry.



Groz-Beckert and Mayer & Cie. develop sinker and energy-saving needle (c) Groz-Beckert KG
Relanit sinker SNK F

Groz-Beckert and Mayer & Cie. develop sinker and energy-saving needle

Together with the German circular knitting machine builder Mayer & Cie., Groz-Beckert has developed the optimized Relanit sinker SNK F over the past years. Independently of this, the development of the new LCmax™ energy-saving needles took place. The focus of both developments is on efficiency, energy savings and increased process reliability.

Groz-Beckert offers interested machine builders different cooperation options to jointly develop new products or optimize existing ones. The Groz-Beckert Technology and Development Center (TEZ) provides the appropriate framework for so-called co-development projects. At the ITMA in Milan in June 2023, Groz-Beckert presented some of the successful cooperations under the motto "Innovation through cooperation". Among them were two new developments realized with Mayer & Cie. Groz-Beckert presented the two new products for the first time in Asia at ITMA Asia in November 2023.

Together with the German circular knitting machine builder Mayer & Cie., Groz-Beckert has developed the optimized Relanit sinker SNK F over the past years. Independently of this, the development of the new LCmax™ energy-saving needles took place. The focus of both developments is on efficiency, energy savings and increased process reliability.

Groz-Beckert offers interested machine builders different cooperation options to jointly develop new products or optimize existing ones. The Groz-Beckert Technology and Development Center (TEZ) provides the appropriate framework for so-called co-development projects. At the ITMA in Milan in June 2023, Groz-Beckert presented some of the successful cooperations under the motto "Innovation through cooperation". Among them were two new developments realized with Mayer & Cie. Groz-Beckert presented the two new products for the first time in Asia at ITMA Asia in November 2023.

Optimized Relanit sinker SNK F
At the end of 2018, circular knitting machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie. approached Groz-Beckert with a request to jointly develop an improved and more efficient sinker for selected machines of their Relanit family that would run more smoothly and reliably in the needle tricks. The innovative sinker has an integral spring with a spring force that is adapted to the sinker thickness. Field tests were consistently successful and confirmed the functionality and advantages of the new sinker.

Thanks to their adapted spring, the newly developed SNK F Relanit sinkers are securely guided while they are running through the cam track, resulting in a quieter operation. This increases process reliability and ensures an improved loop structure. In addition, wear on the swivel butts of the sinkers is reduced. This increases service life and makes the process more sustainable and cost-efficient.

Higher energy efficiency thanks to LCmax™
The objective second recent cooperation with Mayer & Cie. was to develop a cost-effective energy-saving needle. After considering various variants, the common choice of Mayer & Cie. and Groz-Beckert was the LCmax™ knitting machine needle with innovative, wave-shaped shank geometry. The first prototypes were extensively tested on laboratory machines at Groz-Beckert's TEZ.

The wave-shaped shank of the LCmax™ needle ensures a smaller contact area of the needle in the needle trick. This results in less friction, which reduces machine temperature and enables energy savings of up to 20 percent compared to a standard needle. This saves costs and at the same time allows operation of the machine at the maximum possible speed.

In both projects, the cooperation between Mayer & Cie. and Groz-Beckert went far beyond mere product development. In addition to Applications Engineering and Construction, the companies' Sales and Purchasing departments were also involved in a close exchange.


Groz-Beckert KG

Archroma inspires sportswear designers at ISPO academy masterclass Photo: Archroma

Archroma inspires sportswear designers at ISPO academy masterclass

Archroma is again partnering with ISPO Academy to inspire promising young design talents in a four-day Masterclass held alongside ISPO Munich 2023 to explore this year’s theme, “CIRCULARITY – Create | Adapt | Revive.”

ISPO Munich is a leading trade fair for the sports industry. It is expecting to welcome more than 50,000 visitors and over 2,000 exhibitors to the Trade Fair Center Messe München from 28-30 November.

Conceived as a bridge between education and industry, the ISPO Academy Masterclass gathers top students from design and fashion schools to collaborate on new sportswear concepts. The aim is to encourage multidisciplinary thinking and future-oriented approaches. The event includes support from industry innovators, including Archroma’s Color Management business, and culminates in a public presentation in which the Masterclass participants present the workshop results to the ISPO audience on November 29.

Archroma is again partnering with ISPO Academy to inspire promising young design talents in a four-day Masterclass held alongside ISPO Munich 2023 to explore this year’s theme, “CIRCULARITY – Create | Adapt | Revive.”

