From the Sector

79 results

NCTO elects Chairman, Council Chairs and Board Members

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, held its officer elections for fiscal year 2021 today.

NCTO has re-elected David Roberts, CEO of Cap Yarns, as Chairman and David Poston, President of Palmetto Synthetics, as Vice Chairman.

In addition to the appointment of a new chairman and vice chairman, NCTO elected chairs for each of its four councils. NCTO is comprised of four councils to ensure a broad representation of the industry supply chain. Each council has an allotted number of members who are elected to the association’s Board of Directors, in addition to the Executive Committee.*

“This is a critical juncture for our industry, which answered the call of the nation to produce lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim. “We will continue to engage with all stakeholders to press for policies that support the industry overall, help onshore PPE production and create a permanent domestic supply chain.”


The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, held its officer elections for fiscal year 2021 today.

NCTO has re-elected David Roberts, CEO of Cap Yarns, as Chairman and David Poston, President of Palmetto Synthetics, as Vice Chairman.

In addition to the appointment of a new chairman and vice chairman, NCTO elected chairs for each of its four councils. NCTO is comprised of four councils to ensure a broad representation of the industry supply chain. Each council has an allotted number of members who are elected to the association’s Board of Directors, in addition to the Executive Committee.*

“This is a critical juncture for our industry, which answered the call of the nation to produce lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim. “We will continue to engage with all stakeholders to press for policies that support the industry overall, help onshore PPE production and create a permanent domestic supply chain.”


*See attached document for more information.


NCTO: Statement on "Made in America" executive order

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today on the White House announcement that President Biden will sign an executive order today, “ensuring the future of America is Made in America by all of America’s workers.”  Further, NCTO launched a new industry video campaign today that outlines steps the Biden administration and Congress must take to re-shore the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the entire supply chain for critical products. The video can be found here: MakeAmericanPPE.

National Council of Textile Organizations President and CEO Kim Glas said:
“We commend President Biden for taking action in his first days in office to strengthen our domestic supply chain and manufacturing base with a “Made in America” executive order directing the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on American-made goods produced by American workers using American-made components.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today on the White House announcement that President Biden will sign an executive order today, “ensuring the future of America is Made in America by all of America’s workers.”  Further, NCTO launched a new industry video campaign today that outlines steps the Biden administration and Congress must take to re-shore the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the entire supply chain for critical products. The video can be found here: MakeAmericanPPE.

National Council of Textile Organizations President and CEO Kim Glas said:
“We commend President Biden for taking action in his first days in office to strengthen our domestic supply chain and manufacturing base with a “Made in America” executive order directing the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on American-made goods produced by American workers using American-made components.

Increasing the domestic procurement threshold and the price preferences for domestic goods under the current Buy American law will bolster domestic production and stimulate more investment in U.S. manufacturing.

We believe it is critical that taxpayer dollars are used to invest in American manufacturing and our workforce. It is essential that we close loopholes in our Buy America laws, expand application and product coverage of domestic content rules, and close unnecessary contract waivers that undermine American manufacturing and its workforce.
We look forward to working with the Biden administration and Congress on immediately strengthening our domestic procurement laws. The COVID-19 crisis was exacerbated when foreign supply chains broke down leaving our frontline workers vulnerable, underscoring the vital need for America to manufacture essential medical products at home. We look forward to working with the Biden administration on implementing this Executive Order, and with members of Congress to push critical bipartisan legislation to help ensure this onshoring effort is fully realized.

We also sincerely thank Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC) for their leadership in sending a recent letter to President Biden, requesting the president prioritize “Made in America” personal protective equipment (PPE) purchases and outlining key steps the administration can take to produce and procure quality American-made PPE for frontline workers.”


National Council of Textile Organizations


NCTO: Letter to President Biden to prioritize American manufactors

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and U.S. Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC) wrote to President Biden calling on the Administration to prioritize purchasing fully made in America Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The lawmakers outline four steps the Administration can take now to ensure our frontline workers have products needed to effectively carryout their critical responsibilities and to support domestic manufacturers who are ready to scale up production and help keep workers healthy and safe.

In their letter, Brown and Manning call on President Biden, through Executive Order and legislative efforts, to:

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and U.S. Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC) wrote to President Biden calling on the Administration to prioritize purchasing fully made in America Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The lawmakers outline four steps the Administration can take now to ensure our frontline workers have products needed to effectively carryout their critical responsibilities and to support domestic manufacturers who are ready to scale up production and help keep workers healthy and safe.

In their letter, Brown and Manning call on President Biden, through Executive Order and legislative efforts, to:

  1. Prioritize the purchase of fully made in America PPE “Berry compliant” to help continue bolstering the U.S. supply chain regardless of purchasing agency;
  2. Issue long-term contracts directly to domestic manufacturers when possible to help bolster the domestic supply chains;
  3. Adopt a contracting purchase methodology that uses “Best Value” criteria versus “Lowest Price Technically Acceptable” criteria; and
  4. Designate a point person in charge of coordinating the government’s efforts to procure PPE and other medical equipment who is responsible for meeting regularly with key domestic manufacturing stakeholders.

A full copy of Brown and Manning’s letter can be found here.


National Council of Textile Organizations


NCTO welcomes President Biden’s action plan and Covid-19 Response

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today welcoming President Biden’s action plan and COVID-19 response, accompanied by a series of executive orders, including an order signed today to strengthen U.S. supply chains by directing federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to address shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and related vaccine supplies.

“We are closely reviewing President Biden’s national strategic plan to confront the pandemic and welcome the executive order signed today to strengthen our supply chains by directing all federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act to address shortages of personal protective equipment, vaccine supplies and essential products. These are important steps that will help ramp up critical manufacturing of these essential PPE products and other critically needed supplies like tests and vaccines.”

