From the Sector

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EU agreement on deforestation-free supply chains

The viscose fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres - exclusively using FSC® or PEFCTM certified pulps exclusively from sustainably managed sources - welcomes the preliminary political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on an EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains. The new rules, adopted at the end of 2022, are intended to prevent goods that cause forest degradation or deforestation from being placed on the EU market.

As one of the largest economies worldwide, the EU is a major consumer of wood-based raw materials. Therefore, the new law can significantly contribute to reducing global deforestation and forest degradation as well as protecting threatened forest areas.

The viscose fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres - exclusively using FSC® or PEFCTM certified pulps exclusively from sustainably managed sources - welcomes the preliminary political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on an EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains. The new rules, adopted at the end of 2022, are intended to prevent goods that cause forest degradation or deforestation from being placed on the EU market.

As one of the largest economies worldwide, the EU is a major consumer of wood-based raw materials. Therefore, the new law can significantly contribute to reducing global deforestation and forest degradation as well as protecting threatened forest areas.

“Wood is an incredibly versatile and valuable renewable resource and the basis for countless products. Our viscose fibres are just one example – they offer an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic materials in various applications and are thus a promising material for the future. Of course, this only applies if the production of our raw materials does not take place at the expense of our earth's natural forest resources. These forests are a bastion of biodiversity and climate protection for our entire planet and must be protected at all costs. No one can escape this responsibility," says Craig Barker, CEO at Kelheim Fibres.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Photo HeiQ Materials AGHugo Boss
BOSS x HeiQ AeoniQ™ Polo Shirt

HUGO BOSS: First Polo Shirt with HeiQ AeoniQ™ fiber

The German premium fashion company HUGO BOSS presents the first product made with HeiQ AeoniQ™ fiber - a seamless high-performance Polo Shirt.

The product is crafted with 87% HeiQ AeoniQ™, a cellulosic yarn created from certified wood pulp, one of the many renewable raw materials it can be made of, featuring the same performance attributes as polyester.
This new style is part of the BOSS Green collection line, designed for urban environments with BOSS’ renowned performance-driven qualities and worn by Italian tennis player Matteo Berrettini. 

The German premium fashion company HUGO BOSS presents the first product made with HeiQ AeoniQ™ fiber - a seamless high-performance Polo Shirt.

The product is crafted with 87% HeiQ AeoniQ™, a cellulosic yarn created from certified wood pulp, one of the many renewable raw materials it can be made of, featuring the same performance attributes as polyester.
This new style is part of the BOSS Green collection line, designed for urban environments with BOSS’ renowned performance-driven qualities and worn by Italian tennis player Matteo Berrettini. 

More information:
Hugo Boss HeiQ AeoniQ polyester

HeiQ Materials AG

(c) AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

AVK veröffentlicht Composites-Recycling-Studie

Die AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. hat gemeinsam mit dem IKK, Institut für Kunststoff und Kreislaufwirtschaft der Leibniz-Universität Hannover, eine umfassende Studie zum Composites-Recycling erarbeitet.

Sie bietet eine systematische und umfassende Übersicht über die anfallenden Abfallmengen und die aktuellen sowie zukünftig verfüg- und umsetzbaren Lösungen zum hochwertigen Recycling. Dabei werden die Vor- und Nachteile zu den verschiedenen Verfahren bewertet sowie relevante gesetzliche Vorgaben und Normen betrachtet.

Die AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. hat gemeinsam mit dem IKK, Institut für Kunststoff und Kreislaufwirtschaft der Leibniz-Universität Hannover, eine umfassende Studie zum Composites-Recycling erarbeitet.

Sie bietet eine systematische und umfassende Übersicht über die anfallenden Abfallmengen und die aktuellen sowie zukünftig verfüg- und umsetzbaren Lösungen zum hochwertigen Recycling. Dabei werden die Vor- und Nachteile zu den verschiedenen Verfahren bewertet sowie relevante gesetzliche Vorgaben und Normen betrachtet.

Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Recycling ist auch in der Kunststoffindustrie immer wichtiger geworden. Gerade im Bereich Leichtbau haben Composites enorme Vorteile. Darüber hinaus können die Materialien aber auch in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit einen hohen Mehrwert liefern. Warum Composites vorteilhaft sind, wurde bislang wenig systematisch oder eher punktuell untersucht. Mit der jetzt veröffentlichten Composites-Recycling-Studie, die vom IKK-Institutsleiter Professor Hans-Josef Endres und Dr. Madina Shamsuyeva mit Unterstützung von Industrievertretern aus dem AVK-Expertenarbeitskreis erarbeitet wurde, liegt die erste große Untersuchung zum Thema Recycling von Composites vor.

„Für Composites gibt es ein hohes Potential, auch wenn viele glauben, Faserverbundkunststoffe lassen sich schwer recyclen. Trotzdem darf man nicht vergessen, dass nicht alles, was beim Recycling möglich ist, auch wirtschaftlich oder nachhaltig ist. Hier gilt es genau hinzusehen. Diese Studie ist deshalb so wichtig, um herauszufinden, wie der aktuelle Stand ist, wohin sich der Markt entwickeln kann und wo noch Potential schlummert“, stellt AVK-Geschäftsführer Dr. Elmar Witten fest.