ISPO Munich is a leading trade fair for the sports industry. It is expecting to welcome more than 50,000 visitors and over 2,000 exhibitors to the Trade Fair Center Messe München from 28-30 November.

Conceived as a bridge between education and industry, the ISPO Academy Masterclass gathers top students from design and fashion schools to collaborate on new sportswear concepts. The aim is to encourage multidisciplinary thinking and future-oriented approaches. The event includes support from industry innovators, including Archroma’s Color Management business, and culminates in a public presentation in which the Masterclass participants present the workshop results to the ISPO audience on November 29.

Sponsoring the Masterclass for the fifth time, Archroma will equip the teams with The Color Atlas by Archroma® to enable them to use a library of 5,760 colors for cotton and polyester fibers to develop their concepts in compliance with leading international eco-standards. The Color Atlas will help the students to both explore new perspectives at the design stage and prepare their presentations with colors that accurately communicate their vision.

Marchi_Fildi_Filidea headquarter Photo Marchi & Fildi Group
Marchi Fildi Filidea headquarter

The Marchi & Fildi Group: First Sustainability Report published

The data and the information reported examine the performance relative to the companies Marchi & Fildi S.p.A. and Filidea S.r.l. during the year 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. In addition, with the aim of putting the data into a context of developments, a comparison with data pertaining to 2021 was also made.

Amongst the numerous data and insights provided by the analyses given in the Report, some relevant performance factors relating to environmental achievements emerge.

With reference to Marchi & Fildi, and in comparison to 2021, the year 2022 demonstrated:

  • A unit reduction in water consumption of 57% and unit reduction of waste water of 19%
  • A unit reduction in electric power consumption of 13%

An overall reduction in CO2 emissions (Scope I + Scope II) of 22% In the same period, for Filidea the following results are shown:

The data and the information reported examine the performance relative to the companies Marchi & Fildi S.p.A. and Filidea S.r.l. during the year 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. In addition, with the aim of putting the data into a context of developments, a comparison with data pertaining to 2021 was also made.

Amongst the numerous data and insights provided by the analyses given in the Report, some relevant performance factors relating to environmental achievements emerge.

With reference to Marchi & Fildi, and in comparison to 2021, the year 2022 demonstrated:

  • A unit reduction in water consumption of 57% and unit reduction of waste water of 19%
  • A unit reduction in electric power consumption of 13%

An overall reduction in CO2 emissions (Scope I + Scope II) of 22% In the same period, for Filidea the following results are shown:

  • A unit reduction in water consumption of 26%, unit waste water of 22%
  • A reduction in unit natural gas consumption of 7%
  • A reduction in unit electric power consumption of 14%
  • An overall reduction in CO2 emissions (Scope I + Scope II) of 7%

These data offer quantitative feedback on the constant commitment to the optimisation of resources and use of production technologies with low energy impact, which the Group has adopted for years.

Massimo Marchi, Marchi & Fildi’s President, has this to say about the choice to invest in this form of reporting:
“The decision to write a Sustainability Report represents for us one of the elements which guide us towards the constant improvement of company performance with reference to ESG. This is one of the stages towards the formalisation of a strategic plan for the management of sustainability, a journey which the Group has been committed to for years and in which we believe 100%.”



Marchi & Fildi Group

Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right © AVK
Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right

CarboScreen: Sensor monitoring for complex carbon fibre production

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

The production of carbon fibres is highly complex. In the current state of the art, however, the manufacturing process is only monitored manually by semi-skilled workers. However, even minimal fibre damage during production leads to a reduction in the quality of the carbon fibre. In extreme cases, it can also lead to plant fires. To ensure production quality, the production speed is currently limited to a maximum of 15 m/min. In fact, the production speed of the systems could be higher. The sensor-based online monitoring of Carbo-Screen makes it possible to increase the production speed to 30 m/min in the medium term. As a result of the increased production volume per system, the specific production costs of the carbon fibre are reduced, which can result in lower prices.

A reduced sales price would make it possible to use carbon fibres and their composite materials even more widely in traditional markets such as aerospace technology and wind energy, as well as for mass production in the automotive industry.

The CarboScreen online monitoring system is currently being developed for industrial use. It is to be validated at an industrial plant in 2024. CarboScreen GmbH was founded as part of EXIST funding and offers AI-supported sensor systems for carbon fibre production. The sensor technology continuously monitors the fibre throughout the entire production process. Deviations are detected automatically.