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today welcoming President Biden’s action plan and COVID-19 response, accompanied by a series of executive orders, including an order signed today to strengthen U.S. supply chains by directing federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to address shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and related vaccine supplies.

“We are closely reviewing President Biden’s national strategic plan to confront the pandemic and welcome the executive order signed today to strengthen our supply chains by directing all federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act to address shortages of personal protective equipment, vaccine supplies and essential products. These are important steps that will help ramp up critical manufacturing of these essential PPE products and other critically needed supplies like tests and vaccines.”

American manufacturers have been at the forefront of the effort to build a domestic PPE supply chain since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. textile industry retooled production and operations virtually overnight, producing millions of face masks, isolation gowns, testing swabs and other critical medical textiles.

The industry is dedicated to making significant investments in automated equipment for PPE, but the industry needs long-term, multiyear contracts to help realize that investment.

The deployment of DPA is one of the critical tools that will help incentivize investment in equipment, propel the hiring of U.S. workers and expand these critical production chains.

Since its inception, the DPA has been utilized by the Department of Defense to make critical investments in domestic textile manufacturing infrastructure and capacity, creating private-public partnerships through the government’s capital investments under the DPA and guaranteeing purchases through long-term contracts.  

NCTO applaud President Biden’s action and anticipate further steps including a reported order that will seek to strengthen government procurement of U.S. products in the coming days. NCTO appreciate President Biden outlining the “National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness” a series of actions and steps the administration will undertake to deploy and manufacture the vaccine and other essential products.


National Council of Textile Organizations

VDMA: Young talents honoured online (c) VDMA
The winners 2020 (from top left to bottom right): Dr. Frederik Cloppenburg, Philippa Böhnke, Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, Dr. Annett Schmieder, Maximilian Speiser, Harry Lucas jun.

VDMA: Young talents honoured online

In early December, the chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier presented awards to six successful young engineers. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony took place as a web conference for the first time.

Philippa Böhnke, ITM Dresden, and Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, ITA Aachen, were honoured with creativity awards for the cleverest bachelor or project work. The prizes are endowed with 3,000 euros each. Ms. Böhnke’s project dealt with composite implants for the repair and regeneration of bone defects. In his bachelor thesis, Mr. Arañó Romero has developed a spinning machine able to produce yarn with material from the moon. By this, the transport effort in space travel can be minimised, because insulating material for example necessary for a moon base can be produced on the moon directly.

In early December, the chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier presented awards to six successful young engineers. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony took place as a web conference for the first time.

Philippa Böhnke, ITM Dresden, and Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, ITA Aachen, were honoured with creativity awards for the cleverest bachelor or project work. The prizes are endowed with 3,000 euros each. Ms. Böhnke’s project dealt with composite implants for the repair and regeneration of bone defects. In his bachelor thesis, Mr. Arañó Romero has developed a spinning machine able to produce yarn with material from the moon. By this, the transport effort in space travel can be minimised, because insulating material for example necessary for a moon base can be produced on the moon directly.

Harry Lucas, TU Chemnitz, and Maximilian Speiser, Reutlingen University, were awarded two promotion prizes in the category master thesis with prize money of 3,500 euros each. The master thesis of Mr. Lucas deals with the development of a new knitting head for jacquard knitted fabrics, enabling a large variety of colours e.g. in the production of fan scarfs. Mr. Speiser showed in his master thesis a solution for increasing energy efficiency in the nonwovens process.

This year, two promotion prizes of the German Textile Machinery Industry in the dissertation category were awarded to Dr. Frederik Cloppenburg, ITA Aachen, and Dr. Annett Schmieder, TU Chemnitz. In his dissertation Mr. Cloppenburg developed a model for the optimisation of roller cards in the nonwovens process. Ms. Schmieder introduced in her dissertation a damage analysis system for fibre ropes. The system detects when a rope must be replaced e.g. in transport applications.

The award ceremony 2021 shall take place with physical presence again. It is scheduled for early May at the fair Techtextil in Frankfurt.



Foto: BTE. Karin Busnel-Knappertsbusch

Karin Busnel-Knappertsbusch neu im BTE-Präsidium

Am 28. Oktober 2020 fand die diesjährige Delegiertenversammlung des BTE in Form einer Web-Konferenz statt. Dabei wurden im Rahmen der Regularien u.a. Vorstand und Geschäftsführung für 2019 entlastet sowie der Etat für 2021 diskutiert.
Weiter stand eine Nachwahl zum BTE-Präsidium an. Neu und einstimmig ins Präsidium gewählt wurde von der BTE-Delegiertenversammlung Karin Busnel-Knappertsbusch, die seit 1. Oktober 2020 innerhalb der Geschäftsführung von Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof für Categorie Management und Einkaufssteuerung zuständig ist.
Aktuell besteht das BTE-Präsidium aus folgenden Personen:
Steffen Jost, Modehaus Jost, Grünstadt (Präsident)
Andreas Bartmann, Globetrotter Ausrüstung, Hamburg (Vizepräsident)
Andreas Kleine, Fa. Bruno Kleine, Harsewinkel (Vizepräsident)
Andrea Benker-Ritter, mut Einkaufsverband, Limburg
Adrian Cüppers, Ernsting‘s family, Coesfeld
Martin Knauff, Wohnen&Sparen GmbH, Bad Hersfeld
Lars Messerich, Modehaus Messerich, Bitburg
Karin Busnel-Knappertsbusch, Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof, Essen
Jens Ristedt, Ristedt City Modehaus, Bremen