Prof. Hans-Josef Endres ergänzt: „Die Studie zeigt, dass in einigen Bereichen mehr recycelt wird, z. B. bei den Thermoplasten, in anderen Bereichen jedoch noch nicht. Gerade beim chemischen Recycling ist der Reifegrad der Technologien noch nicht sehr fortgeschritten und manchmal sind auch Anlagekapazitäten noch nicht ausgelastet. Hier muss noch Pionierarbeit geleistet werden, um z. B. interdisziplinäre Geschäftsmodelle auszuarbeiten. Gleichzeitig gibt es Anwendungen für Composites, die schon heute aus technischer Sicht einfach zu recyceln wären und es ‚nur‘ an der Logistik und dem Willen fehlt. Aber auch eine Harmonisierung von Gesetzen und Normen sowie der Rechtsprechung wäre wünschenswert, um das Composites-Recycling weiter voranzubringen.“

Die Studie ist zum Preis von 799,- Euro (zzgl. MwSt.) bei der AVK im PDF-Format erhältlich (ermäßigter Preis für AVK-Mitglieder: 399,- Euro zzgl. MwSt.).


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

Photo: Carbios

Carbios and Novozymes deepen collaboration in biorecycling of PET

Carbios and Novozymes announced an exclusive long-term global strategic partnership. This major agreement ensures the long-term production and supply of Carbios’ proprietary PET-degrading enzymes at an industrial scale for the world’s first biological PET-recycling plant due to start production in 2025 in Longlaville (France), as well as Carbios’ future licensee customers.
Carbios and Novozymes have had a partnership since 2019 to develop enzyme-based solutions and address  the sustainability challenge of plastic pollution, both within PET-recycling[1] and PLA-biodegradation[2].  Building on the current Joint Development Agreement (JDA), under the new agreement, Carbios and Novozymes will extend their collaboration to develop, optimize and produce enzymes that will subsequently be supplied by Novozymes to all licensees of Carbios’ technology.  The new agreement grants both parties exclusivity in the field of the partnership.

Carbios and Novozymes announced an exclusive long-term global strategic partnership. This major agreement ensures the long-term production and supply of Carbios’ proprietary PET-degrading enzymes at an industrial scale for the world’s first biological PET-recycling plant due to start production in 2025 in Longlaville (France), as well as Carbios’ future licensee customers.
Carbios and Novozymes have had a partnership since 2019 to develop enzyme-based solutions and address  the sustainability challenge of plastic pollution, both within PET-recycling[1] and PLA-biodegradation[2].  Building on the current Joint Development Agreement (JDA), under the new agreement, Carbios and Novozymes will extend their collaboration to develop, optimize and produce enzymes that will subsequently be supplied by Novozymes to all licensees of Carbios’ technology.  The new agreement grants both parties exclusivity in the field of the partnership.
The strategic partnership supports the large-scale industrial deployment of Carbios’ patented PET-recycling technology starting with Carbios’ future industrial reference unit in Longlaville (France), which will be the world’s first biological PET-recycling plant. Construction will begin later this year, and both building and operating permits having been filed with local authorities.  Production at the plant is set to start in 2025 and the processing capacity will be 50,000 tonnes of waste per year.



Grafik: econAN international GmbH

Geförderte Geschäftsanbahnungsreise nach Finnland: Textilrecycling und neue textile Fasern

Die AHK Finnland führt in Kooperation mit der econAN international GmbH, dem bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling e.V. und German RETech Partnership e.V. im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, eine Geschäftsanbahnungsreise nach Finnland durch. Es handelt sich dabei um eine projektbezogene Fördermaßnahme. Sie ist Bestandteil der Exportinitiative Umwelttechnologien und wird im Rahmen des Markterschließungsprogramms für KMU durchgeführt. Zielgruppe sind vorwiegend kleine und mittlere deutsche Unternehmen (KMU).

Die AHK Finnland führt in Kooperation mit der econAN international GmbH, dem bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling e.V. und German RETech Partnership e.V. im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, eine Geschäftsanbahnungsreise nach Finnland durch. Es handelt sich dabei um eine projektbezogene Fördermaßnahme. Sie ist Bestandteil der Exportinitiative Umwelttechnologien und wird im Rahmen des Markterschließungsprogramms für KMU durchgeführt. Zielgruppe sind vorwiegend kleine und mittlere deutsche Unternehmen (KMU).

Für die Projektteilnehmer*innen werden individuell auf ihre Anforderungen zugeschnittene Geschäftsgespräche mit potenziellen Kooperationspartnern, Kunden und Branchenexperten organisiert. In Vorbereitung auf die Geschäftsanbahnungsreise erhalten sie eine Zielmarktanalyse, die auf die relevante Branche, deren Marktentwicklung, Vertriebsinformationen sowie die rechtlichen und steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf dem finnischen Markt eingeht. Im Rahmen einer fachbezogenen Präsentationsveranstaltung werden die deutschen Teilnehmer*innen die Möglichkeit haben, dem finnischen Fachpublikum bestehend aus Vertreter*innen der Wirtschaft, Verbänden, Verwaltung und Presse ihre Leistungen, Produkte und Technologien vorzustellen.

Für etablierte Unternehmen und Start-ups aus den Bereichen Textilrecycling und neue Textilfasern bieten sich viele Geschäfts- und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten auf dem finnischen Markt. Ebenfalls ist der finnische Markt interessant für deutsche Unternehmen, die Textilien in ihren Produkten nutzen und diese nachhaltiger gestalten möchten. Nachgefragt sind u.a. Lösungen für eine effiziente Sortierung von Textilien und für die Identifizierung von Textilarten, Innovationen für die Verwendung von recycelten Fasern, Recyclingtechniken sowie Maschinenhersteller. Deutsche Unternehmen dürfen mit einem großen Interesse an Kooperationen rechnen, denn die finnische Textilindustrie benötigt Partner in allen Phasen der Wertschöpfungskette.

Zielgruppe: Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Textilrecycling sowie neue textile Fasern. Die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette ist angesprochen – von Zulieferern von Maschinen und Rohstoffen bis zu Anbieter von Produkten aus recyceltem Material.