The winners of the AVK Innovation Award are honoured annually by the AVK Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe. Companies, institutes and their partners are honoured in three categories: products and applications, processes and procedures, and research and science.

Easy Cut Studio: Cutting software with Nesting Feature (c) EasyCut

Easy Cut Studio: Cutting software with Nesting Feature

EasyCut Studio, a developer of sign-making software solutions, has launched a new enhancement to its vinyl cutting software, Easy Cut Studio, which now includes true shape nesting.

This new feature enables all users to reduce their material waste in average by 40%. The option improves the arrangement of multiple objects per job by rearranging the objects based on their actual shape.

In addition to the new nesting feature, this update also includes more than 10 new cutter drivers, the official support of macOS Sonoma, several bug fixes, compatible with several new vinyl cutters and improvements to the stability and performance of the software, enabling users to design, print and cut more efficiently.

EasyCut Studio, a developer of sign-making software solutions, has launched a new enhancement to its vinyl cutting software, Easy Cut Studio, which now includes true shape nesting.

This new feature enables all users to reduce their material waste in average by 40%. The option improves the arrangement of multiple objects per job by rearranging the objects based on their actual shape.

In addition to the new nesting feature, this update also includes more than 10 new cutter drivers, the official support of macOS Sonoma, several bug fixes, compatible with several new vinyl cutters and improvements to the stability and performance of the software, enabling users to design, print and cut more efficiently.



Hologenix honored twice in ISPO Textrends Awards Photo: Hologenix, LLC

Hologenix honored twice in ISPO Textrends Awards

Twice a year ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Two innovations from Hologenix have scored wins in the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2025/2026 Awards: CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon, introduced with textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, and CELLIANT® Print. They were both Selections in the Fibers & Insulations Category.

Twice a year ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Two innovations from Hologenix have scored wins in the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2025/2026 Awards: CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon, introduced with textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, and CELLIANT® Print. They were both Selections in the Fibers & Insulations Category.

CELLIANT with REPREVE Nylon consists of CELLIANT infrared (IR) technology embedded into REPREVE. REPREVE creates high-quality fibers made from 100% recycled materials, including post-consumer plastic bottles and preconsumer waste. CELLIANT with REPREVE Nylon is strong and durable with great stretch and a silky hand. It is ideal for underwear, stockings, tights/leggings, socks, seamless knits, baselayers and many other categories. With CELLIANT’s ability to convert body heat into infrared energy, improving local circulation and cellular oxygenation, it also provides performance for outdoor/sportswear, outerwear, swimwear among other categories. This is the second carrier type for CELLIANT with REPREVE, as it was introduced in polyester last fall and won three awards.

CELLIANT Print makes the natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals more widely available from Hologenix as a printed coating, expanding the uses of the technology. Traditionally, CELLIANT has been embedded directly into fibers, yarns and fabrics. However, for its print applications, CELLIANT fine mineral powder can be adhered to many different fabric types as a topical coating, making CELLIANT Print a versatile and cost-effective solution. Key CELLIANT partners, such as Under Armour with their UA RUSH™ line, and KT Tape with its PRO Oxygen™ kinesiology tape utilize CELLIANT Print. Safe and CELLIANT® Print CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon durable, CELLIANT Print has undergone mechanical testing for wash tests and can be confirmed to last the useful life of the product, for 50+ washes.


Hologenix, LLC


Re:NewCell initiates a strategic review

Re:NewCell AB (publ) has created a patented process for 100% textile-to-textile recycling and has invested over SEK 1,300 million to establish an innovative and efficient textile recycling plant. The industrial scale plant in Ortviken currently has a capacity to produce up to 60,000 tonnes on an annual basis.

As communicated on 12 October, the Company has experienced lower than anticipated sales volumes to fiber producers in the third quarter and as communicated on 1 November and 7 November, the Company had low sales volumes in October. In addition, sales volumes in November are now expected to be lower than previously anticipated and in line with October sales volume. Discussions are ongoing with a number of customers to secure orders, but it is uncertain when they will materialise.

Re:NewCell AB (publ) has created a patented process for 100% textile-to-textile recycling and has invested over SEK 1,300 million to establish an innovative and efficient textile recycling plant. The industrial scale plant in Ortviken currently has a capacity to produce up to 60,000 tonnes on an annual basis.