Am 28. Oktober 2020 fand die diesjährige Delegiertenversammlung des BTE in Form einer Web-Konferenz statt. Dabei wurden im Rahmen der Regularien u.a. Vorstand und Geschäftsführung für 2019 entlastet sowie der Etat für 2021 diskutiert.
Weiter stand eine Nachwahl zum BTE-Präsidium an. Neu und einstimmig ins Präsidium gewählt wurde von der BTE-Delegiertenversammlung Karin Busnel-Knappertsbusch, die seit 1. Oktober 2020 innerhalb der Geschäftsführung von Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof für Categorie Management und Einkaufssteuerung zuständig ist.
Aktuell besteht das BTE-Präsidium aus folgenden Personen:
Steffen Jost, Modehaus Jost, Grünstadt (Präsident)
Andreas Bartmann, Globetrotter Ausrüstung, Hamburg (Vizepräsident)
Andreas Kleine, Fa. Bruno Kleine, Harsewinkel (Vizepräsident)
Andrea Benker-Ritter, mut Einkaufsverband, Limburg
Adrian Cüppers, Ernsting‘s family, Coesfeld
Martin Knauff, Wohnen&Sparen GmbH, Bad Hersfeld
Lars Messerich, Modehaus Messerich, Bitburg
Karin Busnel-Knappertsbusch, Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof, Essen
Jens Ristedt, Ristedt City Modehaus, Bremen
Volker Warth, Fa. Keller-Warth, Biberach
Klaus Magnus, Alfeld (Ehrenpräsident)
Klaus J. Stange, Stuttgart (Ehrenpräsident)

More information:


World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy (c) pixabay

October, 7th: World Cotton Day

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

According to the WTO, the aim of World Cotton Day is to highlight the global economic importance of cotton and to raise awareness of the raw material by recognising the work of everyone involved in its cultivation, processing and trade. At the same time, within the framework of international cooperation, it is hoped that supporters and investors can be found to aid with technological and economic progress within the cotton value chain.

This time, the entire world cotton community will be involved in World Cotton Day on Wednesday, 7 October 2020. A wide variety of campaigns and events are taking place everywhere to draw attention to the importance of cotton and its possible uses.

Cotton is one of the most relevant agricultural raw materials in the world. Around 26 million tonnes of it are harvested annually. Approximately 150 million people in almost 80 countries around the world live from the cultivation of the natural fibre. A large number of these live in developing countries, where cotton cultivation is of particular importance as a cash crop.

Cotton is known as an agricultural product that is turned into a textile. The raw material is indispensable in fashion and clothing – and has been for thousands of years. But the use of cotton now goes far beyond textiles. For example, cosmetic products such as hand creams and hair shampoo are made from the oil of cotton seeds. The raw material is also used in the manufacture of banknotes, furniture and technical textiles, as well as in medical technology.

Against the background of the current discussion on sustainability and sustainable consumption, the role of natural fibres is becoming even more important. Cotton is biodegradable and a renewable resource. It can be grown again and again in agriculture through cultivation in crop rotation. This secures incomes and enables efficient value creation within the global production and processing chain.

The Bremen Cotton Exchange will actively support World Cotton Day with cross-media coverage. In addition, in time for World Cotton Day, three thematically different, emotionally appealing short films about cotton will be launched. They are aimed at consumers as customers of the textile and clothing trade and provide information about the benefits and properties of cotton and answer questions about its sustainability. In keeping with the times, they will be published via virtual media.

Texoversum - Indoor © Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten, Menges Scheffler Architekten; Jan Knippers Ingenieure
Texoversum - Indoor

Südwesttextil spendet Hochschule Reutlingen Ausbildungs- und Innovationszentrum

Die Hochschule Reutlingen wird ein neues, architektonisch interessantes Gebäude am Rande des Campus bekommen: das Texoversum. Gespendet vom Arbeitgeberverband Südwesttextil soll es der europaweite Leuchtturm für textile Ausbildung und Innovation werden. Passend dazu zeigt der Bau eine erstmalig so umgesetzte transparente Textilfassade, made in Baden-Württemberg.

Die Hochschule Reutlingen wird ein neues, architektonisch interessantes Gebäude am Rande des Campus bekommen: das Texoversum. Gespendet vom Arbeitgeberverband Südwesttextil soll es der europaweite Leuchtturm für textile Ausbildung und Innovation werden. Passend dazu zeigt der Bau eine erstmalig so umgesetzte transparente Textilfassade, made in Baden-Württemberg.

Der Entwurf entstand durch drei Stuttgarter Professoren Markus Allmann, Achim Menges und Jan Knippers mit ihren Büros Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten, Menges Scheffler Architekten und Jan Knippers Ingenieure. Letztere stehen für die einzigartige Fassade aus Carbonfasern, deren Fertigung mit Robotern bislang nur bei Tragwerksstrukturen für Pavillons zum Einsatz kam, wie etwa auf der Bundesgartenschau Heilbronn 2019. Der Neubau ist Teil eines Ensembles, welches im Rahmen des Masterplanes für den Campus Reutlingen entwickelt und umgesetzt wird. Seine Corporate Architecture erfüllt neben funktionalen Anforderungen ästhetische und repräsentative Ansprüche und schafft ein identitätsstiftendes Gebäude als Impulsgeber für die Technologie Textil. „Im Äußeren zeigt das Gebäude durch eine neuartige Fassade die Innovationskraft der Textilindustrie, im Inneren verbinden halbgeschossig versetzte Arbeitsplattformen alle Bereiche zu einem offenen, räumlichen Kontinuum“, so das Architektenteam.

Ab Herbst 2022 sollen im Texoversum auf dem Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen unterschiedliche Zielgruppen zusammenkommen: Studierende mit Unternehmen, Gründer mit Investoren, Entwickler aus der Industrie mit Forschern der Hochschule und benachbarten Instituten. Außerdem sollen Auszubildende hier in der gesamten textilen Kette trainiert werden. Dazu will Südwesttextil die bislang im Ausbildungszentrum Gatex im südbadischen Bad Säckingen untergebrachte überbetriebliche Ausbildung nach Reutlingen verlagern.