Inhalt: Die TeilnehmerInnen erhalten Unterstützung bei Markteintritt bzw. -bearbeitung in Finnland:

  • Während einer Fachkonferenz präsentieren sie ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen dem regionalen Fachpublikum (aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Verbänden).
  • Zur Vorbereitung erhalten sie eine branchenspezifische Zielmarktanalyse mit Informationen zu den Marktpotenzialen und -entwicklungen, rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen etc.
  • Das Herzstück des Programms sind individuelle Termine mit Entscheidungsträgern und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern. Diese werden im Vorfeld für jedes Unternehmen durch eine individuelle Geschäftspartnersuche ermittelt.

Der Teilnahmebetrag liegt je nach Firmengröße zwischen 500€ und 1.000€ netto. Es können maximal 12 Unternehmen teilnehmen.

Weitere Informationen und zum Anmeldeformular online unter:  


econAN international GmbH


World Natural Fibre Update - January 2023

Price Trends

Price Trends

  • The nearby cotton futures contract on the Intercontinental Exchange was down just 1% in December and closed the year at $1.84 per kilogram. A year earlier, the March contract closed at $2.30 per kilogram.  

    Cotton futures have been inverted for nearly three years because of supply chain disruptions that prevented normal on-time deliveries of international shipments. With the easing of container shortages and increased sailings, cotton futures are gradually reverting to the normal pattern in which contracts for forward delivery exceed nearby contracts by the cost of insurance, storage and interest between delivery months. The May and July 2023 contracts also finished 2022 at $1.84 per kilogram. In November, the May and July contracts were each several cents per kilogram lower than the March contract.
  • The Eastern Market Indicator of prices for fine wool in Australia rose 9% in December to US$9.06 per kilogram. A year earlier, the EMI was $9.66. Australian analysts note that sheep for meat, cattle, and grain production, are competing alternatives for the use of land, and wool prices must continue upward if production is to be maintained in 2023.
  • Prices quoted by the Indian Jute Balers Association (JBA) at the end of December converted to US$ fell 2% from a month earlier to an average of 74 cents per kilogram. The decline occurred entirely because of a weakening exchange rate. Prices in Rupee rose marginally. A year earlier, quoted prices averaged 84 cents per kilogram. The 16-percent decline year-on-year was caused about equally by a decline in quoted prices in Rupee and a weakening of the exchange rate.  

    The Indian jute industry is almost entirely focused on domestic demand, while half of total demand in Bangladesh comes from exports. Because of shortages of higher quality jute, export prices in Bangladesh are reportedly rising.

    India extended the anti-dumping duty at the end of December on jute and jute products imported from Bangladesh and Nepal for a period of five years. Bangladesh had urged the Indian government not to accept recommendations for extension, while the Indian industry was lobbying to ensure the duty remained in place. The duty rates range from approximately $6 per tonne at current exchange rates for low-quality fibres to $350 per tonne for finished products. The duty was originally imposed in January 2017 and was to expire at the end of 2022.
  • Prices of silk in China rose 2% during December to US$28.0 per kilogram. Prices in yuan fell marginally during the month, but the RMB rose 3% against the USD. Prices of textile-grade silk in China were essentially unchanged at the end of 2022 compared with the end of 2021. However, prices closed 2022 about 40% above the average level pre-Covid. and .
  • Coconut coir fibre in India quoted in US$ remained in a narrow range, averaging $0.205 per kilogram in December. Prices in Rupee have been stable, and changes in dollar prices reflect changes in the exchange rate.

World Natural Fibre Production in 2022 is estimated as of early January at 32 million tonnes, approximately one million below production in 2021 and down 900,000 tonnes compared with the estimate in early December.

World cotton production is estimated at 24.2 million tonnes in 2022/23 (August to July), 700,000 tonnes lower than in 2021/22 ( World cotton production rose from 20 million tonnes to 25 million between 2020/21 and 2005/06, but there has been no growth in the nearly two decades since.  
World production of jute is forecast down nearly 400,000 tonnes in 2022 because of inadequate rainfall during the harvest period to permit proper retting. Production in India is estimated up by 100,000 tonnes to 1.7 million tonnes, but production in Bangladesh fell by nearly one-third to just one million tonnes.
Production of coir, flax and sisal in 2022 are each estimated based on recent trends. Coir and flax have each been trending upward over the past decade, while world sisal production has been largely stable.

World wool production is forecast up 5% in 2022 to 1.09 million tonnes (clean), the highest since 2018. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee issued its third estimate of 2022/23 production in December, keeping the estimate unchanged from September. Above-average rainfall in Australia, and across most of the Southern Hemisphere, is resulting in better pasture conditions and a rebuilding of sheep numbers. Sheep numbers shorn in Australia are climbing from 67 million in 2020/21 to 72 million in 2021/22 and to an estimated 75 million in 2022/23.  
According to the International Sericulture Commission (, silk production in China dropped from 170,000 tonnes in 2015 to 53,000 in 2020, with further declines estimated during Covid. Consequently, world silk production dropped from 202,000 tonnes in 2015 to 92,000 in 2020, and estimates of production during 2022 remain below 100,000 tonnes.

More information:
natural fibers textiles market


(c) Haelixa

Damteks and Haelixa collaborate: Tracing recycled acrylic fiber

Haelixa, the Swiss traceability company and Damteks Textiles have announced a collaboration to mark and trace recycled acrylic fiber. Damteks is offering their recycled yarn to customers whereby they are able to place an order with the unique Haelixa DNA already attached.

The Haelixa solution is DNA markers which are solved in liquid and applied to fibers as a fine spray. Spot checks are completed after spraying to determine the presence of DNA and identify the product. The test is based on PCR technology that is 100% reliable and has forensic validity.