As communicated on 12 October, the Company has experienced lower than anticipated sales volumes to fiber producers in the third quarter and as communicated on 1 November and 7 November, the Company had low sales volumes in October. In addition, sales volumes in November are now expected to be lower than previously anticipated and in line with October sales volume. Discussions are ongoing with a number of customers to secure orders, but it is uncertain when they will materialise.

Therefore, Re:NewCell hereby announces that its Board of Directors has decided to immediately initiate a strategic review to explore and evaluate various funding alternatives. As part of this process, the Board of Directors will consider all potential alternatives to secure funding and optimise shareholder value. Such alternatives may include additional debt funding, equity injection through the form of a rights issue, equity injection through a directed issue targeted to a financial or strategic investor or other possible strategic transactions.
The Board of Directors has retained ABG Sundal Collier as financial advisor to assist in its review of alternatives. Vinge has been appointed as legal advisor in connection with the review process.

The Board of Directors has not set a timetable for completion of its review, but the process will be initiated immediately. Subject to compliance with its ongoing disclosure obligations pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, Re:NewCell undertakes no obligation to make any further announcements regarding the strategic review until a final decision is made by the Company’s Board of Directors.


Re:NewCell AB (publ)

Santoni finalizes Acquisition of Terrot (c) Santoni / Terrot

Santoni finalizes Acquisition of Terrot

Santoni Shanghai Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd. announces that it has received regulatory approval from Chinese authorities for its proposed acquisition of Terrot GmbH, a manufacturer of circular knitting machines in Germany.

The acquisition represents a pivotal step in Santoni's strategy to advance the circular knitting machine industry. The integration of Terrot into the Santoni ecosystem is projected to increase Santoni's production capacity and boost its market share, and in conjunction with other strategic objectives, firmly solidify Santoni's position as the leading manufacturer in the industry, with unrivaled scale, depth of innovation and expertise.

Santoni Shanghai Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd. announces that it has received regulatory approval from Chinese authorities for its proposed acquisition of Terrot GmbH, a manufacturer of circular knitting machines in Germany.

The acquisition represents a pivotal step in Santoni's strategy to advance the circular knitting machine industry. The integration of Terrot into the Santoni ecosystem is projected to increase Santoni's production capacity and boost its market share, and in conjunction with other strategic objectives, firmly solidify Santoni's position as the leading manufacturer in the industry, with unrivaled scale, depth of innovation and expertise.

Seeking to meet rising demand for high-end circular knitting products, Santoni has pursued an Ecosystem Strategy in recent years, aiming to unify a highly fragmented industry and enhance innovation, sustainability and digitalization to more effectively meet market needs. The deployment of both parties' latest innovation practices, textile automation offerings, integrated enterprise services, C2M solutions, and a platform for designers "Materialliance", will allow Santoni Shanghai and Terrot to connect and bridge demand and offer of circular knitted products.

By incorporating Terrot's offerings, particularly in the double jersey and jacquard sector, Santoni stands to gain a competitive edge in offering machines known for their performance, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. Highlighting this shift is Terrot's UCC 572-T, a transfer jacquard machine for sports and leisurewear.

Following the acquisition, Terrot will continue to operate under the leadership of managing directors Robert W. Czajkowski and Dirk Lange. Santoni plans to maintain Terrot’s headquarters in Chemnitz, Germany, along with its facilities, brands, and practices.


Terrot GmbH

chemistry from renewable feedstock and waste (c) RUDOLF HUB1922

RUDOLF HUB1922: Evolutionary chemistry from renewable feedstock and waste

RUDOLF HUB1922 makes a move in response to the escalating demand for genuinely sustainable technologies, particularly from forward-thinking segments within the textile and apparel industry. In a showcase at Denim by Premiere Vision Milan, RUDOLF HUB1922 presents a pioneering range of textile chemistry that embodies true evolution.

This chemistry marks a milestone in addressing the pressing need for sustainable solutions. By harnessing raw materials derived from organic waste, plastic waste, and renewable feedstock, RUDOLF's latest textile innovations stand poised to transform the industry, promising a substantial reduction in its environmental footprint.

Alberto De Conti, Head of RUDOLF HUB1922, emphasizes the radical nature of evolutionary textile chemistry, stating, "RUDOLF's approach tackles the challenge of waste generation head-on by transforming waste materials into valuable resources". The diversion of waste and renewable feedstock away from landfills and incinerators to fuel textile chemical production is a game-changer, that diminishes the industry's reliance on non-renewable resources and endorses a circular economy model.