Das Texoversum umfasst fast 3.000 Quadratmeter Fläche für Werkstätten, Labore, eine neue Heimat für die international renommierte Textilsammlung, Think-Tank-Flächen und Unterrichtsräume. Nach der von Südwesttextil verantworteten und finanzierten Errichtung des Gebäudes soll es ans Land Baden-Württemberg und damit an die Hochschule übergeben werden. Südwesttextil möchte an dem über 160 Jahre alten Textilstandort Reutlingen eine moderne Plattform schaffen für alle, die an Textil Interesse haben, in diesem Bereich arbeiten, lehren oder forschen – in allen Alters- und Qualifikationsstufen und auch über Branchengrenzen hinweg. „Ich wünsche mir das Texoversum als eine hybride Zukunftswerkstatt, in der textiler Nachwuchs ausgebildet wird, neue Produkte und auch neue Unternehmen entstehen und Wirtschaft noch gezielter mit Wissenschaft zusammenkommt“, so der Verbandspräsident Bodo Th. Bölzle.

Reutlingen will mit diesem neuartigen Open Space Konzept an die Zeiten anknüpfen, als es noch „Oxford der Textilindustrie“ hieß. Auch Trendscouts und Entwickler aus anderen Technologiebranchen, wie Automotive, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Informatik oder Medizintechnik sollen dort eine Anlaufstelle finden. „Das Texoversum ist eine innovationsfördernde Umgebung und bringt Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten und Ideen zusammen. Hier werden in Teams Synergien und zukunftsweisende Ideen geschaffen, die sich auch in der Industrie fortsetzen werden“, so Professor Dr. Hendrik Brumme, Präsident der Hochschule Reutlingen. Auch der Dekan der Fakultät Textil & Design, Reutlingen, Professor Dr. Jochen Strähle, freut sich auf das neue Wahrzeichen seiner traditionsreichen Ausbildungs-stätte: „Das wird inspirierend für alle Beteiligten. Das Texoversum bündelt die erstklassige textile Ausbildung und Forschung über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette. Hier gestalten wir die Welt von morgen.“ Textil werde als Querschnittstechnologie immer wichtiger in den Bereichen Mobilität, Nachhaltigkeit, beim Bauen oder als Träger von Sensorik in der Medizin, das bestätigt auch Bodo Th. Bölzle und fasst zusammen: „Das Texoversum wird der Ort sein, an dem junge Talente und alte Hasen gemeinsam neue Ideen entwickeln.“

Wissenschaftsministerin Theresia Bauer misst dem Neubau überregionale Bedeutung bei: „Das Texoversum bringt nicht nur einen signifikanten Mehrwert in Forschung und Lehre für die Hochschule Reutlingen und die dortige Fakultät für Textil und Design. Der mit dem Neubau geschaffene ‚Think Tank‘ wird als zentraler Pfeiler im Netzwerk von Hochschulen und Textilwirtschaft Signalwirkung für das ganze Land entfalten.“

Grundlage für die bauliche Weiterentwicklung des landeseigenen Hochschulgeländes ist ein städtebaulicher Masterplan, den das Stuttgarter Architekturbüro Harris und Kurrle im Auftrag des Landesbetriebs Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg im Vorfeld erstellt hatte. „Das Texoversum wird einen prominenten Bauplatz im südwestlichen Campusareal besetzen und mit seiner expressiven Fassade auf den gesamten Campus ausstrahlen“ so Andreas Hölting, der Leiter des Tübinger Amtes von Vermögen und Bau.


Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie Südwesttextil e.V.


NCTO: Buy American Policy for Personal Protective Equipment

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement, urging the government to institute Buy American policy changes to help bolster U.S. manufacturers producing personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If the government is sincere about reconstituting a U.S. production chain for medical personal protective equipment (PPE) to resolve the drastic shortages we are experiencing during the current pandemic, it is going to have to make key policy changes to help incentivize domestic production. A strong Buy American mandate for these vital healthcare materials needs to be instituted for all federal agencies, coupled with other reasonable production incentives, to help ensure a strong U.S.  manufacturing base for these essential products.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement, urging the government to institute Buy American policy changes to help bolster U.S. manufacturers producing personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If the government is sincere about reconstituting a U.S. production chain for medical personal protective equipment (PPE) to resolve the drastic shortages we are experiencing during the current pandemic, it is going to have to make key policy changes to help incentivize domestic production. A strong Buy American mandate for these vital healthcare materials needs to be instituted for all federal agencies, coupled with other reasonable production incentives, to help ensure a strong U.S.  manufacturing base for these essential products.

Our government already has an existing example of such a mandate that serves as an excellent model. The U.S. Department of Defense operates under a fiber-to-finished product Buy American rule for military textiles. This rule ensures that the vital textile materials our U.S. warfighters depend upon, come from a secure domestic production chain that cannot be severed during a military emergency by offshore entities.

There is a bipartisan call for action as members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have begun to acknowledge the need for these types of reasonable and essential policy changes.

Anything short of fully instituting domestic purchase requirements through Executive Order and other legislative initiatives will ensure that PPE production through U.S. supply chains that have been created overnight don’t evaporate as soon as this crisis is over.  

In the midst of the crisis, our failure to confront this challenge will allow for a repeat of the sins of the past that allowed sourcing agents to offshore the entire production of medical PPE in search of lucrative profits. While chasing the lowest cost import may have seemed cost effective at the time, these past few months have demonstrated that we paid a deadly price through this approach by jeopardizing the very lives of frontline medical personnel that are fighting the pandemic.   

This is a national security issue. It’s also a vital healthcare issue and it is decision time for U.S. policymakers. If our country is to be prepared for future deadly pandemics such as the one it is now facing, reasonable policy changes need to be implemented to ensure that we strengthen our domestic supply chain to address America’s security, safety and healthcare requirements.”

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers. 