Damteks saw an increase in demand for blended yarn in the last year. The request is most often a composition of 30% recycled fiber with 70% standard fiber. Brands are looking for options to be more sustainable and Damteks proactively sought out an answer. They are offering the yarn with Haelixa DNA to validate the recycled acrylic in the mix.

Haelixa, the Swiss traceability company and Damteks Textiles have announced a collaboration to mark and trace recycled acrylic fiber. Damteks is offering their recycled yarn to customers whereby they are able to place an order with the unique Haelixa DNA already attached.

The Haelixa solution is DNA markers which are solved in liquid and applied to fibers as a fine spray. Spot checks are completed after spraying to determine the presence of DNA and identify the product. The test is based on PCR technology that is 100% reliable and has forensic validity.

Damteks saw an increase in demand for blended yarn in the last year. The request is most often a composition of 30% recycled fiber with 70% standard fiber. Brands are looking for options to be more sustainable and Damteks proactively sought out an answer. They are offering the yarn with Haelixa DNA to validate the recycled acrylic in the mix.

The haelixa team visited the Damteks recycling facility in Istanbul to kick off the partnership that will continue throughout 2023. The traceability program has the DNA sprayed on the recycled fibers before spinning. The project also saw the use of a tailored Haelixa liquid sprayer designed by the team based in Switzerland. When manufacturers do not have built-in moisturizing systems, Haelixa provides them with a custom unit to shower the DNA liquid onto the fibers. This sprayer is engineered to match the mechanical processing of the customer.

Damteks is a family-owned business that pride itself in carefully selecting environmentally responsible options for its production processes. On top of the certifications they have obtained including - GRS, RCS, GOTS, OCS - Damteks decided to have their products "Marked and Traced by Haelixa" to add additional credibility and reliability. Damteks plans to offer marked and traced by Haelixa yarn in different dyes as their offering to brands.

More information:
DNA marker acrylic fiber



Update of the ZDHC MMCF Guidelines 2.0

January, 3rd, ZDHC announced the release of the updated ZDHC Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) Guidelines Version 2.0, and its supporting document. By publishing these documents the industry shall be pushed forward increasingly innovative and sustainable fibre production.

The ZDHC MMCF Guidelines V2.0 now include the Responsible Fibre Production Guidelines, Wastewater Guidelines and Air Emissions Guidelines as three separate chapters in a single document.

Fibres are key components of production processes in the textile and fashion value chain and it is crucial to reduce the environmental impact of their manufacture. ZDHC guidelines give suppliers producing MMCF unified criteria for measuring output indicators like wastewater, sludge, air emissions and other process-related parameters.

January, 3rd, ZDHC announced the release of the updated ZDHC Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) Guidelines Version 2.0, and its supporting document. By publishing these documents the industry shall be pushed forward increasingly innovative and sustainable fibre production.

The ZDHC MMCF Guidelines V2.0 now include the Responsible Fibre Production Guidelines, Wastewater Guidelines and Air Emissions Guidelines as three separate chapters in a single document.

Fibres are key components of production processes in the textile and fashion value chain and it is crucial to reduce the environmental impact of their manufacture. ZDHC guidelines give suppliers producing MMCF unified criteria for measuring output indicators like wastewater, sludge, air emissions and other process-related parameters.

Among other changes, this update reflects the expansion of the scope to accommodate Viscose Filament Yarn, Lyocell, Cuprammonium Rayon (Cupro) and Cellulose Acetate (Acetate). The ZDHC Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) Guidelines V2.0 provide an aligned approach for included fibres, including defined chemical recovery, wastewater and sludge discharge, and air emission discharge.

ZDHC continues to advocate for the improvement of processes which minimise emissions while also working towards the recovery of input substances and by-products. These dual goals, reduction and recovery, directly address the negative impact of outputs arising from MMCF production.

ZDHC MMCF Guidelines Industry Standard Implementation Approach Version 2.0: Additional Industry Support for Implementation
Along with the ZDHC Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) Guidelines V2.0, ZDHC has also updated its ZDHC MMCF Guidelines Industry Standard Implementation Approach. This document aims to support the implementation process of the ZDHC MMCF Guidelines V2.0, and features new implementation timelines that assist suppliers in setting their goals to achieve Foundational, Progressive or Aspirational Level on the ZDHC Supplier Platform.

Photo Pure Denim

PureDenim & Bemberg ™: “Blue di Cupro” collection at Pitti Uomo

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

This has been made possible thanks to the partnership with PureDenim, a leading Italian company whose strategy since 10 years is based on an entire re-design of the production system, inspired by circular economy principles that combines technology and innovative materials in order to offer the highest levels of design, innovation and real responsible values derived from an holistic approach to sustainability.
The “Blue di Cupro” collection is made with seven fabrics made with Bemberg™, either 100% Bemberg™ or in blend with cotton, wool, and it applies the most advanced Pure Denim Technologies. The Blue di cupro fabrics made with Bemberg™ will also be dyed with “Smart Indigo” an indigo dye technology internally produced by PureDenim, through a chemical-free production. The only elements involved are: water, indigo pigments, and electricity. In terms of finishing, fabrics’ looks and performances are enhanced by the “Eco Sonic” ultrasounds finishing technology which brings significant reduction of water used, increased aesthetic features and controlled discoloration. And last but not least every yarn used at PureDenim is protected by NaturalReco® a 100% natural product that completely SUBSTITUTE the use of plastic films that are one of the key causes of microplastic emission for denim application.

“Blue” seems to be the new colour of Bemberg™, in fact, the company in early November 2022 announced, at the Blue Friday initiative by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the achievement of the OK biodegradable MARINE certification, which guarantees the biodegradability of its products even in the marine environment, as certified by TÜV AUSTRIA, meaning a lot in the context of microplastics in water issue solutions. This Bemberg™ certification’s achievement comes on top of other key ones such as the INNOVHUB report that confirms Bemberg™ biodegradability in soil without releasing hazardous substances, the RCS by Textile Exchange, and the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and ISO 14001 corporate certifications.