RUDOLF HUB1922 makes a move in response to the escalating demand for genuinely sustainable technologies, particularly from forward-thinking segments within the textile and apparel industry. In a showcase at Denim by Premiere Vision Milan, RUDOLF HUB1922 presents a pioneering range of textile chemistry that embodies true evolution.

This chemistry marks a milestone in addressing the pressing need for sustainable solutions. By harnessing raw materials derived from organic waste, plastic waste, and renewable feedstock, RUDOLF's latest textile innovations stand poised to transform the industry, promising a substantial reduction in its environmental footprint.

Alberto De Conti, Head of RUDOLF HUB1922, emphasizes the radical nature of evolutionary textile chemistry, stating, "RUDOLF's approach tackles the challenge of waste generation head-on by transforming waste materials into valuable resources". The diversion of waste and renewable feedstock away from landfills and incinerators to fuel textile chemical production is a game-changer, that diminishes the industry's reliance on non-renewable resources and endorses a circular economy model.

The successful integration of chemicals derived from organic and plastic waste, as well as renewable feedstocks, necessitates effective communication and education. Herein lies the significance of fostering collaborative efforts within the industry. De Conti underscores this point, stating, "Collaboration among scientists, fashion designers, and manufacturers is paramount. It propels a collective shift towards sustainable practices, making eco-friendly fashion the standard and minimizing the industry's environmental impact".



HeiQ Skin Care Photo HeiQ

HeiQ launches a probiotics infused textile technology

HeiQ introduces a 100% biobased and long-lasting cosmetic finishing technology for textiles to the market. The newest addition to the HeiQ portfolio harnesses the power of active probiotics and selected prebiotics to enhance the skin microbiome, turning the human’s largest organ into the best-looking one.

HeiQ Skin Care is a synbiotic textile finish aimed at providing a balanced microbiome for glowing skin, even after repeated use and washing of textiles. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes slow-release prebiotics and probiotics seamlessly integrated into a biobased textile matrix, enriching the skin's microbiome diversity, and offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits.

The synergistic combination of prebiotics and probiotics, known as synbiotics, delivers a soothing cosmetic skin treatment while relaxing, working, or sleeping. Probiotics not only restore and improve the skin's natural balance but also enhance its self-repair capabilities. Synbiotics promote skin renewal, rebalancing, and improved appearance, reducing the signs of aging and establishing a favorable environment for the skin's natural repair mechanisms.

HeiQ introduces a 100% biobased and long-lasting cosmetic finishing technology for textiles to the market. The newest addition to the HeiQ portfolio harnesses the power of active probiotics and selected prebiotics to enhance the skin microbiome, turning the human’s largest organ into the best-looking one.

HeiQ Skin Care is a synbiotic textile finish aimed at providing a balanced microbiome for glowing skin, even after repeated use and washing of textiles. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes slow-release prebiotics and probiotics seamlessly integrated into a biobased textile matrix, enriching the skin's microbiome diversity, and offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits.

The synergistic combination of prebiotics and probiotics, known as synbiotics, delivers a soothing cosmetic skin treatment while relaxing, working, or sleeping. Probiotics not only restore and improve the skin's natural balance but also enhance its self-repair capabilities. Synbiotics promote skin renewal, rebalancing, and improved appearance, reducing the signs of aging and establishing a favorable environment for the skin's natural repair mechanisms.

A second skin that takes care of the first
The skin, the largest organ in human body, is home to a diverse community of microorganisms called the skin microbiome. It plays a crucial role in maintaining good skin condition, acting as a protective barrier against harmful agents. However, various factors, such as hormones, diet, smoking, environmental exposures, and excessive UV radiation, can disrupt its balance, leading to skin conditions like rashes, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, skin irritation, redness, eczema, and odor. Maintaining a balanced skin microbiome is essential for preserving skin integrity.

HeiQ Skin Care is suitable for all textile fibers, both natural and synthetic, and can be applied to all textile items that come in direct contact with the skin. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for daily use- at work, during sports, leisure activities, or as bedding items like bed sheets and pillows.

Intensive wear trials conducted during the development stage have proven the consistent release of synbiotics (prebiotics and probiotics) onto the skin, creating conditions to foster a well-balanced microbiome.