NCTO Statement on Administration’s 90-Day Tariff Deferral

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished products, issued a statement from NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas today, voicing concern over the administration’s executive order instituting a non-reciprocal 90-day deferral on certain tariffs.
The temporary postponement of duties does not apply to products with antidumping or countervailing duties or those products subject to penalty duties under Section 232, 201 and 301.

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished products, issued a statement from NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas today, voicing concern over the administration’s executive order instituting a non-reciprocal 90-day deferral on certain tariffs.
The temporary postponement of duties does not apply to products with antidumping or countervailing duties or those products subject to penalty duties under Section 232, 201 and 301.

“At a time when domestic textile producers and its workforce have mobilized to transform their production lines to manufacture the personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies for frontline healthcare and medical workers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, the administration’s decision to defer duties for 90 days on the vast majority of products imported into the United States is counterproductive.
This move contradicts the administration’s top stated priority of rebuilding American manufacturing and buying American and could have severe negative implications for the entire U.S. textile industry, whose companies and workforce already are facing enormous economic hardship.
We support the need to temporarily eliminate barriers to the entry of emergency medical supplies and certain PPE inputs tied directly to the COVID-19 response. But make no mistake, the key drivers behind efforts to defer tariffs have nothing to do with facilitating access to PPE products or stopping the spread of COVID-19.
Our industry is being asked to do extraordinary things.  We are heeding that call, but we need help to ensure the supply chains we are creating overnight don’t evaporate tomorrow.  We need strong procurement policies and additional funding for our industries to ramp up and retool – not further measures that incentivize offshore production. We need to maximize the U.S. domestic production chain right now to every extent possible in helping fight COVID-19 and make the products American frontline workers desperately need.  

We need to provide immediate and substantial relief to our manufacturing sector and their workforce who are suffering enormously right now. It’s critical that we have a long-term U.S. government plan to ensure that we aren’t relying on offshore producers to make medically necessary, live-saving PPE.  We shouldn’t be providing handouts to reward the very companies that helped offshore these industries so many years ago.

Tariffs are one of the few mechanisms in place to help partially address the challenges U.S. manufacturers face in competing with imports from countries with exceptionally low wages, poor working conditions, and minimal environmental and safety standards.”, states the NCTO.




NCTO Logo (c) NCTO

U.S. Textile and Nonwoven Associations Urge Government to Deem Manufacturing

Textile and nonwoven associations issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Our associations recognize the serious challenges our elected officials, health administrators, and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and we understand the necessity for leaders to enforce a ‘Shelter in Place” order or quarantine orders.

Our members make a broad range of inputs and finished products used in an array of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical nonwoven/textile supplies, including surgical gowns, face masks, antibacterial wipes, lab coats, blood pressure cuffs, cotton swabs and hazmat suits. These items are vital to the government’s effort to ramp up emergency production of these critical supplies.

Textile and nonwoven associations issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Our associations recognize the serious challenges our elected officials, health administrators, and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and we understand the necessity for leaders to enforce a ‘Shelter in Place” order or quarantine orders.

Our members make a broad range of inputs and finished products used in an array of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical nonwoven/textile supplies, including surgical gowns, face masks, antibacterial wipes, lab coats, blood pressure cuffs, cotton swabs and hazmat suits. These items are vital to the government’s effort to ramp up emergency production of these critical supplies.

If workers who produce these goods are not granted an “essential” exemption from “Shelter in Place” and other quarantine orders to go to their manufacturing and distribution facilities, it will cause major disruptions in the availability of these goods. This will create significant hardship to healthcare providers and consumers across the country who depend on steady and stable supplies of these critical items.

We are asking the administration and state and local authorities to provide greater certainty and clarity for our companies and employees and ask for a clear exclusion of our manufacturing operations from “Shelter in Place” orders as the textile and nonwoven products that we make in the U.S. play an essential role in mitigating the shortages of critical supplies. Such a designation will help us avoid disruptions of vital goods and services during this challenging time.





A modern hydroponic herb growing facility. (c) AWOL
A modern hydroponic herb growing facility.

Salad days for the UK’s Anglo Recycling

Anglo Recycling Technology is on course to deliver no less than a million of its special nonwoven mats for hydroponically growing herbs to a major customer in the Middle East this year. The Growfelt-branded products arose from the discovery back in the late 1990s by Anglo Recycling’s owner Simon Macaulay, that the Sussex-based retail supplier of salads, Van Heineken Brothers (now Vitacress), used nonwoven felts on which to grow its cress.

“I drove down to see the company’s production manager, Chris Moncrieff and discovered they were indeed growing cress on felts, but they were made from virgin materials and he liked the idea of maybe using a blend of virgin fiber offcuts of cotton, wool, and polypropylene,” he explains. “That’s how Growfelt was born. For the first six years, we supplied exclusively to Vitacress and in return, they helped us to bring our factory up to food-grade standard and to set in place a testing regime for Salmonella E-Coli coliforms and listeria.”

Anglo Recycling Technology is on course to deliver no less than a million of its special nonwoven mats for hydroponically growing herbs to a major customer in the Middle East this year. The Growfelt-branded products arose from the discovery back in the late 1990s by Anglo Recycling’s owner Simon Macaulay, that the Sussex-based retail supplier of salads, Van Heineken Brothers (now Vitacress), used nonwoven felts on which to grow its cress.

“I drove down to see the company’s production manager, Chris Moncrieff and discovered they were indeed growing cress on felts, but they were made from virgin materials and he liked the idea of maybe using a blend of virgin fiber offcuts of cotton, wool, and polypropylene,” he explains. “That’s how Growfelt was born. For the first six years, we supplied exclusively to Vitacress and in return, they helped us to bring our factory up to food-grade standard and to set in place a testing regime for Salmonella E-Coli coliforms and listeria.”

In recent years, however, Anglo Recycling, which is based in Whitworth, near Rochdale in the UK, has significantly broadened its customer base. It now offers a core of three growing media products to meet the differing needs of customers across Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East, whether for retail presentation and appearance or for water holding.