Renewcell starts deliveries of Circulose® pulp from Renewcell 1

December 29, Renewcell dispatched the first shipment of Circulose® dissolving pulp produced at its Renewcell 1 plant in Sundsvall to a customer. This sale is the latest step in the ramp-up of Renewcell 1 to its initial capacity of 60,000 tonnes per year.

Founded by innovators from Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2012, Re:NewCell AB (publ) (‘Renewcell’) is a multi-award-winning sustaintech company based in Sweden. The company’s vision is to make fashion circular. Through its patented process, Renewcell is able to recycle cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out cotton clothes and production scraps, transforming it into a pristine new material called Circulose®.

December 29, Renewcell dispatched the first shipment of Circulose® dissolving pulp produced at its Renewcell 1 plant in Sundsvall to a customer. This sale is the latest step in the ramp-up of Renewcell 1 to its initial capacity of 60,000 tonnes per year.

Founded by innovators from Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2012, Re:NewCell AB (publ) (‘Renewcell’) is a multi-award-winning sustaintech company based in Sweden. The company’s vision is to make fashion circular. Through its patented process, Renewcell is able to recycle cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out cotton clothes and production scraps, transforming it into a pristine new material called Circulose®.



(c) Recover™

Tillys partners with Recover™

California born and bred, Tillys is one of fashion’s leading specialty casualwear retailers. And now, thanks to its collaboration with Recover™ , their premium denim brand RSQ, it is set to become a leader of sustainable fashion.

The three brands – Tillys, Recover™ and RSQ – have come together to create a sustainable capsule collection. The new collection includes classic-inspired denim, a tee, and an on-trend chore jacket, all of which contain a minimum of 20% of Recover’s low-impact recycled cotton fiber. To shop the exclusive Recover™ pieces in the RSQ collection, go to or visit one of Tillys stores across 33 states.

To bring this collaboration to life, textile waste has been salvaged that would otherwise end up in a landfill to create high-quality recycled fiber that Tillys used to produce its premium-quality RSQ collection. Using recycled fiber significantly reduces the carbon and water footprint compared to apparel made with virgin fiber. This collaboration models how post-industrial textile waste can be integrated back into the system creating a more sustainable production model.

California born and bred, Tillys is one of fashion’s leading specialty casualwear retailers. And now, thanks to its collaboration with Recover™ , their premium denim brand RSQ, it is set to become a leader of sustainable fashion.

The three brands – Tillys, Recover™ and RSQ – have come together to create a sustainable capsule collection. The new collection includes classic-inspired denim, a tee, and an on-trend chore jacket, all of which contain a minimum of 20% of Recover’s low-impact recycled cotton fiber. To shop the exclusive Recover™ pieces in the RSQ collection, go to or visit one of Tillys stores across 33 states.

To bring this collaboration to life, textile waste has been salvaged that would otherwise end up in a landfill to create high-quality recycled fiber that Tillys used to produce its premium-quality RSQ collection. Using recycled fiber significantly reduces the carbon and water footprint compared to apparel made with virgin fiber. This collaboration models how post-industrial textile waste can be integrated back into the system creating a more sustainable production model.

“We are delighted to celebrate this new partnership with Tillys, helping to reduce the environmental impacts created by the fashion industry and pave the way towards a more sustainable future.”
– Alfredo Ferre, CEO Recover™



(c) Trützschler

Trützschler and Valérius 360 start collaborative project for recycled yarn

Valérius 360 wanted to make a sustainable, circular approach possible in the fashion industry. Working together with Trützschler, a collaborative project has now achieved high-quality recycled yarn – opening up massive potential to drive measurable progress toward a circular and sustainable textile industry.

Testing at the Trützschler Technical Center
The team from Valérius 360 wanted to find ways of improving the processes for yarns made from 50 % recycled and 50 % virgin cotton (Ne30). In particular, it was seeking ways to reduce thick and thin spots, which disturb the appearance of the textile surface.

At the Trützschler Technical Center in Mönchengladbach, they conducted special trials that showed that using a direct spinning process for this application delivers much better results than a process with a draw frame passage for rotor yarns.

In direct spinning, the sliver from the card is directly drawn in the draw frame which is integrated in the can stock. This involves one less process step than using an autoleveller draw frame, while also saving space and giving staff more time for other operations.

Valérius 360 wanted to make a sustainable, circular approach possible in the fashion industry. Working together with Trützschler, a collaborative project has now achieved high-quality recycled yarn – opening up massive potential to drive measurable progress toward a circular and sustainable textile industry.

Testing at the Trützschler Technical Center
The team from Valérius 360 wanted to find ways of improving the processes for yarns made from 50 % recycled and 50 % virgin cotton (Ne30). In particular, it was seeking ways to reduce thick and thin spots, which disturb the appearance of the textile surface.

At the Trützschler Technical Center in Mönchengladbach, they conducted special trials that showed that using a direct spinning process for this application delivers much better results than a process with a draw frame passage for rotor yarns.

In direct spinning, the sliver from the card is directly drawn in the draw frame which is integrated in the can stock. This involves one less process step than using an autoleveller draw frame, while also saving space and giving staff more time for other operations.

On-site support from Trützschler Customer Service
The team from Valérius 360 also received in-house training from the Trützschler Customer Service department. Together, they analyzed and significantly improved the process at the Valérius 360 production site. This helped to bring yarns made from recycled raw materials up to the required level of the 50% Usterstatistics. This is the reference level for yarns made from virgin raw materials. Accordingly, 50 % of all yarn producers with raw cotton for rotor yarns and comparable yarn counts produce a poorer quality.