More information:
Anglo Recycling Technology


NCTO sees the manifacturing facilities as "essential"

U.S. Textile and Nonwoven Associations Urge Government to Deem Manufacturing Facilities “Essential”

The U.S. textile and nonwoven associations NCTO, IFAL and INDA issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The associations recognize the serious challenges of the elected officials, health administrators and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and show understanding for the necessity to enforce quarantine orders.

The U.S. textile and nonwoven associations NCTO, IFAL and INDA issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The associations recognize the serious challenges of the elected officials, health administrators and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and show understanding for the necessity to enforce quarantine orders.

The members of these associations are part of the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical nonwoven/textile supplies, including surgical gowns, face masks, antibacterial wipes, lab coats, blood pressure cuffs, cotton swabs and hazmat suits. These items are vital to the government’s effort to ramp up emergency production of these critical supplies.
If workers who produce these goods are not granted an “essential” exemption from “Shelter in Place” and other quarantine orders to go to their manufacturing and distribution facilities, it will cause major disruptions in the availability of these goods, states the association. This will create hardship to healthcare providers and consumers across the country who depend on steady and stable supplies of these critical items, says the NCTO.

More information:
Coronavirus NCTO face masks USA

National Council of Textile Organizations

TITK gewinnt Thüringer Innovationspreis 2019 für flexible, metallfreie Heizfolie mit PTC-Effekt (c) TITK / Steffen Beikirch
TITK-Direktor Benjamin Redlingshöfer (Mitte) nahm den Innovationspreis in Weimar mit Abteilungsleiter Prof. Dr. Klaus Heinemann (links) und dem verantwortlichen Projektleiter Dr. Mario Schrödner entgegen.

TITK gewinnt Thüringer Innovationspreis 2019 für flexible, metallfreie Heizfolie mit PTC-Effekt

In der Kategorie „Industrie & Material“ setzte sich das Thüringische Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt e.V. (TITK) im diesjährigen Wettbewerb gegen zahlreiche Mitkonkurrenten durch. Die flexiblen, metallfreien Heizfolien mit integriertem Überhitzungsschutz überzeugten die Jury unter Vorsitz von Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrich S. Schubert. Institutsdirektor Benjamin Redlingshöfer wertet den am 27. November 2019 in Weimar verliehenen Preis als herausragende Auszeichnung für eine exzellente Leistung in der wirtschaftsnahen Forschung sowie für den erfolgreichen Transfer von Forschungsergebnissen in die Industrie.

In der Kategorie „Industrie & Material“ setzte sich das Thüringische Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt e.V. (TITK) im diesjährigen Wettbewerb gegen zahlreiche Mitkonkurrenten durch. Die flexiblen, metallfreien Heizfolien mit integriertem Überhitzungsschutz überzeugten die Jury unter Vorsitz von Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrich S. Schubert. Institutsdirektor Benjamin Redlingshöfer wertet den am 27. November 2019 in Weimar verliehenen Preis als herausragende Auszeichnung für eine exzellente Leistung in der wirtschaftsnahen Forschung sowie für den erfolgreichen Transfer von Forschungsergebnissen in die Industrie.

Weimar / Rudolstadt – Der Rudolstädter Wettbewerbsbeitrag lautete „PTC-ThermoMat“ – Effizientes Thermomanagement mittels flexibler, metallfreier Heizmaterialien auf Polymerbasis". Die Heizfolien mit dem sogenannten PTC-Effekt waren in diesem Jahr auch auf der Hannover Messe vorgestellt worden. Die Abkürzung PTC steht für „positive temperature coefficient“ und beschreibt die starke Zunahme des Widerstands mit der Temperatur. Getreu diesem Prinzip reduziert die Heizfolie ihre Leistung selbst, sie bringt also ihre eigene Thermosicherung mit. Ganz ohne zusätzliche Steuerungstechnik schützt sie so empfindliche Güter, Personen und Aggregate vor Hitzeschäden.

Das leitfähige Material kommt mit einer geringen Energiezufuhr aus und lässt sich in verschiedensten Dicken herstellen. Es ist flexibel, thermisch verformbar und unempfindlich gegenüber Strukturverletzungen. Verwendung finden kann es nicht nur in Elektrofahrzeugen, wo sich völlig neue Bereiche im Innenraum oder auch im Motorraum effizient erwärmen lassen. Einsatzgebiete eröffnen sich auch in elektrischen Fußboden- und Wandheizungen, Operationstischen, Wasserbetten, Sessel-Liften oder Aquarien.

„Erste Industriepartner haben wir bereits für diese Technologie“, sagt TITK-Direktor Benjamin Redlingshöfer. „Wir würden uns freuen, wenn der Innovationspreis dazu beiträgt, weitere Interessenten auf unsere Innovation aufmerksam zu machen. Möglicherweise können wir gemeinsam noch ganz andere Anwendungsfelder ausloten.“

Der geschäftsführende Direktor zeigt sich stolz auf das gesamte Team der TITK-Gruppe. Er dankt allen Forscherinnen und Forschern für ihr tagtägliches Engagement und gratuliert besonders dem verantwortlichen Team der Abteilung Funktionspolymersysteme mit Abteilungsleiter Prof. Dr. Klaus Heinemann, dem zuständigen Projektleiter Dr. Mario Schrödner sowie Dr. Thomas Welzel, Hannes Schache und Frank Schubert.

(c) TMAS

Innovate or die: TMAS at ITMA 2019

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

The forward-looking attitude of the Swedish companies is perhaps best summed up by Reimar Westerlind, the owner, since 1961, of ACG Gruppen.
At the age of 90, Reimar still travels to his office every day to oversee the operations of the diverse companies operating under the ACG umbrella.
“Everything now is about automation and digitisation,” he says. “We have to be on that track or we will be lost – innovate or die.”

One ACG Gruppen company moving rapidly forward with new innovations in this area is ACG Kinna, which at ITMA 2019 will be providing dramatic live demonstrations of its new robotic pillow filling system.
This has the ability to fill and finish some 3,840 pillows per eight-hour shift, which is a considerable improvement on what is currently possible with existing systems, resulting in significant savings in both labour and energy for busy home textile businesses.

At ITMA 2019, Eton will be demonstrating a complete material handling solution with advanced software providing real-time information covering every aspect of the process.
“Our systems are a natural fit with the major Industry 4.0 networked manufacturing plants that are now being constructed worldwide for sectors such as the garment and home textiles manufacturing and automotive industries,” says Eton’s Sales and Commercial Director Roger Ryrlén.

Advanced senor developments are playing a large part in moving many areas of the textile industry forward too.
Eltex of Sweden, for example, is achieving considerable success with its yarn fault detection and tension monitoring systems across a range of sectors, including the tufting of carpets, the creeling of woven materials and even the production of woven reinforcements for the composites industry.

At successive ITMA shows, IRO AB has also consistently introduced new milestones in the field of yarn feeding technology for weaving machines, and ITMA 2019 will be no exception.
“Following significant investment in our R&D capabilities, we have been making great progress in further boosting the efficiency and performance of our expanding X3 range,” says IRO AB Managing Director and Chairman of TMAS Mikael Äremann. “I can’t remember a time since the 1980s when we had so many new innovations to unveil at an ITMA, and I’m greatly looking forward to the positive response to them we are anticipating in Barcelona this June.”

Resource savings
ITMA 2019 will meanwhile see the launch of TexCoat G4 – the next generation of Baldwin Technology’s non-contact precision application system for fabric finishing. The TexCoat G4 enables a continuously high-quality and productive textile finishing process with zero chemistry waste and minimised water and energy consumption.
The non-contact spray technology brings a range of advantages including single or double-sided application,  the elimination of Foulard bath contamination, low wet pick-up levels leading to the elimination of drying steps, zero chemistry waste in changeovers of chemistry, colour or fabric, and the possibility of batch reporting, visibility of pad loading, chemical usage etc.

Other TMAS companies exhibiting in Barcelona include Texo AB, whose wide-width weaving looms make the belts for machines on which half of the world’s paper is made, ES-Automatex, which specialises in bespoke automation concepts and Svegea, a company leading the field in a number colarette machines and cutting and slitting equipment.

“At the last ITMA in 2015 in Milan, there was much talk about Industry 4.0 technologies but certainly from the perspective of TMAS, ITMA 2019 will be the place for concrete solutions as to how data and the new tools we have available can be exploited to the full,” says Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is already much more networking between the companies, with software very much the enabler and common interfaces bringing ideas closer together. We are greatly looking forward to further exchanges of ideas when meeting with customers old and new in Barcelona.”

More information:

Issued on behalf of TMAS by AWOL Media.

Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH mit neuer Geschäftsführung (c) Peppermint-Gruppe
Peppermint Hans-Joachim Gierse + Beate Wilms von Kathi Gerlach

Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH mit neuer Geschäftsführung

Berlin / Zwickau –  Beate Wilms und Hans-Joachim Gierse führen ab 15. Okt. 2018 die Geschäfte der Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH - ein Unternehmen der Peppermint Gruppe, Berlin. Sie sind bereits seit mehreren Jahren in leitenden Funktionen der Gruppe tätig. Beate Wilms arbeitet seit 2014 als Vertriebsleiterin in der Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH; Hans-Joachim Giese wirkt seit 2016 als Veredelungsspezialist in der Peppermint Gruppe mit. Bislang war Ingeborg Neumann, die sich künftig noch intensiver den strategischen Belangen der Gruppe widmen wird, alleinige Geschäftsführerin der Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH. Sie sagte: „Auch mit der neuen Geschäftsführung können sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter auf eine gute Entwicklung und ein vertrauensvolles Miteinander im Unternehmen verlassen. Ich lege die Geschäftsführung in kompetente Hände, damit die Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH auch in Zukunft mit neuen Impulsen und innovativen Produkten auf dem Weltmarkt wettbewerbsfähig ist.“

Berlin / Zwickau –  Beate Wilms und Hans-Joachim Gierse führen ab 15. Okt. 2018 die Geschäfte der Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH - ein Unternehmen der Peppermint Gruppe, Berlin. Sie sind bereits seit mehreren Jahren in leitenden Funktionen der Gruppe tätig. Beate Wilms arbeitet seit 2014 als Vertriebsleiterin in der Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH; Hans-Joachim Giese wirkt seit 2016 als Veredelungsspezialist in der Peppermint Gruppe mit. Bislang war Ingeborg Neumann, die sich künftig noch intensiver den strategischen Belangen der Gruppe widmen wird, alleinige Geschäftsführerin der Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH. Sie sagte: „Auch mit der neuen Geschäftsführung können sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter auf eine gute Entwicklung und ein vertrauensvolles Miteinander im Unternehmen verlassen. Ich lege die Geschäftsführung in kompetente Hände, damit die Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH auch in Zukunft mit neuen Impulsen und innovativen Produkten auf dem Weltmarkt wettbewerbsfähig ist.“

Die Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH zählt 180 Mitarbeiter, davon 17 Auszubildende. Das Unternehmen ist ein führendes deutsches Kompetenzzentrum für die Entwicklung und Produktion innovativer Garne. Es bietet langjähriges Know-how in den Bereichen Technische Garne für Mobility, Workwear und Industry sowie HomeTex und Fashion.  