Trützschler Group SE

(c) Speidel

Speidel: Neue Wäscheserie mit TENCEL™ Lyocellfasern

Die neue Serie „simply“ aus 93% CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser und 7% Elasthan LYCRA® ist für den Wäschehersteller Speidel eine weitere Produktinnovation ganz im Sinne der Speidel Firmenphilosophie mit klimaneutralem Headquarter.

Mit CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser ergänzt Speidel sein bereits bestehendes nachhaltiges Basic Sortiment. Denn die Fasern sind gemäß der Richtlinie des CP-Protokolls als klimaneutrale Produkte für die Textilindustrie zertifiziert. Und sie können noch mehr: Die Wasseraufnahmefähigkeit der Fasern ist 50 Prozent höher als die von Baumwolle. So wird Feuchtigkeit zuverlässig vom Körper weggeleitet, sodass Bakterien und unangenehme Gerüche keine Chance haben. Auf diese Weise verleihen die Wäschestücke der brandneuen Serie der Haut ein kühles und trockenes Gefühl.

Die neue Serie „simply“ aus 93% CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser und 7% Elasthan LYCRA® ist für den Wäschehersteller Speidel eine weitere Produktinnovation ganz im Sinne der Speidel Firmenphilosophie mit klimaneutralem Headquarter.

Mit CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser ergänzt Speidel sein bereits bestehendes nachhaltiges Basic Sortiment. Denn die Fasern sind gemäß der Richtlinie des CP-Protokolls als klimaneutrale Produkte für die Textilindustrie zertifiziert. Und sie können noch mehr: Die Wasseraufnahmefähigkeit der Fasern ist 50 Prozent höher als die von Baumwolle. So wird Feuchtigkeit zuverlässig vom Körper weggeleitet, sodass Bakterien und unangenehme Gerüche keine Chance haben. Auf diese Weise verleihen die Wäschestücke der brandneuen Serie der Haut ein kühles und trockenes Gefühl.

Zur neuen Serie „simply“ gehören drei moderne Slipformen: Minislip, Midislip und Pant. Sie werden ergänzt durch Soft BH und Schalen BH Triangle (verfügbar bis Cup D), sowie ein Achselhemd. Alle Teile bestehen aus 93% Lyocell TENCEL™ und 7% Elasthan LYCRA®. Slips und Hemdchen begleiten dank flacher Verarbeitung und ohne störende Seitennähte bequem durch den Tag. Die Serie erscheint sowohl in klassischem Schwarz und Weiß als auch in modernem Frappé und Lapis, und ab Juni 2023 erhältlich.


Speidel GmbH

(c) Dent Instrumentation

BTMA: Sensor specialist becomes employee owned

BTMA member Dent Instrumentation – a specialist in contactless yarn sensors – has become an employee-owned business following the formation of a new Employee Ownership Trust (EOT).

The company, based in Colne, Lancashire, has been family owned since its founder Geoffrey Dent secured a patent for the very first contactless yarn sensor in the 1960s. It has been successfully run by his son Andrew and the family for many years.
“This deal ensures a smooth succession as well as the preservation of the company’s core family values and the Dent Instrumentation name,” said Managing Director Colin Hull. “The EOT structure will maintain the integrity of the business for years to come.”

The liability of Dent sensors makes them integral to the yarn spinning and winding processes and they have become a standard throughout the textile industry, recognised for their quality, performance and value. They are used by major manufacturers of textiles and textile machinery under either Dent or OEM machine builder brands.

BTMA member Dent Instrumentation – a specialist in contactless yarn sensors – has become an employee-owned business following the formation of a new Employee Ownership Trust (EOT).

The company, based in Colne, Lancashire, has been family owned since its founder Geoffrey Dent secured a patent for the very first contactless yarn sensor in the 1960s. It has been successfully run by his son Andrew and the family for many years.
“This deal ensures a smooth succession as well as the preservation of the company’s core family values and the Dent Instrumentation name,” said Managing Director Colin Hull. “The EOT structure will maintain the integrity of the business for years to come.”

The liability of Dent sensors makes them integral to the yarn spinning and winding processes and they have become a standard throughout the textile industry, recognised for their quality, performance and value. They are used by major manufacturers of textiles and textile machinery under either Dent or OEM machine builder brands.


Toray creates Fiber that adsorbs Pathogenic Proteins in Blood

Toray Industries, Inc., announced that it has combined nanotechnology and fiber technology to create a cross-shaped polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) nanopore fiber that efficiently adsorbs pathogenic proteins in the blood.

The company developed this fiber by employing its PMMA hollow fiber membrane spinning technology. Changing the nanopore size on the surface and inside the fiber makes it possible to control the types of protein that this material adsorbs. This could become a fundamental blood purification technology for a range of protein adsorption columns that cause diseases.

The fiber’s cross-shaped cross section has a larger surface area than fibers with round ones. This provides much better contact between the blood and fiber and significantly enhances protein adsorption efficiency.

Toray Industries, Inc., announced that it has combined nanotechnology and fiber technology to create a cross-shaped polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) nanopore fiber that efficiently adsorbs pathogenic proteins in the blood.

The company developed this fiber by employing its PMMA hollow fiber membrane spinning technology. Changing the nanopore size on the surface and inside the fiber makes it possible to control the types of protein that this material adsorbs. This could become a fundamental blood purification technology for a range of protein adsorption columns that cause diseases.

The fiber’s cross-shaped cross section has a larger surface area than fibers with round ones. This provides much better contact between the blood and fiber and significantly enhances protein adsorption efficiency.

Toray is the only company to have commercialized a PMMA hollow-fiber membrane artificial kidney for dialysis treatment. Its new nanopore fiber benefits from PMMA’s good protein adsorption and biocompatibility. Using the structural formation of a stereocomplex from two PMMA types entangled spirally during the spinning process to form the fiber shape, Toray made it possible for the fiber itself to develop pores of several to dozens of nanometers. Depending on the pore size, large proteins cannot go inside the pores. If they are too small, they are not trapped. This enables selective adsorption of moderately sized proteins trapped in pores.

The fiber pore sizes are adjustable to the diameters of target proteins for a range of diseases. These include inflammatory proteins in sepsis, autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases, and causative proteins in chronic illnesses. Toray’s technology is thus fundamental to developing disease-causing protein adsorption columns to purify blood.

Toray’s cross-shaped cross section suppresses inter-fiber adhesion, increasing the surface area per volume and enabling highly efficient protein adsorption. For blood purification applications, higher capacity adsorption columns increase blood removal amounts from the body, which can be especially stressful for the elderly and children. The new fiber’s highly efficient protein adsorption should contribute to compact, high-performance protein adsorption columns.


Toray Industries, Inc.,


Trio of textile fairs rescheduled to end of March

In view of the easing of pandemic restriction policies in China, the Spring Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles have been moved to the new timeslot of 28 – 30 March 2023. This will allow both local and international fairgoers more time to prepare for their participation, with a higher industry turnout now expected at the three fairs. The fairs will still be located at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai where they were originally due to be held from 8 – 10 March.

Discussing the change of dates, Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained: “After talking to our stakeholders, we believe adjusting the spring show dates to the end of March is the right move. It provides enough time for exhibitors and visitors from local and abroad to plan for the fairs and capitalise on the ample international business opportunities brought by the reopening of China’s border.”

In view of the easing of pandemic restriction policies in China, the Spring Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles have been moved to the new timeslot of 28 – 30 March 2023. This will allow both local and international fairgoers more time to prepare for their participation, with a higher industry turnout now expected at the three fairs. The fairs will still be located at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai where they were originally due to be held from 8 – 10 March.

Discussing the change of dates, Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained: “After talking to our stakeholders, we believe adjusting the spring show dates to the end of March is the right move. It provides enough time for exhibitors and visitors from local and abroad to plan for the fairs and capitalise on the ample international business opportunities brought by the reopening of China’s border.”

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures ranked No. 1 in the world by ChemSec

  • Best practices in chemical footprints

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, received top ranking, for the second consecutive year, among the world's 54 largest chemical companies in the ChemScore ranking by ChemSec, for its efforts to reduce its chemical footprint.

IVL is also the only chemical company that uses the Substitute It Now (SIN) List to remove hazardous substances, market safer alternatives, use bio-based and hazard-free recycled feedstocks, and develop low-carbon products. This reinforces IVL’s purpose of ‘reimagining chemistry together to create a better world’ and underscores the company’s support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Factors that increased IVL’s score include its ambition to use 16% bio-based and 10% recycled raw materials (rPET) as feedstock by 2030, and safer green chemistry substitutions to reduce toxicity from raw materials and production processes. IVL’s Deja™ brand, offering the world's first carbon-neutral PET pellet solution, is a sustainable alternative to reduce environmental impact.

  • Best practices in chemical footprints

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, received top ranking, for the second consecutive year, among the world's 54 largest chemical companies in the ChemScore ranking by ChemSec, for its efforts to reduce its chemical footprint.

IVL is also the only chemical company that uses the Substitute It Now (SIN) List to remove hazardous substances, market safer alternatives, use bio-based and hazard-free recycled feedstocks, and develop low-carbon products. This reinforces IVL’s purpose of ‘reimagining chemistry together to create a better world’ and underscores the company’s support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Factors that increased IVL’s score include its ambition to use 16% bio-based and 10% recycled raw materials (rPET) as feedstock by 2030, and safer green chemistry substitutions to reduce toxicity from raw materials and production processes. IVL’s Deja™ brand, offering the world's first carbon-neutral PET pellet solution, is a sustainable alternative to reduce environmental impact.

The ChemScore ranking was developed by ChemSec, the non-profit International Chemical Secretariat in Sweden that advocates for safer alternatives to toxic chemicals, provide investors with better information to assess companies with strong chemical management strategies, and increased transparency. The ranking covers hazardous chemical portfolios, the development of safer chemicals and circular products, chemical management and company transparency, and responses to controversies, lawsuits, and regulations.

More information:
ChemSec IVL chemical footprint

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


MUNICH FABRIC START: Spring.Summer 24 Edition im Januar 2023

Zur Spring.Summer 24 Edition vom 24. bis 26. Januar 2023 wird die Münchner Stoffmesse das Sourcing nachhaltiger Materialentwicklungen und Lösungen für die Digitalisierung von Produkt bis Produktion noch stärker in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Dafür werden die Münchner das für die Branche immer wichtiger werdende ReSource Areal mit rund 600 innovativen Fabrics und Additionals, die bio-zertifiziert, biobasiert, recycelt, kreislauffähig oder aus regenerativen Quellen sind, in eine der frequentiertesten Messebereiche verlegen. Mit Fachwissen, Beratungskompetenz und Marktinformationen auf ReSource vertreten sind unter anderem auch Siegelgeber und Brancheninitiativen.

Zur Spring.Summer 24 Edition vom 24. bis 26. Januar 2023 wird die Münchner Stoffmesse das Sourcing nachhaltiger Materialentwicklungen und Lösungen für die Digitalisierung von Produkt bis Produktion noch stärker in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Dafür werden die Münchner das für die Branche immer wichtiger werdende ReSource Areal mit rund 600 innovativen Fabrics und Additionals, die bio-zertifiziert, biobasiert, recycelt, kreislauffähig oder aus regenerativen Quellen sind, in eine der frequentiertesten Messebereiche verlegen. Mit Fachwissen, Beratungskompetenz und Marktinformationen auf ReSource vertreten sind unter anderem auch Siegelgeber und Brancheninitiativen.