Die von den Geschäftsführenden Gesellschaftern Ingeborg Neumann und Marcus Baumbach geleitete Peppermint Gruppe wurde 1997 gegründet. Gegenwärtig produzieren rund 600 Mitarbeiter an sechs Standorten in Europa, davon vier in Deutschland, innovative Erzeugnisse für die Bereiche TechTex, HomeTex und Fashion. Die mittelständische Unternehmensgruppe erwirtschaftet weltweit einen Umsatz von ca. 90 Mio. EUR pro Jahr. Ingeborg Neumann engagiert sich seit vielen Jahren ehrenamtlich als Präsidentin des in Berlin ansässigen Gesamtverbandes textil+mode e. V. für die Branche. 

More information:
Zwickauer Kammgarn



TRSA Donates $80,000 Toward Hurricane Relief from Proceeds of Cancelled Annual Conference

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, has donated approximately $80,000 to Anayat House, Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) and ConPRmetidos: organizations assisting those impacted by hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico.

The donations are the result of TRSA’s 105th Annual Conference, which had been scheduled for last September in Miami, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. While offering to refund all registration and sponsorship fees, TRSA asked members to donate all or a portion of those fees to support local charities.

“We’re very proud of the TRSA community, which was able to create some positive outcomes in an overwhelmingly tragic circumstance,” said Joseph Ricci, CEO of TRSA.

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, has donated approximately $80,000 to Anayat House, Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) and ConPRmetidos: organizations assisting those impacted by hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico.

The donations are the result of TRSA’s 105th Annual Conference, which had been scheduled for last September in Miami, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. While offering to refund all registration and sponsorship fees, TRSA asked members to donate all or a portion of those fees to support local charities.

“We’re very proud of the TRSA community, which was able to create some positive outcomes in an overwhelmingly tragic circumstance,” said Joseph Ricci, CEO of TRSA.

"The contribution from TRSA will directly assist low income families and the elderly who seek overnight accommodations during a medical crisis,” said Tressa Clarke, Executive Director of Anayat House, which provides affordable overnight accommodations for family members of patients at local Beaumont, TX, hospitals and anyone traveling to Beaumont for medical care and outpatient treatment. “This contribution will help bridge the gap between the suggested donation of $20 and the actual cost of $90 per room.”

CORE, an organization that is part of the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association, grants support to children of food and beverage service employees navigating life-altering circumstances. "CORE was incredibly grateful to receive the generous donation from TRSA," said Lauren LaViola, executive director of CORE.  “The donation to CORE will help to fulfill grants for qualifying children of food and beverage service employees navigating life-altering circumstances."

“I feel truly inspired by TRSA’s continued commitment to the support of our industry’s community of families. It is an honor and a privilege to be part of such great association,” said Pablo Lucchesi, Managing Partner of Crown Linen, in whose name TRSA made the CORE contribution.

An additional contribution was made to ConPRmetidos, an organization that specializes in matching Puerto Rico’s “diaspora” – people who settle away from their ancestral homeland – with companies there to help them grow.

“We don’t have words to say thanks for all your generosity,” said Michael Shulevitz, President of Cadillac Uniform & Linen Supply in Puerto Rico. “Thank you for helping Puerto Rico to rise up again.”

The $80,000 donation follows an immediate TRSA charitable effort that took place just after the conference, when several hundred homeless residents were given welcome boxes that had been packaged for conference attendees at the time of the cancellation.

More information:

Ken Koepper, Director of Marketing/PR

VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association © VDMA
(v.l.n.r.): Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons of the Textile Machinery Association: Regina Brückner, Fritz P. Mayer, Verena Thies.

VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

The new executive board for the legislative period until 2021 is composed of:
Regina Brückner (Chairperson), Brückner Trockentechnik
Verena Thies (Vice Chairperson), Thies
Fritz P. Mayer (Vice Chairman), Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Johann Phillip Dilo, Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik
Peter D. Dornier, Lindauer Dornier
Arno Gärtner, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Roland Hampel, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen
Dr. Janpeter Horn, Herzog
Markus Kleindorp, Memminger-Iro
Martin Küppers, Saurer Schlafhorst
Georg Stausberg, Oerlikon Textile
Andreas Lukas, Andritz Küsters
Benjamin Mayer, Mayer & Cie.     
Eric Schöller, Groz-Beckert
Heinrich Trützschler, Trützschler



Oerlikon presents take up winder Source:
Oerlikon presents take up winder

Oerlikon presents new take-up winder to ITA as partial gift

In May 2017, Jochen Adler, Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer at Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG, presented a Oerlikon Barmag take-up winder as a partial gift to Prof. Dr Thomas Gries, head of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University. The new Type ASW602 winder, which is equipped with modern control software and user interface, replaces the former institute’s Barmag take-up winder.

In May 2017, Jochen Adler, Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer at Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG, presented a Oerlikon Barmag take-up winder as a partial gift to Prof. Dr Thomas Gries, head of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University. The new Type ASW602 winder, which is equipped with modern control software and user interface, replaces the former institute’s Barmag take-up winder.

Due to this modernisation, ITA has access to a latest generation take-up winder which is used for various research projects. The new winder is applied at ITA’s two pilot melt spinning plants and ensures the transfer of new research and development insights into the pilot scale. Furthermore, this winder has two winding positions and operates with winding speeds between 2500 m/min and 5500 m/min. The new winder is suitable for all kinds of polymers, from polypropylene to polyethylene, polyester, polyamide etc. as well as for the production of several types of yarn, such as industrial yarn, pre-oriented yarn and fully-drawn yarn.
“We thank Oerlikon Barmag for the generous partial gifting and the support during the set-up of the new take-up winder”, says Prof. Dr Thomas Gries. “The new equipment will keep the institute’s machine park on a high and powerful level.” The head of ITA’s chemical fibre department Dr Thorsten Anders adds: “This winder is designed for the needs of chemical yarn research. It allows state of the art technology research and development and pilot-scale production. We will use it for the melt spinning plants in the single- and bi-component spinning process. This way, we can access a wide variety of producible yarn types.“

More information:
Oerlikon, ITA

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University