In Kooperation mit der MUNICH FABRIC START zeigt das Fashion Tech-Unternehmen Assyst auf einer Fläche von rund 300 Quadratmetern die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung für die Fashionbranche auf. Gemeinsam mit Technologie-Partnern wird so der gesamte Entwicklungsprozess für Bekleidung von Farbe, Stoff, Produkt bis Produktion digital erlebbar. Vorträge zu Themen der Branche wie Nachhaltigkeit und krisensichere Rendite runden das Programm ab. Auf der Assyst Experience stellen neben Assyst auch Caddon, Stoll KM.ON, Triple Tree, Verce und Vizoo aus.

Smart Textiles, Future Fabrics, neue Technologien und digitale Produktionsprozesse für die textile Kette – diesen Themen wird sich vom 24. bis 25. Januar 2023 auch das KEYHOUSE widmen. Zu den Ausstellenden zählen Circular Fashion, Dystar, CLO Virtual Fashion, Biotexfuture und Toray, die in dem interaktiven Innovationshub der MUNICH FABRIC START präsentiert und inszeniert werden. Auf der von Simon Angel kuratierten Fläche Sustainable Innovations sind zur Spring.Summer 24 Verena Brom, Chamille Champion, Zena Holloway, Robin Hoske und Felix Rasehorn, Mehdi Mashayekhi, Savine Schoorl, Birke Weber und Friederike Hoberg als aufstrebende Talente zu sehen. Im KEYHOUSE ist auch das Hauptvortragsforum der MUNICH FABRIC START mit Keynotes, Podiumsdiskussionen, Trend Präsentationen, Q&A Sessions & Expert:innen-Talks internationaler Brancheninsider verortet.

Auch die BLUEZONE lädt mit rund 90 Brands unter dem Leitmotiv DISCOVERY alle Fashion People und Denim Experts dazu ein, gemeinsame Momente zu teilen und die neusten Highlights, Innovationen und Veränderungen der Branche zu entdecken und voranzutreiben.

Die Veranstalter:innen rechnen mit rund 900 Aussteller:innen, die ihre neusten Trends und Innovationen auf einer Gesamtausstellungsfläche von rund 42.500 Quadratmetern zeigen werden. An zwei bzw. drei Tagen werden die MUNICH FABRIC START Spring.Summer 24 vom 24. – 26.01.2023 im MOC München sowie BLUEZONE und KEYHOUSE vom 24. – 25.01.2023 auf dem Zenith Areal die Branche wieder unter einem Dach zusammenbringen und ihr ein ausgewähltes Portfolio der wichtigsten internationalen Aussteller:innen, Informationen über die upcoming Trends, Panels und die Möglichkeit zum Netzwerken bieten.




Lenzing expects earnings below market expectations for 2022

The Lenzing Group, supplier of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, is adjusting its earnings forecast for the 2022 financial year due to one-off effects related to the accelerated savings program as well as currency effects and a further deterioration of the market environment.

Lenzing expects its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) to be around EUR 250 mn, which is below market expectations.

The Lenzing Group, supplier of specialty fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, is adjusting its earnings forecast for the 2022 financial year due to one-off effects related to the accelerated savings program as well as currency effects and a further deterioration of the market environment.

Lenzing expects its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) to be around EUR 250 mn, which is below market expectations.


Lenzing AG

(c) FET
Business Secretary Grant Shapps discusses FET’s wet spinning system with Mark Smith, FET R&D Manager

FET extrusion system features in UK Business Secretary’s visit

The UK’s new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps has visited the Henry Royce Institute’ hub in Manchester to seal the second phase of R&D investment in the institute of £95 million. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England had previously installed its FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester site and this proved to be a focus for the Business Secretary’s interest, as he discussed the project with FET’s Research and Development Manager, Mark Smith.

This wet spinning technology enables fibres to be derived from sustainable wood pulp to produce high quality apparel and trials are now underway to perfect this process. FET is a world leading supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, having successfully processed more than 35 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

During his visit, Shapps spoke of the investment programme as a means of reinforcing the UK’s standing as a leader in advanced materials research, development and innovation.

The UK’s new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps has visited the Henry Royce Institute’ hub in Manchester to seal the second phase of R&D investment in the institute of £95 million. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England had previously installed its FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester site and this proved to be a focus for the Business Secretary’s interest, as he discussed the project with FET’s Research and Development Manager, Mark Smith.

This wet spinning technology enables fibres to be derived from sustainable wood pulp to produce high quality apparel and trials are now underway to perfect this process. FET is a world leading supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, having successfully processed more than 35 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

During his visit, Shapps spoke of the investment programme as a means of reinforcing the UK’s standing as a leader in advanced materials research, development and innovation.

“R&D investment is a critical way to turbocharge Britain’s growth. Growing an economy fit for the future means harnessing the full potential of advanced materials, making science fiction a reality by supporting projects from regenerative medicine to robots developing new recycling capabilities, right across the country. Today’s £95 million investment will do just that, bringing together the brightest minds across our businesses and institutions to help future-proof sectors from healthcare to nuclear energy.”

The Henry Royce Institute was established in 2015 with an initial £235 million government investment through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the latest £95 million sum represents the second phase of the investment.

Opportunities being investigated by Royce include lightweight materials and structures, biomaterials and materials designed for reuse, recycling and remanufacture. Advanced materials are critical to the UK future in various industries, such as health, transport, energy, electronics and utilities.